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You guys you know any good free MMORPG?
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Tree Of Savior
Pick two.
I wish that statement was still valid in 2024

RPG Mo is the only one i can come up with right now
It is a grindfest though, and no competitiveness between the community so you can take your time to enjoy anything you want
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I guess it really depends on what your looking for. There are MMO's with 'good' gameplay. but Might not satisfy the MMO itch, because they are just action games with online elements
Like Warframe, or Neverwinter.

What makes an MMO Good is frustrating because I don't think most players even know what they are looking for in an MMO, myself included.

This is especially true when you have a limited amount of time for gaming, do you have an hour or so a day? Some korean MMO might be perfect if your playstyle aligns with their daily awards and timegates.

Binge gaming for 12 hours then disappear for a week? Probably want something like Path of exile.

I tried to get into ragnarok Online for a while, Might still jump back to it because the basic gameplay is... basic... but kinda enjoyable? and the sprite art carries it. I should probably check out Tree of savior at some point because it seems to have inherited some of Ragnarok's original artists or something.

I've also tried Mabinogi, Its bizzare to play because of all the chatch up stuff going on. I complete a tutorial quest and suddenly gain 220 levels. neat.

Ultima online and outlands private servers are also neat. but I found myself mostly enjoying them from a technical analysis standpoint and not a 'playing the game' standpoint.
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The whole thing about knowing what you want or what you want is a good point. Most of the games you listed are decent in their own way. I've played most of them at different points of my life. My biggest gripe with all of these is that they're all rather old and I don't want to be playing the catch-up game, reading pages after pages of the wiki.
was perfect for me from ~2013 all the way up to 2019ish, at that point it just became all too much and the gameplay has way too much management between little windows and systems that have been continuously tacked onto the game. It barely resembles a game anymore, navigating through them feels like digging endlessly through my hard drive folders to find a specific file.
I remember playing during the beta and a little after release. It didn't feel very social, and I didn't get hooked into the character progression, thinking about how much content I'd have to catch up with now doesn't seem appealing, but the game's solid.
>Some korean MMO
Same catchup issue, plus I immensely despise p2w content. Maplestory 2 and Maplestory 1 are probably the two I have fondest memories of.
>Ragnarok Online
I've tried playing some private servers before, but between it feeling barren, not knowing what I'm doing, and dated gameplay, I just didn't manage to get into it. Guess I just missed it at its prime.
>Tree of Savior
Same case of an old game with catching up to do, plus it's absolutely empty, plus p2w, plus the interface is very poor. The art is immaculate though, a tremendous waste.
I only tried playing private Mabi once maybe 5 years ago. Even then it was empty and dated.
>Ultima, Outlands, Neverwinter.
These I haven't touched.

I'd love playing something like an early League of Legends without the tons of bloat, or better yet, Dawngate or Battlerite. Something like early Maplestory or early PoE would be fantastic. There's just nothing recent it feels like. I guess I just want something new.
I didn't even know there were private Mabinogi servers... Can't argue with the dated point though devs are working on a huge engine revamp so maybe keep an eyeball on it.

If you like retro style, Try ashen Empire,
It has a small community, but its one of the only 'old school' style rpgs where the interface has actually updated with time and doesn't feel like its been cobbled together over 20 years.

I'd give warframe another shot as well, they added more open areas where it was easier to hook up with other players.

Don't let pay to win concerns keep you from trying a random korean MMO, unless the game advertises PVP non stop. If the basic gameplay loop on a P2W mmo is still fun, all the Paying does is make the game easier.

My personal litmus test is if a game can still be fun while loosing. Most videogames completely drop the ball on this front.
For a "good" free MMO, with the understanding that good doesn't mean #1 in player count, your only real choices are OSRS or Guild Wars 2.

If those aren't appealing, then you probably care more about graphics/combat/etc. than anything else.
gw2 filled to the brim with trannies good luck finding anyone to play with
also its not really f2p since you need the expansions to play 90% of the content
FF14's free trial is more generous than OSRS's.
I like haven and hearth, fun for a month
one good free, please
How the fuck do you even function? Go play some shitty overcrowded wow private servers, you will fit right in with such attitude.
Retail Mabi is weirdly active right now. Server feels pretty full becasue they merged all the servers into one a while ago. Apparently global is pretty small compated to the korean server though.

I'm enjoying Retail so far, for what its worth.
>I don't think most players even know what they are looking for in an MMO
Tbdesu I want something that's alive, something that just sucks up all of the korean mmo enjoyers into one game, something worthy of everyone congregating from all their gay little private servers and dead games into one singular MMO that's good. I don't even care about the specifics as long as it's not p2w trash. It just feels lame as fuck to play a game and all of the newbie to mid game zones are dead, and most of the endgame zones are dead because everyone is already at the end of endgame. An MMO could be godlike but if it feels like barely anyone is playing then it will never feel good to play for me personally.
>What makes an MMO Good is frustrating because I don't think most players even know what they are looking for in an MMO, myself included
People know what kind of experiences they want, the problem is that games don't know how to achieve it.
- Logging in and seeing familiar faces there. The game world and people go on even when you are not there.
- Running into familiar faces every once in a while, getting to know and creating a sense of community even with people you don't know
- Comfy spaces to hang around goofing around/doing nothing with randoms, expressing yourself through in-game actions and emotes. (I call this slice of life).
- Partying up for gameplay benefits as a social glue
- Different player roles (be it build or personal playstyle), covering for each other's weaknesses
- Expressing yourself through build, playstyle and cosmetic choices
- Showing off rare achievements through level, exclusive items, badges, etc. The more hard to obtain, the more impactful gameplay or visual-wise, the better.
- Sense of adventure and discovery
- Gameplay that's good, high quality and compatible with all the goals above
- Good enough graphic design
- PVP as a proof of good combat and RPG design, and as a proof that the gameplay is "real" (eg. it's not just a themepark, but entities can interact with each other according to the world's rules)
- No persistent griefing/bullying
A lot of what I'm talking about I actually found in Naraka Bladepoint, which is BR and not an MMORPG, which proves that it's not all about some secret concept, but the delicate challenge of making this stuff actually happen in practice. Many games either just plain lack the features or the execution/design sucks. And even with that, social structures are incredibly unstable, and setting up a system doesn't mean people will have the desired experience. You can fuel interaction through incentives, but too much and it just feels like you are going through the motions and it's not genuine.
Damn what I'd give for an MMO with naraka combat
I take Blade and Soul for 500
does not exist


soon enough this will not exist either, not accounting for private servers
neo classic isn't out yet and current bns is dogshit
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TurtleWoW hardcore is the pinnacle of mmorpg experience. Completely free to play.
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Damn I'm searching for a good mmo rpg too. I have a few things I'm looking for:
And I mean no paywalled content, or cash only items etc. I can understand buying some premium to get stuff like exp boost or extra stash slots, but no gamebreaking pay2win shit.
>no lvl cap/glass ceiling
A game where you can lvl up both your character/skills and gear to infinity and beyond and only limiting factor is the amout of time needed to get there.
>emphasis on cooperation
Going into dungeons/raids requires a diverse party with clear roles such as tank/healer/dps. Solo play for grinding currency/farming or doing some sidequests.
Graphics are of no issue. Any recomendations?
Not sure if this is off-topic, but there's this cool project going on here:
Figured it would interest other MMOheads reading this thread.

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