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Bot Supremacy Edition


HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


Nov 13: Democracy Space Station https://twitter.com/helldivers2/status/1856900453667164360
Dec 12: Omens of Tyrrany https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk0XkX0U_m0
Dec 13: Urban Legends https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uchI4TFLOTg
Dec 18: Killzone collab part 1 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/516322672418750491
Dec 19: Killzone collab part 2 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/516322672418750732

Dec 18 1.002.003 https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/516322672418750479
>horny op image
thread hidden, gfy op
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super earth has fallen
billions must coom
>chink calls evac while the rest are on the other side of the map
region locked matchmaking when?
Normies don't turn off auto vaulting while sprinting whenever I try picking up people in the car they're running away from bugs and jumping on the roof lol
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After unlocking the revolver I feel like I use it more than my primary most missions. The heavy penetration and damage + range just make it always useful
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>tfw you see someone use the crossbow splash against voteless for easy kills
At last I truly see....
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Bratty robot... Needs correction!
bros the amount of teamkilling, itemstealing children that ive had in my games is so fucking high
>You now remember dying because your apediver wanted to vault over the resupply pod
>gas strike
>expendable rocket launcher
>napalm strike
Explain how this is a bad loadout
is there a reason to bring a railgun instead of amr?
Merry Christmas.
>shriekers killing by bodyslamming you was not intentional.
it wasn't intentional but it was the only thing that made them complex and relevant, and it got gutted like every other bug enemy.
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>clearly killed only one unit
>game decides I killed 10 because when killing it, its death managed to kill 3 more units while destroying itself, which obviously results in 10 kills
>only kill a single squid
>game decides I've killed 4-10 enemies because of multi layered armor stripping system
>kill fucking supply pods all stacked together
>game decides I should be rewarded with 5 kills
>another guy killed 20 units on the other side of the map
>since I have the better internet I get rewarded instead of him and cuck him out of his kills
>sentry is shooting a wall
>since some walls and terrains have integrated destructible parts and armor system, I get kills off it
And there are anons taking kill whoring seriously ITT
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Will they be adding more enemies to the squids? Right now they're just zombies, elites, flying elites, and tripods.
The best one is blowing up a hellbomb with nothing around it and killing 5 things
>Destroy hellbomb
>x10 kills
>Find undamaged flamethrower in the bomb crater
Bravo Arrowhead.
>a mistake is the only thing that made them complex and relevant.
Maybe that speaks about the intended game design more.
Also i disagree, a surekill if a lightweight dead enemy slightly touches you really is just annoying. If a charger did it, i'd get it, but a shrieker ?
>12k squid deaths
>11.5k are mind controlled citizens
are we even "winning"
Room doko
I know they're probably gonna do an event for it, but they really need to fucking add the rest of the squigger roster because D10 squiggers is fucking boring
Any SC farm lobbies going?
>destroy hellbomb nearby 20 enemies with multiple breakable parts
There will come a day you wish it was these days again.
There are three boosters that are always useful how do pubs fuck this up and bring meme shit
>we'll never have another decent metal slug game
i'm sad now

>450 4pen vs 1-1.4k 5pen
>42 rounds vs 20
ultimately the amr is just a much more forgiving weaker railgun.
Shriekers probably weigh around 50kgs given their size. You'd be fucking dead if 50kgs of dead space bug fell out of the sky and landed on you at top speed.

Shriekers are longer deadly, just annoying.
The absolute soi
Can someone explain to me why I should take the RR over the spear, especially when I usually play with randos with no opportunity to communicate enough for team reload?
things that didnt happen
>There will never be another creek
The design and lore of the Outcasts is so funny
>Literally Emo kids who fail at school
>given cloak tech and duel razor blades
And it looks like they committed to the Emo look by giving them a hoody
>>507741172 #
>>507742883 #
>>507741873 #
I liked Charger leg meta. It made sense to me honestly, big animal dies if it loses it's leg is absolutely logical, a lot of animals work this way (horses being the most known ones where broken leg is enough to warrant one-way trip to glue factory). If nerfs were neccesary I'd un-armour their back legs more and put glowing paint over them since retards and zoomers require yellow paint to tell them what to do in video games, then it'd be as simple as either having something to go through front leg or going around one. Flamethrower legs also made perfect sense in a way. I liked both of those mechanics and it honestly baffles me they apparently weren't intended.
If anything it was the Bile Spewers that needed to die to being hit in the ass more and Bile Titans needed any sort of weak spot at all.
One more rocket, better reaction time, more control over your shot than with the missile that knows where it is, it knows this by deducting the place where it isn't supposed to be with the place where it is supposed to be and by removing the place where it is supposed to be out of the calculus.
more ammo and ability to aim for weakpoints
I never got the Reddit Creek feeling because I was like level 50 before I ever touched Bugs (they felt extremely uninteresting to me, still do) and on Bot front I found Draupnir the nicer planet to play on because I really liked the Ireland biome look.
Creek also had the shittier Jungle colour pallete IIRC. That being said it might have been my first first planet though because I remember 100% a Diff 1 planet in Jungle biome as my first mission and I don't think there were any other Bot Jungles available on release.
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ok retard
luv me WASP
>not pictured: the mortar sentry out of frame
also imagine being a console nigger
you're the host, SAM sites are shooting down random pancakes and crediting you with the kills from both the pancake and whatever it lands on.
I like how 1 guy with a blitzer can just perma stun bile spewers now arrowhead seems to think that unintended mechanic is ok but anything early meta had to be nerfed into the ground.
Host doesn't get SAM credit anymore, they patched that out when they also removed eagle storm giving the host credit for kills.
>gets proved wrong
take your meds
>AH continuously nerfs enemies instead of telling shitters to just stay in their lane and lower the difficulty
i don't get it
creek fags were and are retarded
they cry and shit themselves in the office whenever the game gets surrounded in controversy so no more difficulty allowed
They tried to do that plenty of times and it almost killed all their sales.
those are all fine points but if I don't have a team reload buddy whats the point?
why don't you stay in your lane and play a different game if you want to sweat? arrowhead vastly misunderstood what their target audience actually was when they marketed the game as a corny starship troopers knock off

and I know HD1 was brutal on the harder difficulties, that's irrelevant, nobody played it and it was forever ago
I'm sure Arrowhead doesn't want a repeat of the 5 o'clock incident
tean reload will not be needed if you just aim properly and one shot everything
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they tried and shitters quit the game in droves.
would be good for overall community quality but livelyhood > quality community for the devs (and anyone, desu)
Because they tied rewards to difficulty, including difficulty exclusive gameplay rewards.
Once you do that you effectively signal to shitters they are intended to be able to clear highest difficulties so they can get all the content.
They really should have added a separate difficulty mechanic that gets you fuck-all except being harder.
You just reload??? Or find cover, then reload???
It's simple.
You reload when you can and sometimes you ignore the enemy while laying behind cover and let your team handle them while putting another deletion cylinder into your fun tube.
Is there a reliable way to farm supercredits that doesn't involve doing low level missions? I've played 40hrs and only have 1 warbond unlocked.
>inb4 spend money
I liked the contrast between the red of the bots and the dark of the planet. Draupnir was harder considering that it was wide open plains against a primarily ranged enemy
don't do, just scrape them
d3 has the best POI ratio
get the SC arrow mod, increase render distance to 10.5 in the config, and drive around with friends or HDG
you can scrape like 1000+SC/hr on the right planets
don't complete the missions, just quit out with team
repeat this constantly and you'll do fine/great
yeah its called a job
you wanna farm? I can set up a farming lobby and help ya out a bit
Sounds pleasant enough, what are the right planets though? And why are 4 people required if you're all driving around, does it increase the spawn rate?
Use the SC mod even if you're not farming. You'll end up getting more in your regular gameplay just by being able to see where they are when you might otherwise miss them. Your only other options are farming or buying.
>decide to play Helldivers
>join rando D7 to try out new build and help noobs collect samples
>suck ass with build
>but its ok because an /hdg/ regular drops in to carry my ass
>next mission
>going well enough
>connection to host drops
>booted back to ship
I guess I'm not playing today. Thanks for stopping by anyways, anon.
having 4 people means you clear the map's POIs much faster
3 is enough though for superfast clearing because you can bounce the third between two different bunkers without wasting much time

having the SC mod on at all times is good as well

if you play with hdg regularly, they usually scour the map for all its SC, even on d10
d10 spawns much less SC though, so shrug

best planets are the non-canyon deserts at nighttime and the moon
I don't have the mod but I'll gladly run around picking up shit
>d3 has the best POI ratio
stop spreading this lie. D1 is smaller with just as many, and no outposts, subobjectives, or secondaries to get in the way
you're not allowed to use the word "lie" in a post where you're literally just pulling shit out of your ass and denying data in favor of personal experience
people have already tested and have seen that d3 has more POIs and the best ratio of all the difficulties
your personal experience is meaningless unless you can get objective data to prove your point
d1 doesn't have just as many POIs btw
>people have already tested
yeah, me.

I just spent just over 40 minutes running both D1 and D3 maps on the same planet farming POI's for super credits and I can say without a doubt D1 is superior to D3.

I spent 21 minutes farming D1. I used maximum speed light armour and the stamina booster without a jetpack. I cleared 5 maps of all POI's and collected 12 piles of super credits. I encountered at least 1 bunker per map but no more than 2, with no more than 4 piles of super credits between the bunkers.

I then spent 25 minutes farming D3. I used maximum speed light armour, the stamina booster, and brought the jetpack. In that time I managed to clear 4 maps of all POIs and collected 7 piles of super credits. I died once to a random cannon tower turret. I also had to stim myself multiple times over the course of each map run for stamina, something I only had to do once on D1. I encountered at least 2 bunkers per map and had 2 maps where 3 bunkers spawned, one map of which had a combined total of 6 piles of super credits I could not access across all the bunkers. I also encounterd multiple 'false' POIs that onormally would ahve supply lockers but instead had nothing, being the rare sample POI layout but just without any samples. The addition of outposts, sub-objectives, and secondary objectives combined with the larger map sizes meant I had to A) take more time to navigate between POI's even when straight-lineing between them, B) had to take round-about routes to avoid outposts, and C) did not see a significant increase in amoutn of POI's that spawned.

D1 POI's are much more concentrated and the larger map sized of D3 does not result in significantly more POI spawns. D1 is by far the most time efficient super credit farming difficulty.
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d1 is fine if you're alone and just need a few drops, otherwise you're spending 99% of your time in a loading screen just to get, at most, 2 drops

in d3 you can get up to around 6 drops and with the frv, your time spent running is negligible
if outposts and objectives are getting in your way then you have an astonishing skill issue
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People complaining about enemies being weak should actually try fighting them. I understand that enemies that can't 1-shot you are harmless when you actively avoid fighting but the intended gameplay is to fight bug breach/bot drops.
The only reason anyone fondly remembers instakill rockets is because they were the only way to die when playing like a pussy.
Wait there I'll come help
>I died once to a random cannon tower turret
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why did they go for the host bound planetary mission chain as the main method method of medal progress? i only do pubs and its maybe one in eight games where the host actually goes for more than one mission.
shit wouldve been better as drg mission chains that also took you across planets and factions.
>20 minutes each
wow what amazing data collection bro
if you're playing with other people, you'll clear all of D1's POIs and waste the rest of your time in a loading screen
spend 1 hour on both with 3-4 people and run the same experiment, you'll realize you were wrong

sample farming alone is already extremely inefficient, as denoted by
>20 minutes
>120 sc
Quit arguing and someone set up a lobby to prove your superior farming methodology
How long are the superstore rotations come on I'm a christmas newbie that wants cool armor
>console player that comes to /hdg/ is a schizo telling everyone to take meds
checks out
Alexus pls go
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How do we stop them from stealing Super Citizen Semen
u niggas want to farm or what? I have the meme arrow mod
We take it first
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== Bots D10 Lesath ==
Parry the Trooper Edition™

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Do people really still farm sc in December 2024?? I've been away for 6 months and still have enough to buy every warbond I missed out on with 2k sc left over and didn't even farm.
Show your own objective data you dumb parroting retard. I also farm this shit and its OBJECTIVELY faster to drop into a D1 or a D2, where you can instantly see all the SC drops around the map and get to them immediately. Instead of fucking around with the car, calling it up, driving it around (and trying not to crash it) only to end up with either a similar or lesser amount of SC. There are side objectives, there are more filler POIs, there's more clutter getting in the way.
Show me some epic data spreadsheets faggot because I know you don't have any and all you do is regurgitate what other wrong retards have posted. Personal experience > actual falsehood
some people missed out on the feb/march/april hypergrind where you could get thousands in an afternoon
That's very interesting
I've been away for the same amount of time AND I used to farm a lot before the Swedes fixed it and I DON'T have enough SC to buy out all the warbonds
I think you're lying my friendly tranime poster!
3/4, our host is fighting for his life in 'tgem hero
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Reminder: Bugs need to be harder and the easiest way is to make them faster. They don't need to be speedy gonzales but you shouldn't be able to just turn around and hold W to be safe. Unless we get new mechanics introduced, your options are make them faster or make them tankier. These are supposed to be heavily inspired by starship trooper bugs, tyranids, zerg, pick your favorite and what does every single fictional universe do for them? Make them fast swarmers.

Side option: give them all the ability to slow you down. Every single one. If they get to you, you're in trouble. Big doodoo trouble. MAYBE lower their damage if it is noticeably too oppressive.
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Why do online randos never team reload? Why do they rush off and solo objectives and drag patrols?
Is there a mod that lets me throw Romans for my victory pose or emote yet?
Have to worst luck or some kind of repellent coming off me in these games, I can never stay in cohesion with randoms. I'll be moving towards a base I pinged and see others doing it too but then I'll get stuck in and realize I'm all alone for some reason.
no, also you're brown, why do you want to do that?
animation isn't as easy as texture or model work
also the animations in this game aren't just visual/client side
every movement you do affects the game world which i believe isn't even possible because it would trigger the anti cheat if you actually managed to modify that
that's exactly how I already play the game and it's still far too easy. I can't imagine why anyone would bother to play this at all if they weren't already doing that.
D1>D3 when it comes to farming

I have farmed over 30k super credits
They said they are reworking how the store operates in the future but idk what their plan is

As for the next rotation, it's in 1 day and 8 hours from now. It tells you when you look
the only real solution is to at the very least double the amount of them. if you don't do that then it won't matter how fast they are or how much health they have. before the nerfs to the bug armor it was still a very easy game as long as you were passing the AT loadout check. the red variant warriors they added do a good job at closing distance but it doesn't matter because there aren't enough of them plus we have the car now. you can't have a zerg rush without a sizeable swarm of bugs.
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Would SE accept other species into their federation if they embraced managed democracy?
Is the flamethrower good or bad? I bring it to every squid and bug mission
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I do because I use ||cheats to solo-open bunkers, see all PoI's and run at superspeed||
We have any idea what might be on sale? Better yet, we have any idea ŵhat th3 next Warbond might be?
sentient life was found on a swamp planet and they immediately nuked it into the dirt
super earth is a human supremacy faction
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I absolutely agree with buffing their numbers instead but I was crucified for that by people that play on potatoes for framerate drops as is. If I had my way, their spawns would MINIMUM triple on higher difficulties instead of speed buffs. I want a fucking swarm enemy to actually swarm, I should see more bugs than I see zombies but it's flipflopped for some stupid reason.

Absolutely not.

It's not BAD, but it's also not good. Bugs and squids are just that easy right now. They should double its range if they want it to be effective. Some mild CC on smaller targets would be good too, like slowing down scavs/hunters/warriors and zombies/overseers. Really funny cooking tripods with it though.
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SC farming
>ability to slow you down
They already kind of do that. Any acid bug that hits you, through acid attacks or death slows you down a lot.
Some bugs (hunters) also apply acid on hit.

What i forgot to add in the other thread is that they should regroup and act in swarms instead of mindlessly running towards your guns in small groups/alone. That would make bigger swarms not dependant on just bug breaches.
meant for >>507751706, fucked the reply
Sauce? Where die you hear that?
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Goddamn we suck.
I know some do but I mean EVERY single one. Even basic scavs and not just through breaking your leg. The regrouping is a really good idea too though, if there's a brood commander or something nearby, maybe a nursery spewer, they will break and run if less than 4 or so. I think nursery spewers should constantly spawn scavs or leapers too but that's another aside.
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>SC farming lobby
>instantly full
Kids these days wouldn't last a day in the Creek.
it's natural to be jealous
>he doesn't have the credit card mod
i'm mixed on the idea because it would make the units that have it less "special"
But maybe it could be balanced somehow (just a slow, not acid damage over time ?)
Also maybe acid spitting enemies need to be rebalanced to be more dangerous, and or add spine shooting enemies.
i'm really irked by acid enemies exploding over death and doing damage after being useless, especially with the spore charger.
>spore charger
>look inside
It's cool, your mom let me borrow hers.
I guess brown hours officially started.
>he thinks that working during non-working hours is smart
Once again to add to that, maybe the spore charger could explode on death but just be a pressure shockwave ragdolling you.
On top of this, on death make it generate a larger spore cloud decaying over time.
I love mindstorming ideas that will never see the light of day
Farming is a white man's thing, it's why all the brown nations keep starving
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jealous of what exactly? this?
No idea what might be coming next, there is a rotation but I dont keep track because I have everything.

With warbonds it was supposed to be the second thursday of every month but the last few months have had a fucked up schedule. Maybe they were keeping content for this recent update they'll get back on track. If not expect the warbond at the end of next month
oh man oh man i can't wait to kill BOOOGGG and SQUIGGER with NAPLAM
>team kills everything before it gets in close range
>get chip damaged by enemies that either close distance instantaneously or pepper you out of range
>torcher replaces it.
Yeah, just a slow. I'm thinking like some kind of saliva buildup or like a stickyish compound all bugs secrete that their hives are covered in. Like a creep mechanic from starcraft, but also make it on hit. Acid bugs can keep the DoT portion, maybe even buff it up a little to make it more threatening against light armor. As far as the spore chargers go, I really like them being acid bombs but I think it should be a hefty DoT instead of an instafuck. Then the spore cloud decaying like a gas strike, maybe even just put the same shit down and make it confuse bugs too so they don't need to code another mechanic.

Side note, didn't they have a spine thrower in 1? My friends at the time talked me OUT of playing the first game and now I regret it.
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The illuminates better come through the Wormhole tomorrow and take super earth with new troops
Yep, keep on farming while we steal yo woman white boi, we need that relief packages ASAP
>AH will likely be on vacation for another month
>we have weeks of boring filler MO and no enemy additions for the foreseeable future
>difficulty exclusive gameplay rewards.
Don't super samples show up on D6?
And there isn't even any need for the upgrades if you're staying in low difficulty.
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They just had the impaler. Said impaler also acted in a more balanced way of having tentacles spread out in a widening cone from him instead of spawning anywhere.

What i don't like is how they stack mechanics on a single unit
>it's a charger
>it's a charger with spore fog effect
>it's a charger with a spore fog effect but also it's an acid bomb that does a lot of damage when you kill it.
Create dedicated units, or at least thematically involved one. The SPORE unit shouldnt also be ACID especially when bile and nursing spewers already exist, but that's my autism talking.
Also a charger is way harder to avoid compared to the others, and the explosion is usually at best half your HP gone with no real way to avoid it beside "just don't be there"
Keep them
By the end of a generation whatever modicum of civilization you have will be ruined and you'll be paying alimony in whatever mud currency you have
>marketed the game as a corny starship troopers knock off
In starship troopers, bugs are highly lethal apex predator killing machines
In HD they're weaker than real life farm animals

There's nothing """"sweaty"""" about not wanting every difficulty nerfed to appeal to games journalist tier skill elvel retards. 10 difficulties to choose from, why do (You) insist on playing on the highest one and shitting blood over losing one of your twenty lives?
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D10 anything
will there be incest?
Once again to add onto that because i can't keep a straight thinking process, i have no issue if they add an acid charger that blows up on death and maybe has some form of range attacks or acid use ranged attack
Much like i would like to see a spine shooting charger (see Space Marine 2 carnifex's range attacks for how it'd work)
>reddit spacing
Fuck off alexus
i fucking wish
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3/4 get in here
full of braps
Do I finally have a good outfit for a conduit armor set? I don't wanna use the one with the hood because it goes with so few capes.
I love the sta-52
SC farming
>Bringing the spear to a D10 bots mission
This shit is worse than just straight up throwing
3/4 farm
Highly undemocratic OP, reported to High Command
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D10 Bots
Come fight the commie POS
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>super credit farming lobbies
Actual nigger activity.
Don't be mad just because anons can shoot the shit while cozily farming the virtual currency you paid real money for.
I genuinely wonder how these "people" could afford the game in the first place.
It's meditational, I'm high and feeling zen
can get the game for like 30 bucks on key sites whenever. Saving 10 bucks for each warbond and the 20 bucks for the killzone stuff sums up to be more than the game itself
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And our dragons will eat the bug's dragons so now what?!

"And our dragons will eat the bug's dragons so now what?!"
im not giving them more money when I can get it for free
simple as
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>my dick can fit in that barrel
dragondiver call in stratagem when?
>stop sweating in hdg lobbies after getting called out
>game experience is significantly more relaxed and much less tense yapping
yeah okay maybe they were right
What is your favorite primary against the bots while using the wasp?
how do you sweat in /hdg/ lobbies it's usually always braindead
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>gas mines
This shit's fucking tight. I want it. I need it.
Why did we have to get the sterilizer instead of a gas grenade launcher?
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>lobbies are all full
>have to host one myself
D10 bugs.
This shit's fucking invisible nigger, shove them up your ass
why are brown people so against farming?
>unintended mechanic
retard moment
rocket striders were retarded, stay coping nerftranny
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Keep funding my warbonds, paypig
People like to play games for escapsim.
Something about the conflation of spending money with having money.
AH CEO is brown
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>look at my planets
>not a lot of pub lobbies on them
>I have pubAIDS AGAIN
What the fuck, man.
How do you check for PUBAIDs besides reverifying?
>give us free orbital laser
>with no charges
>suddenly feels alright to use because fear of wasting it is gone
It's that easy AH.
If you see purple question marks, it's too late
they really care that other people can see them spending money and enjoying themselves, and when someone takes away from that by not spending money and still enjoying themselves it triggers rage
>people still think pubAIDS is a thing
>pozzed cope
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what do you mean?
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Underrated post.
Newfag here
What are some good ways to farm SCs?
I want to unlock the veterans warbond so i could get the dominator
What the hell is pub aids?
Fucking hell
retards thinking the same 2 files files created by the anti-cheat on launch and deleted upon exiting the game that always show up as missing when they validate files somehow causes them to have connection issues
sc farm
haha so its farts
I'm gay what's the best loadout for me?
jump pack
The Sterilizer would be fine if it left persistent gas clouds and had a bit more range. But I assume AH already know how bad of a shape that warbond is in.

Sounds like a skill issue. They fixed the invisible mines glitch long ago.
AMR or AutoCannon.
But only if you seethe about the other one on 4chud all day.
fart sprayer, far sprayer dog, orb gas, mortar, because you've got the rot and are looking to spread it, and don't care if it kills you and everyone else
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Gun and Grenade:
Dominator (I bet you like being dominated)
Senator (Most of them seems to wanna ban you from life)
Impact (The way you affected modern media)

500KG (You match it's weight)
Shield pack (Since your kind like sitting in your own echo chamber)
Guard Dog (Parallel to your white knights that defend your rights online for free)
Anti-personnel mines (Since it's like walking on egg shells around you unfunny fucks)

>image unrelated
turned on crossplay, lots of friendly lvl <50 snoydivers :)
>being a contrarian over the 500KG
everyone likes nukes, faggot
3/4 farm
mortars against bugs
Dumb bitch. Why did her species evolve mammary glands even though they descended from cephalopods?
>The Sterilizer would be fine if it left persistent gas clouds and had a bit more range.
The real issue from what I've seen is that if enemies don't end up killing eachother you're essentially doing nothing. But yeah it really should leave persistent clouds as well.
>be orbital gas strike enjoyer back during democratic detonation
>initially get happy about a gas-themed warbond
>see gas grenade
>get happy
>see sterilizer and dog shit drone
>get less happy
>hear both of those stratagems are ass
>no longer happy
>Sounds like a skill issue. They fixed the invisible mines glitch long ago.
Gas mines use a different model and seem to still suffer from the bug.>>507769286
anyone else have a glitch where your W key stops working at random?
I was having fun against the squids with some randos and then about halfway into the third mission my diver would suddenly stop moving forward.
I thought it was a connection thing so I left after we finished that mission but it kept happening on my ship. then I thought my W key might be busted but it seems to work fine.
Can we just put the SC mod/a farming guide in the OP so little kids stop asking a dozen times in every single thread?
your key's fucked
Whoops auto post got me. Meant to say that I'm 100% convinced the DB ai is either a bug or an oversight.
SC lobby is kill
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>mfw only available lobby is a sc farm
btw i do this retarded fucking thing when i laugh by pressing my arms into my torso making flatulent noises
Wtf are they farming so much for anyways, they've been at it for 2 weeks
>then I thought my W key might be busted but it seems to work fine.
saving up for the Nathan Drake crossover
the 20 dollar crossover has traumatized these poor anons and now they getting into overdrive to make sure they're ready in the future
Does siege ready still affect the MGs? I wish it would stay forever but I know they fixed it for the other supports
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I am the SC
>Only planet that has enough Helldivers on it to actually progress toward a win is Martale
>estimated victory in 1 and a half months
it doesnt effect reload but it does give +1mag which is pretty nice
unless that changed in the last few days in which case it's now the boring/worthless armor
Gas as a whole is meant to be crowd control rather than a killing tool. The problem is that crowd control is only good if someone follows up on it with firepower, and a stratagem slot or grenade slot don't take up the support weapon or backpack slots, allowing for a big killing tool to be equipped on the same loadout. Sterilizer's issue (and to a lesser extent Dog Breath) is that even if you have crowd control out the ass, you still have to kill those blinded/confused enemies, and with only a primary weapon and maybe grenades that's a tall ask.

What I would like to see is the Sterilizer's crowd control capability get buffed out the ass, but its killing power still remain low. That way, as part of a team you can hold an entire reinforcement wave at bay using just the Sterilizer, giving your team all the time in the world to go to town.

Twenty dollars isn't even a huge ask, especially post inflation.
Skill issue
The ammo bonus affects support weapons that don't have ammo backpacks. Last I checked, you still get extra ammo for things like Railgun and Stalwart.

Anon, there's no attack/defend Major Order active. Nobody fucking cares.
>lod_selection_multiplier set to 10.5
>still can't see SC from across the whole map
What gives. I've tried 30.5 and it only marginally increased the distance
increase line 45 as well to like 20 or something
I bet your retarded twitchy fingers are tweaking in-game settings for no reason
who hurt you
>line 45
that's taa_no_history_visualization = false
Search the archive and stop asking stupid questions
where in the archive is the post that hurt you
sorry not 45
it's like 40 or 50 or 60 or something in that mix
whichever one it was that says LoD
3/4 farm
I now support assimilation of xenos into Managed Democracy
found it
Christmastide is the bane of every team based multiplayer game
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I think what this game does best is that it gives you all this high grade military tech equipment, and lets you use it like the toys that they are. Meanwhile, the battlefield you are on is an intense shitshow. You can feel very powerful and vulnerable at the same time.
I shoot every stray hellbomb I see just to hear EXPLOSION!
do the bots or the squids have a realm language you can decipher or is it all gibberish
This just in:

I didn't know it was everything backpackless, which is pretty good. I just wish the reload speed and mags were permanent on at least MGs. It makes them feel so much better, as a dakka lover I would be thrilled to have a third armor set to use depending on how I want to do.
Gibberish, they call it "Swedish"
The issue is without an improved version of the infighting effect the sterilizer will just be left a fundamentally flawed weapon. Gas is as good as it is right now because it both stalls and damages enemies both directly and from infighting all from within a target area you can control. The sterilizer forces you into close range where not only can you still be hurt by confused enemies, neither you or your team can safely use hard hitting strats to take advantage of the gas you're putting down. A weapon like this needs to give the user something more consistent and substantial.
Don't the swedes go on vacation now how long until new warbond or the illuminate get more units
according to a completely unverified source on reddit, they'll probably be on vacation until mid-late january
5-9 weeks
probably just gonna be getting older stuff like the gas mines in the meantime. I don't know of any other content they'll release before mid January.
Do you guys do orbital gatling or airburst
To on shot hullks. Technically probably not but the railgun is viable and fun. The fat dot sight on it does it no favors, I do have a mod that shrinks it down so it's easier to use. Wish it had a scope though.
orbital gas
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It would be so fucking cool to have programmable ammo for the grenade launcher.
>sticky/weaker thermite
>Wish it had a scope though.
you mean "wish it completely invalidated the AMR though"
It would still be a single shot weapon and is overkill on many enemies, compared to the AMR which can be rapid fired and is very easy to pick off multiple targets very efficiently. The guns key characteristics would be intact. The railgun having a shitty sight is just a sucky downside that no gun should deal with.
Gatling is more fun, airburst is usually more effective.
For me, though, it's walking barrage
I still wouldn't use it over the AMR. It's way too fucking slow.
been running triple barrage recently (380, napalm, walking) and throwing everything into a enemy swarm is so fun. downside being it takes like 3 mins till you can do it again
luv walking barrage.
I also been using the airburst launcher when I can get away with, man it's so fun having a red stratagem as as support weapon.
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How does the new fire mode preform for the ABRL?
made abrl the best anti-squid stratagem in the game
still doesnt perform very well against bots and nobody cares about bugs
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>play with hdg
>nobody grabs samples because they have all modules unlocked
>constantly find piles of untouched samples in places they've been
Just say that you need samples
>play with hdg
>pick all the samples
>someone picks them up
>0 samples
secret tech: ask people to grab samps
Based newfag he's just like me
do people not grab samples? i have everything unlocked but still grab them for other people
I hope you stopped the car, got out, and popped H2 in the head for being a fucking retard
i pick them up when i'm right on top of them but generally if I pass them i'm not going back. If the host says they need samples then i'll collect them.
Most of the time it's just a waste of time to grab samples, almost everyone has all ship modules already in /hdg/. So unless someone explicitly asks to grab them I just skip that shit.
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Played with a Bong yesterday who was helping me bring in a good haul of samples but he kept talking about wanting them for the DSS
Yes they're very inconsiderate.
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G3 i'm so sorry for the braps
>Losing Lesath again
we have killed nearly 3 billion bots on this shithole planet can we just blow it up or something
farm 3/4
he didnt because hes not an assblasted incel over getting teamkilled in the teamkilling game
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D10 Bots Let's Go
Basically means you don't worry about killing yourself or team mates as long as you git gud and are careful. It will explode after a certain distance no matter what so it does cut down on the range.
It's very fun vs. squids and it's very fun and actually good vs. bugs. It can kill anything but a bile titan in one rocket, and just pulping squads alpha brood commanders and everything around them feels great.

Sadly it's very unreliable vs. bots, I can not take down hulks with it. If it could then I would consider running it, but even then sometimes it also inconsistently doesn't kill armored striders which is annoying.
No real use against turrets or tanks as well.
I have walked, and now driven, by hundreds of the super sample rock, and every time I thought to myself "fuck tourists, lmao"
I grab them because Fallout brain
So uh what's going on in the Gloom???
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welp, time to uninstall
checking your digits

I still pick them up because it's something to do, but I'm not going out of my way for them or carefully looking for them.
Joel needs a way of reducing the utterly retarded amount of planets available on botfront while also reducing the player fragmentation somehow. We'll lose access to Penta and Vernan Wells for Lesath biome, so at least one less map open.
maybe you should watch the webm a bit more closely
your "fuck you got mine" mentality only betrays your smallness as a human being and brown skin
maybe you should have sex
very womanly behavior.
genuinely how have the devs not noticed that extractions above d7 have like a 9/10 chance to have no enemy spawns
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cry more tourist filth, you'll be gone in a week.
>above d7
you answered your own question anon use that big ol' helldiver brain of yours.

bug sex
lots and lots of bug sex
But that's what redditors and /hdg/ want though.
His soul is still dancing
is the ABRL really that good now? what buff did it get?
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I hate that faggots came back to the thread. Fuck returnees.
w*manly post
They cant fix it, it'll break the game. You should know this by now.
>he's back
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I represent /hdg/ and I do not want that
somehow... the jeet brigade returned
Damn, those bots got moves.
i literally only grab them if I pass directly over them and have nothing better to do, ive been maxed out on samples for months. i've had to re-teach myself to grab them for some of my friends who have nothing unlocked yet
>seething at being called out for being a retard with zero reading comprehension skills instead of silently slinking off
not just retarded but embarrassingly retarded
I grab them because I like seeing number go up in the results screen. The whole point of the results screen is number go up anyway.

Whether or not they're useful to my teammates is of secondary concern. I just like seeing number go up.
What setting/extension do you have that shows the filter reason?
4chan XT
incel gonna have a melty?
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Why is the Halo elite Rangers part of the Illuminate?
You'll probably see everyone grabbing samples again once the DSS is back on and everyone has to spend RS and Samples again.
>casually breakdances by you
that's a spiritual victory right there. I'd go home and cry about it if it happened to me.
how can we even compete
>you will never be as cool as this random ass bot conscript
Why, so people can use them to vote the DSS away from their preferred faction?
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WOW late night lobbies are awful
>first lobby
>all three of them just stand in the ship staring at the armoury as if they're waiting for me to leave
>join second lobby
>kid with American accent with an open mic says "we should kill him then kick him" as I prepare to drop in
>join third lobby
>host drops barrage on us while we wait for extraction
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Which faction has the most thematic battles and why is it bots?

>squad pinned down in front of a crater filled battlefield
>smoke everywhere
>unending laser fire coming from enemy outpost
>explosives raining down from a teammates mortar
>380mm slowly chipping away at outpost
>factory strider comes walking out from the smoke
>teammates throws out stratagems in unison
>2000kg worth of explosives land on top of the striders and kills it
>use the opening made by advancing and cleaning out the outpost
>still got 2 out of 3 objectives to get done

absolute cinema
more like burger lobbies are awful
I don't get it. is it just a random planet or is it swede christmas themed?
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squids aren't staying in their lane
to cum buckets when you headshot-dismember-amputate-all-at-ONCE a zerker at point blank but sure you can use your faggot amr
That could be it. My post was about when I was playing 2-4 hous ago so it was indeed burger hours. Euro games have been nothing but pleasant except that one time I had really new teammates where the match ended with like 10 team kills. I don't see many Russians for some reason.
Wonder what the bots think of the Squids.

>inb4 what are the bugs thinking
that train isn't going to be able to kill all of them
Did you mean to say cinematic?
me english not 100% senior
when the fuck is the gloom arc
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russians can't buy the game
>cozy up to bugs
>cozy up to bots

What the FUCK are they planning?
selected the wrong image by accident anon?
>retard doesn't know how evac work
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>based chinaman trying to be effective by calling in dropship for his teammates
>cringe westerner crying about a literal nothing burger
is calling in evac for your team bad manners now
Do you fags really run this? It destroys your FPS to the point of being borderline unplayable. Juse a scope
go back to making my iphones, Chang Kung Pow
>she doesnt know she has to blow herself up so the based chinaman can reinforce her
>playing diff 10 squids
>ready to extract
>running low on lives
>city is full of harvesters
>rest of the squad just decide to aimlessly wander off in random directions
>they die, I bring them back and they wander off again
This has happened 3 times now what the fuck
All faction Blitz lobby then maybe bots
>Making all these random planets have the already established biomes in the game instead of new biomes.
What a fucking waste.
>that image
thats a nope, famalam
>sentries take less explosive damage
what is the point?
join you fucking pussy
Bot rockets used to wipe out turrets in seconds. It was so bad that it was basically impossible to even use them as distractions on higher diff missions.
good against bots so they don't in 1 hit to a rocket
I'd like to think that, even though the bots are ideologically apposed to Super Earth, that they can also see the existential threat the Ayys pose to them, as former humans themselves. I'd be down for a storyline where the bots pull off a The Rocketeer moment - where the mafia teamed up with the cops to fight the Nazis because the mafia were still Americans that stood for freedom - and they pair up with Super Earth to stop some Ayy WMD from destroying the galaxy. Ideally, I would just in general like to see all the factions interacting with each other more. It makes the galaxy feel more interconnected instead of having the factions in their lanes doing their own shit.

join you fucking cowards
The bot fears the rocket turret.
Oh, that's neat. I just thought it was a shitter upgrade.

it kind of is because anti tank emplacement lmao but
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>AH actually made a decent mine strat
What the fuck?
>I just thought it was a shitter upgrade.
It was on release. Now that turrets are actually good and bot rockets aren't doomsday weapons it's better
are gas mines in?
you can't possibly be referring to any mine that already exists
Gas mines are (were?) A free stratagem. They're pretty good
Been tryin to tell ya since squibs day1
>staffy boy and his lads appear
>shoot him in the gaff
>are gas mines in
Yes, and they're shockingly good. Which raises the question if they knew how to make good mines WHY THE FUCK DID IT TAKE THEM THIS LONG
but that's exactly what they did and everybody is fine with it
>the mines don't trigger other mines, wasting them
>the mines don't result in automatic helldiver deaths
I mean that's two of the solutions I proposed for fixing every other mine in the game, so yeah.
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>want to help a bunch of christmas noobs
>turn dif down to 3
>join bot lobby with three level <5's
>pop down a warthog, quasar, HMG, and mech for them to use
>one of them sees the mech land, stares at it for a second or two
>panics, starts shooting it
>sees bullets bouncing off, throws a precision orbital on it and blows it up

Are gas mines in permanently now?
Mildly related I like to imagine the whole reason the squids are brainraping our civilians into expendable meatshields is because they think we did something similar to the bugs on Meridia, that they were some kind of fucked up vanguard force that wouldn't cost Super Earth any of their own lives (assuming Meridia survived getting wormholed much less anything on it).
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>check out discord for dev autism
>these are the types influencing and talking to the devs
Holy shit and I thought /v/ was bad with keeping shit in their head rent free
no just as a free stratagem. They'll probably be the next free thing added. Or maybe they are waiting to give them when they drop a patch that buffs all mines
Are pubbies really that dumb?
lots of children got the game for xmas and I can say after hearing some of them speak that they are actually retarded
You're missing the best part
>the gas actually lingers for a long time so we actually get rewarded when our team inevitably throws an airstrike at our mine fields
Hopefully this means they whipped Alexus to death and fed his corpse to one of the Stockholm rape gangs.
Post your current drip
I just did it again in a different lobby but he stopped shooting it after i pinged it and got curious
then he ran around the rest of the match with it
>end lobby screen says I dealth 11,048 friendly fire damage
is there anything in this game that isn't bugged?
>shitters are still traumatized from Alexus.

the career kill counts were fixed recently
that's it
Hello discord tranny :)
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i'm something of a fashionista if I do say so myself
Go back
I am shitters, saar. Redeem the surstromming.
>alexus' goal
>make it so people use more than just one loadout
>method: nerf the strongest things that everyone likes until they are forced to use the things they don't like
>strangely, this didn't work
>pilestedt's goal
>make it so people don't feel like everything in the game is nerfed
>method: buff everything until there are multiple fun, and viable loadouts
>this worked
leandiver estrogenized penis bouncing as i full nelson them....
>all faction blitz
how does that work, is it from mods?
i'm still kind of baffled at how little variety there is in objectives and mission types
>discord faggot is right for once
Found the general huh
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uuuuoooohhhh vroom vroom
And I bet he really hates that people are farming the currency
We do 3 Blitz missions. Bugs, Squids then Bots.
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>join mid squid mission
>it's less than a minute till extract lands
>about call in 380mm
>teammate backblasts me with their RR and ragdolls me
>drop 380mm stratagem right in the middle of extract
>it ends up killing everyone because no one noticed it
>hosts kicks me and i get put in a different lobby but exact same scenario
>extract ship land 5 seconds later and i extract
>get full game rewards anyway

all in a days work
>hosts kicks me and i get put in a different lobby but exact same scenario
Yeah that's how kicking has worked for a long time now.
didnt alexus say that he was balancing the game with an esports mindset? Or was that pile when talking about the balance philosophy
last time i got kicked it didnt work like that so was a pleasant surprise.
People still haven't realized that kicking doesn't really punish someone anymore
That's why I kick barrage faggots right at the start, enjoy playing the entire mission solo with your griefing loadout because of the awful servers
I recall it as someone saying "this is not e-sports"
At first I was frustrated soloing all three objectives, but now I relized my teammates were making sure all bot drops happend on them.
>carpet bomb
>mega nuke
>guided missile green stratagem
What do we think of the leaked content?
dead hours?
>failed to join lobby
you prob forgot to change to privacy to public
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That chickbot need correction... hehe...
Barrage is good against bots, especially 120mm, although you do need all of the ship upgrades. And against Illuminates you can take anything
connection error
9 times out of 10 people that bring the napalm or 380mm are too retarded to use them without turning it into a teamkill fiesta
try again now
>Drive by fortress in FRV
>drop 5000 kg
>drive away
this is why you host your own ops instead of joining on others, so you can kick trolls
Honest thoughts on the WASP?
Now I wonder if you can kick someone that is already in the shuttle, and what happens if he's the only one in it
Best sniper rifle in the game
Complete Squid Death
The shuttle timer keeps going.
>Honest thoughts on the WASP?
Poised to make a comeback in the West once we solve the JEW issue.
I've only been playing for a little bit over a week and am currently just play playing D7 operations but I personally find bots to be a whole lot easier than bugs.
i like it because it kills the most annoying enemy in the game really well, gunships
let me break it down for you:
>rando calls in the shuttle
>tell him to leave the area to abort it or you will kick him
>give him till the 1 minute mark
>kick him 1 minute before it arrives
>the timer goes away because there's nobody there for the shuttle to pick up
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you've got this kid, I believe in you
killem all
Based Super Santa bringing gifts to retarded children
Extremely strong for what it is made for but I guess that just goes for all support weapons that also take a backpack slot.

Now Arrowhead hear me out, when do we get a medium pen minigun that is fed by a backpack full of bullets?
I just say Ill call it and wait
why do all the peak physique armor have black men in them? is it the BBC? What does sony mean by this
It means you're gay.
It's your punishment for dying.
stratagem idea: support weapon drop
calls down 4 random support weapons in an area, use case being if your team wants to stack non-blues and are willing to roll the dice on their support weapon
Just had 14 people join and then disconnect shortly after in my blitz game
What the fuck is wrong with these servers
Any idea on when this helmet comes back to the shop?
What helmet is it? Sorry, I'm on mobile and image search is a pain.
if you use the anti tank emplacement youre basically a slut for bbc
>Connection Lost
>Connection Lost
>Connection Lost
Holy fucking shit Sweden get your trash game together
It's the third-most recent warbond, coming before Truth Enforcers and Urban Legends. The current cycle is the Killzone promo, so you still have to wait for those other two warbonds to cycle through first. I'd estimate that you'll have to wait around a week, depending on how many days are given for the other two warbonds.
WASP should have 6 rockets per tube and artillery should fire 2 or 3 instead of the full thing.
Anniversary update
Tell guerilla
ALICE? My lobby was just fine. It was you who kept disconnecting.
field chemist helmet
they autistically made the guns like nearly identical to their killzone counterparts
you're right they should but I doubt they will
>Can't read filenames.
It's the AF-91 Field Chemist
Are bots much easier than the squids and bugs or what? Bugs either die or overwhelm you because they just swarm and it can easily become too much, while squids are annoying because they have a shit ton of tanky zombies and overseers but you have to also deal with tanky fliers and the big striders who just fuck you up if you ignore them. With bots it's still intense but as long as you can take out the priority targets they're fine and a lot of them fold very easily whereas the squids just take forever to die.
they are all easy but the squids are definitely the easiest
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Wish Heavy armor wasn't as cumbersome, cause I love how it looks, but I'm almost always stuck using Light or Medium to get outta trouble.
Just use heavy. Now that there's a car you can use when moving across the entire map heavy has no downsides.
No Chud helmet for you, Brown. Farm more SC on time or you will never be cool.
Been running supply back with any LMG recently because i enjoy the larp as a heavy gunner. Wish there was a support weapon that was a LMG but it came with a backpack that carried all of the ammo like a minigun
Host your own game bro
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I'm just a basic bitch in a basic bitch world.
>Allied destroyer joining squadron. Deploying Helldiver
>Allied destroyer has left squadron.
Everybody and their mother uses the Infiltrator helmet with the Street Scout. The helmet it comes with does not match at all.
looks the shitty internet here is yours bro
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What's this general's obsession with the game being too easy?
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It is too easy tho.
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is it wrong to want a challenge!?
Just Bugdivers who love their faction a little too much
Brownoids coping with their worthless lives by saying "A-at least I can beat Helldivers 2 on diff 10 without dying once!", it's their only coping mechanism, please don't take it away from them or they might kill themselves
>C1 just standing there admiring the carnage
pure cinema
Same elitist retards plague every co-op game without realizing the game is not made for them.
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I can't tell if the tracking is good or bad on this thing because sometimes I miss unaware watchers but hit flying overseers zooming around the city
I think Automatons are on a reasonable state right now.
Terminids have been made too easy after the weapon buffs, and in some missions their spawns are still bugged, such as Asset Extraction missions.

Squids are even more terribly easy, even on D10, but hopefully that's only because we've not seen the full extent of their units yet.
Too little ammo
They can't deal with confrontation and resort to slurs and reddit images as a response.
but life is meaningless bro?
>le not the target audience
fuck off
Being barely able to survive give you adrenaline rush.
I want a special mode with twice as many enemies.
You're not, why is that so difficult to accept? The world does not cater to your needs.
I need more based chair memes.
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The fuck
AH2 really needs like D15 where only pre-built groups can go and have the entire difficulty balanced around that. Kind of like a raid in an MMO, where you get fucked if you go for a raid with a bunch of pubbies
That way even 4chin autists may be challenged
it's not a matter of if im part of the target audience or not but rather that it's a tired reason used to defend bad decision making
The only way people really die to Automatons is unlucky bullshit, sneaky cross-map Cannon headshot or having a mass drop bot on their head but even then not always. They're fine in the sense that getting cornered kills you but you can also run through a field of 100+ enemies and as long as you're constantly on drugs you won't die, but they can attrition you with all the stuns and staggers and fire and so on, which tends to fuck with retards that can't scavenge for resources between resupply drops and can't effectively cull the dangerous targets.
Terminids I'm not even sure how to die on. They lack tools and gameplan to get Helldivers into killing range.
Squids aren't finished so I won't complain too much but in theory the floating fuckers have the capability to be extremely annoying but they can't hit shit.
They put that wack party finder into Darktide just for Havoc it sucks
Don't join my lobbies.
Bad for who?
>Squids are even more terribly easy, even on D10, but hopefully that's only because we've not seen the full extent of their units yet.
I just really want to see what they've cooking as the factory strider equivalent for the squids.
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It's one small sorcerer dude in a floating chair who throws 500kg sized fireballs at you.
Unavoidable attacks is not really the Swede's game fortunately. The rocket chicken got nerfed in that exact manner. What I expect besides the inverted controls being much more likely to get you killed in a 3D game are the snipers to be emphasized. Right now the travels between town areas are very quiet, which fits the theme somewhat, but maybe that can be shaken up by some surprise snipers every now and then. And of course they'll contribute in pitched battles too.
Rocket striders were not unavoidable.
By your insane logic, the game is not made for you because there is necessarily something you dislike in the game.
No, you're asking them to change the entire design philosophy behind the game.
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I don't mind the game being too easy, i mind the highest difficulty level being too easy
If i pick the ultimate challenge, i want the game to absolutely VIOLATE my shit if i'm not totally locked in.
Or maybe just provide a hard mode for the players who want one?
It literally is too easy
Bitch the fucking game's been through several overhauls that have nerfed every diffficulty
Oh this general is obsessed? Despite there being 10 difficulty levels this game's community collectively shits itself in the face of adversity so much because 99% of the playerbase refuses to play on a lower difficulty, so every difficulty gets the shit nerfed out of it
YOU asked them to change the game. The original design philosophy was having challenging difficulties. You bitched and bitched and bitched at Arrowhead until they actually announced they were changing their design philosophy behind the game to cater to shitters.
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There were some leaks of this thing
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>"20,000 helldivers active" on planet
>zoom in
>no open lobbies
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I join pubbies sometimes and they get REALLY angry when I tell them to stick to lower difficulties when they fail the mission. Even if I'm the only one doing anything of value, they love to pretend that I'm just as bad as them. It's really annoying.
Personally, I want a 'ranking' for difficulties. Shit players should be quarantined to difficulties they can handle, instead of shitting up every d10 lobby with their shit aim and shit builds and shit game sense.
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>Ten (10) difficulty levels
>With all the upgrades and ressources unlockable on the 6th (down from the 7th)
>With all the enemy roster avalaible on the 7th, and total replacment of low-tier unit by the 8th
>"I can't find a difficulty at my confort level and MUST be able to play D10 without dying once!"
>"Bro they'll add more levels bro, it'll solve everything bro, plebbitors won't cry about not being able to complete them bro"
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join a level 10 with randos and half of the games will have players that should be playing level 6
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>Trucking along from town A to town B in our squad's half-broken FRV
>Gunner gets sniped from 200m away offscreen
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Killed by tongue
You need to take the blackpill and accept that regardless of what the devs do, you will never ever again have as much fun while playing this game as you did 600 hours ago when everything was new and you sucked ass.
I don't think we're saving lesath
Fuck you faggot, I hope you die
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More buffs?!
wipe that shit eating grin on your face
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it was on the tv, not pictured is the next line where they say it was immediately annihilated.
>implying AH will ever buff the AC
almost got me/10
Yeah, remind me of :

>half the team are low levels dying left and right
>reinforcement depleted
>low levels quit the game thinking it's over
>finish the mission with the remaining comrade

Every single time.
Bonesnapper is the best looking armor in the game.
Nice HUMANITY FUCK YEAH moment. Would be funny if a new large scale conflict with new aliens rose from that.
>have fan running
>be looking in right direction to see a big dumb moth get sucked into the back of it and explode into bits out of the front
I'm doing my part!
lobbies where
Firebomb hellpods, tesla turrets and napalm barrage when not in extermination missions
>someone doesn't bring a support weapon or a backpack item
>doesn't pick up support weapons or backpack items from other people
just fucking take it I pinged it 11 times already
so we killin clankas or what
I'm down for TBD
post a room
How does the WASP perform against gunships?
2 missile per gunship
Usually works well, sometimes hits a wrong part so you have to shoot more, all in all pretty good
2 rockets kill one, I think.
oh wait the primary weapon armors are really good with pump shotguns huh
>losing on every front
>only planet we're winning is Martale at a rate of 0.1% because it has zero decay
What a christmas, huh
Been hearing some Youtubers talk about a Primal Warbond and wildlife. Any news on that?
Yes they are even crazier with it on.
We were talking about it weeks ago. The only substance it has is that dataminers have found reskins of existing weapons that have some animal teeth slapped out without regards to aesthetic quality. These files have been in the game since release, by the way.
maybe weapon skins will be part of the weapon customization
another thing to make you buy in the super store
Next warbond will have one stratagem, one primary and one sidearm. 10 bucks please.
Mod manager, please enable the arrow mod, thank you
I'm not going to sweat on the hamster wheel for this shit content. Nor pay for it, if you were wondering.
I see. Thank you.
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Robots, D10
>losing on every front
What's up with that? I know it's Christmas but we still have 50k+ active
>arrow mod
is this on a weird manky cyrillic ork site?
What ?
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Rest in pepperoni
No, it's an English dead games forum where the same avatarfags seethe day in and day out about the existence of niggers and women in their vidya
Can't wait for more vehicles to be added so warbonds have only one armor and only vehicle skins and the rest of the content to be shoved into the store at inflated prices.
It's all based on % of players on each front. There's a completely arbitrary amount of points to go around and they're split between planets based on who plays where. Those points are balanced around 2 fronts, now that we have a third front, every front will be constant losses without an MO to consolidate people.
this game really needs a global chat
It really does not.
i would love for there to be some sort of "hub" that people could idle in and use as a place to find squads or chat with people and use emotes on each other
>Those points are balanced around 2 fronts
They weren't even balanced around 2 fronts with how bugdivers massively outnumbered botdivers
We really badly need a liberation % for each front, rather than for the whole war
I for one don't mind us not completely destroying our enemies in every front. Super Earth is fighting a 3 way war against enemies not fighting each other. It should be a desperate fight for survival.
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>dissident faction is coming
can't wait to give filthy rebels a taste of democracy
It's highly inefficient.
They're in the middle of the station, meaning the train is already slowing down.
You need to place yourself as close as possible to the entrance of the train to ensure it's still at full speed.

Or maybe it's a pass-through train. In which case they should've found a train-line with a bullet-train.
if only Joel let the war play out organically
I'm almost certain we'll fight one of the factions on Super Earth itself once Arrowhead figures out a further improved city biome.
>WASP can lock on to bug nests and reliably blow them up in one rocket
this shit is busted
They've been working on it. People have datamined massive skyscrapers and buildings that would imply a super earth Metropolitan map is in the works.
I suspect this is just for whenever the plot has us put boots on the ground on Super Earth. Which might come sooner than later seeing as how cl*nkers are nearly on our doorstep and squiggers have been getting there as well
or it could happen whenever the bugs decide to come out of their giant fart cloud and make a beeline for Sol
>wasp oneshots all devs
>rocket chickens take like 3 missiles to kill
Who the fuck balanced this thing
They buffed rocket striders explosive resistance a while ago, you used to able to kill them with just 2 AC shots from the front.
>wake up
>sweden still exists
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the shoulder pads and arms ruin the armor
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when will our divers get additional voice packs? the current ones sound a bit like four varieties of spongebob.
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I think it's fine.
The original white wolf helmet is what I had a problem with.
Never, hopefully
"Can't liberate with this broken arm!"
"Found sample!"
"Calling in supplies"
"Yeaaah! Who won the lottery? I did!"
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I went into a D3 mission today and just tagged along helping this squad get to D6. Only nagging I did was I had to tell them multiple times to stick with the operation if they wanted to unlock higher difficulties, which they did.
good games o7
Just switch the language
this is the best drip
yeah, though it makes sense to use the helldivers light infantry / scout helmet on the urban scout armour.
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I think the game difficulty is perfect
I however think the devs should add a difficulty 11 for the people who want the game to be even harder, just so that they say that Helldivers 2 allows you to turn the difficulty up to 11.
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>he doesn't dive with MGbro who kills 150+ zerkers per mission without even noticing
of all the things to die to on bots, zerkers should not be one of them
for me it's the fucking bug seeds
>did you bring anti charger or anti skeet
>they're mututally exclusive
fuck you
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>can pen all armor
>but has fuckall durable damage so it takes an eternity to kill heavies
>really good at blowing up mediums
>but has too little ammo that it can't deal with the sheer mass of mediums on high dificulties
the railgun is the most schizo support weapon, I swear
>It's another "zerks flush you out of cover and into the waitin arms of a pack of rocket devs and a flamethrower hulk" episode
it's workable in combination with EAT or commando plus low-CD reds like 120mm and strafing run
I think seed information should be publicly available in-game.
Heavy railgun soon™
You turn into a precision strike if you unsafe overcharge
I want a backpack-fed machine gun.
>takes support slot and backpack slot
>huge ammo pool
>cannot be reloaded
>medium pen
>red-dot 1x scope
>3 minute calldown cooldown

Maybe give it an overheat mechanic if it just completely overshadows primaries. I just like it.
>Halt for rounds-reloading crowd control, stuns, and medium armor disposal
>Recoilless Rifle for heavy disposal
Works on my bugdives
im sorry sweaty, that's unrealistic. Arrowhead would never add something that far fetched
The best way to deal with the squigger tripods is mgs right?
You'll prolly will get the disposable machinegun instead.
Also recoil would prolly fuck this weapon over

Or RR/EAT/commando in the leg joint
Machineguns are just rapid fire and work on all the Squid roster so far
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>grenade launcher
>no range marks
That being said, this ist he most effective weapon I've used against the illumiante hordes so far.
MGs mulch their shields and do goodly damage once its down
protip: once shield is down break its horn so it can't shield up again
Did they ever fix the team reload mechanic so you're not stuck with a useless backpack if you want to do it, you use the other guy's backpack?
I don't get it, they said earlier this yeah they can't make a belt fed machine gun due to technical reasons, but the HMG emplacement is belt fed and it's been working fine all this time, can't they just make a disposable belt fed minigun that function the same way as the HMGe?
Literally take it with Supply, I'm killing everything except for the most basic troopers
>no range marks
you wont need them after you use it enough. being a walking mini artillery battery becomes second nature
You probably misunderstand the problem. The problem is linking the ammo pool (backpack) with the weapon in your hands. The HMG emplacement is a single entity, not two as a backpack-fed MG would be.
It only gets ten shots per backpack supply, that's enough for like one patrol
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They had this in HD1
It was a disposable machine gun, 400 rounds when upgraded, you dropped it once emptied.
The issue i think would be that the gun would be linked to the backpack in some way, as in one item, as >>507814624 said.
A backpack fed machine gun would be cool, but the backpack probably would just be the reload.
On the same idea, i want a heavy flamethrower and heavy railgun with backpack reloads.
WTF? Did they buff the factory striders underbelly HP? I dumped 10 AC rounds onto it's belly and it's still alive
>the 8 barreled machine gun
I want to see them add more ridiculous shit like this in HD2. First thing that really has this same feeling is the WASP.
You didn't play this combination at all and it shows
Just get it to D10
Why would you expend all of your support weapon ammo on one patrol? That doesn't make any sense.
>metal storm mg
My beloved...
>we cant program it because technical issues
theres no technical issues sweden just doesnt want to put effort into desinging a slightly different ammunition system for a weapon that’s actively fed by a backpack even though from a technical standpoint not much changes
the only struggles they’ll plausibly have is deciding how to make it work intuitively from a gameplay standpoint. you can even do some dumb hacky shit like
>works like any other backpack reload weapon
>each reload gives 50 rounds or so
>reload is a very short (0.2s or so) action that just feeds more ammo from the bag removing a charge from it
>team reload makes this process virtually automatic
they can 100% program this in both a way that would work like an existing backpack does or design a new system where it gets fed from the bag automatically, they’re just incompetent fuckwits and actually programming new things is not in their job description of release overpriced slop and push some numbers around while playtesting on D3
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We're about to be fucked in 7 hours aren't we.
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Which Warbond is worth getting out of these?
Truth Enforcers
Viper Commandos
Chemical Agents
Freedom's Flame
and Polar Patriots
polar patriots is the best for the tenderizer
viper commandos for the booster
truth enforcers for the drip
Polar patriot and truth enforces are the best IMO
The stun SMG is worth it, and the polar armors are good
I'd say in order:
>polar patriots
>truth enforcers
>freedom's flame or viper commandos
>chemical agents
I dunno man, gas grenade is breddy guud.
>Be me D10
>Guy has mech
>Sucks ass in it
>Wanders off fighting a shitload of hulks hundreds of meters away
>Bring out Spear to help him out
>Locks on to what I think is a hulk
>Turns out it's the fag in the mech
Wah wah
remember the major order when we intercepted an automaton database and found out they wanted to terraform cyberstan and were aware of meridia?
was this ever further expanded upon?
Viper Commandos armour lets you use the HMG pretty well while standing/crouched and even somewhat on the move and it's honestly one of my favourite armours
>shooting at a bot drop in my cuckthrone yesterday
>see a vaguely boxy shape running through the twenty layers of smog and shoot it
>it was a lad in his exo just having fun
>his name was blue in a snow biome (this is me coping)
never felt so bad before
Polar Patriots for Tendie, Verdict, Pummeler, and Purifier
each of these is a top tier in their respective category
It's one of my favorite grenades in the game, but I can't think of anything else that's good in that warbond. Freedom's flame has a pocket flamer and the cookout, and viper commandos has experimental stims as well as two decent (but niche) secondaries.
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>Helghast sniper but it has no damage falloff, maximum projectile speed, explosive damage, and double the amount of mags
Would you dig it?
>be told truth enforcer weapons are shit
>they're actually fun and kino
The SMG is frankly great against bots and the shotgun is as good as a pump action is ever going to be which is mediocre but fun. Havent yet given the plasma pistol a spin tho.
double the amount of shots to a mag instead and it might be okay
plasma pistol is a purifier as a sidearm it's good
I flip between loving and hating the truth enforcers SMG, but I've loved the shotgun since day 1. The pistol's nice on bots if you don't feel like bringing the revolver. It fucks up heavy devs and that makes me happy.
How exactly do the rewards work for Major Orders? I got multiple MO rewards after not playing for several weeks, so I assume participation isn't even required? And you don't get a bigger reward for putting in more effort?
I never run out of my railgun ammo vs. bots, use your primary more. Your primary can handle all bots that aren't a hulk consistently and safely. Railgun is for one tapping all the hulks and dealing with gunships, or panic killing anything that's too close for comfort.
Make it all that and that it keeps the burst fire bit only use one ammo each time instead of ammo cap and you got me
having an account that was active once will give you all major orders, medals are capped at 250 so after a while it's meaningless
everyone gets mo rewards if it succeeds, thats it
of course a space UMP would be ideal to deal with robotic space commies at short to medium range. loyalist might just be the best pistol. halt is obviously one of the better shotguns. add to that amazing cloaks & skins. not a big fan of the armors but they look nice. truth enforcers is mint, really one of the best if you prioritize nice guns.
Las canon and AMR are also berry gud and excellent against the rest of the roster. Las canon can be used for every single squid enemy and is very efficient on them all, it just breaks shields a bit slow so your primary is better for that.
Just make a script that ties dropping the backpack along with the weapon and vice versa, and then do nothing for the backpack itself. It's just an aesthetic accessory that occupies your back slot, the ammo is counted purely on the weapon entity.
The 2 sams from the city actually doing their job is fucking KINO!
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What's better at taking out floods of devastators, reinforced striders, and gunships on bots D10?
>rail + supply pack
I didn't ask about the AMR, faggot.
The biggest issue with it is the ammo economy more than anything.
Well exxccuuuuse me princess
your post is written ambiguously, the fault is yours
They should rebalance the Helghas sniper to shoot 2 shots and have 10 total.
3 out of 9 is fucking ridiculous.
railgun, more ammo efficient, twice over so with the supply pack, and if you hit your overcharged shots well enough you will experience entire missions where every single hulk and gunship you hit is a oneshot
safe mode on taps hulks fyi
where lobby
Siege-ready carries Reprimand into S tier.
Are gas mines an effective replacement for gas grenades if I only use them for bug breaches?
Walking Barrage
Common shitter case of not being able to distinguish good from bad because you're AP3 crutching
The best is when you have a 380 faggot that keeps murdering you, so you just wait until he wanders far away near enemies and airburst his ass with the WASP
WASP. Gas + arty = entire patrol dead
>sees bullets bouncing off, throws a precision orbital on it and blows it up
Already smarter than 90% of pubs, this guy's going to be a 150er
Gas mines are shittier orbital gas strike
I see.
Eagle strike (the machinegun)
Precision strike and or 120mm
What the hell, no? Look at its CD
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>figure it's bullshit but I'm not doing anything and it only takes a few seconds to check
>it's fucking real
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made with mematic
Gas mines are a delayed action gas strike. Use them in an area you want gas for as long as possible like breeches or bot drops and they go for longer than the strike
post lobbi
Why is there a video of a Serbian man being fed surstromming playing inside the black hole?
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>figure anon is just farming (You)s with bullshit
>check it myself since the game takes like 2 seconds to launch
>its making weird noises again..
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D10 lobby decides Only those with jedi mindflight get a vote
don't worry about it. the noises are natural
all of you are brown except me
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I have two premium warbonds left to unlock. Which first, Viper Commandos or Chemical Agents?
stop filling up so quickly
I'd go with viper commandos
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>Go to Meridia
>turn the volume way up
>close your eyes and relax
>Chemical Agents
it's dog shit, save your SC
Viper commandos has a great booster and some alright gear. Chemical agents has a great grenade.
>great booster
>ok passive
>Cool secondary
>skull mask

>gas grenades are alright
>Stim pistol can be fun
>rest is undercooked
sounds like someone is knocking on the outside of my ship in Meridia, should I let them in?
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It's me bro
let me in
They should make the bugs faster. Make them feel like a real swarm. They should also add a base flying unit for them like a wasp that hovers around
I use literally nothing from Viper, I at least use the Gas Grenade from Chem.
Bushwhacker isn't the best secondary, but it is a fun. The armor passive and booster are both really good.
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We had this discussion yesterday, and the day before
Please find new material
The armor and booster are really good even if the guns are meh.
It would help it a lot if it had medium pen
>not accurate
>shotguns so does damage up close
>three shots, little ammo
Add medium pen to that and it's the perfect close range pocket cannon.
I wasn’t there for that
The most egregious change imo was giving the hunters a shared cd for when they can pounce. How can you make the swarmer faction wait in an orderly fashion to attack someone?
>they should make the bugs faster
>brood commander can already charge you, reach up your ass, disembowel you twice every .5 seconds AND outpace your run speed while doing it
just wait for them to add a winged spitter variant that flies into your dick and fucking explodes like the jetpack bots in jet brigade did
>In HD they're weaker than real life farm animals
You're retarded.
How exactly does difficulty work in this game? Because usually diff10 is a snoozefest, easier than even diff8 was six months ago, but I just played a match on Lesath where the game went absolutely apeshit and would drop 4 factory striders on us at each objective and POI
>illuminate hordes
yeah but they're just not a problem. it's not like bugs where they have a couple of big boys mixed in that make removing a horde a necessity. you can just spray it with a basic machine gun and kill 50 of the voteless scum
Illuminate are way too easy. They're a cool faction but they NEED their full roster ASAP, I'm basically asleep at the wheel whenever I play them
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D10 Squids on the icy planet
We can switch faction if someone tells a really funny joke
>a sub 1m tall hopper casually 2-taps a heavy walker
Does the railcanon penetrate and oneshot harvesters?
>1205 goy credits
do I buy the brap warbond or the jungle bond?
not every single weapon needs medium pen. It's perfect for what it is (a pocket shotty). Don't underestimate having a stagger weapon in your pocket.
Jungle for the stim booster which is the only worthwhile booster that isn't in the initial free warbond
Viper has more worth for its value Chemical.
What threw many players a curve ball at the beginning is their large health pool and resilience against fire that would normally get rid of bug hordes.
>WASP artillery mode
>looks like airburst before it hits the ground
>uses the entire mag every shot
>doesn't look like it does any more damage with a full mag versus a partial mag
what the hell?
Different planets are in different states of enemy presence, on top of the random seeds. So yes, D10 on one planet can be markedly harder then d10 on a different one at the same time.
How do we feel about the Arc Blitzer?
Idk, voteless have almost as much hp as a warrior, but they come in packs of 10-30, while warriors are 3-7 at most.
fire chews through votless really well, no idea what you mean
I bring incendiary grenades for this reason.

It's pretty gud, but just a bit too slow in killing for my liking vs. bugs still.
Artillery is an anti-ground AoE, Burst is anti-air single-target.
Great for Voteless and stuns Overseers
why are the stats on this thing different than the rest of the light armours?
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Many light armors actually vary slightly in armor, speed, stamina, if you look through them.
so the flame turret is pretty useless?
a bit yeah, its only saving grace is that when its destroyed it covers everything in napalm around it
Yeah. The only worthwhile turrets are the autocannon and rocket, anything else you're better off just shooting it with your primary/support lol
I really wish they made it so that the Rocket sentry strictly targetted heavies.
there are several armors which bridge the gap between the two classes
they haven't added any new ones for several months though
out of those two: WASP
but otherwise, purifier is AOE stun + damage against devastators. It's probably the fastest way to kill a group of them, you can kill them all in 1 magazine and stunlock them. For striders and gunships there is the laser cannon.
>tfw a Chinaman stole your jump pack again.
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filled again
did any dataminers or leakers discover anything else about the meridian black hole? why does it look so fucked up now

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