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File: ding dong bannu.png (60 KB, 250x261)
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When was the last time you got banned?

What board was it? Did you learn your lesson?
I honestly can't remember. The most recent one I can think of was when I got a 3-day for posting the ClintonxTrump hentai on an off-topic /v/ thread back in 2017 or so.
I did learn my lesson. I only post that stuff outside of peak hours now.
got a 3-month for posting in a p*do thread like 5 years ago, pretty sure that was the last time
i avoid those things like the plague now
I went into a political /v/ thread and stated the opposite political opinions.
I was banned for posting politics.
i got a 3 day all boards ban for posting a link to a music website that gives you an auto ban. the website doesnt exist anymore
lots of time in /vg/ for going "off topic" i did not learn my lesson i just stay away from the threads where people are anal about that bs
I get occasionally banned from /a/ because I post something lewd and they ban me for it.
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Probably about 6-8 months ago, I was on a masturbation-induced horny bender and was jerking off about 18-24 times a week and gay hornyposting on multiple boards, getting simultaneous bans on /g/, /a/, [s4s] and /o/ at the same time lole

I only stopped because the constant fapping was leading to my balls feeling uncomfortable and tender all the time, even my clothes rubbing against them would feel painful.
I got banned from /x/ for excessive racism. I was being raped by nigger ghosts and wouldn't stop using the word nigger in the post. I've learned my lesson, I must simply drop the n-bomb a little less, as that was an n-nuke and n-clusterbomb that I posted. Just... excessively too much "nigger" and "niggerrape" in the post.

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