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{Running to page 10} edition

>Current version: 1.0.64
>Latest important announcement (February 6, 2024)
>Kenshi 2 Announcement:
Soon (tm)

>What is Kenshi?
"A free-roaming squad based RPG. Focusing on open-ended sandbox gameplay features rather than a linear story."
"Be a trader, a thief, a rebel, a warlord, an adventurer, a farmer, a slave, or just food for the cannibals. Research new equipment and craft new gear."
>Demo Link

>Tips for beginners
Learn to pick your fights, don't hesitate to run away and don't reload unless you die, any fight you survive makes you stronger. Building an outpost will attract trader caravans and hostile raids. Building one too early might be more than you can handle. Pressing F1 will open the tutorial screen. Mousing over the stats screen and HUD will reveal useful tooltips and additional info. If the enemies feel too difficult - get crossbows for your units. And don't be afraid of the RP autism - engage in it whenever you can. And do unlock the sliders.


>Some mods
>AND a link to the giga muscle-girl mod
>Some moonrune mod archive on the LL Kenshi thread
>LL modding thread
>post with jonijonikenshi mods (like milking mod) after he deleted it all
>LL mod index
>Kenshi Fuck Mod
>The package of optimization mods from Nexus
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I take a nap, and /keng/ dies. Merry Christmas to (You), and your house.
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>tfw you get a nice little happy squad and outgrow town accommodations but are completely incapable of withstanding raids
How do I mid-late game in Kenshi? I always get a handful of dudes, a bonedog, and maybe a pack bull decently outfitted before agonizing over base locations. Once that happens I either get wiped by raiders while building, get a small outpost set up before getting bored, or just fuck off on aimless adventure with no real goal.
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raiding time
I made a base in the foglands
100% water
75% arid
I will never understand this game
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Will Kenshi 2 be lewd?
Get turrets, before you even build a base build this first:
>Storm house
>1 bed
>1 food store
>1 building materials storage and 1 iron plate storage
>1 mounted crossbow on top of the storm house, aiming to the side of the door
Those are the minimun requirements to what i nicknamed the corner stone house, i usually build it on the center of my would be future base, makes setting anywhere far more confortable, all of that fits in 2 traders backpack, with a Bull you can stock it even more/add more ballistas, it will fight off bandit raids no problem and even some end game ones, keep the warriors outside during raids and builders meaning turrets and a few to repair the Door if the raiders start bashing it ti buy more time for the turrets, once everything clears you can start building the industry to start making building mats and iron plates for the rest of it.
Where's the link to previous bread OP?
That depends on how moddable it will end up being.
take a look at Nat, and tell me.
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/keng/ needs active kurwa posters. More posters in general.
kenshied kurushimasu
>Accidentally killed High Inquisitor Seta during a raid
What now?

His body was likely cremated. I did capture Valtena, but he disappeared along with the bodies upon reload.
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All female shek/hive/human Holy Nation askari regiment when?
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My base has gone a long way
IS kidnapping factions leaders supposed to be this easy?

As joke I tried to kidnap Tengu. Just walked up to his bed, kidnapped him and walked out of the main gate. No one tried to stop me.
Stealth and assasination is stupidly easy, you have to self impose no using them or else you can Just whipe the World in a few days by kidnapping the leader, i prefer raiding the town, is much more engaging than Just strolling in and taking the guy to my CBT dungeon.
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The eagle cross works wonders, silver is finally high level enough to consistently make specialist bows, bolts are also infinite now so i will train the firefly squad a bit more to change them to springbats, in other news i reached 1.000.000 cats by selling armor and shawarmas to strip them from the rest of their money, i bet the UC now has a big "made in the anthill" like chinese products on their armors.
Merry Catmas!
Next playthrough actually try to fight the bosses and don't do assassinations
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Robots? Robots.
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>masterwork blackened chainmails for everyone
Surely you don't do that, /keng/?
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Chainmails/hive chain shirts just look cooler than leather turtlenecks and hive leather shirts.
When the Viera kidnap all Holy NEETs into their "gyms". Once the HN can't concript many such men as footsoldiers - things will change, since the Viera provided an example by their action ("women can fight honorably in battles, not only backstab from the shadows")
Leveling from 94 armor smith to 95 is so fucking painful holy shit, i'll need more chainmails...
Just mass produce boots.
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Been awhile since I've posted updates on the Grineer mod. Anyway, added these infestation tumors onto these buildings to show that this is the last place you want to be at.

low budget Resident Evil. Me likey.
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It gets much, much worse.
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Cheap bug whore.
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Toguro and his Gutters (and his shek pet of course)
Are hackers objectively the best weapon class?
Aside from fists and toothpicks, yes, it has everything you need: armor perforation, damage against robots, decent blunt and cut values, very stat forgiving, tiny versión makes the best sidearm, it only has 1 stinker and is the hacker cannibals use, every other hacker is pretty much decent and usable.
>tfw want to be katana chad for fashion but it's absolute dogshit
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Use a sabre, is what the katana wishes it was, a very fast hitting weapon that kills by a thousand cuts, is simple and effective and is not gimped by the armor penetration, you can also use a topper, -15% makes it somewhat tolerable compared to the other katanas, if you dont mind, you can also up the chance of death, makes katanas more functional as they tend to win by bloodloss wich balances them out, makes my human (and shek) girls cosplaying as empire hooded do something in battle rather than Just distraction, it also makes killing easier (but you'll also die faster without a decent medic)
I'm doing a no map playthrough and the swamp is really testing my grit. Most of it has no large references, the fog doesn't let you see far, and obviously you can't see the moons on the horizon to locate yourself. The only conclusion I can get from this is that the player characters use gps to know where they are
I think there is a Tech Hunter book that basically confirms that everyone gets lost there, the tech hunters rarely if ever go there because of the enemies, fog, awful terrain, and water, thats why the ruins are still unlooted despite people living there, i guess swampers dont really care about that nerd shit.
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Kenshi is piss easy. Use whatever makes you happy. You can slice the skeletons with katanas. Remember - Chris was too lazy to implement "weapon degradation", so you can bash a skeleton with a katana's blade as long as you want. Might even take a piss while your donuts are cleansing the Ashlands.
>hit enemy so hard it rag dolls like a basket ball
Im sorry blunt weapons for ever doubting you, that was the sickest ragdoll i ever saw that wasnt done by a martial artist
All of a sudden, a prostitution section in Las Dunas makes too much sense.
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>Be skellington
>guard warehouse to the point of madness hoping mr cat gives the order that the third reich is happening
>see a strange footless human walk towards your warehouse
>"what in stobe?"
>leave turret thinking you can just pummel it easily
>another footless human comes out of the darkness and grabs your turret
>OH SHIT.png
>dies by your own turret
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One of my favourite runs and character was a katana hive, it was mainly an excuse to use MCA with the whole weaboo pack, im still mad i lost that save...
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>tfw you cant turn skeletons into iron plates
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Shek pet gets a new weapon, handcrafted by her owner, i think i havent given the servants a good weapon since our first outpost, no wonder they where hitting like wet noodles.
I am still mad the scorchies aren't real.
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someday brother, someday...
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Once we get enough gene-modding in the hands of the public, they'll become real.
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Is an odd feeling seeing my old draws still being posted, time sure does fly.
Ok, why does the bugmaster collects teeth. Also, why does he stand 24/7 looking at his teeth chest?
Okran forbid a man has a hobby...
Who can really say? Maybe he collects them as part of an ancient warrior culture. Perhaps he will use them for some kind of genetic engineering. Maybe they're actually the teeth of the ancient race. Maybe they're needed to make skin spiders. Or maybe he's just completely lost it over the years.
Draw moar.
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They're fun. Simple as that.
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I still miss this exact art gypsy. I hope he is okay.
I can't not see the DMC5 trailer jank walk
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How a single cyst is sized compared to a regular human being
Also Hiiii /keng/ Merry Christmas and all
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Merry xmas. /keng/.
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doordash delivery will be late this evening
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Merry Cat-mas /keng/

soonâ„¢ my kenshi love was reignited so i will do more.
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Fun thing that has been added are these calcified infested husks
Kinda Xcom vibe
Got like 3 variations of them
I wonder
Should I get some more Infested Nonsense into my mod?
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I like it, i think kenshi needs more mutants.
So much money, nothing useful in the shops to spend it on
Bong can't comprehend the economy. He doesn't know how to use money beyond "buy food", "buy grog", and "buy drugs to numb the pain after my sister's surprise CBT session".
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Btw, managed to improve the Corpus Table and Bench textures
Now they should look a little bit less like absolute ass
Beep beeps but sheks are unable to hear him.
No shek ever complains that his or her race can barely hear. Odd, given their lack of ears.
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In addition, the Vending Cart for the Corpus
Functionally a shelf, but a zesty one
Can place stuff on both the tray and the small shelves
Though, you gotta be careful Or use the In game editor to get really precise
Realistically sheks should suck at figthing, all those horns and spikes, lack of hearing and hindered mobility due to the plates would fuck them up in any serious fight, is the sheks with their horns removed that ironically should be a bit better at fighting, i really dislike their desing, it bothers my autism a lot.
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>Scorchlanders if Chris was a real weeb.
>only female characters have a chin lenght slider
just like chris's sister (male) you too can give habsburg tier chins to the ladies.
is there a way to force unlock a blueprint, or otherwise force it to spawn somewhere?
i downloaded the hack stopper helmet mod and checked every armor and headgear shop in the UC and the great library, and its blueprint never appeared
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1.Go to the vendor list tab, in "armor blueprints" place the helmet and a chance (like 100)
2.if you want to research it on the research bench instead, go to RESEARCH tab on the FCS, set blueprint only false, set tech level and time, with "enable armor" place the helmet, and now your character will research it on the bench
3. if you want to give it to a character (for example valamon) do option 2, but set it as blueprint only true, and aside from enable armor, put blueprint item option ´(either large or normal is so that it has an icon) then go to the character you want to have that blueprint in the inventory and set blueprint and put there the blueprint you just made, this is how i did in my game, valamon now has the complete reaver set that i can craft if i either steal it from him or kill him and loot it.
hope it helps
Oh forgot to mention, check the building section, then go to functionality and check the armour benches, it should be on the "armour leather" list, if is not, add it so that you can actually make it, it wouldnt be the first time i install an armor mod where the autor forgot to make the armor either actually obtainable or craftable...
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Nothing like enjoy a warm Christmas indoors with your robot girl.
Skeletonfuckery is still alive on /keng/ somehow
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How soon?
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Another Grineermod update.

There is now a strip mall in the Corpus farms. It will be a place where multiple merchants can exist and sell you different shit.
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The only problem is that the Ashland is far away from the center of the island. Other than that - I like what I see.
Low resolution sprites for distant trees like in truck simulator would have improved the looks of the game massively
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You can't escape the truth.
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>How soon?
as soon as i get some free time, meanwhile, have some more hive/scorchie autismo.
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>ywn have a semen demon scorchie gf
I want to kill myself right now.
Will Kenshi 2 have caves or subterranean lairs? One thing I feel like the game could use is better exploration or some dungeon crawling. It's kind of lame spending an hour traveling to some ruins just to kill like 1-3 things in one building and loot a book or one nice thing
Well, I can always add one in the Consulate. The Great Desert.
>spending an hour traveling to some ruins just to kill like 1-3 things in one building and loot a book or one nice thing
that is literally what this game is about, you should probably play rimworld instead
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Guys, I changed the nameless faction color scheme manually with fcs. Now when I equip clothing that has a color scheme for the first time it dyes the clothes to my custom color scheme. However, this doesn't work for some ex-slave recruits I have. When I equip something on them it keeps the default color. How do I make them have the same color scheme as the rest of the faction?
that will give the TG an ass pain they never knew they could experience in their cushy lives.
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...Yeah. About that.

>Why compete when you can have a monopoly?
Reload, it should fix it, at least it did to me, this game sometimes works on voodoo

I will make a mod at some point improving the Labs, the deadland workshops are actually fun to raid because it has skellies with turrets and with decent weapons with skills to back them up, forcing you plan a little bit before approaching, gave me an idea on how i can improve lab diving, iron spiders get tiresome after the 3rd lab
To be fair, security spiders are very scary and will fuck up any team that isn't mid-lategame.
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I love my swamp turtle even if it is a bit slow and stupid :)
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Jewel could not handle Greenbeach
Now get her legs cut off, and she will become a nice onahole!
Who tried to kill it ?
mainly just blood spiders and bonedogs but the bandits prefer the rest of the squad
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Oh, I re-loaded cause it seemed like a bug. Guards at the gate didn't didn't stop me, after all.

Now I'm trying to build a second base on Greenbeach.
Distance is a bitch.

also, Vierra are starting to get on my nerves, so I'm going to capture them and give them over the the HN/UE
Is there a mod that allows me to toss unconscious enemies at the corpse disposal? It is lame that I have to just ignore them for an hour in a settlement while they get up every 10 minutes
>chance of death 2.12 and they will die after a proper beating, Best with cutting
>throw them in jail and let them starve to death
>crucify them on the deadlands
>crucify them in venge
>borrow the peeler from rabbi savant
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I cant kill these things, they are so cute and possibly the only creature that does not try to actively kill or fuck you over.
>Vierra are starting to get on my nerves
What are the Viera doing ?
Have. Because it just kinda of happened out of no where while I was thinking about something to work on and it just kept my attention for a solid moment.
'tis autism. Don't analize it. Enjoy it.
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I like to take a peek at the base from time to time and see what the bugs are doing, this one has a job intervew vibe.
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I try to, but damn is it hard.

this would be a proper machinima, if those were still a proper thing.
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Gonna test to see if my adjustments work.
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>this would be a proper machinima
Sometimes i think of doing kenshi vids about autistic stories that happen in the playthrough, like kruggsmash but more modding like wilburgur, i just need to learn how 2 videos.
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Seeing the dialogue work is so cool, the bugs now feel like a family bantering with eachother, if beep loses an arm i will make his cyberbeep dialogue to be more like sundower's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9MKJBa6_A4
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In awe at the size of this lad.
Dayum thats a big bug
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Jewel's recovery is going well
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Aside from being unbalanced and having unfunny dialogue? Their Bang Bunny Bandit patrols bothering me.
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My first time making a settlement. Tell me why I am a retard and I'm going to get them all killed
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That said, I'm abadoning this base for a while.

Will need more supplies and a bigger team.
Got hit by Skeleton Bandits and Reavers on the way to the base, then reaver and crab attacks on the base. Was dicey.

On another note, the animations are killong me.
I have B2, JRGP and Vierra races added and CTB lesire objects (as well as other stuff, like dancing gates, cuddle bed, etc, etc..)
I can't get the animations to work.
There are several mass animation patches and I don't know which ones to use.
Trying to follo isntructions leads to all kinds of crazy results.
From only humans usnign CTB object, everyone else just standing, to the reverse. Playing with the load order (to follow instructions) causes non-vanilla races to not load.
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For funzies, I decided to put armor on top of training dummies. Got to get rid of the turrets because the guards are retarded. I'll convert them to training turrets.
>okranite land
>tower with mounted crossbows
You're doing it well, i'd add a second gate to slow down enemies even more, dont add more than 2 gates or else the game will shit the bed, overall, pretty cool place so far.
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>Have two Bonedogs
>One is an elder, the other an adult
>Sieging a settlement
>Tried multiple times to just bruteforce my way in
>No dice
>Send in the hounds
>Micromanage them
>They down most within seconds
>Crippled, and cut off limbs everywhere
>If they start getting swarmed, pull them out
>A few stragglers who follow them to the main squad can be dealt with

I've been doing this for three days, I don't know if the game would spawn in more enemies out of the blue if I left the location.
The great fortress is nearby, had to do multiple trips over the days to sell loot, bounties, and recuperate.
Their jails are full, I could not sell anymore bounties to them.

The town was added from the "Minor factions amplified" mod.
Belonging to the Bel'ecoz, some Shek rebels.

It was bothering that I constantly saw Shek patrols passing close by, fighting outside the walls, and then chasing them inside the city. Only to get beaten down by numbers.
Freed a bunch of Shek, the Shinobi Ninjas, which I lured into a fight with the Bel'ecoz were pretty beaten down. I constantly saw the damage numbers from the Great Fortress, since they never stopped fighting in the city, they'd get beaten, and then thrown out.

All in all, it was an enjoyable experience, once I used my doggos.
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Based dog owner, raiding is one of my favourite things to do in kenshi.
>I don't know if the game would spawn in more enemies out of the blue if I left the location.
Only if you left people alive, after a few days it will restore people, only if the place says DEAD on everything, both the wandering spawns generated by the town and the spawns on the base will cease until import, i killed all 3 reaver camps (except arc because i like having reaver raids to bully) one of them is still regenerating because 2 houses chris placed too high up and are impossible to access and kill the people inside... chris plz.
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Here's an interesting effect. I've set this place to have its own housemates. Which is a merchant that operates in a bar. Intention is to squat at this location. But said housemates immediately fuck off to a different bar. Meanwhile, the dive bar's housemates immigrate to the mall.

Gonna have to swap housemates and modify said bar. The things you do to make gimmicks work.
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Results are mixed. The merchant I set up is retarded (sells stock of the bar they're squatting in) meanwhile the other merchant I set up ages ago sells what matters. Adjustment required.
Messing with a different southern prince hiver, I wanted to try a dress type that I usually avoid.
I would've attempted to port this mesh into kenshi for my mod, but this is starting to get to the point of reaching unfeasible territory (losing the various qualities in these kind of clothes that Kenshi's engine cannot even begin to deal with properly). I could definitely port it over, but it wouldn't look all that good.
also shoutout to janky animation
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>raided blister hill many times
>decide to finally take the plunge and attack the phoenix directly
>send in crack team with my main character and seto
>very tight fight, the protector of the flames was very difficult
>seto, the heir to the shek kingdom was downed inside of the citadel and they attempted to put her in a cell
>stop it barely
>it would be too shameful for her to be a prisoner of the okranites
>rally all left standing in the citadel to defend her
>send in very fast OG character from my base in okran's pride to rescue her and run
>fail to micromanage character and the phoenix gets 2 hits on her stomach
>she dies instantly
>this is it, send every low level worker in the base to save her
>meanwhile microing my bonedog and two sheks standing against the inquisitors and the lord phoenix
>bonedog downs them both in defense of his master
>still a bunch of enemies all around, need evac for six characters that are down or can't run
>reinforcements trickle in, they were given orders to run as fast as they could
>grab seto first and immediately order the fastest laborer to run to back to base
>grab the phoenix next
>micro bonedog to interrupt enemies attacking evac personnel
>grab the corpse of OG character last, can't stand okranites desecrating her corpse
>when the last of them picks her up, have the bonedog interrupt attacks on him as he very slowly runs
>slow laborer gets a bolt to the chest at the gate
>so little health he would go unconscious in seconds if I didn't patch up
>has to stop to save himself while bonedog defends him from multiple enemies and we get shot at
>laborers met midway to assist. They drew aggro long enough for Bonedog to finish the enemies
>everyone made it back to the base, limping
>close the gate
>main character and seto, now restored to health, confront the phoenix while a laborer carries the corpse of og character
How do you think southern hivers speak? i want to make a hive ronin package exclusive to southern hivers (since i modified the stupid slave race tables) but the more i think about them i think they would speak in a more stunted almost caveman way compared to their western cousins, the only exception being espher who probably has spent enough time in prison to actually articulate words better.

She died like a true shek. Raiding blister hill was one of my fondest memories when playing this game for the first time, the protectors of the flame dont fuck around.
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i want to gently pet_ Beep
OK, besides animation, another derp is penis showing trough he pants despite the patch. Tell me what am I doing wrong /keng/!

My cfg file (144 mods):
>and having unfunny dialogue
They were supposed to have unique lines for representatives of every race on Kenshi, for men and women. But the bong code prevented that.
Does "import" always revive any unique character?
What exactly does it do?
I imported a few times when I started out, since I added some modes by piecemeal.
Though I do wish I hadn't added stuff, that added more buildings, as it looked pretty overwhelming, lost track of what was intended, and what is fluff.

Also have the feeling that it removed some bigger ore storages, as I was looking at tutorials I could not find a particular ore storage that seemingly should be there without research
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There should be an option on the dialogue thing to set race, is on the DC one, is the small one where you can set effects,, is how i got the bugs to be more chill with other hives but loathe when a human or anyone else tries to heal them and are racist depending on wich race they defeated, however this game works on literal chaos magic so idk if is the classic "works on my machine" moment.

Import creates a new world with all your progress saved, there are some boxes when you are going to import that you can choose wich progress to keep, some mods require to import because they require a new world to apply the changes, it should not revive any unique characters IF you tickle the box that says "import death npcs" if it doesn have the sign then all uniques you killed/arrested will resurrect, import revives non uniques and refills dungeons and vendors so you can exploit it to buy ai cores in the deadlands. I usually import when this game breaks as the longer you go without one the game starts acting bizarre, for example, in my playthrough tech hunters hate the UC and the UC has a holy yihad agaisnt them, they are dragging tech hunter merchants on the streets and kill them (still wont import because i want to see how much this game breaks before i need to do it),
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Did a slave start run and was very surprised how easy it was to fuck with the Okranites in rebirth by causing chaos picking locks on the cages they put us in and the prisoners so they can run like hell. the shackles picked were kept so we used them to train strength like it was DBZ. When we were hungry, we would just raid the dining hall and get our food supply and they won't even take them away from our inventory. On the night we escaped, like a week after, the characters had enough strength and athletics skills to simply outrun the slavers miles ahead through the front fucking door while they were practically dragging themselves with their heavy armor to chase us. That's before we created a distraction where two of us would unshackle and unlock the prisoners where the guards would just focus on the slower slaves booking it. Although, it felt oddly wholesome that some of them actually managed to escape and actually joined our squad so we basically made a sister pact to now get strong enough to return to Rebirth and burn it down to the ground. and uh... freeing the slaves too I guess. It's surprisingly fun and exciting compared to most starts I had with it
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I can feel the desperation on the reaver's part, they raided us 3 times back to back and 3 times they got absolutely slaughtered by the strenght of the bugmen, not a single one returned to their camps, the funniest part was that after each raid, a second raid always came, this time of beakthings and raptors, the animals are getting smarter, but our meat and skin storages are getting fuller too, our bugs are reaching 60 in all stats due to the constant raids from the wildlife and reavers, they all barely get any scratches now, they started like scared little drones that fought that first reaver raid with nothing but sticks and looted armor, now beating reaver raids is another tuesday for them

Makes me wish the UC had their own rebirth, tengu's vault is stupidly easy to escape, no wonder the UC has so many troubles with slaves, their security is dogshit.
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>smuggler's bar has a turret for dealing with beakthings
>it doesn't work because there is no generator
I wonder if it is intentional or cris just forgot
I believe there's an option or chris made it so that certain cities power supplies worked without generators or turbines (like squinn) but it bugs out so these cities and outpost are usually pitch black or dont work at certain hours, i suspect smuggler's bar is one of these
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>Loaded in this save today
>Suddenly see a bunch of fresh npcs spawn in
>The corpses, and injured who laid there before are gone.
>Didn't even import or anything

Niggers. I don't even care about save scumming this.

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