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Shapeshifting Edition

Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty - top layer is currently being reworked)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (two of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:
>Human, Elf, Orc, Skeleton, Lizard, Lycan
>races have small stat differences and are buyable through shards - a currency earned or bought

Beginner tips:
>This game is not forgiving, you will die a lot at the beginning and when you get better you will die even more
>You don't have to take every fight; sheath weapons (X) to run faster
>Moving backwards (S) is slower than forward or strafe movement (W/A/D)
>Look at your map to find the exits marked in blue
>The game is in Early Access, so it is constantly changing and receiving new, often weekly updates that significantly impact the core gameplay


Ryan6DaysAWeek has an entire catalog of guides for game mechanics, bosses, and clearing PvE: https://www.youtube.com/@ryan6daysaweek/videos

Recent news:
>Druid released
>New weapons and gear
>Dungeon recovery service
>Ice Abyss (final layer of the Frost Mountains)
>Ice Wyvern boss
>New Frost Mountain enemies
>Reworked AP system and official beginning of Season 3
>Now available on Steam and Epic Games Store

Official Dark and Darker discord (see announcements for all hotfix/patch notes):

XxChudGaming88xX killed >>1307285 (Curse of Pain)
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First for wizard GAWDS
I really wish they just re added the low level queues, so I'm not getting invited from people wasting my heals 24/7. They have the player base now no fucking excuses.
thinking about making a ranger, any tips?
What's a good Rogue build? Skill and Perks I don't know what to bring and I want to keep lockpick
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I love Barbarians
I don't understand. How is a sub 25 gear score lobby not a low level queue?
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for solos? focus on being as fast as possible and maximize your movement speed
str and dex are also your best friends
i wanna plap your elf bard
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>install game on Steam
>start it up
>get this
What a fucking descriptive error message, thanks IM. Google/Steam Discussions/Reddit turn up no results for what this is supposed to mean.
If I just start DungeonCrawler.exe from the game directory instead of via Steam, the program starts, but it's just a black screen.
Anyone seen this error before?
taverns bloat spyware service relies on windows 10 system calls
I do have Windows 10, though.
dead game
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When ironmace going to add more cute girls? Isn't this a korean devs? C'mon man even Greed is good had total babes.
How many players are there per match on a solo map? It used to be 10 before I stopped playing but it no longer shows in the lobby
Hide traps in bottlenecks and be ready to pounce with the burst fire ability
Thinking about making a wizard or warlock any tips?
I believe it's 12

Poison Weapon, Jokester, Ambush, Hide Mastery (duration increase). Take Rupture and Hide, play smart and don't stealth in front of someone. with both poison weapon and rupture you benefit from nearly all stats
what a complete shit game
thanks for making me waste 1 hour of my time
see ya
If you're choosing between the two go with wizard, warlock is probably on the chopping block for some rebalancing this season, reddit is starting to angsty about curselocks dot spamming people to death with no consequences
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Jesus, what's the point of taking this many healing items into a fucking sub-25 gear dung?
just killed some noob called GhostTheStampede, lmao what a loser
nice try but I extracted this match and went on spectating and killed a roguenigger sneaking up on me
To be fair, I usually never get rid of any healing items I loot from other players. No idea if that's the case here though.
you should've realized it was shit from the reviews alone lol
the reviews are overwhelmingly positive now shitposting nigger
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>*the reviews are from their echo chamber of blindly loyal lapdogs
sdf could piss in their mouths and they would thank him for it
the fact these ""people"" pulled together and #HeldTheLine to boost reviews for an asset flip is fucking grim
he probably extracted a bunch before and kept getting infinite healing items from the squire, and then kept spamming sub-25s because he's a scrub and wanted to pvp new players
I farm timmies in Normals hoping they get so mad they quit the game.
forgot to mention that I'm a 240lb "white" muttmerican
hasn't been 12 for a long time, probably 9. supposedly there was a glitch where it would load like 3 full lobbies into one 3x3 goblin match, sounds like fun
I played 4 times or 4 runs idk what you braindead retards call it. Killed a bunch of shit and entered some stair and that's it, one time I was killed by a group of 3 people. Wow, so much fun
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You're supposed to do that hundreds of times in a row until the game wipes and then you do it all again - but this time the map, items, and skeletons are a different color.

Still waiting on the coveted piss shirt to match my recolored shit pants and recolored period blood helmet.
The devs work very hard.
Yeah you are too intelligent for this game, it's clearly not up to your standards
now fuck off
thanks for playing
The Discord has 50 instances of people asking about this error, and zero answers.
This sucks.
>We have removed Evil Eye from the Warlock spell list temporarily.
I remember creating an account during the last playtest last year, the one they distributed via torrent. Anyone know if those accounts still exist?
I feel like the answer is no because IM's website wants me to sign in with an email and I'm pretty sure the account creation back then was just username and password, but I figured I should ask anyway.
No, when it released in August last year was when account carry over happened, but all that really is for is names and season rewards
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my ff brain wants 4man parties but they finally balanced everything we'd be set back over a year if they tried it.
>Final Fantasy first-person dungeon crawler
i'd play the fuck out of RDM and DRK
I think it would work out if it were strictly PvE especially for the new Ice Wyvern. But then you would divide ques more, so maybe for a daily only thing or special item you have to use to go straight to ice abyss with a 4th party member. It would be cool to see some harder boss stuff
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Normal timmies will provide.
Finally got in after unplugging one of my external drives and restarting my PC, though I don't know if it was just the reboot or if unplugging the drive made a difference. I contacted someone from the Discord who had the same error in the past and he said in his case it was due to having an external drive plugged in.
Are Arcane Shield or Intense Focus ever worth it? You need at least one Spell Memory or you're basically not even a wizard, and the other one basically has to be Meditate unless you're just drowning in mana potions. But if you ARE drowning in mana potions, wouldn't you just want a second Spell Memory?

I don't even get why not having any Spell Memory is an option. Why give players two Skill slots if at least one of them is always guaranteed to be taken by a specific skill? How can you possibly play a wizard with no Spell Memory?
Resting scales off knowledge, once you have some gear you don't need meditate, you really don't even need it at base gear, especially now that PvP happens like once per round.
Have you tried looking up a guide on YouTube so you know how to dodge monsters or better yet actually queue with friends instead of alone in the trios game mode? You are so filtered it’s funny.
Just watched a Ranger camp a stairway extract for no less than seven minutes. This nigga sat in the dark doing fuck all for SEVEN MINUTES while he waited for me to return. Whether he thought I'd be easy pickings for some free loot or just wanted to be a fuckass and deny me extraction for the collapse kill... I have no idea. All I know is this clown, this complete BUFFOON, did nothing but stare down a hallway for half the match before accepting that no one was coming.
Intense focus is very good when you are under 40 knowledge. Arcane shield is also good as it scales with additional magic damage. You can use campfires to get your spells back. When you have 40+ knowledge 10 spell starts to become very good, it’s already a decent option without 40. Honestly either is an option besides intense focus with 40+
>Are Arcane Shield or Intense Focus ever worth it?
>You need at least one Spell Memory or you're basically not even a wizard, and the other one basically has to be Meditate
>...unless you're just drowning in mana potions.
>I don't even get why not having any Spell Memory is an option. Why give players two Skill slots if at least one of them is always guaranteed to be taken by a specific skill?
retard devs
>How can you possibly play a wizard with no Spell Memory?
you cant
Haven't played since the playtests. How exactly does the Magical Damage stat work? Is it purely additive? Like if I cast a spell that does 20 damage using an item with 4 magical damage, it does 24 damage?
I notice that wizards get both a staff and a spellbook by default now, and that the staff has more magical damage. Does the spellbook still cast faster?
Is the typical strat to use spellbook for PvP and staff for PvE, since the staff's slower movespeed wouldn't matter as much for PvE?
>Is it purely additive?
>Does the spellbook still cast faster?
As far as I know, it doesn’t cast faster but what it does do is your recover y animation is faster after casting a spell.
>Is the typical strat to use spellbook for PvP and staff for PvE, since the staff's slower movespeed wouldn't matter as much for PvE?
most would say this but some swear by using a staff first if you get the jump on someone cause it does more damage. If you cast a spell with a purple staff it’s gonna do a shitton of damage
Spells/Abilities have a number in parenthesis, that is how well it scales with all stats and bonuses.
its additive yes, the magical damage on ur weapons is applied as "weapon damage"
additional dmg is applied before the enemies resistances
true is applied after
this goes for both the physical and magical damage stats. additional weapon damage
generally you want to be going for those two stats on wizard gear, especially true damage to get around barb's high MR
this also goes for ranger and rogue, who want to stack any kind of additional dmg after getting a baseline of phys power/strength

to recap:
>((spell damage+weapon's magical damage)magical power bonus+additional magical damage affixes)enemy's magic resistance+true magical damage=final result
for physical:
>((weapon damage+additional weapon damage affixes)physical power bonus+additional physical damage modifiers)enemy's physical resistance+true physical damage=final result
there is some weighting, for example certain spells have magical power multipliers like 0.5. for physical damage that isnt the case THOUGH
>Haven't played since the playtests.
better off keeping it that way
game is trash
How do I escape? I haven't seen a single exit portal since I started playing.
Is it true that 3 magical power = 1 additional magic dmg
i dont know the exact conversions as magical power is converted to a percentage (magical power bonus) first, but maybe for the earlier percentages maybe? it's actually a sliding scale, once you get up into the 40s the gains of percentage you get begin to decrease
for barbarian etc. this isn't really a big issue because they have such high weapon damage to begin with making percentage increases super valuable, but this is generally why wizards dont stack will and magical power, and just go for add/true dmg stats instead
That makes sense. Wonder if magical power adds to arcane shield. These devs making things not clear man
>round is 1/4 over by the time I'm done looting the first room and killing all the enemies
Do I just need to start zooming around as fast as possible if I want to actually encounter any other players?
Rangers are the new landmine, also that knockback shit makes no sense. A survival bow will knock people back more than a fireball
Do headshots deal more damage to mobs?
if you want to pvp, dont bother opening every little chest you come across. kill the mobs in a direct line to either the closest spawn or the middle of the map to gain info and control
you don't need to clear the whole room to get to the next room typically
Are the exit staircase/portal spawns always in the same place, or are they random?
same place
If I Ignite a spellcasting weapon, does it affect the damage dealt by the spells cast with it? Or does it only apply to physical attacks?
Wizard PvE feels way easier now than it did during the playtests.
Truth but it still feels bad. Magic missile nerfs :(
It was nerfed?
One magic missile volley still seems to be enough to kill most mobs if you land all headshots. At most, a magic missile volley and a couple zaps.
I remember when magic staff didn't even give bonus magic damage. Of course, mm could one-shot nearly every mob save minibosses. They hoped the additional magic damage would offset the mm nerf, but it doesn't. The spell recovery changes are nice, but unless you have a lot of knowledge you spend 3/4 of a match sitting down. Meditate is nice, but if you're in anything besides the sub-25 lobbies the lack of hearing is too risky.
Clarity potions may be coming this wipe so Wizbros just need to remain strong
Best wizard perks?
Right now I've got Arcane Mastery, Arcane Feedback, Mana Surge, and Fire Mastery.
dead game
Like your mom.
Is Haste worth it?
Back in the playtests it felt like movement/casting was noticeably faster after hasting myself, but now I can't really tell the difference.
Nah. The slow down while casting really offsets the boost. Only worth it if you have a ton of will, and will is a pretty mediocre Stat right now.
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>only a few minutes left, I need to find an exit fast
>huh, that staircase is red on the map
>does that mean it's been taken already?
>no, it's open
>mfw taking it
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so what did you die to in hell?
Yeah. Apparently that centaur's attacks can hit through the fucking unbreakable stone doors, for some reason.
Is enemy vision light-based?
Does turning off ambient light/not holding a torch actually prevent enemy mobs from seeing me at all, or am I just fucking myself over for no reason?
Only if you didn't buy the Hold the Line Edition.
No. But turning off the lights slows down people that might be moving into your area. No one wants to walk into a dark room.
>go to blue spot on the map
>nothing's there, just a pit of water
>spend a couple minutes looting
>suddenly a platform lowers
>oh, I guess I'm supposed to get on that to escape
>jump on
>nothing happens
>another player runs up out of nowhere and kills me in three hits
>can't even run away because he outspeeds me even if I put my weapon away
Can someone explain all of the escape methods that exist that are not just "walk up some stairs"?
Some are emergency escapes, like ropes in goblin caves; not ideal, but better than dying. The big, slow escapes are meant for duos and trios to escape all at once. Or friendlies if you're a faggot. Never share escapes with a stranger.
I've only played solos so far.
So the ropes are one-person only, even in duos and trios? Like the way the old blue portals used to be? Are the staircases the same way, or can multiple people enter a staircase at once?
How exactly do the escapes work? Like why didn't that platform raise once I got on it? Does a lever need to be thrown or something?
Cngblade build(2600 hours Playing Only Wizard)
**PVE **
**- Staff Mastery:** Effective against melee mobs (only works with a magic staff)
**- Magic Missile:** Use against ranged mobs
**- Meditation:** Recover spells and HP faster (you can’t hear while meditating)

**Stats** (Gear changes a lot, but not the stats you need)

*Wizard Guide: The Fundamentals*

**Cast Speed: **40-46 Knowledge (70-80% cast speed)
**Damage:** True/additional damage (cloak, hat, rings, pendant)
**HP:** 110 - 130 (Leather cap mandatory, reinforced gloves are good for HP)
**Move Speed:** 300 ms fists out (mandatory in solo play)


**Normals :**
- 5 spells + meditation (PVE oriented) / 5 spells + arcane shield (PVP)
- Fireball, Ice Bolt, Magic Missile, Invisibility, Ignite if you have arcane shield, zap otherwise
**High Roller:**
- 5 spells + arcane shield
- First Wheel: Fireball, Zap, Magic Missile, Invisibility, Ignite

In order:
**1.Staff Mastery:** Faster mob clear => more XP => level up faster
**2.Arcane Mastery:** Mandatory (arcane spells = purple ones)
**3.Sage:** +10% Knowledge (cast speed, recovery speed, number of spells you can hold)
**4.Ice shield or SpellOverload (with gear)**

Trio build next post
**Trio/Duo Play**

**Stats** (Gear changes a lot, but not the stats you need)

**Cast Speed:** 40-46 Knowledge (70-80% cast speed)
**Damage:** True/additional damage (cloak, hat, rings, pendant)
**HP: 120+** (Leather cap mandatory, reinforced gloves are good for HP)
**Move Speed:** 290-300 is fine but prioritize HP/DMG/Knowledge (not mandatory)


**Normal Spells:**
- 7-8 spells
- First Wheel: Fireball, Zap, Magic Missile, Invisibility, Ignite
- Second Wheel: Chain, Lightning Strike, Ice Bolt
**High Roller:**
- 10 spells
- First Wheel: Fireball, Zap, Magic Missile, Invisibility, Haste
- Second Wheel: Chain, Lightning Strike, Light Orb or Magic Lock or Ignite, Slow, Ice Bolt

In order:
**1.Sage:** +10% Knowledge (cast speed, recovery speed, number of spells you can hold)
**2.Arcane Mastery:** Mandatory (arcane spells = purple ones)
**3.Ice Shield**
**4.Fire Mastery:** Reduces healing by 50%, only works on fire spells (Fireball, Zap, Ignite,Explosion). Delays the burn over a longer period: Zap burns for 10 dmg, with Fire Mastery => 3 ticks of burn of 3-4 dmg, the debuff is 5 secs
I forgot to mention ice mastery with ice bolt and intense focus is good if you are just doing solo normals because it can help you kite people if you PvP
Ropes and stairs are solo. Platforms raise automatically, but really slowly. Kind of a dick move, but devs want them to be risky. All of the solo escapes work like portals, but stairs are instant, rope is slow and exposed, and portals let you set up to look around before quick escapes. All escapes are now in fixed locations.
Vigor + max hp on legs, chest, feet and head. True damage on rings, amulet, gloves and cape. Survival bow. Sharpshooter, nimble hands, spear prof & chase for perks. Penetrating shot + quickshot for skills.
That build sucks ass Arcane Feedback is a meme perk. Use Sage at least and it'd be decent.
>Arcane Feedback is a meme perk
How is it not good for at least PvE? Every missile stacks the buff, so the second half of every Arcane Missile volley would get +10% damage.
Sage only gives me +3 knowledge.
Most monsters you can kill mm them in the head with staff without the perk. There are things that can help you more.
Why would someone ever use a crystal sword?
Even with the magic weapon damage, it seems to deal less total damage than a staff of the equivalent rarity, and it gives no magical damage, and it makes you slower than even the staff does.
It needs some buffs or given a distinct niche for wizard. I say make it's damage 3/4 physical and and increase it's overall damage above magic staff. Make it the dedicated melee tool for wizards to conserve spells. Right now, as you noted, it just isn't worth using over magic staff.
When you "rent" an additional stash space, how long is that good for?
The duration of the season?
they should up the noob lobby gearscore limit to like 50 desu. right now noobs put a new pair of shoes on and that qualfies them for the lobbies with dudes in full legendary
Hell yeah
You don't need to use Meditate. Resting also regenerates your spells (albeit slower) and using a campfire will regenerate them just as quickly as meditating. Stack knowledge and pick double spell memory so you can bring an entire library of spells is the current wizard meta
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This is the kind of game that should've cost like $20 and occasionally released premium cosmetic races. The current pricing model is absolutely retarded
Yeah the whole season.
You can usually get away with 2 green items and be under 25 GS (albeit with almost no other gear besides a weapon). I was just leveling a Ranger to 20 and I would wear 2 items with true damage on it and a white bow. Everything else I would find in dungeon.
That really depends. I have 1300+ hours and think it is well worth the price tag. Others probably don't agree. My justification comes from hours + enjoyment = way more than $50 or whatever it is. Compared to Gaydivers 2 which cost $70/$80 and i barely got 10 hours enjoyment from it.
The real secret sauce for under 25 is that you can wear a Purple Necklace and still be 25 under with full whites on every other slot.
>hours + enjoyment = way more than $50 or whatever it is
The Legendary status or whatever they're calling it only costs $30.
idk why $30 is a breaking point when the average FotM multiplayer slop is usually around that range or even worse. Or Tarkov being like 50 bucks or even more if you want P2W bullshit to make it less of a grind.

Additionally: They've already sold the game at 30 before moving to Steam for like a year so they'd probably need to compensate the old players somehow again if they dropped the price.
The description for High Roller says there's no in-game timer, but does it still kill you if you haven't evac'd after 15 minutes like regular mode does?
Yeah, the game is definitely lacking in that respect. More character customisation would be nice too. I suppose we should just be grateful that Iron Mace hasn't added niggers to the game.
What songs do I take in trios as a Bard?
I know that but it puts you smack bang on 25 - does that count as classing you into 25 and above or 25 and below?
Yeah I am in OCE so the conversion rate from gaybucks to freedom dollars makes it around $50
Do the over 25 dungeons actually contain better loot like how High Roller dungeons have better loot than normal dungeons, or are you just subjecting yourself to harder enemies and more geared players for no actual gain?
No they don't. It's simply for gear score diff in players.
Holy fucking filtered
>does it still kill you if you haven't evac'd after 15 minutes
Yes. It just doesn't tell you how long you have been in the dungeon with a timer count down - just a bar that slowly fills up.
>put stopwatch on desk
>completely negate one of the "features" of High Roller
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>enter solo under-25 dungeon
>almost never see another player due to the lack of a circle forcing everyone toward the center
>kill all mobs I come across easily
>leisurely loot to my heart's content
>have no trouble finding an exit because all exit spawns are static and marked on the map and there are always more than enough for the players who don't get filtered by the PvE
The game feels way, way easier now than it did in the playtests. Primarily because the principle threat, other players, is basically nonexistent now.

Is the playerbase actually enjoying these changes?
In the match I just had, I didn't see or hear a single other player from roundstart to the exits opening.
I was already full of loot, so I left immediately when the exits opened. Turns out there were only two other players left alive by that point besides myself.
retard literally got filtered lmao
You know you can easily rush 2 player spawns one after another if you really want to PvP?
Or do you just enjoy being a retarded faggot?
I don't have every fucking player spawn for every map memorized.
Besides, all that would do is reduce it to a choice between "try and guarantee PvP as fast as possible" and "basically never experience PvP at all" rather than the happy medium that existed in the playtests.
What's the argument FOR removing the circle?
>cave collapsed as I was ascending the rope
Knew I should've gone for the staircase.
I mean the timer is useless anyways I haven't used it in god knows how long but yes can use a stopwatch if you want lolrgsk
why would I ever go into the 25+ normal lobbies?
If I wanted to gear up I'd rather just go highroller
why would you? To fucking destroy new players.
those play sub 25 normals thougheverbeit
rondel or castillon for a new rogue character?
back in the day people used to play with just one in order to get more movement speed
Not really though they play above also.
Go back to your containment site.
what do you mean fag
The platform comes down 3 times in a match. One at roughly 10 minutes left, another at roughly 6 minutes left, and the last between 1-2 minutes left. It'll sit on the ground for maybe 20 seconds before it slowly starts to raise again. If you want to take it, I suggest hiding in the dark and then jumping on it when it starts going back up. Once it starts going back up, you have maybe 12 seconds before you can't jump up onto it.
Theoretically, will better gear you'll do more damage and clear mobs/rooms faster. So you'll be able to see more loot with more gear than with less. Also if you're into PVP'ing, people will have better gear to sell. Also also, I think there's actually a hidden gear bucket that goes from 25-249. I've loaded up a few times with shit gear just to scope people in the lobby, and I never saw anyone with above 249 gear. I think the game does make a half hearted attempt to make sure you're not facing anyone with wildly better gear. But this is just a theory, and maybe I was just lucky in my inspections.
I just died to a 3 man group, had no problems with pve, would probably destroy these retards on 1x1 too but who cares. I saw that I was going into a map for 3 and not solo but I think this just a stupid way to balance the game, eh whatever. The game is just a battle royale with medieval elements, I'm not young or retarded enough to enjoy this.
cool, can you leave this thread then?
>meet someone at start of round
>obviously new
>begs me not to fight
>decide to help them out
>we make small talk and go clear out rooms together
>im Druid so i can pass a few heals too and keep him topped up
>kind of a goofy guy but we make good progress and have a fun adventure
>gets down to about three minutes
>time to look for an extract
>ask them "so how to do you like the game so far?"
>right as he opens his mouth i go Panther and bite his nuts off
>stand over his corpse and loot his body
>"welcome to the game, buddy"
stay tuned for more timmy trouncing tales
>i go Panther
>stand over his corpse
It was a shitty mechanic and people with great gear would just camp the edges for easy kills. If they want to encourage PVP, they should spawn some kind of rare treasure chest that's clearly visible on the minimap. Then people will rush over there and fight over it.
If you want the old playtest experience, just equip good gear. The higher the gear score you have, the more players fight each other because they know the other person has gear worth fighting over. Or go to high roller. Anyone complaining the game is too easy is really just complaining they can't get easy kills anymore. One of the problems with the playtests was super geared players would kill white geared players on repeat because there was nothing else to do. They would just chase you endlessly because they knew it was a fight they'd automatically win. So you, as a white geared player, either ran away the entire match or just died and queued up again.
Cool job anon
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if we reach bump limit by the end of the week I'm making the next thread on /vg/

40 posts overnight is something I have never seen
>battle royale
this term has been bloated to hell and back

This term was associated with games where you and a bunch of other people drop on a map without gear and get items through looting the place they have decided to drop on. This means that RNG decides how good your run is

DaD and Tarkov are extraction games, you don't decide where you spawn on the map but you choose what gear you enter the map with. Unlike BRs, there is not just 1 winner of the match. Hell, there is no winner at all, you don't "win" the encounters. You try to loot items and extract with them to either get money or use some good items later on. There are also bosses which are an objective you may aim to complete. Quests from merchants give you objectives too. But the game is more sandboxy, you get loot and try to survive (though you could just aim to kill as many players as you can and just getting the loot from them)

DaD and Tarkov's appeal are hazard-based. You get into the map and pray to RNGesus for a good roll on some gear in order to keep it/sell it to someone who needs it. For the gold you earn you can purchase stuff and become more powerful (to beat other players or complete harder content, like hell). DaD also provides a unique experience with it's light system, I love sneaking up on players by standing in the shadows.
it used to be a niche weapon for magic damage builds but ever since BoC on warlock got nerfed I haven't seen it all that often, I think most wizards prefer staff as a melee now, and warlocks typically take a normal melee weapon like falchion, kris, etc.
I do 25+ to noobstomp and test my HR builds
HR is the true DaD experience, <25 norms is for noobs and questing
goodbye anon
there are tons of new players playing geared normals
wizard players are such miserable faggots
>meet someone at start of round
>ask them outright "are you new to the game?"
>"i yes"
>*bonk bonk bonk* with my morningstar
>"welcome to the game, buddy"
stay tuned for more timmy trashing tales

thats a good idea actually i might try that one next
suicide spawn rushing as wizard has always been based
>baby's first time being kited to death
just wait until you run into the torturelocks, the ones with gear are basically immortal
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>I saw that I was going into a map for 3 and not solo but I think this just a stupid way to balance the game
You think going alone into a map which is explicitly stated to be for a party of three, and getting destroyed by one of the many parties of three in the lobby who actually read the fucking map description, is bad balance?
Nigga LITERALLY got filtered. This guy is too retarded to actually play the game.
DnD is for dopamine fried zoom-zooms. Take one look at the official Discord and you will understand.
why this game attracts the worst types of people?
the userbase is even worse than those dark souls addicts. Is tarkov like that too? I guess it's good that these types of games exist since they serve as some sort of containment of trash
literally what, retard?

the game is somewhat popular so obviously the fucking DISCORD is overran by normalniggers but the game isn't quick enough to satisfy the "dopamine fried zoom-zooms". There are other games that do this better
Stop coping you fucking retard. It's seriously fucking pathetic.
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>first post you see
all PvP games are like this anon
I know but this one takes the cake, just see this thread kek
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Xantana must be a /dadg/ poster
it's literally like two people that are constantly hateposting because ???
t. been in these threads since last fall
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uh ohhh

manlet melty!!!
>begs me not to fight
You lie, no one uses voice chat in this game.
What class should I play to get money and gear over to my wizard the fastest? This class feels the worst without gear.
Warlock. Caster Warlock is pretty strong
>The higher the gear score you have, the more players fight each other because they know the other person has gear worth fighting over
>Anyone complaining the game is too easy is really just complaining they can't get easy kills anymore
You don't understand, I don't even have the option to fight someone for their gear because I never SEE anyone. It doesn't matter where I go, 90% of solo games I never so much as lay eyes on another living player.
If the devs insist on there being no circle then they need to increase the number of players per map because the population density just isn't high enough. Half the lobby or more always ends up dying to PvE as well, which just exacerbates the problem because now there's even fewer living players in a map that is just as big as when the round started.
>i-it's literally like two people...!
nah this game fucking sucks and everyone knows it lol
Killing bosses is also easy af on warlock. I’ve never built a warlock what’s the deal I hear it’s op
>Half the lobby or more always ends up dying to PvE as well
Only noobs without gear fucking do this shit.
>retard everywhere
compared to other threads on this board this one is the worse by far
In what way is HR different? I mean obviously everyone is geared, but how does that affect the mentioned issues? Players dying to PvE less often and thus being more likely to run into each other?
What games do you play
The gear you loot is much better
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Repoze solo tierlist thoughts?
That doesn't address any of the complaints in >>1336193
Is it worth the 100 gold? It’s a pain in the ass paying to get in
good self sustain
The only thing HR really solves on that post is monsters are a bit harder to kill. You’re less likely to run into players cause majority are f2p
Bard is the giga looting class but you will get filtered by it if you're new
1200 hours strong, still having fun
tougher enemies, better loot, chance for unique weapons from bosses, chance for gold chest from lootpile, significantly better players with more gear
if 100g is expensive to you don't bother playing it yet
you get it back if you survive iirc
I’m new to bard, is there a buff limit or can you stack every buff on yourself if you play fast enough? Bard just has the luck perk and that’s what you run right?
yeah and if you kill everyone in the lobby you collect all their fees at the end
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>1200 hours strong
>still eating dogshit
>You’re less likely to run into players cause majority are f2p
Do HR lobbies not even manage to fill to capacity? There are that few paid players playing?
no buff limit but your buffs will expire and you will need to rebuff several times throughout the raid
they're called "rotations"
>I'm shit at the game so I'll continue to shit up the thread about it to undermine the will of other anons to play it
what causes this?
god I hate muttmericans
>do NOT meet someone at start of round
>gather every mob i can and form a rape train
>fireball down doors until i find timmy
>deepthroat my mic and start moaning
>instant cast haste to slip by with speed
>follow up with invis
>watch as the entire rape train aggros to timmy
>he doesnt stand a chance
>groan even louder as the kobolds chop him to pieces
stay tuned for more timmy trashing tales
I’ve only played a couple times but I think you are right. Strongly time dependent. Majority are too pussy and won’t play hr or are f2p
Try chain lightning off of the mob train next time
argh america america

AMERICA did this arrrghhhhh >:(((
nice larp bro
the maps are the same for trios, duos, and solos and rotate which one has which every three minutes
Does anyone know if the Druid thorn wall is destroyable? I hate getting blocked by it
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thinking about running
>Fireball - for breaking doors
>Invis - for breaking aggro from the rape train
>Slow - so timmy cant outrun the rape train
>Magic Lock - so timmy cant escape the rape train
>Haste - because why not
im finding that frost skellies are better because they apply their own slow on-hit
the timmy rape train has no brakes

All of those seem funny. Going invis to aggro a mob train on somebody is the most scumfuck strategy imo. Used to do that with wraiths in crypts. I could 1v3 trios cause they were focused on fighting the wraith and this was back when chain had 3 charges. Haste the mobs too lol.
0/10 troll
Haste is kinda meh especially since with this you probably already have high ms running naked. I'd take light orb to fuck with new players because they would freak out having never seen it
Accurate except ranger should be higher now since the meta is knockback survival bow
Cleric has gotten so many fucking nerfs to his solo power for no reason. At least the movement changes help a little
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This was before season 3... Fighter should be in B tier with Barbarian and Ranger should be moved up a tier.
Bard is great but definitely not better than Warlock or Rogue this season. The only thing Warlock struggles with is a really good Wizard or Cut Throat Rogue. A good Rogue can beat anything depending on how they build.
Wow that is a goddamn stretch, on top of being needlessly anal over that bull.
I really fucking hope arena aren't 3v3s. I swear twitch faggots want to turn this game into an esports for some odd reason.

let it be a 16 v16 CTF guild war.
>The only thing Warlock struggles with is a really good Wizard
Warlock has anti magic perk tho
that doesn't help against actually skilled Wizards though
devs implied they were gonna be 3v3s only
>devs implied they were gonna be 3v3s only
say goodbye to all the fun shit then
time to homogenize all classes
>that doesn't help against actually skilled Wizards though
Can you elaborate so it helps with matchup or am I forever gonna get ass raped. I fail to understand how negated dmg doesn’t matter
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>decide I want to bring a nice blue ox pendent into my sub 25 match like a retarded sweat
>start trio match
>cat starts meowing to be fed
>fuck pendent, cat comes first
>decide to turn into a rat and hide behind cover to avoid fights
>game rewards my loving heart by putting me in the backrooms
Don't get me wrong it's a good perk but great Wizards can work around the additive magic protection by simply playing better and landing all their spells; stacking True Magical Damage also helps a ton.
Most casterlocks (the current meta) will also have Phantomize, which makes them vulnerable to non-hitscan magic (e.g., fireball and lightning strike), so they can't really run away from Wizards like they can with other physical classes. If gear and skill is equal I think Wizard wins every time if you ask me.
Not him but wizard with gear will beat out warlock at least in the previous wipe. Not sure now with the reduced added/true magic damage but I think it's the same thing.

Reason being is Wizard is all about burst damage, if played correctly the warlock wont have time to heal especially if you are running fire mastery. If they block off a door with hydra to heal up you just arcane missile it down or chain lightning before they get the chance. However, wizard has to play very aggressive and close to warlock or else they will just phantom away through mobs and out sustain the wizard that way.

But wizards, especially good ones are so far and few in between most warlocks will just beat them out.
Still remember breaking a nexonigger during the playtests by posting his pasta before he could. At least two paid shills outed themselves by pointing at each other. Bug shilling might have worked if they could reign in their autism concerning the theft of company secrets; no normie gives a shit if companies get fucked. Wonder how much those gooks got paid.
I don't get PvP in this game at all. Its either I run away and they can't catch me. Or I run at them and die
Also is the EU servers fucked or are hitboxes weird? I've been behind people and they've struck me
im in favor of any decision that helps kill this game
Miyazaki will make his own Dark and Dark Souls, snipe all the DnD players, and we can let this shitshow finally fade into obscurity
I grew fond of shitposting with that filthy rich retired early genius IQ moral champion that spent all day on the lookout for threads to spam because it was his god given duty to protect the common man by copy pasting nexon talking points
I mean Ironmace *did* steal company secrets and intellectual property. People can hate on corporations all they want but let's not pretend IM are any better.
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>queue up for a high roller
>rushed down by qq023923 who hits me from a mile away
I know its a skill issue but I don't get why highroller mobs are so much harder to deal with than the trash mobs of normal mode. I want to fight people not superfast skeletons. Should I always bring something to block with or is it possible to kill these things with a two-hander with no block and I'm just not spacing right?
honestly just safespot them with a polearm
nightmare mobs (read: monster but gray colored oooooo) are bullshit stupid and i will openly mock anyone that tries to fight them normally
reds aren't nearly as bad but still lazy and retarded
The main reason is it's suppose to be harder mobs, the unintentional good reason is so that geared 3mans don't ignore mobs and steamroll the lobby. They can still do that but its harder when you have black skeletons on your tail
Ah, that does help actually. I'll try to cheese them out.
I can see that, I've only done solo-highroller so I'm not sure if its as possible to steamroll the lobby but I at least get the devs' goal with the nightmare mobs even if I still think its dumb.
>Queue for normals with base kit
>Run into some guy in full plate armour
>Crossbow to my chest takes nearly half my HP
>I headshot him with my crossbow
>Hit him 3-4 times with my longsword
>On spectate he had about 1/5th of his HP missing
I thought this matches on gear score?
lol I just led 2 yetis to a 3stack in a tight corridor with broken down doors
Bottom line is, that gooks could not understand, people don't care who is in the wrong. They care that ironmace made a game they like and nexon got in the way. More importantly, no one but paid shills would even fathom going to bat for a massive company of financial faggots like nexon. Gooks couldn't figure out that nexon = bad ≠ ironmace = good. Normies might cry about dark and darker disappearing, but everyone can laugh at nexon seething. Hell, people still laugh at Blizzard shooting themselves in the foot out of desperation to never let another Dota 2 slip through their fingers. Humans laugh, bugs could never.
when does Wizard get good
If he was a fighter he probably popped second wind the second you landed the headshot. No math in the world adds up to a longsword landing three hits, which is a minimum of 20 damage with pdr on the limbs, and a crossbow headshot, ending in 1/5th health without some form of health recovery. Second wind and a health pot could make that happen though.
As long as they can dunk on "the bad guy" and take sides with "the good guy", I don't think anyone really cares. It speaks to a certain mentality for the disenfranchised and empowers that naive thinking. People will back Hitler if suits their motivations and pull a 180 heel turn on him when they get what they want.
I popped second wind and a health pot and got ruined
Unsure what he did but there is no way having full plate puts you below 25 gear score. Guy must have played a lot cos the campfire he dropped looked fancy

Aint mad about being outskilled I'm just confused how I ended up facing him
When you learn how to kite, juke, and aggro dump.
Technically, you can fudge some numbers and stay below 25. Buying common gear from merchants barely adds anything to your score while giving a substantial boost (the lower your stats the more each point counts), and you could still squeeze in a piece of green armor (weapons bump the score too much) without going over. To top it off, you can still find gear while in the dungeon i.e. a timmy could start naked but jump to 100 gearscore by mid match if he gets lucky with loot. That being said, you have to double check your loadout before queuing, because anything above white quality can bump your score up; pots, instruments, campfires, even a mining pick could do it.
Is invis juking someone still possible? They always get me
I'm pretty sure invisible people have a "shimmer" so I'd only use it for dropping mob aggro or maybe sneaking up on someone who isn't already looking for you. Does wizard invisibility have a spellcast sound?
Yeah, it's harder against guys with headphones and know to listen for footsteps, but definitely possible. Even the sharpest guys will, on occasion, hyperfixate on where your image is, not predicting where you're going. Absolutely dumbfounded a druid in ice caves using ladders while invisible and did similar to a fighter in ruins by jumping onto rails. Way harder against bards though; bastards can keep up easy and the second they see you dissappear they bust out the flute.
You almost certainly queued into 25+.
How do you guys stay interested in this game? I’m bored already
When you have gear and learn your match ups perfectly it becomes OK for solo and God tier for 3s.
Are you Demigod? Have you mastered your main class? Do you have gear? Have you made a shit ton of gold? Have you killed every boss? Did you make any friends?
just started playing again this wipe after a several month break and got bored about five days ago
Druid is fucking neutered, the quests are mindless busywork, scaling and balance are still in the stratosphere, i have more than eight stash pages filled with blues and greens that i will never use because sweats in hypermaxxed purples and oranges will crush me
the only definitive 'goal' is farming out the FOMO seasonal cosmetics from high roller which i have literally zero interest in subjecting myself too considering this game will die in less than a year
im not going to waste several days of my life on gold plated piles of shit for the virtue of saying "i did thingâ„¢" and lording that over people who don't give a single fuck

DnD has, been, and will always be a cheap asset flip
Tranny game
ok but how much gear do you actually need to be useful? Like if I want to buy a kit what's a good "budget" amount of gear? Is there just a knowledge breakpoint I need?
I started playing a few days ago and I still die sometimes to PvE, I've been having fun learning the game and getting better.
Play another game.
Modern gaming and its consequence have been a disaster for human development. Imagine playing a game not for its own sake. Holy shit, you don't even need to pay for it; just play until you get bored and move on. If you just swap to playing some other multiplayer trash with season passes and other such fomo you are big gay though.
thanks friend
Is it possible for a wizard to kill bosses without massive cheesing? I feel like he wouldn't have enough spell ammo, and no way he can meditate/campfire/etc mid-fight.
I’ve solo’s troll and cyclops in normals. I could probably do high roller too if I brought gear. I’ve seen clips of people doing ghost king
magic staff & ignite
cngblade does it all the time
Isn't ignite better with rondel dagger because the faster attack speed means you get the +5 ignite damage more often?
I’m a meta Slave and I see nobody doing that shit so I’m just gonna assume it’s bad and copy the guy who’s better than me.
>Sell the loot you collect in the dungeon to the right merchant to build up your coffers
Beyond selling junk to the Collector, does it actually matter which merchant you sell to? Like the the Weaponsmith pay more for weapons than the Leatherworker or something?
doesn't matter, they all give the same amount of gold for items
>proceed through dungeon slowly and carefully killing mobs
>never see any other players
>run through dungeon as fast as possible so I might actually get a chance for PvP
>eventually killed by ever-growing mob train because the second I end up body-blocked by one in a corridor or something, I have no space to fight him because there are 10 more rapidly approaching behind me
>don't even see any other players before that happens
This sucks, man.
PvP seems to happen less cause there’s no circle now. I don’t think they have enough variety to encourage dungeon crawling while keeping it fresh
Slap on some gear; I guarantee you'll find the pvp you're looking for. Right now, if you're joining sub 25 most of the players are new and have no idea how quickly normal monsters can kill. Also, learn how to clear without clearing the whole room. Kill whatever between you and the next room or kite it away so you can slam the door shut on its face.
Do you guys have gear gear? Is the right way to play this game to keep using money until broke or is it to save up for one big kit all at once
Meant to ask if you guys had gear fear my bad
As you please. I like building a bank so I can choose to blow it on high roller or gear. Devs changed it so you can blow all your money and not be fucked thanks to base kits. Before you were sol if penniless.
That's true, but I ALSO don't want to be facing down players in full purple/orange kits just because I have a few too many greens on me.
Update when
What is the best map for solos? I've just been waiting for it to roll back to Goblin Caves every time because it's what I'm used to for solos.
Anyone US West and want to play?
Why doesn't anyone in solos use the proximity chat?
Im us East sorry
Depends on whether you care if I don't bring any real gear in. I've just been doing solos with grays/whites.
it's off by default.
Are freebies so dumb they can't figure out how to turn it on?
Or does no one want to use it for some reason?
>Are freebies so dumb they can't figure out how to turn it on?
Yes. It wasn't always like this. I wonder why they changed it.
>>eventually killed by ever-growing mob train because the second I end up body-blocked by one in a corridor or something, I have no space to fight him because there are 10 more rapidly approaching behind me
Just close doors behind you if you're not trying to ram a mob train into someone. Very few enemies can break doors and none of them do it once you lose aggro on them.
Memorize the maps and spawn locations and you eventually get a general idea of how to path around through easier rooms without shooting yourself in the foot.
>Just close doors behind you
I'm not fast enough to have enough of a lead on the enemies to even open doors. I'm just blowing them down with fireballs.
Knowledge or Will for a wizard?
Don't do it raw. Get close to one, bait out an attack from it, then close the door during its recovery animation.
This trick lets you open and close any door while being chased by mobs 100% of the time.
Is Explosion good at all? It's a higher tier than Fireball, but it deals less damage than a direct Fireball hit. Less than Lightning Strike, even.
It used to be okay but then the devs over-nerfed it because of a fucking bug where it had a higher radius than it should've and tranny fighters coped about it so hard because they actually had to learn how to deal with a new spell. Now it's completely useless.
Is it even possible to hit a druid in rat form? He ran right under my feet and I tried stabbing at him but I feel like it wasn't doing anything.
This thread is kinda fast, huh.
This game's playercount would have unironically been in the millions if it weren't for the Nexon thing.
>finally encounter someone who uses voice chat
>can barely hear him, sounds like he's in the next room over even when he's only like 10 feet away
Is there a setting that governs how loud other people are? Both "voice chat input volume" and "voice chat output volume" sound like they would have to do with one's own voice, not others'.
Would it be too much to ask for a button that can shove an enemy backwards? I fucking hate getting bodyblocked when basically all of combat relies on moving around enemy attacks.
>this game's playercount would have unironically been 4k if it weren't for the 'bribing new players with the free-to-play-but-not-really-lol' thing
Wizards and explosive bottles/oil lanterns make it impossible for druids to stay in rat form longer. I honestly recommend taking at least one bottle with you every game. Funniest shit nailing a rat with fireball and just watching the human body go flying.
Does their health change with their form? Do fireballs instakill rat druids or something?
Yes their HP is capped at 10 (not counting +HP enchantments which can give them 23) so a Fireball will instantly kill a Rat. Same with Firebombs. So just keep a firebomb on you to deal with Rats.
i just murder anyone that uses VOIP
>fortune teller always sells gray crystal balls
>fucking NO ONE sells gray rondel daggers
What is even the point?
SMALL *clap*
INDIE *clap*
COMPANY *clap*
Fighter can do this with the shield bash skill. Would probably be a good idea to have it universal or at least on more classes though.
Its good for breaking boxes and thats about it
Does it actually bump? I could've sworn it just slows targets quite a bit.
skill issue + git gud retard + didnt ask + str8 not bussin
Catching up with enemies in certain matchups is already borderline impossible. Getting shoved back every time you get close would make some matchups unwinnable.
Shoves players in the lobby at least, will let you know if I run into anyone in game to shove them.
I was specifically talking about enemy mobs, not players. In fact I wouldn't mind at all if the shove only worked on mobs.
I don't think there's any class that currently takes damage during PvE.
It does shove players and mobs. Not by much, and the range with at least the lantern shield is extremely small, but it does push them back. Wouldn't recommend it over fighter's other skills like second wind or victory strike but its exists.
Not in ideal situations, no, but if I'm fighting one mob and another that I didn't notice happens to walk around the corner, aggro me, and walk up behind me, I'm fucked because I can't dodge either of them anymore because now I'm pinned between them.
It doesn't happen often, but it sucks when it does.
refer to >>1337369
There are exit stairs scattered across the dungeon, and several rooms have static exit portals now. There are a few new ways to escape in Goblin Caves (static escape rope, elevator) and the Ice Mountains (elevator, raft) on top of the exit stairs and portals. All escapes should be marked on your mini-map now
What do mineable ores look like? I tried hitting those big purple crystals in the goblin caves with a pickaxe and it didn't seem to do anything.
You'll get an interact prompt for them even if you don't have a pickaxe.
They look like little ores on the ground. Always on the ground.
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Why was it necessary to make wizards deaf while meditating?
It was a base class and the only offensive caster on release. All its design choices are from before Cleric could 1v1, and before Warlock, Bard, and Druid were even on the drawing board.
The class desperately needs a complete rework.
devs are niggers with a hateboner
I hope sorcerer is the next class released as its one of my personal favourite fantasy classes and also hope they can make it stand out from wizard in some way.

Paladin would also be cool but given the current class trend itll either be the most broken meta shit upon release or absolute dogshit until they reverse release state to the otherside with nerfs/buffs.
Wizard has some of sorcerer’s tools the devs have said in AMAs
If you blast someone off of an escape rope with a fireball, does the rope come back down, or have you just completely fucked them out of that escape route?
I didn't stick around to find out, once I saw that my fireball actually managed to knock him off.
I don't think you can even knock someone off it. You sure you didn't just kill him.
I guess it's possible, but he definitely fell off of the rope and toward the ground, and he didn't ragdoll either. I'm pretty sure I heard him drinking potions after I closed the door, as well.
>If you blast someone off of an escape rope with a fireball, does the rope come back down, or have you just completely fucked them out of that escape route?
once the rope is activated it's gone no matter what
even if you cancel out of it or someone dies on it
What sort of gear does a wizard need to have in order to be strong enough to kill a goblin in a single zap? Would all greens be enough? All blues?
how the fuck do you deal with warlocks in teamfights
Is there a difference between the various rarities of explosive bottle? Their descriptions are all the same.
In Commons or High Roller?
The latter, you don't. It's currently Tier 0 and the only way you win against it is via user error.
In the former, just stick on them and they die, since they won't have enough healing or movespeed to be immortal. Tactics depend on class, though. Just remember to either commit or don't commit because otherwise you get cursed back to the lobby.
You would need something like 200 additional magic damage since they have more health than players and 30% MR so... never. Even full unique best rolls would probably take like 3 zaps
Are silver coins used for anything other than silver powder? I know they can be exchanged for gold, but the exchange rate is so awful it's not worth the inventory space.
There's a quest that asks for 200 of them.
While invisible, you periodically leave a stationary "ghost" wherever you are, the same kind that is left when you initially go invisible.
So unless you're able to quickly go around a corner or something, your pursuer is going to be able to follow you. I hate it.
>watch video of someone soloing the cave troll with no damage
>huh, alright, that doesn't look too hard
>walk in the room
>deal a bit of damage, troll runs up to me
>try to strafe the attack
>he bonks me anyway and kills me instantly
There was another player dead at his feet when I walked in, too.
>I'm not sure if its as possible to steamroll the lobby
Brother, you should have seen the Buff Ball meta. It was awful
I think it's a bug. Saw it happen to my friend while trying to get him to escape. He got knocked off and was stuck in the rope climbing animation while hovering a few inches off the ground. Went back to normal once the rope disappeared and he was able to walk around again,.
>try to do anything
>lag spike
>i am now a red spot on the floor
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>can't see shit in troll room
>try taking the light orb spell for a change since most of the troll combat is just clubbing him with my staff anyway
>the orbs only last like 30 seconds
Literally fucking inferior to a 5 gold torch, what a pitiful spell.
How come a mimic will just close and not open and not be lootable? is it a glitch?
It's trying to hide again. Kind of a weird mechanic considering you can't actually try to open it again. Just attack it and it will go back into mimic mode, and keep attacking it to kill it. You can loot it once it's dead.
A lot of spells are pretty shit.
This does not work unless you have enough space to kite the enemy so that it's 15-20 feet from the door when you execute the strategy and go to open it.

If a sword-wielding goblin is close to a door, even if I bait the attack and then immediately start opening the door as he misses, he recovers from the animation, takes a couple steps, and sticks his sword in my back before I'm able to get the door open.
Maybe it works for classes that have very fast object interactions.
dead game
what is the most bullshit death you have ever had?
for me:
>running from a horde of monsters
>see the yeti i snuck past earlier chasing someone
> stalk them in mouse form wondering if i should try to team up with him
>he dies and the monster horde turns to me
>slip into a bottomless pit
i didnt even know those existed in this game?
I die to the shitty hamster wheel server connection more than anything. Network hasn't gotten better since the fucking playtests over a year ago.
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Am I retarded for trying to solo the cave troll instead of doing it in a group of 3?
I need the pelt for the gold bag because a big chunk of my inventory is little gold bags, and more people in the party means more people to lay claim to loot.
i usually go solo, the only time, i ever went in a group was when some randos from the in game chatroom were nice enough to inv me along to play with them
my flow chart is:
run if
>enemy looks strong
>enemy is intimidating
>player has some glowing shit on him
>i see some weird shit
fight if
>i am familiar with enemy
>enemy looks weak
yes i am a pussy and will resort to cowardly tactics
Yeah shame on everyone for demanding a higher quality product.

i wish the druid could call up a rat storm or something like that
i wish the animal forms weren't shit
>walk into troll room
>solo warlock had already killed him
>it was like 3 minutes into the round
Warlock seems retardedly strong.
Also he was a cool guy and let me loot some of the treasure horde.
>-godmode tier-
>duo speedrunners doing troll and cyclops at the same time
>-good tier-
>trio rogue on one and fighter + ranger on the other
>solo troll kill
>-meh tier-
>duo troll
>solo both
>-oh shit nigger what are you doing tier-
>randoms trio doing troll as all melee
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>ranger opens the door to the troll room while I'm fighting it
>starts taking shots at me from outside the room
based bownigger
I saw someone mention monk should be able to dispel buffs which is a cool idea.
Monk is a stupid class and doesn't belong in fantasy games. Same goes for Artificer.
well that's too bad it's a dnd class
warlock can already rip buffs you just never see anyone do it
>troll about to do his two-handed slam
>run away because it's a big shockwave
>immediately afterward, uses his shout
>can't dodge the shout because it's a cone and I'm too far away to be able to strafe it in time
>he runs up to me
>even naked and with my weapon stowed, I'm not fast enough to dodge his attacks with the speed penalty from his shout
>he kills me in one hit
What is the counterplay to this?
i know and that's why the devs are ultra gay ass niggers
Were you hitting the troll with a ranged attack? Don’t do that it makes him more likely to scream at you
I was.
Feels like it'll take forever to kill him bonking him with my staff. I was hoping to get some magic missiles in when I have to run away anyway for his two-handed swing.
If you have huge fucking testicles go ahead and do that. Just don’t cry if he screams at you lol. Staff mastery ignite headshots will kill him. Sometimes I missile him while he does 2 handed slam too but I do it a bit closer so I am more likely to dodge the scream instead of being far away. It’s dangerous tho
do I have to show you noobs how to do cave troll?
Cave troll ez
How long does staff-only take with all gray gear?

I know how to do it in theory. But the fact that you die instantly if anything goes wrong makes it a bit difficult.
In particular, sometimes he'll do a swing, which I'll dodge, and then go in to retaliate, except he immediately follows his previous attack with a backhand which clobbers me. Whether he does this follow-up swing appears to be entirely random, it doesn't seem to be telegraphed differently from a single swing, and it comes out too fast to dodge.
aight give me like half an hour or so
there are a lot of guides that teach you how do it the wrong way
it will take you a few hours, maybe more as wizard
never mind servers are down
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>maint for 3 hours
Probably a little bit less than half of the match if you are getting headshots. If you have huge balls you could missile headshot or cast other spells to speed it up a little but you run risk of getting screamed at and killed while having less spells of people show up after you kill the troll.
>it will take you a few hours, maybe more as wizard
I saw a guy on Youtube do it as a level 1 wizard in like 6-8 minutes.
But there's still the problem of being instakilled by some switch-up in his swings that you can't see coming.
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>mfw when I log on and see the announcement just got posted
it will take you a few hours to learn it, I mean
you have to play around the mixups since that is literally just his attack patterns
I would show you how to do it properly and efficiently but the fr*cking servers are down right now
>you have to play around the mixups since that is literally just his attack patterns
IS there a pattern to them, though? What determines whether he does just one swing or a one-two swing? Is there any way to tell before the second swing actually starts? Because the only real window I have to hit him is after the first swing, and if I'm in the middle of hitting him when he pulls out the second swing he's going to kill me.
just like with a spear skeleton or any other enemy with multiple attack options you need to react and punish when it's safe
I've never encountered any other mob so far which has one punishable attack and one non-punishable attack which in the first half is identical to the punishable attack.
The problem is with the troll I can never be completely sure that it's safe except after he does the one-handed overhead slam or after he actually does the one-two strike, but because both of those are random I'll never be able to kill him in time if I wait for only those. His single horizontal strike feels way more common, but I can never punish that because if it turns out to be the first half of his combo I die.
If the game was up right now I would clip it and show you how it’s done lil nigga
I fought it with a long weapon so I don't know how much this will help you with your staff but that horizontal swing attack is predictable.
After he does the first horizontal swing, there's a small window of time where he checks for people nearby, if you are close, he will, in my experience, always combo it with the second swing, otherwise, he will enter recovery and be able to be attacked.
I want to say after the first swing's sound of the hammer sliding that you have to wait before going in but it's been a while and I don't know for sure because I never fight that boss because the game rubber bands too much and the troll kills in one hit.
>I fought it with a long weapon
Do you think the reach on a quarterstaff would be long enough?
I haven't really used the quarterstaff so I'm not certain, but I think so. I've used the halberd, longsword, and falchion. Quarterstaff is pretty quick I think so you can probably make up for the reduced range with the extra speed.
Really though I'm just not familiar enough with quarterstaff to answer, just guess, sorry.
the real strat is to let someone else kill the troll and kill them for the loot

or just kill them and let the troll live so no one gets the loot
which direction are you rotating? if you rotate clockwise the followup will fuck you unless you're a rogue double jumping it, but if you rotate counter it won't touch you and will let you get free hits.

also with his roar there's a sweet spot just outside of his melee range but not inside his "you're too far away so I'm gonna sprint up and fuck your ass" range
Is this game even worth playing solo?
The endless amount of dual teams keeps me from playing
What even is a viable solo class?
I mostly play solo, and in my opinion all classes are viable solo if you know what you're doing.
I've been rotating clockwise (around the side of his club arm) because it's what https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGniKMUOvZ0 did. I've never even tried rotating the opposite way.
I've been playing solo wizard and doing well, though I haven't experienced much in the way of PvP. In two days I've got a bunch of completed quests, one extra stash space, and 2.3k gold.
I do mine counterclockwise but I use the Falchion so ymmv
I mean it's fine if you can immediately discern which attack he's doing and react. But you're saying you have trouble with that so just rotate the other way where that attack doesn't hit. And now that I think about it that hammer smash can't even chain off a forehand swing to begin with so I'm not sure how you're getting hit by it.
Kinda crazy to do that with a magic staff. Hopefully would be quicker now with staff mastery, but that's exactly what i did with my longer weapons (minus casting ranged spells on his hammer attack.) If he can do it with a magic staff you'd probably be fine with any weapon.
In that case, you just need to wait a bit more before going for your swing I bet, if he throws the second horizontal attack, you went for the attack too early.
You don't really need to be able to discern the attack at all aside from the 2-handed ground slam, just circling clockwise always brings you out of range of the only 2 other attacks he uses as long as you don't trigger the horizontal combo by going in too early.
I've also never circled the other way though so I don't know which is easier.
>that hammer smash can't even chain off a forehand swing to begin with
I'm not talking about the one-handed forward smash. The one he chains is a horizontal arc backhand swing, immediately after the horizontal arc regular swing you see so much in that video.
Now that I'm rewatching it, I notice that the troll is actually never doing it to him, and also that he seems to be moving a lot further from the troll when he dodges a swing than I have been. Maybe, like >>1337855 said, my issue is just being too close to the troll when he finishes that first swing.
dead game
I was gonna show you on my Bard but that's not helpful, I'll queue my level 1 Wizard and take a stab at it
Is this the fastest thread on /vm/?
Done, gimme a few to edit and upload
Am I autistic for looking up the list of every quest in the game and stockpiling every quest item I come across even if I'm not even able to accept the quest yet?
Just a smart thing to do. I missed some cosmetics last season because I didn't have the quest items ready and they dropped at the last week.
Strange, when playing duos and trios i hardly see anyone but I see the most people ever in low level singles
>Half the lobby or more always ends up dying to PvE as well
Cause you're playing on scrub-normie mode. It's a glorified daycare.
Go HR and you're more likely to encounter more players cause they don't die within two seconds to a goblin.
Long term, it's good to have a normie mode since it gives better chances that people will continue playing instead of rage quitting and uninstalling cause some 500+ hour player ambushes him in purple gear for the third match in a row.
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quests are retarded
i dont blame you
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>quest to go into the dungeon and fight hordes of monsters and risk death to retrieve five leather caps
>from the Leathersmith, the man who makes leather caps for a living
A bit shocked this name wasnt taken, how uncultured is this playerbase?
Idk what candydoll means so probably pretty uncultured
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This. You have to have zero eye for quality if you have any fun fighting the PvE monsters. Walking back when they attack, like every low effort "survival" game Most generic trash imaginable. Like a Unity test game.
PvP is the only thing interesting and I see other players less than 10% of the time
Its generic slop, the melee "combat" will never be updated too many retards think its fine.
There should be more lobby tiers than "basically brand-new player with no gear" and "everyone else."
Have the devs announced any intent to subdivide things further? I think a full green kit should still not be able to run into a full purple kit, at least.
Jesus this game is shit
Only thing that’s actually fun is bosses which they should expand on
>You have to have zero eye for quality if you have any fun fighting the PvE monsters
I get a little bit of excitement out of juking a particularly large crowd of them while trying to rush through the dungeon, or in tight spaces. Properly dungeon crawling though? Literally every mob is a pushover, they're just tedious health sponges is all.
Which was fine when they were basically just an environmental hazard, but as you said PvP is so rare now that PvE is the MAJORITY of the game, and it's shit.
What were the devs thinking? Is "almost entirely PvE with the rare occasional instance of PvP" really the vision they have for the game?
>Only thing that’s actually fun is bosses
Yeah, I love fighting the troll and doing nothing but running circles around him and whacking him for five minutes.
no one cares about your stupid fucking streamer memes zoomer
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>newfags outting themselves
Nothing more embarrassing than projecting self loathing "Zoomers"
Anyone else just seeing how far they can progress without paying?
You would make a good warlock
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for all you wizbros out there
Unfortunately I'm already deep into wizard.
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>people spend money on this slop
>literally the most obnoxious cousin fucking music imaginable
yeah i aint watching that lmao
What the hell, your cave troll room is way brighter than mine. Do you have your gamma turned up or something? In my game I can't see shit in the center of the troll room without at least five torches scattered across the ground, to the point I ended up actually taking the Light spell in order to save on torch money from all my attempts.
Also yeah, your approach of circling counterclockwise looks way easier than what I've been doing. I'll try that next time I'm on.
I have to wonder though, wouldn't rondel dagger have a higher DPS than the staff due to the faster attacks, especially when combined with Ignite? It doesn't seem like you really need the reach of the staff in the video. Or does staff mastery + the higher magic damage of the staff compared to the crystal ball offset the dagger's faster attack speed?
Can't believe you didn't even bother escaping with any loot.
I’ll upload a video without music after I get out of work if he won’t
Go ahead and try the dagger if you want. I personally think it’s garbage.
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>Do you have your gamma turned up or something?
My brightness is on max, see pic related
>Also yeah, your approach of circling counterclockwise looks way easier than what I've been doing.
Doing troll clockwise is one of the biggest prevailing myths in the community. Counterclockwise is better and more fun to do.
>wouldn't rondel dagger have a higher DPS than the staff due to the faster attacks, especially when combined with Ignite?
It's not all about damage, you need to move quickly during the fight. Staff has the lowest movement speed penalty out of the default squire weapons, and it benefits from Staff Mastery. Rondel dagger & crystal ball is 5 movement speed slower which is more impactful than you might think.
>Can't believe you didn't even bother escaping with any loot.
I'm not a wizard player, I just wanted to show how to do troll as wizard since people were asking. I can make all the gold I want on my main.
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>go on europe
>few deaths to mobs, 0 player kills, everyone else escapes
>us east
>everyone dies to mobs
>us west
>literally 0 mob deaths, all player vs player
tranny game
West Coast americans hold the most pioneer and adventurer spirit, highest IQ, wealthy white
btw if you have HDR monitor it completely changes visibility
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I do need to learn the counterclockwise strat, but to used to high roller troll who has the fist pound that kills you. At this point with the shared stash its better to do the troll with bard until they add a troll kill quest, I will say wizard is great in duos/trios to kill troll, just arcane missile it during the shout and go invis and your teammate takes aggro, not as fast as warlock though.

I do miss some of the old cheeses though
Everyone mainly plays east coast, which sucks because whenever I am on the discord all anyone ques for is east
I’m about to get high what is the best most fun class to play after frying brain cells
what a waste of good weed
druid, run around as a rat waking everything up and leading it into other teams, preferably trios. you can stand by doors and dodge attacks to break them open, or turn into a bear and do it yourself
What would you recommend doing high instead
whichever class you like the most
Does anyone know if High Roller matchmakes by rank still? or does it only go by gearscore? i dont know if it changed at all
If it went by gear score couldn’t you just farm AP being under 25 lmfao. I think it doesn’t care about gear
yeah thats true lol I was just confused cause my first HR game I died to someone wearing full purple kit when I was a neophyte, didnt seem right
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there is currently no matchmaking in high roller
gear score only affects normals, albeit very loosely (<25 & >25)
Poor f2p Timmy
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>log in
>stare at the play button
>think about how much i dont want to collect bear asses for pointless quests
>think about how every lobby is an empty PvE fest with dead timmies
>think about how much time im wasting doing the same shit since the first playtests
>think about how all of my 'progress' is going to be wiped in due time anyways
>close the game
wait can you trick enemies into hitting each other in this game?
yeah, and bard's have a confuse song to make them directly fight. they don't generate aggro on each other though.
So what are you going to do instead, anon?
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>chink in high roller forgot to turn off his zero action time and aimbot, rapidfire hits me and someone behind him with a pickaxe in the lobby
i am not a bard though :c
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>there’s cheaters
Lol fuck this game. You grind just for a cheater to take your shi
where is this stigma coming from that you suck if you dont pay for this game?
is this a korean psyop?
Not everyone who plays for free sucks.
But I'd wager that a MASSIVE amount of the people who suck, play for free.
Anon, it's a slow, janky game where one mistake could really set you back or cascade into a death spiral. It gives no indication or warning, and the vast majority of games currently on the market are nowhere near as unforgiving at entry level difficulty. It's completely unsurprising noobs want to try the game and get blindsided by a fucking goblin when it's poisoned sword connects mid swing. Ruins and ice cave are even worse. The only people willing to put money into it have already played the game, and thus aren't going to fold at the first deathbeetle.
It's not even that unforgiving any more, lots of free potions and those goblins only do like 10 damage now. They used to chunk you for half your hp
the average player is not a pedophile
>resting for a bit in the corner of the cave troll room before I fight him
>see another player enter
>he's emoting toward the door
>there are two other players
>they seem to be able to agree to work together
>I join in as well
>we all manage to take down the troll with no backstabbing, although the troll does clobber one guy
>me and the other guy take our fill of loot and go on our ways
>manage to escape
I didn't get my pelt, but still everything went better than expected.
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Fucking barbniggers, I just want to get to the fucking troll room.
Enjoy my literally worthless gray default gear.
the player names would say otherwise
not him but i just gave my character a faerie sounding name
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As an average player who is indeed a pedophile I object.
>die while shirtless
>camera ragdolls
>ends up focused right on my character's nipple
I think I've got this down pretty well except for one thing.
When he does that swing where he takes a couple little steps first, the one where you crouch down at his feet and hit him 2-3 times during it?
When I try to crouch under that move, he hits me anyway and kills me.
Just look down
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Can I have one single game where I don't spawn on the opposite side of the fucking map from where I'm trying to go?
whoa very edgy very funny
are you 12 or brain damaged?
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>try rushing the troll round after round
>only make it there without dying to mob train/another player like 50% of the time
>if I misread one attack or don't move quite far enough away before he swings I'm just dead instantly and have to do it all over again
>been slamming my head into this wall for literal hours with absolutely nothing to show for it
I think I might have to give up on this. If I would've just been playing and extracting normally, I could've made enough gold by now to just fucking BUY a troll pelt.
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Does weapon move speed negatives still apply even when they're not in your hands?
Earning troll pelt is for suckers and autists; buying it is considerably lest frustrating and efficient. Easiest part is farming wolf pelts. Just hop into a sub 25 gearscore lobby and head straight to wolf caves. Odds are good most of the lobby will die before you even get there.
No, only when you have them out.
Reddit is that way nigger. Don't let the door hit you on your way out.
you're trying too hard
No. YOU are the one not trying hard enough nigger.
Whats the point of dual wielding daggers or having a dagger in the off hand at all?
>join over-25 solos lobby
>still finish the match without ever seeing another player unless I'm absolutely blazing through rooms without fighting any mobs
In the last round I played, according to the killfeed exactly two players died. At all.
Everyone else made it out.
They really need to increase the population density on these maps.
Something nice would be what other games do: remove the lobby system and just have a constantly-populated map.
So whenever a team dies/extracts, another team can spawn into that instance, over and over. Remove the timer, and have mobs/loot respawn after a certain amount of time.
you need to be as close to him as possible
looking down helps if you're not sure you have the spacing right
also when I do this I try to be in the middle of the sweep, if you're too far left of the sweep you'll get clipped by the hitbox so be careful of your spacing
when I first learned troll on my own it took me a few hours and this was back when you could requeue gobbos over and over; don't get frustrated or be sour grapes like this anon >>1338614
farming gobbo bosses is the most important solo player skill you can have, and only suckers pay for troll pelts
Dual wielding has both weapons adding all stats to each other except for Physical Weapon Damage. So if your main hand sword has +2 Physical Damage Bonus and your offhand sword has +2 Physical Damage Bonus, you now have +4 Physical Damage Bonus. This also counts for negatives like movespeed.
Fighter has two perks that give you +7 weapon damage and +10% action speed total when dual wielding.
You get access to two different attack patterns to pick from.

It's never worth it unless you have a high-statted offhand weapon or are playing Fighter. Having more movespeed by not using an offhand, or the utility of a shield/hand crossbow/lantern far outweighs the stats a green offhand weapon is giving you.
Why does it seem like every other class is faster than my wizard? I can never escape them in a pure foot race, they just keep stabbing me in the back until I die.
All swords/axes/etc have much higher move speed penalties than my spellbook and I'm sure the rest of their gear has equal or greater movespeed penalties than my cloth stuff, so what gives? I'm in sub-25, so it's not like they have crazy purple shoes or anything.
devs are retarded riceniggers
Do you get anything special for killing the troll, in and of itself?
I just walked in on someone fighting the troll and finished it off with a fireball to the head. I mean, he got all the loot because he killed me afterward as well, but is there some other form of credit anywhere?
no, apart from experience you get nothing just from killing the troll. It sometimes drops a trolls pelt.
>warlock ostensibly needs to sacrifice health to cast spells
>every single warlock I see is slinging spells left and right while no worse for wear, sometimes actually gaining health
What is this bullshit?
>t. plays fortnight
Warlocks are the most Jewish class
knowledge for spell casting speed/memory then will afterwards.
Are you actually retarded or just new? The whole thing with Warlocks is they heal off their spells and if you stack magic healing it far outweighs the damage you take. Maybe look into how they work before asking retarded shit lmao
This is me looking into how they work.
Ok well in a nutshell - Warlocks take damage from casting spells and can kill themselves if they don't pay attention to their hp. They take the Torture Mastery perk which allows them to heal off Curse of pain and Power of sacrifice (which are 2 of the lower cost spells) which are essentially DoT spells. So the whole thing is they stack magical healing which increases the health they can get from casting these spells on others and repeat ad infinitum
you get a decent amount of experience from the kill itself which adds to your overall fame
there is nothing more important in this game than fame-mogging other players with your main
it is busted right now especially with gear, and I would not be surprised if it got nerfed this season, I've been seeing so many curse-spamming shitters in my solo lobbies more than I've seen all Early Access
Honestly - it's busted with minimal gear. All you really need is 2-3 magic healing in total and you will heal so fast off CoP and PoS
Do you still get EXP even if you don't escape after the kill?
I fucking hate the bola goblins.
I rush bosses in goblin caves and it's so pathetic watching them ignore all boss mechanics and just spamming hellfire/curses the entire time.
Curselock playstyle has NO consequences and hopefully the devs will address that sooner rather than later.
Wizard should get a spell that lets him send out an illusion of himself that just walks forward wherever he pointed it.
checked and based idea
hotfix hotfix hotfix
I'm waiting for an aoe meteor spell
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I'm spectating a Druid right now and apparently they can just phase through closed doors by turning into a rat right as they touch the door.
that's an intended mechanic for rat form
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This could get a little interesting...
Is it really? That seems retardedly broken as far as evading pursuers goes.
Are there any limits to how many times/how often a druid can transform?
>Smokepot was nerfed because you could just reset a fight whenever
>It was considered grief-like
>Rat is just the new Smokepot
>Instant casting, Infinite casting, zero cooldown on-demand retreat
>Can grief way harder
>Even counts as hide where you can sit in total darkness in unimaginable spots
>Reset fights whenever
>warlocks can now use weapons in demon form
>VoIP in the basecamp as a test for it’s upcoming removal and conversion to a more social area.
Holy shit are we getting a destiny style hub?
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>Warlocks can now use weapons when transformed into demons due to the Bloodpact.
jesus christ it's going to be so broken
The game was originally like this on release, we truly are returning to SOVL
time to shine, kitesissies
no there isn't. The downside is they have 10hp in rat form so if you hit them with an explosive bottle they die.
>ranged meta has been going strong since the very first playtests
>better buff ranged weapons some more
Obviously the devs have proven themselves to be retarded on numerous occasions, but come the fuck on.
Yeah, but in the case of the door thing specifically they only have to be in rat form for a split second, when they pass through the door. Sure, running all over the ground in rat form during a fight is risky because any kind of splash damage can kill you, but there's virtually zero risk if you only pop it the instant you touch the door and then immediately change back. There would be nearly no window for the enemy to even hit you with an explosive bottle.
mmmm and what class do you play sweatie?
Yeah but it requires them to jump and change into a rat at the exact right time and if they fuck it up they just bounce back into the room they are trying to run from. I have killed a fair few just from that.
i see why they buffed warlock healing
dead game
>t. filtered
>buffed warlock
fucking WHY
Anyone else gotten shadowplay to work?
I've tried a bunch of settings and it just flickers on and off non-stop. any clips I try to save are just 1 second long
they want people using the transformation more
spoiler alert: they won't
>reddit defenders out in full force again
meant for >>1338978
Warlock demon berserker incoming
>devs just add cool shit they thought of last night and then just do it.
Incredibly based.
Honestly I’ll fucking take it as long as it doesn’t take a year to do content updates like fucking Druid
>number of times the incompetent devs have done something moronic: X + 1
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this. female warlocks should turn into succubi ffs
What’s the point of explosion when compared to zap? I see jay use it sometimes but that’s about it most say it’s troll spell
Lineholders are whipped dogs.
Might as well fill the spell slots. If a fight drags long enough cast it on them. I mean what your gonna bring fuckin chain lightning in solo?
couldnt understand you with all those streamnigger nuts youre gargling
You’re the nigger fag who spams dead game kys
Nvm I updated my drivers and it works fine
>shill so mindbroken he cant fathom there is more than one person who acknowledges the game sucks
dead game
I think we've outgrown /vm/
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vg died because of a bunch of annoying ass faggot lurkers. turns out they haven't left.
it's just fireball but hitscan in exchange for less aoe
>vg died
unironically dead game lol
Just make a thread on /vg/ and jack off on your own if you want it so much, you autistic tranny.
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anyone notice any difference? before it felt like voip was barely used
lobbies fill so quickly you can't even talk to anyone
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steamies won't understand the relevance of this loading screen now
why would you want to talk to retarded zoomers
Have you not been to ruins? The bugs are there now.
half the playerbase is chinese
the bugs are everywhere
It was already busted in normal lobbies under 25 since plus 10 all stats lets you kill anyone. Now its completely busted. Still not as bad as the Ranger buff, can't wait to see rangers quick swapping windlass to one shot people
new challenge: kill a player with only piercing shrill
Explosion used to be good but then people complained. For area control/denial lightning strike is better.

I think they keep looking at player statistics and the majority of rangers suck, but you have the good ones with aim that will one tap the squishy classes. I honestly think this was more a targeted buff for fighter since they tend to use longbow more and they just happened to nerf barbarian now
IM throats streamnigger cocks and keeps them happy for free advertising so their shitty asset flip maintains the barest level of relevancy
streamniggers throat IM cocks because if the game dies then they have to get a real job and stop being a useless fucking NEET taking money from zoomers

every change that has ever been made in this game was a result of some unshaven loser crying that he lost one of his viewers kits and stomping his feet demanding it be changed NOW, UNFAIR UNFAIR
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The "extraction" formula is inherently shitty and fort mouthbreathing retards. Here's how to fix it:
Make the maps 10x bigger, with hundreds of players, the servers persist for one week. You join a faction and do quests for that faction to help your faction take over that server. Helps with the repetitive and pointless feel of the extraction "quests" and gameplay.
There will be a bunch of servers you can pick from a server list
That is a terrible idea nigga
Its actually brilliant but a lot more would have to change for it to work though.
go make your own game
>blah blah blah pedophile blah blah
how about both you and this shitty game die
I've made a couple, the game I describe would work best in a sci fi game where the servers are different planets, extremely large maps, but it can be formatted to improve any extraction game, extraction shit is just blatantly retarded
Why are you even on this website?
extraction is perfect for a dungeon crawling game. You're on drugs
Not everyone has fun fighting with the most generic low effort mobs in generic indie survival combat and looting the same pointless shit over and over again for no substantial gain. Factions and faction quests/competitions would add infinitely more replayability
Tried this game f2p
literally never had a fair fight: it's either a fresh install with no gear or a gear score 400+ level 70 nigger one shotting me
tried the fresh spawn queue and a level 150 nigger one shotted me
Is this game about getting farmed by people with better gear and farming people with worse gear? Lame
So you have a problem with the combat, not "extraction".
I get it. The community and particularly the people who stream this game have an inexplicable 'incel vibe' about them. I don't know how to describe it properly but every single person goes out of their way to make themselves singularly unlikeable in the most profound way.
Theres a lot of problems with the game, first being the extraction formula, second being the low effort combat mechanics. Losing to someone just because they have better colored gear is not a fun experience. Extraction appeals exclusively to mouthbreathing retards. Permadeath is good though
Idk about that, they admitted last year to nerffing/balancing wizard based on jaygriff. I do think they have a hardon for warlock/fighter which is there is weird shit like solo cleric still being trash, they were one of the few counters to warlock.
Do you think its possible for men to become women?
Sometimes it’s like that but you just have to be fuckibg better bro. Hit them with a ranger trap. Blow them up with a fireball headshot. Crossbow headshot them. Go invis while you have mobs to switch aggro. Just fuckibg shit on them bro
>first being the extraction formula
> Extraction appeals exclusively to mouthbreathing retards.

This is all subjective. Do you have any objective complaints about Extraction games?
Why play wizard when you can ranger trap molly
solo cleric sucks because every fight is Bowniggers: The Game
because you can get a ranger buddy to trap and then you fireball
>Extraction appeals exclusively to mouthbreathing retards.
This is an objective fact.
only people who breathe through their asshole say this. Also, happy pride month.
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Okay but it's still a fact.
>Also, happy pride month.
In between my previous post and this one, I outskilled a player: He was a chicken, trying to peck me to death.
Then he turned into a rat and I one shot him. Clearly the suboptimal play
Then a rogue came out of nowhere and one-shotted me.
Sub 25 gear score lobbies seem full of people who are just trying to deathmatch.

I'm playing warlock right now but the magic and the healing is too good it feels like a crutch.
Should never feel bad for winning
>Should never feel bad for winning
I was thinking more along the line that it's stopping me from getting better.
I feel the same way about playing druid, infinite heals, a summon, and endless utility with my animal forms
Playing a shitty class will make you lose more. Play a good class and win more
>pick barb
>felling axe and boots only
>smash every door and aggro every mob on the map
>run into some poor sod and bumrush him
>if i die he has to fight the entire maps mobs
>if he dies i keep going
yeah, this is how the game was meant to be played
What are the good classes and what are the shitty classes?
You are already playing warlock. The good class. Do not play solo cleric, that is a bad class.
If i have a +1 agility flute in my main hand, will it still apply when Im in panther form? Or if its not in my readied hand?
>Already oneshot by windlass headshot as cleric
>Ranger had a dozen traps in gobo caves mid room and some low roll purple windlass

They need to change armor pen % from flat scaling to actual multiplicative. I don't care if windlass had 80% armor pen of your armor at least my armor would do something and they would be better against full PDR.
>gold coin bags are 5.7k now
No, those stats only apply if you have it out. They really need to take stats off instruments and remove them as drops from the dungeon, because I love getting a shitty purple harp.
Do bows scale off strength?
>buying coin bags
>not making your own
>not completing the fifth goblin quest on every one of your characters to get the coin bag reward and moving them all to your main
Not him but I have just been keeping all my money in my shared stash, I do need to at end of wipe get green rank in HR so next wipe I have a ton of them to sell
>be rogue
>stack all the dagger perks and skills and the silent crouchwalk
>buy a shitty blue stiletto and some green strength boots, gloves, hat and jewellery for 400g total
>Get into goblin caves and see another tricked out rogue in full purple including a cape
>prep my ambush by turning off a torch and hiding in a corner
>he wanders in and goes to open a chest
>i initiate shitter ambush 5000 by sneaking up behind him and blasting the discord call sound over microphone
>i then stab the shit out of him while he thinks he is being called in discord
>he dies.
>loot all his shit worth a couple thousand gold and tbag his corpse
>immediately head an exit and afk till it opens

This is peak rogue performance right here.
Discord lol
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Rogue sounds nice
hey bby gurl wanna duo?
Has anyone gotten any usage/keks out of Rouge's smoke bomb?
People stopped running it after it was nerfed for no reason. If you want fun go play warlock
repoze dropped rogue tutorial. If only I had something this good for other classes
It was nerffed for a reason, naked rogues were jacking streamers gold kits in 3s team battles and the streamers complained because they couldn't just trade it back to each other after match
>wizards get a handful of spells and then they're fucked
>warlocks get infinite ammo
>druids have infinite transformations
>wizard damage isn't even particularly high outside of magic missile, which only works on mobs because they're retarded and make no effort to dodge
It's not fucking fair, wizbros.
>solo cleric the bad class
lmao wrong - 70% magic power bonus cleric with smite and judgement absolutely fucking rapes lobbies. 140hp, 40% pdr/mdr. It is actually broken how easy it is to clean up in pvp with this build. Not even 5 minutes ago I utterly curb stomped a lvl111 warlock with 168hp.
lol wrong. You just suck as a solo cleric.
I would not expect any major wiz changes until Sorc is released, which at their rate is next year.
When are you supposed to use each spell as wizard
Demon form is so scary >_<
Fireball is best used when the enemy's movement is restricted, such as when they're fighting mobs or walking through a doorway. Makes it tougher for them to dodge it.
You can also use Fireball to break down doors as you're running away.
Since Invisibility was changed to leave shimmers, you can't really use it for escape most of the time. I think its best use case is pulling a big crowd of mobs while kiting a player, and then using invis to drop aggro so they all go after that player instead.
Zap can be used at basically any time, though it doesn't deal much damage so if they're rushing you you're better off running than zapping them, if you can.
Magic Missile is basically useless against players unless they're completely immobilized by a ranger trap, or as a last resort because they're rushing you for melee and you can't escape.
Idk how you kill people with those spells before someone runs you down with sprint/rage or something. Idk why haste invis zap fireball mm is playable
hey bby gurl wanna duo?
They literally redesigned all the TYPE B faces to make them look more manly. Biggest victim was elf waifu. They also turned the cute loading screen korean QT rogue into a butch angry western bitch.
Must have been a shit warlock if they couldn't kite a cleric to death.
Did they actually? I regret spending money on this low effort slop
Not him but the short answer is that you don't. The class has been neutered directly and indirectly almost every single patch since release, because it unironically used to be cancer a long time ago.
And now there are three other caster classes that do what Wizard does but better and with no downsides. They don't have spell charges, don't have to meditate, have more damage, have better utility, can use better gear, have better passives, etc etc.

Wizard is easily the worst class in the game right now by far and it's not even close. It's in desperate need for a complete and total rework
>But I get kills with Wizard all the time, check out this clip
You would have gotten a better clip playing any other class in that situation.
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>when you bring a Supplied item into a dungeon, its status changes to Handled
>if you extract with it, you can now be supplied new ones since you don't currently have any with the Supplied status
>tfw drowning in surplus free healing potions, bandages, shield potions, and campfires
Is there a way to get free arrows from the squire?
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>servers go down mid fight and I lose all my purple shit
you're shitting me right?
If you have a bow or crossbow as part of your default loadout, he'll supply arrows/bolts when he supplies the weapon.
>10 seconds left
>freeze and die any way
fuck this game man
this game is scarier than any horror game i ever played
i had an encounter that left me with my heart beating like crazy
only other time i felt that is in close matches in fighting games!
Why does nobody in this game talk back to me? They act like they can hear me but Im not sure.
Pretty sure voice chat is either disabled or set to party and not proximity by default so the majority simply dont bother.

Its always a laugh now though for the rare screaming in a mic I hear as i kill someone for their shoes or I get called a shitter as I job to a rogue
What is the best class for beginners? I'm getting filtered by all these mechanics and just dying to basic mobs...
Fighter seems like the strongest in my low level raids, can use any weapon too with a perk. Definitely the best starter class
>organizing my inventory
>bard comes around the corner
>just fucking die because he can use a sword and he outspeeds me
I don't understand what I'm supposed to do.
go invis
plate armor cleric
you get buffs, heals and a shield
cope you absolute shitter
Players just follow the shimmers I leave behind as I move. It doesn't matter that it lasts 4 seconds, they can follow me right out of the room or around a corner or wherever else I go.
Game has had around 60k players every day now for a week so it's definitely not dead, turns out your faggot ass really got filtered
Why did you let him get close to you?
>he has more movespeed
He didn't shunpo up your asshole, he still has to close the gap. You need to do something between when you spot him at max range and when he's close enough to suck your dick.
The only thing with no counterplay is a rogue landmine in the dark but that's the literal only way that class can get a kill and it's boring as fuck so it balances out.
Also Wizard sucks. So does Invisibility.
SOLO BARD TIPS??????????
>Why did you let him get close to you?
>You need to do something between when you spot him at max range
The first time I saw him was when he rounded a corner 5 feet away from me.
I don't know what I could have done in the half second it took for him to close that gap.
Increase your volume and stop listening to music while you play.
>what is crouchwalking
>what is ambient sounds/inventory sound effects/enemy vocalizations and footsteps
It's not always possible to hear someone coming. Even if you increase the game volume, that increases the volume of everything that could potentially drown out footsteps as well.
you got access to so many weapons and shields plus so many buffs, what do you need help with?
>what do you need help with?
how 2 play
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default female fighter is cute.
default female Rogue is a goth gf still.
female elf is still cute.
that's about it

Female Bard looks like she hasn't slept in days.

I take back my original statement. This game has cute women.
>Female Bard looks like she hasn't slept in days.
Tired-looking women are also cute.
Female bard is cute but male bard is too much of a smug asshole to pass up
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Loading screen comparison. Although I don't think the new one is depicted as "angry." Unless anon was talking about a different loading screen.
DaD got amazing art, on par with Battle Brothers
>a bunch of clerics at the top of the season high roller leaderboard

Fucking how? As a cleric main its such a struggle both PvE and PvP.
tfw no stinky kleptomaniac rogue gf
rogue sucks ass, but man does it still feel fun to double jump around
>accidentally pull a whole crowd of zombies
>can't kill them because dickass rogue won't stop hassling me
>even if I go invisible so they target him, the instant my invisibility ends they switch right back to me even though I didn't attack them again
>eventually get backed into a corner by the zombies and beaten to death
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Is there any way to reach this chest without the rogue's double jump? Even the platforms in the corners seem too low to jump up to it from them.
>Decide i want to experience the feeling of living in london
>Change to my warlock
>Equip bloodpact
>Buy some blue movespeed and vitality gear
>Also buy a kris dagger
>Make sure i have the soul perk that collects a shard on kill up to 10 shards so i get +10 all stats on using bloodform
>Join a solo normal lobby
>As soon as i encounter a player i start blasting darude sandstorm over mic and change to demon form
>proceed to stab them with my butter knife
>they die
>half the time they don't even fight back they just stand there and take it.

You know, being a brit isnt too bad as long as you're the one doing the stabbing i guess.
>hit warlock with two direct fireballs and the splash damage from a third
>only reduced him to 1/3 HP despite him wearing all gray gear
I hate warlocks.
At the corner on either side in the shadows next to the center platform is a small chest. Jump on the chest, then jump on the platform.
Free 35% mdr, bro.
>low health warlock in all grays/whites puts Curse of Pain on 3 skellies
>costs them like 1/10 max HP to do so
>they heal from 1/4 health to full in like 3 seconds and now have infinite ammo for the rest of their spells because of the healing
What is IM smoking with this class?
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Go back to your containment site.
mental illness
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first and last time I ever reply to you so enjoy the (You)
Do kobolds have some kind of hivemind? If I kill one, no matter where I am in the room, more of them immediately run directly to me.
yea sorta, that's their mechanic, they call out for reinforcements
>it's not that we can't properly code our AI...
>...i-its a feature!
LOL. yeah im sure having five kobolds bunched up on a closed door while two archers shoot at the ceiling is completely intentional
solo pve cleric in crypts could make some AP gains, especially if you could solo hr ghost king.
I got up to voyager in a few days of grinding as a cleric main just doing that, I don't really take fights as I still lose most pvp unless I outskill them
the kobold call circle use to be larger on release with denser kobold concentration, you'd legit pull the whole room trying to kill one since they do their fortnite dance call without needed to start the animation
I can guarantee you this low effort slop is never getting fixed and will likely never leave early access.
The devs clearly dont give a fuck about anything
>Water doesn't extinguish torches!
This entire thing is a recycled Unreal engine demo
not taking an opinion from a pedophile, kys
>up against a warlock in the ice caves
>break the yeti enclosure so I can go invis and let the yeti pressure him
>the warlock kills me
>spectate him as he just stacks Curse of Pain on the yeti and the hydra and facetanks its attacks while killing it
I'm so close to shelling out the $30. I was prepared to be fine with just one character, except that it seems like warlocks are literally just "wizard, but good." They get to sling spells too, but there's no practical limit on it, and their healing and heavier armor gives them survivability and they also have the option to use weapons when people get close.

It's painful seeing them solo bosses and wreck people while wizard PvE is a magic missile slog even if doable and every 1v1 PvP victory is only barely and exhausts most of your spells so you need to sit down for a minute. God forbid a second person in a row stumbles upon you, even if you took no damage in the last encounter you're still fucked because you're out of ammo.
They only just added water sound/visual effects this year.
Yes - they shipped their game without even having basic water sounds. You jumped into the goblin snot lake and it was like you were walking on solid stone. No splashing sound on impact, no sloshing sound as you moved through. No visual waves as you moved through the water and to this day I'm pretty sure it *STILL* doesn't have waves.
You can stop playing at any time, pedo.
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>solos round
>do literally nothing but run through room after room
>never fight, never loot
>still don't see a single other player the entire round
Isn't there supposed to be PvP in this game?
Arena soon :)
I would castrate your pedophile ass if I ever met you
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When I go invisible and enemies aggro on someone else instead, why do they sometimes immediately return aggro to me once I become visible again? I never damaged them or anything.
>take a break for a few hours
>come back and /dadg/ is full of pedo apologists
as if this community couldnt get any worse
Based loli chad.

>as if this community couldnt get any worse
You mean better?
based cunnysseur making reddit tourists seethe
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which class collectively has the most brainlets among the playerbase?
Bard and Warlock. It's always directly proportional to how strong the classes are, because retards flock to whatever some eceleb told them was good
hey bby gurl wanna duo?
it was hilarious last year, warlocks complaining they can no longer solo HR bosses in default gear after a nerf, so IM just upscaled their magic healing for them and been giving them minor buffs since then.
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>sold almost instantly
How badly did I jew myself?
How do you play Druid? The spells feel like shit. The animal form is squishy as hell in duos.
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Do you have a resume? I'll need to see your credentials first.
You only lost maybe a couple hundred in gold, that's an okay price if you're trying to sell it quickly
Everyone knows curselock (i.e., caster warlock) plays an entirely different game than all the other classes, it's only a matter of time before they get neutered. Their kit is so strong and well-rounded but has little to no consequences. The amount of curselocks I've seen so far this season reminds me of all the barbarians that were plaguing solos during season 1, and look what happened to them.
Build strength for bear form and use shapeshift mastery perk to control the pace of the fight. It's a very unorthodox class, especially if you're new to the game.
They used to be twice as ethereal and cute.

Yeah that's the one. What a downgrade.
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Since when did gay feminists start using this site?
Where do you think you are?
don't you need to go rub one out at your local playground right about now? if not consider a shotgun in your mouth firing upwards
that is going to be so fucking gay and unbalanced
Whats your problem man?
they intend for arena to have its own rank system for the rewards as well, which may help by redirecting mouthbreathers from the actual dungeons
>game releases to steamies
>thread instantly goes down in quality
the thread's pace has completely halted the last couple days, and some fags thought they could make it in /vg/ kek
>steam players downloaded the game and logged onto 4channel.org/vm/ to spout pedoshit for the sole purpose of trolling (You)
easier ways to get diagnosed
God, I miss her
People really prefer the top? I think the bottom looks so much better and the girl is more attractive
did they redo all the art or just this one? if everything was redone maybe it was some legal issue
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Hello frens. I like playing warlock.
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Hello fren, thank you for introducing yourself. I am a bard enjoyer myself. May we see each other in the dungeon and partake in a spectacular battle.
Enjoy it while you can
Do ranger traps hit people in rat form
What does bard music damage and healing scale off of?
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Incredible lighting effects, you can tell a lot of work went into this game over the years
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Zoomers have an eye for quality I'll give them that
This is next generation gaming
>HR is slop
>norms is slop
>fun melee classes are shit
>meta is gimmicky ranged crap
game is dead bros
Can someone tell me the design philosophy behind resets? Game kind of feels pointless knowing all my gold, gear, and levels are all going to be reset
So new/returning players come back and won't be all like "Dude, what's the point? Everyone has named items and legendary gear."
>the unironic tranny doomer is back
fuck off already
>play bard
>hit enemy with shriek
>still lose the all-in

what's the point
I remember when the only static exits were unmarked and were kind of a secret
the bard anon posting clips seems to be having a lot of fun and success
Really ruins my motivation to level up my other classes then. The early levels are such a slog its retarded they would reset levels too and force us all to play though perkless over and over and over again. Not good game design
Whats the point of leveling up after level 20?
You can't expect to auto win just because you dooted at the enemy. Bard is the best solo cast because you can poke them down with bow and then all-in. If played perfectly it is essentially impossible for a Barbaian to hit you with superior dex perk.
It's extremely easy to level up. Do you even play the game?

They're figuring it out. They tried multi-classing and it failed miserably.

People want skill trees that allow you to spec into different playstyles but idk if they'll do it.
>People complain about range meta
>Buff warlock and ranger
>Ignore wizard
>People continue to complain about range meta
>Nerf wizard and call it good
>Buff fighter sprint to 45

Like clockwork
>pedo can barely make it out of spawn
I think lighting effects are the least of your concerns
see also >>1340346
The thread quality is honestly much better than it was when it was on /vg/ during the initial early access
next thread will be on /vg/ when this thread is page 10ish
>poke them down with bow
Bowniggers: The Game
>you can poke them down with bow and then all-in.
This describes every class except, what, Barbarian and Rogue?
rogue has crossbow
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Shriek is strong but it doesn't automatically win you a fight. Try poking with ranged first before trading hits? Without more context I can't really give you any better advice to improve. What was the class? Were you outgeared?
Music damage and healing? Not sure what you mean by that. Bard has no healing besides Tranquility while resting (no scaling), and instrument damage scales off of physical power just like any other physical weapon.
Barbarian can decimate faster players with achilles strike and a throwing axe (assuming they follow up with melee after the cc)
My guess would be that they redid everything, only because the visual style of every current lobby screen matches the bottom.
thats why you bring an entire inventory of throwables for Bowniggers The Game 2: Throwing My Life Away
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>That only raises further questions!
I'm still not entirely sure what the point of the underwater sections are.
I know they've been in the game since the start, in that one corner room in the castle.
But, why?
Did they say they wanted a swimming mechanic? Was breath a thing? Some sort of environmental interaction?
>already caved and bought Legendary
Maybe I should've just stuck with my wizard...
Closest we’ve got is treants being stronger when summoned under water and rumors of an underwater dungeon. Maybe it’ll be an addition to goblin caves as it’s the only map that doesn’t have a sequel rn
its a virus don't click
How does Torture Mastery work, exactly? It says "all curses" and "with each instance of damage dealt" but does it just mean curses that directly deal damage, of which there are only one? Or if I put Curse of Weakness on someone and then hit them with my sword, does that heal me because they're cursed and taking damage? Does the damage even have to come from me? Do I get twice the healing if I put Curse of Pain and Curse of Weakness on the same enemy, because each curse heals me when the enemy takes damage?
I wish I could play bard but buffing constantly is just not fun
>think devs will start caring about their reputation now that they are on steam
>they continue to do the same stupid shit
this team 100% lost the only sane person who worked there
>highest APM
>cant walk five feet without playing their osu! dopamine minigame
>literally designed around being loud and annoying
bard is the troon/zoomer/autist class
congrats on your transition, sis
No I don't play it cause it's lame as fuck
like playing subzero in pmex
So I like to strip naked as a skeleton barb and just run around looking for players to fight, I find it very low stress since I cant lose any gear. my stash is nearly full of gold though since I never buy anything, what sort of fun stuff can I do with the money? like buying a bunch of drums to throw at people
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>make character named DonkeyKong
>do nothing but throw drums
I've been playing wizard for so long I've forgotten that other classes actually have abilities they can use mid-battle.
Sterling Axes. They look fancy so you can style on other players and you get bonus damage against undead on top of it.
Try intense focus bro
>just fill your inventory with campfires or spend an eternity recharging spells with normal rest
yeah. not like you're gonna be doing much else anyways
Use a purple crystal sword? Dude, your upgraded staff with ignite and staff mastery? Lol not gonna lie I prefer purple crystal sword so I don’t waste a spell and perk slot desu
just play a better game
with devs who actually give a shit
and a community that isnt filled with pedoniggers
Yeah okay what game be honest with us right now
pedoniggers are based though?
they filter filthy r*ddit tourist scum and make them seethe
>tfw lose to a guy in full purples while wearing nothing but greens
More subdivisions on gear score when?
skill issue faggot
Get gapped noob
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if there were more matchmaking queues there'd be zero point in getting better gear
my advice: git gud
You make bard look fun
>use Hellfire to break down a door
>forget that it moves significantly slower than I do
>kill myself by running into it
that's why you angle it and make the hellfire hit the doors corner
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>average intelligence level of a warlock player
lol, lmao even
>People want skill trees that allow you to spec into different playstyles but idk if they'll do it.
They definitely wont do that, the last 3 classes barely have shit and the early classes have the worst balanced perks imaginable with zero thought put into it. They dont give a fuck
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I was being attacked while trying to take screenshots nigger
>Music damage and healing? Not sure what you mean by that
Bard has songs that heal and do damage, what do these songs scale off of?
Persuasiveness but am unsure
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You can certainly take your feminist meltdown to another game
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>here'd be zero point in getting better gear
>git gud
The point would be better stats allowing you to move and do things faster, clear mobs quicker.
The audacity of you to tell someone else to "git gud" while you seemingly can only have fun killing players at massive disadvantages
does cleric even do anything in teamfights? Are you just there to hold doorways with smite while your teammates shoot everyone for you because you can't skirmish or chase?
I heard they can heal or something idk
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what if they took the DBD approach where keeping line of sight will gradually speed you up.
Is this game any good?
My friend wants me to install it
Look at the leaderboard retard, the most important part of teamfights is healing
Just unlocked the market and my enjoyment of the game has skyrocketed. My stash is all gold I dont know what to do with.
Havent had this much fun being a merchant since the original Mount&Blade
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thank you
reinvest it in gear for your character, gold is a fuel for more adventuring
glad to hear you're having fun, anon
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>gold is a fuel for more adventuring
>glad to hear you're having fun, anon
Im having the most fun running around trolling people as a naked rogue. My entire stash will be gold pouches soon, is there a more effective way to store gil?
hey bby gurl wanna duo?
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you should unlock more storage space (the plus sign below your storage tabs)
best way to store gold is with gold coin bags, which hold 1000g in a 2x2 space
there are also gold coin chests which hold 10,000g in a 3x2 space, but they're more of an ultra luxury item
Tumble is underrated you can pretty much dodge anyone's attack if you time it right and it has no cooldown unlike ranger's backstep, which I still use too
what if someone else made this game and it was better
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ironmace is making it better
Like the other anon said, gold coin bags have good density, but most importantly you can get one by completing the 5th goblin merchant quest. This means that by making/deleting new characters, you can farm however many you want.
You can also craft them with 1 troll pelt and 4 wolf pelts, but wolf pelts only have a 6% or so chance to drop from wolves.

Another option is to buy expensive, but small items like purple rings and necklaces on the marketplace and then resell them when you need to liquidate.
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Why does my ranger have a lot more options from the squire than my rogue? Both are the same level
There's a crafting system? What the fuck how do I interact with it?
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>solo goblin caves
>going to try and kill the troll
>come across another guy already in the process of killing it
>join in the fight, but it ends almost immediately because he was already almost finished
>let him loot the troll
>about to ask if he minds sharing the treasure horde since there's always more than one person can carry anyway
>he actually just kills himself because he's only trying to farm the troll pelt
>I get the entire treasure room to myself and escape with full pockets
When you're in a merchant's menu select Service
>Why does my ranger have a lot more options from the squire than my rogue? Both are the same level
I read somewhere that raising your affinity with merchants via completing quests can make your squire offer more stuff. Does your ranger have higher merchant affinity than your rogue?
>There's a crafting system? What the fuck how do I interact with it?
In the Services tab, merchants will craft things for you if you provide them ingredients. Things like turning ore into bars, etc. I don't think all existing recipes are immediately visible, because I've seen craftable things on the wiki that I can't see in the menu. Maybe it's also related to affinity, though. If you click on an option, you can mouseover the ingredients to see what they are exactly.
The Leathersmith is the one who can craft gold bags.
90% of my playtime so far has been goblin caves.
It just feels so much better balanced for solo play.
>he actually just kills himself because he's only trying to farm the troll pelt
literally me
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Whats the point of having a player list or unique character names at all if you cant search for people by character name?
>play game
>nigger warlock shows up
>back to lobby
I'll just dox the faggot since he uses his real name on steam and wait for the chinks to revert the retarded patch.
Reading posts like these makes me realize how much of a joke this slop is. Farming some arbitrary collectible ad nauseum to complete an arbitrary quest so you can move on to farming more arbitrary collectibles for more arbitrary quests.
How can you see people's steam accounts from the game?
>to complete an arbitrary quest
The troll pelt is for making gold bags for better inventory management. It's not part of any quest.
In the player list on the main menu, it shows both their character name and their account name.
That said, the search function is based only on account name, you can't search for characters. So I don't know how you'd find someone's account if all you have is their character name unless their plan is to scroll through the entire online player list manually.
Because the map was initially designed for solo players
>makes me realize how much of a joke this slop is
and yet you still post here (feel free to leave at any time)
Did they even change enemy density or health or anything for other modes in Howling Crypts? Or are they literally just dropping solos and duos into a dungeon originally designed for trios?
The account name isnt their steam account though
Oh that's right, I forgot that you actually designate a DaD account name when signing up.
I don't think there is any way then, unless the person made their DaD account name identical to their Steam name.
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>enter the crypts naked
>just run through the whole map
>can break down doors with Hellfire and heal myself on the go with CoP in case of any traps or chip damage
>never have to stop for anything
>don't even stop to open chests, just grab whatever I see lying in the open as I run by
>escape with full pockets and full health, no potions or bandages necessary
Felt like a damn shopping spree.
That would defeat the purpose of posting here to bag on how sloppy this trash is.
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>naked only hood
>create rape trains never looting
>Run around until I see another player
>Start screaming "HEEEEELP!!!"
>Go invisible and backstab them
>repeat until death never caring about extraction
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>warden outfit and marauder outfit are both available as base gear
>both can be equipped by the Rogue and Warlock only
>stats are identical except the warden outfit has 5 more armor
I can maybe understand both existing because not everything you find in a dungeon should necessarily be the most optimal equipment possible, but why have both as base gear options? What reason is there to ever pick marauder over warden?
Is the druid good for solo play? What weapon should i be using i'm not sure between mace and staff which is better
dead game
I've never played as a druid, but I've played against them where they've run up to me as a rat before I can react, turn into a panther, and maul me to death in 2 seconds.
They seem pretty good.
I hate that lockpicks are so fucking expensive.
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Learn to mine NIGGER
I can never find ore nodes.
Goblin caves is the mining map. Go to the middle with elevator extract. You can find ore in that module. There is also other spots on the map like the bridge upper right plus it has a stair case extract. Both are good mining spots. There are other places to mine but gob caves is the best for it. Get to mining
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Can someone please explain the design philosophy behind double jump? How is that worth -17 speed, especially with all the other perks available?
The balance in this game has had like zero thought put into it
It used to be a lot better. Less move speed penalty plus more jank map geometry to abuse
How is this calculated? 4(0.5) only 2 damage over 4 seconds? What does the number in parenthesis mean and scale off of?
It scales with either Will magical power or additional magic dmg. Honestly though dude it’s just troll af going for that shit but go for it if you want to
0.5 is the scaling. What it scales with/how that scaling works exactly I don't know, but for example a spell that has a (1.0) will ramp up in damage twice as quickly as a spell that has (0.5) when you increase the relevant stat.
I heard its good with ranged attacks, crossbow/throwing knives
I didn't even realize they were craftable.
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>stab goblin 10x in the head over and over again in hopes of maybe seeing another player
>mobs can hit you through closed doors
>Mindless Melee mechanics
The devs have the money to make their dream game and this is what they shit out? This is fun to you guys? stabbing the same health sponges over and over again?
>This is fun to you guys? stabbing the same health sponges over and over again?
I agree that the mob AI is absolute shit garbage and IM should be embarrassed to release it like it was okay, and I'd be surprised if anyone said they unironically enjoyed doing bait+punish on a million NPCs.
That said, the AI is SO dumb that it's actually pretty easy to just ignore the mobs. Every mob except elites (the red ones) move slowly enough that if they swing at you once, you have time to run to a door and open it before they're able to reach you and swing again. If your goal is purely PvP, like a sane person, then you can just rush through room after room ignoring the mobs. You don't even end up with a mob train because you can bait a second swing before then closing the door.
You can even use this strategy for looting if you like, by pulling all of a room's mobs into an adjacent room and then locking them in there so you can safely open the chests. Not that looting is fun, but if you want gold/gear for PvP.
The game is supposed to be challenging. If you can’t handle it because they have too much health play an easier class.
You find the copy paste survivalcraft "combat" challenging?
Tedious is not the same as challenging.
If they wanted the game to be challenging, then enemies should have multiple attack patterns. They should attempt to dodge strikes. They should have any awareness at all that they're taking damage beyond just being aggro'd.
Once you have learned a particular mob's one or maybe two easily dodged attack patterns, fighting that mob is no longer challenging. Sure, it's hard to dodge when you have multiple mobs on you, but the mob AI is so basic that it's very easy to pull only one mob at a time, and the fact that this is the only real way to engage in the "combat" that the game has for PvE only contributes to the slog.
The fact that you can climb up onto a table and most mob types not only cannot hit you, but will simply stand there while you stab them to death, is not fun in spite of being by far the most efficient way to deal with mobs.

Giving an enemy more health does not make it more challenging unless avoiding damage from it was already challenging to begin with. It just makes it take longer to kill.
If the solution to this is simply ignoring the majority of the enemies, then that's a bad system and an indication that a rework is needed.
Just play warlock bro
True they could do that Or you could just lead a trail of mobs to somebody and go invis
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>running from a harpy
>open a door
>there's a player right behind it
>harpy is now blocking the doorway behind me
>phantomize through her
>harpy tries to kick me and kills the guy I stumbled into
Every time I spawn in the tavern I punch the dog.
>warlock helps me fight the troll
>immediately stabs me in the back as soon as it's dead
Never trust a warlock.
>tfw spent too long looting the treasure hoard and can't find an unused exit in time
if your class can't outpace and shrug off trash mobs it isn't a real class
i remember one time during beta everyone in the lobby was "petting" the dog by running our cursors over him back and fourth and then one person punched the dog and everyone in the lobby mobbed him
anyone else find it fun to run in circles and make enemies hit one another?
is buying the legendary status worth it?
is it a one time purchase or is it a subscription?
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>Goblin Caves
>Sub 25
>As a Barbarian get to the cave with the healing shrine and centipede in it.
>Start fighting centipede with bardiche
>Out of nowhere a rat transforms into a panther
>Hit him once
>Centipede is on me
>A giant spider too
>Benny fucking Hill
>At about 80% hp with both centi and spider on me and druid still around
>Start climbing up
>Druid sees this, transforms into panther, jumps over to me and transforms into bear and starts attacking
>Mfw he commits to attacking me
>Mfw I am running +hp, +5 axe damage and berserker
>Switch to felling axe
>Start wailing on him as he wails and me, don't care about centipede anymore, don't care about spider anymore.

I managed to kill him with about 10-15% hp remaining, then jumped down through the hole, healed on the shrine and finished off centipede and the spider too. That was some intense fucking shit. I assume bear druid just mauls most of the other classes to shit in melee and I would probably have been mauled too if not for berserker.
>Go invis
>Mobs just stutter step away slowly
It's a one-time purchase. Originally before coming to Steam, the game wasn't free-to-play at all. You bought it just like you'd buy any other game.
Whether it's worth it depends on you.
Free version:
You can't enter high-roller dungeons, but you can still take good gear into regular dungeons and simply stomp people. HR dungeons simply have better loot and how well you do in them is tracked. Getting a high adventure ranking gets you cosmetics and shit.
You can't sell things on the marketplace, which locks you out of acquiring more gold for higher-tier loot (merchants do not pay you what blues and purples are worth to players.) You can still buy things on the marketplace, though.
You can only have one character. A character's class can't be changed after creation (regardless of whether you bought the game) so although I haven't tried it myself, I'm pretty sure this means that if you want to try a different class you have to delete your current character and make a new one. Because you have no shared stash (not that you could really make use of it with only one character) this also means losing all of your banked items, gold, merchant affinities, etc. You'd be starting completely over. Maybe not a big deal if you're not heavily invested or if you only plan to stick to a single class, though.

What ended up getting me to buy was picking wizard as my main class due to loving him in the playtests, investing a lot of time into him and getting him up to level 60, and then getting tired of how much teeth-pulling was involved in the class as it is now and how effortless other casters like Warlock and Druid looked by comparison. However, I didn't want to lose my wizard and I definitely didn't want to lose the items and gold I'd built up, so I paid the $30 to be able to make my warlock and still keep my wizard.
>druid has two Shapeshift Memory skills
>only has five possible forms including human
Why even add the second one if there's no use for it yet?
Penguin soon
>gets you cosmetics and shit.
>cosmetics == dress up
does it also earn me those runestone shards?
>penguin with the ability to belly slide that leaves a trail of ice behind
I called out of work I’m a drug addict hopeless autistic burnout my mom is gonna be mad at me and my brother always does better than me what is the class for me
It's not clothing, that's all gear-based. I don't know what all exactly the rewards have been, but I remember hearing that the ability to have your player model be a blue skeleton was a reward from last wipe.
>does it also earn me those runestone shards?
The red ones are premium currency, you just pay cash for those.
The blue ones are earned by adventuring. I've been playing for a while and I'm only triumph level 2 (equals 2 blue shards) but I have to imagine High Roller, which I haven't done yet, would contribute more to that level. Or maybe it's just a slow burn in general, I don't know.
>bear form is supposed to be able to break down doors with RMB
>I'm so fucking huge that my claws bang into the wall above any recessed door no matter how I try to position myself
that sounds so fun oml
well i guess i will take what i can get then :c
it would be great if high roller dungeons gave more shards
hopefully, the rotation of the shop doesnt change before i get to buy my elf
>hopefully, the rotation of the shop doesnt change
Does it rotate at all? I don't actually know, this season is my first.
If it does, you always have the option of shelling out the $10 or however much it equates to. I'm pretty sure you can buy most of the skins with red or blue, no?
How much agility/strength gear do I need for druid's animal forms to start doing decent damage? My gray mace does like double what my bear can do and quadruple what my panther can do.
Strength for bear, agility for panther. You are going to need a lot
How much is a lot?
Blues? Purples?
When is the druid going to get a perk that lets him jump up someone's ass as a rat and then turn into a bear to blow them up?
>queue up with fresh character
>guy with purple weapon and blue armor kills me
Is there some sort of exploit where people queue up with luck potions and get good gear right away?
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>solo druid
>never bring in any gear
>never kill any mobs
>just run around until I find a player and hassle them as they're trying to fight mobs
>never fully commit to the fight
>take their stuff if they die
Is fighter good now?
the devs have brain damage yes
just pull mobs slower if you're in HR
otherwise it's not that fucking hard unless you're fortnitekidkyle2009 and just installed the game
die pedophile
sounds like a rogue main
they should give free players 2 characters that way they can feel the urge to buy the game for the shared stash
fuck freeniggers
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Problem nigger?
We both know you are just baiting for more loli pictures so I'll indulge you.
>+ 1 dmg to MM and staff mastery
Wizard is back!

The sprint is front loaded so looks to be yes unless it's bugged in some way which is a high chance with IM
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>Wizard can increase their staff damage
>Cleric's Blunt Weapon Mastery doesn't, despite it being a blunt weapon
dead game
Look down when you break doors in bear form.
I honestly wish they let you see your teammates' gear score easier. I had what I thought was an epic battle against a Demon Form abusing warlock. Im whooping his ass but theres only so much you can do against gearchecks. Then, when I spectate him, not only is he geared the fuck up he was a nose hair away from death. Turns out my Russian faggot of a Rogue forgot to unequipt a ring so we were unknowingly going against death squads.

On the other hand, a pre-buff white/grey bonk wizard almost beating a geared up demon is pretty funny
i'll take things that never happened for 500
Gearscore is stupid as fuck. Entire set of white gear is lower gs than one piece of green. It makes no sense whatsoever and they need to add more brackets. White items cost the same as blues, meta shit like white kris dagger even more. Because muh pvp chads run them in <25 lobbies.
Not having full purple retards stomp noobs in goblin caves is an improvement, but it's still an incredibly bad design that phases out most gear. There's virtually no reason to ever use green items and no reason to go in normal dungeon with >25 gs. Even though there's enough players to make more brackets and it would make total sense to add intermediate levels. I would lower the noob gs ceiling to something like 0-17 and add intermediate brackets like 18-120 and 120-250. Or even better, make gs scaling less retarded, one green items should not equal entire set. Rating chart should be less steep.
I once had a rat turn into a bear and one shot me, he had 50 strength
So I'd say around 50 strength
It used to be terrible for solos too because it had like 30% loot of crypt but the number of players in the lobby was the same.
Why would they, the number of players is the same
>Not having full purple retards stomp noobs in goblin caves is an improvement
Now new players pick up two green items and then get farmed by full purple retards, it's not much of an improvement.
As a barbarian, shouldn't you just scream at centipede to make it fight on your side?
Or did they fix it? Haven't played in a long time.
Thought the same thing few days ago, there is no incentive for timmies to take gear into +30 gs lobbies cause they get rolled by full purple geared players (happened to my first game) now me and im sure alot of other new players only play under 30. We need one more gear bracket they have the playerbase for it now
Everyone just says you either go sub 25 or highroll, there's no reason to do normal over 25. Is it worth attempting highroll with blue/green gear solo?
Did the pedos finally get b&?
>IM adds f2p purely to let people get the chance to play the game
>before this, norms were whites only and hr was anything other white
>If you went into hr with a hodge podge of shitty greens and blues you'd get rolled
>same case now, except instead of hr it's just norms on both ends for the f2p
all the f2p tourists are crying because they want to feel good about their +5% buff duration lightfoot boots. Something you should learn is to liquidate almost all gear you find except for bis and use that money to buy actual sets that you run instead of trying to play some ironman use what you see challenge
IM shouldn't have to cater to you not being able to play smart
Most games of high roller prelobby I only saw one other team sometimes it fills up tho but it really is just to farm loot imo
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>run up on druid and start shanking him
>my cats sick
>have a heart my dude
Then why are you stopping me from killing you go deal with your cat
Scream just reduces the damage centipede does to you with physical attacks.
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Nope. I am still here.
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It used to intimidate monsters and was supposed to make them run away but instead it made them drop aggro on barb and attack everyone else. I guess they changed it.
How come koreans still haven't fixed their shitty UI? For fucks sake how long has it been, 2 years? Still no cooldowns or any useful info on skills.
And where the fuck does warlock get all the life leech? The only thing I see is leech from curses and there's only one curse that deals damage and it fucking sucks.
>And where the fuck does warlock get all the life leech?
True magical healing gear?
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I'm just gonna keep playing barb.
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>And where the fuck does warlock get all the life leech?
Curse of Pain and Power of Sacrifice. Healing from Torture Mastery is independant of the damage of the DoT, only cares about the dot dealing damage.
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Hello adventurers, we have relocated to /vg/
Please extract as soon as possible
i shouldve instantly known this game was shit when the faggot devs spent time putting a "pet le doggerino" animation in instead of having any interesting gameplay
Hi Leddit
bear druid is useless unless you have the stats for it, he just made himself a bigger target for you , the panther does the most damage
The "petting" animation is the same as opening a chest or using a shrine, you stupid nigger.
Similar to me and I love Rogue and druid, I love being a NEET
Your mace attacks much slower than your panther
The dog has unique reactions to being pet retarded fucking faggot. Keep defending your low effort cash grab.
sorry it's been a while since I've linked something cross-board
It's all canned animations, fag. All that shit came from the unreal marketplace. If you're going to be a contrarian nigger at least get your talking points right
Hopefully you and the rest of the doomer trannies stay there. Good luck!
dead game
deader general
If I wanted to be contrarian I'd say this game is good, but pretty much everyone knows this game has zero thought put into it and is just an lazy Unreal engine tech demo with a $30 price tag
VeryBalancedMan is in for a fun surprise, hope he likes getting phone calls at 4am every night, maybe talking shit was not worth it especially when you have a family.
>Why would they, the number of players is the same
Yeah, but the number of players in any given room 90% of the time is 1/3 what it is in trios.
One shot you at full health? The bear's attacks only do STR+5 and STRx2 damage, respectively. Unless you were a wizard, wouldn't he need a lot more strength than that to one-shot? Or does scaling factor into it? I still don't really even know how scaling works.
Literally anyone will oneshot you when they're that geared. Druid by comparison is actually very weak and only excels in running away from PvP and sustaining themselves in PvE. Can't tell you how many timmies I've seen cry in Reddit or Discord how Druid is OP because they watched one 15 second clip of a Fighter in default gear getting tapped. The animal forms are absolutely terrible - and rightfully so, since they would break the game in any other capacity.
>STR+5 and STRx2 damage
doesn't account for physical power from gear or innate power from str
What's the formula to account for those?
>hope he likes getting phone calls at 4am every night
>Put phone on mute before going to sleep

Tell me you never had a job without telling me you never had a job your worthless NEET.
So what? You clear less rooms, you get the same amount of loot
Can items bought from the marketplace be used to complete fetch quests?
if they accept any state, then yes
but most only accept looted state
hover over an item in quest window to see
damn, marketplace bought items aren't looted state? Are they handled state?
yes lmao
Only items picked up from a dungeon (mob corpses, chests, barrels/crates, or just lying around) count as Looted.
Anything given as a quest reward is Handled, and anything brought into a dungeon (whether Looted or Supplied) becomes Handled. This means that if you forget to take a goblin ear out of your bag and you bring it into the dungeon, it's not eligible for the quest anymore because it's not Looted anymore. It also means that stuff taken off dead players can't be used for quest progress unless they themselves found it in the dungeon in the same round they died.
Got it, thanks.
To add to this, I'm pretty sure that anything bought on the Marketplace becomes Handled even if the item says Looted when you mouse over it. This is probably to prevent people from just buying all the quest items from other players.
I'm retarded and forgot that the question started with asking about the Marketplace, but the point stands that even if it says Looted when you mouse over it in the Marketplace, it won't be when you receive it.
Can confirm this. Tried to buy an item with Looted status for a quest and it became Handled. Seems you can't just buy quest items for most quests.
What quest items can you buy? I feel like it'd be a short list.
Gold Ore into Gold Ingots I presume?
dead game
We moved to a new thread two days ago.
/vg/ is shit its full of faggot mods who ban the reply to the actual trollpost
This. /vm/ is the last usable board on this site
if the /vg/ thread dies we'll move back to /vm/
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stay on /vg/ don't come back here
>crossboard thread possession syndrome
That's pretty damn autistic.
I'm going to install this game and try it out as a new player.
Are Druids good?
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she killed thousands...
Druids are fun. There's a perk that lets you swap between animal forms instantly, so you can run up to someone as a rat, turn into a bear and maul them, and then turn into a rat again and run away.
Also if a door has a window in it (many doors do in most maps) you can jump toward the door and shift into a rat mid-jump and thread the needle through that little window, allowing you to pass through the door without even needing to open it or break it down. Great for escaping pursuers.
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Howdy there, pardner. Them druids ain't too shabby, but they sure ain't the easiest class fer yer first adventure neither.
Druids are what got me into the game, turning into animals is the most fun you can have in this slop
surely they're gonna fix ratjump, it's clearly not intended
who am I kidding, it will take them 3 years to fix
>surely they're gonna fix ratjump, it's clearly not intended
Actually I heard that the devs originally intended for rats to simply be able to run under doors with a button press, but gave up on it because it was buggy.
They might leave ratjumping in as a replacement.
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bake new vm bread
on it
real long-term thread

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