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""""Valued"""" players - Edition

Previous thread: >>507483892

>Official site:

>Fan created content:

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics:

>Old, better wiki:

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC:

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers:

>Guides on how to evade missiles and survive top tier:

>Guided weapons statistics:

>What tanks have thermals and their generations:

>Someone sending you runes?:

>Dank Bants:

Reminder: Merry Christmas.

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/xHAeJSwUbaw?si=p-Wh7_MKCzTmzx1Z
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I got ram 2 and a frog plane for brits)))
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>make a shot during a 1v1
>non pen
>check in hangar
>not using the shot recorder thingamajing
sure you did paco the macaco
it's the game going against its own code to spite you specifically
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>he doesn't know deaths are predetermined
here's a ship with 250kg of torpedo protection eating a 400kg torpedo with just a "HIT"
>time played 7:23
>3k repair cost
>time played 5:08
>5k repair cost
I thought longer time influences the repair cost? What is it then?
I just loaded up the next game. Can't check now
Calm down, Hernandez
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>flying CAP in GRB
>groid-47 zooming about, missing all of its bomb drops
>tries to dogfight my fucking yak
>friendly shooting at it from behind
>groid-47 dies as expected
>another mystery meat groid joins the dogfight
>shoots at the dead nig-47 instead of either of us on the vertical and with low energy
Ship cat modification when?
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CV9050 when?
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About how heavy are these 120mm rounds?
How are they able to be loaded much faster than a 75mm gun from WWII?
Around 15kg, give or take.
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动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
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>tfw you singledhandedly created the papa daniel meme
>you left an imprint on /wtg/'s history
2024 was a good year
who is "papa daniel"?
who is "el papito"?
why do russian crews love these two men so much?
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IS-7 prototype when?
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IS line was a mistake, ugly monstrosities
then after T-55 soviet tanks become so fucking sexy
if I could pick one tank design to make the default for all tanks it'd be T-55, just iconic, rounded, aesthetic, I like the tiger but its not fit for mass adoption, only as a special
EW & AWACS planes when?
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we got a ships cat decal recently, that almost counts i guess
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calling it now, you won't do shit as always
>watch reply
>enable sensor mode
>game crashes
>joost trooost me doooood
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what in for
>gripen but bigger
how so
What's the average kills you get in top tier jets? All I get is 1 or 2-3 in a very very good match...
They should make OTOMATIC a light tank, like 2S38, so it can carry more AP.
why are boats modelled miles out of the water when the statcard says they're at 'deep/full load' displacement
I had a dream last night where I unloaded an entire Hydra pod from my LAV into the ammorack of a T-80U and it didn't die

Explain this Anton?????
repair cost is based on how well a vehicle performs in battle, but they have all been normalised and you shouldnt worry about it anymore unless you are really shit
trading mobility and thermals of other 9.3s for more armor
pretty mid by itself, but a very nice tank to have in the lineup, for certain situations
Artificially decreases the ttk.
I think its also part of their long term plan to slowly move towards a more arcadey and less "realistic" game. They start with naval because all the people who will cry about "unrealism" don't play naval so they'll have an easier time spreading it to the rest of the game.
1 is bad match
2 is a normal match
3 is a good match
4 is a great match
5+ is an amazing match
10.3 to 11.7 were just 0 all around and 1 on good days. Rank 8 is going decent once again
>get Jungle single cap
>game literally ends in 5 minutes and 20 seconds
Because they check the plans for the design waterline, generally on trial displacement, and then I have no idea how they arrive at the statcard displacement since they are sometimes way higher than a ship ever operated at. Then when you bug report telling them that at the given displacement the belt would be nearly entirely submerged they tell you to go fuck yourself and keep the magazines above water because on their end the waterline is what they say it is, physics be damned. The artificially nerf and buff a ton of shit to get their desired results, like how some ships have powder handling spaces modeled as magazines to allow them to die through the barbette while others are completely immune. This has no relation whatsoever to irl flash protection either.
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I refuse to believe a shrapnel from an HE round can penetrate 40mm+ of rolled homogeneous alloy armor.
For most planes 1 is about average from about 11.0 and up. A lot of the time it really is just luck if the game will let you get any more with how many players and missiles are in the air.
Unless you're in something good at a BR where 90% of the players are borderline bots (F-14A/F-14A IRIAF/F-14B, all in a downtier (most battles in those funny enough)) in which case you can expect to get 3 or 4 kills regularly.
its not the shrapnel, its the pressure wave
It probably shouldn’t. HE was terrible at penetrating armor irl. Per I believe Nathan Okun even the 16” American HE shells weighing over a thousand pounds with over one hundred pounds of filler couldn’t penetrate more than about 3” of homogeneous armor plate.
pure krokium to discredit historical naval powers
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>go from the dumpster fire of 4.7 light cruisers for shitaly to instant fun of the 5.0 heavy cruisers
if playing AMRAAMs slinging burger/euro UFOs then anything less than 4+ kills is a bad match
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That's a structural shattering.
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>trying to spade F-14 finally
>activate boosters
>instantly full uptiers every game
>booster ends
>suddenly down tiers
that didnt happen
this is just poor germutt metallurgy, if it had been built properly there wouldn't even be a scratch on it
What’s the brownest tree, skincolor/population wise?
Why do you focus on race so much? Racism isn't funny or cool.
Russia followed closely by Sweden.
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>war thunder
britain has india and africa
sweden has arabia
america has south america
israel has israel
Didn’t say anything derogatory tho, just asked a question :)
kys for playing that dogshit
>gacha slop
>smartest gachanigger
>implying war thunder isn't gacha slop
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you have a point
can't decide which to expert
>expert Su-27 and have a breeze farming F-4S bot lobbies tomorrow when pack releases
>expert 27SM and have it ready for the when the 30SM releases
Neither because you're not going see F-4S's and will instead be food for my Rafale in both planes
>Destroy 10 player vehicles using aerial ATGM/AGM/AShM
>use AGM-62A Walleye I ER
>doesn't count
I have been bamboozled
>use bomb
>wtf why doesnt this count
how was I supposed to know Gaijin meant one kind of AGM but not the other kind of AGM?
russia and sweden followed by germany
Well for one it literally says "guided bomb" in its name
new favorite SPAA
friendship ended with wirbelwind
>generic .50 cal truck
There's a .50 lugger in quite a few trees how are you just now finding the Italian one?
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Innings for whating?
better BR for fiddies than the MGMCs and handles way better than the chinky one
Su-27 so I can feast on you :)
a good chunk of the shit players have moved from the F-4S to British and French premiums so the quality of US teams has actually gone up, plus Russia and America are almost always teamed up now due to the increase of players in France, Britain, and Germany so you'll be competing with Fagkours for kills now
those boxes have existed forever but nobody buys them
A good company would give you at least one for free. As a gift, but also to entice you to get more.
Alas Gaijin sucks even at basic marketing.
because its the only one at the appropriate BR
okay but it's gacha
>can give frame to pfp
>add background to top of screen
please ignore empty 2/3rds of screen and useless stat in centre
least:sweden germany japan
most: brit france mutts
I wonder who made that post?
How do I deal with a Maus in an IS-2 to 6? Sure they might have problems penning me but I can't do shit against them unless I am perfectly side on to them.
Can't you pen the turret cheek? I can't remember.
>F-14s on our team
>half the enemy team is dead before any of us even visually see an enemy player
>F-14s on their team
>half the blue enemies are dead before any of us even visually see an enemy player
they're legitimately so greedy its self-deprecating
>10 F-4S on our team
>half of them die before any of us visually see any enemy
Not that I know of, maybe you can in game but I never brought BR-471D to try it as I don't see any use for it and the only use (penning a Maus) isn't possible if you ask the protection analysis.
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say something nice about my lineup
it's shit, whats wrong with you
i cant so ill just say i hope you enjoyed christmas
>turan 3
One of the most underrated tanks in the game
beap beap
I need a Heinkel 280, bitch
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>Christmas decal
>Can't trade until mid January
so you can't use your gains from selling to buy eagles
I've invested 8 years of time and money into this game and can't play
>move extremely slowly
>5 minutes
>nobody is there
>cover to cover
>dead end I have no option but to cross one tiny clearing
>check all three corridors
>sniped because I can't look 3 directions at once
This is ridiculous and not fun
Your Staghound?
Wtf is a Krampus? Looks like an enemy out of Dragon age or Baldurs Gate
German Santa that beats you to death for not enjoying christmas.
>here are 0.08GJN
>don't spend it all at once
anton is going hungry to pass those savings to you you racist
>Normal stories: everyone lived happily after
>German stories: children got eaten by the witch because they went into the forest; children killed, wounded and tortured people/animals, got grinded in a mill as punishment
>doing half decent
>90mm APHE bounces a fucking Ontos
Never mind. I do everything right. I have a freelook key bound, I use binoculars obsessively, I use negative space to conceal my movement, I have headphones, but even when I play perfectly the game screws me over
Side of the hull at close range (300ish meters)
>shot on a Panther D is 0.000000001 inches off and gets completely absorbed by the gun mantle
>pens me because I can be clicked anywhere
"But APCR" does nothing against sloped surfaces
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oh no... it's retarded...
Thanks for the money pidor
>try to use anything but the Scharnhorst for grinding
>full uptier, barely any points
>In the 1950s, the Government of Austria distributed pamphlets titled "Krampus Is an Evil Man" for fear that encounters with Krampus might damage children's mental health.[8]
>can't not cap because that's the objective
>have to get really close to corner to peek even with freelook
>fucking lovely a T29 that's gonna instakill me in one second when I can do nothing
But what other game is there? WoT is beyond shit
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Don't forget to grind your life away for your awful aislop cosmetics
>shot through smoke
>shot through thick brush
Are other people fucking with their settings in some way I'm not?
where do I get this?
>the Eurofighter has both the AIM-9L/I-1 and the AIM-9M
>there is no point in using the 9L/I-1 due to its smoking engine

What's the practical difference between the Paveway IV and the GBU-54B? The stats say that the GBU-54B has a much longer guidance timer and a mach 1 speed limit.
based retard
look at the guidance type
They're both Laser+IOG+GNSS.
I would constantly have people fire smoke then kill me through it a few months ago, but it seemed to almost completely stop once they started cracking down on cheaters.
join the thread squadron LowIQ
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nigger nigger nigger nigger
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Sometimes I'm thinking of doing it, joining a new /wtg/ squadron.
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sent a application to wartg

ign: So
wait it's only 120k SL? LMAOOO merry christmas
can anyone explain why sometimes I can get a lock on someone but my amraams wont spool up?
Because that isn't a plane you're locking on but a missile.
buy 10% rp booster (all allies) (99 golden birdies)
It happened a few days ago when someone popped smoke on himself when I was way out of his LOS then shot me when I got close, and just now with brush so thick I could see nothing
>1 day of premium in exchange for everything else being worse
free crates are literally better
no? i can see the name tag and everything
Yeah, that sounds pretty damn sketchy
I should add, I've made shot's that probably looked sketchy as well, I.e. where I had no visual on the tank through bushes, but I saw the smoke from them firing so just took a potshot in that direction and hit them, but the thing with shooting through smoke was definitely sketchy as hell.
>mirage eats spamraam b and 9m
>both from behind
>keeps on flying like nothing
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>browsing vehicle packs in anticipation of sale tomorrow
>sort by top sellers
>boats lingering near bottom of the list with the starter packs
>all but one starter pack ranks higher than french coastal pack
Yeah it was on sands of sinai at the A point. He popped smoke, I drove onto the point from way out in front to beside him outside the smoke, and he near point blanked me when I had moved 90 degrees to his side
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Su-30SM Flanker-H my beloved
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so what's the difference between all those? specially the ones that have tws
>press W
what do hungarians mean by that
is there a wtg clan, bros?
yes and you aren't allowed in
can i join?
ign: hgw
merry christmas
what's the secret word?
apply to LowIQ and put first and last letter of IGN
then the furfag moderator will let you in
[WARTG] is the only official squad, lowiq is the tranny and furfag squad
applied to lowiq
ign: hgw
Why do these kiddos always get so angry?
why are somaligroids like this....?
the only troons i've seen here are all in war(((TG)))
i'm a girl and i'm in lowiq :)
lowiq had a literal tranny hacker that got banned
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i...i am a boy and I'm also in lowiq!
alright now all we need is a non-binary
Just a reminder that lowiq are filled with retards that can't fight
I don't see them trying to TK some twitch noname, fail three fucking times and get whacked in retaliation.
tank game
Boat game**
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I love botes!!!
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pick what you think the enemy in this GRB situation, pick:
>A. shoot the enemy to his side for a quick free kill, clueless of his position
>B. shoot the enemy who's fully stabilized pushing him (which he can easily front pen btw)
>or C. fuck that, floor it around the corner to dive me (a much less dangerous tank who can't hurt him, AND breached) and die within half a second after to said previous person already pushing him
ah geez dood, it's a real mystery what this "random person" would chose!
I'd pick D. less ESL wording
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Like the legendary warrior-poet Ice Cube once said, today was a good day.
all ground realistic enemies are paid by gajin to fuck with real humans 24/7 and leave other bots alone. this is a proven fact
wen pack sale
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I'm a man and i'm in LowIQ.
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You can't expect people to act rationally in this game, reminder like 99% of the playerbase is either bots or literal 3rd worlders so expect the unexpected
>wasting your time talking to a literal kid
not the flex you think this is
>trying to farm germ RP to get eurofighter
>my best bird for it right now is fucking base bombing in the tornado memeflieger
>see F-4s, Mig-23s, and F-5s bombing my bases before I can get there with napalm
>end up getting terror of the sky with my ligmas and guns
god I hate mutts and I hate blueniggers.
I'm not trying to flex, I just think it's funny
skill issue faggot lol
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>fly out F-14
>get to altitude
>all the other F-14s have already shot their 4 or 6 pack and are headed to the deck
>still don't see anything on radar
I don't get it. The IRIAF and B both have the same radar as me. Am I not supposed to use TWS? Nothing seems to ever show up in TWS unless someone else has already shot at it.
Let me guess: Your radar is fixed facing forward because you never mapped the buttons that let you tilt the scanned area up or down? You don't see shit because you're scanning the heavens instead of tilting your view down towards where the other players actually are?
Also the B has a better radar, but that mostly just comes into play when in rear aspect.
The B does NOT have a better radar, that wouldn't change until the D.
t-80 werf keeping from the event or should i just hold?
It's utter ass, just sell/hold
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MB.5 or Ju 288?
you get more RP farming the F-4S/Mig-23 bombertruck retards themselves
once the packs are on sale, it's hunting season
I personally have an vendetta against using R-60s and I don't have any german planes with PD or MTI radar, so I'm just sucking it up with the fucking tornado until I unlock the F-4 ICE. I still get a decent number of kills with the thing though thanks to the ligmas. My soul just died a little when I got terror of the fucking sky in the memeflieger.
Oh, yeah that's it. I didn't know radar tilt controls worked until just now because there's a setting that needs to be disabled in order to use it.
Thank you!
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>sneedthunder used to look like this 4 years ago
we've come a long way huh
I knew tilting radar was a thing but never knew it was something people did with the F14
>brown as shit
>fuckugly "clouds"
>particle effects straight out of 2001
I do NOT miss old graphics.
I was wrong about the radars being different. I swore that the F-14B has all aspect PD radar. I'm questioning mandella memes right now. But yeah it's the radar tilting that's your problem. If you're climbing to space to fire your phoenixes, you need to tilt your radar down because your opponents are down below your nose.
>4 of us driving in open field
>Enemy only shoots me
>Team mates wait till I die to attack him
wew fucking lad
Your team mates simply didn't see him until he fired the killshot. You like blue enemy?
Friendly bots only activate AFTER player death newfag. Get with it!
>stuck in dogfight against more maneuverable aircraft
>blue enemies just orbit us until I die
The bots aren't here to help, just sell the illusion of a populated game.
>he doens't know the bots are meant to get you killed on purpose
>play 5.7 or 6.0
>endless 6.7 black hole
>play 6.7
>endless 7.7 blackhole
nice! how about go suck a nigger dick gajin, maybe even two! fucking tranny kike muttskin dyke (oh hey, that rhymed)
>bluenigger Su-33 retardshitter snipes me with ET
would you believe me if I said it is the third time it has happened today
HRT does this to the human brain after a while
x.7 is never good to play
play something like x.3 or x.0 instead
the only exception is 9.3 and 3.0 cause russian niggers
noted, thx 4 advice
Retard. You're not supposed to try to get downtiers since that never works. You're supposed to minimize uptiers. So if you know that a blackhole exists at 6.7 or 7.7, then you should play at 6.3 or 7.3.
>take centurion
>give it good engine
>give it none retard rounds
>get rid of the turret
>become the best tank ever
Papa Daniel!
Finished with top sweden grb, probably going to grind rank I to top france arb or wait for next nation to be added
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Give Suomi F-18 or face the consequences!
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Suomi's face when the F-18 never comes
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T 34 747 (r)
post your shoes and I'll tell you if you're aryans or mutts. I dare you pajeets.
fag shoes
CV 9035DK or Mi-28A?
(I'm getting the JesusChrist II no matter what)
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redpill me on china
Helicas is doa
welcome to the squadron, now get to grindan
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Why would you want the 9035 when you have cv90105 and cv9040's?
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Friendly reminder that Russia is the only country in the world that makes warplanes. Fag-35s tongue my anus.
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Thinking about getting a talisman, any suggestions?
Mirage 2000C-S5 to grind out the remaining top tier stuff
they have no future and entertainment is turning into a second job
I was thinking about F1CT or Jaguar A. How much Fox-3s do you face at 12.3?
silly anon, I don't have the money to boost the research
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Assuming you mean GRB just play out of range of 6.7, then once you're past it just play all the HEAT shit and the game will become fun again. 5.3 soviets and burgers are pretty fun luckily so not much of a loss
join lowiq and check your mailbox
its up
oh no, you don't mean... IT right?
CV90105 or Leo2?
Anton, where's the pack sale?
get mica
get nothing
get swed shit
is joining a squadron really that worth it? am i kicking myself in the teeth by being a loner
Yeah, you are missing out of F R E E vehicles
the only objective gain you get is more research points for the squadron vehicles
everything else is subjective
most peple join squads for the vehicles, not the bros

but if you wanna play with some of us join WARTG and I'll defo queue up if u want
>Christian II not on sale
it's.... joever...
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I was told only my hands would get crushed if I play sweden. But my balls as well?
>gayjin store is 404
It's joever
pack sales when?
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>f4s not on sale
Alright in the 2025 decal you can clearly see the F\A-18 and what seems to be a Su-37. Do any of you recognize the SPAAs? What about the ship?
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Judging by that size I would compare it to something of this size
Rounds in this vid are for a howitzer but they roughly weight 47kg.
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>none of the vehicles I wanted are on sale
guess I'll buy a game instead
i wonder what the gotcha is when the devblog comes about the pack sales
you can't be serious that its not on sale
I was waiting for this shit for a week
applied myself
ign: mi
what is actually on sale?
the website is perma down on my end
shouldve seen it coming given that it was on sale during the anniversary sale and a lot of other things werent, they never put every single pack on sale at once cause they are fat jews
I know the frog mirage is an extremly good grinder, what about the in*ian mig-21 bison?
motherfuckers, ig i'll buy smth else but now my shitter USSR loadout will never be complete, i am not paying 65 euros for a digital tank go fuck yourselves
>if it was on sale during anniversary, it won't be on sale during christmas
>if it wasn't on sale during anniversary, it will be on sale during christmas
it's been that way for at least two years
>waited for for too long and missed my chance
whoops :D
>even better IRCCM missiles
>actually functional SARHs that don't get one-chaffed
>airframe that can at least pull some AoA
It's MILES better, I'm getting one myself.
odds turm 3
evens canuck leofart
>no christian II sale
10000 curses upon this subhuman company
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>p-16 already gone
if it was on the last pack sale from the anniversary then it wont be on sale this time.
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saars... i redeemed....
hey you motherfucker, where are my programmer socks
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The middle one is the Tracked Rapier.
is the fuji on sale?
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I wasn't playing last sales
whatever ig
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>Challenger 2 (OES) Pack
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Alright /wtg/, I want to get better. Yes I'm a paypig whateevr blah blah but I want to get good at Top Tier RB and I have no idea on how to improve. I'm so desperate I'm sending a video replay of one of my average ARB Game, I need feedback on how to improve. What I did wrong, what I should do, what I did good. I know I'm gonna get made fun of but I really want to improve, so at least if you make fun of me, PLEASE give me some feedback.
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why is this a pack now lol
t. bought it for GE last sale
Reserve to tier IV how long will USSR air grind be with premium account and no prem plane
wtf? it was literally just on sale during the GE event, no?
is the pajeet mig any good?
>f4s not on sale
fuck sake! Maybe I'll buy the bison instead.
Is the UK tree even worth it?
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Should i?

Yes. That's weird about the Phantom though.
germany 6.7 feels pretty fucking rough or maybe i'm just a shitter
probably is the best 7.7 tank in the game
oink oink someone ACTUALLY put this money into the game (as real money) and now i'm sending it into the void
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its very fun, i like it a lot.
8.7 uptiers are fucking miserable though and shouldnt exist
and you get uptiered to 8.7 a LOT
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this has no effect on autoloader vehicles right?
It was, and it was also a tenner cheaper because it came in at just under 5k GE.
it seem cool
so does F-20
but I already grind both US and UK air all the way to rank 7 so it seem like a waste
maybe I will get Mirage F1C instead
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im sorry for what im about to do to germans' win rate
f-5c or f-20a
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What are you getting boyos?
Got the Bison and waiting for the Challenger 1 (decal links are active for 1 hour and you can't cut them short), I'm taking the bongpill (largely for the EFT).
you disgusting ANIMAL!
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nothing but i hope someone will gift me the Type 16 or TURM 3
Premium time
Holy sexo
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Time to play Svenden again
>they flare
>you'll never catch them
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>planning to buy al khalid because i want to grind the chink TT because i already have every TT grinded except chink
>its not on sale
yeah fuck you anton i'm not buying digital tanks in full price
check your closet
you couldve also not been retarded and see it was released too early to be on sale at all yet
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Kinda feel like I shouldhave bought the vk-107
the depression on this thing compared to the russian tanks is crazy
hand status?
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Expept being hour late to save 400k sl
F-5C for the sole fact you don't uptiered into oblivion
well ok maybe im retarded, how long or how many patches do tanks usually go on sale after its release ? i never really count or track things, i just drive and shoot other tanks.
From left to right
>Su-30 (RU)
>Badger IFV (South Africa)
>Richelieu class battleship (France)
>Tracked Rapier (UK)
>F/A-18 Hornet (US)
>XM246 (US)
a life
i uninstalled, best christmas gift i gave myself ever
>top tier swarmed with low levels again
its over im losing my mind
>take off
>fly up normally
>have premium nigger at level 20 crash into me at take off
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>i am the only one who has owned this for longer than an hour
>fly straight down on take off
>blame the people i crash into for crashing
youre a nigger first class
you mean
>I'm the only paypig who cant wait couple of months for shit to go on sales
And yet you are still here, and that's why worse than having the game installed. Go to reddit nigger
Mirage F2C or Bison?
both are good grinders, but only the mirage is really good
seething little goblin virgin
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you can't be for real? can't even give these niggers money now?
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>Christian 2 not on sales
hes has a point
>uninstall a game
>hang around its general thread on 4chan to shitpost about it anyways
>well thats enough wt for today
>click 'exit game'
no, im still in the process of breaking habits
which puts me ahead of you :^)
keep seething, virgins
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Finished USA\USSR\Italy air trees.
I'm only interested in jet gameplay so i basically use a high tier premium to reach rank VII and then i play the jets until i finish the tree.
I have
>Mig-21 Lazur-M for Germany
>Mig-21 Bison for UK
>A6M5 Ko and then F-5E FCU for Japan
>A5C or J7D for China
>Mirage F1C-200 for France

In your opinion, which of these trees should i grind next? Which one is more "future-proof" in your opinion?
>"process of breaking habits"
>not just "not doing" that one thing
a loser AND a weakling
ask your mom insecure clown nigga
PL5B or PL7?
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Should I ?
PL5B are more versatile and better in every aspect that isn't "off the rail manouverability". PL7 are slightly better in that aspect but meh. Also PL5B sometimes act really retarded and ignore flares better than Aim9M for some reason
Get the mirage and grind France, it's a good premium and France has a decent unique top tier.America. top tier is too similar to Italy so wouldn't bother desu, same with Japan and america.
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how is clickbait allowed to have thermals like this at top tier..
I would play Lazur
simply because you are the best plane in the lobby most of the time
you dont see fox-3 niggers and worse enemies you will face are F-4S
and your all-aspect delet lesser migs in downtier

Bison and Mirage seem cool
but I dont think I can stomach playing like a rat in fox-3 hells for hundreds of matches to grind the entire air tree
mirage seem better since you only see F-14s and some 13.0 fox-3 slinger only in max uptier
Sure post your account
>>F/A-18 Hornet (US/SWE)
only if you want the lowest possible BR guide bomb to use in CAS on the mutt line up
just bring both
personally I bring 3 PL5B for general use
and 1 PL7 in a dog fight
like i feel scammed due to these thermals, its borderline unusable
its gaijin's anti american seethe ig
>he can't make do with the mk.1 eyeball
Maybe you should try arcade
should've made better thermals juan
someone said that the gen1 abrams were better resolution than the gen 3 russian ones
yet see ingame
dont we have to be friends for a while before you can gift me something to begin with?
>someone said
Wow what a source!
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>Sweden narrowly avoids being plagued by a new batch of J35XS and Christian 2 spammers
We won
it makes sense
this is the first time Bison and F-20 are on sales right?
In your mind maybe.
nta but I've heard the same
ok buddy the tanks which had to steal FRENCH (lmao) technology for their thermals have higher resolution than the 1000 trillion $ mil industrial complex of the global tech hub
French thermals are the best in the world, cope harder hernandez.
Is the Viggen worth flying again?
if it's for an american vehicle probably they'll accept the bugreport. They are scared shitless about the antics and the crying of US mains
True, many such cases. Grim...
france hasn't even figured out toiletries
No, the viggen is literally a worse mig29 that at the moment is worse than the F4ICE
t. shart: the country resident
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When are we going to get this whack-ass Command & Conquer-looking thing as a premium?
its a primitive shithole with no domestic tech industry, their junk ain't better than merican thermals
next year, june marathon prize
signed: anton
I am talking about the 11.3 Viggen.
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this so fucking much....
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Is the mirage f1c worth it?
Playing 11.3 and seeing nothing but 12.0 - 12.3 games desu, I don't think now is the time to try playing the JA37C
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>PzH 2000 (all variants) — autoloader module has been added.
Yes is comparable as the 10.3 F5C for grinding potential, one of the best in game right now
Okay but for real any clickbait players do you even bother with these thermals? I feel like they're so blurry they're a detriment for spotting not a positive
Match quality in ARB is actually awful at the minute, entire enemy team dies in 2min. I can't seem to get a single kill before i'm set up lol
I use them only for noticing tanks, only then I disable it and aim as usual
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So how are we doing?
I'm not
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saar everything is the needful
I've been only doing the paki T-80 grind
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this canadian leo is rly fun to use (this was my first time getting more than 1 kill since buying it)
Good tank but top tier is gay, just a point n click adventure
plays a lot like 7.0 arcade except I have to squint all the time and be schizo in case the christian II across the map is peeking his turret through the small hill with his great depression ready to 1hit me from 3km
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low tiers aren't any less point and click with APHE toddler shittery
You don't get the same shell velocity at lower tiers
maps are significantly smaller for low tiers so it doesnt matter
Why the fuck a fucking tor a 11.0 now
CAS sissies forgot their place
its probably bad, i wish russia had one though. its really cool
most of em are the same maps
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>/wtg/ whines about something being inaccurate despite other people saying it for years
>fixed next update
I'm thinking we're back
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Wasn't this thing on sale for golden eagles a day ago?
IS-6 worth it? It's been on my list for some time but I'm having second thoughts now that it's sale day.
Yes for some reason it's a pack as well now
but anon, you now get premium time and funny skin too!!
>muh dual plane
But that would mean many other missiles should get increase.
Like Magic 2.
get the IS-7 instead
>slanteye chinkname shots 4 of us out of spawn
>these are the bugman's stats
Is it legit?
I wish they made premium version of the Chally 2E instead
the only good challenger
I've had a lot of fun and earned a lot of sl with it. Basically an impenetrable fortress at a downtier, surprisingly fast. Horrible gun depression though. You should ace the crew to improve reload times.
Honestly if you had interest in the OES for some unknown reason it isn't too bad, 10 extra dollars for getting the pack and all it's benefits isn't that bad of a deal.
Love me OES, simple as
Why is the F-20a considered a bad plane?
Bad FM? Bad missiles? Bad BR?
how do chinks even play on western servers with 300 ping anyways?
just another example of gaijin gimping an iconic amerikkkan jet
Just muttgluts being muttgluts, the plane isn't bad at anything.
I would say bad BR
its like a sidegrade to F-16A imo
will I rly have to wait until may for the turms to go on sale, bros?
Worst F16 facing actual F16s
It's not bad, but a worse F-16 at F-16 BRs isn't convincing to most people for obvious reasons.
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Havent played high tier US in like a year and 10.7 is treating me very well right now
Aaand Attica goes a fucking ban list
What a piece of fucking dogshit map
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wtf is this 4-5 month sale drought and then its monthly or bi-monthly after that? why
Flight model is good, you get a decent enough radar and two sparrows. But at the BR 9L's don't really cut it and you need irccm.
Wouldn't the default Chally 2 be better since the armor package is kinda negligible and its the lightest one?
How bad is the F-20s matchmaker anyways? I might gift it to a friend who isn't too bad at air but I don't want to condemn him to uptier hell with mutt teammates.
permanent uptiers into ARH missile spam
Is the MiG-23ML at least usable if you're good? I don't want to bomb grind with a SU-25.
I think the snail has started to realize how strong the premium phantoms are (and how common) hence not putting them on sale.
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whats the point of this HEAT shell? more dmg than the dart? cause the pen is way lower
Oh well, guess someone isn't getting a Christmas gift this year.
>missed mark of distinction 3
Can I complete it again later? Or is it over forever and I lost my chance of getting the cool stuff?
Not really worth it at your br, just stick with the kekw.
>TURMS-T not on sale
on normal tanks: making you grind through an absolutely dogshit shell until you get something useful (APFSDS)
once you have the dart, then it's only worth taking for overpressure
You can pay for it
>2maus can't kill me in strv103 from the front

Lmao 3 minute fight of me angling the hull and repairing cannon between tracking them.
>ban list
sure wish we could ban more than one
thats why im pissed, I was waiting for that shit to complete my shitter 10.3 lineup, i checked the calendar, next sale is in fucking may? I'll have to wait 4 months to get it? :)) or pay them 65 fucking euros for a virtual pixel tank i guess
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Lmao should've been here 2 months ago.
>999 GE for 340 score
just use your 80ud and 2s38 with backups
youre not a shitter are you?
lad I'm the guy with the 25 wr on those
but yeah I can keep using em... I rly wanted the turms though, its got gen2 thermals which is cozy, and T-72 is one of my fav tanks

plus it poops out spent shells it looks rly awesome
pay up chud.
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so does the t29 and friends actually just dogstomp 6.7~7 constantly?
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I've had nothing but complete stomp losses with USSR teams since the sales started...
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RDF has gen1 thermals too????
2s38 has fucking gen3
>old vehicle has old thermals
>new vehicle has new thermals
ok but its 10.3 vs 11.7 ingame
>lower shell velocity and much lower magnification on optics makes hitting distant targets much more difficult
>vast majority of vehicles have no stabiliser, shooting on the move is basically impossible and guns can take a long time to settle after hitting the brakes
>shells have much worse angled performance, even powerful rounds will glance off relatively thin side armour at steep angles instead of just going straight through like darts do
>big heavy modules like the engine and transmission will actually stop rounds, particularly APHE ones
>heavy armour can and does work against most guns, even at worst it forces enemies to aim at weakspots (which also change a lot on a tank-by-tank basis instead of being basically universal as they are at top tier, they are also much harder to hit at longer ranges)
>turret traverse and gun handling generally not great, so you can't react as quickly to unexpected situations
Rdf has no reason to not be in same BR as 2s38. Guess gun depression (that's still not the -15 degrees it should be) is just way better than better thermals, aircraft tracking and LWS i guess.
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The perfect line up
Well I agree 2s38 should go up in br long time ago.
ive got all of them and ever since i got the 80ud i pretty much just always spawn that unless its a giant map and you can actually make use of the optics on the TURMS
other than optics its a worse tank in every single way
most of the time Leo 2 divs 1hit me across the hull anyway so idk how much I'll notice the worse armor, its got a high pen shell too right?
>M-51 pack will be removed
>Weizman's Spitfire pack will be removed
they're are not just creating FOMO and adding them back as GE vehicles. They are actually replacing them with new and interesting premiums and expanding the tree to rank III. Right?
I'm sort of tempted but so far 10.7 with the Challengers is as high as I've gotten with any tree and I'm not the biggest fan of the gameplay and apparently the shenanigans get even worse when you reach actual top tier.
>play 4.7 for a nation that isn't Germany
>literally never see an uptier above 5.0
>8/10 matches are full downtiers
Gaijin isn't even trying to hide it
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>want to have Kino 10.7 line up
>British F-4 isn't on sale
Like, I do have the Squadron Sea Harrier researched but it wouldn't really be giving me any bonus or help grinding.
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now we wait for a crew to unlock
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kinda cute I guess, albeit boring
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Would have preferred the historic version of the skin
You are really not missing out on a lot, Challys are all pretty mid, it does look cool though
they use the same ammo yeah
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I just want this thing thats my only interest in Britain
Any plane nerds can tell me what the things on the wingtips of the Eurofighter are? Why is one of them missing the end piece and such?
ECCM stuff. One of them has a decoy in it
Ah I see, thanks.
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needful status?
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don't play planes
plane game
aaaahhhhhhh I dont want to give them money they dont desesrve my money nooo
but I NEED that swedish cancerkart
but I NEED that migger
but I NEED that a10
Please stop me please help me tell me those are shit and not worth it no ahhhh Im gonna Im gonna paypig.....
chinese names top the scoreboards on EU every single match

GREAT game gaijin PLEASE don't spend a few k a month to make a server for these animals please plerase please please please let them stay in EU and shit on us
imagine buying F-5C as new player
you never play any arb outside that one time where you spend 10 mins climbing before having your gun jammed on the first engagement
your missiles are dogshit so you have to get your gun on target if you want any kills, and with no lead indicator that is a long grind to getting gud with guns
but compare to buying F-4S or F-20A
where you at least get good missiles but in a fox-3 spam hell
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>go for some base bombing
>some nigger in his F4 or Tornado always outpaces me
>out-anything anyone
I don't know how, I'm always 2 seconds behind someone else and that's enough to cuck me out of of some points? What're loadouts people use to base bomb faster? I run F4S
ah okay
makes sense now
Get the F-111F
>pick the fastest, lightest plane you can think off
>with minimum fuel and the lighted payload
>even then a fucking premium zombing nigger outpaces you for some reason
>>go for some base bombing
Can't relate, I'm not a literal chimp.
>planes above 12.7 can't participate in the daily air assault thing
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If you mean mig23ML then yeah it's dogshit and not worth it
A10 is amazing though, paypig it freely
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Swedish-Swiss-Korean combined tree when? Remove f*nland
join lowiq or else you will be furry
This is a Swedish game. Everyone else just happen to be practice targets in it.
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Chinese play PRC. But do Chinese play ROC?
You go to a concentration camp if you play the real China
>american colony of american wannabe homos and gender fluid freaks is real china
I don't think so
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>get this exact same screen last night
>unlock cover module
>start research on 9Ls
>go to sleep
>next day
>9Ls are getting researched
>cover module is now 1/4 done
>open notification log, all the matches I had in the last 2 hours and the module I got are gone
>start thinking okay maybe I'm just schizophrenic and going insane from too much WT
Nope, the fact that I just unlocked both of these things again proves that it's happening again.
In fact I DID see these achievements show up on the notification feed from last night, but I just checked it just now to show the double unlock and it only shows me this time, last night's unlock is just gone.
Why is the game trying to convince me I'm insane.
But China is a Japanese colony?
no its not, and japanese literally use chinese characters
Run an air to air load out, don't be a pussy. F4S is more than capable for it.
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? whats this supposed to prove
Why isn't Bubi idolized the same way the Red Baron is?
Who the fuck is Bubi is that like a stripper
>play centurion 10
>no range finder, no thermal,no speed, no armor, nothing
cant believe this thing is the same BR as Vidar
By this logic the entirety of Europe is an Italian colony
>no warning AIM9M is coming at me
It literally is
italy isn't rome it's a much later mutt-state
mainland china is real china and they'll soon reclaim the tranny island
Most of the world is a French colony.
IRST doesnt give warning
Swedebros is CV90105 any good? My buddy tells me to buy the VIDAR instead and claims he grinded the entire tree with it but somehow I find it difficult to believe, plus HE slingers are not fun and never were. Or should I perhaps wait for christian to go on sale?
faguette is at it again
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i think chatgpt can make better maps than this
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CV90105 is literally one of the best premiums in the game.
NTA but should I get the A10 if I already have the A6?
The river variation is even worse, I honestly don't believe that whoever is responsible for map designs have never even launched this game in their lifetimes
bruh lmao
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wdyt guys
Arigato hakase.
Thanks doc
looks ass.
Which is an improvement
Any other things/modes where you don't get warnings I should know about?
CV90105 is a nigger exterminator machine, go for it without a second thought
You don't get a warning for being a stupid shitter
I think they called it Dunnin Krueger or something
I'm not even memeing when I say that I'd still prefer this disaster over like half the map pool of this game
its just another modern MBT premium slops
they all literally play the same
eastern block is eating well today
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I love Pradesh. Despite its many flaws, and the game modes designed for ten times smaller maps, It is so fun. It's a breath of fresh air. I don't care if I win or lose, I will spawn with every vehicle I have in my lineup playing it.
I would do the needful and play exclusively on Pradesh, given an opportunity.
red niggers are mere opponents
blue niggers are the actual enemy
kill all blue niggers
did tanki, now planey and then navy
does it kill chink bugmen fast as well?
CV90120 should be 10.7
Al-Khalid not on sale. I snooze.
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I think its the german teams that just win more even if I do ass
What's your lineup for tanks?
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Post them nukes
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I like shooting the front plate of an M4/M4A2 with an MD-8 ~200m distnace and see it bounce from fucking everywhere except a few spots.
Then i take an M4/M4A2, and have ruskis just fucking rape my front plate with MD-8s from almost any angle and range.
Skill issue, i concede.
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I did the needful
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year brothers and sisters
If i'm in the mood to play, i just play the lineup closer to the thing i want to unlock (i have 6\10 finished and i re-spade them when the update drops)
If i want to do it extremly fast, i take the italian shermans into arcade battles and rape everything doing about 7-8k a match
Is Mig23 ML still good to grind though Russian tree?
Never seen a nuke in my games and never got one myself, convinced they're not real and a meme just like sex.
You keep bitching like that and we'll turn off the lights the next week too :^)
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Last match
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meant for >>507691974
These are in arcade, so they are worth about 4x more. Count them as 96. I'm also most probably one of the best arcade player in this general, top4k in the world without even trying (just playing the game and grinding it)
>posts absolutely nothing
>doesn't post a single image to back it up
How much ammo should I carry in the IS-6? I only carry 14 shots but it's the second time today I ran out of ammo and I've only played 3 games with it.
why do you have this saved on your computer?
this much butthurt is a bad look
there are no such things as nuke in the real game mode
What else did you expect of the resident pigger eternally assblasted by Russia's and Russians' very existence?
>don't fully understand notching
>keep dodging missiles anyway
Ok I have a very stupid question to ask for this. I always fly with my aircraft's belly/floor towards the enemy/missile but when I turn to have my wings face the thread the LAUNCH warning comes back on. I turn my floor back and it goes away. Then I turn the wings back and I get the Launch warning back. I assume I have to keep my aircraft's floor aimed at the missile or else I will eat shit but I'm not willing to test it. Does it actually matter?
Then clearly increase the number of rounds.
>have to get 3 win as KVT to get the skin
this is actually pretty hard
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>wanted both 10.7 Leo2 packs, Fuji, and CV90105
>only the last one is on sale
thank god I picked up the CV9035 and Leo1A5. Also the VIDAR still works at rank VI.
>this is what """people""" crying about muh russoinker boogeymen and muh mishacord save to xheir PCs
but unexpected
It's VERY much expected actually.
thats.... what unexpected means
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>i want to rape asuka (14yo version) well knowing that she would LOVE it but she would be so fucking entitled and feminazi and she would say how traumatizing and bad it was
vehicles for this feel?
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I love the LOSAT expecially in Assault Ground Arcade because you either die instantly or delete a whole ave by yourself
Tiger (II) H Sla.16
Holy fuck you killed him so hard he died at least 7 times.
yea its pretty fun
whole wave*
silly me
don't know if you're shitposting but it's pretty common for enemies to spawn inside one another and since the LOSAT has 700 fucking mm of pen you basically get a 7-for1 deal
why no brazilian vehicles
2s38 k/d and winrate are terrible globally vs HSTVL which the RDF is a cousin of
the 2s38 is not as good, it just seems good because its annoying and takes up a lot of real estate in your head due to it
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thats just because everyone buys the 2s38 and more popular wallet warriors = worse wr
doesn't rly mean its worse
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33 years ago today. slavs took the biggest L they could possibly take
is it just me or is there rly not that much diff to 10.5 - 12.0 tanks? at least its not comparable to something like 6.0 vs 8.0
that is team winrates dragged down at top tier due to premium usage across the board
not singular vehicles
Is that thing playable at all in PvP though? Completely disregarding the concept of armor is cool and all but it comes at the cost of significant minimum range restriction, literal zero gun elevation/depression, >ATGMs at point and click BRs and I guess any shot to the launcher is instadeath? I mean I've only ever seen this thing once, it tried peeking me from behind a hill and I popped it right into the launcher
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>f5c requires you to be good with guns
>f20a is overtiered
>bison sounds good but UK looks boring as fuck (except for the EF)
>mirage has only 2 good missiles
>amx is hilariously bad
fuck choice paralysis
It's been a very long time since i've seen something like that.
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>Ukraine's upcoming post war boom
I use it religiously and it's hilariously bad, EXCEPT when the stars align and you have some unaware tanks over a hill that you have a clean shot on, the ATGMs get so much fucking pen you can just point and click on their center of mass and delete them into oblivion.
But yes, sadly outside of that you might as well be griefing your team since the moment something sees you first you vaporize into thin air.
It's the type of vehicle where even 1 kill feels amazing because you should never expect more then that
>TL;DR extremely situational vehicle and a meme pick but fun
the absurdly huge smoke tail it has makes for difficult long range engagements, not that there are many maps to allow for that
maybe i could tone down my graphics some to reduce it
J-7D and Lazur are the handholding options atm
you will never feel outgun in those two
just buy all the premium mig21 lmao
tank game
plane game
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Not really.
Picrel is stats are from players that spawned at least one 11.7 (top tier at the time)
why are sweden faggots so good at the game
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curious i truly wonder how
Trvke but not War Thunder.
swedish vehicles are incredibly handheld, and it's still 'niche' enough that only more experienced players play them
thus swedegros have ridiculous winrate
who said that? Even if they lose territory they'll be fine because thousands of western companies are already invested in the rebuilding of Ukraine and it'll become better than Russia to live in either way, west is invested in showing that
I said top tier at the time, retard
Video was made in January, top tier was moved to 12.0 like a few month
I just bought it today, had some good matches, the thermals are complete dogshit but its such a fun vehicle, zippy, great reverse speed, looks very sexy
>play 70 matches
>no one goes after ground targets
>activate wager for ground targets
>suddenly 2 people go all in on ground targets
Is there any reason to buy ground premiums of the higher ranks if you don't have anything to support it? I can understand planes for ARB but ground seems utterly pointless, not to mention not understanding the mechanics...I'm just starting to get into 6-7 BR for tanks and 9 for Jets and can tell shit is changing fast. I dont see what the premiums would really do for me other then more lions? Or are the research gains way better too?
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it still is relevant because the click bait single handedly has been pulling down the US winrated since its conception
the research gains are insane even if you spawn once and die, grind the tree like 5x faster with a top tier prem
Its not even the click-bait. its the fact that USA is most retards first nation and experienced players tend to play the countries most often put against them.
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Just got this F15C at 50% off. What am I in for?
Snail cum all over your throat.
for a comparison ig I bought the canadian leo 2 today and played a few hours very very poorly and the leo 1 is almost full researched? from 0, its at least 60-70% now, pretty crazy, tho I still have the 20 backups
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>Have one last bonus RP game for US today
>figure might as well get the bonus and call it quits for the day
>fucking twitch streamer noob faggot shoots me after take off and then tries to ram me so it makes me team kill him
>retard proceeds to crash instead
Thats enough War Thunder for 2024.
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>look at that it's off-topic o'clock!
How much ammo should I take in a Challenger DS?
Damn so it is kinda worth it then...I mostly have been maining Germany, which tank would you go for?
Twenty. Twenty ammo. No more, no less.
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Which one, /wtg/?
>a tank was hopelessly outdated the moment it entered production when compared to other contemporary tanks
>in game it fights against contemporary tanks and suffers just as much as it did/would have IRL
Its literally the most popular minor nation you nigger
How can you set pods for burst fire? I see people do it, but i am retarded and can only repeatedly ckick.
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This one
You're getting your hand atomized one way or another, there's no difference.
the cad 2a4m is your only option rn for top tier (because the other lower leo 2 isn't on sale) if u wanna stomach high tier go for it ig, the other one the pz123 leo is just a copy of the tech tree, cad has some extra stuff like minor side armor improvements, its a great tank tho
also what I did was use the eagles from the pack to train the crew, its like lvl 60 now, shit like loading speed n what not is very important in the leo/abrams
Strange that something off topic like this is still up, yet pidor posting gets deleted immediately
papa daniel!
Pidorspam wasn't deleted at least for an hour or two.
Nigga have you tried opening the controls menu? I've set mine to mouse4 for single shot, CapsLock + mouse4 for volley
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Historic BR retards be like
"Hurrrrrrrr this thing should see Abrams"
And then its a truck with a machine gun on it
Because pidorposting is boring
although I think that rangefinding is supposed to make your zoom further zoomed in, but I went from 0 to max bar and I swear its the same shit?
This thing absolutely should not see abrams because it's a damn SPAAG it's not meant to even share a line of sight with any MBT it fights planes
not range finding, keen vision*
the first shit
I maxed it both on gunner n commander, noticed almost no diff
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I just want the fucking holiday camo
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Is this plane really that good? In ground RB top tier teammates that have these things always seem to turn battle to our favor.
It is quite good, yes.
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Time to rape
keen vision and awareness only matter for arcade battles
le KTH or le IS-6?
damn then wtf do u get for realistic, vitality ig im getting that rn have max repair too, but only 3-4 skills rly do much, rest are kinda redundant
>burgergroid players so universally dogshit that even 3 measly wins are an actual challenge for them
>Be most powerful nation in the history of the world
>everyone wants to flock to you because of your superior military
>retards spend money on premium to short cut that process
Is it really that surprising?
no, it's not
that's why USA winrates plummet when packs go on sale
but enough about germany
that was a good one man
thanks i laughed just as hard at 507704203
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Tik Tock Anton, Give Sweden its Strv 2000 or facee the consequences.
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that fuckin ring..
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yes yes well done researching Scharnhorst, well done
i swear to god that swegroes are more gluttonous than mutts at this point
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smartest germgroid
nice deflection attempt burgergroid
unfortunately for you, your crippling mental capacity is reflected on the effort you put in your bait
qed, nobody except your shitposting butt buddies will play along
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>want the "Cool Hand" player title
>had to have preordered the A-6E pack
dammit Gaijin WHY
Tank game. All APC,IFV,SPAA,self-propelled artillert,armored car or any other kind of joke vehicle should be removed completely or moved to their historic BRs.
Never going happen, IFV game.
my ammo is cooked

this thing feels much tankier than the t-80ud though
>Strv 2000
A yet another leo2?
>get ameritard on my team playing top tier german tanks
>Basically instant loss, they dont even leave the spawn

What THE FUCK is wrong with people who main america? Are they genuinely cognitively impaired?
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>A yet another leo2?
You couldn't be more wrong
nice try swegro
as a matter of fact, they are
>maining a nation
surely you play all of them, right? there's absolutely no reason not to
Yes of course I do except sub human nations like Israel, China and Britain
brother it's just a video game
Jew spotted, prepare the oven
How do you play this game and have fun?
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I swear I've shot leo 2s in the eye myself and it wasn't a 1hit
You were angled in a way where the shot came down flat against you. Also thats the highest penning sabot in the game fired at short distance.
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The Japanese Empire is represented in game and within living memory while the Roman Empire isn't
play 4.3 or lower GRB
anything higher and its a test of patience with the premiums, push closer to 6.7/7.0 and if you're not america, you bust.
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Seethe posts like this just make me wanna give the Israeli tree another shot
I noticed I stopped having fun after rank 3.
Because it is. Slav tanks being good is a meme
I mean IRL maybe I dunno but certainly not in this game
this thing is sexy
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my username is no secret man idgaf
lovely day for top tier though
play air kill bomber, get mad when they set you on fire hold J
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By completely ignoring anything above 9.0.
Is top ground better than air? I mean I assume so since tanks don't have missiles that can lock onto you from 30 kilometers away.
True, you have to deal with missiles that can lock on to you from 15km away with literally zero warning or possible counterplay instead.
Top ground is the worst experience you can have in this game
>play air
>fly high
>shoot enemy
>get shot
>>shoot enemy
I can't do that when I'm too busy dodging the 20 missiles coming at me from all sides.
>play ground
>drive fast
>shoot enemy
>get shot
leos are way better imo, like half my deaths in top tier are from leos popping out from hills with highly armored empty turrets with their insane gun depression, russian tanks can't do that, troll armor but the guns are jokes couz of the depression
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I dont fucking get it, the Abrams is at least useable and has all the reload speed/maneuverability to get around the maps relatively fast. But american teams always fold premium users or not.
Starting to make playing top tier swede ass cause you get paired with them most of the time.
A single (1) match with the SKR-7 in arcade btw
>sovietniggers in blue team
>map that just requires sovietniggers to hold w and win
>they just don't
>lose against mutts
I spawned with the clickbait
I started heading towards the C point trying to scan the horizon as I do but I thought I'd get there first to cap it while hunkered down
I got 1hit by a fuji behind some rocks 10m from the point circle
thats how most of my matches go
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How will 6th gen fighters be implemented?
>Draken by Temu
This thing is going be dog shit isnt it
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>Bought the T 34 85 Chinese tank
>forgot the Tiger OST pack just came out
>5.7 is entirely Tiger OST's
>Everyone is playing germany and raping soviet/american teams
Im so fucking retarded
That has to be one of goofiest-looking planes in existence, like it's from some cartoon
We told you not to play China
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I accept my stupidity
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It's literally the first military aircraft to have "compliant control surfaces"
food for my M3GMC
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>"compliant control surfaces"
Russia has had this technology for years
Su-25K or MiG-23ML?
Brat : Britain, France, Italy players
Ick : Sweden, China, Isreal players
Riddle me this.
Engine smoke screen doesn't block thermal sights.
Kicked up dust from the ground blocks thermal sights.
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>40km launch kill on a Rafagle
it's so over zhongbros.
why would you hate israel players besides seethe about the joos or whatever? chillest niggas ever and the country is balanced
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I know I am retarded but am I not supposed to get 10 games of RP bonus?
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You're not a shitter, are you?
>Compliant control surfaces are a type of aircraft control surface that can change shape to optimize aerodynamic performance. Unlike traditional control surfaces that use hinges and rigid structures, compliant control surfaces use flexible materials and structures to achieve smooth, continuous shape changes. This allows for more efficient control of the aircraft, reducing drag and improving fuel efficiency.
damn some bf 2142 shit
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vehicles for this cat?
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Dare I get the FFA P-16? id mainly use it in a 9.3 lineup against enemy CAS.
that germ jet with the goofy tiger painted near the nose idk the name..
>germutts have obnoxiously overpowered and undertiered 20mm puma
>swiggers have their own similar thing but even more obnoxiously overpowered and harder to kill at the same br
why does no one talk about this?
Bro your 50 cal?
Anything Sneedish
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*flies past you*
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Pbil is extremely based
I simply don't care
I know a nuke goes in there
>not catching up an F-4S
the fun part is that you don't even need to catch them
just sling an ER from 30km away and they are dead
>crying about glorified shoebox that dies to MG fire
sasuga weeteegee
No the nukes go to the 3 gorges dam
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I'm up to jets with missiles, flares, and wing sweeping and my non-mouse hand keyboard side is so cramped I can't even bind double inputs to all the controls. Google is giving me random reddit threads and a few named ones. Any suggestions on what I should go with?
Just use https://github.com/ShartygeeAnon/WarThunderControlSchemes
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How? Did I scare him off or something?
I freaking hate Reichstag.
He couldn't withstand the sheer basedness of a LOSAT enjoyer
>noob finds out why meta tank is meta from first hand experience
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Order niggers tongue my anus.
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i'm never replacing him
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I already have the best premium in game around that BR
you hit his iglas? I'm not seeing the issue here
purchase an advertisement
My game just said "Hit" so I thought I had hit some armor but that does make sense
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Crazy that even the low tier reward is bad for this shit winter event
Is there a keybind or other way to go directly to HMD instead of needing to cycle through ACM first?
Thanks for trying to help but my shitty mouse has no additional buttons on it, plus those controls feel awful to use with my keyboard hand and basically all payloads are unbound
>basically all payloads are unbound
Read the readme, individual legacy weapon controls are completely discarded in this in favor of the WAY more flexible weapon selection system.
Yeah I did, it utilizes the entire keyboard and in test flight it's extremely hard to press a lot of button combinations with one hand
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Congrats you actually got a good vehicle
Downvoted. "Don't recommend me this channel".
why can't the strf9040s get saphei?
Is 11.3/11.7 US playable or does it have 35% winrates like US top tier? I stopped playing the latter because of that.
No its awful but the AGS is still a good vehicle which honestly should have M900 already but Gaijin hates American light tanks.
Such as? For reference, I naturally rest
>pinky on Shift (can be easily shifted to Caps Lock)
>ring on A (can be easily shifted to Tab)
>middle on W
>index on D (can easily access the first several number keys and the top letter row)
>thumb on V (can easily access space, middle letter row and the rest of the bottom letter row)
hence a lot of the choices.
>takes me 4 hours just to do half of the air tasks
>meanwhile some anons here can do ALL three tasks in that amount of time
Am I just utterly shit or is there some secret to scoremaxxing that I am missing? Am I supposed to be sealclubbing in arcade or something?
What might it be?
I play on a 17.3 inch craptop with a big keyboard so my problems might just be there, plus as I said my mouse has no additional buttons. I can reach at absolute maximum from about tilde to L with one hand
Rip, I find those flat keyboards utterly unusable whenever I have to use someone else's craptop (I never had one of my own and I never want to, FUCK setting up another instance of Windows and again those shitty-ass keyboards). I simply have no idea where my hand is compared to a proper keyboard with tall keys so I can't use it blindly by feel.
>I can reach at absolute maximum from about tilde to L with one hand
Same, that's why all the essentials like weapon selection and radar controls are near WASD and not like on the Numpad or some retarded shit like that. Getting used to modifier keys isn't nearly as difficult as you might think at first and certainly not as detrimental to your gameplay as leaving your control surfaces and throttle unattended while you fiddle with your radar on the other side of the keyboard like some people do. And you DO need a lot of the radar functions to be available at a moment's notice.
Never mind I'm fucking stupid and figured out weapon selection. Now I need to customize for my bad mouse a bit
Am I missing something or are ATGMs on the 90105 completely pointless? Too slow to use against helis and unneeded against tanks since the dart is always enough
How the FUCK do you do well on the XP-50?
Am I supposed to climb to stratosphere?
109, Yaks and Spitfires are impossible to kill
The additional mouse buttons are used for auxiliary stuff like flap deployment (at top tier you can probably get away with never using them), VTOL/wing sweep controls (you don't need those if your plane is conventional) and a select few functions like flares (which is X so you don't REALLY need the mouse for it) and radar lock (L is quick enough in most BVR cases unless you're using HMS in WVR, and ACM is on 3 so very close by for closer ranges). Weapon selection is 1 and 2 (with stuff like ripple quantity on Tab + 2 and so on).
holy skill issue
How many times you faggots are going to post this?
its just 1 guy
>stop posting military vehicles in a thread about military vehicles!
Would you prefer pidorposting instead? Or perhaps the quality pigger-zigger war discussion?
I repurposed tilde and some modifiers and it's all good now
food for my jas39
Answer my question
Climb? Hug the deck? which is it?
>Would you prefer pidorposting instead?
yes, pidorposting is fun
Glad you figured it out, I wouldn't have the patience to stomach a craptop keyboard and a basic mouse, especially in this game.
Nta but I'm playing on a laptop and it's bearable once you get used to flat buttons, the bottleneck for my GRB performance is the tiny screen
well that's why you're retarded, a complete dm63 shell is 21 kg.

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