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Previous Thread: >>506739062

>Download Links:
(Available on Android, iOS, and PC)

>Current Events & Banners:
Event: Polaris Bond [Dec 4 - Jan 10]
Limited 100% Rate-up Banner: S Qu (Shukra) [Dec 4 - Jan 2]
Wishing Target Banner: 100% Rate-up Any Selected S-Rank Omniframe [Dec 21 - Jan 10]
Trailer: https://youtu.be/KgP7s9SjuYM

>PGR Global Version Synchronization Plan:

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I'm tired, but its officially Christmas Eve for me in 3 hours... so pre-emptive Merry Christmas bwos!
jingle bells
vanessa smells
lamia laid an egg
nanami lost a wheel
and alpha got away
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Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is (You)
Grrrrr..... Hanying sex.....
Is there any quick guide for that Kowloong event ? I only did the tutorial stage but I'm too lazy to think for the other stages...
I'm not sure if it's randomized, but all I did was prioritize reaching cities, try to get as many artifacts as possible on the way through, level up your shit asap and focus the tree tech on whatever got buffed the most by the artifacts. Then produce/sell whatever is valued the most every turn. Price fluctuations may be a bit annoying early on but after a couple of levels you just don't really care anymore. Never failed any attempt, it was pretty comfy since I didn't really have to think much.
The only thing to take from the korean situation is that kuro might make the same mistake in global.
licking vera's abs
I wasn't there these last few days, did the KR accelerated patch launched ?
That shit was on all day back when I worked retail at a grocery store.
Hate that song so much
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i'm trapped bwos
it's over for you...
Strike Hawk is for (me)
Dead, killed by that one L*vfag last thread...
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only retards smile in their sleep
true geniuses like karen spend the night weeping...
◆ Lilith Happy Launch Day ◆

Snow falls on the festive streets, and the feast celebrates joy and hope.
The crowd grew on the dance floor, and footsteps and laughter turned into harmonies of music, but before the spotlight fell on her, the figure in the gown was gone......
The hands of the bell tower went to the hour, and the lady who had escaped from the revelry stood under a clump of mistletoe, arranging her elaborate prank.
"Let's create some interesting surprises for this night."

- Happy Kick-off Day "Lilith"
Lilith lov
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She's gonna be announced soon. Any day now...
2 more weeks...
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What do you call this expression? I've had this look on my face 24/7 for the past decade of my life...
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i fucking love cats, bros
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Theyre very cute, I love my little prick of a cat
although I do prefer dogs
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Cannon wife...
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I'd get a dog like webm rel if I had a farm, but for pets I prefer cats.
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Honestly I like most animals alot, have had both dogs and cats at pets all my life, we just had a dog first so she sticks in my head.
Why is she crying, is she dreaming of all the disgusting drinks she has to endure for SKK
She's dreaming of being powercrept by uncle
Cause thats what you want to manifest, its the "law of attraction".
Liv is dreaming of marrying the fuhrer and saving the white race. Hail Liv.
She got the Panini Flu from Camu.
So karen got raped by kamu? And is getting an abortion?
Hahahaa kamu my boy.
Thread isn't looking so good already.
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Merry Christmas, No.21-anon! I've been waiting to post this festive Aurora.
Merry Christmas /pgr/! Sowwy, I couldn't Xmas No.21 in time for this year...
>>507414184 (me)
*Couldn't draw
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I have a Vera-sama/21 sketch, but I started on it late enough that there's no way I can finish it any time soon
This but with No.21.
A lot of shit happened to me this year, so I could barely draw at all, last piece was like 2 months ago (not pgr-related though) and I'm surprised that I even finished it at all since I dragged it out for way too long. Although my procrastination may also contributed to this, so I'm not using this as an excuse at all.
> there's no way I can finish it any time soon
I think you should try to finish it anyway, don't let that deadline deter your work, I'd rather have a finished piece than a half-arsed one just to match the deadline. That's what I did most of the time and I'm a /@/fag, so actually I'm kind of ashamed that I didn't make it in time for my wife birthday for 2 consecutive years...
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Thank you bwo, its one of the cuter No.21s
You two aswell Merry Christmas! No matter what I'm sure your creations will be worth the wait.
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You guys seen this? Cool frame concept from a now retired Kuro designer
isnt that noctis with a gun?
I'm definitely finishing it eventually, just that since I'm not making it in time for christmas, I should probably go back to finishing up the other drawing I was working on first
Yeah! But a different frame/S-Rank Noctis
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Thank you so much and Merry Christmas to you too! I don't have much to offer at the moment so please have this scribble of No.21.
I see, that's a good idea, maybe I should work on something for New Year after Christmas methinks.
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That's just Noctis with a gun. Looks similar to Entropy's coating too.
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It's not Christmas yet, what's up with all those celebrations
Just kidding, merry Christmas you wonderful bastards. I don't have anything to offer as my artistic talents are below toddler levels.
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Scrapped dorm ideas:
>a dark Strike Hawk base, illuminated mostly by the blue panels, holographic globe and Chrome's affection gift screens (the ceiling is not available to craft)
>a Church of Machina room for Haicma and Nanami (the church set doesn't fit it at all, and I don't know what else to try)
>a general Cerberus room (no ideas how to build it, and each members' affection gifts are too different and don't match)
>abandoned No.21's lab cell, filled with grass and trees and plants (not enough plants and no fitting floor for the idea)
God damn it. My last hope is an Ascendant room, but I need to get the new Luna first... John Kusogame, why did you fuck up the dorms so much...
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Christmas Eve IS Christmas!
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Can you do a music club for cerberus? Thats a pretty common theme for them
It's another RC set... Dorm enjoyers are the ones most filtered, most bricked...
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Fucking F
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I thought it was a brilliant idea when I thought about it yesterday. But no, there's just no good floor, and all plants are in decorated pots or whatever. I'm sad. No greenhouse for No.21...
A classic mistake, to assume that John will allow you to have fun in his game...
Its launched. And its a 7 Week patch, but the patches are supposed to have 2 weeks multiped for every condensed patch so 6 weeks of boosted rewards, nobody has any idea why the KR managers made it a 7 week patch instead of the expected 6. KR is doomposting because of that 1 non boosted week.
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【Happy Christmas Eve】
Christmas is coming
Commander, aren't you going to arrange it?
>Yuuka is popular enough to get on official art outside of the game despite being a boss.
What form of power is this? I underestimated her popularity.
Yata is overshadowed by her best friend yet again...
Yata is cute as hell
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This bastard also still has Blue Rose Alpha and Medic Liv locked in his basement...
I heard he also killed Atiel and Coco!
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Playable Yuuka soon. Total Cradle death.

He's the guy that allowed the black haired bitch to bully Luna! He's one of researchers that bullied Lamia on Atlantis! He's a producer of Roland's Reverse-Truman show! IT'S ALL JOHN KUSOGAME!
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I bet that criminal bastard was also the one to spread the nickname "Redheaded Death" for my Vera-sama when she was younger!
John Kusogame the guy stopping No.21 from crawling into my bed every night... God damn him!
He made the reality we live in, solely to separate us from our waifus and charge us money to meet with them! He can't be allowed to get away with it!
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Absolutely! It's also likely he's the one who transferred Liv to Egret! And he is definitely responsible for funding that failed WGAA mission to the ISS!

How can one man be so evil?!
Don't forget how he was the one paying Daedalus Corp to traffic people and convert them into constructs! His capacity for evil is limitless!
I think... he even created the Punishing!
I haven't played since the BRS patch. What's the consensus on the speed-up thing?
I think I'm at the last mission of golden vortex finally. Have to upgrade a new character to beat it, so I *might* finish Kowloong Metropolis before February.
My god... All along, he was the one punishing Gary Raven...
Metropolis isn't a big chapter, so you will finish it a lot faster than you think. The next time Vortex becomes relevant is in Watanabe's patch.

He even wuthered the waves...
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does the cerberus side story have anything important? I don't feel like doing it
Yeah it has No.21
It has event cards.
>event cards
what's that
The orange tickets, for event banners...
oh I was talking about the story stuff...
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Oh. It has wise No.21! She also makes silly puns and extorts money from (You).
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It was a fair deal
Gary already has a lifetime insurance due to his extended stays at the Star of Life! There was no need for No.21 to pay for him! And where did she even get the money?!
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End of Sleener
It's up!!!!!!!!!
I love Vera-sama! I want to marry Vera-sama!

Figured I'd just post the sketch anyway cause I dunno if I'll get around to finishing this later. Merry christmas, /pgr/
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>finally finished Luna's affection story
>head starts hurting immediately
PGR story is so peak it can actually give you Mind Beacon corruption. Kino.

On the topic of the story itself, it was a lot shorter than it felt like when I just started the gaem, and it was kind of... simple. Still, it has comfy moments.
that is animated really well
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Wow story time! It looks nice anon, I hope you find the motivation to finish it.
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Gift code b29var0g
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>Better animations & graphics than the last one with Lucia
>Cool fight representing the inner battle within Qu
>Beautiful Goth Qu
They really went all out for our wife Qu
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Bitch stole christmas!
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you did get your christmas livlov right?
No, I didn't, and I'm not wasting 110 coating cards on a formerly free skin that is also inferior than Maid Liv. Now, show the matching Levi-guns to your Livlov.
but eclipse doesn't have a matching coating and weapon coating...
but christmas...
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I have Red Hood No.21... and Kamui's tree sword coating...
what I mean is that eclipse's coatings and weapon coatings aren't in the same set so I don't count them as matching. But some of them are fitting so it doesn't matter anyway, in fact I also use the same combinations in picrel
>weapon series names in a chinese gacha kusoge prohibit me from using my eyes and brain
Qu should have embrace Goth Qu and let Goth be the main Qu
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Please be kind, Villier took all of the family brain juice for himself
Is this an official comic?
Goth Qu is a genocidal bloodthirsty maniac.

Really cute Rosetta!

Yep, but I forgot if it's translated from Japanese or not. I found it on the Bilibili wiki.
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Noan's story is a whole lot better. Noan is definitely one of Kuro's best written characters ever. I don't remember any other story or chapter in the game that made me want to read MORE. I need more of Shrek. Can't put into words how much I lov this guy.

Shrek is lov, Shrek is lief.
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Merry Christmas
The Qu slander MUST STOP!
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As you command Lord Word Bubble! I will Lick No.21 in her basic coating right away!
Fuck, I can't stay mad at this cutie...
>lovs chaos
>karen getting skk free
>vera-sama looks best
Merry Christmas, Cloud-kun.
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i love qu, bros
I never expected Lee to tell (you) he loves (you) in binary code, sisters...
Anon... If Villier is a woman, then what about Lithos? Or Kamui? Or even Camu?!
those don't count, cause they don't look like qu
Villier didn't look like Qu either.
Playable Chaos status?
For me it's Chrome seeming like fem SKK's canon husbando both in story and voice lines until they shafted his ass and relegated his and all the male character's stuff to letters and events. Man.
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Qu you're being out of line here
Also you should replace the Run~ with the animated one
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Happy to oblige!
thread saving bump
also what does 3-ping-boost mean for recommended equipment?
You don't use the recommended builds. Just use the builds here:
s sofa and s changwho will save this general
So will next intergrated patch, be just Hanying and Wanshi or Lucia as well?
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livfags, what the fuck is this?
>christ mass mass
This made me lol out loud.
Some patches will be 2 in 1, and others will be 3 in 1. We won't know until kuro reveals their contents
>too many protestants to let anyone slide
kek based livbro
Are you fellas rollin on the Christmas banner? I have yet to get Qu, so idk if I should...
There's nothing to roll for, since it's one copy. Only fish SS3 is an improvement, and not even by much. Uncle SS3 you can get from standard selector next update, everything else is not impactful enough to be worth 15k. Better to just use those bc later on SS3 Hanying or Nanami.
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My family always had a lot of pets. Dogs, cats, rats, fish, even had a parrot. Can't say I preferred someone over the rest, but I do think dogs are the best companions. Cats are kind of silly and too mischievous for me. I'm writing it with one of the two cats climbing on my shoulders. Help.
There should be a timeline where Cthylla is rescued or never got experimented on, or just a normal girl. She attends the academy with Gary.
Then Gary and Cthylla fell in love. Dating in school. Graduate together. They get married. Have their daughter Chaos. Chaos get to have a happy family with her mom and dad, get to have a normal childhood as a normal girl.
>Cthylla is rescued or never got experimented on
Which one?
The one we had a daughter with. No idea if she was Cinderelik's friend.
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new commission finished
The lobby character should have seasonal lines.
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Strongly agree
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ROSETTA! New frame, playable Diana, Temia and Nausica/Nastya soon.
I want to meet Tatiana in person, she's traveling and drinking vodka with them.
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version 2
Very cute anon
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version 3
thank you
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Lucia is so lewd that she moans when holding hands with (You).
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I can only imagine how loud the Gray Raven lounge is at night...
Merry Christmas /pgr/ I am finally home and ready to brick my account on wishing banner!
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Best of luck anon! Merry Christmas!
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I got lucky with an early pull so I can now guarantee Luna too! Now for selector in Luna patch to SSS3 her.
God bless, its a Christmas miracle
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>opacity on the last black bar
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Noooo I fucked up...
Why does Gimp do this shit
Based KarenGOD
Merry Christmas
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It me

You wouldn't!!
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Should have just download Creative Cloud then Photoshop and apply GenP to crack it.
You could even use my Photoshop template in the mega link then, with the github link for story image assets.
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I want a burger.
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I want a livlov
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Merry Christmas /pgr/
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Merry Lunamas
*clenches fist*
KR is getting some form of compensation for them having a 7 week patch but 6 weeks condensed.
>Serum Set B x 45 (1 for every day thats condensed)
>Serum 30ml, Weapon Enhancement Material IV, Consciousness Enhancement Material II x7 (1 for every week)
>1000 BC, 102000 Cogs, 48 Alliance Points x2 (This covers the first week not being condensed rewards)
>Free Daily and Weekly packages from the store can be claimed multiple times
>Pain Cage tripling will start earlier, on December 30th instead of when originally stated.
Dont be angry... that little Liv is cheering you on! She knows you can do your best!
*clenches liv*
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I want to LICK No.21! Merry Christmas everyone!
Mafumafu No.21... She looks even fuzzier and warmer than the Sleeping Liv nendo...
Snuggling with No.21 on Christmas!
I wonder if there's a Christmas art of Luna's gang with Roland as Santa and Lamia as a reindeer.
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No. 21 JP - Rockin Around the Christmas Tree
No. 21 wowowo
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I love it as much as I did the first time! I wanna go carolling around Babylonia with No.21!
Forgot to repost these too, I like these Christmas covers the most
Bianca JP - Jingle Bells Japanese version
Bianca JP - Padoboo Padoboo Chwistmas Weeaboo!
It's very cute
Man, fuck dorm dailies, I am done doing that shit.
They take you five minutes at max... Well, it's your loss if you miss on the coating cards, weapon coating cards and free characters.
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Is it just me or Karenina Scire voiceline from when you come back after hiatus sounds very passive aggressive
How would you know this, unless you took a long hiatus........ Why did you leave.....
5min is too long for so much clicking. I just recently came back from an 8 month break that I took entirely due to being fed up with dorm dailies
>You're back. Oh, I forgot to remind you that I set up 26 additional minefields nearby because of the poor defense systems here. Relax, they're magnetic. Humans won't trigger them.
Skill issue.

t. Cookie Clicker enjoyer
just make the game windowed and watch a youtube video on the side lil bro
Not just you, I hate doing it as well. I have 200+ coating tickets and 700k stuff to get hypertune mats so I am not missing out on anything.
Hopefully that future 3D Dorm might be more fun and better.
Mega link update
>MMD models:
Goth Luna
Ishmael chibi
Goth Luna stage
Chaos - 3 forms (?) (WE ARE SO FUCKING BACK)
San Lorenzo Corridor stage
Christmas dorm stage
No official Liliv model from Kuro yet
That's my daughter!
I finished the merchant mini game. It was way less complex than I expected. I'm not sure why they bothered to create three different types of items to sell when you can just build food to win, I didn't see much point in trying to take advantage of price fluctuations unless you got a huge buff, the buildings you could construct were rather meh, and over time you just snowball to a point where you can almost just hit "go to the next quarter" as there isn't anything else left to do.
Cynder burns was fucking kino. good job once again kuro
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I made a mistake and listed Carlotta on the MMD models list, that was a Koikatsu card.
Mega link update again
>Koikatsu cards
Jinhsi in her new Changli inspired coating
Sanhua in her new ONI coating
Daydream Lullaby mini album
One of the best chapters in the game.
I hope he gets to play Lucia Pyroath, that's the better Lucia with a more varied moveset and fun to play.
When will Lucia fuse with Alpha to create ultimate SSJ3 Lucia? When will we get a Luna clone so Lucia can have two (2) imoutos?
No. 21 is a Luna clone. A failed clone. Not as smart as Luna, and not as powerful as Luna.
I need to know who the writer is and what he has worked on/is currently working besides PGR. He's making me care about random NPCs and Constructs I wouldn't give two shits otherwise. he's really really good
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Dead game
EoS soon
Can you send me the link?
sent :)
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She already did, that was the entire Plume frame's storyline. And Lucia already has two imoutos, the second one is Livlov.

>as smart as Luna
I wouldn't call Luna really smart... If anything, No.21 is often smarter than Luna.
>doing all that when classic MS-Paint just werks
silly billys
Luna hasn't really demonstrated her intelligence that much in the story since her thing is overwhelming power. I wish they would make more use of 21's "put random stuff together and it works somehow even if she doesn't fully understand it" ability in the story. It kinda reminds me of mekboys in 40k.
I'm trying to unlock affection as fast as possible. Should I be buying the Precious Gift Box or the Fine Gift Boxes from the Dorm Coin Shop?
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Fine gift boxes may be a better bang for your buck because you get two of them and precious gift box give random character specific items that greatly increase affection but you may get something for a character you don't care for.
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A Precious Gift box gives you an item that is worth 30 points of affection if not the character's favorite or 60 if it is, while a Fine Gift gives you 20 and you get 2 for the same cost as a Precious one so it's guaranteed 40. While it may look like it's more convenient to get Precious Ones if you get lucky, the lineup is big enough that the chance of getting the correct one is very low, therefore making it on average worse that the Fine gift counterparts, as you would need 1 every 3 to be the favorite one (120 points in total, exactly like 6 Fine gifts at the same cost) to even out. Therefore Fine gifts > Precious Gifts
Thanks a bunch. I just didn't know how many points Precious gifts gave when not correct compared to Fine gifts.
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Yes, it would be cool for No.21 to become a master crafter in her next frame. But I disagree, orks' magic is different from No.21's. Orks are about "me belivz it workz so it workz", and No.21's robots work just because they can, and because she is a secret genius with IQ of 210.
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It knows!
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How come KURO doesn't give you any freebies for your Birthday or Christmas?
: C
Not even a guild invitation!
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You get this in the guild lobby
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Is this some sick joke?!
Bro you're not in a guild? If you're in NA you can apply to /pgr/
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Guildless... this is too sad! Its not /pgr/ but you can join the guild I'm in if you want! All you have to do it be over level 21 and do your Guild Challenge every week!
Merry christmas Guildless anon! I'm sure next year will be better and you'll get an invitation! and then the guild quits the day after
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Say Happy Birthday to Rosetta. NOW!
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I already spent the whole day with her
>still no sign of a new Rosetta frame on the horizon
What the FUCK bros?
Man I love that coating
>be over 21
Blasphemer! I'll never be over No.21!

She looks gorgeous. I really lov this coating, probably even more than her SFX ones.
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How dare you purposefully misconstrue my words for comedy! Remain guildless forever!
Too bad! I have been in a guild since I started playing the gaem! It's the other anon that's guildless!
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Even worse you inserted yourself into this reply chain and insulted me for your humour! No forgiveness! Death Penalty!!!!
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*lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick lick *
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*teleports behind (You)*
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no you
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Don't pet wild dogs. They may have rabies.
finally got to play as Starfarer.
I understand why they gave her such a sexy rump. I'm gonna lick my screen
>2/3 students log in every day
>steadily leveling up by doing story
>every week they do 0 missions
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>SKK after 1 day of Vera sex
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That'll be me if I go one day without LICKing No.21
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When will Kuro let female skk's get fucked by Strike Hawk? Those guys have been restraining themselves for ages.
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Merry Christmas, /pgr/. Sorry for being so late. Here's No.21 singing Merry Christmas:
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poor bambi...
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i'm sad now
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I and Qu defeated the 14th boss and still don't get enough for all rewards. Fuck this mode! Fuck you John Kusogame!
liv is kinda lewd
by pig I mean fem skk
Go away Camu you know you can't breed her
i said
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This world is a machine! A Machine for Pigs! Fit only for the slaughtering of pigs!
How is that even possible to have so much skill issues? They even nerfed the entire thing because you dumb fucks couldn't kill voodoo.
But I killed all of them! Even within the time limit challenge. I killed them!
Ayla would put Selena in the cuckcage. She wants to have your intimacy all to herself.
Any Karenanons provide me with the HQ version of her SSS sticker? I have seen it being posted few times here.
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You died.
I have 256x256 as best. Check this Lilith CN emotes folder zip.
Lucia is the most stunning, most radiant, most dazzling, most graceful, most captivating, most enchanting, most breathtaking, most exquisite, most elegant, most mesmerizing, most striking, most alluring, most fascinating, most brilliant, most intelligent, most clever, most wise, most ingenious, most resourceful, most perceptive, most thoughtful, most charismatic, most inspiring, most influential, most admirable, most fearless, most powerful, most courageous, most resilient, most determined, most dynamic, most confident, most radiant-hearted, most warmhearted, most compassionate, most empathetic, most nurturing, most vibrant, most electrifying, most magical, most strikingly beautiful, most fiercely intelligent, most captivatingly strong, most beguiling, most ethereal, most resplendent, most magnetic, most unforgettable, most awe-inspiring, most extraordinary character in PGR.
How could other whores even compete against her...
>How could other whores even compete against her...
You're right, she truly is at the top of the whoring profession. She is unmatched in her whoredom.
Sure Lucia, let get you back to the psych ward.
Sorry about that, guys. Lucia has a few screws loose. She is... umm... she is not right in the head. Ever since my wedding with Qu. Lee and Liv had to drag her out of the ceremony back then. Sorry about that.
I heard Lucia is great at jobbing.
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>admits that a CAT is better than her
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Qu lov
Royal marriage
Royal family
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What patch adds more milk?
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>completely fine with Livlovers, No.21 lickers, Vera enjoyers, Karen likers, Lucia fans, Pulao and BRS anons, even yumes
>get physically irritated by Quanons every single time one of them posts that green cunt
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Qu lov compilation
I remember it's will be updated in Luna's patch, then Hanying's patch with the final ending?
Cthylla lov. Cthylla cuddles. Telling Cthylla she's safe. Going to school with Cthylla. Heartwarming dates with Cthylla. Cthylla handholding. Propose to Cthylla in a romantic Copperfield underwater restaurant. Marry Cthylla. Making Cthylla happy. Telling Cthylla I will always love her. Having a daughter with Cthylla. Raising a family with Cthylla in a house built by Uncle. Cthylla stopping Vanessa from raping me. Fulfilling life with Cthylla. Taking Chaos to the park with Cthylla. Having a family picnic with Cthylla. Total Cthylla lov.
/wuwa/ here, gonna start playing pgr because i need something to play on the dead patch. any tips and shits i should avoid? also i heard you guys gonna sync with cn and have super speed up patch?
always lov your liv
here's a guide
Roll for who you liek. Don't roll on the Fate banners, they are a scam. The story gets better after the first chapters. The next patch is the speed up one with triple amount of rewards.
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Read the guides
Never roll on fate banners, don't roll on 70% banners since selectors are common, filtering lasts until chapter 8.
Speedrun and get Lamia from the standard banner selector, she will help you breeze through the early story chapters. Then speedrun and get Qu while her banner is still on.
Do not spend Black Cards on anything but the debut banner or any 100% banner with 60 pity. Do not pull on the Fate banner.
Speedrun and do everything you can to get fast BC from the permanent contents. You can get Qu within 3 days of speedrunning, longer for new players. Don't be afraid to spend resources on B or A ranks if you need more powers to go through the early story.
You may want to visit this site:
thanks bros i'm going to speedrun the game now
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Just listened to it after waking up, I love it anon
Can't believe we all used to love Cradle when Cursed Waves was released with 3 endings, /pgr/ all posted about that fucking BITCH. Damn Agent 0's trickery.
No one thought she was that evil, bitch made Selena look like a saint.
Just like their waifu, they are subhuman garbage, one and all
Post your waifu
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I am a LivCHAD, nothing you say can affect me
Your Liv left, while Qu stays on Earth to guard Huaxu and Tabula Akasha. Qu still remembers you when you go to what's left of Kowloong.
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Based, you have a good taste and is one of the richest in /pgr/, commissioning many arts.
She left earth because there are subhumans like Qu shitting it up. Next.
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Its been a while since I've seen this post, and its a BIG one, good job Lucia chad.
Qu is a good character, and got her character development in this patch. Her affection stories are all great.
How about you jump into Red Tide NOW, faggot.
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She's ugly, her personality is ugly, her fans are ugly.
At this point, the only clash reflection I don't even get fully is the one with sharkspear and maiden and it's purely because of the stupid gimmicks and unfun movesets from both bosses.
I really hope the future patches at least do some sorting of bosses in existing clash reflection rotations instead of just introducing more boss rotations
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>Character development
don't like em kowlonians
not raycist just ate them
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Noctis's heroic sacrifice will always be remembered
liv wouldn't say that to anybody...
No, that's why I'm saying it for her
What characters besides Feral have frames with :3 animal features? Something as simple as cat ears will do.
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Karenina A-Rank is a cat, Karenina Dark Tank is a bunny
>Qu is a good character
>character development in this patch
No development. Was a bitch, remained a bitch.
>affection stories are all great
The only things I remember about Pavo's story are Villier's second robot peacock and the hickey. Not very rich for a queen, no?

I can respect that.

Bambinta is a cat. Ember has a leopard coating. Eclipse has a sheep coating and a Christmas coating with deer antlers. Tenebrion has a coating with a tiger tail.
>No development. Was a bitch, remained a bitch.
ok but that's enough about yourself
>nothing you say can affect me
Its been years since the last Liv frame. When is she finally going to escape Eclipse frame jail?
livbros...not like this.....
I hope she eventually gets a new frame just for DK, my man really lovs her daughter
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All I want for Christmas is YOU
D.K needs to design more frames and characters
L-Liv, stop! Don't look at me like that!
But Liv, Christmas is over...
ribrob is for (Me)??
>there's a girl that's just as cute as Mie-san
Her mole reminds me of Vera...
Is a 6* weapon worth it on Empyrea if she's just going to be support for the team? Or is just 5* fine?
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what this this shit? where is the hot Stigmata coating I used in Recitativo?
SSS leaplov is really strong though
how strong are we talking about? I was thinking of farming Garnet once I got Empyrea, but maybe I can keep coping with the BP shards for a while longer. (I don't have vera yet)
fast nuke, very good for ppc
This one is better.
Teddy is such a Stacy god damn. She'd make me feel like a loser talking to her.
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She's not a Stacy! Teddy is Labmem Zero Zero Yon, Za Zombie, Perverted Genius Girl, Celeb-17, or, simply put, KU-RI-SU-TI-NA!
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Based Maho is sexier though
I just got her from the wishing banner so she's only at S. For now Wata and Lee will be my dps.
Hiyajosephina is great. Really liked her. She looked absurdly cute when she had eyebags.
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Code for free shit including 100 event tickets
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This goes hard
>Check friend list
>FrenA last online 6 hours ago
>Think they are playing again and send them cogs and a message
>Few hours later see blue dot
>FrenB sent me cog
>Notice FrenA last online 2 month(s) ago
Why did PGR do this to me...I liked talking to fren.
I want the drugs the writer was doing while he was writing Chapter 20.
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Viller and Huaxu caught in the act
The day Viller and Huaxu ruined little Qu's childhood
Too bad there's no Gabriel in it
It would be pretty funny to see his imposing metal figure trying to wear a suit kek
Grabbed Balter
I'm debating whatever rolling for Karenina or not. I have around 30k BC, it's doable, in theory, and it would mean having my first full S construct team, but I don't know, man.
B-bro there's a free Balter in Lucia patch...
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Get her, then grab another copy from the free Luna selector next patch for free SS3 Karenina Scire
Then get the Karenina Idol coating rerun for 10.5K BC in the future merged Hanying patch.
>then grab another copy from the free Luna selector next patch for free SS3 Karenina Scire
I'd rather get SS3 Bianca from there
>Then get the Karenina Idol coating rerun for 10.5K BC in the future merged Hanying patch.
NO, I'd do the sensible thing and buy it with RC.
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What do you mean by free? We just get a copy of them in the mail or it's an event or what? Also, does anyone else have a list of who is free in the future?
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>I'd rather get SS3 Bianca from there
Free SS3 Bianca! >>507694584
Started playing between Watanabe and Qu's Banners so there's still other characters for me to pick up on those.
also luck shitted and got balter on 21 pulls
In Lucia patch there's a wheel event where you do daily missions to get rolls. The Bianca copy is rewarded for rolling a number of time (can't remember how many but not the top)
I never talked to any people in my friend list... Funny, but I have one particular friend, and the first time we both sent each other something other than cogs (sent stickers) was on the day we reached Bond 20... Haha... I like that guy, he's pretty chill.
Should I even post these outside of /pgr/?
But where? Fucking X? Fucking Facebook? Fucking Reddit? I'm worries it would attract unwanted attention from the mentally ill fucktards?
I've posted some of them on my youtube and bilibili channel, I don't think many chinks could understand English...
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Fuck it I'll do it. Sorry #21 but wife>daughter
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No.21 will remember this
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and done. I still have enough currency for Lucia. based generous game.
then please Kuro make a new #21 copy for me to roll on. I like my daughter.
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How could you abandon your daughter like this you MONSTER
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I've been waiting for someone to post that image! Did you know theres a follow up where Commandant actually arrives!
i want to be crushed by bianca's biancas
This sacrifice will be remembered...
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I always assumed the follow up was this one
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Perhaps that is a follow up of Commandant arriving and then she shouts for headpats! And then... !
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..then this!!!
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I gotchu
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>science experiments
>monshter mashturbation
>"All I know is War"
>"Inside (You) there are two wolves"
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Also 3 posts difference, that was quite impressive
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Literally me
ok, OK! I will keep using her from time to time. she's too damn cute.
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We knew you couldn't resist her charm
the 21 cartel is too strong...
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You're next
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If No. 21 was inhabited by the Flower, how would her Intoner sisters be numbered? Would they be 1 2 3 4 5 with No. 21 as 0, or would they be No. 22, No. 23, No. 24, No. 25, No 26?
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Completely off-topic, but I really want to share this cool Bocchi picture I've found.
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More Bambi by D.K!
why is my daughter looking at me like that?
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Cool World Ender by D.K, he looks like he want murder some Shades
Bambi has remembered... WHAT SEX IS
>S-rank Bambi, Physical Attacker, fights with claws like No.21
>designed by D.K again
>constructed by Yarha in the story (lewd back window and pretty legs are mandatory)
>memory issues finally fixed, she remembers (You) better now
>also remembers her adopted family, old Egret, Liv, Teasell, everything
>no longer calls Vanessa "Mistress", just "Sister"
>without constant memory rewrites, M.I.N.D. age can finally start catching up to her actual age
>frame is a little taller, and Bambi acts a little older than before
>wants (You) to really become best friends with her big sister
el gato forma de compleción
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That's a great idea! Bambinata's cat collab coating has always reminded me of Yonah. Her S rank should look as old as teen Yonah (minus the extreme depression of NieR Replicant's endings). https://youtu.be/YHX_3TyluFM?si=dwWPeMzVBkxB_yKn
I hope Kuro will use Tencent's money to hire D.K to design more characters in the future. He seems to really lov his creation and put a lot of effort into his new Bambinata art for Christmas >>507714891. That was a really good piece of art.
I would SSS + sig + CUB cannon wife faster than Cradle killing Chibiko if D.K designed a new S rank Karenina.
either way, the world would be doomed...
>S-Bambi's CUB should be a gray heron

Correct! Bambi mustn't stay a meek little kitten forever, but grow and become a big cat, maybe even a lynx.

Yeah, I too always thought that D.K has put similar feelings into both Yonah's and Bambi's designs. Interesting, but he once said that designing Yonah was a lot more difficult than the rest of NieR's character cast. Yonah even had an eyepatch at one point, but Yoko suggested that Papa Nier should have it, and D.K liked the idea a lot.
>Her S rank should look as old as teen Yonah
I'd say a little younger, because Vitrum's psychological age is 9, and grown up Yonah is 12/15yo depending on the version. 11 is a good number.
>hire D.K
Tbh, at times it feels like D.K is the type of guy who works mostly for the idea. Money is not a priority for him, it seems.
>He seems to really lov his creation
That he does, and it's not just Bambi, but every character he worke on. D.K is a really cool guy and this world would be a better place with more people like him.
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>faster than Cradle killing Chibiko
It took at least a whole day for Fenrir to grow. It was not fast and it was very painful. Cerberus and No.21 lost a good buddy and an awakened machine that day, fuck (You) for rubbing salt into the wound. No new Karens for another half a year!
if it's just PGR art, post it wherever. Just don't bother engaging with the userbase. Login, post art, log out. Don't get sucked into their community. It's that simple. As for lewd stuff, dunno. Just try it and see what happens. Why Facebook, though?
>Just don't bother engaging with the userbase.
Most important advice.
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everyone is here!!
Finished Camu's affection stories. When did PGR turn into an otome game?
when was it NOT
When you're with the boys you're going to be a cute and dainty otome game heroine and you will like it.
If I skip qu how soon can I get her from the next wishing thing?
She'll get added to the standard banner 2 patches later (timing might be different with the accelerated patches).
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pgr bros, i want to come back and save for the future characters, especially vera. when does the sped up patches start?
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Check this node again, Chibiko died the moment Cradle put him to sleep.
Can't believe I used to love Cradle. That fucking bitch...
Why did Chrome give us the keys to his bedroom?
It's a common item
If you're a guy he wants to play chess with you
If you're a girl, well, good luck walking the next day
Realistically, could fem commandant's womb handle a construct's prosthetic dick? Would they come in different sizes or are they mass produced? The same would be said about male commandant and female constructs. What would a prosthetic pussy feel like around your dick? Sex might be dangerous depending on the construct, so they might have to wear the exoskeleton.
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Homie how am I supposed to wear an exoskeleton on my cock? A robot condom?! IM FUCKING THE DOG RAW! I WANT THE BRUISES AND BITE MARKS!
On the surface it looks like it'd be safer for a fem commandant to take a male construct's cock provided the guy isn't fully mechanical from the waist down, since I'm assuming the skin on their artificial dick won't come off that easily. For a male commandant, he'd have to pick the female constructs with the most human like body but making sure he isn't too rough because who knows how resistant their "insides" are and what the fuck they're even made of.
Starting next patch. It'll be 3 in 1 patches, we'll be getting void Luna, Bridget, and Teddy.
We'll be able to SSS+ the A ranks for free during the patch
thanks man
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Lucia is so beautiful bros...
Her husband (Me) is so lucky...
Chibiko still moved when No.21 found him... He was still alive, fighting off the corruption, trying to overpower the Punishing with all the good memories he had of his owner... Chibiko... ;-;
ugly ahhh frame
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Your hands were given to you
To pet Karenina
To squish Karenina's puffy cheeks
To hold and tap basic attack
To give all monetary possessions to Karenina
To protect Karenina
That's a really cute No.21.
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>new S-rank Rosetta, Ice Amplifier, wields a harpoon, CUB is a little Derek prototype
>lighter, slimmer frame made with Babylonia tech, significantly less bulky than Rigor
>still has a lot of mechanical parts visible, similar to Ember or Plume frames
>since the ARU leadership is gone in all but name since the Lost Chapter, the territory is entirely occupied by Babylonia, Kowloong and the Forsaken
>the Forest Guard dissolves
>Rosetta and 2/3 of the Guard officially join Babylonia
>Diana is against the decision and refuses to give up her freedom again, leads the rest of the faction out of the ARU to the Oasis and joins the Forsaken
>Rosetta now works for the Engineering Force full-time with Karen and Teddy
>sometimes, a strange clanking sound can be heard from behind the storage containers
>improves on her wood and stone carving a lot, Ayla teaches her how to make ice sculptures
>not accustomed to walking on two legs, often wants to levitate even in-doors
>becomes friends with the Dark Aries members, lets Lillian ride on her shoulders, tries to look after Commandant Simon because of what happened to Atiel
>misses the cold weather of New Murmansk, occasionally throws her harpoon into the air to summon a snowfall
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I forgot how cool low power mode looks.
>Yup, thats my imouto. She has a little thing for total human extinction btw.
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*gifts Luna a lava lamp*
Man if Vergil is not a playable character during the DMC collab, people are going to riot.
s ramk bobinata when
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Just don't stop playing PGR and it'll be fine.
We will easily catchup to CN, by like start of fall.
A little light to fill her dark soul
Qu is stinky
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Agreed, I think I found them on Lofter along time ago, never saw the artist again and I can't even access Lofter anymore
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Love always wins at the end.
Lucias a nigger... LOOK SHES A NIGGER!
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Big Cog cereals are real!
Jetavi milk!
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>Suggest diy and hardware stores
>PGR will now collab with Home Depot to sell you limited edition cogs
For Christmas, I gave all my cogs to Luna.
I wonder what she'll buy with all those?
A brand new frame.
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Last Christmas, I gave you my cogs
But the very next day, you gave them away
PGR Korea EOS...
PGR Global EOS soon then?
Why do chinks like the "I've been fighting this big bad for several decades... in my mind/in another dimension where time flows differently!" trope so much? I thought it was stupid, and that it didn't matter at all the first time I encountered it in THAT game, with Raiden's weekly boss quest.. But now PGR has AT LEAST four different occasions of this bullshit. Empyrea, Nanami, Shukra and Pyroath. Why do they keep using it?
Selena beta soon...
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True! What element do you guys think she's going to be? She looks physical to me.
i want to be sandwiched between ayla and bianca so much bros
Been playing this game for over an year now and got nothing cool from that base weapon research. Maybe in another year I'll hit 30 mark from those logins attempt
Never hope for anything decent from that shit, I got fucking A Kamui sig, A chrome sig, B Liv sig from it
No doubt kuro knows this, so Dante and Vergil will be playable, plus maybe Nero for the twink lovers
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Actually I got a secret email from Kuro last week, they said in an effort to capture the spirit of DMC but still retain a unique combat experience they'll be using character that have never been playable in a collab before. Spoilers its Infested Chopper, Arkham (Blob form after absorbing Force Edge) and the fan favourite Crew Cut!
all DMC modders should die
I got Ember's cannon and Zitherwoe's fan.
Look man we got pretty crazy after the demo drought
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CNbros, is the event where you can get CW and 21 sig and cub for free permanent or is it a limited-time event??
based pic
t.filtered by M3GTR
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So apparently Lilith was very underwhelming for a 3rd gen character. Her overall damage is slightly higher than Lamia but still couldn't make the Dark team any stronger than the other teams. Dark Team is still the weakest team in CN and most likely the next upcoming character will be either a Dark Tank or a DPS..

Cannon wife bros...
>New Dark Tank Selena replacing cannon wife
SKK will just fund another frame for her soon
Karen will be dethrone as Dark Tank but She'll get a new Human frame where she bares my babies and becomes a fulltime housewife
Well, shes a free amplifier, it feels silly to assume she'll do more damage than the attacker. Shes probably stronger than Dark Selena and has an Eletrical Affix to finish off that weather team.
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>still couldn't make the Dark team any stronger than the other teams
Why would this matter
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>pain cage bosses keep getting stronger and harder to kill
>dark team is still weak
>use other teams to kill it instead
>no reason to build dark team
>not much use other than dark Warzone
all shipfags should die
>There are people in this very thread who don't like the queen (Qu :3) and refuse to kneel to her
Name three (3) things bad about Qu
>had a boob job
>goth Qu isn't main personality
>isn't No.21
And this all stems from retards complaining when the powercreep is too underwhelming
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R8 my ships
>Bianca x Watanabe
>Vera x Noctis
>Kamui x Nanami
>Liv x Lee
>Luna x Roland
>Lucia x Chrome
>new color scheme is bad
>she's bipolar bitch who wants to slaughter the entire universe
>gameplay is worse than Plume's and her kit makes no sense
I commend you for all being straight ships. Only reason I hate shipperfags is because many of them are raging homos
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Please tell you're joking about those.
Any form of ships are shit. Get out.
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I'm not joking about those
because I'm not that anon
>What element do you guys think she's going to be?
The same element new Vera frame was going to be before it was scrapped and replaced by a better character.
(You) are unnecessarily rude.
I don't know who or what that is
we don't support mentally ill shipping here, go back
Pretty sure the last time off-element team was better than the intended one for ppc was dark (Lamia) being better than fire (before Uncle because Lee was a joke). And most neutral bosses for now are Luna bosses anyways.
Problem of dark team isn't even the powerlevel, it's just that characters feel outdated. Karen doesn't keep up with the powercreep even with leap, Sleener was a joke for a long time. And now Lilith just doesn't feel like a gen3 character. Or even gen2 one. Either they shoehorned her in early without doing a proper work on her, or she already was planned as a filler and they put their resources into something else. DMC collab or ww, I dunno. It's the first character in years that just doesn't feel all that cool and fun.
Chrome x Ayla?
What about Me x Anon
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Me x (You)
I lov (You) both...
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liv? more liek white tifa haha
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Lol no. Calling it art is insulting to the anons who draws in this threads (I still need to come up with a commission idea for cannon wife, is that anon still here?). It was just placing image assets and texts on the Photoshop template I made. It's shitposting at best. You can even put assets from other VN on it, like pic related.
But yeah, I wouldn't want to engage with their community. Saw some prime examples when visiting X to look for more fanarts.
>Why Facebook, though?
Dunno, I were just listing some popular sites that has PGR. PGR TW for some reason only has a Facebook page, it's the only place you can get their TW exclusive arts like the anniversary ones, or the Yuuka & Yata Christmas one.
I think the userbase in those sites are equally bad? I still don't know if I should bring it there. Every time you visit X and saw "pgrtwt" get mentioned, you know nothing good will ever come from that post.
KuroBBS Global when?
Yonah's age is different between NieR Gestalt and NieR Replicant, but she had the same grown up model in the Shadowlord boss fight of both versions (and young model). Idk. She were still 5 years older because of the timeskip in the second half of the gane.
Maybe just have Bambi aged 5 years like her. 14 should be a good number for S rank Bambinata.
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5 years is too much! It'll put a strain on Bambi's M.I.N.D. She should grow naturally. Luna and Lucia had their psychological age messed with by Kurono when they became constructs, look at them now! Luna is an Ascendant, Alpha is... Alpha, and Lucia is obsessed with (You), frog plushies and scarfs!
kill bambinata
crucify liv
dismember 21
spare sophia
Fucking OBLITERATE anon
jokes on you, i wanna die
Explains alot
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>Muh Tabula Akasha is the top priority
>Hey Nighter, I decided to let the Ascendants run through my city because I want everyone dead, but don't worry I'm going to protect you from them by PERMANENTLY BANNING YOU
>Oh shit, Gabriel broke our shield system, let's never repair it in 3 fucking years
>I'm a 4D chess master, that's why I predicted everything that would happen in those 3 years including a weird hetero tower appearing out of thin air and multiple multidimensional being interfering with this world and I have devised a plan to protect you all by doing fuck all except dying and force you to deal with this shitshow, which will include some of you being deepfried in a useless attempt to reactivate our defense system and a bunch dying in a mass panic exodus
>Oh no, my 3 years long perfect plan has been thwarted by a rogue awakened machine that I couldn't foresee
>Keeps asking Huaxu to calculate the success rate (0%), could've asked how retarded her plan was instead (100%)
>Huaxu, my people are dying and I promised to protect them, put half of your computational power on MUH TABULA AKASHA so they can keep living on for 5 more minutes while it gets corrupted

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