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anyone else playing the update

i haven't played in years and trading coins for recipes is a lot better than the fucking paper rng grind was
but I must be missing something because the tiering is kinda fucked
I have to beat a 53 guy at 47 to get thick leather recipe
unless i'm missing somewhere I can farm it

also why the fuck do crafting stations not take things from chests
like 90% of the time spent in base is sorting items and moving items from place to place

i also wish the skill gems were more impactful, like getting a skill jewel should make me want to use a skill I normally don't use because it makes it that much better
I wish they had kept updating Battlerite, intead of making this.
I'm playing. Enjoying it a ton. Taking my time. Brutal mode, no wipe, no raid is great for me. Even better would be merciless, but people dont have the balls for it consistently.
brutal is nice because they actually get new patterns
when it started in EA someone here hosted a server on hard, and then further nerfed all player stat bonuses by half
we weren't even sure it was possible to clear, but I think 2-3 of us beat all of the bosses
most fights were hard, but fair.. just had to not get hit and survive for long enough to kill them
only things that felt really bad were add based fights like Styx and Gorecrusher
sounds cool. would love a server with a handful of like minded people to fuck around and do overpowered bosses together. it's what I love about the boss fights, they're like wow raids, without the shitty wow stuff.
I've been kinda nolifing the game since launch and my clanmate is already getting a little tired, I feel. I wonder if the rapid player count die off is going to repeat exactly how it has in the past updates. It probably will, hopefully a little slower perhaps.
I'm playing this with friends on a pve server and I kind of like it. I wish everything had like 1/3 less hp because a lot of these fights really drag on - especially the ones with lots of mechanics that prevent you from doing damage to the them. The game is very tightly tuned and I think it would be more fun if it wasn't. I really like the game when I'm fighting the patrolling type bosses a little over geared and I pull other patrols or other bosses and it gets messy more than doing the arena bosses that are very scripted. I think I'd like it more if you had a bit more player power but also more chaos in the world to keep you on your toes.
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bitch, shut the fuck up with your bullshit, it isn't fuckin fun playing the game that way you autistic loser. so DON'T FUCKIN ENCOURAGE IT ON THE GOD DAMN BOARD.
t. zoomie that hates challenge
I bet you play pve
I was having fun but most players left the server (pvp) before I could catch up and fight on a more equal level.
Never underestimate the power of getting someone else to kill a V Blood for you
thats sadly how every "pvp" rpg works
there is a burst of activity at the start where everyone races to gear up and then bully people lower than them on the totem pole
no one is interested in pvp on an equal footing
a server that is 50/50 day 1 will be 20/50 day 2 and 2/50 day 3
>want to play with frens
>autistic FRESHfag insists on hopping on a FRESH pvp server before they fall behind
>tell them that's retarded
>they all follow him "so we can all play together"
>the next day he wants to hop on another FRESH server because the one they are on is no longer FRESH
>within a week they are on their 5th server
>all stop playing because they hate resetting their progress every day
>never made it to quincey
>meanwhile i solo the game on our own private server and none of them ever join me
The weirder part is this already happened twice before for the original early access and the gloomrot update.
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Got perm banned from all official servers for saying "faggot" over voicechat. (Group of 4 players in a duo server killed me, and i called them faggots)

>100% serious
Gaming is dead
nice blog
no one cares faggot
Sorry, anon. That's pretty gay.
Officials suck anyway
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Overall it's a solid game. Pretty much all the changes/additions from Beta are good. Brutal boss mechanics are pretty much all extremely well balanced and fun to fight.
I almost wish it was a single player game or something. I think the major draw for most people is the Vampire aesthetic. The worldbuilding and design of everything are top tier, but ruined by the fact it's a shitty survival game. Meaning you have to deal with a ton of other annoying cunts constantly who couldn't hack it in Rust.

>>1295050 is still accurate, which is unfortunate because most of the people I've played with in various PvP and PvE servers are cool and chill but there's always like one or two clans who act like fags and ruin it for everyone else.
The game still suffers from the fact that there's no endgame. Besides grinding Rifts hoping for a 2% drop chance Legendary which gets boring as shit after like two days. Once you hit max gear and spend a few days building out your big ol' castle, there's pretty much nothing to do.

Also here's my story
>join RP server
>two literal trannies are the only admins
>act exactly how you would expect, just begging for attention
>spamming gchat with the orange Server Alert text so everyone has to read their takes
>Never actually doing their jobs, just following people around invisibly like weird ass stalkers
>Constantly getting into arguments with the players
I left after beating Drac. Didn't even get to Solarus or Adam lol.
I was playing it in single player, only have a couple bosses left but just can't work up the motivation to continue.
>was having fun with a solo brutal run
>reach 80+
>bosses are more frustrating than fun now
Oh well.
>Once you hit max gear and spend a few days building out your big ol' castle, there's pretty much nothing to do.
Allegedly - you're supposed to join a clan and strangle the server you're on.
It's just another one of those soulless bronze pickaxe to farm gold -> gold pickaxe to farm diamond waste of time cookie clicker progression systems

Also it has shit tier boss mechanics where you have to use the spinning axe and run around the whole time poking with spells because getting near the boss is death
Have you tried not being shit ass garbage at video games? Melee makes bosses far easier because you can dodge while doing damage
The latest hotfix had to buff direct damage spells and nerf the phys crit set because spellc*st*rs were getting cucked to death

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