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Previous: >>507740075

>Character Teaser - "Mavuika: A Light Through Time"
https://youtu.be/azVhULtjhU4 (EN)
https://youtu.be/ceH21xFu840 (JP)

>Character Teaser - "Citlali: Her Colors"
https://youtu.be/wzW7ovdmnsg (EN)
https://youtu.be/LmmfXWOvSU0 (JP)

>"Sunset" Animated Short
https://youtu.be/aGtkhL8gDYE (EN)
https://youtu.be/Iw_QLnN2GhU (JP)

>Version 5.3 "Incandescent Ode of Resurrection" Trailer
https://youtu.be/Uh3JVQWe16w (EN)
https://youtu.be/TNoIha04xuQ (JP)

>Hoyofair Web Event "Dimensional Detective Chronicles" live until January 28

>Mavuika Web Event "Stand With Mavuika" live until January 8

>Citlali Web Event "When the Mists Fade" live until December 31

>Event "Exercise Surging Storm" live until December 30

>Current character banner: Neuvillette, Zhongli, Yaoyao, Fischl, Shikanoin Heizou
>Current weapon banner: Tome of the Eternal Flow (Catalyst), Vortex Vanquisher (Polearm)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes with Primogems (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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For me, it's (blue) ZhongTao, YanTao, FuTao and XiangTao.
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sustainer waiting room
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Iansan can teleport
Chiori as a man-hating feminist
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I am not happy that Shenhe got a rerun on the Chronicle Wish.

This is probably going to be the most reversed doomposting I've ever made. But I am totally not happy that Shenhe has a rerun. I know I should be happy that she's finally out of the basement with Ganyu, but in a way that I hoped she would.

When they first introduced the Chronicle Wish to the game, they made the rule cleared that the characters need to rerun 3 times before they can be added to the Chronicle Wish. Shenhe had ever only got one. I was not able to get her in 2.4 because I was still new and missed out on the chance to get her in 3.5 after I lost on her banner.

I waited and waited for 600+ days just to see her rerunning again just one time. I have saved up about 15 wishes for her, currently on 74 pity, guaranteed, and have not been pulling on the character banner for the last 6 months. I've only been pulling on the weapon banner to get weapons that I need for my already owned characters. It was only my hope to catch her rerun one last time to finally get Shenhe.

I just watched the 5.3 Live Stream, and, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am upset, not because she got a rerun this early, but because they bent their own rules to get her a rerun on the Chronicle Wish banner. Which means I have to have at least 180 wishes, that I cannot have, to guarantee Shenhe. All that waiting and farming was for nothing, and now there probably won't be a chance for her to even rerunning independently outside of the Chronicle Wish.

All of the content I've finished on my account. There's no way I would be able to fish up 180 wishes to get Shenhe on the Chronicle Wish. At this point, I'll probably kiss 46 Dragonheir Fairfins, 800 Qingxins, and the recently pulled Vortex Vanqisher goodbye, because I'll probably never get to have her.
She loves incels thoughever
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You can see Mavuika's panties in this shot. She wears black panties.
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
My Chinese wives are so adorable!
s-she's fast...!
And we love her for it
someone buy this mf some primos
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Reminder that Xilonen built that. She did not modify a preexisting bike. She built the bike, THEN added modifications to it.
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bro your welkin? your bp? your top up???
lmao what a retard
I like her braid
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Heh, built.
alot of characters can teleport short distances. what's so special about her?
Shenhe is a worthless clunk until c6 anyway, no one wants that.
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>dislike the event
>say I liked it in the survey
>Papa's finally home!~
Is Shenhe worth C6ing?
Okay that's hilarious
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>Where did Mavuika get the schematics for the bike?
>Haha, who cares
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you called?
If you have a cryo character who uses NAs/CAs you basically get infinite quills.
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Mavuika NEEDS Xilonen
I'll have Skirk in a few months
There's enough people playing Yuanshen that there should be at least 9 other people who are facing the exact same problem as you. You're not alone, technically.
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How much porn addiction does one has to have to reach my level? I can only fap to Mavuika when I picture her being my girlfriend and she cheats on me with Capitano. Then I fap to them having sex while I watch.
I feel sorry for f2p that are unable to just top up to get c0 of a character
Does he self insert as Xiao?
Sexiest NPC in Natlan?
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>open survey
>event was too hard
>event was too long
>event didn't have enough rewards
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Holy shit how many threads do you schizos stalk, get a fucking job.
If natlan already have fuck huge speakers then making bicycle with motor should be easy as fuck
Amina, who is a girl, not a boy.
hydro tribe chief
Zhongli is literally me btw
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>gachatard surprised people can like multiple things
...to get pregnant by Aether so she can raise her wife's son!
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Natlan's 17th character...
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Honestly bravo for not making the kid a carbon copy of the mom
>releases the new bar for pyro on-field
>they have literally less than 0 synergy with her
>next banner is the other pyro on-fielder that's a hair weaker than mav and still wants nothing to do with 1.x outfit girls
what did they mean by this exactly
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I wish I had an older sister like Mavuika "Lady Haborym" (Kiongozi), the God of War.
Varessa will look like THAT btw
the unstoppable force vs. the immovable object...
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why is she keeping her panties on
why you gotta respond man do you want zher to dilate all over the thread
God I want to mount her
good ship
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The One Entombed Within the Primal Fire
>>they have literally less than 0 synergy with her
C6 Xiangling is a 15% pyro boost. C1 drops pyro res.
>a whiner
>fat purple-haired SJW
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I'm sad that I don't have Aloy. She should've been permanently available for Playstationgods
for me it's yoimiya
:( I was just being a little cheeky
>been pulling on the weapon banner
I know redditors are fucking stupid, but this is a new low...
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he cute
Link to the naked uncensored alt?
relationship sure
friendship? eh
I'm glad that Anon doesn't have anime Nikado
Playstation users should have had their accounts deleted.
What's Mavuika's strongest team that doesn't have worms in it?
I'm glad I have her. She'll be attending my IT run next week.
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I can't do it bwos
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where's the usual shitpost? Did Reddit and X sis just leave?
>is so shit and unwanted she ruins further collab prospects
Thanks Snoys
does it count if she's off field?
>He likes his women naked
Unironic homosexual behaviour
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Is mavuika's weapon a good stat stick?
I need to see what is hidden to lose interest and move on.
Underrated duo, they compliment each other surprisingly well
isn't it basically guaranteed pitymaxxed since there are 7 featured characters on one banner (and most of them suck and two of them are 1.x standard characters)
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nahida is really cute
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I don't have ugly cougar can I use >k instead
I thought it was 50/50?
(Hint: AI kun worked hard but didn't quite get the uniform's color and design, but the overall elements should match what I was going for)
Is Beidou good with Rainslasher?
it's so weird that redditors will plan things for MONTHS like this and write big posts but not go to work for like 3 hours and just swipe for once
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I did that.
In electrocharged teams yes
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Nahida is really sexy.
Mualani is an unflowered pure virgin her labia looks like a hairless pretty thin little slit
I'm gonna build my nikocado just to see if someone borrows her next IT. What set should i give her?
f2p (true) are a strange species.
First of all, try to assign her to your supporting cast, and let me know how that goes.
She needs a lot of ER, use fav instead
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>I have saved up about 15 wishes
On one hand impulse rollers can go get bent, especially if they're F2P (true) (unironic) but on the other hand this also shows why Chronicle banner is considered a scam
Technically speaking he should still be able to gather enough rolls throughout 5.3 even if he's fully F2P for at least one 5 star from the banner, but at that point if he loses the 50/50 he'll probably just quit lol
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That was fun! Got like 10 levels at the fountain as well.
Imagine being under the table sucking his cock while he does some blacksmithing. Maybe even licking some of his sweat too.
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How hard is it to save 180 wishes so you can guarantee a character? Why do something utterly retarded like pulling until pity and then switch to only pulling weapons?
ok wanderer
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what the FUCK
I just got solo'd by this one dude
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>rolling weapons
What a fucking retard
>skipping the best support in the game
maybe in 2010
what is this lol? nai?
>scythe is just the most ridiculous shape
>fingers fucked to hell
>1/5 of skirt is totally transparent, rest is opaque
>bow isn't that mangled but it also like 2d?
>right arms is missing and not positioned at all in a way where it makes sense per anatomy
>still mangles the belt
>cuff is fucked
>one eye is split
>random particle effects
How do you get to THAT level?
we warned you bro>>507757706
Playable molotov chuckler never
He would be t0c0
like I get that it's financially irresponsible for most people to whale but holy shit lol, I don't understand logging into a game daily for YEARS and TRAUMATIZING YOURSELF because you don't want to invest a portion of a single day's worth of labor into a hobby
>what is this lol? nai?
SD3, I think. It had to be SD3, else hhe models won't be marked "SD".
>leaves behind a lasting fire on the ground that applies pyro
He would unironically comfortcreep Xiangling.
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Making a handful of regular enemies playable as 3 star characters without any special voice lines or other types of interactions is still too much to ask
i don't know, that was only stage 7 even
Tighnari skill but pyro would be broken as shit desu
My money is spent on better things, like onaholes and Plamo.
Gachashit will never get a single dime from me.
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pyro treasure hoarder SEX
Why are you here instead of playing the game?
>There is no explanation for why Citlali doesn't age

>There is no explanation for how Mavuika knew that she had to reincarnate exactly 500 years in the future for her plan to work

>There is no explanation for where Mavuika got the design for her bike from

>There is no explanation for what happened to the previous Pyro Archon before Mavuika revived
then don't complain on 4chan about your pull struggles. you put yourself in that position.
>>There is no explanation for how Mavuika knew that she had to reincarnate exactly 500 years in the future for her plan to work
There is btw.
Server resets in 4 minutes
this wouldn't have happened if women wrote the story
I'm neither here nor playing the game. I just have the thread opened to check while I play other games.
maybe wait for their character quest?
This is why you're supposed to level pyro slimes
>replying to reddit spaced retardation in greentext format
Do better next time
Anyone here has c6 kaeya? How good is he?
it's not bad compared to some sd3 models, but would be physically painful after moving on to pony -> illustrious
>investing a gorillion mats into a character that is somehow worse than this game's awful post-1.0 4* characters
yeah, absurd base atk with crit substat
also usable on navia
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why does she only have eyelashes on one eye
Anyone else get questions about the wish system and hoyo as a company in the survey?
best off-field cryo applicator or something
One of, if not the best cryo applier.
I forget the exact timings, but its basically perfect for c6 kaeya.
I didn't. What did they ask you?
>hates gachas
>plays gachas
>is on an image board the day after christmas seething about gachas
just saying lol, even whaling isn't a significant expense if you don't work in fast food
Burnt off during cooking
asymmetrydev has gone crazy
how good is it compared to the other common stat sticks like redhorn and beacon?
Burned them off during cooking? Idk
I got them in the last one
I'm confused because even my 4080 doesn't fuck this up
completely obsolete in a post-citlali game
Strictly worse
Ah, that clears it up! Motorcycle makes perfect sense now and isn't immersion breaking at all!
Class act asspull, I must say!
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>hated incels
>can only orgasm from anal sex
Many such cases!!!!
That's every single gacha game dev. Symmetry is their worst nightmare
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>c6 kaeya is perfect for c6 kaeya
>comparing ingame model to splash art
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Are you a human supremacist?
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Enables forward-melt Arlecchino by himself. However, you have to do N3 dash cancel on her and avoid using N4.
>tfw i want to get hutao just for her mods alone
I meant the cryo application timings.
I just got here, I don't know what splash art we're talking about. His pic looks like a zoomed in AI garbage so, sorry if it is not.
Currently playing Clorinde's story quest. It is turn based which allows me to alt tab and speak with you, the user.
Would it be legal to eat saurian meat?
Nothing is stopping me from running Kaeya with Citlali so he benefits from her scroll buff
kinda retarded they made her not shred cryo though, especially when half of the melt DPS teams still need two cryos anyway
why is my Kaeya still c0?
I thought everyone got those questions?
>horn ring
What a slut.
The best off field cryo but boy is the short duration on it annoying. Sometimes, I'd rather run burstbot goat.
>hates gachas
Where was the implication
I'm not the redditor from that copy pasted post, retard, I got Shenhe on her first run like any sane man.
cus mihoyo is retarded and should just give everyone c6 for the free 1.0 mondstadt characters
but why
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It's there in the teaser video at least.
You can only get constellations for the starting trio from Paimon's monthly shop or from the standard banner which already is filled to the brim with like 50 four star characters
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I tried this illustrious based model and gave me this.
I had to adjust my prompt to finally get the jacket I was aiming for. (Why was I adamantly thinking it was a Japanese military uniform anyway?)
It was out of line. I'm very upset at the moment. I apologize
Pretty sure screwing over the dragons would break the pack with the dragon priest, who would come back to whoop the human ass.
With C6 Kaeya do we still need Citali?
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Chasca should've drained my dry of cum instead, desu
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Somehow it's not in the short though
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Succ bros, yay or nay?
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Whaling had absolute shit returns.
The average cost of a limited 5* is 105 rolls assuming you lose half your coinflips (maybe 100 because of the new system). Buying the $100 pack twice is only 101 rolls. So you are on average spending $200-250 for an on banner 5* drop. So C6ing someone costs $1200-1400 on average assuming you are not unlucky. There's a lot you could buy with $1200. Thats a really nice rifle (If you're American). That's a nice queen sized bed. That's a new washing machine. That's over a month of rent depending on where you live. That's weeks of groceries. That's an entire cabinet of quality liquor. You could improve your life so much more than doing slightly more damage in a singleplayer game.
It's better than both
Mavuika NEEDS Xilonen's feet in her mouth, for her basic kit to function
looks like shit
In Arlecchino teams, you can swap out Kazuha/Xilonen for Citlali. You get the same DMG bonus but less shred, in return for a flimsy shield that will eat 2-3 hits for free. You still have to run Kaeya, though, as I don't think Citlali can keep up with Arlecchino.
Dendro Tabibito was a mistake
Protip: Just don’t be poor
2-3 hits? My shit reaction time will not be enough. Beidou burst is still my saving grace then, and a musketeer.
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What about now?
Never stopped cocogoat memes
Reminder that Xbalanque has a rocket launcher
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>b a c cup
You can't reason with gambling addicts, they'll continue to cope about how "small" the huge amount of cash is while pretending it isn't going towards a live service game that will shut down before 2030.
My crystal ball says:
Bro, just buy welkin
Everyone who says this is some poorfag eating ramen and hotdogs because they spend all their money on frivolities.
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How strong C2 Furina instead of Citlali for Mavuika team?
I don't think I've ever spent over 1k for a C6 though I don't C6 every char and save quite a few rolls between characters. it's a terrible way to spend money if you need appliances/furniture/rent/groceries, but my hobbies are hiking and gaming. I dropped like 2k on a tower two years back, but beyond that my entertainment expenses are virtually 0 apart from a little gacha fun here and there.
i want to drain chasca's tits dry of phlogiston
wow related
He was specifically talking about whaling
Welkin isn't whaling. Obviously you're not F2P anymore but $5 is a lot less than hundreds every banner.
she wants to melt the nuke
How is this so lewd?
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$1000 is nothing to actual whales who do this regularly
learn how to invest instead of daydreaming about buying rifles and washing machines lol
meta-wise, xilonen feels more like the archon than the actual archon tbqh desu desu
Probably still fine despite a much weaker nuke. You stand to vape most of your donuts too.
So every new (female) SSR gonna have at one dead little girl NPC appear in their trailer for soap story bait huh.
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>Hate the new event
>Relize its just dota chess
>Now I like the event
Its just that shrimple
Does Furina not fuck up Mavuika's giga melt on burst?
this. poor fags don't realize there are people here who make $200k+ a year with no debt, kids or spouse. that's a shit ton of disposable income.
FUCK cloud services on xbox has been down since I got up from my nap. I'm missing out on optimal resin spending. REEEEEEEEEEEE
Reminder that either Capitano is playable and Xboxlive isn't or vice-versa...or the third (secret) option, neither of them are going to be playable.
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*unbricks your mc*
probably worse, unless you have Key
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I've tried to have this argument before, but they just say that spending that amount of money once per year is fine, since the singular gacha game is all they apparently play. They definitely aren't also spending on other gacha or buying normal games or anything.
I've given up and resigned myself to have lost the argument. If someone wants to spend thousands on a single game, whereas a regular video game is a one-time purchase of $80, then so be it.
You can really tell the people who grew up in poverty and earned their wealth vs people who were born into it and get by on daddy's money.
I grew up in a trailer in the wood and now I make $120k a year and spending even $100 on gacha sounds like absolute fucking madness to me.
Wait until you grow up and find out that you eventually have to replace your car, your appliances, your clothes, etc. Most expenses evaporate into thin air
how come there aren't any smol boys in this game? so many mommies in this game I'm surprised there aren't any.
>$1000 is nothing to actual whales who do this regularly
Whales can either be comfortable guys with a lot of disposable income, or retards who cant manage their money with other necessities
aight, xilonen rerun when
For those people, their life is miserable, and they work 12 hours a day for 6 days a week. Genshin is their one source of joy
I know because I am one of them, but I don't spend
$100 is nothing I don't even blink when topping up with that
people who grow up in poverty are much more likely to blow their money on useless things because they have zero financial literacy, see all the retards winning lottos and becoming broke within a year or two
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I would like to divert your attention for a short moment while I roll on this artifact
Or someone who grew up in the 2008 financial crisis
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What did I miss? This seems relevant to my interests
look at this gambler. you really going to risk it with those shit affixes?
Thank you for proving my point
Some of these fags are probably conflating content creator actions with regular people. Streaming your whale pulls would actually be a business expense that is made up for by the views.
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I love you /gig/
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She took it down.
do you not see how little attention the short males already get? if they released actual shota, absolutely no one would care.

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>The average cost of a limited 5* is 105 rolls
Reminder that this woman is like 35 years old
not enough to do the dishes like I asked you to do
So Puma is a cuck, and knows she is raising her lover's children with the person he actually loves? And she was just left over scraps?
I only make a little over 100k after taxes, but it's still fucking nothing lol. Most of them probably dump more into retard debts than I do into anime girls
I work in semiconductor manufacturing, actually. My father didn't even get me a Christmas present this year, though we're not on bad terms.
she needs her milk.
I thought the twinks like venti were popular.
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I love when games have random dialogue like this
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Straight downgrade for my Mualani but I'll keep it just in case I can use it on a future character
my life isnt miserable despite working all the time. i just believe in supporting the company that provides me with entertainment.
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>people who grow up in poverty are much more likely to blow their money on useless things because they have zero financial literacy,
That's literally just niggers
I lived with a white guy who grew up in a ghetto area and started making fucktons of money off of his security clearance after he got out of the Marine Corps. He still buys name brand shit and waits for steam sales on regular games. Meanwhile, your average football player from Boston is broke a year after he retires.
video games are a hobby, yes
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I am actually happy for you anon. Bless you, anon
if you loved me you'd post that uid
absolutely raped
the hell do you guys to make 100k a year
post the UID that is banned on /gig/
Just use Rosaria instead of Bennett I guess.
The ores are just to unlock the base cons. The chronicle is just a fun little memorabilia like many others we've had before like the DND book from Clorinde's quest or the Aranara log.

Leakers would have found out if there was a way to get the 2nd cons outside of the boss by now.
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*walks all over this thread*
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I feel like HSR players are the real big spenders, most of /gig/ doesn't seem to go past welkin+BP
is this still just speculation/memes? Haven't really been following
it'd be funny if they locked it behind duelist 1-3[/spoilers]
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>tfw student
I am dying to earn some """real money"""
I'm happy for you and your game. Why must we fight? We all get hot ladies.
An industry only autists succeed in and a few things I am legally obligated not to talk about.
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5.4 leak doko
I spent 350 euro on Jingliu, and I'm never giving HSR a cent again
you should be making $100k when you're 30+. i get /gig/ is mostly full of 20 year old zoomers so it seems like a lot, but it really isnt.
No one earns wealth, they are born into privileged circumstances and gain more traction from their actions because of it. The idea that some guy sitting in an office doing fuck all yet earning a high income is a harder or smarter or better worker than the guy working his arse off in an entry level role for a minimum award rate, is bootlicker propaganda. Outside of statistical outliers, your trajectory is almost entirely shaped and restricted by your formative years and related socioeconomic support.
>I grew up in a trailer in the wood and now I make $120k a year
You don't but even if that cool story, bro, was accurate, you'd be a freak outlier.
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Loom sisters???
I'm from SEA though.
I would literally cry if they made a support of Citlali's caliber another shorts boy
I love her btw
I went into the military then came out with a security clearance and I cashed in on it.
Literally anyone in the US can do that.
Stop posting, American idiot. I can't believe you brainwashed fuckwits have the gall to talk shit about North Koreans.
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Why is this making my dick so hard. Imagine the porn, holy fuck.
Uh oh foreiger melty
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Yes walk us
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I see. I've no idea how the cost of living vs average salary works over there. even here in the USA, the average wages are all over the place. For example, $100k in New York or California would be mediocre, where as if you lived anywhere else in the US it'd be considered quite a bit.
The fact that this is in the game files is ridiculous, the fact that they even considered giving a rocket launcher to a character is so fucking retarded
insane to me even as a genshin whale, E6 doesn't even last 6 months in that game
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Mavuika's Teaser was actually pretty cute
she's sucha nothing character that I didn't know what to expect, but it was heartfelt and to the point
dunno what the point of specifying that it the kid is unrelated to Mavuika's sister was though, seems silly, when you're also gonna go out of your way to show they look the same


Dafuq is that pants on head shit? If you insist on melting run Rosaria or double down with Layla. Xilo Furi Clit is optimal in with case
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Her biker outfit looks way too much like Bayonetta.
I would have preferred she wore something like that white dress in OP's picture as her default look in game.
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Detective Xilonen is hot, and holy shit this quest just ramped up the stakes a lot
they probably are related, she just doesn't know it because it's been 500 years
when should I go to sleep
I make 60k a year and im 30.
Damn cool comment bro you should post it onto r/antiwork I bet it would get dozens of upvotes
Be an expat now!
>the stakes
Lmao nigga stop capping, I DARE hoyo to kill a playable character in genshin right now. There's no fucking stakes in this game.
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right now. im going to bed too so we are gonna sleep together!
Bayonetta invented biker catsuits
The biggest spenders are from Asia though, so you guys have to make a lot of money.
everyone here is socially awkward and those type of people tend to go into software engineering
>it seems like a lot, but it really isnt.

depends on where you live
even making ~60k would be very well off from where i live, then again there's less opportunuties for those high salaries
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>kill off heizou
>nobody notices
I'm returning after 2 years off. My new account is coming along ok. I want Mualani so god damned bad.
this. have you seen the average genshin player. they're usually asian probably working at Google or some shit
Brapitano FARTED
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The one good thing I can say about the artifact transmuter is that it has given me a reason to level up a lot of those artifacts that I at one point locked because I thought they 'had potential'
I just wish there wasn't a monthly restriction on sacrificing artifacts in exchange for sanctifying elixirs so I didn't have to sit on a pile of +4s every patch
You know there's a lot more to tech than Google
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For someone using Obsidian and MH? Yeah. Look at the passives of this thing
>Gain the "Scorching Brilliance" effect when using an Elemental Skill or Burst: CRIT DMG increased by 20% and ATK increased by 28% for 6s. This effect can trigger once every 10s. While a "Scorching Brilliance" instance is active, its duration is increased by 2s after Normal or Charged attacks deal Elemental DMG. This effect can trigger once every second, and the max duration increase is 6s.
This is the buff most claymore users will receive. But Kinich and Mavuika alone benefit from this part
>Additionally, when the equipping character is in the Nightsoul's Blessing state, "Scorching Brilliance" effects are increased by 75%, and its duration will not count down when the equipping character is off-field.
Kinich himself can't retrigger the first half of the passive(he only deals skill damage), but the 75% buff works during half of his skill. Personally, I'm gonna skip it because Citlali's catalyst is pretty whatever.
You don't have to work for google to make 100k+ a year... I'm making that much working for a literally who company. Working from home every day too (can go to the office if I want)
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>I compared her outfit with Bayonetta
>therefore it must mean I think Bayonetta invented cat suits
Bad faith anon is posting in bad faith.
I compared her outfit with Bayonetta because the sharp shoulder pads look like hers. as do the various line patterns they've both got on their respective outfits.
I'm not gonna fucking compare her with Trinity from the Matrix or Catwoman or any other character with cat suits, because they don't have any similarities in how their suits are designed.
>/gig/ supposedly loves keka
>no one here bought her phone
You have a lot to explain, /gig/.
you're really gonna nitpick them only naming Google?
Oh you mean the corrupt asians like Kim Jong Un? He has enough money to whale why 99% are poor.

Top 1% is still Top 1%
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Brapitano FARTED and FLED the scene
I HATE Keqing. She is the most boring character next to Ganyu
An it engineer makes 2-3k monthly in my country...
People who grew up in poverty != people who play lotto. Those arent the same groups of people dumbass.
how's the phone?
I was gonna buy the kirara phone but it doesn't work in the US
Pretty good
bros how we save capitano AURA and REPUTATION?
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She'll get a rerun around 5.6 I bet
99% of people are winning lottos???
that's depressing.
then again, your countries rent could only be $100 a month and cheap bills, so i dunno
I LOVE Keqing. She is the most -pretty character next to Ganyu
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Do you agree /gig/?
Oh and it comes with a big gay purple keka charger :(. People made fun of me when I pulled it out
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can we stop talking about capitalism this is just depressing me
if I don't go broke rolling for fire mommy, I'll save up.
nope she's my grannywife and xhe's gotta deal with it
bruh walmart pays more than that lol
This, people never talk about their expenses. My 100k goes a lot further where I live than if I were to live in California
my personality is searching for things to seethe on twitter and posting them here
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Wait for the story preload to see whether he dies.
Find me a regular game with genshin graphics and high production ui/visuals.

Please not those janky looking SAO games or Gamefreak pokemon games.

Nier is good though but not reall anime.
The overwhelming majority of tech work is done for the thousands of small and large companies that need tons of different shit. Proprietary software that needs to be written. Databases that need to be managed. Networks that need to be built and maintained. Web servers. 0365 servers. Active Directory, DNS, DHCP servers. Internal file transfer servers. Intranet servers. Not everyone is some retard living in Sillicon Valley making 200k a year just to live in a pinewood box on a street corner.
i used to be a simp for this girl in the philippines and i'd send her like $300 which would cover all her bills for the month lol
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Let's talk about food instead. What have you eaten for dinner today? Some nice Sweet Madame? May I introduce you to Liyue's fantastic cuisine?
Who the fuck said anything about the norks
What's gay about a keka charger?
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with the state of the game basically catered in every possible way to the chink incels. There's basically zero chance they will release Alice at the current state (having husband). It's gonna be a cop out or parthenogenesis or some shit.
Not a single soul gives a shit about Alice so that's a good thing
Offtopictroon melty
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No shit Xilonen would never be in real danger, I was referring to the fact the life of the innocent kid was at stake. Hoyo is plenty willing to kill off NPCs in side quests.
retard, never simp
No wonder everything is "Made in China". You Americans made china rich for short term profit.
Uh oh Alice schizo melty
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>Mavuika almost forgot her mission and started having doubts during her 500 year journey
>Mavuika accidently lets her mask slip while talking to the Traveler at the end of 5.2 when she starts doubting herself
The thought of Mavuika having a breakdown gets me so fucking hard, hopefully she has some sort emotional break in 5.3
>having a job is capitalism
Wait til you see what its like with the other systems
Glad the chinks woke up.
based findomgawd
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Since we're going into the night kingdom with only us and her (not even paimon) I really hope they put the scene to use and don't just have us tearing shit up action hero style
yes, i think everyone knows China will eventually take over. We indeed fuck ourselves. I'll probably be dead before it happens so not my problem
The corrupt steals from the poor.
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I will now watch episode 12 of Frieren.

Genshin Impact.
No! Despite being alive for several hundred years and meeting countless people, she must immediately love me: the emotionless self-insert with negative charisma!
I lived in Japan for a year on $50k and was basically a king.
So much for "high IQ"... You got played hard...
Watch something good like jujutsu kaisen instead
This but unironically.
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Genshin Impact?
Reply to me with the word "muffin" in a complete sentence if you're not a bot.
living with your parents also helps btw, rent is fucked in a lot of places
Japan is very high cost if you live in Tokyo. Same as NY.
I have never paid rent/mortgage in my entire life. How does it work?

I live with my mom btw
Broke nigga vent hours? I'm here for and with you my giggas
I spend the money I would have spent on rent on firearms and genshin impact btw.
renting is more expensive than paying a mortgage at this point
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Who won
Merry Christmas Citlali!

Citlali is sex.
yeah, I would love to buy a house but I also don't want to be left holding the bags IF the market crashes
>goes to twitter quotes
>reads every comment to find something for his culture war
>finds one, immediately makes the screenshots and posts it here to get some replies from the usual people
What compels a man to do this?
i literally have homophobia in my eyes
whatever money you get paid monthly, throw half of that in the garbage.
you have now paid rent.
You pay a dude who owns a place a certain amount a month to live there.
The bank laons you money to buy a place, you pay the bank a certain amount a month while living there and at the end of the loan you own the place.
Genshin Impact was a mistake
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drugging a kid is wild
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let me roll
Genshin impact is a good game. Also, is the house REALLY yours if you have to pay property tax...?
Mavuika doesn't pay taxes btw.
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Two story houses plus garage should be worth $15,000 max.
Genshin Impact
yes, the house is yours, but you'll never own the land it sits on, hence property tax.
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Landlords are based.
My rich gig bf...
Any post from here on should pay the sex tax to me also I loathe the four star gacha rates on the indie gacha game dubbed Genshin of the Impact
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Me and my wife
naw im broke as hell
we still cool
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>/gig/ supposedly loves keka
>no one here bought her car
I only buy official merch, sorry keka!
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the peruvians have arrived
I keyed somebody's car for having a Raiden sticker, I think I'd brick the windows of a car like this.
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fucking based
they STILL haven't pulled yuri lowenthal out of strike hell?
figured they'd just make someone else do it
genshin should just drop the en VA altogether at this point
honestly, why are EN voice actors being bitches again?
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Dainsleif's Japanese voice actor sounds so FUAAARKING COOOOL bwos.
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Let's say someone gets paid $20 an hour to work on building that house and they somehow have all the knowledge necessary for the plumbing, carpentry, architecture and electronics all at the same time. At a value of $15000 we'll leave out the fact that you wouldn't even be able to cover the cost of the material but you would also have to assume that said worker could build an entire two story house and garage in 750 man hours which is not possible.

And $20 an hour for something like a skilled plumber or electrician is laughable.
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>Mavuika lost an eating contest to Varesa
what a fucking loser
Nice off topic general
they want contracts that give them consenting power over whether or not their voices get AI slopped
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It's hilarious how out of place the motorcycle looks
Thoughts on the FGO drama?
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citlalington bear
ngl would be kinda kino if hine came up with the flamestrider schematics
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lorebros... what the fuck is going on...
What are some good Chasca team comps that don't have Bennett in it?
>collected miscellany
you typed in all caps for this
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only massive flop gachas like snowbreak do that
Didn't they say the flamestrider was passed down to different pyro archons....? FAT XIAO YOU FUCKING HACK
Mavuika,Chasca, Citlali Furina/Xilone
that guy sounds like a faggot
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Nothing can compare to traditional Liyue values
Liyue women supremacy
At this point it's honestly just embarrassing for Hoyo. They're one of the richest companies in the world yet they can't either strongarm some freelancers into submission or just find some random dude on the street to do the dubbing for them?
Either cut the act and just drop the dub entirely or get your shit together and fix it in its entirety. No half measures.
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> like character A but obligated to pull character B because the banner cycling is predatory dogshit
> "don't pull for four stars" while they never show certain four star characters again for years and when they do the rates are predatory dogshit
this feels like eating shit while thanking the chef for not burning it at this point
why does pacal have a youtube channel
their general isn't fast so it doesn't look like a big deal
Xilonen singlehandedly is keeping Natlan out of the stone age
....why are americans like this...?
Hoyo already creates their own VA dubbing studio, but it takes time. They aren't going to be ready so soon.
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I'm getting AIDS just listening to his voice I had to cut it off after 15 seconds
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Aether bros I thought Mavuika is our Firefly
>Bennett when showcasing her rotation
based BennettGODS win again
Why are they shilling this shit, Capvika is already the most popular natlan ship.
she's clearly from wakanda
>see the replies
>think how bad can it possibly be
Do not post this channel again
>or just find some random dude on the street to do the dubbing for them?
Uh pretty sure there are several problems with this and people will complain for this reason.
they are already doing so by moving actors to their studio, but it takes time to catch up. voices are recorded far in advance.
It says siamese right there bwo.
anon no one looks at that text and thinks about sex or shipping unless they're mentally ill.
Why does genshin have so many gay content creators?
Yeah I sure did, enjoy it while it lasts. They don't EN sub the collected miscellany on the JP channel.
....why are siamesians like this....?
Hoyo omnipanders why are you even asking this
they need to hurry up and make fgo 2
that game is held together by complete spaghetti code
I thought siam was in america?
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They're from Siam
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THE FAT FUCK >>>>>>>>>>>>>> MAVUIKA
what's wrong with the way he talks? yea its a bit feminine but he can't help that. some guys just have no bass
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>Loses to Varesa in an eating contest
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>mavuika knew citlali for 200 years despite being the archon for 10 years max
>everyone freaking out about mavuika's death despite ronova saying she doesn't care when she dies just that it will happen (she's human and was gonna die regardless)
>citali somehow knowing that traveler is a descender
>mavuika's statue not changing for 500 years
>xbalanque regularly going to liyue to meet up with the other archons despite people not being able to leave natlan
>and now mavuika came up with the 500 year plan BEFORE she was the pyro archon
Are there any more plot holes I'm missing
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>"But then maybe Mavuika's never seen herself as an archon, I'm sure she would disagree with me on this but I'd say that treating the highest authority of the land like a random weapon picked up on the side of the road betrays an unmistakable contempt for the heavens."
Dain didn't say anything negative about Mavuika, not surprising really since she's human
I bet losing to Varesa BROKE Mavuika's will a bit
The game doesn't pander to them as much so they want to be as loud as possible in the community i.e. by making this kind of content to shill or shit on certain aspects of the game hoping that by being loud enough they can shift overall narratives and opinions and get more of what they like.
yet souls in the nightkingdom have previously heard the roar of the flamestrider signalling the pyro archons arrival... yet mavuika only reawakened recently (more than 3 months but less than 1 year)...

schizos here have put more thought into the bike than the actual writers
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bwos, is it gay to have a mechanic...?
Old name of thailand.
It's ok, I didn't find he way he talks overbearing at all. People here are too thin skinned and faggy ngl.
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Who is Varesa?
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>tfw you have the FART team in HSR and you hear Feixiao's voice coming out of Mavuika's mouth
shut up faggot
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Negative Balance

Turning to /gig/ in hopes of some answers/advice.

In 2022 I got sucked into Genshin, spent quite a bit of money on the game. Shortly after I lost access to my account. I don’t think it was hacked.

What happened was I went to log in like I normally do and it created a new UID, tried every other log in method, same result, a new UID every time.

Tried contacting Genshin support, failed to recover the account. Finally I gave up and decided if I couldn’t access the account then I at least wanted the money I spent, so I issued a chargeback with the credit card company. Chargeback was denied.

Present day, decided I would go ahead and start the process over again with my expectations being that it would be months long and multiple appeals.

Surprisingly, it only took two attempts and two weeks and I was able to retrieve the account.

Finally I can play again!! Hardly remembered how to play, then I get to my primogems. It’s -22k primogems. Great.

Currently have an open ticket via email to see what assistance I can get, in game support has told me just to buy more gems.

Has anyone had a similar issue, advice, input?

No money was refunded on my end but it’s almost like Geshins system deducted what was charged back then never followed up with the fact no money was returned.

>The bike is stu-
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Clorindefags suspiciously quiet right now
don't complain about someone's voice if you're too pussy to post your own voice
the Mavuika constantly annoying Xilonen bit is at least a little amusing
>i-is that a slightly effeminate tone? AIIIIIE I'M GOING INSAAAANE
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return to SOVL
>t.gay faggot with a lisp
It's OK bro no reason to get so offended
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The true Pyro Archon...
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i look like this
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The pyro archon is, unsurprisingly, in the pyro archon showcase.
The only thing you're getting is Xiao's cock stuffed down your throat next month.
Why does bennet make people seethe?
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mavuika lost to this fat fuck??
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You will play Circle Impact until EoS and you will like it.
ligma nuts
His shonen MC energy is too much for them to handle
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PyroGODS just have that effect on people
just get c2 mav and c2 cit and you won't need bennett
I think I can eat more than her
He's a generic shounen protagonist trope at the start of the adventure who's weak and annoying but will never ever get stronger or develop.

So it's the worst aspect/point of said trope with no redemption.
But are you a cute twink bottom though, spiderninja1?
I knew she was a charge attacker... but it looks really fucking stupid doing donuts like that.
Noelle is still my favorite charge attacker.
Varesa ate that btw (all of the food in the contest)
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How many of these are 4*?
neutral cowmilk hotel
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Using my C0 Chiori instead
The fattest...
at least 2 (the first two)
MOGvuika...... mercy........
How can we solve the issue of Bennett
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>Mavuika losing the eating contest
I really hope Mavuika is a sore loser
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he's too powerful
It’s a sign. Stop playing and never look back.
His undisputed superiority over other support units despite being a 1.0 unit
monotony leads to boredom
same with Xiangling
How does she hate celestia if she refused to let the lord of the night die and wants to keep the rules of natlan
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Never change
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EmiLORDS, report in.
how for (You) is mualani?
>I don’t think it was hacked.
you were a retard and used the same password you used somewhere else, or let someone get access to your computer, or to your account through one of the shitty blatant scam "buy primos cheap" things

write off the account and move on
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ngl, I fucking hate using xiangling, I can never get her burst up in time and I refuse to grind for more eosf
Varesa CONSUMED you
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Noelle is simply the better spinner
How long until drip?
I dont care about citlali or mauv.
Do we know if mizuki is the goth chick?
She's the japanese maid/waitress in this pic >>507768170. You fell for a fake Iris leak, she has nothing to do with goth girl.
>drip when
It really depends on whether or not they're going to post drip marketing at their 'normal' time (in which case it will be next monday at about this hour) or if they're going to start delaying it by roughly one week like they did in 5.2.
Back then people said they intentionally delayed the drip marketing because some guy in China had driven a truck into a crowd of people and they didn't want to show Mavuika's splash art with her bike on the same day, but I just don't really buy that excuse since they also postponed Lan Yan and Citlali's drip marketing.
Guys, there was a typo in the video name. Thankfully, Mihoyo fixed it.
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Mizuki is an Inazuman waitress at a People of the Springs restaurant.
I thought it was to not interfere with chasca sales
I don't get
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So is Bond of Life still an actual mechanic for future characters or is it now just a forgotten niche mechanic that never went anywhere? And how does this relate to Nightsoul being an exclusive mechanic to Natlan characters?
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That was another guess people made, true. We'll probably never know what the official reason behind it is so we will just have to wait until Monday so we can see whether or not they post it there
If they release another Fontainian character in the future, they may have Bond of Life. Otherwise, yes, it's more or less forgotten.
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>tfw Bennett's usage is going to be higher than Mavuika's
All this Mavuika wank is getting annoying, she has to be some dev's oc
another forced and dogshit mechanic that flopped
Mavuika is definitely Dawei's OC.
I haven't used Bennett since 4.4...
inazumans are infesting every nation of teyvat
My Sparkle usage is really high if you catch my drift.
All this Bennett wank is getting annoying, he has to be some dev's oc
What did he say about the other archons?
she's the genshin himeko and da wei is on record really liking himeko
It's not just the high production values but the enormity of the community behind it. You have constant fan arts, jokes, conversation, theorycrafting, videos. I think it matters a lot more than people think.
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>aged 20 years since genshin launched
mo' money mo' problems
Different nations have different mechanics so that the combat in them is slightly more unique
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It's fake. He dyes his hair.
are the eng VAs still on strike?
This patch also had missing voicelines. The fuck is mihoyo doing?
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you're already asleep and just don't realize it yet
just give in and enjoy the comfy dreams...
I love Hu Tao in every universe
most people here probably have strong enough accounts that the only reason to pull for new characters outside of appeal is just to deal with new nation combat gimmick
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Let's maybe not try to throw usage rates around, Sparkle...

Who works here? I dont want to put Xilonen or Bennett.
Charlotte as your Furina's healer plus Cryo Resonance
xilonen or bennett

uhhh maybe jean or some other healer
>are the eng VAs still on strike?
>This patch also had missing voicelines. The fuck is mihoyo doing?
Slow about a new studio.
Slow about AI.

I think TOF is largely filling the gaps with AI. Still uncanny with poor tone and inflection.
hmm nyo
are your only options
Redo your team. Mavuika will shatter instead of melt. That's not even to mention that you're completely fucked when fighting a boss.
One is most displeased that she has not been invited to this gathering of elders. Hmpf!
At this point, assuming that every VA can QUICKLY be reallocated to a new studio, I wouldn't expect things to be completely smoothed over until maybe 5.5 at the earliest.
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I did it

what a tremendous waste of my time
I'll be honest, I was expecting the mother to be nurturing a corpse in the room
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Those guys are actual fags though him, that guy who quit and kingaeron or whatever are literal poop eating fags.
So relax Lyneypag
big Z
Otakus (roots) loves motorcycles.

>Didn't get Miyabi's ball
>Didn't get Fugue
>Probably won't get Mavuika and Citlali
>Have to start a whole new game the same day and catch up to everyone else
Who tf is Charlotte? Is that the new five star?
If you go for c1, shes less reliant on another natlan, but youll probably want one for scroll buffs anyhow.
Are they going to answer why Xilonen or other blacksmiths don't just make these magic motorcycles for everyone?

If Mavuika has banned anyone from using a motorcycle but her, kind of makes her very unlikable doesn't it?
Good work, that's a requirement for the /gig/ guild
>Constellation: Sol Invictus
our fuarking hero
I won all the matches on my first try thanks to the flying anemo elemental and the desert slut with the anemo bird. That shit is broken
On ym second tryu i just completed 5 battles before dropping it just to reach 4k points
yes it was a fkin waste of time
You now realise that Mavuika did not do the Akira slide
don't think too hard about the bike, the explanations fall apart (as does a lot of other lore stuff)
I’m Indian and love Genshin
My white friends however love Wuwa
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it's because nobody wants to live in that literal shithole
Inazuma is the Haiti of Genshin
oh it was a bad waste of time because my first run was 9/10 then it took my like an hour and half
No one else is alpha stacey enough to ride one, guailo.
she just said she wasn't making another one bwo
my cope is that it's expensive af and you need a pyro vision for it to even work
it's actually confusing now
Her talent states that its existed since the pyro archons birth
But now Xilonen made it? Xilonen again? What on earth has she not made?
Now that the dust has settled
why did citlali flop so bad?
Yes Mavuika that's a cliff you fucking donkey
The boycott worked
Don’t question the logic of white Wakanda. Just mindlessly consoom and masturbate
Don't care don't know these people, still not gonna seethe at the voice of dude in a citlati review video.
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Get the ball nigga you will regret it for months if you dont
She'll do it in an in-game cutscene. Trust.
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She hasn't made a gundam or a spaceship yet.
Mavuika my hero
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by beautifel autismwife miyabi...
It's weird that HSR and ZZZ have fairly tight writing where there is logic and explanation for everything, even things you may not have thought about (like a logical explanation for Firefly's 3 deaths and Sparkle's role in them), but Genshin's lore building is a complete mess in comparison.
Real quote by Mavuika upon seeing her DPS chart in a party without Natlan characters
I need to immerse myself in that ass
Miyabi and The Herta >>>>> Mavuika
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>the boycott worked
>devs doing the exact opposite of what boycott demands
>half the EN VAs getting fired
kekaroo nice boycott
they're pushing the terrible hashtag so much
Because they rewrite after every fucking region. What happened to the dragons Neuvillette was talking about. Why can’t he fit in now its not the land of dragons
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How do I refund C2R1 Xilonen?
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Xilonen built this
I like him but it's literally circle impact that I hate
Ehh, HSR has more asspulls.
The bike has infinite stamina on ground right? there is no way THE ARCHON has a nightshit ride that fizzles out in 6 seconds right?
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>desperately wants a character
>has 2 years to save
>wastes all rolls on weapon banner
nah fuck you, you serve it, it's literally your fault
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I had prefarmed for level 90 and 1/10/10 but now I'm so tight on mora that I'm heavily considering just going 80/90 and 1/9/9 until a later date
Can they just make the current ley line bonus permanent at WL9 or something
phew, thank god I just got c0r0 xilonen
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>Genshin's lore building is a complete mess in comparison.
More than 2 years of Tiffany shitting up the middle will do that.

Just ask Star Wars what happens when you let some retarded incompetent hack write the middle of something.
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my bet is mihoyo didnt know genshin would become a global phenomenom.
Can she plunge on the bike?
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It's mostly Mavuika's Idea. She probably stole some ancient dragon civilization tech.
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This says alot about our society
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I never even realized that this is another thread that got introduced and never brought up or followed up again
Is she actually that fucking small?
What the fuck
you forgot to mention one little thing
>region is at an all time low in sales
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Citlali is our hero in this fight tho.
Actually 0%.
Not because she's shipbait, just because she is 0% for (You).
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Rewrite Xiao strikes again
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and the better one
This has been a good quest
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>Orewa...supa archonjin da
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We sure don't have a dumb singer whose screentime got shafted for more pandering
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The definitive "jump the shark" moment for Genshin.
Surfing with a motorcycle.
It's been a steady decline since Sumeru and the release of HSR long before this "boycott" but I think MHY knows who they want to keep around with the direction the game is going and it's not people who whine about skin color or lack of gay shit.
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>Kazuha left because of Pagden
>Kuki left to study because Inazuma has no education
>Yae constantly leaves because making business is better in other nations
>Kirara started working as a deliverywoman because she wanted to see other nations that aren't SHITnazuma
>Chiori left because she couldn't import the materials she needed during the stupid war

Don't listen to him, there's literally a world quest about this that released this patch
Mualani is for (Kachina)
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This is the thing I hate the most about natlan
the exploration skills are an upgrade compared to other regions, but outside of natlan they're fucking garbage and these characters will simply get benched the moment we move to snezhnaya
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>Is she actually that fucking small?
>What the fuck
Star Rail hebes are so short the model is also used for large lolis like Clara.
Hu Tao WISHES she was half as sexy as Sparkle.
She couldn’t handle the rock that hits bennets head in his idle
Shut the fuck up gweilo I'll figure something out in the natlan interlude
According to QQ, HSR's girl model is 141cm or something like that iirc
jej, permanent high speed is a 8.0 feature only.
I dunno, Chasca, and Xilonan are pretty sweet even outside of Natlan.
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The irony in you posting Chasca who is absolutely broken even outside of Natlan
>the game is dying but [cope that doesn't stop the game from dying]
Glad R1 was free.
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She barely flies farther than Wanderer if that
>the exploration skills are an upgrade compared to other regions, but outside of natlan they're fucking garbage
It's annoying when retards are this fucking stupid and keep saying stupid shit. Xilonen and Mualani match Yelan outside Natlan on flat ground, even before their niches kick in.

I think the only non-Natlan character that beats their Natlan counterpart is Scaramouche versus C0 Chasca over horizontal air distances.
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Hey cmon, that one Liyue NPC moved to Inazuma....
They'll fix this next year btw
And this time there won't be angry Chinks protesting
yeah they just threw 100 million on a game for nothing
Omg 3 more seconds!
bro look at your own video
she's not getting anywhere with that
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She not only flies farther than him but she goes up any surface that literally isn't a 90 degree angle
reminder to complain in the survey about autoslop event
I put highly unsatisfied. They didn't ask why.
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>They'll fix this next year btw
Scaramouche does the same thing, I did it a lot during Fontaine. Those mountains are the best.
Nothing to "fix".
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We went back to our ROOTS, BOTW!

A tiny bit, but nothing super overt.
Neuvillette can do this.
All games are declining and they started to decline much faster than genshin has.
>outside of natlan they're fucking garbage
xilonen is the best exploration character in the game, even outside natlan
the rest of them are pretty much on par with others though

worst fucking event in a long time
even the stupid fucking beetle fight events were better
no he doesn't wanderer is dogshit with weird startup and end animations, he doesn't scale cliffs nearly as easily either
Dain's an eternal fedora tipper, he'll treat anything that doesn't conform to his preconceived notions of divinity as active rebellion against the Heavenly Principles.
Tbh Xilonen’s C2 buffs look so puny. Why did people go so crazy over it?
she can maneuver way better than him, mooch can't move adjacently in the air
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Pyro Archon
>Second gen Archon, not strong in combat
>In the Archon Quest, she dies in a duel (intentional suicide) and is resurrected.
>Will destroy the throne of the Pyro Archon to reconcile with the dragon clan

Pyro Sovereign
>Oldest second gen dragon (10000+). Has the memory of his past life.
>Hates gods, longs for the past glory of dragons, eager to regain the authority and overthrow the current world order. Doesn't attack the Archon out of fear for Celestia.
>Loves humans, treats humans and dragons as equals, supports the coexistence of humans and dragons
>Hates the Electro Sovereign. Thinks she is the shame of the dragon clan

Electro Sovereign
>Youngest sovereign (100+}, third gen, arrogant and cowardly
>Born in Inazuma, fears the Shogun (despite the Shogun not even knowing about her existence). Fled to the Dark Sea, got defeated by the local god there, and then went to Natlan to seek protection of the Pyro Sovereign.
>Got promoted to tribe leader by mistake.
>Once provoked Capitano, got one shotted and has PTSD ever since
>Admires the Pyro Sovereign. Considers him the pride of the dragons.

>Relative of Bennett. Reincarnation of a god died in the Archon War. Will kill the Pyro Archon in a duel and regain his power.

>Half dragon half human, shaman of the Pyro Sovereign tribe
>Lead religious rituals, a messenger connected to the world of the dead

>A Seelie and the daughter of the second descender. (10000+). Escaped divine punishment due to her unique bloodline.
>Emotionless due to trauma, unconditionally obeys Pierro and Tsaritsa
>Can resurrect people. Her eyes can see through the truth of the world

>60, strongest being in Teyvat, undefeated
>Defeated the Pyro Sovereign at the age of 20 and made him fear humans
>Once fought Surtalogi for 7 days straight with no outcome, permanently changing the local geography and climate
>Defeated by Traveler after he gains dragon authority

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>outside of natlan they're fucking garbage
>literally every character so far mogs c1 yelan and pagderer outside of natlan

when will people stop parroting this
>Neuv can kind of do this but for half the duration and slow as fuck
So he can't do that, got it
What the hell are you talking about, Neuvilette's story resolved just fine
Didn't read
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I remember that and I was worried crumbs if it might be close to true.
Xilonen's C2 has significantly more value than Citlali's outside of Melt teams, not sure you retards are mouthing off.
Xilonen is still decent for exporation outside of Natlan
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I think the most insane moment of good writing was them somehow incorporating Trailblazer's schizo raccoon fursona into the reason they were able to not be affected by the banana monkey virus, like Kurama making Naruto immune to genjutsu because it was another entity inside them that could snap them out of hypnosis.
Genshin will never have a moment that well thought out.
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>retarded leaktroon slurpers still believe Team Mew after that
Motorcycles aren't exactly an original idea.

>take a cart or carriage, which already exist
>make it mountable like a Saurian by giving it two wheels instead of four
>make it a combustible engine using Phlogiston, which is already used to power many other things like jetpacks

It's reasonable that she somehow came up with this idea on her own, with some influence from current inventions from Natlan or inventions from the past Dragon society.
Bros, lots of people on discord I frequently go to are doomposting Mavuika hard saying her showcase in livestream and miscellany are C6 Mavuika.
>I-It was rewritten!
Mihoyo should stick to writing simple stories like in ZZZ lmfao. Not deep, not complex, but pure action which makes sense and no NPC slog
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was any of this true
I mean, yeah they threw millions but they didnt expect to become the WoW of gachas to the point other companies are now developing copies of it.
People who don't actually use them say this stuff
They're not declining they're just reaching saturation. New games are constantly coming out to compete and taking a little bit of the pie for themselves. Instead of just having Genshin getting all the revenue you're going to have a bunch of games getting a fraction of that revenue in equilibrium.
he can float over water longer than mavuika
none of it
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the biggest issue with genshin's writing is that they planned like a few hours worth of story to spread across over half a decade
like it's interesting to see the shit about celestia and heavenly principles but we barely get a few minutes of progress per region and 99.999% of the unskippable dialogues are all about npcs and filler shit that no one cares about
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waiting for CHADfa to explore flower feather clan
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Why isn’t #StandWithMavuika trending? Why didn’t you guys get it trending?
Never said she wasn't. I was saying her worst still matches Yelan's best. Provided you don't need to cross empty air or water, Xilonen is the currently the best exploration character in the game by a very large margin.
we stand with capitano here
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>sunk cost chimp out
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Remember to do your poll, gentlemen.
I’m not a feminist
>I think the only non-Natlan character that beats their Natlan counterpart is Scaramouche versus C0 Chasca over horizontal air distances.
No lmao she flies much faster than him while also having a 10s fly.
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WE don't. WE will never.
ZZZ is turbo boring and meandering
At one point you'll understand that none of these stories are better than any other and only exist to sell the banner characters before moving on to the next character
I'm sorry Koult I don't use twitter
people will still slurp up leaktranny slop after this btw
I want to #FuckMavuika not stand with her
>No lmao she flies much faster than him while also having a 10s fly.
Sigh, you're gonna force me to log in and fly off some empty ass cliff in Sumeru to see how far each gets.
Non-sprinting btw, the energy drain on the sprint speed is murder.
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all Team Jew slop should be instantly disregarded
I put unsatisfied for neuv because he allows you to skip the video game entirely
>Very satisfied
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Shitlali cope and projection to the highest degree.
Enjoy your two teams.
Xilonen CREATED you.
Yeah do it man. There's a reason wanderer's mains are freaking off about powercreep. Although you can always chain their fly together.
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You're not wrong, it's a very short flight time.
People expected a brown woman to remain meta? Lmfao
it literally unlocks her ability to support monogeo, baka baba
>the biggest issue with genshin's writing is that they planned like a few hours worth of story to spread across over half a decade

Damn you hit the nail on the head. HSR and ZZZ have tons of lore, info, various other media about so many factions and characters years into the future that you can read right now but for Genshin it's like nothing exists in the game beyond what they are currently presenting to you.

It makes Genshin feels so fucking tiny and undercooked.
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I'll only #StandWithGODpitano
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I bought a hundred dollars top-up (first ever non-Welkin/BP purchase in four years of playing Genshin) so I can C2R1 Xilonen.
HSR has too much instead, their world is way too expansive for the production to follow up on it which makes it also feel tiny and undercooked
>Although you can always chain their fly together.
That's not how it works in the fucking sky!
Though IN Natlan Ororon can juggle some small boost+glide long enough for Chasca to then swap in again too since they're currently the 2 who can swap mid-air.
Which should mean Chasca+Mavuika IN Natlan is basically unlimited air movement.
Go fuck yourself Wormvillettemonkey.
>I bought a hundred dollars top-up (first ever non-Welkin/BP purchase in four years of playing Genshin) so I can C2R1 Xilonen.
fucking why? C2 is not worth it just for certain builds and its not even gamebreaker
What should be next thread OP image?
Surprised Xilonen's R1 is that far down, I remember people were salivating over it because of its elemental damage bonus
>you can always chain their fly together
not outside natlan, which is my biggest complaint about natlan characters
i regret rolling for Xilonen Lawrence
RDR2 has the best lore, the best story, and mogs everything from Mihoyo!
C1 Citlali (evenstar or TTDS) is probably better even for a cryo dps or freeze team than Shenhe
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she does almost nothing for a freeze team, and literally nothing for a monocryo team
I wanted to make her work with Navia.
>The average cost of a limited 5* is 105 rolls
It's 94. 15k primos. Around $150 if you buy in yen.
Actually even less than that over the long term now thanks to capturing radiance shifting odds to 55% smoothing out dry streaks. It's a good value.
I would have preferred an ending where the rest of the Hunters stayed ignorant to how much 'game' there was, but ah well. That was good.

I have completed my goal of all (above ground) Fontaine finished before 2025. Next I continue Remuria, since that's stalled fairly early in.
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Sorry, I meant #FleeWithEscapitano
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cryo is a dead element, the only good thing for it was freeze but all enemies are unfreezable now so all cryo is used for is a hydro cope and a retarded reaction to buff physical damage which no one uses
you'd have to be retarded to roll for a character just to reaction with pyro when hydro supports can vape, electrocharge and bloom
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That said, I'll be damned. Took em both to Sumeru, swapped only their party slots with each other to make sure I had no passives affecting either.
And C0 Chasca did go further.

shenhe has cryo shred and buff
Cryo is dead until they shit out a few overtuned hypercarries and even then it'll just be reverse melt slop being meta alongside the current vape slop meta.
Too much cheap access to DMG% these days. Diminishing returns.
Navia already dishes ton of damage with full shells and you only need C0 Xilo in her team and Bennet to dish over 300k crit dmg with her skill
Remember Morgana team (Venti, Mona, Ganyu and Diona) in early versions of genshin?
I want to go back...
I'll do the math once she gets added to optimizer, but I think scroll and weapon + more frequent small quills outweighs fewer stronger quills, NO 4pc, 15% cryo, and 15% NA/CA
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Amazing how literally absolutely none of this was true

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