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Alone on Saturalia? Gods you're pathetic Edition

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Cira: https://pastebin.com/jerJ7QGf
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>/tesg/'s sister threads:
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https://rentry.org/smpbi (also part of tesgeneral.com now)
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Elder thread: >>507511590
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>ostim or sexlabs
The racist incel antiwoke gamerbros are going after /ourguy/ again.
Why not both?
how is there a "Todd problem" when he doesn't even do anything anymore and has said that as far back as Fallout 4?
>make a female character
>lovingly sculpt every inch of her body
>play the game regularly, engaging in no sexual encounters aside from maybe 1 rape 30 hours in if I'm unlucky
How do I stop my OCs from being femcels?
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My randomly generated bandits and guard NPCs look hot.

>What face replacer are you suing for them? Botox for Skyrim?
Literally who?
Post cute cats.
No idea how to make defeat work for sse
I press k nothing happens
There are no requirements listed except sex lab obviously. The oldrim version requires some oldrim mods but I have no idea if the sse version needs anything else
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Post cute lizards
Should only have to install sexlab and sexlab defeat for it to work. I think it's disabled at first. First make sure sexlab has fully installed, then go into your MCM and toggle "enable" for defeat. Then you surrender with k. Or you can press the activate (e) key on downed opponents and an option menu will appear.
Cool. Thanks for sharing.
I'm not sure it will meld with all of the OBody sets I've downloaded (tiny korean girl faces on THICCCCCC bodies).
Are the two resident furfags having a war or is this just some anon baiting. Why not both.

Don't feed him.
Khajiit cunny or Argonian ass?
>Duplicate file
What's a good big tiddy - big ass preset for 3ba?
This post will save you a lot of time.

>Khajiit cunny
No such thing. There's only like 4 Khajit girls in the entire skyrim community.
Ruined by the human face
The lizard lover is not me. I would never play both sides for (You)s in this thread.
I second this question. BHUNP came with a shitload of presets that gave the girls huge tits with obody. I switched to 3BA and most of the girls I see are flat chested. Fix this 3BA bros.
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Which menu is enable under? I looked under all and didn't see it
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>you can steal a letter from Jon Battle-Born to make him get the Imperial missive that proves Thorald Grey-Mane was kidnapped by the Thalmor during Missing In Action
God... what an amazing RPG Skyrim is...!!
Defeat has its own menu. Just search for Defeat.
Blind as shit my bad
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I love this preset that came with the Korean NPC replacer mod.
Improved by the human face
I wish one of these waifufags would make an Argonian with a human face.
Are you using SexLab or OStim? You can get some arousal increasing mods for SL like Follower Player Dynamic Arousal or Sexlab Interactive Arousal. Also get a male follower with a big schlong, like that drunk nord from Morthal.
> I switched to 3BA and most of the girls I see are flat chested. Fix this 3BA bros
b-but it's realistic!!!
Realism means some women are plaphogs like Synthia over here
the daemonpoaster fears the christmas spirit
>Azura going Absolute Kinoma in the background
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but not every npc!!!
I'm gonna seagull all over your post
Oh my god. Todd himself is the reason Starfield feels like it was made by ChatGPT being fed a bunch of lame inoffensive Sc-Fi works and shitting out the result
Yuck, no
Go into Bodyslide and change the sliders yourself. iirc, you have Size, SH/SillyHuge, and Fantasy. All of them can go beyond 100%.
>Consistently 100k views for this slop
Are they all Indians or botted views? Are there really this many incels out there?
is it better to kill Earandur and lock away the skull of corruption so no one cant get their mitts on it for a fair amount of time or just destroy it and essentially send it back to oblivion?

Whats the respawn time on daedric artifacts?
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Meant to post this yesterday, woopsy daisy. Haven't been around here much these past few months, hope you're all well. Merry belated Christmas, /tesg/.

There is no point in trying to keep it locked away unless you're roleplaying that you have some type of weird, super powerful ward on it. If you cast it back into Oblivion, then it'll be given to the next worthy champion. If you don't, it'll fade away slowly and still end up in the hands of the next worthy champion once the Daedric Prince decides.
>Find legendary weapon or armor on a dead body
>If it's so legendary why did they die.
>This is never explained
A fight is still a fight.
>nord male warrior
>no sex mods
>completing the main quest
>kill every elf i see
Yep it's gaming time
Sexlabs is a meme from the bygone age, only goners with bestiality/necro/rape/whatever fetish still cling to it.
True, but you're responding to a baiting ritualposter.
I tried Ostim and it felt like it was harder to get what I wanted, was less compatible, had less animations etc etc. I don't use any animal stuff either. I think it is more user friendly for sure.
Ostim vanilla content is more barebones than SL, though. All it has going for it are the animation framework.
What's the go to sex lab add on for simply doing it with my followers?
SexLab sex tools is pretty much mandatory for SL. You can find more immersive mods where you seduce them or ask, but sex tools lets you easily select the exact animation and position yourself properly.
Nero is such a grinch.
>using a axe instead of just passively calming down the dragur back to sleep.
Murder is still murder.
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I chose ostim because it's easier to install
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Eager NPCs is my preferred one. Good for companions and NPCs and fits most situations.
>Sexlabs is a meme from the bygone age, only goners with bestiality/necro/rape/whatever fetish
>had less animations etc etc
You must be talking about the past. Pretty much every Sexlab animation has been ported or is in the process of being ported aside from the creature stuff. Less animations is no longer a valid argument since there's already too much animations for even a gooner to handle
The Maw.
What about rape though?
Rape/Rough animations are mandatory.
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It has been successfully done before.
But a lot of those animation packs are almost a year out of date.
RUINED. Return the snout!
>Pretty much every Sexlab animation has been ported or is in the process of being ported aside from the creature stuff
And it handles those worse than SL because Ostim is best at handling interconnected animations rather than static stage progressions. At least SL (with SL tools) lets you switch between animations readily so you can mix and match without breaking the flow.

Also, SL has better interactivity thanks to SLSO, whereas Ostim has a fairly boring excitement mechanic. That could have been fixed, but Ostim modding is too insular to actually improve the framework.
Ruined by the human face
Improved by the human face
>What about rape though?

Some of the ones from loverslab have rape.
>Funny biz Ostim SA port (has rape and gore)
>Baka Ostim SA port - (has bondage and rape)
>Anubs Ostim SA port (has magical bondage and vampire bite sex)
>KomAnim (creature rape)
>BillyyDD (arm binding rape animations)

Some of those loverlab packs are buggy and require pandora since they have creature stuff. They also don't have proper orgasm configured. An anon uploaded this which probably has rape as well:
>SL Mega Pack for Ostim

For loli stuff there's:
>OARE size difference
>Funnybiz Latino PerfectAnim Ostim SA (loli rape animations)

Lastly, Devious Devices NG works with Ostim somehow.
Weird little horse
How do I actually start the animation? It seems like it only let's you change the animation if one is already going
Do you guys have any... uh.. skooma?
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Still nope
I got weed smoke through a pipe made of human bone fashioned by bomser.
There's a lot of bosmer in this mod actually.
>SL Mega Pack for OStim Standalone 1.8.zip
I can't find the link to this. Could have sworn it was in the mega.
Oh well, good luck find it anons. I can't be arsed to upload it myself.
>Khajit with a human face = good
>Argonian with a human face = bad
I don't follow your logic. You must just hate Argonians.
That's the spice! Hey wait a minute! That's not yours! Surely you wouldn't be thinking of STEALING that, right?
In the matchmaker tool (which is a separate button), you select "begin scene". You use the other stuff to control the scene playing and the stages. Considering how essential it is, it isn't exactly user friendly.
Why would wet shoes make everyone hate you?
And what mod would those be?
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It's more that you hate everyone if you've got wet socks.
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you Khajiggers never learn
Post lizard tits
Just taking a nice midday nap. On a road. Totally normal behavior.
lizard tits
>Devious Devices NG works with Ostim somehow.
Does it?
>The skinned werewolf model is horrifying.
Isn't there a mod that lets you skin werewolves and other animals. I need it. Hate those fuckers.
Why does the hist give lizards tits?
True Armor, Armor Rating Rescaled, something else, or none?

0/10 repair
would not recommend
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To attract human/elf men
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It's not made to work with Ostim yet somehow does, but only with certain outfits like pic related. If you put this retraining outfit on her, she'll remain bounded during the Otim scene. Works really well with funnyzbiz/billyydd
Your little horse? Or does it belong to me? Is it as one might say my little horse?
How do I get one of those giant quadruped khajiit as a gf?
>no gigatits posting
where are chey and bosmom when you need them
ostim komanim link?
For me it's lizzer
It's the first link in the post. It requires Pandora. And like the post says, those loverslab animation packs are buggy and badly imported. Not worth it in my opinion.
Damn, i hope someone makes sex framework built around Pandora at some point
Died on they way to gomaperoland
I swear it's not mine
you say that but my game is only stable there
Even if they switched to Pandora I can't see Ostim having creature stuff since it's a Nexus hosted project. It's not entirely clear how Nexus would react to beastiality, lolis, or rape. Nexus is a business, they're not going to risk getting their credit card processor canceled over a handful of fetish mods.
Thanks for replying even though the thread was dead
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Important other things happening in the Morrowind modding community.
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Modded skyrim is a dogshit if you have white man autism about quest logs
when will it be up?
What matters more is whether LoversLab and Discord modders would be able to fill the gap. Ostim is unpopular on LoversLab right now because defeat mods are a logistical nightmare to even start (ODefeat was the latest Ostim mod, and it was a pain). Even if you succeed, the only animations designed for Ostim are vanilla, so you'd have to change the animations to fit.

It's all possible, but that would require Ostim to open up more.
I guess they could retreat to trannycord if all else fails
anyone got any recommendations for players homes for Necrochads? somewhere that I can put all these bone guardians to patrol
Ur mom's asshole
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Installing Enderal mods before I play it.

I think this NPC overhaul might be essential.
not gloomy enough, give me a better suggestion limp dick
marry left rape right
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>starfield still doesn't have bodyslide
not sure why this made me laugh
Guys how do I defeat the ancient mummy in the ariad tomb? Is it really just a damage sponge? I haven't unlocked the second shehai power yet but this dungeon is right outside a town..
did expired even finished starfield0s racemenu yet?
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Time-traveler or TES AR player or, God forbid, ESO player?
I didn't know Brig is in Enderal
keep benis in pants for both
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ESO doesn't let you sing swords, the only time it happens is when it's used against you by a cosmic cyborg.
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Enderal is a "professional" mod why does it have the worst characters ever?
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>Got hit with strength debuff so in the final fight with Dagoth Ur I looked like this
Finally finishing Morrowind has ruined Skyrim and Oblivion for me
All these games trying to be immersive but Morrowind is different
Rather than trying to make world look alive it tries to make the world alive through dialogues, environments and quests
Even Hortator quest was much more interesting than 90% of skyrim quests even though you just run back and forth asking different characters for approval
Oblivion and Skyrim has all these NPCs sleeping at night and working during the day but somehow it still feels more fake than Morrowind
>30mm lens vs. 200mm lens
A mortal infused with magic isn't a cyborg.
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Magic follows empirically derived rules, thus it is science.
Technology is the application of science/

If a person has magic in them then they have technology in them, they're a cyborg.
So is the other guy a time traveler or just playing Redguard, then?
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>Tamriel Rebuilt
>Project Tamriel: Cyrodiil
>Skyrim: Home of the Nords
>High Rock 427
>Project Hammerfell
>Padomaic Isles
He's an ancient nedic serf who got infused with enough magic derived from constellations to embody that constellation, thus giving him the ability to know all combat things. He's also evidently a huge fucking Yokudaboo.
This game has made me more racist and sexist
>... Seen any ELVES lately? Ha, hahahaha!!
TES lore is fun. I might install your mods once I start my spear/shield Dungmer character. Do they require a lot of magic?
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Not really, you just have to be good at platforming.
No actually
I bet they are using some foul magic
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How do you like to get to Ivarstead from Whiterun? Doubling back and going southbound through Riverwood -> Helgen -> the mountain valley pass that takes you past Haemar's Shame and then northwards to Ivarstead's southern road, or going east past Valtheim Towers then descending to the valley with Ft. Amol and Darkwater Crossing then ascending upwards till you're at Ivarstead's northern road?
I'm guessing there's no way to fix dicks and strapons missing holes?
There's always a way to fix shit, but no one knows what you're referring to.
Valtheim Towers is kino, but climbing up the mountains is a pain. I tend to take Valtheim when heading into Eastmarch but the southern mountain pass when heading to Ivarstead.
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I prefer the path that runs right through here.
any dls for gato?
Usually through Valktheim, it's a lot more chill than ascending a mountain and walking along a cold path. I guess the little detour to Riverwood is nice though.
Especially with strapons
My bull dyke will try fucking a girl and the strapon penetrates her lower back not a hole
Can't wait to Lull all over your Wheels.
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by using the levitation mod and going over, gg ez
Can't khajit canonically look more human? Like they have a spectrum and even kemonomimi sub-race with just ears and a tail and talking housecats and tigers? Are there Au Ra or alligator Argonian subraces?
You can get HDT strap ons and dicks with the HDT vaginas, or you can bend the dick with page up and page down as well.
>Can't khajit canonically look more human?
yes, 2 subspecies
>Are there Au Ra or alligator Argonian subraces?
just the latter
I'm flattered but I'm happily married.
It's about Fallout 76
coc ivarsteadexterior01
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Older games had completely different khajiits so they just used ‘lol it's just another sub race’
I don't remember any of the games other than ESO actually utilising this
humping the mountain while burning a hole through my space bar
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Playable in TES6
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I was thinking of a chart similar to this, and that Diverse Khajit mod for Morrowind
>he doesn't go up the steps and whirlwind sprint off of high hrothgar
I go up the side of the hill starting from that green dot west of Lost Knife.
I just meant I'd play the mod. Hmmmm, why did your mind immediately jump to that? Are you hiding something, perhaps?
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>Fearsome and enormous, the Senche-raht stands as tall as two Altmer and can weigh more than fifty Altmer.[1][UL 1]
>Senche-raht are the largest form of Khajiit, found primarily throughout Elsweyr. While their appearance bears more than a passing resemblance to a robust large feline, they are as intelligent as any other average khajiit and are fully capable of speech and spellcasting.
Bethesda couldn't spare the dev time to save digit grade legs and something being a non-mammal. Never going to happen.
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I go through valtheim road but I don't go to fort amol, I hug the throat of the world so I have to fight the log bandit.
/fog/ shitposters exposed >>>/v/698419361
>You don't like McDonalds
>You must be a Jewish puppet controlled by my least favorite eceleb
oy vey the cabal isn't real organic threads as always
Right looks very good. Left looks like those traveling merchants that don't use a high poly head
Greetings and good luck on your first day on 4chan. Everything you don't like is because of secret jewish cabals or tranny groomers on discord and if you don't believe it you're part of them and trying to astroturf.
Yeah but /Fog/ and /Tesg/ is extra funny since everyone else who belives in a Jewish conspiracy thinks "Nu"-Betheda is part of the Jewish conspiracy.
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While we are on the subject of fallout best (or any) lewd followers in the vein of pic related?
/tesg/ got raided multiple times and people here still pretend everything is organic

anyhow, enai or simon?
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is this because I started posting again today?
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shitting on Bethesda is based, they are trash now
yes this one saw the future
I like that they have give me nearly 3 decades of vidya but yes, they are the old guard and the old guard are all dying. Long dev cycles means Bethesda will die last.
>have give me nearly 3 decades of vidya
I will play these games for 8 more decades
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Why would anyone play Skyrim when Fallout 4 exists?
>Better combat
>Better AI
>Better enchanting
>Better perks and leveling
>Settlement building
>Weapon customisation
>Better survival mode
>Better world
>Better loot
>Better quests
>Way better Radiant quests
>Better mods
Post Quality: Low
Taking appropriate measures.
I'm just a chill guy who likes fantasy
>better world
it has the same problem oblivion and fallout 3 has
oblivion UE5 remaster is just a test, if it goes well morrowind and skyrim will follow
Black marsh when
You mean level scaling or samey dungeons?
Level scaling is not a problem if you use legendary items correctly or you can just install mod that removes it
As for dungeons they are quite interesting and better than Skyrim
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Which way, Dunmer man?
Fallout 4 furry race mods are actually pretty damn good and are the only reason i still play it, but i still would rather play skyrim most of the time
no, fo3 and NV will be next
>Why would anyone play Skyrim when Fallout 4 exists?
because its Fallout 4
Both, at the same time.
>but i still would rather play skyrim most of the time
I sometimes think the same thing, but then I install Skyrim and realise there's literally nothing to do
Radiant quests in Skyrim are just too bad and you just don't have any reason to do them
the world itself makes you wonder how it functions as a place where people can actually live. there are no functional mines or farms. all the forts are occupied by bandits. the bandits are decked out in OP armour.


thats why morrowind is the best world, skyrim tried to do this and at least made a little bit of sense.
Modded fallout 4 is the most fun when you turn into a super hard survival game and replace the dogshit bethesda guns with high quality weapon mods (no cod ports)
Survival difficulty is pretty good esp if you mod it so that 1 or 2 bullets weel keel.
Yeah that's what i mean
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>appears with big scales
>eats you
>refuses to elaborate any further
>world itself makes you wonder how it functions as a place where people can actually live
Yeah, that's the issue with Fallout 4
>there are no functional mines or farms
Most people collect junk for resources and there are plenty of farms. They're small because you're supposed to build them up
>bandits are decked out in OP armour
Fallout 4 raiders can't even get strong armour, they only have junk gear
And it gets realy fun with mods when raiders become these glass cannon junkies, ghouls are just very weak fast and numerous zombies, synths literally teleporting onto battlefield, gunners have better gear and tactics while super mutants are thick and annoying but very stupid and straightforward. And then there's all sorts of mutant wildlife
did you guys have a good hannukah and Kwanzaa /tesg/?
Dunmers are savages that need to be corrected.
>tfw NPC inventories don't reset after you've pickpocketed their items in Skyrim
So you can literally just make everyone in the game poor. But this also makes pickpocketing fairly finite as a skill
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This motherfucker still uses
>Maximum Carnage
Let's all point and laugh at him!
>he pays for ostim patreon mods
Is SkyValor worth all the trouble and patches?
Usually mods like this make game too easy or too hard
Yes, thank you
Can i use lux via without the lux main file?
what did you do anon?
What paper mod?
you can also be a gay nigger. but the game strangely doesn't have any redguard spouses.
The perfect murder begins.
i thought we were the racist incel antiwoke gamerbros?
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He's involved in high level thieves guild quests.
I cooked dinner and rested.
The southern route is for fags. I should know since I'm straight and take the northern route.
what kind of dinner anon?
that's not very nice. we should be more tolerant to others
I alternate perspective worth using over alternate start?
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Should I finish vanilla quests, explore TR and other major mods, install a bunch of mods and start over or install quest mods one at a time?
Am I just cursed to not have his cool hat?
Maam are you prostitute maam you must redeem the needful and release Starfield Starborn Edition on Unreal 5 first bloody bitch.
Bethesda was bought by Microsoft, not Sony
Just rape and kill him then.
Sorry anon, the trans is coming from inside the thread.
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Bloody bitch maranchod
i want vivec to CHIM on my face
>even /v/ is complaining about /tesg/ now and how it's changed
lol which one of you guys was it
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What's the best player home?
Modded of vanilla
Room for a Thief.

Start in TR and do the quests there.
They weren't responsible for the creative direction, which is why everyone farts in Starfield's dick in the first place.
Bethesda were just after cheap labor, because Bethesda is a cheap company.
Yet people will still dickride Bethesda and Todd for… some reason.
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>Room for a Thief.
>Created by Trainwiz
what does maranchod mean?
Sorry anon idk and I aint opening MO2 mid game. It came with Nolvus (and I'm reasonably sure that's an oblivion or morrowind book)
Do the smart thing and take the small house pill.
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>They weren't responsible for the creative direction
>Literally most of the art management and artists are Indian
Starfield has the same aesthetics that the awesome Alien Isolation
The difference is that one is well done while the other is a complete piece of shit
ostim 3pp 1.40 leaked
Which TR regions should be avoided? I know some of them are very old and have no content
>caring what /v/ thinks in 2025
can someone leak the newer versions of naughty voices or oprivacy?
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Here's generally the older stuff that isn't up to snuff.
that's the only right way and I'm proud I found it in my first playthrough while some don't know it to this day
Pay attention to the bells, friend.
I'm referring to what you do in-game. The Indians weren't responsible for turning Starfield into a loading screen simulator. Their work was superficial aspects that ultimately doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things.
any Indian gamers here?
holy mother of clutter
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Bethesde announced fallout 5
based. Indians are cool
Damn right.
Me and frend wen we chit on exam :))
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New TES6 trailer
Sir what is name of mod sir pleas show how to install on android
Holy kino
yeah, illiad got a lot better
Nords have tiny peckers
>English Empire
It was the *British* Empire. I don't care how hard the Scots try to wiggle out of responsibility.
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Neither Empire nor Stormcloaks will ever be this cool
>Todd Howard didn't decide anything about Starfield
>It was the indians who did all the bad things, Todd Howard will do great things for Skyrim 2.
Wales too or?
>Some random guys homo erotic fanfic about forbidden love as a slave to a big strong legionary
>Credible source
I really doubt Todd has done anything since Oblivion
Todd wants to go into Hollywood like Kojima
he's checked out
Todd Howard does not exist, can you prove he's real?
That game had better writing, but its exploration is lacking. It's a shame Bethesda turned down their offer to make a TES game.
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Well anon, I hate to break this to you but MANY animals get sloshed on various things, completely unrelated, but spiders can get drunk on caffeine, can you imagine how hard it is to make my webs when I am done drinking a large mug of coffee?
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Hold on, let me laugh at you harder
I don't hear the Welsh trying to wiggle from accountability. A lot of Scots are trying to retroactively claim the English made them do it, even though the Union was their idea after their attempts at colonism failed, leaving them bankrupt.
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best shout in the game
>its exploration is lacking
I think people are mixing up ‘exploring’ and ‘mindless wandering’
Imo skyrim, oblivion and fallout 3 has no exploration, you either just follow the quest markers or wander around hoping to find something interesting
Morrowind, New Vegas and Fallout 4 (mostly because it copies the structure of NV) have actual exploration. You explore everything with a purpose, not because you're bored
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NTA, Skyrim and Fo3&4 are slop, but you're wrong.
No u
>slightly alters the dimensions
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Look how few regions there are. That's so cool.

Quality over quantity.
>implicating yourself
so? I didn't make the original image
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a common /v/ermin and shitposter woo tautology tactic for when their brains feel that a thread is moving too slow or they are feeling neglected, they just post nonsense in hopes of artificially creating thread activity or otherwise achieving their precious attention that they crave so much.
Then why bother posting in the Skyrim general?
>Skyrim general
>The Elder Scrolls General
>oblivion remake general
The Ever Skyrim General
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>Opened window
>Too cold
>Closed window
>Too hot
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I'm gonna buy a 5090 just for skyrim
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Same. Or at least a 4000-series with more vram. I'm literally going insane save me amdman
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That's perfectly reasonable, there are no new games to play.
...but remember it's okay to think a game will be great before it comes out.
kek, that's new
76 is amazing now, who gives a shit
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>that webm
honestly, Skyrim is well on its way to become literally every modern RPG jambled together.

case in point. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/137111
Open window but put a cloth over the opening.>>507743795
Oblivion Remake has new quests and sex scenes according to trustworthy leakers.
if he was a bethestard (seranafag) he'd have his mouth around that guy's asshole (preordering) swallow it and claim it's yummy (shilling for free)
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I probably should just bite the bullet and fully get into MCO
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newfags, tourists, and retards I swear
I like how if you try to do a wastelander quest with a friend, you have to wait to talk to the NPC one at a time, or only one of you will have the quest and get the rewards.
>newfags, tourists, and retards
Yes, this is /tesg/
Anon Fallout 76 has players and a mostly positive steam review. Not everyone who is retarded is just pretending to be retarded.
I installed mods and did the dindulod, now I just have to design my waifu
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>76 is amazing now, who gives a shit
100 Todd coins has been deposited into your account
A couple more times and you'll have enough to buy a pile of dirt
>bought brand new gpu when Skyrim came out in 2011
>bought another gpu when SE came out
>bought little brother a switch and Skyrim for Christmas one year because he really wanted one
>now in 2024 I lay in bed looking at GPUs while playing Skyrim on steam deck
I don’t think I’ll ever be able to escape Todd and his sweet little lies
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Anon, I am calling all of you including me for responding to you a retard for biting obvious bait regarding FALLOUT in the TES GENERAL.
what bothers me about this guy's fanboys is that they call everything woke, gay etc while sucking BG3's dick and that game is very woke
>now in 2024 I lay in bed looking at GPUs
What's caught your eye so far?
no it's not, no one even plays that shit. steam player metrics show an abysmal number for an online game
I'm gonna buy an intel b570 after a pricedrop
>McDonalds is more popular than any of your local restaurants
>McDonalds is better than any of your local restaurants
How do you fail to dunk on Fo76
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>good business people
These seem contradictory
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>calls him out
>noticeable period of no shitposting follows
>sucking BG3's dick and that game is very woke
The game isn't good because it's woke, but rather in spite of it. Even then, the game has sex appeal. Woke shit tends to be against the male gaze.
>not a x3d CPU
youre retarded
lifesworn vestige is actually a pretty good armour. I'm probably gonna go into xedit and change it to heavy armour though.
There's a difference between local restaurant that everyone loves and local pub that's known for selling shit and scamming customers
yeah, I often just rip assets out of mods that I enjoy the armor or NPCs of and remove everything else or merge them into one plugin.
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my dumb ass forgot the picture
Someone's already working on converting it to 3ba so until then I'm gonna pretend the excess boobage is just padding.
what was the deleted post?
your wife's pussy
leaked Oblivion Remake trailer
Anon calling out the shitposting /fog/got with archives linking to the origin-point of the idiocy.
Does OpenMW suffer from reloaditis like Skyrim or can I safely reload and keep playing without quitting the entire game?
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I will never understand why BG3 became popular
Game literally lacks the most basic convenience features like animation speedup while being very streamlined and basic compared to other CRPGs
I really hope it doesn't flood the entire genre with crap games like this
Nta but im thinking on swapping out my 5700x for an x3d
sex and moving your party not costing action points
that's it.
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BG3 is such a giant downgrade from DOS2 in many ways, though id kill for a DOS2 remaster with bg3 style cutscenes
why was it deleted?
A complete game released, and the slop-eating zoomers shit their pants at the prospect.
Agreed but movement being tied to AP is retarded so they should change that as well.
I wonder if Skyblivion will release in time or the modders are just seething in rage now
I played that game and couldn't get into it. It felt so railroady. I know you can't get the same freedom in a videogame as you could from an actual TTRPG (unless it's Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode) but being locked into shit you don't want to do or wouldn't be in character sucked ass.
I played as a genocidal lizard that tried to ruin other race's futures as much as possible in benefit of the lizard empire, and it was pretty fun
I fucking hate everything after about halfway through the second act of DOS2 but even I agree it was okay
BG3 was somehow even more unfinished and broken
Besides all that jumping, pushing and barrels just got annoying for the third game in a row
>complete game
Even after a few years in early access the game was unfinished as fuck
One of the companions literally had no ending as it was connected to NPC that was completely cut. Only with patches they've fixed it
The funniest thing is the bits of old story from earlier versions of the game like stupid ring or ‘create your own waifu’ that don't make sense in the final game
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The Ohmes-Rath don’t have cat ears, they have elf ears. They’re also covered in fur while here they look hairy.
>complete game
Where upper city and cut second half of moonrise towers
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>(unless it's Dwarf Fortress Adventure Mode)
My brother
>One of the companions literally had no ending as it was connected to NPC that was completely cu
Which one kek
So BG3 isn't even worth it for coomer content? I was thinking of getting it cheap and just running around with the goth gf, red chick, and disco frog with mods
it is worth it imo
The gay elf is the only one with non-vanilla sex animations
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Before patch 7 she only had bad endings
It's cringe as fuck and everyone is fucking ugly
>/tesg/ - Baldur's Gate 3 General
>My brother
they weren't lying when they said that game is the most in-depth simulation
I'm just going to answer question that everyone cares about
Skyrim in-game porn is WAY better than BG3
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Rimworld is better
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let us not do this here.
>RWfag inferiority complex flares up at the mere mention of DF
That's nice buddy.
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Go back to your own thread
Oh wait, you can't lol
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Hey slowpoke, guess what they allow on boards other than /vg/ now?
Well yeah, skyrim did bear sex before BG3
But fellow off-topic shitposter, what other thread am I in, right now?
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I'm having some trouble with Helmet Toggle's MCM but at least it shows up now and the visor can go up/down
yeah, it's always been a bit finicky. Good luck, there's no real way to fix it permanently.
did you install all the other dependencies?
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you can reload and keep playing
I did, but I think I had a weird overwriting thing going on with a probably redundant IED preset mod.
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>your general is still so mindbroken about DF to the point that it is STILL in your general's OP years after /dfg/ moved to /vst/
lol, lmao
This was a fun ruin.
what's DF?
I like how Oblivion NPCs like creeping up on each other and the player
Drunken Florists
dwarf fortress
this is very accurate to dwarf fortress
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well, now it doesn't raise the visor when I press the hotkey... am I missing a patch?
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>this is very accurate to dwarf fortress
I know
Starfield really is like Oblivion part 2, isn't it?
has anyone tried this out?
No sir, I did not redeem yet. :^)
that's being too kind. oblivion has charm while starfield has absolutely none
possibly, does the mod page have anything listed in its requirement tab patch-wise or linked/fixed in the usually useless discussion page?
>rape you later maam
bloody benchod.
nah it said the patch was in the installer for helmet toggle 2 (though I didn't see any?)
Strange all-round to be honest
okay enough with the fucking effect edits, get back to making spells
are his spell mods any good, I see quite a few, and understand that a few are overpowered, but do they play nice with other spell mods or do they need patches?
don't need patches for anything as far as I know
Is Poser Hotkey+ still BiS for screenarchery? Has there been any alternatives recently?
Fuck yeah, thanks for letting me know, anon!
>TESVI: Hammerfell
>it's not fantasy wakanda
*sigh of relief*
>they retconned redguards to be mughal indians
Nah, there is a mod/tool called SAM no not that one by a mentally ill weirdo as if modders weren't that already that is the new go-to.
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uhh bros? Nemesis just froze and Task Manager can't end it.
welcome to the botnet brother
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Time to hard reboot your pc before some shit happens
Just command prompt kill it, mong.
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Fast travel on or off? I'm beginner. Also i bought SE instead of AE for modding, did i make the right choice?
>Fast travel on or off?
keep it on but just avoid abusing it. there are carriages at the main cities that can take you places

>i bought SE instead of AE for modding, did i make the right choice?
doesn't really matter, you bought skyrim so you chose poorly anyway
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Sure, and what error is it giving you?
have a pasta

The three Skyrim patches modders have to work with: this does not include GoG or VR
Oldfags who refused to update principally because of shitty marketplace bullshit, and the fact that AE offers literally no improvements to the game. (still fully supported over two years later and Creation Club mods work perfectly fine on it and you can get them for free anyways here) New mods will make versions for it going forward, as it's established as the patch for serious modders. With BEES, anything past SE becomes even more irrelevant.
Updooooterfags who must UPDATE to the current patch no matter what. Get with the times dude! All mods will be updated for sure (they weren't). W-wait what do you mean there's another patch? I'm staying right here forever! Screw updating bros. I'm freezing updates!
>1.6.??? most recent patch
Normalfags who are new to modding. You can count on modders to make this patch work for any new mods going forward, and some old mods may be updated, possibly maybe who knows.
Which one of these sounds like a stable modding experience?
if you bought on GOG you got fucked anyway, SE is not SE, it's AE without the extra paid mods
I like how you described the author's mental state rather than tell me where to get it
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>doesn't really matter, you bought skyrim so you chose poorly anyway
It was on sale doe, 75% off. I think it was a good deal.
I think 1.5.97 seems more stable.
nemesis detected you are woke. sorry
Do I really have to?
Where do the mentally ill tend to congregate other than here?
I am also not your search engine, lazybones, do your own legwork.
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Screen Archer Menu
Nvm, I found it. But this is for Fallout 4. Does this work with Skyrim?
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Yeah. Knew you could do it, brother.
there's a skyrim version on discord
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>hopped on NEETbux again after being on it earlier in the year
>get 13 weeks where I don't have to do anything but log in once a fortnight to get gibs thanks to a medical certificate for anxiety that I refuse to hop on meds for
>bought a 7800x3d, a new motherboard because I made the mistake of being an intlel 6 years ago, a new cooler, 32GB RAM, and a 850W PSU yesterday
>have to wait at the very minimum four more weeks until I have enough for a 4070ti super (upgrading from a 2080)
>keep promising myself I'm going to get a job so I don't have to face the embarrassment of not paying my cheap rent to my parents when the gibs run out (I don't have the willpower to send out bogus job applications once the amnesty period is over)
>am probably not going to get a job because I'm supposed to use part of this money to start training for a driver's license so I can get a job in this unwalkable pajeetified hellhole
>all this just to play Skyrim for a few weeks until I go back to not playing vidya again
Yeah you're pc is fucked anon
Alright, how do I reduce the camera speed during 'tfc'?
>cannot close a program forcefully
That isn't a Nemesis problem, that is a PC problem. You should probably get that checked out
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Don't i still need to downgrade the SE steam version i bought doe?
sucsm #
if you want to use 1.5.97 or 1.6.640why yeah
if you want 1.5.97 yes, first you need to do the download depot manipulation then use the downgrader from nexus
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adding on to what the others said, don't forget to launch via SKSE and a virtual data mod manager like MO2, and to follow pic rel
That's literally retard it
does anyone here even actively play or mod starfield?
The retards on /stag/ do
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I was wondering if the tesg community were interested
Does anyone have the screenshot of a reddit post where the guy said he found skyrim creature sex mods installed on her laptop after he tried to play it then decided to go moralfag and exposed it to her relatives and other people? it was something like that
bad game
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Laptop of her girlfriend***** kms
It's a boring and shit game. I'm wondering where's the anons that were shilling the game before the game released.
you mean the one of the guy describing how his wife got in trouble with UK authorities because their "friend" went onto their computer, saw she had creature mods installed & ratted her out?
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I love this home but there's just not enough room for all the cool stuff
Also completely lost unique helmet somewhere
to /stag/ i imagine
Ohhhhh yeah it was that
I misremembered it badly then
No, /tesg/ regulars were shilling that game.
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4070 super or 7800xt for modded toddrim? since we're discussing GPUs
I'm serious but I won't knock this thread off topic.
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>Extremely cringe gaming moments (not clickbait!!)
don't have a screenshot, but here's the original post
>inb4 "R-r-reddit!!!"
literal 3 second web search
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it is bedtime, tesgee
the former for better frame gen and dlaa
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Why are bongs like this???
it's true
I only remember trainwiz shilling it
just reminded me of that fucking video lol
Katianna, Nayan, Snake, Horns and Sifina
>*dorky voice
>do you know what a DYSON SPHERE is?
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When should I do dawnguard?
Which side has more fun content for a mage?

Level 25 rn
Imagine going back in time and telling your 2011 self that Skyrim is as good as it's ever going to get. And that the sequel comes out in 2032. And to invest in bitcoin.
neither, flip a coin if you cant decide which fits your roleplay
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idk about the 4070 but my 7800xt is doing great:
full res skyland + grass lods 50% density + visceral ENB got me 40 fps@1440p with a VRAM bottleneck despite the 16GB
picrel currently trying out CS instead of ENB (no reshade), 40% grass lod density and noble skyrim, I get 80 FPS and use about 7 GB of vram
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>that screenshot
if you just purchased skyrim, you don't have 1.5.97
>cs will bury enb
excuse the gloom
What enb is best for skin right now?
>a VRAM bottleneck despite the 16GB
Elaborate on this please.
lot's ion ENB
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I have just 8gb or vram and haven't experienced a bottleneck, even with a ton of texture mods, but seemingly every few days i see someone here complaining about vram issues when they have 16gb+ vram.
Wtf are these retards doing???
went back in game because I know it wasn't looking like this and it seems the screenshot shat itself :
what I see vs the screenshot I get, not pretty I know but it's some random place screenshot not screen archery
and god, it's almost 2025 why the fuck do we still have 4mb screenshot limit ?

denser grass lod means more to display on screen, at some point I had like 10 millions triangles to display in the tundra, not counting their texture
and for textures, bigger textures means more to fit in the VRAM
Installing 8k coin textures and other invisible graphical "upgrades"
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I enjoyed it enough, but we've talked before about the various issues it's got. It's no Freelancer.
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You can tell they're /v/ermin tourists because regulars know you don't care for it.
your mom doesn't care for it
good video
already posted here, saar
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I might go back to it eventually but fuck procgen.
you niggas removed the screen archery guide in tesgeneral. Why.
can i get cheevers if i play through wabberjack
it would need the mod to allow achievements
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is that anon who was asking for that Inquisitor mod a thread or so ago around? managed to get the beta version, but not the newest one
The what?
like a burn the witch inquisitor?
No, like a guy who asks stupid questions.
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I have no idea what it is, I think it's some kinda animation mod. I just know it's now paywalled (when it didn't used to be) and some anon was asking for it
alright thanks anon
>decided to uninstall skyrim
>glass panel on case exploded like 2 minutes later
is this a sign?
>Rather than trying to make world look alive it tries to make the world alive through dialogues, environments and quests
Nothing funnier than coping morrowtroons
I remember reading on /v/ how morrowind lacking most daedric princes is a good thing actually
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>I remember reading on /v/
we can tell
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How do I fix this? I'm not gonna get enough attributes to get three 5s before I have to level, then I'll eventually have to sack a level to fix it
>inb4 it's not a big deal stop being a faggot
I MUST level efficiently or my mom will die in my sleep
I guess I could just get two 5s and level Luck but I already fucked up this level
endurance is the only stat that matters
go give a bunch of money to a medium armor trainer and get it to 5
console commands
It's like Noah's Ark got stranded up here fr
I want a console command to open a chest in morrowind. activate doesn't do it. any ideas?
morrowind sex mods when
no, not unlock. like, when you activate a chest to look at the stuff it holds. opening any container really.
I actually like the settlement building and decoration aspects. It's fun to make cool forts and park my companions in comfy looking houses, assuming that you've modded in less ugly looking building parts of course. You could spend obscene amounts of time just working on the vault or doing shit with Sim Settlements.
player-> activate?
>bigger textures means more to fit in the VRAM
I'm not understanding how this relates to a bottleneck. You have 16gb of VRAM and the bigly, yugest file textures means you can't fully use all 16gbs, or all 16gbs are being used up?
Those are just what people look like in Germany, please understand.
clearly those are spaniards or frenchmen, right bloke?
didn't do anything
bigger textures take more vram as they are larger files
And for the bottlneck over 16GB were being used, so the game used regular RAM as VRAM, so when it had to fetch the data for each frame it had to wait longer to get it, so fewer fps
>Whats the respawn time on daedric artifacts?
Azura says her star will return to Oblivion in about a century. On the other hand, Silus claims The Keepers Of The Razor swore an oath to keep their pieces of Mehrune's Razor in perpetuity. So honestly, who knows?
>modding skyrim again
>follow the tesgeneral stuff
>works to a certain point
>game boots
>make a new character
>just works
>insta crash
This is a first, can make a new character and play for hours but as soon as i try load any save it's a crash few seconds after loading the game, like i take a step and back to desktop
Now need to find which mod bricks loading, i have installed the mod that make crash logs but can't read shit from these
I see. I interpreted the original post to mean something about either Skyrim or the card itself limited the game from using the full 16gbs of VRAM. So I suppose on one hand its comforting to know that you're paying for all that vram and you're going to be using all that vram. But on the other hand it's also not quite so comforting to know that not even 16gb of vram on a graphics card barely over a year old isn't enough for Todd.
Or https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89860
If you are using Trainwreck the reason of the crash is likely at the top of the txt file
I was pushing it a lot, if you use your brain when modding you won't have any issue
go light on the LODs, only use large textures for large objects and you're good to go, even ENB isn't that hard on modern cards anymore.
I quickly tried cabbage ENB before my current CS modlist and I still had some 60/70 FPS with the same textures as I have rn
It was a sound mod with the correct version linked to a new mod page in the comment tab rather than description tab
What's a small but good modlist that sets up the visuals like enb and weather mods that i can just build off of
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It's only a matter of time.
is Lorerim any good?
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max out your agility or you'll miss all your thrusts while others plap your waifu
you've angered todd. arrange your will.
Romance Mod has existed to years and Julan, the granddaddy of husbando mods, has integration with it
>streets feel empty
>download both animated carriages and animated ships
>now watch as ships aimlessly circle around riften and other port towns and go nowhere
>watch as carriages just spawn and despawn at seemingly random points
>even if you hop on and ride it
Why do people like this bloat so much?
Is there any way to fix outfits disappearing in water when they have alpha and blending enabled?
because they were weak like you were at the beginning of your blogpost
its an engine limitation
thanks todd
What are some actually good mods that make roads more alive?
populated skyrim
extended encounters
demonic creatures
damsels in distress desired prize
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neat anon, thank yo-
>damsels in distress desired prize
>This mod is intended for female players who "want" to be raped by bandits, orcs, and/or forsworn
it just adds various enemy encounters as world events
doesn't actually have any rape or sex
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also get this https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/30526-damsels-before-distress-se-10/
along with the rest of his damsel mods
>populated skyrim
Isn't that mod bad to have?
whats bad about it?
Like crashes and whatnot. I don't know, I remember a few people in /tesg/ saying that it's bad to use that mod.
Who knows how that works since it doesnt have sexlabs/ostim in the requirements section
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works fine for me, think there's even a npc replacer to fix them having busted looking faces
>makes wokegender noises
nice shot

I lasted like two weeks from release desu
and enjoyed its fo4 style lewt & shoot until I ran into leveled list tier-2 weapons which used the same models lol
so that on top of the constantly repeating 3/30(thirty) rng points of interest you get per map(map procgen itself was only filler terrain surrounding the static poi and wasn't much an issue)
moreover the poi also repeat during the mq
and crafting and collecting goes nowhere
I pretty much got worn out long-term with no worthwhile goals while enjoying its core gameplay
very similar to my exp with fo4 but starf was superior because it didn't constantly into nate/nora rp

iirc misc skills can give moar attribute modifiers on level without leveling you up
Nate and Nora are based though
if it wasn't clear, by poi I mean the dungeons on the toddcompass when landing
there's only a few dozen dungeons in the game they're found over and over again by the handful
akchual dungeon procgen would've made starf interesting
based on cringe
I do but I've been less active in /tesg/ I only come here once every 4 threads or so
I started playing starfield again a few days ago. Been pondering if I should mod it so I can build a cool starship.
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I managed to play it for approximately 2 hours and then never touched it again because it was so fucking shit game. I probably spent more time in loading screens than doing combat. The maximum I could spend on FO4 was 8 hours. I have literally thousands of hours in Oblivion, Skyrim and FONV. Bethesda is fucking dead to me and I have literally no hope for TES6.
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>get defeated by a mage in Eastmarch
>wake up naked in some guy’s house in Dawnstar
>the guy’s wife is at home and she’s pissed
>calls the guards on me for tresspassing
>she also reports me for indecent exposure

>wtf are these retards doing
Willing to bet these faggots are bloatmaxxing, mistaking ram for vram and/or have random 4k clutter they either installed themselves or came with a mod that they forgot about
>he didnt install 8k froge
oh wow texture sets are dead simple
but take care when editing meshes because the name and order of the parts inside nifs matter
I was unaware and broke picrel's left arm textureset that it was assigned to
it's ez to fix tho
I’m more of an 8k cheese slice kinda man, myself
i need her
i milk her
calm down dude
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my wife yarti
odds: skyrim
evens: VN
what vn would you have played?
at your own pace or the choice is yours?
I use both since there's no compatibility issues.
I'm craving some goyslop. wish I had some sweet rolls
Why not both?
>dont play for a few days
>forget everything
every time
When I know I won't be able to play for a while, I finish off a quest chain, expansion or mod and then park my character in whatever player home I'm using for that character. I went months without playing extensively and it was mostly to take a look at mods. I finished the Dragonborn DLC MQ and left my character in the Skaal village for like three months.

It always breaks my brain if I try pick up a big quest chain months later.
yeah i finished the main quest and i was word wall hunting before starting dawnguard but my problem is i dont know what buttons i need to press. it'll come back to me
Modding Skyrim after 10 years, I remember installing skse plugins manually by dragging the files to the plugins folder, but now I'm seeing some plugins in nexus mods that say "either install using mod organizer or manually". Can I just install plugins like the rest of the mods?
i look like this
i feel like this
You can if you know what you're doing, but most mod authors these days recommend you do it through MO2 because it makes shit easier to troubleshoot. Just remember that a lot of mod authors have to deal with the most retarded people who make bad decisions and then blame the mod authors.
I gorged on some snacks bros... I'm not proud of myself
I did convert the POP 2008 outfit to 3BA but then I realized it was a gimped port since its missing the cape and the flowing scarf
>it's been 6 months since last young lovers update
>current build fucking broken
>no news or updates from the author
why it has to be this way?
why would you use that shit? the mod author seems clueless. all the author could do was use AI to make voices
Dunmer women canonically love cat dick
>"The last Scabbard of Akrash" or whatever the book is called
>That crazy bitch in Morrowind who keeps a khajiit locked in her tower
Dunmer males are PATHETIC
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It's a Daggerfall book
I think it might actually have been the first book written for Daggerfall. It also proves that wombats are canon.
You look like you could do with a ripe apple. Or a tomato, cabbage or leek?
I don't use it because it's currently fucking broken, but I like the concept and hope he manages to fix it.
Nature of the Wildlands makes Hjaalmarch look so cool
Shame I forgot to generate grass LODS and will have to run DynDolod again
Fucking DynDolod, spend more time with it than playing the actual game
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>walk outside
>re-enter the cave
>3 of them vanish
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I was gonna put a pic from the mod page but nexus uses webp or some shit. I had to uninstall CS as the water reflections are all fucked up and it was messing up with FUCKInG DynDolod waterfalls. My game is ugly right now.

Also, best Morthal mods?
Gotta head back into the Soul Cairn.

Nice to see Valerica wants to help me out despite me leaving her in a castle surrounded by Dawnguard occupiers and guiding her daughter away from Molag Bal's grip.
Belethor's sister a cute
remember that one anon that would make his waifu char bald as RP whenever he entered the soul cairne? lmao
in my game he has 2 sisters
souls are stored in the hair
Is Arcanum a good mod? I always use Requiem but playing as a mage in Requiem is pretty miserable (it's either way too hard or way too easy) so I'm thinking of uninstalling it for my mage character.
I think his reason was that hair was living matter so it would be zapped away, lol
I'm actually surprised that tesg doesn't like ESO
Usually coomers and waifu fags are quite willing to move to mmos
It wasn't because of the Soul Cairn, it was because of the effects of the weakened soul from the soul trapping. Know your lore.
why is it surprising? eso looks like shit, plays like shit, shits on every aspect of the original games and top of that it can't be fixed with mods. coomers and waifu fags arent willing to move to eso because you cant even make good looking character in it and the art style itself is complete fucking trash.
>Jiub died on day 1 of the Oblivion crisis
Didn't stop Fallout fags moving on to Fallout 76 and it's way worse than ESO
Have you seen other mmos at all? They all look like shit.
I guess Skyrim fags have at least some dignity
every new tes game shits on previous games
thing is we aren't getting those for over a decade
There are Khajiit women in the brothel in Morrowind, and the Lusty Argoinian maid is authoured in Morrowind. You mean to tell me that these things are popular in Morrowind because of Imperial colonizers?
Fallout is just straight trash, mmo or no
are you the bald anon?
Merry Christmas anon, hope you're doing well
Morrowind was just made by a bunch of furries
...and later games weren't that's why Argonians have tits and like half the positions in the Cyrodil mages guild are filled with Argonians.
i have never been a bald fraud
*have tits again
I can't brain too good.
I looked at it. Their NPCs look woke and extra ugly on purpose.
eat up goy
>...and later games weren't
Skyrim doesn't even have Khajiit marriage options
hehe baldfu
i am considering doing vegan for a good few months but im worried about energy levels during the day and then the gym. i dont think i would last more than a week.
Why the fuck would you go vegan? Cows will die if somebody doesn't extract the milk from them, birds lay unfertile eggs regardless of human intervention.
VICN's mods like the carriages and ships are extremely subtle and lightly coded. They're not in any way bloat.

These mods are script heavy and are known for causing CTDs. Populated Skyrim and Immersive citizens is the reason I had to do a new save. They literally created a CTD barrier around Riverwood once I had 80 hours in the game. No matter which direction I approached Riverwood it would crash. Turned out it was conflicting with one of the AI of my followers.
Impending environmental destruction and being morally superior.
>script heavy
shut the fuck up LEddite
what a good little goy
vegan as a guy? that's tough. youll be super hungry.
>morally superior
i did OMAD and was fine i have discipline
>trying your best not to support an industry that is about the slaughter of animals
yes animals are based and cute
Anon, perhaps you weren't listening. Cows die if they aren't milked.
but not eating eggs or dairy is stupid and doesn't harm the environment
that sounds like a zoomer tiktok fact to me paid for by the cow lobby
Alright, buy a female cow, don't milk it and watch it suffer and die infront of you.
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WTF is this shit. I thought I would just install it then enjoy fun combat gameplay. Looks like it's much more low-level than I thought and requires a lot more mods and configuration to make it useful like precision, Valhalla, and 10 other mods. Who has time for this shit. I work and take showers for fucks sakes.
the massive concentration camps where animals are holocausted significantly harms the environment yes

dont worry ill only last like 3 - 4 months because i have been indoctrinated from a young age

i just did it and it was fine
Being vegan is the peak of hypocrisy
It's literally going against nature because you love le wholesome animals
It may seem depressing but animals exist to end up on your kitchen table
>going against nature
so is masturbating to video game characters and communicating through social media
Do you disagree with going against nature with things like removing the Cancer god gives to children?
but why not just be a vegetarian then why go vegan, milk and eggs mean nothing
moral superiority
metal retardation
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lol just play soulsslop
My prediction is that I will only last one week with veganism anyway and I'll just become exclusively a fish eater because that is also hipstery and fish are disgusting.
That's a very strange comparison
My point is that the lifespan of animals in the wild is literally shorter than the ones that end up on your dinner table
Procreate and be eaten is literally their whole purpose
that's gay, milk buildup is a deal thing, Google it. they normally have calves that drink but that's not typical for domesticated cows

don't be vegan
comapring what animals do it and treating is as something sacred is stupid.
animals also skull fuck dead and alive animals and murder their children, dosnt mean its a right thing to do for humans,
but yes they also would murder you if they had a chance to get more meat so fair is fair we are only smarter then them.
its pointless to comapre them to humans cuse we are not the same they might we aware to some point sure but they arent as aware as humans.
Tho i understand not eating certain meats or body parts since they can be disgusting to think about
How do I make MCO not shitty?
that's the neat part, you don't.
MCO bros not like this...........
i googled it and it says its cause the cows are bred and the calves killed which doesnt dissuade me but im sure there is some corporate propaganda slop for me to consume to convince me breeding animals to farm them for their parts is good actually
Milk is a not a part of the animal.
>dosnt mean its a right thing to do for humans,
Humans have morals
And there's nothing immoral about eating meat and killing animals because that's literally fundamental human needs
>Tho i understand not eating certain meats or body parts since they can be disgusting to think about
Not relevant to the topic at all
Things you may find disgusting may be a delicacy for another culture and have nothing wrong with them
you can't change the fact that cows are domesticated and used for meat.
but being vegan has no altruistic value since not drinking milk actually makes cows uncomfortable lol
>because that's literally fundamental human needs
No it's not there is no magical soul juice in meat. You need the Proteins and shit in the meat.
>you can't change the fact that cows are domesticated and used for meat.
yes i can by not eating them and hoping the long term trends change
MCO is the closest I'll ever get to playing a souls game.
they're both extremely overrated
You can't participate in modern society without supporting awful things. Being a vegan is just for your conscience, but in the end it's stupid because even the production of non-animal based products causes immeasurable harm to animals. And you're most likely not well-nourished, but that's the norm these days for anyone anyway. Your best bet is finding animal-based food from farms that take good care of their animals. Eggs are the best option I think..

I prefer vanilla skyrim's combat..
>You can't participate in modern society without supporting awful things.
yeah you can and you can make active decisions to try make the world a little better
>yeah you can
No you really can't, but sure you can make good decisions, like what I suggested. Maybe you'll understand some day, unless your malnourishment drains your intelligence even further..
>You can't participate in modern society without supporting awful things.
>So just give up, don't try to improve anything, buy slave, sell crack to kids, murder and rape because none of it matters.
As long as you can be well-nourished you dont really need to eat animal products technicly and its not on another person to force people to act a certain way.
Tho yes you will still at some points support a evil being done to another person be it slaves or something else even if its not animals
I know its fine to not eat meat even if its just to easy your mind its only a problem when you force it on others. like many thing.
>open tes thread
>arguments about veganism
i sneed
I literally gave a suggestion for something you can do that increases your nourishment and doesn't do as much harm.

>As long as you can be well-nourished
Being a vegan and well-nourished is really hard. If you don't think so, you either fell for propaganda, or you haven't looked into it deep enough.

>Tho yes you will still at some points support
More like every day, so long as you're buying products that don't come from sources you can verify as good.

Wood elves have it right, in the end...
you should look into reading some material on how the system beats you down into believing things can never get better and that there are no real viable alternatives when the obvious answers are staring you in the fact.

no you dont understand anon rape and murder are part of nature
yes just be vegetarian not vegan, none of your reasons make sense for being strictly a vegan
LotD is gigafun and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
what are you enjoying about it?
>sexlab sexual fame comments voice files are over 10gb when packed into .bsa

What can we do about voice file size bloat?

>just don't install it?

I need Sven commenting on my characters skirt being indecent!
i don't like the breeding of and torture of emotionally intelligent beings so i can enjoy a few minutes of unhealthy consumption when there are lots of alternatives with less pain and if i can do it for 4-5 months of the year then ill be happy :)
uhhh tranny much?
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good morning tesgee
such a white woman thing
just eat fish then
>MCO is the closest I'll ever get to playing a souls game.
My issue is I've never played a souls game so I don't know how to turn MCO into anything. MCO just feels slow and shitty to me. Help me make it fun.
xe can't, some other bullshit reason he has im sure of it
just steal some modpack's setup

maybe u can bust out the attack helicopter joke next im sure that goes down well with all ur friends from the cord
would my gtx1070 be able to handle dyndolod?
I've spent more time troubleshooting it then playing the game (specifically everything to do with different spears and their fucking animations). Do as the other anon said or just don't bother, its a giant headache.
Yes, with low-medium settings and reasonable ENB.
why is every online-veganist either a sexual freak or a killpeopleist
i'd think you should be able to get something better than vanilla out of it depending what other crap you have. give it a go
looks like the xe joke touched a nerve lol
>u mad?
move on from 2014 i beg
That bimbo bitch on the right is BUILT for chaurus cock
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I love fish. Is the skyrim fishing thing good?
I went vegetarian a decade ago and I've been able to commit to it fairly easily. My personal, anecdotal theory not backed up by anything other than my vibes is that, much like alcoholism or nicotine usage, how easily you're able to quit has a lot to do with your individual brain chemistry.
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>argonians tails detach
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During xmas I rediscovered religion and deleted Sexlab and my Argonian and loli followers. I'm going to try Ostim and only have hand-holding intercourse in the missionary position with my digital wife Camilla Valerius. Anyone know what this "Ostim NPC Sex Life" mod does?

My wife just went upstairs with our neighbor Faendal. They're probably practicing their Talos worship. It's very loud and rhythmic and creaky but their lord works in mysterious ways. God bless /tesg/.
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What do I need to do to edit where the weapon is gripped? my character is currently holding something right at the end of its haft with my current animations.
I don't like alcohol or nicotine but I like eating food and I can get kinda chubby
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with mods, sure
thanks I'll try
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Fish are sentient and feel pain so you're a hypocrite if you won't eat land vertebrates but will eat fish
falmer shit i've warned you before

it's ok, i don't hate it. the quests are kinda awkward with reused lines that don't fit and they do the usual CC "it's all in this note" rot
Or maybe they just prefer to make one suffer over the other. Nothing wrong with that... I like killing elves more than I do humans for example.
Isn't it basically just Requiem but with graphics mods and MCO? I'm sure it'll be fun, but it's only for specific people and it's a 300+GB install.
that's fine but anon's argument is that eating cows is bad because they can think and feel pain so it's fucking pointless to then eat fish.
canonically, talos would fuck both his wife and faendal and eat his own cum out of them
fish deserve it
In oblivion, if I want to spam fireballs does enchanting gear with fortify Magicka, intelligence, wisdom, or destruction get the best results?
yep, the vegan anon is a dumb xe/xer
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blue aurora my beloved
whats your favourite sargon of akkad video
are they mp3s or fuz?
I think one compresses better than the other
I didn't expect MCO to be so primitive. It advertises itself as if it's a revolutionary combat mod, but in truth its just a framework to build on.

I want to play a game and have fun, not be a psuedo game designer and jerry-rig 20 mods to make a fun combat experience. Might just go with Vahalla and Wildcat and forget about MCO.

What combat setup do you use?
none. I just like the fact that the ridiculous online vegan with no logic gets mad about being called a xe.
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Soulless anime.
mate what the fuck is wrong with nexus
why do u think im getting mad about something that has zero effect on me irl and that i wont even think about

is that something that happens to you often
>Cyberpunk community has huge standards
Just MCO and a few other supplementary mods like Combat Pathing Evolution, SCAR, AMR, Valhalla Combat, Precision and Elden Rim for base NPC combat animation then add some more on top. MCO itself is not doing a lot other that adding attack commitment mechanics in 3rd person, but rather the other combat mods that was made to synergize with it and the animation sets you install have bigger effect on actual gameplay. Personally I use faster and more fantasy-esque movesets with
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just go ahead and delete this like you usually do
I'm so fucking close to just ripping someone else's graphic overhaul list I swear to God.
Is this curse of being unsatisfied with how my game looks unending?
you don't know what you want in the first place
satisfaction comes from within not from discord trannies
why does that guy delete his cyberpunk shit
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>satisfaction comes from within not from discord trannies
This has been more inspirational than any level of therapy. You're right anon, thank you.
boot vanilla skyrim and realize that's all you need graphically
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he's just looking to stir up shit between here & that general and gets assblasted when he gets called out
who's that wokegender and what's WTT
>who's that wokegender
the one and only
>what's WTT
mod that adds invisible teleporters to the coast of tamriel in solstheim so you cannot access any content added by mods to that landmass
I recently discovered this Korean NPC replacer. I love it.

Does Japan have something similar to it?
probably Witcheranon
>what's WTT
no way..that's witcher tranny?!
>been almost exactly a year since last modded Skyrim phase
>thinking about redoing list a bit and starting game from beginning again
>can already feel the cycle about to restart
Oh God oh fuck
>it actually is
None that I know of.
is this also witcher tranny?
omg it is
>can swim to solstheim
we truly are living in the future
Nice, I'm glad they enjoy making screenshots and sharing them. I don't have bluesky or I'd follow them.
Im scared to eat sea food and pig meat because they look to alive and human to me tho i do eat other meat but not eggs cause eating chicken period alwats felt weird
stop trying to make people dislike witchertranny
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what the flip is happening
it says they as his pronouns but here it's he/him

what's the truth?
some anon is obsessed with you but takes to bullying you for your attention, like Helga in Hey Arnold
An anon has a crush on you and his way of showing affection is e-bullying. This is why he says your name every 2 hours. Not sure if you should be annoyed or be flattered by his dedication.
>like Helga in Hey Arnold
He's too young to get that reference. These zoomers didn't grow up with nickelodeon cartoons.
tranny can't keep his pronouns straight
>Not sure if you should be annoyed or be flattered by his dedication.
I feel nothing
>He's too young to get that reference.
I watched Hey Arnold on TV in the early 2000s.
>zoomers didnt grow up with zoomer cartoons
why do zoomers always say this
t. zoomer
The only person I know who was vegan (actually a pescatarian becoming a vegan) was a yume BPD mess of a girl who didn't know whether she liked my best friend or my other best friend more.
Avoid vegans at all costs.
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so I got all of Verolevi's combat animation mods. How do I make it so that these animations also show in first person view? There's a total mismatch and it's ruining my immersion.
>Helga in Hey Arnold
Just realized Helga was the first tsundere character. My mind is blown.
umm what the fuck is this?
a cow, we learn about those in kindergarten
high steaks
hahahaha look at this idiot who just checked all the dyndolod shit without reading hahaha
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>witcher tranny
>witcher tranny
>witcher tranny
It-its not like I like the witchertranny or anything, st-stupid baka!!
sex with witchertranny I know that they/them pussy is finna hit different
the option said that it activates god rays
I hope they remove the autistic "+% armor if you wear all light/heavy armor" perk from the next game
your new god
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>that witcherfag, he's so dreamy
wait, does Unbound keep us from getting the Blade of Whiterun since we no longer fight Mulmirnir??
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ScalieCHADS won
>I recently discovered this Korean NPC replacer. I love it.
that mod looks awesome but the install process looks like aids
maybe one day we will get a real good collection, skyrim has awesome art but a lot of the NPCs are meh to their dialogue and all the replacers are tough
when the high res vanilla heads came out, that was the best of all for me so far
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huh, a knightly high elf rolled up.
What crossbow replacer is that?
it's NWUA's non-playable faction armour silver hand crossbow
If I play modded Skyrim without downgrading anything, what mods won't work?
unbound changes how you become thane as a non-dragonborn so you should still be able to get the same rewards
I have 2k hours in the game, I just needed something different from Bijin, Pandorables, and Khalies NPCs. Tried all the high poly head overhauls but they all looked ugly.

>that mod looks awesome but the install process looks like aids
It is kind of annoying but worth it. I'm still setting it up myself.
but you get the Axe of Whiterun when you become Thane.
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is there any way to get netch leather before I get to sneedsthiem
buy it from the border hopping dungmers
and you get the blade after the stormcloaks take whiterun and you get rethaned, no? might have better luck checking the mod page desu
you get the Blade when you defeat Mirmulnir.
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>Korean NPC Replacer with Over 500 NPCS and Enemies

Needs the following:
>SG헤어팩 TH350 (기반 모드)
>Kmatu NPC Replacer
>B&B 126
>B&B 126 Tint Adjusted
>Donyaakin (어린이 리텍) (optional kid replacer)
>Tull&K 리텍
>Korean NPC Replacers - English Translation

All are in this drive:

It also needs:
>SG Female Eyebrows

It needs only the texture folder from this:
>Enhanced Character Edit SE

>Synthesis-ai overhaul patch.esp
If you're not using AI Overhaul

Original tullius link is here:

Will update this once I learn more.
Anything really that uses SKSE mods. This is why 1579 with BEES is king.
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cute whores. though it'd be difficult to play with a constant erection.
dunno then. i don't remember getting any blade for defeating mirmulnir
almost everything is made to run with latest skyrim
I think Fenix31415 patreon mods won't work but nobody really uses them
>Anything really that uses SKSE mods
Almost all SKSE mods are all updated to 1179 down. Only mod that I've found doesn't work is QUI.
well think harder dipshit.
They're too hot to kill. I just kill all the males and tie up the females with a Defeat mod and retreat.
they die of starvation or wolves...
I will try downloading this anniversary update for 10 bucks and go installing, and if I encounter a mod that doesn't work I will write it down and complain about it loudly until someone converts it.
Nigga, just get Inago777's NPC replacers. They pretty much have the same anime-face but without the bloat.
>I will try downloading this anniversary update for 10 bucks and go installing
You don't need to buy the anniversary bundle, thats just a bunch of shitty creation kit mods
Just the base "special edition" is the anniversary edition
I'm already too far down the korean tullius rabbithole, that replacer looks nice tho. Wish you would have told me about it a week ago.
Okay I wont do that then
I love dominant goth mommy necromancer witches I literally cannot stop jacking off
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I need a retard-proof guide on how to make a follower with their own custom body, hair, armor, and skills. I'm about to retire my waifu but she's not done taking the dick just yet.
post waifu first
get some taste
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is there an ini setting or a mod i can get so pressing tab for the menu doesn't have that little zoom effect, basically like how pressing escape doesnt
When anons retire their waifu they should turn them into followers and give them away so they can become immortalized in our modlist.
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i dunno about idtiot-proof but this is what i have
Does it change the default character faces so my waifu looks like them?
It's always the fucking spears too. I wish there was just a solid option for them, MCO or Vanilla.
Rape then kill them. They're evil, so they must pay the price.
remember when /tesg/ had some level of taste? when sameface was discouraged and nexus waifus were heartily kek'd at? I miss that
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this mod used to be available
but mihail deleted it.
That never happened. Just like the holocaust.
why the fuck does mihail delete his shit so often
it's annoying
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You have to be a cuck to share your waifu
No, you have to make your waifu look like them.
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tall order edition
Isn't it bad taste to wear heels around manlets?
his skills are constantly improving and it is a dishonor to see the foulry he had created beforehand

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