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Wakfu has a mono-account server, there's a guild on INT1, inquire within the thread.

Helpful links.


>Dofus Retro
Sub is required, soul is priceless.

Helpful links.

To play on the mono-account server, Draconiros, you need to have a sub. Dofus Unity confirmed for December, with the beta in August. New mono-account server confirmed to come with Dofus Unity.

Helpful links.
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>now people think I'm Russian.
Lmao that's funny, I can see that happening a lot.

maybe next thread you could add the link to https://www.dofuspourlesnoobs.com/, which is quite handy for quests.
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Sure, I can add it to the Dofus pastebin with a disclaimer to use translate. I generally use the fandom wiki for quests since it's in English, the only major things I've found outdated on it are for alignments, and more recently, almanax. Speaking of, I heard people used to buy all the almanax resources and pay for their sub by turning them in on the right days, with like 5 different characters. Even just playing casually, you can get the 1-2 mil kamas to pay for a month's sub, wild.
Should have included the almanax site
This? https://www.krosmoz.com/en/almanax
Oh yeah I just tossed that in the pastebin along with some other stuff like the portal site. Saves you a little zaap money.
Yeah, I have to use a translator too, but thankfully most quest titles seem to have pretty close 1:1 translations.

Also, they changed the amount of kamas you get from the Almanax, so it isn't as much as before. I remember a Spanish youTuber who would do what you just said but with 35 characters lol , bro was making banks every day
kinda writing a total guide for newfriends but it will take awhile

also dofus links
Dofus Db is also good for calculating profession XP and has a global resource map
https://dofuscreator.com/ for sets
some people prefer Dofuslab or Dofusbook
For Divine Dimension portals, this is Draconiros.
Yeah I guess it's also good prep for noobs, get them used to broken English (lol). I don't blame them for nerfing kamas when it's that exploitable, I think they're going for the new rewards to be slightly below market price to incentivize hunting them, with the occasional big reward like yesterday's 2 orient potions (380k/ea) for a 6kk reward.

Cool man, added some stuff. Vulbis seems to be laggy atm, but I usually use the portals site.
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>enter Srambad
>see girl
>instinctively click on girl thinking it's an NPC
>almost aggro a lv.1000+ mob

Always think with your head, dofriends..and not that one.
Hello gang, after starting Wakfu season 1 and masturbating furiously to Miranda for a week non-stop, I downloaded the game to give it a look. These classes seem extremely rich and interesting, maybe the most interesting SRPG units I've ever seen in any game, which makes sense given each one needs to be independently interesting as an entire MMO character to devote yourself to.

Anyway, I have only one question; is my understanding correct that you basically need to buy the booster immediately and start playing with alts? I advanced the quest a bit solo but shit very rapidly started getting overwhelming, and of course it'd be more fun to have more units. It seems like getting a booster to play with alts is just like default, essential play to do anything without trying to hook up with randos. Is this true y/n? I'm just chilling at level 10 in the beginner sewers BTW.
>after starting Wakfu season 1 and masturbating furiously to Miranda for a week non-stop
Based. I don't know much about Wakfu but I know there's a single account server that promotes teaming up with people, otherwise yeah you can make alts if you want to solo. There's a lot of character behind each class to the extent you'll end up shilling it as the coolest or the best, I think everyone has a favorite. Me? I shill whatever I'm playing at the moment.
It's interesting to me how people here seem to play a lot of Dofus but not Wakfu. Reading through the previous thread it seems like a lot of people play Dofus but not Wakfu. Is it just... abstractly speaking, better / more fun?
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We've had some Wakfu posters so hang in there! I started with Dofus back in 1.29, so I originally wanted to play Retro, but trying Dofus again, I was amazed by the QoL and newer art. So I decided to stick with it, but I'd like to play Retro and Wakfu eventually. My guess is most people are sticking to the game they know and have the most nostalgia for, even though Wakfu has a great show and cool things in its own right.
Add selling NPC items
I sold a bunch of 200k beers from and NPC for 5.5k each. People will pay for convenience for these items.
Wakfu is treated as the retarded younger brother by Ankama, it's given a skeleton team to develop the game and the direction they took the game is bad.
For a while when the single account server came out everyone was playing Wakfu but it turns out the game has more issues beyond multiboxing and not many people are left playing it.
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>Needing to breed dragoturkeys
>The chances of this happening are significantly lower if the dragonturkeys involved are of different races
Your time has come...
Isn't it just that the chance to get striped from non striped, and the next gen from a striped mix is lower?
Almanax bonus on the 26th is 100% increased Kamas
Progress and stack quests
Yeah I think you are right, I misinterpreted what the wiki says, a bit hard to find precise information about the percentage too
From my experience and hearsay, I think it's 10% chance, doubled with the breeding trait I forgot the name, haven't played in some years
>By 110 you can start to take on Frigost and that can pretty much get you to 200 if you add a bit more content with it!
What do you think about incorporating this? https://www.reddit.com/r/Dofus/comments/c1k42p/comment/erdvkj9/
I've been thinking to do an updated version of it with some extra tips like using the wabbit island navigation guide. I feel like wabbit island frustrates everybody lol, kinda rough that it's the first real zone. But yeah, this comment is still up-to-date if you ignore stuff about idols and leeching.
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How does an eniripsa get like this, how long has he been browsing this site
Bought auto-pilot for my monture and it's great, the only thing that I don't like about it is that you can't queue it after actions like collecting
I got so used to seeing the default Ani npc that this one looks so fucked up
why is ankama doing a collab with an mma fighter?
We PvP, they do irl PvP, MMA fighters are like our cousins.

Definitely a popular item, it's not too expensive for kamas either. I collect a lot and take screens so I haven't bought auto-pilot yet. Also yeah it kinda weirded me out that this guy has the kawaii eyes and hair of an eni but he's built like a butcher lol, certainly an interesting character.
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Some silly interactions from Drac community, catches me off guard sometimes
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damn that's a bad AD, they could've just partly re-used this Wakfu animation and just adding Dofus at the end with the url under lol
I like that they called it DOOFUS and leaned into the name in the CN ad, they should have showed off more spells, a shot of people running around the pretty areas, and the sexier characters to the tune of Astrub's theme. Wakfu being outright animation isn't bad either, a lot of people made .gifs of that iop girl fighting, and it captured what Ankama is about, between that and the toilet humor.
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To think the first part of Frigost launched months after the 2.0 update, and now Touch is getting updated with it. I'm intimidated by the scope of the island, looks like it'll get really crazy, and I was already hyped for the later Ohwymi zones. I read >>1260894 and it's good to know this can be the main zone for leveling, mastogobs give a lot of XP even though I'm in the 140s.
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In particular, I like how the town is a little worn, but very cozy inside, and the outskirts are like a frozen version of Astrub. Frigost could use some more zaapis though, they're a little random, maybe I'll train some sleigh dogs.
There's a quest which allows you to buy Skis which opens up fast-travel in Frigost.
Aw shit buddy that's big, thanks. I initially passed over that quest because the mats for the prerequisite quest are a little over 130kk, but might be worth.
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>You have just begun to turn around when claws slash your back and you feel a powerful blow to your head. You wake up in what seems to be a prison. Your injuries have been bandaged.
>Hunger tears at your stomach and you decide to take a half-eaten sausage lying on the ground.
>You have received 1 '[Half-Eaten Sausage]'.
I feel that if I had seen the animation alone as a kid, it would have instantly intrigued me with its style alone. Well, the women too kek maybe this one is too goofy for me
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>"Design a PvP map for us" contest by Ankama
>"Post a screenshot of your map on the comments"
>People posting windows file paths
Some things never change
>If Ankama had a button to report bots
Unity never ever
just you wait!!
when Unity releases, Dofus will get to be the cool MMO on the block
are there plans for wakfu to get unity?
No news on that, also unlikely.
just play the solo server and make friends to play with
Believe it or not this is actually now an mmo and player interaction is favored
no chance, and it doesn't really need it anyway, it's not on fucking flash like dofus
Is it even on the Ankama store?

It deserves to grow, but I wonder what aspects of the game filter people, in the interest of retaining returning and new players. Wabbit island tunnels? The running? We've got time to compile good resources.
lmao that vid's insane. And like the conductor, Ankama will take their time to reply.

kek, with the scammers in-game, I wouldn't be surprised if people were hoping to send them viruses.
I feel like the filter is some bullshit requirement that the game acts like you MUST do even if its not the case
I had a few friends quit from trying to do the emerald dofus bounty stuff, not the old one where u had to camp the bandits, but where u had to farm the fucking tokens because it was so hard to find A bounty, and it had to be a level appropriate bounty for the tokens and shit
they didn't want to deal with, or spend the insane amount of money it takes to buy the pieces of the map at the time
and they felt like they had to do it

stuff like fights you can "just get stronger" and people get it, but when u hit roadblocks that are just dumb its a real killer
like requiring eternal harvest, jfc im glad its quite late into the game when u realize you NEED to do that awful quest
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That's true, it can be frustrating investing time into a quest you're not sure you can finish.
Relating to your friends, I stopped doing Bonta alignment at 10 because I have to find a random boar spawn. MMOs in general attract completionists, and I've had to adjust to how open-ended Dofus becomes midway. It's also why I like the game, since you can hop into a zone you like and make progress doing whatever, it feels like a big world, but it can be overwhelming and disjointed, and stuff like spending 2h to find a Dark Vlad dopple could be streamlined. Just one of those remnants of old school game design, where the gratification is delayed.

>Dofus if written by Bethesda
Jokes aside, that'd be a fun start if Ankama ever did unique beginnings for classes.
yeah the open ended nature is fine for me where I can just kind of work on things and get stuff and not really need to think too much about things I am unable to do right now, either they happen eventually progressively, or I get the kamas to just buy it and who cares.
I think what really fucked with some of my friends was the mindset from having played a lot of runescape, where yeah its also very open and can you go and do different stuff, but you also usually go until you get a clear hard requirement that basically says "you can't do this more, you need X level" or whatever and its clear "okay im done for now" whereas dofus gates you far less and lets you do shit you really shouldn't, but its not a big deal either if you just come back later.
personally I think they are just whiny bitches, to me doing emerald was to get all the XP from doing the different steps and if I get the emerald dofus or not it wasn't that big of a deal, that character will get it eventually, but I think it got built up in their heads and then suddenly needing to stop and work on other stuff really fucked with them, especially when they realized the same thing would happen a good amount of times with different quests to them.

in contrast, they loved doing stuff like wabbit island and it all culminating in a cawwot dofus (also probably because I guided them through it), they seemed a bit annoyed with the moon quests but generally enjoyed the fight and the dokoko (even if its kinda shitty) and the little bit of frigost they did they seemed to vibe.
striking out with emerald, then starting on crimson and feeling it wont be finished any time soon I think really just got in their head, but that difference in perception is a big deal for is people stay or not.

some have expressed interest in coming back for unity, but we will see how that works out and if they stick to it.
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Remember Vivian James? This is her now, feeling old yet?
Reinstalling this game after a long time. Rubilax or Ogrest? I like the idea of single account but I don't know if the server is still alive
Sent ;)
Rubilax aint dead yet, and it would be the easier server overall to play on, but if you can tolerate attempting to work with 5 other people with split second decisions feel free to mono; its pretty packed.
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My beloved
Why does Ankama insist on killing their games? Is it self-sabotage? Do they just not care?
dont they get goverment money? they need to keep the cogs grinding before they get too big...
Anyone playing the Dofus touch new servers they released?
I'm sorry they get what??? Your serious!!!!!
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Haha I see it, looks like she had too much gamer fuel. Also the harshest part about Frigost isn't the climate, it's that all the girls are taken. I don't blame them since they've been isolated, but still, I only did the Gromeo & Julie quest to see if I could get Gromeo killed and impress Julie's dad instead, not cuck myself.

I took so many screens of her, Ankama somehow made a Willy Wonka reference one of the finest NPCs. Also
>husband always away
Fat ugly bastards, you know what to do.
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I guess their focus is limited, seems like they're banking on a Dofus revival, or at least not pissing off their existing playerbase with bugs. Apparently some people can't use emotes?

Yeah when I reach a point in a quest where it's too expensive or I can't beat a fight, I just wait to level doing other things, with some exceptions that warrant players like some of the divine dimension quests. I like your phrasing of "dofus gates you far less and lets you do shit you really shouldn't", because even simple NPC interactions can be a hilarious "fuck you" to the player, I got transported to the evil forest all the way from Pandala because I made an unfortunate dialogue choice, and more recently the bwork camp because some NPC in Cania talked about how good he is at digging latrines. Sometimes it incentivizes you to do other things that can sync with other quests. Interesting speculation on the reason your friends quit nonetheless, since they could have gotten through most of the content following recommended levels and playing with each other. I think they just need something like https://www.reddit.com/r/Dofus/comments/c1k42p/efficient_quest_order_ily/ to follow so they have a plan in mind, and it'll be easier to digest the gating from a questline like emerald or crimson. And yeah, I like to meme about the wabbit tunnels being confusing, but wabbit island was pretty steady progression with bonus stuff to come back to after getting the dofus, and it's a very morbid area between the Watership Down-style war, graveyard, and labs.
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Fuck I got caught off guard.
The event keys like 20x'd in price. Paid 60k for a Royal Tofu key. Good money there. Also it's fun to do old dungeons at level 200! Pic related is why we need a good tactical mode. There's a hidden mob behind the crate.
>stuck doing royal gobball with no erosion
You could right-click and select transparent models, it's made clicking on mobs way easier. I was able to farm tofu feathers for yesterday's almanax more effectively because people weren't aggroing mobs behind the normal tofu dungeon lol.
yeah I linked them that (and some other similar stuff) and thats basically what I did with them
I can't really fault them too much, they did the game a good shot and put a solid amount of time into it, getting to around 120 is definitely giving the game a fair chance. It was 2 months of exclusively playing together a few times a week to get there.

idk they are still talking about playing when unity releases, so it isn't as if they aren't interested, but I think they also wanted to try out other classes and shit and didn't really want to restart on their own, 2 did fuck around with alts when others weren't on and they got them to 60 together
they have a pretty positive outlook and impression of the game, are interested in doing more pvp, doing more and more difficult dungeons, we started getting into some "real" dungeons with actual mechanics and they really started getting into it with no gripes in particular about why they stopped playing just generic "other stuff came up" which imo usually means they lost interest/attention and its just not interesting "enough", which is fair enough and I think is reasonable

but unity is going to be a real crapshoot with them I think, since I very well might burn out if I try to play two characters, one with everyone here and trying to progress as much as I can playing consistently and another with them, this kind of happened with wakfu when they gave it a try as monoserver released, two of them gave it a try but not the 3rd, but 1 wanted to play more than the other so I ended up having 3 fucking characters and it was weird awkward and confusing and they even made a duo as well so all of us had multiple characters and it was awkward, I kind of want to just be like yo make ur character play it dw about trying to keep parity or w/e and we can just play, but iv played other mmos with them and someone will inevitable fall behind, feel like a burden, not want that, and basically quit.
so who knows lmao
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So whats the guild on mono server? I seem to have just gone back to playing on Rubilax more.
i will never forgive ankama for nerfing ivory/ebony/panda and the worst one, server merge, everyone speaks spanish
>ivory ebony and panda
is this dofus or wakfu because ivory and panda are top tier dofus/class in dofus and ebony is situational but solid in pvp
I made bread
I had 9 Royal Tofu keys in my bank
sold them all for 85k each.
Dofus tip #102
Besides carrying Soul Stones to capture Archmonsters
Even if you don't carry them and find an Arch, attack the Arch. You can then stall and call a friend to run to the map to then capture it for you.
its dofus and if those three were super good in pvm before the nerf, the ivory 50% red was every turn and panda used to carry allies and tank for them the entire math, ebony got the worst treatement, its price dropped from 40-30mk to 1-2mk
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lol I forgot 50% crafting was today
selling a buncha shit and I'm making bank
I had over 800 of these and they used to cost 700k each so it wasn't worth selling them. Now they're selling quick at 7k apiece. Crazy.
>everyone speaks spanish
Step up your game gringuito. Spanish, on top of being one of the most spoken languages in the world (and by its native speakers nonetheless), is easy as shit. Just learn it.
Good stuff! I assume things like food, pots, and equips will be cheaper too. And since you need .75x the amount of stuff to level, I bought a bunch of mats the day before, good investment.
What is going on with waven and how to fix it?
It exists and they should kill it. It was born to be a side game, a fate worse than End of Service.
I hope not, I've yet to experience the cutesy, sexy style. Maybe we'll see it in Dofus Unity. But yeah I assume it's one of their side projects to get better with unity, I think Krosmaga was the first.
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I still believe this place only exists for erp purposes
failed bethel like 10 times
didn't clear
randoms don't have any high res gear and can't live without a tank
did war though
join a pvm guild, usually good players with good equipped alts help out
Reminder to bully all cratards for playing the most low effort and boring class in the game.
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Coords? Brothels are canon, and there's even some meridia dialogue about how your character visits them, but I want to confirm.

That's a good tip, I've killed archmonsters thinking they just gave extra XP. Little did I realize they're part of a merciless quest.
I just wish there was some kind of quest to explore this place similar to the Frigost quest where you have to talk with the guy residing in the lighthouse later, you meet him in a tavern, have some drinks together, black out, and then wake up at his place lol.
>in-game chat is broken except for guild and alliances
It seem the messages go through with a 2 minutes delay wtf lol
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Because of the chat bug people I found a people making a ragtag 8-man doing the lv200 Crocabulia Expedition
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