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Previous: >>507576205



>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
when and if Harada retires and Murray and Nakatsu are still alive in Tekken Project team, the first they'll do will be move on Asuka and Lili storyline or just straight up remove then and add as DLC with 0 story part later
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Chucky doll looking motherfucker
and Lili is a slut so it makes perfect sense for her to shave
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i'm not a lore fag but jin and lili are literally perfect for each other
You’re a slut
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Every other Tekken girl and even Leo would be better for Jin
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I think there being an actual good fighting game on the horizon for Bamco to rip off again is the best thing that could have happened to Tekken.
uhhhb sf6?
what's a good fighting game to get on Nintendo Switch?
really cute pic of lili
worse than literal anime party mashers like Sparking Zero
>tekken 8 gets a switch 2 release
>game is flooded with even lower quality wifi matches
go on murray, do it
No way in hell Shitch 2 will run Tekken 8.
>Bamco to rip off again
For what, Tekken 9? There really isn't anything for them to rip off imo
They've already made 2 million sales.
imagine if he was the next guest character
it can run ray tracing, dlss 3, frame gen, tekken 8 can run on it with ease if bandai makes specific optimizations for it and give it a hit of dlss performance mode
Running a fighting game with frame gen is possibly the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Especially a special effects intense game like Tekken 8.
Can Tekken 8 run on Steam deck?
Why did you cut out the panty shot, tard
never said t8 should use frame gen on t8, just said the hardware has that capability, just said that they can tune down the lod on some maps and hit that shit with dlss performance mode and it'll work perfectly fine without breaking a sweat
yes but you need to swap maps with lower lod ones to maintain good performance, it will look a bit wonky due to fsr but it'll work
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Not sure about Steam Deck but it runs fine on Rog Ally-like devices. Though those devices use far stronger CPU cores in the specs. And UE5 loves to eat that CPU computing.
iphones right now can run Ac origins, RE4 remake, RE village
I fade 'em
I can FLK goon for 7 seconds
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Also the performance gap between Tekken 8 and 7 is massive. I can run Tekken 7 fine at 1200p resolution and it still requires less juice than T8 at mere 800p. IMO on handheld T7 looks and runs better.
mobile games KEK
Kami 7
iPhones use top of the line computing chips custom made by Apple resulting from billions invested in R&D.

Meanwhile Switch 2 will use some bargain off the shelf Nvidia chip that won't cost them more than $100 to buy.
switch 2 uses (in big part) the same chip used on high end vehicles for automatic driving, it's very capable and can run virtually anything due to dlss and framegen, lots of leaks are circulating now about its design and development experiences and one dev (no source confirmation though) claims that the device will exceed expectations in terms of performance.
it is said to be 2 times more powerful than a series s (but not in raw performance)
Jenkem 8
Handheld PC is more worth it since you have access to switch

Nintendo Switch's game library is dogshit
>handheld pc
which one
>and can run virtually anything due to dlss and framegen
Man nintentards are so tech illiterate. Frame gen from base 30 fps looks like complete ass. DLSS from a base 500p also looks like complete ass.
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lili's ass, i hope
access to steam*
>Frame gen from base 30 fps looks like complete ass
you clearly never tried dlss frame gen, even craps like lossless scaling framegen is very usable nowaday and that's a literal basic functionality without extra game data being passed to it..

Happy Gilmore
just kicharged a yoshimitsu who wouldnt stop fullscreen backdashing into retarded unblockables, feels good
just booted deadlock, feels good
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I was doing.. something... And i stumbled upon this, what is this?
>letting him get past the loading screen
It's kinda crazy how much bufferable dashing simplifies the game. Playing Tekken 5 with a friend and unless you're very on point with your timings you look like an inbred dog trying to walk on two legs.
TheMainMan? The main man of what exactly?
of Sweden
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you're welcome
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they're literally eye fucking each other
I want to get fucked by a big girthy marduk main
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just uninstalled
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just deh
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games mid I dropped it
Is it normal stepping Jin’s ff2 to your left?
This Jin x Lili motherfucker man
She did step it to her left in that cinematic
Why is Jin’s nipple so small?
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LowTierGod Turns Into LOWTIERGRINCH And Lacks The WHEREWITHAL To Get Out of Red Ranks in Tekken
I am Steve!
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games cheddar I shredded it
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*exorcizes Tekken 8*
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>steals your hat
>ruins it
based as FUCK
games demonic I excorcized it
It's over. We're done. TEKKEN is done.
i was done in january ACKSHUALLY
What do you call JinxLili? Jilli? Lin?


I see now...
the fact of the matter is that yes, tekken 8 is mid. thougheverbeit all fighting games are and they are exclusively designed to be played by blacks and browns.
why can't Caucasians play Tekken?
something about empathy
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and toddlers
This thread is literally 1/4th the usual quality right now but I refuse to save it until they patch the game
You guys are retarded.
play and lei lei wuolong

The most fundamental Tekken 8 character. Fundamentals are all we have, Azucenabros.
and thanks uhhhhhh...
Ball Kaka....., someone ban that guy
I see naked lili everywhere now. I just went to twitch and confused a thumbnail with a pink x with naked lili
Thank you very much
Oh yeah, tough guy? What is it, then?
JinLi? JiJi? LiJin?
1/4th the quality but I'm still samefagging the same way as I always do???
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It's 21st fucking century, imagine trying to come up with shit when you have chatgpt for it
sub 65iq >>507684335
LilJin sounds like his rap name
Sounds like chatgpt is a fan of the ship
I had sex with a man not for pleasure but for the disease
6. JinLi - A minimalist fusion that rolls off the tongue.
7. Jilirose - A fusion that emphasizes their contrasting personalities (Jin's darker side and Lili's lighter, "rose" personality).
8. LilKaze - "Kaze" means "wind" in Japanese, which could symbolize their opposing forces, yet complementary nature.
9. Lijinova - A more dramatic twist, with "nova" symbolizing a bright, explosive connection.
10. Jilili - A fun and quirky take, repeating part of Lili's name for a playful vibe.

It really went nuts here eh?
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a nigga that gets to tekken king without knowing frames and punishes is better than a nigga that doesn't. it means he has good game sense and knows when and how to press, the other nigga is just studying like a fucking four eyed NERD
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niggas out here hate posting about tekken 8 when they don't even play the game!
I fought more clives than you ever entered
clive is the only one who could fix me
High IQ take. Having good intuition beats being autistic with frames every time. And it also means you're probably more successful IRL.
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oh no
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i see schizoschizo has chucked yet another melty over me while I've been absent LOL fuckin mindbroken
wow everyone stop
leo is here
Play and give me a fucking vacation for the love of god i can't take it anymore
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Vanessa and the old guy advanced :( they are the only two character designs on the roster that appeal to me
>old guy
watch Itabashi or Fuudo
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Yeah, I'm maining Pai Chan. Kazuya newbie btw.
im not a lore expert but lilis foot is perfect for my face
today i will be listening supercell
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Canon pairings.
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Idk who she is, but she looks like Chinese boss bitch, sexo with her
I can't even walk up the steps without getting gassed
it's male
I'm maining Pai because of her fraudelent string spam.

Also games that make the make character extremely difficult are always based. If you're going for the leading man, you'll have to put in the work for it.
tekgen lobby tonight?
thanks for letting us know
he's what Murray wants to be
I thought Murray was going for the wine aunt look?

1 - "You're IN too deep."
2- "This is as far as you go".
3 - "Focus and release."
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not in 2006 (when VF5 released)
Vi sitter här i Venten och spelar lite Dota
full chicano markman is even more detestable than his current iteration.
MarkFat looks kinda the same today whereas Murray looks like he just passed a whole lifetime.

White people genes are quite something.
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yeah idk whats wrong with that nigga
where are all the christmas tekken lewds?
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he completely changed after Madcatz shutdown
he back to stick doe
game's sneed I chucked it
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I keep dropping Lee's combos online
Gotta wait till 2026 for VF6 and DOA7

Fuck sake man
why is yakuza so ga? it surpasses Tekken on that regard
Remember when Bamco had a dedicated fighting game for swordfaggotry??
DOA7 is not coming lol
for me it's taka, wolf, and vanessa.
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>6 more days
in the interview, john guy said they don't want to work on the new VF for "years" and want to release it asap.
i strongly believe we'll get it next year
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who is Nina shooting at in the Season 2 teaser?
helicopter helicopter
>fireworks for the superfluous lobby is bonus after completing the bp
you've gotta be shitting me
Jap animeslop mentality killed Soul Calibur and will also kill Tekken
nice cock lady
>block albatross 2
I wish my ass gaped like the goatse guy, that pleasure sounds amazing
how many hours did this take you
get my girl in the game harada.
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I'm up for a rematch anytime
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I'm up for a chip n fish anytime
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eliza (!!!)
Is lobby up?
you can't kill what is already dead
i have 60h in the last two weeks so i'd say 40
You are supposed to just finish this by doing weeklies and dailies, not by playing the game longer than it takes you to do missions

last bp it took me two weeks of only playing for missions with less than 10h of gameplay
Who hasn't she been shooting at? When you see bullets flying, you know you have been Nina approved.
I'm emotionally scarred
I'm mentally ill
I'm physically impaired
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Jama suruna
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now that i finished the bp i can do the following
>spend my time customizing and using photo mode
>rip or download the models and learn blender
i gotta uninstall, this game has consumed me
Anna needs to fuck off man
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I uninstalled the game before the first battle pass
Seriously, how many people who play Tekken have AGP?
probably the Leofag too
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Eventually, eventually they'll run out of assets to recycle and have to create new assets, right guys?
Anna looks like some fucking Mom who's been divorced and hasn't found a man in years
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Give her a break, she finally finds one man crazy enough to marry her, and her sister kills him.
Just imagine how good vf6 customization is gonna be

They have been creating new assets all this time, but for avatars. As far as character goes, not everyone has legacy costume, and after that is done, it wouldn't surprise me if they just quit.
>Give her a break, she finally finds one man crazy enough to marry her, and her sister kills him.
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for me it's:
for me it's:
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Did anyone actually play this game?
for me it's:
for me it's:

it's finally here
After 4 years in existence, the game shut down with officially published statistics showing 20 million players having participated in 200 million battles, and the top 3 players' countries being Russia, Brazil and India respectively. A user named "BREAKINGBAD" was named as the best player.

The game actually did well lol. Why'd they get rid of it
what kind of a subhuman do you have to be to rage art during a combo when there's a pixel of health left
ask pro players
i paid for the cutscene, i'm going to enjoy the cutscene
they do it to collect themselves during intense tournaments matches. we're in quick play, bitch
I do it to collect myself during intense quick play matches
reminds me of the situation on Deviantart. For years they were putting out retardio bullshit like animated emojis and worthless site tokens. 2024 rolls around and they've finally started implementing UI/system upgrades and features like uploading multiple images in a single post.
Funny that these developments are happening after the advent of chatGPT/Claude, which has made the practice of writing Javascript/React as easy as pouring syrup on a pancake.
Suffice to say when LLM's start shitting out 3D objects and meshes, we'll probably see a bunch of "new" assets then. Sometime in season 3 I reckon.
imagine the rancid shitsmell of a lili fisting session
steve is probably the most downplayed character in tekken
this nigger is the punch version of hwoarang
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thank you for playing tekken
>*b1's this post*
It's a good way to know the other player is pissed enough to waste his own life trying to gloat a victory.
Post your rank buddy
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i'm very close to messaging this guy on twitch and telling him i hope he dies. i'm the better man, though, and will not do that
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funny that this kind of sentiment is allowed in Tekken 8 when the people who own Bandai Namco are some of the richest people in Japan...
SF5 and especially SF4 had some bangers. And then SF6 comes out and it is pure AI-tier slop of generic and derivative.


Man I miss when video games had good and energetic music.
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i say steve is the most broken champion in the game and you should play him for the free-est ride to GoD
>whorerang complaining about character
This guy is a fucking bitch
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fight money, does anyone remember that?
I bought every customization for every characters and I still have hundreds of millions of fight money
>not wanting free millions of bucks to keep
You guys are never happy
basically a parallel of the argentian economy
Shut up.
Milei is doing great.

it's up
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peso = fight money
USD = tekken coins
Is this the power of based wannabe Trump retard?
>milei started in 2020
>the decline is flattening since he's in charge.
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December will come again you know
hard to go below the value of the paper its printed on...
kazuya is BREEDING this whore right fucking now in her goon cave
what happens when it reaches 0?
you know how you regard tekken fight money now
Will Argentina's President invent Argentina Coins now?
guys, no politics, only nude kazama asses here
*hank hill
I didn't know you like Jin so much
I want to fuck tranny
I want to fuck tranny
I want to fuck a
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2024 /tekgen/

Nina is the hottest!

Lili is the hottest!

Asuka is the hottest!

I kneel to goddess Jun and her divine healing body
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meanwhile, I'm thinking of Lee all year round
actually not a bad idea
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oh my god, Clive killed Kermit!
>play clive
>get to 2-0
>get opponent to 20%
>somehow lose the set to a 2-3
>repeat set
>exact same thing happens.
how the fuck does this keep fucking happening to me? is my defense just garbage? I can't fucking close off games to save my fucking life and it's so frustrating. i'm negative win rate because this always keeps happening
lost again to a law that i was creaming. anytime i get close to win he rage drives and takes the advantage then i lose
lost to a literally blind rage art
dude im getting so fucking salty at this game anytime im about to win my opponent just chimps out and i try to respect his options only for him to snake edge me and completely wipe me out. how do i keep losing the fucking rps when my opponents are brain dead monkeys that can't even do a proper juggle combo
The fact you manage to win first two rounds, but then the opponent completely flips it over, sounds to me like they were pretending to be bad to get to know your strategy. It's hard to tell what you need to work on when we don't know how you actually play, but maybe you need more variety in what you do?
omfg losing streak all fucking week. this time i lost to a clive just spamming parry, he was better than me i admit but i had no counterplay against lol just spam parry all the fucking time. god i hate this fucking game. and no they were legit bad actual monkey players how do i keep falling for rage art
how can you lose with a homing powercrush god fist
i'm gonna assume you're in shit ranks, so whats probably happening is at the start of the match they're just playing defensive(as if that means anything in your rank) and insecure and letting you mash on them. and then when it gets to 0-2 they realize oh shit i'm gonna lose and start mashing like retards back and playing more frantically, and you can't deal with it
what rank are you so i can know i'm right
it's pretty cool they give characters this coinflip bullshit, then even when youre bad at tekken you can still win 50% of the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
being "good" at tekken means being good at 50/50s as well lil bro
is there anything worse losing to a femboy or a tranny
losing to your normie friend who just mashes random shit and exposes you for being a fraud who spends too much time on this game and you're not even good... it never happened to me tho so it's ok
your right i just had to play more patiently. i still dunno how to open people up with him though, i keep getting punted out of phoenix, and d1, db4, db3 feels way too fucking slow even though my opponent catches me with it all the fucking time
calm down, Jin
i ragequit for the first time in tekken and it was against zafina
what a stupoid fucking character
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I'm ___
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The captcha sends me a message.
what a bastard, won't make a donation to poor orphans
if i continue playing tekken, will i get a korean or jap gf one day?
>fight money
Why not Bison Dollars?
>try to learn a new character
>everyone below kishin is the scum of Earth
i thought Clive had bad wall damage but it's actually alright, it's just that Law's wall damage is completely broken
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new gm shitting on some bum ass nigga joint is up
Im out of block slot for zafina
Do something about that murray
every time i hammerfist the buttons on my stick steam takes a shitton of pictures anyone know why?
>le #tekken cafe
they should really really kill themselves
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>want to taste heihachi's meat
>me mash good
>you mash bad
literally gm
That's the line he used to pick up Lars' mother
LowTierGod Turns Into LOWTIERGRINCH And Lacks The WHEREWITHAL To Get Out of Red Ranks in Tekken
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watching it
i'm dah
whats the dah meme
>I am
into men
devil jim after he skeets
authentic clive gameplay, nakatsu approved
why do you guys meme f1+2? I keep using it and instantly lose my turn. so wtf is it good for other than ff2 or phoenix -> 3+4
you gotta play king
he has an almighty parry to trap people who mash back
is clive like broken or smth bc i dont know a single combo and i cannot stop winning on this mf
playing this game outside of lobbies with friends is such a mistake every single fucking time.
Why does law have a 10f heat dash and an armor heat dash both into full combo???
This game is a fucking joke
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The more I play this game the more I realize taking it seriously is a mental illness
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Someone needs to bait lowtiergod into saying a homophobic slur. Like dressing up in LGBT colors with Jun
he can't parry anything after f1+2 unless they use something 15f or slower
ff3 doesnt give full combo
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my hori arcade stick arrives saturday but i work that day.
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I challenge you all to come up with a original Tekken character.
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I was given Tekken 8 during this Steam sale, and I promised i'd make one of the characters look like Ryza from the Atelier series. Is there a place where we can see all the items available to the characters (something like WoW armory would be ideal)?

Anyone has suggestions on which character to start with and which items to use?

Pic related if the character I will need to copy
fuck off faggot
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it's up
Kazuya but female
>This is my character Lidia Sobieska

>She is the prime minister of poland. This is impressive as she is only in her late 20s. She is also from a noble house but she cares deeply about all the people in her country. She always fights fiercely for what she believes is right.

>She is also a talented master of karate which even Jin has acknowledged as powerful.

>In fact, she is strong enough to challenge Heihachi and force him to grow. The tekken monks all admire her and submit to her. She could learn the mishima style if she wanted to but she thinks it a wicked art.

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steve guides will tell you that heat duck 2 is the to-go option when your opponent refuses to wake up since it hits grounded. it doesnt work when you hit the shoulders for some reason, shit has to be an unintended bug
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This character is so retarded and convoluted. You'd need to be unironically mentally ill to bother with all his tech.
I hate when fighting game stories basically reduce to being Marvel-like capeshit bouts of Team A vs Team B.

Tekken story has deterioated so hard over the years.
actually marvel copied Tekken
yeah why bother with all technical stuff when you could just f1+2 with clyde all day haha good game harada
Unironically exactly that. The reward for learning all the technical shit is nonexistant since it's all so situational and chances are a new patch will just break shit all over again. If the game was a static object and this would be the Tekken 8 we'd play for five years, then sure maybe. But there will be so many changes to come that committing to these extremely situational tech is just a waste of your life.
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how do i get better at king. also i think my biggest issue is how to wake up, i always mash a button regardless of the situation. how do i improve that? maybe ill actually learn what each button does on wakeup lol
mashing in kekken is by no means productive, no need to create gold out of shit
Heat Dash/Engager into FC making it more of a casino guessing game

Then new moves to learn on top of a library of 100s moves.
wtf do you do while waiting for a match? it's such a fucking time gap
my finger doesn't bend very much since the surgery. I will most likely have a permanent disability. If this happened to my right hand i'd consider killing myself.
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I put the web browser over the game screen and have it cover only half the screen so I can see when I get a match.

My desktop is too little for dual monitor setup unfortunately.
yeah but what do you do
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i always hear about these rampant pluggers but desu i dont experience it often and i play drag, leo, feng

yet maybe like 1 plug a month if im lucky.

and shit talking is much rarer to me than tekken 7. idk what im doing wrong desu
i also dont experience pluggers in green ranks idk why
>tall Kazakh woman in traditional attire, katarina-esque moveset
>Pakistani BJJ fighter, looks like zayn malik but less gay
>Oleksandr Usyk as himself
>a Tibetan macaque trained in tai chi
i only plug on rage arts. even if i still have the life lead after the rage art, i'm alt f4ing. not watching that
its because youre shit
Browse the web?
I win most of the time though, not sure about this statement.
maybe i dont play toxic enough, time to change that
I love getting plugged on. Especially by Law/Lars/Hwo niggers. It cements the fact that they got mindbroke enough to quit the game. I don't care about the points.
game whomps I detained it
Game has been found? I plug.
Wtf you cant say dale looks like leroy hes white
Time to play some Tekken, Time to play some Tekken
games balls I dunked it
VF bros.....
Imagine playing tekken.
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the fuck they did to matchmaking against, i swear it gets worse every two weeks
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lost to this
>slept from 5am to 8:30am and from 12pm to 3pm

dont think i can get to tekken gawd today bruhs... im way too sluggish
if i am asuka main can i learn jun in 15-20 minutes?
I recently reached GoD and I feel like people in the ranks Tekken God to GoD are so unbelievably toxic.

I can't go a single session without people hating on my profile, ki charging me for no reason in a really fun set, and to top it of, reporting them isn't even doing shit.

I love Tekken and I don't mind loosing at all but all this shittalking and childish behavior is kind of turning me off.

Also 8 / 10 people I meet are canceling on me in those ranks. The hardest part about ranking up is finding people willing to play the game they payed for.

I fully understand now why so many people play on other chars in lower ranks. You find more people willing to play the game and you get less hate.

I though League of legends had the worst community, but Tekken definitly takes the cake here. At least in League reporting actually does something
clive f1+2
im amazed that i can turn on t8, play 1 game, then want to turn off t8 every time
i think if the game made it less about empathy and more about time played the community would be more toxic. as it stands theres no significant correlation between time played and rank, it seems all to be boiled down to empathy, so of course players are going to be frustrated.
the wallsplat powercrush giant punch is way more cancer
Clive needs it
in just 22 minutes and 18 seconds
log in like and subscribe leave a comment
phidx browses here with emily
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what this devil jin is trying to do at the start of every round and why this nigga always does electrics at the same frames
fuck me

female, but with cock
i think you need to post more than one example
if the inputs for electric look exactly the same every time it's probably macro
>make game focusing around always being in front of people spamming buttons nonstop
>nerf all gameplay styles that aren't that
>introduce the best zoner/keepout character as your premium dlc
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you mean Jin kazama?
I Use This Power To Seek Atonement
i don't know about his electrics, wavedashing attempts looked like 100% macro, but why would use macro in quick match
clive is very cool but he's a mega normie character so it's weird to sub him
but enough about Tifa
black players get rewarded with max rank steve as soon as they log on
and she's not cool ... I hate her. I HATE TIFA
"What you see is what you get, just a guy who loves adventure!"
I'm gonna get blacked out tonight
I like waifus because i can press while minus and it's considered good gameplay
im gonna get blacked tonight
"Oy Oy Oy Teme, Bukkorosu!"
this but law
"Spit on that thang!"
"I will punch, kick and flip you like a Chipotle burger!"
im tilted and haven't turned the game off and now im losing all my matches
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come to quickmatch young kentucky man
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>playing Tekken for 10 hours a day for 3 weeks
>the game is slowing down for me
>Im starting to deliberately work on my empathy

Its crazy to think at all times about what my opponents thinking. This is getting closer to astrology than a fighting game.
you're ruinning tekgen with your attentionwhoring day in and day out
my version of tekken empathy is thinking "what button could i press right now that would make my opponent the most mad" and usually it's a powercrush or hopkick
for me it’s snake edge or command throw
Why does Roblox Tekken look cleaner
Can we fucking get rid of Chip damage in this game.....
How many ranks does Hwoarang boost
hwo is free tg
Pick any prominent martial artist that doesn't have a Tekken counterpart.
and jin is going to have a good fc game now that they made the full crouch low faster
>ws3, 16F safe homing mid
>ws 1,2, 13F natural mid,mid string, safe
>ws2, 14F mid launcher, only -12
>the new faster fc df3
just what jin needed
emily's never playing in a tournament ever again lmaoooooooooooo
games high I ducked it
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I haven't drank in forever. The last time I did, 4 lokos were 2 dollars and now they're fucking $4 at this shit hole on my street!
what was suspicious about the inputs in the screenshot you posted?
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let's check up on what the t8 streamers think
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Make a FotNS character and put him in Tekken.
Wait, is that first sentence meant to be praise or insult given his later sentences?
roblox tekken actually OD?
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Why can't I give Clive a tan? I thought I had the perfect custom.
game's low I jumped it
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Man's got way more customization here than 16.
hworangutang mains are niggers
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Asuka > Lili
games male I fondled it
Man there's nothing to talk about this game

Guest character sucked and we gotta wait until season 2
I don't why I'm even here, I don't even play this game.
talk about men
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Burger King.
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why does tmm hate her so much?
She's female.
If Bamco put Bryan's exact moveset onto a female character TMM would hate Bryanna too.
scrupman said clive is balanced
he legit hates women
female char
funny thing is you could make this exact same video about mishimas and bryan
stop shilling your own channel faggot
not mine just found it autistic enough to be funny xD
yeah sure you just happen to find brand new channel with no views. Kill yourself faggot
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i was looking for the daily rage compilation and found it
youre not fooling anyone
i got fooled by a tgirl once
I did too, I thought I was gonna do the fucking and then she raped me.
Can we get new comedians up in this bitch
be the change you wanna see
*changes gender*
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What's the most likely place/event where we could get an Anna reveal?
jesus christ imagine how rancid your breath must fucking smell like after those long hours of morning breath
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meant full trailer
end of March, just pick any random tournament there
>end of March
TWT doesn't start until May at EVO Japan, iirc
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Gotta work on changing that reflex qcb1 whiff punish to jet upper
so it's in Timmy's cousin tournament (featuring LowHigh)
dangeriously high
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Have you ever been trapped?
I can't get a fucking job
everyday by kazuya on tekken 8
testing new whiff punishers is always challegne
>clive has kuni II's fullscreen ch launcher and no one seems to mind, everyone would rather focus on his 1+2

Why are pros so stupid? How long is it gonna be until everyone catches on?
No one cares anymore buddy all that's left is paid shills, unpaid shills and terminally cucked competitors
>you can only change the color of the nails when wearing a bikini

Replace Chloe with fahkurmom and ogre with Ancient Ogre and this is actually okay
Julia x Lucky Chloe OF collab
I can't get a fucking blowjob
i'm here, now
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>mfw Kiryu-chan's safe because he can't hit girls but Majima might have a chance of being shamed by being in the same game as Clive
Please Harada, tell me Majima will never be in 8.
doing the best you can Anna?
>Tekken Emperor Zafina doing:
>Tarantula snake edge, Scarecrow Snake edge, Standing snake edge

Imagine being so pathetic you use 3 different snake edge variants to get to Emperor
Doing the best you can?
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love this nigga like you wouldn't believe
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imma buy this for king
>You do not have enough TEKKEN COINS.
Murray's Reaction:
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im not gay
it's up
General theme
same guy posted some random 3 view blackguy because he was looking for videos of cheaters
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im ready boys
VFbros is it true your version of king can just giant swing you on a ring out stage and win immediately? Surely they won't keep that in 6 haha...
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>fought against the worst jin in human history 6 times straight

Thanks points Santa, may make Tekken Gawd
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just duck the grab
10 years ago lol
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cancer game
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I'm trans
I got jelly tits
I'm a kazuya main
who's your next god rank??
>2 bears
>polish kurwa
>ff asshole
I would trade them all for my Lusty Queen!!!!!

oooooh baby I'm losing my mind
I wanna feel your 4444 tooooonight
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>2024 (almost 2025)
>I'm forgotten
imagine grinding tekken every day for hours on end just to be a top "ranked" player that will never come close to winning a tourney LMAO
finna try the impossible task of supreme :S
those gurls are up to no good...
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the older i get the less ugly looking this gets
do you have the image of awais honey getting JUSTed by fergus
i have really foul rancid smelling morning breath
blud has kidney failure
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You're in the front seat
She is the mountain you're driving on
And in a frenzy, the ground below you opens up
>blue eyes
Not Lili. Lili has purple eyes.
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The longer I play Tekken the more I become an Empath, and the more I become cruel and start toying with my opponents by playing in weird obnoxious ways. I'm becoming my own worst enemy.
god i want to smell lilis rancid morning shit breath so fucking bad
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2025 is the year of reina
When Tekken stopped being about arithmetic, statistics and geometry and became a mind vs mind game that's when I quit, personally. I couldn't stomach the manipulation involved in a PvP game. It felt sadistic and unsatisfying.
One of the only 3 good girls in Tekken
The other two are Lidia and Panda.
Helldivers II guy for Tekken 8!
games dead I buried it
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tekken 9 teaser image
When tekken stopped being a niche franchise but became a normie franchise full of streamer and competitive tards willing to do anything and cheat to win and get max rank to get clout and money, that's when i quit.
I can't stomach the lack of integrity and sportsmanship involved in a pvp game. It feels annoying and mind numbing.
Tekken X Virtua Fighter is coming sooner than Tekken X Street Fighter.
>stopped being a niche
ok retard
Tekken has only ever been niche in the tag 2 era, because it was such a flop
Not Jin. Jin has a permanent scowling face.
Based GM exposing Shitken 8 ranked yet again. Highest rank in the game is filled with niggas who wouldn’t make it past Genbu in T8
>who wouldn’t make it past Genbu in T8
you mean 1st dan
>kicharge retards that are cheating
>shittalk them on steam because they always have open profiles to """epic troll"" and """farm salt"""
>they still don't block me
if the game wasn't normieslop we wouldn't have this shit
Remember to ki charge plebbitors to make them quit the game
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i ki charge all clive players
gm shits on temu 7 and says the reason people don't like 8 is because they're bad at tekken.
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what's wrong with you, my nigga
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i would seriously do anything if it meant just being able to eat lilis feces
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i kicharge, plug, and hit cheaters after they die
and my profile is private and they fucking hate that
its fine when they cheat but when you cuck em suddenly they can't stand it
I uninstalled the game earlier but then i got wasted so now I have to reinstall
He also shits on Shartken 8 and calls it Huggies tekken. Cope harder. 7 being trash doesn’t make 8 good
what rank are you? when you are drunk, do you play comp or qp
Devil Jin was never top tier in Tekken 7, the meta was just undeveloped
imgondu hewsweep
or up foh fohh
ayo murray we need more panties in d8 you feel me
Is dragunov still broken?
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remember when the bikinis in t7 all showed a bit of asscrack? good times
imagine a rancid log of shit coming out of lili bros
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where is season 2 and where is my fucking balance patch murray
That Lili wasn't so bad
march-april 2025 be ready
No. I can't imagine it, bro.
>even the bikinis in kekken 8 are censored

I hate current year
i would fucking devour her shit so fucking bad
it's a miracle they even put bikinis with pareos in this current climate
None of Drag, Jack, or Devil Jin were ever top tier in 7. Players were just shit and Saint, JDCR, and Qudans just skill gapped everyone
where is the fuckin sauce, anon?
please please please tell me this has scat please please please please please i need asuka feces
My script blocks 25% of all lows to help me focus on strategy while not giving me away.
who's the scatman?
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im a king main from el salvador
>i use things to play the game for me
what type of mental disability is this?
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tekken 8 doesn't even have a single outfit with a visible thong yet
what's up with that bamco!!!!
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that is anna/katarina's thing so maybe when they show up
i want an irl king cap, anyone got recs
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inb4 t8 anna is reformed and no longer lewd
Catholic Anna vs Protestant Nina
they're both irish, so catholic
Harada never retconned anything
Clive dbd2 should have more range than his f1+2 to make it not obsolete i like the out cold bullshit
it's here
I want everybody in here to do me a favor- do yourself- matter of fact, don't even do me a favor. Do yourself a favor.
I want you to grab your nuts, grab your balls. I want you to take a handful and just grab your nuts real quick. Swivel them around in a circular motion, and I want you to think about it, and I want you to realize the two balls that you have, and understand that you are a man. Understand genetically you were gifted a set of balls and a cock. ACT like it. ACT like it. That ball sack with those two nuts produce TESTOSTERONE, not estrogen.
>special mode
what a fucking chad
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Her eye color changes depending on a game and vers
id eat her shit so fucking bad
Floating emp-tgs on my mains (heihachi, kazuya, fraudio).I was gonna play Clive. I unistalled because I was playing my brother yesterday and he plays like a complete retard and I just said to myself this game fucking sucks and uninstalled.
i look like left but with beard shadow but i booked a consultation in korea to make me look like far right
Lili would tie you up
shit on a plate
then throw it away
negroes with the sauce are better players but they're skillcappped at top 48
>Floating emp-tgs on my mains
i dont know what that is
and I meant to add, I always play ranked because I don't care.
temp memory
transmissor-gradient-system, basically a form of cpu module
data type, floats
whatever dude
Actually players playing correctly by holding back for 45 seconds out of the round are better players but we're skillcapped at Battle Ruler
Drop everything you're doing and imagine succulent tranny ass
I just did and i came
Now imagine lili taking a gnarly greasy rancid shit down your throat
I want a man like leo to do that
weeds mid i smoked it
I'm drunk enough to listen to the smashing pumpkins
when youre drunk do you play comp or qp
you have to remove 5 characters from the roster to save tekken
who do you choose
I play comp with broken champions
the year end has made me so depressed playing tekken
champions? blud really thinks hes out here playing league
blud said comp so it warranted champions terminology lil bro
I miss SoulCal...
thsi thread seem particularly miserable at year end or am i projecting (i very well may be)
not even mid, trash.
i wanted lilis shit for christmas and all i got was pee...
imagine her shit after that bag of takis.
Did they even announce twt for 2025? Is it over?
Tekgen incel hour
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milf hours
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Hi, /tekgen/, Murray here. Fishing for ideas for Season Pass 2 characters.

Season Pass 2 is five slots. You have 4 more characters to vote on now that Anna has been announced. What is your dream Season Pass 2 lineup?

>5 slots
i thought it was 4
I am not a protractive member of society
I don't see any guests on your list big dawg
it's a blacklist
i fought an aggressivu steve player and i didnt rematch, lowest form of tekken i hope he kills himself
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this is who i want as a guest character.
It is safe to vote and Nakatsu's development team will take your feedback in earnest. I swear.
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The world is a vampire
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remember this drama
Disarm is my song of choice
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I love them together so much, absolute fuckin kino couple
all power crushes should be at least -10
well its a good thing youre not in charge of a billion dollar company
Last year, /tekgen/ was so sure that Ling lets Claudio fill her every night
little did we know claudio was already having tantric magic sex with zafina, she probably cast a spell on his dick that won't let him get hard for any other woman
you type the leofaggot, fuck off
stop the witch hunts, I'm not him
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*like the leofag
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im the el salvador king main, ama
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japina is everything
Every heat engager power crush should be launch punishable, -17 minimum, and every rage art should be -40 when blocked.
she's such a freaky bitch, I love her. I hope she returns in future games
stop misusing schizoschizo, that's kunischizo's catchphrase and he's MIA (on this website at least, still active on twitter)
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Not really. Since her debut in T5 she's been purple eyed. Whatever you showed in your picture looks like some kind of glitch.
This but ironically
Schizoschizo is mine now. I've claimed it.
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Im gonna chug some liquor
I dont give a FUCK about none of you namefag, lowlife, attention starved NIGGERS.
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Well, where are they?
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most of you are fakeschizos, you cannot hold a candle to the insane christieschizos or the og kunischizo
and yet, you're here.
He replied to me on twitter a few months ago. A great honour
he literally posts about her every single day wtf
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does no one care about me
you have marduk, armor king, and the orphans
You can switch IPs or phone post to false flag
I samefag on tekgen because im a loser
im actually watching this vid someone posted here cause its interestinfg
i boke on bokegen because i am boke
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why did they do this to paul
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Why does Steve's mom hate him
eating some shrimp cocktails
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take a chill pill :)
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I fucking love japanese women
Need some outfit ideas for King
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love this bitch. asuka main btw
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pic related seems like a good idea
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it's just a guest character bro
it's just a season pass bro
it's just paid frame data bro
it's just dlc characters we purposefully make overpowered to get people hyped bro
it's just a cosmetic shop bro
it's just 400 tekken coins bro
it's just a uniqlo collab bro
it's just a battle pass bro it's only a good thing bro
it's just 600 tekken coins bro
it's just a chipotle collab bro
it's just a nike collab bro
it's just your favorite stage with nike ads plastered all over it bro
it's just a dlc stage bro

holy shit man learning clives wall and off-axis wall shit is so fucking annoying my god

if i land a launch near the wall and do the normal db 1+2 bnb half of the time they wall splat and i just whiff everything. and doing wall slump extensions are finnicky too.
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its just boke bro
is there a video like this but for clive
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from the ground up
in-game footage captured directly from story mode
jun is back and alive for real in story mode
the lighting will be further refined
it's not a beta
it's not the release date
there was no leak
it's not the final game
the leak contains outdated information
outfit swaps for every character
new trailers every wednesday
that wasn't a real wednesday
legendary costumes recreated from scratch just for tekken 8
the tekken shop will be updated twice a month
dlc characters aren't pay to win
the premium fight pass will offer luxurious and exciting items
the cost of development has skyrocketed
although we did our best to explain the circumstances to the player and followed the official rules, this led to an unpredicted situation
it was the marketing division's fault
we will consider your feedback
i will pass your feedback on to the development team
we have no plans for guest characters at this time
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delete this.
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but consider pic related
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you forgot harada griefing about how legacy costumes don't look quite right in modern graphics before dropping the tekken shop months later
why they buff nina this patch shes doing a jumping move into plus frames into df1 into plus frames im not sure i cant even jab interrupt i dont get why i cant interrupt with jabs,she used to be an easy matchup
if the jumping move has a low in it you can low parry it
her df1 strings are just a pure mind-game in her favor since she can ch launch you very easily for challenging, even if you armor
Hi who is this? Also horny asuka main btw
sorry to tell you shitters but Clive really isn't that good
>noooo how could the dont asku me for shitto man lie to me?!
give em the benefit of the doubt and saying
>no we have no plans for guests
could either have been said to shut tifashitters up, because of NDAs or to give the players a surprise.

Everything else is always lip service.
click on the blue arrow next to the post ID > image search > yandex
i got you bro i had to look it up myself Shiina Sora
least cucked tekken addict
What the fuck are you talking about, Nina didn't even get touched this patch?
Schizoschizo is playing on imaginary patches now lmao
>she sells an onahole
I can actually pretend I'm having sex with asuka if i watch her videos holy fuck thank you nigga u have changed my life
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>see pretty woman
>think of bugs
i dunno man if you gotta be racist at least be funny
she literally looks like a bug, sorry
cool anon
very original
but please, do post a woman you think looks good
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>that boob sweat
ughhh oh my god i love japanese whores so much guys it's insane (i mean that in an endearing way im not racist)
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I love big boobs no matter the race
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I'm more of a rabbit guy than a bug guy, myself.
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good for you
this guy gets it
fuarking hell I'm looking at some 8 gameplay and some of the weapons on characters change orientations when the round starts
like they're not rotated to match the idle, good job murray, I wanna shake your hand
is hard to go from tekkenn god to supreme joints?
wasn't even me, stupid fucking obsessed bitch
how does low parrying work in this game? sometimes I'll randomly get it while trying to queue up a move with df in the input but seemingly lightyears before the move comes out

is it like df input -> 5 frames where the opponent must use a low
the current ranked environment reminds me a lot of pre-tgo but post season 1 tekken 7 ranks
>tekken god is either extreme frauds doing crazy flowcharts on busted characters with no fundamentals like throw breaks or movement, or people stuck there because they can't beat the former
>true tekken god (god supreme in this game) is grinders who can gatekeep the frauds below but lose to the players who inhabit tgp, they tend to be the most salty because they're one rank away from their goal final rank
>tgp (god of destruction) is a mixed bag of people who pushed there with a broken character and basically retired from ranked or just naturally got there because they're long time veterans of the game
it's active frame 1 as soon as you input down-forward, and it has about 20 frames of being active where it will low parry a low
glad to see you are accustomed to your new name now
truly the most racist of us all
is it worth grinding it 10 hrs a day im kinda sick of tekken after tekken god
Listen, brown areolas are just gross, that's a fact, and it's a risk you run with all Japanese women who look like Asuka
I think if you can get tekken god you can get a lucky run to tgs for sure
and if you play a lot of subs/try out a lot of characters, it might be worth it just to get them all automatically promoted to starting at fujin once you get tgs
>brow areolas are gross
>it's a risk
anon only seen naked women in porn and doesn't know basic biology
just made it to mighty ruler as king for the first time.
congratulations, how will you celebrate?
tb h, gonna take a break and watch a movie. all my connections have been against wifi faggots so im not fighting that
biology is a crackerjack money launder pseudo quasi "science" (LOL!) based on the theory (LOL!) of nothing
disgusting...tell me more about these japanese women and their big brown breasts and nipples
the color of dung and shit
new name? you've been calling me that for months, bitch
you love me
no joke, if there were a jap girl that looked like asuka. i would fucking devour her rancid greasy feces
Recently thought that Miirio should replay these on stream and then remember this faggotry. Mailman is such a thin skinned autist
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Congratulations on sodomy
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alright im stopping. everyone is on wifi tonight what the fuck
>check out Leo for the first time
>press buttons, try out some combos
>get boner
>jerk off fantasizing about making out with leo and fucking him in the shower
I can't play this character, its impoosible to play with a boner and I can't focus on the opponent thinking about soft boy leo
Black player characters:
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if you were straight, your boner would motivate you to keep getting better and play through it
Don't forget about Sleepy Shadow and his Claudio+Zafina

and pokchop Bruce+Josie
Sorry but I main Anna
>Be reina
>Use df4, 2, hold down for WRA a lot
>Like a lot
>Reached ranks where people know the frame advantage is fake on block and they can dickjab before I can press any WRA buttons (this also avoids the heat counter)
>Can't unlearn it
Help me
>check out asuka
>press buttons try some combos
>get boner
>jerk off fantasizing about sucking on her big brown aerolas
i can't play her
it's impossible to play with a boner and i can't focus on the opponent thinking about asukas huge tits in my mouth
The Phantom alone is enough to negate Raven as a character for black people
Concluding comment
rember when they created a white raven who even had the nickname "Phantom Raven" and he flopped
Unironically extremely true
reinas not particularly broken or dishonest or even boosted but its the least fun character to fight for me. you cant sidestep or dash block or play footsies its just 50/50 all day trying to deal with her obnoxious crap.
greentext economy is the next big thing
i want huge, juicy, plump brown titties (with brown aerolas) in my mouth so fucking bad its insane
pick one
was gonna include leo but you know how that goes
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what do you mean by that, you fuck
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fuck off, leotranyy
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japina > lee > lidia > jun > eddy > alisa
why do infinte stages have that jarring effect where the background just spazzes out to follow the fighters
our studio is incompetent, please understand.
I don’t like you people
Post HAWTTTT Julia pics
"you people"? strong willful propagators of The Race?
starting to think leos broken
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My fucking god she needs to come back.
my fucking god she needs my cum on her back
one day without boring leoschizo? best day tekgen saved
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>reinas not particularly dishonest
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julia used to be cool too i guess
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We need to mass tweet Gook & Faggot about ourgirl.
20 years old, 40 years, 60 years old, whatever, would.
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>game sucks and is dead
>general sucks and is dead
i'm going to go find some brown girl with huge, gigantic, luscious, jiggly breasts and suck on her brown areolas so hard it would make an industrial vacuum cleaner look like a broom.

They should've kept Master Raven instead of putting manlet raven into temu8.
I don’t think she’s that dishonest but one of the most boosted in the game. 112 and ff2 do almost everything for you, imagine super on any other character
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tomorrow i will play some tekken, yes, (maybe not)

but i will rebegin my life as a normal person
Who are the other boosters?
they'd introduce Julia's own adoptive 15 year old daughter to spite us

It's lookin up in tekgen
All me btw
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>they sell character costumes on the tekken shop
>it is possible for them to change characters' voice lines and rage arts based on the costume they are wearing
Why not both?
LowTierGod Pulls A ROG SCHEME and SCAMS His Viewer Out Of The Matches They Paid For
LowTierGod pulls a Republic of Gamers scheme
YOSHI King Jin Zaf Raven Bear I’d say, you can avoid learning the game the hardest
Lowtiergod is a nigger
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You're banned for wavedashing
Someone make a chang OP
I recognize that gif

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