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And by the way, you dont want to do that, either,
You think you do, but you don't.
remember when you had to like, spam cities and be like "need a tank need a tank need a tank" in the burning crusade days?
you don't remember that, because now you just push a button that says 'go to the dungeon'
you don't wanna do that

should i play feral
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Yeah I'm thinking it's time to update this little chart now that we've seen the feedback of players post SoD/HC/anniversary realms
Was he right, bros?
rolled a priest for vanilla, gonna main the priest for vanilla, gonna focus basically 100% on the priest for vanilla
but in my off time to be leveled here and there in prep for tbc, what class should I roll?
shaman seems like the #1 choice except I'm ally
so if not that, then druid, hunter or lock? pally I know will be overplayed ally side. or should I roll a warrior simply as a change of pace for tbc when every vanilla warrior/mage goes sham/hunter/lock
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Dragonflight and TWW doesnt have personal loot in raids btw and people 'ninja' items if they can, i.e to use for transmog rather than actual upgrades
DF also doesnt fix dead servers, crafting is important and if you're on a dead server you're fucked
i dont know why spec viability or class imbalance is crossed out for anything after legion unless you're a top 0.1% player
how does TBC fix pugging?
level boosting happens on retail and you can just buy it, how is that 'fixed'?
pve is frequently changed to cater for pvp and vice versa because of how utility spells like knockbacks/slows work for m+ versus in pvp
racials are also incredibly imbalanced in retail, especially in keystones, a dwarf with stoneform or a nelf with shadowmeld can just ignore mechanics that one shot players
try again anon
i fixed your thing for you
yes in tbc
>No frontal Shred
>MPC farming hell
>Bear tank is good, but no one takes you seriously
>You need to give your 110% and still won't come close to a bad Rogue
It's rough, but fun
>lvl 52, time to go to felwood
>all the trannies surrounding flower spawns so they can epic parse
sometimes i forget about mental illness
These charts are retarded.
think about who made them..
Fair point.
>No frontal Shred
hmm, for some reason the tank died. must be shit heals lmao
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PvE horde bros... it's over
My list is outdated since it was months before TWW prease understand (and already struck a nerve here >>507339432 )
>DF also doesnt fix dead servers, crafting is important and if you're on a dead server you're fucked
at this point if you're playing in a dead server that has been offered free transfers out, it's your fault for being stubborn. And this pretty much happens with any version of the game
>i dont know why spec viability or class imbalance is crossed out for anything after legion unless you're a top 0.1% player
imbalance means someone being broken as fuck for months, which was the case for many in the ones crossed out (And probably still the case in TWW)
>how does TBC fix pugging?
... okay I think that one was green by accident or an oversight
>level boosting happens on retail and you can just buy it, how is that 'fixed'?
So I guess WoW has always had it because even if you can't buy it officially, you can still buy it in game from your SEA monkey that works for it
>racials are also incredibly imbalanced in retail, especially in keystones, a dwarf with stoneform or a nelf with shadowmeld can just ignore mechanics that one shot players
one thing that happens every 3 minutes isn't remotely comparable to how absurd Hardiness and Arcane Torrent is in general, not to mention how bad the scales were for orcs come TBC (pet damage + AP % base)
I'm on thunderstrike alliance
should I be worried
>Playing with default keybinds gets you accused of botting
Has the bot witch hunting reached a peak? I refuse to spaz my camera and pretend im pvping every mob
I can't believe its happening again!
Zamn people here unironically fell for the PvE meme
>2 insta seethe replies
alliance players really are just all cucks
let's talk non human warrior
specifically gnome because gnome has escape artist and engineering spec

how seriously would I be gimping myself? is edgies mandatory or are there other items I could use instead of that or in the meantime? is dagger warrior a thing? I know mugger's belt is going to be coming out soon.

and if not gnome would there be any reason to roll nelf or dwarf other than aesthetics?
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tfw no futa draenei bull GF to bloat me up with holy cum
Only reason to go gnome is if you're gonna focus on pvp
>twitch frog
s k i p
Gnome warrior only is the only way to play warrior. Who cares about raiding numba.
meant to quote
there hasnt been any free transfers on retail from dead realms
infact the opposite is true, new players are put on dead realms by default and then only learn later down the line that they're dead
new players on retail arent even presented with a realmlist unless they go actively looking for it
Retail out of nowhere, wrong thread my guy
there's at least 3 wrongs in this post holy
>maybe do 100 less dps in a perfect raid environment with full bis (which you won't get)
>aM i GiMpINg mYsElf
how much of a retail playing faggot are you jesus christ, absolutely insufferable. Do you plan on competing for the 100 warrior parsie on each boss? Kill yourself for real
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these two posters are probably the worst posters in these threads
no there isnt
why are twitch frog posters so sensitive?
maybe don't be a faggot lol
no guild will give humans hungering cold so if you consider naxx gear you should go gnome
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>how seriously would I be gimping myself?
who cares
you need edgies
that said if you want to pvp gnome is the clear choice no contest. I know people that are going to rank and full gear a human warrior in classic just to boost a gnome war for arena, it's that big
realm is irrelevant now
all the good pvpers use the dead realms to get the names they want
thats basically what they're for now
Why couldn't they give Druids to trolls as well? Tauren's model is too chunky for my taste
Can the Mallet of Zul'Farrak be used multiple times? I noticed it's still in my inventory after we beat the boss.
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you know what to do
As a healer the only issue with gnomes is they can be a bit tougher to heal. MC has all sorts of stupid geometry that causes line of sight issues and I definitely recall having issues when my human tank used a deviate fish and turned undead when fighting Firemaw. For whatever reason the undead model is different than the human one so it caused los issues.
I'd say don't plan on maintanking if you roll a gnome, but you'd be going gnome for pvp I figure
hungering cold goes to the tankchads, not some stupid gnomes
Thanks, didn't want to brag about my mallet then not have it work
I want to play sod for the hardmode naxx but I just know that it's gonna require an absurd amount of consumables in an inflated economy and I won't be able to farm the needed gold.
>Buy plaguebloom
>Buy silversage
>Make into mongoose elixr
>sell for 2.5g

this AH shit is ezpz
>1000g to level to that point
>need to do it 800 times for a return on investment
back in the cagey wagey
>1000g to reach alchemy 300
this nigger so retarded
I want to play sod but it feels dogshit in levelling
Halfway to level 8 on a hunter
With good weapons
It's still a fucking slog
I'd actually fucking pay to boost a hunter to level 10
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>Just got picrel
what do? hold them for a month then try to sell them on Neutral AH?
World of Botcraft Classic
>main on horde
>alt on horde
>main on alliance
>alt on alliance

why do i like hybrids followed by casters so much...
roll your gnome, anon
You're a wrathbab
swap your mage and warlock factions.
Gul'dan and Khadgar/Jaina/Antonidas...
No, anon. Roll your melee hunter
I mained a warrior in Wrath (2009) though.
I used to like hybrids/healers/casters when I was younger but i'm more of a hunter/rogue guy nowadays
>be me, hunterchad
>dal rends, both main and offhand
>zone into raid and flex
>all the warriors are in awe
any man who must call themselves a chad is no true chad
I think I'll download that spp thing bros. It'll still have less bots than anni lol. We need a fresh with real GMs
those 'people' that you know sound deeply mentally unwell. Have you tried talking to them?
real chads think Chad is just a name
Tank is actually my favorite role, but I just leveled a druid tank in the first hardcore, and a warrior tank in era afterwards.
So now I'm full hybridcastermaxxed.

my favorite specs are all ones that don't get really good until tbc/wrath though so that other anon may be onto something.
My favorite specs from most to less favorite
>Enhance Shaman
>Corruption Warlock
>Protection Warrior
>Protection Paladin (I said I liked tanking lol)
>Balance Druid
>Arcane Mage

maybe I'm just a contrarian (by vanilla standards)
>Balance Druid
>Arcane Mage
I've played wow for 12 years, have changed my opinion on many specs over this time but never understood these two. Pure arcane magic just feel so unappealing and bland to me. I'm always quitting mage whenever arcane becomes the dominant spec of the patch.
it's a class fantasy thing. That list is based more on Aesthetic/Fantasy than actualy gameplay.
I'm more into the aspect of the wizard with a crystal ball and who specializes in enchantments and incantations rather than the fireball lord(despite playing an evoker in DnD).
And balance druid calls upon the stars, which is very cool to me. I also like bear tanking just because you get to tank.

My biggest gripe is that they went in the Dual Wielding direction with Enhancement shaman.
When I think of a battle shaman, I think of a guy with a bowstaff or a battle axe.
>Sinister Strike crits
>Poison proc
>Fiery proc

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>joining a sunken temple run with a feral, restosham,lock and hunter (he has TSA) as a geared warrior twink with onybuff
>reddit movie man
>it's a class fantasy thing. That list is based more on Aesthetic/Fantasy than actualy gameplay.
Yeah, I was talking about that too. Never understood that enchanter, pointy hat mage aesthetic.
>the fireball lord
My favorite mage spec is actually frost, but it's rarely good in pve. And then they added that retarded frost elemental later.
>And balance druid calls upon the stars, which is very cool to me. I also like bear tanking just because you get to tank.
Speaking of druid, I didn't get into the shapeshift aesthetic either. I don't mind shapeshifting as means to temporarily enhance your character, like shifting into bear to mitigate damage or shift into cat to become faster, but I don't like when you spend all your time in a beast form. Hence my favorite druid spec is resto, which doesn't always have a permanent form.
>My biggest gripe is that they went in the Dual Wielding direction with Enhancement shaman.
When I think of a battle shaman, I think of a guy with a bowstaff or a battle axe.
I'd like to see shaman as a battle mage, wielding sword/axe in one hand and cast spells with the other.
>It's 2 days before christmas
>You're doing herbalism laps in eastern palguelands
I'd kill myself desu
Explain me why is this considered such a good item? Is +7 [insert skill here] really such a big deal?
weak bait
yes. math.
Wish I had a wow gf bf
What's being a fuckboy got to do with anything there?
little jew boy doesn't celebrate christmas so he uses the time to make money, as is his nature
Yes, you can thank the shittastic banilla design.
Glancing Blows
>this nigga think he getting curse of reck in dungeons
I did more damage then the entire grp even without it
Because I must PARSEEEEE dude
You dont understand I must have it to be the top 1% okay???
>LF lava kill princess run
Is dungeon healing while leveling as really just
1. Put a HoT on the tank and anyone that got agro
2. afk
That's how dungeon healing is at level 60 also outside of a few standout packs
gets a bit different once you hit uldaman when the packs get bigger and your tank doesnt want to use a shield
You are 1% more effiencent in PVE, and that, of course, it's worth 4000g!
I start wanding before alt tabbing to shitpost on /wowcg/
yeah arcane is definitely generic as all hell, but I still feel drawn towards it.
Frost is based, they really do get done dirty in PVE almost all of the time.
I one hundred percent agree about the shapeshifting, I've always like druid more for the astrologist/naturalist aspect. Like I said, channeling the innate divinity of the cosmos into thermal/kinetic energy is very cool to me. I'd like to imagine they get more powerful and different abilities depending on what constellations and start systems are shining down at any given moment. and yeah the chicken form is gay as fuck lmao.

>I'd like to see shaman as a battle mage, wielding sword/axe in one hand and cast spells with the other.
I can also get behind this. I was thinking he channels spells through the staff/polearm, OR takes one hand off his battle axe to cast.
But you gave me a cool idea where the Relic would actually be your "offhand" catalyst that somehow boosts the damage of the one hander while also making their channeling more powerful (they cast with it basically)
should i make a hunter or paladin?
never got to 60 in classic but i want something chill and be half-afk
Too bad TBC will already be corrupted by a full year of RMT. They should make one fresh for every expac.
Hunter leveling is faster and you have less responsibility in groups outside of not being a retard that jumps down without dismissimg your pet, paladin has to keep everyone alive even when they're being retarded
this time will totally be different.
Yeah healing is diaper duty. It's not bad but can be much more frustrating than tanking.
i main healer in retail at 2800 m+ / heroic raid level so i don't mind healing if it gets me into more groups, but now that i type that out the only reason i'd go with paladin is to be more useful in groups, and i want to play solo all the way to 60 if possible so hunter it is
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Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
>naturalist aspect
I like druid for the naturalist part. Just imagining how you fight an enemy in a forest and you command tree roots to restrain your opponent is a pretty cool fantasy.
> I was thinking he channels spells through the staff/polearm
It's funny how casters in wow wear staves but don't use them to cast anything.
>Relic would actually be your "offhand" catalyst that somehow boosts the damage of the one hander while also making their channeling more powerful (they cast with it basically)
That would be interesting. The one other aesthetic I also like is spell paladin/shockadin using a one handed sword with a shield/libram in the other hand. Like enchanting your sword with holy power and using seals, judgments and instant cast spells.
it's not 2004 anymore.
2019 closed the nostalgia box.
watching a single mom streamer with a thick minnesota accent
what class does she play
female tauren warrior
its not really all bad but the "classique" community is too atomized between fresh, sod, scata, and HC which ill remind you no one but trannies asked for
The main issue is that people have been circlejerking the same guilds that they've been in for the last 5 years so "organic fresh" guilds dont exist
The people playing fresh are the most diehard classic players so you dont really have that many normies playing vs 2019 when everyone and their mother was playing
"Banilla beterans" actually have played vanilla before this time.
>hard reserves your fun
>Packies trying to sell Arcanite CDs for 10+ gold 2 weeks into MC
You missed the boat lmfaoooooo
The more times you ask players to do classic again the less people are going to want to do it
Every time I try to play, it just feels boring and I go back to SoD. Why bother levelling to 60 and doing MC for months when I've got Naxx and Tyr's Hand to look forward to?
this, i was one of those normies trying out wow for the first time and i kept running into spastics who would never want to group or socialize while leveling and quite frankly the social leveling experience is the ONLY reason to play this game if you dont have ultra nostalgia for it. the gameplay is extremely monotonous and slow, the story is basically non-existent, half the zones are clearly unfinished. etc i get you guys love it because u are nostalgic/addicted but for someone without that its just trash. only fun part is grouping and socializing with random bobs but i was struggling to find anyone to do that with so i quit and went to ffixiv instead
>missing cheap transmutes for your [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]
Speaking of fails.
i was going to switch to horde on thunderstrike in tbc should i be worried lol
yeah not gonna lie if you're a new player the alliance 1-30 is pretty good but after that the game is just unfinished in so many ways
I think you could probably have some fun if you tried Cata Classic, the levelling has some fun moments and the game isnt as piss easy as people say it is if you're not using heirlooms
unironically give retail a bash too, if you still have your sub running you can play it until level 70, worth a try at least
Just hit level 9 on my hunter
Holy shit this is so fucking painful even with green items from the AH
Yeah, I luckily went on alliance and had a fairly good time until level 30-ish
I especially loved Duskwood. That was my favourite part. But I basically had my soul sucked out of me when I did Shimmering Flats. I felt dreadful in that pale white ugly zone all by myself killing 10 billion crocodiles, turtles, what not for no reason or story without a single other player in the zone
I'll probably give cataclysm a try, could be fun
shimmering flats was so busy for me it felt like i was at burning man
page 9 already? pretty grim
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I just want to play a cool monster and have comfy adventures with my monster bros...
Threads almost as ded as fresh
we're all just playing the game haha...
Spineshatter absolutely poppin
50 horde bros just chilling at Kargath
Vanilla is SO back
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>finish all the quests in feralas
>get only like half way to the next level

ebin how the fuck am i supposed to make it to 60 like this
I meant fresh TBC, for TBC launch. Like they used to do in OG days
1x leveling rates, leveling sucks ass and takes way too long
Pirate RXP. Don't let retards meme you out of it.
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can i get a link
I have, once again, on my hunter without a pet, died due to, again, the servers deciding to rape me by spawning 5 fucking mobs on top of me
frankly, thats a skill issue
>girls play tank in retail
>girls play warrior in classic
what happened
Well, yes?
It's a skill issue. We all know this. Blizzard aren't skilled enough to program properly.
I asked my guildies and they aren't sure- does noggerfogger keep you a skeleton mode through shape shifting? Saw some some yt reel of a feral druid assassinating a rouge in ogrimar moonblasting and switching to cat form while a skele it seemed pretty cool. One guild said he might have macros that pop when he shape shifts but IDK.
>grubby and dendi playing with a tranny
>hideous, nasally voice all the time
>watching ecelebs because he has no real friends
jfc, how pathetic
dendi wouldnt do that. its probably grubbys fault
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are they going to put LFR in cata?
Wait, no the dotard, right? A man can't be that washed up to play WoW after doto.
gunnar and synderen also playing
Well, these two were scrubs since the first day.
Is mining actually worth i for Engineering or should I just keep skinning and selling that and buying the mats as needed?
idk when i was playing tbc classic i remember staying as a skeleton shifting in and out of flight form
synderen beat dendi 10 years ago
You've got 10 seconds to move away from a spawn before they attack
i hate the holidays no one is playing the game
Did I stutter? Dendi was washed up like 15 years ago already. Time sure flies, dotards.
Not when they're aggro'd from other layers and pop in like that

Actual spawns =/= layered spawns, anon
if i want to play ssf why wouldn't i just play my own vmangos local server
t-That's illegal!
maybe you only have your sisters hand-me-down school laptop
+5 weapon skill is an automatic +3% hit against +3 level enemies like bosses
>the game sucks on its own
they released it 7 months late
what happened 7 months prior?
Megaservers sucked all the soul out of it
>my arbitrary personal affair
i had 24 uninterrupted hours a day to do whatever i wanted
1x rates suck
>the game on its own sucks
leveling up my rogue in SoD and got to 50, I've been playing mutilate most of the way but what build/runes should I plan to use and gear for when getting into raids?
why do you think we keep asking for changes?
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this close to hanakkuh??
>group needs a tank to the point theyre tipping
>join group
>there's a brownie
Is there a more subhuman class?
>this heavily modified funserver on its own
>someone playing the best DPS in the game wants to DPS
nothing subhuman about it
the commited to DPS shit is a failing of game balance/design because vanilla is dogshit, it's not a community issue
And what's the faster and easiest way to get you gear, my totally not a subhuman friend?
>tanking in vanilla is using the same gear and the same weapons except sometimes you have to use demo shout and maybe taunt
Subhuman detected
I don't play warrior. I don't even play this dogshit game.
I'm waiting for tbc to come out, and I will tank with my paladin.
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>log in
>transmute arcanite
>log off
>free 15g for 1 minute of work

why arent you leveling alchemy bros
why can't paladins main tank raids? is taunt really the one thing they'd need?
their single target threat and damage mitigation is complete shit
They also have threat and mana issues.
war dps is only best at single target
mage is far better in dungeons and its not even close
It's 10g now, and only going down
Will be 3g by january 10th
Any cute healslut trannies on dreamscythe wanna heal my female night elf warrior (I expect you to provide dick pics in exchange)
Odds I make a pvp character
Evens I keep playing comfy pve
Our best defensive cooldown makes us lose all aggro and gets the raid wiped
Our mana issues are cancer and we struggle to hold aggro because our DPS is too low
We get raped by crushing blow
Now that fresh vanilla has been a massive flop, can we get tbc and wrath era?
Yes please, what level are you?
you transmute yourself and sell the arcanite bars you make way more money that way than selling transmutes
Rolling a rogue. What am I in for?
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then who are all these people swarming my assblasted lands mobs? hmm? your reply mr chud j. scrooge?
>anniversary is now considered fun server
New "it didn't count" 'niller cope
which one is the better offhand for a pvp? in my experience the dagger doesn't rly proc, but idk how much difference 28 AP really makes, i've read as hemo i should prioritise AP
just be yourself lil bro
>minmaxing low level pvp
That dagger is absolutely fucking based! I'd definitely go with the dagger!
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I tanked Razorfen Kraul for the first time
>tranime pedo
so why do i always see people wanting paladin taunt more than anything else thinking that it will somehow make paladin tank viable? where exactly would it even help?
does this mean i am a retoileter...
no you just enjoy classic+
oh boy wait til you hear about twinking
Because they're retarded. The same people who believed that dual spec and the removal of debuff cap would make spries and warlocks top DPS.

Paladin would need a complete rework to make prot and ret viable specs. Not only the class but also the game's itemization.
Because they are dumb redditors
I enjoyed phase 1, then it just turned into retail
only 40... how about you?
35. I was lonely so I haven't been playing
>tauren supastomp into full duration freezing trap
>still have scatter shart left over
>and i used to swear stoneform was bis

PvE server players like reddit.
Catbox your cock...
what no
if we hit 60 you can see her
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whos ready to go back to mc tommorow and get absolutely zero fucking loot?
I said I expect to see it in my first post!
Yeah I know but I'm not going to post it on 4chan lol, if we get to know each other YOU can see it privately
Post name...
>warcraft 3 still makes you download from the website if you don't own reforged
>but still installs and launches from the launcher
warrior on FRESH PVE
warrior on soddy
the newest wc3 patch broke so many custom maps its not even funny. my precious sunken city is RUINED
I just wanted to do a run through of the campaign.
brood war custom maps are dead af and I finished the campaign not too long ago.
i dont play sod but i heard warrior is trash on sod so probably fresh
but you should roll pvp like a fucking man
>raiding on Christmas eve
Holy junkie
i live in the same area as the rest of my family so why not?
yes i am a junkie, sure
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lmao it just updated again.
Im actually surprised the population on nightslayer is that close, it sure doesnt feel like it
Attack power is always best. Depending on your class strength and agility give different attack power-which raises DPS. Strength just gives 1 attack power to melee but agility gives 1 melee attack power and 2 ranged attack power. So basically it depends on your class but every class has benefits from attack power. The gear is great because it is high. You will not find+28 strength 1h swords.

Get the vanquisher
im not rolling alliance on pvp
>sissy dress class
no thank you
Horde is the retard zerg gank streamer side btw very manly.
Forgot to add I'm hunter.
all their female races are ugly and i am a huge faggot so i only play females
that belf raids for BWC
8" dick and still no healslut
Holy shit this game and thread are both dead as fuck
whats the latest cope?
"everybodys just busy celebrating christmas with family"
It's like 7% more dps (on bosses that die in under 2 mins lol)
its really only good if youre tanking but most people are already human/orc so they dont really need it. thinking it makes a noticeable difference as a dps is cope though like as long as you have wbuffs and mash hs, bt, and ww on cd youre gonna parse in the same ballpark as every other brownie
we really are doing that tho
I like some parts about sod but man everything dies way too fast
yeah but the game was also dead before
"fresh realms are fun servers"
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i turned down a 350g offer for my edgies
did i trolled myself?
I would pay you for an edgie if you catch my drift
did you look at the AH?
they were worth 2k a few weeks ago.
no, you dodged a bullet, thats a scam
yeah i did, they're 875 on alliance and 700 on horde
that makes me feel better ty ty ty ty
like edgies for 350 gold is something you remember and brag about 10 years later
>thread fighting tooth and nail to avoid page 9
what went wrong?
allen brack was right
retail is on steep decline.
all versions of classic have become retail.
>retail is on steep decline.
but it isnt lmao
strange cope.
retail released the biggest nothing burger patch of all time and its thread is still moving
>retail out of nowhere
>lalalalala i can't hear you cope cope cope cope
hows it a cope you can go look right now lol
>fresh will be huge and beloved
>ok but fresh is just a little slow because people are split up between normal and hardcore servers
>ok but people are playing poe2
>ok but wow is dying in general actually
>ok but its not REAL classic
>ok my father never loved me but its retails fault
>ok but its christmas
volumes status: spoken
>ok but it didn't count because it had dual spec and free r14
5 more posts per hour than wowcg. it's lit.
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do you remember boomers throwing a shitfit over pandas around MOP release?

Like under 2 weeks ago when i unlocked the recipe i made 30g from the first few transmutes.

Bots most likely.
I literally don't understand how people got mad about pandas. They're in the lore from all the way back in WC3.
complaints about adding furry characters, even doe we had cow people since vanilla
because they're side characters and it was an expansion made to capitalize on the popularity of Disney's Kung-Fu Panda movie, while also appealing to their largest market (China).
By that logic, did Skyrim capitalize on the popularity of Wrath of the Lich King, and that's why the iconic helmet looks so much like vrykul plate?
>n-no my dick is getting hard that makes me uncomfortable get rid of it
no that's fucking retarded.
>retarded even doe its true
post your receipts.
In my experience Classic's community (specifically Classic) can be pretty fucking awful. The amount of casual racism I see in server Discords is insane. And I hate to say I've had to leave more than one guild because of blatant sexism; not talking with my mic because I didn't want to get harassed, which then created a rumor about my "real gender".. And all of this was complained about (By 5 different women), while the GM dismissed us with "Hm.. I don't see it, but your feelings are valid." On top of those same people posting edgy 4chan memes about every minority possible.

A lot of Classic players really haven't aged mentally since 2004, it's crazy.
and thats why fresh is dead
Big, if true.
Yet there you are, almost all the way through playing a 200 hour long RPG for what is probably the tenth time.
You're more mentally ill for not wanting to chase achievements with them.
Imagine fucking care about parsing in fucking Molten Core in 2024. These people need to be slapped IRL
his point is pretty valid.
what are you doing paying for this game if it's not to optimize every second of it?
hasn't the novelty worn off after 20 years and countless fresh's?
Because those are raid logs only. Horde is way more populated.

Your attacks missing, being parried, dodged or getting glancing blows are really bad. A few strength on your gloves might increase your damage of a hit by 1% but missing makes the attack do 0 damage and waste the resources you spent on it.

At maximum level, the enemies you're fighting in dungeons and raids are higher level than you are. In order to not miss these you need to have additional hit stats.
Preach lil sis
If you're actually a woman, stop with the whole white savior complex. A majority of the people in the world dislike thuggish black people. You are on a website where a significant portion of it's users think that way as well. And secondly are you really complaining that women are mean to other women and then blaming it on Classic? This happens everywhere else too. 8
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wow no really?
how would said person know what edgy 4chan memes are without frequenting it?
the only thing more mentally ill than the trannies that post here are the trannies that post on leddit.
Does anyone else go to bed at night crying over their decision in 2019 to play classic instead of staying with retail?
Maybe it's just me
damn 'nillers really hated this post...
They hate it because it's true. It takes a very demented mind to play WoW and be like "no actually I'll play the OLD version", and an even more demented mind to play an illegal private server.
The normal people are just playing r****l instead of self-selecting into other versions.
That's great anon, maybe you should post on the retoilet thread then instead of seething here daily
If I put everything I had into Retail and started camping out with my laptop near free wifi like Swifty did, I could've gotten a CE.
>onlyfags are so boring that south park streamers are taking over the wow section
what mode/server should i play if i want to find group to do the low level dungeons as a new player?
I'm currently leveling on both PvP and PvE and you can easily find low level dungeon groups right now on both.
niller bros... its over
im thingken niller's only just begun...!
I just got the monogrammed sash from the giant in front of booty bay
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we are so back
>2 weeks ago
what the fuck
link me the latest spp bot server thing.
>buff a passing warr on my way through epl
>showered with praise
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>internet goes down while not playing hc
>coudlve died if i was playing
>hasn't the novelty worn off after 20 years and countless fresh's?
most normal people haven't been playing wow for 20 years straight and havent played countless private servers. Parsing is retail behaviour
bit slow today lol xo
>even Esfand has rolled on based pvp server
Whats your excuse? Afraid of a little scrap out in the world?
dude can barely pve
>its really only good if youre tanking
it's really only good as dps
spineshatter bros, is a no-shoes worth it?
Would roll a druid, mostly just want to dungeon and PVP and repeat in TBC
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>make new classic server
>remove all the fun from 2019 leveling
>don't increase xp rates

Blizzard has to be the most retarded and lazy developer ever. If it wasn't for lucky out on WoW in 2004. Blizzard would have died when the RTS genre died.
Exp jeet is back for the daily cry sesh I see
what did they remove from 2019?
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>try leveling with arms sword spec
>it literally never procs

why did i fall for this dumb meme bros
are you using a sword, anon?
yes im not that retarded and ive only seen it proc like once every 20 mobs or some shit its so fucking trash
oh ok just checking
Well 5% is 1/20 hits, what makes it by far the best specialization is that it procs off of anything, like hamstring, rend, sunder etc. huge white damage which also gives you rage for days.
its useless though i wouldve rather just gotten more crit from axe spec
It's worth a whole lot more than crit though.
you choose spec for your best weapon not the other way around
>make alliance char
>am level 13 dorf
>brah the quests are here require you be now level 17 at least, have fun going to westfall for an hour then Darkshore for an hour and then you can grind shit for a few hours and come back

I see...
I actually like the traveling around but then again I'm not speed running my life. You could defo kill level 17s as a 13 btw. Or you could grind for 30 minutes and kill level 17s as a level 14
What does \o mean? People keep saying it to me ingame
fucking zoomer they are asking if you want to go golfing with them
why did someone photoshop hitter doing the salute? so odd
>stage death in HC servers
>didn't get a million followers and dollars in revenue from it
>rage quit
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>Mage, Priest run past me
>Buffs me
>I dont buff them
Thinking is skipping mount, reading that gnomish or goblin boots will stack with aspect of the cheetah so I could waste 100g for a shitty mount, or I could spend talents and get 36% movement speed, no casting time, and I could use the rocket boots to get 20s of 100% speed when trekking.

Apparently I can have gnomish and goblin boots but equipping any 'movement boosting' items consecutively have a 5min cool down apparently. So if you had two goblin rocket boots it's pointless because they have a 5 min cool down plus the extra cool down of the extra pair equiping- but I'm wondering if for the gnomish it would be practical to have two since they 30 min cool downs. So using 1 and equiping- a new 1 would only have a 5 min cool down?

Tldr can I have two pairs of gnomish boots so I can use em twice every 30 minutes?- with only a 5 min equip cool down?
>thread is so dead 'nillers have to copypaste reddit posts to keep it afloat
Comfy Feralas questing
>try to quest in azshara
>only like 2 quests in the entire zone

its so stupid how blatantly unfinished this game is
and you're paying $15/month for a product that hasn't been finished in 20 years
some are even paying $60/month
I actually like the vibe it brings. Eastern kingdoms is a highly populated continent of great civilizations. Kalimondor is a vast empty Africa tier continent where all a orc and troll monkeys are slinging shit at each other over mud and stick huts.
^AI generated post
Ghosts, satyr and naga quests. Blood elves in tbc? Can't think of many others. Nice looking landscape you can tell some effort went into it, horrible to navigate though.
>there are western people playing on chinese servers because progression is delayed on china and they're still in wotlk
holy mazed
nigga just play warmane at this point
insane that people still want to play this fraudulent expansion
Someone please answer this dogshit! Wowhead and fucking wowwiki are retarded dog trash click bait- THERE IS ZERO INFORMATION ONLINE ON THIS.
>i got filtered so that means the game is bad
time is a flat circle
Terrible idea because there's about a 1/5 chance on use that the boots will explode. You'll get about 80-90% of the mats back but you'll still need to get a new set all the time.
theres a chain that starts in blasted lands too. I like it for cozy mining.
Just to follow up it's only the goblin rocket boots that have a chance to explode.

>if you don't like eating shit you're filtered
Naxx: rehashed shit
Ulduar: shit
Togc: shit
ICC: barely decent
Lol this is my point, reading old forums and reading them saying the gnomish 1s explode when they dont- you just spaz out.

Wowwiki article lists goblin boots stack with aspect of the pack/cheetah but ommits that with the gnomish 1.

Gnomish are more reliable than gobbling but have a 30min cool down. Goblins rocket boots explode but have 5 min cool down. Gnomish boots need 205 eng, goblin boots need no engineering. Goblin boots drop parts when exploded to make a new one.

From my understanding if I had two gnomish boots, triggering 1 would activate the 30 min cool down on both, or wouldn't. If if didn't I could equip a new one and have a 5 minute speed equip ment cooldoon and use another one. My goal would be to have the ability to use gnomish rocket boots twice in 30 min.

Guildies can make goblin rocket boots but we need a tailor, but I'd rather just have 2 gnomish boots. If using gnomish boots activates the cool down of the boots in my bag together then having a second pair is useless and maybe I can get goblin boots from my guildies.
And also to add from what I've read u can't use speed enchant boots on these cause the aspect of cheetah and rocket boot effects both override the walking speed boost they do not stack.
>shit analogy
oh boy
And also to add, phase 2 is coming which means I can get an extra 100g mount discount if I get rank 3, and I can probably get the AV stormpike ram which is like 640g with the discounts. Seems better to keep pushing professions and get rocket boots and put my talents towards the cheetah speed boost then respec at 1g cost at 60.
what you need to get is a job
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>1 month in
>guy has an epic mount and the BIS weapon for his class
how do you fags have the nerve to play this garbage, like at least private servers dont have GDKP so whales like this dude can buy their way into these items.
>B-B-B-B-B-B-UT private servers have cash shops!!!!!
well they're free, the paid version of the game shouldnt have this bullshit
just get rank 11 epic mount
how's the ping? I might roll an alt on chinese vanilla to do gdkps
just buy your mount lmao you're a hunter you can get 40gph at 60 doing mara runs and vendor stuff
I just hit 40 and keep forgetting I have a mount now, so Ill find myself running through cities instead
god I hate women
The evil orcs are called blackrock and have black skin
The evil tauren have exclusively black fur
The only truly evil dragonflight are the black ones
What did 2004 blizzard mean by this
yup. and all the ones that play WoW are 300lb trailer trash pieces of shit
and the dwarves too lmao
also in Morrowind Redguards have lower base intelligence attribute.
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Restedxp shitters running around like chinkbots
finna park my druid alt at the top of stonetalon peak and kill every horde I see while rping as a protector of night elven lands
did you know thats one of the worst corpse runs in the game for horde
Anyway actual Chivalric romances from the middle age and shit are like this too afaik because they are about the muslim invasion of spain.
stonetalon is NOT night elven lands, you dirty plant sniffer
>be priest
>3.4k mana
>fort + divine spirit buffs costs 1.7k mana on 1 target
>guys, you need to stop pulling, i cant buff

Do I let them die and run out??
Even with that quest the zone still has no content.

Anyway most zones starting around 35 really struggle for content. Blizzard intended people to grind mobs from level 1 but seeing as their beta feedback was people just wanted to quest you can tell they only got so far adding more before they had to ship
Yes tell them to fuck off and leave party. You'll always find another. I do the same as tank if they're dicks or if I get invited and there's already a warrior in the group
Was killing the whelps far south of Dustwallow last night and had a DC, graveyard is literally at the very top of the map. Pain.
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I guess it's not that usefull on HC as I thought
So I'm trying to level as combat spec, but it just doesn't feel as effective as assassination. Especially since I don't have deadly momentum. Blade Flurry is nice but the energy regen debuff means I'm just auto attacking most of the time which isn't that fun. Plus I'm usually only fighting one enemy at a time anyway. Is assassination just better than combat for solo questing?
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Turned down a 400g offer to buy my edgies
I must remain strong
Combats better but you need to regularly update your gear
Hold it till the leveling population drops so the chance of new ones being found drops as well. Someone will always want it.
Oh, I guess it makes sense that it's more gear dependent. Probably why it scales better.
roger! I'll stop advertising it for a while, then
don't really need gold that badly anyway (am almost level 50 with 100g in the bank)
*shows up to your dungeon group spec'd as a surv hunter*
Bots are farming edgelords since they hit lvl 60
It's fucking vanilla it's easy as shit i don't care what spec you show up as
Many people are just playing SF, myself included. Will just yeet myself after 60 and go to PvE so I can rank in AV.
I hope you're not alliance
I'd pay you that just for the company qt
>Try to gank me out in the world
>Still lose the fight
Does anyone else get secondhand embarrassment from situations like this
Starting the fight with every possible advantage and still lose, how do you even keep playing at that point?
So is it just an open secret that every person buys gold, items, and boosts at this point?
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i keep playing knowing that if I do it enough times my sneak attack aimed shot that I always start out with because I have no skill will hit 1200 instead of 300 like it did one time when I killed a lvl 49 when I was 43 and the dopamine payoff is immense
Yes, people pretend they don't
what is more baseder: irl name + class or screen name + in-game role?
Holy fuck where do these turd worlder ESLs come from
Unreadable posts
Fagger or Niggot?
I personally am digging Niggot.
only if they start shit and lose with a numbers advantage
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no way u will make me put effort into grammar on a site that died 8 years ago
appears to be a human on a nightsaber as well
Man, hunter fucking sucks. What should I reroll into?
>Feral Druid
>Affliction Warlock
>Elemental Shaman
2/3 of those are worse
gdkps are banned retard
do feral, we need more of them for dungeons instead of the dual wielding fags that oom the healer every pull
Get gud.
>>fort + divine spirit buffs costs 1.7k mana on 1 target
is this real? holy shit
to each their own but I can't imagine the fun in buying gold
games are about creativity within limitations. enabling god mode gets quickly boring. buying gold to me is like playing with cheats on
>The only truly evil dragonflight are the black ones
the bronze guy will literally wipe the entire world if he goes insane
will the sunken temple class quests be out in p2?
depends on rank of spell but yeah
>buying 100g so you can get your mount and every skill from the trainer is the same as godmode
yeah okay
it's in his interest to get others to not buy gold while he does.
surv hunter
>unlimited mobility
>OP in pvp
>personal tank
hunter is easily one of the most fun classes in the game lmao
black dragonflight psyop
you have to be doing something very wrong to not afford skills and mount. when i see you walking at level 42 i just assume irl your kids eat ramen bought with a credit card
nozdormu said it himself that he will go insane and murozond will try to destroy the world
>his english is so bad he cant decipher
Murozond has tried several times
>indirectly replying to me like a tranoid
obviously i can spend £5 to get 100g mailed to me so i can buy everything including full boes for my level and max engi
full boes for 100g plus enough left over for all skills plus mount? and max engi? it's a hanakkuh miracle
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>buying gold
just play a gacha at this point
Imagine being so clueless in a 25yo solved game that you believe people swipe to buy the lvl 40 mount.
>completely ignoring gold from leveling
>indirectly replying like a confirmed tranny
what did you gf get your for xmas lil bro?
why you guys not buy enough gold? buy gold now so family can eat rice
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I died to a single male undead mage at Zoram Strand and quit WoW forever

Guess my class

>safe spot killing anybody near flight master in darkshire

every single time. What is it specifically about MALE undead?
>go on a school shooter server
>complain about school shooters
they're rollplaying, even if they don't mean to

>pve logs: 4k
>pvp logs: 16k

glad i didnt fall for the pve server meme
noooooo! my server is only 5x bigger than a 2006 server and I only have 5 layers! dead realm!!!!1
>5 layers
lmao this was only true for pve servers on the first week. there's just a few layers left. in a month there will just be the one layer. in two months, half a full layer.
this fresh is doa, we tried to warn you
>Flinging shit at each other on 4chan on Christmas
Get some help
nelf priest or nelf rogue
christmas is tomorow, until then I will continue to fling shit at people
tomorrow I will be a calm soul and not at my PC

>DUDE just waste 3 weeks of life for pugs to be dead by BWL!!!
Dad server?
nelf priest every time
human rogue

unironically serious dads

ironically serious dads
imminent "pvp" freaks meltie
Why is it so hard to find certain dungeon groups at 60 now? Nobody but other mages wants to run Scholo.
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its my first go on this game and i had enough gold for my mount at around level 36... no guide addons or whatever. i didn't buy all skills though...
Why would melee want to run scholo
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because mages cruised to 60 and everyone else is behind
nice, very decent, did u play the ah or just vendoring?
>tranime pedo
yeah that's a skip
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got mine just before lvl 41
im self found thohoweverist.
>1 filtered IP
why havent you killed yourself yet
serious question
>everyone is an orc or undead
>everyone is a mage, warrior or rogue
soulless meta season
Damn that one struck a nerve really fast huh
SoD fixed that
this is only 60 census, so you can only see the tryhards that play the meta.
I think a lot of people have this as a TBC waiting room, including me

>really hoping they didn't fix the lvl 60 rested XP bug
>There are more mages than priest + shaman + warlock + druid combined
Maddening how someone thinks this is acceptable. Classic+ when
>this is only 60 census, so you can only see the tryhards that play the meta.
this isn't 2019. the only people playing fresh are tryhards who follow the meta
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why havent you killed yourself yet
serious question
>only 23% of horde aren't playing pvp meta races
just vendoring, I took skinning and focused on killing Beasts
also sent bags to my guild mates along the way! had plenty of wiggle room for spending
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Whatcha doing lil dude? you don't even have a trinket yet, opening on a warlock? Well walk it off i guess.
Warrior!!! come out to playyyy
>hes going to be here playing vanilla by himself on christmas tomorrow
Merry Christmas
Jesus won
'nillers lost
God I fucking wish. Christmas is such a fucking pain in the ass when you pony get the 25th off
Could be worse, you could be stuck on 4chan seething about vanilla on the 25th.
still so funny how fast freshshit died
Did this dudes friends quit retail to play classic or something? The obsession is bizarre.
the sunk cost retail brain is a sad thing. he can't let go of all his mounties/pets/toys/dresses
not really much choice if I wanted to play lock..
>be me
>occasionally check the thread and post a low effort trollpost to give you a pity bump here and there
>a bunch of other guys do this too
>your only cope is to pretend we're all one person spamming the thread on cooldown
>terminally online
>no human interaction for years except 'irony' on 4chan so can't speak like a normal person
>incel (probably also a virgin)
>35 years old
>serious mental illness
Choose all. Why on earth would they post the same inane shit here every day for years on end
trolls and tauren were never popular. they have more of a niche appeal.
>60 horde druid
>41 priest
>40 lock
>39 warrior
>one day left on sub and not reupping

I never should have leveled up that fucking Druid.
what the fuck dude, go get some sun
>go get some sun
>a few days from january
>2 insta 'niller cryboomer replies
classic is so fucking bad lol. 10 levels before upgrading a spell, level after level with zero new spells/upgrades, dogshit janky jigsaw questing, cant even find groups for unpopular dungeons anymore while leveling. Im just not fucking doing 1x again. SORRY, THATS ALL. NOT DOING 1X AGAIN.

>20k logs


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da log is getting a bit slim now...
>cata still has more players than fresh
I unironically thought that 'nilla would kill Cata but it's been a month...
if all of that is on fresh then hahahaha nah you're pathetic. How fat and smelly are you? What disability do you claim?
>replying to tranime pedos
never understood the fat NEET gamer meme. im very skinny precisely because i spend all day at my computer
they need to know how people feel about them
it can go either way. Why would you choose to spend all day like that? You can pretty easily spend all day on your pc but eat well and take an hour out to go to the gym
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Realistically, if I go to Elwynn Forest as a night elf after I tame my pet at level 10, I won't have to go back to Darnassus for racial-specific stuff until level 20... r-right?
>leveling a dudu atm

what happened
little hamsters big adventures
hey, here in phoenix it's 75 and was 80 a couple days ago
made for bbc
makes me realize just how deranged all the fresh spammers were since theres only a few thousand of them
just never feel like it and i cant drive(i can drive but i dont have a car)
I want to send you all my gold
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>Got to 55 after one month
>Don't really feel my class choice
>Would take me another month to reach the same point
Guess I will wait for next Classic...
Ah its one of those, every board and general has one these days.
Yeah no, sorry, you're not fooling anyone.
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is this rare
got it first box
first time ever playing warlock

do people really think im running around with an entourage of people ready to summon in some random zone?
anon... are you okay? it's 2024. you can log into retrowow or something free for an instant level 60 and toy around with all your specs, abilities, and spells at the target dummies. even blizzard's ptr realms might do this. nigga?
they're so desperate and lazy they want you to start inviting people to summon them
be careful though someone might have opened the chest already and left junk grey items inside
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They're shit.

Imagine gaining access to dual talent spec and gaining minimal from it while all the good classes are the biggest beneficiaries from it.

People would bring that 1 meme feral druid because there's always some fight where you need a bunch of tanks and they'll fill that role better than some fury warrior. But guess what? Now every warrior can be a gigachad tank with the click of a button.

Think for a moment anon, if everyone has a raid spec and some manner of PvP spec or PvE grinding spec so they can make dosh now, the fuck does Druid have?
Even that priest swapping to shadow and popping Anathema will grind better than a feral Druid, the only class / spec you out do is Retardins and I'm sure Paladin has some meme build that let's them farm 5mans alone like Prot.

The real comedy though? At 40 if you got the gold to pop dual talent spec guess what? Every other class feels more complete than you at that level. You have to dump a bunch into balance for Omen, a bunch in Feral to start feeling anything, 5 into Furor to make shit less annoying. Same goes for the Balance / Resto build.

Arms at 40 just works. Shadow at 40 just works. Feral Druid doesn't feel good until mid 50s when you finally get all the shit you need so the class / spec doesn't feel like it's fighting against you.
The only reason people bring you to raids is the buff as Resto. But to get gear for Resto you need to do 5mans as a healer but people actively avoid Druids as healers but actively desire you as a tank.

It's a shitshow and god help you if you want to actively be that meme 1 feral druid DPS in classic because the retail parse trannies will expect you to grind out those Crowd Pummelers for you to keep your spot. Level it up for TBC when people start sucking your dick for being good or quit while ahead.
>he's still mad
Playing druid is the only way you can play nelf and not feel like you gimped yourself with that race choice
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You sure about that?
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Anyone know if I can still get an easy spot on the PvE as a Alliance lock for raids?

I know releveling is gonna take a minute but focusing 1 class and being able to spend dosh on bags without the mount issue will make it quicker.

Also, friendly reminder that everyone you see with an Incubus actively did a decently bit harder version of the Succubus quest which makes them super gay for actively doing it.
can you play this shit on controller?
i have no arms
what is it about twitch frog and tranime posters that makes them so mad when you ignore and skip their posts?
but ive never skipped a frogpost
you can get a spot as pretty much any spec except maybe balance druid and ret pala. Dont overthink it
lock only gets 2-3 slots per raid but its still one of the easiest dps to get a raid slot on, the only thing easier is healer and maybe dps warrior if you're really sweaty.
lock by comparison is super chill, just have good curse uptime and people with think you're great. WotF is also overrated in vanilla and (geared) lock still slaps in pvp
also sauce me up senpai
Good point about warrs now having a deep prot spec with one click of a button, sorta making the feral off tank build kinda useless.

>but people actively avoid Druids as healers

I feel like this is overblown, your average bozo doesnt care he just wants to fill a group fast.
>I feel like this is overblown, your average bozo doesnt care he just wants to fill a group fast.
Yeah if only that was the case
Unfortunately this game is full of mentally ill tryharding niggers
game is cooked
deep prot is a meme after you're out of leveling greens
I purposefully avoided druid healers for strat but that's because of the lack of disease dispel
Full 2019 Classic Naxx druid here. Unless you like running flags, don't play druid.
This is a TBC waiting room. You run flags until you spam lifebloom.
Why is everyone so mad?

I’m fairly new to Classic. All I’ve ever heard is how easy it is and at the same time how chill and helpful the community is.

Now it seems like at least a vocal minority is bent out of shape about something.

Tanks have to justify themselves constantly, healers are viewed as terrible players, hunters are huntards, mages run in and aoe everything in sight, hard res is out of hand (WC and SFK even…) .

It all sounds very anti-classic in terms of vibe.
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so true
>thread is so dead 'nillers have to copypaste reddit posts to keep it afloat
>stormwind packed on a teusday night
yeah i'm thinkin BASED??
we are SO fucking back
fresh is saved!
We'll live to see Gruul dead after all!
>1 active server per region
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>he unironically rolled pve
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Classic isn't Vanilla.

A lot of the people who play it are retail-esque players who bring their faggotry into the old versions. Boosting, triple mage only comps, 2 hand tanking with a 0% chance of sword board tanking, constantly pulling 2 packs regardless of comp, the melee cleave mummery, hard reserving items, GDKP, ect.

They're fun vampires attempting to be the most efficient ever, even if it isn't fun in the slightest. Parse trannies and such. It doesn't matter that you can full clear SM Arms in like 18-20m with nearly any comp, they need that sub 17 shit or they don't want to go at all.
>replying to copypasta
i know tranime pedos are retarded but come on
>3 mage comp
only happens if a brown makes the group
mage leaders know that 4 mages are better
>2h tanking
press your fucking buttons piggy, im trying to get xp and not carry you along to parasite mage loot and play bejeweled
why is it so dead? you all begged for fresh
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>he fell for the pve meme
i can't wait to hear the next new cope about why 'nilla is having low numbers
>b-b-but numbers don't matter
sure they don't bud
You posted this already
people are getting ready to attend the candlie light service at their local churches
>10 hours ago
i don't know what to tell you because I wasn't even here until 2 hours ago
I'm sorry that you're australian
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>>10 hours ago
thats 12 hours ago you stupid mutt
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well yeah obviously you fucking idiot but let me make the character
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So I did it. I reactivated my battlenet. All I have to do now is get the subscription, and it'll be done. Still, I'm hesitant to pull the trigger on this.
4chan says 10
sorry didn't read
nice nelf tit pic though
>twitch frog poster can't do math
not surprised
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this is a false flag from a european!!!!!
>he didnt skip the obvious twitch frog bait post
cute selfie
I love retarded frogposters!!!
you failed math
replying to make him think he made a lot of anons seethe
I wanna snuggle this pepeposter and dab the drool off of his chest with a dry cloth
discord raid
you're so fucking retarded
it's cute
>its a raid
old schizo cope
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and this is why you ALWAYS skip twitch frogs
I didn't skip this time to see what was the big deal and wow look at that, a retarded statement
Is it worth it to level cooking? Or does it end up with retards selling for less than the mats price like it does on retail
>classic sucks
>this must be retails fault
this blud cookin frfr
idk i always level cooking and never touch it again
Real pandarens arent fatsos
because the game gets old really fast, but these mentally challenged spergs are leveling their 12th classic wow character due to the fact that they're addicted
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anyone know any tanks
hOLY POGGERS that group is gonna pump af
>You could defo kill level 17s as a 13 btw.
I can't take that risk on the (canon) hardcore realms.
need a hunter?
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This thistle bear was so fucking hard to tame at level 12
They do a stun like 15 seconds into the Tame Beast cast
What are some anime bear names?
bros i got the cloudkeeper legplates how much gold can i reap off this shit
So what was removed lil bro?
Guys im having fun in SOD...
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Any anniversary ally server recommendations?
POV: You're an orc bull
'niller cryboomer holidays wellness check
>Have some time for cheeky leveling after family commitments
>Trade chat is more combative and miserable than usual
Sad cunts
alright bros I farmed ZF zombies from 44-54, should I go straight to BRM for quests and attunes, or knock out a cheeky ungoro first?
knock out your attunes and mage cleave prison/arena to 60
fuck ungoro, you can do it later for gold
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the core problem with vanilla is that casuals feel entitled to keep up with the best players.
you might think its an issue with the core gameplay loop: how minmax gameplay (that is enjoyed by a minority of player) gives a measureable in-game advantage and pressures other players into a playstyle they might not enjoy. however, the exact same factors exsisted in 2004 vanilla (arguably moreso, as casuals weren't raiding anything past MC and certainly not pugging.
therefore, I propose the core issue with classic is the same problem that has ruined wow for 2 decades: entitled casual shitters.

the "core problem" is that vanilla is a dogshit easy solved game and nothing in it is difficult or skill intensive. There isn't "parsing" culture on retail because the vast majority of people aren't skilled enough to beat it at the highest difficulty. Don't blame the players, its just a dogshit solved game. Imagine blaming people speed running mario because its "toxic".

Anybody who talks about being "good" at classic is 100% a dogshit player at any actually skill intensive video game
Is noshoes warlock on pvp actually fun if I won't have a guild since it'll be my only character?
>buy 100 spellpower worth of shadow gear from the AH
yes, yes, yes!
the equivalent in retail is m+
which is where 90% of complaining stems from
POV: you finally get to redeem the elfsex you were owed
>Classic is a easy sloved game!
>Then why do you have a 27 parse?
What are my options if I want to raid Naxx and using PUGs?
Warrior tank or priest healer is basically it, yes?
Freshy silence is deafening

parsing isn't skill, its time investment. Losers will literally swipe their credit card to afford 20g swiftthistles on CD. Thats what makes you parse. In what 80 IQ brain do you think that is difficult?
top looking fashy
bottom looking like retoliet
>this is what greyparsers actually believe

>20k logs first lockout

>565k logs first lockout

the silence is deafening. Volumes.

>t. 1454 rated TBC/wotlk "High Warlord"
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would having tusks limit one's ability to perform fellatio?
This place is depressing.
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a very sensual christmas to you all.

In the year approaching, may your cats stop knocking things off your computer desk. May you wash all your dishes with the skill of an artisan. May your loft apartment be filled with cheer and the warm glow of expensive monitors. May your streaming career efforts last longer than 2 weeks. May you choose feline swiftness, one of the greatest low tier talents for druids. May the new padding on your desk stop all those pesky complaints from neighbours. May you find the forgiveness in your heart to unban elodia. May you deny many mutts their emp loot. May you be featured in many hardcore death compilations. May you get fresh with only 8 debuffs slots. May you know once and for all why she potted.
i don't get it
so why do you suck so much at it if it all takes time? you're playing the version of WoW that encourages a lot of time investment and you can't afford that?
do you think alex is playing marvel rivals
i dont know anybody duelist or above that didnt at least parse 70ish
is there an addon that gives dungeons a map?
kinda? atlasloot usually has a dungeon map feature addon
whats the difference between normal classic servers and anniversary ones
If you aren't playing Druid because you specifically enjoy flag carrying, or playing restoration in raids, you're going to realize real quick that 1.12 is an unfinished game, and Druid got the brunt of that hard reality. Even Kevin Jordan has said Druid was an unfinished class design in vanilla lol. It's good at a few things, and if you like it, it's the only thing in the world that gives you that feeling, otherwise, go press frostbolt or flash of light.
normal classic ones are on naxx and have been since it came out. anniversary ones are new and only on mc
>play SOD with my free runes
why blizzard
>but people actively avoid Druids as healers but actively desire you as a tank.

By removing the ability to resurrect, this is the one thing hardcore actually fixed for druid kek
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I tried to warn you
I'm playing druid on hardcore. How bad is it at endgame if I decide to play past dinging 60 without pvp as an option at all? I'm fine with healing.

I played druid from tbc to firelands then quit until classic where I played warlock (played lock in vanilla), so I genuinely don't know what it's gonna be like playing lifebloomless resto druid or scuffed bear tanking. I'd love to play moonkin for the theme, but it sounds actually less fun than warlock (where at least you can see your name on the meters on some fights)
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>bear form outdpsing balance druid

hahaha at least we aren't ret
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you're not safe (ever) if youre horde nightslayer
Gimmie kiss
what are you gonna do? suck their dick?
Good thing, because that shit was written by a tranny.
You don't have to put up with that shit. I have the same thing happen as a mage. I buff up 3 people, then I have to drink to recover mana. The 4th person who don't even need intellect starts complaining about not being buffed and how I'm a noob.
Tank keeps pulling 2-3 mobs at a time, then proceeds to complain about bad dps. I specified that I have full AoE talents, so he can pull a lot more. He refuses.

Retail players and new Classic players are just retarded. Can't be helped.
PvP servers are full of gold buyers, gold sellers and third world trash. This is exactly what you deserve.
>retail out of nowhere
Well, it's not that far fetch to conclude that the whole "gotta go fast" retail mentality is to blame. I've been playing WoW since 2004 and seen how the game has devolved into nothing but a rush fest. New Classic players and retail tourists think that the way they play the game in modern WoW somehow translates well into Vanilla.
we were more retarded back in the day, it's just that everyone knew it was a game and we were all out to just have fun
I can't decide between Druid and Warlock and it's hurting my progress.
I like the flexibility of Druid and the ease of moving around the world, stealth, shape shifting.
I like the dots and utility of the Warlock kit.

somebody help me decide which one to finish leveling and focus on.
Yeah, that's fair. Even so with all the accumulated knowledge of 20 years of playing, the people complaining often have no clue about how things work. Basic stuff like threat management, mana regen in combat, LOS-pulling, target priority, interrupts, soft and hard CC etc..
I'm not saying this is a competition or anything, because I'm OK with things going slow. I just don't like it when I'm being yelled at by someone who is clearly clueless.
honestly if someone is a dick just tell to stop or explain why. I've done it plenty of times and pretty much every time they end up messaging me apologising
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Have I spent too much time on 4chan or are these swastikas in Zul'Farrak?
I did this with fire gear on mage a few days ago and the damage boost was arousing.
>tranny fem human 58 mage kills me (53 lock) while i'm half health and low mana
>come back and kill him while he's full and I only lose 10%
>he takes ress sickness immediately
why are they like this. I was going to camp him as well
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merry christmas you reprobates
me and jesus unironically love you people and wish the best for you
gl in your loot rolls ig and out
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stop bullying your betters
its christmans asshole, what does that say about you, huh?
shame on you;
fellhunter does more damage than succ. apart from pvp is there any reason to not quest with it out?
for pvp
>finally get camped one time
>cunt is absolutely relentless
>waited around 40 minutes for me while i took a shit and made some food
fucking hell i want to xfer so bad rn fr
how the fuck is camping real hahaha nigga just join a dungeon group nigga change yo layer haha
cant do a dungeon if i can never get to said dungeon
layer changing is cheating thoughbeit
the amount of red + straight up 60s that have attacked me already this morning is more that all week. christmas day things
how can you not get away? Getting camped isn't real at all
im not 40 so i have no mount. he was just waiting stealthed for the instant i rez'd and killed me again and again. i even did it in a nearby bush and he still found me. shit was wild
Server please...
Merry Christmas, Anon.
Fuckin aoe mages shitting everywhere up
Comparison is the thief of joy. Why would any mage, regardless of talent specialization, affect how you play the game? Make your own groups and do whatever you want.
raids take exactly 1 druid unless they want to meme around with lolferal (and most groups don't, because it's basically a shittier warrior thats much harder to play, and the gap got even bigger with dual spec because now a warrior can become deep prot with the touch of a button)
and that 1 druid spot is usually already taken by some GM asslicker that's known him for years
because you are playing hardcore
I would imagine your odds of finding a group that will take you will go up drastically (but don't get too hopeful, you're going from non-existent to possible, not possible to likely)
NTA but because they aoe farm quest mobs lmao , and never let anyone join their group for a single pull no matter how politely you ask
I'm over it, if I see a mage aoe farming quest mobs I just grief him at this point
Yeah, that's fair. I only do aoe farming in dungeons and leave the open world to others because of what you described. Sadly not all mages are like this.
Even farming mobs needed for a quest out in the world is fine as long as you are willing to let someone join for a pull or 2 IF they ask politely. But idk, maybe I've just had bad luck but I asked very respectfully+ explained I need a quest many times and every time it's either no answer or they just tell me to fuck off.
So I've decided to become evil myself and when I see someone doing it I pull extra mobs into their blizzard and cast bubble.
merry christmas!!!
*logs into wow of wowcraft*
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Yes, I will in fact log in to World of Warcraft. I will log in to Retail and do a few keys, then I'll probably hit level 43 on self found Hardcore.

I will not deal with drunk close or distant relatives and I will hang up on anyone who tries to call me. I will read the guild discord messages of boomers complaining about their wives and kids and zoomers how they're stuck with people they hate.

I will enjoy myself more than you ever will.
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we are eating so good bros
the fat of the land doth provide
i play on the pvp server
and i have to ask myself "am i having fun" when it takes me close to an hour to even get into BRD because the horde make it impossible to do so?
the answer is invariably a resounding "no"
based horde having fun on chrismas day while alliance cucks seethe
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>spending £200 on levelling gear
By the way that's 50 bucks and well worth the fun
ah you sort of right, gold is way cheaper now. Still about $75 for 1k. Assuming he bought it today, which i doubt
im going back to baldurs gate 3
this shit is just too uncomfy and complicated
it feels like a fucking job lmao
tibia is better
Ah, a paladin enjoyer.
i would never lower myself to play as a paladin
what i mean by complicated is i dont like to have my hand dancing on a keyboard
for example bg3 has a shitton of buttons but they can have it on a gamepad
on here? blizzard fumbled controller bad and its shit
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You're talking as if BG3 is comparable in any way. See pic rel. I know what I'm talking about. A turn-based RPG with nothing but pansexual (lol) NPCs trying to fuck you can never compare to the SOVL of WoW.
>with nothing but pansexual
its a wow general alright lmao
I don't know what else to call them. NPCs that aggressively try to romance you regardless if you play a male or a female character.
why would anyone pick a mage over warlock?
mage is just a default spellcaster
warlock is edgy spellcaster
the choice is simple
you're so cool anon so edgy
being straight is default too so i guess you're a trendy gay person
no i like anthro women on human males
im freaky i know
I played an oldschool tibia private server a year ago. Got a paladin to level 50 and remembered how much I hate polish "people". Was some nice nostalgia for a few weeks though. It's a very community based game, and if the community is polish or brazilian subhumans it's just miserable.
pierdol sie
why tf does your game looks so cozy??
zygor guides has a full map with quest locations inside dungeons, highly reccomend if u pirate it
>fresh just came out
>thread is 2 days old
Genuinely over
>Fresh announced
>Fresh comes out
Fresh is absolutely poppin off bros
Vanilla is back BIG TIME
It's okay guys, so what if everyone left already? We still have bots everywhere, they will keep fresh alive!
why is the troon in my comfy j1mmy video
>watch mmo content creator
>be surprised you see a troon
why do all wow content creators troon out anyway
It happens in every MMO
look up "initiation"
>plays on pvp
>agreed to be ganked twice before choosing a server
>cries when he's killed
play on pve retard
or she could reroll horde like a normal person
Level faster next time stupid nigger
Get friends. This is not a single player game stop acting like it.
is questing really better xp than grinding. Why shouldnt i just grind the ogres in duskwood from 26-30 instead of having to fly to duskwood, then wetlands, then some random dungeon, then occasionally get ganked, etc etc
If you aren't a mage then yeah questing is faster, if something is preventing you from questing then grind. Not that complicated
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>he fell for the alliance meme after being told over and over to not do it
You can spot swipers a mile away. It's not the gear- it's the competency.

They don't know how to actually play the game just sperg and grind. Pathetic.
>They don't know how to actually play the game
That's 90% of the playerbase in the game and in this general

what is actually playing the game? Pressing shadowbolt or frostbolt 5000 times in a raid night? If you play vanilla to show off or brag about "competency" you're a fucking loser who couldn't even do m+5s on retail
I've taken over stv twice as alliance. We tracked everywhere. We got the fucking horde to bail off the entire later all the way to booty bay. Fucking dumb cowardly macacos.

Yeah they got the numbers to zerg rush. I suggest you get friends or just start massacring lowbies in badlands and such.
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Dumb nig
For instance if another player gets ganked they'd rather run than try winning an easy fight. 'Ohhh I'm not trying to start a war' SHUT THE FUCK UP RETARD THIS IS THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT NOT FUCKING TIDDLYWINKINKS POE FUCKING DISCORD TOURIST. HELP YOUR ALLIES.
Cryboomer rolls on a pvp server then screams when getting pvp'd, a classic tale
See you saying this means you are miserable 'playing' because you actually haven't learned to play the game.
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You have an obligation to protect the weak from dishonorable kills.

Honestly reminds me of what happened in NYC. Competency crisis.

whats there to learn on a 25 year old game, retardo? The point is there are a million better games and even versions to play if you care so much about player "competency". It's like you going into a middle school english class and bragging how smart you are because you had to write 10 page papers in your college classes. Vanilla wow takes 0% "skill". The only metric of quantifiable measurement, or pasring, is simply throwing time and money at your character. Has nothing to do with "competency". Classic wow is actually play to win because a guy who credit card swipes for edgemasters is now "objectively superior and more skillful" than some warrior who rolled dwarf and doesn't have them. Yep, thats skill.
You aren't the main character of life, people are obligated to do everything for you cryboomer. Get friends, get better at pvp, or roll on a pve server.
No they aren't lol they don't know how to play lol. Also you realize that gear is worthless in a week right?
unless they're in my guild or a friend of mine i'm not lifting a finger to save them
suffering builds character
yeah classic wow is really easy
but people still lose on character creation and make excuses for their gray parse and pvp badness all the time.
You think stacking locks and letting affliction ones DPS would work? Like ya 3 of them are cuckshed curse duty but the others using Agony could go a long way.
Its an rp game, leaving fellow soldiers to die would be grounds for court martial and execution. Nothing main character about it.

I am very good at pvp I've gotten ?? 60s to 1/8 health as a lvl 40. I killed a 48 warrior other day and tagged mobs with my pet and got fag rogues stalking angor fort killed.

Nothing more satisfying then having dumb monkeys charge at me only to find out I'm a survival hunter with a shrink ray LOL.
No because its vanilla so the bosses don't live long enough and warlocks will still suffer from not having built in hit talent like mage, mage will always be better
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the cryboomers are getting uppity
Cryboomers when you tell them their ret paladin isn't invited to content
>Swipers are also masktards that make everyone's life miserable for two years because they didn't have the balls to say 'no'
every time a stupid fucking druid waddles past me and doesn't give me thorn+mark i put him on a blacklist of people i will refuse to tank for ever again
You knew how to beat the game. You knew that you could have picked Warrior/Mage/Priest and easily handled a 20 year old game.
But you couldn't do that. You had to be "special". And now that people don't want to cater to your whims, you blame the game.
funny when you accuse browns of main character syndrome when that's exactly what you're displaying.
27 is fine for this easy fuck game. 40
bodies, after all
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wh-what if i didn't give you a fortitude buff as priest..? its a lot of mana.. i don't mind giving if you whisper and ask btw.. but i can't read mindss
Facts. People still wear masks in 2024. Think about it!
warriors give off a lot of "peaked in high school" vibes is all i'm saying
What's the retard filter level range on HC?
The floor is so low in this game that if you don't die and you bother doing dungeons for gear that you will never get below a blue if you have a pulse

>classic 1.0 gets to cata where the raids actually become difficult
>coincidentally the cacophony of yelling for FRESH FRESH FRESH gets louder and louder

honestly its too poetic. You play this game because you are too dogshit for not only retail, but fucking cata LOL. All those elite brown warriors bragging about pumping scarlet monastery couldnt even clear normal cata raids
>People that want to enjoy classic vs the blizzard botfarm gold AH cartel.
>its fine to put in no effort because other people will carry me
leftist mentality
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>flexes with 2.6K score
You can compensate lack of gear by playing well and providing utility.
There's no flex, the guy said "wahh wahh you can't clear a 5+" so I posted that.
>another year of seething about browns
>only going to get louder when sod hits EOL in a few months
its good ot be the main character
You can enjoy the game in Hardcore self found.
You can also compensate lack of gear by doing end game dungeons for one day and not shitposting on 4chan for hours
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When they release the new raid on January 9, will guilds all start running only that or will they still run the old raids too
Because I'm not 60 yet but I'd like to try out every raid at least one...
>A 1% increased chance to hit is worth ~32 AP at Level 60.
can someone explain this to me i am just a stupid little hunter
does getting hit cap matter if i'm not raiding? if i never attack anything above level 60?
I'd commend anyone who can suffer this season's dungeons. Don't think I've seen M+ this dead, but I guess it's obvious when they design the dungeons like that and you have the best retail players playing hardcore.
I want to rape you
BWL isn't coming for 3ish months, January 9th is a catchup patch for a new dungeon + pvp
I don't believe in self found. The AH, player trading, and making friends that will let you solo need on gear you need and you yourself taking losses on gear that you would only benefit you short turn are a core mechanic of the game.

Add botting and the AH and player economy is ruined. There is no sweat equity when bots can just farm herbs and ore and wall them at ridiculous prices because they also provide the gold to buy them.
they're just releasing a new dungeon. you'll still raid MC when BWL comes out anyway
you're fine unless you are on the pvp server, in which case I strongly recommend you hit 60 before the 9th
Oh Dire Maul is a dungeon? I thought it was a raid...
Dire Maul is a dungeon with 3 different wings, lots of catchup gear thats pretty good, and a few gold farming methods.
>unless you are on the pvp server, in which case I strongly recommend you hit 60 before the 9th
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im not even level 50 yet bros im not gonna make to 60 before bgs come out its over
40 bodies of green parsing would still easily clear the raid. no need for carrying.

What about that Salvdali guy? he puts in all the effort in the world and still sucks shit and dies every other boss.
>warrior is the hardest class to level
Why is this myth still being pushed even after 2019, SoM, Anniversary, and an innumerable amount of vanilla pservers have come and gone? Does anyone still actually believe this?
its not hard to level its just the worse to level
everything else is easier so yes it is the hardest by default
bros... my dilemma...
If you're level 48 or above then you become an honorable kill for people at max level and January 9th is when they launch ranking, so people will go out of their way to kill you and camp your corpse until they get 5 kills on you (after that you drop to 0 honor for them)
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>no presents in orgrimmar
Are princess hunter solos a thing on anni servers?
muttgrimmar kfc has a discount
Yeah hunters and warlocks have been selling rogues and brownoids the ring since like week 2
we can do it together... if you want :3
I'm finally gonna do it. I'm gonna switch my DPS spec from Enhancement to Elemental... the dream was nice while it lasted but there's just too much gear competition and not enough demand for the class.
its just cryboomers who suck at the game as usual
what the FUCK is a cryboomer
Old person with a short temper because they think they're an expert on a subject but they're usually one of the worst players you'll ever meet who expect everyone to bow down and carry them or they'll scream
With a pocket healer Warrior blasts through all content. A solo Warrior will get cucked from 1 to 60.
Broccoli hair has spoken.
Zoomers making life hell for us again.
I wish my kids would call me...
Zoomers are almost 30 now, go grab another slice of avocado toast and rant about goobergate you retarded 40 year old millennial
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bros i
my hair is straight, thoughever
>2 days old thread
So a WoW player?
Zoomers (Generation Z) were born between 1997 and 2012. 27 at the oldest, 12 at the youngest.
why not just add cross faction bgs? that would fix every single issue with map balance, queues, etc
27 is almost 30 like I said, I know millennials barely got through school with no child left behind but Jesus Christ
You said it like all Zoomers were pushing 30, which is bullshit. You need to understand how a Bell curve works. Just because an outlier is close to 30 does not mean that the median is anywhere near that. The median age of Gen Z is 19.5 years old.

Get fucked, retard.
rent free
Worlo Warcar?
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Just found a staff of jordan. Should I use it as a 44 mage or sell it for 300g?
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Obviously sell it.
its not even that good just sell it for the paypigs to spend all their money on it
Sell it, you won't get use of it for that long at your level compared to having 300g
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Dire Maul opens on January 9th. You can get pic rel which is a lot better.

I wish I could just stick to one fucking char and not be a fucking retard, I cant even stick to one faction desu.

Can anyone just redpill me
Alright i'll sell it then. I also found a skibbiddi pendant, might be worth something?
what classes do you want to play ill pick one for you
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Ranking + BGs comes out Jan 9th?
>what classes do you want to play ill pick one for you

Nigger if I knew what class I wanted to play I wouldnt be here
How is this data collected? If its from parsing and people at max level those numbers are 100% bullshit. I'm level 46 and a lot of people are still leveling up. I do think classic is gonna die soon but its not that dead yet.

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