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Escaton'd again edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
5th Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahy0AO8WwRc

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>507592236
Scatreon won
Rise lost
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Predict wilds 1 week sales and 1 month sales
>More than Rise
>More than Rise
I love huntresses
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Name the monster.
less than world
less than world
big fat huntress tiddy
who cares, as long as rise loses
bloodbath diablos
post some already
woah the cinematic game sold more than the gameplay focused game? news at 11
Rise actually had more cinematography, it was just all shoved into gameplay and skittle graphics.
>gameplay focused
>attacks that takes 5 seconds to do
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Me cumming in my wife hinoa
i wish i could skip the hr deviants and go straight to g rank what a waste of time
tobi kadachi picking fights with everything youre hunting but the moment you hit him by accident and he aggros on you, he screams and runs away
>pornspammer are back
what no hype does to a mf
me and me wives
what's the closest thing to monster hunter rise/world that doesn't have 537 gay ass systems they throw at you before even getting to do a tutorial quest? also preferably a mouse and keyboard friendly game
monster hunter world
>mouse and keyboard friendly game
Monster Hunter will never be MKB friendly
probably wild hearts
the no hype schizo is my favorite thread retard currently
Monster Hunter World+Rise
>>pornspammer are back
I think world is very mkb friendly
ehehehe got you mad
choco tiddy is the best
ive never interacted with my poogie why does this pink faggot keep following me around
Do any monsters eat meat underwater?
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yeah your mom
your mom sucked my dick in the bathtub last night if that counts
I wish a woman cosplayed a Mizutsune (the monster), I'd rape her to death
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Fucking disgusting pig, wish I could eat it and never see it again
not funny
>rise was more cinematic than world
Well now I've heard it all
god the dahren mohran/jhen mohran ost is so fucking good. chances of them ever returning?
very jakish post

how can people hate 4u? they must have no souls.
3DS exclusive kept it from being the best MH game ever even after World
pigs are very intelligent
No sane person wants to play action games on fucking handhelds.
popularity has no bearing on quality
this series was built up by their handheld games retard.
because japs love handhelds like the soulless bugs they are
you're right but 4U having a dependency on the touch screen does

no it wasn't, World sold more than every previous game combined lol
Yeah, and unsurprisingly the objective best and most successful entry into the 20 odd year old franchise is the first one they release on a real fucking platform.
That doesn't make the 3ds not garbage to play on
>3DS exclusive
You can play it right now on PC with way better performance and even FOV mods, HP overlays and custom quests.
incoming nintenbab melty
The real question is why would you play 4U when GU exists?
Or you could play World.
...and still a dependency on a 2nd screen that ruins it

because it's an actual monster hunter game instead of bingshit for little kiddies
>Monster hunter
>Never get to hunt humans (the real monsters)
Because 4U has an actually good Charge Blade, instead of that joke weapon we got in GU.
>FOV mods, HP overlays and custom quests.
none of these are positive things you DISGUSTING zoomer animal
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>people whining about focus mode mobility
Right, but can YOU 360 noscope in the middle of fighting? Turning doesn't save you from classic MH hitboxes either.
Didn't you know anon? Focus mode lets you auto hit and auto dodge from two areas away.
whats with this wave of players who either dont know why people put bombs down for wakeups or dont even let the monster sleep?
in this past week alone Ive been in hunts with GS, CB and hammer players who blow up bombs with a regular attack or slinger ammo. and then theres the never ending wave of DB and LS spastics who dont even let the monster sleep
There's no popup saying that sleeping monsters take 3x the damage on wakeup. I also didn't know about this even back playing FU until some random guide mentioned it.
I'm now remembering that savage has a scripted appearance in the first rajang assignment...
I played the demo for 1 hour until I figured it out dumb casual it's not that hard
I miss shiro
I had killed Fatalis before I ever hunted Deviljho in Iceborne.Brute Tigry too for that matter.
who asked
IB savage jho got nerfed incredibly hard compared to 3U/4U. I don't even understand why considering it's an endgame optional fight
monster hunter world
because its insanely keyboard friendly
Yes I think it would be much better if they just excluded it from the game. Normal deviljho too.
deviljho hating cutie detected
Can't really imagine playing MonHun on PC without the extra button on my mouse that let's you click two buttons at once desu. Makes doing charges a lot easier.
that post was made by the person whos dreams are haunted by deviljho
what a cutie
Mantles bad
Soulless modern audience realized that letting the monster sleep and waiting for everyone to place bombs and shit is a dps loss. As long as someone immediately wallbangs after the monster "sleeps" it's more efficient to skip the bombs and stuff
people just impatient these days.
usually it's either LS, IG, or Bowgunners that wake the mons up (usually it's the gunner that puts them to sleep in the first place)
IGers (ones that i see usually) fish for paras and some even KO with their kinsects
And LS do their usual wakeup with regular attacks, only to cart AT MOST 10 seconds after (the fact that I've seen that exact scenario happen 3 times in a single month is incredible)
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How long would any given Monster Hunter game be if you only hunted every individual unique Monster, once?
Just a Boss Rush game without subspecies.
who cares
why does it matter
The games are artificially hyperinflated.
depends on how many mons are in the game and how many you are forced to fight until the final boss.
I wouldn't know exact numbers but i guess maybe 16? 18 hours? if we sre factoring in time spent on menus.
>only once
Very short or impossibly long. You have to remember that you hunt monsters multiple times to create equipment not just because the game is forcing you.
Maybe if Monster Hunter didn't have the dumbest laziest crit system and generally retarded damage system they refuse to change then the skill system would not also be a joke. Why the FUCK is Crit Element even a thing, seriously.

Then you have that entire subset of low sharpness weapons that are automatically dogshit unless Diablos armor happens to be particularly strong. Like I can't even waste energy getting mad about how meta builds pan out because the whole system is just bad anyways, I'll just let some loser make spreadsheets and then stick in what makes the most damage rather than engage with it.
green turd
does explosive slime count as an elemental or physical attack
It's fire damage when Brachydios uses it, but Slime/Blast element when you use it
grind is part of the game though, there's no inflation
brute tigrex is filtering the everliving shit out of me
Bro, your Evasion +1?
is kulve on this reset or the one after today
Rotating tonight
thank you

Retards are unironically judging and predicting the entire difficulty of the game all the way to endgame on the basis of the monsters we've seen, all of whom are basically low rank village monsters.
We've seen the equivalent of Great Jaggi (Chatacabra, who is literally the first monster you fight in the opening tutorial), Barroth (Doshaguma) and Rathian/Anjanath (Reydau).
The limited footage we've seen of Uth Duna puts the monster around the same challenge level as Royal Ludroth. Similarly, we've seen some footage of Quematrice, who looks to basically be the equivalent of fighting village Velocidrome in the Everwood in caravan MH4U. And Lala Barina seems to be the exact same difficulty as village MH4U Nerscylla in Sunken Hollow, which isn't difficult at all.
So everything we've seen is basically standard low rank village MH in terms of difficulty.
If anyone here thinks they won't have the endgame system (which is like 90 percent of where you'll be spending your time in any given MH game) tuned or even overtuned for focus mode and general player capabilities, then they're just pretending to be retarded so they can doompost and shitpost.
Which I'm guessing is the point. They hunger for those (you)s.
>reddit spacing
world lumu
master-rank optionals
most of which are arena quests
>Nergigante fucks off on his own during the Zorah quest even if you ignore him completely
Is he stupid? What was his endgame?
zorah was shooting him with fireballs
nergigante didn't want the fire turtle smoke
Food. Overcoming his hunger is what motivates him.
>custom quests
i thought the custom quest editor didnt work without an actual 3DS, do you have a link to the 4U custom quest editor for emu?
i'm a huntress with a big dick.
I carted to zorah a few days ago. I was standing on his back afk waiting for the next stage when a falling fireball knocked me to the lowest level. As my hunter got up I got frame perfect hit by another falling fireball. I wasn't even mad, just astonished.
Lmao we don't have classic hit boxes in wilds you faggot
Classic monhun won and it’s not even close
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>see the queen updated the quest mod
>notice a peculiar phrase
>that bright as fuck fiery hell storm at the top of gen 1 volcano
Yeah the hitboxes don't extend a mile in every direction around the actual attack lmao
What's the most fun weapon in Wilds? I only played the greatsword in the beta and it feels like cardboard.
Actually never mind I can't run this shit anyway
When do I start getting good at this game?
when you practice a lot
World? Just quit playing rofl u suck or wait for wilds
Exactly so wilds is going to be insanely easy. Easier than rise
>stand behind Rathalos legs hitting his tail
>he does his forward lunging claw attack
>the invisible extended back of his hitbox hits me in the back, launches me towards his front, and stuns me
Sometimes I think these games actually aren't very good.
What weapon and how many hunts?
Rise is harder that shitworlld btw
the only good monster hunter is risebreak
3rdHD won
4U won
Generations ultimate fucking WON

World is SHIT and WILDS will be SHIT and it will kill the IP just like DD2 killed Dragons Dogma.
as much as i want capcom to eat shit for making slop, it's gonna sell millions and nothing will change
i aint just not buyin it
yes you will goyim
Already bought mine
I'll always support Capcom
Your exoprimal proof of purchase sis?
Monster that you want to fight in wilds?
Mmmm yummy zogchow my favorite*preorders another*
All I ask is that if someone finally firebombs Capcom's offices over their autistic Monster Hunter grievances they don't miss the Street Fighter team in the process.
You sound poor
>Zei kirru mai son ova geimu?
Someone joined my Fatalis hunt insta killed it from camp and then left.

on opposite day.
yama tsukami and buy the yama tsukami plush
they thought you wanted a carry
Lmao I should have taken a screenshot the guy at the weapon shop in freedom 1 says he can't sell me these pink legs I just unlocked or whatever because they're only for females. Compare this to the tranny shit in wilds hahaha
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That's in FU.
>autistic screeching at hunter and pink rathian
>flashstun everyone
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Wilds isn't even out, and it's mindbroken some of you already.
Kushala and Teostra!
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>mfw 3/4ths of the hunters trying to kill me are using defender gear
Their minds have been broken since June 13, 2017.
Interesting they kept the same kind of dialogue in both games. I don't remember anything like that in any of the other games as far as I know. Sign of the times? Localization meme shit? Or ichinose is conservative? You decide I guess
haha oh wowwwwwwwwww xD! so fucking funny bruh world players are so hilaroius i fuckken love world
Defender gear is so stupid imagine if fucking GU had Defender Gear cause we want players to get to Grank as fast and unprepared as possible :)
that was me, you're welcome.
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i will wear defender gear because only g-rank matters, everything else is white noise and a waste of time.

thank you capcom, i'll wait for wild's defender gear before i start playing too
>Huge monster hunter fans excited to play it for the first time

Do americans even know how to shut up?
When a series that looks cool in concept has been held hostage for years on dogshit platforms and handhelds, yeah, people were excited they finally were going to release a real game for once.
Is it zogchow if it's a direct competitor to zog? that world has lost its original meaning
boomers typing angry essays right now because of this
All of them but looking forward to fighting the new Ocotpus the most. Wonder what his species will be called and if Narkokos will be demoted to it
>if you kill a small monster with a move that launches it in the air it won't wait until it lands to vanish
>just looks like you deleted it from existence
speaking of nakarkos it will be disappointing if there are no roaming huge monsters, what's the point of the open world then
Only really applies to -prey mons and insects and while cool to look at, it cucks you from a carve and the visceral enjoyment of cutting something in half.
>dogshit platforms
>literally the most successful platforms of their time
Worlos really do need to hang from trees
>sales = quality
i guess world is the best MH of all time. discussion over.
Retard if you're considering a collection of the most successful platforms of all time from different manufacturers as all dogshit then what do you consider not dogshit? Your PC? Which will be outdated in 5 years? You're a moron
the platforms that run at 60fps and don't have 4 inch wide screens with shitty handheld controls lol
>durp sales good hardware quality irrelevant
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>the virgin LS user vs the chad trash fister
>from different manufacturers as all dogshit then what do you consider not dogshit?
NTA but having screens bigger than your palm is a good start. Face it anon, they were successful despite being on those platforms.
why is your picture so blurry bud
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Since Capcom is never going to port the older games to PC I've decided to tale the plunge into emulation once again. Which one is easier to set up between 4U and GU? Which one is more feasible solo in G-rank?
>only my arbitrary standards matter
tendies are so fucking stupid
4U has a harder G-Rank, but you'll probably not even make it to G-Rank in GU since low/high rank are so immensely boring
That's a zoomer thing.
Millenial Writting is also Zoomer writting.

Don't worry about it i can tank that, you should worry about being bald and dead inside.
Monhun was successful initially because it was portable. Not the other way around and we've discussed this at length before in this very general. Every mainline until 4U did a fraction of what portable titles did and 4U likely only did well because it was portable
delusional, there's a reason World blew Rise (and every single preceding game) out of the water and Wilds will set the new standard once more

nobody except japan wants to play these games on fucking handhelds

in japan*****************
No not in japan. Several monhun titles released worldwide before world
And they sold well in japan and relatively poorly in the rest of the world by comparison.
4u is extremely easy to set up. just make a portable install of one of the citra forks like https://github.com/PabloMK7/citra and get the roms from https://archive.org/details/3ds-monster-hunter-4-ultimate. if you want the japan only dlc and stuff you have to update the rom but this is very easy and there are tons of guides if you google it. you can also install HD textures if you want.
Most games that sell well in the west are usually garbage. Fornite, Halo, World.

All of them are shitty casualized and streamlined versions of better games.
They sold well worldwide. Worldwide sales are included in those figures. Stop trying to rewrite history they explicitly made tri easier and as a soft reboot to appeal to a western audience and it should have sold more considering FU had taken off in the west before it released and tri was on a massively successful console and yet it still sold badly compared to portable. People wanted portable simple as
The only sales that matter are those in Yugoslavia.
my white tomboy barioth wife teaching our barioth daughter how to beat up LS shitters
Moving the goalpost cool
FU sold 3.8 million worldwide, of which 3.5m were in japan. No they didn't sell well outside of japan.
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Good hunts! 2/16.
>Wii U
>no source
but monhun was still a fairly japan focused series at the time mhg and dos were japan exclusive so naturally sales would be bigger in japan. The majority of the monhun audience still wanted portable games at the time even if you didn't
>The majority of the monhun audience
yeah, because they were japanese lmao
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That's how Capcom-sama likes it.
>The majority of the monhun audience still wanted portable games at the time
Yeah. In japan. Where they were.
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Cera Cediment or Nebethetepet?
So your argument is the series was retroactively held back despite it doing exactly what the fanbase wanted at the time? It's a disingenuous argument at best and based on a mhw centered view of the series but I guess that's to be expected from a worlo
god please make capcom fix the sound design for weapons in wilds, they sound like you're poking foam with a toothpick
Turns out "doing what the fanbase wants" is a restrictive mindset.
>If I asked people what they wanted they wouldn't ask me for a car, they would ask for faster horses
Just remembered GU released in the west 7 months after World was already released, weird
I don't like westernized monhuhn. I think it's stupid , retarded and too streamlined for western audiences.

You might like it, sure, but that just means you like the stupid, retarded and streamlined games. Tailor suited for you faggot.
Why not capitalise on the generated interest when Rise is still years away?
When you have to hit the monster 600 times with it you kind of are, aren't you

They weren't even going to release GU for exactly that reason but then they saw the Switch was a money printer I guess.
Ironic take to have considering wilds is changing before launch to match fan complaints. Never the less you're simply wrong that monhun would have been as successful as world in the before world if it simply released on all platforms. A huge part in fact the biggest part of why world was successful is because it looked like a standard AAA title with the marketing to match
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The west doesn't deserve GU.

You guys are my best friends
Sorry to hear that.
you guys are my only friends
damn I'm really tired as fuck I typed "never the less" instead of nevertheless
i renounce this one-sided friendship unless you give me 999 horns coins
So tendies have World to thank for GU being localized thanks for admitting that
Why couldn't World have looked like a standard big release before then? Either way not all AAA games are successful, marketing can fail pretty badly, in fact this very thread thought World was doomed because sales mainly came from japan until then.
When people say there's a demand for home version Monster Hunter they don't mean for shit like Portable 3rd HD but games actually made for current generation hardware instead of duct taped together out of PS2 assets.
Well world also killed the IP, in the end everyone wins.
>Either way not all AAA games are successful, marketing can fail pretty badly
Oh please they marketed world perfectly absolutely perfectly. People were dying for good PS4 exclusives and sony players primarily care about story and graphics so it was a done deal once it hit the market and then with the pandemic boost sales continued to keep going up. I do agree they couldn't have had graphics like that until they went to another platform though. Still that's less to do with the quality of game and simply more to do with which systems are more powerful.
But world sold very well on PC, not just playstation. And it's easy to say the marketing went well after the game is successful, that wasn't the general opinion of people here though.
You don't have to explain to me that the masses are obsessed with graphics. World has made that more than evident but what you don't understand is a lot of these people didn't buy for the underlying game they bought for the visual look. Though I'm sure tokuda is aware of that which is why he's so intent on changing the core foundations of the game
And? That makes perfect sense. If you're the kind of player that loves games with good graphics you likely graduated from sony to PC a while ago
World isn't even particularly good looking, it looked just average at the time. Thinking people didn't care about the mechanics or monster hunter is just wrong.
>sony players primarily care about story and graphics
So why the fuck did they buy MHW, a game that looks like crap on PS4 and has a dogshit barebones story.
i boughted world for like $10 and world+iceflop are given away for free on PSN, sold copies doesn't mean anything when it comes to sony and it's western firms. They don't give a shit if they lose money, they want to make you feel like you are on the right side of history that they are willing to lie about sales.
You know, i started with World and i had those exact questions back there. Dropped it like 3 times before i managed to finish it
>Actually they don't care about sales
It doesn't matter if it looks amazing. Just like you said it looked standard for the time which means it looked better visually to most people compared to the past series and I already mentioned casualization was also a large part of the reasons for success. Graphics are casualization were the biggest reasons for world being a success. That's the whole point. It wasn't all because it went multiplat though I'm sure that played a smaller role
Yeah? Again it sold well on PC and even xbox not just snoy
Because it looked better than old monhun to them. They wouldn't touch tri with a 10 foot pole if it released on PS4 or PC today
Are you even trying to make sense
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What does this cunt have against Palico? Why can't i hunt with my two cats? The cat doesn't even speak in fucking puns in Wilds
>"people bought the game for its graphics"
>"but the graphics are bad"
>"that doesn't matter"
What are you not understanding? Graphics and casualization are THE BIGGEST reasons world was successful full stop. Do you get it now?
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You don't know that. SE is on the brink of collapse and they are selling "well".

Astrobot sold well and """"""""""""""won"""""""""""""GOTY and the studio was closed down by SONY. So there you go, Nintendo and Steam are the only honest companies left around (until gabe and miyamoto fucking die).
>people out here talking about world as if it was some last if us game or horizon zero aaa generic shit
Kek try harder
at this point everything coming out of a micies' mouth is pure cope
your game is shit and nobody plays it
World was successful
Wilds (World 2) will be even more successful
get over it
So every number is bullshit except muh hecking wholeseome nintendo and gaben? But World sold well on Steam, not sure what your point is.
>world as if it was some last if us game or horizon zero aaa generic shit

IT IS a generic AAA shitgame.
It wasn't mechanically because it still had legacy systems at its core but it was absolutely marketed that way
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>gold crown hyper najarala
holy mother of christ, what the actual fuck is this thing, it literally has zero tells for most of its moves and the ones that do, you can barely see them because of how fucking massive the thing is

i spit on every single person who designed this thing and hope they suffered for it in some way
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Rise is like 14 bucks rn, should i play it while i wait for wilds? [Spoiler]is the lance fun?
>So every number is bullshit except muh hecking wholeseome nintendo and gaben?

Yeah pretty much. Fornite and minecraft are the biggest games of the past 2 decades and you don't see them trying to pull the "we sold XXXX Amounts of copies . please PLEASE PLEASE buy game, it's $10 on steam cause we are celebrating!!!?!?!! " marketing stunt for a reason.
It's really not
>story is barebones
>little woke shit if any, no part of the game lecturing us about the need to exterminate white people to create a safer future
>gameplay focused and grindy
>microtransactions are cosmetic instead of making you pay 20 dollars to carve alatreon a second time
It has a long way to go before it catches up to AAA, these arguments are always dishonest.
if you buy rise I will absolutely melt down in this thread you better not
y tho
Facts are important until they stop supporting my narrative.
Pretty sure that doesn't include Sunbreak and ergo, garbage.
Just buy it. You really can't stand to lose 14 dollars?
Just pirate it if you don't care much about playing with the autists in this thread
Square Enix has been making bomb after bomb for a while. Even though they said 16 and 7R2 sold well, we know they wanted those big dick 10m+ numbers. Meanwhile Capcom has had a fairly steady stream of successes. Their only huge bomb in recent years was Exoprimal.
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>-mhg- Custom Quests Pack updated
Give me a quick rundown on the update
what got changed?
who is shiro
the red man
Now that I think about it, it's kind of incredible just how much awful stupid writing Capcom manages to produce across Monster Hunter, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and most of the rest of their properties. Nergigante looks like a meaningful and effectual poster villain compared to Necalli.
can randos join custom quests from SOS?
my wife
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Has anyone here not pre-purchased the Wilds Premium Deluxe Edition? Is there even one here person who hasn't yet?
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5.0 Wilds Update
Added a "speed" Ancient Leshen (MR3 category)
Added a 5-Garuga quest (MR5 category)
Added harder versions of Ancient Leshen and Behemoth (MR6 category)
Fixed Rajang quest rewards (Shadow Kong)
Fixed Mosswine meme quest objective (Bloodbath Mosswine)
Fixed various typos
All languages now included in main download to avoid confusion
Adjusted all Namielle's HP to be closer to other similarly ranked Elder Dragons
no fix for the regular speed quests?
>speed quests are fixed
/mhg/ pack bros, we're going home
Shan't be buyin
Wilds just looks boring unironically and that's even if they happen to fix performance. There are like 2 monsters in wilds I want to fight and none of the maps so far look interesting
Brand loyalty is retarded. Wilds doesn't look good so far so i don't plan on buying it.
I haven't, nor will until I see how pozzed it is and how well it runs
I can't get 60fps at 1440p on low-medium settings with a 3070, ain't updating for a single game.
maybe I'll get it in a few years when its properly finished and there are mods to remove the pozz.
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Yall say this but will be buying day on for sure. Fomo to strong yall so quite playing and trying hard to fit in.
Nope. If I want the extra stuff, I'll get it separately.
I will stab you in the face
Why does Rise look so ugly compared to Generations?
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>Wait 1 week after release
>see the meltdowns or see people praising it

That easy loser, DD2 threads didn't even lasted a week after all the meltdowns.
If you wanted to remove the pozz you’d follow your sisters and join the 41%
can you marry and impregnate the drahon twins in rise? this is very important
can you marry and impregnate the Meowstress twins in GU? this is very important
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seethe nigger, consume the pozzed casualized slop
it actually is crazy how quickly dd2 threads died
I always buy the most premium/deluxe versions of all games, but MH seems so useless. It's so much cooler to wear what you've earned, why would you cover that with paid cosmetics.
>gravios urgent
fuck I didn't make a good hammer yet it's so over
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they're working now, maybe they were working before but I also knew the wilds ad update broke them
fuck jewcom
Is Dragon Dogma 2 that bad? I thought they made way better Pawn now with all better customization and stuff. I know for a fact anons were fucking hyped for it
It's very blatantly unfinished like 1 was, but due to the size it just feels more empty than 1 did too, on top of the absolutely awful performance.
You seem to be the only one seething here, troon. Now hurry up and do the needful.
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it runs like shit
its pozzed up the wazoo
and it has less content than dark arisen
I've heard the first 2 hours are good, and you can pirate it if you want.

>nooo the game isn't pozzed ur pozzed u tranny!!!
retarded niggerfaggot
It's the most awkward open world i've seen in years, everything feels shallow and dead, at least the first one had the limitations and year of release excuse...
>Gives out opinion on it
>Hasn't played
Why does this keep happening?
I love dd1 and I wanted dd2 to be dd1 but more but its dd1 but less. There is LESS customization in dd2 when it comes to pawn. From 7 armour slots to 4 armour slots. From 6 skills to 4 skills. From 8 inclinations to choose from to 4 inclinations. From having a primary and secondary inclination which results in 56 different inclination combos from only 4 static inclinations.
>see shit on the street
>need to taste it to be sure its shit
I don't need to play that shit to see its pozzed and that it runs like shit, retard
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Walloping web-snapper. Isn't DD one of Capcom's money earner? The hype train went fucking choo choo for 10+ years. Why would they fuck it up like this?
>boast about open world being 4x bigger than dd1
>it is actually 4x time bigger but they forgot to add 4x the enemy variety
>has maybe 1.1x the enemy variety of base dd1 so it makes the world feel boring and repetitive
less classes
Because they desperately needed a game to release in time for earnings reports so they gambled on a rushed out unfinished game that might be able to be carried solely on hype vs not releasing anything and having the shareholders calling for board members' heads to roll.
Lol original game sold like 300k
Literally no one cared until they started shilling to hype up DD2
No. Nobody gives a fuck about dragons dogma
>The hype train went fucking choo choo for 10+ years
For it's cult fanbase that is. It's basically still unknown everywhere else. It was THE fastest selling Capcom game when it got ported to PC though.
Consoles did only 300k. PC port got 1m+. So now you know why Capcom moved.
>Troon seething with rage
Take your titty skittles, bitch
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How much do you think the event quest packs are going to cost in Wilds?
>exo primal failed so hard it ensured dino crisis won't ever get revived
It kept telling everyone that the whole fucking game seemed to be the same 1 billion wolves and goblins/cyclops as the first one and they called me overly negative
What about the potion packs? Probably Now prices
It amazes me how they made a game about killing dinosaurs so fucking awful to play
What do you guys want monhun to become? Old monhun ended with GU and the devs want to change the game. How should they change it ? What do YOU think? Don't be a pussy and just say it
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But enough about World
Not comparable, dino crisis 1 is an old school survival horror with a goth waifu, it's peak remake material
I hope the modern industry dies and people like you fuck off. Actually just fucking kill yourself and speed up the process.
monhun should basically become like zelda botw but with hunting monsters seriously it could be fun
5th gen tier movement would be fine if you just sped the monsters back up to their pre-world speeds. Besides that just remove crutches like the blankets.
I probably should have specified you can't use words like remove or revert since they don't intend on doing that
I’m fine with them experimenting but good god stop lowering the bar on difficulty. It’s already incredibly easy and still they want to make it easier for the mystical wider audience.
>devs: we're going to make it easier with every game
>anon: just don't make it easier
Lets be realistic here
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Add speed to monster
what was that open world mobile game called again? Outlanders? Outer lands?
my wife and our children
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They should make monsters faster honestly. Players have enough tools to deal with it
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jar when he sees a femboy
Games are not supposed to be hard or easy and difficulty is a weird friendless zoomer metric. let's be real.
can't wait for the doujins starring congalala as ugly bastard
I do NOT like femboys
Games are supposed to present a challenge to the player and reward them for overcoming it
You must be a Sony fanboy with the way you just want to watch a movie
We need more story and more brave and powerful women of color represented. I didn't cry or clap once during the whole of World Iceborn. And enough with the autistic grindy gameplay. That needs to be streamlined big time.
your tag in the discord is literally "femboybussypounder4lyfe"
Not really no.

W101 greatest action game that filtered millions
Monster Hunter (real not gen5) Greatest Hunting game that filtered millions
Dwarf Fortress greatest alcoholic simulator that filtered millions

Game's don't need to be hard, games need to be games. Oh well time for the chocobo to auto-travel so i can kill the monster (Cause that's what MH is all about, big World fanbtw so i know how the wheel turns)
What does that even mean?
>Actually no
>But also yes
Make up your mind
I actually do unironically think tokuda will tackle the grind in one or two more mainline entries. Remember in wilds you already get items put directly into your item pouch after breaks. No need for picking them up. It won't be long before he just says fuck it and you'll be able to upgrade as soon as you beat a monster
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>port MH4U for PC with full UI scaling and controller implementation
>graphical upgrade equivalent to Generations on 3DS -> GU on Switch and nothing more
>remove the shitmons like Gypceros and Khezu
>add a few cool monsters like Qurupeco to replace the ones you remove
>P2P rooms so you don't need to worry about servers shutting down
>title update every few weeks to add in good new monsters (that are locked to G3 gear stats or below), or gear to trade for at the Wycoon
>add better reward incentives to completing Arena Quests
>consolidate all event quests that are region-exclusive to be playable by everyone
>GU, World and Rise episode quests just for fun
Hire me Capcom, I will save Monster Hunter
Nobody plays games to be frustrated.
Nothing. She doesn’t have an argument and just wants to call people friendless losers over the coop monster hunting game.
I do though
Why don't the elders just attack all at once?
Why isn't humanity extinct yet?
They're monsters not intelligent villains. They don't organize in groups
You're not the target audience so who cares.
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too much waifu/husbando potential
If they don’t organize in group then why are they called the Fated Four a riff on Sinister Six
The fated 4 aren't even elders
BG3 was huge so when are we getting romance options in monhun???
At this point they already bent the knee to trannies I'm sure furries will get what they want next. They actually use the "monster fucker permit" meme on reddit too
Why don't monkeys just attack all at once?
Why isn't humanity extinct yet?
they are biding their time until the age of monke comes again
Congalala wouldn't dare risk me beating him up and then fucking his huntress wife in front of him
it's coming
you've been warned
I’m coming
Monhun but combined with your favorite non monhun game. Is it kino?
Those games are not hard, they are hard to get into because they are made for a niche [aka as real gamers] (Just like classic monster hunte!!! r) ((wooooooooooooow)). Learn the difference, you might actually get laid you cretin.
MH+Rune Factory
Don't know
monhun + doom
I need it now
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I forgot how much of a faggot rathalos was in gen 1, he just spams charge attacks and does world tours all fight.
MH x Shenmue sounds gawdlike
>The games aren’t hard they’re hard
thats like...literally all he does all throughout the games. only rise fixed him
There are no bad monsters
Just shit players
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Magdaros is shit
Rajang is pretty shit desu
They are hard to get into. I'm sorry that you lack a chromosome (you will never be a woman doe).
Monster with trillion shitzones = bad monster
>MH + Okami
Yes please
On the bright side stupid retards can get into world kek, what a wild ride it's been.

Gentleman, this is why you always gatekeep.
Gatekeeping doesn’t exist
in gen 1 he has no transitional animation between movement and attacks, so he can turn and insta charge attack with no animation in between.
I'm away from my computer for the holidays. What is it?
MH x idk
>travel through randomized dungeons, having to hunt from a pool monsters
>maybe get to hunt Pokemon
yep, kino
>any Fatalis
>World Alatreon (pre-World is fine)
>pre-Rise Kushala
I could go on.
Surprised how its mostly eldershitters.
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Is it this?
And what exactly is wrong with worlds alatreon???
someone that 41%'d?
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Forced dpscheck mmo bullshit
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b3mT+eiTx!BN 1/16
Good hunting
Death to brutes
I don't think you've actually ever played an MMO. The DPS check on Ala is lenient as fuck, you can hit it easily just using your chosen weapon's frostfang weapon and nothing else as long as you're hitting him a couple times every minute.
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Tons of shitters in here lately
It doesn't matter how easy it is to hit
It's a bad game design choice that is too different from monster hunter and sets a bad precedent
Any monster that requires a specific weapon to beat is automatically garbage
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You will NOT make me feels sorry for Barioth!
You can kill it with the wrong element if you're good enough though.
Nigga some of the last fights are DPS checks since dos
its ok, just capture them and send them to the nice monster ranch where they get to play and be happy for the rest of their narural lives
Are you sure the games are easier or were you just bad at them when you played the old ones
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Like what? Lao? Fatalis? Other garbage doo doo fights?
Crapcum can go suck a dick. If I buy wilds it'll be on a key site, I'm not giving a cent to those faggots
>Kushala is at the other school de of a large, open space
>there are tornadoes everywhere
>deftly make my way over the him, turning left and right
>he flies across, back to where I was
>Benny Hill show music starts
>repeat for 15 mins
There are shit monsters.
New games are totally easier
for 98% of World I breezed through it by just mashing buttons on HH because both it and the cat could buff and heal me
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*side of a large
do you have a certification of your retarded status
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what is it about huntresses and congalalas?
I can't understand what you're trying to say, you should consider pushing crapcum's dick out of your mouth
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Probably Rise
I like this actually
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most likely
Rajangs and Congalalas just get them
Gozaimas Thanks
Am I missing something?, with max recoil down the tetranadon HBG doesn't have movement while shooting spread 3, is it supposed to be that way?
so immature
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her game
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Has Capcom run out of ideas?
this is a game for kids
deal w it
I want to punch that cats face in.
Mainline has
I'm not a furry but..
I didn't play the beta or watch any gameplay but is there a lot of swearing and out loud self talk like Capcom put in the nu-resident evil games?
>You will never have a short gf who says this shit
It's so fucking over
I mean if she can consent
>Ey nigga them monstas be fuckin shit up mayn kill them niggas
It has about the same amount of talking as Rise did if you set Palico dialogue back to random cat noises.
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>Looking at MH mods
Page 1
>Mod installer
>1 billion downloads
Page 2
>Replace character with Gatcha character
>700 million downloads
Page 3
>Frostmorne from world of warcraft C:
>4 million download
Page 10
>Slightly upscale this random NPC
age 32
>Actual really nice QoL Mod
>"""""QoL""""" Mod
Most people just use Cheat Engine if they want to cheat
The only thing I have modded in these is the region lock in Rise and I can't tell if it's even doing anything but it sure as hell doesn't help me get anyone to join my quests so it's of middling usefulness either way.
What's your most memorable monhun moment?
That time a choco huntress invited me to her room and did sexy poses for me and we erped
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Hey guys let's play MHW (PC) and Ape Escape 3 (PS2 slim) today guys :)
Bro go fight the HR Deviljho...
Plenty of cheats on page 1 schizo senpai
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>been years since I last played
MonHun (MHGU)
>fire up PS4 Pro that's been collecting dust
>Risebreak on sale
>pay 20 burgerbux for it on nostalgic impulse, having done no research
>check Downloadable Cancer, get the free shit, pay Crapcom 2 corpbux for Tri BGMs (nostalgia again)
>glowing, floating power-up tweety birds are completely retarded
>being Spider-Man is okay, but they took the Wirebug gimmick way too far
>owl and dog mark everything for you, sure paintballs and Psycho-Colas weren't perfect but this is blatant casualization
>Rampages are whack-a-mole bullshit, also 2 EZ even solo

I'm on my last couple of HR 7 quests right now until Sunbreak, when supposedly Rise will get so much better. I hope so, and I hope it gets harder too, because I haven't carted once. Don't tell me this shit isn't easy, I'm mid-skill. The only one of these monsters with a chance at carting me in HR is Rajang.

l'll say this: since Rise was developed for the Switch, the graphics technology is at a reasonable level, rather than going the Wilds route and aiming for maximum brownbloom GPU-melting eye candy that requires a $10,000 supercomputer to run at an (almost) stable 60 FPS. I played World on a high-end PC at the time, but it's looking like I'll need an AI datacenter to play Wilds.

The general trend toward parkour-like traversal is appreciated, except that they completely fucked it up by making it look and feel like Sonic the Hedgehog or Crash Bandicoot.
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No, I don't think I will!
But then how are you going to appreciate the work they put in the Savage variant compared to base Jho...
>Wilds the only unreleased game to rank in the Steam Year in Review revenue ranking
Not that there's a ton of competition early next year but it sure won't flop as hard as Avowed or AssCreed Aw Kuso Nigga-dono anyways.
Nobody expects wilds to flop unless they're delusional but I'd be shocked if it beats world numbers and I question if it'll even beat rise
Actually it will sell like crazy
>I question if it'll even beat rise
Then you are delusional too.
I'm sure the rest of the playerbase appreciates it. My contribution is not needed.
Given enough time probably but 16 million isn't some small number to beat
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One year of dev time, wasted...
Like Rise sold 16 million instantly or something.
>Day 1
>"Hey wouldn't it be cool if we had a walking pickle as a monster?"
>Month 3
>"Oh, yea, that pickle thing. Maybe we should do some concept art on it"
>Month 11, Week 3
>"I guess we better finish that pickle..."
frostfang barioth is better than regular barioth
It would be an accomplishment to be worse.
starting kulve siege with a friend
feel free to join
How unfortunate!
eh I guess it's no point speculating when we'll see soon enough. we have opening weekend, first week, and first month sales from world to compare wilds to so it's just a matter of reaching those goals
hhehehe monkee heheh e fart xd!!!
Simultaneous PC release for this insect bait game almost guarantees its launch sales will be better than even World, but there's not a chance in fuck it's losing to a third party Switch exclusive.
probably encountering glavenus in GU. I also remember really well the first time I fought kulve taroth for some reason.
oh and vaal hazak reveal was also a highlight

it does get way better with sunbreak. I didn't cart in base rise until the apex monsters were released.
Seething really fucking hard as a kid because I kept getting rekt by Arzuros in 3U, and then because I kept accidentally killing it or missing the shock trap during the capture quest.
This Azure Age water bow is really nice. I wonder if there are other nice elemental bows hidden behind random event materials.
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*You're welcome in Japanese*
That sounds fucking impossible.
Honestly? all the old art.
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Not even Shartreon can withstand the might of the septic tank slash.
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I love huntresses

A monster might take a year to go from brainstorming a concept to the finished product, but that doesn't mean they're ONLY working on that ONE monster without working on other monsters as well.
Do people really read that shit and think that they're only working on one monster at a time?
Congalala took 1 full year of development time and 100% of their resources to implement anon, you don't even want to know how long Emerald Congalala took.
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>just did a 2 furious george sos
>locked the one hunting horn dude on the other side of the arena with the full HP second monke
streetfighter 6 models were made by india. Chances of wilds being modeled by india? i rest my case
>it does get way better with sunbreak. I didn't cart in base rise until the apex monsters were released.
Actually, I lied, come to think of it. Apex Arzuros did cart me once during the Urgent Rampage, mainly because I wasn't taking Rampages seriously at all up until that point.

There was another time that doesn't count, when I wondered where the fuck my cats were, and literally quit fighting HR Rathalos to look around for the cats. I must have accidentally told them to stay. I got wombo comboed and lol'd hard.

Never have I carted during any fight where I was trying or actually playing seriously, though. I'm sure it'll start happening soon.
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my first egg quest on monster hunter freedom when I was a kid. when I saw rathalos and he roar making the screen double up I near shit my pants.
>two cats
>likely hasn't even unlocked Allmother
>never carted
Wow no shit.
You're doing the HH guy a favour
He can actually fight it in peace without distractions. Like other hunters
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You can't run away forever.
I hope this makes you pee your pants again.
shameless huntress
Who did HH best?
Not ricepoopybreak for sure lmao
Not world even though that's the only game I've played Horn with
The spin to win move being assigned to the same button as using the clutch claw really sours the weapon
Echo Wave is fucking sick though
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steam dropped my lobby
good hunting
4U Taiko drum was the best HH has ever been.
How much does an optimized safi dual blade build do over just going straight fatty with the typical crit + damage skills like agitator?
if the ele set is optimized and assuming full uptime on a good hitzone it can be upwards of 30-40% less damage afaik
the grind is part of the fun
That's way more than I thought it would be. I guess I'll grind the gacha...
I thought the futaqueen thing was an exaggerated bit but it's actually a troon
Glad I never downloaded whatever malware is in that .dll lmao
Any of you bros mind sharing your level 7 Rotten vale?
of course sisters! *sends you post-op pictures*
>or just wait for it to poop
man what a quest that was.
Never seen a monster deny you your gameplay harder than Hyper G Naja.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
I'll put it up in a few minutes.
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>Wow no shit.
If the game doesn't start until Master/G-Rank then they should skip everything before that and stop wasting my time. It's one thing to ease players in, but I was effortlessly whooping monster's asses for an extremely long time, using farmed gear by the way.

I've used two cats maybe twice outside of Rampages, yes, for free topples and disables. That a problem? Palicos (or Cha-Cha) never turned any actually hard fight into a cart-free experience. Actually, they make it more difficult to learn the monster.

I'm barely paying attention as I finish up HR 7 using a set I farmed ages ago, and this is normal to you? Did you start with World?
>the game doesn't start until G-Rank
lamest tourist cope ever tbqh senpai
>Palicos (or Cha-Cha) never turned any actually hard fight into a cart-free experience. Actually, they make it more difficult to learn the monster
Have to agree on this.
Some mons like Furious Rajang and Boltreaver EX was one of the only times i had to physically remove my cats cause i could barely tell who they were targetting.
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Come join fren.
Not to say base Rise is a super punishing game or something but the game is designed with the expectation that if you have any sort of desire to go fast at all and haven't unlocked every camp and figured out every shortcut already you will most likely have 1 dog and 0-1 cats and dogs are more or less straight forward damage dealers instead of CC'ing the shit out of monsters and healing you so they have even less chance of killing you.
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Are you playing at low textures? Why does everything else look so shit
it became like that after I installed the reshade, I think I installed it wrong.. the ingame settings are all on max settings
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Alright nevermind. I'm going to sleep.
yeah, that thing fucking sucks man. i dont know how it made it through to the official release.

that thing was made with pure malice and hate
>likely hasn't even unlocked Allmother
Are you trying to suggest Allmother is in any way hard? The only thing that has ever carted me with Allmother is its stupid spinning pillar move that I gave up trying to figure out how to dodge, so after carting the first time to that and nearly carting a second time, I just farcaster'd out every time that dumb fuck decided to do that move.
>couple days ago, talked shit about Seltas Queen being very slow, easy to read, easy to kill
>haven't played GU in awhile, jumped right in to farm Iridescent Carapaces and was doin well
>boot it up again
>Seltas Queen is the hunt of the day
>...sure why not!
>queue up Hyper Seltas Queen
>proceed to be royally humbled with 2 carts before i kill her
Perhaps i may have been wrong.
It's not hard! It's just that one tedious move!
>hunt of the day
tendie niggas really be calling world an mmo when they have a "hunt of the day" lmao
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holy carves
>having a hard time with regular Seltas Queen
Each of her four limbs are made of glass. Her front mandibles are also surpisingly easy to break as well. She spends just as much time flinching from part breaks as she does attacking.
If you're really having trouble, just flash bomb little Seltas and the queen both at the same time while they're not joined. Preferably do it while Seltas is flying so that you can get that super long knockdown and shave off like half of its health. Then when it dies the queen is harmless.
oh no I'm not having trouble, i just haven't played GU in months so i just hopped right in a quest i had already done.
Really it was just me underestimating her cooldowns, and when "Hypered" charging, she's alot faster than she looks.
Getting a lvl 3 ground slash just as she shoots her pheremones to call Seltas makes Seltas flinch 90% of the time and cancels their formation so she was alright.
Just got too far up my own ass, but i appreciate the tips!
Ah, my bad. Yeah, getting back into any MH game after a long time not playing and doing specific matchups whose quirks I've forgotten can get my ass humbled too.
maybe the guild was the real monster all along
I don't understand how you're all supposed to be ultra hardcore 300 IQ gamers and you couldn't figure out to just run to the outside wall where there's the least danger, look in the direction the outermost dragonators are coming from, and then walk around any that are actually going to hit you until the platforms show up. If you really want to go fast then you have to get to the middle after they spread out and the orb disappears but whatever.

The hardest parts are the heavily tracking melee combo that has to be dodged in a somewhat specific way and getting clipped by the tail attack where you fucking die if you stay on the ground or in lightning phase wirebug recover in most directions. Everything else is a joke but like the spin cycle you can get knowledge checked to death on those at least once and the tail has just enough tracking, just a little too big of a hitbox, she has 15 other slow bullshit moves that don't all have incredibly different tells from it, and she's huge so 3/4 of her can be off screen at any given moment so it does catch people. (although I say all this and when I look at a video to check the specifics of Dragonator movement I see some guy just face tanking it all at release what the fuck)
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Pffft. What's he gonna do?
Shit on me?
Your cats are cringe, /mhg/
Your kidneys are cringe, /mhg/
*throws a boomerang at your head*
*turns on Palico speech*
Get a load of these claws!
Capcom should unify the three different Diabloses into one.
Low Rank should have the regular Diablos moveset.
High Rank should have the regular Diablos moveset combined with Black Diablos' moveset.
Master Rank should have all of that combined with Bloodbath Diablos' moveset.
The same concept could be applied to other monsters.
Have Low Rank Rathian be the usual Rathian with her triple run and so on. Have High Rank Rathian add Pink Rathian moves. Then have Master Rank add in Gold Rathian and Dreadqueen Rathian moves.
And so on and so forth.
This would feel like a natural difficulty progression.
so trueeee fromsoftbro we should totally delete one of MH's staples and be more like elden bing. do better capcom.
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it's been a while /mhg/. How are we feeling about Wild?
Quests are kino. There are a few that start late in the day and turn pitch black when night falls.
New variant: Skypiercer Diablos
It uses its wings to fly.
New Variant: Chocolate Alatreon
Diablos can fly
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Any lumu?
New variant niggermon
When playing LBG whats the mechanic behind whether or not hitting right trigger to shoot again on empty ammo causes a reload vs. causing a "click click out of ammo" noise?

Kinda fucking annoying hearing the "click click" when I'm expecting a reload and have to wait 1.5 seconds for it to actually reload. Yes I'm aware I can press Triangle instead otherwise.
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Seriously why did they have to bring him back
MH is returning to the classics.
Imagine how hard he cums
As an HBG and GL player, I'm very excited. Both look like the best iterations of each of these weapons in the series to date.
My only complaint about HBG is the lack of any sort of crouching fire, but everything else about the weapon has me stoked.
what the hell are you smoking
I don't think it's even possible to top valor hbg
i cart = bad monster
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In my lane
fuck this nigger's tail swipe
I thought I was beginning to enjoy magnamalo
he's still fucking gay
Are those cats real? No fucking way those cats are real
They're delayed attacks. If you didn't position properly during the setup of the attack then you're gonna eat shit. That's why I like the fight but I get why most people don't since it's pretty unique encounter design
Should I become a lance main?
It's so fun
Rise is a really really really easy game, it does not get past braindead before it ends, the only difficult (see:engaging) parts are post-game event quests. You will get so fucking bored hunting the same monsters over and over and over again in village, LR and HR it's a real shame, because the weapons are fun.

Sunbreak is where the game gets to be interesting, monsters no longer spend 40% of the fight squirming on the ground. By itself Rise is very disappointing
Base world was the peak of the series
>Added harder version of Behemoth (MR6 category)
Why? Solo Extremoth is already the worst fight in the game, what does "harder" even mean in this context?
bait or retarded post

I will never play a monster hunter game on release ever again after the fuckfest that World and Rise were. Barely any content, all of it piss easy, progression boils down to pummelling helpless shitmons to death. Plus awful performance issues and shitty internet connection issues. Did everyone else just forget how bad the on-launch experience was for the past 2 games?

Personally, I'll wait for the G expansion before dipping my toes into Wilds. I still have a bunch of 3rd and 4th gen games to play.
Skill issue
>over and over again in village, LR and HR it's a real shame, because the weapons are fun.
bro doesnt even know how quest progression works in rise but acts like authority
>stand within 20 feet of Teostra
>he does an attack that is clearly telegraphing one direction and one direction only
>get hip-checked by a non-moving part of his body and thrown 300 feet away regardless
I'm always on the move when he's doing it
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Haven't bought it mostly because I fear my toaster of a laptop will explode trying to play it
Want to build an actual desktop rig, but the possibility of buying a house has been slowly creeping into my head and now I want to save up for that
I fucking hate this, why can't I be given a place to live that I can call my own without taking a housing loan
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I love huntresses
Alright let's see what we have in this thread so far. Autism, furry shit, cuck shit, seething, coping, malding, hoping, schizo shit, bad taste, and you're all ugly. Wooooow great thread guys
Alright let's skim the thread to see what's been going on lately. Mental illness, mental illness, severe mental illness, newfaggotry, racism, and more mental illness. Great job guys
you forgot the scat poster
Imagine monhun but in space: you are a bounty/alien hunter that takes on contracts on frontier worlds to take out hostile megafauna, clean up after experiments gone wrong on research stations, assassinate leaders of large xenos species ect.
He's based though
MH x Freelancer
So basically what this guy said >>507809278
Ok, Hans Gruber
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This will be the future portable games
Would be based if the creator wasn't a zoophile
>replacing Fugen with MagnaSHITlo
Was gonna post the same thing lol
imagine rathian twerking...no wonder rathalos hits that every chance he gets
What about the lance anon?
Have they ever released data on how many people use monhun language in the new games?
I wish we got something like this instead of whatever Outlaws was supposed to be. Maybe not exactly like monhun, but the star wars IP already has everything for a bounty hunter game. Hell, I would have settled for a GTA, but in space. But noooo.
No racism? Not even anti-semitism?!
I'm disappointed.
Oy vey goyim, who do you think were in support of the Scatreon posts?
They are amongst our ranks, and they were celebrating Hannukah
Christmas is dead and /mhg/ killed it
You fags keep talking about some scarteeon thing and I have yet to see what the fuck you're talking about and I've been here for a long time. Does he just post it when I'm sleeping?
So I'm enjoy this game (MHW), but damn it gets a little repetative. I'm at the point in the story where I have to keep going out to look for ???? rathian prints I've already see the dragon thing land twice so I know what it is, why am I still having to do these lame fucking quests, I just want to get to the next proper mission not this fillter content or whatever it is.
Wilds already won
Considering how its mindbroken people already, yeah, it won.
Stop, you'll give him hemorroids
Actually it won't sell like crazy
why do people refuse to heal on Fatalis, nobody thinks you're good because you sit on 60% health half the fight
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imagine being so wrong you become a meme
The losing competition
Rise fucking won
The rising competition
That's better
hinoa makes me rise
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Fatty is the one hunt where time becomes a genuine issue in multiplayer
This was a 3 party hunt vs Fatty in a lumu months ago
It came down to the fucking wire:
>on the last cart
>we could feel it in our bones that the timer was ticking down to 0 in seconds
>>someone was pinned and capslock/scream typing for help
All or nothing, I went for a SAED and got the kill
I'm not going to pin the blame on someone else for our sloppy performance, I was >CBT vs Fatty so...

What I'm trying to say is, if I think I can get the heal via self heal/vampirism aug, then that will be my priority vs Fatty
That's all cool and all, but doesn't explain why dipshits don't heal themselves in phase 2 at like 8 minutes into the fight, we ain't losing on time brother just hit that max pot
Resentment + Safi armor perchance?
You guys think game dev is looked upon as glamorous in japan? Are ryozo, tokuda, ichinose, or suzuki even married?
ryozo and tokuda both have harems and they own a maid cafe that's only for them

suzuki and ichinose are cucks who pay to go to ryozo's and tokuda's maid cafes
>get the monhun itch again
new save but in which game? risebreak or worldborne? my weapon of choice will probably be swaxe
wild hearts
>get tired of the aoeshit in frontier
>play iceborne
>it's more aoeshit
no its not
Discord sistas? Yeah we got ourselves a live one. Let him have it
it wasnt funny the first time and its not funny the second time
>SnS with Guard 10: 'I am growing stronger'
didnt hunt it
OP doesn't mean fun.
For example, Striker Lance may very well be the strongest Lance ever has been (and likely ever will be) in the series as far as pure damage output goes, but it's at the bottom for me in terms of fun factor because I don't play Lance to spam a single move over and over and over and over and over and over again for optimal damage.
Wilds HBG is the most fun because of the reworks they've made to both HBG specifically and bowgunning generally.
Here's what I like.
1. The new shield system. Aside from the passive block from previous games, you also now can manually raise your shield for a perfect guard that removes chip, reduces blockstun and gives you the choice of going into a bigger-than-usual hop, the new Focus Blast shots or your Ignition Mode meter. It was really rewarding to pull this off in the demo.
2. Ignition Mode means you're not just mainly relying on one ammo type for damage. You're constantly going between your regular ammo and spending your Ignition Mode meter. In previous games, you stuck with one ammo (like, say, Pierce or Normal) and that was 95 percent your source of damage. Hell, even though World gave us Wyvernheart, its poor endgame balancing meant that it was actually a DPS loss to use Wyvernheart instead of your selected main ammo type. On a related note, Focus Blast shots add another ammo type to your ammo rotation, since it's what you're gonna use to pop wounds. So you're basically cycling through three different types of ammo at minimum in a hunt.
3. I love the new Wyvern Counter Ignition. It's not just a parry. It's also an offset attack, so you can basically use it to knock back monsters. Plus the animation is really satisfying and crunchy when you successfully do it.
So no, I'm not smoking anything. I do think this will be the best HBG has ever been in the series to date (unless of course they fuck something up with the balancing and make Ignition Mode a DPS loss the way Wyvernheart was in World and Rise).
Actually it won't run like dogshit
Actually i won't change your nintendiaper
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>'I am growing stronger'
LOL, more like 'I AM GROWING SLOWER' since all those points wasted in Guard means you're doing less damage per second than optimal speedrunner sets.
Go ahead. Compare your clear speeds with speedrunner clear speeds against PrimZeno and weep at how much slower you are.
>Compare your clear speeds with speedrunner clear speeds
sorry I'm straight
Speedrunners aren't going to fuck you
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>MR 999 player doesn't know how to do a wakeup tcs so he just does a charged slash
shamefur dispray
guaranteed first time playing gs or cheated rank
he went through all the effort of eating a might pill and using demon powder too, I was so disappointed
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I'm sorry for taking the time to make a post detailing why I'm genuinely excited for a weapon in Wilds.
I guess that means I'm not fitting in with the rest of /mhg/.
Really, I should do what everyone else here is doing and be as jaded and doompost as much as possible. Maximize my cynicism and all that, you know!
After all, being jaded (or at least presenting an image of being more jaded than thou) is a form of social currency in this Mongolian basket weaving site, especially when it comes to this general.
Or should I participate in huntress gooning? Or what about repeating very hilarious and inventive memes like Scatreon? Maybe a genwarring post here and there?
Will (you) respond to my post with a variation of "LOL HE MAD XDXDXDXDXD!!!"?
Where did you get this picture of me?
>Mongolian basket weaving
go back
You're trying way too hard
You can't really do much about that since you posted during semi-prime shitposting hours. If you want to have a chance at an actual discussion you'll have to come back, surprisingly, during american evening hours. You'll still get garbage posts then but there's a higher chance of people actually playing and discussing the games.
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is this a good time to get into monster hunter world on PC?
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based embolden enjoyer
sunbreak sns is so FUCKING good dude. I don't want to let go...
If you plan on getting Wilds you should buy World+Iceborne right now. You can get through most of the content in two months. And especially if you wanted to do multiplayer since it'll probably be dead after Wilds comes out.
It's interesting that some monsters become easier in G rank. It seems to mostly happen to shitmons.
>Malfestio gains a wing slam with a long recovery time, by far his best opening
>Snowbaron gains a bunny kick that leaves him wide open
>it'll probably be dead after Wilds comes out
The 90% asian playerbase do not have a 4060 equivalent able to play wilds so they'll stay on world
oops meant for >>507817953
I got PTSD from that wingslam from EX Nightcloak. It's a one shot guarranteed and comes out so fast.
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Eh Capcom games go on sale so often that they're never completely dead
I have two MR 999 characters and I still fail wake up attacks
Holy choco milkers
Still insane to me reddit managed to convince capcom we needed trannies in monhun and capcom agreed. This does have amazing shitposting potential though I wonder what else we can convince capcom to do. Maybe I should make a reddit account
>Still insane to me reddit managed to convince capcom we needed trannies in monhun and capcom agreed.
/mhg/ was crying for the exact same thing for fucking years before the series blew up in popularity
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Is it just me or is Anjanath really cute? When I follow him around I can help but find his big chonky legs and tail and smol arms so cute and then when he gets angry and flaps his little wings on his back and his little soft bit of fur, he's so cute. I want a pet one.
fun fact but iceborne already has gender neutral content because the npcs in seliana's hub say "gokigenyō" which is a greeting used by feminine people
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>Block the roar
>Healing is negated

But why
Of course. Half of mhg are trannies you think all the tranny jokes were false?
>Still insane to me reddit managed to convince capcom we needed trannies
where are said trannies?
It's a common sentiment that Anjanath is super cute.
maybe we can get them to include that MAP pedo flag or get them to include an outright communist character
>no sleep HH in 3rd gen
But why?
can you stop using infantile redditspeak please
Any chip damage destroys red bar. Chip is determined by the weight of an attack, not how much it hurts.
Is it dumb? Sure. Pay the guard tax.
no. its a t-rex with ugly shit glued on. one of the worst mons to ever mon
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*wall of text with made up failed hunting scenario*
Players can wear female clothing even if they're a guy and one of the characters is speculated to be trans
So why does it deal chip with guard but no chip without guard.
If they don't make weapons feel more impactful I'm just not buying Wilds. Every weapon feels like it's made of paper.
I freakin hate Blackveil Vaal Hazaak

First of all, I hate the normal Vaal Hazaak. Really shitty fight overall, really bad hunt, didn't have much fun and never fought that guy ever again afterwards. But god know how much this one is WORSE. Everything, down to the last, minute details of this guy makes me want to puke.

His entire design overall is just disgusting, from his appearance to his moveset. First of all, if I want ANY decent bit of fun against him, I'll have to get some Great Girros or regular Vaal Hazaak pieces if I don't want to get my life halved and one shot immediately, which both are monsters I heavily dislike in their own right. But even once you get the right gear he's just terrible. His shitty gas or something that spreads at mach 20 below him and is basically unovaidable if you're close to him even hits you when using ig because it just spreads that damn fast and on such a huge range. All of his attacks spread that white thing on the floor which is super hard to notice in some areas of the forest and just mess you up if you stand in it accidentally. He's also got that really annoying shit beam that makes it nearly impossible to safely attack his head. Tenderising his skin is a pain because he just yeets you off with his gas whenever you land it on him. Just awful.

I'm literally considering learning a new weapon from scratch just to get rid of him. That's how bad he's making me feel.

Plus there's also this guy "El Frodo" who just keeps joining me when I'm fighting him and triple carts over and over and over and over and over and over again. I don't know which one of them is worst.
Why would you even use a status hh? Especially in third gen when you don't even have the flourish as a multi hit option. That basically leaves your super pound which I guess you would be spamming anyway but it's just not a great status option even using the ko combo as a wakeup
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so there are no trannies? bummer..
Look in the mirror
>beat namielle
>boned weapons
What the fucking jew nigger cunt faggot
i did it i hunted blackveil vaal hazak
This isn't even true
I did it I beat my cock
what weapon?
all the ones i've seen look great
Im mr 320 and I just realized Ive NEVER done AT namielle
hunting music
Wilds feels like shit, looks like shit, plays like shit. Is anyone actually buying it?
I had to double check and only the CB looks "bone" the rest are either fully different or have a shaft that's bone.
Still haven't played p3rd anyway and still have sunbreak endgame stuff to do. I can wait another year or 2 to see what the next portable offers
mr 320 meet mr namielle
is there a world lumu
if not i'll make one in like ten minutes since I still need to be awake for a bit
namielle is female coded
Put up a room and I'll hunt it with you.
only to thirdworlders
No room right now
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>monster looks great
>weapons and armor look great
>fight is abysmal dogshit

what's her name, /mhg/?
I was getting bored of SnS. It felt too mashy.
Guard 10 made it fun again.
insane clip bro!
vaal hazak
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Here's another sick Metsu!
Any siege mon.
Gaismagorm kinda.
world lumu
doing whatever until I go to bed
File deleted.
I've got all the older games to play so not in the immediate future. Maybe when it hits 10 bucks in a year or two.
>Any siege mon.
gogmazios is pretty fun
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oops, here fixed
what don't you like about gaismagorm?
Based chuddha
That's only because you can ignore the siege part. Narwha is pretty much the same
Why aren't you posting your clear speeds? I want to see how this supposedly """""""""fun""""""""" Guard-heavy playstyle compares with meta speedrun playstyles/sets.
Feels too formulaic kinda? Also I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll never actually get to bring it down during the ballista phase if you're playing solo.
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You must add a fun image to get people's attention.
do people do that?
I just ctrl+f lumu usually
just ignore him
>*blocks behind you*
heh, enjoy flying 500 feet from the fart gas, kid.
Some people just scroll and miss stuff so it's better to be on the safe side.
Some people are here 24/7 even when they are sleep deprived and just miss a post because it came off as gibberish to their rest deprived senses
An image grabs your attention
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Next time post a room so we can beat it together.
I'll post one next time!
go outside nigga
What does it matter if he isn't playing online?
I hope they fix the enemy AI in Wilds not knowing how to handle ledges / vertical platforms. I know you've all experienced when you jump off a ledge, have been on the floor for a good 2-5 seconds and you can already tell the AI is about to path a jump up to where you just dropped down from ... so you stand there like a dick waiting for the enemy to jump back down to you.
use what blight gems you got and just kill him. even just 2 makes it easier. when he shits everywhere go to another zone or something, he's probably enraged so he'll follow you
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Never. It's been nearly 2 decades and they still haven't even fixed monsters doing the classic "active sliding hitbox while running into a wall" move.
True, also entire body part enters terrain / wall while knocked down and cannot be attacked is another
I hate Barioth
what'd barioth do to you
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why are they like this?
finally something monhun related
>Hmm...this page doesn’t exist. Try searching for something else.
works on my machine
its the same pics from the r34 link posted last thread anyway
Post it in the thread pussy
Im not a pornposter. Find it yourself, retard. the artists name is right there in the link
>I'm not a pornposter
>Post twitter trash
Delusional on top of being a coward.
Im not the one who posted the link you blithering retard
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Do people actually fap to this?
>finally get to new quest
>boring boring boring
>get back
>check smithy
>finally a new bow and some new armor I actually want
>filled with energy to keep grinding for stuff
Ahhhh, that's it grinding for new better gear is clearly what I enjoy.
im not a pornposter *posts links to porn*
uh oh melty incoming. cant google the name himself and cant fathom that theres more than one other person in the thread
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literally /mhg/'s strongest
RIP terminator/robogunner turned meleechad
I'd roll in my grave if I got immortalized in a tranny quest pack.
>strongest monster in sunbreak vs one tiny baby shield
oh no no no no no no
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Or body parts not accounting for slopes and attacking through them. Which, in this case, resulted in Khezu's head going beneath my Anchor Rage hitbox.
>Act cool, nobody saw
I fucking hate this red filter they put on everything when you're doing anomalies.
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>everyone hates vaal
>everyone hates barioth
>both are my favorite fights
let me guess you're also into sounding
that's why I mod it out
Vaal is just dull in terms of his fight. Atmosphere and design wise, he's fantastic.
Barioth is infuriating because he spends 90 percent of the time spazzing around. I'm not just talking about his 5th gen version, but also his previous versions.
Vaal is just too slow for my liking and there's way too many
>Lmao 360 area attack that you have to fuck off and die
Also the skill tax to actually fight it is a bit annoying. Barioth is fun though. Smashing his claws so he keeps tripping is satisfying.
old good
new bad
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>page 7
Wilds has fucking obliterated the hype
I'd like to thank the Khezu Horn for being so strong
I'd like to thank you in advance for shutting the fuck up.
I don't actually believe anyone here asked one time?
i asked ...NOT
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I just beat village Alatreon in 3u wtf does this mean
ˢᶜʰʰʰʰʰᵖ ˢᶜʰˡʳʳʳʳʳᵖ ᵖᵒᵖ
Ok can we have all Morloids please exit for the remainder of the thread and we can get back on topic
>Absolute silence
Yep, I'm thinking
Gonna be hard when the discord clique are hardcore morlos
i do this when i see scatreon
>skill tax
it's 3 deocrations, for 1 skill, that literally cuts the difficulty in half.
>360 attacks
hahaha just block bro.
I think I know who this is referring...
It was before 2024 even began, before I even entered this general
I believe it was a heart condition, but it's hearsay as I wasn't there

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