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Lethal Company Thread
Other thread is past bump limit, I feel like it's worth making a new one with some useful information in the OP for newcomers
Having more than 4 people can be really fun sometimes, though can obviously put strain on the host network.
Here's a good mod preset to start with, doesn't add anything broken, lets more than 4 players join, and grants some quality of life improvements: 018cc8c1-a893-164a-a24d-a43006e55105
To use it you'll need thunderstore here: https://www.overwolf.com/oneapp/Thunderstore-Thunderstore_Mod_Manager
Inside Monsters:
>Spore Lizard:
Basically harmless, can do small amounts of damage when cornered
Look at it, but not too often. Probably the most painful monster to maintain, instant-kills by snapping your neck and then steals your corpse so your friends can't get it unless they have a teleporter. Can be killed, but do not approach with just a shovel and expect to win. Recommended for one player to stun with stun gun and one to whack with shovel until death, or shotgun
>Bunker spider:
Can be killed with the shovel, but take care. It's venomous and will steal your body and wrap it in silk. Will kill you after like two attacks
>Coil Head:
SCP-173 but if you didn't have to blink. Moves fairly fast, but if anybody has visual contact on it cannot move
Slime found inside facility. Very slow moving, but be very cautious not to be cornered as it is made of acid and deadly to the touch. Can be pacified by turning on the boombox, but this does not deactivate their acidity and you will still be doomed if cornered unless teleported out
Masks applied to a player will create these, particularly dangerous as they don't show up on radar as red blips, but players. Teleporting one up can be a fatal, run-ending mistake if you don't have a shovel, watch out for erratic behavior if you're manning cameras. They can exit the building and stalk you back to the ship.
Can be killed with the shovel in about 4 whacks. Dangerous, can move quickly in straight lines but have difficulty tracking players. Completely deaf. Cannot jump.
>Snare Flea:
Look up, and use your scanner. If you're isolated from your teammates deep in the facility, these are basically a death sentence unless teleported. If you can leave the facility they'll die, and they can be whacked off of your head and killed.
Fucking run, everybody needs to get out of the facility. Unkillable, eats everyone after it activates unless they're outside. Will hunt you down pretty flawlessly no matter where you're hiding. It reverts to a dormant state when everyone still alive leaves the facility, but your run on that moon is over when you see it. Get the scrap you've been hoarding next to the entrance gathered up and just leave.
Has a shotgun, can be killed in like three hits with the shovel when its eye is down. Insta-kills with a kick if you get too close in front of it. Shotgun does high damage at close range but is more surviveable at longer ranges, I've taken two hits from it before and managed to just barely get out of the facility alive. Roams and scans, detects movement until it's scanned you moving, then it can recognize you standing still (I think). Shotgun can be sold for a decent price and you can also shoot it yourself, but it has limited ammo.
Outside Monsters:
>Earth Leviathan
Spawns at night outside on desert planets mostly, responds to vibrations and comes out of the ground to eat you. Can eat other monsters too, but don't count on this to save you.
>Eyeless Dog:
Big, tanky fucker. Can't see but hears really well, this includes footsteps, dropped items, and microphone speech. Can enter ships, WILL end runs if your last man alive is watching cameras jamming out to the boombox and everyone has been turned into a mimic
>Forest Keeper/Giant:
Big fucking pain. Picks up and eats players making their bodies unrecoverable, fairly fast. You can't escape after it's picked you up unless your cameraman has good reflexes for teleporting you. Guaranteed spawn rates on certain planets as early as 4:45, so be cautious.
>Baboon Hawk:
Will rush up to you, if there's only one you can usually spook it off by approaching it. If there are multiple you're in bigger trouble, I've found kinda strafing towards them and then strafing away keeps them away.
>Circuit Bees:
Not hostile unless you take their hive, but with more valuable hives and desperate quotas aggro avoidance may not be an option. You can have two players approach, as they only target one player at once. One player can pick up the hive and the other player can lead them off while running, then place the hive next to the ship or on it. They'll return to the hive and go into a dormant state, getting them on the outside of the ship away from other players is good, because they'll be left behind when it takes off and you can collect the hive. You can avoid them by entering the facility as well, though this will cause the hive to roam. Roaming hives ignore closed ship doors, and will fuck you up, so it's advisable not to do this unless you're planning on leaving soon.
>Ghost girl:
Can actually be found both inside and outside. Very rare, very dangerous. Instant kills upon contact, but will not initiate chase state unless eye contact has been made. (I've never encountered her so this is from an online guide)
Bought myself a mic yesterday and looking for some games with voice chat to play. Do randoms actually talk here or is it silent autism in pubs?
Where do I put this code in?
In r2modman, when you select Lethal Company, select Import/Update -> Import new profile -> From code and then put that string in.
Why are you ruining half the fun for new players by spoiling half the game?
I have a clip of my friend dying from this, AFAIK it went after him without looking, he tried to run by just leaving the planet but it got him and we ended up losing :(

for the late company people, only join when offplanet. that has gotten rid of most of the issues we have experienced
>host a chill public game
>actual metafags join
>get screamed at for ordering walkies and flashlights (i did it before they even joined)
>noone ever picks them up "because they're useless"
>immediately flies to titan as soon as possible, ignoring every other moon
>ends up only doing titan and only buying meta items
>try to buy a 70 dollar costume with the hundreds of dollars we have, get yelled at for wasting money
why are people like this
Why are you taking shit from retards in your own lobby? Put on the lockdown and lethaladmin mods and take control. Titanfags are not worth listening to.
anyone else hate the fact that every single person is recording this game? you can't join a lobby without ending up on some fag's le funny medal.tv clip
I accidentally played in a streamer lobby yesterday and it left a bad taste in my mouth. The streamer guy was a fag who just played alone too.
I've noticed this too, been getting a lot of unfunny clips recommended on youtube that have like 14-ish views. I guess that's what popularity does to a game.
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I've never been to Titan...
What is the "meta" anyway? I've been playing with randos for a while and every match there's a different "meta"
one game you have someone ordering flashlights and walkietalkies and another game nobody ever uses any tools besides the shovel and zap gun.
Why is fall damage random in this game? Sometimes I take damage just falling like 5 feet, other times I take 0 damage even jumping from the top of titan.
i think that area on titan specifically has no fall damage because the dev knows people dont wanna walk up and down all the time
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The theoretical true meta is

>Nobody uses walkies UNLESS you're on eclipse and you want a guy in the ship for safety, this is because having a walkie does not actually mean you can affect the other person carrying a walkie unless again, you're on the ship so in general they're a shit item once you've developed any amount of gamesense for Lethal Company
>(Pro) Flashlight is up to player preference but generally it's a good idea to carry one if you're not carrying a shovel, especially if you're on a mansion map
>Bring at least one shovel and at most two shovels
>Split into pairs, 2 main 2 fire exit. This can flex if one of the doors is particularly shit.
>You always want to be on Rend/Dine/Titan. This is due to player preference, but Rend is generally seen as the most consistent in terms of difficulty to scrap, Dine and Titan are often turret hell. Every other planet is shit tier compared to these three, just play one of them and develop a preference.
>When your quota is lower than like 700, just sell all of your scrap. You're not going to be on a world record quota crew. You want to oversell so your overtime bonus (~= 20% of earnings - quota) so you can go to a fancier planet and buy a lot of gear for inventory.

The biggest question is basically
>Is someone running the ship?

Everything hinges off that.
The meta is whatever the fuck you find fun with your friends.
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>try joining game
>try a different
>finally get in one
>guy autofiring shotgun
>get in another
>dude is just spawning items in the ship
Why even play the game at this point?
this game has way too many women who are shit, kids who are shit, gays who are shit, minorities who are retarded, and junkies that are retarded. i am eternal beacon of perfection and it is a privilege to play with me. if i join a lobby with any of these annoying fucks i wait until they land and pretend to jump off the ship with them and then go back to shut off the lights and hide the light switch. i will never feel bad about this.
Host your own and ban every faggot cheater.
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>Shipnigger doing nothing useful as usual
>Teleports me trying to "save" me causing me to lose my jetpack even though he knew I had the fucking thing
>Masked guy comes to the ship
>We have a pile of shovels and a shotgun and outnumber the masked two to one
>He fucking takes off with the ship instead of us just beating the mask to death

I'm convinced that anybody staying in the ship has negative IQ. It's uncanny.
it's hard to tell if someone is truly in danger or not
for some reason people in public lobbies are extremely reluctant to take walkie talkies no matter what. on easier moons they say "it's too easy so there's no reason to get them" and on harder moons "we will die anyway so it's too risky."
sometimes i see a player standing still for minutes and try to teleport their body back only for it to turn out that they were still alive.
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Game got too full of le funny streamers and 12 year olds screaming racist epithets thinking they're edge lords.
I just run my servers and either kick people or if I run into shit I don't like I throw until they get pissed off and leave
Protip for hosting your own server: play at late hours or ideally at night so that all the children and teens are asleep, that way you mostly have adults joining.
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>I randomly die to nothing and have to deduce which of the players is cheating so I can ban their ass, I have to dig into people's fucking steam profiles and look for bans too
>Have to gauge people's movespeed and sprint usage to see if they have speed cheats
>There's retarded shit like minimap that is basically impossible to deduce
>Have to make guesses on if someone is going to pull the lever to leave early for griefing based on their behavior

Children are the most frequent cheaters and are never worth playing with. Playing this shit is getting straight up exhausting, I get that anticheat is basically impossible but goddamn even with constant vigilance, you are going to get griefed a ton.
there should be a mod that tells you if others are modding desu, idk if it's feasible or possible but some kind of "anticheat mod" without it actually being an anticheat would be nice.
It's lame. The snow planets are better.
>needing a flashlight or walkie-talkie
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Metafags ruin every game they touch. Call them a nigger, kick them out, and be done with it. Metafags cannot help themselves, can't even have fun in a stupid goofy game like this.
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Highlight from tonight's game with some channers
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And another
Game is LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE without this mod after tonight: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/MagicalFlyingPurpleTreeSquid/Drive_Suit/
Some moments I've been collecting, share your fun moments if you have any saved
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you forgot some

Thank you for your input, very kino
I don't like how often they spawn dogs
>challenge moons
Dogs are at least counterable, unlike forest giants.
it's a weekly run you retard, something every roguelite has
Vow can now have the mansion layout
Damn, what a bunch of faggots
Nah it's good that esportniggers have a mode tailor made for them to keep them out of normal lobbies
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>Joined a challenge moon lobby to see if the extra difficulty makes it funnier
>There's two squeakers
>Find out that said squeakers used cheats to make themselves immune to lightning damage AND to disable monster spawns AND speed hacks
Yeah anyone who takes these challenge moons seriously is a retard who's going to get cucked by 12 year old hackers
>Nutcracker buffed
Oh no

The challenge moon is fine but having a leaderboard that isn't based on your friends list is retarded because there's zero anticheat and it's a unity based game that's been datamined to shit.
I never once had a fucking problem with this game or its fucking servers until this update
this is hell, i just want to hear a lootbug talk shit and see a new room
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I've been joining public lobbies for the last day or two and its pretty funny how many of them are communicating information openly over Discord. Fuck walkies I guess.
Most people like to cheat these days, regardless of the game.
it defeats the entire point of the game, they're just retards. make sure to host a game of your own and kick fags like that.
>not wanting a bunch of squeaking 12 year olds that just discovered nigger for the first time to be screeching it through their mic while you try to play a game? You must be black!
You must be 18 to post here
Look at the downloads on obvious cheat mods like minimap, infinite money and super speed. Insane. A huge amount of the playerbase are faggots with double digit IQs that don't know what they want from the game and are only in it because their favorite eceleb covered it.
Truth is, if you join or host public lobbies, the greater chance is that you'll have a bad experience. Join up with people on LC-centered discords and use the looking-for-crew channels. After over a hundred hours of mainly "random queue", this is what I resorted to and I've been encountering more competent people on average. Don't have to go through several error messages to join a server either. When I join up I tend to ask them a question to determine if they're a faggot or not, usually "are we only gonna sell the quota?" and if they say yes, and the quota is below 500 or 700, just leave. This means they're NPCs who think they're gonna get a mind-blowing record quota or something, but have probably never made it past 2k.
Thank GOD I'm not the only one who gets driven up a wall when someone religiously follows that rule.
Its first fucking qouta. We aren't selling 130 and saving the rest. We lose scrap, we DONT lose equipment.
I want flashlights, I want stun grenades, I want shovels and I even want spares. I DO NOT care about getting to qouta 3-4k. (even if they'll waste flashbangs, and lose shovels)
No I am not playing with your micromanaging ass for the 6 hours required for it to fucking matter. Stop fucking demanding/begging someone stays on the goddamn ship.
The worst part is they REFUSE to let it go. They explain 5 different things about why we should save loot, and act like you're a retard for wanting a big overtime bonus. They see some youtuber doing it, and download the programming.
>"I'm not going for stupid high quotas"
>"Well what else would you do?"
I don't know bitch hunt down nutcrackers with the shit I bought?
typical FOTM fad being ruined by pop meta culture. People see YTers and shit so they feel like they get a boost from being in the "know" with this stuff. Convinced that they can only enjoy it through autistic lenses and forget what the game (rather games in general) are all about.
The scp bros moved on to this? Damn how can I get in?
I need to edit mine together I got a couple I found chuckle worthy
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Anyone know from which mod this model is?
Sorry boss, I just know its from a blue archive mod
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Yep it's this one, thanks anon
The usual NPC who 'saves money' from the get-go and goes for 'very high quotas' only achieved it by cheesing the game and leaving before the game could register the wipe and take away all their scrap. Major pussies.
We really need to start hosting directly from the thread, it's kind of a mess. Lethal Company is more of a pain in the ass to host for though, wish you could just generate a code so people could join. The better lobbies mod might work, though it doesn't seem to hide your lobby from the list if you generate a code that anyone can use to join. If anyone wants to test it out here's the thunderstore link: https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Ryokune/Better_Lobbies/
>Haruka model
Based modder with based taste
The new lobby tag system is basically what you want, no?
so you fucks *have* been playing lmao. Is this legit a public GC for shit or did a bunch of people just invade someone's circlejerk?
Figure it out retard
well which one is it fag? no reason to take offense over a simple question
No one cares
Stay out stop posting it
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sorry i dont like transphobes
i backread a bit and saw the same 7 people getting pinged for shit, fuck that lol
Those are like the only 7 people who've expressed any interest in the game, I don't want to annoy everyone by doing an @all for a game plenty of people just don't give a damn about.
post more in the thread and I'll consider it then I guess
I plan on it. Getting set up to play right now
This is the thunderstore mod code: 018d0593-64b9-5abf-10f3-5fe546d96b96
This is the lobby code: 109775243299007303
>People speedhacking joining from the thread
You niggers
We're between moons right now if anyone wants in btw
code not working
Try now, we're in orbit again
name and shame
Bussy Tickler
Ah, I meant the code for installing the modpack, my bad. I took a look at it, and it was lacking quite a bit, are you keeping it light on purpose for playability? I've been playing with hotkeys and toggles for flashlight and would lose my shit going back to vanilla controls lol
more like name and ban, keep it simple
I generally like to keep the game lightly modded, yeah. Makes it more accessible for newfags to pick up
Yeah these dudes are fags don't bother
t. Bussytickler
why two nads???
We're in orbit again if anyone wants to join, most people have just been joining and leaving after a moon or less though so don't expect a large crowd :/
you shouldn't include the 2nd half of your post if you want to increase numbers kek, hopped on another game for the moment but at least I know there's still people left actually playing
Alright, done hosting for the night. Nobody actually stayed after joining so it was kinda hard to have fun, we met quota easily because of the speedhackers but I kinda expected 4chan randoms to be better than randoms that people have complained about in this thread with the hacked clients and leaving mid-game, oh well. Don't know if I'll host again at this rate but I guess if anybody else wants to host I'll join
It's over man
>I guess if anybody else wants to host I'll join
shoot I'm down, I just had no clue up until now if people actually were playing and not just flaking about it. I posted a test modpack for comments but no one replied
>he got filtered by the ded steamcord lmao
i thought it was an actual chat and not a circle jerk
It's not a circlejerk, it's mostly inactive except when we get together to play video games. Randos join and just never talk, which is how it always is for pretty much anything. Only a small proportion of people talking doesn't make it a circlejerk, it just makes it literally the same exact thing every other chat always is
>retard still replying posing as me
why do people do this?
Still down to play, just see no point in being in a dead groupchat for it. Could simply just start posting codes here for people to download modpacks/join lobbies. Does the lobby code mod work well?
>people are now pretending to be me, but now they are pretending that other people are pretending
>its not a circlejerk
>even though we are hostile to anybody who isnt in our circle
>also ignore that there are children and sexual deviants in the group
I'm the guy who was posting the lobby codes, I see no reason for you or anybody else to be in the groupchat to play. It's a proximity voice game so we just use the chat to organize shit basically and then all mute ourselves when we're in game
Where Whalespy
>have friends to play with
>they're semi-metafags
>also ragequit whenever we lose a good item
>host a lobby
>get the mod that lets me control enemies
>bracken snap metafags
post link
Damn is this real?
4chan the hacker is all talk. Don't trust.
I always host, and I always make the calls on purchases/sales. I haven't had someone bitch about me buying stuff (only really to save for a moon) but that'd be an INSTANT kick
It really isn't worth playing with metafags, but I tend to humor Titanfags (some of them struggle to get there bc they're shitters)
The most infuriating thing about metafags is that they join public lobbies just to tell others that they're playing the game wrong
Only host gets to do that buddy. And I make it a point to remind them, like one would a child, that we are playing a game to have fun and they cannot tell others how to play the game
Executed well enough and the metafag feels embarrassed about how seriously they are taking the game (even though I'm taking it just as seriously)
Its like they don't realize teamwork and communication are practically essential game mechanics, and being a giant dickhead makes them 10x harder
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why do pubbies hate the jetpack so much
give me my jetpack
they fear what they cannot comprehend

so many "bosses" out there have never used items like the radar booster jetpack spraycan tzp or even the ladder and theyre genuinely puzzled when you suggest buying them

pls zeekers fix the two bugs on the jetpack though

titanfags piss me lff so much
"we cant buy anything we need to go to titan" then we get cockblocked by coils and jester three minutes in. The average loot we get out is a low 700 and when we get fucked the host savescums. And they are always too dumb to not screw everyone over on stormy

I feel sorry for dine though, its so much worse than rend
>The average loot we get out is a low 700 and when we get fucked the host savescums
That is how most of my playsessions with friends ends up
>we played risky and lost? Better savescum!
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what do you want to see in a lethal company spiritual successor
>less bugs, more QOL features
>remove the set moons and weather system for something more like FTL
other than this stuff, because it's obvious
yeah see thats the problem with the paid moons progression system. it creates a difficulty spike in the middle where you have a hard moon but bad item economy.
Old streamables
>no dont buy the radar its a noob trap
>they proceed to get destroyed by giants/dogs and start complaining that they need nerfed
nerds don't realize I buy that and boomboxes to stop this exact scenario from playing out
I genuinely don't understand savescummers, the game is designed to be lost and save scumming rewards you with a harder quota (rather than an easier one)
Especially those who save scum on the first day. Like wtf, quotas 500 and we're on dine, relax.
I don't get it either, man. Some people just aren't ironmanpilled
Is this thread a place for a noob who plays vanilla?
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lobby code: 109775244208401597
>random name but "an error occurred" pops up anyway

I haven't been able to play this game in lobbies for a week now, is it only possible to do private lobbies?
new lobby
To the guy who had to leave for a server reset it's up again: 109775244301312980
>700 average loot
It's funny that noobs think it's such a good moon when the amount of loot they tend to get is average Rend for 2x the difficulty.
Radar boosters are still largely useless against Giants. Stun grenades are a better choice. Hoping that the ship guy will flash the booster is just unreliable unless you coordinate beforehand and waste time, but it's limited and flashbangs let you do it yourself at any time; furthermore, disabling the radar will force the ship guy out of the terminal and it's really annoying.
Buying walkies from the item ship is usually a better choice than placing a radar booster outside, you'll only lose 12 cash but losing the radar booster means you lost 60.
So, honestly, radar booster is still largely useless.
>I don't see the point in it
I don't see how posting codes here is better. Using a groupchat, even if dead, ensures that most people will see it because people tend to have Steam open any time their PC is on, but people aren't looking at this thread all the time.
Just made this. How many of you are guilty?
>Doesn't know Rend's fire exit
This is the only one I'm guilty of
None of them so there your (You)
replace one of them with "can't efflciently use the Jetpack" and stuff about nutcrackers, spraypaint, Braken paranoia, or maybe staying too long when a pile of loot is right outside the facility

what do you mean by loitering?
dilate and ack please and thank you.
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The only acceptable shipnigger is someone who has the girl on them. The rest of you shipniggers are absolutely useless.

>I am going to try and direct 3 people simultaneously instead of sticking with one dude making it impossible to actually direct anyone at all
>I'm not going to tell them there's no loot nearby so they sweep the facility quicker I'm just going to jerk myself off and freak out about the blob approaching him while he goes through the facility in an A* sweep which means I'm basically providing fuck all support
>I'm going to teleport you in the middle of fighting that nutcracker because bro you would've died even though you were right about to kill it
>And now I'm going to get eaten by a dog because I didn't SHUT THE FUCK UP

the most annoying players are scared children that either either stay in the ship for the entire or need someone to hold their hand in the mansion.

Had a few kids that would stand inside the main entrance and presumably wait and call out to us until one of us came back so they could tail us while doing absolutely nothing until they got scared and ran the the entrance again.
please just jump down a hole and go eat a sandvich instead, then quit
Look breh, IM the one using the radar booster it still works a baby monitor for pussies who can't handle giants
Stun grenades are riskier for me and the only time anyone ever uses the giant pile of stun grenades I have, its to stun everyone on the ship
Normally I don't have an issue retrieving them, because I bought my giant pile of stun grenades, I will use them

Its just for when I have to help people get back onto the ship because they suck at the game not because I expect them to ever use em
Not reading all that spergout but yeah ship duty people are useful, just don't do it from the start of the game, and more so by 4pm where you should have a lot of the map's loot and the difficulty is close to spiking, and you'll be able to prevent a wipe 99% of the time.
great stuff
>what do you mean by loitering
Staying in one place for too long doing nothing. Usually at the ship, chit chatting with someone. There's NEVER a reason for two people to be at the ship at the same time unless they're waiting for a giant or dog to go away, and a stun grenade would amend this.

I used to believe radar was useful but I have not found much use for it at all. Yeah, it CAN save you from giants, but your stockpile of stuns does this more efficiently and without someone on ship duty.
One useful niche I can think of, is with the fact that it slows down Jesters, winding or not, by a ton, and therefore it can make a lot of time for looting if both the jester and the radar are located at main entrance.
indie game has plenty of atrocious faults and bugs I'm not waiting for the dev to fix and scaling is non-existent (4+ players are somehow supposed to share 60 credits amongst each other for the first round)
dumbshit flaker friends can barely get a small session in before we abandoned the game for a week
we downloaded custom music to play on it
amazing that metafaggots managed to turn a game like lethal company of all things into serious business
happens all the time with any casual FOTM that doesn't already have meta faggotry encouraged like mainstream
>Wasting flashbangs
>Wasting DIY flashbangs, which are worth money
>Putting on the mask
>Fucking up with the jetpack
>People who just 24/7 spam le funny noise scrap like horns
>People who die to / fuck with the company monster

I mean I'm not full no fun allowed but I am fucking tired of this shit and I just kickban people who do it. The jokes are old.
the game was designed for people to fuck around and laugh at the deaths and janky animations in between jumpscare moments, I do understand kicking people who are just being annoying to piss people off, but for people who get upset that someone isn't playing to the meta in a game like this, that's just peak autism
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>play a game
>want to do the gameplay loop without other people being retarded
>this is autistic for some reason
>play party game
>take it seriously
Haven't played since they added the first iteration of the shotgun faggots (v45 I think?), anything interesting since then? Can you insert the 2 apparati into the generator thing on the company island yet or no?
Or are we already at the 'dev is done with the game enjoy your tranny mods' stage?
>jump into a lobby
>drop scrap I find into holes
>hide the light switch
>honk the horn on top of the ship until i die
>im having fun i dont care
>fuck metafags
yeah thats how you play the game

>Or are we already at the 'dev is done with the game enjoy your tranny mods' stage?
shit dude I hope not, this is one of the only fun cheap games in recent memory
You can't convince an autist to stop metafagging. These people managed to convince themselves that fucking Mario Kart should be competitive.
>100 turrets
>100 landmines
>100 dogs within 3 feet of the ship
>100 giants within 3 feet of the ship that are a nightmare to deal with
>Masked everywhere
>Lots of loot, but mediocre density

>0 turrets
>0 Landmines
>Two dogs somewhere on the map
>Loot is barely worse than Titan

I am never picking Titan over Rend
Me personally, I like the mansion layout over on dine
And I have beef with the cracker.
Skinwalker is the name of a mod that makes monsters use player voice lines, retard. Those enemies are called Masked.
lmao you dont have friends
The skinwalker mod is dogshit, I don't care. It takes over your skin so it's a skinwalker. You can fight me all day on this nigger.
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>Got over 2700 quota with a 100% internet rando team with people randomly backfilling

Honestly shocked we didn't hit a wipe for that long.
Happens to me fairly regularly
Do you also take on the role of a manager directing your mentally challenged employees?
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Ive played with a few random women and they're usually both more useful and more fun to play with because they know how to communicate, fill in a useful role, and they try to work as a team which is generally fun. (they also do as theyre told if within reason and youre nice about it)

are women like this irl? where can i aquire one?
They also tend to have funnier moments since they get scared and show their emotions more easily. I've never heard a man scream in this game unless it was a youtuber doing it for content.
enemy ideas
a cousin of the jester, it's an ammo box on legs that walks around the facility blindly and periodically drops mines. these mines are unique in that the camera guy can disable them for 25 seconds, as opposed to the usual 2. can be killed, but will explode, taking its killer with him. when threatened, will run away from the player.
>copper parasite
a small horde of slugs that crawl around the facility. they will swarm turrets, mines and any of the player's electric items and start gnawing on them, turning them off for the duration of the day. a risk reward entity, you can try to lead them to a turret and basically permanently disable it, but it might also start gnawing on your walkie and render it useless.
a bipedal enemy that can hear players. it will focus the quietest player (said the least in the last 1 minute/has the quietest mic), sneak up on them and hug them, coating them with pheromones that'll cause every enemy on the map to aggro onto them. the pheromones are removed by stepping into a shower or leaving the planet. otherwise harmless.
a small, barely visible patch of mushrooms, stepping in them will "mark" the player. the game will roll a 0.5% chance every second, if it succeeds, the marked player will grow a single mushroom in a random spot on his body. upon growing a random amount of mushrooms (3-7), the player will die, turning into "the fungal". the infected player will not notice the mushrooms growing on them, it's up to other players to tell them.
>the fungal
an infected version of the crewmate. somewhat similar to the masked, yet not as intelligent. it cannot leave/enter the facility (depending on where it spawned), cannot run, and it also can't be killed, unless blown up by a stray explosion. the fungal will create patches of hivemind mushrooms everywhere they go, further spreading the infection. these patches have an increased spread chance of 10% per second.
part 2, fancy scrap and new gear ideas
>old phone (adding a few tweaks)
spawns without any power, but can be charged at the ship. when charged, it can be turned on to play a continuous stream of screams of the damned. every 5-15 seconds, the screams will be interrupted by a clear playback of the dead players voice chat from the last few seconds, then go back to screaming. listening to it for too long will drain your sanity, eventually spawning the ghost girl on the map, so make sure to take breaks.
>antique revolver
scrap thats always worth at least 100. has one shot left and will break if fired. deals the same damage as a shotgun.
purchasable for $25, has a battery life of 4 activations. will suck up a single one-handed metal scrap in the player's field of vision from up to 20m away.
>metal detector
a box that beeps the closer you are to a piece of scrap. purchasable for $100. it cannot differentiate scrap from the coilhead or jester's metal bits, so beware.
>geiger counter
the same as above, but detects enemies instead. it can also detect the apparatus and other players. purchasable for $150
>miniature teleporter
ship upgrade. comes with two parts, one output that stays on the ship, and one input that has to be carried with two hands. other players can put a single one-handed scrap into the input slot, then press a button to teleport it back to the ship. has a battery life of 6 uses. purchasable for $500
>baboon hawk glue
one-time item that sometimes appears in the store for $75. lets you glue one of your inventory items to your body. glued items stay with you during teleportation. dropping a glued item will detach it and deal moderate damage.
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>Have to leave Gordian and fly back to it so you can get the overtime bonus
>Have to adjust your equipment purchasing budget based on which of the 3 purchase moons aren't fucked
>Have to spend ten fucking years waiting for the delivery drone to receive the order, fly down, and fly up
>And the 12 item limit makes purchasing even slower
>If you have any money at all when you start doing runs you are going to lose it becauese even if you recover bodies you still lose money and that scales with money you have
>So you also need to purchase to put yourself at exactly a planet's cost

Holy fuck please make buying things on Gordian use a different system and just shit items out of a vending machine or something
You know that Gordian has nothing to do with the delivery of items? So in a hundred hours you haven’t even leafed through the logs on wiki
oh yes, it’s stupid to research a little
>lore for a fotm spooky co-op game
Lol? Who cares. Gameplay trumps lore. If the gameplay suffers because of a lore reason like "well ackshually Gordian doesn't deliver you the items!" then the dev is retarded.
>inb4 well it's purposeful because buying items should take time as it takes up time spent on moons!
So if they want to balance the game around it, then they should never let you buy anything on Gordian at all and force you buy on moons to eat into your collecting time.
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Who the fuck cares, it's a game, gameplay comes first. The reality is that the item delivery system is inherently flawed in design due to the way time and money works in the game, the ability to buy items on a planet that isn't Gordian is completely useless aside from buying walkies to distract dogs.
i mean sometimes i have money left over and i buy extra shit
i don't optimize so hard that the 20-30 in game mins become a big issue
It's useful if you're off in your math but without any means to gain credits on a planet that isn't Gordian, having money in your account is just a potential loss for no real gain. If they removed the loss of credits when you die, and only have credits lost when a body isn't recovered, it might be worth keeping money in the account so you can save it up for larger purchases, but without that it ain't worth it.
You are like a cancer that ruins everything it touches.
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>Today I shall use the radar booster
>Try to use the ping to draw them away from the ship
>Oh hey it works
>But it doesn't seem to lure them from super far away
>And the sound of someone sprinting seems to be a hundred fucking times the range of the ping so they'll just run back to the ship anyway
>And it doesn't keep their interest for very long so they'll drift away from it unless you spam the ping constantly

One day I'll find a use for it
if you're trying to get dogs away from the ship, buy a shitty flashlight
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>Zap gun's only real use case is killing the Bracken with a shovel
>Thumpers, Snare fleas, Hoarder bugs, Bunker spiders, Masked and Nutcrackers are killed after getting some skill, no zap gun needed
>Dogs take so many hits that they require multiple shovelers coordinating and if the zap gun fucks up someone dies

There really is no reason the zap gun should be so fucking expensive when flashbangs do everything it does for less than 13x the cost.
How does that help?
It's a retard tax my boi
That and some people legit can't kill those things any other way, skill issues are RAMPANT
>4+ players
Well there's your problem. More than 4 players, normgroid.
Shovel is always on a 50% discount so you can actually buy 4 of those if you'd like. Or 1 and 3 flashlights. Of all things I don't think I've ever seen someone complain about the starting amount of credits. You don't really need items in the early moons.
Insym finally admited that Rend is better than Titan (something that any player with more than 10 hours of experience already knew), so people have been starting to shift their opinions towards that en-masse.
Rend is tons more consistent than Titan. It's basically a difference between a skill check and a luck check. You just gotta roll good loot spawns on Titan to make do, but Rend is almost always based solely on your team's skill. It's also a great moon for the jetpack, and Eclipse tends to mean you'll get a lot more shotguns.
Unfortunately the radar booster still sucks despite the addition of flash. It's just got no real use. It can slow down a jester's winding time significantly and then slow down his chasing speed after that, but that requires so much team coordination and communication it's just not viable within the extremely limited in-game time.
Dogs will chase the item ship. Buy a walkie instead actually, 3 dollars cheaper, who cares. But item ships are often loud and far enough away from the ship (especially on Rend) that you can run to the entrance or fire exit without alerting the dogs. Completely nullifies the radar booster's ping function, and for cheaper. Realistically, you have to ditch the radar booster. Recovering it just isn't worth it if it's surrounded by dogs.
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>be bad at the game
>rage incoherently on 4chan at people who are better than me
>i am bad at the game and therefore i am a good person
>the other guys who are good at the game are bad people
lmao you got kicked from a leader+ lobby didn't you anon?
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>Limit active radar boosters to one (1)
>Instead of flashing enemies, it has a new feature: It anchors itself and produces an electric field in a small radius that zaps enemies in the same fashion as the zap gun and prevents enemies from moving through the field
>Using this new feature permanently locks down the radar booster, it cannot be recovered in any way
>If an employee gets stuck in the field they are similarly stuck to prevent people from using it as permanent safe haven
>Activating a new radar booster will cause the previously fielded one to deactivate
>This way you can shove a coilhead / jester into a room even on manor maps

I fixed your shitty item Zeekers where's my cut
Weird, now that you mention it I've never had a seriously bad experience with any of the women I ran into while playing this game
At least half the time I play with the boys someones getting kicked for no real reason or were shitposting too hard for the game to even begin proper

Also there's a surprising amount of women playing this game at all
Women aren't actually getting scared by this game unless they're brand new to it, they do it for attention just like the male youtubers who do it for content
Not sure about this. It sounds like it completely trivializes Coilheas and Jesters very, very easily, and if Zeek wanted this then he wouldn't have made them unkillable, I'm assuming. At least secured door trapping takes team coordination and comes with risks. It also doesn't really fit in well with the game.
>inb4 shotguns
one broken item doesn't mean it should be free real estate for a flood of EZ game mechanics
>party game
you made this up in your mind because you can't stop watching faggot youtubers. The game is riddled with coordination and coop mechanics that require effort to be used and faggots like you don't/can't because you're too preoccupied modding trans flags into the ship
It forces you to have one guy on terminal which already, if another coil spawns you're still boned, still requires coordination and walkies, and costs money. Hell, crank up the radar booster cost, too.

I don't know, I'm just kinda sick of Jesters and Coilheads having the only "counterplay" being incredibly boring. Jesters just instantly end the run period and Coilheads force one person to completely stop playing the game because trying to loot when there's an unwatched coilhead around is instant death which is also shit. These enemies need some level of actual interaction.
>Forces you to have one guy on terminal
>Jesters just instantly end the run
>Coilheads force one person to completely stop
I was like this when I was a casual intern too
Ah yes what are you going to do, comb the entire facility backwards while looking at the coilhead? Shut a door on him which buys you 15 seconds and you have to keep shoving him in or not know his location, resulting in someone probably dying? Please extrapolate.
nta idk some teamwork works too, so do flashes, closing them in a room
I do wish there was some sort of acceleration to the coil heads. Like when you look at them they slow to a stop, but slowly accelerate when you're not looking. Patrols have a speed cap obv.
Gives the lower skilled plebs more time to work with in general
>Also there's a surprising amount of women playing this game at all
Considering its a game that got popular due to clips on social media I'm not surprised at all. Women spend a majority of their time scrolling retarded TikTok shit on their phones and this game was tailor made for that.
>what are you going to do, comb the entire facility backwards while looking at the coilhead?
Yes. And this shouldn't be too much of a problem on mansion due to the wide open spaces. If you close a door on them and run far enough away, they'll eventually lose sight of you. Otherwise you can just manipulate their movement to drag them to the middle of a room and then look around it while orbiting it.
On facility you can usually lock them inside secured doors.
shotguns are less broken actually
because killing something clears up the monster list so something else can spawn in
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>step inside and instantly die to slime
>step outside and instantly die to giant
>teammate is spotted by jester on opposite side of the map but either doesn't comm it or doesn't notice. eventually jester sprints across the map and kills you while you are deep as shit
>steam pipe on the other side of a wall
>walk around corner into bracken necksnap hitbox
>jump room platform at an awful jank angle
>nutcracker randomly paths into you
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>Worm instantly kills you with 0.001 seconds warning
>RNG lightning decides to instantly kill you
>Landmine hidden in steam as the only path forward
>Locked door behind a locked door behind a locked door
>I just learned this one but it's possible to be teleported away from the giant but the grab occurs like one frame after the teleport fires so your position gets reupdated to the giant and you die

And other fun times in lethal company
there used to be bugs where your player controller would just be totally fucked up until you died if you were teleported out of a masked grab attack
>you are unable to mouselook
>your screen is red
>you can't interact with anything
>you are desynced on other people's screens
Glitches are 90% of my deaths, and the other 10% are Jesters. There's a recent bug where dogs are completely silent and you can't tell if they're within hearing distance by their footsteps anymore. Another wonderful bug is the shotgun's hitscan being as janky as possible, but only when in the player's hands, because Nutcrackers never seem to run into hurtbox issues.
Another bug that fucks me up is when Nutcrackers glitch out and start walking towards me while facing the opposite direction. It often happens while I'm within hugging distance of them and they just kick me before I can react. If they're working as intended they'll stand still and attempt to fire at me as soon as they see me, and they can't kick while firing or reloading.
Mimics will just teleport and immediately grab you on ladders, because Zeek didn't bother to make them climb them.
Landmines have a 1 in 3 chance of activating even when deactivated from the ship. And they still blow up immediately as you step on them too, sometimes.
If the weather is stormy and you get teleported about the same time as lightning hits the
ship, you die.
Your screen is still blinding red when you get tp-saved from a mimic, but you don't get your inputs locked anymore.
Thumpers climb stairs at lightning speed regardless of their current acceleration.
>buy jetpack
>teammate instantly flies off and explodes
>leaves match
Every. Fucking. Time.
Zeekers made more than enough money to have a small team sort out these issues.
Bros been on vacation since Christmas and he's still tired.
He needs to appreciate his fucking blessings man. This is his ticket to spend the rest of his life coasting and making passion projects.
no its ok. just wait 5-6 months. my clone will be better than anything that furry and his team of modders can create
>Go deep into the building just for the first thing for someone to grab to be the amplifier and now the lights are out and the doors are open and you can hear a thumper not too far from where you're currently at
>Nobody ever bothers to take a Walkie Talkie with them so communication doesn't exist, good luck figuring out whats going on or warning people that the coil heads about to give them a makeover
>People getting mad at you for teleporting them away from the danger that was gonna kill them
>No one teleporting you after you made it clear you're going to die on the Walkie Talkie, so you die
>Players who can't stop screaming even when the blind dog is right outside the ship and has been known to clip through doors and other objects
>No one spending the money to take a shovel or bring with them a stop sign so I guess the team is gonna get wiped by a really angry Hoardbug
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If you teleport me while I still draw breath and I'm not spinning my camera, fuck you. I don't care how mucj danger you think I'm in.
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Die and lose all your shit then
nigger you lose all your shit if you teleport
There is absolutely no reason to teleport anything but a corpse if not specifically asked
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>Get teleported and lose all your shit

>About to die
>Get teleported and lose all your shit but still have a chance to get your shit back because you didn't die

Everyones a retard but me apparently
The odds of you making the right call and teleporting me when I am actually about to die are significantly worse than the odds of you erring on the side of caution and teleporting me when I didn't actually need it. For every ten times I get teleported, only one of those times was it actually a good idea.
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if theres 700 dollars worth of scrap i need to put on the ship and you are playing around with coil heads at 8 pm i am 100% teleporting you to bait giant for me. get fucked
>See someone use the zap gun for like half its bar

How the fuck? I do the whole 'drag mouse opposite of the beam' thing but can never get it to last that long.
This shit game killed /scp/
host advantage. clients might lag too much to register the dragging on time.
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Why do retards parrot obvious bullshit they can verify with three seconds of searching
What's with all the servers that are called "18+" but kick me when it is revealed I am a 33 year old man?
They point at me and shout
Then I'm kicked.
I know it has nothing to do with the bracken, but the name's stuck with me so I still use it.
they are waiting for a girl to join
scp was already dead
bring no items
rend fire exit
kill myself with jetpack
shit duty is redundant
get a book
This luckily never happens to me, I think the most unlucky I ever got was going through the main entrance and immediately being greeted by a landmine.
this game needs a solo mode, this is how i'd balance it
>all scrap in the ship is saved even when you die, but any scrap outside the ship is naturally lost
>stamina increased by 30%
a few multiplayer items would also be rebalanced, new singleplayer exclusive items would be added
>walkie talkie is now a radar device that functions like a metal detector for both scrap and enemies - it plays a high pitched bell sound for scrap, and a corrupted, metallic sound for enemies. putting this device up to closed doors will open them temporarily, but it will not disable mines or turrets. this is supposed to be a singleplayer counterpart to having a ship guy
>lockpicker picks locks 50% faster
>radar boosters can be activated with the radar device mentioned earlier, by typing their names in the chat
>the zap gun functions normally when actively used, but has a new function. it will explode right before an enemy is about to kill you, stunning all enemies in a medium area for 5 seconds and giving you a brief movement speed boost. this will break the zap gun.
>the teleporter now also gives you a button that can teleport you back to the ship when pressed, but it will still drop all your gear. also it will automatically take your body back to the ship if you die, so at least you won't be penalized for something you can't otherwise prevent.
>signal translator now functions automatically and has a chance to transmit messages about key information, for example the names of enemies or the current time outside.
>new backpack item that grants +1 red inventory slot, red inventory slots exclusively carry two handed items, letting you grab two 2 handed items instead of one
>$300 for a permanent inventory slot upgrade, raising your number of slots by 1. this stacks to a maximum of 8 slots
>new singleplayer exclusive pickaxe weapon that deals 2x the damage of a shovel
>ship upgrade - the clone body. you will respawn during the same day inside the clone body. another needs to be bought afterwards
meant to say that the teleporter button is portable
A good way to balance dying would be to have it increase the quota instead of losing items.
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>Not being grateful that someone's trying to keep you alive long enough so that aimlessly walking through corridors till you find something worth shit doesn't end with you dying to the bracken you're deliberately ignoring
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It's out niggas. Go edit down your footage Ponis!
Gagler got raped in 2020
Kek trannyshadow making chad edits of his tranny friends
damn is this true?
Of course not, he's just a simp.
Afraid so
that sucks man
>control company public lobbies finally die down after the mod dev implements a fix that prevents cc lobbies from showing up in the server list
>some fag immediately make a mod to patch it out
They're posers. Rend has been the new metafag moon since Titan's nerf
fucking hell
Kek what a spic
mexico not even once
they cant keep getting away with it
>Get the game
>Convince brother in law to get it as well
>Go in blind
>Order two walkies and a flashlight
>Take turns going in and watching the radar
>Have the time of our lives dying
>Haven't even encountered any real monsters yet
Kinda wish I hadn't been spoiled on all the monsters yet, this atmosphere is just intense.
so apparently zeekers put up info about the next update on his patreon. can someone put it here? the fag doesn't need a patreon man he made 50 million dollars.
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Whole plushies group watching TV
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Based hitlerdubs fumotranny
oh man
It's less "eye contact" and more having her in the middle 80% of your scren. You'll hear her breath if she's behind you, but she usually doesn't go after you until you "see" her twice. She can still kill you if you backpedal into her though. She will ONLY spawn behind you, so don't be a retard - if you move the PC around so you have your back glued to the ship's walls, she won't be able to get you.
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a good average on rend is 1k
you can just drop your stuff and run until she despawns, shes slow, and hardly spawns outside the ship and facility so just become the hauling boy
is this true?
Serves the little spic right
Me n my woman have been playing lately been tinkering with mods finally, got any recommendations or must haves? We got a splatoon grizz co mod that handles pretty fucking well giving you a scrap canon for $300 that thundercunts loot across map to the ship, also tried both Luigi's mansion and big boo haunt maps, next up is trying the ether map and adding in the silent hill loot mod. Any fun mods you found anons? The mansion maps officially put the fear of the mask in me.
>Fog + mask + carrying loot in = get fucked lol
I like your jib pal!
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go to the thunderstore on a webbrowser, sort by likes or downloadcount, exclude the tag modpack, include specific tags if you want (moon, interior, cosmetic, suit)

mods i personally recommend: ScarletDevilMansion LC_office LethalSnap Ganimedes Etern Orion SomeMoreSuits BensCosmetics MirrorDecor spawnablestoreitems (change the config) shipwindows spaceshipdoor celestialTint

avoid any mod that "improves" your carry speed or stamina as they ruin the game even lf it takes you a while to realize this.

use the mod AntiCheat for public play. (set the config to english language)
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How do we feel about the Rolling Giant mod?
What all do they do?
Should i buy and play this game y/n

I'm an adult im case that matters.
should I eat this cake or not

I'm hungry in case that matters
Which cake?
literally who is that
>He doesn't know
It puts a big scary motherfucker in the facility, announced with the placement of a little red poster (pictured) as scrap. Makes a lot of clunking and squeaking and grinding noises as he moves. The actual monster works as a reverse coilhead, moving only when you look at it.[/spoilwr]
if you must know...
Honestly, a lot of the enemy mods fucking suck. I'm gonna be judging them based on their default settings.
>rolling giant
basically a coilhead but worse when using default settings, i recommend setting it up so that it functions like scp-096, where if you look at it for too long it will aggro. i recommend like 10 seconds since it accumulates in total over all players, so 4 players looking for one second would count as 4 seconds.
pretty neat design and idea but a bit too helpful with the ability to kill other enemies instantly with only a bit of predictive matadoring, basically becomes a weapon. also the model doesn't fit the game.
honestly the worst modded enemy in the game, basically a jester that can spawn on any stage. it will hold your scrap hostage and the only way to get rid of it is to leave the facility, like a jester, otherwise he will chase down anyone, again like a jester, and instakill them.
>skinwalker mimics (players) with mirage and maskedenemyoverhaul or similar mods
very fun
>mimics (fire exits)
unfun with default settings, for some reason the mod dev decided to make all the actual tells that aren't "hit it with a shovel" locked behind an "Easymode" config that most people aren't even aware of. with the easymode config, it's okay, maybe it will give you a scare once in the middle of a chase, but without it, it's plain ass, it just makes you paranoid of every fire exit. either way i deleted the mod since it's just not that fun.
>immortal snail
just a slime reskin
very goofy looking and a bad idea because its basically a jester that leaves the facility which means once one person triggers it, the whole run is fucked
surprisingly fun and creative and i love the skin gimmick but i wish someone remodelled it to fit the game more
>the fiend
absolute dogshit, the whole mod is balanced around the monster itself and nothing else so it ends up dominating every game that its in, it has no counterplay
Fuck you page 1 now
we're so back
Any of you in here play with the Lethal Casino mod? Been playing with it with friends the last couple weeks and its great for gamba addicts

Has slots, a roulette table, and a blackjack table with a wheel of fortune to be added in a later update. Lots of fun
Holy shit this game needs an update already.
Is this one of those games that you can only really enjoy with existing friends to play it with?
It's a choice between that or gambling with randos, but anyone who wants to fuck around in a game like this won't be doing it with any subtlety, so I figure if you get a bad group you won't have to spend too much time to figure out you should split.
You can set up a maximum amount of targets for the scophobia mod. It's more fun when it isn't a jester.
new update came out in public beta
>2 new enemies
>butler - alternates between a passive state where he sweeps the floor and an angry state where he chases after someone and shanks them to death
takes 3 shovel hits to kill
drops a knife on death
explodes into a cloud of hornets to death, which are basically bees that deal less damage but will never stop chasing players
>old bird
can rarely spawn on certain moons like offense, but usually spawns on 2 of the new moons
unkillable, it is in sleep mode during the day but turns on during the night
it shoots rockets that slightly home onto you and push you far away, they don't deal that much damage but the fall damage might instakill you
they also have a flamethrower attack that functions as a forest giant grab attack with a different animation
this mob is hostile to every single monster in the game, not just players. they can even kill forest giants (they set them on fire and you can watch the fuckers panic)
>new moons
a new forest moon on the same tier as march and offense, fairly small albeit requires walking down and up a hill to get to the entrance
large amounts of baboon hawks will spawn past 3 pm, they're very deadly as there isn't much space to maneuver. forest giants might also spawn
on average contains more loot than every other free moon, but has a lot of turrets and a high power rating
medium size moon, contains multiple hangars and has a few old birds. the routing cost is 1500 credits, and it does not appear on the moon list, instead it's name is hidden in the backroom of a locked shack on adamance
you can close the hangar doors to gain some protection from the old birds
a meme moon that costs 150 to route
a large desert wasteland with a shitload of sleeping old birds, they all activate once it becomes evening and the game basically becomes impossible since there's nowhere to run or hide
despite the high difficulty ranking, the moon has the same loot on average as experimentation
apparently this is a fourth moon but it's unsure if it's in the game, only in the code, or entirely made up, it doesn't seem to be routable
>new scrap& scrap changes
a few scraps have new pickup/drop sounds, most notably the bell
>the knife
a new weapon dropped by the butler, it has no sell value and it swings incredibly fast, but has almost no range. it does not work on thumpers and spiders because of a bug. very effective at killing nutcrackers as they will not even get to reload once
>easter eggs
valuable scrap that can be thrown. it has a solid chance to explode upon being dropped or thrown, breaking the egg and dealing player damage, and also pushing players back (i'm unsure if it deals enemy damage as well)
>misc change
you walk down slopes faster, which can actually lead to you taking fall damage. be cautious.
>beta out RIGHT NOW for anyone to play
>dead thread
FOTM games are like this, streamers moved on to Content Warning so that's what everyone left for
I love this game but Zeekers is a fucking retard. The new content additions are great but there are some glaring game design flaws (map generation stands out particularly) that he needs to address as they inform the foundation of how the game is played.
Artifice is the first moon where the outdoors is actually fun.
Can you play Lethal Company with randoms?
Yes, but randoms cheat 90% of the time, even in vanilla.
>that's what everyone left for
Content Warning has had zero negative impact on Lethal Company's playercounts. If anything, it's actually recovered a bit, having a bit higher playercounts in the mid-week than last week.
Extension ladders are really good on adamance and artifice.
ok. ill bite, what would you use them for on artifice? you need jetpacks tzp and stun nades
Go over the fence to avoid dealing with bots. I don't think the bots can even get behind the fence on the left side when looking from the ship. There is a small invisible wall there, but it can be walked around.
What do you guys think of tulip snakes?
I think they're silly little guys, it's nice to have non-hostile outdoor creatures that actually do something, unlike Manticoils and Locusts
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Are thumpers bullshit at this point? I feel like they've been overbuffed. In my most recent run through with some buddies, I kept getting absolutely fucking destroyed by these things and even when I tried my best to kill them with a shovel it just wasn't happening. They feel crazy strong and it feels like you should just leave the area if there's one around.

Am I just bad or are they just that fucking insane?
I think thumpers have always been poorly balanced. Skilled players kill them with relative ease, while for others, they are the most lethal enemy in the game. They should be nerfed to a point where an average player can 1v1 them with a shovel, or otherwise changed to be more manageable. A cool solution would be to remove the slowdown effect from getting hit by a shovel, but also make them flee after receiving damage. This would make them much more interactive.
Just be like me, never bring a shovel anywhere and get smoked by everything.
Their entire design philosophy is "bring a shovel or never go to that area again". They are threats that NEED to be dispatched before you can continue clearing the level. Complete BS in my opinion, but what can you do.
If you get two clean hits you can dps race them. Juke them into a wall and just keep hitting them from behind. Trying to beat them without getting hit gets me killed more often than just accepting that i'll get hit once or twice.
the problem isn't the mobs themselves, it's the shovel hitbox. it's absolutely fucking retarded. you can look down, swing the shovel, and unless they aren't 2 inches in front of you and no more you're not hitting them. which at that point, it's extremely tedious to perfectly judge the distance while being chased by something like a spider, so of course a thumper that increases speed and is almost unavoidable unlike a spider is just significantly more retarded. And even if you do perfect the distance or chain stun one, you have to hope the room your in doesn't have a dead end or hazard that'll prevent you from moving backwards, so on your 3rd or 4th hit you'll run out of space and just fucking die because yea why not. and to top it off, your walk speed is slower than theirs but sprint speed faster than theirs, especially spiders, so it's even more retarded trying to get 5 good swings in without taking major damage.
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Why do people ask, "Why did you join the company?" and what is the supposed answer??
It's mostly just that the shovel needs a more forgiving/generous hitbox on swings.
Is it even worth picking up easter eggs as scrap? The chance of them detonating when dropped seems way too high to be worth the risk.
You can throw them inside the ship. If they explode on the sell counter, you still get money from them.
when they work, they instakill every enemy. it's risky but you can gather a few then use them as weapons against difficult guys like brackens or even nutcrackers for the easy shotgun
Been curious about this game for a bit, is it playable with impaired hearing?
>can hear sounds if loud enough like creepy noises
>still can't understand words even if audible to me
It'd be a bit harder, but not impossible if you're eager to play the game.
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Repub if you believe this moon needs to achieve TND(total nutcracker death) by 8:00 PM
I'm trying to get my friends into this game.
Is there a good review on youtube that isn't just sǒyboys screaming like children? That's not a positive outlook and I don't think that will get them into the game.
I really like the Dine exterior rework, it's nice to finally be able to see more than two feet in front of yourself on one of the snow moons
Taking mod suggestions to test with some friends.
>nothing that makes the game easier
>maybe things that make the game harder
>new enemies if they're cool
>graphical things if they're funny, but honestly don't care about suits or emotes
The emote mod is actually great because Mask mimics can use them too
MoreCompany wipes somehow (few times, 50 hours played)
Kills self/team with jetpack (twice)
Brings no items (inverse teleporter chads rise up)
Boombox (Boombox controller mod tho so I play stuff from youtube)
Putting on the mask (for shits and giggles)
I've only played with irl friends though and we aren't tryharding too much. 2k quota is still easy. That being said one of my bros has managed to piss me off quite many times by buying useless cosmetics before the fucking teleporter...
this but the opposite
Helmet camera and masked enemy overhaul.
Any new standout mods?

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