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Christmas! Edition

Atlyss Beta Version 1.6.2a Released: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2768430/view/526455930526630952

ATLYSS is a ORPG (Online RPG) that features fluid controls & combat as well as cute playable shortstack characters. With 5 races and 3 classes to choose from, you have stat points to allocate, skills to learn and scrolls to earn inside this charming realm inspired by gen 6 console graphics (think Dreamcast).

>Free Demo
>Steam Page

Name: Pork Bun
Password: a whole man
Server size: 21

Name: atl/v/ss
password: loljannies
Server size: 16

>Looking for a specific server?
The search function is case sensitive and requires you type the name in full.

Previous: >>506583610
once i figure out aseprite i'm going to get to drawfagging
merry poonmas anons
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Merry poonmas frens :D
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>muh poon in the OP
Her power(level) grows...

Hope you have fun, anon. Pixel art is always nice to see.
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merry poonmas anons
don't let the thread die on chrimmus
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For me, it's Impmas.
merry christmas senpaitachi
Just left porkbun, I hope you enjoyed all the cakes and the money I dropped.
Forgot pic
By the way, when are you guys going to meet up again on the server (time zones and all)?. I tried to join yesterday, but I was too early and everyone joined when it was around 1am-2am where I live.
Remember to put the Christ back in Christmas by butting the Mas back in Christmas. Go to Mass!!
plap the christmasses
where do you live? or whats your time zone?

you should be able to find people in your timezone. but keep in mind its the holidays too.
I know, but what about the other days (Weekdays, Weekends)?
Some days are busier than others, some people go later on occasion, your best bet would be anywhere between noon and midnight
Got it
What are skills even for? I just use rage and recover. Every damaging skill feels like a DPS loss
Reading the skill explains the skill.
Stuns, buffs and status effects.
I meant it rhetorically. I'm saying why bother with things that just focus on damage when a spin2win from an axe or spear does so much more damage
Stuns give you more unga bunga time without getting knocked back or having to parry.
Bleed or poison damage adds up.
Also not everyone wants to use heavy melee or polearms.
because cyclone does more and stomp has a wider range + debuff and lethal strike interrupts and knocks back and makes you invincible for a moment

aerial attacks leave you vulnerable and force you into a certain trajectory and overall you have less control over a situation when using them

also i think you can do more damage with a spear just using autoattacks since they doublehit and you can weave skills inbetween them
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It's christmass, and there is only like, 14 of us
I love this one.
correct but also
crunchy or smooth?
Smooth like the fur of my poons. Like my characters or the harem i have in Pork Bun
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crunchy, because my OCD demands dilligence
>tfw can't make whale poons
Wonder why Kiseff uses these guys in particular for NPCs. Their dialogue makes it sound like they essentially behave the same way as PCs but you can't actually make anything that looks just like them.
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it's leftover from black angela methinks. Also, if I understand graphic design well, exclusivity and simple coding of design does well for NPC's, so them being non playable makes sense from design perspective, if we are thinking about memorable gameplay.
Bought the EA since I "completed" the demo and I liked it.
Which type of Warrior do you think is more fun, 1h and shield or Spear/2h?
Spear is super fun, you will spin and you will like it
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shield bashing a group of enemies is p nice
Hey, I found this weird chang. She doesn't seem to know what she's doing
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>AI shit
Im going to bed, have fun bumping alone
Goodnight princess
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Drip check
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Does this imp get a passing grade or is he drowning?
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Doesn't look wet to me.
anyone get annoyed at the imp run animation
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It's actually my favorite. I like that they look like bratty little kids with a plan.
Merry Bumpmas
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>bunch of qol updates
Content where
the only qol i want is better chat and better netcode
hug emote when
After the fug emote
>page 10
So this is the world without new content huh
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That and it's Christmas so lots of anons are doin' stuff.
>t. Just finished the family movie
The Ass Warmer...
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fat as fuck
fly as fuck
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Christmas night with Bell chan!
She is so cute!
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Imagine being this close to bell chan
I am blessed
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>Furry game
>antichrist in the back of the shop
are we going to hell?
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+ kubold fren :D
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>three dorks on the quest to recover the Theevius Raccoonus
>and their cop arch nemesis/love interest
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I'll be honest
Christmas race war was not how I was expecting to spend the night
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man why does all the cool shit happen when I'm sleeping
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Cute poon goes myah! >:3
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Wheres pork?
Aw I missed out. :<
Christmas should slow every thread, not just the Atlyss one.
What legs and where are they from?
>why did atl/v/ss host die
i got the electric bill
merry chrimboid my niggers...
get a job bozo
I use shield bash to stun everything in front of me, stomp for big damage and the armor debuff, then just beat the shit out of everything around me. Divine is also good for healing yourself while doing good AoE damage (Rage increase magic power too, making it decent even on Fighers), and Sturdy gives me 8 second of invulnerability to just attack without worry.
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>>Free Demo
Link doesn't work, just tried it.
works on my machine
Works on my machine
Huh, weird it works now on my machine, maybe the itch.io page had something wrong on their side.
Whats up with the character creator? Why can I cycle between two female body types per race? I thought it originally was a male/female selector but they all still look girly.
Does there exist a good normalfag image hosting platform? I wanna attach a picture to my suggestion on the steam forums, and I don't know if catboxing would be considered weird outside of this website.
catboxing is considered based and normal for /vg/
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Contract accepted.
i think you are worried over nothing spectrum-sama, anyone who cared about that would look insane to anyone else
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wheres our divegrass team
Until /sit2 gets implemented for all races I think only Changs can really participate.
witchlock loincloth, cata 6-12 boss
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imgur nigga
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Lord Greaves go with just about anything. Not pictured but I especially like them with Ghostly Tabard
I think I'm gonna go Kobuld for the demo so I can see that ass, is it possible to move your tail around with the other races to see your ass better? Also bump to the original question I'm replying too.
>thought it originally was a male/female selector but they all still look girly.
Male selector just
>turns off boobs
>maxes height
>maxes chest and arms
>sets butt and stomach pretty low
Female preset makes you shorter, fills out the sliders some, and turns boobs on.

Everything uses a united animation skeleton and the proportions on the dudes are still pretty girly in part thanks to that.

Tails can't be moved around but every race has a few options to choose from. Imps can go without entirely if they want.
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What am I in for?
solo : learn to parry
multi : gay erp
A lot of accusations of being a coomer and a furry.
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A genuinely fun game that'll put you in denial about being a gay poonfucker
changing your steam activity settings to private for a bit
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Fren gathering
So when is the Paladin (AKA Poonadin) going to be added as a new class
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>mfw im surrounded by imps and poons who are all VERY LEWD
Send help
that's just mind fighter
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Ive been hugging this cute (afk) chang, and there's no one that can stop me
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heh they don't know I'm NAKED under my clothes
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no survivors! sad!
Sit on my dick, beautiful
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tapable asses
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>what would you do, if this poon was right in front of you?
Ask this poon for a buttjob, then vaginal
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>busy thinking about microbiology
I think you aren't scoring anon, she's too autistic
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everyone needs one (1) hug a week to stay healthy!
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Bird UP!
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a lustful gaze lol
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We can never tell our parents.
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Marti just living their best life :D
I can't do Dungeon 6-12 Cat. I keep getting overwhelmed by mobs. I'm a level 14 Mystic if anyone has tips on the boss fight.
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>try to make a generic male human warrior/paladin
>get a smug lion instead
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the whirr that haunter shoots out needs to be parried 3 times, and the 3 balls can be dodged if you are a dash away, and dash again when they fly towards you. other than that, try to kill the geists first once they spawn!
we are inventing new ways of indulgence over here, Kis please make a patchie
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Surrounded by 'zards :3
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Still rigged
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what weapon are you using? bells are pretty easy/aoe
are you using items? you probably have enough money to buy a stack of hp or mp items you can spam
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Molesting a cute Kubold
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This poor poon is watching an assault!
They're next
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When this game releases I bet it's going to get a sudden shit ton of players.
>snappy platforming movement
>responsive action+hotbar combat
>big fat furry tits and ass
It's perfect stream bait. Everyone's going to make "I'm not a furry butt.." jokes and it's going to cause everyone else to flood in.
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hopefully in the coming 2 years, that's my prognosis
Nice awoogas.
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Man i love poon!
Has Kiseff made any updates in the dev discord lately??
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saying goodbye to both of my wives
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So do I
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>When a self conscious poon is told they are cute, and is trying to deny it
many such cases
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Because someone on the server asked, here's the cow plush I got.
I got one for myself because I too like heilans.
>only 48%
Did he really nerf this? Why?
Cause 50% regen speed is already fucking massive for just 3 points
weird i have a button that instantly refills it every time it gets low and doesn't take a skill slot or any skillpoints
use your items you autistic niggers
I didn't say the game was balanced.
but what if i need them later
i was saying manaflow was already not good and now it got made worse
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I hated every single second of that video...
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drop the first "l".
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Damn, I know we had more poons at one point, but I guess I didnt take a screenshot
Poon circle (+kubold frends) was fun!
Sorry if I didnt get you in the shot!
A pity you couldn't get my good side with that fire in the way.
dead thread lol is that all you got poonfuckers?
it's 4am retard
for morning!!
*good morning*!!
I guess 4am is a bit early for typing
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I just bought this game and I'm already in love with my character's ass
basic bitch
Might eventually play the game when they stop staring at the /taunt animation and put some pants on (never)
Only playing it because they think Sally is hot
my brother in christ you have a dedicated screenshot key
Well I have notoriously low standards anyway :^)
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There's a little ledge here you can get caught on.
Also is there a quicker way to farm bosses? I want the mage armors for vanity.
I wish Slime Diva had more drops than just the hat and staff.
In general, I wish a lot more enemies dropped more equipment.
For example, slimes and slimeks both have armor sets but deathgels and hellsludges only drop katars
Do bandit melee skills need katars specifically or just melee weapons? The wiki says melee but it's a bit outdated.
I wanted to try a bandit with a spear.
You can do a bandit with a spear, but I think you gotta enchant it with a Dex Flux stone for it to get dexterity bonus as opposed to strength.
Is this game just for people that want to fuck furry shortstacks or is there an actual game in there? What game would you most compare it to? Not demeaning the former by the way I want to fuck Rouge the Bat and Goblins from Warcraft.
Despite there being little content, what the game is surprisingly fun. Fast paced combat that can be run with other players. Controls are tight and responsive on MKB and doesn't feel overly grindy when it comes to quests. I paid 6 bucks for it on a whim and put a decent amount of hours into it exploring the dungeons and areas.
The screenshots (that aren't just people posting characters they goon to) make it look like a tab target action bar MMO that can be played solo. Is that what it is?
Almost. It has hotbar abilities that translate into actual combat actions where timing, and positioning matter. A hybrid of action and hotbar combat.
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>Goblins from Warcraft.
More of a troll or tauren man myself but fair enough desu.

>What game would you most compare it to?
Honestly I think the closest comparison would be Diablo 3, if D3 was also a PS2 era action platformer.
>randomized loot
>a hotbar but not a crazy amount of versatility outside your class
>town portal system for traveling back and forth to town
>most combat is blowing up junk mobs with the occasional enchanted monster or boss
>meat of the encounters are in dungeons but there's still some playtime spent in the field zones

Webm not mine but gives you an OK idea of what movement looks like in action I guess.
Mix in a parry mechanic, some light platforming, a bigger focus on movement since the game is in a fully 3D space and you basically have it. Although the loot system is more like WoW I guess, with random prefixes than what Diablo does where they scramble every stat every time a new item drops.
Yeah, essentially. If you go into a dungeon or certain areas, you'll get locked into a "arena" and like 3-4 waves of enemies come at you. Kite, strafe, and beat them all to continue exploring until the next zone.
thankfully no, closest thing to it is PSO.
Thanks anons I think I'll check it out since its on sale.
It's fast-paced action combat where you have to aim your attacks and dodge manually.
You have a hotbar with skills but the bulk of your damage comes from your weapon attacks.
If you really have to compare it to an MMO I think the closest is ESO except Atlyss doesn't suck.
You don't use the lock-on feature...?
Only for ranged characters, which I don't play all that much.
any race change feature ? i cant decide on which sexy race to play
no, you can remake yourself to change everything else, but not change race.
Nope, but you can just make one of each and transfer gear between them. The stash is for your account, not the character.
Can't change class either, (that I know of)
i filled all my slots with different classes and builds and headcanon how they all fool around with and fuck each other
>Bell associates with /trash/
Disowned. Not my host.
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The /trash/ thread lmao
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anon anyone can post in trash, that's just called being social despite the odds, you fucking T50 lizgger
Looks like you do too, or did a friend tell you?
lewding non-lewd poons
post example?

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