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Level down: >>1239653
Got my WAR artifact gear today, 10 levels on MNK and my 70 quest done.
Might start Zilart tomorrow if I'm feeling it.
Not sure if I want to start my alt on current account or a new one for possible dualboxing in the future. Do I have to buy the game again to play on a new account?
Yeah but it goes on sale for $10, one coming up in May.
hell yea bro
What the fuck is this skillchain shit? You're just expected to memorize a few hundred combinations and animations?
Yes. Or be a casual and use the add on like every other boomer in this game.
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Anyone else waiting for eden single box server?
Me too.
If it existed, I would. But it's a schizo dream by schizos.

Just keep playing Horizon, Frank as the solo developer should have the rebase + ToAU done by 2026
It sounds like they poorly managed the fork and made rebasing almost impossible, and now they're doing it from scratch by hand. Did they even bother to upstream stuff to reduce their difference and burden?
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>print one of these bad boys out (with color) back in the day and consult in like the bible
fuck you I liked the colors

Not till it was too late.

Didn't listen and got fucked.
Absolutely not considering it would be run by people even more fucking retarded that Spicyryan somehow.

Just have Spicyfaggot run one then. Can't get worse than it is already.
This is a great plan, lets have eden fold into catseye like wings. Its like the retirement home of dead servers.
Oh boy I can’t wait for my Eden to warrior plan details
I wouldn't be against that. As a new player, I regretted choosing HorizonXI. Even the 'newb friendly' shells want nothing to do with new players, what they actually mean is returning players but won't say it.

Having a few trusts and 1.5x XP would go a long way to making it more accessible rather than expecting intimate knowledge, optimal weapons and food that new players struggle to afford, and subjobs at 10-20 zones.
Never seen anyone discriminate against new players unless they are just retarded. Are you retarded?
I've seen plenty in my LS complain about others with minor suboptimial things in those areas and there are even those that run parse in Dunes
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Spent 35 mins spawning Deadly Dodo, shouted it out if anyone wanted to join and someone lvling came along and claimed it like a regular mob.
Spent another hour respawning it and didn't get my drop for the MNK quest.

Can anyone let me know the etiquette for NM's in the game? I came from XIV & Eureka was what got me into XI. There you might shout if you spawn an NM in Eureka or if you're taking down an A/S So I'm used to shouting in the area and parting up. Is that not normal or should I just snipe 'em if I spawn?
Every man for himself on claims. Etiquette is claiming it immediately and then /telling people around you to eat shit
>Did they even bother to upstream stuff to reduce their difference and burden?
They didnt want to because upstream hurt their fefes by calling out their dogshit code, many have improved or quit since then so thats not a problem anymore.
>FFXIV even pussified NMs
sounds about right
anything interesting happening in retail lately
dancer is looking like a better DD than WAR
Eden still the better server.
>he shouts into the void as it echoes off the 27 players currently online

I sold my retail account 15 years ago, I still remember the content ID, is there any way for me to reclaim it?

FFXIAH shows it hasn't been used in 10 years.
Is there an offline way to check the weather? I know FFEra and CatseyeXI have weather databases but I'm not creating an account. zone_weather.sql exists but I don't know how to parse that
Yes. Use chat support on https://support.na.square-enix.com/contact.php?id=20&p=2&c=3&sc=18

Keep trying until they bend over
doesn't matter because it's dead

then you got Horizon which isn't even FFXI, it's just some faggot grifters co-opting something Square Enix has never actually cared about

i feel sad for anyone who continues to play
all you had to do was not say Nigger, Rinste.
yeah let's namedrop and have another shitty thread full of "drama" about people who don't matter irl or online

i'm not your boogeyman reddit turd, just another bitter and jaded person who played since NA launch
Any multiboxers in?
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Show me the nude mithras and dats
Install the Horizon chains addon and let the game do it for you. It even works for summoner avatars now, too
Should be a discount game sale and free login period coming up in May, right?
Had a good day on retail yesterday after the NM claim thing.
Spammed the experience point objective with some people from a new LS, had a tonne of fun then wiped in some remote land I'd never been before.
Had to go just after so it looks like I dipped 'cause of the wipe but I was just really tired and sick.
I can see how people had so much fun lvling together in dunes etc and why they chase the dragon.
Just go to neko-sent... Oh....
sexo with mithra
>then you got Horizon which isn't even FFXI, it's just some faggot grifters co-opting something Square Enix has never actually cared about

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is there really a need? i assume you at least know about the endless posturing everywhere Horizon is mentioned.
>signs you can't be racist
neko sentai is now on trooncord and a huge archive of ffxi lewd mods are available
Who cares? Stop being a fag
He cares, like the little baby snowflake he is
/mss /ma "provoke" <t>
How is godmode worse than Spicyryan?
Godmode doesn't want anything to do with Rinste and Setsuko's copefiesta. t. Someone who knows
I don't understand how anyone can say a server is worse than Horizon when horizon has Kipling. That's worse than some retarded child who shouts N bombs every 5 minutes. If you want to keep playing on a server with the amazing individuals on horizons staff then go right ahead. The era+ changes are shit. A portion of staff are trash. All horizon has is a faked population. Yet horizon staff have to schizo post in here to make it seem like people don't want single box eden. Let's be honest already. Horizon is a shit show.
Godmode has no idea who Rinste is. Rinste simply posts because he's excited for a new server to get banned on.

.t Horizon staff member
He knows who Setsuko is. t. Abraham Lincoln
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It's going to be another 700 posts about the same 5 people
lol someone is mad their Setsuko Rinste server only has double digit survey interest after their petition only got 14 signatures. Maybe the third one will work
Didn't your lawyer advise you to stop harassing people, Setsuko?

What is the deal with Spicy anyway? What did they do?
Rinste, Fae still doesn't love you back
He's just been a faggot for two decades
I started lvling BLM today and it was pretty fun.
What's a good subjob? I got WHM, WAR, DRK & MNK available.

Gonna continue playing after my comfy bath, would play in the bath but it's a pain to play over moonlight.
lol, lmao
I started an alt because i was tired of my main i guess idk why and i already regreting i think should i stop now or continue? its a blm 41 already, quit or continue is there any pros? its cost a lot of gil but i dont care about that, it just have to redo everything is stupid should have leved it in my main, should i stop it?
Blm is fun once you get to 75. Just keep going
but i mean why an alt? that was a stupid move, redo all, cop, zm, rank, idk why the fuck i did that stupid shit and not just levle it on my main
Yeah true. I felt overwhelmed when I started am alt too but once I took care of the tedious things like missions i actually liked having it separate. Do whatever you think is best.
What part of that comment was harassment? Calling Rinste a retard? Doesn't everyone do that?
Is multiboxing similar to playing FFT?
god damnit the lol lmao faggot is back
Eden 2 lol lmao
I wish I had a dollar for every time someone said something negative about Horizon or a person on their staff and someone blames it on Setsuko. Horizon staff can't accept that more than two people don't like them lol lmao
I'm going to play retail!
Does retail have any sense of adventure? I tried playing on Eden and I quit for the same reason I quit in 2005.
It's a much longer adventure since 2005 so I would say so
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I love retail
But is there even a reason to interact with others outside of endgame?
Kind of but retail suffers from:
>throwing a shit ton of stuff at you all at once
>it's highly likely you outlevel everything quickly. Older FFXI zones were all designed with levels in mind, so just ignoring every monster and running past them makes for an empty adventure. Even once you get to max level, you'll find shit goes beyond that with iLvl and strong mobs just thrown in a corner in all sorts of zones
>kind of a combination of the above two, there's a reason everyone is pissed at FFXI for needing a map or wiki open 24/7. You are not getting far on retail without a wiki, and you should have a strategy for what you want to do (get 99? do story?) which I feel hurts the adventure feeling too
Thanks for explaining anon. FFXI is one of the bucket list games that I want to enjoy but am intimidated by.
If you need a KI to get to a certain place and ask in yell or assist then you'll get help.
t. Setsuko
You'd be surprised at how low some people sink for clout.
who car
As long as he continues to code for free while staff laugh at him and talk shit behind his back, s'all good
Gotta get toau somehow
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A song you will never hear on horizon.
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god damnit the "god damnit the lol lmao faggot is back" faggot is back
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uh oh melty
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Sorry guys. ToAU won't be out until Aerec can fully peg how he's going to take full advantage of 'play and find out' features first.
Is it worth restarting in retail just to change how your character looks?
people are really negative about everything but with this being my first experience with ff11, i just got Promyvion vahzl done on Horizon and im still excited about how well it went. my run through the first 3 at the start of CoP went miserably with people lying about bringing animas until we got to the boss gate, but this one was well coordinated. I can feel myseld fast approaching Sea access
usually never, addons literally fix it. though I guess it could be ok if you're like level 20 with no sub
It sure can, since you'll mostly be solo unless you choose to interact everything is fresh.
>ou are not getting far on retail without a wiki, and you should have a strategy for what you want to do (get 99? do story?) which I feel hurts the adventure feeling too
I also back this up. Avoid guides and wikis until you need to, read one of the basic guides, use the guides to figure out how to do the nation missions etc or where to find specific mobs but otherwise turn off to it if you can.
>It's highly likely you outlevel everything quickly
>so just ignoring every monster and running past them makes for an empty adventure.
So, this happens way more if you spam RoE objectives early and do the RoV quests that increase EXP but you also get much needed sparks & cheaper teleports with one of them so it's worth doing. You're still getting some of that XIV dead zone no threat feel while lvling later jobs with all the rhapsodies stuff done but you'll boost through it fast.
The good thing is that the levelling curve does even out by the time you reach 50-75 and you can have a good time stopping at 70-75 too for some of the expansions. Doing your limit break quests and getting artifact gear at level is still a pretty nice challenge too.

You'll probably use trusts a lot and might find they trivialise things. My certified S++++ tier trusts for having fun are Kupofried, Yoran-Oran/Apururu UC for skill point boosting and a healer who doesn't do much. Star Sibyl & Sakura are other limited trusts that don't do much but boost magic and add a passive regen on you.
Take out a simple tank (not van) if you're having trouble with being too squishy with gear and have fun.

>FFXI is one of the bucket list games that I want to enjoy but am intimidated by.
It's not that bad, just a lot of stuff for newbies to deal with built on top of aging game design. If youtube has taught me anything, even the most retarded fucker can learn something.
kill yourself or keep playing on the server run by parasocial grifters who don't actually care about the source material and are just doing this for clout it doesn't matter to me

has nothing to do with racism, nice strawman though. find your nearest hardware store and get some rope for your hefty body.
I've interacted with other noobs a lot over the last year, whether it was in linkshell or finding them out in a zone or a dungeon.
Just because you might need to use a guide or wiki or some stuff doesn't mean you should take the XIV mindset fully on board and act like it's a single player game with only NPCs.
Love or hate XIV, Eureka and Bozja did good jobs with their zones in trying to recapture the magic of grouping up and working towards common goals.
it's more like ff12, especially if you bot like everyone does
why the fuck would you level an alt in a game where you can do every single class on one character?
What's more likely to happen
>SE shutting off the lights on retail eventually
>SE coming out with some type of single player FFXI version
I know they've talking about it before but the later can't be financially viable for them to even bother with at this point..right?
First will happen, second may happen.
>spam Ambuscade
>do daily Omen runs
>spam Lilith VE to get that last Malignance gear piece to drop
Is this endgame on retail so far?
>who don't actually care about the source material and are just doing this for clout it doesn't matter to me
I care more about the source material than basically everyone who's made a commit to PXI/DSP etc, but that has nothing to do with horizon
>I know they've talking about it before but the later can't be financially viable for them to even bother with at this point..right?
They (vaguely) talked about "being able to see your character offline" or something like that.
May not even be offline ffxi, just a glorified walk through vanadiel thing.
Because i dont like my main appearance and i cant chance race, and the sexchange addon seems fake to me since only me can see it
Sir? your Sortie? Your Odyssey?
"it doesnt matter to me"
i dont believe that to be honest.
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wait... you mean making a post about it online on an anonymous mongolian shitposting forum means you DO think it matters? whoa...
Rinste here. Setsuko had her posts censored by 4chan mods. This place is no longer safe, though I can say nigger here and not get banned.
My LS is dead
owari da...
rope rule applies to you too, if you want to give me your zip i can find the nearest hardware store for you since you seem too incompetent to do it yourself
I didnt read your post but you seem pretty invested
The first will happen eventually but idk about it shuttering in the next 3 years or before 30th. XI subsidised XIV's development for a long time and got to reap server benefits.
The second is what some are wishing for, I do too.
I don't know how likely they are to tackle the challenge though since so much of it is still tied to PS2 era tools on top of the structure of the game. There'd have to be some degree of rebalancing things that's a tonne of work. Yoshida has been rotating out XI members to XIV & XVI for a while to give them more experience with modern game dev tools so that's kinda a red flag but you put those same people under a small team dedicated to turning it into a SP experience and you're maybe cooking.

>but the later can't be financially viable for them to even bother with at this point..right?
DQ X is managing it but DQ X is a different beast systems wise.
I can't foresee a big XI offline project being done in one big release with all the expansions, that's a massive task. Also if you split up XI, Zilart & Promathia and say do treasures > seekers you're running into issues with Rhapsodies. There's a lot of restructuring to make that work.
but shit it out for $60-70 as an evergreen product like XI has been after EoS and you're still profiting from it somewhat without being shat on.

NieR Reincarnation has the same problem right now. It's being EOSed in a matter of days but has 3 years of story content & side stories all locked behind it with a gacha system on top. Legacy wise it makes sense to keep it around.
It's built on Unity but still needs a UI overhaul and rebalancing to work as a single player story.
The VN sections and the weapon stories/side quests ARE the meat of that game but you don't see the battle system unless doing hard side content at all.
NieR is much fresher in peoples minds though, getting people who shat on XI for being a grindy MMO who missed out is a much tougher task.
yeah i'm real invested, sitting here drinking coffee and listening to music trying to force a dump while XIV secondaries with no communication skills bait for (You)s
Didn't play before the TP return nerf? you didn't play FFXI.
this is the only good post in this entire thread
There are none because Setsuko got censored
>yeah i'm real invested
see was that so hard to admit?
Yes daddy
The people behind this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4-L8DlXt6s

Are hoping to show it to SE to get them interested, in hopes of accomplishing #2, from my understanding of what this project even is.
When is the next discount world transfer period?
They want to show them a private video? Whoa...
OwO you got me so good anon xD :3c

how long you wanna keep (You) trading bud, this place is starting to get kinda stinky
Didn’t realize this one also got set to private. Idk what’s going on with this project but the video was a demo of XI being remade in unreal walking thru jeuno
I remember that one, didn't it have the AIDStier ashenbub textures bolted on?
It's pretty much out of my system until the next crybaby fit someone has
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Looking for a gaming guild:

1) You must be an American straight naturally born male 18-50(age) only guild. No exceptions.
2) The guild leader and inner circle (officers, best friends, long time members) must not be upper-middle class IRL earners.
3) You have to be okay with being a constant target of cancel culture for housing me within your guild. So no weak leaders who cave into peer pressure from rando's outside the guild.
4) If your guild has mandatory try hard raid shit that's fine cause I'm a NEET youtuber who can make any and all times with no life obligations or family.
5) I'd like a guild that does fun, trolley, lulzy shit too, not just "kill the dragon get loot" kinda shit.
6) Your guild must not contain members of the military, police, government, or schooling professions.
7) You must be okay with me creating youtube content from guild activities. No I won't record your voice or anything for public viewing.
8) You must be okay with entire large guilds declaring absolute war and total destruction on you for the mere fact you allowed me into your guild. Expect to aggro some very heavy hitters in whatever game you play. I have a very bad rep with left wingers and trannies.
9) You have to allow freedom of speech. Nothing that breaks discords rules of course, but I will not tolerate someone telling me that I cannot say certain words over voice chat or talk about certain topics.
10) You must be okay with someone who harbors extreme hatred towards nearly everything.
11) No one in the guild who creates content can be friends with the left, LGBTQ shitters. This is treason.
12) You must be in it for the LONG term. As in, a life-long guild that plays multiple games and not just one fucking thing then everyone quits when that game dies.

I can elaborate if you need me to.
Anyone here in DKOB on Odin?
I don’t know enuf about that homo’s work to be able to pick it out if I had to so idk.
From what was explained to me though those people were planning to have a nearly complete game then show SE to see if they are interested in it. Supposedly an ARPG version of XI
sorry nobody here actually plays the game
it's cool i accept your concession

i just took a fat dump so i'm outta here myself, see you tomorrow?
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Damn they really stepped up the cutscenes
The funny thing is that cutscene is absolutely nothing compared to what they managed at wings and SoA
The introduction of Zilart was epic. Especially compared to how dumb the Shadow Lord was.
If the mob is unclaimed, then you can claim it. Nothing here belongs to someone just because they've been camping for hours. Tough shit, claim faster.
If it's white it ain't right
i learned pentathrust a week before that :(
One thing I would like to add, SE made a big deal about purchasing new servers for XI back in December or so. The specifically said that the game will continue until either the new hardware dies, or the game is still profitable at the time of death that they can replace it with new hardware again.
I want to suck ark angel EV's futa cawk
I'm going to be hanging with Apururu for another 20 years
>or the game is still profitable at the time of death that they can replace it with new hardware again.
Well, they're benefiting from CBU III as a whole upgrading their data centres and adding more, CBU III's plan for XIV servers are kinda....optimistic to say the least, last I checked EU is supposed to still be getting another DC, NA has 3.5 (Dynamis is a ghost town, Aether is FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL most of the time) and JP has 4 DC's with Mana being FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL with every server congested. They expanded so hard because of the housing issues and have plans to go harder.
I can see them hitting 30 year anniv at least and it should be safe for the entirety of Dawntrail due to the alliance raid series, that won't start for another few months and won't end until 7.5 sometimes in the next 2.5 to 3 years.

I'd be stunned if retail announced EOS before the next XIV expansion or FF MMO.
What worries me the most is that Yoshi-P has stated several times that running so many MMOs is an anomaly, and that XI is a game he just "doesn't get" or see the appeal of.
cuz ffxi is pre woke
Holy shit. They made strategy guides for MMOs? Thanks, anon.
Brutal, sorry bro
>What worries me the most is that Yoshi-P has stated several times that running so many MMOs is an anomaly, and that XI is a game he just "doesn't get" or see the appeal of.
I remember reading an interview with him a while back about XI and he wasn't so negative, this might be it. Don't have enough time to go through it in detail
He isn't alone. The ever shrinking player base also doesn't.
FFXI would be such a good game for mobile phones ;)
phones are too unwieldy for updating lua
>it should be safe for the entirety of Dawntrail due to the alliance raid series
forgot about this. yeah it would be retarded to shutter it before the end of expac raid atleast. and who knows xi could see a meaningful population bump from it and delay the end even furhter
First Kyubei
Then Cringe
Now Celene
RIP the homies.
Yoshi p is a wow fag
Ff11+eq might as well be in a completely different genre than wow and wow clones.
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I want to jump in
That's where all the mithra pee
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Caught one
what did these people do?
harass people
They were us...
Anyone on Asura be willing to help me move items? I am coming back to the game and want to remake my character using the same name but i don't want to delete some items I have that were given to me by a deceased friend.
I'm on atm, how many items are you talking about? I can prob help if I clear some inv.
I have 15 items I'd like to move over
Cool, I can help with that if you give me 5 mins to dump inv, where you wanna meet?
If we could meet somewhere in Windurst that would be helpful because this character is level 20 and I haven't been anywhere else. My IGN is Linnart.
Sure thing, drop by the AMAN NPC at windy woods and I'll help ya out.
I'm thinking about jumping into this.
I've been playing FFXIV for 3 months and I feel like the endless tsunami of liberal moralizing has finally drowned me. And the player base seems to mostly just be weird porn addicts.
Would I find FFXI better or am I just totally off base?
Why did they stop playing...
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Guess I'll just read books or something
Almost no one uses porn mods, that dude is a degenerate. Most people are either completely normal or autistic. Schizos exist ofc
Yeah I'm definitely going to click that...not.
Do you like :3 mithra
You can try it if you want, but if you're jumping ship to XI before Eureka and Bozja then you're retarded.
At least do those, see how you feel about that content and if you like even a sliver of it and can group up, idk, maybe consider going to XI.
XI doesn't need a desperate influx of XIV players who feel gatekept by fake nice NA personalities searching for a new MMO to be a schizo in.

This isn't even a post trying to sell the virtues of XIV.
It's pretty fucking raw as a game, if you don't gel with Eureka, don't like FF II or V at the very least then you're probably not gonna like the game.
Why II and V?
ew, that model is totally off.
Because skill up and job abilities.
if someone makes a bahamut /vm/ ls I'll resub right now
Where will you guys go when this retard-filled community dies?
Scattered among the winds, awaiting the call of the next private server. Just kidding, playing retail until either I or the server dies.
maple's story, its a retard retirement community over there
Wait around for the next server to launch.
Half the people will jump ship thinking their experience will be much better on this new server, but they will end up complaining about staff issues just as they did on HorizonXI and every other server prior.
All the botters/exploiters will hop on and get banned within 3-6 months for the same shit they got banned for in the past.
The reason why they have to keep complaining about staff issues is because staff keeps doing fucked up shit. It's not hard to comprehend.
nta but ill even settle for a /vm/ STATIC
like what?
I don't think it has anything to do with this. The vast majority of players never even know 99% of this shit is going on, it's mostly just the autistic forum dingleberries who reeeeeee constantly about it.

A lot of Horizon players specially are just like working dads that can't be fucked to care. People who run these servers probably just get tired of being berrated by autistic screeching for everything they do and lose interest because of it. We've got to see it happen like 10+ times in the last 5-6 years.
aeric finally got them...
You're asking for the impossible. Staff on private servers will always end up:

>making some change due to an oversight they didn't consider before,
>rightfully ban players for being autistic (this will always happen)
>make biased decisions based on their friendships with certain players (this will always happen, since it's rare to have staff members who aren't also players on the server.)

You have to come to terms that all 3 of these things will happen whenever you sign up to play on a private server. This isn't even exclusive to FFXI, either.
I'm moreso impressed that people here think staff can do no wrong and has never done anything wrong. All people who have ever complained about staff are 100% in the wrong.
>make biased decisions based on their friendships with certain players (this will always happen, since it's rare to have staff members who aren't also players on the server.)

Even if we had a server where this wasn't a concern people would still just make up other shit to be mad about. We saw this on Limit Break, their staff didn't really play on the server so instead players just claimed they didn't know what they were doing. I don't think staff played on Wings for either but they obviously had other issues.
no I just usually think people make mountains of molehills. especially when you've got volunteers who are made to deal with an ESL playerbase.
plus almost all of the ppl who were really bad on staff at wings are just horizon staff now lol
I wish I would have played on Limit Break, seemed like a dope, tight-knit experience for the small amount of time it was around.
I think I stayed on Wings at the time since it had the population.
This. Horizon has a combination of Wings+Eden Staff in it now.
Limit Break had its problems but most of them were just due to the devs who started it not having enough time to dedicate to it. I think they thought it was going to be a lot easier than it was. Staying on Wings was the right choice, even in spite of its problems the actual play experience was better than average.
It's important to understand that as a player you are essentially an NPC in staff's custom adventure game. You're just there to fill their world so they can play it.
Anyone on Horizon want to ERP? I am a submissive beta male slut with a kink for large foreheads. Tarns is my name in game.
I thought Tarns was a girl.
She must've pissed some dude off who's taking his vendetta here.
Shut the fuck up Kipling.
Ok lets sit here and think about this. Has sharing dick picks and offering finger jobs in the ff11 community ever worked?
You tell me you dirty little slut.
My dick not big enough.
You got pics? Post 'em
You're on 4chan handwringing about someone being a "creep"? I'm with that other anon, if someone's got this sluts nudes then please post them.
If you're at a point where you can sell clears, then what is it you have yet to gain?
Why can't you just be normal and ask for feet pics like the rest of us.
You sell clears to get to the next point of the game that you want to finish.
Has anyone ever sucked dick for gil on horizon?
I technically have Eureka unlocked but I haven't touched it yet, I was trying to get the MSQ finished before doing all the side content.
Maybe that was a mistake because the story is awful. I can't' believe people commonly cite this game's story as one of its selling points. It's vapid, stupid, contrived, and in your face with the overt moral posturing.
I'm just hoping that it's a little more restrained since it comes from an older era of video games.
I told myself I would just ignore the faggy nature of modern games when I started FFXIV but it's so overwhelming gay that it becomes distracting and off-putting.
Legends tell soon even retail will be folded into Catseye. The spice is inevitable.
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>More players on Horizon than Asura
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4 of those are me lol
>agility does nothing for war/pld
>change koenig gear chr to agility
>a gear set that's incredibly heavy
>gets agility
Is Aerec just terminally retarded?
CHR actually does nothing, AGI at least lowers enemy crit rate. Use wiki retard
Probably some morbidly obese fat fuck who will have a heart attack by 40.
Charisma raises resistance to charm retard read the wiki
Asura or Bahamut for retail?
How is the casual leveling scene on Horizon these days?
I tried playing for a few weeks at launch, but it was expectedly packed to the brim with everyone fighting over every EXP spot that people were willing to go to. And once the BSTs started showing up, it only became worse.
If I put my flag up as a job like WHM or BRD these days, will I get a party invite reliably at most level ranges? Or will I end up having to make my own parties?
All the normies were fitlered and now we're left with the meta fags, sorry anon, but it's ogre.
If you don't have food and aren't decked out in HQ gear when they search up your character on the horizon server, you're going to have a rough time getting a party
Tr*ns with the falsetto voice
>does HNM
Mental illness attracts mental illness, like poetry
Post some good mithras
BRD and WHM yes. BRD is the fastest job to level. Ignore both of the other ape retards responding. This thread is horrendous
Who did nothing wrong?
Who did everything wrong?

Me for both
people may at best check your gear then not say anything, BRD is in high demand at all times, and healers are in reasonably high demand but youll probably wait less as a PLD than an WHM. I cant comprehend what that retard is saying about needing great gear to get parties, people will be begging you to group as a bard since no one wants to be the puller themself
Are PLD and SMN jobs people still play and need?
Scummoner will always be in need
Number lower in the middle of a work day, who could have predicted this?
Which woman are we hating on today?
Ayyy. They'd rather wait 1-3 hours or not party at all that day than have 2% less xp/hr
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So is eden 2.0 coming or what?

Getting tired of waiting for my ToAU server bros.
Kupo 2.0 where?
50% less actually
I come home to 200 messages cause y'all believed Dayman of all people smfh.
You're not getting 50% less because a few party members don't have HQ kek. I'd take a full party of trash for low exp as long as they don't wipe rather than standing around all day anyway.
75% less
There is no eden 2 its a pipe dream for banned retards.
200% less
I just got banned from horizon AMA
We all miss you Overlord
Why were you there to begin with?
To lie about getting banned. I haven't cheated, said Nigger or harassed staff
Horizon will never be FFXI
Neither will FFXI
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This board is more cringe.
All he did was help people out and he got banned for it...
Horizon is ZoomerXI. You should have been able to figure that out the moment you saw the candy floss hair colors.
I know absolutely nothing about this game, why should I play a knock-off server when the official one is still up and running?
That entirely depends on what your goal is. Do you want to see the FFXI story and missions? Retail is your only choice -- if you want to see what FFXI felt like (sort of, its close enough) back in 2005~? Horizon will do the job.

What are you looking for?
You shouldn't play a knock-off server. They're containment zones for people interested in playing the same content over and over.
what did you get banned for, sis? FFXI has always been about playing the same content over and over.
Smnigger, blm, brd rdm, and whm are needed for half of the current content. Melee jobs are mostly used in the other half of current content. toau and onwards the game becomes more and more melee centric. If your worried about finding spot for content. Play rdm, you are literally needed for anything even more than bards counting being able to do bcnms
Also you only need the 1 pld and theres a lot of fights 2 ninjas or a rdm is axtually preferable. Even in those fights 2/3rds of the alliance is going to be blm or smniggers so do the math on hard is it to find and keep a spot as the single pld for a good linkshell compared to being blm #7
whos dayman, also who are you? need feet for verification
how did yall do these servers before horizon or is horizon the first server
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lmao, enjoy your high expectation server with 1 dev
>Bro where's the content that released over 7 years later?
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This thread used to include other XI servers, but it's since been overtaken by Aerec, Juul and their minions.

You see on Horizon gil goes for $220/million and Aerec doesn't want to lose his cash cow just yet. It's really quite brilliant. Create and hype a new XI server complete with these new bells and whistles, custom content, job balancing. Get xi-celebs to back it. Make fancy job cards and a nice website. What do MMO players inevitably do? They cheat. They buy gil. Why do these people never ask for a cent for the work they do? Because they get paid every time someone buys gil directly from them. Why do they defend Horizon every hour of the day? Because it hurts business.

>promise content adjusted for 75
>don't deliver it
>watch as the people who already sank 4,000 hours into your server defend you for free
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nobody has that content in a usable non-custom base anywhere you disingenuous mongoloid. you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about. The only feature complete (or at least 95%+ done) future shit is literally just RUN and to a lesser extent GEO, but that's not "content"

WoTG: not done anywhere
mini expansions (3 of them): partial at best
Visions/Scars/Heroes of abyssea: basically nothing that's not custom
RoV: mostly custom shit
afaik nobody has ambuscade either, let alone random shit like MMM, meebles or legion. nobody has chocobo raising/racing. Nobody has monstrosity.

Kill yourself immediately.
You can get 220 bucks per million gil? No fucking way. I should come back just to sell my gil
does it make you feel better that they made promises they knew they could not fulfil?
cg you are a mindbroken xi consoomer. now get excited for next server
Eden 3?
FFXI-2 is going to be fucking lit.
1.0 was deleted sorry bwo
Thanks for proving exactly why Horizon is a pointless thing to defend. It's just the heaviest shilled slop in a line of slop.
LSB still needs heavy development for all p servs, they're fun things, they're intended as a way to preserve the game past EoS. Anyone can fuck around and make one. LSB is still receiving development albeit mostly from new blood in the last few years but it still has a long way to go; which is why it's precisely so funny to see p serv dramatards spout schizo babble weekly about why their server is aktchually better.

Only 65 days until we find out if Komoto and other XI team members have been folded back into their regular roles or are working on something else. There's always the possibility they miss the credits for wave 1 and reappear 2-3 years down the line on credit roll 2.
I'm not falling for this again Birdy.
Me? I'm dayman, I'm birdy
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I cant heckin wait for horizon SoA content in 2095.
It's at least 5 Fridays after next Friday
orenji is a nigger
>Only 65 days until we find out if Komoto and other XI team members have been folded back into their regular roles or are working on something else. There's always the possibility they miss the credits for wave 1 and reappear 2-3 years down the line on credit roll 2.

I don't understand what this means
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I will never fucking forgive them for this. Fuck Yoshi-P. Game was decided to get nuked 3 months after launch because they couldn't get massive numbers while WoW was at it's peak playerbase. So fucking mad at what was lost.
god this looks so fucking kino. If only the actual game itself wasn't dogshit
Orenji makes good art, faggot
the game was so goddamn bad
but the SOVL we lost......
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They could have fixed it but instead we got 2.0.
SE saw how huge wow was at the time and just told their new team to just copy it. So now we just have a perfected WoW formula clone that's soulless slop where interacting with people doesn't matter, everything is A to B questing, and just instance after instance.
were they wrong? look at the popularity of 14 and the modern playerbase
they were right and it hurts you
it pains you because for all of your life youve known but refused to accept
this is who walks among us
Ultimately the XI & XIV teams still worked on 2.0 through 6.0 and went with the changes too.
Even the reworked combat & job design was handled by Komoto. There's only really been a shift between Shadowbringers & Endwalker.
I get what you're yearning for, XIV 1.0 looks great, if it did grow with patches it could have grown into something wonderful but they were dealing with a game that was panned, that stinky rep doesn't shed itself desu.
It's either conform to the WoW model or die. 1.0 came out before a lot of the clones did like Wildstar for instance.
>one server asks for money
>burn it at the stake, accuse the owners of stealing money, pretend like square enix is gonna shut them down
>different server never asks for money
>"they're obviously selling gil

You people really are fucking retards.
A lot of the old designers went with it because Yoshida flat out said either you support the vision of making the game into a WoW clone or get off the team
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>A lot of the old designers went with it because Yoshida flat out said either you support the vision of making the game into a WoW clone or get off the team
I get that narrative but the reality is that they have went on to work on other games with other teams and they've continued to come back and work on XIV.
So far the biggest names to disappear are developers who worked on XVI on DQ builders, the big daddy being Komoto who's been lead game designer carrying the game from 1.0 through Shadowbringers.

Dawntrail & Endwalker are so interesting from a development standpoint because the teams did shuffle around due to XVI's development, raids & dungeons were all designed by different teams, the folks who handled Eureka & Bozja ended up working on island sanctuary & EO of all things. If you compare EW's content to other expansions you can see why certain things feel off, you see that repetition of mechanics really kick in.
It's expected that things should shuffle back to normalcy with DT, certainly the core team from XI who worked on Eureka & Bozja shouldl be working on the third zone & relics. We may even see Komoto come back as a supervisor working on game design.

I don't really want to talk that much about XIV in an XI thread but CBU III is extremely flexible as a development unit, there's people out there working with CBU I & II constantly.
If they wanted to leave permanently, they could.
Is it possible to travel to Aht Urhgan without completing CoP? I just want to unlock new jobs
This is the least cohesive greentext I've read all year good job anon
easy to spot the trannies
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He's correct though. And Horizon IS the tranny of the XI private servers.

You will never be real XI. You have no sovl, no authenticity. You are a crude mockery of Tanaka's perfection.
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That's Bocchi hair. This is an anime website.
Anime is how trannies are born.
No that's autism
at least the trannies kill themselves, you should do the same
why have they still not fixed this model and several others having fucked up eyes
>reee kill yourself
you first
because yore gae
Because the braindead thousand yard stare suits horizon players LOL
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Final Fantasy
Final Troonout XIV 2.0...
damn u guys are miserable as fuck out here huh? im glad i have the ability to feel happy probably bc i dont hate random groups of ppl for existing
I like that I can check in and over a day there's fuck all to do with XI going on. That's most days but you give a hurrah for each day without private server wankery.
im miserable bc ive been sitting here for 3 days trying to get into a qufim pt
this game dead as hell and sucks and is ass and trash and im tired of being beaten up by monsters after i zone and im gonna suck the soul straight out of aeric's thin rapier like penis and spit it into hell
FFXI private servers have droves of people who peaked in high school, people who have destroyed their lives, people who cheat on their spouses for some mithra pussy (who are generally played by dudes), and/or people who flunked out of school to continuously play an archaic MMO. Of course, no one is happy. Then mix in the unstable people who got banned and can’t let go, so they seek some false justification for it even though they just broke rules and can’t be accountable for their actions. And if you somehow DO meet a well-adjusted person, they are either strong enough to avoid all the previously said things or will soon crumble and join the rest of the slop, and that’s what keeps you coming to 4chan because it’s a train wreck you can’t look away from.
and the rest are legitimately old as fuck dads and moms and grandparents
its wild seeing old ass fogeys gaming
I mean this in the kindest way, but meds
I've been seeing others in my ls complaing about that the past week. Why not create a party yourself and hit up randoms?
which ones
Whatever your psychiatrist prescribed, anon
i have too much social anxiety for that im a bottom i cant lead
then pretend you're someone else and everyone else is a peasant, there for you to manipulate to do your bidding. you're just entering prompts for AI. works 9/10 times
but i want to be friends with everyone :( thats why i play
Most people are happy. Its the same hand full of schizos posting over and over that just gives the illusion everyone is a disgruntled nut case.
>droves of people who peaked in high school, people who have destroyed their lives, people who cheat on their spouses for some mithra pussy (who are generally played by dudes), and/or people who flunked out of school to continuously play an archaic MMO. Of course, no one is happy. Then mix in the unstable people who got banned and can’t let go, so they seek some false justification for it even though

>Boomer hands wrote this post
For me it's hume female pussy
I'd ruin my marriage for some Galka dick.
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I was doing a quest with a random in a cave for over an hour last night, we had a great time
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At this point why would you even try rolling on a 2 year old server like horizon?

Might as well play another game, you will NEVER catch up.
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>cleared all storylines
>LS is dead
>can't find anyone else to play with
Should I just move on to XIV then?
Move on anon, FFXI has been dead for oever a decade.

Let this game die.
wtb galka bf

go to /FFXIV/ you fucking EPRG nigger
lol nice, 'sfun going through dungeons with others
glad to see you're having fun lil fella
maybe you should if you're so obsessed with them lmao?
Will they ever unnerf one handed weapons? Its not like it was that broken. Ill tell you whats broken, war abusing bhuj steel cyclone with out of era hasso. Its literally briandead sometimes press your buff buttons and keep spamming
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>one of my ls members swapping to an “unknown” alt to ask if he can see my panties, and if i’m being a good girl
Is this the era experience? nigga least be horny on main.
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>and if i’m being a good girl
Well hon, are ya?
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I dont think Overlord was specifically banned for selling his services in /yell. Do you know what he was actually banned for?
One handed weapons are still 0.65, way higher than they ever were at 75 cap. It's still buffed
Arguing on Discord.
What's the ETA on our retail LS? It's been in discussion stages for years now
Okay Winter, take your vitamins now.
you didn't play era
There were other servers that took donations or charged money and people lost their minds about that, but whats the point in not asking for money if people are just gonna accuse you of selling gil if you dont?
>What are you looking for?
I'm...not entirely sure.
What was the reason for the creation of Horizon? That might be a good place to start.
I thought he was banned for talking about how he was going Russian hitmen to kill Aerec
Level 75 cap like the good ol nostalgia days. It's quite similar to how it was. You actually have to talk with people in group together rather than use a party finder or whatever the fuck to do stuff. Soloing is possible depending on your job

You may as well give it a try, just expect this to be a wiki heavy game. Be sure to find a noob friendly LS and ask a ton of questions.

Oh and if you roll a taru for anything but BLM you are handicapping yourself and you will die to a light breeze.
Spicy is Russian. Coincidence?
I don't mind wiki heavy stuff, I just don't want to cuck myself out of content by playing a private server.
So it sounds like a situation where the owners decided a certain cut-off point was necessary and everything after that wasn't real FFXI or something?
Nothing after that point is playable outside of retail, even the playable parts are guesswork recreations which makes it a contentious topic. Play retail when it goes on sale for $9.99 soon.
Basically but not all of the 75 ffxi is developed yet so it's limited atm
I like Horizon but im considering try retail when its 9$, when is that? Or should i just go back go 14? I stopped before SHb release
Well ok but obviously I'm not going to play both.
Are you suffering from what the zoombies call the "social death ick"
If you had to solo 16-20 on Horizon, where would you go? I don't know mob camps and zones with mobs around that level tend to have them dispersed which makes it trash to farm.
Tahrongi. Or literally any zone with an abundance of ep/dc mobs. You can burn through 5 mobs worth 30-40xp each in the same time it takes to kill one even match.
My Favorite place to level from 16-21 is Dangruf Wadi on EP-EM mobs. Then I chain EM-VT mobs in Pashhow. Pretty easy to do this solo to lv 26ish. Did this recently as SMN/BST Fenrir can easily solo a mob and let a charmed pet do the work while resting. Beware the enmity.
I just find the beetles/funguars for my level range and go all the way to 37
Thanks. I tried sandy's La Theine Plateau a while back and hated it due to the spread out spawns and random high level orcs that aggro. Perhaps the windy and bastok zones are better.
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A theme you will never hear on horizon.
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>A theme you will never hear on horizon.

That version sucks


This jazzy theme was WAY better.
The insecurity in WhereDragon chat is embarrassing.
I think you mean cringe.
What's going on?
The relic DRG and relic RNG are arguing about who's better in chat in front of everyone. Is it the one who can't use a macro? Or is it the one who tosses the era+ item? Literal high school tier trash talk.
you mean the relic DRG who comes thf to use mug?
You mean the relic RNG who got the rare egg and threw it "just to see" and then went crying to the GMs?
I never see JP players use addons
It's illegal for them, probably
They have honor
Playing in 4:3 window mode without Ashita. It's cozy, the vanilla maps even look better. I don't remember why I needed addons.
be a real man, play only using / commands, keyboard only. It was my first 5 years experience with the game. Oh, arrow keys for camera movement, numpad for player movement.
Why play retail in current year?
It's the actual game, it's fun, much content, Wings is the best expansion. RUN, GEO, PUP, BLU, I could go on.
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>The actual game
>Literally a single player game you pay monthly for
>Smaller population on the biggest server than horizon

Sure anon
two more weeks
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after so many years....
congrats lucky bitch
Good to know both are dogshit. Glad I play with neither. WD truly the worst of HNM shells.
>single player game
Honestly the biggest draw for me. Looking at all the insane teenage drama brought to these threads the only way to enjoy FFXI anymore is by myself
I like pretending trusts are my friends
Ayame is my literal wife.
Do you RP your adventures with dialogue?
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NTA but I have been writing a log of all the stuff I have been doing, I just started a few days ago
Holy fucking SOUL
Reminds me when I first played this game as a kid and didn't have gil for maps so I printed all the maps out and put them in a big binder
I haven't been using any guides, the only external things Im using for windower besides config is the minimap and distance numbers. But so far I've been talking to any npc I can to get info for stuff and wandering around. Met a lot of new players doing the same quests and doing stuff with them.
They have many crybabies in that linkshell.
>levelling campaign coming up
I will start the /vm/ bahamut LS when it starts. if no one joins I don't want to hear about a retail 4chinese linkshell ever again
But I'm on Asura
then you should start a competing LS and whichever one gets more members is the official /vm/ ls and the other is banished to private servers forever
No thanks, I'll stick to my backwater server I've been on since 2003
Which one is that? I've wondered what things are like on those servers that never get a mention. Is Yell still strictly utilitarian, or is the culture different?
holy SOUL, do you draw your own maps too? lol
>forever stuck on Odin
I ain't movin' from Asura, I may have been scammed into it but I'm not rolling on Bahamut just to have a baja blast meme linkshell
Ragnarok, there's still RMT yells but yeah there's occasional content yells with minimal mercing
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>whichever one gets more members is the official /vm/ ls and the other is banished to private servers forever
The latest HorXI recruitment strat, very grim
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I died fighting the Dark Dragon for my mission
There there, I died on this one too.
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>he got merc memed
Horizon Needs more GMS guys.
Maybe the schizo will apply. Oh wait, they're already GM Violet.
Gay masturbatory shotas?
God I wish
Why do you guys even care about an ls on retail lol. Alliance content has been dead for like a decade now.
>he still camps HNMs while not being part of the cheating LS
I feel sorry for ya'll
>cheating LS
Is that like FFXI NTR? What would that even be? Like they see you with your flag up and send you a /tell but when you respond {Yes, please.} they say they got another bigger and stronger party member?
Pretty much
>camp HNM for months
>despite making every camp, you're probably 4th or 5th in line for loot
>other LS magically are able to have 75% claim rate, practically letting BSTs get the loot you're waiting for.
any ffera players here??
People play on weather website?
Who is the cheating LS? Name them, don’t be a pussy
Back in the long long ago, the DDs, tanks, and puller would consult fo 10-20 mins on what weapons skills we had and try to get to level three for the MB. There was a lot of TP calls, WS calls and the like. All to being down one Incredibly Tough++. Then the party would disband and you're in the middle of nowhere with aggro because you couldn't afford a new warp cudgel.
Chocobo Gordo
I mean hideout
No. The explanation givin is that if they pushed out toau people would ask wheres wotg and so on. The real mask off reason is that some aspects of toau just doesn’t work in the current code pservers use. Toau is the real cutoff from classic ff11 to the more modern version of the game, anyone who says cop was the cutoff is coping. Most 75era content is in toau and even the square enix devs thought that was going to be the final expac. Its hard to say exactly when the game became retail since wings content was being added for years after its initial release, but i would say either when the level cap was raised or trusts were added.
>The real mask off reason is that some aspects of toau just doesn’t work in the current code pservers use.
Sale and free login when
May 10th.
Anyone ever play this on a Steam Deck and if so, is it as much of a pain as it seems
Decent for farming I guess
I don't have a deck but heard it's okay. Steaminput's hotkeys were supposed to just work on Linux compared to Windows from what I recall.
Something that the workaround to broke recently because of a client update on either side. Even if it IS broken on Linux somehow you can kinda get around it by inverting and rebinding controls; as much of a pain in the ass as that is but less so since you're only using a singular input device unlike a PC.
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Its kind of crazy how most of the jobs in this game are actually dogshit but some niggas genuinely pretend they’re not lmao. Imagine any other game telling you in order to be allowed to participate in 85% of the content you need to be one of the 4 out of 15 classes in the game or you’re worthless
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Why can't you just enjoy things?
Is this a p serv meme?
Have you tried not being a worthless faggot
Am I right in the assumption that if I'm looking for pure singleplayer experience I will need to play CatseyeXI? This game doesn't have custom Singleplayer Repacks, right?
If you don't mind paying money, retail is 90% a single player experience.
I do mind but I'm also not looking for the XIV experience of modern XI. Classic Hardcore XI with hires sounds exactly what I'm looking for as fan of Guild Wars 1 and FFXII.
You aren't looking for classic hardcore xi if you're looking for a singleplayer experience
I certainly would love to play mmos offline with ai bots. like in the .hack// games.
>tfw Phoenix
Hopefully I can grind in peace
Seems like more of a design problem than anything. SE made the gameplay/content so unbearable when you're not loaded with mages.
What's everyone's plans for the upcoming campaigns? I'm probably going to finish leveling everything to 99, finally master a couple of jobs, and spend my stockpile of silver vouchers. What's the rarest thing you've gotten from AMAN trove?
Retail is the way for single player autists, wallet be damned. It's tougher for people who are slower with games and have less time so yeah the sub model hurts.
-but I'd frame it less like the XIV experience of playing a game and private servers as hardcore and more like go play a private server if you never care about playing all of XI and are happy to stop at the end of CoP.
It's okay if you're a poorfag but you're not exactly pirating the game if you're looking to experience the expansion stories, more like playing a demo.

but I agree with >>1274666 Satan here. What you're describing is retail or your own godmode install of LSB
Catseye is not free retail, just play retail. See: >>1274311
After only subbing once you can play free during any free login forever and retail will outlast any pserver.
Retail isn't a completely solo experience. You're not killing any big bosses without a group and you can't even enter Dynamis or SoA endgame stuff. You can do a lot solo, but I think retail is best experienced with a small group of friends. The best part about being able to solo a lot of stuff means you don't need to rely on others to get ready for the hard stuff, but you still need them to actually do the hard stuff. It's a good balance. No waiting around for 20 other people just for a chance at some gear.
>Retail isn't a completely solo experience.
I agree even on experiencing the missions side solo.
I tried to do as much as I could solo but hit a hard wall on a Zilart mission and had to ask someone in my LS to help because I ran out of time and couldn't take another day of stalled progress.
>You can do a lot solo, but I think retail is best experienced with a small group of friends.
I'll also say that beyond friends just because the game is more solo friendly doesn't mean that you have to coast on through never talking to anyone. You can still make friends who are doing similar things, party up and help each other out.
Even in linkshells you'll find other noobs to make friends with.
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I gotta get BRD and GEO mastered so I can bee a good little support slut for my LS
>rarest aman trove drop
omen pet MAB jacket that lets me hit damage cap on apex crabs and nothing in any real content
Play horizon
>Most of the time no one talks so you are talking with your LS
>Try to get help with something like a mission ends up either never panning out or you wait literally hours to do said mission (first time i did my shadow lord fight my party literally sat at the fuckin door to the SL for 2 hours because some dork didnt know the way and kept dying)
>Most people play like bots
>Devs are jack asses and will ban you if they don't really like you
>Devs are also likely selling gil

Play retail
>Have trusts so you can solo most of the game without needing to spam for hours
,>Get into social LS
>Still hard to find help but sometimes you get lucky
>No shit devs to shit up the game
>99% of the players either multibox / bot or both
>Game feels more dead than eden in non SoA zones

Am i missing anything?
you shouldn't have said nigger
>99% of the players either multibox / bot or both
Original PlayOnline BGM
Saw a smol fella in the wild a few mins ago.
> LS members clearly don't want to be there.
> LS only players with Clique and passive aggressive to everyone else.
> Players in exp parties are bots
> Players in exp parties are braindead
> Can't make gil helping people/merc'ing.
> Can't find anyone to help me for free.
> Devs are MIA
> Only possible fun is TOAU. Also MIA.
> Play by myself >> get lonely >> play with others >> reminded that others are retarded > Play by myself again.

I find myself having more fun trying to solo as a DRG in random areas than playing in a PT.
RDM75/NIN37 looking for party please invite
Tell me more about this. What level is your DRG now?

Nothing too snazzy, literally just /whm sub and fight EPs and DCs, if i have fresh gear i can actually do well on EMs and Ts but only when they are weak to piercing.
I like how the retail vs private argument feels like two groups of people with stockholm syndrome trying to convince each other which one hates where they are the least
Its not retail v pserver. Its pserver fags coping that the pserver they played on is dead so im heckin hopping back onto retail vs pserver fags.
I genuinely can’t think of a less interesting game than single player ff11. This game is boring as fuck solo. every quest is press autorun back and forth, gameplay is just cast the same 3 spells over and over or just press buff button than auto attack, farming is only cool because its an mmo without showing off to other players, whats the point? Ff11 is good because its a mmo, and literally no other reason. If you say otherwise i have to assume you have braindamage.
Sounds to me like you are the problem.
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>Asura has less players than pserver
>pserver has more players than asura
>Asura is like 75% or more multiboxers and/or bots

>pserver they played on is dead

Is this ejin cucksith?
Its funny reading someone complain about how bad everyone else is, but also how those same people are all in cliques he’s not invited in. Lol maybe because you’re annoying as fuck?
>retail vs private server
ehhh, I think people should play on a private server if they want to. Don't really care if retail XI loses out on subs.
However there's also the grim truth that landsandboat and private servers aren't 1:1 clones of retail and aren't making great strides of progress, if someone's looking to play the expansions then as long as they're aware of what they're buying into with a private server let 'em go for it.

I see value in enjoying the story and vana'diel, if you enjoy the battle system it's alright.
However trusts are limited so that curbs the fun more than playing in a party and removes a block of skillchain fun.
but you're right, single player XI needs actual work and adjustments put in to transform that.
Ejiin "banned" Caitsith plays on Ragnarok bwo....
I have no idea wtf you’re talking about. Retailfags in these threads never praise retail, they only shit on pservers. I have no unjust qualms with retail, i just don’t like trusts so i don't play it. They feel clunky, and its a deal breaker. Asura on paper has the same size population as horizon and it is like 75% bots/multiboxing. Last time i played retail there was easily 6 galka mnk bots farming outside of bastok, and every other person warping in had several multibox clones following them.
>i just don’t like trusts so i don't play it. They feel clunky, and its a deal breaker.
I am a retailfag and even I agree that trusts are shit. I guess I shit on both.
Sounds like someone missed the boat. You're literally a burden if you're melee without gear or a mage class to get gear with these days.
I've been listening to the FFXI ost regularly for over a decade. Sometimes I just like existing in vana'diel. Even just running from point a to point b is still enjoyable to me
I've probably played through the entire story and all expacs 6-7 times by now
Ejiin's original character is banned, he just remade a bunch of accounts like a cuck though
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>subscription payment didn't go through on retail
>check R*ddit
>I guess they've narrowed it down to the fact that the new payment processor SE is using doesn't accept Visa debit

Very cool, thank you Squeenix!
It's because those cliques are groups of manbabies that cry about everything.
Are you not crying about everyone but you being le bad rn?
Just buy Crysta, that's what I did.
Not the point. Why does a multibillion dollar international conglomerate have issues accepting Visa cards in 2024?
The payment processor they were using before blocked access because chinks kept using gift cards purchased with stolen credit cards, hence why when they switched payment processors the amount of options to pay decreased to the standard types
You don't cry with your homies?
Get an actual card like a mastercard you fucking dork
>I guess they've narrowed it down to the fact that the new payment processor SE is using doesn't accept Visa debit
I've seen this but I've had no problems paying for XI since the change and I even renewed my XIV sub just yesterday with a visa debit card after having used a credit card for the last few months.
I saw SE saying you'd need to check your name & address matched on your account, mine does and I live in a now third world country (bongland) and had no issues there.
The worst part about the bots in the starting zones is that their "fix" was to cap how many sparks you can spend per week, which didn't stop the RMT bots cause they just delete the character and make a new one when they hit the cap. It just screwed normal players out of a steady income stream via gil from sparks.
>you'd need to check your name & address matched on your account

Shit, well sorry to hear that.
I know how you feel, I can't get Aliexpress to take my money either. I'd say try crysta if you can, another card if you've got one or one of those youth mastercard or whatever for yobbos who buy weed online.
If you don't have a credit card and can get one, sometimes worth getting one for shit like this.

GL anon, I'll play a little retail for you today.
Does this game run well on linux?
works fine if you use winefix plugin on ashitav4, if you don't you need a really old wine to not stutter*

The above only applies to retail. For some reason the stuttering doesn't happen with private servers. Game is basically flawless otherwise.
Thanks for the answer. I will give it a try with the retail version.
Classic ffxi is nothing like guild wars, past level 40 you will be spending longer waiting for a party invite to level than actually leveling, and you can't do anything while you wait either. This is why retail is better, it has systems where you can level solo.
you are a fucking retard, i got 3 maats caps in diferent p servers and i have never waited a single minute waiting for an invite, i just make my parties in less than 5-15 min most of the time, sometimes cant be but thats very weird, if no party you can do many other things like kill shit solo or whatever
Is it worth multiboxing? Will subs cost more?

> Complains about how long they have to wait for a party.
> Refuses to make a party
> Says its "hard" to level beyond level 40.

Definitely a shitter.
finally got Sea access on horizon and I finally feel like I can start branching out a small bit on what I spend my time on. I know theres more to do on CoP but just zoning in and seeing the sharks and UFOs for the first time ever felt like a huge weight off my shoulders. I wish I got to experience Red Mage in its prime but it is what it is. when im caught up with some of the other big quests and missions I may get a retail sub just to try out stuff like composure. Any big milestones for any of you anons lately?
>Any big milestones for any of you anons lately?
patched a bug that's going to cause seething by exploiters :)
cool, how about in gameplay.
don't have one because I'm stuck in dev hell trying to make this pos codebase suck less
when you think toau will come out?
what bug was?
hume females couldn't get pregnant in game
I have no clue. What horizon thinks is enough isn't what I think is enough
what do you mean?
they could enable ToAU with a lot less than they planned and players will still be happy
yeah i agree they cant change their mind?
Sorry if my question is too dumb. But will this game (on retail) eventually get new expansions or content?
see the cute part is WD doesn't cry with their homies. they vague post in the suggestion thread and then get smacked by the devs over and over like the bitches they are lol

found the THF. lemme guess - you're level 40 but in beetle gear and NQ level 14 STR rings?

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