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Tips for being a good taichou:
>Its almost new years, new year means new friends
>make sure you are ready to welcome them when they arrive
>Kingdom is still kicking....

>Kemono Friends Kingdom
>Official Twitter
>Kingdom Mate Codes
>Spreadsheet of KFK Friend skills

>KF3 PC Version and Mobile Version
>Chokotto Anime
>Official Twitter
>KF3 Friend Codes
>Guide and Skill Sheets

>Model Viewers

>Moose-Taichou's Repository
>Moose cache backup
>Another backup

>Previous Thread: >>504391049

>Tip of the day:
Some friends might want to party on New Years, try and get some good food for them
Moose or Serval are who should be sent imo. Both are actually pretty good choices to send over.
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Are you comfy taichous?
Jeez guess this thread was made a little too late huh.
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YOU fuck, you beat me to it... I wanted to make a snek focused thread since it's going to be snek year, but oh well. Speaking of sneks, I just found this very cute comic about fan favorite snek-nee so if someone could take the time of translating it, that'd be sweet.
Tragic, but surely next thread sneks can get their celebration!
Also, I definitely wouldn't mind trying to translate it some time soon! I think that'd be fun
Theres always next thread.
But what if there's never a next thread?
how do i take her out of my bed
You can't, not until Jan 1.
It's too late anon. I've already explained to her Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7th.
Guess that taichou just has to deal with her hogging the bed until then
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Cats... Singing...
chinese new year isn't till the end of january anyway
Wait, one of those isn't a cat!
Cute (almost) LITTLE snek!
very cute!
Black Dragon cosplayer that last thread a shizo thought was a trans self post.
This person has some of the best KF art, wish I didn’t see the guro and scar art they make.
Permanently ruined my perception of it.
Glow in the dark birdies!
Beautiful tits.
A real LITTLE friend!
I wonder what they are singing
Everybody wants to be a cat.
*Shuru...* (basically a wiggly sort of sound, so maybe wiggle or swoosh for her tail?)
>Starting today there's a chance I may come in contact with people, huh?
>After all...
>Japari Park has
>officially opened. (Couldn't find a better word, but I think adding the 'officially' part kinda helps add to the weight the word for a park opening has)
>A certain reptile's day (can't really keep the "one day" part in a more literal sense without it sounding more awkward)
>With restrictions on admissions, there aren't many visitors
>And as expected, mammals are popular
(Signs say Birds, Mammals, and Reptile area from top to bottom. The little subtexts are just translations of the kanji to be more readable)
>As for the snakes, nobody came to see them...
>Hey hey
*Chokon* (basically watching quietly)
>Oh my, lost kids?
>If it's mammals you're after you can go over-
>You're Afircan Rock Python onee-san right!?
>Let's play!
*Agape (or something along the lines of in awe)*
... ...
Not sure how to really translate that sfx under that last box in a good way.

>They're fine with me!?
>I'm happy but...
What should I do?
>Is it fine if I touch your tail?
>I- if you're gentle
>Aah, it's dangerous to keep running!
>Do a hiss!
>More seriously!

Probably can finish it up tomorrow, as usual if anyone has any suggestions or corrections or anything of that sort don't hesitate
>A certain reptile's day
what's the context? like it's a one day event for reptiles?
Why would you want to take her out of your bed? She's a very convenient bed warmer, perfect for cold winter nights.
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BIG juicy bun!
Gotta love that twitter feature where now you can see posts from people who got you blocked.
Rabbit stew time.
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Silly fins! Pink fins!
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Moose bird's party!
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>New kotobuki
Not just silly, but cute as well
Nah, it's just a look into a random day that that snake experienced

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