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Previous: >>507483116

Official: https://splatoon.nintendo.com/
Base: https://www.nintendo.co.jp/character/splatoon/en/
Wiki: http://splatoonwiki.org/
Booru: https://booru.inkgen.moe
Build analyzer: https://sendou.ink
Pool code: inkgen

• Splatfest: Money vs Experiences vs Presents on 1/10-1/12
• Version 9.2.0 patch notes: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/59461/~/how-to-update-splatoon-3#v910
• Chill Season is on until 2/28

>Media Accounts

>Map Schedules and Seed Checker

>Gear, Weapons, and Collectables
now we wait for the year to be over
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Two more weeks
In this thread we post our clips
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No one here has any clips worth posting, good players don't post in this thread anymore.
There never were good players in this thread
>no true woomy fallacy
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Henlo Nintendo.
Please give all Splatlings charge storage in Splattune 4. I promise it'll be veryy balanced.
Nogami came to my apartment and turned my woomy into a floplet.
charge hold should be a goo tuber exclusive gimmick
Swim hold should have only been a gootuber gimmick
Vertical swing should have only been a Flingza gimmick
Verticals only exist to buckbreak Dynamo.
A change like this would kill Carbon Roller.
>inb4 that’s a good thing
henlo redditor. go back.
What did he mean by this?
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Always keep them guessing Jerry.
Is this nono
>squid icon
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Say something nice to him.
To splatting? Okay 4channitor, thanks for the advice!
Bro can throw subs for days
He has a top 500 badge and I don't
I am required to kneel
He's easybto splat
I'll grind mine this season, top 500 is the new top 5000
you weren't good enough to hold on to top 1000, yet you equate yourself to sploosh anon skillwise
I dont get it
You didn't have him in your friendlist, you didn't see just how much he grinded for that badge. I barely played X last season
you misunderstand me, I'm not saying sploosh anon doesn't deserve his accolades, I'm saying YOU are fucking dogshit
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don't worry
neither do i
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He deserved it and so will I
Keep your ears clean, focus on the specific noises you need to hear on the field of battle and act accordingly.
kill yourself
I listen to europop while I play.
>the original and its gross copy
dude shut the fuck up you harass him every day
Stop using the third person you're not fooling anyone
glazing nono is criminal
You guys act like he's Adolf Hitler when all he does is post samey clips and crappy image montages made on his phone
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soooo what did you guys got for christmas?
Salmon Egg
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>he has pictures of every cephs he played with
ew faggot
Woomy hyperborea will become real in Splatoon 4.
>Woomy hyperborea
And what is Woomy hyperborea?
ten thousand dollars
No fatties allowed beyond this point
Front side or back side?
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What’s a crunchy tako look like?
DESU I completely cheesed it. Chose Clams because nobody plays that mode. Waited for the middle of the season, had something like ~40 matches then stopped playing as soon as I was classed with a good score. Then waited until the end of season.
I recommend making a list of maps you get a winrate >60% from the app and only play on those, good luck!
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My brother got me Luigi's Mansione
He has some humor.
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>Comes in normal and SO color
Hitler, Mussolini, Franco
Which one for Shiver?
Hirohito, obviously.
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woomer breaks into your house to be your sleep paralysis demon and you wake up to see this, wyd?
kill yourself
shitter clip
Oh hi rainy been a while you posted like this
she better be on birth control
>people other than nono are posting clips
/ink/ is healing
Where the post Squidmas YEBS?????
kill yourself
Woomy hypervoreia
>Woomy wants to ride the human?
>Lets Ride!
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I knew this rotation was bad but attempted to freelance anyways.
wave 2 lose
win with a glowfly round
wave 2 lose
wave 2 lose
wave 1 lose
Did better than expected with randos especially shocked to see them respond and return to the this way when they started the match by shore killing scrappers. But returned to the basket after two of us kept hitting this way.
>no asked to salmon today
It was just a random run after some challenge
blame lil judd for bringing the worst weapons in existence into rotation.
Ugly shoes desu
i was only wearing them for the qr...
Bamboozler defenders for SR awfully quiet today, how come?
bamboozler can’t function in an environment with low damage weapons that also can’t paint
Anyone down for some Salmon at the hour?
NO, I had my fill of this rotation today.
Carbon is the real shitter weapon here.
Anyone for open?
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Almost time
Opening in a second
2/4 open
Does anyone want to try salmon run? We can at least give it a try till we get 1 horrorboros if it's truly as painful to play as some of you suggest
I'd like to try.
Will open after this one.
I have a new connection, so gonna try open by myself first.
Is it too late? This rot doesn't look very hot but also I haven't played it yet, so I would appreciate a king or two.
>knowing my luck I'll roll the former 90% of the time if I played
I'll attempt freelance for now then, let me know if you wanna play
It's for anarchy open.
No issues so far. Will wait to join you now.
>3 relatively inefficient single targets with poor ability to clear trash
>one carbon that has to do all the janitor work for the comp to function
you give that carbon to a randumb and you're getting swarmed pronto
Brain fart, I meant to reply to >>507732396 Sorry.
Just got done with freelancers, all went fine. I'll open a room now - Tofu
can you send another notif?
Would've won if that cocksucker fired their fucking weapon
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We're getting a single freelancer each round that does absolutely nothing, going 0 revives and 5+ deaths with the least amount of power eggs and golden eggs. I hate match making for salmon run, if it even exists
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GGs open
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ggs opbbt
Its the day after Christmas and some of them just marathon'd SR I ran into ones today that didn't grasp toss bomb into maw. But yet they understood group together to fight Grillers while roller deals with smallfry.
The news ones are really strange this year.
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GG's Mik, thanks for joining. I concede to the people saying this shift is bad, it really is but it's still doable
>carbon and wave breaker for horrorboros
At least we killed it and that's good enough for me
GG's T. And all the flyfish spawning everywhere was the worst, at least we got competent randos near the end lol
I bought a single pack of Pokemon cards for myself. Didn't get anything good. I would've been perfectly happy with an SSP Marill.
>beat Boris with 48 seconds to spare, with this shit weapon set and while freelancing
>9 bronze, 4 silver
Eh, I'll take it, at least it wasn't 13 bronze
I need more bronze again, just one more gear and that's it.
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>tell /ink/ers to post their cephs
>they expect silly art in return
>don't draw anything
>just download their cephs and hoard them
no wonder santa didn't visit me this christmas
Did you get any cool yebs?
Good approach to collecting cephs.
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>hording cephs
Oh I don't think so squiddo
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This isn't the first time an artist betrayed us. :(
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This is a solved game tho
So is Splatoon 3.
gg D
he got 12 of them
be patient
>move to new location
>order starlink because I want good internet for once in my miserable fucking life
>it doesn't work even mounted on the roof because there are too many trees around
never had a lower x score
why would I ever be allowed to play a game I enjoy
any game
it's simply not in the cards
starlink is the only option here above 6mbps with a fucking wired connection
I guess I have to go with that and hope it doesn't disconnect constantly
I will legit kms if someone like Mike makes a cute gif of Nono before me.
hey give her back >:(
oh nooo dont chain my veemo up in the milking dungeon noooo
inb4 I missed another mike draw because I never feel like posting my character because it's a "he" and not a fucking "she"
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Getting drunk with woomy
stop drinking
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you can't tell us what to do.
don't let woomy drink that, she'll start talking about the octos again
I think I might unironically stop drinking alcohol.
I only drank two bottles on christmas night and I'm still feeling like shit 2 days later
>woomy wearing her 2019 glasses for the 2025 party
would acht have nipple piercings yes/no
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Yes, of course she does and I'm sure she has one more place with a piercing too.
yeah on her cock
butt hole
>all those ear piercings
wouldn't be too far-fetched
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now with color
am i glad that he's in there and that we're out here and that he's the sherrif and that we're frozen out here and that we're in there and i just remembered we're out here.
what i wanna know is where's the fsh?
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I got two sporty cephs for this next one.
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Frye and Callie
>get home
>dont wanna sploon
Why can't AI just take all of our jobs and then we get UBI? I wanna have the energy to splatoon all day.
Universal basic woomy
my woomy is not basic.
My brain is a Frye jumping up and down.
who else is watching squid game while playing turf war
Late night yebbies...
>happy sky
Premade discord lobby.
and youll never get invited :P
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I haven't been able to play the game for months due to emotional trauma associated with it. Wat do?
That's like saying I'll never get aids.
Did your /ink/ bf dump you?
Not exactly
one-time invite will be sent on new year's, be prepared!
I have sent 3(three) splatoon skebs out
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grooming woomys in my private fishcord
is it /ink/er art?
My ceph, only one has been accepted so far
So yes. You're an /ink/er.
i would draw a yebby but he ate all my crayons...
It's your fault for leaving them where he could find them... I'll buy you new ones, but you have to draw a very silly yebby.
draw with yebby's ink
cracking open a yebby to harvest ink for my yebby drawing
cracking open a cold yeb with the wooms
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this yeb loves you
stop cracking yebs open...
I don't know if you check the thread, but GGGGGGGGGGGs t!
Is Switchmart from /ink/? GGs if so
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I wish I had a cute woomy.
I only got a coomy.
What's stopping you?
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here ya go
sex with /ink/ers
This but with their cephs instead
is it worth getting splatoon 3 this late into its lifespan?
Its still pretty active
I wish cephs were real...
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*monkey paw curl* you're in bed with nono and joey
Anyone wanna salmon *laugh*
I've already played this shift but I'm up for torturing myself some more
Aight then I'm opening a room
Name? Room's not showing up
Why wouldn't it? I checked I'm in the pool and have my things on. It's N
Someone joined me we're 2/4
Oh I have you blocked that's why, good luck with whoever else joined
Blocking people is for dummies, you're not a dummy anon
I've never cared what other people think of me for what I do, I'll block whoever I want for whatever reason I have
Don't be a faggot and unblock him
>teehee I have him blocked yet I'm able to check the pool and see it's 2/4
Load a single bullet and load it to your forehead
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm no
>there are people unironically defending nono ITT
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GGs SR! Nice golds. I'm done for with this rot
if the game put you against top 10 x rank player five time in a row does it means the game hate you or lthink you're god enough to be in their lobby?
If it's X it means no one playin'
If it's series it's very bad luck
If it's open, it's normal this far into the game
top 10 isn't even that good so it doesn't mean anything
if you can get 2100 you can get top 10
I rape my woomy everytime she lose a match
Wrong person, the one who was blocked mentioned the lobby was 2/4 not the person who blocked them
she killed thousands
I'll give up my life to take yours
Your sacrifice wasn't vain there is now one less flyfish in this world
>there's a swarm building up
>you got carbon in a comp that really hates trash otherwise
>you try to be a hero doing cool shit instead of fulfilling your duty as a janny (doing it for free)
anon pls
>wave started
>will get revived anyway
>did my cool shit and got my clip
Jokes on you
What benefits would we have if the other subs were in Salmon Run?
Curing would be cool to move around
Sex wth my woomy
flyfish gets buffed
Curling bombs for motion
Burst bombs for fast wall painting
people still play salmon run?
it's the only part of the game that still offers variety
ranked meta has converged to metaphorical crab
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Will we see HER again for new year?
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I like silly wommys
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Silly woomies are alright
I like stupit woomys
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I like woomys' pit
I like porl and muhrina
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I prefer shaved too
>any hair at all
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Fan art are fun because you can go beyond canon!
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kill yourself >>507800534
just because you can go beyond canon doesn't mean you have to go full retard
grizz pls
not hair, specifically has the same inky texture as the tentacles
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Woomy buying grizz goo to grow hair in erotic places!
she drank it instead...
Fuzzy poomy!
Stalker Sasquatch!
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good morngyes
That's what you are
sweaty cephs...
Chubby meaty woomies UUUHHHH rond soft belly and thick legs
I prefer my woomies on the leaner side
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I like my cephs how I like my coffee.
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Burst bomb!
>last guy on the tower decides to use booyah bomb
You fucking retard
Gross stickman
>last guy on the tower uses Inkjet
woomy no...
Which special benefits which rank mode?
>last enemy uses splashdown
>quickly climb up the tower and win
>rainmaker and clams
>zones and tower
triple ink strike
>reefslider phantom kill
They will never fully patch it
kill yourself
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>went back and looked at the enemy's pov
That's not how I remember it
So this is the power of a lag switch
Wifi + Handheld
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only big man could break love's winstreak
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>there are people still playing the game instead of posting borderline ero images they found on twitter/pixiv with the caption "woomy!!!!XDDDD" to bump the thread everytime it gets close to page 10 for years till S4 comes out
/ink/ isn't fully healed...
>Cares about the on-topic images
>Not about the constant "kill yourself" and schizoposting
You're part of the problem
woomy vagina in my mouth
that's footschizo falseflagging
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The tourists will be here before you know it. We must prepare!
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Cephs enjoying the festivities and the food
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woomy is now laying eggs in my mouth
Now this is my kind of woomy.
This woomy would put your child in the microwave or abandon it in a trash bin
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damn bitch you live like this?
kill yourself
this image makes me sad in a way that's difficult to describe
>taped switch dock
??? Do women do this?
imagine the smell
whenever putz slams his desk in anger his switch becomes disconnected from the dock
she taped it down so her switch stays in place while she's raging
praying to cod that the swiitch finally fixes the fucking input lag we've been coping with for 8 years
netcode first please
balance? weapons? specials? maps?
Neither is getting fixed until Japanese players complain.
I wanna play TC but it's Humpback and humpback is absolute shit with my weapons... :'(
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roller players are so cool;;; The only skillful AND soulful weapon (apart from carbon which is for retarded baby)
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This kills the /ink/roach.
Forcing a yebby into oral sex is rape even if he's your bf
Woomies can't rape
My woomy watched Blackbelly Park and now she started swearing :(
*yawns* how boring
>hydra and e-liter on humback zone
This never ends well...
I don't get what point you're trying to convey.
He hates couples like picrel
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this is the future (((salmonids))) want
>teammates refuse to fucking paint the stage
>they have good weapons to do so
>they get flanked to death every 5 seconds
That makes me so fucking mad holy shit
ngmi did everything in his power to make players think that the only reason to paint is to get specials
I wish someone would punch me in the head
How is nintendo the one pushing for gyro the hardest but also the worst at implementing it. Going back to splatoon gyro after playing with fortnite gyro for a week is so laggy
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would you cuddle a fish
I never had any teammates, I made them up. It's not just like I feel I'm going 1v4
This is what you see when you get splatted
Respawners rob your ceph of a happy ending
callie is a squid, not a fish
not this one :)
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Good fishing with good /ink/ers
only this one :)
kill yourself
She's not real, faggot.
footschizo spreading christmas cheer
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she's real to me :)
Yes she is
Yes she is and look at how big her flops are.
Which one?
I would engage in the act of procreation with that squid after she reaches the legal age
Do you ever wonder where all those cephs vanished to? I mean they couldn't have gotten lost after Cuttlefish's and Pearl's infamous rap battle.
Meds are for globalist NPC faggots
Glowniggers need to take a long walk off a short pier
>Glen Fiddler is actually pro salmonid immigration
>Thinks splatlandians aren't "smart enough" to work his jobs
wtf I thought he was on our side
Sailor Coco
What a peculiar rotation tho...
>playing solo vs playing with /ink/
It's that shrimple
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Anyone for open at the hour?
sure, shall we be festive?
>scorch zones
Pretty sure this is about Yurifags
scorch is good tho?
I'll wear a sweater.
>t. should be drug out and shot
>*SIP* *SIP*
3/4 starting
woomy on my dick
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I hate editing clips to get them under 4MB but I like posting them
Here's one sloppy wipeout
the zone is way too fucking big and the map is heavily long range favored and easy to lockout
kill yourself
The double humiliation of being defeated by you and having that defeat being captured into the shittiest clip imaginable
I'll join shortly

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