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Previous Thread: >>507322050

>What is Brown Dust 2?
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post loen
should i go all in in celia as a new player?
You'll want to get her at least to +1 now, and then await the free pulls before ideally +4ing her before the end of January.
>186 pulls for +1....
celia a cursed banner for me,..it's joever bwos
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You think you have it bad? Try 200 for +0 right after 400 for +5 Loen, 450 for +4 Levia, and 100 for +0 Negris.
Yeah but I'm a paypig and you are probably a ftp. John has betrayed me
Rou owes me an afternoon playing Woodadah together
bros newfag here please help
1 - is bunny celia worth +5
2 - when is luvencia new costume release
3 - should i pull at least 1 copy of diana adventure costume? I free pull the other one that gives a shield but its kinda meh imo
+1 or +4, she's not a DPS so her damage is minimal
Next week, with part 2 of the anni update on jan 2nd
Get at least +2, ideally +5 Adventurer Diana, it's one of the best buffers in the game. You get one copy for free from SP10 of the story so keep that in mind.
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Why is Loen always paired with evil women?
thanks I didnt know you get her for free. I may try to get 2 from banner then to make it +2
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>open the doors again after the incident 3 days ago
God fuck no not again NOOOOOO
There's also some useful resources in the OP like the resource kit and the 1.5 anni faq in it that says the same I did.
>two pities and one copy for +2
Luvencia... forgive me for I'm to broke for your thighs.
>decide to do free pulls before pulling for Celia
>get Diana on a free pull but she's +5
>get spooked on another free pull by Rafina
>took 100 pulls to get first Bunny Celia
>get spooked on next multi by Yuri
>get +1 Celia on the multi after that
That was a rollercoaster.
170 pulls for Celia just for +1 i did the same amount for the other bunnies and i already have them at +3, Celia is cursed as fuck
I'm gonna do it boys, I'm going to go all in on Celia +4 day one.
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>rough banner
I paypigged the step up for +0, then 201 pulls for +2. one of my worst banners yet, hopefully can spook the +5 before banner end
I broke my own rule of never pulling hard first day as I'm sure John bricks the rates day 1
Is the newbie D-9 banner worth rolling to get the big 3 supports?
Does the Layla startup purchase thing disappear if you buy some other package first?
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>back to back gisgray'd
This Anni has confirmed this for me as well
Even when primed for a sweep, things just get worse and worse
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Here's me at 201
Why does Celia offer the same glass she drank from
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>get +2 at 140
>keep going to see if I can get another copy before pity so I can end at +4
>get fucking double spooked
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7/7 rate off. good 50/50 john
If that is the 2k Dias/$13 for one of three selected 5* units then yes, but if you have time you can also try to get 2 buffers from the infinite reroll for $17 first.

No, it's there until you buy it. I started at launch and it's still there for me even after buying other packs.
>everyone always says for every person with bad luck rolls there's someone with good luck rolls
Well what the hell, where tf are they because all I see is people getting scammed on their roll %
lmao you are cursed
I just got a Celia with the one free draw. I got Neb and her weapon with a one free draw back to back the other day as well
+3 Celia from 220 pulls here and +1 from pity.
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ITS 9 IN A ROW NOW... gg anons, see you on another general
>it's still there for me even after buying other packs
Keep going anon, your lack of luck is incredible
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You didn't agree to a free 150 dia for playing a pack?
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Whoops. I saw "150 dia were paid as entry" and panicked
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sorry bwos I stole all of your luck
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I did the same thing the first time I saw that too, you're in good company here lol.
I don't remember posting this.
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a little bit painful but I survived. (+0 came from 5,000 paid gem step up).
what's the crit dmg cap again?
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its still ass if you read it backwards...
>Use daily 60 cooked rice
>Get more rice from event
>Still at 0 cooked rice

Wtf the fuck? Do I have a hidden stash of bonus rice I know nothing about? Where is it?
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No longer a bunnylet with +5 B. Eclipse, +5 B Loen, +5 B. Celia, +5 Nebris and +5 Levia. In good shape for the Luvencia at this point
>cant get pull any ur for the life of me
>bunny eclipse has already dropped 3 times off of the free pulls
thats what I get for lusting after her
Nothing there
It's like bonus rice I'm supposed to get just disappears
bwo the rice event is just get 30 rice daily...it's not really an event it just gives you 30 per day
There's rice in the puzzle event rewards and other event rewards and I'm not getting any of it.
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>12m left
My Lia is too weak bwos...
didnt ask
>She didn't beat level 10 in the first day
You don't even need to read the mechanics, you just attack every turn...
>+5 Levia
That's not a bunny
Not all of us are blessed with +5 all units...
you probably are you are just tarded. generally now it adds to your daily allowance and if you don't use it, you lose it
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>t.poor seething cope
it's OK i understand that 10 usd would break you financially
>need to +5 bunny today to compete on fiend ranking
why is this game's system demanding I brick myself...
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>burn the rest of my tickets and free dia on bunny celia
>+0 at 133 pulls
>134th is guaranteed 5*
>get olstein
I hate this game.
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those are some fat achaaas...
Anon, I...
what's your magic team anon
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I love this game.
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Loen is only +2 sports +2 base. Levia is +5 sports +5 base +4 overdrive. I guess I should try getting Helena killed for that conditional...
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Eclipse's soft, squishy belly...
i thought you went with helena terrese loen and levia, i will try the chains comp
I am a Teresselet.
Wait so you’re getting an ssr every 10 pull? Cause that’s godly rng in a different way.
Have you tried anstasia instead of rubia? She recently got really good buffs if you have her upgraded.
>check mirror wars replay loss
>some guy uses 10 sp on the first turn
I though we started at either 5 or 6 sp, what am I missing here?
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will you vote for swimsuit luvencia?
no. 351 pull, 9 ssr
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babybatter bank
Best girl Nebris is S rank for pve on the tier list now
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I already have her at +3 but this is oddly tempting
Oh, that’s average right? That’s dogshit then but yeah you should have stopped when everyone posted their brick pulls. Gacha is like that, rng manipulation is basically a given and only punished youre caught like netmarble.
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will you vote for swimsuit levia?
Ideally I'd want some girl who's mechanically useful but without super lewd skins to get a bunny costume, because that makes it easier to run all-whore teams.
I figured it out. I'd been getting them all along, they're just listed as an unexplained second number next to the usual rice meter. This game's UI is confusing as fuck.
No, I'm voting for Hot Spring Levia
Should I tear B. Celia?
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this half anni...I ended up getting +3 Celia in 100 pulls anyway, thank god double pulls
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real golden hand!
fake golden hand
holy shit, event cyberpunk song actually slaps hard if you listen to it long enough
when it comes to recruiting 3 and 4 stars
does it matter when i recruit them?
are those scrolls scarce?
Teresse team is kinda bad in this one, because it's chain FH
no, you should recruit them all ideally, but recruit Diana and Olstein first
you'll naturally build up your 3-4 star roster by just doing pulls, so your best choice is to just take those scrolls to the shop and convert them to their next tier. Hire 5 stars
recruit all of the 3* and 4* to remove them from the pool
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This any good? Celia would go to +1 and the other 2 would be new.
they would also be copies, it shows on the costume when it's nwe bro...
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Usagi no pyon!

Total: 130 pulls for Bunny Celia +5.
But I dont own Levia or Elise... Should I continue rolling?
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>300 rolls for +5
>better than average
you have no right
>that stash
oh no no no
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i hate that there are people who unironically like this
so im just doing the story
when am i supposed to get all those tickets as a new player
So is it better to go for +5 Bunny Loen or Celia?
I have Last hope Loen +2 and Track and Field +1
and for Celia i only have her The Curse costume +1
die faggot
Don't blame me, I voted for her school uniform.
i think once you finish a few missions in chapter 1 you get access to the home menu and draw feature to get new characters
How much did you use for the others?
built for anal correction
there's no longer a cap

this is a great pull anon, I believe the bitch in the middle is gonna get buffed
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>When you get so powerful so quick in the cyberpunk survivors mini-game John cheats and forcibly kills you
I don't understand what happened, I was doing hard mode stage 1 and doing incredibly well. I put down my phone for two-three seconds to charge it and during that brief period I died.
Mobs can spawn on you if you don't move
why can't they get it right? who in their right mind thought that posting the top 5 for the character poll was a good idea? you didn't learn shit from last year, you can do better than this john, I'm beyond disappointed
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Idea from last thread
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Just to prove I'm not playing favourites
Loen has received the same treatment
why is diddy kong and luigi there?
no hebes please we want loli
No "we" don't. This is a tits and ass game. You are a vocal minority and as shown in the popularity poll most people want big tits.
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>and as shown in the popularity poll most people want big tits
your "proof" is based on recency bias and a crappy poll they clearly don't know how to fairly run? lmao
Every popularity poll winner is a titcow.
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Everyone shut up and just enjoy the parts you enjoy and disregard the parts you don't
Not everything has to be a fucking argument
I don't understand levia's overheat costume, I get that she hits harder to enemies under vulnerability, which she applies with her track costume, but then she also removes said vulnerability... the skill has 3 turns cd, which can be reduced to a 1 turn cd with one of her potentials... does she need another vulnerability applier to be useful? if she didn't strip the vulnerability I wouldn't be confused about her kit
>Levia solo dps
>Ignore stupid second conditional
>Easily hit level 10 threshold
Oh yeah, it's gaming time
No, her cd doesn't matter when you're using her with track Levia
Levia's vuln is 4 turns long, it wears off after the next enemy turn even if you won't use overheat Levia
I see what you are saying, but doesn't that make her base costume a little redundant? I'm confused because I went for both and I feel like they overlap, it doesn't help that the new costume is spammable
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John wtf is this image quality? I thought you figured this shit out...

You use track before Loen, then next turn you use overheat after Loen, understand?
It kinda does, but I think you are supposed to use it after track and overheat, basically giving you more options
Costumes are situational. Base costume deals more damage to a single square enemies.
331 pulls for B.Celia+4 (Include 200 exchange). Is this a terrible luck for this game?
not terrible, but pretty bad, shit happens, it's always fixes itself later on
I've seen much worse (400+ for +0)
+5 Bunny Loean
+5 Eclipse
*4 Celia
0 tickets, 300 dias
>Pandora and Levatein are in the same timeline
Weird, Levatein seems like an old city with futuristic elements, while Pandora is full on cyberpunk dystopia
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cute retard luv me chibis
Morp is too old-fashioned
Don't forget to vote for wedding dress Teresse in the popularity poll. If you don't, you are a communist.
Are we going to have Summer Morpheah banner again? Now that I have resources, I kinda wanna pull for her because her summons look kinda fun even though I know it's shit meta wise.
I doubt that, she isn't limited, maybe next year, but it's pretty unlikely.
>shit meta wise
They aren't though
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chibikino, to think we could lose that at some point...
I want Loen to sit on my face.
Dont we all? Especially when she is sweaty too.
I'm bad with names, which one is Levatein?
>She'll win the poll
>We'll get a slutty wedding dress costume
>The games age rating will permanently raise
>John will remove all physical characters from the game after Eclipse completely ruins them in giga sex

Screenshot this.
the nightmare winter one
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>dust is on the house sir
we are never gonna beat the name allegations
>wild dog
shes white...
really hope that john announces that the celia banner wont be rerun next year 3 days before it ends :)
That made me think how it's gonna go for next anniversaries and other limited events, I doubt they would run 6 limited costumes every 3 months
I hate you for posting this garbage sloppa
Does M Bunny Celia boost her other costumes in Last Night?
is the 2nd conditional of talos bait? or is there a good way to take advantage of that juicy 100% damage without sacrificing too much to get it?
No, you literally just nuke with Loen and Levia. Use Celia, Helena, Refi. The additional chains do more than putting Diana in here. Physical blows for this.
why did they show Loen's sister when she doesn't appear in the pack?
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>+5 from the property select ticket

This is the first time this has actually paid off. I usually end up with some shitty dupe I don't need or some m*le. What luck
I bought 2 property tickets today and got Gray (gigachad version) and DJ Venaka
>all collab units only have JP VA
Wonder why is that? Because all Korean weebs played Senran and watched MT in original voice?

Anyway, I saw that Levia is unvoiced in the event and thought that it might've been because I'm playing JP, well, it's unvoiced in Korean too, that's fine, but at least make her make noises. Like when you talk in a pub to someone and both characters make "talking noises" so atleast I could immerse myself better.
Because senrans don't have official KR dub
Also Diana is semen demon in KR, Levia sounds kinda bad, like school theatre kid trying to play an evil character
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Could probably do a bit better, but doubt I'm clearing 10 in the 1st day.
pls BD2 Gods i need to know
>school theatre kid trying to play an evil character
Levia lore-wise is a low-level demon with a cool book so that kinda fits her...
+5 Bunny Loen. Celia gets nothing useful from her +5.
Build Celia to +1 or +4 if you want to save.
Bunny Loen is an easy +5
Celia, you can work with +1, but +4 is ideal.

+4 is the stopping point for B. Celia if you are really low on tickets. +5 only gives additional damage. Celia is not a dps character.
ok look, celia has a higher priority, but only if you care about doing any late game content, loen will carry you through the story and is good pretty much anywhere (she sucks in LN), so the wisest choice is to go for celia, but if you don't care about all that just go for loen or pick between their designs and let your dick roll
thanks for the replies *smooch*
>+5 Eclipse
>+4 Loen
>+4 Celia
>still 230k dia left
Being a hoardGOD feels so good bros.
How many pulls for that? Teach me your way senpai.
brehs, am I tripping or voice lines in character menu are going in your left ear? I'm checking random YouTube video, it's fine. Try to click on girls in the game, really loud left ear
How many pulls for Celia? I’m like 150+ pulls in and all I have are spooks, feels weird I went from 1.7% rate up ssr to 1.4%.
Your right ear is kill bro
300 something for Loen, around 230 for Eclipse, 220 for Celia

I think it's a bug, sometimes the audio gets panned to the left for some reason

220, I didn't get shit until 180 something and then she took pity on me
but the loading screen music is in the middle, it's only the voices that are on the left
probably bug, because I've never noticed it before and only noticed when I tried Korean voices
PC version bug
It happened to me when I played SP 12, all the voices were slightly panned to the left
so how do I fix it? Didn't seem to fix even after few reboots.
No clue, it fixed by itself. Maybe swapping from Japanese to Korean and so on again?
Put Celia and Refi into the first team. Diana into the last and find a replacement for Teresse.
While rolling for Celia I got 1 (O N E) copy of every Sylvia skin. Fucking hell.
Didn't work, unironically makes me go schizo, wanted finally to do SP14, but John Dust decided that I shouldn't.
Try restarting your PC. BD2 somehow conflicts with the audio drivers probably.

What does anon mean by this?
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What should I buy Loen for Valentines day?
breast reduction surgery
didn't work either, weird shit
nvm, after rebooting the game twice after I rebooted PC it fixedsomewhat
>Willingly mega cursing his own rolls in BD2 with heresy
brb making flat loen slop
Help her build some chub with a cake.
Levia my beloved
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i got destroyed by a boss in the sewers
am i undeleveled?
Which boss? The archer? I think he is water, so your fire characters will suck against him
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no its a big monster
its after you go back to the guild and then back to the sewers
this is my team
I don't remember how I even beat it honestly. Could try dodging with Andrew
What's the rates? The website doesn't show it.
screen cap the fight
If that Rou of yours has the animal or red riding hood costume you could try using the former to eat attacks for you or the latter to survive/hit harder.
>Last updated 7 months ago
the website still has information about roxy and eris lmao

it's not disclosed, which is weird, one could assume the probability is 20% but I don't think that's what it is, some anon did get it 1st try, but if I were you, I'd be contacting one of the mods on discord
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here, got it for you
Trad wife Nebris
Character: Eclipse
Theme: animal
Simple as
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What did they do to our guy bros?
>+5 Loen
>+5 Levia
>+4 Celia
>+2 Eclipse
Not a hoardGod, but a paypig here. My drunk retarded self also chose to +5 Loen and Levia for some reason. I plan to +5 everyone, Luvencia as well, except Eclipse. I don't like ara-ara milkers types, nor do I care for PvP for now.
Levia isnt limited right? So i can hold off on maxing her if i need to save
a lot of prostate massage
I heard Koreans really like stories about suffering.
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>doesn't crit
What did Yuri mean by this?
She's not limited. Spend on Celia, Eclipse, Loen, Lathel and Helena. All are better than the current Levia. Luvencia isn't worth going for either since her first costume is shit, and dark magic owns dark physical
It's a hot time for her ice spell...
Pegged by the pink-hairee nun
Is Helena getting a limited outfit? I already have her damage buffing costume at +5
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>No exclusive UR gear
>BAA on crit gear

lmao lol even
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I didn't pull Nebris, she pulls herself from the other banners.
I'm her correctional officer btw
No she's not but both of helena's costumes are very good. Levia's current one is okay at best. Homo Lathel takes the title of best physical buffer in game for longevity. M.Teresse does more buffing, but costs more and the duration is only 4 turns.
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I can now proudly say I have all the limiteds at +5
Bro where are your senrans?
lmao fucking roxylet
I forgot to include collabs, but I have Hikage, Yomi (duh), and both versions of Eris at +5 too, I got base Roxy at +0 and Succubus Roxy at +1. I don´t have Yumi and the other girl, don´t really care for them.
Im not ever gonna build any Males even if they're good, Only if they add cute trap (no homo)
Didnt think Helenas healing costume was worth getting to +5. Is healing a must have in late game content or something
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Seeing this a new player makes me feel inferior... which makes me want to spend...
+5 Max teared =
b rank idol = heals + 115% magic buff for 4 turns

top idol = increases ally sp by 6 and reduced incoming damage by 70% for 4 turns

Both cost 1 sp and have a 3 turn cooldown. You can spam Helena non stop if you max these.
I swiped for the bunnies even though I didnt really need to. Summer is probably gonna destroy me since I really want Teresse
>Both cost 1 sp and have a 3 turn cooldown. You can spam Helena non stop if you max these.
Oh that makes sense if you can spam like that
Im dumb and thought the healing / damage reduction costume were the same one
I have idol the heal / buff one maxed but +0 for the damage reduction one
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god I wish I was Nox right now
>roxy is +0
so what's the point of your shitty post?
helena is stupid broken, I've never had anyone in my party die with her in the team
How have people beaten level 11 in this fiend hunt already? Some people have almost beaten level 12. I thought I was doing alright, but my score is pretty shit in comparison to these.
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>all those swimsuits are limited
>even more summer limited units will arrive
40k pulls at zero luck.... maybe even 60k.
I could post the answer, which was datamined from the upcoming part 2 of the story, but I won't. It's grim as fuck.
You can pull another 250~300mil with a Venaka/Nebris team despite it being off-element.
Oh wow. How?
It's not fully optimized but the idea is similar
There will be a part two? Or do you mean event's part two?
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Part II of the event story. It also comes with the pandora escape update and Morp/Loen interaction.
Thanks for this. I might put my 3rd team up first and use it to gather more sp for Loen's team. So I can do more damage on turn 1 with them.
I need a list of all the asses from biggest to smallest.
Biggest asses: Diana and Eclipse
Best asses: Zenith and Venaka
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>Best asses: Zenith and Venaka

100% right answer.
You can just tell Zenith's asshole is pastel pink and tastes like peaches
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so she will be in an unvoiced event, shame. Also, I remember some anon saying that Nebris interaction is voiced in KR, it isn't outside of the groping part.
At least post Nebris porn
What about Idol Yuri? Her thighs are perfect, I bet her ass is perfect too.
same anon said they'd be working on adding jp voices too
Softest belly?
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Less talk, post more food
a photo of yusti's food
If john gave you a ticket that allowed you to get nursing handjob from any character but only one, who would you choose?
Gray to humiliate him
>Best asses: Zenith and Venaka
(You) are a gentleman and a scholar
Nebris is the best choice, obviously
Rafina. She best girl
bros need help. im tryin to beat chapter 10 boss but I need to dispell his counter. is there a character that has a cheap 2 sp singel target dispell
base Eleaneer is 3sp until +3 but you can use her
Code Name S(ex) costs 3. I'm sure there isn't a single target dispel for 2 sp. Can't you giga nuke the fucker?
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Post 'em.
First team is cope since I don't have Nebris. Kinda miss not having a single copy of Luvencia either for another juicy 16 chains.
>login to game
>check menu
>See Vangaurd Gray
>Remember I'm a pure blooded patriot
>Immediately take a knee
>a nursing handjob from someone who's accustomed to jerking off orc dick
Say goodbye to your pp anon
thx. thankfully I chose eleaneer in infinite reroll but never used her
also I cant nuke him, only the minions behind him. im using bunny loen and levia to nuke them they are the only dps I have really
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>Eris only +0
>Maid Lia only +1
>Elise not fully invested in
>3rd team has bad gear

I could get more if it wasn't for this. Loen literally does most of the damage herself. I'm happy though. Clearing level 10 on the first day is nice
I got to level 6 and i started around the MT collab. Is that decent for a casual player who hasnt done any story past chapter 4 lol
hot, you now have my votes. someone share on trooncord and plebbit so they come around too
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>+4 Bunny Eclipse
>Roll her banner for final dupe
this is the wrong costume AIIEEEE
I like the minigame bros. I hope we don't lose it forever when the event ends. I really want to see those robotic dogs fuck the life out of Levia.
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I'm so fucked bwos...
>that stash
we told you to save bwo...
and what will we get for that?
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>free pulls take you to 160
>another fiend hunt before her banner ends

You're guaranteed +1. Do some story packs for tickets.
Its looking grim for me as well. Got B.Eclipse maxed out but still not Loen 100+ pulls in and i have like 200 tickets left. Hopefully i can get lucky with Loen and get at least +0 Celia
you got damage chart? how many upgrades on track loen bwo?
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I was a bunnylet for a year, Celia and Eclipse's banner raped me so hard last year I quit for a month. Now I have +4 bunny Loen, +5 bunny Eclipse, +1 Levia but Celia's banner is fucking cursed.
EIGHT off banner *5 costumes (2 of which were threads), if it wasn't for pity I wouldn't have a single copy. I have fucking nothing for Luvencia now
well, I don't know what you were thinking coming with only 134 pulls for her
Give me a bit, I'll post run numbers. Track Levia is +5 max teared. She hasn't got her UR gear though. Bunny Celia is also max teared +5 all costumes. I only say this because the other two come with small debuffs.
Already did all my story packs bwo. I've been playing since Refi.
I hit 20+ off-banner costumes. Lost 10 coin flips in a row before I got my first Loen. You think you have it bad?
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Levia love
I was asking about loen's buffer costume

ty, I'll wait for you to post it, kinda looking to see if I can push a bigger number
show her weapon or you are a fake lover
Will Bunny Celia/Loen/Eclipse be available in the powder shop after their banners end? I have them all at +4 so if I can just buy the final copy and save my tickets that would be great
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Limited units don't get added to the powder shop.
Celia doesn't benefit from +5. Wait with free pulls and then +5 Loen and Eclipse on the final day of their banners.
The worst Golden Hand in the history of Golden Hands, maybe ever
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All of Loen's costumes are max teared. The damage is lower because I didn't bother to rejuggle my physical team.
Thanks Bunnybro
2 banners in a row, and I still don't have this thing. I'm tempted to actually roll for it.
I should have mentioned I hit 200 on each of Loen, Eclipse and Levia's banners so 1 copy of each are from pity. The off-banner spooks are ridiculous, after this run I'm close to 20 myself. If I had more rolls maybe I could beat you
I'm not getting my B.Celia to +4
>after this run I'm close to 20 myself

I've had nothing but shit. 350 pulls or so and the only spooks I've gotten are Nartas, Neon Liatris, Pirate Rubia, Shield Lathel, Nebris and that white hair Alec fucker.
I'd post a laughing Schera but this is too tragic
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okay how in the fuck are you supposed to live through these crowds and the stupid fucking dogs that run erratically at you and never seem to get aimed at because why would you be able to actually PLAY the game and aim it yourself
git gud
I very much appreciate that you took the time to post all this, I was not expecting last hope to deal so much damage
it took me a couple tries, you gotta get an early maxed item
Turn 1 I use Helena, Refi, Bunny Celia and Last hope, then save Bunny Loen for the final turn. This current banner Levia, mine is at +3, and I still think she's okay at best.
Use the whip
I swear if John calls her a snow bunny or something...
kek, you know it's gonna happen
Glacia LOVE
This fiend hunt conditional skill for 1 character dying seems dumb, I guess the idea is just time it so a buffer gets killed at the end so you get an extra turn? This is annoying to manage the damage taken.
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How the fuck is this beatable, even if i kill the 2 counters faggots my team is easy picking for what's left.
Setup for Loen to nuke or bring Schera and Eleaneer to dispel them. That story pack is brutal. I was going back to the inn to revive the dead, every other fight. Try using Helena/Elpis, Teresse, Diana and Loen.
bro your anal-loving slut Schera?
FUCK that was clutch
>even more summer limited units will arrive
Limited will probably just be the free unit and a gacha unit. If this year is anything to go by, they won´t do more than one limited per event anymore.
They really should add the option to open more chests in batches. I am crafting UR shit right now and its taking forever to open all my chests for materials.
Either Celia or Morpeah. I can only imagine the face of utter disgust if not straight out hate they might give me as they jerk me off and cum nonstop on their hands.
John needs to have this as a separate pack. It would be criminal if we can't play it after the event ends.
which girls are weak to anal? Nebris?
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Sigh, I have a long way before becoming an old glutti. I think I'm too lacking in fire phys dps to be able to deal more damage than this. I failed you Liato...
As someone who suffer from DGS, she will do wonders.
The rate-up in this game was a lie. I thought we already knew that? That's the price we paid for all the free tickets we get.
Diana, Liatris, Lathel, Gamer Rafina all +5 and I barely do any damage with them. This fiend hunt is literally a Loen/ Levia check. Physical is fucking awful for this fiend hunt.
Wait, where's the dmg of Overheat Levia at? Does focusing fully on Last Hope Loen and Bunny Loen dish out more damage in comparison? But then, wouldn't it be better to replace Satan Levia with Heat Levia after Track Levia does her thing?
What is your B.Refi dupe level and your MATK collection buff? My Loen isn't optimized but LeviaLoen should easily do ~700mil damage on their own.
How can you not even mention the Anal loving Schera?
Schera is strong to anal
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Pretty proud of this one, wish I could push that remaining damage, but dunno how right now.
Bride Refi is at +5. I actually also have both Bunny Loen and Heat Levia at +5... only Last Hope is at +1 because I believe I was fairly lucklet at that banner.
What do you mean by 'collection buff'?
There's up to 80% (M)ATK and HP to get from obtaining costumes and gear, it's kinda a big deal.
Yeah, my 2nd team might as well not exist. I don't even have Lia at +5, but it wouldn't change much most likely.
By the way, is there a way to recheck the dmg score without redoing the fiend hunt?
>Has +5's
>Doesn't know what collection buff is
Lia does another ~200mil if you have Maid at +5 and use her right.
+4 base Lia
+5 Maid
No neon

How fucked am I?
The degree of shock my ugly face is making would make Rafina fall in love with me. I'll have to actively work on that I guess.
My Maid Liato is at +0... so that's why she deals something like 30mil...
Where can I get all recipes? I'll also start crafting all missing gear I guess, starting from lower level. With my faithful blacksmith Fred of course. Layla is in the correction center with Repi.
These boobs are my dinner tonight.
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Hmm, what rotation could accomplish this for the Loen+Levia team?
I feel like I always struggle a bit with SP or timing.
I went with
Levia: sport>heat>bodysock>sport>heat
Loen: sport>last hope>normal attack>sport>bunny
Celia has a perfect cycle and I do helena and Refi's SP skills when they're available in timed with sports.

Not that anon, but here's what I do -
Helena Refi Celia Levia Loen

1- Helena, base Refi, Bunny Celia Last hope
3 - Other Helena, brideRefi, Decendant Celia, Sports Levia, Sports Loen
5- Magic Helena, Bride Refi, curse Celia, jealousy Levia, Last hope Loen
7- Helena, Base Refi, Bunny Celia, Sports Loen, Overheat Levia
9 - Helena, Bride Refi, Witch Celia, Sports Loen, Omega nuke bunny Loen

>9 - Helena, Bride Refi, Witch Celia, Sports Loen, Omega nuke bunny Loen

Last ones sports levia and bunny Loen. my mistake. Celia's planned to max chains on the nuke turn.
200 rolls for 2 copies of celia...
Thanks to Brown Dust 2's incredibly generous gacha system, that's actually 3 copies!
Please don't forget to check the package and shop sections for some great deals on tickets and dia if (when) you run out.
Why would you use Overheat Levia on turn 7 instead of turn 5? Isn't Sport's vulnerability applied on turn 3 already off by turn 7?
mfw I consider myself an oldglutti and I pretty much did the same... uhh bwos?
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My Bunny Loen is missing two tears, her base and sports are just +1, and base Levia is +2 while her Overheat is +4.

Second team was completely improvised on the fly since I have no idea what the fuck to put there.
Here it is who hits the hardest.
I expect bunny Loen to surpass Levia once she is fully teared though.
Eclipse or Refi, Eclipse would be classic feel good, while Refi would try hard to show how much of a grown up she is.
My entire magic team is carried by Loen. The cooldown on sports Levia lines up with it being available on the last turn and that lines up with bunny powered Witch Celia. Allowing maximum chains and magic vulnerability for Bunny Loen.
I see, but I meant to simply switch around Overheat and Jealousy so that the former would benefit from the earlier sport vulnerability. Sport being still there as where she was.
Either way, I'll test this rotation as well.
My Levia's other costumes are +5 and her overheat one is +3. That might have a bearing on when it's best used. But the damage I get out of it isn't great compared to her other two costumes. I'd roll for more copies, but I need that Valentines Apostle Blade.
>but I need that Valentines Apostle Blade.
Understandable. As a fat paypig, I can always swipe though.
Apostle Blade will get the Michaela treatment
I just realized I can swap around the two teams to have Loen and Levia more SPs... I feel so dumb for having done mental gymnastics in order to make them nuke at every available cooldown...
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>I consider myself an oldglutti
That sounds like something a cute newglutti would say..cmere
NYOOOO, I'm the one licking newgluttis, not the other way around
>in my general
I am not amused.
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>a smol Morp story in 7 parts and 1 bonus
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All that wasted yoghurt. What a moron
I just use this
W-what do you mean 'Liealet'. I Have all Liatos... just that Maid is at +0...
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John owned me this much.
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Refi sexo
Doing god's work!
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>69 draw points

Not like this....
Is there any way for Bunny Loen to orgasm twice in the FH? Not counting the conditional that triggers with one party member's death.
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I wont recover from this, but I got her +1
>You call that... A penis?
>It's so much smaller than Gray's...
There's 1 more fiend hunt before her banner ends, you're guaranteed +2 if anything.
Bunny Loen only hits once due to her cooldown time on the costume. Your last hope is Last hope lol
I have to go for Loen first.
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>>It's so much smaller than Gray's...

Most usually are when competing against 13 inches flaccid.
Based GrayGAWD
Yeah, I guess it's my Last Hope Loen and Jealousy Levia lack of dupes. Probably also Celia's dmg pots not being teared. I can only reach up to 600mil.
>imagine even posting this shit
why do you fantasize about another fictional males penis so much?
To make insecure faggots like you seethe i'm gonna guess.
>can't even quote the right post
who's seething again?
It's hilarious how the event story had the soldiers dismissing Celia as a kid when she looks like that
seething so bad he couldn't even post quote correctly....be gentle pushing that pink socked anus back in and remember don't force it. seek medical attention if it doesn't push back in easily
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John continues to bless me on the weapon banner. Didn't have Celia's UR to go with my +5 bunny and it decided to come home with one single pull right after +5'd Levia
>I though we started at either 5 or 6 sp
you do
the def team starts at 6, then gets 5 more when it becomes their turn
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What team should i do ? Stuck at lvl 7 atm, helenalet i know. (you can ignore the physicial characters none of them are geared.)
You're as good as fucked now
recruit all 3* to remove them from the pool
save your 4* scrolls to trade up until you have all of the non-random pub recruits you want (Diana, Olstein, maybe Lia)
it's because they saw slampigs like diana and eclipse
every difficulty level of every character pack is 10 tickets
the tower of Desire/Jealousy/wrath give tickets on certain floors
the story gives a good amount of dia
morp sex
make team 1 Celia, Refi, Levia Loen and Diana and use that as the majority of the damage

Team 2 is a botch job of Zenith, Lathel, Arines, Liatris and either Elise, Teresse, Hikage. Magic alone will do a shit ton more damage if you've got sports Loen. If not, just pay around with Eclipse.
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Rolling the past couple days I've managed to have my Luvencia go from +2 to +5 and 300 thread, three spooks on limited banners plus one of the free 5* tickets. Also keep getting 300 thread from S.Eclipse.
Meanwhile my Last Hope Loen is stuck at +1 and Maid Lia at +2. I'm tempted to use my holiday upgrade on Loen, already used the monthly to +4 Track Levia which was the last vital support costume I needed. Or maybe I should just start using all of them on base Refi instead.

And thank god I finally got spy Rafina from the guaranteed 5* tix or I would be so bricked for physical team trying to get the chains for guaranteed crit before Maid Lia.
Uh. I was expecting more... rape actually. The last shot isn't bad though.
supports first anon. Especially Track Levia and Any Refi.
>"Thanks to BD2's deviously crafted gacha system that goads you into rolling for more than you initially planned because you're so close to 200 now you might as well roll another 60..."
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Holy shit bros, it's hot time. Roll now.
Alright thanks anon.
>80 rolls
>not a single UR
I will fuck you in the ass with a hot iron pipe!
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>vote for bunny Refi earlier today
>decide to pull +4 B.Celia for the FH
>pic related happens
I have been blessed by the cunny bunny
What element is the next fiend hunt?
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wow it's fucking nothing!
Consent is sexy anon
>is the 2nd conditional of talos bait?
>or is there a good way to take advantage of that juicy 100% damage
It is a debuff on you, not the boss. You take double damage.
Luvencia is dark, so...
Apostle Blade will be released alongside Micro Bikini Bernie in 3 weeks time. Thank you for playing and supporting Brown Dust 2.
The boss already gives you +1 chains, that devalues refi hard. Why do so many people insist on giving wrong advice?
Because Refi gives you yet more and also adds 100% Property and 125% CDMG on top? It's not rocket science.
buh buh buh muh diana
>math is wrong because I can't read
>came up 18M short on lvl 9 and not enough time to even retry
>fucked myself over in PvP while I was at it
Guess I'm settling for lvl 10 and not wasting any more time. If I had one more Maid Lia costume I probably would have cleared it, but the main problem was getting totally screwed by SP on my Levia/Loen team and kept having to skip attacks more than other people I've seen doing it. I'm guessing it's because neither of my non-bunny Celia costumes have reduced SP cost, plus my base Refi isn't +4.
>clear level10
>don't want to continue because taking off pvp gear
when is john fixing this shit...
what are the best 3 costumes to select in newbie guaranteed 5*? it says remaining 30 so I can roll this 3 times right?
Whoa a Three Houses crossover!?
Nta, but I tested a team with Diana and one with Repi instead, and the Repi one did much more damage than the Diana one.
>>is the 2nd conditional of talos bait?
doesn't it let you get off 2 bunny Loen nukes if you do them on T1 and T11?
please link a guide how to generate pics exactly like this? Im new to stable diffusion
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Remember to vote
I voted for my wife Refi.
were the buffs to anastasia/olstein etc put in place already?
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Why does Rou keep logging me out?
This was the best I could do before reset. ~200M with phys team, ~460 with mag.

I finished like 4 minutes before reset and had to just do 4 PVP battles with a bunch of empty equip slots. Honestly, this early in the week it doesn't really matter.
It's official. Levia is for me.
>worse plusses than me
>hundreds of millions of damage more than me
I'm at bunny eclipse +3 should i keep going for dupes or focus on getting celia now?
You can't even see the main damaging costumes from that screenshot. I have both other Loens +4, Track Levia +5 and Maid Lia +2. Still missing some tears but I have the important ones for the most part.
I'm starting to think the rates in this game aren't good
I brick ftp rates please understand
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My Loen is +3 base, +2 track and Levia is +5 base +5 track... At least I got past 50%...
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>got almost everyone to +5 in 200ish pulls each
skill issue
You're praying and eating your vitamins right? That boosts rates
post rates
I really need buffers, i can't beat lv10 fh without helena or homolathel
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>green pickup rate
That's why I was thinking it would be good if you could make it work, but losing a character for turn 9 as well as 11 would fuck too many things up, plus the C1 buff will have run out by then. Instead you can just do one fully buffed Loen nuke
Can I sue if my rates are red?
>181 rolls
>only +1
Holy mother of bricks
Which missing tear would help me the most in the current FH?
range buff is pointless for this FH, that'll mainly be for stuff like tower stages
Hmm. Well I do also have Loen and Lia awakened. And two BAS equips for Loen, though no UREX for either her or Lia. Skill order could also be an issue I guess. I use
1) GRefi BCelia TLoen
2) BRefi CCelia TLevia LLoen
3) BRefi WCelia OLevia
4) GRefi BCelia TLoen Levia
5) BRefi CCelia TLevia BLoen

Which isn't super obvious (or it wasn't to me). Not having TLoen or CCelia's cd reduction pretty much forced this.
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>another gentleman of culture
beware the seethe and ire of others
Actually rigged.
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i got her with the free daily pull
am I lucky?
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I've been as high as 1.97 at best and my rates have been relatively stable always green
on draw point 3 into 4, yes lucky congrats
John, you better be taking notes
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how good is that costume compared to the track one?
im trying to make this team better
You aren’t f2p right? No way the game rigs this hard for f2p.
if you spend any rate is obtainable.
very good dps but really the track one is the key. but replace your middle dark chick I don't remember her name for schera. don't sleep on schera she is very strong and useful.
no I'm a paypig and I've repeated over and over that I believe John secretly bricks the rates of ftp
Fuck me, I forgot to refine Loen's UREX to BBS before doing FH, just noticed it was still BBB when I went to swap gear back onto her from my PvP team
I just started and got bunny loen and eclipse, should I be pulling on the others? I have 30 + whatever other stuff I’ll get from logging in
oh that explains why I got raped
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Can confirm, am f2p.
try to get +1 bunny celia before her banner ends, crucial character
is schera going to be stronger than +5 maria?
i also was thinking maybe use one of the characters that give sp like lucrezia
yes schera will be stronger. I'd also try to finish the nightmare winter pack on all difficulties before it ends to get stray get rou +5 which could really help you out. there are many videos on youtube showing possible solutions to the fights
[12.25] Filler/FH
*FINAL WEEK to play Nightmare Winter I~III & get Stray Cat Rou!
Banners: B.Celia Banner (LIMITED 28D Rerun)
Talos FH (Wind)

[1.2] 1.5 Anniversary Part 2
Banners: Wild Dog Luvencia (14D), B-Helena (14D)
Memory's Edge Story II + Pandora Escape Challenge Mode
Loen and Morpeah added as Fated Guests/Interaction
Guild Raid (Light)
PvP Shop & Powder Shop Rotation
Tower of Pride/Salvation Reset
[1.9] 1.5 Anniversary Finale + Fiend Hunt
*FINAL WEEK to play Memory's Edge I~III & Get Daydream Bunny Morpeah!
Fiend Hunt (Light)
[1.16] January Update
Banners: H-Lathel (14D)
Content: ?
GT Shop Rotation
what level will my characters need to be for that pack
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Our game is actually massive in Taiwan wtf
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Is there any way to finish getting her +5? I started during this half-anni so I'm assuming that the sparklers are from the previous event?
I swear last time it switched over to the next event's items, pretty dumb if that didn't happen this time
Im in the same boat anon, its gonna be rough with her perma stuck at +2 since we missed the event
Did you see the amount of offline ads they put out in taiwan?
is there really no way of playing without Google play on PC?
go on official discord and complain heavily
>The average salary in Taiwan is approximately NT$677,000 (US$21,689)
yes catering to ftp heavily will surely save the game
Cost of living is far below that too, so they likely have much more disposable income than your average american who plays gacha games.
nice cope sea fag let's see your spend history
I'm very new to this as well desu, but give me an hour and I'll write a little thing to try and guide you, nvidia or amd gpu?
>americans cannot fathom varied cost of living and think people in SEA all live bad lives

I pay like 2usd for a meal prepared in front of me with fresh ingredients bought from a local market that morning with no jew chemicals, u pay 17 for a big mac meal + 5 for doordash because you are fat
micro bikini bernie would turn me into a legitimate whale

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