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Socks for Frostivus edition

Wiki: https://liquipedia.net/dota2/Portal:Game
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Personal game data: https://steamcommunity.com/my/gcpd/570


Previous: >>507203250
Akasha places an ad in the paper: Babysitter for hire.
aliev gaem
i still have the entire act 4 to complete. can i make it bros
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sex with Lina!
>CM persona is now a common item
My fuckin family hates me
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templar assassin in bondage when?
good because its easily the worst one.
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Buff Hoodwink
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I wish forsen was raging in dota and not league..
Typical retard chasing
if your antimage is out there trying to kill people and play dota before he has 3 slots then you just know its over
Shilling for egays is a job now?
No its my hobby I do it for free
you forgot male PA exists
Asan is pretty hot
There is not a single blue-skinned male character in any media that is attractive or deserving of respect, blue is an alien slut only color.
He's purple
>le edgy swole ninja
pretty based
da ba dee da ba da
One time i typed all caps TEAM PURPLE and my entire team picked purple heroes and we won that vould very well be one of my all time moments playing dota.
he is based and reminds me of Kain so that's a good thing.
he should´ve had a traditional sword.
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I know most of you will probably not care about this because you guys are patricians who don't chase after FOMO hats in crates, and that I'm probably not the first to post about it, but I wanted to math out the expected costs of getting shit from crates and 30 seconds of Googling showed that everybody only calculates with the birthday cope method (which I hate) so I went ahead and made my own Dota crate math spreadsheets to make strendline and then integrate them to estimate how many Dota crates you need to open to get one of each rarity. I also included crate recycling when calculating how many crates to buy to open a target number of times, for maximum savings. Honestly I never opened a nu-nu-nu-crate before so I don't know if I made the correct assumption that opening the recycled crate also adds to the counter. I'll probably find out when I start opening some.

So tl;dr, with this method, I found that you will need (ballpark):
15 crates for a Rare
25 crates for a Very Rare, and
50 crates for an Ultra Rare

which is surprising given the big numbers at the start of the probability tables. Figured it'd be several hundred for arcanas or something. But hey, good news, it's only ~15 hours of burger minimum wage to have a good chance at the WR arcana(s). Well, technically it's not a guarantee so if you're a lucklet you're getting fucked anyway.
Side note: Actual value for Rares might be higher because the trendline sucks but so does the probability function so not my fault. Might be more like 16-18. I blame Valve's dishonest probability table fucking up the end of the chart (unless it's truly 1 and not some stupid 0.999999997 shit, in which case, why bother listing 1.0 more than once?).
thank you for your autism
Is an AM5 platform worth it?
I only play dota 2 so I just want it to run at high framerate.
Probably, X3D cpus are good at dota. If you are on am4 you could get 57 or 5800X3D and save money for good enough performance
Well if you got money to burn, AM5 is fucking expensive
Just stick with 4 if you got a compatible mb
>no guarantee
No thanks, I'd rather pay 30 keys and get the arcana outright, the rest of the crate is garbage
Who cares when thr game is dogshit and not optimized, you get random crashes, drop of fps and packet loss.
120-200 is ok but the aforementioned shit you cant do anything about..
>try to learn more pos 5
>carry lion
>offlane medusa
I need my pills
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whats even the point of the magic missile venge facet? even supports choose BAT
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its big damage for magic missile, you always get shard as a support and max it first. it hits pretty hard, specially if the enemy has heroes that clear waves/camps fast.
it makes it so Magic missile stays relevant in the mid to late game.
whereas soul fist or whatever its called its mostly an early game harass tool and the already forgotten venge carry, also nobody ever buys orb of corrosion on her which is core for that facet.
>trusting third worlders and russians to not cut and run with the keys
You are a braver person than me.
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Do you actually care or did you just want an excuse to post tummy
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What's usually the third slot? I know bf and manta are the first ones but i really can't tell what to buy third.
basher, so he can actually kill people
Depends on the game usually, either something that lets you kill people easier or something that makes you more elusive

Usually I tend to buy either basher, aghs, linkens, nullifier or butterfly depending on the game
All wrong its skadi
Yeah I used to like Skadi on AM as 3rd item, I was so much worse at dota then too
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This is your """support""" at 20 minutes.
i was busy giving your support a creampie
Yes, this is also sometimes the enemy support at 20 minutes
Did you like take a screenshot of it open in the Windows image viewer, why are the rotate icons there
Taking a screenshot of a screenshot, that's how I roll.
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Look bros we made it, they can't ignore us now
>people still bothering with Destiny
But why?
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>match instantly lost at min 0 if your draft doesn't directly counter him
hate this mouse nigger so much
ok but 95% of drafts counter him
i look like this
I'm sure that's the joke but it's not funny
Just buy some Gleipnirs.
well consider that I just had a game with not a single counter or gleipnir builder and now I am mad
packet loss 15-25 every game wtf do i do its fucking lagging
>gondar surrounded by pl
Reminds me of that one comic
Don't know what you're talking about and I'm glad not to
Did you guys just queue up for all-pick when you were learning how to play? I tried a few matches but I had no clue what was happening during the fights. Naturally, this pissed my teammates off since I was dead weight. I like the characters though, vengeance demon is cool.
>vengeance demon is cool.
place your bets on who anon is talking about
It's a classic
If you're that new considering playing a few bot matches first, the normal queue can be crazy for the first games as it tries to calibrate you.
>still no porn of this tummy
SF I guess but even then it's a stretch to assume he's a demon, it's not Venge because if he'd bothered to read more than one word he'd know she wasn't a demon
But he isn't vengeful, dude is just hungry.
>pos 5 trolls me hard during the laning phase
>he is in party with 3 other retards
>fuck off to jungle but fail to achieve much because I'm a drow and get no space
>they stack reports to me because apparently im griefing (despite them shit talking me the whole match)
>I get punished with a 4 hour cd despite actually playing the match.
This is reason enough to quit this game.
But when he dies he explodes so that's kind of vengeful
Reports from a party counts as one single report.
Why does league have a crisis about quitting. But Dota doesn't?
Quitting what? Quitting matches? Quitting the game?
Quitting the game, Arcane didn't even get people to stick around.
dota player count is 70% bots
League has been pozzed for a while, the balance is shit and even more stale than dota, the skin greed is at an all time peak and there's several controversies about it, and the rules are as draconian as ever.
That's league, there's no reason to bot in dota
I redownloaded it because of forsen
I can't understand this game all I do is hit creeps and enemy champions, there's no control over anything, items are boring, map static, creeps static, neutrals static, everything feels so fucking locked down and rigid I can't even explain it
>he downloaded a rootkit because of a streamer
Humanity is done for
dota playerbase are just addicts
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League had a big chunk of normies, and those are leaving. Meanwhile dota is 99% degenerates. that core audience will always remain, for both games.
Everyone hates me
Hey don't feel so bad, most people have to wonder if anyone likes them, at least you know for sure
why are you guys so meanspirited and negative
You want us all to be sucking each others' dicks? You're literally actually gay dude
you're the one who brought up sucking cock
Man, Abbadon is such a stressful fucking hero to play. I swear every win I get with this guy shaves years of my life off with how much I meticulous attention I need to save every retard on my team from some predicament with a shield or coil.
Because i am evil and unholy bastard cretin retard. If some drubk driver would hit me he would do everyone a massive favour.
Luna aghs is underrated
Reminder that Dota will NEVER recover from the addition of neutral items.
its the only thing that gives the hero reach now, too bad it gets countered by a dozen things
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Luna's ass is underrated
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It's spelt arse when Luna is involved
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arse doesn't rhyme with aghs
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Well you're either mispronouncing Aghs or ass cause they don't rhyme either
>Retard support fucks off on his own and gets jumped by 5 people
>Pings your shield as if it would do anything
as always it's extremely aids to play abaddon

>Queue turbo to do the hero progression quests that I can't bother to do on regular/ranked games
>Have to pick something that can convert illusions else it's over from minute 0 because nobody else is going to counter him
You should keep it as an ace to pull out whenever you need it not base your entire strategy around it. Without aghs luna ult is just too easy to dodge. The other game some morph was giving our team problems and all i did was wait for his bkb to end and then tear him a new pussy
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...with Luna, yes we know
AI generated
Buff stuns
Buff bkb
Bring back the real Techies
>Play Oracle
>Enemy gets away with 100 health start of the laning phase
>Teammate pings my level one E
Every fucking time, so annoying
bkb should be like the dota 1 bkb not this bullshit we have now, nothing goes through that is spell
File deleted.
What are you, a retarded
Gonna need a vid in this position but getting fucked by lycan, in wolf form
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That's the Ench one
10 polygons max
>not her wolf mount
People forget how powerful Vladimirs offering was when orb effects existed
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>Enemy 1 gets a bkb into nullifier|
>mfw he still loses because my supportbitch hero hard counters his
>See enemy carry buying Null soon
>Buy a shadow blade and get to hear them complaining in all chat
Fuck all cary babies. What was your support hero in that game?
no ones forgetting vlad vanguard every game
Wraith Pact was so good
said no one
How do we feel about Envy making 1 million a month trading
Damn me too
Only 1 million?
Doesn't every single "trader" lie about how much they make to "project" wealth or some shit?
Idk he moved to Dubai and posts his dailies 5k meal.on the local mcdonalds every day.
Guarantee he's living off someone else and trying to act like he's the one behind it, last I looked he was just throwing shit at the wall
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fixed your game dotards
Very cute and nice :)
I hate anime so much it's unreal
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Wait a minute
queen imperia taking in fledgling flightless boys, stealing away their virginities and keeping memoirs of her prey
thats sounds like something she would do actually.
Does she vore them afterwards?
strict solo queue
i hope not!
there are other ways of keeping her secrets from the populace
how many times would the lower class dismiss teenagers claiming to have lied with the queen of skywrath as just ridiculous stories
I thought he had decided to go back to school because making money on the market was too hard
They are her prey, they belong in her belly.
The low class people should be honored to be food, really.
early next year I'll buy the ram for my new pc and I'll go back to playing the game (maybe), I hope the game is still good, I'm older now and I realize you should play the game as a single player and only focus on doing your job as best you can and never interacting or paying attention to anyone in your team or the enemy team because the only constant is (You), I hope I can steel the nerves to play the game like this
Laid, not lied
im so depressed
*queues for another game*
i am in millions of dollars of debt
*queues for another game*
time to go pro again, envy
played HCSSF poe just for old times sake
died to random off screen one shot in act 6

the mechanics of the game are kinda fucking stupid and it still doesn't even have a death log to tell you what killed you
I play poe once a year too, it's fun just don't get caught up in doing challenges
You get weird dangerous shit happening like ghosts going into rares off screen

And there is way too much bullshit cluttering the screen, how can you see anything anymore

I always do that, try a game of HCSSF for a few days until I die and give it up
I used to be like that and play hcssf, it's unnecessarily painful, I just play sc now
shitcrow casual fk u
you can't call me a casual when I killed every uber boss and you died in the campaign

we're still alive baby, the zoomers haven't beaten us yet
not my fault my minions killed something off screen while i was ID'ing an item
Palworld WON
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Lina Moon
I dont believe this list because pubg is on it
Thats why didnt get a halloween event or a christmas event.
pubg peaks at more players than dota 2 every day
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>Steal rapier
>Set it to magic amp
>Enemy steals it back
>After he fails to manfight someone, I recover it
>He didn't set it back to flat damage
but we have a christmas event
>Spec on enemy team
>Perfect build, snowballs hard, kills every ult CD
>Spec on my team
>Rushes bloodthorne when the entire enemy team has either bkb or euls
Did they even fixed the cheater problem? or why the fuck would anyone be playing that garbage.
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Hey I censored it
you can euls through bloodthorne?
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>I have caused someone to read the item descriptions
what cheater problem
It dispels it, same as an orchid
I thought that you only had to buy 1 loading screen treasure to get all of them but no you have to spend like 1k of the shit to get them all LMAo
this hardly counts as an event.
damn im retarded for not knowing that, im a bkbtard so ive never bought euls
Man, why the fuck is Crusader IV and Crusader V so difficult to get out of in US East and US West? I've been stuck on a force 50% death loop for like two weeks now.
When I started, I played a bunch of bot games so I could get the basics of the UI and gameplay shit down before playing full human games. Back in the day, the co-op bot mode wasn't empty so it was a good compromise back then.

I'd still suggest you play a couple bot games so you'd understand wtf the buttons are and figure out a couple basic item builds and learn how to play a couple heroes and see how the gameplay flow goes before you go into real games if you're worried about it. It's unranked so pubs have zero reason to spaz out as much as they do over newbies so don't worry about it too much.
Just enjoy the mindless retard brooling, you're clearly not good enough to climb out and there is really no reason to
The higher your mmr goes the worse games you will get
we all know that the game is more fun in a party, what is the reason why, in 10 years, we've never formed groups and played together?
I still have some people in my friendlist I randomly added in d2g long ago, havent played with them in years but back then people did that actually
Inhouses are always without exception a mistake
I actually played with some randoms from the old /vg/ in game chat and they were all raging psychopaths now that I remember, except for one american kid who was like 14 and was good at the game, his nickname started with S
I didn't mean /vg/ inhouses, I've never played those, they were full of shitters except Justus, I meant party queueing
>5 internet randoms queue together
>And fight organized chinese 5 stack going for some retardproof combo
I want to be more social and party queue with d2gs but you guys are without a doubt, extreme spazzes bitching about every perceived mistake 24/7. Plus most of you only play ranked.
>the game is more fun when you're fighting smurfs boosting their friends or stacks stomping your uncoordinated solo team
no NIGGER im never turning off strict solo role queue
Some schizo will just run it down and everyone will be screaming at each other, that doesn't sound very fun
You still have plenty of time, I just completed Nest of Thorns and got Imperia style for an Arcana I'm never buying.
I think her ass retarded
I remember ye olden days of inhouses and how fucking shit they were.
Unplayable garbage games, if you could even call them games, where everyone is feeding, shouting, crying, tryharding and kicking you from the lobby if you played a "broken" hero.
>You still have plenty of time, I just completed Nest of Thorns and got Imperia style for an Arcana I'm never buying.
do you think I'd have time to complete all the event if I started today? I've never started because I keep telling myself I wouldn't be able to complete it in time and I kinda wanted my new pc to arrive before I played the game again so weeks went by and I haven't done the event, which is sad
just check the old d2g chat and there are still of the people who ran the inhouses playing the game
>do you think I'd have time to complete all the event if I started today?
It's over. I'm the anon he replied to, I started like Mid-Late November and spammed Turbo like crazy to catch up. Fast forward to now, I'm just starting on Act 4. You have to have a crazy win streak if you want to complete all four before it ends January 15, but I think you can complete at least 2.
We still have weekend inhouses and it's not as bad anymore. Sure the games are still shitshows where everybody's clowning around and blaming each other for losses, but the only reason to get kicked is if you're a leaver or screeching in vc so hard the host would rather have you gone than have you fill a slot. At least, that's the only time I saw people being kicked.
I posted about the math for how many games you'd need several weeks ago: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/496878615/#496976559

tl;dr - get grinding
Modern inhouses are ran by a discord clique and you're either one of them or a retard if you join any
Kill yourself nma
thats how God intended this game to be played
I'm just lonely and want to play with "friends" sometime, man. The worst thing to do in a multiplayer game is constantly playing alone forever. Some of my best memories in this game are with friends (same for other games with like-minded vg bros) and I miss that because they all quit over the years, and the other games I played are dead.

>complain about dicksword trannies
>immediately start namedropping and forming a witch hunt
Anon pls
410 games of dota assuming I have 50% WR? I maybe could do it but it would burn me out forever
nevermind, it's only 17 days until the event ends, it's not even possible to play 410 games of dota until then
no life it
Yeah, burnout sucks. But see if there's an unlock you REALLY don't want to miss out on and just work on that. You can play any act in any other order anytime so you got that going for you.
my favorite hero was naga siren, when you could build a radiance on her
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Three facts about hoodwink
1. Her tail is fluffier than Enchantress
2. She has beans
3. Hoodwink!
What's stopping you now?
>give carry free farm
>they build the wrong items
>other carry sits on their highground for 20 minutes with no space
>builds the right items
>nothing i did matters
cool game
>he's not the carry
that's right slut you dont matter
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>le u cannot win without upgrades game mode
hate this fucking dogshit game so much.
please please do not spend money on this game.
>Dota plus is completely forgotten
>sets are all mostly 2 dollars at each on dotagiftx, even rare ones.
nobody cares about how your character looks.
I've secured megas and my team still lost three different times this week. I'm at a loss, I don't know what to do to just win games. I'm the best player in every lobby and I feel like no matter what I do my teammates will undo all of my work because they want to play team slayer. This last game an am was splitting us and we were securing megas, we went into a teamfight 5v4 with an aegis, and we got teamwiped and secured no kills. There wasn't a sick combo or anything. My teammates legit just sit in timbersaw damage and die having put no spells on any heroes that aren't literally fucking bloodstoned. I'm at my wits end.
remember chaos knight?
Still a fun hero to play.
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wife material
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Good on PA for immediately jumping on that.
holy moly
Grabbing Lina's butt for warmth in the winter!
>guy I've done trading in TF2 with asked if I want the WR arcana for 25 keys
No way that's not a scam, right? It's way too cheap.
He's White (not slav) by the way.
It's not tradeable yet so you'd have to trust him to gift it
When are they fixing Invoker
they already fixed him by making him a shota
Lina and Rylai are not blood siblings. Rylai Moon was adopted and raised as Lina Crestfall's sister.
Not canon because fake incest doesn't make me hard
what is the problem here?
>It's not tradeable yet
I don't think it will ever be tradeable
these loading screen rewards for frostivus were extremely low effort
a rare miss for valve
It will be in July next year, it's the only one in the chest that is tradeable from what I can tell
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>rare miss
Clock offlane kinda works if you build evasion items. This is so retarded kek, divine mmr btw
butterfly rush clock goes hard
that's why you play a support that can scale lategame like muerta, willow, AA
and you play like an actual support when your cores aren't retarded
but when the game has hit the 40 minute mark and your carry is building dumb shit you break out the Willow Aghs
>get up
>clean room
>bake bread
>make tea
>make food
>change bed sheets
I got to give it to normalgroids its 2 pm and i havent even munched yet, by the time im booting the dotes it will probably be around 4 pm and i still have the kez and drogenus paths to finish....
Redpill me
How do you kill something you can't hit?
With spells
spell evasion coming next patch don't tell anyone
Lone Druid Bear Necessities 3 Butterfly
magic damage
35% evasion vs 25% evasion
one gives 5.8 armor and the other slow resist, regen amp and 20 str along with an active
why butterfly?
Lone druid is the ultimate test for how stupid or smart your team really is
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Invoker meta build?
Marci is a retard? Now i understand the ultimate
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>Pick Spirit Breaker, max bulldoze
>Enemy rushes a scythe just to use it on me
>It does almost nothing
Not sure what his game plan was
he heard that euls counters SB and built hex because hex is obviously better than euls
What counters sb?
as with most ganking heroes, superior vision
Why did they remove his aoe ult?
euls dispels bulldoze and charge
so then you can just stun him and kill him
that was done nearly 5 years ago
it was garbage
>What counters his burst
Getting STR items, keeping treads to STR, instant stuns/roots as to stop his charge
>What counters him
TPing when you see him on someone else, dispels to remove bulldoze; also things such as bloodseeker's rupture but you'd be playing bullseeker, otherwise mars arena
>What counters the player
Famines, disease, the things that claim third world children.
rupture sucks vs sb, he buys blademail uses bulldoze them kills the bloodseeker
a brain
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What are you guys using your last $7.99 discount on?

Through the power of friendship, Frostivus crafting, and minigame tokens, anything is possible
Euls. Never let him get the first hit
what if he builds linken
Nah linkin is too $$$
much more likely he builds shadow blade and then you are forced to constant play in truesight
what is he doing playing sb 1
Is being raised by a single mom or dad worse? In terms of Dota2 of course
If he goes invis mid-charge, you can react to disable him in a warded area. If you're losing the vision game, you're losing the game no matter what anyway since it means you have two players on your team that might as well be AFK.
I'll die for that creepwave. Just how it is man...
Tardoblade suuuuux
illusion heroes in general are pretty ass these days
meta heroes do too much damage
they're not wholesome for supports to deal with so it's a no-no concept
same with zoo
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I legitimately flip my shit when i see some pos1 retard alone on lane and the creeps hit the tower and he withdraws to farm a camp in the jungle. Hello you cretin scatbrain hit the godamn tower you retard it falls quickly and you open the map and get all kinds of advantages you absolute mongrel kys never play again murder your family and kys.
zoo is strong tho
both bm and enigma are balling out right now
>love dota
>get a job
>no time to play
bros withdrawal is real, i feel anxious and i think I'm self sabotaging my career
When your on youre dethbed and think of your regrets in life is what you didnt play dota with us your real friends but decided to slave for jews and get 10% of the value you created for them.
Engoy slave
killing a t1 tower alone as hc is a sure fire way to die unless your team is running around as 4 drawing all their attention
Gotta let the creeps deal chip damage to the FREE tower
99% of the time, someone in another lane is getting a train run on them by 4 enemies while his allies are not pushing or euthanizing by using the side jungles with a midas/mom/battlefury queued.
>99% of the time
99% of the time the hc's team mates arent showing on map or doing anything productive as the wave pushes in
so when the hc attempts to solo the tower he gets tp'd on by 3 heroes and dies
then his team mates ping his death timer
Pos1 is not for bitchmade pussies
when does the frostivus candy stuff end? do i have time to get the courier?
>And so, as the year winds to a close, we find ourselves filled once again to the absolute brim with the spirit of Frostivus. And that means a sackful of festive gifts for everyone for the duration of the Frostivus event, from now until January 15th.
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Same as Crownfall end, the sale is only until the 3rd though
>guy who marked support picks fucking brewmaster during 2nd phase
>trying not to be negative right at the start, maybe he knows what he's doing
>check his brewmaster stats
>see this

I don't even know why I expected anything different.
will they remove the frostivus chest?
Probably as it is gotten through the Crownfall store, it probably says ingame but I can't be bothered to check
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I finally got Amaterasu but I have only 5 candy left and they're not the correct ones
>anime sameface slop
Miss me with that shit
Well it'll probably be in the Candy Caravan for the next event if you don't want to buy another pack, I guess you could also hope the candy trades work out
Any good strats for finishing the act 4 final minigame?
>cute anime fanart
I need more of this in my life.
WR's face looks too young though. My only complaint.
Go back
AFK farm the first level for >3k gold per run
>anti-anime posting
Go back
why would you want the reddit courier?
Dota2 is a western game for western people
no wonder its dead.
The West is thriving because America is still the greatest nation on Earth.
Anime was always part of Dota you retard. Next thing you know, you're going to say Lina wasn't a ripoff of Lina Inverse back in Dota 1.
>western artists draw Hoodwink butthole
>eastern artists draw big Maiden titties
Yeah I know what I'm picking
Western artists win again
where is sorapoi from so I can properly write my next post
my frends, i used to be like 3k mmr in 2015, now im lower than 1k. What should i learn and how i should improve? are there any new core elements i need to focus on?
He's a SEAmonkey
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SEA I think but I have no idea where I got that from so I could be completely wrong
He's probably in a call with a communist horse fucking pedophile taking his latest commission.
>i used to be like 3k mmr in 2015, now im lower than 1k. What should i learn and how i should improve?
Don't bother. Recalibrate while playing Zeus and farm kda/hero damage.
Let forced 50 do the rest
Learn how to play pos 1 or 2, so many shitters in those roles.
down syndrome face
play anticore heroes like necro and aa
that's even worse than I imagined
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Give her a break she only has 18 Int
thats what it takes to get high mmr in recalibration?
No, they removed that several years ago.
Probably, worked in 2016 across two smurfs I had but like a retard I ignored it (I calibrated as a support at 900, currently 3k - if you also calibrated as a support or had awful performance then it's over).
I am not testing it on a smurf because some retard depleted my VPN credit and I just know campo santo's niggers are going to ban me.
how do you know
why is /ourguy/ Forsen playing league and not Dota?
Close enough
what should i focus on exactly? I have a good creep score, i know how to farm under pressure, but I have a lot of deaths, and i often get caught out of positions.
It seems I cant maintain the advantage i have and I cant abuse it?
Die less, keep better track of enemy movement, buy better items, get better farming patterns
If you see how he plays these games you'd understand why he opts for the one that requires less thinking lol
>my favorite heroes are all dumpstered now
what do I do
For me its snelfred the snail cluckux the racist and the siren couriers
He is a pinoy, like 90% of coom artists on twitter.
Happened to me 5y ago and i only grief and euthanize ever since
Which ones?
He managed to get high rank in Dota when he played it. he keeps getting de-ranked to Iron, the absolute lowest rank possible in LoL.
>He managed to get high rank in Dota when he played it
Tab back in Forsen, you're missing the team fight
Bs, lone druid, jugger
why this thread has stopped posting lanaya and kept posting other gay girls
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Blame the spammer, at least we lost the other one
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I'll stop posting other girls :(
i love gay girls though
all part of the plan
Lina is superstraight though
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Your honest reaction?
tab out
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My mid's an ukranian twitch streamer that keeps disconnecting over his VERY HIGH PING of 110
I am watching him sperg out on stream
I believe these subhumans should be drafted and shot
I'm still working on Act 4. For those who finished it, is there a token sink like the Temple of Scree'auk or Library of Gorod in Act 4? Or can I just churn my tokens for maximum speed?
Vampire survivors
stinky smelly dotard dick :3
christmas events hands you a couple coins
fastest way is having friends who give you tokens each day.
>10 losses in a row
how do i solve the packet loss issue? i always have around 15-25 these last couple of weeks
It's probably on your end and not the game itself
>an Ukrainian
>become an ukrainian
is pronounce ookrain
He is still saying it
>Having your brain processing how "an Ukrainian" sounds
Sorry, would be too much brainpower for me to waste on literal cannon fodder.
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look at this game and tell me forced 50% isn't real. its so obvious, my team did nothing for 70mins and the sole reason it was 70mins because of me.
I'm getting mixed messages here.
If you're saying I need tokens to buy upgrades in that minigame I haven't unlocked yet, that counts so okay, guess I'll stick to using only scrap first.

>having friends
seems like a close game, forced 50 is not real
>everyone says the game has forced 50

yes, you can only trick the system by playing much better than your bracket abusing mid cheese heroes or the system is faulty and someone throws even though the system thinks the enemy should win with better players.
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>close game
Grubby (our Messiah) already debunked forced 50
I did everything i could so its likely not on my end.
this is false, look at my last game.
Forced 50 exists to give shitters free wins, when they get fair matches they lose and blame forced 50.
You have 18 deaths, you are the forced 50 in that game
dota was better with grubby
A hop skip and a grub
>pick axe
>kill slark all the time and others

nooo,. you have 18 deaths when everyone focuses on you when you blink q.
So Grubby, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.
Heralds 9:28
>high rank
wasn't he like guardian
he started at herald and got to immortal all on stream

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