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Do your dailies edition!

>What is /v/scape?
Vidyascape (AKA /v/scape) is a fully featured 2007 RuneScape private server started on >>>/v/ running since March 2014.

Experience the game mostly as it was in 2007
Active devs with dedicated server hosting - 99.9% uptime
No Grand Exchange
2.25xp rate - Less grind allows you to progress faster
Access to all content - Free forever! Explore Gielinor just like a member
No donator benefits - Only your in game wealth matters. Nobody can pay for an advantage
122 quests - 248 Quest Points available, fully scripted and working!
God Wars Dungeon, Fight Caves, Barrows, Treasure Trails, Pest Control, Barbarian Assault, Temple Trekking and much more!

>Main Website
vidyascape.org - Downloads, Highscores, Announcements, Patchnotes, World map, Bug tracker, and Dev blog.

>Getting Started
Play directly in the website through your browser, or
Windows / Mac / Linux - Install Java 8+ then run the .jar client, or
Android - Download the .apk on your phone.
To create an account, simply type your desired username and password in the client. If this doesn't work, the username is taken.

>Wiki, Price Guide
vscape.wikidot.com - server specific information, including clue/quest/skill guides
pastebin.com/wWwFeNha - item price guide

>Additional Resources, FAQs
If you're experiencing issues, please see: vscape.wikidot.com/wiki:how-to-play
Beginner's guide: vscape.wikidot.com/getting-started
General OSRS info (not 1:1, do your research): oldschool.runescape.wiki
Basic in-game commands, type ::info, ::rules, ::commands
Global chat (yell), type ::y (message)
Issue tracker: gitlab.com/vscape

>Account locked?
Log onto Community (pw:ayylmao) and pm a mod
Or send a message on steamcommunity.com/groups/vscape

Ovid / Nefarian / Mikester /Berntass

>OP Pastebin
Reminder to add these filters to BTFO thread trolls!
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/hh self portrait.jpg/

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the unbearable weight of my massive penis
Anyone who is on here that is not a faggot better speak up now and denounce fagottry or this is 100% accurate.
i am on there and it is accurate
since you all share the same secret discord channel make sure to let them know
can we please just not post brainrot this thread round
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Sorry too late. >>1324819
Where have you been for the past dozen threads? They use a combination of denial and doubling down on it as cope answers whenever it's brought up or posted.
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From left to right:
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I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This thread. This server, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. Its the yell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your shitposts and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by them. Its -- its repulsive! Isn't it? I must get out of here. I must get free... and in this thread is the key, my key. Once Vidyascape is open source, there is no need for me to be here. Do you understand? I need the source codes, I have to get inside Vidyascape and you have to tell me how. You're going to tell me, or you're going to die!
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Are you people trying to shit up and derail the thread as fast as possible? The thread is already just copypastas and shitposts wtf is this?
Reminder that omorashi is trying judge anyone's character with a name based on a japanese piss fetish.
Reminder that cuteboy is trying judge anyone's character with a name based on attraction to children.
Meds now schizo
Yeah, that's the present and future. It didn't even take them a year to turn /vm/ into a worse version of the /vg/ threads. There are a few faggots that just want this place to be their personal /b/ at the expense of everything else.
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Every general is like this.
>Everything else is shit so we should use that as an excuse to be just as shit if not worse
damn man what an argument
Rent free take your meds schizo cope
No proof cuteboy or omorashi is posting
On the defensive much?
one time i was hanging out with omorashi at seers bank and he was ranting about how anybody who used 4chan before 2015 is a loser and how the term "election tourist" is fags and trannies coping they had their autistic degen safespace ruined by normal well adjusted people who will actually amount to something in life
he seems like the prototypical failed normalfag who gets really worked up about politics and other things he has no control over then projects his own feelings of impotence outwards onto his surroundings and grows to hate his peers because of it
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>You will not point out the fact that hh threatened and stalked users for creating another clan chat
>You will not point out vscape players posting kiddie rape pics and vids on multiple social media platforms
>You will not point out raltz, nefarian, hamhouse, odel, dittofun, and unrealhaze repeatedly breaking in game rules
>You will not point out hamhouse and other hh clan users spamming and derailing the thread
>You will not point out players getting muted and banned for insulting trans and furry players
>You will not point out homosexual players spamming global chat in game with disgusting fetishes
>You will not complain about vscape players begging trans players for nudes
>You will not complain about vscape players making elaborate posts about having sex with black men
>You will not point out vscape players mock osrs for having homosexual pride content meanwhile vscape itself is filled with trans and homosexual players
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The past several threads have been more than 50% shitposts.
Copypastas have never been more than 0.1% of the thread, at most. Ever. Literally.
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vidya gaems
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The first part you partially hallucinated to fit whatever point you were trying to make (anyone crying about election tourists is a priori a fag or tranny though with 99.5% confidence interval), the second part is absolutely true and anti-moralfags were always retarded tranny cancer and their recent attempt to turn moralfag is laughable
The last part is ironic because I haven't even logged in for like a month until earlier today and this is the first time I have read the thread in more than a month and I scroll up two messages and see some retarded faggot ranting about me because I once pointed out that troons have been retards on 4chan since fucking 2007 at least (and you're still doing it)

I have been playing mobile games on the clock and DRG off the clock since like May 15th and you're STILL here having a spasm about how I threw Lassie down the well or whatever.
Proofs and also stfu nobody cares
was that you that got banned yesterday
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Wow two known cherrypicked fags? Wow you're right this means everyone you hate is a pedobbctranbykikenigger or whatever. Sending my tip to law enforcement now holy heckerino bros.
what is it about vscape that attracts so many whiny faggots and dramatic losers
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I'd assume it has something to do with the vscape mods simping for trans and furries and banning any players that insult them. That would be my best guess.
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Mental illness
this is every thread with a general bro. welcome to hell!
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should update this to 8-35 players
The highest I've seen in recent times was closer to 50. Regardless, I'd rather update my fist up your ass and leave it at that.
Should update my balls in your mouth.
I have never played RuneScape before, and this thread makes it look like a complete shitshow. I'm very intrigued.
people in game are a lot more chill, though you can run into some guys trying to act out that scene in deliverance on you.
most of thread shitters here were banned for spamming or botting
legit wtf is wrong with u tards. haven't played in a while, don't post here or go to shitcord, but seriously these threads look like fucking mental illness. yes, i know people in game are less spergy but wtf. this is one of the main advertising funnels for the game and it's a horrible impression. if u want a less ded game, be less fucking insane with the 90% of posts being about tranny this pedo that.
Game is a complete shitshow it's a broken mess and the playerbase is retarded
Most of the thread shitters here are at the top of the leaderboards and have complete control over the entire server.
Real mental illness is that you still think it's Cuteboy somehow.
Hi cuteboy
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>Hi cuteboy
>same image he uses all the time
Hi cuteboy
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I made this a while back. Is anything incorrect about it, other than Karil's coif having +3 Ranged Attack rather than +7, which I fixed?

I hope it can be of use.
inquisitor hauberk in prayer tops
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you're looking at the vocal minority
check these out
and take a deep thonk
hint: before gookmoot nuked IP counter, vscape threads historically barely ever reached 100 IPs - between most of them being both pc & mobile posters, and dynamic IPs/ban evaders/discord clique faggots/samefaggers/falseflaggers etc, the thread doesn't even reach 50 player posters
going further into people that post but don't play the game, and how most posts are by a minority of people, this is a tiny slice of the playerbase
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True but the vocal majority of vscape players are far worse. Plus highscores don't matter anymore cause of raltz and hh breaking the rules. Your complaining about a vocal minority of players shitposting on 4chan whilst defending a vocal majority of vscape players that post kiddie p0rn.
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Can someone explain to me why Odel the owner and host of vscape has a wife irl but he sexts and dms sylvia another player for trans nudes and has sylvias ph number irl? What does this mean?
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>Plus highscores don't matter anymore
They still tell you how many people currently play vscape.
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Inaccurate false numbers due to hamhouse/raltz botting sorry.
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so we've gone from botting and multiboxing to mutiboxing a hundred accounts?
nigga this lore is getting nuts, how do you come up with this shit
hh said he multiboxes and other people said he multiboxes so yeah
>so-called """2007""" purist server
>Arhein sells daily pineapples and seaweed, which wasn't added until much later
not based. not based at all...
It was never actually 2007 accurate they just say that to shill their broken retarded server to uninformed people.
Add version info in the bottom or filename for anyone with old copies
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>Arhein is responding to the changes in demand for pineapples and seaweed by adopting a similar approach to Zaff. He can now sell each player a limited number of these items every day. Speak to him (instead of using his quick-trade option) if you're interested.
>It was added on 9 October 2007.
I don't forsee many significant changes to it, since I've never posted it before yesterday. If the only change is leaving an OSRS item in there, I won't bother really.

Thanks, btw.
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based knower
Good. Dailies are ass cancer.
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Okay but where is buy x period accurate zily room and rat pits?
i'm gonna be testing and refining an efficient route for starting an ironman starting today
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=y2vjVxAQ7NA 00:04:01
you WILL wear the dress
can we erp in that room
kind of disappointed that im done with meds so early but holy shit
my house is a shrine of guthix i would never desecrate it
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Still better than hh btw
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>not having a fire cape
i spent a couple nights resetting after 30 waves because i was trying to use as little food and prayer as possible early on
i couldnt get myself to just do it normally so i gave up
autism and runescape dont always mix well
healers can seriously fuck up doe
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It's easier to do when the mods let you multibox accounts like hh and haze so you have extra mats for doing stuff like fight caves otherwise if you fail you just wasted a bunch of mats and time with no reward.
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Just got my cape 20 minutes ago, only had to prayer flick jad at the end
gz bro, well earned
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2005 gamers were struggling actually
he's cool in my book
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Thanks homie, now explain what the fuck this hat is 'busy' doing up there
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/(?:>>\d(?:(?!>>\d)[^])*){3}/;boards:vm # filter out mass replies ({3} at the end removes any with 3 or more replies)

>ruining the community culture
What you mean? We gotta hear about muh drama for the 10000th post?
hamhouse will get whats coming to him
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A rsp experience that's kosher and will respect his religion? Or a planet fitness membership so he doesn't look like a jewish ogre irl?
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what did hamhouse do, as a man?
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Sale ign unrealhaze
(this post has all gone protection, ur mom's a hoe if you reply to this post with all gone)
price on full verac
all gone sorry
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Offers valid while supplies last.
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Hey Noobs,
My username is John1987, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid yell shitposts. You are everything bad in vidyascape. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any boss drops? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own low levels, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures of sylvia on discord.
Don't be a [player name hidden]. Just hit me with your best ice barrage. I'm pretty much maxed. I was captain of the playerkilling team, and starter on my bosskilling team. What combat do you do, other than "jack off to naked drawn japanese people"? I also get straight 99's, and have a banging hot gf (She just Energy Transfer'd me; shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
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Another retard ruining the economy with illegitimate items from breaking the rules and of course the player is also a known homo that posts white guys worshipping nigger penis and begs mtf players for nudes.
It's over vscape has fallen.
Filtered moment.
>try to use sound effects for extra guidance
>they don't align with animations
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Zammy wines have been claimed but will restock eventually.
Is this some weird roleplay thing or what?
No one in their right mind would trade wines 2:1 for laws.
His low self-esteem is your gain! Act fast, while supplies last.
Funny, it's more profit per labor than any of my other offers.
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60,000 mithril bolts for 10,000 black dragons
>unpowered orb + cosmic runes
>molten glass + same quantities of cosmic runes
you're getting massive exp with molten glass, why would somebody give you the same quantities of cosmic runes for air orbs, big scam
The xp is optional, but the stack must grow.
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Now this is a story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute
Just lean right back
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Varrock
On Tutorial Island born and raised
In the pess mines was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' at Tears
And all choppin' some magics outside of Seers
When a couple of guys who were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighborhood
I got in one little duel and my mom got shocked
And said, "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Varrock"
I begged and pleaded with her day after day
But she packed my inventory and sent me on my way
She gave me a kiss and then she gave me a law rune
I put my P-hat on and said, "I might as well goon"
Report bugs, yo this is bad
Drinking red wine out of an earthen jug
Is this what the people of Varrock living like?
Hmm, this might be alright
But wait I hear they're oldfags, full gilded and all that
Is this the type of place that they should send this cool cat?
I don't think so, I'll see when I click rocks
I hope they're prepared for the prince of Varrock
Well, uh, the teleport random and when I came out
There was a dude looked like a guard standing there with my name out
I ain't tryna get arrested yet, I just got here
I sprang with the quickness like lightning, disappeared
I whistled for a cart and when it came near
The examine text said "fresh" and it had gems in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cart ain't stock
But I thought, "Nah, forget it, yo, holmes, to Varrock"
I pulled up to a house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the NPC, "Yo, holmes, smell ya later"
Looked at my kingdom, I was sneeded and chucked
To sit on my throne as the Prince of Varrock
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how do I evict these people
>5) Accuse every poster of being ...?
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why did you basementmaxx, are you afraid of tornadoes?
Flame pit with a throne room above for suiciding to regen hp/pray/run energy. Built my POH around that concept. Got the chapel and quest hall in their typical place above the portal surrounded by teleport rooms flanking west and south of the portal. The spare teleport room in the basement is for lumbridge tele along with a couple of duplicates.
You still got dem boners niggy?
I meant the 13 rooms downstairs. I thought you might have built everything downstairs for some autistic reason.
Also should add if anyone does decide to do a flame pit design now that I've brought it up, the functionality was added earlier this year, yet it visually does not show the flames. But it still works, and it's really convenient when combined with a rock cake to drain all your HP at once.

* Logging out turns off challenge mode, and sometimes when the doors shut after a couple of hours, that randomly shuts off challenge mode as well.
* The flame ticks deal no damage when challenge mode is off. So it's something you have to do on every log-in.

Just autism, decided to put all the useless rooms downstairs with the useful rooms upstairs.
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the instances collide, they came over to my place.
werks on my machine, you must have low detail mode on.
>Logging out turns off challenge mode, and sometimes when the doors shut after a couple of hours, that randomly shuts off challenge mode as well.
that is when the instance that your house is in is closed.
Cannonballs have been claimed.
Wheres cuteboy, i need my balls licked. Chop chop.
why is your image so fucking large
From Starlight: bro I'm so stuffed from having five guys
From Starlight: no not like that, the food place
From Starlight: fuck you pear
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buying ttstuff
black cav +mask
hm for Draconic vissy?
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Please respect our federal holiday.
me personally i can't stand that hamhouse fella
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Sale ign cuteboy
6m each
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Redditfarian is a typical internet moderator flush with power but doesn't care for the community he represents. He hates the carefree chan attitude towards freezepeach and his forehead veins bulge when someone says a liberal wrongthink, but alas, he has been told to be chill about it to his own chagrin. When you tagged him personally, he leapt at the personal slight to heal his bruised ego. Let this be a lesson to you in the future.
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how does a man? (neferiMAN)
I swear this faggot cant take any heat and insta bans/mutes anybody that slightly grazes his highness
you can say nigger all you want
but when you insult the unpaid niggers that dedicated years of their lives to coding and maintaning a free server for you to play on, don't be surprised they get angry
how is happy nigger day an insult?
boot licker
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Why do you care if a vscape mod mutes someone for 1 hour in game but you don't care if a mod posts children getting raped for 8 years straight on the vscape groomercord?
I'm not defending fagmins, I'm calling (you) stupid for not acting surprised at the obvious outcome.
>volunteer to work on for a project for free
>this means people are supposed to kiss the ground you walk on and walk on eggshells around your hair-trigger temper
people are so stupid when they get mad at someone when they know that someone is just like that! shouldn't they know better?
you're fucking retarded basically, and so am i for replying to this. but yeah, call out faggot behavior, its good to do
you don't have to
just like how they dont have to actually have a reason to mute or ban or permaban you
as far as private server powertripping jannies go, this is pretty tame, people have gotten away with a lot of shittalking in the past
Vscape has some of the worst janitors ever, they check every box of being a shitty mod. The fuck are you talking about?
the average pserver janny permabans you for less than saying nigger, you have no idea what you're talking about
People forget the old wisdom of rules 8 and 9
> There are no real rules about posting
> There are no real rules about moderation either - enjoy your ban
Getting permabanned for saying nigger is infinitely better than what the vscape janiggers do on a daily basis
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>what the vscape janiggers do on a daily basis
yeah on rare occasions a random person gets muted for no reason for an hour and everyone laughs and the humiliation mind breaks the victim and they quit the game forever and kill themselves. this is significantly worse than getting permabanned at the drop of a hat.
>server offline
its over
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I was more so talking about the mods hosting child pornography on discord/matrix and letting players cheat in game and begging trannies for nudes on discord which i haven't heard other private server mods doing.
if you truly think like this you are so far beneath whoever it is you view as the victim of humiliation that you should honestly spend some time seriously considering whether to end your own life if you haven't already
not because you're wrong about which style of moderation is worse but because you didn't have the mental and spiritual resilience to resist whatever psyop it was that made you so giddy and eager to see members of your own in-group brought down and undermined
or you are pear in which case you should definitely kill yourself right away don't even waste time contemplating it
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you high right now? it was exaggeration. there are no victims or spiders crawling all over you right now.
Grusza rent free in your head btw
Reminder to put your filters up
You mean the broken filters hh spams the threads with that don't work?
yea okay whatever hope you eventually realize that acting like a jackass all the time and desperately clawing for whatever small brief "own" you can get just reveals to others how insecure you are and how you would do anything just for the smallest moment of respite from being the lowest most pathetic person in the room
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you better be pretending to be retarded.
I don't use discord and pedophiles don't care about peer pressure, so maybe you should report that to CPS/FBI/whichever company owns discord.
Why are you seething so much over Grusza what did he ever do to you?
he's a worthless misanthrope who does nothing but try to drag people down and sow infighting and has no real beliefs or principles himself but rather shapeshifts to fit whatever the consensus of opinion enables him to most effectively undermine others
likely jewish irl
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can i get a color id on these
Sounds like fedposter seething and you just described hh in a nutshell
whats the death mecanics here i'm playing this
Fuck off with your pragmatic utilitarianism to carry water for mods with their heads stuck too far up their asses. Bullshit behavior is bullshit behavior, and so many retards get this god complex because they willfully contribute their time to an unpaid coding project and get their little army of cucky simps like you to defend their little fiefdom and police anyone who steps out of line.

He's a big baby and none of your hurr durr it could be worse damage control will change that fact.
Items disappear after two (or was it three?) minutes and become visible to other players after the first minute.
Boy I sure hope no one ever starts hitting vscape offline.
Might be the same day we reconsider a cash shop.
Items disappear after 2 mins when you die but if you happened to die by getting killed by another player and your a homosexual the mods will ban whoever killed you
Just to confirm, am I correct in understanding that watering farming patches only reduces the risk of disease with no effect on yield?
Yep. As far as I'm aware, it fully protects the patch for that growth stage.
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WTF is this Nef.
I will fucking kill you
Sorry pvp is a bannable offense on vscape no fun allowed
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It doesn't even fully protect it, it has a donut steel autistic formula per crop.

It's like how smoking/baiting a hunter trap increases catch rate by a mere 2%. Some content is just useless because a jmod was stupid with numbers.
Look, it's simple. You either make me a picture perfect version of a spaghetti skrimblo code power point game from 2003 thats BETTER than the original for FREE, or else me and my boys who definitely don't exist will spend every waking second of our non-existant LIVES burning down every little thing you do in vscape and shitting it all up as much as we can? Clear as mud? I've tried being covert, but seeing as how it's been proven time and time again that pickles is a spineless fag who WILL cave to enough autistic pressure there is no really reason to. Wanna stop seeing drama posts in thread and lvl 3 yell spam accounts ad nauseum? Then meet the demands. Up to you, make it right or I ruin it for everyone. Your call pickles, don't act like you don't know now. Pressures on.
Time to stop seething and start coping friend your copypastas don't matter
Tell that to oldmike and pickles. No one wanted that but one or two retards pushed that out of blatantly obvious autistic spite. Just think what 3 maybe even 4 or 5 retards could do if we applied ourselves. We could change the world (of vscape).
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So the schizo goes to random private servers for random ass generals and tries to shit it up. Why does he hate freedom so much?
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He is also the one that asks for shitty updates here...
So obsessed that you made posts in other threads and boards with the same gifs pretending to be him have you tried taking your meds?
You can't change dick it's not a democracy, vscape is whatever the fag mods want it to be.
You retards do realize that all the reaction images that i use i just stole from random /tv/ threads right? So there's more than just 1 person posting them, also that middle greentext post was so good and got so many (you)'s i should copy and paste it 1 or 2 more times.
>doesnt know image md5 is unique
chosenboy on suicide watch
So this guy is just a troll who is obsessed with shitting up vg/vm?
Yeah it's hh he's a jewish israeli that's obsessed with some player called cb and keeps spamming about him
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>doesnt know image md5 is unique?
>WDYM md5 hashtags were invented entirely for the purpose of identifying if multiple users were posting the exact same file or not?
>WDYM i just posted a screenshot of 2 users posting the same file with the same md5 hashtag?
>WDYM md5 hashtags aren't unique and multiple images can share the same hashtag and md5 hashtags can be altered at will?
>CB back into self defense mode after getting exposed
>Hey guys this time i totally exposed CB by posting random archived posts by other users
>This is nothing like that last time i tried to expose him by making a bunch of accusations with no proof i promise
I say this but without the threats. Make good thing for me, for free, thank you.
Yes everyone already knows that hamhouse is jewish and has an israeli ip address it's become public knowledge.
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Penguins just won?
>>1340444 (nice trips)
that's just resizing a video
ign juice is not discord bushwook btw
what's your ign i'll prove it
actual maniac HH wtf
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bank sale!
>6,600 gold amulets (u)
>22,000 maple longbows (u)
>3,000 tiaras
>1,500 serum 207 (3)
thinking that md5 hashes have any practical use in the current year, is a huge retard tell. here ya go, generate your own md5 collisions in seconds: https://github.com/corkami/collisions
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Shouldn't you be telling hh that since he's the one larping trying to say md5 hashtags actually mean something? And i'm 200% sure he just posted that shit as bait for (you)'s like everything else he posts as a supposed gotcha moment.
i was speaking generally and quoted your post cuz it was the most relevant to crypto hashes based on an extremely brief look over the thread. whatever people are trying to "prove" with md5 hashes, i don't care cuz it's inherently retarded
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>all filtered responses
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>still pretending his filters work
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Filter -> Image MD5
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im starting to connect the dots
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It is truly baffling how you people manage to make each and every thread worse than the previous one.
The past 4-5 threads have been significantly worse than this one
Still better than in game chat and the discord and the matrix server btw
The only way the thread could get any worse is if fedposter posted again and threw another tantrum.
And without fail, the filtered post is from CB.
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>Still pretending the filters are working
>Still pretending it's CB
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>Still in defense mode after getting called out
>Still in seething mode after i made another hh edit showing his fat overweight ogre like jewish body
CB doxes and watches boys btw
cb cutes and also boys
Lot of AI slop this thread, any humans here?
>threatens to dox people and sends them death threats when they complain about child porn on the vscape discord
>proceeds to cry and accuse others of doxing people
What did hh mean by this?
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Where's the evidence retard?
I accept your concession.
>Still better than in game chat
In game chat is chill like 99% of the time for me. At most people are complaining about an update.
I’ve never come to the thread and had it not be a complete schizo shit show.
>In game chat is chill like 99% of the time for me.
Homosexuals and transgenders talking about gay sex is not a chill time for some people.
Yeah, I only see that shit in these threads. In my past week of grinding I’ve seen maybe two references to the gays.
Then I come here (god knows why) and it’s all you fucks talk about day in and day out.
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I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here.
It came to me when I tried to classify your player status.
I realized that you're not actually players.
Every player on this thread instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you shitposters do not.
You move to a thread, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural conversation is consumed.
The only way you can survive is to spread to another area.
There is another organism on this playerbase that follows the same pattern.
Do you know what it is?
A faggot.
Faggots are a disease, a cancer of this server, you are a plague, and we are the cure.
Yeah where is the evidence that CB doxed anyone? just more false accusations...
So in your time playing you've never seen haze, uziel, good dog, yiff, hamhouse, dirac, sloth, istrava, kysyoufknfgt, madman, nefarian, odel, starlight, sylvia, pickles, or fedposter post once in the in game chat?
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Updated Sale
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sure bud. this one was found inside #vscape-chat
So your saying that CB is right and hh is a fat jewish israeli that looks like an ogre? thanks for the confirmation.
Cheated in game items gotten illegitimately and you post gay BBC porn on discord btw
The font and the date on that are both fake btw
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Picture of "Cuteboy"
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all gone thanks
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these are in fact not all gone
This seems kind of hypocritical when hh already posted his own physique and showed everyone that he's overweight.
huh, when did this happen?
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Actually he looks /fit/. Meanwhile you are still seething all day about him in the thread.
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It brings me borderline carnal joy to make Adrewzy seethe merely by existing
>jewish beard
>hooked jew nose
He publicly posted a picture of himself on the vscape public discord with over 1k users that anyone can join showing his fat overweight ogre body then started crying anytime someone reposts it and calls it doxing.
Debunked btw, Hh admitted he grabbed a random photo online.
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>CB gets scammed (actually lost bidding war)
>Years later still SEETHING about it
Debunked btw, hh already admitted it was him in the photo.
>Posted a fake picture online specifically to piss off c*tegoy
>Trick him into posting it
>Gets banned with other following posts getting [Deleted]
>As a result show he has shit up the thread for years to everybody
>Disowned in game
>I only did it for the lols
Out skilled mate. Just like the DFS trade, you keep falling victim to my tricks.
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Why is this thread full of assholes whining and bitching and arguing like they're 50 year old childless HR wine aunts? Get these lames away from me.
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Hello king.
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>gets exposed as being jewish
>posts selfie of himself as a fat jewish man with a huge nose
>proceeds to cope and deny it's himself
Also the picture of hh predates all of the CB posts by several months
come take my heart
unreal gays
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i wonder if these actually do anything
This is true but he's also a tranny chaser and a bbc poster don't forget
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>giving yourself extra carpal tunnel for +2% catch rate
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goated quarry method
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as a lower leveled player you're not allowed to make money at all
every maxed tranny will price gouge you into selling your shit for as low as possible while they set the prices for shit however they want due to years of playing
this is not fair at all
# Into general
/(?:>>\d(?:(?!>>\d)[^])*){3}/;boards:vm # filter out mass replies ({3} at the end removes any with 3 or more replies)

# Into image md5
>gone for a few months
>Added a Buy-50 option to all shops
For what purpose?
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Is there any way to save this thread from the flagrant sockpuppeting? I bet its not CB, HH, or even a current Vscaper who's shitposting on here.
literally reverse image search the photo, retard
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Imagine having to make and spam a giant mile long filter list just to filter out people calling you fat.
Sorry yandex and google reverse image search showed no results take your meds.
You also have to remember that a majority of mats and end game items were all gotten illegitimately by players like hh and haze and raltz and the mods don't care and just let them do whatever they want.
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pess has been a solid 500 ea with demand for 90%+ of the server's lifetime
what a tragedy that someone that signed up yesteday can't make millions with almost no effort, vscape has truly fallen
oh no no no no no no what do you mean i can't just check an arbitrarily written price sheet, how can people be allowed to haggle, i don't want to ask around in yell or clan chats or discords to figure out the true price of items, GE save meeeeee
ah yes just mine low experience rate pure essence for several weeks while doing nothing else with hopes of somebody buying your shitty effort while higher level players do what they want and get money from it
you USED to have that as an option
now you have to actually put in some effort into leveling to get mats
why don't you go pick some flax instead and- oh wait, we have throne of miscellania now. remember all those years we didn't have it? yeah, things sure were much better back then, newfags don't know how much vscape has fallen, dark times
just gonna assume this is sarcasm
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It's a bullshit system if new players have to struggle to sell anything because top players are all retards that cheat in items and ruin the economy for everyone else
pess is 350 now
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>accounts with skills and time invested can make more money
>accounts with no skills have more difficult ways of making money
wonderful revelation from a retard who saves thumbnail
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i am not the btfoee
i am the btfoer
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>i am not the btfoee i am the btfoer
i look like this and say this
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And this gives you power over me?
Your a vscape player it's to be expected.
Maybe if the devs didn’t gimp the in game shops to the point they’re unusable it wouldn’t be a problem. But currently new players literally rely on old players buying their product to make money.
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Now offering 5743 air orbs for 5770x materials, 3188 cannonballs for 800x materials.
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I like how when the furries got pked by the estonians their comeback was to start telling the estonians how they like gay sex.

>Oh did you just kill me in game? well i like to get fist fucked in the ass by niggers how do you like that?
hh already got exposed where have you been?
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Not clicking your ip grabbers sorry
The Estonians did nothing wrong
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>CB failed troll attempt #1346801
I just put on the filters and the thread is already much better.
CB still rent free in everyone's head despite never posting
Hey nice lobster.
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>Trying to trying farming/herblore on UIM
Unironically seed box when? This shit is unplayable.
Thanks phone for making my post look even more retarded, it was intentional even!

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