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Previous: >>507046619

>Download Strinova

New Superstring is coming, along with many other updates:
Strinova Season 1 EP2 - Gameplay Trailer Preview

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1C2BGYCEA4/ (New character teaser)

>Current Events
Winter Wilderness - Complete daily quests to obtain medals, and exchange them for exclusive rewards: 12/12 - 04/01
Twitch Drops - Watch your favourite streamers and earn rewards to unlock All Superstring Agents Free for a week: 20/12 - 31/12
Teatime Delight - Complete Superstring quests to obtain exclusive event items - 21/11 - 20/12
Spacetime Chorus - Log in 7 days in a row for 10 Memory Sequence (10 gacha pulls)
Team-up rewards - Invite your friends to Strinova to get rewards: 21/11 - 31/12 (https://activity.strinova.com)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game)

>/string/ Unions
Strinog (ID: 110648) - Full
StringNova (ID: 136259)
Striggas (ID: 161777)
sng (ID: 125835) - 15/15
sng2 (ID: 148941) - 10/15

>How to play with other anons if you're not in the same union

>Resources and useful links
https://wiki.biligame.com/klbq/%E9%A6%96%E9%A1%B5 (CN Wiki)
https://strinova.fsltech.cn/ (Strinova Map Assistant)
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1my1O3wUGtSwAEff2U0zX0q0362jlTXO-4eihDPz-nBY/ (Quick guide for newbies)

>/string/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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scissors is the best faction and it's not even close
that's not how you spelled PUS
Do they offer a decent healthcare package?
>Sluts chasing you
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You did it well, I love you OP, I am proud of you!
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literally team gap
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You motherfuckers just don't understand, right? stop hoarding this shit, you need to trade that jewish niggers
jokes on you i dont have friends
Your friend has good taste in women
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still team gap man
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>joke around with fellow stringnovae in party chat
>get banned for it
Well fuck you too game
Lol, what did you even type?
No idiot you don't get it, you can only trade with players on your friend list and you can only see coins from players in your friend list
Please tell me it is not my fault for saying "report this dude" as a joke
I certainly hope not
Nothing that bad, calling out the occasional bad play, calling myself trash at the game. Normal things you would do with friends.
maybe try to appeal it or even just make the people running the discord aware of it, they seem to be receptive of criticism since they don't want to lose even more of the small playerbase
>best ttk
>y does everyone suck but me
I guess you're just that good man.
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>enemy team has round lead into side switch on cosmite
>they try a surround once
>it werks
>try another time
>it also werks
>start playing around teleporter pit
>they lose the rest of the game because cocky flankers kept getting caught by 2+ gunners to the point enemy maddelena asked them to stop in all chat
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Yvette titty on one hand.
Eika titty on the other.
I'm a happy man.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, /string/!
You love to see it.
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i've learned your dirty tricks, woman
oh shit I thought she was invincible in the paint
I've been waiting for her to pop out of it
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Do you /strinog/ guys have enough members for a 5v5 against /StringNova/?
From what I see, only me and 1 other guy is active in the Union, so probably not.
>not a single union in my server
I'd recommend some spring cleaning, assuming the Union Leader isn't also inactive
I would, but there's no way to view last log in
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>no killing
>no healing at all
What the fuck are you doing then? at least Kokona tried healing others, are these fuckers being useless on purpose?
They were on the enemy team, I won that match, it just makes me angry when people just don't do anything at all, standing there like a poorly scripted bethesda npc waiting for their dead
Celestias armor is weird
Giving allies temporary armor doesn't count as healing, only fixing lost armor does
It's possible they were using their ability, but mostly on full health allies
>Giving allies temporary armor doesn't count as healing, only fixing lost armor does
I was gonna ask
anon is retarded cause armor buff != heal and even I can see that
Actually no, scratch that, there is 2 Skill Score
Bitch wasn't using the abilities at all
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Can someone from NA give me some fucking Unicoins?
>Giving allies temporary armor doesn't count as healing
It does anon, it does, specially if they get hit with it, it counts as healing
id for friend request?
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your flavia is drooling
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i bet she does
can you send coins to people in another server? I need coins
It's crazy that so many people don't understand demolition still. Every time you have an absolute shitter on your team without fail its a person with 90% of games on escort
Accepted, already DM'd you
hai shitter with 90% of games on escort desu
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stop bullying escortGODS
i'll forgive people for not realizing they had bomb if they admit to it, especially cutely, but only once
if it happens again after that you're dead to me
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>i'll forgive people for not realizing they had bomb
i won't
how the fuck do you walk over a large, red-shining object that's marked on your screen and minimap and not realize it
especially when you're getting a notification when doing so
>Press while walk forward to drop the bomb like in CS
>Bomb is automatically picked up the before it even hits the ground
Audrey's so cute, bros...
I wish bri'ish women were real

that and even basic things like attackers should have SOME smoke grenades, all snipers on small maps like cauchy street, lurking mings etc.

escort only players are cringe, I get people like the mode but its not the premier mode of the game and they act like it is.
Someone dropped the bomb into my inventory after the round start
I accidently picked up the bomb during a shootout
What's funny are ninja plants so ninja I miss both sound and text notifications
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>10 (ten) coins daily coins got
>zero song coins
I can trade if you want, my ID (NA) is here >>507646037
Just so happen to have an overwhelming amount of Unicorns.
Do the different factions set the fighting aside during normal slice-of-life stuff outside of missions or is a firefight one recognition away?
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We can all agree it was his fault, as anon said a bot would be more helpful, he was just existing, then he voted to surrender, what a faggot
Sent. Watching Celestia mill about while hoping love songs happen.
Both Yugiri and that newly released chick have great designs, yet we still don't have them. I don't mind lagging behind in cosmetics, but with agents it's fucking annoying and makes global just feel like a demo version. God it gives me urges to just go play the chinese version. But I don't have a phone number, plus can't say I'd be happy playing on 150 ping
considering how vicious and emotional some of the midmatch dialogue sounds (michele sounds like she's legitimately on the verge of a panic attack when an enemy lawine dies), probably the latter
i don't get why this guy didn't just alt f4, its a casual match, we would have atleast gotten a draw.
Accepted, you appear offline, tho
Thanks for the coin, anon.
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Great minds always think alike
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I need help
Do not play with any retard asking for reports, people are spiteful and they will report you if you give them any chance to do it
this kind of people are retards in every game
more like sciggers
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GGs to everyone tonight, Merry Christmas, those were some really fun games.

I am so sorry anon, I didn't know these people would take it seriously, I thought it was a funny joke and didn't realize it was going to cause so much trouble, I am really sorry, I swear I won't do it again.
DM whenever you have the chance, I will give you some coins tomorrow as an apology, I really didn't know it would get like this anon, I didn't want to cause any harm, sorry.
GGs anon and Merry Christmas to all my /string/bros.
That wasn't me btw
I don't really care, it's more funny to me than anything
Looking for some anons who are adept in ripping models for Kokona mountain bike outfit.
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i agree
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>my Celestia (attacking)
>enemy Celestia (defending)
>enemy Fragans, a different player (attacking)
See guys, one of them was doing their job, fucking 1K healing on a single half, he carried our ass
>Zero healing
>On Fragrans
Literally how?
Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost! Speed Boost!
Oh, an ally is low on health, however, Speed Boost!
They attacked for 5 rounds btw
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>pure sweat mode
>25+ minutes of a maybe
Yeah if you caught me dead in that mode it's because I had dailies or a season challenge to complete.
Surprise. Half the players there are just doing it for the season xp. Just like rpg's in a run of cod. They don't want to use the rpg, but they really want that shiny nametag or emblem.
But the healing is passive and isn't affected by boost type.
Your guess is as good as mine. If she healed armor instead of hp it probably wouldn't be as clunky/buggy, but that would probably make her a bit too good.
I stopped doing that when I realized I can ignore the demo tasks and max out the pass anyway, even as f2p.
Either stuck with someone who couldn't even lose armor or died before anyone could lose health long enough to get healed or everyone was out of her (invisible btw) healing aura range at all times.
I'm getting there. I managed to completely skip the demo tasks in the tea time event.
I'm sure this can be banged out without ever getting past the week 4 missions.
Some of it is anti-fun.
the casual demo is literally kiddie pool vs ranked
idk what are you complaining about desu
While we're on the topic of battlepass shit, isn't it too easy to level up?
I maxed it out at week 5 playing the game on and off. I think it's quite possible to do that in 4 weeks or even less if you just grind games for xp
Unlike all the ranked-related whining, the complaint here is about the mode, not the players. It's boring as shit. They should at least cut the downtime before each round in half so I don't have to take a nap every time.
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played a game where i made sure to stick by teammates after rezzing and saw their health going up, it's bugged for sure. those few healing points are just from a heal grenade i found and chucked in the middle of a fight
>isn't it too easy to level up?
At least it isn't a grindfest, there are too many people already complaining about prices and the game giving you too little credits for agents, I prefer a battlepass that is easy to level up so buyfags can support the game and get their rewards rather than having them bitching up on reddit and twitter because "[insert popular nomarfag game] has a better battlepass that is easier to level up"
They're trying to catch us up, possibly for the esports experience. We should be caught up within 1-2 seasons.
No reason otherwise for us to start in CN season 8 patch and receive galatea mid season.

>not just mindlessly running at a payload on overwatch maps is considered pure sweat mode

I'm embarrassed for you anon why even play the game if you aren't playing the main mode its balanced around? why not just play overwatch?
Why are YOU not playing one the games this one blatantly plagiarizes instead? You already know the answer for both.
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alright, let's have some /string/ statistics
and the one who lies shall be cursed with retarded teammates for eternity
I got outta bed for ranked and nobody's online...
i don't remember the funni names...
It's 5 am on christmas bro, I need to go to bed
this whole time ive been running strinova at 20% windows volume and thats why i had hard time hearing anything lmao /endofblog

EU too full of normalfriends to have players
and NA goes to bed when I get up its so over
nothing but despair for me
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another ranked game ruined by a guy fucking cheating
like just take the loss bro.... no need to drop 30 just to lose.....
anyway im fucking back
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it's over the game's dead....
>game still has Fragnance animeted CG in menu despite Galatea released
dead game, devs litterally dont give a fuck
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Save Baimo
>play for team instead of running around fragging everybody
what even is the point
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what did she mean by this?
>be decent played
>stuck in shitty elo
>another match where my teammates are useless retards
>I'm basically 1v5ing every round
>believe in myself
>try my best to carry this match
>dodging bullets and knocking down enemies left and right
>guys on the other team say I'm hacking
>drop a 30 kill bomb
>still not enough since my teammates are useless
> -3 elo
At least I barely lost a few points, if I keep playing like this I'll climb in a few weeks
>be decent played
>stuck in shitty elo
>almost perfect match, all team mates are great, but one...
>every round he rushes forward and dies 1vs5
>we believe in myself
>try to win the match 4v5
>that one guy keeps running and dieing smae route
>guys on the other team ask if he`s bot
>he has 30 deaths
>4v5 is hard
> -3 elo
>EU hours
>nobody's posting
yup, checks out.
Remember this game that released 2 days before Strinova with way more marketing and hype?
/vm/ calls
come to the mine with us
I`m gonna play sniper and i dont care if you are my teammate and raging because of me missin 99% of shots
im not your teammate but im already raging just by reading this fuck you
In pre-round warm up, this bitch talks about having a "special i forgor" with the Navigator after they're done
They're fucking
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I need Smileys

ID: 2037846
Strinova seems to have found its equalibrium at ~12k players
That's pretty decent for niche anime girl CS clone in my onion
lol, i really didn't expect it to drop that fast considering the massive amount of paid shilling by big e-celebs it had, at the end of the day its still poorly balanced and not really fun
>play escort
>pick kokona so i can stare at her ass
>miss most of my shots
>get a bunch of assists
>3rd highest score on the team
picked audrey
did 5k3 dmg
but because I didn't sit at the truck I got last place in points
its also on Epic Store, so its more
the audrey on my team was on top of the truck and I noticed it wasn't moving. you actually have to stand beside it to push it back.
Damage taken also gives points and Audrey's shield doesn't count towards it I believe so it's a bit skewed.
why does meredith run like that
skill issue, I get top or second as audrey every time in escort
because she's breedable
aug is so fucking hard to shoot
on par with the ak users
what the fuck how are you supposed to shoot that thing
pull down when firing
huh its fun to play sniper, i can imagine rage behind the monitor of other player everytime they got oneshot
Extraction shooter mode when?

Basically like in story CG video, you are dropped mid research complex and need to find the stuff, steal it and escape, while other faction tries to stop you.
Capture the Flag? Yeah that'd be kino, but only if you're disable from going Paper Mario mode while you have the "flag"
Ackshually, A1 makes speed boost apply extra HP regeneration.
I suppose it might actually not count passive healing in there, only healing from A1 or grenades. Also healing stops for a few seconds if they get shot, apparently.
t. stood for a few minutes with bots
how did he cheat?
idk he got many kills which were bullshit probably, didnt care enough to look into it
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gimme new profile card border, current one is ugly and gay
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Kafka when?
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ok, i am buying that Kokona "Mercy" skin


I hope we dont have to wait long to catch up with chinese ver
another day spent alone with no game
fuck this faggot region
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Send teammates, please.
Gee, I sure do wonder what could go wrong
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they`ll release new skins and game will become unplayable
With God and anime on my side I will find a way to play this game one-handed while playing Flavia forma sexogoddess
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Yvette skin
Don't we all...
Where's groombear?
I don't know who that is
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her after i crack her beer
Gacha or paid?
gacha probably, dont read chinese, but they make trailers for gacha skins
that skin is free, from dormitory
Looking at trailers, we basically caught up with Chinese ver with most things except for skins and events.

All maps are here, all chars too except for the Yugiri (and Kafka is not even released there yet).
ranked is tie simulator!
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>Celestia has a maid skin now
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not a day without russians talking shit in russian
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You got a problem, w*stoidcuck?
yeah, that's MY comrades
Why does she have a shark up her butt?
I wanna stick my dick in there
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xth for Yvette's garter belts (and booba pajamas)
/string/ I am proud to say that I am banned for 1 day for toxicity.

Why I'm banned: Using Galatea and melee the fuck out of my enemies since it doesn't show in the radar means their teammates will not know.

Being mass reported for being a jackass instead of being smart is punishing. It's not my fault for not having 0 map awareness.
>what you failed to omit
maniacally laugthing in char and calling all losers
teabagging downed enemies
spraying obscene graffity
breathing loudly in voicechat
you were reported not by enemies, but your teammates, offended they lost demolition match because you were chasing enemies on other side of the map with katana
how do i teabag in this game
sidestepping over and over
how shitty of a person do you have to be to get banned in this game
so THATS where the shark plush goes
It helps her swim better
>art is barefoot
>skin has shoes on
So close.
They know the power of feet plapping against the ground can only be given to one character
It's simply too power to PUS to have two of them
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I mean if I'm not forced to play it I can't complain.
... bcoz paper mario mode.
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you fool
you absolute buffoon
kill all DRM users
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agreed, fuck DRM
nobody likes DRM
>lost Demolition 1-9
>the whole team had 12 kills total
>I was half of the kills
I love having teammates
Womandefeater420 accepted.
Striggas now back to 9/15
galatea on my dick
maddie on my face
all this is missing is a slider whistle sfx when she runs up that wall in the last 5 seconds
Me on the right
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How do I play Michelle? Like, how do I place turrets and shit. She has a good gun, but the fact that I win more consistently with Nobunaga instead sickens me.
The turrets are a mystery to me too but usually stick them behind walls or corners people will run by.
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Union leader, I think we have like 4 people with zero or barely any union merits , kick them NOW!
Place turrets in unexpected places near where you're planning on fighting
Force your enemies to split their focus between you, your team, and your turrets
The more people that turn around to shoot the little roboniggermen the better
Doors, windows, and corners are your friends
place one turret on a choke point you don't want to look at(usually the furthest from middle or something)
then watch a second position yourself, make sure you're close enough to the turret you placed that it still works
When you fight, you want to drop the second turret around a corner or something so it starts shooting before you step out and also shoot. Enemies get slowed by it which makes them easier to kill, or they turn and shoot at which is free kills.
Never place all your turrets before you see the enemy.
>enemy comes through a doorway/choke
>you're to the right from his pov
Just place it so that he has to turn left and aim high(ish). It's not rocket science, don't overthink it.
any late night EU games?
place 1 turret asap, usually at a chokepoint
by the time the enemy shows up you should have it back up from CD, if the enemy is in the area you're holding place the second one near you to help you slow them down, if not just rotate and place them near the bomb site
they're most useful as a way to get info on the enemy and to stop them from getting into position
>Never place all your turrets before you see the enemy.
I feel like I just learned something big.
emphasizing >>507746379 to add onto that, start moving to where you want your first turret immediately on spawn to minimize the cooldown in combat. you can move with the upgrade screen up, so do your upgrade as you move because every second can count.
wait can't you only upgrade in the base? I do move while upgrading but only in the base.
If you can upgrade outside of the base that's news to me.
you can upgrade anywhere as long as the round hasn't started
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It means: instead of looking at the upgrade screen deciding what to pick, go place the paw paw first and upgrade later
sorry, didn't know you were talking about escort
put the turrets on the cart or in the corridors leading to the cart and guard then with your life
Yeah that's been happening a lot lately
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what does TTK mean
ming, what the fuck are you talking about
time to kiss
Shoot at head until die takes as much time as shoot at body until die (at whatever range this is)
But option A requires more effort, so always choose B
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>6 headshots and the target survives with 2 hp
>9 bodyshots and the target survives with... 2 hp
headshots clearly kill faster, so what are you talking about
>rof upgrade
yes, always aim at center of mass. It's like you haven't even thought about the most effective way to kill someone with a firearm before. Are you even a real american?
any videos of rof compared to damage upgrades? does the rof make up for the one bullet difference?
I can't play this goddamn game without getting horny, I don't know why, I played lewd gatchas before and these don't make me feel this way, I am trying play but I keep getting distracted by the girls, I am trying to clutch but I keep getting distracted by Flavia's tits or Yvette's and Eika's skirts.
I can't play the fucking game.
They almost perfectly balance out
Choose damage so you don't have to reload as often
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slice slice
Tell me about it. Kokona's biking outfit is distracting as hell.

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