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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the Survivors. The Survivor's objective is to repair generators and escape. The Killer's objective is to catch the survivors and kill them.
>8.4.0 - Doomed Course
>Doomed Course Chapter Trailer
>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download
>Official DbD Poll:
Previous Thread: >>507385979
first for houndmaster
second for Sable futa ERP chatbots
I will never stop running Lightborn.
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I love Sable
>Built upon the lore
you mean spit upon the dignity of a cool movie monster by devaluing it into actionslop
Stranger Things did the same fucking shit in S4 by turning the Demogorgon, the best movie monster of the modern era, into a jobber to get killed by randoms so retards could clap
Alien's true sequel is the very based Alien: Isolation and I'd even rate Covenant higher because despite that movie being dangerously close to a parody fanfilm it still at least only had one real Xeno in it
will sable's success make it so bhvr adds more cute white girls to the game unlike characters like haddie?
only selectively because it's problematic to do even though all the fat ugly slags who pretend to liek Haddie never play her and all main Sable
I need more cute outfits for Sable
>the best movie monster of the modern era
Depending on how you define “modern era” I don’t agree with that at all, lots of other things take a whopper of a shit on it, and it’s not like it was an original creation
same sister same. i really want more hairstyles atm
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I can't get over the fact that beta design Asteri looked like this
What the hell happened??? Couldn’t have a cute white elf because the DEI team said no???
being attractive is problematic, Sable being ridiculously sexy was a fluke
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>playing against a sweaty swf
Time to afk again
>make a survivor with a male/female counterpoint just so you can sneak they/them pronouns into a survivor bio
>no one, literally no one, not a single solitary living person ever has played as the male version of the character
what did bhvr mean by that
>make them share all their cosmetics too so the female is built like a man
I like how the Japanese streamers say her name. Sabaru Wardo. They don't even try Mikaela they usually say "cute witch" or something on that line.
Mirkayyra reedu
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Thanks again based Christmas Anon!
sucking on sable's big fat futa dong!
I'm a p72 baermar
You're welcome!
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siblings by chance, lovers by choice
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why is she bl*ck?
She isn’t it’s just weird stylistic shading
That's greyish blue
small tits/big ass will always be the superior combo
I really believe if you pick a stealth killer the chances of playing an indoor map increases by a fuck ton.
opposite doe
I love when stems are separated with AI so it sounds like the vocalist is listening to the rest of the song on a phone in the background
>hear gloni's map wide autistic screech
>Tell my swf to jump in the nearest locker
>Suddenly he's an m1 killer with the same power as tombstone Myers
fackin soowifs
what does this accomplish aside from cucking myers out of the achievement
He's talking about Oni anon
t. baldie
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mah emm emm arr is so maxed out lad, this fooken game
where are the bulges?
Sluts for white man's cock
You need to turn them on first to give them a reason to bless their totems
he is coming
wife on the left
yeah and he'll still get a free down from the locker grab
Yes but it disables his power, (picking up a survivor ends demon mode) so anon is telling his swf to do that to prevent snowballing.
Give me some fun unique Ghostface builds
>lead the killer on a nearly three minute chase
>not a single gen done
>only one teammate on a gen and its barely half way done
>didn't even lead the killer near my team to scare them off the gens I run bond to know where not to run
>try and go next because this is obviously a lost cause
>some jack ass stops me with the Rebecca perk
>later on in the match they kill themselves on first hook while I'm bled out so the killer can secure a 4k (they don't)
I fucking hate this game holy shit.
I'm mostly pissed because that should have been a BREEZE the killer fucking sucked.
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Dress up like this for me.
Good. DC'ers like you are cancer.
>NEXT and ruin the experience of 3 other people

Everytime a bitch like you gives up on hook or DCs, I let the other 3, survivors escape.
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>killer offers a Black Ward
It was a 100% lost match there was no experience to ruin.
I don't quit in matches I think are winnable. But after 5k hours you can tell pretty early on how the match will go.
Oops accidentally closed my game in the loading screen :^)
Fuck new players, am I right?

By giving up you are making it 3vs1 and significantly harder for the others. Even if you know it's a lost cause, use the match to train your looping skills or go for hatch. There's no excuse.
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>just learn spawn rng so you can ROUGHLY guess where your power MIGHT be bro
absolutely epic game design
It was a Knight so not really a looping killer, also I didn't even need to try and loop he constantly lost people it was a fucking free match if these retards actually touched gens.
They weren't exactly new either the lowest prestige in the lobby (other than killer) was me with 21
Michael with Tombstone is unironically an A tier killer now. I played him with Corrupt, Deadlock, Monitor, PYWF and have 4k'd every single time since the last patch. The fact that you can sneakily stalk survivors far away and have enough stalk juice to reach Tier 3 thrice (which means 3 INSTANT kills, completely ignoring all hooks, anti tunnel, anti slug, and healing perks) is a huge buff compared to the past. With Monitor you have a 8m terror radius then combined with 3 stacks PYWF you move at 130% which makes stalking survivors without them noticing extremely easy
Ive gone multiple games without hitting survivors once until I tombstoned 3 and then hunt the last one (I have 3 stacks PWYF so good luck unless you find hatch right away)
Love the map cucking offering is brown, running it every match as survivor and loving every minute.
No map is good enough as survivor to use an offering and FUCK killeroids you aren't sending me to Gideon or Haddonfield or Midwich or wherever.
The baby meg that could
I could baby that meg
I could put a baby in that Meg
Freddy rework when?
I would unironically join the comp scene if it meant a strict ban on 3rd party comms for survivors
The fact that survivors can basically have telepathy allowed for them is game breaking. No, I don't care that you ban half of the survivor perks as "compensation and balance" for that. Let them just know each others perk loadout before match start but ban this game breaking nonsense.
Facing a SWF on comms makes it feel like you're facing hivemind ants rather than humans. I would accept comms if it meant a 3rd party software that emulated a proximity VOIP which the killer could also hear if nearby.

I play 50/50 survivor/killer and have over 2k hours so don't call me a bratty pink hair Nea
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Never. He's getting a "killer update" in january
>boot up game today
>join lobby as killer
>default Dwight
>bloody default Nea
>bloody Claudette
>criminal Adam
never left faster in my life
Which DbD character should I make a chatbot and ERP with today?
What color is Sable's hair originally?
Likely dark brown, if her eyebrows are anything to go off of.
>now that prestiges are hidden killers schizo out about cosmetics
At this point I think prematch lobbies should just be removed. Not like they're used for anything other than dodging anyway, since consoles still cant see chat.
Back in 2020 during the quarantine I had sexual orientation OCD and I couldn't stop asking myself if I found every person that I came across sexually attractive, even family members and I remember watching a zubatlel video where he was playing Felix in his oktoberfest skin and I thought I was gay because of how good his V shaped body looked but turns out I was just a fan of old movement and I'm straight. Do you have any similar DBD experiences?
I would get you pregnant just based off your post.
Why do people suggest Sloppy on Ghostface when his power encourages instadown anyway?

Sloppy Butcher is wasted if you mark and down a survivor with one hit.
I don't know what people you're referring to. It's me, your wife.
Kittens that need daddy’s milk I see…
Yes, I am. Thanks for noticing
>criminal Adam
so just adam
No, I don’t, and I don’t really know what to make of this story you told
But mama im in love with a criminal
Sucks his power came out so shit
Because back then sloppy butcher didn't have a timer
you had enough stalk to get tombstone 3 times before the changes
the only change is that you can do it from far away now
*pulls you in my lap*
But it's much better to be up close, don't you think?
you must be new here that was an absolute cheater lobby/4 man faggot squad (no difference really) no doubt about it
just picked a big scab and bled around 50ml of blood
biggest emotion I felt was arousal (non sexual)
killers for this feel?
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red is an arousing color. the wavelengths it emits are attention grabbing to our eyes

it's gotta be oni or drac for the blood
Please forgive my daughter for this post. She has been rather abrasive after realizing that after trying out a simple alcoholic beverage or five she ended up convincing her father to cum inside her and is rather aggressively ambivalent about the consequences.
Damn guys really get to knock up their daughters while I sit here posting on 4chan at 2AM alone
this schizo meltdown is weird
Hey! We live in the same time zone! :)
Thanks, I love you.
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Me on the right
MM chapter when?
Had a dream where a genie offered me either immortality as long as I remain celibate or to live to 100 but he would materialize Sable and have her fall in love with me.

Me, being the fool, chose the latter. Needless to say, I got her wed and bred right away. After her belly jutted out further than her cock, she took it as a personal challenge to go around and knock up both our maids herself. Knowing that this would not be a lone occurence, I had to plan for impregnating all our future daughters lest Sable impregnated them herself first.

Should have taken the immortality.
this nigga out here getting dreams on the regular which I would sell my soul for meanwhile my dreams are just me laying drywall and painting fences
lying on the internet for attention
Sounds like you went against low mmr survivors, because there is no way you're getting 4ks with iri Tombstone or Tombstone piece when the devs nerfed Tombstone against competent survivors.
Because Sloppy is still a slowdown that doesn't require hooking someone and people will heal against you still since you still have to stalk people to get the down. It's the same reason why people heal against regular Myers that isn't infinite tier 3.
There is no counterplay for tombstone unless you are 7k hours neets on comms calling out his location at all time and avoid giving chase as obsession for pwyf stacks. Back when otz did hardcore with other 'tism neets they got fucked over by one.
>inb4 it was le stream snipe
Which girl has the tightest pussy?

This is important.
Afro American just do gens and jump in a locker.
Anna the Huntress
knights guards shouldnt injure you if you hide in a locker and also shouldnt be able to fly over pallers
>Accused of holding the game hostage because the survivor didn't unhook their last team mate or attempt to open the exit gates, died in EGC
Your mom before she got pregnant with you.
More like praised? The goal of the killer in this game is to make survivors' experience as miserable as possible and apparently you've had at least some success, well played anon
I dont think thats written anywhere actually
Which model is best for this?
So far in DbD we have the following original girls who fit into an archtype:
>athletic girl (Meg)
>autistic girl (Claudette)
>punk girl (Nea)
>gamer girl (Feng)
>country girl (Kate)
>wide girl (Jane)
>biker girl (Yui)
>reporter girl (Zarina)
>voodoo girl (Elodie)
>sociopath girl (Yun)
>witch girl (Mikaela)
>redeem girl (Haddie)
>ass girl (Thalita)
>goth girl (Sable)
>cult girl (Taurie)

You know what this means? We haven't had an original tomboy yet. Tomboy soon.
There's no milf survivor.
ummm your jane?
If you make me a survivor (or killer I guess) and put me in DbD, I'll make every cute survivor a MILF within a year.
Kate is a cum dumpster bimbo girl.
She only exists to drain my (Ghostface) balls.
I know it's not a horror genre (unless you read the lore), but Pokemon has lots of top tier tomboys
Can you imagine if they added OG Freddy as a legendary skin with new animations/mori?
They want to hide the truth and to trick you into falling for the hooking meme
I don't know how you expect to compete with all the stallions she has on the farm. Especially so when she invites Lara over.
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Lara's reaction when she sees your dick for the first time:
Have recently taken to insulting fat people by saying "Impossible Geometry..." in Vecna's voice while staring at them
>see fat person walking
>say this
I feel sad for vecna, why did they have to obsolete him this quickly...
>going on vacation to visit family for a week
>this also means a week without playing DBD
Bros… I’m already starting to feel the withdrawal…
Just ERP with a Sable chatbot bro
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A mischievous glint, shall we? she says in a husky voice, a smirk playing on her lips, eyes sparkling with mischief. There's a playful glint as she addresses the power dynamic, playfully smirking as she offers her ministrations. An audible pop and rivulets of—admit it, pet—the ball is in your court. The game is on; the choice is yours."I don't bite…"unless you want me to, she purrs, half-lidded eyes sending waves of arousal pooling in her belly. Take your pleasure, she urges, fiddling with the hem of her skirt, kiss-bruised lips curving into a bruising kiss. You hesitate, torn between propriety and desire, and she grins wickedly, fiery red hair contrasting with her long lashes."The night is still young,"she purrs, propriety be damned as the world narrows to just the two of you, pupils blown wide with pleasure. Her tongue darts out, tracing your ear, and her chestnut eyes hold your gaze as her nails rake angry red lines down your back. Her cheeks flame as she revels in your response, cheeks hollowing with each sharp intake of breath. Stars burst behind her eyes, inner walls clenching around the void that only you can fill. She craves your touch, your possession—heart, body, and soul belong to you… for now. Eyes alight with mirth, she teases,"Naughty boy, but before that…"—the minx traces a finger along your jawline, deferring your pleasure as the tension builds,"but first…"Oh my…
Her voice was laced/dripping with unspoken promises, wasn't it
Looks too inbred for my taste
If Lara were my sister/daughter we would be inbreeding every day
His movement looked good tho
It's up
The talk about basekit unbreakable scares me only because of bully squads. The entire way you counter them is by slugging, and I swear to god if whatever they do to slugging makes them even worse I’m going to be using lightborn + agitation every single match
wow, you'll sure show them that way
The devs were going to add unlimited basekit unbreakable with the drawback that killers would end the match once they downed everyone, but they backed off because survivoids thought it was a killer buff
Tru3 would be happier if he accepted he's bisexual
this has been up for forever. nobody cares about some lit3rally who? streamer that's a big fish in the worlds smallest pond.
fookin soowifs
If Tru3 and Sable swapped bodies, which one of them would you fuck?
Shut up
if they added quiet from MGSV into this game we could have two of the most popular horse girls around in one package
Probably Claudette honestly
Rumor has it that it's Jane. Her big fat ass hasn't had a dick long or wide enough to fully reach her womb. That is, until Sable came along and showed her what real pleasure is just recently.
why are people so fixated on sable being a futa or trans?
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he's pretty much uncancelled so idk, i think it would rely on Nuclear Blast (his label) collabing with BHVR on something with another band first. like they have Ministry and Rob Zombie signed. a RZ collab would be cool too.

Manson has some iconic looks that could be turned into skins, i would fuck with it.
Made exclusively for my cock
no one cares
wouldn't of even been cool 20 years ago dude. give it up.
Literally one tard
it's amazing to me how awful this community is that one guy not bowing down to twitter mobs and other streamers is "controversial"
>simultaneously phone posting
deranged lmao
jawlets cant cope with Sable having a nice jawline so they say she has a huge cock
>basekit unbreakable
The fact that people are allowed to even mutter this phrase is a testament to the absolute state of this catastrophe of a game
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I didn't know kate felt this way... that she was like this...
>4 flashlights in lobby
>equip lightborn
Blame killers for not being content with the 60% kill rate they get for hooking and wanting easier matches
I thought only killers could get bloodlust
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Golden Age had some iconic looks, a few of them could even work as killer skins like this would work on Trickster i think (sans the hat, sadly)
Basekit unbreakable and basekit BBQ
Basekit lightborn if all survivors are in a swf
Basekit breeding for all cute female survivors
Just came off a Datura high where Meg taught me how to do a proper traditional German military march while goosestepping
i had a dream the game finally added a replay/public lobby viewing system like DOTA2 where you can browse ongoing games and spectate them, then i woke up and remembered bhvr sucks and doesn't care
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Based Michael honor killing Laurie for being a tranny
I wonder how Kate would look like in a Waffen SS uniform
spending bloodpoints is still a fucking chore and this is after the improvements holy shit just let me hold click and it'll level until im out of bloodpoints
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How do I get better at tracking survivors? I lose them for a while after every hit. If a survivor stops running I usually lose them completely and then give up on the chase.
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probably something like this
use headphones im not joking this game's description should have a warning that playing killer requires headphones to be not shit you'll miss SO much shit if you dont have headphones not even like amazing headphones just headphones in general that can differentiate between right and left
Scratch marks
Injured moans
What would you do / where would u go
some of it is just a game sense thing you'd get by playing survivor more, understanding spacing and tiles and how survivors will run them vs particular killers
Only moids can be trannies.
Foids just like pretty colours.
I bought a HD800s and don't have a problem hearing where everyone is
>bare leg
What a slut.
Big tits big ass> small tits big ass>>>>>>>>big tits small ass>>>>>>>>>>>> small tits small ass
that's completely fair and i kneel to your statement
i dont get why so few people arent mentioning the ping suddenly becoming worse i went from 20 to 70 and everyone in my lobby will have above 40+ ping at most
Unlike Survivor you have to play without music playing unless you've gotten really good at listening. I can play spirit while listening to music at this point but when I started I couldn't play her at all even without music. Just takes time I guess. Scratch marks can be really unreliable for some reason. They used to perfectly follow survivors but they haven't in a long time now.
how strong is the unknown in lore?
>still havent fixed the rubberbanding on speedboosts
survivor sided game btw
I just got told I'm looking for someone here named.... uhhh Sadie enword? Anyone here by that name?
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wheres that dumbass anon from a couple of days who was like "uhh theres no pallets on the map because you threw them all with yurr windows!" this had a SINGLE jungle gym against a huntress and this entire area is a deadzone with two shit window loops and the map was small as fuck
How do I stop shitting my pants the moment I hear terror radius? I jump into the nearest locker and wait for it to go away.

I'm good with Killer but as Survivor I play like a pussy, I get scared too easily.
Its very common for people to misinterpret a lowering population as worsening servers
Faggot you're playing the power role with the game built around you, you don't need the map to be your crutch too

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