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Fuwa Fuwa Pinku Birthday Edition
Previous thread: >>507268819

Current Event: What Colour Lies Beyond These Rainclouds
Current Gacha: Our Daily Lives Sinking Into The Evening Gacha (5* Tomoe, Himari, 4* Moca)
Current Event Boost: Cool ft.Afterglow

Next Event: Reach for twinkling stars
Next Gacha: Cyberpunk Racing Through the Silent Night Gacha (5* LAYER, PAREO, 4* CHU2)
Next Event Boost: Pure ft.RAS

Database with optimal Team Builder, event cutoff predictions, song chart viewer and simulator, asset explorer and story viewer:https://bestdori.com/
Another database:http://bandori.party/
EX Mission guide:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gPwOa9HuLz9vsuo0uhTw21ztO5q5zsooRK5u1tSgyss/

Fun Stuff
Bandori VTubers:https://www.youtube.com/@BDP_yumemita
Bandori Vocaloids:https://www.youtube.com/@yumenokessho
Bandori Channel:https://www.youtube.com/@bang_dream_official
Pico Puzzle:https://hamzaabamboo.github.io/pazuru-pico/
Himari's Visual Novel:https://bang-dream-gbp-en.bushiroad.com/april/artemis.html
Favdori sorter:https://garupasorter.tumblr.com/charactersorter
Favsong sorter:https://bandorisongsorter.tumblr.com/
Tower game recreation:https://thebuddyadrian.itch.io/garupa-tower-battle-remake
Dumbdori soundboard and Flappy Ako (hasn't been updated in a long while):https://dumbdori-noise.pw/
Live Interactions and other translations:https://pastebin.com/GJrs87pH
ENGRISH ALL PAHFECT~:https://files.catbox.moe/c325jm.mp4
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pii pii--
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Good thread...
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Her birthday isn't for 2 days...
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Aya's birthday is in 16hrs...
Can't believe all dori bands except the mewtypes are real anime girls...
What is Aya's baby daddy getting her?
What's really pathetic is he's replying to his own posts in his dead thread...
UHHH actually aya's birthday is in exactly 31 hours and 25 minutes...
First for fujo and Okade Mei being a whore
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We love whores here
We don't follow burgertime here...
>The vtubers are now the opening acts of older doris
Westcucks can cry all they want
while bandori accept the vtubers as real doris
don't understand this guy's new ESL vtuber gimmick...
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When will we see Aya again? Next mixed event? I want to see her with Anon again
just admit you hate bang dream
when in doubt it's usually the fujo...
We all agree that the correct Mewtype ships are Arale X Yuno and Ritsu X Nonoka, right...?
>shipping real women
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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the only canon bandori ships are girldorixboy~
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I agree the proper ship is the 5 of them and my dick
They're smoking fucking hot. Wish they made good music.
anyone looks good if you cover half your face...
What's the point of vtubers if they're gonna reveal their faces
That tall one is pretty. You can tell
Ugliest is the yellow one…
Love them all...
For me it's Red > Pink > Purple > Yellow > Blue
Why is he samefagging about the vtumors...?
ps got retconned again...
The real vtumorfag would never talk about fucking them or how sexy they are. He wants to give them money so they can be happy with another man inside them.
Excellent start to the thread...
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Reminder top 500 event song score gets you the voiced stamp too~
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this game is so stingy with gold cubes yet everyone and their mother casually has limit break 4 5*s every time I enter a room
gonna akasupa yuno so she can buy more vanguard cards…
Could be their only one, and the free rolls gave plenty of 5* dupes
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Stopped playing the game to stop spending money
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Coco love
You get one a month...
Thank you!
love them
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Hope she had a wonderful christmas with her boyfriend...
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Mana is alone for Christmas...
sending her a neko donut by mail...
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POV: Argoboys getting greeted by their gfs~
The Argos ain't getting no pussy lmao
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Uhhhhhhh Kasumi and Ren already have a daughter~
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POV: brad meeting his gf for their christmas date~
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All my limit break cards, skipped like 3 months of the cubes
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prettier and more talented than o-mei
Gonna tip that cup and splash that hot liquid on her face
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Better looking tits too...
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Not as nice as Amane's...
Meishan has a ugly bug face compared to those two…
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No need to be racist...
>begging for views
Kidani may had overestimate the hype a bit
Gonna watch it 400k times for her
How is it racist…
Because she's cute and not fat
Amane would have been a better and prettier Mutsumi…
You all hated Amane when she was a teen but now that she's a gorgeous adult you love her. Frauds.
hope he stops raiding soon...
It’s illegal to like children you stupid pedo…
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The real reason why Sakiko put Nyamu in her band...
cringe burger show and meme…
don't know which is worse... these memes, or the fact that it's probably canon...
You all said she couldn't sing and should kill herself...
uh she couldn't
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Now we're talking
is this what being a d4dj seiyuu does to a person
Look at Okada Mei… these Ave DJs are shameless…
don't know what these shills are even trying to say... do the ps girls not care enough to tweet about their own projects...?
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Christmas with Yukina, Lisa and Rinko!
Thread has really gone downhill since the fujo learned seiyuu exist...
Mei is so fucking sexy in dj...
If you think the bushiroad cumdumpster is sexy…
Just a few more hours until bandori hating shitposter goes to sleep and we'll get few hours of good discussions...
one more week...
same bandry hater…
too bad he's samefagging even more than usual before his bedtime...
getting raided by oneechan posters…
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Where're the rooms...
hate vs lives...
we do not play the game only talk about seiyuu…
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It's really sad how single Mashiro card can cause schizo's day long outbreak and finding ways to samefag and spam thread.
Something about irl Rinko looks so slutty
blame the bandori haters that got grounded on christmas…
who the hell was even talking about shiro...
We love sylvenon...
bpen culture died when favnon left…
bpen culture was reborn with worstanon
It's not dead. It just gets drowned out from all the constant shilling, spamming, and samefagging...
puzzles dont count..
Worstanon has been here for over 4 years.
Favanon got bombarded in the conflict…
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(You) malding about XXXXX is not any better
agreed malding doesnt add any discussion or anything
Not enough people want to fuck Tomoe
You mean Kaoru
Tomoe is just a boy...
You're thinking of Tomori
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Love coomin' to anime girls...
Just coomed the fattest coom to Himari...
I'm fucking goonin!!
only worstanon says this... wonder why...
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Not O-mei so its aok>>507641687
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>replying to himself twice
Double yikes...
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finally understood the badger gag...
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And we somehow should believe that Lisa is a virgin...
Says who? She openly talks about how much sex she has with her boyfriends.
Lisa is in college how would she still be a virgin.. even Kanon has the eyes of a slut now…
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Kanon was born with the eyes of a slut
Kanon’s new art you can see she is cock obsessed from her expressions…
Just like Tsukushi
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Love her
Okada Mei has soulless slut eyes too
Tsukushi should let her boyfriend fuck Shiro so she can learn to love dick too.
He's really malding today. Wonder what happened...
something must have reminded him of his love of dicks...
She did this Christmas.
Tsukushi is such a great and caring friend for Shiro...
Wonder which girl has better pussy...
You are gay if you do not like dicks sis…
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I know the thread is unusable right now but, anyone up for some games on reset?
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The eyes of an innocent maiden
I can do some quicks.
That's what Okada Mei says when you flash some ¥¥¥
Not falling for that fake room.
pretty insane that he's still spamming at 3am...
Anon's head on Taki's body would be the perfect girl
Join the room and find out who the fujo is…
Why does a slow general like bpen invite a lot of spamming shitposters. What can we do about this? Should we talk about the game more? The ships? Fanart spam? It's kinda of sad when 90% of the posts here are shitposting and cuckposting
Is oneechan thread better?
Maya low-key has the sexiest body of all the girls.
No wonder he malding...
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It's not like there's a lot
It's more that we have a small number of active posters so two dedicated retards stand out more...
It's exactly because it is slow. Shitposters can get more attention and steer the direction of the general more. In fast generals they get drowned out by the hundreds of other posts.
Best thing you can do is to ignore it, hide the post, and keep posting things you like.
can't tell which meme song that is...
I wouldn't really call this a slow general. We go through a thread every day. Some generals like /smtg/ can take days or weeks to reach 750
loli kami requiem...
>a lot of spamming shitposters
It's literally single autist who thinks that he can just samefag his opinions, and repeat same forced "meme" again, and again, and again.
See >>507648790
>Shitposters can get more attention
I disagree, he clearly samefags because he doesn't get any (you)'s and everyone ignores his existence.
Just because other generals are glacier speed doesn't mean we aren't slow.
you have no idea what you're talking about as usual...
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Has anyone full comboed the event song yet?
There's a few different shitposting profiles. Can't really say for certain it's all done by one person.
Who are the known shitposters?
What's funny is he samefags because he can't get (You)s but ends up giving (You)s to those who call him out...
Only real shitposter is the guy who obviously samefags all his post.
You can always tell because there mentions of mysterious "he" or "shills"
and another one
uhh right all those other posts don't exist... somehow I get the feeling you have a reason to downplay them...
t. a shitposter who doesn't like getting called out.
its just the shitposter and his buddy posting fujo and shill malding every thread
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11015 Free
Get in!
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Save her bushiroad...she deserves better...
Himari is custom built for being fucked by men and birthing many children
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I’ve been saying merge botb generals and we have better threads…
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I didn't bother after failing to do so like 10 times. It's another one of those 26s with the annoying patterns.
I actually forgot there was a jp general
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>bandori hating shitposter will magically disappear
Gonna give Tsukushi my bitter melon
It's one of those songs that feels like it should be easy to FC yet I end up making like 10 mistakes.
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Thanks for the late night quicks! Good night.
They are weirdos worse than gbpen…
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hope he stops meta spamming soon...
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Thanks for the quicks!
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missed the pz...
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I hope Bandori never go as low as Love Live (using AI art)
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Feels like peaceful SEAhours...
it's worse... we have canvas
You mean superior EU hours…
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Well, I can see bandorihater being mad at news though
He should wake up soon.
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Reposting for those that missed it last thread.

Hey guys, I've been working on the Bandori content in eraMegaten for the last few months and all of the important stuff is now translated.
For those who haven't heard of the game before, it is a 18+ text-based dungeon crawler based on the Shin Megami Tensei/Persona franchise, but also including tons of characters from other series (like Touhou, Madoka, Revue Starlight, and of course, Bandori).
I hope you guys enjoy it.
(Just unzip and use Emuera.exe to play)
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Mashiro soon...
Today's Mewtype streams...
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>all canceled so they can hang out with their boyfriends
Gonna drop a big dono so they can have a good time...
Why are Kokoro's boobs small? Why are Kasumi's boobs huge? Like she's as big as Taki now
>Why are Kokoro's boobs small
Because they don't hire Dopamine to do official art anymore
uhhh it's not coomer art they aren't thinking about their breast size when drawing it...
Layer could've been more popular if she had big boobs, like that one girl from im@s cinderella girls
im@s and ba characters are hotter than bandori characters
Arisa, Soyo, and Himari are hotter though. Especially Arisa.
I disagree
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Old bandori style was awesome
umm that's not old or official...
ummm have you seen the other characters in im@s…
look like NPCs...
I have, no one is hotter than Arisa. Soyo is also an upgrade to Chiyuki and Rinami.
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fixed it...
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Guess bandori hating shitposter woke up, huh.
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Really looking forward to seeing the complete version
uh he's been posting about idolshit for the past hour...
Can't wait to see Arale...
We know tasteless simp... we know...
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she's 13 years old...
She should be younger...
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While Raana riding Taki is hot, I think Taki riding Raana is way better!
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So this is why she skipped her first live...
Really confused about his spamming method. First he spams off-topic shit, then starts spamming vtubers, then starts spamming and samefagging about hating vtubers, and lastly starts arguing with himself about the vtuber hate...
Taki getting dominated by a younger girl is great...
>everyone ignored his vtuber hate shitpost
>he began attention whoring >507662692
Post the screenshot with Pareo saying her age...
Well, because we don't have Christmas lines this year, let's enjoy jp ones!
Ritsu is live...
christmas is over...
Did we enjoy Ritsu's stream...?
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How long until Kanade panders it?
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prefer rindog pandering...
Want to kick it like a football
blame rincat spammers for the current state of bpen/...
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They’ll get boypussy instead, and with zero risk of pregnancy!
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Wish Shiro was in RanKokoro cool girls group instead of simping Kasumi
Is that the tranny?
that's boy Chu2...
Stop insulting Tomori, asshole
guess he woke up...
Doesn't even make sense...
Really don't know why he is still here when he hates every Bandori character...
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>Captcha: GAY4H
should have had yukina's dad in the argonavis old man band...
DF Tomori get hyped
Argonavis should’ve been a prequel instead of becoming a separate universes back when fans had a melty over the girls getting their BFs…
anosoyo haters will not like this...
DF Aya
love that sexy tummy...
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No wonder...
I know an artist is going to love that they showed her pandas...
Basedorin DF with Ann...
love that sweaty face...
New canon ship is SayaRin...
rinrin is aiming for sana now that she sold ako...
>Three dreamfes cards instead of two
>Saaya finally got another 5* card after more than year
>Aya now has more 5* than Mashiro
Damn, Lisa looks so beautiful here...
>>Saaya finally got another 5* card after more than year
She had an event in June... https://bestdori.com/info/events/261/That-s-the-Future-I-Believe-In
They are canon lovers...
Trained Rinrin
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Holy shit that's fucking beautiful
>fujo skips cute tomohagu and kasuhagu
Of course...
Cute and canon
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slave owner vibes....
Also nice evolution from her 7 year old NY card...
A little sad for the art of the week...
>Soyo and Tomori have more likes than Aya
Even the Mygos have overtaken the most popular dori
Vtuber Nyamu...
did we enjoy nyamu's stream...?
Loved it...
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This is hands down the best line up they've ever released. This is the first time i will roll for all the cards.
rinrin love
need the lore on the aya kingdom in the background...
Love the Mewtypes...
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Holy boobs
kanochisa and aya balloons...
Good eye...
That's Hina's color
Did we enjoy the Bandori stream...?
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I'd eat her bellybutton lint
Looks like she's thinking about that good dick she got for Christmas
Reminds me even more of Ai now that she has a kid
I thought the same but refrained from posting that...
Anyone else forget which friends are from bpen...
Where's the stretch marks?
Never had friends... not even once...
>Cute Aya card
>Mentally ill bpen shitposting about lmao pregnancy joke
You guys should kill yourselves already
Yuno is live...
Don't care simp
Yuno's event sold out...!
good for her
lol so this is why he's been malding nonstop. Didn't think they could get anymore gayer, but they've managed to outdo themselves
We need a dedicated janny to save bpen/...
It really is all about who you know in this world...
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feel sorry for shiro
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Time for birthday dump
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This is ruitoko but not awful
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Is that the most popular ship in bandori now, or sayohina is still number one?
Sad he has to samefag...
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>Sakiko bot guy got mind broken by Ave Mujica anime saying he can't stand seeing Sakiko suffer
>said if he's not posting for a day that means he's calming himself down
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KasumixRen is still number one~
>a day
Sakisuffering feeds the soul
>Ritsu said on twitter that she's actually friends with Youchan
if bushi really hired bunch of seiyuus only to have them as vtuber that would be really stupid of bushi...
Sakiko suffering will make Tomori saving her feel all the more satisfying...
I hope her knee is okay...
he's been posting daily non stop since the account creation...
why is their game so fucking gay anyways? I always thought miku fans are old dudes...
Miku is timeless
What did she mean by this?
Miku is an industry plant who's rode more dick to stay relevant than anyone could imagine. The ultimate soulless whore.
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Remember to pet your keyboardist.
cute and canon
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Drowning out the shitposting with more Aya
sometimes it hard to tell the difference between Aya and Anon
should've been us...
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Not really. Anon is way prettier.
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I'll have to disagree with you
potentially a massive upgrade...
Anon is pure...
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Anon has Soyo as her canon pairing.
Aya has no official ship
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AnoSoyo isn't the first Pink x Bassist ship just so you know, retardbro
Ayasato isn't canon?
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Chisato's canon ship is Kanon, you can't have more than one canon ship
You can if you're a slut like Moca
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Whatever you say, retard
why would you reply seriously to the spammer lol...
Moca is really underrated. She's gorgeous
wish the spammer would just kill himself already...
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But you're the spammer...
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Would be so nice to jack off watching them fuck
Eat Aya.
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what did kidani mean by this...
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Aya has some nice tits
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Tomori belongs to Nyamu...
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Cute whores
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Tomori only your boyfriend is supposed to have this view...
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The removal of key songs sucked, but I was able to cope by remembering that the covers were much worse than the originals. Colorful Box, on the other hand, was literally one of the best Shiro songs, one where Amane really shined.
Loved playing that song...
Shiro is such a good Shiro...
I can't ever tell if Shirofags are serious or are making fun of her
I like Shiro but most of my Shiroposting is exaggeration.
don't see the issue with claiming that shiro is a good shiro...
He's just a fujo...
She's just a little Shiro...
Real shame that youtube deleted zepp live, was pure kino
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what are the umbrellas for...
used to think it was a joke too but i promise you it's more serious than joke
one of them represents shiro band...
Tomori absolutely mogs Mashiro...
Protecting them from Taki's squirt every time she sees Tomori
This is how you do Christmas op >>507707992
Mygo manga doko... It's already the 27th in Japan
Then go post there
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tired of the panda shilling...
we love fu bao...
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She's so fucking hot
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mujica advanced screening starts today...
he's already getting ready to spam spoilers...
First spoilers are in:
Arale made a cameo
it's 5am in japan, you dumb...
>they're wearing their new outfits
wonder what arale's is going to look like since it might be their in-game look
birthday pz...
They're wearing anniversary shirts idiot...
look at their bottoms
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Missing Sayo...
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Last 6 months have made it obvious that they're warming people up to vtubers joining the main franchise (anime and game, maybe even pico). They did this with mygo too and it was even more abrupt with them. I think we'll see a big vtuber push when mujica is done airing and in the game.
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>big vtuber push
Did he seriously believe that... must be why he also believes them saying they're single...
>highlight to see what you're responding to
>spoiled text is revealed
fuck this fucking shit
makes sense that spam hours started...
Cum for birthday Aya
Actually looks like a tranny…
Mygo seiyuu are so much cuter than Ave Mujica… no wonder they need to hide their faces
tired of mentally ill burgers...
What did I say that was wrong…
uhhh bandobros how are we supposed to deal with the djs having the best guitarist...
Gayest post itt
Moca moved to DJs?
shills have reached a new low...
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I would prepare some cute and comfy tiny clothes for tiny Aya, a comfy tiny bed for her to sleep in, set up my smartphone as a tiny mini theater for her to watch band concerts with, and feed tiny Aya some chocolate. After one too many she starts getting drunk since I laced the chocolate with some rum. While she's passed out, I take off her tiny clothes, and tie her arms and legs with some pipe cleaner to ensure she doesn't break free. I start playing with her tiny pussy using a Q-tip as a makeshift dildo. The pleasure wakes her up and she immediately starts crying out of fear. I start twisting the Q-tip around her opening until she lets out a moan of pleasure. The cotton soaks up some of her pussy juices. I push the Q-tip inside her breaking her tiny hymen. Aya yelps from the shock and pain. I slowly pull it out and there's some bloodstains on the cotton. I put it back in tiny Aya's pussy and immediately begin pumping it in and out of her. Aya can't help but roll her eyes back and stick her tongue out from the intense pain and pleasure as I churn her insides with the Q-tip. I make Aya cum multiple times. I stop for a bit and take out my penis and start fapping into a cup all while tiny Aya is watching me. I cum into the cup, I take out a dropper and suck some of my sperm into it. Realizing what's about to happen, tiny Aya desperately tries to break free from her restraints, but is unable to. I use the Q-tip to get her in the mood again and as she's about to cum, I shove the dropper inside her, blowing my load into her womb. Tiny Aya loses her mind and passes out from the pleasure of being cummed inside, and her tiny belly starts to bloat as I may have pumped a bit too much of my semen inside her. I take a few pictures, clean her up, and put her to bed. She'll wake up tomorrow thinking it was all a bad dream...
hid instantly...
what with the samefag...
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I hope we get Pastel plushies next year
we hate pastels here...
So does Shiro...
shiro is so full of love...
Would buy Maya plush and shitpost with her so fast
Wonder what's making him have another mental breakdown...
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Good morning
what's wrong with moca...
never thought ran would go that far with her...
Her bread levels are running dangerously low.
bandori using AI art when...
Shiro is too pure...she must die a virgin...purer than Joan of Arc...
Do you nyoggas srsly like the uggo seiyuu…
what is this burger malding about now...
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They got doubleteamed by their boyfriends during Christmas...
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we love enyamu...
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Y'all crazy, she's fine as fuck
Why are you ignoring her manface…
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Two moons...
Starting to notice that shitposters are the only ones that use AI art here...
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Nothing wrong with AI
AI posters are the worse…
we love AI for expressing things humans can't...
Bet AI. thinks Akane looks like a man…
bet AI thinks you're a retard lol...
>he thinks dori ass is scary...
What's funny is the only general that posts mostly AI traces is >>/psg/. No other general thread does that...
a lot do...
>y-yeah a-a l-l-lot p-p-p-post AI...
We support AI creators...
Hate that AI coomer...
Finally, a good post
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This would be iconic if it was Shiro
don't remember shiro ever laughing...
Someone make Shiro smile...
what is wrong with this spamming retard...
That's not a nice thing to call Chisato
>ctrl+f spam
maybe because you're always spamming...
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Seiyuu looks tier list (ordered)
shocked that doesn't have an iphone filename...
The fujo is trying to copy iphonefriend's gimmick...
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love the blind chu2 meme...
>Tomori Soyo Aya DF Banner
really trying to cash in on mujica hype...
They're saving the better DFs (Anon, Taki) for later...
Excited for Sakiko DF...
>Umiri in C
should have had shiro in there...
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They won't like this...
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would gladly trade a basedo for a sylveon...
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I'd have them all ranked S tier
rare good iphone teen post...
No wonder they wear the masks...
is he seriously samefagging to try and repeat a post everyone ignored earlier...
Why is it always Sakiplush?
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Soyo will finally give in
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the retcons have begun...
They're going straight to the sakisex
Maybe that one reviewer that everyone trashed a few days ago wasn’t the only one that was unsatisfied with the story…
Unpopular opinion but I think Umiri is really hot and sexy and I want to sex her.
there are hotter... refer to tier list...
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I'm sorry Ayafags, but there's no denying it. Anon is the prettiest pink.
what with the spam...
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just the two retards spamming bpen/...
Point out the spam
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Girl feet
spam and that's not all of it...
I'm worried bros...there's no vtuber spamming....is vtuberfriend alright?
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AI is a good thing
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Wish Anon seiyuu show feet...
Nyamu spoilers, not that big but just in case:is a third year student, she goes to the same school as Layer and knows Masking.
>Dai Zero Kan cover
Oh... I actually know this song. It's from that super popular basketball movie with a dumb redhead!
Kuroko no Basket?
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Taki cuck...
it's slum dunk....
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I love Anon but Aya is still prettier
hope kidani puts this spammer in star debt...
What is Bocchi doing?
are you blind or stupid...
Uhh Nyamu is as old as Marina and New Staff
he mistook taki's sister for taki...
Is he seriously spamming fake spoilers after everyone ignored his ESL tweet...
it's just the iphone teen trying to ruin aya's birthday thread...
are you blind or stupid...
Can't tell what she's doing either...
Slum Dank... a story of people scoring points by throwing litter in the cans...
stop spamming you schizo...
not reading that...
>nips watching the ep 1-3 premiere are comparing ave mujica to evangelion, paprika, black swan, higurashi
wonder what set him off to spam this much...
remember the higurashi comparisons back when the op was released...
But Kidani’s also broke…
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Spoiler this...
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To think his huge melty came from PS replacing trannies with actual gays as it's target demographic...
>people stopped responding to his shitposting
>actually, here a ps link by the way please pay attention to me
mental illness
She has some very kissable legs and a very lickable pussy
cuck vibes...
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