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The First Person, Second Biggest Hero Shooter.

FACT: /palg/ hosts custom matches and pubs together every weekend! All new players are welcome!
FACT: You'll be playing against bots until account level 5.

Onslaught is the best mode in the game.

>Free Download

>Latest News

>Account Statistics


>Original Content Links, Movies & Guides

>Previous Thread
Maeve 1
more like paladins troons of the realm because only trannies and furries still play the most embarrassing and buggy FPS on the market lmao
Maeve 2
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How this game hold up, I saw a lot of it back when overwatch was "good". Did it get as ruined by the devs as ow? t. 4400 ow shitr
You'd be more likely to get an answer in the /vg/ general
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>/palg/ is kil
maeve 77
So how long until someone makes a new /vg/ thread?
I was thinking to return playing Paladins should i? (i got the itch again) (Maokao main btw)
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damn I thought this game got killed by overwatch years ago
Went back recently, game still feels like most players are bots. 1/5 games has a troll player, 1/10 is against a team that plays perfectly and 2/3 games you lose last round 3/4 v 3/4.
i stopped playing because at least 1 in 3 games has someone "disconnect" from a team.
If it is your team, you get steamrolled.
This could be EASILY fixed by just buffing the damage of the remaining players in a team if they have someone disconnect to make it a even playing field.
But they refuse to do anything to address this.
So at least 33% of the time the games are just ridiculously unbalanced because it is 4v5.
This game basically did nothing but add chars and skins while overwatch committed suicide over and over
this game is so fucking awesome
i am trans btw
you dont need to say you're trans btw its implied by you playing this shit game

hope your dps and tank players keep you safe though
ai slop
>”Now that the dust has settled and we don't redirect traffic to /vm/, splitting withe the 3 smite players was a genius idea.”
>thread literally dies 3 posts later

lmao even
fuck...it's so over...
fuck /vg/
We have Koga, why does Skye exist?
koga has never had a move that would give ptsd in early revisions and hit you 90 miles away
/vm/ is a board for dead generals, but your cope is cute
>/vm/ is a board for dead generals
Then it's perfect for /palg/
you're already dead
>pick healer
>either get no tank, or we do get a tank but everyone else picks healer too

>pick tank
>4 flanks

>pick damage/flank
>no tank or healer

who the fuck can I play to defeat this vicious cycle
Seris can tank.
Seris can flank.
Seris can even heal.

Play Seris.
she's unironically my main for years now. just uninstalled though, can't take this any more. I genuinely cannot comprehend how braindead people are.
>times ticking
>run away 2000 light years away
>still get hit
Rise and shine Anons

dead post
The new Marvel hero shooter is going to kill Paladins once and for all.
The only thing I can say is that Paladins will at least be supported for a while longer, while Overwatch 2 is ramping down.

Paladins is Hirez second more profitable games after Smite, so they're focusing on Smite 1 and Paladins until Smite 2 drops at least.
The Overwatch 2 team is running on a skeleton crew now, since most of the team is working on a new unannounced game (probably not Overwatch 2).
give me a champ that can just have fun even if your team is a bunch of braindead NIGGERS
No such thing.

Closest would be a healer that can still fight and kill people, while also keeping your team alive.
So Furia, or maybe Jenos, Mal'Damba and Lillith.
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>It died again
It's because I'm not bumping the /vg/ thread anymore.
They killed switch which was my comfy casual platform of choice. I enjoyed laying in bed playing series
>Onslaught is the best mode in the game.
are you fucking retarded
OP is a faggot
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I will always be upset that Vora's cutest skin was locked behind a fucking $40 paywall. I know I can use the Honor Guard skin but it's not the same.
I agree, fuckin fag using ai slop
Heh faggot I paypigged and got it while you dont have it hahahaha
maeve maeve maeve maeve maeve maeve maeve maeve
Bump, this thread does suck
Go back to circlingjerking on d*scord you fucking troons,your dead game is irrelevant and has been for the last 5 years.
The majority of discussion is in the /vg/ thread you dumbass
i just played the other night for the first time in a long while and my team was very mad i didn't ban Lian
i was like lolwut
Our thread keeps dying on EU hours, bros. What do we actually do? Do we stay here? What's the benefit of Term ulting in /vg/ forever?
Migrate to official /palg/-/vm/ refugee thread



now we just have two dead threads on vm are u niggas retarded
Ying better
How was she nerfed? You mean the aim assist shit they hit her, Talus and Koga with?
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this guy's artstyle is always ugly
i love this guys art style!
ai slop
So are we just not going to talk about anything?
There is nothing to talk about dude
There's an update coming next month, at least.
Does it add pve because I'm tired of bothering with randoms and pestering friends to login to this game.

The only thing that brings me fun is pip flank, buck and ulting round start with talus for fun when I get my sights set
Sounds like you might be burnt out on the game.
Everyone is
True. Maybe that's why the general died...
It died because of fucking end of times patch coming back. why the FUCK would they revive one of the most disliked states of the game next to ob64?
The Maeve plushie arrives tomorrow
>200 crystals chest sale
>want erebos fernando
>would be happy with stellar io black or red and the lian skimpy skin
>actually roll erebos
nice, now all this game needs to do is not die
they are slop plushies and some reandom on redbubble could do better
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I miss /palg/...
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So do I but just look at this thread. There's nothing to talk about nor any new content.
ai slop
Once we receive Paladins 2 we will be revived.
We found things to talk about back on /vg/, we just couldn't survive in EU hours, most of those threads didn't migrate.
>another support
hoping for some ash buffs
I'm actually suspecting it to be a Moji rework. They mentioned wanting to make her a support a few years ago.
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wasn't it supposed to be valera's daughter
but also what's going on now. expecting a "nature abhors a vacuum" post soon
That was just some guy /here/ saying they heard something, might be true, probably bullshit, there hasn't been a new champion in the files for a long time, "Valera's daughter" is a pretty solid lore concept compared to what most champions get until right before release, like "bunny mage" or "tiger with a sword".
*A tumbleweed rolls by*
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What models have paladins characters? I couldn't find anything on sdxl so I'm making my own lora for Skye (original outfit), pic is my first attempt.
There is only a hand full of them made by 2 dudes.
I think we will be lucky to get much more any time soon.
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Damn shame, I thought I wouldn't have to put in the work if someone else did it already.
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I'm pretty sure there are 2 or 3 more dudes making 1.5 stuff, hopefully they move on to XL.
I was thinking of doing some stuff myself, but I'm completely burned out on AI.
Maybe when I get a 7080 or 90 I will get back into it.
what even is this XL shit I see people moving over to?
Basically uncensored SD 3.0, 2.0 was censored garbage
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People have already moved, 1.5 is outdated. SDXL models are trained on 1k resolution images whereas 1.5 was trained on half of that resolution so the image quality is better on SDXL.
Where do I go to download it? Or is it just another update
Start here: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui?tab=readme-ov-file#installation-and-running
Most proompters are using PonyXL (yes) or derivatives as the model, base SDXL is pretty bad for cartoon/animu/smut by comparison.
There are various recurring threads across the boards if you need help but >>>/h/hdg seems to be the most active.
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I should really move on to XL but man all the obscure characters I like are still stuck on 1.5, I'm probably gona do it when work slows down again and jerk myself into a coma gooning to maxi moos.
so itrs true then? /palg/ is dead in /vg/?
It lives in your heart
It's not dead, it's sleeping.
For now, at least.
How alive is this game? is it fun?
The Dreamer shall awaken soon
Bros why did Stew call it Paladins 1?
no fuckinge waye
See you at the launch.
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God I wish it would be good but its going to be the same jank bullshit
dont get too excited

if it's anything like smite 2, it'll be:

>slightly better graphics
>half the toons are missing
>half the skins are missing
>reused maps and assets
>item store and loadouts are dumbed down
>Dumbing down items
Anon please
The player base is so bad they had to make Caut and illuminate global
They will remove every item but nimble, deft hands, and haven in Paladins 2.
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Bros.... Kiriko is a Paladin now...
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Tribes 3 has fallen.
dko bros...tribes...they surpassed us...
Watch it somehow just be a skin teaser.
>comparing free games to a $20 game
Dishonest bad actor and off-topic poster.
FACT: SMITE 2 will SAVE Hi-rez Studios.
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Going off the datamines there's a very real chance that we're about to watch them pull a Pepper again, but this time for Sha Lin.
A human mode stance switch? that would be odd
sha lin echo toon?
No, a genderbent skin
I'm fine with that and grateful its not a furry. I hope.
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Imagine if they make Rework! Moji a stance switcher who swaps rabbit and humanoid forms.
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The "echo champion" concept has been retired, there won't be any more toons like Omen, and they're looking to refine the existing roster instead of making new champions.
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Red Riding Hood Moji skin, no clue who the other one is for.
"Furia guides Moji down the path to becoming a Support while the entire class shifts through a new Event Pass theme exploring folklore and fairytales from Realms beyond.

Stay tuned for the full reveal of the Feudal Fables update later this week!"
I like the look so far. I'll keep my penis in check until I see how the models turned out.
The foul stench was literally holding them back from making good skins.
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No but why is Moji becoming a tank? Is it because she's a pub stomper?
She's going to be a support, not a tank
Yeah I'm fucking stupid. Wrote up a whole essay about her being a frontline/tank destroyer and being able to apply her debuff in an AOE and apparently deleted calling her a support but left tank
How is the game currently? Haven't been playing since vii dropped, thinking of going to pc but I have the founders pack on console
it finally arrived
You should be able to transfer progress to PC, right? Unless you're on Playstation.
The game is finally free from thunderbrush so the new content has vastly improved. However it's too little too late so the game is a walking corpse.
Yeah... About that...

Well that's a pity

Tried a couple of matches, seems to drop less at least. Omen looks like shit tho, I keep mistaking him for dredge. At least his kit is straightforward
built for hot glue
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Real figures when?
I'm willing to spend 300 euros on an Ash figure.
That’s it? Where’s the rest of the update?
Apparently the update notes are coming later in the week.
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It is wild to me that Hi-Rez invested in 3 flops instead of continuing to build up Paladins.
cute boy
Has like 11k active players at any given time across all platforms that are all crossplay.
bots, third worlders and console players dont count
This is not TF2 anon...
looks nice
it never rose
>coments asking for them to not rework moji because those who play her will not like it
>its been months since i saw one in a casual match
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the average moji player
Had 2 of them today but I think that's because of the oncoming rework.
Is cherish furia still dead?
Which champion gives the best titfucks?
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I drew this.
Yes absolutely

Betty la Booba

Ai slop
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ai slop
Update vid
>new patch notes aint up
>PTS probably wont be up until friday and im dowloading it for nothing
anyway, i actually liked the moji rework, jenos will become cancer again, and plush king is cool, not that i play bk, too bad at it
Here are the patch notes, PTS will be up tomorrow.
>my stupid ass forgot they using steam now as a main channel
No worries, it was a pretty sudden change.
yeah, but i read the comunity post on steam where they said that, shouldve know better
sad that there are no frontline buffs
So is scamper meta back
yeah. enjoy getting sniped form mid range by flankers tho
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>Yes absolutely
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I thought they upgraded Kasumi to have hentai milf tits
no they just upgraded her weight to rival bomb queen's instead
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Kryptek's pulling his first real vodkanova move with this crap
The claim is that 30,000 players "read" the steam blog more than they use other forms of media, including the paladins website. Although they might see more interaction on steam than the website, the issue with that is that the player numbers and engagement (likes comments) with the posts do not reflect that in the slightest. It's more likely that people gloss over these blog posts when they click on Paladins in their steam library and then that's counted for impressions like how xitter does
Furthermore it's much more inconvenient and inefficient to navigate old posts on steam's activity posts, especially since all blogs, updates, chronicles and videos will now be posted there
May as well just start uploading slideshows of posts to youtube for a better effect
Furia looks good except for the beads placement aroud the sword and wings. Also her top could've been done much better
The lighting in Warder's gate looks off but it looks interesting otherwise
The official website's had a problem for a long time where you can't even find older articles to read them unless you have a direct link, it stops at late 2022.
>People still don't know what concurrent players means
>Nor how it works in the grand scheme of things
A grid is easier to navigate than scrolling down a list
>He thinks there's over 30,000 concurrent players reading paladins steam blogs
I'm noticing sometimes a game is just "lost" where no matter how well I use my own abilities, nothing really happens unless I'm hard carrying as a DPS.
What options are there to carry as a tank/support? What technique am I missing? Do I need to micromanage my teammates harder? Do I need to pick champions to counter pick the enemy?
I'm still shocked Paladins got a tranny before OW...
Who? Pepper?
Jesse what the fuck are you talking about
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The genlock Kimesa skin is an FTM tranny, she also tried to convince her boyfriend (Zhin skin) to be more feminine an episode before he got killed.
Hmmmmm. Wanted to take some 4k shots of the new outfits but Nvidia overlay no longer works with PTS.
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>Support Moji
She finally got her wish after all.
>6 years ago
About time she got to smoochin'!
Hey LowRez, how about all the fucking cheaters in ranked, you gonna do something about that, right? You wanna pretend you at least give a shit about Paladins?
Since they're nerfing all the healers again so playing support is even less fun, can they get rid of the passive anti-healing everyone has now so healing can be fun again? I'll take less output if they get rid of the passive anti-healing. Also is the new Furia skin gonna be hot? Do we know what it looks like yet?
Nevermind, just saw the video. Skin is whatever. Can healers stop sucking now though, please?
Oh, it works again
Wish they would make shit on PTS free. Just want to check out skins ingame.
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Buy crystals
Look in the shop, you can get 5,000 crystals for one gold in PTS. You still have to roll or directly purchase, so your options are limited but it's better than nothing, and they have way more chests than live.
I don't see it
not him but its the one that looks like a diamond chest
Oh I see it now, thanks
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>go double supp
>stun corvus
>80k heals on my own with 120k on other supp
>flank cries about no heals in after-match
>enemy kinessa gloats about how hard she shut her down despite being on her own
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There's a lora for her.
Whenever Marvel Rivals comes out I'm gonna play it for how many months it lives and once it dies I'll be back here again
Heard some pretty not good stuff about it from people that worked on it o I’m not expecting much
Plus it’s NetEase so I’m not expecting much
God I hate predictive text
>So I’m expecting even less
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>Heard some pretty not good stuff about it from people that worked on it
Like what?
The usual, really
>Tried to get out of paying artists and programmers with longer than normal onboarding process
>Directionless; told to copy OverWatch and whatever was trending on Artstation for the day
>No real plan for the game beyond selling outfits and boosters
>NDA for content creators where you sign away the right to review it negatively
Which Campion has the smelliest pussy, I think it is a tie between Yago and Vora.
kill yourself shattered whore
I heard about the NDA one, how'd you hear about the rest? Twitter?
Yeah, several artists and programmers that worked on the game all said the same.
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>He thinks a smelly pussy is a bad thing
for me it’s smelly penis
You’ve never smelled one IRL and fetishize it
only because youre a third worlder who doesnt practice proper hygiene
I shower every day, you are just a gaywad that didn't get a whiff of post workout pussy.
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