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>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

Is the game censored?
Yes, skins are censored, multiple instances of race swapping NPCs and the shadowhunter class.


>In-game Chat
Make an alt on the server of the chat owner, send a mail saying you want to join and include the name of your main.

NAE: Lerynsere on Balthorr
EUC: Daddypump on Ratik

NAE: Touchfluffytail on Balthorr, password is fluff
EU: Handholding on Ratik, password is mods

Previous: >>1238133
joyless thread
I'm skipping Themine this week as a cba. How cancer do you think it will be to find a 1-2 prog next reset?
probably pretty easy
but let me meme a little bit:
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It's okay I've been bricked since I took a break and had to catch back up. Also how bad is Ivory Tower Hard nowadays? I just need G1 for the legendary elixirs but the lobbies were so sparce on prog week.
depends on your region I guess but I think if you're patient you might be able to snag a spot, I know sometimes my own static has to pug a dps and it usually fills pretty fast
Uh bros, I'm getting worried this isn't happening until next week.
just buy the bus for 105k
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>g2g gold crashing
uh oh
Post sluts
Still the number 1 MMO
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He didn't say number 1 in what so it's not demonstrably true or false
>join a 1-2 thaemine
>people failing counters again and again
>finally get it right, someone countered the red flash on the bridge and half the raid gets sent flying
i don't think this raid is puggable...
just join reclear parties bwo
all you need rn is g3 1x cheevo (next week x5)
Which will reduce my chances of being gate kept? Riot Control or Plague Legion Commander?
no title is better than both of those
dreamer is the fotm title right now
bro wtf is this shit
lost argh
>Get to secret Nineveh, Leader doesn't use it
>No title, stuck in fresh prog forever
i had a prog party trying to use some retard strat of saving nineveh until 5th clash or something, so the boss would be closer to 90 lines, and nineveh would shave 20 lines off from there.
yet they didn't know the stage break phase patterns well enough, and it'd only be like 3 people alive by the time line 90 came around.
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that's probably worth doing in hard mode but normal mode is so easy after 90 bars
bardsissy status?
limp and small, but uncaged (until reset)
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>Darkness Legion Cmdr.
post twitter
Maybe different for your region but NAW has "x210 prog" which are meant for people like you. Know enough to at least reach and pass x210 but not fresh progging and didn't reach dreamer yet.
Honestly, dreamer lobbies aren't really that different. People still dying regularly before x210. I've been in lobbies where people go through many pulls before even passing x210. Then there's 2-3 people that actually know how to stay alive and the rest that are dead only get dreamer because of them.
If it's a NM prog without very high dps then going 4th clash -> nineveh is better. That way minimal time, if any, is spent in the quarter stage. Skipping 4th clash is better if the party can bring it down to x90 shortly after the special Nineveh.
Saving it until almost x90 is pretty stupid for NM though. It gets way easier to survive without the risk of falling to instant death, especially for prog groups. Get past that phase asap and the chances of clearing goes way up.
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; ;
This is how you know when the game is actually alive or dead. This is not a good sign or this game.
do i keep buying legendary cards from merchants even if i max it already? is it worth the card exp?
yea, silver is worthless for me at least
maybe solo raids aren't so bad, pls start with thaemine...
G3 prog fail=kick
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x90 prog is just albion jail
pretty crazy seeing the state of x90 parties since x90 is practically a clear. i'm convinced most of those x90 prog parties are filled with people who saw it once while dead
In both of my clears this week there were 3 people dead at 90 bars. These people have clears now. They will make reclear lobbies and gatekeep you.
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fortunately i managed to clear, but thanks for adding those sussy imposters to the reclear pool
i was joining x90 groups to help out for a while on my second character, but just reaching stagebreak was like pulling a tooth. ended up fucking off to a reclear lobby to get it out of the way
nice specialist post her butt?
When is slayer getting buffed? This is sorc all over again.
opened xivg and for the 2nd time in a row when i check that thread im greeted by webms/gifs of irl animal abuse and cats being cut in half very cool and awesome
The current xivg has 1/3 as many deleted posts as the last lag thread
Cats are the niggers of the pet world to be fair, but that's still pretty fucked. However what else did you expect when you enter the most mentally ill general on this webzone
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That top without the sleeves just looks weird. Nice tits though.
Agreed, the only stuff left after x90 are an easy mech and a clash. The normal patterns are the exact same as the previous phases besides that giant sword one. Typically the parties that reach it in the first place only fail because too many people died during the x210 - x90 phase.
I also find it kinda funny how leaders put the exact hp bar they reached as the one they are "progging". As if there's any difference between x55 and anything below it besides most of the group being dead and claiming it as their furthest pull.
Wut. Last time I went there, it was just a bunch kf sissies posting their in-game characters. Wtf happened
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why does she look like she's being held against her will?
NAE clears HM G3 Thaemine Trannymyeh still on suicide watch stuck on G3 HM
you somehow took specialist and made it look like an older middle age albino bimbo mexican maid. gwoss.
My mazies :)
"It's been a while since Henry's last shower."
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One of us
EU cleared first, sweaty
cope ameritards
are there any surprises that we won't expect in the roadmap?
Maykoko Fest
does anyone know what % of damage a skill needs to represent for a level 10 on that skill to be more efficient than 3 level 9s for your top 3 skills? if that makes sense
I saw a spreadsheet comparing % damage gain from gems across classes a while ago
Post sluts
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I cleared G3 bros
Nice job
Blizzard is starting the War Within campaign
post da parse
why is a loli thinking that... that's kinda sus?
what's vivir?
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if it isn't removing the gold cost to hone to 1580 the game will die
where can i find a personal use bard
somewhere else, not here
>try to type "naruni grand prix"
>get ***** because of ni_g
brilliant work ags
I's probably the entire "ni_gra" but yeah, this should've been whitelisted.
post autistic bussy
Just call it dino race, you sperg. Don't give the coreens the satisfaction of calling it by whatever stupid ass names they gave it.
Week 1 is finished, if you haven't cleared G3 HM you will never find a party for it.
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I've yet to clear akkan
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>wednesday again
login bro it's time to run your 18 raids
Hello frens. Might install again to try thaemine but will my 1620 0 elixir main gets accepted into thaemine parties or will I just waste Internet data downloading again?
no he's too hard gotta gatekeep
Lagcord people might run with you, they have a lot of NM alts
is there any private servers in the works? I want to <spoiler>have fun</spoiler>
i need a hell monkey static nyooo
colossal AGS W finally punishing RMT after 2 years
let's fucking goooo
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ff14 expansion is doa
don't care still gonna goon to futa catgirl feet
reminder to always gatekeep gunlancers
no i love gunlancers theyre very based

>echidna (renamed to ladon)
umm hell hanu is poggers content
>no solo raids
I sleep
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built for cumtributes
do it fag
70k on steam wfaf
When is solo content coming to NA? Finally sisters, the game will rise from the ashes like a phoenix reborn!
All jokes aside, its probably 60k bots and 10k actual players with steam data.
Uhmmm nyo we had 50k last week before bots came online
last week was when fish went down to 30g
>before bots came online
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why arent you playing as the main character?
i can't play as armen
Seems like there was an influx of new players and returning, then everyone vanished. Been seeing bots for a couple of weeks now, easily 2 or 3.
I always find it funny when people only consider (non-inferno) raids as content and call it "nothing" months on the roadmaps when it doesn't have a new one. Yeah I'm sure you all would enjoy having a new raid out every month.
always shitters with no clears too
i would yes
nice ass in the back
Regarding Thaemine the First

Greetings Heroes of Arkesia,

As our team has worked to vet players who have cleared Thaemine the First, we have identified a number of participants who have violated our terms and conditions. These accounts will be actioned against with appropriate penalties, and these team clears will not appear on the leaderboards.

Players who were on these teams but have accounts in good standing are welcome to regroup to attempt the race again.

Thank you for your understanding.
Based fuck cheaters

Does anybody know which teams got shot
god please be zeal, please.
Every group that used the DPS meter so far
i miss the days when you didnt have to watch a 1 hour raidnigger guide and be all autistic. you could just hop into a comfy t1 and t2 abyss dungeon with some random bros with little gatekeeping aside from making sure you had a small ilvl buffer and just figure it out as you go. every single new raid gets more niggery than the last
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oh nyo nyo nyo
>7 days
slantgate pussied out. fuck them, go perm or go home.
The leaderboard is still empty so I guess every team they've checked so far has a disqualified player(s). So every one of the original "1st clear" teams are out since AGS probably checked all of those at least before announcing this.
this is how it is in every mmo that's already been released in another region
if you want that experience, play wow or xiv
Hopefully they're also negative 10 million gold
Nah, I think letting them still play but subtracting the gold is an even better punishment. You perma ban them they'll just stop thinking about the game and move on.
Subtract the gold to put them into debt and they'll keep playing out of sunken cost. If they were a big RMTer, they'll be like the -8.5m gold guy. Let them struggle their way out the gold debt, either they put more time into the game before eventually giving up or they manage to clear the debt cleanly if they like playing the game that much.
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gros? explain yourself
gte that weeb shit outa here
mmo losers tend to be anime losers too
>We're going to make mahou shoujo avatars for our players, both boys and girls
Lost Ark players are all troons confirmed.
Reminder to report everybody who has one or more of the following:
+25 weapon
more than one level 10 damage gem
1640+ ilvl
deathless hell title (except valtan)
6% demon damage
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broke boys mad
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why is the OP pic deleted again?
>one new mokoko seed is "content"
ok nigga u do u
my guess is ppl are reporting the vandalized op but instead of removing the thread they somehow think its about the pic?
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these days its either weeb shit or picrel
>will be actioned
any day now, ags

just saw one of them in the party finder, still unbanned, still has the title
means they're legit
then why is the group off the list? you can't have it both ways
found the chud
they are doing something now
i don't think they put up any group on the leaderboard
i've checked most days and have seen it blank every time
dudes from the first group still have the title
Thaemine is such a fun fight but normal feels too easy now... I wish I could do hard...
I spent 5 days progging g3 hm and today we recleared it in an hour or two
G1 and 2 of Thaemine should be removed and it should just be 2 gates.
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I have boomer fingers and I will never clear.
hes not banned? ban the stupid chink, hes not even repentant even though he got his clear revoked, "fuck amazon gaming", should be met by getting fucked in the ass with a perma. time to go back to chinar.
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Based this race was just a way to bait out all the cheaters and fuck them over all at once. These dumb fucks couldn't resist the eclipse title and bragging they beat Themine.
negative gold is better than a ban because it keeps them addicted but they can't hone, transcend, do elixirs etc or use auction house until they pay their debts with rc
negative 10 million sounds like a chump amount to rmt again though.
but now you know they have their eye on you
he wasn't racing anything he's just a random rmter
It would be logical that every account that cleared the race would be inspected. It would be funny if every single 1 was a cheat and Amazon took a hard stance to clean up this game.
There are claims random sidereal weapon owners had their weapons taken away and replaced with +24s
If you really want to know how to stop RMT, you take all the gold you get from RMTers and split it and reward it to all the legit players. It's psychological warfare. RMTers do this because they want to feel superior to all the legit cucks. By not only taking away your shit, but giving it to the people you look down on, it deals double the psychological damage. "Thanks for the gold, cuck/retard" will kill RMT faster than I can even call them them a retard.
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Am I looking at this correctly? The current top contender for mage skin just straight up has one titty hanging out? Albeit covered up in a similar way as the night star dress.
saw one today with a 1680 sidereal weapon, I didn't even realize the ilvl could go this high
How does it stay up if it's hanging free like that? Mage magic I guess, should require upkeep whenever you use this skin
do people unironically do elixirs+transcendence on 6 characters every week?
you must
sisters is this mage ass real? i thought there was supposed to be nothing there
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seeing a lot of these clothes removed avatars based on the kr contest photoshop base files, post more if you have
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bards belong under the desk
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my* desk
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This submission pretty much unintentionally(?) posted a nude ver of slayer while showing the design steps. I wonder if having the pants sagging that way is even allowed. I don't think any of the current skins for any class shows that area of the buttcrack. Since the most revealing bottoms are panties/bikini which still covers the top portion.
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I'm like 10 taps from pity on my 25 weapon. Don't make my mistake, it's not worth it.
lmao nice try but this would never be allowed
I'm staying at 23 and pushing armors for 1630
That was my plan, and then I 2 tapped to 24 and decided to go for 25. Now I have nothing left.
I know what I'm fapping to today
I want to get back into LA but the game is just pain without friends, how do I make friends in this game?
That is a lot of pubic hair.
join da laggers in da discord
fucking bugs only posting coomer shit. i like coomer outfits as much as the next guy but lets get some creative outfits for once.
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>only legit clear posted so far is this EU clear
I kneel, EuroCHADs
Why do people bot chaos gates? Not even bot bots, but actual player accts. I see these half of the players in my gate, running to and hanging out at the edge of the map, moving in unison too. All these niggers, different players, using the same botting program. Not even mokokos.
cause shard bags are 400g each
They could only do it once a day anyways, and its not every day. So why do they bot it and shit it up, instead of just manually doing it.
>no bricker
>no SE
ummmm I thought these classes were OP???
those fuckers have a large amount of accounts from both bots and clients asking for pilot so they actually cycle through a different set each hour
hey have billions of acount doing a new one every hour. u really have no idea do u...
according to reddit, one of the slayers was banned so this might be a classic ags fuckup
any chads doing hm thaemine? what's the supp/dps ratio in PF looking like?
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i did not do the raid last week and i wont do it this week to
>~20-30k to go from 1540 to 1580
Holy shit wish i had leveled my my express character earlier instead of camping it at 1540
>500k to go from 1540 to 1580
fucking shit game
only way to get gold in this shit game is to do raids
fuck raids and fuck raidniggers
fuck gooks too
how do the geniuses over at smilegate come up with garbage elixir and transcendence systems back to back?
how do raidnigs get fucked in the ass every new raid and still ask for more? truly mindboggling
>thaemine on farm mode
>everyone abandons brel to farm tharmine
>only mokokook remain in brel
>hard mode brel room is now actually "learning mech"
>normal mode brel room is now "learning rotations""
>get 50 Dark fire from the reward
>Start pushing everything to level 2
>All my gold is gone
because I enjoy getting fucked in the ass, d'uh...
I think I got filtered by the Themine patch. I haven't tried it at all and haven't logged in.
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this really for real or am I doing something wrong?
I can't change just a single color part and leave the rest with the standard colors? If I touch on one part am I really forced to also (re)paint all the others?
Yes. It's bullshit.
Yep, don't know if Smilegate coding just can't make it possible or if it's an intended design to sink dyes.
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wow, pure cancer
thank you
nineveh would never do anal
i need to cum post sexy specialists
In current /xivg/ news their biggest drama is... one of their trans avatarfags got exposed for domestically abusing and beating the shit out of his gf (also trans) who met through xivg
this place is totally just as bad though
>two slayers in one group
>both supports in one group
Next level euro strats. Burgers could never come up with 300 IQ plays like this.
yes it is
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Hello friends I am here to remind (You) that the weekly NAE /lag/ Brel 1-3 HM/Akkan NM lobbies will be posted in ~30 minutes. Newfriends are welcome, watching or reading a guide is recommended.

Reply to this post if you want to reserve a spot. If you're a new or returning player on the fence about reserving a spot, just do it, these runs are for you.
i dont need raids
i need more pics of your hawt slute>>1268105
Coomers dont' get to choose, you have NO rights.
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but i was compilmenting your slute
show pens
bro that's not his slut, that was posted a while ago in Kr when the new hair styles came out
post more specialist ass
Should I even run cursed doll as a +1? Feels so bad.
I need boobs. Fast
You can if you're a giga sweaty but yeah the entire malus for like 1% dps over something like adrenaline is kind of a meme
finally fully awakened my last legendary card, only took me 808 days
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>>>two slayers in one group
Cope and seethe, Slayer chads don't care about the 1% extra damage from muh synergy.
run ether predator to feel good
God I need to cum
Huh? Isn't ti crashing because AGS is finally taking RMTing seriously and negativing RMTers gold? They're getting less business and panic selling.
One of the Thaemine first clear players is sitting at -8,500,000 gold because his RMT gold got removed.
Now, blue crystals are really cheap to buy because people are buying it legitimately. I just got 95 bundles for 2152 gold each.
This is a good thing for the game. It makes blue crystals much more obtainable for f2p players.
Hi I started on 4/11 and so far I've done Brel hard, kayangel hard, and Akkan normal. I still get gatekept even out of Brel normal gate 4 with 1590 ilevel, though...
Does anyone want to pet my 1855 Swiftness Artist, brush her hair, and finger her...?

Isn't it 300k if you hit hard pity every time...? You messed something up.
No, you run ether pred as +1.
based artist poster
I was told support would be best as a new/returning player to not get gatekept... uwu.
I would play a big strong female Paladin if I could...
nah, don't worry, artist is fine, it's just that a bunch of other people got the same memo as well, alright? so there's plenty of support alts in that range (1580-1610), and having a low roster is usually a pretty bad sign, if that's the case for you. The harder the raids become (Thaemine), the more people start taking a closer look at the supports they take, and even then it's impossible for them to figure out if you'll actually perform in raid or not.
The actual range where supports are more lacking is between 1620 and 1630
Getting roster up takes a long time... and I don't see how it indicates my skill at all.
I've gone from like 98 to 121 in these 2 weeks but I can't keep that pace up.
it just generally denotes more experience with the game... it's more so that low roster level people tend to be bad at the game, rather than high roster people being particularly good at the game, if that makes sense. So if you're taking a high roster character into your lobby, they might be good or bad, but if you take a low roster character into the lobby, it's very likely that that player will be shit at the game.
But 120 doesn't even seem thaaat low. I cleared Akkan with a bunch of 80s and 90s...
But yeah I get it. I need to try and focus on getting a good title at some point to pad my lack of roster level.
120 is like... started to play less than a month ago or so? thankfully akkan is an easy raid... And so is kayangel.
I played a little bit in 2022 and I just returned 13 days ago, yes.
Join lagcord, we're fun

please join the groomcord we haven't had a new player to groom in months
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I don't even play I just masturbate to your bitches
I'm the new player and my groomer power level is already high. I play ff14...
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coomers I need your help here. why am I getting this weird dithering effect on the fleshy parts and how the fuck do I get rid of it?
One variant of that skin has a mesh thing over the middle cutout
Yeah but is this some graphics issue or just the textures being shitty? I don't see this problem on some outfits that show skin at the same place
just say debuff you goober
whose soulfist is this? i need to bully
unreal shit 3, thats why. even their mobile game is going to be unreal 5, so oyu know how shit the texture lighting system is.
Hmmm nyo.
aw. and okay thanks
Now post her butt
I literally answered your question you retard, the doomer is talking out of his ass, that texture is a mesh/fishnet thing that's part of that skin
If you did then it's not making sense. You say a variant has the fishnet, but the one in the video doesn't and it just looks broken. Are you saying just looks broken because another variant has the fishnet and they hid it in a jank way? Because it's clearly supposed to be nothing there
That is the variant that has the mesh, it's subtle and transparent, you can probably see it better in different lighting/dye/skin tone.
Yeah, I think they pretty much just made the mesh part from the original more transparent for this variant. It's pretty obvious because it's one of the dye regions for the skin.
This dye region jank means you'd have to tweak around with it to get it to properly look like there's nothing. I think they only did it this way to keep the mole on the breast. On the bright side, it does mean you can turn up the shine if you want a sweaty/oily look.
it's all in inven, bwo
What are the new skins they just got in KR?
limpluna skin for martial artist, choco_lateP for mage, subKatiee for assassin and chastitybbgirl for gunslinger
Where the fuck is Specialists?
Oh you're just lying...
slayer and specialist got censored because girls don't look like that
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wtf ballin
Stoopzz has beaten Thaemine, Conqueror of Stars
Groomcord killed this general, it is currently the 5th multiplayer general that died because of groomcord attention whores, don't even bother making the next thread
I am 1 hone away from hitting 1630 and I am now formally requesting a Thaemine HM static.
White boi wouldn't say shit irl.
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>coomer shit
>generic nazi suit + gay anime cape
I hate Koreans. Hate hate hate hate hate. Absolutely void of any sovl.
>coomer shit
>nazi suit
>gay cape
I love them all ty
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I saw you post this on /gig/ artist bro.
wtf I love korea now
/xivg/ liked it the most so far

Should I play XIV? I've unironically lost all drive to play, I haven't touched Themine and only done 3 raids this week.
what do you seek?
A comfty time sync but sexo is the most important thing.
xiv is in an extremely long lull before the expansion and the MSQ for the entirety of the expansion beyond the launch story seems to be poorly received due to an edgy mary sue, hailed as possibly the worst story xiv has put out so far.
this is false all xiv players love the story and no character is as edgy mary sue as kadan
ah yes i forgot, when judging a character every xiv player asks themself "but are they as edgy as kadan"
The raids in ff14 are awful.
It's the same 15 mechanics for 10 years now, actually if anything they've reduced the number of mechanics as they haven't done portals and a bunch of things from HW and SB expacs again. They just change the visual indicator for the mechanics and patterns.
Doing 3 raids a week is A LOT compared to FF14 where the average player raids anything other than the ultra casual raids like maybe 5 times a year.
The only reason to play that game is ERP and modding. Most players logged in are just afk, tabbed out, hoping someone messages them for ERP.
is this game worth checking out just for the story and some mindless hack and slash then quitting?
it is only worth checking out if you're a raid enjoyer
story is bellow average, even for mmos
I guess you could sit at endgame casually doing guardians and small stuff like it but the meat lies in the raids
there will be solo 'raids' in the future so you could start now and just leave a character leveledup for when it comes
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i...am a delain...you wouldn't understand..
need butt...
>make a pretty decent arpg as far as combat goes
>don't make any horde content whatsoever
>only make raids to the point game has worse raid or die than in a fucking wow
I am still baffled how they fumbled lost ark this fucking hard.
your chaos dungy bwo?
would you say mobbing is good in this game? I'm curious
Show her ass
No. You do 2 braindead chaos dungeons per day (3-5min each) and that's your mobbing experience for that character. Game is all about raiding.
what are the best/easiest classes for thaemine g3? i'm thinking of pushing some of my 1600s but i'm afraid of being a useless floorpov shitter. i'm assuming classes with shorter spacebar and push immunes are good yea?
Keep showing breasts
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Yes bluelancer is god on prog (just dodge sometimes).
oh hey, saw you get deleted in the /v/ thread
post lewd specialists
dyl fiera?
thats where smelly poo comes from bro, boobs are a true mans choice
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Do we realize we are about to get a third vertical system in the lapse of 6 months? Which none of them are particularly cheap and one of those raids being the hardest in the games history

Behemoth most likely very soon after if we follow the KR schedule

No real catch up system neither

When can we take a break? I really wanna work on my alts as well and chill for a bit

And this is coming from a veteran. I can't imagine what must be like for a fairly new player or a returnee
They should make super mokoko and descent unto restart every 4 months and I'd be happy. That'd be an okay catchup system.

Maybe they'll see how good this event was for the game, and how it seems to be bringing in a lot more money, and they might do that.
hory shid, 8 hours zero posts is this game finally dead?
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hey /lag/gots, the top post on the reddit are everyone saying they have raid fatigue. and here yall are still defending it
We find and kidnap creepshot anon and make him post sluts to keep the general alive
It's simple really.
They all went to the Blue Protocol waiting room. Better pics will be there.
unreal engine 5 update will save us bors
no they're angry they have to spend gold on rng gook systems
thats raid fatigue
raid fatigue is when you don't feel like raiding but you have to

having a bunch of elixirs in the inventory is called nigger fatigue
thats what im saying tho, the rng system is inextricably tied to the raid.
people like raiding thoughever, it's deleting gold on gook gacha that's pissing people off
let's be real a lot of people only do hw raids on 6 characters for the gold
because this game makes you feel like you have to if you don't want to fall behind
Sex with Echidna
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holy based
I enjoyed Lost Ark.
I like the combat. I like how good the game looks. I like the music. I even like the story.
But the further we get the less I like the bosses that are released. The fights are becoming less fun and they are all mandatory. I can't skip Thaemine. I'm going to have to farm it for the next 2 years.
This is just making me lose interest in the game.
It's not possible to get into lobbies without 40-set unless you're a support or have a support friend.
thaemine g3 is the most fun fight they've put out since valtan
It's the least fun raid that they have released. Goes well with the shit that was clown, brel, and kayangel.
But that game is like giga censored how could they do this to us
It depends what people look for in a raid. I personally found Thaemine g3 to be a very fun fight. The mechs are pretty simple and straightforward. Normal patterns can be very punishing but they aren't really bullshit. It's very telegraphed so players can learn to react to the tells. Once you learn the fight, you're just weaving around the attacks doing non-stop dps.
If someone is looking for an easy raid they can just grab anyone and clear, then yeah it won't be fun. It also won't be fun for anyone that isn't used to actually playing around normal patterns since this raid will be particularly difficult for them.
literally all they did was change underage pantsu to bloomers so people cant creep shot it, and nothign else. even the young adult ones have pantsu like normal. fake outrage, theyre gay retards.
They removed the entire loli body type from the game, retard.
they went back on that change due to outrage tardo
cunnyfags love farming outrage, look at people complaining about specialist skins
prove it
disprove it

>In our gameplay demo available below, you may notice that there were only two (2) body presets available for players to toggle - whereas in the Japanese client, there is a third “small” body size preset. We can only assume that changing the body preset would be to avoid censoring current and future “revealing” outfits. Censorship is also tied into the Teen rating and regional restrictions. It may come down to a would-you-rather scenario - Do you want less censorship, and fewer regions available to players, OR more censorship, meaning more regions available to players?

Everybody has known this for over a year, feel free to post any update that disproves it because I haven't been following that dumpster fire. The game looks like shit and is already dying in JP, hopefully you'll jump ship to /bpg/ and kill yourself when it EoS in under a year.
Damn, thats a nice website. Much better than any sites our game ever got... and none of them exist anymore...
lost ark nexus, bwo?
design dont look as pretty, and not a general website for all things related to the game, just raidnigger guides. then again thats all the game is now so i cant fault them for it.
you're gonna be negative about every single thing, huh... there's also maxroll guides, I remember following those for island quests and collectibles.
I pushed to 1630 and every g3 lobby is already reclear only...
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Hey thats me(just the first img)!
Hey thats me(just the last img)!
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bros....? where is everyone
thaemine killed everybody
i'm stroking in call with a bard right now
god i wish that was me
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Albion EU launch
playing diablo 3
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i posted the wrong screenshot, that was nier reincarnation which fulfilled its EOS destiny like lost ark will too
should I be insane enough and return? I stopped playing when Kakul dropped and I had no party to reliably run (aka none at all). has the market stabilized or is it even worse now
isnt that a super ultra giga boomer game?
Best time to start the game or return is now (or a month ago)
The event is really really good.
Just quit again when you hit the elixer wall.
>leaked details show naw and sa will have to rename when merging into nae
oh boy
ffs the blue crystal price will jump to 19328102398120381290482309852309 gold and laggy fuckers will increase 01293810298120x
and you will like it
fuck they shouldve just closed those regions. a merge will make nae quit from the dramatic fall in quality of game experience. this game will die for good now
Are slayers now getting gatekept witht the damage logs coming out?
How come there is never a Brel HM bus? I see busses for all the other raids, but HM Brel is the only one I never see. I'm pretty sure there were some busses for it back before the 2 weeks limit. What did they do to make people just not bus it anymore?
brel hm is not necessary for progression
I've never done HM g4, a bus would be nice but no idea how I'm going to get a learning party.
classes don't really get gatekept now unless the leader really wants a crit syn
unless you're CO summoner no one takes that shit
Slayer was already gatekept due to glue eaters playing it.

It's only 500 more gold and a lot harder I guess. Idk.
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Whose Eromancer is this?
Leaked from where? Honestly, the whole region merge thing is pretty questionable now if all they're doing is just forcing the other 2 regions into NAE. I play on NAW and the game is perfectly fine. Especially so after the server merge and island changes since I played on a low pop server.
I don't give a shit about "having more players" when it comes with all these tradeoffs. I would get slightly more ping, Aussie players would go to unplayable ping. A bunch of name changes just because a player lived in a different location.
I'd imagine SA players also wouldn't be happy with their servers moved to another continent and then having to look specifically for Spanish/Portuguese speakers if preferred instead of it being the norm.
leaked from my smol caged clitty uwu
post it fag
I just realized Ninemyeh no longer posts here ):
Good, I think gay people should be converted into fuel
She likes men though?
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Just make a new account that one is done for. Once you run of silver its just fucking over.
market still goes up and down with bots controlling it
with the event pass you get to play kakul, brel, k-angel without having to grind for gold
for akkan you'll need to dump 30-50k gold to reach the lv requirement
You dump 30k-75k gold but you get 30k gold back or something. Just have to get it to start with and get event honing books
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esther 8 whale selling his account
it's so over...
He's selling it because he knows he's going to get banned for RMT soon
just quit honestly, getting silver in this game is fucking aids if you arent legacy and have a billion already
join lagcord, they do brel trains
is it possible to play this game casually to do older raids? i just want to steal their boss design ideas and maybe enjoy the game a bit here and there.
if they make another "jumpstart" server, you might be able to do that; otherwise, not really
your telling me people still gatekeep the old raids?
To even get into a clown you have to be 1580
Worse than ever, my 1540's get passed over on clown at least on EU if you want an easy time in party finder 1580 is the benchmark. 1580's do Kaya normal, 1600s kaya hard.
yes but let's say that's not the case

let's say you get lucky and someone just lets you join

guess what? you'll make a noob mistake and get replaced instantly

if you're lucky, they'll give you a second chance (spoiler: it won't be enough because the old raids aren't actually easy, it's just that everyone's done them a thousand times)
i get it desu its a huge time investment for all parties involved
sucks that they couldnt make some kind of small scale mode or solo mode even for players that want to try
I had some retard sperg out and break up the party on G3 Kaya last night. I went to the wrong spot on the orbs mech, apologised.
Next pull he continued to flame said chill and he started sperging out in german, told him that's he's mentally ill before quitting. Genuine subhumans in this game.
They will add solo raids eventually till then you have to find a friendly discord to groom you or you're hopeless
what are the best boss fights in lost ark in your opinion? unique mechanics etc that i can steal from for game ideas
>wrong spot
I would've alt+f4'd out of embarrassment

yes the rager is likely mentally ill but you're a shitter

looking at your party number to double-check your position before a mech should be 100% automatic at this point
how much time do you spend on this game on average every day?
since I am a cuckie mazie with 6 raiding characters it's like 5 or 6 a day
you do know there are literally guides that outline every single mech, right? you don't actually need to play the game to learn what they are


>I would've alt+f4'd out of embarrassment
You're a grown man playing a niche gook mmo, it's not that important
> you're a shitter
lost ark doesn't have very unique or good boss mechanics honestly, most of the fun comes from the character gameplay itself and regular boss patterns
what do you mean it's not important, being able to do an ancient lost ark raid properly is actually literally objectively the single most important indicator of your success in life and your ability as a gamer; if you can't go to x3+1 for the x100 mech, it's all over
they also do sissy trains, where they run a train on u after they groom u
I'm sorry to hear that bro, this game is barely considered playable at this point, and the community drops it to below garbage.
so the only people left are neets and whales?
ever since brel normal over a year ago yes
Unfortunately. I just want to play comfty Echidana and behmoth but the community is trash and I hate Themine and elixirs the ivory tower raid is okay but it's a bit long with 4 gates.
just spent nearly an hour doing transcendence and only got 1 3* out of it
starting to think this isn't very good bros
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what games should i play other than this one?
despite watching multiple videos about why you should never play this game im still going to do it
use the calculator
You are only allowed to play one game, you entitled zoomer.
15 hours
the game itself isn't bad, but it's the community and the gook management that make it so.
The raids are fun and girls are hot.
>gook management
You can't speak ill of Labotomoy Corporation like that.
of course I'm using it
Protip: you can only craft 6 soundstones a week using tradable fragments so you'd be wise to start doing it BEFORE you need to.
they are roster bound so your alts will make enough to juice your main
do people even let 1610s into thaemine?
The Arca guy was cooking. Echidna + Kharmine and then post-Vykas raid deleted cutscene.
> I received an application once last time.
> Contrary to expectations of what kind of extraordinary idea might come out,
> The robungs are simple, so they say, please do so-and-so, please do so-and-so.
If translations are accurate, this guy pretty much said "Last post, I opened it up to requests for any Lost Ark animations/images you desire and all I got was basic shit telling me to use this character."
I was expecting the Koreans to be more creative when it came to coomer stuff at least...
g1-2 only parties, maybe.
if you have The Lightqueller or above
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"Final Fantasy 14 is not that good. I wouldn't say it's a piece of shit, but it's close. None of these games come within 10% of what WoW was in 2004."
>come home from wagecucking
>tired but want to raid
>thaemine 1-2 reclear on alt so shouldn't be that bad
>it's bad
why the fuck aren't raids fun or relaxing anymore? i miss the valtan+vykas days
every new raid has to one up the last one because raiders jerk themselves off for doing "hard" content
Valtan sure but Vykas wasn't all that relaxing back then. 1 person not being able to survive already forces a g1 jail. g2 has only 2 mechs but people still fucked those up. g3 had plenty of opportunities to raid wipe. Remember approaching x0 only for someone to not grab a red orb or look at medusa? This was still happening months after release. I don't see Thaemine 1-2 being any worse than that.
I would say it's more that raids were still newish back in Valtan + Vykas days so mistakes and restarting was just part of the process. Pretty sure you weren't expecting smooth reclears on the 3rd week after Valtan/Vykas came out.
Figures. I play my old account from 2 years ago just for unas good and chaos gates, and funnel the gold to my new acct.
Transcendence is worse than Elixirs.
Transcendence is so ez
this game smells so shitty because of the players. at this point just give solo lfr difficulty. i dont want to deal with anyone anymore. give 1/10 the gold reward i dont care, but let me progress without these hyhidrosis fags
Basic shit is what this game needs. You want some bbc, furry, futa or feet garbage?
on average, transcendence = honing (keep going and you're literally guaranteed to eventually get what you want)

this is nothing like elixirs (keep going and maybe you'll eventually get lucky)
it all depends on how long it takes. sometimes its just fake because the time it takes is so fucking bullshit. if u ever played dfo u will know cus if u dont get the epic drop u want and try to grind the shards it will take five billion years unless u are a omega whale
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oh thats why this guy is just a floating scroll
>pug voldis
>still kind of a shitshow in g2/g3
>pug thaemine
>can't even get in nm if you don't have x5/x10 clears and 1620+
thaemine nm is in such a shitty ilvl bracket because of elixirs
difference between 40 set and no set is humongous
No it's not. Variance in player skill is so massive that most of the time you won't even notice whether someone has 40 set or not.
obviously player skill is more important but nobody knows who's good or not in a pug until they go in
You are better off just clicking the green checkmark on the first person who applies, than wasting an hour gatekeeping based on bullshit criteria. Half the time you will get some shitter, and the other half you will get carried by Gregor.
but anal with both
transcendence is actually so free
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Hello friends I am here to remind (You) that the weekly NAE /lag/ Brel 1-3 HM/Akkan NM lobbies will be posted in ~90 minutes. Newfriends are welcome, watching or reading a guide is recommended.

Reply to this post if you want to reserve a spot. If you're a new or returning player on the fence about reserving a spot, just do it, these runs are for you.
Nah I don't think he meant looking for some crazy fetish stuff. It could've been something vanilla but I think he was saying nobody gave him a real request at all. Like giving some details about a scenario or any specifics of what they want to see. It was probably just requests like "I want to see Echidna/Nineveh/some other character" or "I want to see this sex position"
For example, take his last post. Phrased as a request, someone could say "MVP screen improvement parody where the player is now surrounded by sexy girls" He was probably hoping for comments that gave more ideas like that.

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