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Season 11 is here. How's the update?
It's nice being able to just pick your voyages at the capt table. Diving is useless to deliver since you leave your loot behind, but nice to jump right to the action. I'll be stopping at every shipwreck from now on, that new loot is valuable. Haven't discovered anything else new beyond that, what am I missing?
Overall I'm really pleased with it. Voyages, shipwrecks, and bottle quests having actual value again is nice, and getting people off the dock and doing things faster is a good thing. Overall it's more people doing more different things, and almost all loot feels like it has value.

There's a few weird balance issues that I'm not sure are intentional or not. Like if you dive to a Sea Fort, the treasure room at the top is always empty, which feels strange. Also I dove to an Ashen Winds event and it was already half done when I came up, when I though it always gave you a new one?
I'm glad to hear that bottles and shipwrecks are apparently worth it now. I loved when I started playing and my buddies were fine just sailing off with a voyage and then doing whatever nonsense popped up along the way. Early sessions were great because it felt like you couldn't go more than a couple of map squares before something else popped up. Then that sort of fell off as people wanted more valuable loot and to get commendation stuff. The new loot might actually bring that back.
>Like if you dive to a Sea Fort, the treasure room at the top is always empty
I noticed that too. I was Athena emissary when I dove to the fort. Fought the whole battle while I cooked the meat I found in the barrels, and the top was empty and the loot in the vault was pitiful. 4 items, 3 Athena loot one ghost chest. I guess I grateful I even got relevant loot to my emissary, I wonder if that also applies to the other emissaries.
I feel like the game is a bit more... dead?
In the sense that many months, maybe even a few years, ago when I played I could reliably run into another player. Recently booted the game up again and, on high seas, I couldn't find anyone
They haven't been able to get back to six boats per server

And right now s11 is not super stable even on 5 boats
But as far as updates go, huge core overhaul that's bringing a lot of value to the game for all types of players
It does applies to other emissaries, as a merchant I got about the same amount. It feels strange, but overall I guess the intention works. You're trading off more loot and more gold for a smaller amount of faction specific stuff. But they could at least put one item up in the top so it doesn't feel glitched.
I like not having to fuck with the extra trinkets, pop open the sea fort vault and dip
Season 12 is going to be one of the best seasons yet.
>They haven't been able to get back to six boats per server
damn, why is that? Something wrong with the netcode?
Short answer is that as they've added more stuff to the game it increases the chances of servers crashing, so taking one boat off helps prevent that.
new season 11

changed voyages to be slightly less ass

adds cosmetic you need to grind for 250-2500 hours for

enjoy your 3 month content drop in a buggy game
I will. Thanks for the kind message, faggot.
Recently got back into the game, I'm confused about the change to the voyages and how they work now, I don't need to buy them anymore from the NPCs?
No you no longer have to buy them. Just go to your voyage table on your ship and any that are available to you can be selected from there.
currently 87 reapers
i gotta get those fuckin skeleton cosmetics lads, but one man can only stack so much fotd before he loses his mind
>in a buggy game
It's not. They've yet to do the One Piece crossover.
I'm playing today and everythings going well until some other ship shows up and I start lagging, they leave after they see they can't beat us in a ship to ship fight. They decide to use a rowboat to sneak to us, but I saw them, suddenly they're bouncing up and down what would have been 50 feet in the air ~very~ fast. I can't shoot them. They board us. Is this something with my internet or the server?
Could be either, that's why I have my ping displayed so I can get an idea if it's regular lag or if the server is fucky and I should move to a new one.
So uuuuhhhhh where is the new content????
What is max athena up to?
500, same as the other Trading Companies.
I don't know about the rest of you, but so far I've had more ship fights in the last week than I had in all of Season 10. Shit is great.
Been 50/50 for me but the fights I get in are always duo sloops with sweats, which makes sense since it's now the best ship for anything. Will RARE ever nerf it back to balance out the ships? I doubt it
I'm done with Joining Guilds, three times now I joined up, over a week or so got them levels and got booted cause I didn't play for a few days. Fuck em, it'll be my own Guild or nuthin.
The sloop has the lowest skill floor and is the most forgiving ship, but with completely equal crews (which is uncommon) the brig will almost always win. Being able to double cannon while still having a boarder is just too powerful.

Of course there's no hard data for any of this so it's always just people spouting shit based on their personal experience.
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Why not make one with your friends?
Sweats are attracted to sloops because it also theoretically has the highest skill cap in david vs goliath scenarios, though in practice they devolve into "did you successfully set up a circle of death or did they get one good broadside"
not everyone has friends anon...
increased level cap has given people reason to steal from other people again. The fleet of fortune is also a hot bed for pvp.
It really was as simple as letting numbers go up to give people a reason to steal anything and everything. Should have done it a long time ago.
The game is dead because theres nothing left to do. The devs did their best to separate pirates from carebears and now theyre making it even easier to avoid conflict by letting you TP to quests apprently.
Diving has only increased PvP and has by no means made it easier to sell loot without getting it stolen. You're a dumb ass.
How would it increase pvp?
Because it's getting people off the dock faster and it's increasing the likelihood that people will have loot on board, naturally leading to more fighting since there's a reason to. Selling has not been made any easier.
Streamlining supply gathering completely fucked the skill or strategy of pvp in this game, which was already fucked by bomb and chain spam.
Which is debatable, though is a different issue entirely.
>Having an effectively unlimited amount of supplies onboard is of debatable strategic importance
If everyone has unlimited supplies, then that means if you sink it's because you got outplayed. Sounds skill based to me.
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>Doing Ashen Winds solo, see a boat pretty far off, not worried
>Finish, merm back to boat
>See merm smoke off in the distance due to merm bug, know I've got a swimmer
>He shows up on my ladder, I greet him
>"Hey man, I just want to come up to talk, there's a shark eating me"
>Jump off and one blunder him
>"Wow, ok or just fucking kill me"

What the fuck do you expect to happen you swim out to someone doing a world event? You expect me to think you spent 10 minutes swimming from the nearest rock to come say "Hi"?
>you got outplayed
It's not always a skill issue. Remember you're also fighting a random pve. Have you never been in a pvp fight and got hit with a kraken? Or a skeleship with anchorballs? or an aggressive meg? Or all 3? Ever just been unlucky?
Yeah I guarantee he was going to one shot you as soon as you let him up. Then continue to wreck your ship before you spawn back. I never trust anyone anymore in this game, not even my own crew. If I have an ally flag up I'll let a ship get close enough to join but if they keep coming and expect to "help" you with the fort, yeah fuck off or die.
I have the same policy with alliances, I'll take it but you fuck off somewhere else and we do our own thing.
>But how do I know you won't leave before selling?
You don't, and it doesn't matter because if I didn't take the alliance and sank you then you wouldn't get shit anyway.
Sure, but what's the use in complaining about bad luck? Sometimes you win cause the other guy got bad luck. The point is it doesn't matter how much supplies the other guy has if you're actually better, and it only matters in the rare equal fight.
>it doesn't matter how much supplies the other guy has

It absolutely does lol. Having more blunderbombs than the enemie means you can stunlock them longer
Firebombs too are devastating to galleons.
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Did all buckets always do this? I'm in the Roar and scooped up water while near a volcano and it's boiling in the bucket. Just odd and I never noticed.
Only in the Roar post eruption. Best way to learn the area is fishing for Devilfish. Never got attacked while fishing out there and made some sweet gold and rep.
Neat. Between diving for voyages and safer seas I've been gradually ticking off a lot of those Roar commendations that I couldn't be bothered to do before.
Funnily enough, letting a chest of Rage on the deck while it's partly sunk in water may boil the water as well.
throwing this at enemy players does damage, which is an extremely niche interaction
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Today's score:
>1 galleon
>3 brigs
>4 sloops
>800k turned in, including 2 stolen chests of fortune
Damn it feels good to be a pirate
FYI: Diving to an event bounces you to a new server, you leave all alliances AND for some reason, all your voyages disappear too, even the emissary ones. :/
Yeah, that's how diving has worked since the implemented it originally.
>doing duo hourglass
>1st match of s11
>desync bug where you can interact with enemy ship
>anchor is dropped on client but not on server so fuck me and i cant touch it

>2nd fight
>board and win withing the first fight
>enemy logs into an alt after sinking and proceeds rage hack to camp us for a while
>manage to dive and escape cuz its a 2v1

>3rd game
>rage cheaters
>easy anti cheat only prevents speed hacks
>ladders are client sided
>cheaters can blackscreen to teleport

how the fuck do people enjoy the pvp in this game,

mean there must be some people who enjoy it cuz you get 4000 hour doublegunners who touch kids and are scared of a melee weapon
The regular on the seas PvP is fine, it's just hourglass that's full of the worst kind of try hards and script kiddies. Same problem Arena had.
New player here, walk me through the optimal way to park in this game. I keep hearing how you should never lower the anchor, so I raise the sails, set the steering wheel to center, and the ship still drifts along with the current. I'd even harpoon the island and it still drifts enough that the harpoon snaps back.
People incorrectly think the advice is "Never lower your anchor" when really it's "Never LEAVE your anchor lowered".

Zoom at full speed towards whatever you're sailing to, drop anchor, raise sails, raise anchor.
That makes sense, thank you. Does that mean the boat won't drift again after the anchor is raised until the sails are down?
Correct. As you've been doing it with just raising sails the ship will eventually come to a full stop, though they drift more than you think. But anchoring then raising sails is the easiest way to make sure the ship stops dead where you want it.
This works but always make sure there's no other ships around. Especially if you're on a galleon. However the pros raise sails and never drop anchor. Either way is fine but if you drop it, you raise it.
>Either way is fine but if you drop it, you raise it.
Right, that's the important part. The anchor is a tool with many uses, just don't leave it down.
What's with the Season 11 new acheivements are temporaily disabled shit?
>easier to avoid conflict by letting you TP to quests apprently
so you avoid the 5 minute sail to the first island. Do you realize how little impact that will have?
I don't get it
>for ps5 now
Awesome! So will they be on the same servers as everyone else?
the game feels that way when you're just sailing around on an empty server. The moment you're stacked up with loot or doing the fleet of fortune, or FOTD, watch how many ships appear. It seems like the people diving have a higher chance to end up near players, especially high value targets.
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Reference to Sonyponys but that's just a dawn hunter figurehead, it's been in the game since forever.
I'm pretty sure but you know how Sony is about crossplay. I can only imagine the amount of crying these bitch asses are gonna start if this does happen. If you thought we had cry babies before, imagine with the sony troons.
what's the 4chinz dickscord for this game? I don't like playing with randoms
This new mission on demand thing has given me anxiety. i've lost count of how many time's i'm in a deadish server and like 3 minutes after i look at the map i'm seeing shit from level 5 reapers to level threes
Yeah with the dive shit now hiding at outposts to tuck on ships is no longer a valid thief tactic.
People still have to sell at outposts.
Wahhh, pirates keep appearing in my pirate game
>Ps5 confirmed

Some random tweet that has nothing of proof
You probably don't have the sails fully raised, or you're pulling your boat onto land and it's sliding back into the water
They literally announced it.
They literally still haven't, only that "4 four games" are coming to PS5.
Stop the cap
They literally didn't
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>PS5 might get Rare Replay before PC
>any Athena's "raid voyage" now only spawns Athena's loot
>Chest of Fortune is currently located at Fleets of Fortune
So is there even a point to Forts of Fortune anymore? I wonder what they'll do next to try to make them worth it, seeing how the CoF was already added to make things interesting there again and they removed it.
Fort of Fortunes are still worth quite a bit of money and it has excellent loot to level up all four of your trading companies at once. It may not have the same wow as before but it's still really good for leveling.
Fort of Fortune is big worth considering the loot payout and also how everyone thinks it's in fact not worth it without the chest of fortune
kegs of ancient fortune for that fucking commendation
Yeah but nobody keeps kegs in the mast anymore
So? Just kill them and sell while they respawn.

So actually finally announced.
Grind for 2,500? Yeah it you turn in shitty 97 gold chests every 3 hours.
Gitgud, faggot.
jesus christ, play the actual game instead of spewing dumb shit like this, faggot
Ok now they did.
I literally did yesterday wdym
Pointless redirects, fuck off retard
I literally can't think of any other move that is worse than introducing another platform when rare has shown themselves incapable of handling the current platforms with the seasonal updates without utterly breaking the game
Even without updates, I'd imagine this will threaten to break servers. We'll be down to a max of 3 crews by July
The hardware the game is running on has zero effect on server performance. This has been known for years, and you're a retard if you keep thinking this.
No numbnuts. Try to put a couple wrinkles in your brain and consider this:
More Platforms = More Players
More Players = Servers Taxed More
Servers Taxed More = Stress On An Already-Breaking System
Oh ok, so you have literally zero idea how the servers and game works.
Damn, sonyponies are in the community for one day and it's already gone to shit with passive aggressive know-nothing bitch nonces like yourself. Cuh-rayzee.
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it's so fucking over
Eh, as a solo player its nice to not have to worry about constantly being sunk
Do you guys have a guild that I can some how join in on so we can all play with each other?
>Say something wrong
>Get called out on it
You are a 13 year old. Go do your math homework.
Finally I can play with my friends
Community weekend soon, time to fire up the Sea Fort exploit so I can get to Athena 100.
>See a Fort of the Damned go up
>Sail all the way out there from the fucking Roar, it finishes halfway there
>Right as we get close the sloop there fucking explodes
>Ok, take the loot and start sailing
>Angry sloop guy in a tuck outfit pulls up and starts yelling at us
>Sink his ass and sell the loot

Tuckers are fucking pathetic, glad you wasted your time buddy.
I just wanna know how they manage to hide their mermaid (excluding the row boat) I've had tuckers appear out of nowhere with no mermaid warning and keg the ship. I'm watching for rows and swimmers too.

I found a pop-up plunder, an ashen chest of legends!
The unfortunate answer is that you're not vigilant enough. They're likely approaching from the backside and you just didn't see it. There's no special trick or exploits or hacks to hide mermaids or rowboats, you're just missing them.
Which one of you guys was the open crewer who LARPED as a drooling tard who hated all the jews? I know you're here.
Fuckin bugged out game. Go to a FoF, waves won't spawn, crew tried the trip to the ferry all at once trick, still nothing, sail to discovery ridge and back, still no waves will start. Go do something else for some loot, sell it, not get any money for any of it. WTF RARE you have 1 job.
I did a FoF today and it worked fine. Made over a million all told today, money counted up just fine. Sounds like a skill issue.
have a good night seaofbros
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>Sounds like a skill issue.
Burying treasure is just dumb now isn't it? You bury it, if anyone actually checks it, someone takes it and just doesn't dig it up, or they dig it up and re bury it to "take" it from you or the server just deletes it eventually. Rare should have all player made treasure maps appear in the safer seas for new players.
I'd move TheB down a bit and Boxy up a little. Boxy and Blurbs have fought several times one on one and I think they're even on fight record.
Burying treasure has always been a flavor thing. The only practical application of it would be to bury loot when you feel you're going to be in danger + aren't currently equipped to fight off enemies, and it'd be easier to sneak the single map back to the outpost to try to get the reputation/renown you'd receive from someone digging it up, but it's such a narrow situation and you're better off just trying to fight or sneak the actual loot yourself.

I've always just assumed that they're slowly working their way towards introducing Guild Hideouts, and that's when player maps actually would have a proper for-fun purpose
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remember there will be snoys in this general soon
Can't be any worse than the current player base. I had three different boats this weekend bitch and moan about how I'm "ruining the game" and being "toxic" because I sank them and stole their loot.
It's not a general
forget the snoys

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Oh yeah, that's the stuff.
The new horn also sounds bretty neat
>dead general
lets just migrate to /vg/ holy shit
I'm sorry, is there not enough room on this board for this thread? I didn't realize we were at capacity.
Anons like him prefer generals because they get casus belli to post inane bullshit in order to try to keep the thread alive on /vg/, compared to /vm/ where a thread can stay up for months with just the occasional bit of
>hey something is coming to game
>man that's gay
every few weeks
this game peaked in popularity
years ago (Pirate's Life) and back then the thread still never was that active. It's not a niche boomer shooter where people are forced into going to a mongolian basket weaving forum to discuss it like a lot of what's discussed here
Generals are also a hotspot for complete faggotry and with the average maturity/IQ of this player base I can't see it going well
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Any PVP anons know the hourglass meta? I want the skelebones curse but never play it and people yell at me for not anally following some arbitrary meta strats when we usually win anyway because people suck at this game
Couple things I've seen that make no sense:
>turn the sloop as far right as possible the second you start
>run past the other brig and double board without chaining
I'm mostly stuck open crewing since the standards for other LFG is unrealistically high so maybe it's a them problem? IDK.
The meta is playing solo.
Play solo on high-traffic times
Rush them to get the fight over as quickly as possible
Hit them more than they hit you then board and kill them.
Win or lose the worst thing you can do is play slow
The meta is boarding. If you're solo, ram them and board, you don't have to kill them you just have to keep them too busy to repair their ship which; if you rammed them; has more damage than your ship, kill them if you are good at that though, once they are sunk, get back to your ship and repair asap.
In every battle I've ever lost, it was because we were boarded and anchored and then either too busy trying to kill them while they bounce and run around the ship that a few cannonballs were enough to sink us. Even if 1 person tries to repair you can go right up to them and bb them while they do it and be off again before whoever is chasing you catches up. All you have to do is get on board and you team will win unless you really suck or are unlucky.
>if you rammed them; has more damage than your ship
Patently and demonstrably false. I have spent a lot of time ramming ships and it is almost entirely random.

The most important thing for leveling is what >>1196942 said about not letting the fights go on too long. No matter what you need to end the fight as fast as possible. Losing in a few minutes is more efficient than spending 40 minutes trying to eek out a win.
Reddit is the place for snarky, useless quips, I'm looking for real answers.
Is the meta boarding on all ships though? I understand the sloop because its firepower is so low that you're probably better off using the ship itself instead of cannons. I'm used to galleon PVP where everyone has assigned roles and only one person is really boarding at a time. In regular, non-hourglass PVP, it's usually better to immobilize with chainshots, get pressure, and then board, not board immediately, hence my confusion.
I'm not interested in loss-farming, but is it faster to just scuttle if the enemy is playing too passively? I've been in lobbies where they run forever if they get 1-2 holes.
>Is the meta boarding on all ships though?
In solo hourglass boarding is absolutely not the meta. The best strat solo is to get mast down, circle, and win in naval. If they take your mast down, you just shoot cannons at each other till someone gets one-balled.

>I'm not interested in loss-farming, but is it faster to just scuttle if the enemy is playing too passively? I've been in lobbies where they run forever if they get 1-2 holes.
I wouldn't say scuttle, but feel free to play more risky than you normally would. Ram straight into a broadside if you must just so you get that chance to board and kill them.
>better to immobilize with chainshots, get pressure, and then board
If you're good with your cannons and can knock out their masts quick then yeah a death circle will win it just as quick as a ram n board.
>Is the meta boarding on all ships though?
Yes. Especially galleons. You have to have a dedicated player with a blunderbus and bb balls ready to repel boarders, sometimes they board in 2s though so be alert. If no one on your ship is watching for boarders, prepare to lose.

>Patently and demonstrably false. I have spent a lot of time ramming ships and it is almost entirely random.
No it isn't, not really, it just depends on how well you ram them. If it's a side swipe then you might just damage your ship as much as theirs, but a direct head on crash will deal them 2+ holes and you'll get 1. Obviously there's some variables so the hole size on both ships is anyones guess and depends on your speed and angle of the attack.
>ramming them will always do more damage to their ship
>Well except the holes can be different sizes
>and it depends on the speed and angle of the ram
Ok, so it's random.
>Reddit is the place for snarky, useless quips, I'm looking for real answers.
Those are real answers, dingus.
You're looking for a strategy guide when the real answer is simply just play fast. The worst thing you can do in any situation is play slow.

>Is the meta boarding on all ships though?
Yes. Absolutely.
On solo if you win the board you win the fight.
On anything else it slows bail and repairs.
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I'm surprised to see there aren't more people cheesed with the past few months now that the PS5 version has been confirmed. On one hand, the new systems like Safer Seas and Voyage Diving have been good for the flow of the game, but on the other, it's half a year with the majority of the focus/intent of those updates being to introduce new players to content faster/more easily, and having to sit and wait until their release date to actually get new content.

With how much people have been divided about past updates and such, you'd think more would raise a stink about having to be placated until April.
Season 11 did the one simple thing needed to keep people happy; let them level up more. Just tell people their numbers can go up more and that loot has "value" again and people are content.
This. Sea of Thieves is basically an MMO without the 'Massively'; it operates on the exact same principles. Giving players their little dopamine hit works wonders
Honestly they need prestige levels for the companies.
Once I hit level 100, give me a flag with a star on it and send me back to level 0.
That's what they do now, except you get a ring instead of a star. I wouldn't mind some more prestige unlocks though.
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Are you retarded? What HG level are you? I'm only 205, and I smile every time some mouthbreather tries to ram me. Anyone who's competent will double chain your mast and commence the death spiral. You won't make contact.
>emerge from water
>turn wheel all the way to the right
>raise sails halfway
>turn wheel 1-4 rungs to the left from neutral depending on what the other ship is doing
>use default cannons, use rings to aim, and work on your aim
>eventually one of you will be one-balled and lose
>if enemy tries to run, try to board as long as your ship has less damage
The meta is literally git gud. If you're more accurate than they are, you'll usually win. Alternatively you could try to get really good at boarding, and try to board, and sail them out; but I don't recommend it.
>Anyone who's competent
If they're more competant than you then you will lose no matter what you do. Ram and board works because some of the people you meet will suck or not be prepared for your tactic.
Your tactic takes ages to win against someone of the same skill. It works awesome against unskilled players though.
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Most of the people that play HG aren't THAT bad. My tactic does not take that long once you git gud. Most of my matches end with me sinking them within 5 minutes; even if we're a similar skill, or they're better one of us will lose fast enough usually. If they're runners I'll put a few holes in them, and make the board and sink them 70% of the time because runner are usually bad on foot as well. How often do you turn in a 4 streak ramming people? I'd wager almost never. Do you want to get get better, or do you want a fucking cosmetic? If that's all you're after, just dice roll. Gitting gud in hourglass leads to normal gameplay being so much more fun. You can just annihilate 90% of the people grinding in the sandbox. Then you'll win without too much trouble against another 9%. It makes you almost invincible.
I just want the curses as fast as possible. I got a 5 streak ramming but one of those I got lucky and managed to lure them into not 1, but 2 floating kegs! Dice rolls don't work so well, most people who HG are just dumb one track mind players who can only attack attack attack without thinking or surveying the situation. I still prefer the Arena.
I started in season six, so I never played the arena. Why do you want the curses asap? Why not improve, and get two things? I don't get the mindset.
>Why not improve, and get two things?
If you win then you're better
Sounds like improvement to me.
Anon, you're delusional if you believe that. If you go against a loss farmer, you don't get better. If you ram the other boat and win that way, you maybe get a little better at on foot combat, but don't improve your naval at all, and most players need to improve naval because no other game has skills that cross over to naval. You don't improve your aim, your helming, or your damage control. If you don't work on those skills, then you're doing yourself a disservice. I'm kind of surprised. I thought that 4chan was less casual that those losers on reddit.
Surely they are just going to show off features that they know they can finish by the end of the year, right?
What's the discord link for the /vm/ server?
I think they'll be cautious about promises considering how badly the last roadmap went. Season 12 is pretty much in the bag, so they can be less definite about what features will be 13 and 14.
So what does everybody think about EAC? I've seen people pissed off about it, and others unconcerned.
It's something, which is good enough. The SOT community will absolutely never be happy so it doesn't matter what they think. They bitched and moaned about there being no anti-cheat, and now that it's being added they're bitching that it's not the right one.
>don't improve your naval at all, and most players need to improve naval because no other game has skills that cross over to naval. You don't improve your aim, your helming, or your damage control
Still won tho
Means I'm getting better at winning
That's all that matters
U R dumb.
I can only do HG solo, I literally can not find players that want to do it on a grind or stick around for more than 1 match. Half the time they quit before we surface and I'm alone on a brig or gally and you know how that ends. So it's alone but I hate the sloop, I don't want to master it any more than I have to. I enjoy solo sloopin for PVE shit but not combat. I kinda get seasick/dizzyhead on them if the sea is rough enough after an hour of playing or so but not on brigs or gallys.
As long as they're implementing the right version; IIRC it has to be the EOS variant and implemented in a certain way in order to have support for Proton. Sea of Thieves was one of the holdouts for why I hadn't made a move to Linux as my full-time OS, and I'd hate for it to go back off the table after they had apparently fixed voice chat not working at all on Linux.
I'm pretty sure they said during the video that it had support for Proton. Which is more for Steam Deck support, since no one actually uses Linux.
Nice. I didn't actually watch any preview event or the Xbox Partner thing or whatever the hell this info is from, so I wouldn't know any specifics and am just responding to the idea of them adding EAC. Will check it out later as to get better informed .
Is anyone else at a decently high level inconsistent? I'll be hitting 10 long range shots in a row, go to bed, then wake up the next day, and miss 5/10 mid range shots. It's like I have to get warmed up. It usually takes about an hour and a half. I wonder if it's because I'm old in video game years at 33.
I find the skins of cannons fuck me up sometimes. Certain ones are perfect and others will shoot the ball in a different angle each shot even if you don't move it. Those ones with the big fat end are the worst.
I wish that I could say that that's the problem, but I always use the sea dogs, or default ones. I'll fucking leave a crew if they try to use some retarded bullshit.
Everyone has off days. I'm normally really good but every now and then I can't hit shit and just switch to helming and boarding for the day.
always sad people like blurbs gets raped by the average double gunner
1v1 I'd say he still wins more than he losses, and winning 2v1 (or more) is always going to be a challenge. He's got good movement and knows when to pressure after they've fired.
>friend of mine complains about being banned by Rare from naming ships
>ask him what sort of bullshit they pulled
>he says with a straight face that he named his ship "The Fourth Reich"
Not saying that Rare was justified for the ban, but some people really shouldn't be surprised if they get stung when poking a hornet's nest.
I'll say Rare was justified, your friend is a fucking retard.
Yeah, I'm amazed that the guild I'm in hasn't been banned. It's a sexual innuendo. A similar one I saw was "The Wasted Seamen".
They were.
Your friend was trying to provoke a reaction and he provoked a reaction.
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Shame they are going to turn off cross play.
Except they aren't.
You expect me to believe PlayStation players are going to be in PC lobbies.
I don't care what you believe, that's how it is.
That's what they said. They'll have the same option that xbox players have.
same as xbox
How are the new weapons? Anyone a part of insiders? I heard it was a throwing knife, and a double barreled pistol.
Double barrel pistol is interesting, though I'm not sure how good it is at the moment. By itself it feels kind of weak but when used with other tools like throwables it might be good.

Right know the throwing knives are broken as shit. You can throw them too fast and reloading is also too quick. They are always good but if you are near an ammo box you could delete an entire crew in no time. But everyone pointed this out on the forums so it'll get nerfed.
Interesting. I'm curious about how they'll implement them without them either being op, or garbage. New weapons were the last thing that I thought they'd add.
It's tough to say. The pistol you can choose to either fire single or you can hold to shoot both at once. So you end up with a weapon that does less than a regular pistol when fired single (but you can fire the second faster) or that does more damage than an Eye of Reach when fired together, but can't be quick scoped. So right now it feels in an odd place, but I'm sure someone will work out how it fits in the meta.

Throwing knives i think just need the charge attack to do more (it's like a backstab but not a one hit kill) and for either the thrown damage or throwing speed to be reduced.
>Galleon's Grave Merchant representative trooned out
it's all so tiresome
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Sea of Sisters!! look
>GDK update AGAIN
>200 GBs to update both regular and Insiders
Getting really sick of this shit.
>Get upset at everything
>Always upset
You're not tired you're retarded
sea for glitch patched
why does rare hate fun? it was nice being able to get enough emissary value for the whole month.
Can I make my own pirate yet so I don't have to be some nasty physically mutilated reject?
>so I don't have to be some nasty physically mutilated reject?
Your pirate is a reflection of you, so no. My pirate though is an absolute Chad.
Krakens and Megs seem very easy to beat now. Even the fleet wasn't that difficult. Ghost forts are shorter too it seems, less waves?
Skeleton fleets are bugged right now, they don't patch up holes at all. Kraken was always easy, Megs do seem weird now, they just swim around the ship, never attack, and leave after a couple minutes, they're hard to kill since they leave so quick but are no threat.

I haven't noticed any changes with forts.
Is that what that was? I thought they just replaced the NPC for lore reasons. So lame.
It doesn't take very long to do that normally anon. I can get it all done in a day if I go hard.
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Wow. Hourglass is super easy, and so is emissary hunting. Interesting that everyone is garbage after the anticheat dropped. Nah, probably just my imagination.
I'm garbage because of lagg. As soon as an enemy ship or player gets close enough, I start lagskipping. It makes killing them impossible but also lets me know when they get close without me having to go looking. I really need to get better internet.
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Oh yeah, shit's about to get wild.
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My own skelly crew
>One Piece crossover
oh no. do you think thats coming? that would be terrible
Doubtful, especially considering how much the devs have made fun of people naming their boats "Going Merry".
Happy 6 years, everyone.
Hot damn these new seasons are going to be actually good

Season 12
>Throwing knives and double barrel pistol
>Walking on harpoons and ziplines
>Skeleton throwable
>Horn to blow air to make ship go fast

Season 13
>Flameheart Ship world event. Can either board and control the ship (with a skeleton crew) or fight to take it down

Season 14
>Stealth focus
>Being able to disguise as loot, players can even pick up
>Harpoon gun to either grapple on to ships/things or snag things at a distance
Yeah, season 12 & 14 sound incredible with the new sandbox changes. 13 sounds like it will be fun for a few weeks before it get stale like a lot of world event focused seasons tend to be, but it's still a welcomed edition.
2024 is looking to be a fantastic year for this game barring any delays.
Damn, I avoided the preview event since I didn't expect much, but I skipped ahead to where I saw they were talking about a structure and saw there's new skeleton camps and such or some BS. Will have to watch this later. That being said
>Stealth focus
>super easy cannon board with the harpoon gun being a use they're excited about
S14 sounds like it'll be a host of annoyances
The upside is the harpoon gun takes up a weapon slot, so as long as you're not giving them time to swap weapons on your ship you're going to have that person at a major disadvantage.
huh actually improved my cannon aim today. still not good but at least its not terrible anymore.
next, improving ship maneuvers, im specifically struggling with circling around an opposing ship.
aside from that probably less worrying about repairs and instead focusing efforts elsewhere until its absolutely necessary to repair.
I am so hyped about the Flameheart ship world event. Anything that gets a whole server at one place like siren song did for a while is great. Can't wait to hog it for 8 hours with my crew.
>aside from that probably less worrying about repairs and instead focusing efforts elsewhere until its absolutely necessary to repair.
This is a tough but important thing to learn. One of my friends gets panicky whenever there's more than one hole in the ship, while I'll go through a whole hourglass fight with six holes that I'll never repair, just bucket and shoot.
>Being able to disguise as loot
I guess we'll be shooting loot we don't dig up.
>inb4 hidden players can eat the shot and still wipe out your whole crew in under a minute.
Funny 'cause I sink like a stone as soon as I get a few holes. I mean if I fudge a single bail, it's over.
how do i stop sucking at naval battles
im somehow not hitting any cannon balls
You must grind hourglass. Wither duo, or solo. Solo helps a lot with multitasking, but duo can help with morale since someone else is also trying to get better with you.
doing that right now and i feel like quitting this game because im not improving and i lose every battle except when the opponent is afk
ugh... guess i go practice cannon aim on ghost ships...
no ghost ship tornados so im playing hour glass again and of course i only lose
GOD i should just quit this game how is it possible that i hit fucking nothign
yeah fuck this game im done
20 bucks ill give it a try! fight for 45 minutes in circles guy alt+f4s and his ship despawns. wow what a fun gameplay loop!
ok guys im going to play some hourglass again lets hope i can make some cannon balls connect
This thread doesn't need to be your Discord blog, fag. Make a post when you have something meaningful to say or ask.
actually im going to make a post whenever i want however i want
, fag
You can load up a ghost fleet world event by going under any faction, and selecting it as a raid voyage. Same with skelly fleet. It could be a good idea to do those until you hit them most of the time. Then, either grind hourglass, or if you want to do something easier, kill randoms that you find in the sandbox. 90% of them are terrible.
That's not how it goes once you can hit shots. Here, I'll link you some videos that helped me git gud.

Cannon Aim for Beginners

Moar Cannon Aim

Beginner HG Order of Operations

Pretty much everything else in HG, it's duo sloop, but it still applies

I was complete ass 8 months ago, and now I'm one of the best. It's possible if you want it.
glad to see more phuzzybond hate.
dude thinks uploading entire twitch streams onto youtube is good content.
his advice is always surface level, and he is an insufferable asshole to people in game.
fuck the rat looking bald nigga.
how can it be that im playing 10+ hourglass matches and i lose every single one and my opponents hit more cannon shots than me
>ghost fleet world event
did that earlier and hit most of my shots. in hourglass i hit nothing.
watched those videos too.
yeah i dont know
another hourglass match, im hitting way more than my opponent in the beginning then somehow he starts hitting the craziest cannon balls in a row and i end up losing
wow my first win in ages
against some complete beginner who didnt even move his ship
and i got completely owned again
really considering dropping this game
yeah fuck this fucking game i mdone
Probably nerves then. The more hourglass you do, the less of a shit you give, and the better you play. Eventually you sink, and do not care at all.
Another thing that may not have been mentioned in those videos is "locking in". Once you get you first shot on someone you should be able to more accurately aim. If you're spinning around each other you should be able to keep hitting if you don't move the cannon. This game is fairly experimental, so it can take some time to get it. I still have off days even though I can hit ridiculous shots fairly consistently. Also, use default cannons if you aren't already. The rings help you aim.
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reading comments
>as a solo slooper...
opinion discarded.
Solo slooping is so depressing. I almost quit the game before I discovered forming a crew from randos on discord. I'm pretty fucking good at this point, but you just can't compete with a brig filled with decent players as a solo.
>boot up the game to "grind" in some new hourglass losses
>loss after loss business as usual
>queue takes super long
>get matched
>i have two skeleton ships next to me, one to the left one to the right
>skeleton ships start shooting at me as soon as i show up
>another loss, lets go
>do the usual steering to the right, raising sails to half, steering to the left
>jump down to the cannons
>get ripped apart mid-air by a cannon ball from the opposing ship
>scuttle vote immediately
FUCKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so when will i have my breakthrough, when will this shit pay off? when will i win some?
Just quit already you whiny faggot.
not yet
When you stop being upset that you're losing. That's when it happened for me. Just focus on getting better. Accept losing. It's meaningless anyway.
startring to think this game is retarded
this time i managed to hit a lot, much more than my opponent, he runs away and repairs his ship i guess
i actually chased him well and quickly and resumed fire pretty quick but i guess that doesnt matter
then we just go in circles and i start running out of cannon balls and he boards me and kills me and i scuttle ship because i cant be arsed anymore
done for today i think fuck this
thought im getting 1 win finally but nope
oh and another thing. when i hit lots of shots and he didnt, at the beginning of the battle, i tried to get into my cannon and board him but for some reason i couldnt get into the cannon
i tried again later during the fight but still couldnt get into cannon for whatever fucking reason
meanwhile he did 3 boarding attempts, first one i skillfully shot him off the ladder because i saw him swim up to it, second time he missed, third time i didnt see him and he oneshot me from behind while i was on my cannon
so yeah, he gets to do that and i cant climb into my cannon i guess
g fucking g
2 hours straight of losing what a day
Not reading all of that. You are the whiniest faggot in 4chan history, please kys.
yeah me getting into the cannon in the beginning would have probably settled the deal.
no clue what it was. i aimed my cannon high to get a good trajectory for boarding maybe i aimed it too high for me to get into it? who fucking knows
that would have been it, i would have boarded him, thrown fire bombs, lowered anchor, killed him maybe, and he wouldnt run away and repair
cry about it fag
tell mommy
noo... youre breaking the ratio of 1 post per day,.... how could you...... im gonna cry and call you a fag and im also going to report you......
i suppose climbing into the cannon was a skillcheck i didnt meet while my opponent outskilled me in this aspect thus he won
booting up the game again
lets see if i can climb into cannons this time
Serious question: What are you hoping to get out of liveblogging your fucking play sessions?
there has to be some sort of gain to every action? im not jewish
ill record and post clips this time to be more entertaining
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and what do you know i start recording and suddenly i start winning
2 matches 2 wins
granted, first one was kind of free because this guy wasnt even shooting me and only did boarding attempts (when i checked his stuff it turned out he was completely out of resources - no food, no cannon balls, no wood)
he sailed out of bounds and i won
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took a while to make this webm because i wanted to show more, me chasing this guy and such but the file got too large.
my opponent was worse than players ive previously fought and lost to i guess but still im satisfied with my performance here.
i feel like i improved on my ability to circle around the opposing ship a lot in this match. this was also the first time i managed to take down a mast using chainshots.
oh well, was going to ask for advice on my maneuvers early on in this battle because my opponent wasnt just circling around and i had to adjust for that but again, didnt fit into the file size limit. in any case i think i did well so there wouldnt be much to advise, if any of you would even bother to give advice.
so yeah, i think all those losses are starting to pay off a little bit.
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fixed it
Ah yes, Generic Reaper Skeleton Man. Truly the king of Sea of Thieves.
goes by the name of "captain roach"
Never heard of him, so I'm just going to assume you're him.
im not
resuming the hourglass grind
1 loss 0 wins so far
4 losses
last two matches i did better than my opponent but they both got lucky one shot cannon kills on me and i died and i lost
kinda done
those two cannon kills were frustrating
Whatever you say Generic Reaper Skeleton Man.
booted it up again and won 3 in a row then lost one
starting to feel not like a complete noob at least
wowowow guys
dont post all at once
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>solo sloop
>get sunk by blank brig instantly
man. i love this game but that dopamine just fades so quick some days. just gotta get back on that horse
I suggest doing what they did to you. Get a brig together and go emissary hunting. It's so fun, and sometimes you hit the jackpot.
>Get a brig together
he said hes solo
Oh sorry, I forgot you're only allowed to pick one ship type and you're stuck with that forever. It'd be nice if you could just choose to play on a different ship whenever you want.
but whats the point of solo on a brig?
>solo brig
Not the best idea
You don't have to be solo. I was for a long time until I figured out that you can play with skilled people on discord. Most of them aren't even annoying.
Or even the Xbox LFG tool.
just found out about tranny meg
my fucking god
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i appreciate it but i mostly play with friends and don't really have too much time to talk to anyone else but those friends and my partner before having to sleep. i mostly do solos to level up merchants and hunters since my friends don't find those very fun while i find em relaxing.
Well if you won't crew up then you need to get good at running. Be observant, take off when you see danger, use environmental shenanigans to slow them down, drip sell if you have to.
That never works for me. Let me summerize;
>Ask to join a group in a galleon planning to do hourglass
>They invite me to voicechat
>just a bunch of moronic preteen kids laughing, talking and making stupid noises
>game never starts

>unable to connect

>game no longer available

>waiting . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... .

I've never been able to get a game going from the xbox LFG
Try going to the SoT discord. Just say 18+ in your post.
Holy fucking shit. I've had three dickheads in a row join me when they've never done hourglass when I asked for 200+ like I'm not gonna fucking notice. So tired of these lying noobs. I'm gonna start making people showing me their curse.
Why the fuck do people blame their own teammates for getting sunk? Such a dick move. A guy I usually play with just blamed me and a random we were playing with when we sunk when it was no ones fault, you just sink sometimes. It honestly kind of hurt since the dude's usually chill, and it came out of nowhere. That's enough SoT for today, I'm bummed. Don't yell at, or blame your teammates people. It's shitty.
I try not to blame anyone either, I just passive aggressive comments here and there
>Man these sails take a lot longer to angle by yourself
>wouldn't it be cool if that enemy ship was being hit with balls right now
>if only we could sail faster somehow
>I wonder how they keep dropping our anchor

some people get it and start playing instead of standing around
That's even worse since now you sound like a whiny pussy.
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that's the plan. people always attack cause they see i'm a merchant. understandably, i'm used to playing dangerously but you're right. a sloop can't easily take down a galleon
will we ever get new ship types?
Why? A smaller ship is unnecessary since the sloop is fine for one person, and the galleon is already too cumbersome and potentially powerful with the right crew.

And there's no real good argument for variants, since something like a smaller but faster ship just means someone that no one can ever catch, which goes against the game principles.
>there's no real good argument
Because it's cool. You don't need a good argument to be cool.
bros ive gotten a lot better at hourglass i hit cannon balls pretty consistently now
the grind does indeed pay off
Balance should always be the first consideration.
Are you the guy that was bitching? Told ya. GZ.
Well, you will keep going against people that you feel are impossible to beat. It'll feel like you've hit a wall; but keep going and you'll pass the wall. I've felt like that 10 times. I'm at level 350. Also, try playing with other people. It makes it less tedious once you know what you're doing.
Maybe you should balance the stick up your ass better
for now im going to focus less on hourglass and more on playing on the high seas, saving up for and getting cosmetics i like etc.
ive been grinding hourglass to improve on fighting other players because if i cant confidently engage other solo sloopers in battle when doing whatever then i cant enjoy the game.
having to run from galleons or even brigs is one thing, having to run from sloops, thats bad.
planning to get more into hourglass once ive had my fill of other stuff.
>Also, try playing with other people. It makes it less tedious once you know what you're doing.
not sure what you mean by tedious but ill probably stick to solo.
It's less draining I guess. It also doesn't feel as bad when you sink because the blame is usually shared. This game is at it's peak when played on a brig or gally with decent chill people imo. I almost quit a few times when I was only solo slooping. It's super demoralizing when you almost win against a bigger ship, but they barely eek out a victory because of their numbers, and you know that you're three times as good as they are.
Feeling the itch to get the skelly curse, already have ghost. It could be nice to be good enough at pvp to pull more weight so I can convince friends to play again.
The skelly curse is much better than the ghost one. Looks cooler, can customize it, doesn't make you into a giant beacon for everyone to see.
Why didn't this game blow up as much as say DayZ is now or other similar PvP focused games? Seems like the type of game that would be prime for those kind of populations
I kinda want to use the reaper clothes with it, sure its reaper pjs+, but dam its cool.
Because it's nothing like DayZ?
The game is entirely session based. There's no building up of bases and gear that you have to protect in a server like DayZ or Rust, and there's no gameplay advantage to be gained for the next session like in most Extraction Shooters. Most people like to feel they're building up some sort of advantage over another, as it's a more objective way to make themselves stronger and progress while also giving them something to risk and protect. Sea of Thieves mostly being small adventures that turn into Capture the Flag doesn't mesh with what those players want.

The additional problem is that Rare have also fucked being able to just show off that you're better than other players. Like people would play more if you could wear a hat that says "I'm really good at this activity/I am a threat to you" to show off skill and progress, but it's basically only Hourglass that does that and it can be a real slog.
Seems pretty neat. One of my perpetual aggravations is that there's not enough co-op spaceship games in general, let alone ones that let you go to the ground. PULSAR: Lost Colony is also a nice example, although I'd compare it more to Barotrauma and it's also cheap as hell. That being said, I wouldn't really look at this and think Sea of Thieves.
No PvP is sad, but it still looks fun.
Well that explains why some people quit. I always thought it was that they just timed-out lazybeard. Oh well, fuck you lazy cunts. Play or fuck off. And don't you dare blame me cause we sink.
I'm assmad that they let Skull of Siren Song die by mismanaging how much it rewards you. Day 1 of its release was the most fun shit ever, and you felt like you earned that Briggsy Jacket after being hounded by the whole server. The mask should've been a real 'I'm hot shit' cosmetic, but it turned out to be a super easy grind with 90% of the times I did the voyage being uncontested.
Yep. Early SoSS was the shit. Several times It was my brig versus the whole server. A few times the waiting ships had formed a tenuous alliance with each other against us. One of my favorite encounters had us sinking a galleon, a brig, and a sloop, and seeing the gally and big coming back. We realized that we had to just go for it, and it ended with all three of us running the skull up wanderer's refuge shooting at our pursuers the whole way as our ship sailed away to safety. We felt like gods. It should definitely give you more gold to make it worth it. Or maybe just have it so that the emissary multiplier applies to it.
>I need help!
>I need help!
>throws treasure overboard
>I need help!
>I need help!
>collects all the supplies in crates
>throws crates overboard
>I need help!
>I need help!
>I need help!
>I need help!
>drops anchor

WTF is these shitheads problem?
a good portion of the playerbase is actual children
I can't believe that some people still use open crew. Try finding people on discord. They're at least not retarded.
So it's actually impossible to escape a brigan as a solo sloop player isn't it? You sail into the wind and it takes you off the map, when you turn to get back they catch up. You get shot to hell boarded and even if you manage to fight them off you still have to repair, steer and repel more boarders all by yourself all while they catch up and get in range. The wind might never be in your favor and always leads off the map. So unless you're in the middle and can afford to keep sailing toward the edge hoping they get bored and leave you alone (then never do) you're fucked. A galleon you can escape, they're slow af and easy to sink too, but a brigantine. Not a chance. You're outnumbered and they have almost as much maneuverability as you but more speed in every situation except into the wind, which of course, leads you to death eventually. Fighting back is pointless since you get boarded while shooting and the brigand is as easy to reapir and slow to sink as a sloop is.
this game is fuckin stupid im done
You didn't help him
If it's a good crew, then probably not, but there are multiple things you can do against the average crew since they're mostly terrible. I've killed brigs solo. If you keep your distance they usually can't hit their shots. Just gotta get their masts down and death spiral. You could also just chain their masts and leave. Or you could sail into the wind, backboard, drop their anchor, and fight them for as long as possible. The game's really a lot better with other people. Maybe try that.
Anyone else getting game crashing to the Home screen? For me it freezes for a second, then I can move for a couple seconds then boom, game closes. Could happen anytime, usually the worst time to happen like in the middle of a battle. It's happening since that last 100gb update they last put out for xbox.
>Throw a keg off the back
>Jump off the back with a keg and drop it right in front of them
>Jump off the back and go for their anchor
>Jump off the back and turn their wheel
>Jump off the back and hit them with fire and blunder bombs
Your ship sails itself and they have to be in your metaphorical wake for them to stay with you. You shouldn't spend a moment not trying to board or disrupt them, since you only need to succeed once
have they added any new songs to play? That's the best part of the game.
It's the worst part, but they added a monkey island one last season.
I didn't have any kegs. I did try to board but they were always sniping me in the water and killing me as soon as I got off the ladder. Boarding them was not an option. Used all my fire bombs on them, it did nothing at all. It was a good crew vs 1. There was nothing I could do since the wind was not in my favor at all. It was either sail off into the shroud or keep letting them get close while I try to find the right wind. I chose the second option and they boarded me while I was catching my sail they shot down. Also my wheel was shot and fucked so I couldn't steer. Pretty much every ccannonball they shot fucked my shit up. Either they were really really good or they were using cheats. Either way I was doomed. Oh well, there's lot more treasure to be had.
thats assuming you play better than the opposition. if the opposition has a numerical advantage and you fail to outplay it on an individual level then youre losing.
I was on a sloop once being chased by a brig while we just sailed into the wind and all they had to do to get closer was sail at angles to catch the wind. They slowly caught up to us close enough to hit our sails with chainballs. Brigs are so OP it isn't fair.
You should always keep a keg or two when you're solo
People might disagree because they're a liability but you're gonna lose if you die once anyway, so why not blast the fuck out of someone chasing you?

To do that you need to be on the wheel and both sets of sails the whole time, meaning their anchor is exposed.

If you're solo and being chased, the key is to never stop being a nuisance.
Playing this game again after a very long hiatus. Fleets of fortune are so easy what the hell. I remember having to fight tooth and nail for a chest of fortune back when it was fort of fortune only, now they're just free.
Not sure how I feel about raid voyages either. feels too on demand.
Right now skelly ships are bugged. They don't repair at all. I'm not sure about raids either. I like that you can dive to voyages though.
look seaofsisters
Next weekend is going to be an absolute bloodbath. Gold and Glory plus all the new Playstation players.
We won
They don't play with the rest of us until the end of the month, right? G&G is before that.
Consoles have always had an option to favor console-only servers but that has never been a guarantee.
>fighting a guy who is clearly lag switching
>as in they would be fine while in the water or running away but as soon as close quarters combat began they'd start lagging around after shooting a shot and taking way more blunders than normal
>after we finally kill him we just use a raid to dive away
Okay maybe raids are good after all. It's nice against exploiters like that.
I'm pretty sure the interest from the playstation community is a big reason why we're suddenly getting actual good updates this year after last year was barebones and felt like the kind of stuff you get right before end of service is announced
you're implying that our microsoft cares more about playstation than xbox, so stop
Microsoft cares about money more than console pushing once it stops working.
The player count was dropping fast, which is the only reason playstation is getting it, and the updates were becoming pure garbage, of course if they saw a giant player increase potential (and thus more sales) they'd up their game.
I think more that they try to improve the image of themselves and their games so that their players feel proud of it and look good to the video game industrie/community.
They don't care as much about money as you say or at least it's in the background, behind what I'm telling you. They have an identity and image crisis and they try to fix it
the money will always come from Microsoft, that's why they always allow themselves to try to be the cool guys these days
I didn't even know that lag switching was still a thing. Doesn't it only work P2P? Haven't heard that term since Black Ops 1.
I just can't see any other reason why the updates went from shit and heavy streamline/qol focused (which is a common at a game's end of service) to actually adding cool sounding groundbreaking stuff this year
there's still an exploit that lets you warp around in the water on demand that's probably also latency based so i imagine it's possible somehow
When they release it for Switch 2 it will be even better, you'll see
Depends on what you mean by that. It was clear since they did a rebrand to "Sea of Thieves 2023 Edition" that they were wanting to onboard new players, and the seasons we got in the wake of that were clearly designed with that in mind. It's why drove a lot of the rumormill regarding Sea of Thieves being one of the games to be on Playstation, since otherwise it was them trying to appeal to stragglers in a market they've already tapped into. As a result, we had to wait until now (or a couple weeks from now) to actually get real updates again.

It's just a question of how much you chalk up to there being interest on Playstation for Sea of Thieves prior to 2023, and honestly I never heard much aside from a few token requests.
>I just can't see any other reason why the updates went from shit and heavy streamline/qol focused (which is a common at a game's end of service) to actually adding cool sounding groundbreaking stuff this year

I think the big reason is the devs lost focus. A few people at the top (Chapman for example) were too involved in the story and felt that is what players wanted as well, which is why we got Monkey Island/Adventures/Mysteries/etc. This went along with the QOL changes because they were easy and they could still say they were updating the game.

But they finally listened to feedback and realized that the gameplay itself is still king and needed work, so now they're "going back to basics" as it were.
I almost always lag when I get into melee combat, I don't know if it's me or them but when it happens it's impossible to kill them. I love the dive shit, when some faggot joins your crew and drops fire all over then quits you can just dive and put all the fire out. Fixes holes too.
Alright motherfuckers, I'm back from work, and have nothing to do for the next three days. Who's ready to get their shit kicked in by me in hourglass. Line up, swabbies. Hoping to get to level 700.
>Be me
>join gally open crew
>we go to a sea fort to stock up supplies and get a bit of treasure
>ghosts don't spawn
>clean out the upper vault
>other players quit
>I sail out alone and a skeleton ship and meg spawn
>Put a couple cannonballs into the galleon and focus on the meg
>skeleton ship sinks a few seconds later
>meg never attacks and disappears after a few circles
>collect the ship treasure
>go to skull fort
>skeletons don't spawn
the fuck is going on?
No idea mate, I've had skeletons not spawn on an island before but never multiple times in a row.
The story stuff is super easy to create and they've been using it as a backdoor controlled test for gameplay stuff since the Tall Tales started.
Shit like ziplines and forts and diving to content all came from the story content and then added in after.
Someone is using hacks on that server. Breaks the game. Next time, just dive and get on a new server.
How often do you get accused of cheating in this game? I played a fair bit this weekend due to Gold and Glory and it seemed like every other crew insisted I was cheating the second they died.

Not trying to flex saying I'm great, it just feels like people are much quicker to resort to that cope than they used to.
At least once a night playing HG. Way more if I'm stealing loot from people. My crew is pretty damn good. Top 5% of players for sure, but we do bleed, and don't do anything unbelievable.

>Not trying to flex
But are you trying to helm? Ba dum tsss
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Bought it on PS5, looking forward to console only crossplay.
Keep in mind it is "console preferred" and not "console only", so depending on how things shake out you may still end up with some PC players.
I don't even think it's console only or "consol preferred."

Theres PS only, (Crossplay off)
Same control scheme only (Aka controller only)
Full crossplay.

Same control scheme is also availible on Xbox currently and thats what I use, game is usually very chill in controller only.
does anyone wanna play together? i've played before but never bothered with the quests so it would be nice if its someone who hasnt done quests either
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No open crew until next season. There's going to be a ton of sloops out there. Pic rel me waiting for my ship to load in the options menu so I can select to sail with it.
>It never loads.
I've never even used open crew
>page 10
bumpo for the seaofsisters
I remember there being a 4chan sot discord with an autistic spazz owner is that still the case?
>doing fof with two other people
>see a sloop hiding behind a nearby rock
>sail over and get the drop on them, start wailing into them with both cannons
>because they're a sloop they can easily repair through everything, fire, holes, scattershot and what have you, even when we get at least one of them dead with each board
>only sink them once one of them fails a board on us and the other dies
Until shit like this is fixed naval will never matter no matter how many new ammos or tools you add. The only way to sink a sloop or a galley (and prolly the brig too honestly) remains board meta.
Sounds like a skill issue.
shut up fag. you can land every shot everywhere on a sloop and the fuckers will still live like the roaches they are unless you kill both players with a board
If you don't suck you can put a sloop on lock, especially with numbers.
Nah. If you get a rotation on them so you're not shooting the same spot over and over you'll eventually out damage them, not counting that you should be shooting at the center stairs to get kills or at least cause backsplashes.
Say what you will but we did sink them again anyways, also with a board, and then played music while they came over for the rage sink after we turned in
it just seems like you physically can't sink someone else without playing heavy on boarding which given how bad pirate combat is compared to naval sucks
So the new weapons seem kind of ass. At least for pvp purposes. The bonecaller is retarded. Had it used on me by a boarder. It didn't help him much because they aggroed onto MC instead of me watching ladder, but still retarded. Has anyone triple beyond full billowed a gally yet? I wanna see that.
The throwing knives have potential to be really good, since you can land two thrown daggers faster than double gunning. But it is a really high skill ceiling to hit and people haven't gotten really good with them yet.

Bonecallers are pretty situational, and are best against double gunners since they have to either get chopped up or waste their shots on the skellies while you're going after them.
Not that guy. Pirate combat is not that bad. Skill issue, but maybe you're also being greedy with your boards. You just have to kill one in that situation. Then you can just chuck blunders, and take pot shots at the guy who's bucketing. Don't give him a chance to one blunder you. Sounds like you guys won just because of numbers honestly. Boarding to finish a fight is just standard. That's not being board heavy. Also, you can often end fights with pure naval by death spiraling them. If they're both repairing then they can technically keep up with repairs as you circle, but most people aren't that good, especially in adventure mode. Maybe try getting into HG. My skill level has risen immensely since I started playing it.
I could see that with the throwing knives, but with hit reg being how it is it would only be better if you're good, and lucky. Could be inconsistent. Also, I think one blunders win people games more often than not. And the knives don't have as much range as the EoR, so idk. Seems like a lot of trade offs for not a lot of gain. The bonecallers are useful every time you board even against sword users because it'll distract them long enough to let you on. Also, if someone uses a sword, they won't be a problem anyway, lol. As much as I want sword to be viable. I'm speaking from the perspective of high level HG though.
lot of slooplet cope
Well yeah, if you're on a brig you're going to win 99% of your fights by default.
sloop has always been the best ship in the game let's not pretend otherwise
only sweaty slooplets disagree
I play gally and brig almost exclusively 99% HG. Sloop is a great tank, but if everyone is the same skill level the ship with more people wins. The fact that you think differently is a tell for your skill level.
A little proof in case you don't believe me.
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I'm stupid.
Not to discount what you're saying, but HG levels are mostly an indication of time played and not necessarily skill. Even a terrible player who did it constantly from launch till now could be getting into those levels.
That's true, but they'll still be better than most adventure players. I recently played with a guy with gold skelly that was like your average level 100 player.
holy fuck youre so cute
be my gf?
Sorry friend, I'm taken By your mom. :)
ah youre so adorable, id love a cute sea of thieves autist gf
anyone need a guild? it seems like this shit takes far too long to grind with just a single group of friends most of which dont really play
>PC player
Fuck off
none of your shit even counts
Lol wut, why? Is it because I have to play in a more skilled environment as well as go against dickhead cheaters? I would think that that would make it count more.
>but if everyone is the same skill level
that doesn't happen outside of a bubble. If even one person on the gally or brig crew is not as good as the two people on the sloop the sloop is better.
>most efficient layout
>smallest area to hit
>mast takes two chainshots to take out
>brig reaches sinking point about just as fast because of its shape but takes longer to repair
>turns on a dime, invalidating the extra cannons on other ships when you can stay out of their angle easier
>has a trump card angle of sailing directly against the wind, allowing them to stall as much as they please if they want
that said in a crew of mismatched skill levels gally is probably better for the sake of being able to tank, but two high skill players on a sloop is basically better than everything else in a natural environment
The sweats will win no matter what boat they're on though. Here's a tip, if you're not good enough to fight a sloop while moving just go full defense and raise all your sails and just keep angle. If they peel off, double board. Rinse and repeat until they fuck off or sink. Even a mediocre crew can pull that off.
>but two high skill players on a sloop is basically better than everything else in a natural environment
4 high skill players are better than two. The gally is pretty much unboardable by adventure players against a good crew and a good bilge will only be sweating if a gally is pumping lowers. An HG sweat gally is essentially unsinkable in adventure mode. I once did this when HG was broken and we sunk like 30 ships that day, and I only felt remotely threatened once because we were all just joking around and not taking the fight seriously. Bilge boarding, etc.
consolecuck tears
>brig crew trying to spawn camp while also trying to act like theb
I'm not sure there's anything more cringe
Bro, I can't stand when they try to imitate his stupid fucking voice he puts on as if his retarded sounding kiwi accent isn't annoying enough. They're never any good either. They just spawn trap actual retards.
>two high skill players on a sloop is basically better than everything else in a natural environment
Absolutely true. I am often on open crews that sometimes get extremely good players and we go hunting reapers. Even as good a crew as we are, a sloop with pros are unsinkable and we have to struggle just to keep afloat, makes me wish the ship had 5 crew, we need that extra guy to repair the upper deck shit. Once they start hammering the wheel and knock down the masts (so easy to do to a gally) we're dead in the water, and it takes sooooo loooong to fix that shit.
Oh and that's not even considering the fires that can't be put out. I mena have you ever been on a gally putting out a fire and for some stupid reason it just lights back up again and spreads really fast? I have and it's annoying af especially since fire doesn't really do anything to a brig or sloop.
You can't deny that pc players have huge advantages. A pc player bragging about how good they are is complete cringefag. Grab a console and see how good you really are, or how much you actually suck.
Yeah it was 3 on 2 and they had us spawn camped for a little bit but once we spawned together we got out of it. Shitters through and through.
What advantages? Frames? You can hook a mouse and keyboard up to your console if I'm not mistaken. I have a shitty pc too, so I can't even go above 60 fps.
There are no inherit advantages, other than keyboard and mouse being better, but as you mentioned you can plug those into a console.
forgot to mention the difference in respawn times on ships too meaning even if you do take out both sloop guys they'll be back lickity split so you better hope you don't fuck up the one chance you get to sink them before they're back to being unsinkable (despite the fact they'll have multiple ins to sink you)
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why do you fags still play this game, there's literally nothing new happening and the things that do happen are ALWAYS undercooked and never fixed. Not to mention all the new bugs they keep introducing out of nowhere and never end up properly fixing them.
Because it's fun. Why do you post in a thread for a game you don't play?
I feel like Rare could fix that by making you "load in" before you load in. Same shit happens on underpowered PCs I'm pretty sure. Play on better hardware.
It's actually a pretty experimental game. There's no other game (at least with a sizeable playerbase) that has people working together to operate a machine to kill other people. There's no other game where you can kill people, take their loot, and sell it. There's no other game on this level that has ship combat.
Well on the upside apparently Rare got him banned from Twitch, on top off apparently now being able to instantly ban any new account he makes. So that fat faggot might actually be gone for good.
His twitch account is still there. Or is he just banned from streaming SoT?
I think he can't stream anymore, he posted a Youtube video about it.
Lel good riddance
I don't know what his mental retardation is

>Rare is out to get me
>Actively breaks tos by ban evading
>Claims that because it's easy they shouldn't keep banning him for evasion

Absolute brain dead manlet take
The only thing I'll give him is that his original ban maybe could have been a warning, but yeah everything he's done after that has been his own fault. Not to mention his entire play style is "Let me show off exploits and glitches".
He's trying to rile up his supporters so that they can maybe pressure Rare into unbanning him. It's the last card that he can play.
I think permabanning people over benign things like "toxicity" and streamsniping instead of just issuing an account mute or a tempban is a bad thing actually. Also if someone uses an exploit that a company has had literal years to patch banning them is stupid.
Hi theb
Stop dick riding for the cuntbag theb
Theb is a retard making money off autistic kids who think his cringe shit is funny

Dumb fuck has zero morals
So is the fleet of fortune just gone now? Where did they place that stupid fuckin chest now if so
>Imagine reading the patch notes
It's back in the fort of fortune reeree.
I hope theb gets a life and moves on soon, tired of that little shit being a whiny cunt everywhere he can beg for attention
what's the /vm/ or /vg/ group for this game? I dont want to play with reddittors

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