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Previous thread: >>505620527

/gsg/ faggots not welcomed here. Go to >>>/trash/gsg/ or whatever. Just go.

Galactic Civilizations IV dev journal #84, Megastructures Preview: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1357210/view/4444585538764144856
Tower dev diary 2: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1649950/view/4476108195413098862
Nebulous: Fleet Command, Devlog 35: Strike Package: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA1_SUYpvco [Embed]
Distant Worlds 2, Maintenance Update: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1531540/view/4471607136529417604
Civ 7 releases 11th of February 2025: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kK_JrrP9m2U [Embed]
Synergy, district update 0.4: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1989070/view/4458095703696080919
DUNE: Spice Wars community update #4: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1605220/view/6610815782091751442
Sins of a Solar Empire II, Ruins of War update 1.3: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1575940/view/4477236002110308563
Update for Distant Worlds 2 in 2 days: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1531540/view/4471607136529416235
Plan B: Terraform, v0.9 progress: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1894430/view/4480614335784159632

== Pastebins ==
Alpha Centauri (new 14/06/22): https://pastebin.com/QgEvG3ET
Free and open source games pastebin: https://pastebin.com/8nRQckSN
Stellaris: https://pastebin.com/hPfrhazx https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Stellaris_Wiki
Stellaris DLC guide: https://rentry.org/STDLC384
Endless Space 2 + Endless Legend: https://pastebin.com/yu57huWm
Civilization: https://pastebin.com/eeL9tyaW
/cbg/: https://pastebin.com/ZSLVg9kT
Workers & Resources: https://pastebin.com/XaWF8mE6
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Initial highway loop installed. City is coming along nicely at 30k citizens now.
Take spiderfag back. He's annoying us in erg.
Happy holidays anons and spiderfag.
Also, /gsg/ welcome.
Also, Call to Power 2 was my only childhood civilizations game.
I wonder what happened to all those trash [Thing] Tycoon games. The vast majority of them were utter unplayable garbage, but there were still dozens of them getting shat out every time you blinked while looking at the bargain bin, but around ~2010 they all just up and vanished. The deluge of Prison Tycoons and Mall of America Tycoons and whatever the fuck else just...stopped.
Market over saturation coupled with every code monkey being sent to the EA Sports fields or Call of duty mines to produce annual slop for the masses.
Devs chasing a fad, some of these tycoon games were very succesful so others copied the idea with a new layer of theming. Now the games exist so there's not much demand for a new game in that style. It's not like these stopped coming out. For instance two point studios has the two point hospital in 2018, then made a university sim with campus in 2022 and in the spring of 2025 they have a museum builder coming. The first 2 generally well received and following that classic X tycoon formula of building rooms and adding things to said rooms to unlock more rooms and more things to add to the rooms.
2008 crash kind of shat up all kinds of companies.
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There's also now a cthulhu cult tycoon game.
Or wait... does that one count as a tycoon game, since you are building a whole village for the cultists? A Cthulhu city builder then?
There are still tons of tycoon games. A good portion also shifted over to "simulator" games after the success of ETS2 and ATS showed a huge market for games that can capture the spirit of something without going full in on 1:1 simulation like flight simulator and train simulator did.
it's unbelievable how shit he is at anything that requires skill
mobile games killed them
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>Call to Power 2
>gsg/ welcome.
>Also, Call to Power 2
Go get ctp1 and download celestial mod. If it's stable you won't regret it. The ultimate ctp experience.
is it true that defeating 3x 25x is easy with cosmogenesis? I remember i tried when Galactic Paragons came out with ultra growth build and getting my ass whopped
How does that compare to Forever future?
>be's me
>playing c2c
>using a supersonic bomber to precision strike an enemy ambulance, the last defender of a city reduced to rubble
And I'm not even playing as israel
damn that's topical
i wanna play stellaris but i've been playing too much and it's getting kinda boring so instead I will play hearts of iron 4, cya in gsg anons
x25 crisis is pissy easy even without cosmogenesis if you have most of the dlc

if you mean all 25x crisis then no because you're going to end up with a 200x strength crisis at the end lmao
Playing as Japan and punishing the foul English. The AI is kinda no joke in this latest update (or well one of the updates since last time I played anyways). I remember the last time I played I was 2 or maybe even 3 eras ahead of the AI, which was certainly fun but does take away something off the game. This time i'm an era behind of the tech leader for most of the game, just about maintaining second place in atomic era.
>all 25x crisis
wasnt it you who claimed it last thread? i think i might have misread
I wish Spider would just create a whatsapp group for his family, so he could interact with both them and us.
The genre still exists, they're just not called X Tycoon. Prison Architect would've been called Prison Tycoon, Factorio would've been Xenofactory Tycoon, Planet Zoo would've been Zoo Tycoon #48235.
I miss Sim Theme Park (Theme Park World for you euros)
they should add a system that bundles up pops into stronger pops

100 normal pops = 1 mega pop
100 mega pops = 1 giga pop

This would provide the game with less lag and also play more into the fantasy of massive population scale late into the game
Less tech focus early on and a bit more...pop culture references but it fleshed out all stages as is. Integrates Harlans mods and their own. I think CD has better late game variety between all the content around governments and space/sea additions.
Just incase this isn't a wayward post that was supposed to go to gsg, adding 0's to an end of a number is easy for a computer. In fact that can be done in the UI processing phase entirely skipping game logic.
They would need to rebalance a lot of the games systems to implement that change, to account for the fact that now some colonies can have thousand times more pops than other smaller colonies when before all colonies would usually be within one order of magnitude with one another
Again literally doesn't matter to a computer
>adding 0's to an end of a number is easy for a computer
that's not the issue
the issue is that stellaris has to check a lot of shit for every single pop constantly. Do they have a better job to move to? A better planet to move to? What's their happiness? All of this every day I think?
It definitely causes lag in the late game.
Whats your point
The point is that OP's change doesn't change anything from performance perspective. A computer handles 1000 identical "pops" just as easily as it does one. It's a meaningless change that can be handled by the UI, if it makes you feel better to control millions of pops then just have the display register a M after the pop number and there you go.

But that's a separate issue. If you condense pops then you lose all of that for all the pops that got condensed. If you are willing to sacrifice the fidelity of the simulation then you can do that in variety of better ways already like locking all but the worst pop into statis until something changes etc. You may as well tune down the cheat modifiers at that point and play on settings that your computer can handle because that's what's going to happen anyways.
>Previous thread
Falsehoods, hateful lies
>But that's a separate issue
that's not a separate issue that's the original issue that anon brought up before you thought he meant something else
But again if you are taking identical pops it literally doesn't matter, but if you are willing to compromise on the simulation then there are better ways of doing that, some of which are in the game already like altering the settings to be better for your toaster.
Losing simulation fidelity is a thing that must happen and it is fine. If you have a colony that has 200 inhabitants, then it makes sense to know how happy and well-fed or what not each individual is, but when you have 200 trillion inhabitants in your empire then it is not needed to run the calculations 200 trillion times, one for each individual, you can bundle them up in say batches of 100 million and simulate them as 1, cutting down on computational overhead massively while still allowing you to grow your empire, potentially infinitely..
Just going to proceed to call you a retard since you don't seem to get it
Then leave and proceed to kill yourself immediately, retarded faggot nigger
100 giga pop = wambo pop
merry xmas civvforgees
Happy christmas anon, may your empire, city, base or whatever you are building up, flourish.
I miss streets of sim city
>research terraforming
>stop playing because I don't want to fucking manage 20 planets
>can't ignore it because leaving a dozen unterraformed planets bothers me too much.
Word on the grapevine is civ6 complete is going to be the freebie on Epic on Christmas day
Just automate them and only add a planet to the personally managed ones if you need it.
>Nothing matters after 2arcs
merry bumpo
>less lag
If that's the end goal, they'd just remove pop units altogether and replace it by raw numbers. Make jobs and political vote an abstraction.
Of course that be a steep step towards excel and less colourful icons on the screen, so it's never gonna happen.
I need to get sim3k, or is it sim2k that's the GOAT?

A wonderful Christmas time

A wonderful Christmas time

I love all you niggas. We are a single part of the sum that is the Noo spherical concusiounrss m, together. I am you and you are me. Except for the spider faggot. Merry fuvkin Christmas niggers!!!
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Merry christmas you filthy animals!
Merry 4xg Mas, may your 1 more turns be plenty, your missions have economic units/builders. And your colonies not deathspiral
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Merry Christmas anons! I hope you all have a good one.
>just remove pop units altogether and replace it by raw numbers
ye but then it kills the simulation, with my approach you get to reduce the lag while also keeping the intricate population simulation and even improve it a bit by allowing empires to have more diverse ranges of population
Do I need to understand how EU4 plays to be able to play Anbennar or can I just jumps straight into the mod and just learn from there?
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Hello fellas, happy Christmas
I, under the devils influence noticed that Stellaris is at 90% discount BUT can you still pirate the DLC and play them if you got the game legit on steam?
Fuck off to gsg
The general is dead which is why I asked here.
Fuck off to gsg in /vst/ or fuck right off faggot
Thanks, I keep on forgetting that board exists. Merry xmas anon!
One does not simply take the spiderfag. He's sticky.
Fuck off to /gsg/.

Then fuck off to >>>/vst/.
>can you still pirate the DLC and play them if you got the game legit on steam
I'm sorry don't know anon. I stopped pirating a long time ago. I can list other cheaper space games if you want.
Calm down, Grinch.
Nighty night. Hopefully Santa brought something nice.
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>#1 rule, don't burn your stinky body with holy fire
>Woman, burns her stinky body with holy fire
I don't think Mithra was one of the two gods in Zoroastrianism.
Merry Xmas, Anon!
is crusader kings 3 good yet?
Fuck off to gsg and ask them faggot
Rule #1: Never buy Paradox games/DLC at full price.
Has anyone found a reliable fix for the civ 5 launcher getting removed?
Killing the launcher caused problems instead of fixing them?
absolutely lmao now nothing works and it's been a month since the update
you will own nothing and like it ass behavior
you will install civ 7 and you will enjoy it
what game is this a good civ style clone?
Reiterating anon's question - just bought Stellaris for a few friends and if anyone has a guide I could point them to for DLC Unlocking that would be much appreciated.
>DLC Unlocking
I have no idea what you are talking about but I do know if 1 person has all the dlc or if everyone has a mishmash of the DLC you can DLC share in a multiplayer game and play with everyone.
where the hell is it
nta but got too >>>/vst/
>download all the dlc off cs.rin and drop it into the dlc folder
>download the preconfigured creamapi and just drop it into the main directory
thats literally it. it'll say in the launcher that it can't verify DLC but you can just ignore that
Anything good on the sales?
>aow planetfall
>have 3 alliances
>one of them calls me to war with some asshole down south
>march down there, beat him up a little, take some cities, accept when he begs for a truce
>second alliance calls me to war against the same asshole
>stuck between breaking the truce and being punished for it or breaking the alliance and being punished for it
>break the alliance
>third alliance calls me to war against the asshole
next time I'm just gonna firebomb everyone, no more diplomacy
Anon... I already bought the last DLC I didn't have for it from this sale.
What else is there?
>binged shitlaris 4 hours straight last night
>missed 2 classes
fuck this fucking game
>this game is so shit that I can't stop playing it
taste issue
Modded or unmodded?
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>on Christmas
Sounds like somebody lives outside of the West :3c
I certainly didn't expect third worlders understanding stellaris. Nevermind even enjoying it.
>kills the simulation
Of what? What even is a pop?
>A billion people
>A million people
>10k people
>One large fatass
an abstract unit of economic output
this way it doesn't matter if you have a species that breeds 100x as fast but requires 100x the manpower to get anything done
what happened to /gsg/?
Just some spergs chimping out. If you wanna post about it, just do it.
go ask them over in /vst/

I assume the mods just got tired of their shit
/gsg/ was killed by /pol/ zoomers being retards and not actually knowing anything about history, I've heard conspiracies that Paracucks did it on purpose but you can find a /gsg/ on /vst/ if you want to post specifically on there.
i've been away for sometime i was just confused as to where its gone
isn't it kind of ironic that spiritualist civs in stellaris hate AI/robots when irl conservatard jesusfreaks love AI-slop
spiritualists are the designated anti-robot, psionic ethic and I hate it. I hate how materialists are forced to be pro-robot too
I honestly think that only radical spiritualists should be anti-AI while regular spiritualists should get an even that splits the ethic in 3 ways:
>Doesn't care/stays out of it
It would make the game more interesting as well and alliances when you see Spiritualists and Materialists aligning via being pro- or anti- AI.
This is not gsg fag go back to the failure board of vst where you can manage to keep a general alive between yourself
I really hated all the diplomacy in AoW games, feels hollow and just... I dunno. They don't often have much interaction to do
it's hilarious watching people who say "evil can't create, it can only corrupt" every time they see a media adaptation that they think is too progressive cum in their pants over an unthinking machine taking a million images and then spitting out the average of all of them
I bought Stellaris on the Steam sale and I've ben having a lot of fun with it. Other than Utopia and Synthetic Dawn, what DLC packs are worth getting?
It rings true when a literal machine can make something more unique and interesting than anything leftists spit out, when you are more rote and less creative than a machine then, yeah you can't create, only corrupt.
the "pirate everything" DLC is pretty good
>when irl conservatard jesusfreaks love AI-slop
This reads like you've been spending way too much time on facebook scamming old people who are now too set in their ways to adapt to their new reality, just comes off as very elitist an hateful, like most leftists.
AI definitionally cannot create anything unique, retard
Neither can people, good job, you played yourself.
Hello newfriend or recently unbannedfag.
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Rules are weird.
To be fair a lot of the bedrock of 4x are really old board games meshed with risk or another early simulation game that inspired someone else.
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Picture may be a bit out of date by now.
>got filtered by Masters of Orion 1
It's joewari da.
Storms one isn't. Cross it off your list.
this doesn't say anything the store pages do not.
stupid spider FUCK
>can't create, only corrupt
did you create that phrase yourself or did you just corrupt it from an existing context?
You are the first one to notice this since the year this picture was taken.
Consider that.
go finger your prostate, fatty
everybody should be elitist towards retarded boomers.
literally just pirate them
Paradox veteran here but new to Stellaris, which I tried a while ago during the free weekend and enjoyed it, so I'm going to pick it up now since it's 90% off in the Steam sale. Should I just get the base game and learn that first, or get the Starter Edition (64% off) while I'm at it? Or get the base game and then also the DLC subscription?
It was just Tolkein's observation of evil, its not my fault every literature piece you guys read you take is as an instruction manual.
It gets even worse now that pdx themselves introduced oxymorons like the machine god in some astral rift. Which is totally different from the existing psyonic coworld we're having :^)
Synthetic Dawn released with a music track named Synthetic God
Is there any RTS with good music?
Rise of Legends.
Is there any RTS with GOOD music?
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If you have base Stellaris game can you pirate the bazillion DLCs and use the Steam Workshop too?
I also haven't played in 6 years. How much has it changed?
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Dunno. Last time I played, Ambassades gave a flat out stacking bonus to relationships instead of being RNG.
just pirate it all
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>4200 attacking army vs my 3500 defending army
>manage to persevere with only a single unit left alive
>attacker immediately offers a truce + cash money afterwards
god I love moments like these. A single deciding battle that makes or breaks the entire war
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I hate them.
>t. not even a true bulge battler
Aoe2 perfect study music
Shitlaris does have quite a few bangers
But how could any forget?
>C&C and RA soundtracks are the GOST rts bangers
Meant GOAT
>greatest of some times, I guess
Can you pirate the DLCs of Call to Arms: Gates of Hell?
Can you fuck off.
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Who hurt you, Anon.
Sorry, anon, I can only fuck on.
My fuck is on a dimmer switch
old world is boring
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Alright lads, I'm after a bit of help. Gonna be hosting a game of civ6 with some friends. Civ in general is not my strong suit; is there a strong pick against other human players?
Babylon, germans, russia, Korea and sumerians can all demolish easily enough. I think japan aztecs can also pull some great consistent starts
Bought CTA: Gates of Hell. Should I move to the /vst/ general or can I talk about it here?
And Dwarf Fortress.
I'm on the fence about buying Dwarf Fort or not.
I got money and toady isn't the worst. Plus I get all the QoL that the Steam version has.
Waaaay better than buying another Paracuck DLC.
it's overrated, and we never discuss it here so you'll have better luck on /vst/
have u ever played the game?
pop stuff should be percentages instead
there, fixed lategame performance
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If I have Stellaris on steam how can I pirate the DLCs?
Perhaps the answer to your question lies in this very thread. >>507645327
Anyone who plays Stellaris have any good achievement compatible portrait mod recommendations? I used to play with Stellar Legions but it looks like it is out of date and there isn't an up to date achieve compatible version
Haven't played in a while. How do you feel about those human and humanoid alterin portraits, the SE - human and such, portraits?
Have you ever tried making an argument?
>The pop mechanic was always moronic to begin with
In case you're still missing the point.
literally just pirate them
In a dev diary last month they mentioned they're looking at overhauling the pop system into something more like Vic3. If they go all in with the overhaul, it might be kind of funny to have different species of wildly differing populations with matching productivity. Something like 1 human produces as much as 1 thousand hivemind beetlemen, each of which produce as much as 1 billion nanite bots.
who the fuck is spiderfag
the dude that runs like 5 generals here or something, why?
Some fag who is also a spider
grand vizier of /civ4xg/
A wazir
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Playing CTA: Gates of Hell as per >>507732816

Are mortars supposed to have that FUGHUGE aim circle for "accuracy", and gain more accuracy by shooting?
I'm using them to clean the trenches from infantry like I did in MoWASS1, even set up a truck with ammo so they have nearinfinite ammo.
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Lucky hit with the mortar insta gibbed all the niggers at the AT gun. Now I can run them over with the tank and puma.
>Are mortars supposed to have that FUGHUGE aim circle for "accuracy", and gain more accuracy by shooting?
Holy shit, a game that reflect adjusting your aim after a few test shots?? Post more you dumb faggot, NOW.
>chill game of stellaris, building gigastructures just cause
>fallen empire declares war to curb my threat (literally have just been chilling surrounded by protectorates for decades)
>charge up darkmatter ripper
>send fleets to slow down FE fuck you mega fleet
>they die, and so does my one battlemoon
>darkmatter ripper fires and wipes out their capital system
>great, just need to do that 8 more times
>superweapon done charging, edict to fire it won't launch
>realise I've become the galactic empire and built the death star when I should've invested in star destroyers
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>game literally called SOVL
>uses AI art
Is Stellaris actually the closest thing to Vicky 2 in terms of mechanics and overall feeling of the game? Because Vicky 3 is and will remain a misguided abomination (Paradox failed to understand what made Vicky 2 appealing; spoiler: it wasn't managing the economy).
Go suck a lemon.
Kinda yes, but mostly no. Honestly, just try it yourself.

Just ignore him. Nobody cares anyway.
Based true /civ4xg/ gentleman.
If you want warfare, just go play HOI instead.
Vicky 2 was never about warfare either, it had a very simplistic EU3-like combat with some tweaks, nowhere near to complexity of HoI3.
You fags have your own general, go there.
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This is not a bulletin board, it's an anonymous imageboard. Here I can talk about anything I want and anywhere I like, provided it's not against website rules and there are at least some people interested in this particular topic. And you can do zilch about it, except voicing you disapproval (which is totally fine). Picrandom.
But that's wrong
And yet people still lost their fucking minds when Vicky 3's combat system was revealed. Interesting.
Recent Paradox games tend to be literally unrecognisable without DLCs (and sometimes even unplayable), so I doubt that you are going to learn much by playing just the base game. Just pirate it and buy later if you really like it.
Well, probably because it's even worse?
All paradox games are nonfunctional without all the DLC except the unit or music packs or other such ones.
That leaves you 3 real options
You either pirate the entire game, the downside is that you need to hop trough hoops and can't use the workshop for mods
You purchase the base game in a sale which is usually something that can be done quite cheaply but pirate the DLC.
If you are incapable of pirating because of lack of brains or unbrearable moral obligation then purchase the base game and then buy the subscription for one month (or how ever long you stay interested on a given game in a row) and then repeat at a later date when the game has gotten new updates and mods or what ever.

Under no condition should you buy the DLC because you would save more money using the subscription, realistically a lot more money and you could just pirate the entire thing for free too. If you want to "donate and give johan your tip" then just buy the base game several times or something.
>/gsg/ sneaking in again
The /gsg/ stays on >>>/vst/gsg/ where it belongs or it get told to fuck off, again.
please understand, these dumb faggots don't understand basic english
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Can't imagine playing the Angel hero. That'd mean being stuck with catapults, who suck.
Oh, so suddenly combat IS important?
Well, having a decent combat system is obviously preferable to having a terrible one, no? Or none at all? The thing is, nobody who's played Vicky 2 for a prolonged period of time would ever say that its combat system is great (or even good), meaning that there was something else that made all those people to continue playing the game for more than a decade (and allowed Paradox to make a sequel to a game that wasn't exactly the smashing commercial success).
Fuck off, hypocrit.
I am still waiting to hear what that thing is.
your mom
Well, IN MY OPINION (all caps, so there's no misunderstanding) despite all its shortcomings, Vicky 2 has managed to capture the feel of 19th century imperialism, where every aspect of the game — economy, industry, technology, diplomacy, politics, warfare, etc — are just tools in service of one goal: to have your "place in the sun" (which usually ends up in almost inevitable showdown of the war to end all wars, sometimes multiple of them), when in Vicky 3 I somehow feel reduced to a role of the Chief Clerk, who needs to manage goods to keep factories running; it feels more like Anno than a "grand" "strategy". Or, to put it in other words, Vicky 2 represents more "idealistic" view of history, while Vicky 3 is more influenced by materialist ideas (I would say even "historical materialist" ones).
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>requires the soul to be still present
No its not particularly close. The pop system is closer to that of Civ games than Vic ones, while most of the game is clearly 4X. Over time the pop system keeps getting closer to the system in Vic though, and the devs have stated they want to make that even more the case.
What game was this again?
Age of Empires clone #513421
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Wait a minute, is that why?

Warcraft 3, Wish version. Got some really fun ideas like assymetrical heroes and the like.
>Age of Empires clone #513421
So it's a Warcraft clone #141559679?
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What the fuck is a dowry.
What are the best RTS games in the last 10-15 years? Single player only. Sins of the Solar Empire 2 looks pretty cool. It's either something new or i'm just going to get Aoe2 DE and maybe Aom retold.
Dowry is a sum of money paid to the groom by the bride's family.
Kane's Wrath.
Fuck off to gsg faggot
Still fuck off
Yep, fuck right off back to your containment vst board
This guy always says this shit then disappears for a few days, and wonders why jannies nuked gsg. Total arrogance and continued attempt to parasite this general. Kill your self
starcraft 2
I love cossacks or age of empires 3 since it's early modern, such a fun era, yet so rarely focus of game
>Sci fi
Well sc2 but also sins and I really liked dune albeit dune more 4x in real time than rts
Battle for middle earth 2 I think was within 15 years? If not that DoW1 or DoW2 even CoH2 was pretty fun other than the company being trash and the playerbase even worse
Never played a single game in Civilization series, what's the best one to start? 3? 4? I think I can go back as far as 2 (after all, the most fun HoM&M game is 2, and the most fun Warcraft is Tides of Darkness).
Thanks anons.

Is AOE3 really good? I've played it a bit in the past but don't really remember, thought it had quite a negative reputation.
You, sir, are a lout. Also, I wonder, who's requiring more "containment", is it me or you?
5, then 4, then whatever you feel like.
4, 5 and 6 are all worth playing. Pick which ever you like from them, each has it's strong points.

Not that guy, but the guy breaching containment needs containing more than the guy telling you to return to containment
It's pretty fun now, plethora of updates in the DE era. A bit sparse on campgain and historical battles but the card system I'm skirmish alone is hours of content to play with. It's free2demo (rotating free civ) so check it out

Most its black reputation comes from aoe2 people mad it's not aoe2, poor multiplayer system (had to grind to unlock cards so sweats always raped newbs) fixed in DE and then well...it's a bit whacky so "serious" rts players always gonna mald when an Italian da Vinci tank rolls you. Imho worth a shot since free demo.
This faggots been it for years, the "I can post w/e" trying to sneak in is how he starts. It will get nasty and then he'll continue to try to drag the general down and get nasty. Faggots bad the same playbook since covid. Coy>vicitim>nasty once that doesn't work>outright tries to ruin..then runs away and a few weeks later/months later does it again. The most pathetic human on this board I've seen. Just call out and move on, a good faith gsg poster would see there's a dedicated board and move there since they come to talk about their game not stir up trouble.
just start with 5
>golden dowry
Mommy's daughters aren't getting married anytime soon.
>to the groom by the bride's family
What the fuck?
Women are non productive members of society, in a sane world you obviously need to pay to get rid of one.
I'm just confused why it isn't the groom who pays the family.
Because they are taking in a non productive member of a society that they have to feed in the future.
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>stardaughter captures enemy souls to take them to the afterlife
>pet dragon can still pillage the bodies to get gold and buffs itself up
This the wc3 clone?
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Yeah, Godsworn.
Very early access, units standing on walls won't attack until they're fired at, there's a lot of pathfinding issues, but the AI is just plain awful with healers units walking an entire screen to stand on the enemy that just shot their friend.

But I like it because you play gods, goddesses, an angel... and just a bishop, whose name change whenever he's killed.
And the bishop is the scary one, because he can eventually hire black knights and make canons.
Ancient pagan magic can't do much against black powder.
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>bishop, the only human hero in the game, is finally level 10
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Time to BUILD
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>cathedral over
>all enemy worshippers immediately join me
Fantasy catholics just keep winning bros

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