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Christmas is over you can now bully the rats again.

Vod of the latest CEOtaku: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2333288676?t=5h28m21s


>Older Tournament VODS:
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby
To join, turn Crossplay off in System settings so that you're able to join Platform lobbies.
Then you can join the (un)Official /gbvsg/ PC lobby at Japan Platform Lobby 1. Image version of joining instructions @ https://i.imgur.com/bCHqtDL.png
Playstation players cannot join the lobby, use the room if needed instead.
>(un)Official /gbvsg/ Rooms
Usually has "gbvsg" as password (check thread). f2players cannot join so ask people to join the lobby instead.
>Yool and rat guide (you already watched this)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XFz-5ACtR3I [Embed]
https://youtu.be/YtXNwdzjK84 [Embed]
Sandalphon in early 2025, gameplay trailer at Cygames Cup (January 18th & 19th)
https://youtu.be/4GqEX6Eqr34?si=-4nOGreyrSkgycYo [Embed]
>this week's F2P rotation
Gran, Charlotta, Katalina, Vaseraga
>Patch Notes (1.62)
>Steam page
>Twitter hashtags
>Match replays
>Graphic Enhancements for PC
>Enable sound while the game runs in the background
>Remove Figure Mode censorship/black void

Last bread: >>507577905
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nyo... the christmas threads were so comfy...
It's over.
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have a mermaid kat
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last thread's word cloud
I hate Narmaya
This is another win for Wam
Same. I am Narmaya’s biggest hater (in rising)
>game hit opponent
That's pretty much what it's about, yes.
>onepiece is not only a trading card game but a very popular one
Thats cool. Thanks for the rundown anon. I like the idea of these games but actually playing them leads me to believe they just aren't for me. Feel like I dodged a bullet a long time ago when my friends got really invested into magic.
>active game
we won
Where can I find the female Harvin only village?
ill be right there vasbro
The game balance is in a good spot and there are no characters that need major nerfs in season 2.
Nier was the only true problem, and she was corrected.
I ALSO PLAY BELIAL, FORGOT TO MENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Unironically true. It would be nice to see the top tier nerfs but it could be so much worse
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fat and dumb
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The game is sort of balanced (as in, there is no auto-lose matchup), but that's also because universal mechanics are very strong. Anyone can get good damages midscreen thanks to RS>RC, viable defense thanks to BC, and good combo starter thanks to 66L>c.MXX.
god this chat is so fucking trash might as well type here
next, after you block one stomp, i want you to regular grab me
i can do a follow up to counter that, but if you read that i will keep stomping BLOCK ONE STOMP adn THEN regular grab me
lets try it
why is eustace like this
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>f.Ms your shitty bait in 7frames
doggy points...
There is an intro where Eustace says Beatrix survived being shot by Flamek
Now, why was he shooting her in the first place...
Bea, actually
okay, good, next i want you to use H command grab more in your pressure
the one that glows a yellow gold color and goes really far
try doing it to me when you get me blocking a light or a medium attack up close
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this is a pretty color
Someone oosted a power kevel thing about Beatrix that mentioned that. Apparently it was to charge Embrasque since it distorts causality to protect its owner and becomes stronger when it does so or something like that. I don't remember in which event they did that, though.
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It's her "i killed people, what's wrong with that?" color
She then, proceeded to kill that boyfriend for telling her that killing is bad.
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There's still 11 days of Christmas left
Okay, thank you.
Im ready in 2 minutes, sorry.
boyfriends just dont understand
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pretty good queue afk sesh
yeah np, im still here
you're right, i was being a cunt for no reason. to which i apologize.
pedos deserve the rope
thanks anon
is bruise popping?
ok, next i want you to STOP using 2 hit autocombo since it is always minus and mash able
use h command grab from singular blocked hits of light buttons
Are you doing this on the nip servers at least?
is the training going well?
you can use the three hit auto combo but dont stop at 2 hits is what im saying
Ill try, its hard to beat this habbit.
good, you did it one time there
just keep practicing these things i told you
you'll get it down eventually anon. you can always spend a few minutes in training (you can even do it while waiting for matchmaking) to try and get things down in muscle memory.
wait... i recognize that one on the right...
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do you think all 300+ characters will be playable in gbvsr someday?
why would i do it there? nobody is dumb enough to play this game in japan
i cant wait for gbvsr 10
Yes but only if you buy the announcer packs
i don't think we will even get another 4 characters
The playercount peaks every day at Japanese primetime hours
assuming there are 2000 granblue characters and we get 6 characters per year, it would take us 333 years
that's assuming they never release another character
The only way for Cygames to fix the AFK shit is if it's enough of an issue for nip players to complain about it
why would i want them to fix it? the sooner rising dies the better
you are responding to decider.
he just wants attention. he plays rising every day despite "hating it"
Stop engaging with obvious bait
he's been at it for a year
ok, next is recovery
remember to recover every time you are blown away by non ultimate and super moves and raging chain
>When knocked down, press 4, 1, 2 or 3 with L/M/H/U right before you touch the ground to make your character quickly recovery on their feet. 3 and 2 will have you recovery in place, while 1 and 4 will have you shift back before recovering.
It is very important since if you dont recover you will just give your opponent more frame advantage to do their set up

Niiafication conversion engaged
Target: New Vas anon
he lives rent free in your head doesn't he
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okay you got a hang of it at the end there!
every time im t-bagging means you did the thing correctly btw lol
holy autism
I thought the game does it automatically and i could ignore that from the Tutorial, whoops.
imagine trying to balance 300 characters...
leave him alone
only the air recovery! the ground one you have to do yourself
at that point it doesn't even matter
by the time you played half the cast you've forgotten how the other half plays
I’m nostalgic for the days of Zippy eel hat Niia…
And somehow Belial will still end up being top 5
dont forget about recovery my friend
from the fireballs for example
nier could use another silly hat... bp when?
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see you later bro, good luck
Thank you a lot for the games and the help, i appreciate it a lot, see you.
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me on the left, super serious master rank lobby anon on the right
glad to help
we're all gonna make it
me on the right but I’m bad
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how come nier doesn't go mad by the fact that she's constantly surrounded by girls that are hotter than her and that Gran likes more than her?
I can maybe get some replays of my Ranked matches a bit later, kinda wish i could stream them.
Sloppy slop
You will not groom New Vas anon
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You think you can stop them?
That's fine. I can check them out later if you want and give some advice.
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whats she stealing
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I know i can stop you
>6666 matches played
what did I learn from Granblue Fantasy Versus... Rising?
*violently sharts my underwear*
thats what i learned
Anti airing narmaya isn't worth it
blueslop or be blueslopped
That Lancelot is the secret most fraudulent character in the game.
That fighting a good Eustace is really tiring
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Wish me luck.
oh nyo
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please god send europeans to fight this man.
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Play from a lobby so we can stal- cheer you on.
that's uno/eustace though
Thats a thing?
I was fighting the blonde guy but he was using a fish as a weapon haha. Almost got a 1-1 but panicked.
the green cabs
das gawdlike
That guy is overpowered, don't worry, you did good.
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is Narmaya's H flip plus on block?
Personally, I wouldn't bother coming to the lobby if you're going to play ranked since you have to turn off crossplay so you're really limiting the number of people that you can play with.
dead game
The lobby with crossplay on, not off.
Oh, i didnt think of that, ill leave.
I went into the EU one.
does crossplay not work from the normal lobby?
It does, but I assume that you turned it off since you're in the Japanese lobby.
Remember to turn it back on once you're done or you'll feel dumb like me since I never remember to and it takes me a while to figure out why I keep getting matched with the same people over and over
I'm a fucking retard and meant does it actually disable cross platform, I thought it respected your settings?
>I thought it respected your settings?
It does. There are separate lobbies for people who turn crossplay on and people who turn it off.
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was someone trying to summon me earlier?
i can hang out in the lobby for a bit
I've only just realized there is two different settings for crossplay.
When you use a green cab in any lobby it has a specific selection for whether you want crossplay on ranked/casual and that is a seperate setting from the lobby menu.
I recognize that sheep.
>sale didnt bump our numbers at all
its over
Just some schizo retard don’t worry about it
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My first Perfect ever.
>gbvs has a sale
>increases playerbase by thousands, holds them for weeks

>rising has a sale
>no increase at all
>loses players

really gets the ol noggin joggin
this post makes me happy
Based, fuck 2B players
I think i fought the same 2B 4 times with a score 3-1 by now.
training paying off?
Which sale are you talking about?
Besides two months in summer 2023, the game had fewer players than Rising for its entire lifespan.
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Low ranks are pretty dead. When you get to S rank there will be more people.
is that when they sold the game for 2 dollars
Doesn't matter if nobody wants to touch your sharted underwear even when it's 50% off
I'll take that as a yes
I love my shart
Why does he talk about poo so much
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Nobody would touch rising even if it were free
nah, not entering that
Almost forgot to post rat today.
Hope your last few days were better than mine.
Yes, i have been using a lot more of that Yellow glow grab move, it actually does very big damage on its own.
I still forget to Recover sometimes but im getting to use it more.
I also use the buff a lot more especially when im not close and it seems safe to use.
Why is 2B using some rope from other side of the screen?
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I did it bros. Finally beat him on this map.
Tell her your desire for season 2 anon
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Why did this “master” level Bea drop two combos in the first round? I thought her combos were easy?
i think they should add yuel again
She’s either as good as she was before or slightly better.
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Timer post!
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That'd be because Bea auto floats you to master, even retards that drop basic combos can get there with her
Yeah speaks volume how you can be at master ranks and drop your basic bitch combos with Bea
When the one guy that jumps around and has claws or something uses the afterimage Skybound Art my game swaps to 10 fps or something, how do i fix that?
even the """pros""" drop basic combos in this game, it's just the nature of dead sloppers
You could've just summarized with basic bitch Bea
God I fucking love Bea
jutsu GAWD
Nigga really thinks pros dropping basic combos is a dead slopper thing
Is your pc too weak? You could try downloading the potato mod. I noticed the rollback frames in our match were occasionally spiking up to 6 too. Try toning down the graphics first.
in a game with combos as easy as rising? it is, yeah.
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>it's easy and yet he drop combos
This is why mom players are cuckolds.
do you need some assistance, schizofriend?
>My beautiful and kind mid tier mom literally out of nowhere
they conveniently ignore the game went on sale for 2 dollars and people hoped the sequel would get a discount for previous ownership
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nobody thought that was going to be the case
and even if they did, that wouldn't translate those people into players.
>mid tier mom
let's not downplay TOO hard here
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ggs rat anon
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>uses *insert any retarded Versusia's normal here, they're all infinitely safe on block and hit you from across the screen*
>gets full corner carry combo for 50% health
Shut the fuck UP. I will DESTROY your MOM.
Stop pissing on the cabs Niia.
you can just jab her out of any of her normals on reaction
stop being bad
Piss in my mouth Niia

Vaseraga's shit? Reactable!
Charlotta's shit? Reactable!
I dont think its that bad, only happens with this one thing, or so i think at least.
unironically yes to all of this
Rising flopped for a variety of reasons but IMO it was because it does nothing particularly remarkable overall besides graphical+stylistic presentation in which it ironically happens to be one of the best looking games ever made
Great to see you're sticking with it, newfriend. Keep it up!
If I want a kuso I just go play strive
if I want street fighter but bad i go play street fighter 6
why would I ever play rising
OG would have had its own niche if they put rollback in, but they had to go full retard.
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Do onions pee?
>posts niia
>doesnt play niia
you dont get an opinion
you are literally an image-slut
not even a real niiaposter
set your steam profile to private
i volunteer to find out
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There are Niia posters...that don't play Niia...? sob sob Desu why would they do that...
>diaphone would rather play roblox tekken than gbvsr
t. tranny that doesn't post anything
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my niia is level 58... i play her...
Oh my days that's actually mortifying
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and you'll make it to 100 today, right?
touched a nerve eh, heheh
>not a joke
>roblox tekken has a frame meter built in
its over
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This is what i mean, especially near the end where i just try to block.
umm why does roblox tekken look genuinely better than rising
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>rising is a shit game that requires no ski-
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and then level 999 the next day!
Go into your profile privacy settings and set your steam profile to private
Was this with just this guy? Possible the match was going to shit because he was on toaster which is what it looks like to me, you can go in training mode and set Seox in his install and just do random shit with him to test if it's really on your end.
maybe i will learn 1(one) singular niia combo... for my huge big grind.
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newfags can't cog jump
delete this.
Can i ask why? Thank you.
Only seems to happen with that wierd thing he does, on any player really. Ill try in practice mode, thank you.
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roblox... won....
it's nothing too important, they can get your steam profile id from your in-game id
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I want a webm of that right now. Don't FUCK with me
let me ask, are you sure your fps is dropping? or is just his visuals misleading you? I'm phoneposting so that could be the reason but it doesn't look laggy to me
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Best just check it out in training mode anon, you'll get a clear "yes/no" answer about wether or not you need to worry about something.
Though I'll admit that if it IS on your end then I dunno what to tell you, this shouldn't be happening at all if your PC can properly support the game.
I'll ask just in case: did you try to do the ghetto .ini file fix to amp up the game graphic? If you did, get it off, the little graphic boost isn't worth the taiwainese hooker cum guzzling-tier of perf eating
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If i get my Niia to lvl 100 then will i get free blowjobs by Niia posters?
NTA but 0:11 looked really fucky to me.
of me... learning a combo??
oh no you're right. it gets really laggy towards the end. wtf
Huh, it seems it doesnt drop but when i look at my character when its blocking its having that wierd think like its fps fell to 10 or 15.
I did that .ini thing yes, but never saw any issues while having it on. I removed it and that thing with Seox afterimage thing seems to still be there in training.
Guess maybe thats just intended, thank you.
I have a similar problem
nothing in this game lags me
however, for some ungodly reason, Vaseraga's super initial animation absolutely rapes my frame rate
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His install (the afterimage super) just make his framedata better and turn him into a visual clusterfuck but it shouldn't look that way.
Summin' ain't rite fren
For example, if you just focus on the "flames" in the background, they dont seem to lag at all, pretty wierd haha.
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Nio for season 2
Let's do it this way
turn on Steam's fps counter
go into training mode
record the dummy to do what he did to you
Ill try to swap my graphics around and the .ini thing again and see how it looks.
Is that "install" a character specific thing?
why did you make your niia a slut with short skirt
Yes it's unique to him, but since you have that very specific issue with him fuck's know what else you could get, I get laggy ass Seox often but it's just laggy ass Seox, not Seox clipping like a CS russian players from the early 2000.
I don't play Seox but if you're EU I don't mind to launch the game and go play some with you on him, since I don't know shit about him I'll just do random BS like that player did.
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is this the most legendary FG clip in history after EVO moment 37?
if you think it isn't, FT10 in the lobby, EU charlotta. also FT10 in the lobby if you think it is, NYOW
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I'll FT10 you if you want, friendo
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I'll be waiting...
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golly, what an honor for red Charlotta to like that clip
Can I spectate?
Are all shartlotta players here always this annoying.
Hopping online now, and sure
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millions were inspired by it and this
Ok, I'm cyoming to spectate then. Don't start without me.
not sure who my opponent will be but charlotta is like on the complete opposite side of the spectrum compared to vaseraga... not sure if you'll learn anything, maybe how to fraud people
ummmm yuelsisters? our downplaying narrative?
>Counter is a steady 60
>Still look weird as fuck
Did they do something about Seox instal? I really don't remember it looking or doing that kind of funky shit.
Regardless the numbers don't lie anon, you're not dropping.
I just want to watch a set. It's not that serious.
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Damn, Yool is about to be nerfed in the next balance patch...
i wish you could send comments when you spectate like in xrd
That angle and point of collision for a right underhander lowball is almost assuredly a foul
i wish i could lick ram's soles like in xrd
i love how satyr is always molesting medusa in fan art
god, why did their group have to be ruined by two males
i'm a dollfucker
>fatal error
this fox sounds so dumb
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>EU lobby is popping
>everybody is just standing around some cabinet
it's some gay ass streamer, isn't it?
wooo show us your panties ruria
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Yes, it's me, sorry for being such a pussy magnet
I have barely 17 MBps on download and like not even 1 on upload
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I think that was 3-10, if I didn't miscount.
GGs as always, bro. Was hoping to make it a little more close, but ah well, can't win 'em all.
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whats up today and fatal errors
Avatar Belial nude mod
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>have to wait until the Kat-player's hands get tired so I can play the game
this shit needs it's own cooldown timer
Finally made it to S++1.
I am dreading promos. My longest winstreak in S++ is like 5 games so I know it's theoretically possible to do, but it requires crazy luck because it's a complete 50/50 whether you get someone who just came up from S+ or a GM on their secondary.
are you cog anon?
>play with coombrained retards from the thread
>wow why do i keep getting errors associated with nude mods
>or a GM on their secondary
use the block list.
Everyone here basically promo levels up to Master off of some S+1. You'll get it
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I did start blocking people who already have master on another character but they’re the majority of the queue lol, I run into new ones every day
Yeah occasionally I get matched with someone who appears drunk and doesn’t seem to know what game they booted up on steam so I’m praying for good luck
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It's rough, yeah, and the way it works is super stupid. It's every bit as annoying the Celestial challenge in Strive.
Still, you got this, man. Ganbatte!
As expected from her
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I think celestial challenge is overall less stressful, because once you get to a certain skill level with your character, stomping some floor 10s to get the challenge back is easy. Win or lose, it’s over fast either way and then you can try again.
But in Rising getting a bad streak of luck and losing many hours of progress is terrifying.
>my waifu the rat
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He can have his meme spammy normal, by itself it isn't a problem because it's not plus or some other gay shit like Belial and his entire moveset. The problem is that he can just do it brainlessly into his safe on block dash hit-grab and if it just so happens to land he gets himself much closer to dnf duel one-touch meme damage, then he becomes a brainless unga bunga faggot. If all the buff did was give him a bit more damage and changed his attack properties so he can combo better then sure, ok. But the fact that it gives him what feels like a fucking 80% damage boost AND he gets to juggle you full anime style is just fucking bullshit. He isn't a mega top tier but he can certainly kill mega top tiers because post-buff he can carry that much, he shits out EVEN MORE damage than pre-nerf Beatrix, somehow they thought that was appropriate.

So he's like reverse-Belial where his moveset is sort of meh instead of being composed entirely of plus moves and free shit, but he shits out the damage of 3 Belials combined in power just by holding down back and landing his gay sword moves after doing the basic auto combo so what he doesn't have as a top tier he makes up for in the best damage output in the entire game. Plus he has access to the universal homosexual mechanics such as 66L mash spam too on top of that, not like he's locked out of it just because he has a unique mechanic. When I fight a luci player I HAVE to be careful even if the player is clearly worse because his damage output carries him that hard to the point bad players can just meme you in a fraction of a second.
>Wall Brawl is canceled due to holidays
Genuine question but don’t you guys get tired of watching fighting game tournaments?
how do you stay on place when getting knocked down
Been watching since Evo 2012. Not bored yet, no end in sight.
Plenty of people watch football or soccer their whole lives. I just love these games, it never gets old and I doubt that’ll ever change.
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spectating lotta is always worth it
Push a button as you land, dont hold any direction.
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I was just trying to bait a DP. I can't believe that failed successfully.
And soccer is garbage
t. Italian
Yes you have some matches were both teams are insane and there's no stop plays but 95% of the matches that people watch are chores
Compare that to tennis or volleyball where everything is a cool action that ends in a score
Also it's in general very unsportmanship-like and everyone involved in it acts like a manchild
Damn that’s a crazy long time
That's a nice loop
>Also it's in general very unsportmanship-like and everyone involved in it acts like a manchild
Holy shit this so much
I don't know what it is, maybe I'm autistic but I JUST DON'T GET why these people turn into MONKEYS the second they start chasing a fucking ball
t. Brazilian, you don't know the half of it
I’m stuck in S+1 and S++5 hell somebody help me
who do you play
I know that bouncing back and forth is just a sign that I’m at the rank I’m supposed to be at but I just felt like complaining a little
Who do you play?
The biggest things that started to help me climb in S++ were making use of all my options in neutral and trying to use safer options (this will be character specific), refining my corner pressure (spacing myself out and waiting instead of just constantly attacking), delay 66L/delay buttons in general in oki and pressure to catch delay mash, and implementing safejabs on oki
Post replay unless youre the anon that joins the lobby, you gotta play more aggressive mang.
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Tech your throws
Cag is unique enough that it’s probably best to get advice from a Cag player, but going with the themes I mentioned in >>507737007 make sure you’re abusing her fH in neutral and corner pressure whenever you can, it’s a god button. You want to space yourself out as much as possible and use it to stuff approaches/corner escapes. I find that low S++’s are often lacking in this kind of intentional play in neutral, but if you post a replay maybe we can be more specific.
(Also yeah if you’re the lobby Cag you’re too passive in general. Don’t become a gambler, but you do have to go on the offensive sometimes)
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>game crashed immediately after you called last
Incredible timing.
GGs Nierbro, thanks for the games. I've not played against her much, if at all, since the patch, so that was a very new experience for me.
Yeah safety is an issue… I think I alternate between taking too many big risks or no risk at all…
I think I do need to work on refining my corner pressure and delays actually… I start to autopilot pressure after a certain point and probably lose out on offensive opportunities… I have trouble with catching delay mash in particular. Feels like I always delay my pressure too much and get caught by delay mash, and then I revert back to leaving gaps too small to catch mashes
>implementing safejabs on oki
I still don’t know how to do this. Is there a way to consistently get it or do I just need to practice it?
I do play in the lobby. I play like an ape when I go on ranked.
I think I’m too focused on the win so I keep trying to gamble or cheese the opponent and I get mad when I can adjust to their play style in time…
I either never tech or panic DP at the worst time…
I’ll post some replays later today or tomorrow
>I get mad when I can adjust to their play style in time…
When I can’t* adapt
I’m too slow to adapt
Go into training mode and set the dummy to randomly DP or mash jab on wakeup. Then knock them down with 2U or something and as they’re waking up, jab and then press downback. The same timing will let you block if it’s a DP or counterhit if they mash. Ideally you want to confirm the counterhit into a combo.
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Yes lots of Anons have yet to fight Niia since she is non existent in queues
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Will I be ostracized if I play 2B in the lobby?
I definitely won't play you lol
I definitely will jutsu you lol
If by "ostracized", you mean "people will complain about my character", then yeah, absolutely, but that will happen regardless of who you play.
I will learn how to jutsu for you
stop it or that schizo is gonna come yell at the ghosts again
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don't think so
i'd take the MU exp in a non-stressful setting, might make playing against her in ranked more bearable
Thanks. Does it only work with c.L or does meaty 2L work too
Is the lobby welcoming to south americans?
>t. SA who usually gets 100~150ms matches in NA
very nice 2b
you should definitely post more 2b
When in doubt just ask, I'm yuro and I had plenty of borgïrs playing with me.
NAcels kneel to SVPERIOR SAchads
yes it is
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The lobby will just have passive aggressive comments which is worse in my opinion
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Where da balls at
Yeah, I play with another SA anon and we get 250 ms I dont really care.
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Never trust a Charlotta
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>another Vira-main
>another 2B-main
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thank you
Merp is getting fwip'd in his masters promos...
he shoulda just labbed it
hey bro I'm the other cag. Your main weaknesses like the other guys are saying is that you're too respectful and passive, but more importantly is that you get a lot of good hits but don't convert them properly into big damage, or you DO do a good combo but then your oki afterward is middling. Just sort those out and you'll get master EZ
alright how do you crack the free edition
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Trust the season 2 plan
if the nier-futa gets in, the game will truly die. futa-fags don't play fighting games.
I never played this game, DOES she have balls or is this another Satyr-tier meme?
>he doesn't know it's Viraschizo
actual hermaphrodite
Merp was denied promos again...
I thought Percival was supposed to be a high tier character?
After her nerfs bea now does less damage than sloplina and gran (whose damage was always on the upper end of the cast anyway) off most hitconfirms
it's just the collective ptsd that derails any bea discussion whenever it crops up
well, according to your headcanon he dropped her for Kat
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The true savior of season 2, trust za plan
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Viraschizo did drop her for Kat but being a schizo Vira always lives rentfree in his head
Fincuck hates Vira, which is why the name Viraschizo makes him seethe so much
He would much rather be called Katschizo, but that ship has sailed
He will forever be known as Viraschizo in gbvsg
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GGs Wariobro, sorry I suck. I hope your cat will be well.
By the way, I named the kitten "Orion" but I uncounciously call him "Onion"
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are you the guy that complains about lumi in neutral being OP?
The 3 Stooges
why does ferry look sad
she lost
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GGs, friend. You play much better than your rank leads to believe, so don't worry about it one bit.
>I hope your cat will be well.
Yes, thank you. Orion is a nice name, sounds very heroic. Mine's name is Knight with the pronounced K. We named him that way because he is mostly black but with a white chest, like in a black suit, so he looks very fancy and prideful, like a Knight. Good night and let's play a longer session some other time!
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I prefer this
>be A rank shitter with less than 150 matches
>can't find any ranked matches at this hour as an eurofag, and the only non-EU guy I can find has like 300ms
>try casual to see if that queue is active
>make sure it's set to same skill level
>keep getting paired with 10k match monsters that wreck my anus
I guess they're the alt characters of S+/S++ players? Yeah, don't think I'll ever make it there unless I improve a lot.
so bea dropped two places in terms of damage output in a cast of 34 characters? who cares?
luci needs an axe to his leg
jyoin the wobby
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My cat is named White because he is entirely white
He also has homophobia in his eyes
That's one of the unfortunate drawbacks of this genre. As time goes on, less and less players will stick with the game, meaning the playerbase will consist mostly of veteran players. It's tough to get into for a new player, which just makes the issue even worse.
Best of luck finding games, friend.
i dropped ranked altogether and just join the lobby nowadays. you learn more playing long sets and actually get to play against other characters than bea, 2B and faa.
There just aren’t that many true beginners playing these days.
Go to the open lobby and look for blue/green squares, that’s your best bet.
I'm at 400 matches now in A rank, NA not EU unfortunately. When I run into someone like that I go review the replay for a couple minutes before queuing back into them. It helps to check out what skills they used in pressure and see if they are minus on block or have long startup.
I am defeated, buck broken even
Thanks, I'll ignore casual and stick to lobbies whenever EU ranked is dead. I have decent internet, so I'll also try setting my region to NA just to see what kind of pings I get.
Yeah, I've noticed experienced players are far better at applying/dealing with pressure. It's the main thing I have to work on at the moment.
Rent free
I'll take that as a yes
>It's all one person
So how do you think viraschizo glt this way? Was it a failure of parenting, did he get anal raped when he was younger or was it something else
Here's everything we know about Viraschizo up til this point
>Is a (S)hitter, has never gotten a single character to masters ever
>Is a Vanilla cuck
>Started with Vira, now plays Kat which explains his melties toward Vira
>Used to be a soiver before immigrating from ggg to gbvsg because he wasn't getting attention there
>Samefags often
>Falseflags often
>Terminally online
>And yes, issa finnish cuck
lobby status?
so the suomiman memes were real?
except luci IS mega top tier
kys downplayer
then where are his tournament results
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give my regards
i want to play but i cant
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It's okay I'll go play in your stead!
ask grande to stop being a lazy fuck and travel
zippy got 3rd at ceotaku
and won another tournament with luci
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You lied to me, it was 2/100 not 3/100, lair liar pants on fire!
>a character so broken he can get 3rd place
dios mio
he won a tournament and placed top 3 in another tournament

what do you think results mean
But that's because Zippy is just really fucking good at the game. Just like when he played Nier and made her work even though she was bottom 5 since launch.
Fitizen won a stacked EU tournament with him
It's over
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they colluded that event and threw all their games to him
coco went fucking zooey lmao
look at her go
coco goes to zooey every time he knows he can't win
that was mirri eustace vs fitizen luci gf right?
do you have the vod?
If Zippy is so carried, why don’t you just play Luci too?
If I played luci the world would end
>coco went fucking zooey lmao
he did that in the AWT finals too after getting beaten up on nier by the lance
To be fair to coco it wasnt just any lance it was motherfucking Fukunaga himself
let me know when he wins in a region that matters
lmao i can already feel the seethe from the yuros
america's game baby
>every third match i get is a fucking bea-nigger mashing.
i hope beatrix gets nerfed further. my fucking ears...
Coco is trapped between wanting to actual have respect by being a Zooey specialist but also wants to be a tier whore so he cant actually commit to her like Xerom does with Charlotta.
This game was designed to cater to beginners so the devs will probably grant your wish
Get out of S rank
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is the hate justified
Depends, rank?
extremely cuz Viraschizo is one of the biggest niggers shitting up this gen
up to S rank, maybe. after that they should have learned to mash 214M.
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Thanks that's really cool. I've seen Luka do it and keep forgetting about it
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shut up viraschizo
take your meds, (S)hitter
i'm master tho
why are people trying to meme this tranny ass fraudnigger character as low tier?
none of you shitbirds here are masters or gm
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GGs sheep. That's two wins for the Oniongang tonight!

Go in the lobby, I'm literally the punchingbag of like 8 masters and grandmasters
I've seen enough GMs get sharked by some random A ranks to believe that no thank you
you are master at being shit
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Then how come I never win against them
Can't we all just get along?
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post sad kots
might be
still have that rank tho
unlike the literal subhuman Silver Shitter Supremus replying to me
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>doesn't even deny it
Satyr is going to be the Horse zodiac
This thread is not very mice
let's hope the brazillian finally goes to sleep
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GGs, glad we had a playable connection. I'm not EC so it's always a toss-up.
Anons you dumb fuck
Seox install always does that
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Here's your low hit btw
cute sheep
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It's cool, I'll play anyone regardless of connection. It was kinda exciting that our last match had Illuminated World

Sir, that's an overhead
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I have some distressed kots but no sad ones.
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Was she a worthy addition to the game?
she was likely the best dlc of season 1
love my mom
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kizzingtons what do I use to censor names in a bruise webm
A static overlay in webm for retards isn't gonna work
just dox everyone
who cares
just dox everyone
who gives a shit?
who cares
however, if you want, you can disable names in-game. but i think it loses a bit of the fun
I am doxxing everybody in this webm now
imagine being ashamed of playing bruise...
shouldn't have posted that webm, christopher...
my mom walked in on me playing bruise...
but we censor replays
couldn't be me
my mom finds the chibis cute
she also likes fallguys

you censor replays because its nice to the guy being shit on
in bruise the entire point is to shit on someone
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Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when I play bruise this fucking kot just wins there and gives me this stupid look on her face.
I don't care how much you try to astroturf this thread, I'm not going to fall for the "Granbruise is fun" lie
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shouldn’t have mixed those cleaning supplies when you cleaned your router…
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my kot just started masturbating furiously while making eye contact with me
it's over
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forgot my pic
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legendary bruise moment right there
>avatar posting hour
>get new character to S++
>a yuel that I end up just putting in the corner and mashing heavy attack while he just constantly mashes into getting counter hit and outranged

yuel really does carry retards 3 ranks higher than they ought to be huh
My bruise powerlevel is greater than all of you combined
real bruisers have a 4+ winstreak
i have never booted up bruise. trash minigame for trannies.
her downplay squad is very successful
I wasn't lying about the intestinal cramps though, I have to take a shid so bad
*knocks you down at the wind bridge*
laying a shrimp there...
This is a sheep
good luck shiddington
this is the only reason I still bruise
desu i keep fucking up the combo and missing 50 damage
She brought a shred of redemption to the season pass after 2B nearly killed it holy shit stop ruining games with this tasteless anime Mary Sue
her and rat and vane are all really fun characters. bea and 2b were utter mistakes
easy inputs maybe
I was doing that earlier. As you see in the webm, don't move for the first cH and connect it as late as possible and then dash forward and do the two other cH's
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We really went the rest of the year without actual news Cygames is all but objectively TRYING to bomb their own games
2b leotard sniffa
2B smells like gasoline and metal
yeah its this one but i seem to screw it up to varying degrees everytime, ive gotten the full 8221 maybe 20% of the time when most of the time its 40-20 damage off.
i feel even more retarded on the other combo
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Dyon't tyalk to me if myew aren't an evo champnyan please
I said don't, retard
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Meet your season 3 divine general
riveting discussion grubbers
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royal grubbas?
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Meet me
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make me felt like I was suddenly going blind, not bad.
Belial and Kats are not honest
i've never seen a belial or katnigger try to say they aren't carried
Wonder if this nigga is from an alternate dimension or something
Kats always spout the LK mids and throws meme
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okay what do i do midscreen if i am not spending it all and want to save meter
thyanks bryick
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So who is the lucky character that's getting DROPPED for the beautiful Niia?
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I'm not getting the full damage 100% of the time either so I wouldn't worry about it. It's a very tiny bit loss of damage, I'm guessing it has something to do with 236M.
This is what I've got
Oh this is way better for autocombo
I think Charlotta j.U should airstall
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I started playing fighting games seriously (just this one currently) about a year ago and I still feel like I'm shit. I know there is a mental game happening in the match that I just can't see into very deeply. Mid-level masters (usually) kick the shit out of me and it's almost hopeless fighting a GM if they are on their main. Is it just experience or am I hitting my skill cap?
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My dad works at CyGames, here's a sneak peak at the upcoming Seox changes in the next patch.
Trust the plan, bros.

If you're able to go toe-to-toe with S++ / some Master ranks after a year, you're doing fine. You definitely don't need to worry about hitting a cap this soon. I've been playing fighters for over a decade and I've still got plenty of room to improve.
You might already be doing this, but in case you aren't, try having a look at how top players use your character and see what they're doing that you're not. Getting a new perspective on things can help a lot.
Best of luck, bro.
>no spd
seox confirmed trash
>just heard dub sheffy
going to jump into oncoming traffic
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Dumb question but what is the difference between an aggressive character and a rushdown character? where is the line drawn where an aggressive character crosses over to rushdown territory?
is there a difference?

If you want to be pedantic, then I guess a zoner could be aggressive from fullscreen, which wouldn't rushdown. So the difference is whether or not you are going up close to them.
based. seox NEEDS this
>minor downplay
zooeys will unironically have you believe she's bottom 3
i dont even play Kat, but ive said that multiple times here to stir shit up
i agree, we should move Zoi to minor upplay
I'd say aggressive characters like taking advantage of very strong neutral buttons or set ups and keeping you at a certain distance. A rush down just likes to be in your face keeping you guessing with high low mix ups or shimmies that can lead into full combos and can win most scraps cause of fast buttons.
meh rushdown and "aggressive" are kinda the same thing. characters with good neutral buttons and set ups I'd classify as "mid range characters" before aggressive
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Do you still love him?
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I've played against people in the lobby with 150-160ms and no one ever complained, it should be fine as long as the rollback isn't too high.
>Narmaya player runs at me point blank
>he's gonna flip
>I fucking know he's going to flip
>he flipped literally every single time he's done that
>press throw anyway by instinct because I'm retarded
>he flips
Muscle memory sucks and I hate it
Thanks. Maybe I just need to ease off for a little while and let my mental recharge.
Very pretty draph
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Need Pecowife in Rising...
ive had bigger
>human woman with a sword
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need more strong shotos
evens i learn kat
odds i learn neechang
we fwippin
Flip on this dick fraudmaya faggot.
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it's time
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We have boobs at home
but are they hungry
I uploaded replays of some of the ranked sets I struggled in.
It's really long so I don't expect anyone to watch the whole thing.
Advice on any one of the sets would be greatly appreciated
I have a bad habit of panic DPing
Thanks gigacog. I have been too lazy about learning how to convert certain hits. I'll have to add some to my repertoire.
For oki, is meaty jab not good? Should I go for trap on knockdown instead (ie off throw)?
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also I did steal the overlay from last thread hope that's fine
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I'm not a Cag player, so I can't say anything character-specific on that front, but I'm looking through it now and seeing if anything stands out.
Awesome thanks anon
Meaty safejab is of course good, but cag has flexible and tricky oki with traps and meaty charged rock, which are usually going to be better for you. Also, often you can trap AND safejab on oki. As for conversions, I mean that sometimes I'll notice you'll land a good 5h in the corner, but then only follow it up with 623L or something like that when you should be getting a full combo.
bc more anon. you often die with 3 crystals and will risk it all on a dp instead of using the brave points bahamut gave you to get a borderline guaranteed chance.
i saw you do it against the charlotta so i know you realize the value of this deep down.
>bc more
ayo this guy probably sucks cock too
I've also seen cags setting traps and throwing before the traps activate on wakeup. Getting baited by a shimmy and hit by traps or getting thrown over and over again
hmmm nyes i should use BIG COCK more
Oh and as for what to do off throw, I like superjump. You can lay a trap too but superjump forward auto times a safejump, grab, or throwbait 22H and it absolutely shreds people.
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i suck on cock daily.
Yeah. There are so many mean set ups you can add to your gameplay. You've probably seen me do grab in the corner > l trap, jab, throw and it'll throw before trap activates. You can also fake the throw and just jump and get a full combo off the trap hit
>Also, often you can trap AND safejab on oki.
I didn't realize you could get trap + safejab off many knockdowns that's really good to know.
>I'll notice you'll land a good 5h in the corner, but then only follow it up with 623L or something like that when you should be getting a full combo.
That's me not hitconfirming and autopiloting pressure. Next time I play I'll focus on converting the f.Hs more then.
Noted. I rarely BC in lobby so I forget it's an option until I'm panicking.
I'm also paranoid about using too many crystals and exploding, but you're right it's better than gambling on my risky DPs
Great to know thanks guys
Also, I assumed throw would get caught by ult DP, but looks like I can get strong oki and bait out BCs.
Throw will indeed get caught by ult dp. But if they ult dp that's a big investment on their part and they have less chances to blueslop you
sorry I meant the superjump oki off the throw
Oh, nope it safejumps ult dps. Try it out in training
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Also some people are telling me to stop playing too passive but not sure how to fix that.
Should I just try to force more rewarding offense when it's my turn? Like dash in c.L instead of 2M or 66L
whats that?
are you getting a virus?
making rat wear a micro bikini and then stealing her ears when she isn't paying attention!
I was mostly talking about defense. You're very respectful and will take throws until you die and downback for a really long time without challenging. You gotta be more proactive on defense. We have an excellent sweep for abare so try to incorporate that more for example
Looks like one of those DLC unlockers, CreamAPI is the most popular I think
Oh I see. Alright thanks I’ll try to challenge more then
I'm watching the youtube video now and the very first hit you get in the very first round is a perfect of what I meant by not converting properly. You played great to start off and got a nice m spear into your trap, but you only followed it up with cH > tatsu. You lured him to the corner with your zoning and you should've side switched with cH > 22H > cH > 214M > trap oki to suffocate him in the corner, but instead you did a less damaging combo that also pushed him back into midscreen. You HAVE to be ready for these scenarios.
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You seem *very* stingy with your brave counters. You obviously don't want to spam them, but they're an extremely valuable defensive tool, so I'd highly recommend being a bit less frugal here. Dying with BP remaining is just a waste. Plus, remember that you recover 1 BP when using (S)SBA.

Another thing is that you frequently toss out normals without buffering anything after them. If you're risking throwing out a normal, you may as well buffer something after it. Might turn a single 2U into a full RS-RC combo. Admittedly, Cagliostro's options are pretty bad here, since she doesn't have a truly safe option to buffer into... but leaving 2U uncancelled is also unsafe at most distances, so again, may as well do *something*.

Others have also pointed this out already, but your oki isn't the best right now. It looks like you're just trying to manually time a c.L after basically every knockdown, which is not what I'd recommend. Safejumps are my personal go-to, but you might want to just set up some traps instead.

You're also generally very passive, like you're constantly trying to wait for them to do something you can react to, but then when they actually do something, you end up hesitating. There were a lot of times where you just hung back in neutral and waited for them to come to you, and then didn't try to anti-air them. Even on offense, you played it very safe almost all the time. A reactive playstyle is fine, but you've got to push your advantage when you've got it. In the Cag mirror match, the other guy played way more wildly, using his teleports to confuse you and setting up stuff constantly. You don't need to copy that, but it's worth looking into expanding your offensive repertoire.

I hope this doesn't sound harsh, 'cause it's not as though you're playing awfully. You just look very uncomfortable taking risks. If you fix that (and your oki), you'll be just fine.
Hesitation is defeat, as they say.
If i counter a Throw with Throw button i can do what i want, and if i do it with attack buttons (where i drop on my butt) i need to usually block, is that right?
yeah if you properly throw tech you're both +-0, but a button tech leaves you -6 and you take some damage
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Based or unbased?
On the other hand, if they tech your throw with an attack button you can reset pressure. On Bubs I go for 66L or divekick here usually.
very based, fuck 2B
that guy makes the most based threads
he's a shitter but also extremely based
Super based.
Anyone shitting on 2B is based, whenever it's in context of this game or not
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stop posting your own thread here
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yeah my awareness for combos is not great. I'll need to figure out a m spear > trap combo
>side switched with cH > 22H > cH > 214M > trap oki to suffocate him in the corner
Does a 214M ender give enough frame advantage for a trap? I thought you could only get a meaty normal off it?
>If you're risking throwing out a normal, you may as well buffer something after it. Might turn a single 2U into a full RS-RC combo.
I didn't think about that but you're right. Only time I do that is with 214U.
Probably should incorporate spike and 6U too, since spike gives a combo off counter hit.
>like you're constantly trying to wait for them to do something you can react to, but then when they actually do something, you end up hesitating.
Yeah that's exactly it. I try to wait for one option but end up eating other things I should react to. Maybe because I'm playing so passively I'm not able to predict when they'll go for reactable options?
I think my lack of MU knowledge is part of the reason why I'm afraid to press more
>I hope this doesn't sound harsh
No not at all. I appreciate all the help
Why the fuck are you removing names, it's on the steam forums. And he's right, still can't believe these retards wasted time on Vane.
Vane website.
Do you think im gonna be able to do a Gran Bruise mission right now?
but the homoknights??
extremely doubtful unless you queue on japanese server, which might pop.
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No. In my experience you'll be able to do the mission right after the reset or less than an hour before the next one.
Vane is trash. The only homoknight we should've gotten was Sieg or Perci. Tanya could've been the fast, ninja-like archetype. Fuck FKHRT and his homo lust.
Eh fuck it, say what server you're joining and I'll AFK there for a bit. (I'm home but have shit to do)
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annnd we're in
do not check the eleventh thread in game
i can afk for you too anon if you want to try. japan or asia is probably the best
Im from EU but will go for the Japan like you said.
Crossplay on right?
Japan it is for me in case a lurker needs help
how do you feel about fkhr almost finishing the homoangels? only lucio and lucifer after sandal's release
Super gay, but at least Luci is a genuine edgelord and not a comic-relief edgelord.
Bubz is a fag though.
NTA but Rising's story is a follow-up to the angel tri-logy so while not happy about it it was at the very least more expected.
nobody gives a shit about the story.
i give a shit
I shit
And you are...?
i do not want your shit
another pop
It popped!
I'll be going over this in a minute, but before that...
if you excuse the doxxing, to me it's absolutely fucking hilarious that you censored your name which happens to be exactly the same name as the youtube channel.
OK, but it is there so if you have to predict which characters may get in, story relevant characters are a safe bet.
Lol fair. I was already semi doxxed in Christmas photo and I don’t care much
It was more for my opponents than anything
nobody saw that
Thank you for joining the Bruise.
what resolution do you run? its not 1980x1080, right?
my fucking hand hurts, she's hard bwos
2560x1600 apparently
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the overlay looks a bit fucked, try this one maybe
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this is it... the perfect overlay
Me on the left
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my whore wife is so cute
I owe her rimjobs
Can someone tell me where is a Jukebox in the Lobby? I cant find it.
There are severals, closest to "spawn" is right next to the crane.
our whore wife
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as soon as you boot up the lobby, jump off the cliff to the left and there will be a crane game with a jukebox right next to it.
I see it now, thank you.
I was so confused about what a crane is supposed to be in the lobby haha.
>as soon as you boot up the lobby, jump off the cliff
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>as soon as you boot up the lobby, jump off the cliff
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I tried the crane game and this is what i got.
Is it worth playing? I lose the gold, i had 10000 so far.
What is the gold even for, as well as those wierd card things with weapons on them?
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>first pull
>the narmaya pose
The crane game is the main game. Once you finish it, it's all over.
>narm doggy
lucky bastard
Besides the crane Rupies can be used in the rupie shop to unlock all sorts of stuff from picture to DLC characters (at 22500 R each). The weapon cut outs are skins for the weapons you use in Grand Bruise, you can also equip them in the lobby.
You can buy characters using rupies, but the grind for just one is insane
Thank you.
Thats really cool, should i unlock the stages? I can get 2, Colosseum (EX) and Port Breeze Achipelago (EX), is there more?
I didnt do the story yet so maybe i dont have everything unlocked.
Why does Vaseraga have only 1 expression in his Starter Set in Character Figures but others have 5? Is it because of the helmet? He has a pose where hes thinking (i guess) with his hand near the helmet, they could use that. Could maybe give hime more poses.
Are there some rare weapons from the weapon cut outs?
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>Is it worth playing?
If you want to unlock more character colors and shitpost with various figure mode poses then yeah
Is this why >>507760418 said "Dogfucker"?
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Dogfuccker is Eustace.
lecia in rising doko
>Thats really cool, should i unlock the stages?
If you like em, sure. Colosseum EX is just Colosseum but darker/more orange (it has a nice feel to it but it's still fucking Colosseum), PBA EX is a night version of PBA, it's pretty comfy and I use it all the time.
>Why does Vaseraga have only 1 expression in his Starter Set in Character Figures but others have 5?
Imagine it's due to the helmet yeah
>Are there some rare weapons from the weapon cut outs?
Yes, it's a gacha, you have R, SR and SSR
Take a look at the shop, see if there is anything you might want to grind out for. I completed the Crane Machine because I'm a completionist, but it eats quite a bit of rupiees. you can get two vas colors in the crane machine so maybe just check daily for that
stop matching me with this 250ms person AAAAIIIEEEEEEEEEEE
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_ _ _ _ _
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Wish me luck.
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I clicked cancel to a match by mistake.
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What do i do against a jump like that? This player kept doing that.
I cant seem to grab them with my grab move in the air and i cant seem to 2H them either. Sorry if youre watching this, i know i didnt Recover.
That jump is designed to trip you up by switching sides, it's called a crossup. Hold Guard to block behind you automatically.
>What do i do against a jump like that?
The block button will protect you from both cross-ups and fake cross-ups, try to get used to using it against jumping attacks.
So it is not possible to grab them out of the air?
if you dont want to use the block button, in time you will get used to recognizing what will cross up and what won't, so you'll be able to react to it and block manually
Vas's command grab hits above him so it should work against crossups pretty well.
Honestly, it's not too bad if you get hit. Vas is tall so you most often get hit too early for them to combo after that.
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the M version of his command grab that is
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This reminds me, I'm not sure what I witnessed here...
if only these fags stopped erping in the lobby and instead played the fucking game...
Nip tier list time
He’s woke to the GQ
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How do I disable this nier thing in training mode?
Go into quick settings and change P1 from Nier to whatever character you want
in the second tab, last option, ''character specific'', turn her install off
oh yeah, it's that time for people to shart out tier lists just before a patch huh
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>How do I disable this nier thing in training mode?
the gran question?
the goon quest..
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Started to implement some of the advice in ranked and things are already going better.
Thanks for the help guys
I'll start learning the rest of the stuff tomorrow
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I need to finish now but i will be back soon.
I got some wins and some loses, overall im happy with using Recovery more, Yellow grab skill more and trying to 5U whenever i am decently away from opponents.
Thank you for the help yesterday if you are reading this.
I have one question, sometimes when i go for the Yellow grab people hit me out of it (they are mashy, mash?), how can i avoid that? Do i just finish my 3 hit combo and they will get hit (Counter hit?)?
Thank you everyone for helping me, its extremely appreciated.
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KEKAROOOOO turn this shit off
Wait for the final list after all adjustments are complete anon…
no i want to shitpost NOW!!!!!
inb4 he puts zeta in S
zeta gets a new tier all to herself
>sometimes when i go for the Yellow grab people hit me out of it (they are mashy, mash?), how can i avoid that? Do i just finish my 3 hit combo and they will get hit (Counter hit?)?
They will get counter hit if they mash against the high ender on the 3 hit combo. It leaves a gap which will catch them.
>how can i avoid that?
depends on what you're doing
are you doing cXX yellow grab? (cXX is autocombo hit 1 and 2, cXXX would be autocombo hit 1 2 3)
if youre being predictable and ending every auto combo into yellow grab they can start mashing on a prediction to beat it (I imagine)
you can counter that by using cXXX followed by the fireball instead of the grab
Who's the best Lucilius in JP? Grande?
thanks bwo
I think so. afaik they don’t have a relevant top level Luci. (But you can also ask, does ANY region have a relevant top level Luci? Is Zippy the closest?)
Odds I reinstall the game and pick up Mom
Evens I just keep shitposting despite not playing the game in a month
I vaguely remember Ren playing him now that I think of it but I think he retired
he did lmao
what is cag doing down there
imagine watching her sexy body squirm around from the embarrassment…
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How am I supposed to intuitively know a character's spacing traps?
>bea now infront of sieg
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holy sexo…
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>this is someone's champion
and this is a cow
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God bless Mimonel
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This is also a cow
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>Bottom panel
She's pregnant isn't she
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shes about to be
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It's over. He got his waifu and his skills have only deteriorated since, Bea's retardation is infectious. Hopefully he will be generous enough to do a flip.
literally too smart to play beatrix
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just had sex with the strongest /gbvsg/ player
how is she pointing like that in the bottom panel
um anon? are your joints okay?
>3 hours
>barely a dozen characters ranked
what the fuck is this japnig doing?
no hes right
try doing it
yeah what about it
>just go in the thread
>a post is over 2.5 hours old
>the jap is still not even done with the tierlist
>he's not even halfway yet
What the fuck
i think he just finished
nevermind, he's missing lowain/vas/seox etc
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if that's true, i could make a meme about japs taking hours to make the most abhorrent tierlist ever made
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Will his tier list be better than mine?
chad jp explaining every character placement for hours
virgin western "yeah, they're broken/yeah, they suck" just throw them there in 20 minutes
this guy is barely explaining shit anymore.
i watched him spend 20 minutes poking ultimate orkan with various 2m
the methodology here is beyond my understanding
dumb gaijin dontu understanderu superior nippon technorrogy
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I have been learning safejap recently and it's so powerful bwo
now I can put those wakeup mashers in place
with charlotta is easy and automatic
yeah, he's labbing shit out because he doesn't actually know or his chat disagrees. that's why he's now 4 hours in.
not worth watching desu. someone just post the screenshot once he is done.
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safejab won't save her from pregnancy
I can't find her hot anymore after playing a bunch of fraudulent charlottas in this game lel
dont let the zooey niggers see this list
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>easy and automatic
explain further
you jump and you do it, it's perfect frames
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that second to last row is so fucked up already and the list is not even finished
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so this is the infamous jp jumping nia...
jumping niia or filthy rupie bot...
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helicopter tech is simply too powerful
quite literally scammed
ive never seen a character as controversial as zeta. she feels bad when you play her. she feels bad when you fight her. she does bad in tournament. yet tops every tier list. how?
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ther tierlists are rating how sexo she is
limitless potential
pitpussy aroma...
Propaganda made up by Zeta cultists
And since nobody plays her well it's easier for them to fool people
taste kots
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I always found it weird that they didn't make the buff bubz from this stage a useable avatar. Seems like such an no-brain idea to make him a bruise reward.

The one who dives earlier loses, because the longer you fall the faster you fall.
Start falling >> dive early >> momentum resets early >> spend the rest of the time falling straight down >> >> fall faster >> fall first
Start falling >> dive just when you start to speed up >> momentum resets >> fall overall slower.
so it's outskilled* in fact.
hidden armpit potential
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What? You carry this around in your pocket all the time? Give me that shit. It's mine now de arimasu
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when the game first launched I thought we would get more bruise passes
I wish cygames had Riot money (and will) to burn in this game
so no initial jump off platforms?
Probably, but I'm not completely sure. Jumps are not very high after all. Some slight difference probably.

The fact that bruise didn't get more level reward when they added the new stage is a shame.
She tasted millions
Gold brick tie between bottom 2 teams? It's hilarious when that happens.
Its funny. Shio played zeta couple of times in the jap online weekly without results. And the one time he played lowain he actually won it all kekaroooo

I never knew I had been fucking myself all this time on last platform duels. I wonder if the acceleration only begins after descent begins after jumping.
bro why are you hiding this tech, it should be on dustloop
it doesnt take too long to realize
>jappa spends 5 hours making a tier list
>it's still awful

why are japs just so bad at ranking power?
serial downplayers
i saw a bit from the thumbnail because i got an ad but that was already enough for me
what the fuck
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>Propaganda made up by Zeta cultists
Highly doubt this anon ever engaged with Zeta-players.
We like to joke about our potential-girl.
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hand it over
you do not possess the power to use that at its full potential
yeah, what the other guy said
i basically figured it out the first time a i lost a duel because of that
>both start fall at roughly the same time
>i dive immediately because the first thought is (higher than the other guy = good)
>lost, but noticed the guy dived much later
the logic is pretty simple
i know it and i still spam dive on instinct/panic
t. lv500 @ bruise
hand it over... that thing... your dark charlotta...
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cmon man, its literally just a party mode inside a party game
why would you panic
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Lies, the people loved my work
I have lost 6 crystals to the same Sieg in S++ and I am utterly infuriated
i think youre taking ''panic'' too literally nigga
Maybe in overseas countries but im not sure japs are joking about it
i love all charlottas except stinky
Im tired of dumb nigger bubs players downplaying their S+ tier character
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make them kiss
but there is 3 of them...
tier list status? not completed
did i stutter
3-way kiss?!
But that's lewd!
the two blondes are looking at each other but red charlotta is the third wheel...
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>erp hours
im not making the next thread
thank you my mother would have hit me for that.
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behold, the finished tier list
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why are you lying
shes biting her nose anon
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why are you both lying
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I miss ruling the server with /a/ and /v/ so much bros. Literal conquest of territories and economy.
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let me out
everyone above is lying

he is still going
wtf he just put Terry on the list?
>Lance that low
>Cag that low
>Narm that low
>Vas that low
>Metera that low
>Vira that high
>Chalotta that low
>Seox that low
Garbage as usual.
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why are all of you lying
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meet me in lumbertown bitch
never found out how elin honey was made
That game was pretty fun its a shame everything went to shit or something and that it was plagued by the worst ui of all time.
hate most korean mmorpgs but tera got a pass from me.
EU matches are popping today like crazy wow!
youre supposed to say that to the first posts in the thread
don't lie
>Rat bottom 1
Nope, all these tiers are legit
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move luci up 2 tiers
2b down
grimnir up
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Yeah Korean MMOs are not good and Tera was a step in the right direction. As you see here, it's best to let Tera rest in peace. I hope another gem pops up in the future but I doubt anything with lolis going forward will ever make it to the West
It took me 3 hours to gain net 1 crystal.
Please someone free me from this hell.
im afraid he has a penis
I like Gran-chibi. Bonus if it's F2P Gran
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stop playing
so do goldship and lyria
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zeta is a 10-0 matchup against anyone without meterless reversal options
and thats okay because...
I’m done until tonight. Hopefully at primetime there’s more shitters and less sweats. 4 more crystals to master promos. God help me.
Vas friend, I see you queueing in the gbvsg lobby
I don't know how it is for EU rn but I'd advice you to queue in the normal open lobby instead
kek i thought you were grinding crystals and was wondering how the fuck can you magine +1 point in 3 hours
Are these matchups happening in some recent tournament?
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I am the one grinding crystals...
+100 after 4 hours... I'm so bad...
Yeah, I run tournaments in my head every day as part of image training, I've invented at least 5 new techs from this.
You wouldn't believe the outcome of the world finals last week.
I have one hour to complete the bruise daily, what region do I queue for? NA?
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Im doing exceptionally well today.
Im finding a lot of matches, and quickly at that today, thank you. I usually try to go into ranked in the Lobby and if it doesnt find i swap to EU lobby but today is a good day.
>abel gets a 66l starter and spends his entire healthbar to take me to 50%
>gets 1 shot

based retards.
anyone else need to do their daily?
>God tier body
>Ugly plastic face
I can help if you tell region to queue.
NA if you are in South or North-America, or Europe. Japan servers if you are in East Asia.
im queueing in na
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You can stop posting this ugly "thing" now.
dont stop
never stop
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please queue for bruise to help me finish my daily
okay ill think about it
glue bait

thought about it and... nyaaa..
which server
I'm queueing, but please post if it pops
im queueing in na
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Coming, but only because I really like you, anon.
im afking for you
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i feel bad for brick trying to pump some life into this game but nobody wants to watch it
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stop it
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How long until the missions reset? Im in queue as well.
1:07 hr
maybe the late night asians are queueing?
Late night asians? Arent we supposed to be in North America region?
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anon it's like 4AM in JP
you missed your JP chance
cant wait til all the people that definitely picked the game up on sale start playing this weekend and we get 10k players its gonna be so cash money
I'll start tomorrow :)
It popped

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