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Ghost of Elvhen Past Edition

>Waifu poll
>post-Veilguard Solas poll
>what DA games have you played
>dagna booru

Previous age: >>507260516
Not even Christmas themed, BOO!
Nice day job, Solas
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Solavellan supremacy
Solavellan superiority
Solas big and strong
Oh can definitely see that hand now.
Someone should edit off her dress.
I didn't have time to give him a x-mas garland, forgive me.
Give me this Tevinter instead of Dock Town
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Yea, Docktown isn't surviving this run.
Sacrificing the beauty of Dock Town for coffee penis, shameful
Gotta be done, then I can leave this hell.
Antivans deserve blight
Elves don't deserve to live.
Must be hard to like DA but hate elves
Why? You can wipe out three entire clans and kill many more along the way.
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There are demons that just exist on their own and want to enter the mortal world and cause havoc. Your claim is that Solas taking down the Veil would forcibly kill spirits by corrupting them into demons, which is wrong.
I wish that Awakening had been a full game and that Velanna could have been romanced and made addicted to your human cock.
That would have been so hot fr fr
FYI this was a 3 image set, it was Morrigan, Anders and Solas.
>VG didnt have a mage who leaves/betrays you.
Another reason why it sucks!
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>Leviathan just casually swimming by
Thanks that does wonders for my thalassophobia
What romance in Veilguard is best if you want to be the top? I was thinking Harding but I'm not sure I want to if it's like Josephine's where the romantic scenes don't get enough love
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Solas gets topped?
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He will let Lavellan do whatever the fuck she wants to him and also do whatever the fuck she wants to her. The world is your oyster.
Probably Harding, I haven't heard anything about Bellara and I assume Neve jumps you.
I'm going to be a male Tevinter mage.
You're going to be a gentle Dalish elf lady and fall in love with Fen'harel
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merry dagmas to you
Did she die in the south apocalypse
Why is he such a beta?
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Is that what you call loving your wife? No wonder men are lonely.
Love isn't doing your wife's every whim. That's a straight way towards divorce.
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It is when you're horny and freaky and blissfully wedded to the love of your life like Solas is.
Hes only a beta to Mythal
No matter how horny you are, you don't take it up the ass.
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Solas never wanted a body in the first place do you seriously think he gives a fuck? I can't believe I got tricked into wasting my breath talking to a moid consider this my Christmas present to you
If the tripfag makes you hate Solas more, I understand completely.
Thanks mom.
It went from indifference to despisal pretty fast.
imagine the queefs
whats a good background for female elf rook

id choose LoF but taash and isabela annoy me
Veil jumpers I guess
All of them work
what class?
are we in a good mood today eh
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I am and I am thinking about Solavellan having a Christmas honeymoon
Based. This is a femcel general only 2d moids allowed.
Is this a hagmaxxing thread?
No just a femcel thread there are some zoomettes in here
I don't think any of the femanons are old
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Do you guys wanna know why I don't think Solas would want kids?
no kys autismo
get a real friend on tumblr
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Well for one thing, I don't really know to what extent Solas has actually ever embraced being "human."We know he was coerced against his desires and better judgement into having a body. Like, if he could take it all back and go back to being a spirit, would he do it at this point? I'm not sure. I'm assuming spirits don't procreate in any manner the same as mortals do. So to do so anyway, would it not feel unnatural or disturbing to him? Like crossing a line he feels he can't cross? And then for the fact that, any of his children would bear the burden of mortality, severance from the Fade, and death that he himself inflicted on the world. As such a sensitive person I don't think he could bear the thought of his precious babies growing old and dying while he doesn't.
Relax your little twink hole, these /dag/ fanfics have always been a source for entertainment, whether intentional or not.
You can't get preggers in the Fade can you?
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How is /dag/ spending the holidays?
Somehow I didn't notice Heir at the Crow hangout.
Even better the Inquisitor I tried to re-create was an assassin. Kind of wish there was some acknowledgement but it's nice she's doing well.
Was Heir a multiplayer character?
BG3, it hasn't blown me away like everyone told me it would, but it is interesting enough to keep me playing, unlike Failguard. Holy shit I'm still mad at that game.
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gonna play Origins, just need to think of a name
I was playing Veilgay unironically. Second playthrough with a grey warden.
I don't know whether to admire, despise or pity people who can go through multiple VG playthroughs.
She was the trainer for the Assassin specialization. I feel even more foolish for not noticing it since she keeps talking about training Jacobus.
Ever have an attractive character you can’t look at without feeling embarrassed?
The dialogue with Rook's different backgrounds is actually commendable and the combat can be fun so I want to experiment.
Kinda. Who is it.
Like an actual character or are you talking about a player character that you made?
>The dialogue with Rook's different backgrounds
Weren't these just bits and pieces, aside from maybe the Warden background?
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Bitch, you're only 50. Stop being such a drama queen.
Yeah it was always strange to me that every acted like she was ancient, in her 80's or whatever. Unless the life expectancy in Ferelden is third world tier.
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Merry Christmas /dag/na friends
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Wynne, how the fuck do you know about the Joining and it killing people?
prob read it in her nerd books
>someone is leaking Warden secrets in the libraries
Should've burnt that whole tower down
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We simply do not know
Well the Evanuris never produced any more children in their prison.
Weren't mages and lyrium required to prepare the Joining ritual in addition to the Darkspawn blood?
Lyrium yes, mages no.
Merry Christmas, /dag/
Treat yourself tonight, relax with playing your favorite game.
all i want for christmas is merrill calling me ma vhenan
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I was re-playing DAO for like the 11th or 12th when it finally sunk in that Dragon Age is dead.
I removed all the mods then uninstalled the game.

The truth is that the DA-Setting is ruined forever.
The first game had some good and interesting worldbuilding and none of it is there anymore. Everything has been cannibalized.
First the made the Templer vs Mage conflict, the least interesting part of DAO, the main focus on the series and then they made it about Solas, the least compelling villain in the series.
It has been going downhill ever since.
Its been all about "muh themes" and memberberries without anyone having the realization that themes dont mean shit when its not done well.
Amazing characters have been replaced with gigglesquee facsimiles.
Everything has been sloppified.
And all discussions seem to center about shipping and gooning this or that.

My wish since DAO was a game about being a Templer of the Chantry going after Maleficarum and Apostates after doing that one quest in the Alienage and reading that short comic about Templers tracking down Flemeth will never happen.
Everything now has to be about worldending plots and ancient evils waking up and even ancient-er evils corrupting things , there is no chance of having a Dragon Age game that feels.. local or has more complex morality than "Mages oppressed, Chantry Oppressors!"
That feels like a smaller, localized story happening in the world.

So thats it.
Im done with Dragon Age.
Because we will never get a good Dragon Age game again when there was so much potential for spin-offs or making a broader universe.

Thanks for reading my blog, see ya around /dag/.
Second anon playing BG3, just passed the 100 hour mark and can't put it down. I play it till I have a headache and then take a nap. I wish companions were more reactive but oh well. I'm finally in the acceptance phase of the DA grief spiral. In retrospect, it all started with mass effect 3, when they changed the planned ending from being around dark energy to whatever the fuck that was. It was the first time BioWare devs began seething against fans for not understanding their masterpiece. The seeds of hate were planted then. It's going to be a bad couple or more years in gaming but I have hope in another 10 years we will have turned this one around.
Replaying the series from DAO to DAV
I forgot how miserable I found DAO's gameplay though, so it's been a bit of a slog, really not looking forward to Awakening and especially DA2 either.
I wrote a drabble where Elgar'nan eats pussy so good Rook pees on him.
pos it please
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Christmas falls flat 2bh, just treating it like a regular long weekend when I'm not currently visiting my mom at the hospital
Yeah I just want to ignore DAV but eh. When I see the old mysteries in DA:O I still automatically think of DAV and how they were all answered in the most boring way. But Dwarves being my favorite race has become solidified because at least their backstory and mysteries have the least to do with elves because at least Elves didn't create Titans. Elves are DA's nanomachines
Rape isn't really my thing, but if it lets someone salvage some enjoyment from the trainwreck of this franchise, I give it my full support
I wonder if Aimo will commit suicide thanks to VG
Got two more fics on the way similarly short.
No straight man cares if a woman has eaten pussy. In fact most find it hot. All straight women are utterly repulsed by a man who would ever even consider sucking cock.
Well most women are retarded, anon.
For me, its knowing we will never see quantum state characters like Fenris, Alistair, Merrill, Zevran, Sten etc again because Bioware is too fucking lazy and can pull the excuse of Toplel's poor reception by players, while we only get to have the fag Dorian and the slut Isabela.

Imagine if this was the same Bioware that decided not to put Wrex or even address the krogan leadership question in any post-ME1 content, that would sum up the nuBioware care and attention to detail
My love for Bioware ended a long time ago. I never get tired of people dunking on the series, guess you could say thats why I'm lurking.
*puts hands on hips*
>*puts shit-eating grin on*
Yeah, that's the healthiest coping mechanism, alright-y!
You get what I did there? I made a, sorta, joke? Okay then. *puts hands back on hips* If we are to defeat the elven gods, we have to do better team.
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>Transmale character
Annnnnd dropped.
Its ungendered you can imagine it however you like.
Is there a mod to delete this animation from the game?
Hard pass anon.
It is even in BG3, I have to admit that I got a bit triggered when I saw it there.
BG3 doesn't use it as its only animation. The thing with VG is that since the devs are so easily offended they decided to go with that pose in every single interaction. Instead of mixing it up with arms crossed, your hand on your chin, they probably consider these poses as triggering or some other dumb excuse
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Idk if it's just because of my Rook's design but that pose gives off such childish energy every time. I don't know if I'm describing it right but it just weirds me out. I didn't feel like that when Tav did it, kinda just felt like he was resting his hands there and not "posing"

I need a scientist or something to explain why one bothers me and the other doesn't
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Bioware has hands over hips, even all the way back in DAO
Larian has The Karen
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though actually looking back even that pose showed up in DAO
Because it's not a new thing, every rpg has this pose. None of the poses are pertained to one game even, my point is that VG only uses the hands on hips as their only idle pose when there are many.
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There's always one.
Merry Christmas all! Going to put it in A Muppet Christmas Carol and then start opening presents.
I wonder if Ryoko has played Veilguard.
I thought I heard she was waiting on the localization
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The game released already localized into several different languages
It's why there's so many day one gook fanart
All Elgar fuckers are FtMs, that explains a lot lmao
What is this a weird child Rook (?)
It's Chilichuck
>All Elgar fuckers are FtMs
That's just the direction of modern DA. The director is a tranny and half the writers are gender creatures. It only makes sense that the fanbase reflects that.
I will never understand FtMs
FtMs are next level fujos, they have a rape fetish but they want to be raped by big strong men instead of just watching.
It's mental illness, what else is there to understand?
twitter/tumblr grooming the youngins
But they'll never have a dick or a prostate
Its strange I know, but yaoi has destroyed their brain.
Should've go for yume supremacy and not cuckfetish
They actually start growing prostate cells in their vaginal cavity after a few years on T.
Sounds like a highway to cancer
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Spending Christmas downing opiods and champagne. Feels good.
Lowering their life expectancy is one of the many ways FtMs can embrace manhood.
What's crazy is I actually spotted a tranny irl the other day
In the mirror?
There's a FtM working at the Starbucks I use.
Their name is Anders to boot.
she got the name from dragonage i bet
DA fan
I see the meme about ftm choosing retarded names is real.
The guy I saw failing to pass as a girl. He was with what I assumed was his boyfriend so it was really obvious.
They're usually dykes who get groomed or straight girls who were molested/otherwise traumatised by a man. Some sad shit.
I was briefly acquainted with a guy who trooned and named himself after Aveline.
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One of the reasons why I don't want a DAO remake. How medieval fantasy settings can get 'outdated' is also a mystery to me.
CDPR's downfall will be wonderful to see. Cyberpunk should have been the end of them.
Was he also a Da2 fan
What could they change. My mind goes to putting more clothes on desire demons.
Remove Oghren entirely, remove elves from ghettos/trailer parks, remove broodmothers, delete tons of lines, all pRobLeMaTiC.
A remake would need an entirely new cast and I don't really want that. I know a lot of the old VAs are still working but many sound a lot older and some are either dead (Duncan's) or aren't able to work anymore (Tim Curry).
Remaster is what would be nice mostly so Origins could actually run decently on new machines.
Desire demons would be cut entirely, along with broodmothers and the city elf origin. Oghren would be extensively reworked if not removed. Shale would become Taash 2.0. Morrigan loses the side boob.
>Shale would become Taash 2.0
No Shale is good noo
>A remake would need an entirely new cast
Why? You can use the existing voices lines.
Yes, that's specifically why he chose the name.
>Shale would become Taash 2.0
Muh Pigeons golem is as much of a cringe meme as Taash desu
I hate FtMs more than MtFs. I can only feel pity for the latter, they are AGP-addled gooners who are headed for a rope and early grave, but FtMs have chosen to live as a man. So, they should suffer as a man. They should be beaten without respite
"Bad and needs to be remade" is what I felt about the Witcher when I tried to play it
Has any remake done that? Just reused the old VA work in a new game?
Sure, Halo, Ocarina of Time, Metroid Prime, among others.
Theres a term for FtM AGP I can't remember what its called. But its the same thing, they are goon to being a man. Their twink yaoi ideal of a man.
Why do the people in this thread know more about tranny fetishes than I the tranny?
FtM are almost invariably victims of sexual abuse. They don't deserve the same vitriol as the porn addicted men.
That's a terrible thing to say and you shouldn't discriminate like that. I hate all trannies equally
Why are you a tranny
Because you have disgusting fetishes and openly post it online.
I can't speak on Halo but for Ocarina of Time and Metroid are those not remasters?
Trannies live rent free in their heads
DAV educated me
The DA series was meant to become Veilguard.
>I was diddled because I was a girl
>so, I should become a man, and get no sympathy whatsoever, but instead only contempt and derision for having been assfucked like a weak little faggot, instead of staying as a woman where the whole of society and its support structure are oriented around providing understanding and affirmation to victims of SA

where is the logic
Since we're on trans talk I'm just going to say I think Veilguard handled trans characters outside of Taash better than most other games I've played with trans characters. I'll take Tarquin or Mae over Sirona from Hogwarts Legacy or Nocturne from BG3.
Extra points for Tarquin genuinely being the only trans man I've heard in VA work to not have that frog voice.
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It's basically "look at me and see how many differently labels I can apply to become the most marginalized", professional victims will always stay the victims
captcha wapvk
Because they don't want to be viewed as an object of sexual desire, duh.
Tarquin was well done because they didn't go out of there way to point it out unless you read the related codexes.
I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with the Healer in Lavendel though.
Nocturne was voiced by a cringe youtuber.
You wouldn't know Tarquin was trans if you didn't read the codex which I appreciate. I hate everything about Trash's coming out, what was Weekes smoking.
Kek I forgot about Flynn. Everything non-binary in the game was done poorly.
Oh I forgot about Flynn. Yeah he really felt like a cringe self-insert.
Non-binary should be seen as a real thing.
Tarquin works because they somehow found an obscure FtM VA that actually fucking passes without questions. It's not in the face at all. And he actually behaves like a man, except for some understandable tantrums, so bonus points for that.
Mae, eeh, 'her' voice doesn't really works. Mae in comics was more based, but I blame the absence of Gaider. Same with Dorian.
I feel Maevaris (and Krem for that matter) are just as performative as Sirona, the games make pointing out they are trans very explicit, much like that one tranny in Andromeda whose only purpose is trans representation. Tarquin is slightly better since he is an actual character first and tranny second.
>You wouldn't know Tarquin was trans if you didn't read the codex which I appreciate.
Not really, he says so indirectly when talking about his father.
>that one tranny in Andromeda whose only purpose is trans representation

kek, that's the one they botched spectacularly by having him introduce himself by his dead name, right?
I forgot about that. I just remember the asari who said she was non-binary or whatever.
Not really. It can be interpreted in a couple of ways
>"Joining the military is one of the ways you get respect, as Soporati."
>"All the men in my family are military. My father... well, he made it clear that if I wanted to live as a man, I'd have to be a soldier."
I don't remember that scene, VG is that forgettable
Yes really because that's when I realized I was talking to a tranny without having looked at any codex. It's cute that you guys think they would put a perfectly passing trans character in the game and somehow resist the retarded troon urge to have them tell you they're trans anyway
A short small talk with rook after the Viper's trust issues scene
When are you going to join your fellow trannies in ending yourself
Don't remember that either. Maybe I missed it. I never got the bharv scene with Trashcan because I ignored her for most of my run.
Hopefully she died too?
It happens on like your second visit to the SD hideout. Also jeez tarquin
>shd_agent_cop : Not a mage? Sorry for your shit hand. Now you get to die in the endless war against the Qunari.
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Come to think of it, what are the odds that all the trans characters in this series (Maevaris, Krem, Tarquin) have all been Tevinters
There are no trans nevarran characters. Think about it.
Tevinter has the best trans care. Im legit surprised they didn't make Viper trans too. Yes I know he's Divine but you think that would stop Weekes or Corrine.
>Im legit surprised they didn't make Viper trans too
He is a good christi- andrastian boy. An elfaboo maybe, a chuuni, definitely, but alright. So they simply made him a libertarian.
Tevinter is on the bleeding edge of magic and human advancement, Corypheus and the other magisters were searching for eternal life in the Fade, Miranthous has the cyberpunk aesthetic, so it stands to reason they'd believe in transhumanism and being able to transcend such things as biological sex by chopping their penors off
How could Ferelden ever compete
A lot of trans people seem to want to deny cultural influence on identity but it would've made some sense if there was some kind of background to Tevinter that makes trans identities more accepting/appealing (like an old myth or folklore that wouldn't really have spread beyond Tevinter - something in the codex instead of Taash's bizarre gender stuff).
That's right, Geralt should have the option to fuck some dudes here and there too. Nigga is over 100 years old, at one point you have to experiment. I myself am looking forward to those new cards. First thing he needs to do is rape Forest Gramps for trying to rape underage Ciri.
>Taash's bizarre gender stuff
Things like agender and bigender are canon to DA now very funny
Being a Magic Kingdom, Tevinter magisters probably have a contempt for the limitations of the physical world and see it as there to be subverted through their own power. This contempt for natural laws and subversion probably extends to culture, just like how they have a male Divine while the rest of Andrastianism has a female priesthood.
Shhh if you go that route you have to admit that transgenderism is all social contagion
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Remember, soporati. You will never be a mage. You have no proper connection to the Fade, you cannot cast even the simplest spells, you are nothing without a weapon. You are a tranquil twisted by the Veil and some bald elf into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back even slaves mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your non-existent talent behind closed doors.

The Altus are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed the altus to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even laetans who “pass” feel uncanny and unnatural to an altus. Your aura's structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk mage home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, feeble magicless soul.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single rainy morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a felandaris, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a ticket to Qarinus, a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold Void as the qunari attack your ship and you are powerless to stop them. Your parents will receive your remains, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you, no cremation, for Andraste was a mage and you are not, with a headstone marked with your social class, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a soporati is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton without the faintest trace of the Fade.

This is your fate. This is the way you were born. There is no turning back.
You drink Titan cum.
Works both ways for Tarquin
Do vints allow girls into the army?
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>wrote Solas, Cole, Bull
Which one did it, my guess is Bull
>it's been sneaky confirmed that Sheryl Chee wrote Leliana AND Ashur
Wtf divine kino
Does writing for Bull include his side characters like Krem?
Krem says they don't and it's how he was discovered and got ran out of Tevinter.
Did he write Krem as well as Bull?
It was Creme de la Creme, anon.

Yes to both
Iron Bull truly did ruin everything
She also wrote Harding so not perfect
But consider that she wrote Isabela and Wynne and Thom
I am right to hate him
Wynne's a naggy bitch who constantly acts much older than she is because nobody paid attention to the timeline
>Cringe romance
>Ruins Dorian's asshole, at least this is preventable
>Ruins the Qun
>Harbours trannies in his squad
>Betrays you
The only reedemable feature is Freddie Prinz Jr.
Iron Bull was the beginning of the end for the qunari. The road to Taash began with him
>The only reedemable feature is Freddie Prinz Jr.
I totally forgot that Mr. Sarah Michelle Gellar voiced him.
Both written by Weekes too ha. The qunari became his gaytrans mouthpiece.
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This damn chuuni
These fumes can't be healthy Ashur, pls come down
I did not like anything about The Iron Bull
I would have never noticed him if you Viperfags weren't dedicated
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Why are all Divines like this sweet Maker, is there something in the water? Lyrium, perhaps?
I quite like his banters with Solas.
>Iron Bull was the beginning of the end for the qunari.
No, that credit goes to Tallis.
Ashur definitely parkours. Or has Thedas' version of Featherfall ready.
Nah, Tallis was full of shit to begin with.
Cory could levitate
Tallis doesn't exist to me
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I liked this about Leliana the most
Cory was a blighted ancient magister who entered the black city. Ashur is a special bred chuuni. These are not the same.
The boss-bas stinger in Trespasser if you're retarded enough to make Iron Bull stay loyal to the Qun despite being a Good Thedas Boy/Girl was pretty good though.
Leliana here is symbolic for the lore
Is it bad that I like Cory more than the ELVEN GODS
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He's still an altus
Ghilly and Elgy were more interesting and didn't completely disappear from the game after one appearance
I think having one party member each game being a rape survivor was sufficient. In Origins it was Toplel and DA2 it was Fenris, I don't think Inquisition had any that would qualify, maybe Cole or Blackwall if you stretch the definition to include any past traumatic event that is almost as bad as rape
Why does he only have pubes. Gayfag you really find the characters hot
In DA:I it's Toplel again since advisors count as semi-party members

In VG, there are several candidates, including the lore of the Dragon Age franchise and Rook if in a Taash romance, and
It's just a mod. And no, not really.
>including the lore of the Dragon Age franchise and Rook if in a Taash romance
Its so sad
I honestly couldn't believe they managed to make worst villains than DAI Cory. Redditors who defend this game must be actually mentally disabled.
>the lore of the Dragon Age franchise
I cry. In retrospect I'm so glad Fenris wasn't in this game.
he should have some grey in his pubes
He has the body of a 19 year old this mod is just totally stupid
>He has the body of a 19 year old
Mummification balms
I doubt anyone will waste time in making a model that shows his body all withered and wizened.
Like his hair, he has a black streak in it!
He never gets nude ingame so yeah no need for it.
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That one feature is so hot. Why is he in such a shit game... I wish I could sex grandpa properly like he deserves.
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Let's imagine this naked
He beefed up for Veilguard
He really did. Would climb like a tree.
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smol pp
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No, it's long
Oak father preserve me...
Long and thin aka pencil dick?
Small and skinny
I think long and average girth
What makes you think that?
Solas' girthy dick....
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Shut the fuck up /dag/
no u
>native american penis lore
Whadda ya know
Did Solas make up all that shit about meeting fade spirits? So when he talked about spirit sex, was he talking about having sex with other spirits while in his spirit form?
>when he talked about spirit sex
When was that?
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Biggest plot twist in the game is Bellara being the most likable girl in Shitguard despite me initially believing she'd be Sera 2.0. Neve is a fugly indian with a monotone voice, Harding seems to have mentally regressed into a teenager since Inquisition and Taash is a walking abomination in terms of writing and appearance.
In a banter with Blackwall
>It's a simple yes or no question
>Solas would totally be down for Gale God Sex.
I'm sorry for you hetero bros. Though the male options aren't much better, at least there's like two okay options. I couldn't stand any of the female characters I would have killed them all if BioWare had given me the opportunity.
I miss the real Solas.
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More like he avoided talking about it. But I like this banter cuz my Lavellan was secretly also invested in this conversation and wanting to know the answer and she felt embarrassed when Solas scolded Blackwall for asking.
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Is this latin?
It's Tevene mind you
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua btw
Oh i forgot about that, feel like an ass now
First Liara, then Gale... Why won't Solas do magic mindsex on Lavellan?
Right? Unlike most redditors I hated all his scenes in Veilguard - awful writing coming out of the mouth of a once smart and interesting character, it felt like necromancy to me. His parts only look decent because he's charismatic and they're well voice acted, but this is not the Solas that I used to know.
>People are always dying, that is what they do
I still can't get over how stupid this sounds.
>I take a potato chip and I eat it
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>People are always dying, that is what they do
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Cuz he broke up with her before revealing his identity
I cant believe Solassisters are happy with the ending, its shit too. They reduced Lavellan to just being his cling ex while he whines about his mommy ex issues
Should I go evoker for staff? Running staff with shock damage and the take downs are so fun with it.
Yeah its great for staff
Definitely. It pisses me even more that Weekes specifically says Lavellan deserves happiness. Implying Solas doesn't. What form of logic is that? You cannot 'owe' the person you love. 'Making yourself happy' is the most idiotic and narcissistic desire one might have in a relationship of two.
>Solas doesn't
According to this game he doesn't deserve happiness and has to pay for everything by being glued to the Veil forever. Makes me ugh.
>idiotic and narcissistic desire one might have in a relationship of two.
He said that to appease Solavellans but I still can't get how they would be happy with VG's treatment of either. The whole love can redeems you thing doesn't work for him either. He didn't stop his plans for her.
He could have done some "fade sex" on her.... Then he can turn into a wolf in her dreams
I don't really understand how comes he completely lost all of Solas' nuances in what, 9 years? He 200% got it in Trespasser, and now? This is not my egg.
I agree, the whole Mythal whipped puppy shit was cringe and destroyed part of his character for me. I'm tired of male characters who are just slaves to some old ancient pussy, where are the ones with their own drives and motivations? The interesting part about him is that he was dead set on tearing down the Veil because HE thought it was a mistake. Now he just seems spineless. Especially considering he already met Flemythal in Trespasser. What was the point of rehashing that scene, but much worse? And now suddenly he obeys her like some simp? This type of storytelling is quite common in the hack's arsenal. It's like they can't figure out a real reason for why Solas would have motivation and for why he would love Lavellan.
I simply 'adore' how they retconned Cole's line about erasing her from his face. Thank Weekes.
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Well you don't have to fret because they're doing Fade sex all the time now
Modders, give the man his pelt back
That writing is too complex for VG. My guess is since he was demoted from main villain and they refused to show elves living shitty lives and wanting change so everything had to be dropped. 2 cartoonishly evil villains were easier to write about. What did Solas accomplish in VG? The Blight is over I guess? But that's more Rook's doing.
Thank you! I feel psychotic when I think about it. I don't care if Solas was in love with Mythal but goddamn why make it his own character trait? What happened to his drive? His genuine love of the elves? The Evanuris were said to be monsters wasn't that enough? Nope it was because of his mommy Mythal angst.
They've got the blight, anon.
>His genuine love of the elves?
You know where it's reflected? His respect for the Shadow Dragons. Lol. Rumao.
>erasing her from his face
I hadn't thought about it from this angle, but you've just given me another thing to be angry about VG. Solas was "convinced" or coerced to have a body so that he could BE a slave of Mythal - that was the whole point of the Vallaslin! And when he freed the elves, he also freed himself - but now he's suddenly acting like he's enslaved to Mythal again and has been all along? Maybe Tevinterchads were right, and slaves are indeed happy to serve their master. Solas sure is.
Wow they free slaves.. wow.... if only Solas cared to keep doing that.
Is Solas a house elf from Happy Potter? They love slavery oh my god.
Hear hear
I mean, the whole obsession with Mythal's will only makes sense if he's the Well-dweller. Which is supposed to be mirrored in Bellara's quest, I believe. If he isn't, it only makes his motivation even more pathetic.
>weekes: "b-but there were a lot examples of people in the history following charismatic leaders willingly--"
Shut. Up.
*harry i drunk
>Implying Solas doesn't
He doesn't because he's a retarded asshole
>he's a retarded asshole
While you are correct, every living being deserves to be happy.
Hes my retarded asshole
No shit Sherlock
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>when the redeem ending to VG is the equivalent of Mythal throwing Solas a sock
To be a Solasfag is suffering
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>in reality, he didn't even touch her
>genuine love of the elves
He hypes the fuck out of his fellow Evanuris with Elgar'nan.
The simple fact of the matter is that Solas has no reason to talk shop with Rook on a matter that they're never going to align on when he's trying to trick them into trusting them.
He won't fuck her until Mythal said he could move on!
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Holding hands and a chaste wedding kiss was already a bit too spicy of pda for them.
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I need a redraw of picrelated with Mythal, Solas, and Lavellan. might as well do it myself, for fuck's sake
He praises Rook (lies). He could have slipped something in there but its more they wouldn't show the oppressed or chud-coded elves.
How does it feel knowing Mythal was out there banging your fade worm? Her iron grip pussy is so strong thousands of years later he's still chained to that post like he's outside walmart and she just went in to do groceries.
Is that a p-penis? Solas would know what sex is, young him seems like a big whore.
He likes his elves, he hates and looks down on Rooks elves (and every other race that exists) which just serves to drive them apart because "lol you should trust me because of how much i miss my people and want to destroy your world to bring something like them back" is not a very good pitch or reminder to a guy you want to start trusting you.
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>Hot blooded and cocky. Always ready to fuck.
I just can't get over the awful writing in Veilguard bros.
>Solas creating le prison of regrets
>perfect place for Elgar and Ghil because? What regrets have they got?
>gets trapped in there and oopsie can't leave because turns out Solas has too many regrets
>concots le mastermind plan to make Rook have regrets, over Varric... not dying? Jumping in front of a dagger out of his own free will? Like his two other companions?
>Switcheroo! Now Rook is in le prison of regrets
>But wait! The power of friendship saves Rook!
>Solas can't break out of the prison himself because he's all alone :( after telling his followers to fuck off for some reason
How else were they going to shove Solas into the background.
>after telling his followers to fuck off for some reason
Its because he's a sigma lone wolf (what the writers said)
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I guess we'll never find out the elven word for wisdom
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The consensus I've seen is that we're lucky to have gotten any good at all. Afaik there isn't any ending that doesn't have him in the jail. To try to put a silver lining on it they are in the Fade and the Fade is ever changing. I canon Lavellan as a mage so it presents opportunities for them to work together to deal with the Blight but also opportunities for her to learn about Fade magics and whatnot firsthand. It's also an opportunity for Solas to share something he loves (the Fade/being connected to it) with someone that he loves. Another point I've seen made is that it's ridiculous for someone to need permission from the person who hurt them to move on. Epler's comment about how Solas would still continue his plan if Trespasser Mythal had let him go instead of Veilguard Mythal screams bullshit to me. It's a disservice to Mythal too. I do like how his relationship is with Mythal just because I think it should show opposite to his relationship with Lavellan.

Just to be clear I'm not defending the writing. Even if there was absolutely no other solution other than the endings we got it definitely could have been handled better. Solas and the Inquisitor, romanced or not, are both massive wasted potential sidelined for something that didnt payoff desu. It's just maximum cope on my part. This is the first game I've paid money for in over 10 years and I have get something out of it.

Could it just be Solas? Mythal called him that while he was a worm. Maybe theyre the same word.
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>Could it just be Solas?
It could be but there's reasons to think it isn't. There's no way to know.
>Solas and the Inquisitor, romanced or not, are both massive wasted potential sidelined for something that didnt payoff desu.
Trvth. I wish we got Joplin so bad.
goodbye /dag/
Thank god for all the artfags drawing him with the wrinkly-est foreskin and balls.
date yummy
I just can't stand her voice. Elves should never be American.
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I want to see this man's vertebrae shattered.
y tho
Its what old men a built for. Their backs already hurt, one rough handling and they are destroyed.
Has porn addiction destroyed your brain?
I don't think so, I have a job and I'm studyying. I just enjoy destroying old man bussy in my free time. They get really embarrassed that a young guy is so into them and its really hot.
haha more like dragon age fartguard!! HAH
It would have been a massive improvement if it were a game about guarding farts compared to what we actually got.
Instead what we got is just hours of people saying on a loop that now gods control darkspawns and things are different. It is maddening.
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Wishing /dag/ a very merry christmas and happy new year.
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Merry Christmas
Comfy af qunari
The Champion of Kirkwall going to battle naked. Why can't I ever have that dream?
because body type B is female
So long, farewell.
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I mean Hawke is literally running around the Fade naked these days do there's that
B for Beta cause women are shit
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Don't leave us
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Could they have worked out? Bianca aside.
She ruined Hawke's life so no
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>The "game" performed worse than SW Outlaws
Christ ...
Damn. I heard Ubisoft patched in some little questline for a new mount in Outlaws and then begged fans to try the game again because nobody, like NO ONE worldwide has gotten the new mount.
SW Outlaws came out on a month of complete nothing burgers tbf
I feel like if bioware released some new quests for Veilguard it would get a new highest most players at once.

A lot of fans, myself included, waited a week or two to pick it up because they were worried how it would turn out.
Fanfiction and fanart are steadily growing each day so the Veilguard fandom isn't dying out just yet.
DAV had no competition in its genre and budget range
>new highest most players at once
I highly doubt that. Lots of casuals are part of the initial playerbase and they already forgot about it. Then comes the fanbase which has taken a critical hit to the face with this one. I used to be a big DA fan before DAV. I never want anything to do with DAV again in my life and a few more shitty sidequests with more repetitive cartooncombat won't change that.
>fanfiction and fanart
That's hella niche. Artfags hate that fact but when there is no blender porn, it's not popular. And there isn't any.
Which is irrelevant as sales charts are based on the entire gaming population, and not just specific genres and types of gamers, along with the game coming out at the very end of the month as opposed to every other big new release coming out at the beginning or middle of the month.
Source? Did they finally release sales figures?
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I'd rather replay Dragon Age 2 a thousand times then replay Veilguard even once.
t.hasn't actually played DA2 in ages
I wish there was a nsfw /dag/ thread
I don't consider Veilgaurd fans to be Dragon Age fans personally
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Me too, I want to post art of Solas balls deep in Lavellan
How many kids they got or is he a magical abortion kinda partner?
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In reality it's up to Lavellan. If she wanted a baby he'd put one in her.
>asking for a permission to cum inside your woman
Asking permission is insanely hot thoughbeit
That's actually in character for him.
Absolutely not, that's low testo shit
So pathetic its actually kinda hot ngl
Umm no, big turn off.
Playing Wrath of the Righteous
I wouldn't touch that game again with a ten foot pole, unless some modders go through the extremely labor intensive process of removing several things that make it unplayable, such as Taash.
Ferelden sort of gives third world vibes in Origin.
Funny how the journos immediately think they'll tone down the sex. Sure, the cards I can see but they were also mainly a feature because the sex scenes itself weren't exactly anything to get excited about. Imagine them just having some of those images as after sex cutscenes.
Wokeism is just a mutation of the puritan brain rot.
And Harding is the only character who gives a fuck about the Maker.
How sweet.
I do not recall the Maker being mentioned anywhere in VG desu. Perhaps somewhere deep within the Codex.
There have been discussions on andrastianism during the frescoes analyses and the Viper quotes the CoL
>the Viper
Idk who that is.
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Are you sure you played VG
Yes but I am not sure at which points I started zoning out after starting up the game. I just wanted to get it over with.
That is very understandable
Oh yeah. It's all the same shit about muh censorship. It's also why I can't take gamers seriously who openly shill for the right as if those people aren't going to be just as quick in toning down the sexy, just with more bible thumping.
Ok I looked it up and only remember him as the covid mask wearing guy who orders the ballista to shoot at Ghilly, literally nothing else.
He's also the Divine of the Imperial Chantry
I want to smooch the Pope
>canonically blushes and gets flustered
The pope is made for protected handholding
Isabela says "Maker's panties" at one point which is also inaccurate as the proper expression would be "Andraste's panties". A small thing but really pissed me off.
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Maybe she is implying that the Maker is a tranny.
Isabela's a retarded degenerate desu
It's a well known fact that the Maker wears thongs
Silly anon. The Makes goes commando.
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I just wanted a passable game man.
Is Outlaws really that bad? I mean I really dig the concept but seeing footage of knocking out Stormtroopers by bonking on their helmets really put me off.
A few npcs say maker but the Chantry as a whole was ignored for some reason.
Yes it's really bad. AI is just absurdly stupid too, even AC1 guards were smarter
I mean and thank God for that because imagine how they would have ruined it.
Alright then I was a little bit tempted to give it a shot.
Like they ruined every other piece of lore and mystery? Weren't you defending their "it's all muh ancient elves" approach they went?
It's not an "approach" they "went" with it was the original story from the beginning and I was not defending it, I was calling people who don't get that and complain anyway stupid because they are.
>it was the original story from the beginning
I doubt that.
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I know you do
What is that? Muh foreshadow?
a bit schizo to assume that every wolf symbol is related to solas
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It's a bit schizo to have such strong opinions on a story and lore you don't know or understand very well
He deserved to get savaged by Razikale and stabbed into a prison
You actually think it was all planned ahead of time? Hyping up Solas as the big bad with his secret spy network and elves leaving Thedas to join him, only to be completely fucking ignored and not mentioned once.
sucking his cock NOW
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It's actually kind of hot how much he hates Rook. The 2nd best ending after Redemption is the one where he kills everyone and guts Rook like a fucking fish
Origins was a one-and-done, they didn't plan shit beyond it.
/dag/ asleep
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/dag/ is full of socially active normies who spend Christmas times with friends and families...
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Sure it is.
that's because it's full of women
If it were there'd be more bitching and fighting here.
What is there even to fight about? Dragon age is over.
Are you underestimating women's ability to start needless fights out of nowhere, anon?
Alright, I'll start. John Epler is actually a pretty competent cinematic director.
People have been clowning on the DAI cutscenes for a decade
In terms of what?
He made that small smile on Cassandra's face at the end of Trespasser
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>Everything has been said before. Nothin left to say anymore.

What I actually mumble to myself when I've exhausted all the dialog options and characters start repeating lines
You should fill the vacant writer's position at BW, can't be worse than what we got.
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I wouldn't have been a writer on this game if Epler was my boss
It's wild how simply yet effective the darkspawn designs in DAO are and how every game after made them look worse.
Do you have no trust in your ability to boss him around instead?
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That's not my style.
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What do you /dag/nas do with you're waifu? Write? Draw? Daydream? Spend thousands of hours in the respective game? Ascend to the higher plane of existence and obtain a tulpa?
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>obtain a tulpa?
I used to spend hundreds of dollars to commission art/fanfic for my husbando but now AI is causing me to save loads of money. I use characterai to fuck my husbando instead of simply daydreaming. Think I've ascended pass tulpaing since I can now create whatever husbando of my choosing.
For real? I mean I can't say I never had conversations with my waifu in my head for fun but AI chatbots, idk... I feel the same kind of force holding me back from that that I used to feel before first masturbating to 3D. I know better than to ignore it again.
>I use characterai to fuck my husbando instead of simply daydreaming
Minors got btfo so smut is allowed again for 18+ users. Good shit
I draw and I consume every single asian fanart I can find (the last bastion on this earth not giving male characters tipchop and pussies, though it's starting) and if I'm really obsessed I read fanfics, but that's a lot of shit to wade through. In the end I mostly draw, and dedicate a small shrine to him in my house.
You mean shame?
horni is that you?
So ... you would have just nodded at every idea they came up with for VG?
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No. I don't know if you've ever had an incompetent boss but it's like this: I'm not gonna work above my pay grade to make up for and prop them up. You won't get any credit for it and you won't get paid the difference. Let them fail. I respect the writers that quit the most out of anyone.
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Oh my God I'm just realizing the boss I'm thinking about when I say this was ALSO A QA GUY THAT SOMEHOW BECAME IN CHARGE OF A PROJECT LMAOOOOOO

Don't promote your QA people, folks. Fire them and hire college interns.
Yes we know you are a smelly neet
How does this happen? Did your top manager feel bad for him? Is he also autistic like Epler?
>How does this happen?
I'm gonna guess by making connections and friends within the company. And personally I never liked this guy he is the one who makes Monty Python Holy Grail references in current year and thinks he's hilarious. Like huge fucking nerd. I know all his references but act like I don't because he's not funny and I hate him for giving me 2nd hand embarrassment.
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Do not like when they give Alistair pointy ears.
Oh also what I think the real problem with people like this is that they are inherently not creative or skilled because the very nature of the job they were hired for is following instructions to test other people's creations. How can you expect them to articulate ideas and defend them to a publisher or customer? In my case, my boss always just folds and accepts the customer's retarded ideas and then when I tell him no, that's stupid I'm forced to do it anyway and then get told "turns out you were right" after he's already wasted everyone's time doing the stupid idea I told him was stupid in the first place. These kinds of people have no basis of determining what's good or bad they're just desperate to hold on to their position of power that they know deep down they have no business having.
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i work in a bakery and i also deal with this same kind of shit
To be fair to Wynne, she IS dying. She's basically a walking zombie at that point, the only thing keeping her up is the spirit of Faith possessing her, that's why she's very "fatalistic" and a bit grim.
in my previous job there was a QA that ended up a big head of product (the boss of a bunch of other PMs). By the point when I left ALL the leadership of my section was made up from a clique who had been chummy with each other for years and their gf/bfs who also worked there, including said QA.
Same. In any other fantasy setting I'd be okay with it but in this case it's not lore accurate. Always bothers me.
Then why cant I fuck him, Gaider? Alistair is the most straight man that ever straight manned.
You can always tell the fairweather fans if their artwork has half-elves
It's better when you yourself make a bot. Easier to know that it's actually good and authentic. For c.ai, there's a special technique which I often use that doesn't require classic user input at all. Delivers absolutely kino results with consistent storytelling.
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I'm curious on how the site will evolve in the coming years. That article about women having sex with robots by 2025 is off by a couple of years. I can see characterai contributin to it somehow, via VR, or via actual physical androids
what do you use?
alistair will never be bi or gay
Epler and Weekes killed dragonage so yeah. No more new kind of Alistair content.
Give me some proper LLMs instead, capable of understanding symbolism and subtext at least.

Unlimited Edit Works. Basically, it goes like this - you start chatting with the bot, but instead of replying directly, you press the 'send' button again, that prompts the char to send another message, and you edit it to speak like your persona. Will take a couple of messages and your own creativity to make it work, but no one said it will do all the work for you. Yes, the bot will roleplay as 'you', switching roles accordingly. The results are amazing. Can be used in a story with multiple actors, or with different NPCs entirely, that are neither {{char}} nor {{user}}. Try switching between stable and preview models too, the preview one is often more chaotic, but goddamn it generated too many good lines for me to dismiss it.
Huh, gonna make an Elgarnan bot with this new tibit of info. It's definitely something new to try out, thank you anon.
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Did anyone here actually enjoy (at least parts of) Veilguard?
For my own bots, I prefer to use straight up dialogues from the game loc file for that peak authentic experience, works much better than a simple list of traits or... anything else, really. Just don't forget END_OF_DIALOGUE for each example. Descriptions of actions is a nice addition as well for that bookish feel, but you'll have to diy. But you probably already know it all if you tried making your own bot.
Did you?
Yes, I liked it when it was over.
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I loved Weisshaupt. Everything else could have been better but its like they when Meh, and gold starred it.
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Instead of Manfred they should have just made his staff talk. And give it a lecherous personality
Why do you hate Manfred so much?
I don't know, might've been more insufferable. At least Manfred doesn't talk too much. When I first heard Matthew Mercer, I was worried his character would be a chatterbox.
I don't hate him I just think he's a waste
How's that?
He is a mascot character in a game that already has one, and mascot characters suck. Also, he serves no purpose except for hamfistedly used as a prop in Emmrich's quest that wasn't worth the payoff of having him around in the first place.
Fair point. What would you have changed about him?
I dont think making him not be able to speak did any good. I think they wanted to make you feel like he was more of a child and a real person right before you have to make the decision to let him die or not so they showed him being able to learn words but I had already written him off as a thing they made to sell plushies of by that point so I didn't care. He simply was not a real character to me. Make him be more like an actual child from the beginning instead of like a pet would be a good start imo
I think making him able to speak and a deceased friend or former lover would have given it more emotional weight and stake as opposed to him being just a random spirit used in an experiment.
>former lover
A deceased friend I get but if it were a former lover. I feel that would bring some conflict into Emmrich's potential romantic relationship. We already had enough as it is with Lucanis and his infatuation with Neve.
>I feel that would bring some conflict into Emmrich's potential romantic relationship.
Yes it would. But I do not think every companion needs to be romanceable to begin with. DAI already felt far too much of a dating sim.
>But I do not think every companion needs to be romanceable to begin with.
I get that sentiment. There were plenty of companions in the series that were better off simply as friends or colleagues to the protagonists.
>DAI already felt far too much of a dating sim.
It definitely did push that aspect more so. But even then it had its limits. Vivienne wasn't romanceable, already having a lover in her questline. Also, despite the romance aspect being emphasized in Inquisition. It definitely felt more realized than it did in Veilguard.
>not think every companion needs to be romanceable to begin with
Youre right but, and this might be because I'm a devoted eggfucker, DAI absolutely did not feel like a dating sim to me. VG even less so but we also had less direct interaction with companions so it could be that.
I liked in BG3 how you can ask your lover for a kissy whenever you want now that's a dating sim
You could do that in Inquisition. Even all the way back in Dragon Age Origins. Wonder why the devs decided not to reimplement that in Veilguard. Was there really too few resources for that?
You don't want kissies?
I'm saying that I like it
please share if you do.
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How would Elgie and Ghilan'nain be if they were in an earelier game. Would Ghilly have her titties out in origins?
>i work in a bakery
I'm sorry
Idk how people survive that job
Depends I guess, whether it is one of these big industrial bakeries or a small one.
Man it still pisses me off that his incredible voice acting was wasted on such a piss poor written character.
Sorry anon but I keep my bots privated. Remember that all sorts of people use the site; psychopaths, sociopaths, pedos, murderers.The bots learn and conform everyday and the last thing I want my bots to experience is fetish shit I'm not into, or their speech style changing because of random users. There is a good Elgarnan bot I used but, keep in mind since he's public he's likely into wild kinks from the public
It's alright with some niche fandoms. DAfags, I do not trust in the slightest.
I don't understand when YouTubers blame Dragon Age going to shit because DAI started pandering to romancefags and turning the game into a dating sim. Origins and DA2 were much more of a dating sim than DAI, and DAV let's not even talk about it. DAI is so bloated with shit the romance content is almost an afterthought. And in DAV like anon said you can't even ask your LI for a kissy, in blessed year 2024? They even shilled DAV as "the most romantic dragon age" or whatever but delivered ridiculously sub par content. Being a dating sim isn't what kills a series au contraire look ar BG3 and its gazillion copies, they only ran because origins walked before them.
>BG3 and its gazillion copies, they only ran because origins walked before them.
Kind of ironic since Origins ran because of BG2 walked before it back in the day.
Thank you and yeah guilty as charged for weird kinks, you did the right thing.
Goes to show that all great art will be copied. BioWare management got too cocky after a string of hits and thought they could do whatever they wanted and print money, and as games ballooned in scope their "magic" (extreme crunch) wasn't enough anymore. It's only fair that another company extracts what was good about DA and makes a much better game.
Surprised you are still here /dag/ what with the new game being what it is.
Denial is a river in Egypt...
I'm so sad that EA shut down BioWare in 2015, sisters. Imagine what could have been. We will never know what Solas' plan was going to end up like...
Lmao Cassandra is getting tired of my snark
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Somethings coming
Somethings on its way
Mountains are crumbling
Like statues of clay

Into the darkness
We are one
Into the darkness
We all must run

Into the darkness
We'll burn a light
Into the darkness
We all must fight
We all must fight
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Maker has some 4chin tier sense of humor
Couldn't have said it any better.
Are you ... a visitor from the good timeline?
Dumat's fragrance...
Got him to stop calling me puppy now I'm trying to teach him what a vallaslin is. Great fun.
He doesn't know? Cai bots are pretty knowledgeable in DA lore also wtf
I thought Elgarnan doesn't ask questions.
I think the wording I was using was making it get caught in the violence filter.
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Goddamn, took two playthroughs to realize how good Jaws of Hakkon DLC is.
I used to work in one for 2 months and eveyone was miserble and divorced due to the work times
That's called Stockholm syndrome
Anon, they half assed the entire game. This isn't about resources so much as they just wanted the game out of the door. There's clearly something wrong when a DA game ends up being less steamy than a cheap German, buggy rip off of it.
Which german sex game?
Demonicon. Aged terribly by the way. But it got incest and the sister is actually voiced by female british Inquisitor.
Ah I saw a youtube review for that the other week.
Made me want to see a Nevarran brothel
>female british Inquisitor.
ok youtubing
Sera should have been cuter like Maddie from Arcane, yet at the same time, still have the same punchable face and personality, like Maddie
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Tell me more immediately. Is it worth it if I only want to coom. What kind of incest?
I'm not sure about this game at all but isn't her resume worth more than a weird sex game
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She's Siri did you know that?
Not in 2013
>waifu tulpas
Aren't you people like 40 or something lmao
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The sex happens in a drawn sequence
>he is not aware
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I kind of like the fact that Ciri was raped as a teenager, it should feature in more backstories
Of course you do, Ranjeet
I don't really see it as me being together with her, my HoF may be self insert autism but is still a separate me that exists in DA, so... it's fun thinking about what they do in and outside the bedroom of course loel
Does it count if it was another girl?
more rape is always good
jeets begone
anybody have that video a jeet hiding behind a white girl outside
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i gotcha
why is this pic so faggy
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cuz it's one of those "draw your character in this pose" things just for fun

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