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slop farming edition

>Currently discussed servers
Turtle WoW - https://turtle-wow.org (Vanilla-)
Tauri - https://tauriwow.com (Mop, Legion coming soon)
Mistblade 3 (Sheilun Realm) https://stormforge.gg/en

>Upcoming servers
Project Epoch - https://www.project-epoch.net (Vanilla+, TBC as design base and Wrath client)

<Full Moon Company> - Turtle, crossfaction, whisper anyone

<Touch Fluffy Tail> - MistBlade 3, crossfaction , whisper anyone

Vanilla client enhancements - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Client_Fixes_and_Tweaks (most servers forbid them)
Curated list of addons that should work in turtle - https://turtle-wow.fandom.com/wiki/Addons
Misc - https://database.turtle-wow.org | https://talents.turtle-wow.org | https://twow.link/classchanges | https://turtle-timer.vercel.app

>Mods, Tutorials and /wpsg/ Creations
https://pastebin.com/4Awe3bxX (embed) (embed)

Reply to OP with upcoming server updates and news.

Previous thread: >>507369306
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>OP image
reminder that wallcraft is absorbed in an ongoing development which is soon to release into a final product before summer 2025. add it to the upcoming servers, please and thank you for the opportunity to express my interest in world of warcraft private servers.
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Please don't add wallcraft to the upcoming servers just to spite this one anon who wants it. I have no opinion on the server at all
It's not a WoW server thoughever
Tauri won
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Reminder that ᛋᛋVVALKRAFTᛋᛋ is absorbed in an ongoing development which is soon to release into a final product before VVHITE BOY SVMMER 2025. add it to the upcoming servers, please and thank you for the opportunity to express mein fascist desire for 卐VVORLD卐 OV ᛋᛋVVALKRAFTᛋᛋ private server.

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t. Seething southron

VVALLKRAFT is VARG approved.
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I can't tell if this post is ironic or not
I heckin love vvallcraft chud posting
thats because you are retarded
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search your feelings, you know it to be true
what model do you use for your ai drawings
I'm somewhat worried about the state of the MoP guild. I don't think we're going to be able to raid if this continues.
>"i dont like using the thicc mod"
>makes his character have a obese butt in his AI art
edgelords are obnoxious weak faggots
Isn't Bundy like the only competent moptard, and from what I know he's not playing so.... Also rip Sasuke we lost you to soon...
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>edgelords are obnoxious weak faggots
irishman detected
what level is the mop guild?
FR theres no point joining if that shit aint already level 25, otherwise its filled with SHITTERS.
uhm sweaty guilds dont level, characters level
>guilds dont level
They literally do in MoP

newfag vanillashitter
i'm already in a 25 one i'll join when i make an alt or something then
Kek it's a fucking joke you dips
Corny ass niggers itt
ackshually its cata and post
Jokes are funny. Or at least try to be. You're just retarded.
no it isnt
nta but it was very obviously a facetious post
don't be mad because you were too mentally stunted to pick up on it
>uhm sweaty
damn bro how much did they bully you at school
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>>edgelords are obnoxious weak faggots
do we have a guild planned for the epoch launch?
all men tauren and me
You have to remember 85% of this general is autistic and don't understand basic social cues
yeah <Full Sun Company>
One of the worst generals on /vg/, without a doubt.
One of the worst posters on /vg/, without a doubt.
we're probably all rolling tauren for the back piece cosmetic. although i have my reservations on the coding and balancing abilities of the developers. there are also echoes of deeper more systemic concerns raging from their moderating practices. for instance, they claim that their policies will allow anyone in guilds to say whatever they want so long as it doesn't drip into the real world. during the beta they not only banned an entire guild because it was filled with 'le nazis' but they retconned their entire moderating framework into an antithesis of the ostensible goals that were initially layed out.
>everyone plays alliance males, rather than enacting their autogynephilic/cuckold fantasies through elf girls that get raped by ugly monster men
what would even be the point in playing the game then
>they can't even clear ubrs
But they make good friends for life.
meanwhile league of legends general is almost always filled with nsfw interracial cuck pictures and links
you should be thankful you only have schizos
/lolg/ and /xivg/ are beyond redemption
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>/wpsg/ guilds if they were good
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>highlighting the naxx carry
name not censored... SYLMAAA
its the last shred of SOVL left in this gen
bout to camp his corpse now
>inb4 its pve
gonna feign mobs onto him to kill him
it's over... doxxed the T3 carry
Kek I forgot, sorry
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I see at least 4 couples in that pic
Name them. Or circle them
why is he stinking up the human next to him?
Sylma x Skoll
Sylma x Skoll
Sylma x Skoll
Sylma x Skoll
I wish I could be there...
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halfway to draining the swamp (level 50)
All the elfs are standing close to worgens kek
It's genetic
They're just naturally attracted to the most virile one in the room.
this is a meme right?
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It's only natural anon...
Do people still play Turtle? or should I just play the official Vanilla server
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I NEED to watch...
let people have their privacy
that goes for posting it in /g too
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Why are troondle players like this...
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I've figured out the REAL dynamic
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New couple just dropped.
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I am a heterosexual elf that is not a furry.
why is skoll blushing?
she gets raped by the biggest, blackest grimtotem tauren
i wish the lord would take me now
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Hordeniggers need not apply.
The grimtotems are not part of the horde
Pls respond
Yes. Server is usually around 3k pop
yes and yes, fuck off we're full
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I mean I dont mind paying 20 bucks for 60 days of game time
Just asking if Turtle is decent enough
Havent played the official in years as well so I dont know hows the population and stuff over there
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you tell us
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Just goofin'
New loincloth goofin'
Population is pretty healthy. Still some chinese around but not nearly as much as during their initial invasion. <Full Moon Company> is an anon guild on the server that's clearing raids, MC is scheduled for tomorrow and I think we still have spots left.
whats the faction ratio on mb3? from what ive seen theres like 3 times more alliance or something
Just look at the counter at their website
Server is crossfaction, rbgs are also mixed. So the only place it would actually matter is open world pvp, but on their site right its now It says its 45/55 split for horde
lots of alliance trash in open world
If I start playing today I dont think ill be high lvl enough to play with yall
I don't really see them anywhere on Pandaria, even during world bosses. Even back when farming golden lotus / klaxxi rep, they're usually outnumbered 1 to 8
Just quest and do RDF and BG's, it'll take a couple of hours if you're really quick. At most it's like two days to max so don't worry too much about it.
from what i've seen 90% hordespics 10% alliance hitlerian ubermensches battling against impossible odds, do not believe the fake numbers on the website the last 40 man galleon i went to had 3 alliance players
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I wish I were here... But I'm too busy!
Turtle is pretty much at the end of it's lifecycle so it probably wouldn't be worth your time to start now
How come?
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3 worgen 3 elf
>Turtle is pretty much at the end of it's lifecycle
>says increasingly nervous freshfag for the 4th year in a row
I wish I was there now.. having fun.. raiding and stuff..
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Y-you'll see! The next classic fresh will retain players!!! this time for real!!!
Without fash, fresh is meaningless...
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>try to mail gold to an alt
>"i can't afford that"
>i clearly can
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The free use rape toilet sexo gm!!!
She could feed my Tauren with those udders...
>respect me as a gm also btw here are my modded fat tits
I can't believe the FMC worgens get to use THAT every single raid night...
the quality of these threads really has gone down in the past couple of years huh
at least when wpsg was making fun of khazar milkers, they were just furries who ocasionally post recruitment posts
but these turtle motherfuckers literally post nsfw erp, nsfw mods, beastiality, cuckoldry, autogynephilia and all other types of gay shit
yeah it's pretty based
and that's a good thing
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hadrianus never posted his bare naked ass with bimbo mods
and that's why he lost and pearlsylma won
Postage is 30 copper
Subtract 30 copper from the amount you're trying to send
dude i got 50gold and trying to send 10
it wont let me send even 10s
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real life GOD
who? exactly
everyone knows the emperor hadrian
no one knows whoever the fuck purl is or whatever his name is
its a forced name that no one would know unless it was spammed 50 times in this thread
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Maybe he should have
not an argument
Seriously though I'm addicted to Sylma butt pics
Any plans to add anything to the OG body mod in OP?
pale fat milkers on a black haired nelf is based
t. rannys
Let's just say that Wall is gonna push Turtle's shit in real soon
Him calling himself hadrian is all I need to know about how utterly pretentious and insufferable the fuck had been.
I expect more high resolution orc execution images. Or no potions.
Him calling himself sylma is all i need to know about how utterly troon and autogynephiliac the fuck is.
is turtle wow the best private server for erp right now?
Holy mother of seethe
>stating a fact is seething
maybe in the world of delusional troons
I wouldn't know... I play on Turtie and I'm pure...
big taurens polished spear piercing me
obese version where the hips, butt, thighs, legs, and calves are quadrupled in size and a big belly is added
>name char something appropriate
maybe rpgs aren't for you
chubby sylma
Have you got any more reddit-tier snappy comebacks while you continue to fellate your glorious leader?
>using female name as a guy
yep certified greasy haired bearded hairy neckbeard larping as a woman, do you like pretending to be a woman? do you like pretending to cut your cock off and tell everyone you have a "real" vagina? LOL
its better to have a glorious leader than a tranny leader
ukrainian dog is mad again oh no
when you go to a theatre, do you start yelling that everyone's larping and none of it is real too? what do you not understand from "Role playing game" retard?
Oink oink
this guy believes christian bale is actually batman
just like how troons are roleplaying women in real life
good that you admit that sylma is a retarded drag queen
>drag queens are now troons
you need more buzzwords and ones that you understand
drag queens are men pretending to be women in pseudo-theater just like in your original analogy retardo
sylma is a drag queen larper then
>closeted faggot having an autistic meltdown
Boring rerun.
sylma sent me a christmas gift
>got btfo'd
>never replied after that
guess it was that easy
I gotta entertain myself somehow while I run RFK.
That was my first post ITT. Thanks for proving it right, I guess.
nope i have the ip counter script from /g/ and youre literally the same guy as >>507740362

good to see you ran away
>making up dumb shit
Not helping your cause, retardbro.
>samefagging again
sylma didnt send me a christmas gift
>"samefagging" a single reply
You're not the sharpest cuck in the shed, right?
I pulled names from the raid roster
All anons were in my heart
the real cucks are the people inside this homosexual cuckold ponzi scheme guild known as "FMC"
in fact they get "cucked" in erp with worgen and orcs all day
>turtle players are a bunch of weird homosexuals
More news at 11!

But I was flaming you, homo. Don't try to change the subject.
i literally raped you yesterday in real life, youre my bitch
So you do fantasize about raping other men? Go figure.
>anyone in fmc getting cucked
>he doesnt know about dkperp
>he will never redeem raid attendance to play out whatever scenario he imagines with any fmc officer
no, just like emperor hadrian of wpsg, i abide by the roman common rules which mean when i dominate another man it is in fact not gay.
no one cares about your shitty guild, its filled with transgender cucks
You wouldn't be able to dominate a sex toy given that your dick can't get hard unless you're sucking off your leader, who is neither glorious nor a leader in fact, since he committed suicide.
no in fact we both dominate little boys like you who are only 5'4 and too petite
i am 5'4 irl......
schizo meltie
You've spent the last hour of the thread extolling the virtues of a schizo that imploded his own guild because he couldn't keep his autism in check, you're a bigger faggot than every single ironic and unironic erper combined lmao.
thats why youre part of FMC, aka faggots, marsupials (furries) and cucks
pearl has led a string of the most stable guilds known to /wpsg/ and never had a meltie
>I'm not a cosseted homosexual, I just want to have sex with other men just because
You're digging your own grave deeper, cake-boy.
Mm that's right... Be a good DPS and beg for Daddy's Windfury Totem...
whom to whisper for invite on turt
anyone can invite but sylma and warhorn have the biggest invites
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I'm in FMC and I'm not any of these things...
>tranime avatarfagging
youre part of the f sector
you're my wife
can you tone yourself done a bit? thanks
i need a 2h warrior build arms build since they broke specs again GO
Nothing has changed, just get imp slam and overpower. They removed decisive strike because Slam now fulfills its function, at 60 it's 90% weapon damage and can be used while moving.
is it good for lvling at all?
No, that's an endgame build. For leveling pick tactical mastery, imp charge and overpower, impale and 5/5 parry. Counterattack is too situational. Most shit will die before you'll be able to use slam.
so they turned slam into DS then? do i still spam DS?
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You do. It's the same exact ability functionality wise, they just removed the duplicate and streamlined it.
kawaii cow(male)
You're too based for FMC
>putting points into imp slam
If Sylma was based she'd kick you, Deca.
I'm in FMC and I'm one of these things
syl ma loves us all even if she doesn't like us individually
That is NOT Deca
doesn't that mean she doesn't love and it's just putting up with you for the greater good?
You don't play the game, so you should hold no opinion on the matter. Instant attack damage between 3.30 and 3.80 weapons has been normalized.
its the love of a mother over her wayward children
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>not putting points into imp slam
>making your 2.5 sec slam be 2.0 sec
>when your 2h is 3.0+ anyway
actual retard
get a swingtimer addon and stop being a shitter
addons are cheating
sorry but i play on FMC and raid leader said addons are non canon so we can't use them if we want loot
Ok now use an ability that isn't slam
What happens?
kick animeprncess
inv animeprncessqt
what guild can i pug a naxx with that won't loot council might of MoM?
what happened to orc warrior anon that was leveling on his own with sns and exhausted?
she sat on his face until he relented and now he's part of the goonsquad
>AA finishes
>immediately cast 2.5 sec slam
>still a full second to go cuz my wep has 3.6 speed
>press MS
>gcd is ready 1s after AA
>press slam
>it finishes right before next Aa
you are just dogshit that's it
No need to be so hostile Fuutank
i hope fuutank leaves
aight give it to me real, is the turtie client thing actually a big deal or nah
yeah it's a real thing and thousands of people are playing it you can just download it from the turtle website
>cant start off with an instant
>can only fit mortal strikes instead of being able to use anything+slam between before every swing
>doesnt sunder
>doesnt buff or debuff shout
>doesnt whirlwind
>doesnt overpower
>leaves windfury procs on the table instead of pressing buttons
Anon you might actually be a retard
The issue is the vanilla client not turtle's, another issue is that turtle has been hacked before and raises a question on how much you should trust them, it's not advices to not use unique passwords for pservers in general.
As for the client, they can execute arbitrary code with the client, that's the case for any vanilla to wrath server, however there's a patch for wrath clients that will cause a crash if the server attempts to use the exploit
ok fellow arms autists
what is the definitive rotation for a 2h stick wielder like myself?
He's also forgetting that attack speed is meta on turtle, so his 3.80 twohander won't be swinging at 3.80 at all and will be getting closer to 3.20 if not below that.
>rivenspike/bashguuder dont stack with FF
it's nyover
That's okay, I don't want to BE the worgen
They never did. Only Annihilator does and that's why it's so freaking expensive.
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Draenor devs mendioned online on their discord announcement. So they rely on people count(i guess).
If someone have discord OR few discord accounts(if you don't want to do this with main account), please JOIN their server. It would be a shame to miss the chance to see Draenor pserver.

Draenor pserver? How does that even work? Did they take the WoD Draenor and expanded it?
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What are you worried about?
You’re the only person not having fun. You were the only person “making fun” of any guild in the past.
You don’t even play on these servers, but actively sabotage the thread with your false flagging.
Guys how do I tell her that I love her?
pearl was cuter
Pearl was a whore. This one wears clothes!
you realize that is pearl's alt?
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Is the rot idol even worth using solo over 1% crit?
Is worth id only to avoid being called moonfag.
My guild literally has moon in the name I couldn't be more of a moonfag
It's not worth using under any circumstance unless you've got nothing better to fill the slot.
It could MAYBE be okay for PvP for that little extra burst but yeah, needs more damage or something else to sweeten the pot
The problem is that even then, it's not a proc, but a chance for it to occur during a very specific set of circumstances. How often do you even do 5cp finishes in pvp as feral? And even less often as a solo. If the damage instead was guaranteed and increased with every combo point spent, then it would have been worth looking at.
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Ah yeah fair point indeed, sad sad sad
im one of many not even including the schizo guy
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I'm trains
Can i drive a train over your tits and pretend they're mountains while going BBBBbbbbRRRRRrrrrr?
What about ollies with a tekdek on your ass.
Now we're talking.
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> Did they take the WoD Draenor and expanded it?
Not sure what do you mean by this. They found some 6.2.3 core server and working on it.
I was assuming it was a custom server set entirely in Draenor or something with custom areas and so forth, because unfucked Draenor looked pretty cool. If it's just WoD, it's not that big of a deal.
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>unironically naming yourself sigmachad
You can almost see the severe overbite.
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>custom Draenor
Dude, we need original WoD as start point at least. How many Draenor pserver do you know? Only Firestorm tried, i don't know what happened to their server. If someone know or played, please share.
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Is this anon's guild on moppy-fresh?
Yes, read the OP
I appreciate their efforts on a purely technical level, but of all expansions WoD is probably the one people remember with least fondness because of fucking garrisons and an absolutely horrific content drought.
should i join tft if i want to raid? i'm geared for it but might join a normie guild if you guys are still in flux
I used to be in your guild for some time ^_^
WoD is a decade old, there are retarded children who haven't played it and think it looks cool.
Private server won't last more than a month, if it even comes out.
>retarded children who haven't played it
literally me
i heard raids are good and hard, so im in
WTF why Sheilun keep pushing xp rate up? I joined rdf orgri dung as 15 and got 20 after. Is that some kind of Fortnite? Can you fuckers enjoy the game for once?
They're fine but the rest of the expansion makes it not worth playing.
>complaining about fortnite in a kung fu panda expansion
rdf is braindead as fuck anyway
Need to knot
>one of many
>only one answer
anon that's not even a humanoid
i'm really excited for MC
Don't we all?
FMC has been the nicest guild I've ever been in
The MB3 guild is pretty comfy.
Same. What their goals are?
I am sitting with leveling guild anyway.
i didn't like it
reminded me of texas knights
Yeah I’m going to try to set up raids. We have more Europeans than Americans so we’re probably going to have to start at 5:00 - 6:00 PM server time.
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>Go to bed
>Wake up
>Thread had an hours-long schizo meltie during US hours
Never change USAnons
who are you?
I’m not on right now it’s bed time but im the orc warlock that will lead the guild to victory in the Mogu’shan Vaults.
Wanted to add that if you’re genuinely interested in raiding with us you can get an invite to the guild from anybody that’s on. I’ll login in a few hours.
yeah, why i was asking is i want to wait until you step down or leave
heard too much shit to get involved so i'll wait and see how you guys go
Get a new shtick.
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>log in
>do 1 (one(uno)) heroic dungeon
>tank pulls big and then flops
>unintelligible spanish in chat
>server puts half of us in a reset instance when we corpse run back in
thinking this server was a mistake
Dude cries about someone running a guild at the break of dawn, slanders the guild and the entire thread all day, and wonders why anons don’t put any stock into the thread at all. Good job, nobody actually reads any of this, they just go to the servers on the OP. Make it next time and maybe you’ll actually cause something to happen. Until then you’re just yipping. You won.
P.S. If you capitalized any of the words in your sentences I would have been thrown off for longer.
>only one person is distrustful of schizo
No one wants to join your guild schizo, can you just have another meltie and pretend to leave again?
Are you in a normie guild? Is it half decent?
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Was absolutely fuckall at work so I went back home. Today I'll get the snowball mount alhamdullillah.
how come turtle posters are comfy?
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>Died 2 seconds before Snowball and didn't get the tag because some funny guy was spamming frostbolt
I've had at least one bag that dropped nothing but alcohol, that was ridiculous.
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Atleast you can drink yourself into a coma to forget you got that bag...
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Call me Ebenezer Scrooge the way I FUCKING HATE CHRISTMAS
Vanilla posters except they don't suffer from rampant "Have every buff under the sun or else you're fucking the entire raid" mentality
So annoying getting a robe that you'll wear once to unlock the transmog and then never use because it's ugly as sin.
AQ40 with FMC...
>Sneed's Need and Greed
I like seeing that guild, its name fills me with amusement.
I really didn't find sneed funny but after years of it I now break into hysterics if it's timed well
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level 60 rogue hordies when they can't gank 4 low level people and kill them
One of my favorite encounters was buckbreaking a naxx geared orc warrior with trashbringer. I was a level 55 partied up with a warrior that had Dark Edge, mostly blues and like two items from MC, the orc was multiboxxing in Jintha'Alor trying to level his cow druid and she was in warmode, so I killed her on sight and he'd then run in talking shit, threatening suspensions and some other crap and I'd disarm him and the other warrior would charge in and we'd slowly kill him. Dude completely lost his fucking nerve, started pulling out LIP's to attack us while also switching to Stronghold Gauntlets and after we unflagged began taking out his impotent anger on random alliance that was doing Jintha'Alor. Then he ran in with his cow again and I killed it again and shadowmelded and he never found me, after which he left.
I miss when the ruskies still called themselves Rush and Attack, I was always fond of that pun.
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hola pendejos jajajaajajaja
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I don't think I'm getting out of this one lads
We've all been there sis
I loved that one of their guild ranks was "amogus", I was considering joining just because of that.
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mr wolf
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That's a real weird dose, doctor.
He was a wolf, she was a nelfie, can i make it anymore obvious?
is girls night an erp guild?
Turtletroons destroyed this general beyond repair.....
Sometimes i wish i was a troon to make anon even madder
skoll paws typed this post
How would you describe the spell innervate in-game? As in how do you think it would feel, what is actually happening? etc.
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rate my troll pvp gear
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We've talked about this, breast expansion
You can change your xp ammount to what you prefer with a command, I believe the exp rates is up because of the holidays.
Yes, an intriguing and funny idea but I do use innervate in pugs and often on myself
It would feel like a warm, gentle, refreshing touch right to my brain, from my favorite nelf.
Hmm I see, I was thinking more a surge of energy but that works maybe better
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Learn talent at 30 lvl to get use of it at level 46. Blizzard quality here.
does moppy have cross faction say chat?
Uhm, sweetie, you don't actually have to pick up that talent and there are two more options. Also moppy heavily incentivies talent switching even between bosses because of how easy it is to do.
He was a pup, she was a troll
Can I make it any more obvious?
He was a dog, she was a warrior
What more can I say?

He wanted to knot her
She'd never tell
Secretly she wanted it as well
But all of her friends stuck up their nose
They had a problem with his furry skin

He was a wolf pup
She said "see you later pup"
He wasn't good enough for her
She had a pretty face but her head was up in space Moppyland
She needed to come back down to Turtle

One year from now
She sits at Mistblade3
Feeding the ESLs, she's all alone
She turns on the thread
Guess who she sees
Wolf boy rockin' up Molten Core

She calls up herself
She already knows
And they've all leveled to see his Naxx
She tags along alone in the crowd
Looks up at the wolf that she turned down

He was a wolf pup
She said "see you later pup"
He wasn't good enough for her
Now he's a super star, slamming on his nelfie
Does your pretty face see what he's worth?

Sorry schizo but you missed out
Well tough luck that wolf's mine now
We are more than just good friends
This is how the story ends

Too bad that you couldn't see
See the wolf that pup could be
There is more that meets the eye
I see the knot hidden below

He's just a pup and I'm just a nelfie
Can I make it any more obvious?
We are in love
Haven't you heard
How we rock each other's world

I'm with the wolf pup
I said "see you later pup"
I'll be AFK after the raid
I'll be at the BRD raid
Singing the song we wrote
About a schizo you used to know
whenever he talks bad to me i just want him more and more
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Helped a novice druid cleanse the grove, I hope all find rest now...
Delete this.
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She'll never clench your nut between her teeth
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Who is the best roleplayer in Full Moon Company?
Fuu is *touches your bobs* tier
i don't think many actually roleplay non erotically
Deca can't roleplay.
sylma but unironically
It's over <no target>bros! What went wrong?
Does AV pop on Turtie
Him >>507810985
instant queues on AV day
Her >>507810985
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I just want to ERP with her
That is NOT Deca
what's your nick
Shut the fuck up, Deca.
literally just ask her you dumbass
I don't ERP so he shouldn't ask me.
stop stealing the way i type stop stealing my gimmicks stop reusing my bits stop stop stop stop stop
*scratches your ballsack*
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stop pretending to be me ?
>tfw don't have any bits or gimmicks so nobody recognizes me
it's over...
nobody thought that was you, you fucking retard. Quit schizing out in gchat and take your meds you narcisistic fuck
Can't stop changeling anon from stealing your posts
you guys are mean
Sylma needs to kick -you know who- from the guild.
Deca? I agree.
Hi, when is CoreCraft coming out? Also, is anyone from the Hellground shitshow still around? Wonder what happen to the finns...
So does everyone take turns with their melty or is it random
Yeah get rid of Fuutard.
i'd erp vahnuk
We know, Vahnuk.
Im here
>Wonder what happen to the finns...
All died from alcoholism but Labbis, which like the beniggs birb :DDDD, came back from the ashes just to die again.
Yes, kick Asalys
t. burok
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Fuu by far
Firegut Orge is just like me
What's the best erp guild in turtle
Only 3 months left until troontlewow dies and this general starts healing.
What happens in 3 months?
Project Epoch aka. the troon killer will arrive.
>Not troondle 0.5
>we remade deadmines from scratch and made it look like retail slop because... uuhhh.. uummmmm........... uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh.....................
TBCuck talents tho!!
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duuuuude 15 hunters and 15 warlocks in my Molten Chore(Remastered*)

*made into a linear corridor
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It's over
For felsong and uwow
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Reminder, you don't hate average hunter enough.
i feel i might be ready to give up on this game
i played on warmane for almost a year but there is something extremely demoralizing about playing on a server that has been fully progressed for like 10 years where every motherfucker is running around with bis everything
but its also the only server i feel is truly alive and massive, i have tried the occasional 500-1000 pop servers but they feel so empty in comparison
running around in ungoro the whole day without ever seeing another player is just depressing and when you port to a capital you see the same 10 players standing around afk as always...
remember when warmane was caught faking its population?
Epoch is going to be the next MB3 DOA. We all know it will be
Ok shenna
majorily third worlder jeets btw if anyone is curious
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I wanted to buy Turtie Tokens to buy the Traditional New Year Robes but I need to spend on gacha instead because I was unlucky...
I do this and I sound like this
But enough about turtlewow
faking its population or not
when you go to orgrimmar on warmane there are people outside the gates pvping
thats not something you see on other servers
>when you go to orgrimmar on warmane there are people outside the gates pvping*
>thats not something you see on other servers**
>*because those other servers have people actually playing the game
>**because there is actually things to do on those other servers
dont get aggro just because youre shit at dueling
That's NOT Deca.
Kill yourself Deca
Deca I have a crush on you
I'm in love with this new iteration of Deca bros
We should really kick -you know who-.
>see pinkhaired high elf
>get jelly by their unnatural hair color
>sometimes even their makeup
How do i stop doing this?
Animeprncess, AKA Deca pretending to be a fake newfag on an alt?
That person is gone.
>tfw going to miss the MC run today
It's so over for me...
i want to go to mc i cant bear missing another raid
I hate mc and dont want to go there
become pinkhaired too
What if the roots grow deep into my skull and screw with my brain? That's dangerous.
Imagine the ERP after successfull MC raid...
i want to watch...

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