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last Sea of Thieves thread lasted an entire year right?
where is everyone? what recent achievements have you made on the high seas?
nobody gives a shit anymore rare sure as hell don't
Finally found a Horn of Fair Winds. Still haven't been able to complete a Fort of Fortune solo slooping before a larger ship comes along and chases me off. Players are too good now, sneaking in on a row boat to keg their ship or steal the Fortune Chest is fucking dfamn impossible. It used to be so easy. I feel like some players must be using aimbot cheats, I'm pretty good at evading but they never miss a shot no matter how far I am or what I try to do to dodge. Fuck one guy even shot me through the deck floor. I had one boarder point blank range ADS with my blunderbuss while he was raiding my barrels for fire and when I pulled the trigger nothing happened. Just didn't fucking shoot. Cost me the HG match. Pissed me off. I know I'm good at close combat, but the games bugs or flaws fuck me over.
it's like how in TF2 Spy became 'nerfed' over time simply due to player awareness. Certain strats like kegging and tucking are so ancient now that only the PS5 babies are ignorant of them
me and my buds FINALLY started doing hourglass after I eased them into being comfortable on the wheel/canons so I can board
but then our poorfriends gamepass ran out
I got to 15 in guardians, I can TASTE the curse but its still so far
Community weekend is coming up, so that will help get you there.
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>fishing at an outpost
>see someone blow up my sloop for absolutely no reason
>keep fishing
I just want to grind in peace, but the game is designed for griefing.
If you want pvp it's 80% people trying to run and hide, and 20% gigasweats that sink you in seconds, also you need friends. If you want pve you can play hide and seek or go hang yourself.
Either way, this game is holding pirate fans in gaming hostage and they are squandering it.
I fucking hate this game in a deep, viscreral way, because it comes so close to being a game I would adore and then pisses it away with retarded design choices that we've known don't work since the 90's. I needn't even mention fucking greed, or glitches, those by themselves spoil it for some.
If you want to pvp there's a button on your ship you can press to get on-demand fights.
Almost no one bothers with pvp in adventure anymore because there's no reason to.
Jesus christ July 25th reveal means the game is dead in the water for like 50 more days
Safer seas.
I still get people chasing me. I've gotten really good at running. I try to board them but it's either perfect shot sweats/cheats or noobs that aren't even protecting their ladder. Either way there's always 2 so I can't win any combats because the sloop is such a tank and hard to sink. I wish RARE would nerf it down a bit to reflect their unfair advantage. I've tried to sink a duo sloop of noobs but because it's so easy to keep from sinking when there's 2 people, I can't get any advantage and for some weird reason nobody seems able to join my crew when I open it up. It's just so fustrating needing to do 5 things at the same time just to win.
Whats this about?
Tying respawn time to crew size would be an ideal balance, but you know they'll never do that.
safer seas is a mode for easing new players into the game, you can't actually engage any of the PvE mechanics that are there to engage PvE players. You can do the story mode safely but that's about the only value it has to anyone that isn't new, and all of them have already done that content since it's the only mostly ungriefable content ever made prior to safer seas. Even if it did work, your options then become either a mega grind safe zone or a now even more hazardous regular mode with the regular amount of grind since the pve players have another option. It's a compromised solution that just results in worse extremes. That would be the case if safer seas were a valid option, which it isn't really, unless people like just sailing around doing nothing for pennies, which they don't.

they'll never do anything to sacrifice their vision of griefer heaven, they've been clear on that. 30 years of gaming design be damned.
Oh you're twelve. Sure thing sport, whatever you say.
amazing contribution anon, keep it up
I'm not here for your entertainment, champ.
they've already done that, retard. It's been that way since 2022, a solo slooper only has to wait like 8-10 seconds while a galleon crew has to wait 30 seconds for respawn.
I genuinely have never noticed a difference no matter how big my crew is, and just assumed they dropped all the respawn times to ten seconds across the board.
Apparently the difference between a solo sloop and a full crew gally is 10 seconds. Miniscule, but at least its something.
It doesn't matter if you're spending 15-20 seconds in a black screen and the door opens before you can even move.
Why are you here, exactly?
Is it me or are there not many Fort of Fortune spawns now? I've only seen 1 last week and played half the day today and nothing still.
>Is there anything worse than havng an open crew that doesn't want to drop everything and do that fof when it spawns
I'm surprised there isn't a /vg/ thread. or at least it's never brought up in /coop/
Not OP but a damn shame. I miss the good days of tucking with friends. The suspense, the tension, the thrill when it was "go time", and if we did it at all, how glorious it was.

But never was a fan of taking my outfit off to go all black for it. Shame the dagger came late for it too; unless there's value in it's use?
do we have a discord to crew up?
I want to grind hourglass and guild rep
>you can't actually engage any of the PvE mechanics that are there to engage PvE players.

The fuck are you talking about? Yes you can. You can do events, voyages and etc. Just not PVP, Reapers, Athena, or pirate legend crap. Or are you upset you can't do Emissary in Safe Seas?
Dagger does high damage but is unreliable. Actually charging a power attack is time better served just using the Blunderbuss to one-shot kill someone. Landing thrown hits against anyone who's actually competent and knows to dodge is going to be time better served just quickscoping them with the Eye of Reach.

If it's any consolation, which I doubt it is, knives at least FEEL very fun to use, whether in PvP or PvE
You can do "limited events"
and the only function of voyages is to give you gold and experience for a progression system it caps. I need you to understand this, PvE players didn't have an issue with the speed of the progression of the game, they had an issue with losing hours of progress in a system that favors those who want to make them lose progress. Giving us an option that cuts out the reputation progress, half the events, and two thirds of the value most of the tasks in the game exist to provide isn't a good solution, it's an insult. Pretending you don't see it is as disingenuous as telling people to "go find another game" as if there's fucking pirate simulators just dropping out of AAA trees every couple of months like hero shooters.

Also don't even attempt the "well if you only like the progression you don't really like the game" like PvP faggots wouldn't screech twice as loudly if they made the whole game play at this pace, or more accurately if they gimped PvP to that level and left PvE alone. Gosh Imagine if you couldn't keep your gear and reputation when server hopping as reaper, wouldn't that be fucking quackers. What if you couldn't attack people doing a world event, ooooooh what if galleons couldn't spawn in sloop lobbies, god forbid.
What if they cut cannon damage to 30% if you're a reaper? what if you got 3x fewer cannonballs and your ships went down easier?
guess you just don't like the game if you think that's unfair

They never should have let the fish fags sell at outposts

Get the fuck out the way of me selling loot
They literally did this already
Safer seas is for your retarded ass who whines about pirates being pirates in a pirate game
Lmao the game is gonna die, rare is taking away the one blundie and everyone who gave feedback this was a bad change was getting their posts deleted on insider

And they also started banning some people who stood up to the power tripping moderator who's trying to look good when contracts get renewed soon and Becky isn't in charge anymore
havent played in like over a year or two. where do i find players to restart with?
nah fuck the one blundie, its a retarded cheat mechanic and the sole reason the faggot sweatlords use blunderbuss sniper
Pirates had guidelines they followed occasionally, actually. So no, it's not a great representation of piracy.
And yes, as I had broken down in the prior comment, it fails at doing anything I actually wanted it to do short of an insulting caricature.
Try reading things next time, if you can manage it.
pirates also never buried their treasure, went on skeleton killing adventures, dove deep into the ancient sea to fight mermaids and sirens, nor lived after dying
your point?
It's the only way to mitigate the lame ass boarding meta. The ones complaing about the one shot kill of blunders are the ones who can't board by ladder cause they get shot all the time. Boo hoo. Players with skill can sword dash or shoot on by cannon and RARE even added tightrope walking now also, but no you fags have to sit in the water for five minutes waiting for the chance to swim over and get on the ladder. Then some of you tards jank jump on and off trying to shoot at the person guarding or lag your way up or worse just stay there till someone throws a bomb at you. I wish we could put snakes in baskets on the ladder to poison you cunts too. Better yet imagine if we could roll up the ladder and you had to shoot it to knock it back down before you could use it. There's so many things RARE could do to make sea combat better but instead they cave in to the crybabies.
Point being they're mostly made the fuck up and reflect what ever behavior we make up that they should.
So the cop out response of "pirates acting like pirates" as if anyone but nurare has ever envisioned them as slur spouting children bothering people for the sake of bothering people is moronic and doesn't excuse bad game design.
How about I guideline this dick up your ass
Chud tier commentary
>pirates also never buried their treasure
Captain Kidd did so that he could sell the location in return for a pardon
It didn't work and I'm fact was used as proof of his piracy

Regardless, the "doing pirate stuff in a pirate game" has always felt stupid but it's not because PvP and stealing is wrong but because if someone wants to fight you it mechanically punishes you to choose to stand and fight and rewards you for running.
>new balance
>removed the shotgun oneshot
important change, it forces players who can't fight properly into a situation where they MUST
however the sniper + blund doublegun still exists so it only effects players who aren't actually good
>DB Pistol
meh, its not really viable in the first place and a little extra damage isn't going to take the place of a sniper or blunderbuss
>ship speed
finally fixes the bug where the Brig is actually faster than it use to be in a headwind, might actually balance the ship however the sloop is still trash regardless, and now that it requires you to turn sails the ease of use benefit it use to have is also gone
>they still haven't nerfed blunderbombs
so the game is exactly the same as it use to be except shotgun shitters lose
I guess that explains why I can rarely get a full crew in open galleon and why the servers seem empty of other players. Seriously even though Sony has this game too now, it seems deader than ever.
Average theb watcher faggot
Less people use open crew cause it's just cancer 99% of the time

Not at all proof of the health of the game
Removing the one shot blunderbuss is a good change.
Dogshit change
I agree, however it literally doesnt effect anyone who is actually good at the game
therefor it is unimpactful
Nah it's gonna cripple mid level players who use it as a crutch and it's gonna help bad players get better
It's good.
It's just going to encourage more camping since most mid players use it to boarder defend and break camping
I think RARE has resorted to using bots for players. Today I had no crew for a FoF until a sloop showed up then suddenly 3 people joined my crew and I'm pretty sure only 1 was a real player. The other 2 just did constant noob errors, either just standing around not doing anything then runing off to repair then stand around again. The other just kept dropping the anchor and refused to let me raise it. We were getting hammered by the ashen lord and the ship stayed on fire for about a half hour or more since I couldn't put it out by myself the the bot noob that was helping was just throwing the water back on the ship mid deck. I managed to sink the sloop because they were the worst players I ever saw aside from my own at that time. They came back and we were stil on fire then another sloop came and a skeleton ship spawned on us once I managed to get the ship away from the fort after I bb'd the idiot anchor dropper. Unfortunately the ship was raging on fire and the skele ship hit us with a balastball. Before we sunk I shot over to the island to use the cannons on the sloops but after the ship sunk everyone just disappeared. The sloops were gone just out of thin air and the skeletonship was nowhere to be seen. My crew, who haden't said/text a single thing the entire time, one-by-one quit and there were no barrels in the water or mermaids. I went back to my ship sailed to the fort and finished it, no one joined my crew, no one bothered me. I closed the crew to sell the fortune chest and legendary because I saw a sloop far off heading to me I sold them at the spire. I opened the crew back up and sailed back to get the rest but a retard troll joined my crew and did everything they could to keep me from selling so I quit cause I didn't really care to be bothered about it since the emissary was long gone and I already sold the chests that meant anything to me. I thought it was so weird about the disappearing ships and crew though. Anyone noticed bot crews too?
Why the fuck would microsoft pay 80 billions to buy game studios when the system only makes maybe 15 billion at most? That's like paying a dozen high list actors hundreds of millions to make a movie about something stupid that nobody likes that's going to bomb. Has the stupid generation taken over or something?
microsoft is trying to buy out all the competition and snuff them out that way, it's pure aggro business sense and I can't wait to watch the whole thing collapse in under the weight of its own hubris

good, let the game burn, and for the people that'll miss it, just find another game to play :)
Not even close, the sniper does 75 damage, so the blundie could hit for 50 DMG across 10 pellets and you'd only need half the pellets to hit still

Double gunning won't be impacted at all

Use your brain you retard
No you just got a couple of kids who had no mic
That moderator is absolute batshit crazy

Insider programme will be dead if they don't get fired for their utter bullshit power trip
No one is going to stop playing because of a forum moderator, chief
got linked to your thread by some gay schizo.
haven't played in years is fov still locked to a ridiculously low value?
If they continue to be a community manager it's a fucking retarded company though

I don't wanna support some turbo woke cringe enabling dogshit

But also lel skull and bones died so fast, there's no good pirate game alternatives
If you are whining about 90 fov please fuck off to wherever you came from

Zero context means zero people are going to follow your linking retardation
This is like seven links that jump from game thread to game thread

Literally delete yourself
>Brig ship sailing up with the wind on a gally fighting a meg
>hit them with a single ballastball
>they sink in about 3 seconds
>lol didn't have time to fix those mid deck holes ey boys
will do, have fun playing with a telescope strapped to your eyeballs cunt
Imagine thinking 90fov is low

You must be 12
Except they reverted the Blunderbuss change and said they aren't going forward with it. Retard.
Im just glad we’re finally getting the gold hoarder boots
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>he wears boots
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From the fucking Insider Forums, which you would know if you actually paid attention.
Breaking NDA again? Faggot
sick damage control post
It was probably the retarded mod browsing here trying to find more people to ban

The fucking retard thinks the more bans they get the more likely they can replace Becky as lead CM
>asks for proof
>gets proof
>"wow you're a faggot"
Shut the fuck up kid. Also, just like every other thread, no one gives a shit about breaking NDA since almost everyone is part of Insiders.
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Need to update this, no one uses the DA sails anymore.
Enjoy ban from sot
Can't stack loot on the anchor anymore retard
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You won't believe me but I was the first to stack chests on the anchor to keep people from being able to quickly drop it on us. After I started doing it everyone copied it.
Weeb retard too? Who'd have thought
You won't believe me but I was the first person to use the cannons to shoot another player boat
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I hate that they picked such a sick theme for a payed for curse but I like it
its hard to make this shit look good tho
Yeah you're definitely not doing a good job of it.
Is there a reason you're running the game on a Commodore 64?
Just give rare a blowjob already
How about the B situation?
Turns out Rare is the saltiest of the bunch.
Sure Rare is salty, but theb is still an unfunny sperging retard faggot who has more than earned his ban.
Oh you mean theb not The B

He's a retarded cunt who can't stfu about how hurt his feefees are that he got banned so he constantly ban evades and then cries when he keeps getting banned for ban evading

"wHy WoNt ThEy LeAvE mE aLoNe"

Literally sympathy baiting kids
I'm talking about how Rare was so butthurt that they copy right struck all his YouTube videos.
The game ban is 100% justifiable and legit.
Don't care about that either, he's a faggot and an aussie so he gets nothing.
it has nothing to do with theb, and everything about Rare being butthurt bitches.
If they are gonna do a shit job maintaining their game, they could at least be cool.

Lmao the game is gonna die, rare is taking away the one blundie and everyone who gave feedback this was a bad change was getting their posts deleted on insider

And they also started banning some people who stood up to the power tripping moderator who's trying to look good when contracts get renewed soon and Becky isn't in charge anymore
Good, they had how many years to make the game not shit? All they did was squirt shit out of their mouth at critics and monetize more, rare should've died on purchase from Microsoft, the world would be a better place.
Is there a reason you copy and pasted this exact same post again after it was already refuted?
The game was never shit, the haters like you don't know how to make fun in a sandbox game
These are probably the people who firebomb their own ship, steer into rocks, drop the sails while everyone is about to load the treasure, drop anchor every 2 minutes and throw the treasure overboard. Then quit, join a new open crew and repeat. Just because they want every to know how shitty the game is.
Lel true
>The game is going to die because of a forum moderator
You are twelve years old.
A community manager who harasses, gaslights, and shuts down important feedback on insiders


Yes that can absolutely kill a game
You guys think the amount of bugs in retail is bad now?
It'll be ten times worse without any insider programme actually taking feedback
Except they are taking feedback, as evidenced by the fact that they only tested the blunderbuss changes for a few days before abandoning it because everyone hated it.

I have no idea where this "they delete feedback and don't listen to anyone" idea is coming from since it's demonstrably false.
Yeah except only a minuscule percentage of the tens of thousands of people playing care about insiders, and no one but you cares about this.
Nothing is going to happen and you're making yourself angry over something that doesn't matter and you're in the wrong about.
Wow it's almost like when they delete things you can't see them anymore

Double barrel flintlock thread was a dumpster fire

How am I wrong lmao
Try losing the logical fallacies first
Ur the CM arnt u lel
>Try losing the logical fallacies first
This isn't a debate club, loser.
There's truly nothing more pathetic than someone going
and acting like it's the end of civilization
People don't care what you think because you don't matter
You really are a child, CMs are worthless. There existence is to make players think the devs give a shit. CMs can be cunts all they want. It makes no difference.
why doesnt rare just disable OCE
meh you guys are being autistic pussys
I hope they nerf the blunder and the eor, theyve been the meta far too long and the game is due for a shakeup
wind changes were great now theres a higher skill ceiling and reward for it
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stop being mean friend
When they delete good feedback from the program where they want feedback

People are gonna be frustrated and it's a sign of a shit game company
I'm the people tired of the game facilitating those people.
The game is just a griefers paradise.
I know how, unfortunately my fun comes secondary to the people that only play to make playing worse for everyone else.
They delete feed back to cultivate the kind of "feed back" they want.
>I hope they nerf the blunder and the eor

lol never gonna happen. just like how they're never going to improve swordfighting.
"What does everyone want to do?"
Retard take

Don't play a game about pirating if you don't want to deal with pirates being pirates

Shitty and trolly
They already did improve it retard
Lmao have you not played in two years
It has been fixed to work more consistently, but it hasn't been "improved" as in changed how it actually works which is what I assume he means.
Pretending to be a different person and continuing to claim it's unchanged is retarded

It functions completely different now, no more m1 spam with no skill involved

Actually need to block and time things right to start the combo
Since there's apparently only one person in this thread why are you arguing with yourself?
You gonna say this reply is also me talking to myself?
Wait they're moving the chest of fortune away from the fort of fortune AGAIN???

The burning blade event doesn't need it wtf are they smoking
poor schizo
Oh boy, we're recycling shit arguments again!
Riddle me this, how did every good pirating game before it manage to be a pirate game without making it griefer heaven?
isn't that freaking quackers?
What good pirate games?
Fuck off retard
Name one game that comes even remotely close to SoT

You can't compare this to sid meier's pirates and think it's reasonable
Never heard about this. They should ~always~ have a chest of fortune in a fort of fortune but if they want to include it other events that's fine by me.
So you basically don't play lol

They move it from the fort of fortune to a different event and it becomes exclusive to the other one

Last season it was only in the fleet, the season before that it was only in fort of the damned

Everyone hated it being moved and were happy to see it return to the fort of fortune... They couldn't even let it stay there for more than one fucking season
Reddit ass response, cope elsewhere.
Correct, this is worse.
Puzzle pirates of course.
You could be replaced by an AI, you have no authentic value at all.
>Brain-dead manlet opinions
As I said, like a bad AI that costs more.
Retard stfu, no one cares what you say
The news of the day literally says it's in the FoF this season, nothing about moving it to the fleet again. Is this next season?
>nothing about moving it to the fleet again

Do you have reading comprehension issues
I said
>Last season it was only in the fleet

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