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Risk of Rain
risky DEAD forevermorever
Extending this for 20 minutes (:45)
so 45 mins from this post? and why is the op blank anyways
No, when the clock hits :45 (in 7 minutes)
Lobby open, will be afk for a bit
Provi defeated, closed
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>there was a fucking host last night and i missed it
it was returns, you didn't miss much.
you didn't returns in time
character idea for fun

[bonebreaking] - enemies take 2x fall damage from this attack.

>primary: fling
hold your forklift-prong-hand in front of yourself, readying up an attack. release to fling all enemies in front of you into the air, the longer you held, the higher (up to a limit) [bonebreaking]
>secondary: raise
grab an ally or enemy in front of you and hold them on top of your head. enemies can be thrown forward by pressing the ability button again, while allies will be gently dropped back down. allies gain +50% attack speed and 100 armor while being held and can jump off at any time. [bonebreaking]
>utility: launch
embrace your inner trollscience and grab yourself, flinging yourself into the air with a backflip. enemies you land on will take 600% damage and fly into the air. [bonebreaking]
>special: strongest bot in the world
grab ANY enemy above your head, then launch into the air, before diving back down, dealing 800% damage+fall damage and executing below 10% health. [bonebreaking]
reminder that chirr is fat
reminder that (you) are mentally ill
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>dem quads
May the Holy Cross be my light
May the dragon never be my guide
Begone Satan
Never tempt me with your vanities
What you offer me is evil
drink the poison yourself
have sex with loader
one does not have sex with loader, she'll be the one having sex with you
please what RoRR files do I edit to get all the artifacts
Who? Is that some fucking erpfag you play with or something?

Didn't think people did that faggot shit here but you never know I guess.
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>he doesn't know
I don't use mods so no.
Chirr is canon now, there's a reference to her in Returns.
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all bugs get the bug spray
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I will single-handedly repopulate her race for every one you kill
The point is it's not just a mod thing anymore
It's a mod and I don't care about it till it shows up on the character select screen without any mods. All I see is the same vermin I blow up on loop 2
how can one anon be so fucking new
>noo you don't know about my random bug wife
don't care bitch, have a taste of this fire on my 3rd loop
It's funny, nu-newfags always get so angry and defensive even after they're spoonfed
>he doesn't know who chirr is
that's an ethin'
the hissy fit chirr fags throw when someone says who at their deviant art oc wife is as funny as the redesign meltdown
you type like you only ever play risky 2.
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>thread is dead unless someone is arguing about chirr or how good(bad) huntress is
>ror dead
>rorr dead
>only 1 host a millenium
save me randy
if this is how the threads are right now i fucking weep for how it's gonna be when seekers of the slop comes out
When will seekers of the lobby end
i want ror2 sniping to be a whole thing but i hate how enemies keep spawning on top of me, is there any way i can be a sniper without them annoying me all the time? should i just try to move to out of the play area spots so that they literally cannot spawn around me?
Railgunner works best in multiplayer so other players can be meat shields and distractions.
If you're playing solo you need to git gud at quickscoping and using your mines to get around, or use drones to pick off targets between shots. There's no safe way to just sit in one spot and camp (and this is counterproductive to the gameplay loop anyway).
Honestly not even worth keeping these threads up anymore.
If returns was popular I'd be anti returns btw
Ok then actually make it yourself you homo. There's enough resources out there that you could slap this together in like, 20 minutes. Just steal code from Ravager and RideMeExtended and such.
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>bigger team
>has made triple As
>non exigent franchise on their hands

>cant fix a console port in 2+ years
>wont finish a dlc in double the time hopoo did
>passes the ip to make shit mobile game
fuck gearbox
I'm 90% sure the DLC got delayed due to Gearbox getting liquidated to Take-Two
host when. Better not be at fucking 3am again
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At least they have players to want their game be fixed in the first place.
what the fuck is up with r2modman randomly spiking cpu and ram, why does it need so fucking much
troon coders preas undustandu
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so I played ror2 for around 140 hours during EA and 1.0 launch. I had all the items unlocked and some skins. I bought the void DLC during one of the recent sales and I am so lost. Is there a secret boss? and new stages? what's the gimmick with this DLC?
>Is there a secret boss?
Yes, if you do Void Fields a new portal appears. Or find the frog on the moon.
>and new stages?
Yes, some are in the regular rotation and some are in the portal.
>what's the gimmick with this DLC?
Void stuff. You'll notice clouds of Void smoke appear on regular stages that corrupt everything inside, and you have to kill the Void enemies to clear it. You can find Void items in Void Cradles that corrupt other items (but most are straight upgrades)
Oh, also there's a new Simulacrum gamemode and clearing 50 waves unlocks the other new character (or killing the secret boss).
I'm starting to realize this thread doesn't like risk of rain
how do you do pilot's wavedash i'm a shitter and forgot
dash at floor and jump. Be neutral in directions after pop up, much like doing neutral moves in tekken
>page 4
>not even past bump limit
>despite the new update coming soon
risky... rest in peace.
There's a "secret" crab boss, but it's ass to fight outside of unlocking Void Fiend (who is ass to play without the Joker Mode skill mod).
New stages are nice. New enemies are kinda cancer, but if you play with RiskyMod the Infestors/Pests/Voidtouched Elites aren't as bad.
DLC adds void items which corrupt normal items into an alternate version. Most of them are direct upgrades to their normal counterparts, with a few being meme items (Benthic Bloom)

Just host, most people have enough sense to not complain/bring drama in-game.
I wish someone made the void fiend into a better bossfight. I like the idea of an alternate final boss that's a total post-loop DPS check but I hate how his fight consists of mostly 3 attacks, one of them completely undodgeable.
Why did rorr put more effort into the trial maps than the real game?
Why do half the maps in the trial look like they took more effort than the new maps?
Why Will Someone Cry About Me Typing Like This?
Because they probably did put more effort into the trials than the main game, where most of the work was already done for them a decade ago.
thank you kind anons. I see the modding scene has grown a lot as well. they have also made big changes to the final boss stage. interesting.
>they have also made big changes to the final boss stage. interesting.
Yeah, people complained for a long time that the moon was just one long hallway with nothing in it. So now it has stations you have to charge kind of like the terminals on the Contact Light before you can go up to the arena. Ironically now people complain that they have to do something and would rather cheese their way up to the arena instead.
>Ironically now people complain that they have to do something
Standing and waiting inside circles is pretty boring by that point. Hopoo ran out of ideas.
I wish the moon looked more risky2 icon and had you exploring the giant crater. A bunch of demolished structures around the crater, maybe floating or falling. Then moonman down in the core trying to rebuild the moon or some shit
Old moon was boring because it was a giant long hallway with nothing in it.
New moon goes beyond boring to being utter ass because it now stalls for even more time than the old moon due to 4min of pillar charging + even longer travel times to get everywhere. Apparently the lore is that the stage was originally meant to just be a normal stage, but got repurposed and artpassed into being moon2 at the last minute.
I won't deny that the pillars are boring. But it's the same kind of thing as the Contact Light terminals where you're just waiting out a timer before you can proceed, so I find it ironic people complain about it. Maybe if there was more stuff to find like the Contact Light it would be more rewarding while you're going around for the pillars. There's the soup island and the pod garden but that's basically it, the Contact Light had the different rooms with more items to grab. More enemy variety would help too.
The big difference with the Contact Light is that if you want to speedrun to the boss, the travel time is way shorter than what it takes to even reach a single pillar on Moon2. Doors take 30s to open and don't force you to stand in a tiny bubble the whole time, and as you mentioned, there's loot and places to explore if you do stick around.
Old moon was bad, but it still is a lot more tolerable than the new moon, and I'm glad that there's mods to bring it back.
in ror1 its never as egregious as in 2, there's never an artificial circle stopping you, if there's something it will be a hangar door that you have to wait to open but otherwise you can move freely around

as others said, by the time you face the pillar circle mechanic you've already seen it many times before (for every teleporter, for every void cell, healing shrines)
I hate Risk of Standing in Fucking Circles.
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it would be interesting if the circle mechanic was removed and replaced with something else. Like super enemies on the outskirts of the map. Or a hazard like damage/darkness fog or heavy winds. How about acid rain
circle shit would be bearable if it wasn't on every fucking stage.
give me unique teleporter events. make me seek and destroy random shit across the map or maybe have to collect shit dropped from elites and bring it back to the teleporter.
make it like machine events in DRG damn it. i fucking hate it.
Teleporter circle is fine with mods that expand it after the boss dies.
Extra side objectives would be nice tho, instead of chests and money farming being the only thing to do on each stage.
Honestly I'd rather take old moon over new moon, it being a hallway is barely an issue. Some modder should retexture new moon into being a new stage 5 and then make the old moon the true moon once more.
what if we stood in squares instead
woah calm down. they're indie devs, pls understand
fuck you. what if we stood in triangles instead
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If the Contact Light is supposed to be the endgame, then what's next after it? Red plane DLC?
>red plane/pervert imp emperor
>newt backstory. dude is a literal god and killed everything in the bazaar including arti
>artificer backstory. The House Beyond? she's apparently looking for a literal heaven?
>risky 2: hell on earth. Same story as doom 2, you go home to earth and have to fight off void jannies/moonman. read the commencement log.
>redo the void to be about the void jannies hunting down powerful beings. and risky1 commando/acrid
stop being lazy hopoo and clean it up
now hear me out here, what about a rhombus
ok thats too fucking far. go take a steak knife and kill yourself on your front lawn
>circles suck ass, brother. triangles are the more optimal shape
>red plane
they'll probably flanderize the imps into some fascist hellhole dimension and make the expansion all about killing nahtzees
>newt backstory
he's not really a god, he's just a blind guy running a bazaar. he is strong but not that strong.
>artificer backstory
i think there was a lot of potential with her story but they decided to simplify it. there's just a human society that thinks heaven is a planet, and she thought petrichor was said planet, i mean she was kinda right i guess, there was a demigod on it.
if you keep getting testy I'll turn it into a tetrahedron
mark my words
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reminder that regi is canon
wheres the gigas skin though??? huh????
didn't think so.
finally beat commencement in ror2 on med after ~20 hours of tries, then I beat it again in 30mins after I got captain. Captain op, this a good game
Proud of you lil anon
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neik I kneel
I always thought something similar, maybe something like starting on the moon's surface before going down into a crater via Contact Light wreckage. Would've made sense since the game's goal is to find the ship, so kill two birds with one stone. Solve the mystery of the missing ship and give Mithrix some actual plot relevance since he already wants to GTFO of the moon. As it stands, I don't like either version of the moon and only go there to either see modded character end dialogue or with friends.
I don't know what to say man, I don't like the moon but the Contact Light is my favorite stage in 1. The moon simply doesn't feel like it cohesively fits into 2 the way it is.
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Well done anon
But it doesn't count unless you do it on monsoon
I'm still getting the hang of this game, current strat is 4 items then dip ASAP unless I find tritip dagger recycler. (engineer)
Definitely get more items than that, items outscale time scaling by a lot.
1/Returns you need to worry about time, while 2 you don't need to care about the timer as long as you're not spending a retardedly long amount of time on each stage, especially since Scrappers/Printers let you just get a god build every run.
>I was spending 12 minutes per stage prior to current strategy
but thanks for advice, I'll try this out next session
7-8 minutes per stage is probably the upper limit. If you're new try to hit the TP at around 4-5 minutes as a baseline, though as you learn the maps it becomes more of a question of "how efficiently can I buy out the stuff on the map" rather than a strict time limit.
You can comfortably spend 6-8 minutes per stage opening most if not every chest on Rainstorm, definitely don't feel like you have to rush. As the other anon said items snowball and eventually outpace the difficulty scaler, unless you get careless.
Do you guys think a RoR2-like game could still work if the timer based scaling was replaced with the usual level based scaling many other roguelikes have and the game had more of a focus on exploration
I don't know if I'm supposed to be happy or scared for the DLC being made by gearbox. On one hand it would be astronomically funny if its somehow better than anything Hopoo has put out recently. On the other hand it could be the worst thing known to man where the DLC "story" is forced on you or items are powercrept even higher.

So Binding of Isaac, but a TPS focus? It could work, but the barrier of entry (coding wise) is much higher since 3D by itself makes everything more complicated. One of three major components for RoR type of games is always fucked up:
>Enemies being so simple your items don't actually matter that much and even worse they're health sponges
>Very few amount of items that are generic and don't combine to do anything interesting or favorable for the player
>Maps are either exactly the same that it gets boring or the proc gen is so garbage it makes the game unfun
>acid rain
>there would now be a real Risk of (being in the) Rain
think they call that "kino" in the industry
Really wouldn't be too worried about the DLC when everything we've seen so far looks amazing and we know they were responsible for most of the good stuff in SotV, while Hopoo did nothing but fuck things up completely as usual.
I'm starting to realize that gearbox unironically gives more of a fuck about the game than hotpoo ever did. Anything they've shown so far is miles better than anything hotpoo has added in early access. Laughably so, in fact, because it sticks out like a sore thumb.
personally I hate the void bubbles in SOTV. void items are okay. most new enemies suck. the levels are uninspiring. void ending is garbage. the whole DLC is garbage.
Hopoo himself admitted Gearbox would do a better job with it than they ever could
It's just weird that Gearbox is at least showing SOME care, though we don't know how the DLC will end up until it releases. Gearbox didn't even seem to care that much when they made Borderlands 3, one of the main titles they have, and they even stole money to get Borderlands funded in the first place.

It's the equivalent of a parent treating their own child like complete shit, but his nephew like the second coming of Christ.
It's due to leadership mostly. Gearbox has real shitheads leading the big teams but the Risk of Rain team seems to be small and unimportant enough to be left alone in the corner. Like the nerds in a lunchroom.
I think it's because compared to their other big games, this one doesn't require as much effort but will pay off handsomely. I mean, the fact that so many mods can reach hopoo's level of quality despite being made by total amateurs says A LOT. If they don't fuck this up, then ROR will be their cash cow for years.
what the fuck is this character lmao, imagine paying money for this
I'm more baffled about the fact that someone would actually commission a mod from Dragonyck of all people.
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>instantly kills everything, immune to debuffs, finds any item, and flies through walls
Why not just play with cheats, why did you need a cheap reskin of Void Fiend for this
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>someone paid money to commission the mod dev for this
even if this were just a blatant cheat character with none of the stupid edgy bullshit that would still be pathetic
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Favorite and least favorite item per color and equipment, GO.
>Power elixir
>Roll of pennies
>Ghor's Tome
>Queen's Gland
>Singularity Band
>Benthic Bloom
>Primordial cube
>Volcanic Egg
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I picked this game up again and wanted to play this game for co-op but I don't really enjoy it, it's better as a single player game for me
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Hey, so I have a little story to tell...

So I'm playing railgunner on a command run. My goal from the start was to try the blast shower build with gestures, fuel cells, and soulbound catalyst. Once I got that going, the run was smooth sailing.

Later, at the Bazaar, since I had 10 regenerating scraps which I used to buy 2 legendaries every stop at the Bazaar, I had my core legendaries already so at that point I was collecting them for the sake of having them. After mulling over what to get next... I bought a bottled chaos. As you'd expect, pandemonium. The bazaar was on fire. Newt was pissed. So I got kicked out, and so began my lonely struggle of trying to get through stages and try to interact with anything while spontaneously and constantly turning into a meteor and farting out quantum tunnels. I had to end my run soon after to put myself out of my misery.

A record of my hubris,
The co-op is still fucked anyways and they don't wanna admit it. From what I'm told, it's held together just barely. Sideways worms should not be happening though. That shit makes co-op hell when you get worms just killing you offscreen or teleporting between players. Like goddamn if an enemy reports two fucking locations just don't auto correct that shit. Let em be where they are in the case of worms.
you risked the rain, commandlet. well done
No regrets about the run leading up to that fateful mistake though, I wanted to do a blast shower build with railgunner specifically so I could stack bands and get those really visceral one shot one kill moments. And I'm gonna do it again but with no gasoline or wisp and just snipe everything even if it takes forever.
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Starstorm host never
Starstorm Returns never
Why would you even want a Starstorm Returns? We already got so much awesome, new content in Returns, enough to keep everyone satisfied for YEARS! Is that not enough for you!? All the new amazing items, the gorgeous new stage variants, the lovely new Survivors! They even went through the trouble of adding the mouse-aiming feature after release FOR FREE to help all the Risk of Rain 2 fans get more comfortable with the game! Truly, Hopoo Games outdid themselves and all you people asking for mods and other such nonsense are simply FAKE FANS who don't appreciate all the hard work the team has done...
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Very true, fellow Risk of Rain fan!
hello it's >>1261478 again

Just looked up artifacts and realized there were some that were helpful for players. Are buff artifacts for faggots?
Command trivializes the game and should be avoided in most cases but besides that just use whatever you like.
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I love playing railgunner but why did I think it'd be a good idea to play that while attempting to get the artifact of vengeance? Did not even last 3 seconds
>new content
>all behind a mode that just gives you moves or a skin
>doesn't even do something for all characters in the game.
I am going to play risk of rains 2 now.
how come your mom lets you have TWO risk of rains?
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It's over
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But to be honest it seems way easier to get now than before, I used egocentrism and artifact of sacrifice/swarms
sacrifice is why, the game no longer spawns chests so more cleansing pools appear instead. also they have a 35% or so chance now i think
I am going to play risk of rain 2
ok enjoy
>complains about new content when risky 1 hasn't received anything in 10 years
the trials are fun
So..... Is returns EVER getting that promised modding support?
In the meantime i feel like Starstorm 1 is still vastly better than current state Returns
I hate BOTH
Forgot to say but you are 100000% right.
Sorry anon
du-dum du-dum
I'd heard some Starstorm modders helped out with Returns so, I would hope it'll come around eventually. And it's been awhile since I've played Returns, what's your issue with it?
Call me when you find a cracked r2modman
>only works by constantly being connected with steam
>cracked version is hidden on a russian forum
Modding support was confirmed ages ago but the devs for Returns have been practically radio silent ever since they released the aiming shit so who knows what's going on with that. I'm assuming Gearbox is on their ass and won't let them release any big updates until they've got the new 2 DLC is out. Starstorm 1 is still definitely a better experience for now even without all the great QoL, it just has way more content and most of it is way more interesting than the underwhelming stuff we got in Returns.
Newfag here. I was curious, what's the overall situation with the playerbase? Which of the games are being played and discussed or modded? Is Returns dead in the ditch because everyone is a purist playing 2013, or is it the other way around? Or is it just all RoR2 and nobody cares about anything else at this point?
>Is Returns dead in the ditch because everyone is a purist playing 2013, or is it the other way around?
Returns is dead because of lack of mod support. You can't even raise the fucking player cap.
Risky threads have been dead for a long time now so barely anyone actually plays and hosts any of the games at all here, but 2 is the only one the general playerbase cares about nowadays. It's getting free content updates again, a new DLC is coming and the modding community is very active. Returns has no modding support at all and the devs haven't said a thing in months so people stopped giving a shit. We haven't had an OG 1 Starstorm host in a long time so I'm assuming people stopped giving a shit about it entirely too after Returns.
Damn, that's a real shame to hear. I only really like Returns so it's bad news for me.
Just use r2modman to dl the mods and dependencies (because r2api devs are niggers and split it into 20 separate downloadable dependencies), then manually copy the plugins and configs n shit from there to your cracked copy.
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Risky 2 is the only game worth having.
Risk Returns is dead at any given time of ANY day of the week.
Even during a prime hour.

When risky returns wasn't dead after the first week it was neigh unplayable online (it kinda works now except worms are still very broken and will kill you offscreen)

It's not dead cause of playercount, it's dead because it's dry despite more content being added. Half the item retuning also made the game unfun. You are now fighting against the bugs online and the shitty balance.
I thought it was dead because it reverted back to 2d
holy based
>I thought it was dead because it reverted back to 2d
This is what people don't realize, it's not solely a failure of Hopoo that killed Returns, it's 2D pixel graphics being less appealing than 3D. Even at its launch peak Returns had 15k players while 2's peak is 71k.
Nah, the fucking game is STILL BROKEN
Obviously with it being 2D it was never going to be as popular as 2, that still doesn't mean it was automatically doomed to fail though. That's entirely on Hopoo Games and all the genuinely retarded decisions they've made surrounding the game.
>Game releases, is riddled with glaring balance issues and bugs that should've never made it past QA, game was very clearly not properly playtested.
>They rush out some balance patches that only fix some of these glaring issues, game is still pretty fucked to this day however.
>Risky 2 players bitched and moaned about the controls so devs focus their efforts on a new aiming system for a solid month rather than fixing their game.
>They release the aiming system, go silent for another month before dropping one last patch, and then go completely radio silent from January onwards.
>Still no mod support almost half a year after release, even despite them knowing full well how important it is.
>Absolutely no clear plans for the future of the game, we have no fucking clue if we're even gonna be getting anything more at all.
This game could've done well but the freaks at Hopoo clearly just don't give a fuck, they got paid and that's all that matters.
I am genuinely convinced the people at hoppoop's corner have never actually sat down and tried to play this shit.

Like they hit a wall and just probably cover up the problem. NMS dev handled their shit show 10x better.
I consider Returns a better game compared to 2.
the best game nobody is fucking playing
Normalfags are well known for their shit taste. Risky is a proto Vampire Survivors game, before that subgenre even came into existence. The main reason normalfags play that genre is so they can see number go up and enemies go poof as they're hearing all sorts of neuron-activating bing bing wahoo noises. Risky 2 is braindead and maximizes the bing bing wahoo number go up experience, while Risky 1 and by extension Risky Returns require a semblance of competency in order to progress and beat them, which is the opposite of what the majority of Vampire Survivors enthusiasts desire.
If risky 2 is shit and nobody is playing returns that makes it less than shit though right?
>normalfag can't comprehend the argument conveyed to him in the very first sentence
>appeals to the herd
Might as well not bother conversing with you.
You couldn't answer the question so you just threw the insult out the same way they threw returns out and called it a polished product.
>only argument is muh playercount
I think Fortnite might be more up your alley.
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>only argument is playercount
since you wanna bring that up
why IS rorr so fucking low?

The game is clearly superior for all the reasons >>126978 stated
Not necessarily, it just went back to the niche that drew in the original RoR fanbase. It was destined to be less successful since it's intentionally catering a smaller audience than the newly found mainstream audience.

Don't care because I'm right, faggot.
I find the game to be ok but it truly was plagued with way too many (and still has some annoying shit) that makes playing online pointless.

Way better out of the box than og was but also shit like enemies straight up phantom killing you was unplayable.
Worms still do it.
>Answer the question
>Normalfag is too dark-skinned to have the processing power necessary to comprehend the answer, so he just convinces himself the answer wasn't provided
Dreadful. That was your last chance at redeeming yourself.
to each his own

You have nothing to add so you just lash out. lol
Truth is returns didn't live up to the hype and came out broken. I wouldn't be surprised if it has a high refund rate at the state it launched in.

It was fun for a little bit but it's stale now and you can't even do mods well for it.
this whole conversation is retarded
>muh player count
>risky 2 is shit so returns is even more shit
both are fun for different reasons and for different playerbases. they're different niches.
judging games by popularity is proof of brain damage
judging games is proof of brain damage
brain damage
Judging is proof of brain damage.
deep :'(
who should I e8 with next?
rorr is shit
I am right
>still no stahstom
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>rorr is shit
>I am right
No, it's true. Even if it was fixed on release it wouldn't ever reach the same popularity as 2. 3D is just more appealing to normalfags. Even my friends who never played 1 immediately jumped at 2 when it came out.
When will returns be good
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always has been
When Sarn implements modding support and Starstorm Returns releases.
Anons tell me, how finished is Starstorm 2?
Is it fun or just content bloat?
>how finished is Starstorm 2?
Unfinished and mismanaged. As I understand it for years they just constantly redid the same models and content and got basically nowhere until the whole thing imploded. Moffein fixed up what they had for the current version of 2, and then some new fags took control of the "official" version and immediately went back to fixing shit that isn't broken. Such as redoing Chirr's model a third time because the fag in charge didn't like that people thought Chirr was cute and "2 is dark and edgy actually," so now she looks nothing like Chirr.
I just started modding and now my main survivor is an anime girl
Now take the Femmod pill
Post picsj
>so now she looks nothing like Chirr
What does the new Chirr looks like?
I'm curious
Man, Inafune must've been the most kinodev ever since he was hard-carrying Mega Man Legends
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Sorry, I passed out right after
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my guiding light
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In retard, please?
I did, didn't do jack shit, unless something like BepInEx is not meant to go in the mods folder
You just copy everything in the profile folder to your Risk of Rain 2 folder, so it looks like Risk of Rain 2/BepInEx
The Risk of Rain 2/Mods folder does nothing.
>betterui dev is still being a pissbaby about the donation button
>mod conveniently got updated to have the ability to "download language files" in the same update that added hard incompatibilities with the button being tampered with
I have the utmost faith that XoX "SteamID Blacklist" Faby will not do anything untrustworthy with this feature.
>literally exact same modtranny drama from nearly two whole years ago is STILL ongoing
i hate these freak fucks so much it's insane, they should just ban the betterui fag and get it over with already so we'll never have to hear about this shit again
>better ui
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>modfag hates when others mod their shit
>specifically the main menu button
those who consort with beasts will play their games as well
TLDR BetterUI fag put a SteamID blacklist in his mod a few years back, modding community had a massive meltdown over this. People released mods to remove the blacklist and the BetterUI button out of spite, they all got deleted by Thunderstore admins because of 'muh targeted harassment'. Blacklist eventually got removed, button didn't, drama died down. Now the exact same shit is happening over the slightly annoying button, but the BetterUI fag is now actively updating his mod to break completely whenever it detects the mod is affected by others mods and specifically when the button is removed for any reason.
Starstorm lived and died in 1
starstorm 2 sucks and returns wont be better mark my words
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>lethal company modder does similar thing, AND spergs out on the pisscord after being targeted
>gets banned
>faby still gets away with it
anreol did nothing wrong
never heard of it
Starstorm Returns would be nearly impossible to fuck up but modtrannies seemingly always find a way, so you're probably right
Luckily most of the SS2 team have an outright open disdain for Risky1/Starstorm, so at the very least they're out of the picture.
Funniest part of him breaking his own mod is that the only indication that this is an intentional thing that's happening is a single "you broke my bubbon, time to chimp out" line in the console, so the modding discord's tech support channel is gonna be hit by a bunch of "why isn't betterUI working" posts from people who weren't aware.
modding is always doomed to fail because there's no monetary gain, so the only reason they do it is either because they're passionate about the game (10%) or because they are attention hungry faggots (90%). the latter will always start drama once the attention runs dry.
also unrelated, but i'm bored of modfag drama, so let's play a game. tell me a shit item and i'll give you one scenario or situation in which it shines, some modded items included assuming i've played with them.
Emergency Host Beacon
Fuel Cell after REX has been unlocked
Beads of Fealty
Snake Eyes (especially on sacrifice)
Stone Flux Pauldron

Scrap/recycle/pool fodder doesn't count, that applies to every other item so it doesn't make any aforementioned item "shine"
i guess it's okay for self harm builds and on rex
>fuel cell
good with engineer turrets as they will also kamikaze upon getting to low health, just don't dip below 50% yourself lol
>beads of fealty
harmless lunars to invest into and then dump all of them into a cleansing pool later for easy pearls
>snake eyes
well with my luck it's guaranteed crits
>stone flux pauldron
when you're late in a run and tapping W once teleports you halfway across the map, this lets you lower your speed to manageable levels
and i do realize that beads goes against what you said but it's an item that has literally one use case, there isn't anything i can come up for it

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