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>Breaking news:
CONTAINMENT in-game event is live and running until April 16th
YEAR 9 roadmap has been revealed. 2 new operators, 2 operators completely reworked.

>Latest news:
>Official news:

>Marketplace (early access, approval needed)
Full launch during Season 2

>Server status:

>/r6g/ links:
Pastebin is removed because it got removed

>Stat checking:
Tracking individual operator stats is dead, Ubi took down the APIs.

In the loving memory of /r6g/

*reinforces your rotation*
*red pings from your drone*
*crowds your angle*
*stop watching it the second you leave*
*enemy pushes it*
dude you saw him
why is he there dooood
*kicks facecam*
*make bogus call based on sound*
*scrolls tiktok during prep phase (he's playing as solis)*
*gets spawnpeeked as thermite*
*bans kapkan*
*opens a full width headhole next to your mira*
Seriously though, why do they keep doing this? I get it, on some sites it's nice to have, but for holding double door on oregon basement, why on earth do you need to make headholes next to the window? Are you incapable of doing that minimal blind tracking through the wall, or do you just want to make it a little bit more fair for the attackers?
C4 throws
>comp sweats
I fucking hate zoomers
Why do they think that playing to win in a competitive game is a bad thing?
Why not accept that these games aren't for you and that other people aren't ruining your fun, you're just insisting people come down to your level and getting mad when they don't
who are you quoting?
/r6g/ poster
Jynxzi is streaming and currently reviewing clips
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best clip of the day
>reached plat with no effort in 2020
>stop playing for a year
>since then my peak rank is copper 3
what causes that
*doesn't vote during ban phase*
*complains about your bans*
shitty aim
so we're in copper
But you put the hole for that a little... higher. I'm talking about the ones where it's an extension of the Mira window itself.
hearing the audio in the room the mira is facing is important too. once it's smashed / open, hearing a close enemy on the reinforce or if they rotate to a different spot from the room is important info
and well, in any particular site / setup it depends. having a soft wall implies you want some kind of line of sight (oregon basement ex.: pillar has sight into blue, deep laundry rotate has sight into freezer if soft wall is opened a bit), even in addition to a mira being there (again, because the mira can simply be melee'd, ash'd, kali'd, etc. which obstructs the line of sight)
At this point I think it's due to the soft-destruction rework they've done to shotguns a few seasons ago
I want Ela to choke me with her yoga pants. She would wrap them around my neck and drool into my mouth craving for air.
>OP pic
Find a couple for every operator from Op pic.
So stupid when he choose videos by x-box profile picture. When someone use his shoped face as avatar Jinxzy will open your video and react to avatar. So stupid.
>best crrrrrip of ze drrray
I can`t even tell if this kid is as retarded as he appears to be.
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I am shocked
so, we're in gold
post rank
r6g more like r6gold
Why are we still pretending ranks matter?
Yesterday was some cheater woth regular aim+wh. But today was a hyper cheater with nukes. Why they training in casual?
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Sometimes they will run a casual to see if their cheats are working.
Could be any number of things
1. Burner account after siege was on sale for dirt cheap recently
2. Boosting or boosting others so they can play ranked
3. Cheat dev testing new cheats
4. Retard with more money than sense
Every day I hate the siege playerbase more and more.
How else am I supposed to win arguments with retards online without resorting to rank dick measuring?

I really dont know why anyone would want to play ranked when it's just worse standard.
Except rank literally does not matter in Ranked 2.0, it's no longer an achievement or indicator of skill.
he's playing a character kek, i think he's entertaining since he shits on people who are bad at the game, streamers don't usually do that.
I know Im being sarcastic
>he's playing a character
It could be the reason. He is skillful- that`s for sure.
Not sure how people are still confused by 2.0
Once you lose roughly the same amount of RP as you gain, that's your real rank.
I'd say the average player probably places one or two metals higher than they did in 1.0
silvers now land gold
plat -> em

Most of the legitimate arguments against rank as an indicator of skill apply to 1.0 too
so true, wish I had a stack
The only people who don't care about ranks are:
1) people with a kd below 1.0
2) people hardstuck below platinum
Most people think the only way to win is high K/D, and don't understand basic things like KOST or communication, so they get mad that they lots of kills but aren't the highest rank possible.
extremely true.
I think the average player sees a 1.3 KD gold as a better player than a 0.8 Diamond
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>containment is out
>challenge for the extraction vigil set is not
I-I kneel...
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How the fuck i put Talon shield and not randomly stand up afterwards? It's so annoying when you don't know what happens next. You always have to be ready to press C button so you don't get smoked.
Doesn't happen on controller, try rebinding the key
what key? I placing the shield and 50% of time i stand up after.
pretty sure it puts you in whatever stance you were before placing, so place while crouching
Third day in a row i met a hacker in casual.
Make sense, I will try it.
R6 tracker has this feature where you can fill out a pregenerated tweet and attach visual evidence and post it on Twitter under a certain hashtag which the devs claim it to be "watched by ubisoft". It's a bit of a hit or miss, my last report shows a guy very clearly walling, and hasn't been banned since (roughly a month), but the one before that got banned in 24 hours.
Also, you can open a support ticket directly on ubi's support page, as well as reporting these people once more in the match replay.
I might be a little on the autistic side, but whenever I encounter these bitches and have a spare 10-15 minutes, I'll always do the steps above. Could be placebo idk
>3 out of 6 games I played tonight had cheaters
Yeah cool, guess I'm not playing this season either.
Why? I am not reporting them even through game.
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>FIXED - Barbed wire requires more shield-melee attacks to be destroyed than intended.

got lucky and only had 1 out of 10 yesterday (that I noticed)
>FIXED - Barbed wire requires more shield-melee attacks to be destroyed than intended.
nice I thought this was a hidden nerf or something
Same wtf
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Do you rate?
>update: we made shields ever more cancer

Too bad you're never gonna use it with that 80% ban rate.
Just wait for that Season 2 nerf
How are they gonna nerf him Satan?
Mines no longer bulletproof + he's losing one of them
Containment is actually fucking dogshit. At least everything in this collection is fucking hideous garbage so I don't need to play this retarded mode.
the cosmetics look worse
I think goobisoft has run out of ideas for new events
>fucking dogshit
>cosmetics look worse
hard agree
Shotgun on Deimos? y/n
Gonna be a yes for me but not on all sites
>it's another "fighting the entire enemy team because youre the only guy who stayed on site" episode
Somebody please give Macie some help, he's getting serious at this point
>tactical advantage
I usually agree with macie but standing still holding a common angle you're going to get slammed by peeker's advantage every single time. he should have held an off angle or played around the corner and swung when he heard him coming down the stairs.
Last night I realized I had to get 2 wins for the free pack, won one, lost one, then the queue for the third match reached 10 minutes then I logged off. GMT 20:00-ish, EU servers.

I'd say no, the revolver is more than enough soft destruction imo

This is one of my pet peeves. I'm teamkilling if
>you try the same spawnpeek twice, regardless if it worked the first time or not
>you're bottomfragging and pick cav/pulse/vigil/any selfish fragging operator
>you didn't reinforce a single thing before the end of prep phase
>and generally if you die in the first minute of the round as your main job is to waste time and you do not achieve that by dying
At this point I'm used to being the wall denial guy, or if not that, than the jager/wamai/mute guy, but damn, seeing the 0-3 locking in the cav kills me inside a little bit every time.
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>put a drone on your flank
>"Can someone watch that for me”
>no response
>get shot from the flank
>13 year old kid suddenly finds his mic
>“so we’re in copper”
>13 year old kid doesn’t use comms for the rest of the match
this game is genuine dogshit, holy fuck
>trusting randoms to look away from tiktok for 2 seconds
heh rookie mistake
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Me. They should all leave Rainbow, become my wives and join my harem. I will then cum inside each and every one of them and put babies in their tummies (the good ending).
They leave Rainbow becasue of you?
I got the Zofia LMG on my first pack lol, the only thing good in the entire collection.
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>screams at camera at eardrum shattering levels
comedy gold
thank you downs syndrome retard for bringing 50k zoomers to siege
Yep I've noticed a lot of obnoxious faggots in this game now.
It was already kind of like that before jynxci got big.
Amen. Many times you see in chat GOOORAIM now.
The game had already gone to absolute shit when I quit. The influx of annoying tiktok retards is an icing on the cake. Now I know I'm 100% never touching this pile of garbage again.

t. played the game from 2016 to 2021
and don't come back
He also smacks his web camera all the time. Sometimes even sucks his toes. This fella must be a special kid.
Okay. I received invitation to the market place. From 3 my accounts only 1 still not uproved. I am not bought any credits with that account so I guess this is a reason for not approve it. Classic Jewisoft.
Already sold all black ices cuz it's garbage, idk why people worship it. Somehow black ices from 5+ old acc was sold cheaper than from my fresh 1y old acc.
From both acc's i am sold for 2000+ credits each. Already bought some cool (imo) skins.
Worst thing about the market is ton of "dead"skins with lowest price that no one will buy. Even if they make them for 10 credits nothing will change. They should make some sort of reforging to credits or renowns.
Anyway, is there some website where they update new added skins to the market?
why do you have 3 accounts anon?
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>tell team to come plant
>they actually do
I love Capitao so much it's unreal
how long until marvel crossover bundles?
I don't remember why i am bought the 2. But 3 acc is for female ops gameplay only. It's so simple, isn't it? Game is cheap anyway.
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>Classic Jewisoft.
>Owns three accounts
At a certain point you have to understand that there's no one to blame but yourself
ela/frost booty is the only thing good about this game now after its been turned into valorant
Played since the beta and I can say the younger zoomers/gen alpha jynxi clone kids make it 10000 times worse than it was before. I used to make friends in siege all the time now there is more of a unfriendly immature player base. I was 14 back when i started playing and I wasn't obnoxious like these kids now.
I fucking hate this neanderthal the game is full of monkey brains liek him now. Every other lobby there is a guy pretending to be like him its so pathetic
Go back to Fortnite. This was our game and now u sticky filth iPad kids ruined it
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waiting for her bimbo elite to go on sale, not sure if I'll be able to hold out

also they need to lower minimum price on market, at least for season uniforms, ect
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jynxzi revived this piece of shit dead game, i'm surprised it somehow managed to stay on life support after 2018. they were putting more effort into making operators gay or black or a painted hair femoid and banning people for typing bad words in chat instead of actually balancing the fucking game or fixing bugs.
The truth is, Ubishit had ruined Siege way before braindead cringxi zoomer faggots invaded. All these kids are just a symptom of the problem, not the cause. The devs made the game unfun, reworked all the maps and made them boring and overly "balanced", made all the operators boring and overly "balanced", removed the old lighting, changed the art direction completely, added a fuckton of clown skins and operators. Most of that happened because of muh pro-league. The game went from a gritty, semi-serious FPS to a colorful clown fest on par with valorant, apex, fortnite and overwatch. No wonder it scared off all the oldfags who got into it for the atmosphere and that tacticool feel. Which are pretty much gone now. That was the entire point though. In the end they got the playerbase they wanted, the playerbase they've been trying to appeal to for years now, aka braindead tik-tok kids.
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I went from Siege to Hunt. And it's great honestly. Never regretted a second of playing it. It has that gritty feel and a bunch of utility that you can use to defend buildings that sort of scratch that "old Siege" itch for me.
AH, old lighting was beautiful and nextgenish.
And who cares about boomers, fuck them. Steam shows 50k online which is perfect for 10 yo game.
>got banned in macie's chat for laughing at someone having an awful take
The fuck is with him lately, all his streams are just pure negativity and bans.
I got permabanned from Titanium Rolo's chat because I said "why are you british"
If you want to complain about the change in art direction sure, but old siege being "tacticool" is bullshit, people were just too new and unexperienced with the game to play it fast.
Ironically the entire game was "faster", all the 3 speeds moved at lightning speeds, ADS and strafing were much faster in general, not even mentioning the god-awful QEQEQE leanspam.
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Am I the only one who fucking hates this map?
I never feel safe as an attacker anywhere and defender ACOGs are so powerful here
Basement bomb site is fun but the rest of it is cancer
It's horrid. They were teasing an attacker-focused rework a couple years ago but that went nowhere. Hopefully year 10.
I played a lot of Hunt with my friend and it makes me want to play siege every time. The BR format and running for 10 minutes to find a fight really tests my attention span
The gunplay is fun, but they mete it out in such small doses
Just cut from back dont attack from the front ever.
Villa basement and emerald 1f are the shit that needs rework. Also consulate v1 was better
Attacking from terrace isn't any better.
Someone always dies trying to clear janitor hallway.
>putting more effort into making operators gay or black
i remember being like fuck this shit when they added Clash and I left for like 4 years
> devs made the game unfun, reworked all the maps
I thought oh cool at first when they remade 1 or 2 maps but then they started remaking all of them and taking out maps like Plane I knew the game was fucked. Just pisses me off cuz siege was a great mix of casual and tacticool/strategy elements and it was easily accessible. Shame
Plane is an objectively dogshit map
>b-but it has soul!!
Kill yourself
its fun as fuck what r u smoking? Not everything is about ur gay pro gamer bullshit.
>most of the map is indestructible walls/floors
>easy for attackers to cut off rotates
>glaz/kali can lockdown the majority of the map from outside
>extend holds off site aren't viable
just because you're a shitter who doesn't know how to play doesn't make it a good map copper
They never "took out" plane, it's just not in competitive modes.
Plane is fun for like 1 or 2 games before it becomes cancer.
I haven't played quick-play in a while so I don't know if Glaz can still snipe through windows.
Just say ur under 18 bro and who gives a fuck? The game is supposed to be fun and chaos=fun
i never get plane on quick play
That's the thing. They completely killed every casual aspect of it in a retarded attempt to turn it into some sweatlord e-sports wannabe faggot simulator and force all these pro league mechanics on everyone, not just ranked fags, but casual players as well.
>muh e-sports bogeyman
What "pro-league mechanics" are being forced on you?
What's stopping you from playing the game casually?
Pro players don't actually have as much say as you would believe, if it were the case Lion wouldn't have been obscenely broken for 9 months.
>What "pro-league mechanics" are being forced on you?
Are you retarded? All the reworked maps. All the rebalanced ops. All the mechanics like banning operators, picking maps and such. All the changes to make braindead strats like runouts or spawnpeeks are non-existent because map design doesn't allow it anymore. They have made the game unfun.

>What's stopping you from playing the game casually?
The fact that they changed and killed off every casual aspect of it.
>All the reworked maps
How does that have anything to do with "pro-league"?
A lot of reworks are actually very good. Oregon, Kafe, Chalet, Clubhouse.
Obviously there are shitty ones too but maps like House and Favela were never something pro players were asking to be reworked. In fact player slike Beaulo have said they prefered the older versions.
>All the rebalanced OPs
Again, this is Ubisofts spread-sheet balancing to blame.
But regardless, you can't seriously argue that some operators being completely broken are healthy for the game in casual or competitive settings.
>All the mechanics like banning operators, picking maps and such
This is only in ranked, the competitive game mode?
Casual modes don't have these dumbass.
>All the changes to make braindead strats like runouts or spawnpeeks are non-existent because map design doesn't allow it anymore
That's a very vague statement.
They nerfed specific spawn-peeks and runouts on some maps. They made runouts better in some cases like removing the cancerous yellow filter and glaring red text on your screen. Spawn-peeks and runouts are still very much integral mechanics.
>They have made the game unfun.
This is just your subjective opinion.
I still have fun when I don't have cheaters, which is the actual real problem with the game.
>Casual modes don't have these dumbass.
Unranked does. Which was supposed to be a chill, casual version of ranked for training purposes or just to fuck around in it.

>I still have fun
Then you're a shit eater. The game is boring, sterile, unfun, gutted, neutered, sterilized. Capisce?
there literally is no ban phase in standard what crack are you smoking
>Unranked does. Which was supposed to be a chill, casual version of ranked for training purposes or just to fuck around in it.
If it's for training purposes, then why would it not have the same rules as ranked?
>Then you're a shit eater. The game is boring, sterile, unfun, gutted, neutered, sterilized. Capisce?
>It's boring because I say it is
>It's unfun because I say it is
There's no examples you've suggest to support this. You're a bitter, jaded faggot, your opinion isn't one I consider valid. Move on to a different game or stop crying.
>There's no examples you've suggest to support this
The entire game in its current state is one huge example.

>Move on to a different game
I have. And am now shitting on this pile of garbage.
>The entire game in its current state is one huge example.
I accept your concession.
>I have. And am now shitting on this pile of garbage.
Doesn't sound like you've moved on if you're still shitposting here.
There is a way to transfer this to another account? Ubisoft gift allows battle pass gift only, it is sucks because battle passes skins suck.
Market system works in ranked way, the oldest order trade first. I thought about selling rare item that none have for picrl price but i do not have this rare item either.
Any solution?
They're tied to account
You sound mentally ill
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>But 3 acc is for female ops gameplay only. It's so simple, isn't it? Game is cheap anyway.
Yes. I shouldn't ask anything here. I never have any answer itt for years. Reddit knows more, I should go there.
Nice trips
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there are no words for how much I fucking hate this operator
Rainbow SEX SEX SEX Siege
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Yeah but consider this
Frost is cuter
Part of the cancer that is killing the game actually.

Has the face of a pitbull
Sexiest voice in the game thoughbeit
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So we all agree that containment is dogshit, right?
PC bros ITT< could you beat Stompn?
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>game is 2-3 border
>me and a friend are in a group and the other 3 teammates are in their group
>been screaming at us for dumb reasons for nearly the entire match so we just mute them
>get put at 2F Armory even though we have lost there twice
>get teamkilled by one of them at start
>the other is trying to find my friend
>friend nitros the soft wall and kills the guy hunting him before getting killed by the other teammate
>absolute clown car of Attackers rush in and win the match

If ya wanna throw a match cause you wanna scream and act like a nigger throw the game right
>Operation True Promise
>only ever solo queue
>have 0.65 KD
>in mid emerald
why the hell won't ubi drop my rank and let me get some frags? I get endless harassment for my KD and its not fun getting slammed so much
Maybe plane would be fun if people were still naive, but the only times I've been on it, its everyone abusing all the broken elements of the map
Nothing chaotic about being completely locked down as a defender
You should gift yourself the battle pass anyways, since you can sell the content from it + get some reknown boosters.
Only other way is the sell an obscure item on main and have this account overpay for it, but good luck with that
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Already did with a bp gift. If they keep minimum price as 120 there is good chance to sell it for the same price in future, almost.
About transfer between accounts I read all stuff on reddit. It really expensive and risky with Ubisoft system. They should start copy more features from Steam where is no problem with that. At least make graph system to see price changes.
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Hereford deserves to be in ranked over dogshit like Emerald Plains and Outback.
Jinxzi is streaming
This is truly one of the best maps to attack in the game idk why people say it's bad. Drone and enter the opposite side as point, and then claymore in shark and bull to take upstairs entirely.
It's definitely defender sided for super coordinated teams but that's incredibly rare. Just don't jam your face into the window of the objective and you're fine.
nta, but I hate any map where attackers have to use catwalks that press them up against the windows/breach they want to enter.
Makes you sitting ducks for defender peeks/runouts
everything has counterplay ofc, but as solo queue it is painful
>This is truly one of the best maps to attack in the game idk why people say it's bad. Drone and enter the opposite side as point
the attacker entry points are ass. garage is not free and neither is dorms. in general it's just a claustrophobic map that feels like you'll get shot in the ass or prefired at any moment.
revolver monty is the meta now boys
Why don't people like Emerald Plains? Good as any other map in the pool imo. I'm with others that Outback is pretty shite as far as being runout / spawnpeek heavy.
Horrid colours
It's reskinned bartlett and bartlett was the worst map in the game. I know how to play the map I just fundamentally do not enjoy it.
bloat labyrinth, I can't clear the lurks as solo Q, and defending the sites have more than the average 2/3 entries, so I can't anchor them well.
Only site that gels with my brain is kitchen
>Ready of Not source code has leaked
Good riddance.
Siege won and now has no competitors
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>almost 100k players
>keep running in to the same faggots sweating quick match day after day
The matchmaking in this game is dogshit
This. I met that streamer from Sweden about 10 times in quicks last year. Divide those 100k at server locations and you will get 10k players from your region.
Emerald Plains, Lair, and the Consulate rework all have the same problem. Rather than be designed to be a place where people would work/visit they're designed like obstacle courses.

Getting from one corner of coastline or villa means going to a hallway and taking it from one room to another.
In the newer maps, you have to bob and weave through a labyrinth of similarly designed small rooms without defining characteristics.
Finally we're back to the old based Deimos menu
never bring back Containment again
Are you Jinxzy? Why we should listen to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Lair is a 7/10 map
I dont like how deimos's revolver has less recoil than the 357s
Hereford is too dark
my head canon is that the perceived recoil is lower because Deimos is better at handling it
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> because Deimos is better at handling it
That because he is black?
My exact problem. I guess with Lair you can kinda argue that it's thematically fitting since Deimos is expecting Rainbow to kick his door in any minute (even though I dislike it the most of the new maps because its layout is an order of magnitude more absurd). Consulate definitely feels like a parody of its former incarnation though.
I guess the next map is going to be an American high school since they apparently are built with cover and broken up sightlines in mind now
turn your brightness up cunt
because he's been around long enough to have that level of experience with his signature weapon
You have brainworms
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holy shit deimos face reveal
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Either way its super lame. The damn thing is basically just a 417 with 6 shots
has much better wall destruction than DMRs though, it's slug shotty tier
The idea is by creating more small rooms it creates more options for both teams which I think is fair. Old consulate every game was the same. 2F? Hop on CEO windows, kill the guys on yellow stairs/cabinet, jump in and plant. Garage? Open the wall, breach piano, walk in and plant. It was fun but very repetitive.
Explain this, big brain guy. How Deimos accepted to rainbow if he killed indian guy and some r6s operators.
As far as I know he isn't in rainbow, he's just a playable character
Not that the lore is any good, or that I'm versed in it
>face reveal
For what it's worth, we know what he looks like

He's former Rainbow in custody, and they're essentially using him for training.
He's playable because he's a prisoner of Rainbow.
Im betting recruits got passive to pickup shit, your buck dies u can pick up his shotty and put it on gun.
They're the mobile recruits
Ubi said they got a gadget and something that has never been done in siege before
That's the Season 3 op
would actually be a cool gimmick
i know, i just thought the bug was funny
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New name for them just droped.
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Only brits likes that fucking Hereford.
>hereford is too hard to attack!
>skyscraper defense winrate: 70%
what hereford %%?
I just want the GSG9 shotgun back on attack recruit
I wanna be able to rush in in the most retarded way and get fucking bodied immediately but not before capping at least one nigga setting up his gadget
The oldest stats I have dont include hereford since it was taken out of rotation so quickly.
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I tell you this. This game have one of the best loot sytem I ever met. Similar system had Overwatch 1. You can get almost all skins in the game for free just by playing it. But you need thousends of hours. Marketplace helps with this even more now. You just sell old unwanted items and get elite skins with credits.
How the fuck is skyscraper that defender sided?
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>take a break from game for a month or so
>come back
>first game
>recruit stack
>second game
>recruit stack with cheeki breeki hardbass mic spam
I... love Kaid methinks
> methinks
What's that? Balls?
year 2 baby reacts to OG siege https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGnYseCtlfE
I'm a Y2S1 baby don't bully pls (I played closed alpha though, back when Plane wasn't even texturized)
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>know all the map layouts perfectly
>know that players tend to stand in certain places
>look at the place through a barricade
>start shooting
it usually grants me a kill once every 2 games or so, I've been doing this for 3 years now
I've played since BB was released, I think the "nostalgia" for "old siege" is stupid. The game was in a really rough state, the only thing I miss is not having lobbies full of codkiddies and jynxci clones.
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>Playing Border
>Attack, 2v2
>25 seconds left in the round
>Lesion is in Armoury and Jaeger in Construction
>tell my random we can push Con and power Jaeger because Lesion's offsite
>he doesn't and I die to the Jaeger on a headpeek
>random kills Jaeger and Lesion is STILL upstairs
>it's literally a free plant in con because both hatches were reinforced, I tell him
>the random fucking plants in vent and dies to the Lesion who has been in fucking armoury playing vert all game
>ask him why he planted in vent and threw
>"oh i forgot sorry"
Bros....... I am getting sick of soloq, most people in this game are actually so fucking bad
why did they make all of the sas and alot of other ops 1 speed from 2
you cant even cook grenades anymore
Find a good idea for the next defender operator anon
I'm not watching this
But I've been playing regularly since 2015 and the game is better now than it ever has been
The only problem is there are simply too many mediocre maps.
fpv drone operator.
i feel like echo/iana already got that spot taken
defenders can attach utility to fly into attackers or drop ontop of them. the weight will effect its flight speed. it controls similar to a real flying drone instead of attaching to the ceiling
>I've been playing since I've played I started
Prove it now, /vm/
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Op with stealth drone. Drone with shitton hp. Drone that planting mines.
desu the only things I really miss is the banger OG menu music and the more dynamic lighting/night maps
I'm still weirdly nostalgic about Y1 and some of the old maps tho
>no misconduct of any kind
>get commendations
>get demoted to average rep
Which scope do you use with the aruni dmr?
i have that one and the red one too
I played the first S.I. map event and got some skins. After that i am not played siege. Is that every year event? It's like battlepass or just packs?
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why does everybody have a five stack except me
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Jynzi is playing the final if you want
it's 4:30 where he lives lol
i REALLY hate how you cant shoot while adjusting the zoom on kali's rifle.

webm unrelated
>using pistol on kali
oh shit nigger what are you doing
theres nothing wrong with pistols
Anon what the fuck
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>has bomb planted on window
>doesn't just play top of small tower with a fucking sniper
I forget you can climb up there. Ive also been burned before by people defusing from comical distances and dont trust holding narrow angles
Why they reduce prepare time? Can't do shit now. Is it 3f bomb you cant even reach with a drone while prep phase. Same with defenders. For kapkan you need fucking sprint to place all kapkans.
I assume it's a quick play thing, play standard
>quick play
Make sense.
Do you like this scope?
It's upside down so no
No it looks dumb on every gun
They should add a defense guy who has a netgun, let them be able to launch nets at windows to prevent people mantling through or maybe traps them up if they do

Call em goalie or something iunno
There should be a drone that walks to wherever you command it to go, and then it would be a mobile proximity alarm. Make it indestructible while inactive but you can only send it to places in view.
imo the best acog in the game but it filters everyone via aesthetics bullshit
All scopes are shit. This game is shit.
Jynxzi is reacting to clips
I prefer the non-russian ACOG for the same reason I pick reflex over holo and dot: I don't want a dot covering up the exact spot I'm aiming at. Having an arrow pointing at that spot is infinitely better
very respectable opinion, i like having a dot on acog otherwise i might use the goofy russian reflex
i want more sights, i want cahnkas holo on all guns, i want a cod4 red dot (make it blocky on the bottom so its not too good) , i want a reflex that has the old acog reticle but on a 1x. I want a new acog that has similar reticle to the ex 2.0 sight
I want Twitch to push my crotch with her butt.
Does ubi still accept people to the marketplace beta or am I shit out of luck?
I thought you can just go on the website
When does you sign up?
You have to get invited to the beta to acutally use it, otherwise you can just browse it

About two weeks ago
> two weeks
did you do all requirments? r6s level, no bans? Also you invested in r6s real money before (for credits)?
Yup, got all the requirements. I bought a lot of credits back in like Y5 and recently after I got back into the game but that was only after I signed up to the beta
I got my mail after 10 days. Try to wait more. Or scan reddit/r6 market, thet know way more than anons here.
You just gotta wait yeah. But in any case, next season isn't that far off so I'm not sure how many more waves of invites they'll do desu
I dont think i've ever tackled a shield guy as oryx
feels like there's been an uptick in cheaters, any idea why?
Game on heavy discount on the Chinese storefront
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I just got in today after applying about 2 weeks ago.
Goodbye to my R4C and MP5K
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1 kill
2 kills
3 kills
4 kills
5 kills
dare I say... 6 kills?
I remember made 3 ff kills with him. Thx ubi, fun game.
can someone fuckin leak the recruit rework i wanna see their gadgets.
god's strongest argentinian
Yes, you need to sell everything you can sell now. After full market realese there will be huge price drop.
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It's the same as the R6 Mobile recruits, look up some gameplay on YouTube or TikTok
FemRecruit got me bricked up ong
What the plan with them? Having double accessories seemed balanced enough
my favourite part of the deimos menu screen is that one bass drop that keeps making me think for a second that the queue popped while i'm tabbed out
So they love making brown skinned heroes, but they have no Domingo Chavez? Is he too white?
it would be neat if they added him but he would also be like a thousand years old.
i really do hate the loud ass noise rubble causes when you walk through it. half the time you cant even tell its rubble and it sounds like you knocked over a rack at a home depot
>They're putting too much effort into making all the characters black and gay!
>Most of the original Rainbow was non-white
You know it really makes you think.
the only people left giving a shit about ubisoft's hamfisted diversity shit are people who don't even play the game.
> the only people left giving a shit about ubisoft's hamfisted diversity shit are people who don't even play the game
Also known as terminally online /pol/tards who legitimately think the word "Brown" is an insult
>ubisoft's hamfisted diversity shit
That's literally the point of Rainbow as written by Tom Clancy though
Jinzy is streaming, it's tournament day
Without him there would be 10k online
Without jinzo the trap lord? r6 wouldn't even be invented
goor porst
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Rainbow is $10 rn, would be my first time playing but I enjoy shooters and tactical outfits. Is the game worth getting into as a newfag?
getting real tired of people pushing doorway suppressing fire and taking no damage as they doink me in the head
> newfag
There tons newfags like you in the game. For a first 20 hours you will play with them.
Anyway... someone havel link on the clip where total newfags gameplay is going on? It was Coastline bar footage.
Do you have friends or do you have a high tolerance for solo queuing in a competitive team game?
> Choosing Siege for your FIRST TIME playing a tactical/competitive shooter
Yeah, I wouldn't if I were you. Maybe try CS:GO, Valorant, or Squad first. Siege can be a very difficult FPS game, where literally every match has something different: Different ways to attack and defend, different ways to setup sites, different ways of planning, different angles to hold, different gadgets to use, different operators to play, and different qualities of teammates all at once.

That's going to be a helluva a lot for any new player to take in, and it's going to be an overall painful experience combined with a very steep learning curve.

BUT: Does this sound interesting to you? Does this sound like a unique challenge that you'd be able to suffer through, as you gradually watch yourself getting better in real-time with every single victory and defeat?

Then maybe, MAYBE Siege is for you. I'd wager if you have any doubts about R6, there's a good chance you're gonna end up hating it- and that's okay. It's not for everybody.
It's going to be VERY hard to master, but with the latest updates it's also been much easier to get into.
For 10$ it's a great, great price. Bite it. You'll enjoy it.
You WILL come back here asking for tips, we'll be waiting for ye
Yeah the game rules and there's a ton of tools for learning maps and shit
It's a tough game but there is truly no other game like it in the world.
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i really love playing outdoor sniper kali
if you enjoy brutally punishing games then its a good buy. you will probably spend the first 40 hours getting mad but at least the game is in the best place its every been in right now.
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>>1270783 (samefag)
Thanks everyone for the insight, I’m definitely gonna get it and play with some friends. Last question is should I get the deluxe edition for $10 or the ultimate edition for $40? How hard is it to unlock operators?
the credit grind is actually pretty brutal but the season 1 operators can be acquired via little challenges and doing the new tutorial gives you 10k, enough to buy an older operator.
If the ultimate edition is all the operators, it's worth getting that.
You really only need the base operators to learn, but it's nice to have all the options. Otherwise you won't have all the operators until like the end of the year.
I play a lot, so it feels easy to unlock them all to me. Base ops are some of the strongest anyways. Just unlock Ace first he's insane
The majority of operators are steeply discounted at this point so it's not too bad unless you're some sort of completionist
If there is a way to upgrade later I'd do that instead of committing to the full thing immediately
Jynzi is live and streaming a copper to champion
Why are you shilling for a streamer?
Especially a big streamer
I'm one of his mods
That's sad.
You're coping
literally nothing wrong with pistols

As observed in the Balancing Matrix, there has been a significant increase in the presence of certain operators. However, despite this shift, their performance statistics do not raise any immediate concerns. Consequently, we have decided not to make any adjustments to the sights distribution in this patch.

It's essential to recognize that the graphs presented reflect only a small segment of the Ranked player base. Below those ranks and across the broader player community, the presence of these operators is considerably lower.

Their presence was higher at the beginning of the season and gradually declined to the numbers you see right now. This downward trend suggests that these operator choices are driven more by novelty than by overwhelming strength. We observed similar patterns during the 1,5x era, and based on tests conducted over the past year, we prefer a cautious approach rather than immediate reaction because the system is still too new. We believe maintaining the current distribution throughout the entire season won't compromise the overall balance.

Additionally, prematurely removing these operators could prompt players to swiftly switch to the next operator equipped with Magnified Scope. Such a shift might adversely impact the balance of other operators that have not received as much attention and are currently in a good position. Hasty removal would not allow sufficient time to thoroughly evaluate all the pros and cons of the new sights, especially considering that nostalgia and novelty are still influencing the decisions.
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Increased by 10% the damage received by High caliber Handguns and Revolvers.
Handguns: .44 Mag Semi-Auto, D-50
Revolvers: .44 Vendetta, Keratos .357, LFP586
Increased by 10% the damage received by Medium caliber Submachine Guns and Assault Rifles.
Submachine Guns: K1A, P90, UMP45, Vector.45 ACP
Assault Rifles: 416-C Carbine, 552 Commando, 556XI, AK-12, AR33, AUG A2, C7E, C8-SFW, Commando 9, F2, F90, G36C, L85A2, PARA-308, POF-9, R4-C, SC3000K, Type-89
Increased by 5% the damage received by High caliber Assault Rifles and Light Machine Guns.
Assault Rifles: AK-74M, ARX200, M4, M762, Mk17 CQB, Spear .308, V308
Light Machine Guns: 6P41, ALDA 5.56, DP27, G8A1, LMG-E, M249, M249 SAW, T-95 LSW
The weapon base damage, the damage drop-off curve, the distance to the barrier, and the barrier resistance are just a few of the variables we need to consider for the +100 weapons available when balancing this system. We were already aware that the Kiba Barriers might still require too many bullets to be destroyed by certain weapons. However, we wanted to be cautious not to render the barriers completely ineffective now that every operator will be able to deal with them. As a result, we opted for an initial release with barriers that remain robust. Our plan is to iterate, seeking the optimal balance while closely monitoring the impact of each adjustment.

Despite the data is showing that the new feature is being utilized, the lifespan of the barriers hasn't significantly changed. This suggests that Attackers continue to face challenges when dealing with them. Explosives and melee attacks remain the primary methods of destruction, making the risk associated with shooting at a barrier still high enough to favor the use of explosives.
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Secondary Gadgets: Added Impact EMP Grenade. Removed Stun Grenades.
Considering her ability to bait defenders and facilitate re-frag opportunities for teammates following the hologram, she should be an excellent operator choice for support players. Additionally, her infinite intel gathering resources make her particularly advantageous in the current situation, where drones are limited. Therefore, we will enhance her support capabilities by incorporating Impact EMP Grenades and maybe look into the Gemini Replicator in the future.
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Initial damage: Reduced to 3hp (from 5).
Gadget refill timer: Increased to 25 seconds (from 20).
Secondary Gadgets: Added Observation Blocker. Removed Impact Grenades.
Since the removal of cloaking from his GU Mines, we've observed positive changes in his performance. Despite the uncloaked mines, the number of mines triggered per round has remained relatively stable, resulting in higher average damage than initially anticipated.

To maintain the core essence of the GU Mine, we have made a slight reduction in its initial damage. Our intention is to emphasize the urgency of removing the mine and the fear associated with encountering another one. Rather than an immediate kill, we aim to create a strategic window of opportunity for players to engage with the enemy.

Lesion's increased resources allow him to exert significant map control very quickly and block attackers' access to the building from very early in the round. Consequently, we've extended the time required to acquire the mines. While this may reduce early-round map control, it ensures Lesion's continued impact in late-game scenarios. He remains a priority target for attackers.

Regarding secondary gadgets, we believe that the GU Mines should be enough for slowing down Ballistic Shields and the Impact Grenades give him too much flexibility. So we are going to change them for the Observation Blocker, which also synergies well with its primary ability providing extra protection.
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Duration: Increased to 30 seconds (from 20).
Cooldown: Increased to 30 seconds (from 20).
The recent changes to Frag Grenades, along with increased operator access, have had a negative impact on Nokk's presence.

To mitigate this issue while we investigate other solutions to make her more impactful, we will be increasing the duration of the HEL Presence Reduction. This adjustment will allow Nokk to traverse bigger areas more comfortably without being detected in defenders' cameras and catch them by surprise.

Will destroy Deployable and Talon shields. The dash is not interrupted.
We are updating the Remah Dash to improve comfort and consistency. From now on, Deployable Shields and Talon Shields will no longer impede Oryx during the dash; instead, they will be destroyed and he will go through. This adjustment aligns with player expectations, especially considering Oryx's existing ability to pass through Kiba Barriers and Reinforced Barricades.
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Max. Resources: Increase to 4 R.O.U. Projectors (from 3).
Despite the numerous improvements to the POF-9 and the additional utility that brings, Sens continues to underperform. We acknowledge the intricacy and skill required to use the R.O.U. Projectors effectively. The unpredictability of bounces can sometime work against you. We hope the new Trajectory Previsualization can help to improve accuracy, but we are going to allocate additional resources to enhance flexibility and provide more opportunities for error correction while we keep investigating new ways to improve it.
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Damage: Reduced to 40hp (from 60).
Radius: Reduced to 2 meters (from 3).
We recognize the growing significance of Impact Grenades over the years. They play a crucial role in site setup, facilitate defenders' swift rotations, aid in clearing attackers utility, deny walls, and even eliminate adversaries. However, we acknowledge their excessive versatility, which prompts us to address their killing potential and wall-denial capabilities.

We have implemented a reduction in damage. As a result, double-impacting an enemy will no longer result in an immediate kill. Also, opponents must be even more damaged to employ a grenade to secure the elimination.

The reduction in explosion radius will yield two key effects:

Impact-Tricking countermeasures: Attackers can prevent it by positioning the hard-breach device as close to the ground as possible in additional locations, And defender must be more accurate to do it successfully.
Precision requirement for utility clearance: Defenders must exercise greater accuracy when dealing with attackers' utility, such as Airjabs and Claymores. This adjustment allows attackers to place more reliance on this type of gadgets and experiment with unexpected placements.
Our intention is to promote the use of the right tool in the right situation, rather than relying solely on something that can serve multiple purposes. Defenders have other tools at their disposal that can achieve these objectives more effectively. Our final goal is to enhance tactical gameplay and reward the correct decision-making in every match.
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Explosion: Trigger threshold reduced to 30 damage (from 50).
Our goal is to ensure that the Impact Grenades remain effective counters against Ballistic Shields. Because of the recent damage change, we find it necessary to adjust the threshold for breaking a shield owner's guard.

The guard break system relies on the damage received, and it's important to note that no other explosives have undergone alterations. Consequently, other explosive devices will now create larger openings than before.
shield bros....
it doesnt sound that bad, does it?
That's a new operator portrait?
and? you're just gonna have to be more careful around nitros, they decreased the damage from impacts, which I'm very happy about

yeah, shields stay winning, I'm surprised Monti's win delta is so average you can't even see him in the chart due to being him covered by other ops, there's no nerf incoming despite good shield players (read: me) having a 50% W/L ratio on attack (read: very good considering the defender meta)
Shields are gay
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Oryx should just be able to dash through wood without the self-stun
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>Medium caliber SMGs and Rifles
>9mm, 45ACP

>High caliber rifles

Are they retarded?
they're french please understand
Does the M4 do that much more damage than the other ARs?
Sens' sens just need to be less massive and collidable, theres too much random geometry in this game to get a reliable rou wall and they always end up being chaotic
I would unironically use Sens if the gadget didn't have that horrible bright colour
Sens just seems like a specialist character, you have to do some absolutely autistic research to optimize your gadget and then your team probably won't play along
For sure they will always be a niche operator. The rou is great for big open spaces like the bank lobby or the villa hallways but they last too long to really help in regular sized rooms. I also just dont like their guns.
*put down my armor plates*
Now I'm just a fat fuck with a gun
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And that gun can kill 5 enemy operators
Macie is going to kill himself ON STREAM
why does his voice sound like that
Donate him to stop his plan
The "point" of forming Rainbow was to have a multinational special-forces team to counter post-Soviet multinational terrorism, this is explained in chapter 1 of the book. Diversity in Tom Clancy's Rainbow occurs as a byproduct of recruiting the best operators without being limited by their homeland, its not the point.
Rainbow is a fictional organization
Tom Clancy created it so that he could have an organization in which white, black, Asian, Mexican, Russian men and women would all be working together for the common good.
That's the fucking point of it. The reasons given in the book are an excuse to have a diverse cast.
good recoil/firerate gun >>>>>> any gadget as long as 1shs is in the game
I don't even know where the seethe is coming from
Siege used to be way faster/killbrain friendly than it is now and he's pretending the siege 2 years ago was the "good old tactical days"
Is he mad his views are falling despite doing everything in his power to make the stream unwatchable?
i think him having streams where half of the matches have ragehackers doesn't help
The audio mixing for toob's voice is so bad.
Hormones voice
>Xdefiant releasing on May 21
Now shift all resources to R6 thank yoy very much
How do you faggots still play this game?
It's hands down the best FPS in the market.
I just got my gamer group to pick it back up (none of us have played in over a half decade) after we got burned out on The Finals enshittening itself for months on end.
It's actually very fun if you don't play with any stakes (i.e. only casualshitting).
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Name one other FPS game that does what Siege does and I'll play that instead
How do impact holes look like now
Due process is similar but its dead
O man... this guy missed the t-hunt grind: was grtn like 100k a day with the bois grinding hard; some of the best times in my life grinding 3hrs+ w/ some dedicated homies

Ur only gonna really play like 2 operators on each side till u get better n wanna explore other skills. I would get the cheapest version n get operators along the way.

Don't forget to claim ur free exp booster drinks from the shift+f2 page
Thunt grind never felt much faster than just playing mp
You never knew de way then; I think it was: old house, hostage.

You run upstairs on ashe w/ pistol and blast out the window with her utility, jump out and u complete mission in like 18seconds. Have claymore set up at mass spawn areas for when u grab hostage, which triggers enemies to spawn to prevent exfil.

Do this with a stacked team, everyone xp boosters on: it's like 1k a minute+/- for top 600+/- for last... when u get running like a well oiled machine and have a group who all knows their assignment: cha; ching.

The only thing that can even come close is top dragging every casual back to back, but even then, if u have a game go 2-3, ur at a deficit in comparison.

I think I got something like 500k in a couple days.. was hard work and there would be days where you'd get some shitty parties; but I was even in a discord specifically for it and everything
Ah see near the end they put a cap on how much rep you got per game to like 125, plus a hidden weekly cap of around 5k
Many years ago it was
It was many years ago, it still is today. And that margin has gotten even bigger with the past 2 years of updates.
FMK female operators
F Cav, M Mira, K Clash.
F Cav, M Frost, K Dokk
thank you for this lul
Fuck Brava, Marry Kali, Kill Doek
Fuck Alibi, marry IQ, kill Osa
f frost m osa k gridlock
Based DSL fan
>60% headshot rate
how likely is this to be a cheater
If PC then 100%
F Nokk
M Solis
K none, all women deserve love <3
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F Thatcher
F Mute
F Smoke
F Sledge
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i hate how you have to make sure you're looking directly at someone or else they can just shoot your kevlar mullet which is directly tied to your central nervous system
ive had people headshot me right through my shield while im charging at them
matchmaking broken for anyone else? also anyone wanna run standards assuming its up tonight?
Works here (Central Europe, console)
Its only monty i have trouble with
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I love women so fucking much bros
This minus all the asian women
How come?
Never really been attracted to asian faces, too plain.
what the hell i thought curaçao was just metrosexual
She looks to be pre-op based on her bulgeless character model, I can still fix her <3
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this guy walks into site and slaps your girl's ass
what do?
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I got back into it recently (because Tarkov devs shat themselves and I need something else to play now), and have rediscovered that I can actually enjoy it. It plays absolutely differently from how it used to play (much slower, less run and gun and more tactics), but I think that's a good thing actually. All in all, it's not the Siege we loved and hated, but it's definitely enjoyable if you go into it with an open mind and give it a chance. It's a lot easier to die/get refragged now, the hitreg is way better, the peeker's advantage/ping abuse is all but gone. So yeah, you can't be a braindead Ash main anymore, you have to use your brain, your drone and your gadget, and also rely on positioning and map knowledge, and timing, rather than twitchy reflexes, though that helps too.
>It plays absolutely differently from how it used to play (much slower, less run and gun and more tactics), but I think that's a good thing actually
TDM meta still exists. It's a bit slower with this years changes but people are still playing to kill rather than take a site and plant
Nearly every recent change has been attempting to slow the game down
>Q/E mash gutted
>crouch spam gutted
>jumpouts nerfed (again)
>operator speed lowered
>1.5s removed
>ADS slowed
But the longer the problem lasts the more the TDM meta is ingrained in every players habits, the harder it is to sway.
Ubisoft probably don't even want to impact it too much, because those players make up a large portion of the game and are unlikely to stick around if they're forced to actually sit on their ass and drone for once.
my friend is a top osu player with mouse and has 57% hs rate, so careful with that

personally I'm happy for the TDM meta, I get to hit diamond playing the game normally against crackheads who are much better than me mechanically

there is no relation between what you see when playing shield and your protection, I judge it all based on "feel" at this point and everytime I play aggressive I assume there's a chance I'm gonna get randomly shot/melee'd through the shield
Biggest problem to me so far is the dogshit forced SBMM even in Quickplay. The longer I play, and the more people I kill, the sweatier my lobbies become. I feel like at this point I fight nothing but 3-5 man teams with 5-30 ping (when I have 80-90 ping). That's not fucking fun at all. Why do they think forcing solos into these lobbies is fun for them?
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Case in point. As a rule I also get braindead teammates on my team who can't collectively kill shit while fighting coordinated premades with comms.
>there is no relation between what you see when playing shield and your protection
Yeah I know but there's absolutely no reason it should desync when im moving in a straight fucking line.
>randomized maps
>no verticality
>no abilities
TDM won't change til either headshots or peekers advantage change
I can do without abilities, and randomized maps can be an interesting way to prevent the meta making gameplay stale, but the vertical destruction is siege's number 1 most important feature
>or peekers advantage
You can't remove an unescapable reality of the internet
I know, but if it wasn't for peekers adv you could get away with holding angles and therefore positioning/anchoring would be relevant again, rather than swing-maxxing
They should swap defender and attacker weapons then. SMGs are objectively better at long range so why the fuck do defenders have them? Defenders should have to force close range fights to win. No more ACOGs for defenders either.
That's what the sight asymmetry was suppose to help with, but then they just gave ash an acog again
>That's what the sight asymmetry was suppose to help with
All it's done is make defenders with ACOGs meta. Goyo and Melusi went from rarely played to every other round.
I don't understand why ubisoft jerks off defenders so much. They have to know how overpowered defense is right now with all their stat tracking.
I want to play tournaments....
Hop dat ahh on xbox
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New Elite skin for Doka just revealed.
still wont play her
I don't play as Asians
That's just what it is in every competitive online shooter dude: next time u make some good plays with a random you should add them and keep climbing together till one of you quits or plateaus, then it's time to sever the bond... once in a blue moon you'll meet a riser and you'll become friends and dominate a few titles together after you add him on discord

...complaining when there r so many solutions just explains further why u r at fault
Do you use a pistol on her?
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Our Mid-Season Roadmap update is here!

A lot of features announced during the Year 9 Panel are now confirmed for Y9S2!

Check out http://rainbow6.com/Roadmap

>Marketplace Release (Open to all)
>Fenrir and Solis (Part 1)
>Map filters in Standard Playlist
>And more!
Yeah its me every time. No one else plays kali. Theres nothing wrong with pistols
More Nokk buffs where
>stop scanning! just mark enemies!

I hope we never get nerfed headshots because then Macie is going to move his redditors to attack yellow pings instead
>remove headshots they are ruining the tactical nature of siege!
>also remove yellow pings they make drones and communication too powerful
how does he reconcile these two stances
Just play iq
you could argue that yellow pings made holding a position much harder because now instead of a room name/area the person pushing knows the exact position
he doesn't want red pings to go away.
he just wants there to be some risk and timing involved if you want to pinpoint someone's location which is entirely fair imo.
I wouldnt mind if they had a cooldown like bp cams or twitch bots. 2 pings and you gotta wait like 10 seconds to get another
>he doesn't want the pings everyone gets mad at shitters for using to go away
wow so generous
>the game should be balanced around shitters not using mechanics properly
They do make up 99% of the population
we should remove the ability to reinforce walls then seeing as 90% of the playerbase is too fucking lazy to bother
They basically did in quickplay
There is still timing to a yellow ping, assuming the defenders don't just sit on their ass all day and play vert well
It's also not a change that effects people like him who can make pinpoint accurate room callouts, all Macie is actually mad about is that the skill ceiling for what he tries to do is lowered to be accessible to shitters
It's slightly pathetic given his desire to push the game in a tactical direction, but trying to remove tools for beginners to approach it that way
>There is still timing to a yellow ping
no there isn't. there's no reason not to spam them.
>It's also not a change that effects people like him who can make pinpoint accurate room callouts
you can get wallbanged, prefired, or c4'd from a yellow ping thats the main issue. making callouts more accessible to shitters is secondary to that.
>you can get wallbanged, prefired, or c4'd from a yellow ping thats the main issue
you can get wallbanged, prefired or c4d from a simple call
we need to remove voice comms
>you can get wallbanged, prefired or c4d from a simple call
Callouts take skill and you have to actively communicate. Yellow pings require neither.
yeah exactly that's the line of thinking that makes macie pathetic now you can go back up to the top and re-read the posts
You still need to communicate with your team to utilize yellow pings, unless you blind fire at every yellow ping you see or something.
It doesn't really matter if they removed yellow pings Macie would just go back to complaining about headshots or stream snipers, the seethe is just an outlet for his dying career.
You are a fucking moron. Just because it is technically possible to do with a callout doesn't mean a dumbed down mechanic doing the same thing is good game design. That's like saying the game should aim for you because players with good aim exist. Map memorization is a core skill in siege and players who put in the effort to learn the maps should have an advantage over coppers who know how to press z.
>Map memorization is a core skill in siege
nobody wants to memorize 500 defaults bro, sorry, not every instance of challenge is a good thing
>Map memorization is a core skill in siege and players who put in the effort to learn the maps should have an advantage over coppers who know how to press z
They do tho
The Z button doesn't invalidate every instance of map knowledge a pro player can obtain, just wallbanging AFKers
is it better to have a lower master and louder windows volume or does it not matter that my ingame volume is 100 and windows is 2?
>You still need to communicate with your team to utilize yellow pings
In most cases you don't. Good callouts are a skill that take practice. Yellow pings trivialize that.
>he's on my ping duuude
>jager, crouched behind half wall, watching door
which player should be rewarded here

>Macie would just go back to complaining about headshots or stream snipers, the seethe is just an outlet for his dying career.
Just because Macie is an autist doesn't make his point invalid.

okay stay in quickplay and tdm then or better yet go play cod with the other paste eaters.
>okay stay in quickplay and tdm then or better yet go play cod with the other paste eaters.
why would i do that tho r6 is pandering to me, not you
which is why siege is slower than ever and ubisoft said they want to kill the tdm meta in this season's panel?
Yeah I'm enjoying ACOG being back on ash a lot
>attackers have advantage in long range fights
yes this is good im glad we agree.
gotta be real delusional to think that's how that's used
You think removing yellow pings will make the game slower?
yes it's also good at shitting on defenders holding pixel angles what's your point? you expect me to feel bad for defense when they're currently at 60-70% winrate? ubisoft should kneecap defenders further.
it will make the game more tactical by forcing players to communicate and learn maps instead of crutching on Z ping for free kills.
I think your argument is weak because it implies just because something takes more skill it should be how the game is played, maybe ubisoft doesn't want droning for your teammates to be this intricate knowledge check and something that's relatively easy to pick up.
The skill ceiling is lower obviously, but is it bad that the majority of the playerbase can engage with a core aspect of the game without first putting in 500 hours of callout practice?
>maybe ubisoft doesn't want droning for your teammates to be this intricate knowledge check and something that's relatively easy to pick up.
CSGO players have to do it and that game is nowhere near as complex as Siege. Are you dumber than a CSGO player?
*it will make you even more mad at ESLs on your team
>people in other game have to do something less complex so we should have to do something way more complex
your argument is incoherent
>people in other game have to do something less complex
How is having to give callouts LESS complex? What the fuck are you even talking about?
Ok you're retarded, understood
Says mongoloid who can't read a few words over the compass.
>CSGO players have to do it and that game is nowhere near as complex as Siege. Are you dumber than a CSGO player?
Is this the sentence you actually wanted to press submit on or is it a typo
If you don't shoot the cam then you get what you deserve.
So it's more of an ego thing?
At the end of the day, you don't care if you get wallbanged with minimal counterplay by a team pinpointing your position through drones
You just hate the idea that you didn't get beat by a co-ordinated stack
> Map filters in Standard Playlist
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Tell that to pro players every time they die to a drone or a valk cam

>if you get wallbanged with minimal counterplay by a team pinpointing your position through drones
Because making callouts for every corner and angle on every map is a trivial feat right?
Kill yourself shitter.
>Tell that to pro players every time they die to a drone or a valk cam
Ok I will, and they'd agree with me
Having better drone and cam placement is a skill and if you can put a Valk cam down to the extent where a pro player doesn't notice then you are skilled.
It's not trivial, but what does that have to do with how fun it is to play around
When you get wallbanged do you give props to the enemy team for learning really intricate callouts or just assume your opponent is cheating?
Sold another Black Ice :)
Cant wait to sell all mine. Such a shitty looking skin
The alternative is dead players stare at a black screen the entire round which we both know isnt going to happen.
Maybe if they got to do something like sit outside with a directional mic to try and sus out enemies
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Most players are too shit to hear the most basic of sound-cues like people being on the corner next to them, or dropping a hatch
Never mind a fucking microphone outside the building that's going to be even more muffled with completely fucked propagation
I play kali, her machine pistol is S-tier
you're a goofball for taking the pistol, no way around it
sold mine a couple weeks early and missed a lot of profit. Did not expect them to keep climbing.
Wonder if another crash will come
I dont like the wacky left to right spray, even with a comp
Brother it is a laser
It is understandable that you prefer single shot weapons with that sentiment though
Maybe it acts differently on the firing range cause it has the WORST side to side recoil ive ever seen
Imagine the robot handys tho
They should let oryx lift up teammates so they can place gadgets on the ceiling
They should let oryx lift up teammates so they can be thrown as projectiles, same effects as impact grenades.
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>play lazily
>people get mad
People who bitch about corner-holders is so funny. Sorry bud i only have good reflexes so you bet your ass im gonna sit and wait
Yellow pings are retarded. How tf are cameras talking, a fuckin camera cant talk.
Red ping for cams, yellow for ops.
people will rage no matter what you do, best to ignore it
Floor miras when
>Been playing since Y2
What the fuck?
It's not open yet
i have a buy order at 135, but someone later made a sale for 122. does selling not match you to the higher buyer automatically?
It will sell item to whom made buy order first. If you the only one in a line, then you will get an item for 122.
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Idk, I think the displayed page is jank and often doesn't update fast enough

The only way this makes sense is if the displayed price range is out of date, otherwise all the sales ahead of me should resolve instantly.
Been waiting to see if this order would go through for a couple days
the prices and the entire market does seem broken for the past few days. i wish you could check how many purchase orders for buying items.
Ram deserves to be at the top of this list
Ram >>>> Dokk
>I can fix them
I’ve been getting hit with the crash exploit almost every other game. Is there any way to avoid iit?
I haven't played the game since around 2021 (I started in 2017). What should I expect?
Any new maps since kali hq?
Lair, which is quite massive (to reach into site at least, likely as a counter-spawkpeek measure) but also quite good.
How will making maps bigger counter spawnpeaking? Also why are they doing 360 and going bartlett mode? Are servers playable now?
A fun game with some dogshit maps, terrible playerbase (mainly in terms of their skill/knowledge) and an absolute FUCKTON of cheaters if your on PC at plat+
I came back about a month ago and I used to play from Y1S2 to Y3S3 but getting caught up on the new ops/maps didn't take that long
>A fun game with some dogshit maps
most of the maps are fine. everybody's got that one map they hate but I'll take that any day over playing release house and hereford.
Kanal's got issues with spawnpeeks with the amount of retarded windows but is kinda ok.
Emerald Plains, Lair, Outback, Skyscraper, Theme Park, Consulate, exist.
Rest are fine maps.
Lair and Theme Park are good
They are objectively bad maps
To get your ass kicked by everyone that's been playing 24/7 relentlessly since you left. Even the most godawful Golds nowadays know how to shaaiko peek, it's comical
i liked old theme park more...
does anyone wanna give me a qrd on account economy? I'm very curious about it
>how botting en masse works
>how much they're sold for
>why people buy high level accounts
>something about transferring from console to pc?
>why even legit players seem to obsess over having multiple accounts
>why account transfers are not detected and banned
The prediction website is back up. You can win a ton of free packs.
>Emerald Plains, Outback, Skyscraper, Theme Park
These are good maps you're just bad at them.
Lair and Consulate are both a mess though. Lair has potential but all of its rooms and hallways look the same.
>These are good maps you're just bad at them.
This meme again
EP is designed less like a functional map and more like a shitty indoor obstacle course. Even after learning to play the map, it's simply not fun on neither attack nor defense with the amount of shit you need to clear per room
Outback is rife with shitty jump-outs and is slightly too defender-sided but is far away from the worse.
Skyscraper is literally the most defender-sided map in the game and is shit to play because of that. I'm not looking to play a 7-round game every time I'm on it.
Theme Park has the same problems as Outback minus the spawn-peeks.
how do you make this game not take ten minutes to start up? its on an m2 drive and that doesn't seem to do anything.
Takes around a minute on console
Thx. Didn't know that r6s have esports.
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what path do i take with this for future profits
How would they work with the indestructible beams?
>sus guy
>look at him in replay
>nothing sticks out as exceedingly out of the ordinary
>fast forward one day, get MMR rollback
>identify it as being caused by that one guy, banned on the tracker
>watch replay again, now that I know he was cheating I can identify the most minute details that normally would not mean anything

it's at least the second guy where this happens, I really don't know what to make of some people going this far into closeting, there must be so many I haven't spotted
who should i pick? i dont know any of these teams
Kanal is a great map as long as you know where you can be shot from the museum spawn peek and the safe rappel angle. Bridge spawn peek is attacker favored if you know they're there.
>Emerald Plains, Lair, Outback, Theme Park, Consulate, exist.
They're fine. I won't pretend they're perfect but they're all good enough for ranked. I'll give you skyscraper since it's extremely defender sided.

I thought so too but new theme park has grown on me. I still think throne being half indestructible ceiling is dumb but otherwise I like it.
There are a lot of closet cheaters in siege but there's no point obsessing about it since it's difficult to tell and even if you do guess correctly there's nothing you can do about it. IIRC stats say at least 1 player in every lobby is cheating in some way.
cheating has a marketable pricetag to never get caught. i imagine its as easy as using a xim was on playstation.
No one knows. Just choose randomly. Faze clan was good in cs go so I choose them for finals.
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I'm not very informed, but this should be a decent guess at least for the first stage. You can answer the other stages later on based on what happens in the first ones.
>g2 and liquid are both strong, switch them around based on who you'd think would win because they go against eahc other
>bleed won the SI, SSG beat them twice
>I don't know the rest of the teams

knowing who cheated is pretty neat, you can unlearn stuff from that match, look at their profile and their played with and learn their social networks, it can also help give you a sense of which stats can be legit or not
Also yesterday I learned that bought accounts have fucked kills per minute stats doing this
cool thanks. maybe ill start watching r6s esports
Guys, check the marketplace. It's down for many, the launch isn't far away it seems
I'm getting:
>The Rainbow Six Siege Marketplace is currently unavailable. Please check back later.
Cant wait to find out every skin i own is worthless
Thanks anon I will hold you accountable for my future losses

A maintenance including a hotfix for console will be deployed today, May 14th.

Stay tuned, another fix is coming up this week to resolve the crash exploit reported by the community.

All Platforms: 09:00 EDT / 13:00 UTC
Downtime: 60 Minutes
>The Finals is failing
If you think about it, Fortnite and R6 are the GOAT live service games
I really hope XD manages to do fine, would be a waste to drop that good base of a game
> The Finals is failing
It's 10 000 online now.
Fun fact: According to Steamcharts, The Finals has literally never gained players since it was released. It has been losing players, EVERY MONTH since December. Beyond tragic lol.

(Pls no report for off-topic)
Today I heard someone use their mic for the first time in over a MONTH. Playing on EU is such a fucking pain. Why can't Yuropoors SPEAK FUCKING ENGLISH? How hard is it, really?
XD is just Dirty Bomb but worse
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Imagine this thing peeking you. What would you even think it is? A person? Yeah, good luck.
The Division Heartland got cancelled.

Part of the team developing it is moving to Siege, good news, more resources and people working behind the scenes
Ubisoft is dying bros (lol, lmao).
>this on coastline
yep im dead
I miss dirty bomb...
skibbidy rizz ohio on the set my nibba some skins jumpscare me like yooo rick&morty wtf is that boom headshot i'm on the floor that shit is not bussin bruh deadass doe
Truth. Its a shame it died since it really was a good game, maybe awful bri*ish humor got to people
Can't tell you how annoying it is to be trained into super passive/defensive habits by high rank/cheaters only to have to relearn aggression once I'm in a playable rank again.
At this point though I just assume anyone with uncanny prefires or who rushes through the map without checking empty angles is sus
I'm built different I shoot at anything I can discern moving with no thought occurring before I pull the trigger
This makes me keep shooting teammates
Yeah they should have known after D2 got mixed responses. both games were fun but third person cover shooters are just a bit dated.
i get into that flow state at times lol. turn off all team indicator icons and killmaxx
Can kali shoot fast enough to hit clash after shooting her shield?
>uncanny prefires
depends on context
>without checking empty angles

there's some behaviours that are really funny to spot, one of my favourites is getting shot at while playing rafters on clubhouse, cheaters have a unique way to keep you suppressed there, they keep shooting over your head trying to make you panic
Marketplace Update!!!!!!!!!!!
AKI NO TSURU and Invitational 2017 charms Added!!!
In my experience, no
honestly not sure. i've seen a player like spoit fail to secure a kill onto clash while playing kali so i'm gonna assume no. it's only knocking the shield off-center for someone else to potentially kill the clash. not able to do it alone unless the clash misplays it
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>17-5 on a 5-4 victory
Game of my life.
Get me out of this dogshit elo. How the fuck Emerald 4-5 players don't understand basic site setup, or to get a FUCKING MUTE JAMMER FROM BELOW IN CLASSROOM SO WE CAN GET THE MAIN BREACH, I will never know
I wouldn't describe it as a "flow state" as much as "fearing for my fucking life"
>tfw been selling non-stop
>still don't want to spend my credits
Why am I like this
>he thinks champ is any better
lol, lmao
keep it up, lad
you making prices lower
btw they added MUTE protocol skins
i might buy the best skin for Ying
>G2 and Geekay out
lol kino
2.0 champs probably isn't but Plat/Emerald is generally dogshit in every game with ranked.
Ideally I actually want to stick in Plat/Em anyway because the second I hit Dia/Champ it's just going to be a cheatfest
The problem is teammates never capitalize on it
I can confirm she can but you have an extremely small window to do it.
What the FUCK do I put in the next predictions?
>watching guy play amaru at the majors
>completely forgoes his primary because the MAC is too good

what exactly is the rationale behind these super high rof smgs as secondaries?

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