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/aa2g/ - Artificial Academy 2 General #1346
Yuletide Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2 & ILLGAMES's Summer Vacation! Scramble

/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

ILLGAMES recent AA2-like: Summer Vacation! Scramble


>SVS installation:
SVS BetterRepack R1: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/4173250

>SVS mods:
Tekito Mod: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/113524273
PoV Mod: https://github.com/Junh2x/SVS-3rdPOV-Plugin
Slider Unlock: https://files.catbox.moe/ng95st.7z
HF Patch (up-to-date mods and translation): https://github.com/ManlyMarco/SVS-HF_Patch/releases
CheatTools: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/IllusionCheatTools/releases

>SVS Cards:

Previous Thread:
First for harsh.
Happy holidays aa2g
m- muh cards.. even with my husband, baji...
to whoever made this, thank you so much for including my dumbasses
You already know who made it.
Releasing Belle! This cardface was a 2 minute thing btw
merry christmas and happy new year for y'all!

That's still a very cute snowflake - proof that time is not always required when you have VISION!
who? :0
merry christmas, Anon! she looks lovely ^w^
>User has disabled comments
sorry, it's allowed now
Good man. Only cowards fear a comment section, and you are no coward.
Wonderful! as the other Anon said, only cowards close their comments, you're no coward!
Needs a santa hat.
Very nice.
Thanks y'all!
Cute girl for your first card!
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The thread may not live through Christmas, but I hope everyone has a Merry one regardless.
Imagine the milk.
She turned out well!
Like how you did the eyelid and shadow combo!
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Look on the bright side - the last thread dying in its sleep gave an opportunity for the creation of the collage of last year's Christmas images, which didn't get their chance last year.
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Hope everyone have a nice christmas
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Is she Santa’s milk? Where are the cookies?
Merry Christmas, bros.
Love the compilation
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Merry christmas aa2g!!
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the plastic doll thing gave me ideas
What on earth are those lips?
Once more I've left it to the last minute to do my posing. At least I have an idea for what to do. Fingers crossed my computer lets me pull it off.
was made intentionally
yes you can
Well, I managed to port three props for it, but that was almost always going to be the easy part. (One I was going to have to port at some point anyway, one because it's needed, and one because I thought it'd be cute (and it is).)
The hard part will be posing several characters, which always slows down past one or two.
Oh, and I'll have to figure out how to draw a reasonable enough looking string or fishing line.
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Merry Christmas, aa2g!
niglip chan...
maybe lower the uhh.. width of the lips?
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I could get the lips smaller, yep
but i did it based on this artstyle, mainly the lips
if y'all consider too big, then I achieved what I wanted
you need to squish her head a little, it's too long
I think it would be better to make them less wide, mostly because with the way they are looking right now, the colors aren't aligning well with the outline of the lips, unlike the drawing in the corner
Nice feet
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Is she better?

Merry Christmas!
Yup, that's much better! good work already :3
Good luck with her!
Some THICC lips.
She got a nice bj lips
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Merry Christmas, /aa2g/!
Even if you are one of the other two abrahamic sects or a different faith or no faith, good cheer goes out to you!
You should release her. naohrrxsw.
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Best wishes to everyone this holiday season! Happy holidays, /aa2g!

Welp, there goes my three-year streak of not being included in the collage.
Many thanks for including Shiori!
Merry Christmas, Nananon! and thank you for making cards this year too! you're very appreciated!
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maybe after christmas.
is that a fucking belly button pussy
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She's finally ready, but since I wasn't able to resist adding a couple more cosplay styles and a sparkly animated cardface, her fatness got bumped up to almost 40mb.
Now just waiting until my BepisDB account gets upgraded so I can finally be allowed to upload her. Hopefully it doesn't take too long. Stay tuned!
For the meantime, you can preview a blown-up version of her sparkly animated cardface here: https://mega.nz/file/1PJ32LAR#QTQmajQwxbmchId1MHTowFMYjjRZimJM0PfMIVZVaSU
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Merry Christmas /aa2g/
[x] butt rape
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merry crisis, 4ch
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>600x900 size
cutie and softie
Thanks brotherman, I'll check it out when I get home later.
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Hope everyone has a nice Christmas!
Pretty sure for her it's called Saturnalia
fi- fishnets... awooga...
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Have a Merry Christmas, /aa2g/. Here's to another year and more cards.
Phew, I managed to get most of it to work. Didn't think my computer would handle having 9 characters on screen. Initially there was going to be an inset with a pair of thumbs ups in the corner on the bottom image, but I didn't think I could pull that off well enough. Nor do I think I could have drawn a convincing enough thread for the mistletoe to be attached to.

Seems we had pretty similar ideas this time around!
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Christmas is basically the same, sort of.
Holy shit. Do we know what the max is before crash or is it machine dependent?
If I recall, someone did some tests on it several years back. I think it runs into some sort of issues (was it something about textures? I don't remember) somewhere around 15-16 or something like that? Other than that, I can only assume it's just however slow you can tolerate the game going as you load more high poly models in.
Given my hardware wasn't particularly new when I got this computer like 7 years ago, I'm surprised it handled it. But you won't catch me stress testing to see where the limit is.
This one has 12 but theoretically you can fit the whole class. The limiting factor is less of it being crash-prone and more of it being shit to work with because you're working with single digits fps. Disabling physics objects(hairs, skirts) help.
It's the lighting that get borked on characters 11-12 or 12-13, not sure which. After that the lighting works fine up to char 25
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[x] close
Finally got her up on Bepis!
And here she is, my 39.4mb Christmas gift to all you wonderful people who keep the AA2 community alive and well.
Get her here: https://db.bepis.moe/aa2/view/65070
Previews, Play Notes, and Full Style List in here: https://mega.nz/folder/VDZXQCzL#YjTQaP9C-mPgkDYh96A5xg/folder/pXY3hTwZ
Cheers, and Happy Holidays!
The single best present that anyone could ever hope to get.
Chibi spot— Oh, right, of course.
I would love to see someone create Mita from MiSide, I feel like it would translate well into AA2
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Hey guys, Merry Christmas!

I have a question, is it really possible to get a girl pregnant in aa2 with the pregnancy module, where she will apparently walk around with a bloated belly? I know you have to creampie more than 10 times for there to be a chance but I've been doing this with multiple girls and I just can't get lucky.

Is this even possible? Or is that module broken?
read the module discription, you need a pregnancy style for the big belly and the module pregnancy is based on chance not creampie times.
how do I add a pregnancy style?
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In the General tab you can simply add a style with a button. Then switch to that style and edit the character as normal. Clothing can be set using the outfit buttons and loading in a .cloth file saved from the game, though there aren't that many pregnant outfits that excess outside of a sundress override and nude outfits.
Maybe at some point, but I would have to factor in all of the potential styles and potential gameplay elements/methods for seeing said styles in game.
Thanks man, merry christmas
Said and done, have fun and a nice day
no offense but she looks like she was made by anonxo/milk and I feel suspicious of you
I'm really offended.
Surprised no one has made a classic Santa card, or even an Old Fat Man costume.
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where's the guy!? >:(
she transitioned just for the photo lol

(different anon)
Now that's a good christmas photo.
now lay them on top of each other
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Merry Christmas /aa2g/
Yes, no santa hat... but a beautiful goddess is enough, right?
time for mating press
Super cute as always. Merry Christmas!!
im dead, love her
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Merry Christmas /aa2g/!
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There are pre-AAU ones for sure, and I'd wager at least someone has made one after tot got us the proper outfit.
merry christmas /aa2g/ hope to see y'all again next year
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Posted without comment.
Cheers friend.
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hope the thread can make it through the night bump.
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Hellpoint turned out to be surprisingly fun (from a few years ago) and now you've given me Nioh 2 as well - you're far too kind for this place. Thank you and merry Christmas!!
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Hope everyone had a great christmas.
Same. I wanted to reply to all of the Christmas images but 4chan thought my post was spam.
That, and they stop linking after...nine, I think?
Too bad I had to study...
I think this + the Belle are milk cards but if we bring it up again we'll just be stirring a cold shit pot so might as well let it lie.
Is that why you’re bringing it up?
I guess you can post multiple times?
maybe we shouldn't talk about them.
don't care + mind your own business
>mind your own business
kinda sus
Appreciate all the hard work, she looks beautiful in every style, even defaults!
bro why are y'all insisting over a minor who is almost a adult playing a h-game? also Toaster used to be a minor now no one cares about him, what a selective hatred.
A lot of us hate him too, actually.
read this again
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I would do that as well...
get over it
Scary stories!
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they are cool dancers!
I hope SVS gets a second personality pack. HC has tsundere, so we should definitely be getting that, too. Maybe the game will get a paid expansion like dolce that will have it.
Koikatsu had a few dlc personalities, so I can imagine SVS getting a few at least.
How 'bout I bump YOU eh?
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Thank you!
>no card for Komi Shuuko but many for Komi Shouko
Enjoying M.I.L.F.s, especially ones with the "I am eternally 17" gimmick, is suffering.
you could steal Brandy's Shouko and make Shuuko. No?
Unless I am blind, I don't have her mothers hair... unless it really is as simple as removing Shouko's long back hair and replacing it with one of the short ones, assuming it isn't all one over-hair due to AAU shenanigans.
right, hadn't thought of that. the other option would be to steal shuuko's hair from somewhere else cough kk.
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Yeah, I guess I'll do some digging
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Just do it bruh
Oh good, I don't need to do anything dumb, thanks man.
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what in tarnation
curved for her pleasure?
damn i didn't know that could happen
Inoue Kikuko voiced personality for aa2! I can dream at least.
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me too bud, me too.
>animated snowflake
Nice. Thanks for remembering my card. I hope you had a nice Christmas with your family.
Huh. I didn't know Chibisetsu could read.
>Actually a Non_OC

>User has disabled comments and adding tags

why are koreans like this.
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The year of the Dragon is coming to a close - which inferior Chinese year is up next?
The year of the little dragon: snake
>hate tags
>hate comments
>comment fighting
>uploads cards to upload cards
>not attention seeking

>Select all that apply
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Inoue Kikuko can pull off all different kind of characters I don't know which character type I would like her voice pack to be based on
new character!?
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From dragon to snek.
I'm a newfag so sorry if it's a stupid question but does the game have reactivity for cheating or not?
I've set up a small class of 2 default males and females to test out some interactions and there doesn't seem to be any serious ramifications for cheating on your beloved even in front of them.
Sometimes the other male would run up to me having sex with his girlfriend and (I think) offer her to choose between us two which she simply ignores and chooses neither after which no one seems to be upset. The same (as in nothing) happens if I happen upon the guy fucking MY girlfriend. No one apologizes/gets upset/tries to fight anyone.
there is, however, you're better off with mods that have yandera A B C, murderous, praying mantis, or other AAU modules.
Makes things fun when you see them doing the killer's walk at you or you kill them with the same module
What happened to SVS?

Literally no one talks about it anymore. You'd think the long awaited AA3 Successor would have had way more staying power.
Not Illusion kneecapped the game by making it almost virtually unmoddable
Still doing this?
You were more palatable when you just made text walls of sage
>"What went wrong?" templatepost
Your mother didn't swallow and you seeped into her gash.
Just wait a year or so like every other illusion game, shitposting /v/ermin.
why are you so hostile?

thank you for an actual answer
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