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Thread for the discussion of Honkai Impact 3rd


>Story guide for newcomers

>Shattered Swords VN

>Latest CN supply, event, abyss, and MA cycles:

>v7.9 Stars Derailed Trailer
>New S-rank Battlesuit Sparkle Thousand-Faced Maestro: Cameo!
>Sparkle's New S-rank Battlesuit Trailer — Interlude Preparations
>Thousand-Faced Maestro: Cameo! Tutorial Video

>Honkai Impact 3rd x Honkai: Star Rail Collab Behind-the-Scenes
>Honkai Impact 3rd x Honkai: Star Rail Crossover Concept Trailer — Confrontation
>Honkai Impact 3rd Cutscene: Let's Celebrate the New Year (Chinese Dubbed)

Durandal Edition!

Previous: >>507306547
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for some reason they stopped emoting from part 1 character once we hit elysian realm.
The only emotion Mei was allowed to express was sucking off flame chasers even after the arc was done.
Me Elysia dev needs to be stopped
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It just looks kinda silly. By the end of Elysium, Mei was acting very emotionally, and it was cool to see her finally get legitimately pissed off when Pardo got killed, or seriously weep at Elysia's sacrifice. Then she meets Kiana, and it's just... this, most of the time. I definitely blame the writers, because I know how insane Sawashiro's acting range is, and she wouldn't do it this way unless instructed.
She's still mourning Elysia, her true wife
What's weird to me about all the flamechaser dickriding that Mei is doing is that it never extend to Fu Hua
They do have a scene where Griseo and Mei meet for the first time, because, as much as Mei likes to pretend that she made friend in ER, she was basically talking to a computer program, and the only thing Mei can say to her is ER shit, and then she ask Griseo if she want to hear about it, and Griseo basically tell her that she already moved on and she don't give a fuck. Even the fucking flamechaser don't give a fuck or cling to ER like she does
And she basically never talk to Fu Hua about it nor does she have any significant interaction with her on the subject, despite making half of her personnality FC shit
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Since Mei didnt even have a reason to go into Er its even dumber adding to the fact that she didnt give a fuck for most of it because she was forced into it dosnt help.
I also blame the writers on weird ass writing bettwen Kiana and Mei because its really feels like someone had a grudge for the characters hanging out together or expressing any kind of emotion that isnt realted to flame chasers. I understand that writers made Meis development be about "She cares but also knows Kiana and how strong she is so she feels safe in allowing her to do whatever" but last thime they meet she beat the shit out of Kiana to stop her from killing herself and that was bearly adressed. yet we get mutiple after scenes of Mei hanging out with Bronya and Kiana but her thoughts are "oh yea kiana but golly do i miss flamechaers if only there were here" as litterly Kiana is speaking to her.
Yea her not even talking with Fu hua is weird then again writers arent the best as only recently they adressed Theresa and Dudus involvment with otto.
Well ER and EE had a different writer than the Moon arc. That being said she reverts back to the EE version in the next chapter when she gets a whiff of Elysia. If you were around here at the time of these chapters the consensus was that Mei always has better chemistry with Elysia and there was even a dedicated Fu Hua anon who said the same about Kiana and Fu Hua. It felt a bit forced desu but the creatures that have since crawled over here from twitter will tell you otherwise.
>If you were around here at the time of these chapters the consensus was that Mei always has better chemistry with Elysia and there was even a dedicated Fu Hua anon who said the same about Kiana and Fu Hua.
That's just shipping and irrelevant. What matters here is how poorly the writers handled Mei's character development and her relationship with Kiana. That's a fact that no one can deny, not even those who ship Mei with Elysia or whoever.
>Motivated reasoning the post
Mei reveals through her preferences in the arc who she prefers. Kiana is lucky Elysia is dead.
what has mei done
That's you rationalizing bad writing through shipping goggles.
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yfw Acheron has more emotions than Mei
Let's not get carried away
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I dunno if my hunch is correct or not, but it feels like at this point, the main writer for the game changed. Or at least his style did. Ever since ER, it started feeling much more like Genshin and Star Rail - the characters speak their emotions rather than emoting, there's a ton of (often unnecessary) loredumping, the volume increased a lot but the quality leaves me scratching my head often.
HI3 was at its peak when it pushed the characters to their absolute limit and made them break through. Kiana was tortured by the story in every way possible, pushed so hard Kentaro Miura would've been proud, but that made her grow, forge unbreakable bonds, then take the despair and shove it up fate's proverbial asshole, and it was glorious. Same goes for Bronya, Seele, Fu Hua, etc. I remember reading the Arc City storyline and being on the edge of my seat at every fucking turn. Legitimately best writing in a gacha game, and I say that as someone who actually read Nasu's books in FGO.
Fu Hua's dedicated chapter had an issue with loredumping, but thankfully I was already invested in her so it went down smooth. Seele and Bronya's story was super good, easily carried by the manga. Kolosten was fine - I felt some emotions, but I didn't feel THE EMOTION, so to speak. The story was fun, and it made me like Durandal, but Otto was too much of a wet noodle for some reason. But then ER happens and the tone shifts. There's a ton of talking and zero showing (hello, Star Rail), no one is really being pushed anywhere, even the Flamechasers' sacrifice didn't feel all that impactful because they were already ancient digital ghosts, dying sucks I guess but they took it like champs. And Mei herself went full-on faceless protagonist for most of it, absolutely no fucks given about anything.
It really always comes down to Mei, for some reason. She gets the worst parts by far. I wanted to like her, but it turned out to be really fucking difficult.
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Shaoji wrote Elysian Realm and Elysium Everlasting, also in Penacony in HSR
Fanchaun(on the right) wrote Kolosten(which was bad), The moon arc(which isn't great) and the 2 part 1.5 arcs. The first of which is really good if you aren't retarded because all of the characters are fun to have on screen and the second was mid because most of the characters involved are needlessly wanked or charisma black holes even if a returning character almost saves it.
>the main writer for the game changed
If I remember correctly, the story supervisor was given a promotion at some point and they put Shaoji in his place. The former dude was the one who had promised to get Kiana's story fully done. He seemed like a cool guy, to be honest.

His replacement, Shaoji, was the one who decided to change the story's tone. He wanted it to be more wholesome, hence the story became less dramatic, the antagonists became less antagonistic, and all the emotional hangups the characters had were largely brushed off.
Honestly the second 1.5 arc was bad mostly because it was rushed as fuck toward the end. I mean just look at hua's final form, it didn't even get a ghetto half finished playable version like HoT did back in the day for the boss fight. Otherwise it was fine, nothing exceptional but not outright bad. The little bitas were neat.
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I know people didn't like him, but I rather liked Moriarty inclusion and presence in the story and the highlight of the ending for me is Vita and Moriarty roasting the fuck out of Sa
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Interesting since the Genshin continues the discussion about technology equalizing inborn talent (but from the perspective of a villain, someone without inborn talent), the one that Rita advocated for in Helia's story
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I'm completely ambivalent on moriarty myself. He wasn't terrible and had some decent lines but ultimately didn't feel like he had much impact either. Conceptually he was fine but I think that being around only for a single arc hurts him.
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He even makes fun of Vita ascension, I just like him, he was a great addition to the arc imo
I just like how petty he is, from the start, he knew he was playing a losing game, and he could just have stayed out of it, but he went all in just to have the last laugh even if it cost him his life, I can respect the game
Changing it was definitely not a good call, especially at this point in the story. It reminds me of Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water, which starts off as a serious and wonderful tragicomedy but then turns into a lukewarm mess because the execs told Hideaki Anno to tone down the drama. The show then flopped, and that left Anno so depressed he went on to make Evangelion. It ain't that bad, but the idea feels the same.
The way I'd put it: Honkai is a story about the characters, while Genshin and Star Rail are stories about the world. Now they're trying to make the world more of a protagonist in Honkai, and the characters suffer for it. It's not episodic enough for that.
I dont know about that but at some point after the Lament writing became way worse then it only just recently became better with the Helia arc, so pretty much everything after sonque arc gained some soul imo. call it edge all you want but Helia expressing anger and annoyance at inaction of other characters is really good conflict we didnt get in a while, something like Vita pissing on Colleis grave would not happen in ealier writing if something didnt clearly change.
That aside i feel like person that decided to put Kiana has a grudge against her and was probs the same person that wrote Mei after Er
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Playable Benares when?
If you mean putting Kiana in a coma, I feel like that was a necessity to avoid solving the plot too fast, and it gives a reason for P1 character to care about Mars shit more than just general scientific interest
Nadia had the cute mer girl that did not talk right?
When they remember Kurikara exists
She doesn't though. That actually was already taken care of.
Which is bullshit since there was a dev interview where Fuanchuan said he wrote nearly all of Vill-Vi lines.
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im gonna make it
Not really any different than how FGO has main writers for each bit but still has individual writers for characters even during other people's arcs.
This is still my favourite CG in Honkai.
Moriarty and his relation to Hua was kind of lame. At the end however, when it became clear he was just full bitch to Vita he became more fun.
I still hold that the "horror" section with one of the little Vita's running away from all the other Vita who had already been memory wiped was unironically really gripping and tense.
>2000 players
They are aiming low but I wonder if the game would even reach that, maybe counting all servers but China.
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Its good because it kinda help us to "forgive" Fu hua for putting Kiana in this situation shame wer never got simillar scene for Durandel helping kiana mentally cause she didnt feel bad about what she dud
Mars supercomputer is the laziest storytelling device since Fenghuan Down, I can't believe I fall for the shills that said "part 2 gets good later, trust"
>not logging in becasue sampo is on the launcher
>on the launcher
Why would you use the launcher to begin with?
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Speaking of fgo. it may die for real soon.
Maybe don't abuse an obvious bug next time. It's not going anywhere.
Hasn't this happened before with FGO?
no, it was Taimanin I think.
Taimanin was different, where they set the rewards higher than intended then took everything back without there being any prior indication of there being an issue until they took measures. In FGO there was a bug that let people claim one time rewards a second time, which was clearly and obviously a bug and was promptly announced to be a bug.
are you talking about David Jiang? Yeah that guy's too big to be involved in the story now, and I wish he'd write for the game again.
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who wants to buy Vita goods in winter Comiket?
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The fight against cucking...
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BASED dudubro
Holy cope. That never happened. Mei always loved Kiana. This yuricuck and its schizo delusions
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Today I will remind Elymei cuckzoids
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>deeply loving someone HAS to appeal to my autogynephilic desires
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Elysia is lucky she's dead since she was cucked before she could even compete
Don't waste your time rationalizing with elytroons. They hate the game and they're tourists.
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That dedicated anon is Bauer from discord who still doesn't shutup about his shit ship getting drowned. Also no there was never any consensus you cucks just love to make shit up. Just because three literal whos have the same delusional headcanon doesn't make it right. On that note literally kys shipping troons
it would be nice if discordniggers and twittards fuck off but alas, nuhoyofaggots post-Genshit are cancer
Agreed. This shithole will finally be cleansed to teripedo, pinkcuckcs, and dudischizo.
I'd take dudufag and terifag over a discordnigger
That user left when everyone made fun of him since honkai lore has always been a kiamei domain and still is. Now they just shitpost here
>same kiamei schizo
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it's a bit insane to be a honkai "fan" and be an elymei troon instead of just accepting kiamei
kiana and hua is weirder
wish they would remove the abyss disturbance system
was never a fan of it for the longest time
You're the only one here samefagging elycuck. Kiamei won, elymei lost. No matter how much you seethe nothing will change.
He doesn't even bother to change his filenames amd keeps regurgitating the same old elymei crap again and again
Bros I told you all the thread will be unusable after a kiana got a cutscene on top of an event and suit. They new Kiana and Kiamei content mindbroke the elyfag so you can expect this cancer for the next few weeks at least unfortunately
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>next few weeks
Until Kiana AGAIN gets another suit/skin and another cutscene which'll cause another schizo meltdown lmfao. But it's to be expected. Kiana is THE golden child of Hoyo afterall
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yall dumb niggers
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you're part of the problem, dickswordnigger
faggot. Go back to discord
No? Not same anon and again you're clearly retarded.
Not to mention the whole Mei joining a terrorist organization thing got shoved under the rug with no consequences. Peak bad if anything
I have the same disdain to all dickswordniggers and they all should fuck off. That's not being retarded, that's being FUCK OFF AND GO BACK TO DISCORD. Defending dickswordniggers in the current year of our Lord of 2024, the absolute state of this fucking website
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Cheers to Kiana being best girl and Kiamei being best canon relationship.
Absolutely based. The yuritroon schizo will fuck off back to /hrsg/ soon enough
You need to be 18+ to post here so come back when you're at least 18
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bros... the holiday spirit...
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Mei whipping out that 360° vision for her lover Kiana only
I see a good submissive housewife making food for her tuna hubby, I turn the other cheek as that is how it should be.
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She looks so dumb in a cute way
>can only stand and watch
Damn, Mei really is hagified in the true sense. I wouldn't be surprised if she has a rocking chair and sews on it occasionally.
I see two kitchen wenches
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>Imagine being a tourist yuritroon.
Also, roll on Smol Dudu.
You guys can argue about muh Kiana + mei and muh Elysia + mei all you want, doesn't change the fact that all shipping is mentally ill and that both sides should kys. Yurishitters especially so.
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Mei is a granny who drinks milk
>play yuri game
>"wtf yuri shitters are here"
>dosnt like part 2
>'"wtf this game is bad but i wont leave and will just rage bait on 4chan instead of playing something else"
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>can't deploy Five - Cost 3 card because max Cost is 11
Gay and lame
>yuri game
apply that to yourself, underageb& discordfaggot
half of them suck anyway
non-crystal codes
>no Elysia
Cuckshitlysia sisters.....
Go back to xitter already xerlysia nigger. Your kind will never belong here.
Work harder.
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Heh nothing personal elysia faggots
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I enjoyed the Kianners event.
Cute and Kiamei pilled
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>all the shipping autism in this thread
Is this a new schizo or something? I don't remember hig ever giving a fuck about this shit much.
newfags from dicksword and twatter have been camping in this thread ever since part 2 drove away everyone but them
spent christmas alone im heated about fictional romance
kianameifag is a probably a twitter dyke, only they care so much about dumb shit like this. Sure would explain the "I'm a woman" posts avatarfagging with Mei that started around the same time.
>all the shipping autism
I blame UPS
Pink tranny seething at everything new related to Kiana. It doesn't help hsrg filtered him so he's come back because before then we still had the same shippings but it didn't get so bad like this
I blame this one >>507705058
Damn sis no self-awareness at all huh?
Doubt. Kiameifags wouldn't give a shit since their ship already is canon so there's no need to give a fuck. It's always the losing party, elymei in this case, that stirs shit up over and over just because they can't move on and get a life.
Back to work.
Should've remained storecashier nyx
So this schizo just want people to dislike Kiana instead of Theresa now?
I blame this samefagging troon >>507807354 >>507806734
No, only dykes get into fights for ships, as they're clearly doing by losing their marbles over a dumb post in a vietnamese image forum and spamming this thread with drama nobody gives a fuck about instead of talking about yuri sex or cracking up some jokes.
And it's not working unfortunately since Kiana keeps getting more new stuff and Mei scenes. Like if I was an elymei shipper I would just take the L and move on but elysia cultists are known to have this weird ego issue where they just can't let go.
Yeah, and it has some Pink Goblin living in his mind for some reason.
What the fuck are you even on about? Holy shit please take meds. Where the fuck did anything related to Vietnamese come from?
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>we are at the point of twitterfag newniggers bringing their shit here
good thing I have a new game to obsess. /hig/ had a good run but I'm out
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Healing this thread with trio cuteness.
It's just someone trying to push a Kiana vs Elysia war through Mei as their new bait for whatever reason, but it wont work anyway. 8.1 will just have people rolling for both of them like usual.
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Cute Kiamei
shipping catfights are such a woman thing to do. They really ruin everything they touch. I hope they fuck off and go back to their xwitter shithole
Quite funny that that one schizo always come back at the same time Durandal tranny can afford internet to post here.
Project Bunny...
Is apho mei still 5'7? Because I swear that height difference is more than that. Not that I mind. 5'10 Mei with 5'4 Kiana is very cute
You sound new if this is new to you. It's just the usual that's throwing shit on the wall and hoping something sticks. This is like the 4th year. I think it's almost 5 soon.
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Rare Sa
Poor delivery girl
>Kiana: "Mei senpai would never rape me! She's too nice to do that".
>Also Kiana
Pink Peacock!
Kiana chan......
I have my filters on and some of their posts are still slipping. part 2 being terrible up until recently didn't really help.
Throwing Seele to a wall to see if she sticks.
Sparkle is fucking gone!
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Literally every single Honkai character has cheated.
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Uh oh Mei senpai melty
I got warned for this btw anon be careful >>507787735
Seele is friends with everyone!
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Except for Kiamei!
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my dick is ready
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No buts!
>this schizo
Retards are still buckbroken by a pink toilet.
gotta be a qipao
This and the last thread have been dreadfully shit, all the quality posters are enjoying the holidays, only schizos left
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Merry Christmaseele to you too, my friend!
Aiiiiee is that a schizo?! And Bronya onee-chan!
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And "Schizo"!
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And Schizo!
Little Bologna's mouth looks enticing.
Well, to be fair, the thread started pretty well, but we're slow enough that one samefagging retard can take over the thread by arguing with himself
Wake up Kianners
That's some really good art right there
I don't really get Doctor MEI being there though, maybe should have used her ER Skin instead.
Dr MEI being there instead of APHO Mei is a choice
thinking about it how similar is Dr MEI's and Hagnya's office outfit
Alexa play Memory Reboot
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>sloppa'd duo
Wrong image Roza you retard.
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Delete this
When are we supposed to get it?
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Hey i dont wanna try to make normal convo when there is a schizo that only shits on the story and part 2
I just very tiring saying something nice and the schizo going
"omg ecchin booba where sex sex sex add sex part 2 is shit characters are shit helia bland lol" its all just so pointless so i just let schizo win.

Whatever i dont bother at this point
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Seele would never!
"Seele" on the other hand...
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>yuri game
lmao even
I just find it funny whenever they reply to me because I never reply to those kind of posts.
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>Helia bland
In light of the recent chapters she is beating that allegation.
What about the yjk allegations?
>just realized hsrg is probably gonna flood this thread en masse and seethe over expies and hi3 "killing" hsr nonstop come 3.0
Man, it's already bad enough with the gender autism and powercreep complaints
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So I started taking HRT and now I look like Mei
What are you on about? The part 2 characters all feel fairly close in power.
You will never be a asian.
Ayeeee save us real woman!
"Seele" sucks at samefagging...
He means in HSR, not here
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Hello "Seele", it is I, "Kiana"
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I appreciate the surprisingly high amount of content of "that" variety on pixiv and iwara for HI3
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The only 2.X character that isn't good anymore is BS and that is only because they haven't made a new DoT character for a year. It is probably about the same as here, Sena will be fully phased out in a patch or 2 outside of needing lightning+stardust.
sena is gonna be pink's slave soon tho
Really? Do we know what the Elysia DK does yet?
she's psy lema
Sena is just a worse Bita at competitive levels.
no but i can tell you that
[HI3rd 8.1Beta]
The appearance of Renlu DLC is larger than the previous bow and arrow, with more crystal decorations. The color is still pink, but it is larger than the original version and has more crystal decorations. The action of summoning two shadows after opening the loop is also different. The ultimate move is that Ellie raises her hand to summon 12 Yingjie's engraved mark, which is synthesized into Ellie's portrait, and then emits light waves to cause damage.
post your SS Bita
Is it worth to start to play this in 2025?
no, just watch the story on youtube if you're that interested
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Of course, just only roll part 2 characters. If you are not sure just ask. Enjoy your stay and do your best to ignore the schizos.
>just only roll part 2 characters
But Seele said to roll who I like
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She's the same ring and attribute as Thelema and Lantern, while also having the new Dudu AR attribute
So she doesn't bury Thelema-sama either? Fantastic.
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That's correct!
Yeah she's Wheel of Destiny and Harmonized Shadow Star, so most combinations should work
Debatable to be honest. More than likely her weather will replace any thelema weathers so it just comes down to if thelema's shield break keeps her a slot as support or not.
That or you'd run both in the same team on ice/freeze weathers Her ult has time freeze, so no matter how you put it, that's free damage.
For me Thelema-sama just needs to beat Sena or Suzume-chan since I don't have Lantern.
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This weather made me hate songques existence
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You skipped, didn't you?
Funny, since this weather predate Songque's existence, it used to be big Griseo weather
*brick weather
but this is the easier one

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