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"Virtual Reality, Real Suffering"
Can I Copy Your Homework Edition

Headset Selection: https://rentry.org/vrgheadsets
Game Recommendations: https://rentry.org/gxrov
VRC Screenshots by World: https://vrg.party/worlds.html

>Game Resources
Assets: https://vrg.booru.org/
Guides for Avatar and World Dev: https://rentry.org/4tzqs
Assetto Corsa: https://rentry.org/hrq69
WRC Club: https://rentry.org/vrgwrc23
VTOL VR: https://rentry.org/5nuk4
Minecraft (Vanilla+): https://rentry.org/xrd2e
Minecraft (Dungeon Crawling): https://crawler.vrg.party
Fallout 4: https://rentry.org/pofw5
Bonelab: https://rentry.org/bonerlabeu

>Regularly Hosted Multiplayer Games
EU Pavlov: Tuesday 19:00 UTC (20:00 CET)
NA Pavlov: Every other Friday night, watch the thread for exact times
NA Walkabout Minigolf: Thursday at 11PM ET
SEA/EU Walkabout Minigolf: Saturday at 13:00 UTC/11:00PM AEST
NA Assetto Corsa: Wednesday at 8PM ET
EU Assetto Corsa: Every other Monday at 19:00 UTC/20:00 CET
SEA Breachers: Every other Friday 9PM AEST
EU Bonelab: Saturday at 18:00 UTC

>Regularly Hosted VRChat Events

New threads: >>>/vg/vrg

Old thread: >>507112815

>Upcoming Events
Midnight Express - January 18th
/vrg/ Vault 2024 - January 25
first for RIP shitfall
if they can actually release this then it seems like it will be better than the new pimax slop, halo straps are superior
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They had a good run
Get off your jolly asses and come do some jolly dancing! It's PyPy Time!
>steamvr tracking
ok lets fucking go
dead thread
dead hobby

vr is dead
>in center of playspace
>in perfect view of both basestations
>no reflective surfaces
>but tracking doesn't work because . . . it just doesn't okay!?
fuck steamvr
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dead thread
i got my babble from project babble
can confirm the tiny plastic device is real
i just need some extra doodads to slap it on my beyond first but it indeed works with vrshat on linux
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Does anyone want to watch Tokyo Godfathers tonight?
I just got back on VR chat. How did the persona thing go?
id be down depending on when
thanks for coming to PyPy! See you tomorrow!!
when it works it just works
unlike the alternative which is just shit
It's Mojito Monday! Grab yer eggnog and come chill on this festive evening!
I miss margarita monday
>40 people in a trash instance on a monday
>even when nothing else is going on mojito monday only gets 3-6 people
is it just because coomers, why is mojito monday always dead
Downloaded a new walking animation for my avatar but her eyes roll back in her head when she moves forward. That's uh... not normal, is it.
We were playing a game instead of just standing around drinking and people in /trash/ instances are always more fun and easygoing
non coomers dont want to stand around in vr drinking alchohol on a monday
the people that do are /trash/ fags
Being a normalfag who only plays on the weekend it's easy to find people to play with.
Being a degenerate coomer with zero standards makes it easy to find people to play with too.
But being somewhere in the middle where you hate coomers but aren't a normalfag, now that's the loneliest existence of all.
Fact. There is simply no place for people like that.
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>watching those lighthouse users in minigolf as their hands spas out when they lean over to shoot
Someone like that can still hang on the weekend. You just end up bored out of your mind on all the other days
>t. that kind of person thanks to my works schedule
to be fair I'm still on 1.0 lighthouses that have been spinning for 7 years
Please consider playing PUSH on Pavlov
God I used to be this prude, no wonder someone just didn't like me
Nevermind silly me forgot to prevent eye jiggles.
If you're happy with the moral degeneration tag on your life then I'm happy for you. At least, as long as I never have to meet you.
I play games on the side. No way I'm staining my soul. I can cope with the loneliness.
Yes you can stop same faging already and try outer wilds with the vr mod

Input appreciated Anons
F4 doesn't get the modding support Skyrim does, it's playable but ultimately not that great in VR.
The Christmas period is a perfect time to play Half Life 2 VR including episodes 1 and 2.

Thanks. I was browsing the Nexus a bit and yeah it looks like even the modders kinda wrote this one off. Shame.
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Default homeworld got a Christmas update in the nick of time. Does anyone still use the default homeworld or have you jumped ship elsewhere?
I have been using my own personal world for a while now, heck I even made a Christmas themed one
I hope the new map I'm making will become something like that.
But tbf I currently use another map I made, but its a gamerip.
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What interface for toggling stuff is preferable?
AK switch, that you can touch or click with a mechanical switch sound to toggle stuff, or a UI / fingerpoint touch interface like in B club?
The B club style interface feels very modern, but AKSwitch have that nice klack of old analogue technology.
I really need to give these another go
Just remember to not have the touch as only possible input, have laser as an option.
jumped ship to a avatar testing world years ago because it's so convenient to just immediately be in a world to test a new avatar
The Touch UI I use have both options, finger and laser. AKSwitch don't so desktoppers can't toggle shit.
Mojito is superior
I have my own home world for christmas season :3 https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_f2a96316-e863-4356-a5d7-673c791e3fcb/info
Chat, is this fixable?

A mega joycon drift on the left (legit cannot even open up the menu or use any radials, constantly walking backwards), literally split apart joycon on the right (pic embed), hard to press B button, and overall dusty.
>that everything
You are fucking disgusting.
>Why yes, I have massive stick drift, how can you tell?
Everyone's too busy playing VR to post.
>playing VR
you mean drinking while lying down in fbt
>no, they're not in the room with us right now, but they exist!
based retard
i would use it if it didn't autoplay a gay youtube playlist
refunding contractor showdown game is shit, tried to play with humans and in the 3 times I played, I never encountered any human
electronics cleaner will clear up most of that, but you'll probably be looking at replacing the joystick completely.
The good news is that it's just screwed to the board and connected with a ribbon cable, and getting the whole thing apart is a lot easier than the quest1 controllers.
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Family is asking me how this vr-hobby is going
Well how is it going, anon?
Its okay
my dad walks into my room and casually converses with me while I have naked booths on my monitor in unity
he is just trying to hide him being disappointed. Cut him some slack.
I brought my quest and my uncle loves it. I told him about all the games I played this year. VR is the best.
I show my family photos from the meetups I went to.
The tame ones anyway.
>Do you still have sex with other men on that virtual gameboy you bought anon?
>Do you still have sex with other men on that virtual gameboy I bought anon?
Oh, swag. Cheers homie, might look to trying to patch these up considering how expensive controllers are.
I WAS gonna share an avatar I just finished making, but this is the thread that hates furries with a PASSION. So, no fruity alien bunny dude for anyone.
Nice try son but what you do on the computer isn't sex. If it was maybe you'd be able to get your mother a grandkid.
That's the easiest way for me to explain it too. I also showed them the deck of cards and they liked it.
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>watch questies stare at their hands so they can be tracked
I am going to play Boneworks

Some form of Christmas Karaoke will be attempted at 2030 GMT/2130 CET. This time pick some Christmas songs or something, and sing along.
>watch questies' arms fly off to space if they look away from their hands for a second
Sorry dad, will have to be a grandmanchild aka my vrfu.
push sucks ass tho
>Things which never happen
Must have been quest pro
>Must have been quest pro
Not every qp user is like this!
is this perhaps the most egregious example of projecting your own problem onto another?
It's Tuesday! Time for Pavlov Search and Destroy!
At 1900 UTC
Join the community server: "Gem Server!"

Password is 9233
Damn the shills weren't just shilling this time, Batman is actually great. And runs well on Pico 4 surprisingly, I though it would be choking given the difference in power
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You wouldn't miss the Pavlov Christmas special would you?
Yeah I would and am going to
Maybe if you played some special modes for the occasion
Got a big dinner with the famiglia
EARLY, an NA on the way!
It runs on Quest 2 but it will choke in some sections even with the dynamic resolution.
If we don't get enough players for SnD and the Gem isn't around to do it I can switch the map/gamemode to something else. I want to play the Elf destruction gamemode
That sounds fun what's that about?
destroying elves
It's a Christmas themed kart racer mod for Pavlov with both a race mode and a breakfloor double dash arena mode.
To be honest anything is better than defuse so count me in.
Not really expecting a turnout because it's Christmas Eve and most people will be out, but I will still be running NA exploration at 7PM est.
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It's an official mod endorsed by the devs
im dum... i shake in anticipation
That's sick! Does it support a ffb wheel?
where gem
serv up gem corpse
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>the bandage that heals 40 HP ruins the game
>The elf sledges are fiiiiine
Picolus guys ported batman to pico? Leul.
Are we gonna see the endless summer of VR after xmax?
is pain
there gonna be a chrimbus instance?
you are warmly invited to grinchmas
Any mechanic that moves the game further away from being csgo is a good mechanic.
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movie starting soon... in about 10 minutes!

tonight we're watching Home Alone

When Kevin's family left for vacation, they forgot one minor detail: Kevin. But don't worry... He cooks. He cleans. He kicks some butt.

https://vrch.at/4m00qetv or join off Lumadurin !
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but all I want for christmas is fruity alien bunny dude
Merry Christmas SEA anons! Hope the fat man has brought you Christmas cheer!
Yeah bit of karaoke to warm up then we can hop to a Christmas hangout, or you know just hang out in karaoke for a little.
>not listening to r/a/dio
Idk do internet radio streams work in the video players?
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Or maybe the elves destroy you!
R had a solution for it last year, he might have to dig it out.
Opened the stream and live and learn started playing, mega!
>when you have to work on christmas again and finally had enough of Santa's shit
We fucking love r/a/dio bros. You missed the MGR and DMC blocks tho.
New version of the world, come and be jolly. If we're pretty dead we'll move to a hangout instance.
I don't got a good screenshot because, if you all remember, the controllers are FUCKING broken, but, posting this to see just how many times I'll be told to kill myself in this jolly day
Why is that headset so angry?
Mooooom the furries are posting again.
Wanted to join but gonna be busy being jolly with family all evening, hope everyone has fun
probably shouldnt host it during movie hours
Your mother was busy
Oh God it's worse than we thought needs a fucking mercy killing
they do sometimes
C wanted some early, and not everyone likes watching movies.
Holy shit are you ok? Is this terminal?
Merry Christmas saaar!
Merry Christmas you're all retarded
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is this the beloved chain smoker?
not yet retard <3
Melly clisssmasss anonnie
Never mind he fell asleep.
race: gnarpigga
get rekt movie poopers, we're enjoying almost no queue and no shared singing
Are we having a Christmas event? Just asking because otherwise I'm sitting in my room, listening to r/a/dio, crying myself to sleep
It's a yearly tradition that impromptu Christmas meetups form on Christmas eve and usually Christmas day. If there isn't one going on this evening already, I'll log on and put a map up.
Come hang out in the Karaoke, after a bit we'll move on, probably to Resonite House or this year's Christmas map.
which gacha anon
lmaoing @fkin losers with no family
that's very rude anon
Those are the best Karaoke sessions!
Nice job FS!
It's so you can spend your tokens in the store.
Sounds awful
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Merry Christmas my virtual frens! I hope I can meet many of you next year!
Mahjong where?
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tomorrow at noon central
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Merry Christmas to you too anon
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Nice posting is for fags and women
KK won't escape that picture for the rest of the time he spend in this community lmao
I'm gonna disappear for 9 months and come back with the baby.
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Karaoke is over! Go to the Christmas instance:
>>507484774 https://vrch.at/9b036ajh
>trashfags just making out in the middle of the instance
Headset isn't cooperating, enjoy the Christmas room without me.
>noooo stop showing affection on christmas!!!! stop it!!!!!
shouldn't you be posting nudes on trash for attention you worthless cretin
Which world is that?
On paper Pimax looks more convenient due to integrated audio and camera tracking option, but with their scam-like pricing of this headset and the usual Pimax QC/shipping issues I'd still rather get the MeganeX... if it, too, actually ships, sadly their track record hasn't been great so far.
cry about it
Comparing Pimax and Meganex...

Pimax actually released products and have been in the vr market for ages, while Megane only has vapourware....
one releases shit products, the other has yet to release anything
:: NA Alt Exploration | Most people are doing Christmas stuff, but I wanna explore anyways ::
What is this?
The alternate bi-weekly world exploration at early NA hours! We quickly go from world to world taking in the sights, and hanging out with friends in interesting new locations.

Starting instance: https://vrch.at/j3xsa8a3
Join off: https://vrchat.com/home/user/usr_34e7de8f-fae9-4f49-9e93-284998676330
Merry Christmas
Merry christmas pink fren!
This nigger has a Christmas Birthday!
You know where you are anon? This is boykisser central!
deserved nigger
Kissing boys..
not even making out lmao
Merry Christmas everyone! May the deckard launch and your fps be high!
My parents love it because I've made three trips to Europe now because of EU meets and they find that mind-blowing versus how I had no friends in high-school.

Make sure to wish your parents Merry Christmas anons.
Omg let people enjoy Christmas!
How did that go? Did you just meet someone in the EU meetup and decide to go meet htem?
For my Christmas wish
i hope all /trash/fags a very lonely night
Ohno got 2l of alcohol as a Christmas present... think they know it will be all drank before the years up with my fine frens from /vrg/?
Will likely start a bit later instead actually.
Fir my christmas wish I hope you got passed around the /trash/ fags
>12 yr old cousin gets quest 3 for Christmas
>parents tell him I play VRChat
>he wants me to play VRChat with him
How do I tell his parents VRChat is dangerous without them thinking I’m a degenerate for playing it? Help?
Works fine for me still opening chrimbus presents
just bring him to a trash instance. He will make friends in no time
How are they /trash/fags if they come around here?
Happy Birthday M!
You fail to understand how integrated trash is.
Some places in vrchat are like going to the bar
If he already has a VR headset at 12 it is basically inevitable he will stumble across predators at some point. Stick him in some shit like Gorilla Tag and Among Us and hope he doesn't run into the wrong people until he's like at least 16 or something.
tell them VRChat is filled with adults and it would be the equivalent to them asking you to bring him along to the local pub
nothing degen about it
Just take him into the exploration of vrc worlds and the public game worlds . Public hangout worlds are sus
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New Christmas Instance
There's large organized meets from small stuff with ~10 to huge multi house ones of 30-40+ held decently regularly. NL3 and Sophia are two EU ones coming up in a few months. Ask anons in VRC if you're interested.
rl meet-up normies were a mistake
I'll try to find a few people from EU but the only ones I know are J
find KK he organises stuff
retarded BNUUY pilled take
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>left index earpiece is starting to crackle sometimes
is it over or can i replace it
make a steam support ticket, they will prob replace it if youre EU
NA unfortunately. Honestly considering just getting a quest 3 or something.
still worth trying to contact support tho, but prob not gonna get anything. otherwise yeah, buy a quest, pico or psvr2
Time for a quest3
theres an audio jack near the power input, you can just get earbuds. as an option.
I've lurked the thread for a long time
I see you guys using blender all the time so I'm curious
is there any use case for things like shapelab or kudon? If you're a total newb maybe?
it's probably just the pogo pins coming loose on either the headphone itself or the attachment point on the left side of the headset. You can tighten them both with a T6 screwdriver, though the second one needs a long thin screwdriver, unless you take off the plastic shroud (also easy, but slightly more difficult).
okay it looks like it is time to become a questie until the deckard is out is there an faq to run it wired in steamvr?

it is probably because i tend to sleep in vr on my left side but i will check this out too
Merry Christmas! Tuesday PyPy is here, come burn off those extra holiday calories you've consumed!
buying a quest to use it wired is a waste of money, just buy a psvr2 instead, its literally $350 right now
Learning blender raw is better still imo
Any tips for someone that wants to make their own outfits for a BOOTH base?
Okay, I will just run the quest 3 wireless. I just noticed that it has the option for prescription lenses inserts which is actually awesome. What do I need besides another tracker for my head and a new router and power bank?
Learn how to box model and stitching via cloth simulation.
Also learn how to weight transfer. Very easy now if you just use the free robust weight transfer add-on
throw them into one of these lobbies, uh, its inevitable
Krimbus instance
merry christmas bros
merrry krimas to you too vro. head still hurts from yesterday trying to stay awake as long as possible. Hope it's nice and comfy in-game
I might be able to make it but definitely late...
he's sleeping
eeepy kk cute!
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Merry Christmas
merry christmas anon, have a lovely holiday
Those are more for high poly sculpts, as far as I can tell. Blender would be the preferred tool and it has a lot of documentation compared to those.
VRG mum-core has well earned his rest
I tried mentioning this to his dad after lunch he shrugged it off and said it couldn’t be worse than a CoD lobby.
Your first mistake was letting them know you play vrc.
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>it couldn’t be worse than a CoD lobby.
it was worse than a CoD lobby
Thanks for coming to PyPy, see you thursday!
Merry Christmas everyone
can you bind enabling gestures to your controllers? i can do better pantomiming with them off but i also want quick access to the rock and roll and peace sign gestures...
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Aight who we takin in boys
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My gift to (you) is a video of a simulation of packing a wound in VR. Its very satisfying to stretch the packing gauze. My abstraction of packing is just twisting your controller while holding the trigger down over the wound. The next part is to make compression gauze that actually hold pressure on it. With out it, the wound would still bleed. and after that, a tourniquet.
Are you planning on making a survival game in VR? Also merry christmasssu! Thanks for the gift
Wrong general, anon.
no. I want to see what a realistic medical system is like for an VRFPS. I'm also kinda obsessed with STOPTHEBLEED.
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Gentlemen, the year is ending and some of you are wondering where the Feels Bar is. This year has taken a toll on my motivation, sometimes it feels like I just shouldn't get out of bed and some days I don't. But then I remember these events and everyone who looks forward to them. Those who appreciate the work that we put into running a little event. I am therefore obligated to not disappoint, not just other, but myself. I don't want to say "Damn I should have done that". SO even if its a little late /DinnerCircle/ proudly presents the Feels Bar on Saturday, 28th at 10pm EST. We plan to have LIVE MUSIC played by different anon(s). Myself as the bartender, and (You). I know its the end of the year but, please drink responsibly!
Nice! I'll try to be there
not nice, i will not be there and drink alone
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Merry Christmas~
Merry krimbus anon
i hope to be there! :D
I’m a little pissed off that he doesn’t accept my genuine concern for my cousins safety and well being. Fuck it! Can someone please link me the please please please video or similar VRChat videos so I can show him and ask if he thinks this is appropriate for a 12 yr old?
Wouldn't miss it for the world. One of the best events we have.
It’s fine; it’s a Quest 3, so most of the wacky avatars won’t show up on his end unless linked to a PC. Besides its a meatgot of the youth, with their short attention spans, they’ll probably get bored and let the Quest gather dust. Probably.
I found a booth page for an avatar and on it is a link to a test world with the avi
What's stopping me/anyone from saving the avi from the world and not paying? trust/honor system or am I missing something
newfriend here
>What's stopping me/anyone from saving the avi from the world and not paying? trust/honor system or am I missing something
>newfriend here
Yes you can rip it. Honor system + it usually doesn't have all the features. And smarter sellers reduce the max texture of the sample avatars
The sample was missing at least one feature
Where's the post-after party christmas? :(
I didn't see any instances open, so here's a drift world!
Forgot link
Cute. Drop an instance link and I'll join yah. My headache is just about lifted and ready to login vrchat again
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Well thanks to my curse I'm already awake with nothing to do. I opened my secret Santa gift last night so I may as well show it. Thank you for the lovely gift and a Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. The lovely echidna mug will stay as a centrepiece but the mug will be coming along with me.
!t was making people motion sick so we left
Don't worry I'm already too so I know how you feel
These are some nice coffee cups you got
Merry Christmas!!!
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>a mug with "mug" written on it
We must go deeper. pic related
>late again
its jover...
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lads, are we playing anything tonight?
The clonable avatar it allows you to use is just a sample. It is set to public meaning that anyone can use it. You can use it just fine there is no trust or anything involved because it is a version of the avatar uploaded specifically to be public. However, the uploader controls the avatar as you use it, so they could just delete it whenever. They typically have reduced options and sample written on the texture. You can rip it but that only gets you an editable version of the same sample. I do NOT recommend hotswapping any more as it is detectable.

If you buy it you get access to the entire avatar and editable files for you to upload yourself. They often have nsfw bits too.
I don't think push sucks ass.
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They forgot to write out the "S"
Did anyone ever try applying this?

I don't really get how to apply it properly.
It's not a texture, only mask and something else?

Kinda confused, even after following pic they put, isn't really good...
looks like its a matcap mask
I try it on matcap 2 on liltoon, it looks very fucky
This video is full of completely debunked lies and bullshit but I guess it could work as a scare tactic if you could actually convince someone to sit down to watch two fucking hours of this drivel.
Thats the point
idk VRChat is just GMod/Roblox for VR at this point, just have him play game worlds and make sure he's got parental supervision. I remember being a dumb kid on GMod everyone's allowed that as long as he knows how to protect himself and not reveal personal information.
I canceled my pimax crystal super qled for this pimax dream air, meaning pimax stole a dollar from my reservation, but thats less money than bigscreen stole from me when they didnt refund the taxes of the audio strap when I returned it, so it's perfectly fine guys!
>make sure he's got parental supervision
We live in nearly 2025, that doesn't exist anymore.
Especially evident as anon said the father just shrugged and said it couldn't be worse than CoD lobbies.
Maybe you should just stop giving both of these companies money, have you thought about that?
As opposed to what? Using the valve index till the heatdeath of the universe? Using mixed playspace latent slop? not playing vr and gaming exclusively on my steam deck because i dont play movie game dei slop and spending the money i spend on a slop desktop with only 24 usable cpu lanes on some workstation that's actually fun to use? That last option sounds nice actually.
Does standalone VDXR not work with Pico Connect? I did select it in the picker, but pistol whip just launches in flat mode. No idea how this shit works.
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Ancient Dungeon VR EU will be attempted today at around 16:00 UTC (17:00 UTC+1).
Lobby name/code will be LOSS.
A somewhat recent update has added 2 new levels that we want to explore, do be aware that you need to "buy" the access to the levels in game with 75 insight.
What picker? Pico Connect doesnt provide a vr runtime, its a driver for steamvr.
There is a secret chinese beta with openxr runtime vendored by pico though.
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>What picker?
xr-picker from https://github.com/mbucchia/VirtualDesktop-OpenXR/releases
Should I be looking for that secret chinese beta then?
There's this >>507544579
but I also feel like STOMPAN so I'll host Iron Rebellion later tonight, like 19:00 GMT or so.
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>the access to the levels in game with 75 insight.
Which you can instantly get by editing the save file with notepad :^)
I've spent more dollars than hours in VR. I need to fix that
Well, the picker selects openxr runtime, but if that runtime doesnt have your hmd drivers it wont do anything. Pico provides only steamvr drivers.
Youd need to region swap your pico as far as I know, and hunt that one version with openxr runtime. Most likely not worth it.
You got this anon
>I do NOT recommend hotswapping any more as it is detectable.
what do you mean by this?
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Location of the file for future reference
Inside search for
>"player_insight" :
then set value to the desired number.
Oh well.
Still, region swapping is actually not too difficult, so I might look into that anyway.
>I found a demo online, what stops me from just playing the first 9 levels all the time and not buy the rest of the game?
If you really want dxvk runtime use Virtual Desktop.
A retarded analogy, but, ironically, the denuvo in metaphor was bypassed by just adding the data files from the full version of the game and implementing 1 missing function in the demo version exe.
So you definitely can cheat the system that way.
Trying to change my crouch and prone animations but when I add them my character is tipped at a 90 degree angle for crouching and tipped at a slightly less when prone. What the fuck is causing it?
I would, if I could get it to work wired without shitting itself. I still plan to do that but am out of ideas for now.
inb4 hurr durr get a new router instead
I was referencing the demos of games like Wolfenstein 3D, Quake and Doom that came with PC Magazines in the 90's. Wich are kinda similar to a public sample avatar in ways.
>inb4 hurr durr get a new router instead
that is not how I sound like :'(
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I'm going to play a round of tourist trap hard mode in 1 hour 30 minutes (14:00 UTC) to enjoy some comfy music and there is nothing you can do to stop me. But you can join me.

NTA but I assume he means ripping the sample avatar, edit it and upload it again.
kinda sad there wasn't any Christmas instance last night but I guess a good portion celebrated with family and came home late.
Hopefully new year there's going to be more people on
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Mini golf is up, room: VRG.
Virtual Desktop basically emulates a native PCVR Oculus device. VDXR is just an Oculus-native "game" that then talks to OpenXR games.

Pico has a native SteamVR driver, and communicates directly with SteamVR. SteamVR also acts as an OpenXR runtime that talks to the games.

VD: VD -> Oculus -> SteamVR -> OpenXR
VDXR: VD -> Oculus -> OpenXR
Pico: Pico -> SteamVR -> OpenXR
VR is the only games I care about and no one is making shit. Years and years now just sitting around and nothing but bull shit. Not one mainstream game of any value. What is taking so long? Someone make something...
>Someone make something...
On it, boss.
Anon, several big name games just came out. Bamham and Metro definitely got mainstream attention.
>not enough
When the combined install base of all headsets is lower than PS5 and actively used ones are barely reaching Xbone levels then this is the best you get.
just play GZDOOM VR with voxel mod
I wnat Bioshock or GTA
Games like Gorilla Tag made mad bank, so there is money in VR.
And AAA games are globohomo rn so why care about them?
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Reminder for Ancient Dungeon in less than 45 minutes!
Oh shit good time to open the thread I'm down to clown.
NTA and tangentially is it a shorter pipeline to use Steamlink on a Quest headset?
Lobby is up, will wait until 16:05 (17:05 utc+1), then we'll start
I would give literally anything for Prey 2017 in VR can we please crowdfund Arkane to come back
Just play the original Prey in VR.
Imagine imagining giving the people who made redfall any money...
No I want the authentic virtual reality experience inside virtual reality

Different team
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in like, 2 hours, there will be christmas mahjong for all the lonely joomers that want to further ruin this wonderful day
1800~ UTC
and merry christmas
I hate mahjong
See you there
Steamlink is functionally equivalent to how Pico Connect works, though Valve being Valve allows them to integrate things a bit tighter.
They are all direct-mode drivers, meaning they don't rely on SteamVR to handle any of the compositing, they just tell SteamVR when and where to ask the game to render the next frame, and SteamVR passes the frame back to the driver. The driver then transmits the frame to the HMD where it is composited, reprojected and finally displayed.
However, unlike Steamlink and Pico, VD still has to contend with the Oculus compositor, and whatever else happens between the Oculus driver receiving the frame and passing it along.
I'm not entirely sure how VD's Oculus emulation stuff works. VD will work even without the VD driver enabled so it's not hooking into the Oculus SteamVR driver directly, but for all I know it may not be interacting with the stock Oculus runtime at all and just replacing it entirely.
Whatever the case, the fewer steps between the game and the final compositor, the better.
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EU PyPy today at 18:00 UTC, that's in about 1h, I'll drop a link to the world few minutes before starting, vids are in the link, see you dancing!

The usual host will be late and the backup host is unavailable, so chronically-late-to-pypy will be your slightly-delayed host this week.

The dance must go on.

Merry Christmas!
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Fuck yeah, pypy!
Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do a good job!
There is no steps between steamvr to openxr. Steamvr has 2 apis for applications: OpenXR and OpenVR. They both connect to backend OpenVR api for drivers and compositors.

I didnt know virtual desktop goes through oculus api layer for everything, I thought its better than that.
Back-up host made it in time so come now and dance your christmas dinner away!
Join here:
Shit, I'm late
no, I'm hosting pypy!
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weird headset issues but seems fine now and the jong can continue
opening the parlor and grabbing some sake
I've got a GTX 1070 for a Valve Index now, managed to limp along well enough in the lower spec VR games, but I'm looking to upgrade, does anyone have any recommendations? Should I wait until Nvidia releases the 5000 series? I haven't paid any attention to any news but I saw some stuff about gimped VRAM.
RX 6800
16GB of VRAM and $400 and equivalent to a 3070
>Recomending AMD for vr
Amd has always had shit drivers. They can barely limp for flat games, but in vr youll always have weird issues.
Wait until 50xx releases and buy used 4090 or 3090.
Works fine for me. I have never had a single issue with my full AMD build and enjoy VR problem free every day. Do you have any proof of these allegations? I am never giving nvidia a dollar again for ethical reasons. I got 16GB of VRAM for $400 while nvidia bucks are fighting to pay $1600 for "next gen" 8GB.
works on my machine
It depends heavily on your budget these days. Low/Medium tier Nvidia GPUs are VRAM cucked and there are multiple uses for VR that desire higher VRAM than flat games normally get by with.
If you will consider an AMD card then at least wait until CES in early Jan where they will announce their next generation.
I honestly in my conscience cannot recommend amd gpus for vr, due to all weird and unusual problems Ive seen reported. VR is fickle as it is already... But yes, fuck nvidia for being so greedy on vram
I have no issues with my RX 6800 for VR or any game and many other people will report the same. The "amd no drivers" is a 2014 meme that does not hold up any longer. If you voluntarily pay nvidia double the money for half the performance based off rumors you are the reason why such a terrible and exploitative company manages to stay alive.
What are the best options if I don't want to give ((them)) my retina or facial scans? Currently using Reverb G2, but will probably have to upgrade when WMR support dies.
IR lobby in 10 minutes.
any cheap gpu's for vr (rift s)?
my rx580 is getting to old
Pico 4 is still decent bang for the buck. Other than that, give up your data or all of your shekels goy.
Iron Rebellion up, sector_8359
Used 3090
>posts a solved issue
compelling argument sar
"Almost fixed"
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Nvidia sisters?

So, consensus is, RX 6800 if I want to buy it now, else wait for the next generations to be released and pick up a current gen at a discount. Are there any current gen cards that are particularly good that I should keep my eye on?

For the anon recommending RX 6800, the release date for that card was 2020, have there really been no new VR games that stressed it? What general quality settings are you playing at and for which games?
being in a vrchat instance with more than avis drops my fps to 10 and maxes out my 3070's 8GB. 0 fps when I try to open steamvr menu. 16GB of vram fixes that right? I'd hate to sidegrade/upgrade only to find out it doesn't
Using avatar hider also helps with that.
6800 if in abject poverty and need upgrade now
7800 or 7900 if you need upgrade now
Wait for next gen announcement if you can wait and then get a deep discount 7800
8000s if you can wait

Not really even on 16gb of vram 80 people instances or terribly optimized maps rapes my framerates. No amount of vram can fix 60+ 300mb avatars. It helps a lot but isn't a magic fix. I think vrchat is pushing out an update to significantly improve vram usage soon anyway.
>no amount of vram can fix 60+ 300mb avatars.

Outdated info, now we have streamed mipmaps and vram limiter. It only loads highest resolution textures for closest avatars, and limits the resolution of textures loaded into vram if its running out. But meshes, render textures, and other data not affected by streamed mip maps can still use too much vram.
>Inb4 tda niggers disable mip maps to have "sharper" glitter textures
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GGs and thanks for joining/hosting!
Sadly had a bunch of duplicate rooms on the Luminous Depths level.
The boss fights for the Sewers and Depths were different from the usual boss fights, does add a nice bit of variety I guess.
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>the specs on paper
>it's so much cheaper
AMD is fine.
i have a couple friends who play vr who use amd and its totally fine.
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Has anyone bought anything from kiwi directly in Europe? How long did you have to wait for shipping? I can get the h4 boost from a retailer in my country in 2-3 days, but Kiwi says it takes 14-25 days from their site, which seems fucking insane. It's 10 euros cheaper from Kiwi and they throw in a lens protector for free. Is the 14-25 days a huge exaggeration?
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anyway, guys, any instance tonight?
im cracking open a cold one

imagine being a corporate fanboy. i use nvidia in my system too but im not retarded..
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a Christmas miracle
>magine being a corporate fanboy
>AMD is not a cooperation
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im not fanboying for amd. im stating a fact.

the 6000 and 7000 series of gpu's have some redeeming qualities like vram and better raster performance for a lower price compared to its nvidia counterparts.
it works well with VR too.
4 cents have been deposited into your nvidia account maybe in a few more decades you can afford a used 4060
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you are literally this >>507582917
If it's from outside europoor you have to pay and take care of import taxes.
Taxes are already included in the price.
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wow. excellent argument anon. glad we had an intelligent discussion and sorted our differences out.
mahjong is happening right now and maybe later
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yeah i joined mahjong by accident and everyone was super nice but i dont wanna play mahjong
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you broke my flow, i was two away from 13 orphans
i am SO SORRY anon ;_;
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Good rebeling, rebels.
import fees aren't
last time i imported electronics i got assfucked by over 100 euro import fees. the border niggers will just hold that shit until you pay up
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sorry g, we really meant no offense, we were all just.... a TINY bit upset. youre still welcome here
kino song, shame I had to miss it.
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>used 3090
yes i totally recommend a "yes sir I totally didnt crypto on this card" 4 year old timebomb 3090 instead of buying a brand new amd 7900 xtx for the same price with manufacturer warranty like I just did at microcenter.
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I appologize for the small hands, I tried to get bigger hands but I wasn't very lucky with what I had and I didn't want to be last
Oh hmm maybe. I think they'd somehow show that in the checkout page. I went with the local online retailer because I didn't want to deal with having to wait close to a month. Makes any returns way easier too.
Buying cards from crypto miners is better than buying them from gamers. Mined cards gad no thermal cycling stress and were used in a stable and most likely slightly undervolted manner. Its cheap and will last for years.
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>i didn't want to be last
>when I only had 2k points and robbed of all my riichis
クルーエル .........
dont buy this chinks 3090 bags. I'm just now replacing my 3090 with a 7900 xtx after a year on the 3090 that was cryptod on, but at least i got the 3090 for cheaper than they are now thanks to the (g)A(y)I boom
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lmao we "enforce" a 2han limit but its christmas bro just enjoy the music and click tiles
I got my 2nd 3090 from ebay, damn thing came full off cat hair and smelled of smoke.
I'll play more passive next time when I eventually come back to it
just be yourself bro, sandbagging is premium nigger behavior in any game
hoh boy are people in for a rude awakening when the 50 series comes out with no 24g card, there's a massive price spike for 32g, and amd's refresh gen only matches the 7900xtx in raster with 16g
What is a 2han limit?
t. Tile clicker
Yeah man, I skipped 40 series because I couldn't give a shit about fake frames.
It's such a fucking bummer that they killed NV-Link for prosumer cards. I'll keep pooling my 3090s for 48GB for rendering on until I die I guess
don't worry about it it's just jokes
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at least two of these lines or the number 2 next to one of them, but yeah vrc doesnt actually support forcing it
Cool thing to see on the vrcdoom world.
goddammit the one fucking day I'm unavailable what is it wit you euros
I have vacation until the 29th if you still want to play.
Do you want to host or should I post a lobby in thread? Also what time works best for you?
the 27th in the afternoon sometime; I'll host a lobby like mid afternoon EU time
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thanks for the games, we may or may not be back for na christmas, hopefully someone is willing to host but if not i will try not to be too lazy
I'll keep an eye out then!
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not the face of mercy
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omg i forgot to post
merry christmas! see those who can make it next week for the perfect movie to lead into the year 2025 (unless im persuaded otherwise)
Is the anon who got a quest 3 for like $200 by stacking a bunch of coupon codes still around? How did you do it and where did you buy it from?
what can i use to combine materials and atlas on unity? no i don't want to use cats or do it myself
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New years eve drink plans/cocktails, post em.
For me, i'm making some fancy gin and tonics.
Material combiner, or cats or do it yourself.
D4rk’s avatar optimizer
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I'm gonna make lemon spritz with limoncello and prosecco but if I don't like it I'll have sapporo as a backup
this is a post of someone that will never amount to anything anymore
It’s ok anon father has already informed me of this. Cheeeeeers!
I hope you're doing okay anon.
I don't like mahjong. That avatar is very cute though.
I'm typing up sad shit to get anonymous attention on 4chan. I'm absolutely miserable : D

hell yeah! cheeeeeers!
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Merry Christmas!
Due to me selling VRChat items on booth I got a questionaire to fill out.

It seems booth/vrchat are exploring an idea of giving a cut for VRChat when selling VRChat tagged content. Interesting
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jesus christ that was horrifying
>I'd like to support VRChat by donating a portion of my income to VRChat
what cuck is going to vote yes on this?
So vrc+ was a bust?
That was way too fast, bad angle, didnt increase thrust just in case wire snaps. Im actually surprised cable didnt snap.

Youre are supposed to approach at like 150 knots, nose pitched up 5-7 degrees, while keeping the carrier at around 3 degrees below horizon from your point of view at all times.
Well, if you make money by selling stuff for VRChat, you might have some interest in keeping them afloat and/or expanding. Dunno if that's much cucking.
10% for da big guy
Thanks, Tom Cruise.
what level of begging are we on
With that logic, I hope you tip your landlord.
He provides you a place to sleep. Would be in your interest to keep him afloat, really.
You could use the same logic and say it should come out of booths take as well since they would not be getting that person selling on their platform if not for vrchat
Used 3090 is perfectly fine off amazon warehouse where you have both a return policy from amazon and the warranty if you go with one of the companies like evga that will honor a second hand warranty. Mine has been running strong under aggressive loads after it came in DOA from amazon (used) and evga replaced it immediately without hassle. That said miner cards are usually fine as long as you check them well and ideally repaste them. Graphics cards are designed to run for years under heavy loads.
That’s bananers
well yes, it was my first ever carrier landing:(
it’s kemonover
you do realize any 3090 with a warranty at best ends next year right? There are things also to worry about other than paste such as micro solder cracks and bad vrms. You are also paying well more than the price of a 7900xtx new for what you are describing.
Well, that doesn't fit as you pay your landlord directly.

Yes, it could, depending on how much booth makes with VRChat stuff. But in the end, they're just middlemen.

Look, I'm just saying, there is a reason why people could want to support VRChat in a way or another. If that's not your thing, okay. But at the end of the day, people need money to keep shit running. That's just life.
didn't know tupper still frequents the threads
You're mistaken as far as I'm aware. Evga honors warranty on resales for the full duration from date of purchase. 7900xtx isn't a bad option and I've heard the drivers have improved over the years however the primary reason it's been discouraged is those historically shit drivers. I'm not sure how in the wild 7900xtx cards fare these days for vr but 3090s used were drastically more stable for the same or less price several years ago. That said if money is an object a 4070ti super is probably going to perform very similarly in the vast majority of circumstances for an equal or less cost (and not having to deal with amd drivers) at the cost of vram though it's not that frequent that you'd be hitting 16gb of vram usage and not already be getting hard bottlenecked on cpu outside of high resolution headsets being run hard. It's rare I see my 3090 go over 14-16 on any given night unless I'm in a mega instance and trying to show the entire instance (in which case I'm basically always still cpu bound).
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These booth assets can also be used on CVR, Neos and even Vroid. Do the other also get a cut? No? Why not?
it doesnt matter if evga honors warranty if they originally sold the card in 2020 as in the case of my failed crypto special :). If i wasnt in the need for vram for my high res headset Bigscreen Beyond. I would have gone for a 4070 (whatever green jew suffix) that matches performance aswell. Overall the used 3090 meme is just about dead. We will see how used 4090s fair but im in doubt the price will ever become sane for what they are due to the terrible sku lineup, and amd not trying thiz gen.
They most often use Vrchat sdk
It’s time to create the VRCSDK sub. Similar to the FINAL-IK sub. So grubby vrc hands can’t get to booth artist’s profits
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a bit late but the parlor is once again open for mahjong
i'll hang out for a bit, probably just listen to more christmas tunes
we do have a table already by the by, so dont be afraid to join if you think its just a bird sitting by himself
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>thread is going to die because everyone is with their families
we... made it?
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this table is the only real family i have
I'm back at work. Family time was yesterday
i have no family :(
Make one!
is there a recommended resource for learning mahjong?
Same. Just gonna sit around, have a few drinks, listen to music and fish. Join if you'd like.
Merry Christmas!
I put up a little Christmas instance but anon posted this one before mine really got started. Let's go here instead!
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we out here
I'm still at work. If you guys are still up in 2-3 hrs from now I'll come login
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heres a playlist for everything you need to know, yaku and such can be memorized but can't really be learned except by playing and experiencing forming hands. once youve mastered placing tiles and forming runs you can try reading riichi book 1, but it wont help you.
Wonder what the criteria for the survey is, I never got it
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:: /vrg/ Vault 2024 | January 25, 2025 ::
Take your time to look at your screenshot folder of 2024 and reminisce through your memories with friends and anons alike. Submit your favorite memories of 2024 in VR! It can be pictures, videos or items - so if you have some spare moments this weekend, get through your screenshot folder and send them in!
Up to 3 happy memories per month so let's go down memory lane together anon.

To make things easier, it would be great if the pictures are named or sorted accordingly (with the month/date in the filename), for your convenience there is even a .rar with a pre-organized folder structure available for download:

The files can be sent via
e-mail: vrgvault@gmail.com
Discord: vrgvault
or just reply to this post with a link to your uploaded image folder.

ANYTHING GOES: Keep in mind that even though the vast majority of photos and screenshots will probably be from within VRChat, you can also share remarkable images from other games - it just has to be /vrg/-related, i.e. games or explorations coordinated in the thread.

FOR ITEMS: send the mesh (no udon please unless you know what you are doing, cause there won't be time to fix it, it will just be shoved into the LOD slot)
Any item that you want to place in the /vrg/ vault 2024 is welcome!

FOR VIDEOS: Just the youtube or any link to it would be good, we'll chuck it into the video player in the map.

FOR WORLDS: Send the wrld_id of something you made this year

Important Dates:
Jan 18 - Final day of submission
Jan 22 - Late submission (non-optimal spots in the map)
Jan 25- /vrg/ VAULT Exhibition
As requested 'a mug' well two I guess.
we are still going
He fished the Quest 3!
Thanks! yep managed to login and see NA friends. am happy :3
joining this instance to fish in a corner alone for 30 minutes and leave
3 and a half hours and ZERO bears
Fuck my retarded nigor life.
30 minutes later and im still getting piranhas
fuck my chud life
place your in the fishe
Christmas music and fishing was a great way to spend the night. Another comfy Christmas with vrg.
Very comfy. It has gained enough momentum to become self sustaining now too.
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i dont get what people mean when they say they have no family. a mother and a father had to have birthed you at one point.

the story is deeper than that. and i want to know it.
They're the black sheep of the family or their parents are dead.
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Hello, everynyan! I hope everyone has had a banger of a Christmas and a nice comfy day winding down after all the festivities.
Thank you for all the well wishes and to my Santa for my gift that has been put to good use. Remember to rest up, stock up on booze, snacks, and what not and get ready to celebrate another year ending and a new one beginning.
It's bedtime now as it's time to go back to waging... so goodnight all and let's make the most of what's left of the year!
wooaahh is that your secret santer gift? fancy
Well if you want a blogpost either take it to /trash/ or ask them personally.
Yeah just a little. I kept clinking it out of habit and scared myself thinking I was going to break it so I kept putting it down between drinking.
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Another day, another round of spontaneous walkabout mini golfing. In two hours (13:00 UTC) I'm going to play a round of Arizona Modern hard mode, with or without you.

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HUH!? No you.
yesterday i got a little buzzed (not much) and got sleepy and stepped on my index cable and the headset disconnected. i thought "fuck it, good time to sleep anyways" and went to bed.

today i wake up and the headset didnt turn on. i thought "its over, it is SO SO OVER" until i noticed the little piece of shit power cable was not connected.
plugged it in and the headset sprung back to life.
another day of not buying a quest 3 passes.
Happy it worked, as a Quest 3 Hybrid chud, I recommend buying another Index.
This account has disabled messages from people not on its friend list.
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fug I'll ask A to change that. for now please send him a friend request. Thanks for informing us
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It's up. Room VRG
Glad you like it Anon! Hope it comes along nicely for you personally and whenever you have guests over! I guess you already figured it out but shhh~
I feel like slopping tonight, Into Black at 19:00 GMT. Remember to do the singleplayer tutorial to get basic loadout.
Well you did include the correct spelling of my name which wasn't on the form :3. Also I can't sleep send help.
>I recommend buying another Index.
As someone else on hybrid, I'm pretty happy with it. I wouldn't want to go back to Index for most stuff.
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EU anime tonight at 7:30PM UTC we're watching Sengoku Youko ep 35, Itsudatte My Santa! eps 1 and 2 and Santa Company
Beer, whiskey, and prosecco for midnight.
Today is the feast of St Stephen i.e. Boxing Day!
For those unfortunate enough to have to work today, and for those who otherwise want to come, LOCO Thursday is on (slightly later) at 20:30 GMT/21:30 CET. Looking at the thread the fishing world got a Christmas update so may end up there tonight.
all dead or don't care. My family is all cold robots.
Beer before VR, Long Island Iced Tea in VR.
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I ain't drinking, I'm too retarded as is, don't need no alcohol to kill off my remaining brain cell.
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i dont get it anon

i've been on this website for 12 years and i have not seen this meme
30 minutes from now, if anyone wants to play "we have DRG at home" do the first two missions solo to get loadout.
>12 years
lurk moar
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I just bough this avatar.
Get it refunded
Into Black lobby up, join EU lobby code
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This is my favorite drink to make for VR new years, and it will impress your vrfu too with how cool it looks!
It's basically just a bastardized whiskey sour. Some of the ratios might not be right I just kinda eyeball it with a jigger.
Starting soon https://vrch.at/ygch2b62 or join on Pengwyn
you people put so much effort into this shit. Who cares what the taste is just so long as Im with the right people. Get me as drunk as I want to be and as fast and cheap as possible without tasting nasty.
for me, it's water
You only celebrate new years once a year anon, it's fun to try out new drinks
We can go older
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School Days, Nice Boat.
that is very cute.
Does it make mustard gas or something?
Yes! Try it out and let me know how it goes (don't fuck it up though or it really will make mustard gas)
Good blacking, blacks.
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Christmas Fishing https://vrch.at/uxw3ezmc
im going to make this and then aggressively hit on you
all i need is toki suntory whiskey
is there no thursday wagie meet today?
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>found out about rookie launcher for quest games
holy shit i wasted so much money for nothing
please sir do the needful and record a side-by-side VR video of her having sex with an elephant
thank you saar
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>doesn't buy VR games
>NOOOO! Why is nobody making VR games!!!!!
i will NOT buy shovelware just to incentivize devs to make good games eventually
if you want me to buy your game don't make it zuckerslop exclusive, simple as
A said it should be fixed now
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Thanks for coming. Next season seems trash so I'll be taking a break from hosting, feel free to take over
>Next season seems trash
Is it really that bad? I haven't looked at the anime chart yet
Next season is always trash. Every season.
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There's gems sometimes.
These two look interesting to me
I will learn how to create our own fishing system. Clearly people like fishing
clearly dads like fishing
I wish I could hang out too but i'm still not home, rip.
What the fuck is the instance still going?
>half the people actually take part in the activity
>half the people just sitting around or sleepin
classic vrg event
based comfymaxxed instances
Almost everyone was fishing last night
Idk how one can sleep with that hot ass headset toasting you and pushing down your nose and trapping sweat on your forehead
Yeah it's just a comfy hangout, you don't have to fish.
I love my friend, even though I don't really deserve them. I'm a ad person that tries to do better. Not sure if I will make it into the new year to be honest.
Sorry if I wronged you, either directly, or as anonymous in the thread
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Love you, too, dumbass.
doubtful, but appreciated
the joy of sleeping next to someone around your frens... pure monkebrained bliss~
sleeping in vr is unironically one of the most depressing things I've ever seen
like I'd even put it a rung below vr gooning
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>He doesn't know the pure bliss and happiness of VR sleeping with friends
Your loss
>the pure bliss of being so starved for socialization that you have to sleep with a bunch of grown men pretending to be anime girls in a virtual world
if I was ever so low that I sought that out I would already have a gun in my mouth
what are absolute must plays on vr? i played quite a bit already, but i want to see what i missed
VR valheim with friends
VR minecraft
VR Outer Worlds
VR Chat
the only reason im not sleeping in a pile of these grown men is that we worldwide, my favourite sleepers are atleast a 3 hour flight away..
300lb hands typed this
Project Wingman would be the first thing that comes to mind. Few people give it a shot, but once you do, holy shit, this game is second to none. From insane story, through fun characters, to plane danmaku, this game never fails to impress. Other than that, Bonelab with anons is an unique experience - it's a specific game for specific kind of people, but it's good to at least give it a shot. Racing vidya is also extremely addictive, but wheel is pretty much a must so there's a barrier of entry for this one.

Pretty sure you've played all of the standard recommendations like alyx/pavlov/VRC, not gonna bother with that.
hey /vrg/, I was looking into upgrading my fbt. I have old ass cuck pucks. What's the hot new freshness?
Can you say that in English? I have no fucking idea what any of that meant.
VUT and it sucks. SlimeVR is ok if you are using quests. Else it’s still reliable cuckpucks
Do any VR vets here know if rookie sideloader is safe and worth the setup? Its for standalone games right? If so not sure what to do for PCVR but thats another discussion
Whack. I'm currently on an index so I guess slime won't be much better.
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Simply put, I played spectator that whole game. I also meant to reply to the post directly above his.
It's time for Thursday PyPy! Come dance!
Wait those numbers on the tiles spell NIGG3R!
it's fine, I used it for a handful of things with no real issues, only exception was blade and sorcery nomad not working but I think I just broke the install
also yes it's for quest store games and apps
pcvr you can just pirate like any other pc games
>got quest 3 two months ago
>charge it on a literal pillow every time
>charge port already finicky and needs to be jiggled just right to charge
i did it earlier today and im playing the light brigade without issue. and based on readmes, there's basically no risk in doing this at all
I've abused mine since launch. Dropped is and tripped over the cable many times. Had it since launch. Yours was likely bad from the factory so get it RMA
How can you guys get off to anime bitches in vr? Having a realistically sized anime bitch next to me gives me anxiety
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By imagining I am the isekai protagonist
i start crying and run away
I'll make an exception and do a little shilling, because I'd feel dumber having made a guide for nobody to watch.
Hearing their voices shatters that image instantly.
sir this is /vrg/
Sorry, it's about 2 decades late for a Jedi Knight general. Doing it in JKXR was the actual difficult part, but I had little reason to leave out the set up for the regular JA which is largely identical.
oh it has a VR mod. Derp sorry I didn't watch till the end of the video
THanks for coming! PyPy has concluded, see you Monday!
I wanted to join, but I don't have FBT yet. Do you allow people without it?
Yes! you do not need FBT to PyPy! ofc you will look a little wonky but no one really cares aslong as you have fun!
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My controllers are so shaky in this game

It's not my hands either don't have this problem in other VR shooters
i’ve started more seriously VR game devving after reading an interview with the Ghosts of Tabor guy, who said he only starting making games cause he wanted more VR products.

Let’s be honest, most of the slop out there sucks. It mostly came out during 2021 and 2022 and you can leave those games in the past. i’ve spent hours searching through steams VR games and there’s really no point, if you haven’t heard of a game then it’s probably fucking horrendous.

i’ve been scammed with some $40 and $50 piece of shit products. if i make something that at least i enjoy and sell it for something like $10 or $15 there’ll be droves of VR users slopping it up
What should I do in VRChat if I dont have friends?
Chat with people, preferably in VR.
Daily reminder that if you are using unity, you will never make a good game.
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Nothing was actually made by them, just kitbashed
adding more to my thought dump

if you release a game for VR in 2025 with vive tracker support, i think that’s an easy sell to a lot of the high end VR market base. even a minor integration lets you slap that tag on the game store page and would make sales based on that alone.

i’m trying to work on something at the moment that would involve getting in and out of a car simulator rig, seeing how hard it would be to integrate both VR controller steering as well as sim rig controls.

some other thoughts i’ve had for potential VR market space:

battle RPG system where you chop vegetables and cook food to cast spells. the problem with current VR rpgs casting spells is the goofy ass hand motions. take something that’s already been defined like cooking mechanics and use that.

game where you attach a vive tracker to your gunstock, your home base is customized to the size of your play space. imagine the gun care mechanics of Into the Radius with a physical weapon, placing the gun into a chamber for cleaning, setting a timer and walking away, then your base gets attacked so you have to rush back to your gun.

the point is there’s a lot of money to be made, lot of space to be explored, and no one’s fucking doing it so we have to
I wonder if it's a good idea to transition into VR game dev from VRchat map making. I know some map makers have made the jump. Udonsharp being basically a shell for C# makes it extremely similar if not outright the same. Just Monobehaviors converted into Udonbehaviors
exploring new ideas doesn't make money, especially not a niche area like VR

If you want to be a successful game developer, you have to find a way to sell legally not gambling to as many children as possible. I recommend mobile phones or tablets.
the number of vr users that play actual vr games and have vive trackers and are willing to buy indie game just because it uses them is probably close to 0
You have the best fbt setup
make friends in vrchat
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Play dance dash. It is that VR game with tracker support, no-one plays it.
I'd like to play this but I live above my super. Would I get evicted for it or can you just slide around with socks ok?
You'd totally get evicted sorry there's lots of jumping
digital hopscotch?
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It's loosely based on the 'dance rush' arcade game
guess I'll stick with beat saber and getting plapped instead
I heard someone saying you can import maps from dance rush or something?
>I heard someone saying you can import maps from dance rush or something?
The games are different enough that a straight import won't work but it supports custom map/songs so people have uploaded some, probably in the same configuration as the song in the game best they could do it.
I just wanna say thank you to all the friends who joined with me to celebrate the day and with many happy wishes in-between
Even if I was embarrassed at the time I was also happy to see you all!
I hope you all have a happy time in return!
- M
Merry Christmas Birthday to you too M! Love you
Didn't read. Nobody cares, N.
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d'aww. this is why i love /vrg/.

i love you dummies.
>I'm a ad person
Outer Wilds is 40% off
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Catpcha: gay vore
Is a HTC vive gen 1 worth 150? i know its an outdated system but so is my graphics card.
Maybe going to a vrg meet and say you're from the thread
get a quest 2
I think vive is a pretty good (but outdated) beginner headset
the vive controllers suck though.
I'm gonna presume it's 2nd hand right? I wonder how good of a condition it's still in
Yeah i know the controllers suck, but i can tolerate it.
Used only twice apparently.
If you're interested in VR just get it, it's fine. It's good to have lighthouses too.
If you also have the lighthouses and just wanna see what VR is all about then sure give it a go!
Try out all them old tech demos steam still has on their catalogue
I mean, i see someone selling a vive pro 2 for 300, no lighthouses though...
No lighthouses makes it unusable. Two more lighthouses would be another $300 and at that price you should get a quest 3.
yes, 150 is about the price they go for, it's a decent entry point (in 2018). Some people here still use OG vive [Hi G]
if it's a full package you get 2 1.0 lighthouses which you can use later down the line with vive pro/index/bigmeme or tracking pucks
of note is that 1.0 are a lot less durable and you cannot mix them with 2.0 ones. One plus is that they work with every headset/tracker out there
I have, it's was very cliquey.
anything from OG vive/CV1 is a perfectly fine headset as far as functionality goes, there were no actual ground-breaking changes between first gen and now. If I were to revert to first gen headsets right now, I'd play same games and I'd enjoy them just as much, resolution aside.

Vive might be the worst of the oldies due to meme vive wands, but eh, it's an acceptable downside given the price.
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Need help thinking of what item or scenery represents each month of the year the best.

Making an update to the vault and was thinking of separating out each month again, but this time only 3 floors per month and it just loops back to the start and changes to the next month.
So everyone will be more clumped up for socialization.
ergo all the months are overlapping each other in space only controlled by toggles.

What do you think /vrg/?
The ergonomics of toggle grip as a button rather than hold to grip with a soft trigger are much nicer. Vive dildo triggers are really good too. Ultimately the design is let down by the weird touch pad doubling up on button space and their size. Control schemes between games aren't well standardised because of the touchpad being both the buttons and joysticks and most new games don't even support them any more.
most months don't have a universal set thing associated with them
if you need to force it
1 fireworks, 2 snowman, 3,4&5 anything spring/easter related, 6 cherries, 7 fireworks again or a beach, 8 wheat, 9 apples or shrooms, 10 halloween, 11 rain and 12 christmas
Those are nice ideas. Thanks anon, I'll go use those as guidelines per month.
wait 2 is snowman? February might be better with heart or chocolate, christmas is already snowman now that I think about it.
you are a retard. prove you can integrate technologies together and you could be running your own game dev studio with funding from one of the major players
I guess something from a centrepiece event of the month? Only things that really come to mind are the office party, space exploration and the race war. Guess you've got FBF for Feburary and August.
Yeah center piece per month. Using events as centerpiece might be unfair though, everyone needs to be highlighted equally in the hall of happy memories. Generics would be better for now.
being single i forgot that Valentines day is a thing
Best you can do is avoid a clique and approach people who are alone, results may vary.
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I just got the Meta Quest 3S for Christmas. And holy shit.. This is the first time experiencing VR and it's absolutely fucking incredible. I've been playing it non-stop since.

Question. The link cable to your PC is stupidly expensive.. Is there a work around to getting it to work with your charging cable or nah? Because I'm worried when I use Steam Link for playing my VR games from Steam will use a lot of bandwidth.
There's a bunch of groups per timezone. Which group within what timezone did you try to penetrate? Depending on the activity or instance you join it becomes easier or harder to become part of the existing friend group.
I can probably suggest you a group to try to join if you describe yourself a bit.
Most people use wireless, but if you want wired, any decent C to C cable should work. Link cable just has some fancy technology to keep it long (i think it uses optical for data? can't remember anymore), but otherwise it's just plain old USB.
This. Any 5 meters/16ft usb-c cable will do as long as it's USB 3.0. Should be sub 20 bucks on amazon.
You can try the fancy once with a charging port but I've had bad luck with them and it doesn't charge. You can still play 3-4hrs just off the trickle power from USB to the headset though.
>I can probably suggest you a group to try to join if you describe yourself a bit.
Australia/SEA time zone, current friend group is slowly dissolving and I couldn't save it.
I just want to hang out with the boys like old times. I'm Into standard chan type things, vidya, anime, /diy/
>use a lot of bandwidth
it's just your wifi mate, you're not using it up
split cables work but sometimes they just won't charge without constantly replugging them
also steam link is wifi only, use wifi (and get VD)
Oh perfect, there's three main groups that I know of in the aussie time zone. The RS/ZZ group of funny pubhoppers. The BOAT alcoholics frequenting SMASHED, and of course the SEA exploration which advertises a lot in the thread.

If you had issues penetrating friend groups, definitely try SEA exploration on Sundays and I'll be sure to introduce you to everyone else who frequents. Always happy to have a new friend around.

We're usually around at
Sun - 8:00AM-9:30AM UTC - SEA anime
Sun - 9:30AM-3:00PM UTC - SEA after hrs heavy exploration
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>make minigolf game
>add VR support
>don't add motion controls
The shit you can find on steam. Unfathomable retardation...

Also another round of walkabout minigolf in 1 hour 30 minutes (14:00 utc). Haven't decided on the course yet.
There's a twilight group in-between the NA and SEA timezone which I'll call the LIZARDS. They're tight nit and composed of like a handful of anons. Unless you want to contract lizard scales they'll be very hard to penetrate I think. But they are a friendly bunch. You just need high commitment to truly be part of them is my gauge on their great friendship.
You can instantly tell from the UI that it's a mobile port.
Thank you. Do I have to look the groups up on VRC or just keep hanging around the threads?
just keep hanging in the thread. This is where we do most of our organization and keep up. If you haven't read the OP yet definitely do so. Lots of activities that may be fun for you. See pic related for a WIP easy badge list of the usual activities hosted by other anons on the thread across all timezones.

I'm on SEA timezone but can reach the EU walkabout minigolf sessions that happen exactly 23.5 hrs from now tomorrow. I love those blokes
Thanks!! I was a bit worried about steaming VR games to use a lot of data so it sounds good to me.. Also yesterday I tried Rec room for the first time. Will probably never play again. Literally every world I visited was just a bunch of kids calling others pedophiles. I'll stick to VR Chat more adults in that one
Everything about you is gay and retarded.
noooooo I'm not gay nooooo I'm actively looking for women to breed with and have children I'm nooooot gaaaaaaay
I'm re-thinking it again. There's not much overlap for events per month this year right? Maybe I can just place it all in the middle as centerpiece anyways. There was the table that an anon compiled (pic related). I'm just worried it's not fully complete and could sideline some other anon's event. Feels bad to miss an event and not represent it. If we're gonna start to place events tracked more heavily per year into the vault then ALL events need to be in.
Tonight, at 19:00 GMT, we'll HyperDash. Christmas event is ongoing.
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It' walkabout time: room VRG.
I've been using the defautl vrc homeworld since I've started vrc.
My cousins brought sickness.. right when someone wants to try the dash, let's hope the sick passes before then
best place to pirate vr games?
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>NY Classic Glasses + the usual Shaders
I can tell that this is Yuki, go to sleep.
nice ty
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Blackening has been recorded.
>left Quest 3 controller stick started drifting
It's over.
finally thank you
thanks anon
no problem!
i will be going around doing the thing again this new years, looking forward to seeing everyones new year outfits!

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>didn't check to see if it was still uploaded
kek here's the webm anyway
https://youtu.be/SDf9NIOrCJI?t=191 + Contact cleaners for a lazy fix
They also sell 20 bucks kit to replace the joysticks on amazon
i meant in the vr porn games
is Standable good? i dont want to paypig for trackers but i want people on vrchat to think i did
For 3-pointers it's no different than, say, gogoloco or other similar things that can imitate it. You'll never replace feet+waist tracking

As for augmenting fbt, it's actually pretty decent for it - the only simulated tracker I disliked was chest (it would make my chest bend into itself sometimes), although I have a dogshit computer and running standable was a very apparent burden on my frames, so I eventually ended up refunding it anyways. Highly suggest to anyone who already has fbt but not 11-point, for 3pointers... just get fbt
just try it for an hour or so then refund.
just be urself :)
the same way you make friends anywhere else?
make people want to spend their time with you
I didnt see myself what do I win?
Thank you based anon
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>VRCA Community awards
>More than half of the entire list of nominees are furries
You can pick furries, trannies or kids friendly streamers. Enjoy your community.
New HaritoraX model that claims to have almost no drift for over hour of operation and 50 hours of battery life. If it works as promised then this is the best option for people without lighthouses.
Haritora is the one thing they actually delivered.
I bought a Quest 3 but i didn't think about whether my headphones would fit over the headset (it doesn't)
Do i buy some good earbuds or is there some workaround?
There are some clip on headphones but most are shit. Good IEMs aren't bad option if you don't mind in ears, otherwise bitch basic Koss Porta Pros will do the job.
I was about to also say koss porta pros. They're cheap and good enough.
when are these supposed to drop
the foot tracking still looks incredibly garbage in their demonstration
I had earbuds and I hated the wired on the side dangling when moving my head around.
Then tried a wireless headset but it seat properly.
Now I'm only using the default quest speakers and I'm happy.
got a quest 3s for my birthday/christmas and it is amazing, i can finally play superhot after so many years of waiting
February. The LiDAR is better than the simple IR sensor in old Haritora but the software doesn't support it yet so it apparently operates in the standard IR mode.
Yeah VR is fun. I recommend pirating superhot because the retail version was patched to remove the ending.
DRG in vr?
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As promised last week, Friday Meet will be hosted and posted in the thread tonight!
Just plain ol' regular Friday Night meet, this time posted in the thread so it will be somewhat moderated
If people come and like it we can do it more, if people don't come and don't like it then nevermind
Nah it doesn't hit the same highs. It's alright but has very questionable design decision and feels like babbys first vr project.
holy based
It isn't, but DRG has a VR mod that some people seem to really like.
I didn't personally think it worked well, but I wasn't that familiar with the flat version and apparently that helps a lot.
thankies <3
The mod works well except for some overclocks either being bugged or non functional, and the latest mission type (scan crystals then drillevators) not showing up on the hud but you can still find them by sound.
Some ambient occlusion is bugged so effect or post processing need to be set to low in the video settings and pinging objects has stereo incorrect outlines but it's a small price to pay to play an amazing game.
It crashes very little now so you can chain missions with randos and have fun for hours.
We have DRG at home kind of deal. It's much more simplified and doesn't get as intense but it's in similar vein and it has some extras that make it fun in its own way.
Won't impress DRG vets but it's fun if you want DRG lite.
the what was patched
Maybe it's better for most stuff now, but the HUD being pretty bad in the VR mod was my biggest problem with it when I tried it.
the ending.
but y
I guess you're not used to the flat game. Picking up the laser pointer highlight almost everything you want to see, from teammates to objectives.
If you're doing a minimule recovery missiong and you're at the end part where you need to stand in the big green area then yes it's hidden by default but you can see it when opening the terrain scanner.
It was removed because people might be offended by it. It's the ending I can't tell you specifics without spoiling it bro
You can roll back the version. There's a guide on steam that tells you how to do it and it's pretty effortless.
Yeah but he said 3S which means quest version of superhot is possible
have you tried turning their avatars on?
Any slop today?
I had a nice giggle thanks
It needed better wording like "have you checked your avatar safety settings?"
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>>i’m trying to work on something at the moment that would involve getting in and out of a car simulator rig
wanna link up? I've also thought about this same problem for awhile
EU Hyperdash
Also still on the lookout for that one anon that wants to play Ancient Dungeon
Oh.. maybe there's an uncucked version on rookie? Or an old torrent
>Also still on the lookout for that one anon that wants to play Ancient Dungeon
oh hi yeah I'm still around maybe some other type if there's hyper-slop
>Ubel Blatt
I've been meaning to finish reading that manga for forever now. Suprised its getting an adaptation after all this time
im using the headset with my pc
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Just play an older PC version then.
>randos will be removed if they start mutliplying
even one 1 too much. have fun though i cant make it tonight
by who, specifically?
Hyper Dash time! Join Frankfurt lobby
Jebot's Game
pass 1488
bro 5 minutes early
i always come 5 minuets early
Go on without me, Hyperdashers. Work is too much...
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