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File: 1634049849025.jpg (587 KB, 1200x1200)
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587 KB JPG
just pooped
pooped after lunch
pooped again after coffee
Based bowel movement informer
pooped after breakfast
My king, what did you eat for breakfast today? I need ideas.
eggs hashbrowns bacon and some yogurt and some coffee
pooped after lunch
pooped after breakfast
pooped after lunch
pooped after lunch
Good for you.
diarrhea in the middle of the night
Very Important Poops.
pooped before lunch
i did not poop today hopefully i will poop tomorrow
pooped after breakfast
pooped after supper
pooped after a nap
pooped after lunch
I am pooping RIGHT NOW
pooped after lunch
i did not poop today hopefully i will poop tomorrow
pooped before lunch
pooped after breakfast
pooped after supper
i did not poop today hopefully i will poop tomorrow
so far there are more non-poop days that i would like
just pooped
pooped after breakfast
pooped before lunch
Pooped from beer
i did not poop yesterday but i pooped today after breakfast
pooped after breakfast
pooped before breakfast
pooped after lunch

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