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Previous Thread: >>506797807

We finally died edition

>Beginner's FAQ and Reroll guide (Read everything before asking questions)

>How to get the game
>Steam PC client
Google Play/Apple store/QooApp/Taptap
Or use the apk to install

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CounterSideGBL
Site: https://counterside.com/

>Pass: Fatima
>Reactors: Replacer Queen, Lee Yumi
>SSR: Lee Yumi, Chinatsu, Sky, Lulu, Luna, Sanae
>ASSR: Felix, Mavka, Joo Shiyoon, Replacer Queen

All raid/trimming gear stats:
Shop Guide for Global:
Gear guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1wrg8o2SPz59CC_oxBnMjd6SK3v41qVi66AhbsLuLpIg/htmlview#

>Global Consortiums
HildFriends, Prestissimo
>Global Promo Codes
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I can't believe trash killed us
That's one way to get thread #400 this year.
So is this your grand master plan to hit #400 before New Years? to let your threads die on purpose to create a new one? How embarrassing.
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We've been playing 4d chess while you've been playing checkers.
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Fresh pild
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unironic car-ray
I want a genderbent skin for him. I already have Binwoman and Jacey.
>We finally died edition
Only to arise once more!
I can't believe you let it die.
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what killed everything?
>what killed everything?
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Ministra's auto.
>Nobody saved the thread
>No christmas themed OP for fresh bread
Christmas is still a day away, plenty of time to let this one die before then.
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I'm doing for her.
How's that /vmg/ looking coutersharts? lmao
what went wrong
Trash being shit killed the last bit of hope we had.
All I want for christmas is trash buffs.
Naielle doesn't believe in christmas.
Merge next month
Collab after the merge
Believe in the plan
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>we actually died while i was asleep
uh bwis???
No maintenance.
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I better not catch anyone with this frame
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Put the Zodiac fag in there
Rape correction for Tammiel!
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>warning: don't follow this
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imagine giving players a frame that says Top Beta no wonder our game is dying
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stay warm /csg/
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I don't get it, is he showcasing a bug where Roy's death animation doesn't trigger? I guess nobody realized the unit is broken because he's worse than aTrash.
NTA, he steal enemy heal bwo, that's why he's using fauna gears with incoming healing amp
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>Top Beta
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merry christmas, you filthy animals
Really? No trash buff?

Shocking they went with a non-patch
Merry Christmas to the cool pvp clip posters
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Merry Christmas to you too, friend.
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Merry Christmas Bwos!!!
especially to Mechwarriors, HILD, and Pres
bullet now just plays the russian yandere game
why'd i randomly get 12million gold in the mail i clicked receive too fast to check

bwis, xmas saved!
>has to resort to replying to himself because nobody cares about whale pvp
It just said special Christmas gift with 12,500,000 gold attached.
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Based and chickenpilled
She's pretty much the reason why I started playing this game. I quit when the first holo event gave me the Ina skin and then came back when you could actually select them.
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Here's your Christmas date bro
I wonder how many players they could have retrained if they hadn't scuffed the Holo collab so badly.

1st time was RNG skin with HUGE DRAMA seething about SEA not getting it and trying to brick people. Also $40US PER SKIN because someone was out of their fucking minds with greed.
2nd time they did not give out enough egg codes and most people had to buy like 1500 quartz worth of shit to finish it.
3rd time they finally did it right, but dupe skins were downgraded to quartz refund instead of coins like the 2nd run. Skins were still $40 though.
Not as much as you think it’s HoloEN not HoloJP
gura's the most popular hololive vtuber by subcount.
Ina and Gura are the only designs I like. A shame it took them a thousand years to finally give Edel a buff.
HoloEN was pretty popular in Korea when they had the first HoloEN event in Counterside.

This video was posted 13rd of August.
And the Counterside PV for the holoEN collab was 14th of November.
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Subcount means nothing if they don't stream.
you don't get subs if you don't stream
senzawa2.0 is old and busted bro
>people still unironically watch vtumors
Seriously? the pandemic was over a long time ago you can go outside you know
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Kizuna Ai was the only good one
The fuck am I supposed to do outside? Its the same as it was pre pandemic
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the actual only good vtuber
pee on homeless
steal geese
ding dong ditch
dig a hole
start a revolution
return to the caves
drive a car on bside
I was watching them before covid. We are not the same.
Jake and Sylvia's daughter?
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green woman 2.0 has a sexy accent, but you just know that's she's built like a tank irl.
based and 4chan pilled
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The only time I saw a vtuber the next day she was forced to graduate.
>steal geese
stop trying to get your bros killed
Watch more then
>sexy accent
I hate germans
Oh so this is the Draft PvP mode coming up. If I recall from Bullet's stream you get one more unit ban at the very end, so 'build-around' units are unplayable because your opponent can just delete the Regina/King/Dinosaur etc.
It seems kinda fun but I feel like I'm just gonna get rolled by Sasha rushers
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In the time I spent doing gacha stuff today path of exile had 3+ generals. But we can't even keep one alive. It's not fair.
diablo2 autism is unparalleled. but it would be nice to not die.
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POEs general sucks massive ass though

Do you really want a fast general if its non stop doomposting despite the game being super successful? If you only read that place you'd hate the game and consider it to be some unmitigated disaster
Don't visit their general, but I've been addicted to POE1 ever since POE2 came out and now I've diving into Diablo-likes I've been missing out on these past 20 years.
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There are plenty of huge successful gacha out there, you just have to kneel to China or play some old ass kusoge with no QOL.

I come from vtuber land which has some of the biggest fastest generals on the entire website, and ill tell you the grass isn't always greener.
Should I 120 mordred? Feels like she only gets better with age
yeah she's gud
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I was trying to get at least 10k points to end the year.
can't believe you guys let the general die right before christmas
jan 9th I'll buy the last piece of my new computer and then idk what I'll play anymore, I'll still be here and play counter:side until it dies with you guys but I'm done with gachas forever, I'll play real games or find a new hobby
>I'm done with gachas forever, I'll play real games or find a new hobby
you'll be back to gachas in a year or two as most games these days suck
if all new games suck I'll go back to dota, wc3, warthunder and poe, there are plenty of great old games to enjoy
Just play the good gachas, no need to quit the hobby completely.
what are the good gachas?
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Revived Witch
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Revived Witch: Die Hard
any day now
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But really it's nikke, this current event was kino of the highest order.
She's decent and doesn't get banned very often.
I had a perfect account at launch and I quit because the dailies took 2 hours, so I'll never come back to it
gachas don't deserve more than 30 mins daily
Plenty of good games out there despite /csg/ trying to drag you back into gachashit. No need to play the latest AAA games, plenty of older games that are decent and a high end PC will run like butter.
the only reason to play gachas is if they can give you boners
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I get heart boners from playing with my /csg/ friends.
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There's a lotta great "real games" out there, depending on how long you've been out of it. I just finished Hades and a am few hours into Metaphor.
Nikke bounces between total timewasters and proper coomkino.
I've been playing the old shin megami tensei games on a handheld I bought last year, I gotta finish the older ones and then get into the newer ones (metaphor is a clone of SMT from what I've seen)
Metaphor plays like a Persona game, just fantasy themed.
Its also based, loved it way more than persona games even if it felt low budget at times
The are only 2 games, Personas and Dark Souls.
The pacing and combat is better IMO, though some of the characters fall flat.
Most AAA games today are as trash as gachas. Indie games are where you should be looking, that's an endless goldmine of fun.
I wish mmos were good again but they aren't, I went to the ffxiv general and it's 20 schizos avatarfagging and talking to themselves non-stop without anyone else replying and they do probably like 20 generals a day doing that
Have you actually played the game? It's amazing if you just treat it like a single player jrpg. You could spend at least a year working your way through the expansions.
I'm sorry, I'm not going to pay for a game subscription in the year of 2025. That should have stayed in the early 00s.
You pay more for your daily starbucks. There is a thousand times more hours of entertainment than what it costs.
I'll play the mobile version, it's the same game and it's f2p, I'll set up qemu + qtemu and whatever else needed for gpu passthrough
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gacha games are this era's equivalent of f2p mmo gro
there are lots of mmos with gacha elements coming out for mobile actually, I've learned there will be a tree of savior (ragnarok online clone) coming out next year
It's the hero shooters and BRs.
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merry christmas bwos, it was the second time we died!
the game went to shit,it's not worth it unless you are an raid autist
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hopefully the third is far away
well bside isn't helping,it's also christmas so people are away
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you got 1 special fusion from them, what more could you possibly ask for?!?
Gura is too busy riding a swedish bwc to stream
no her roommate looks like a tranny and she has a chinese bf named eddy
Shame about how it's all focused on the story when the story was butchered by localisers who just made half of it up and mistranslated the other half.
what the fuck are you talking about
Oh so .0001% of non story dialog was changed. Well that's the price you pay for being a EOP. That has no baring on the actual story and if you are going to miss out on it because of that I feel sorry for you. Guess what, every single asian game ever has been mistranslated. Guess you should quit cs right now.
>give a link showing how story was changed and they fucked up the terminology and lore
>fanboy doesn't look at it before getting mad and replying
That's not story it's random npc dialog as you walk past them. You haven't even played the game fuck off.
what sort of games? i bought my 2nd 4gb ssd just to have more space and i've been downloading alot of games i wanna play but nothing really makes me wanan get back into anything i'm dead inside....
I can't even play 20mins of marvel rivals without getting a bit bored.
Merry Christmas my guys, it's probably out last christmas together, I'm not going to sugar coat it, but it was and has been a good time playing this game with you friends during this dark time of my life.
Been done with mmos after I closed the FF14 story with the ending of Endwalker 1.0. Absolute cinema. They won't top that, no reason to go back and taint it with Dawntrail.
Riot's mmo is probably the only thing left to look forward to for the dying genre, even if you don't play LoL, but you'll have to wait like 10 years.
I'll be completely honest I'll probably go back to playing dota, it's the only game that makes me feel a adrenaline rush when I play it. War Thunder is also a fun game once you get to mid tier because 99% of the players are old americans that suck and you can farm them all day.
>4gb ssd
Bwi, that's the size of a thumbdrive from 10 years ago.
>marvel rivals
Well there's your fucking problem. Try a game that isn't designed for 8 year old console players.
>Riot's mmo
is never happening
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dw we'll reunite one day someday whether it be here or in the grave.
Funny, this is literally the same thing I did. Saw the 1.0 ending. Wrapped everything that matters up, WOL saves the literal entire universe; nothing will ever top that, retired from the game and never looked back.
it was like 400 bucks cad and its my second one, i meant 4TB not GB.
I don't really have anything, mmos are too daunting to get into.
I got back into league for a bit cause my friend asked me to. I quit about 2 months later cause it reminded me of how i hated playing mobas, I still have trauma of how much i want to strangle some useless pricks in ranked games
the mobile version of the game ends exactly at that point, yes they just remade the game for the mobile platform and it's f2p, it's the exact same story and world.
i'm too nitty picky about details that got me annoyed with endwalker but at least better whatever the fuck they are doing now
you guys can add me if you want, we're not at EoS yet, but the general is struggling so I'll post it
I get no satisfaction from playing single player games anymore, I think the last one I enjoyed was frostpunk 1 or rimworld
same i keep wanting to get into senran kagura and rune factory now that they're on pc but i lose interest after a bit. I think armored core and elden ring were the only single player games i finished in the past 5 years and i didn't even get the dlc.
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unlike a certain recent ASSR release, SSR cindy is actually not that bad dmg wise. on 120 she would do as much dmg as 110 ARosa.
no clue if she will be useful in pvp though, this is only for pve. she's out of gigas' fisting range too btw.
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lets never stop being comfy
I still can't believe how they did naielle dirty like that
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it's like that race event all over again, bside won't stop bullying her
in pvp she's essentially ranger version of Miya

(probably slightly better than Miya)
>doesn't understand the difference between a link and an attached image
the worst part is that naielle took my pity and I don't have enough to pity the collab assr, I will have to luckshit a pull and that hasn't happened since ajake like 2 years ago
You lost, no one cares about your 10 year too late crusade.
>Rolled and 110'd her already
Goddamn anon.
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i bless thine rolls for the collab
I forgot Cindy came today and converted everything into FCores...
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she will wait
cindy should have been a rearm, and they shouldn't have get rid of rearms
I guess PSY was the good lead dev after all
can't beat the cunny
Going to heavily disagree. Even now the absolute insane cost of rearms makes me hesitate on upgrading some of them for the collection. They also broke balance and led to the megabuffing of ASSRs to compete with nonsense like Rivet, Chinatsu, and pre-nerf Kaci.
the game is super old man, it has like 400 units, at this point it's impossible to balance stuff out, they should just let the powercreep explode
Naielle was such a disappointment that this is the end for me. Sorry bwus that I've to do this on xmas.
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i take it, gonna be fun to see how much arena buffs change this. so far decent though.
If they were releasing reactors every 2 weeks I'd agree, but at the rate they're going the game will legitimately EoS before they even hit level 3 reactors. They need to buff those older units faster than this to keep up.
you'll be back for the collab it'll be a hololive collab rerun
don't leave us, bwi...please
night bwos,luv you all
I can't play MMOs anymore because of daillies and lootboxes.
Different anon here. I would quit on the spot if they did another holoshit rerun before a new collab.
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sleep well, bwo, luv u too
the maintenance is earlier now
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I thought it lasted until tomorrow, I didn't buy a single thing. Man fuck everything, this game is never good to me.
>Special Draft mode
>Have to pre-gear every unit you might possibly want to use
Welp, I'll leave this for the whales with 300 gear sets then.
yeah, that was also a problem in epic shit.
if they make project star have 5 minutes dailies like this game I'll play it
Besides holo, name a collab that would actually make you quit
also, I read on leddit today some kids hoping that some game that is about to launch and it's turn based rpg like HSR would be good, so there is a market for HSR clones out there, people want to play that, if bside is quick enough they could get that market
SAO i can't stand kirito
at this point nothing is going to make me quit, I'm going down with the ship
if its to make a turn based make it like fellow moon, 2D soul
a collab with Mr. Beast (although the game would have 500k players for one week)
>if bside is quick enough
last i heard they're planning for a release at the end of 2025 that was before the name change though. they might miss that chance if they keep that. the weekly posts on the twitter acc could mean earlier i guess.
is there anyway to change ur gear in this new mode? or do you have to preemptively have everyone equipped
idk, not in the game rn
To be fair turned based will always have a market
>Reached the maximum unit capacity. Expand the capacity or free up space.
The fuck? Since when did they do that when rolling gacha? And it's at 1107/1091 so it was already over capacity before the previous ten roll which didn't give me a problem.
Shield Hero
Couldn't find a way, and even if you can they give you almost no time. I don't mind the concept but this is a stupid oversight and they already knew better from the KR server running it. Also some fucker just banned my Orca.
marvel rivals mongoloids make 4 new threads every time they reach the game and that's why we get pushed to page 10
This mode has reminded me I have no low cost 110 defenders other than Alex and Hori, since I recalled Levia and Kaci. Who's the best out of Sanae, Lee Yumi, and Kim Chowon? I wish Trash had been good.
yumi has a reactor
I know, two in fact. That's the only reason I even mentioned her.
Isekai slop
...which is probably what it's going to be, considering they put out for any kusoge nowadays and cs doesn't have the clout for anything better. Please prove me wrong I can't stick around for another garbage collab
>Quitting a game because of a collab they don't like
What kinda stupid ass moron does this?
some e7gbros quit because of the kpop collab
the kind that was already sick of the game and reached tipping point at a collab they don't care about, probably
so many have quit already even without something to push them over, so it's not too far fetched
>Man fuck everything, this game is never good to me.
Bruh, you had weeks to use your tokens. Why the fuck wouldn't you buy up the important stuff right away?
i would've agreed until >>507512141. you had the ugly blue kpop hag everywhere. it didn't even feel like anime slop anymore.
Persona 5 collabs caused a lot of people to quit.
I'm not an anime person so any collab will disappoint me
it'll be a collab with the houthi yemeni salvation government and the in game purchases will fund more missiles
Why are you playing an anime game and talking about it on an anime website? How does a normalfag even find himself in this place?
you're wrong on your definition, it's not an anime website it's an introspective people website
by introspective I meant introverted*
merry christmas! it's officially the 25th where it matters.
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You are free to have that opinion but you are wrong.
anime is mainstream now, it hasn't been obscure in at least 10 years
No one said it was.
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any other gacha games dealing with multiple timelines like this one ideally as good as counterside story?
Nikke, limbus has some time shit too.
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Prepare to Uohhhhhhhhh.
blue archive?
God I wish, there's no way they would be that based.
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ya awful concept if you can't swap gear, what's the point of me picking a counter unit if I'm suppose to preemptively gear them all.
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blue archive is owned by nexon so it's possible
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I hate to admit it

this mode is fun as fuck, I've baited 3 people in a row to using the same team with the ban phase
>Got someone with level 70 units
I felt kinda bad...
>Instapick hahaman/yuna
>They always instapick ecclesia/cunny meitner
>spam pick low cost defenders/supports
>ban ecclesia
>they cant ban both striker carries
>instakill cunny
Im amazed this has worked like 5 times now. Im surprised how fun this mode is.

Although as the other anon said I also feel bad having to slaughter actual newcuties to get real matches, feels like there shoulda been level separation at rank 0 or something
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This mode is genuinely going to hurt the game's population
it's better than the old dumb shit mode
No it's a cool mode, I just mean it's gonna cull the fuck out of low level accounts
low level fucks dont have rights
I'll try tomorrow after the sweats have ranked up.
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You will roll for her right bwos?
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First match was against a whale.
did you win the draft or did he go full retard in game?
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The latter, wasn't really sure what I was doing in the draft.
The second match I was against a level 63 guy who picked Eve and only one Defender which I banned and then I immediately sniped Eve and he surrendered.
I had to pity her... She hates me...
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me too bwo
>every gacha general spreading the cheer
>our general dead silent
Bros, the mood…
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we do have actual lives bwo and do it IRL
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I thought this guy was taking the piss so he could show off his skins but it turned out his Shena was a bullshit evade tank.
damn, anon. that's a stacked hilde.
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What the fuck
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This is really activating my neurons.
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Fuck you Chocolat, you's a busta
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where are your bwis
what the fuck this piece of shit mode doesn't allow duplicate unit
When even the less important parts of the team are 120 you know you're in the shit.
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Its our Dota mode bwi, start getting good unironically
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what the fuck
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why didn't you pull this one simple trick
Reminder that this dude is like 40 years old.
>he's younger than me
hag bwo...
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Who would've ever expected her to actually be dangerous in this day and age?
>Yuna narrowly avoided being put into a slutty santa costume
i'm not waiting 10 years to marryher
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Haven’t played the game ever since it was 1 or 2 months into the origin patch, just heard from two of my buddies who were still sticking with it are planning on dropping it in a month or so, is the game actually on its last legs now?
Don't you have anything better to do on Christmas than shitpost here?
I was thinking about picking it up again was why I asked, since id like the game to be there for 6+ months
She's easily the most aggressive character of all the contracts I've read. I don't think anyone else flat out states they want to marry Admin. Imply it, but don't outright say it.
nothing much going on, collab next month , but bside is still retarded else the game can easily live a few more years
Ah okay thanks
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accept your fate
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i want to struggle for dominance on bed with Cindy all while still handholding the entire time
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i'm doing my part, play it on repeat if you dare!
merry kurisumasu~
i couldn't check up new xmas pics because of commeoration in my house, i couldn't fucking sleep either so i feel fucking annoyed which isn't helping
bwo ami lost again
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got her in 70 first time in a while i haven't had to go to pity.
Was worried about eating into my collab stash but i didn't want to wait months down the line to get her since her kit is pretty strong.
congrats,i pitied her under the assumption the collab will be with a series i don't care
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maybe next year she wins, bwi. i'm always team taiga though.
If we survive till next year we should do a csg watch along.
if only but star savior is going to kill us. bside's new and favorite child...
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i guess we were supposed to get two skins but the trash rework fucked that schedule up
We'll all be there so it will be the same, plus we'll have lots of new friends to talk to and play with.
They gave us Gigas for christmas.
they should release it even if it's delayed and apololgize for it, but i bet they are going to be retarded and save for next year
star savior general /ssg/ soon~
that is if it is even able to hold itself on /vg/ that bside didn't do a christmas post on that twitter is already a sign of things to come. always holding to their stupid schedule which will be a post on the 27th dec.
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a-are they self aware?!
soccer spirits bros..
maybe the guy that wrote it, but the guy calling the shots is a different story, i bet there must be some people that really like the game
yeah in january would be nice as there likely won't be a next year. depends largely on how much of a success the new collab is and if we make enough cash for bside to consider keeping us alive.
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so its intern-kun lamenting that its already a done deal and giving us a hint...
they had it coming for calling it soccer
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>25th is her birthday
>card says 26th
i know you hoped nobody would notice, bside, but I DID
Is this from her sister's POV?
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so where is my slutty Biblide skin?
also with how often they mentioned that the cake had no corruption rays this whole thing will be really important later on, right?
like Claudia accidently found a way to cleanse corruption with her inactive powers and it will be a big reveal that she did it again in a future (real) chapter
>so where is my slutty Biblide skin?
We had an entire patch just to be able to remove her glasses.
they won't have time to ever revisit this again lmao
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something about the endless line of christmas images in an utterly dead thread is just so depressing
It's just like my real life
watch it. i can always make things worse.
you literally can't
the few cs images that exist have all been reused countless times so bumping physically can't be different
the only other option is to let go and finally be free
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>old jazzy christmas songs playing over a post-apocalyptic wasteland
Bside devs really make you wish for a nuclear winter
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the only reasona idon't post actual new images is out of autism
is yo utyping likethis all th etime because o fautism too?
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the end is near, get comfy
my spacebar doesn't work sometimes
did anyone add you?
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you need a new keyboard wbi
Stop picking on strokebro
Are you also the guy who ends his posts abruptly?
I don't know if i can blame that on my dylsexia, it's kinda sad
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>New Draft Mode!
>Only available for a few hours a day, hope you're in the right time zone
Can bside not fuck up, just once?
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>The christmas shop went away
Dude are you fucking serious
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>the shop went away at the time it said it was going away since the day it first went up
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All it takes is one bwo to dig up the archives and we have a bunch of recycled OC content we can use from the golden age
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no refunds
wait the tournament thing is already over?

fuck I was gonna rank up today
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Ardor love
Sharr is my wife
They need a lot of time to "calculate the results".
We finally reached the point where we know absolutely nothing about what's coming.
blue archive collab next month, then they'll fill the pockets, next month they kill the game and 6 months from now release project star
christmas burned me out pretty bad, I think I'm quitting guys, I don't wanna go into 2025 doing the same things again, kinda need a big change
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Just got back from family Christmas stuff, it was pretty meh. Brother had a mini freak out and the cake was fucked up. But I can't complain too much it's been worse in the past. Hope all my bwos and bwi's had a good time. Now I'm going to get comfy and chill out with some anime and dream of a better year for us soon. Love you all friends.
enjoy your mid life crisis, bwo
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We're still missing one filler episode.
night bwos,luv you all

mine was ok except for not being able to sleep well, what anime you are going towatch?
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Just some random isekai trash, don't want anything I need to care about, just want to veg out and not think for the rest of the night.
more like rig the results like the last tournament lmao
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Ah yes that skin from back when bside thought they could also have a female audience.
Am I crazy or is the counterside global facebook page gone?
It's finally happening
is the CounterPass unit any good?
only in bed
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I'm getting worried, the early stuff at least seemed like it was doing it's own thing. Now "star savior" fells more like a star rail clone than ever.
all true, but at the same time... a star rail clone that isn't afraid of tiddies might have a shot
lmao wtf is that? Fucking mihomo drones get nothing but collar bones and ankles. I'm so glad I didn't fall for the grift.
Bwo it was obviously a clone from the start.
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Friendly reminder that this also means it's my big sis' birthday but bside didn't make a card for her(I'll make one in mspaint later)
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You are loved.
You are important.
You will always have a home here.
Don't ever forget that.
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my drunk wife senzawa...
Gura spending Christmas with her swedish BF and not her fans
Gura not streaming is nothing new. Maybe that's why rearm Kaci got nerfed.
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there is new vidoe or pics?

I fucking hate mihoyo instead of making a industry standard having panties being show all they did is to make this retarded looking 3D,garbage gachas and garbage fanbases
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With Horizon.
Horizon isn't human she can't have children
>Pity for Cindy, zero spooks
Blue ticket rates somehow always feel worse than black tickets.
Always been that way, the rates for normal banners are dogshit. I don't even believe the stated percentages.
Why is new Cindy a ranger?
Because she's a teenager with attitude.
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the other gachas are all having free daily 10-pulls...
If you don’t look at other gacha you’ll never be discontent in that way
i look at other gachas and don't feel i'm losing much either
>me playing jewshin
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>>507634781 (me)
Hey, we a draft PvP mode so the whales on the servers can compete for TOP BETA flairs.
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at least play a game that respects your dick such as girls' feetline
Feet are such a cringe fetish, embarrassing that china has been reduced to them since they aren't allowed to show any other body parts.
And yes I know that's not completely true but it's insane how much attention feet have been getting lately and I don't like where this trend is going.
you're gonna kiss your chinese overlords' feet and you're going to like it. the future is yellow.
wtf those are some very detailed feet
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they're feetmaxing
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you did good, bwi
happy birthday to your big sis!
Don't get tricked, it has a worse gacha than genshin. The rates are absolutely abysmal, also you missed the most meta support character the game will ever have. The game has nice 3d characters but that's it, it's scummy to the max and the gameplay is the most braindead version of xcom possible.
>jewhoyo defense force arrives
Mmmm nothing better than Christmas leftovers. The ham and turkey taste better the next day.
I wish they'd tell us what the collab is early

I want to use my planet points but I won't until I can confirm there isn't some bullshit FOMO operator first
It's going to be some whore like highschoold dxd or haruhi.
My dad has an aunt that works at nintendo, xhe says that the collab is going to be Digimon.
i wish
Collab will be Re:Zero
i love emilia
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Pic was the better timeloop anime.
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Sorry bro, it's time for some hunterslop
I just don't care anymore. This draft mode PvP just hammers it in that most of the units in this game will never be relevant.
are you new
are you old
i'm mid
mid to many, special to me
super special rare?
hyper ultra special rare
More wedding dress skins for underaged girls WILL save the game.
The footfaggotry is why I decided not to bother trying GFL2.
Cuckoldry and feet. How more ruined can they make this sequel?
cindy ult is pretty fun she's like a psuedo replacer queen.
I won't start a new gacha/mmo until they learn to respect my time and get rid of dailies/weekly shit.
what a throw
Unironically that's the reason. Can't show anything else beyond the collarbone gweilo.
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If yang was my wife she would be in a state of perpetual impregnation. As soon as the baby leaves her womb I am jumping up on the birthing table and implanting the next one while the doctors and our newborn cheer me on. We will break all birthing records and usher in a new era of humanity.
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Yang fuck dogs
no u
night bwos,luv you all
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*Woof woof* (oh no they are on to me.)
Got to gold for the bins, I'd done with this ASSR shitshow. They need like 6 bans each to clean up all the broken bullshit.
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This but Cindy.
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Holy fuck /csg/

I'm doin you all proud in this tournament
Sisters... is it finally nyover? Have we reached the nyend?
dude for real how many times are you gonna post that, you're almost as obnoxious as that guy who talks about gay sex
the problem is if there were more bans then you'd need even more gear spread out, not the right call
Did the server just go down?
/ourgook/ vs those who don't play the game
he mostly agreed with it though? He just noticed that global has a huge bias towards sasha comps vs KR, which even global players will tell you is true
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yeah the fact that he seemed puzzled about rosaria and veronica when i see those two shitheads in like 70% of my gameswas pretty telling.
>over a year later
>still no follow up
Amazing they made it possible to use Jin Bora but she doesn't utterly trivialise the fight. Someone at bside can actually balance things.
The militia is the one story that is complete.
Minwoo peacefully accepted being arrested, Yuri met her sister and realized she might've been too extreme and needed to chill a little.
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Naielle Bluesteel default sprite.
It's not complete when Yuri and Yumi's encounter remains unresolved with Yuri being at large, Yumi chasing her, and Yumi not knowing her sister is alive.
The epilogue is Yuri leaving a letter to telling Yumi to no look for her.
Yumi is not chasing her as she realized that it her fault that Kang got seriously injured.
One of the best epilogues in the game.
Is there a recent auto guide or team for the consortium boss? I want to join a new one, but I'm a bit nervous about not doing so well...
Jan collab confirmed, but still no announcement of what it is...
>new Awakened Employee, Operator, and SSR Employee will be released
I wonder since it's worded that way, it means there's just 3 characters?
>less skins in 2025 because of more characters
bwi that already complained that we got less skins in 2024 won't like this
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There's only two consortiums left and neither care how you do. Just join one and teams usually get posted on the last couple days.
lotta "broad strategy" stuff in this one.
raid skips.
ranked rank only increases.
substreams "elevated to mainstream" (???).
less skins and more normal employees (what?).
>substreams "elevated to mainstream" (???).
maybe the canary squad stuff is getting promoted to mainstream?
The two in OP, I'm assuming...
Thank you!
"First, we will change it so that Victory Points are not deducted upon defeat, reducing the pressure of Ranked Battles."
I mean that's one way to do it i guess. it'll just end up being whoever has the most time to spam games but we're basically dead anyways so more people to fight the better.
Make sure you put /csg/ in your info or they won't accept you. Other than that just hit the marked arenas and do your best. No one cares what your score is just that you participate. And you can't for the current one anyways so you have plenty of time to prep.
ugh fck limited collab operators.
finally i can use my joke auto comp and spam emotes whenever I won against whales
gonna be fun autoing repeatedly for free points. I feel like removing it entirely is kind of stupid if they don't cap the point gain limit daily or something.
Its shit from a competitive perspective for sure

but at least people will feel WAY less pressure using meme shit like maestra, better odds of seeing "funny" comps
>Jake's reactor is his skill gives him stun immunity and aspd
Is that actually that great?

So he wants tanky cdr now I guess? His ult was already pretty cracked
>Collab actually does have an operator
Glad I sat on my planet points jesus, funny that I'm worried more about that than the ASSR
There was also a CEO who gave his opinion on the Awakened Nequitia's Alternium Reactor, and the planning team reviewed it internally. However, due to the nature of Nequitia, we currently believe that it can still have a powerful effect when a specific unit, such as the Awakened Nayubin, is banned, and that the probability of victory is not low when used by surprise.

Therefore, we ask for your understanding that we should be careful about giving Nequitia an Alternium Reactor because she could easily become an overbalanced unit like the Goliath of the past. In the future, if a balance buff is needed, we will indirectly buff her by giving her an Alternium Reactor to support characters such as Luna.


maestra's use is only as a housewife
that's mainly just to stop the stun from dino's special i guess.
I think the aspd is going to make him over the top obnoxious again. I wonder why they keep making the 6 cost defenders the most obnoxious units in the game.
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>Please buff maestra she's been shit for years
This dev note rivals the sheer stupidity of when they tried to revamp the entire game because they were butthurt about dinosaur
>maestra comp
>Olivie Park blocks your path
Nequitia needs a rework rather than a buff. If you don't run any counter units to her and she appears you pretty much lose (after 3 minutes) but if you do it's a pretty easy win.
>the 3 different tools of buff removal in the game
>Just fucking killing her with a rush team

bro she's "countered" by multiple extremely common/popular pvp setups
nta but she isn't actually. she was broken before the operator buffs that made them supercede anything else. She was only trash when serina and olivia were meta because they cancelled her ult and neither of them are very common anymore.

there's like 2-3 players in the 15k+ bracket that has a whole maestra team heavily invested including olivia with speed sub and its nearly impossible to maestra fast enough without specific counter units out.
>we will indirectly buff her by giving her an Alternium Reactor to support characters such as Luna.
Saying that when Luna is already way better than Maestra herself is hilarious
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bro I'm on the discord those players get rolled constantly by people using generic sasha rush comps, aka the most popular pvp team, who weren't building around her at all

like you don't need to "counter" her, she just loses to typical shit, and ULTRA loses to her (multiple) counters. Are we really having an argument trying to make Maestra sound good a week before 2025?
>admitting to being a discordtranny
all the tryhards are on discord. it's just worn out ojisans here.
worn out by me
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ya cause you're talking about maestra wannabes without invested teams.

sasha rush comps are literally just there to stomp scrubs they aren't instant wins in the higher tiers and you sure as hell haven't ever played against one of the few insane people who built up an invested maestra comp.
Apparently someone went Knight of the Lake when and now they're gunna do it.
Do they host pvp streams? I don't use discord much but i'm seeing alot of people in the discussion tab that sound like post-match commentary.
>Please understand that the January preview will inevitably be released at the same time as the collaboration is revealed.
so we won't get a january preview in a few days. good stuff, bside. player numbers are in free fall and you decide to not reveal the upcoming month till lord knows when. there is a time for surprises and sticking to the schedule like an autist and that sure as hell isn't now.
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while we are on autistic schedule, here is the new star savior pic.
they sometimes stream pvp in the voicechat channels. but, the post-match commentary is often just people recognizing each other in game and then coming to discord.
>winter clothes
>big ol tiddy window
maybe there's a market for this
Bside does actually have a chance with SS since the usual chink shit 3d gachas inevitably get censored while Koreans are currently pushing hot anime girls to their limit.
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>Both Storm Bringer Jake Walker and Rita Arsenico specialize in anti-Mech combat, but they have recently faced difficulties in countering Mech-type employees.
hasn't dino suffered enough...
they're saying
>we hate all mechs.
>the dino nerf wasn't enough to eradicate all of them therefore we will now also buff anti-mech units as a final solution to the mech question.
> Storm Bringer Jake Walker’s Alternium Reactor will grant him Stun◇ Immunity and an uncancelable ASPD buff when using Special Skill. This will allow him to deal with Mech-type employees more effectively.
What mechs even deal stun?
>Lee Yuri will take a different approach, specializing in countering Counter-type employees. When she uses Special Skill, she will gain immunity to Hitstun from Special or lower skills and a buff to increase Anti-Counter DMG.
That's retarded, what she needed was just more stats, she was already bad when released and with the Awakening buffs afterwards she became outright useless.
>we will change it so that Victory Points are not deducted upon defeat, reducing the pressure of Ranked Battles.
I wonder if there'll be any kind of system to prevent people from boosting with dummy teams.
>To address this, we are considering adding a [Collection] for operators similar to the one for employees, allowing you to explore more information about them.
>While we cannot confirm whether we will add an operator [Collection], we are currently exploring the possibility of including it in Origin 2nd Anniversary update.
Come on man, it can't be that much work.
>Our ultimate goal is to successfully bring the CounterSide story to a satisfying conclusion.
Reassuring that they'll finish act 3 before EoS is good.
>In 2024, we released various skins to showcase the different charms of existing employees. However, in the coming year of 2025, we plan to focus more on releasing new recruitable SSR employees.
Do the opposite of that you dumbasses, there are already too many characters in the game.
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>Completely made up post
>Everyone falls for it
need smoochies
sadly it isn't made up just the KR notes
most popular because it's cheesy and requires zero skill and thought to play
Let's see what arca think about this

>Do the opposite of that you dumbasses, there are already too many characters in the game.
But people will complain more if there is no new characters to roll for
I'm pretty sure by now that the person calling the shots on CS is probably one of those with massive egos that think that they know what they are doing and refuse to acknowledge players, can't fuck escape this kind of parasite
t. muhstra
>new girlfrontline TPS game
It looks significantly worse than Snowbreak which isn't exactly encouraging.
I agree with Bside with not wanting to buff Maestra If she were to be buffed she would be broken and the Maestra mains wouldn’t win anyway she will be perma banned so you won’t even be able to play her
What about the anti soldier combat?
>More SSRs
What's the point if they pale in comparison to awakened units?
they don't pale some of the SSR were pretty cancer the problem is that they had the worst designs
The reality is the playerbase is declining and bside knows this. They need to try something to get the casual players playing ranked again and keep gauntlet alive, even if this is not ideal for the top competitive players. Speaking for myself, I do exactly what bside is saying; I get to a certain rank for rewards and just playing it for the rest of the season because I don't want to risk losing rank.
Good change to the reactors. Finally realized stat buffs should just happen, automatically and for free (see: aSeo), while reactors you have to pay for should add abilities.
I been saying this for ages. They won't buff Maestra because she instantly becomes permaban cancer tier. Bside is dumb, but they still know their game well enough to realize her design is a problem. Like the other anon said, she needs a total rework.
There were some very good SSRs this year though, they are just too slow to buff the obvious duds like Momo, Credere and Aura.
Maestra is like alternate wins in card games, they exist just to look cool.
I get that, but that design doesn't work outside of draft mode. If Maestra was stronger, the meta is forced to become 'run Maestra counter team or don't play'. Kind of like pre-nerf dino and why KR and Global both opted to just silently agreed to permaban it forever. Even now after the nerfs nobody really wants to deal with the dino.
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>we actually hit the lowest point
how much deeper do we go bwos?
Why is it that even though some the changes are actually good, it still feels like crap?
Why do you think they are taking measures like removing gauntlet point loss, and making a big deal about wanting to 'finish the storyline'? They know this game won't survive another 2 years.
Because they are changes a gacha makes when things aren't going well, but they can't afford to EOS just yet.
its because we didn't get anything proper and we only get those as apologies, if they could do patches actually decent it would feel better
Soldiers got raped by the 120 change because now the Awakened defenders at level 120 have such innately high evasion that most soldier rangers struggle to hit them.
maybe they should've fixed the gear system being filled with garbage stats
KR gachashit just kind of runs with RNG gear as major monetization point.
They should unironically buff Ent Carrier to have hit buffs/evasion shredding instead of meme shit like defensive buffs for the most disposable unit types.
god gook shit from mmo to gachas always get ruined by their gear retardation its honestly impressive
what's the harm of making more options being viable?
those dumb +100 ATK rolls should've been +10% ATK and ATK set bonus should've been damage amp instead
They are not supposed to be viable. Rolling +20 hit or such is the equivalent of the gear piece being destroyed, except they are 'graciously' allowing you to recycle it as gear XP instead.
The problem with Maestra isn't with the unit itself so much as it is with the entire game design as a whole. Her gimmick is actually unique and you can tell whoever designed her tried, especially when literally every other unit is stat stick rushing/broken defender spam. The problem is that the way they built the game is too simple so only normal unga bunga is balanced. Alt win condition like terror or maestra will never be balanced and either be useless or completely busted.
There is not much more they can do to innovate for this game without overhauling a ton of shit which they won't do.
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I had totally forgotten they asked for your birthday. Wasn't expecting to see this when I logged on today. Thanks bside, you suck but you made me feel just a little bit happy today.
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happy birthday bwi
They could buff maestra but make so that her debuff doesn't work on mechs, or only works on awakened.
>buff maestra so that her debuff doesn't work on the unit type they despise and want to kill at all costs, or only works on the whale unit type that they need to keep the game alive
now why the FUCK would they do that?
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Just caught up on the missed posts and now I am sad again. >>507789053
She was the only reason I even tried pvp, I even bought her wedding skin. Just can't have anything nice I guess.
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i hate companies
do blind women deserve love? be honest
I checked the gf general and vm and v and saw nothing about it. Find it surprising none of their places are talking about it at all. Where did you supposedly find this informatin?
NTA but e7g's resident redditposter linked it >>507775086
They weren't kidding that looks pretty bad. Just downgraded models of the gf2 characters. It's weird, I've always wanted tps/fps style games but with cute anime girls. But for some reason whenever I actually see one I am not impressed. I feel like it's an untapped market but they just aren't doing it right.
You guys should've seen it coming.
strinova looks pretty fun
i'd play maestra if i didn't need to 120 shena luna + have a speed built olivia.. seems like too much effort for too little gain when i can just 120 felix or dino and be done with it.
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stay alive bwos

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