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Merry Grumbus Edition

Previous: >>506356250

>Game News
Latest game version is 1.6.15 on PC, console bugfixes still coming.

>Mod News
C-Team mod is finally out for testing if you're into that sort of thing. Assorted other anon projects are also being worked on and posting progress updates.
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The Beebz is dead!
No at all. She's like Mario. Good person free spirit girl jumping around. This mod add more dialogues to her than just "wahoo"
>C-Team mod
Is this comparable to the jas mod in terms of content and "special" cutscenes?
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Jas Mod is laserfocused on a single character and has no problem in supplying content for her, while the C-team Mod naturally stretches itself thin to keep with 6 different characters, but it has a gigantic amount of soul and side content to make up for it. It's impossible to compare them, they're very different scopes.
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my beautiful try hard brat
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The beebz is ded?! Hey! Who killed beebz?!
>missed the flower dance by 10 minutes because I forgot it takes place in the forest and not the town
Unironically one of my most embarrassing moments in this game.
Just use Cheat Menu to turn back time
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It seems like the bodies for both Hat Kid and Renata are EXTRA THICK with 2 tile height, as I cannot walk behind them and I can't reach them to talk to them. From their sides I could speak to them.

Beebz and Carol were normally thin and could talk from above, and Nobeta and Anubia had understandably 2 tile height with the towels as one might expect.
Inspired by a recent mod release, I was thinking about making a character mod based off someone from a game I'm making. How hard is it to make these type of mods?
What the fuck were you minging about in the Town for anyway? All the shops are closed on event days.
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NPC mods are basically a gigantic laundry list comprised of many individual parts. Making a badic NPC that just exists is easy enough, the challenge comes from filling everything else him: Home location, Heart Events with a plotline, the gorillions of possible dialogue keys both obligatory and optional and marriage (technically optional but expect interest in your character to drop like a rock if she's female and attractive but not marriageable), which is an entire can of worms on its own and pretty much requires work that amounts to 2 NPCs in 1 if you throw in post-marriage events on top. And this is not to mention all the art you need.

In short, making NPCs that isn't barebones and doesn't suck requires gigantic amounts of passion, effort and patience to research all the shit you need to learn.
Guessing he's the guy from last thread who planted 117 strawberries and only has the default watering can and then went the wrong way after manually watering them all
That oughta do it
Making a functional NPC requires a lot of time writing json files, which is additionally annoying to do because a lot of these changes can only be tested by firing up the game and getting a file set up with whatever conditions you've specified for everything from dialogue lines to cutscenes to schedules and whatever
It is however kind of fascinating to see your additions translate from a bunch of sprites and text files full of gobbledygook into moving characters so if you think you have a stomach for learning/writing entry-level code and any semblance of writing skill I reckon you should go for it
If you do decide to try, you're probably gonna want Cheat Engine and the Cheat Menu mod to facilitate the testing process, I had to stalk a character's routine like a couple dozen times to figure out if all my dialogues and animations were set up right for a single day and Cheat Engine's the only thing that made that bearable
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Trinnie already has that princess outfit for the game's Halloween festival but I thought it would be funny if squirrel Trinnie dressed up as Sandy from Spongebob.
You don't need Cheat Engine for that anymore. Behold.
Also don't forget about the "hurry <NPC>" debug command.
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They're hard to compare in that sense and have different priorities. In terms of raw content, Jas mod in 1.6 is mostly a ton of dialogue, literally thousands of lines, loads of it randomized, and a bunch of subtle changes. It's genuinely a good mod even for those who have zero interest in marrying Jas, want a mostly vanilla experience, or want something that seems more lightweight. 1.6 neutered it from 1.5 though due to killing side mods and it's events are pretty basic since debug events are still in debug. C-Team is more noticeable since it's all spread out over 6 characters wandering around, but no one character has as much content as Jas does. It does however have plenty of cool ideas.
Out of all the mods though, Morgan's is the biggest with the most broad content. It's basically Jas mod, but more varied, finished events, and with an OC.
I just realized telling you to change the filenames for files users are supposed to replace was a dumb move, so I fixed them so I can update the link on MH. Thank for you work once again. (now with actually fixed links because catbox broke the previous ones and I had to insert an useless text file to generate new links)
What does the spa look like now?
Like a place where a homo calling himself the boss of this gym would accost you.
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>start a new 100% run
>everything goes fine, year 3 and got 96% completion
>check progression to see what am I missing
>haven't shipped enough strawberries
>don't have any seeds stockpiled and it's summer
>don't have a single strawberry to even use a seed maker to get enough of them shipped
>need to wait to year 4 in order to get completion
Pay for waivers.
Just 2 million and you are done.
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>using Joja services
Is Free Love dead and entirely replaced by Troonyamory Sweet now?
Nah we have someone else making their own poly mod. https://github.com/EnderTedi/Polyamory
Being developed at a glacial pace though, and I think it only exists because some authors were seething at the thought that they couldn't enforce their donut steels sexuality and make them refuse to marry the "wrong" gender or enter into polygamous relationships
gave Anubia the bouquet. so will you be able to marry her despite not having some of the stuff finish yet?
I don't know all the details, I just remember something about the PolySweet troon being the target of some ire over it (and Free Love I guess since PS is just a fork of FL) making roommate relationships romantic or something, which led to modders discussing how they wanted more control over who their special snowflakes would smooch
>gives locals jobs
>makes Pierre seethe
>lets you buy out-of-season strawberries
Life's better with Joja, simple as
You're not a real farmer
While not the same character will Anubia ever do the Ankha dance?
Does the c team mod include poly by default?
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did a fanart of that last year. now if only she's popular enough to warrant someone to make an animated dance for her.
Go back to your shrine grandpa, maybe I'll give you a diamond I got out of selling premium cash crops to Joja
>error occurred while extracting the zip
Hmm... highly sus
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Spent tonight figuring out a design for fem Elliott, decided to go with the oujo-sama look after all to go with his penchant for the arts and lobster
Not entirely sure I actually want to go with the giga-tit size on her, either her or femShane's probably gonna have to go a couple cup sizes down and I have no idea how I'm gonna do up that one's outfit yet, except that I'm probably gonna get rid of the Joja jacket because Shane has a dedicated Joja uniform outfit now
so even after having anubia as a girlfriend status, I still have't got to date her. she just asks me to go away and ignores me after (ouch).

is there anything else I need to do to start the date option?
You tell me. I think there's default spouse rooms for female/male.
You mean marry? There's no relation between girlfriend and marriage.
There's a couple of vanilla conditions, namely:
-Tier 2 house
-The bridge repaired for mermaid pendant for some reason
-10 Hearts

I wouldn't bother though, there's no marriage content atm.

If you're making a game then making a Content Patcher mod should be a breeze.
The biggest concern would be making good looking portraits.
The rest is just following the wiki guides and using other Content Patcher mods as reference.
Thank you, anons. It doesn't seem too bad, just mostly planning and debugging besides the art and writing stuff. Looking forward to contributing to the thread next year!
>no marriage content atm
>it's the next-update-in-2-years-maybe episode
This is cute I like it
They estimated the update to be in 6 months they're just doing bug fixes right now
You're designs are always good to see, hope you had a merry Christmas!
I shall wait then
Hi Jas
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Is this real? I feel like they had to know with "we put her messed up situations" kek
I don't know anon
I don't work here
One of the East Scarp add-on authors was fucking mad that PolySweet users kept breaking the mod's unique dating mechanics and asking for compat, but the straw that broke the camel's back was PS's feature to let you marry non-marriageable characters, because this gave them the game's ultra-generic marriage dialogue meaning it would "erase" the identities of the mod's NPCs (a clusterfuck of troonshit).
So this guy, also an ES author, >>507787552 made a new mod out of spite that allows authors authors to especifically set characters you can't marry, but this spite unfortunately wasn't enough as he's a lazy fuck who barely updates the thing.
That's why Lavril is abandoned. I really hope someone could rescue her because it seem like the author doesn't give a fuck anymore.
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Ech. So the drama. My head hurts just trying to wrap around it. Sheesh.
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So Nobeta is the airhead of the group.
>except that I'm probably gonna get rid of the Joja jacket because Shane has a dedicated Joja uniform outfit now
Shane's Joja uniform looks like a sweater, so you could do something involving sweater puppies.
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It's an odd decision (especially since Renata more or less already filled that niche in the C-team art), but I'm not opposed to it at all. I like to headcanon it as brain damage from all the canon repeated deaths in her game.
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I use the online Mouseypounds Predictor tool to check for infestations on Dust Sprite floors so I can get the Burglar's Ring as painlessly as possible and I'm not afraid to admit.
How dare you cheat in a single player game meant to be played at your own pace like that?
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You didn't beat the game.
Is Jas mod compatible with custom portraits? I'm using the anime mod ones plus it's seasonal portraits mod.
There are a few on a certain site, but otherwise no because the jas mod has a bunch of unique portraits.
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That's a shame, I really like how Jas looks like here. Is there no way to make it work?
I think that one does have an incomplete conversion, but beyond converting all of them to the jas mod's yourself or waiting for someone else to do it, no.
Literally impossible unless you redraw them yourself. First and foremost, the Jas mod now uses portraits separated in layers, with her face, dress and ponytails on different pngs.
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More of an addendum to already reported rain schedule problem.
Even during the green rain they go to the beach. They also act normal. No special dialogue about green rain.
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Also, Carol is still here at 11pm. All other girls have gone to bed in the treehouse.
Nope, the only custom portraits Jas has compatible with her mod are her anthro mouse portraits and sprites.

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