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Guild Wars 1 is very much alive and our /vm/ guild has been running regular events for anyone interested in doing some endgame content. We are always welcoming new members.

>>1292563 Previous Thread


In celebration of Juneteenth we went and murdered all the slaves in slaver's exile. Now we're about to go kneel on Duncan the black in HM. If you're interested in joining we'll be running tomorrow June 22nd at 7 PM EST.


If you have suggestions or ideas for future events post them here and if there's interest we'll run it.
>"Oh no the other thread is at page 11 I better go make a new one now"
>creates new thread
>Oh right we were at page 11 now I can't warn people we're on new thread...

oops. It would seem I murdered the other thread before I warned people.
Two threads, great job folks
pic related!
free wordpress exists
>Choose a plan today and unlock a powerful bundle of features. Or start with our free plan.
i dunno about the free layouts anymore, they're all gay modern stuff. if you do end up using wordpress, classic editor is more usable than the default block editor.
i looked into what kind of free blog sites exist today a couple years back, didn't find anything particularly better. wordpress, blogger, livejournal. some people use substack and simply charge O money but markdown control is very limited/obstructive compared to html. medium's logo is insufferable so i didn't look.
I probably won't be able to make Duncan AGAIN.
Somehow this keeps happening on days when my parents want to see me.
parents trying their hardest to prevent you from getting cancelled. Don't worry brother, we shall kneel on his neck in your honor.

Also reminder we are doing Duncan tonight at 7 PM EST. MAKE SURE YOU'VE DONE ALL 4 PRE BOSSES BEFORE THEN
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Remember what they took from you.
Free plan is a free trial for a year.
my understanding is the free for one year thing refers to the domain, i.e. "gw1blog.com". if you are fine with "gw1blog.wordpress.com" then it's free forever.
I will be 10~ minutes late

sorry, I got back too late to finish 4/4
gl bros
I can't believe Duncan the Black wiped the group and disbanded the guild.
Did anyone that attend get a picture of the neck kneel on duncan? I was hoping someone would post it, I only realized after he despawned that I was hitting the wrong button and failed to screenshot anything.

Also I'm thinking either Deep or Urgoz next week, we actually had really good turnout yesterday for Duncan. If you have a preference for which one we do post here. It'll be on saturday at 7 PM again though time/day can be moved if necessary.
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POV fucking sucks
Would love Deep more if not for anything else for the factions, am like 2mil away from max tittle.
Tho whatever people pick is fine.
Hey, I started playing 2 years ago but took a break before finishing prophecies.
I'm back at GW1 and would love to have people to play/talk and bother with my newb questions.
How can I join the /vm/ guild?
Just post your IGN and we'll get you an invite.

If anyone is interested in joining the guild, all you gotta do is drop a character name.
Cheers, I'm Ishtar of Akkad in-game
sent an invite, I'm off for now though.

We normally do stuff on Saturdays, sometimes Friday's as well, just watch thread. We might start another campaign run in a month or 2 depending on interest.
You missed the anniversary event in May, there was like half a dozen districts in Kamadan. They literally had to scale up more servers.
Cheers m8, hope I can play with some of you soon.
aw shit. There's always next year anyway.

Let me ask you a quick question, whats the best way of getting some early skills for my heroes? besides making a pvp char. Should I waste my own skill points or make other chars of those professions to get some basic skills at least.
make characters for those professions, at the very least you can use one slot to make one of each profession In Factions to unlock the Insignia quests straight away

unlocking heroes also unlocks those skills they come with
>best way of getting some early skills for my heroes
play through all of factions preferably on some kind of caster, you don't need heroes
>you will never be this dedicated to the game
gods bless the turboautists of this community
I think he did a whole gwamm as solo mesmer.
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I hate Nightfall.
That is all.
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come to gw2
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fuck off fag
>get owned by this random photo of a warrior in Charr armor
My favorite person this week? You.
Do people buy Captured Skeletors for halloween?
they're not tradeable I think
people do group farming runs during halloween where they repeatedly pop into the uw and get skeletons in the first room though
GW complete edition on sale for $10
Sorry if someone's already posted, I haven't been here in awhile
oh shit thanks
Are French "people" human?
Can someone explain this? Should I buy this or Guild wars Trilogy with Eye of the North? None of the prices and different versions make sense.
His EotN GWAMM video is even more insane he beat every EotN dungeon in NM, without any PvE skills, and without cons I can't even begin to fathom how he beat some of the bosses such as:

Ilsundur - Ele boss with 5000 HP, and a passive that works like pain inverter 2X in addition to being able to one shot you all while dodging instant kill fireballs and bombs (again if he dies 4 times to this boss, run has to be restart)

Fendi Nin - 4 stage necro boss with 20k HP that constantly summons more ranger and ritualist minions if you fail to rupt a single hex you are basically dead

TPS regulator golem - Warrior boss who will charge at you and try to KD you, not that bad except for the fact you have a dozen turrets all shooting you while you try to fight.

Slaver's Exile - Basically every group of dwarves here has res skills, some are even reusable you would have to perfectly ball up every group and kill them at once and pray other groups don't agroo in to heal.

Duncan the black - in addition to reaching him, he has a little bit of every boss mentioned here. 1 shot kill moves, 20k HP, spirit turrets, and pain inverter passive reflecting 2X damage

I have no fucking clue how he managed these. But if that wasn't enough the fucking madman went "Mmm that was too easy" and is now in the process of DOING IT AGAIN ON WARRIOR THIS TIME.

I am in pure awe.

short version: anet fucked up and forgot to put the complete edition on steam, you can buy it from their website but its probably not on discount

Just buy the trilogy for now, trilogy contains the 3 main campaigns (Prophecies - Tyria, Factions - Cantha, Nightfall - Elona). These 3 campaigns assume the player is new to the game and you can start in any of them. Eye of the north is basically DLC expansion but sets up events for GW2. See if you like Trilogy first.
complete collection is trilogy+eotn
$10 is as low as you'll see it for everything in the game (besides the bonus mission pack, which I've never seen on sale and which is nowhere close to essential)
never mind I am a raging retard and assumed this was another steam sale, I have NEVER seen them do a GW1 sale on their official website

Complete collection is Trilogy + EotN buy it, 10$ is great.
>I have NEVER seen them do a GW1 sale on their official website
they did a few months ago, complete collection for $10
Are you sure? I thought that was a steam sale? Maybe they did both idunno
Not that anon, but yes during the Steam spring sale the complete GW collection was also on sale for $10 on the GW website
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itt: steam shills
New player. Just got the complete version on Steam from the summer sale. Really enjoying it.
what campaign?
>Just got the complete version on Steam
I didn't know which one to start so I started I think the vanilla one near Ascalon City
I picked up Guild Wars Trilogy and bought Eye of the North. It was confusing because on Steam they had Game of the Year edition.. I don't know why it's still up on Steam but basically Trilogy+EotS. It was about 12 dollars for all of it.

I also have a question. How does one go about getting companion NPC's? Basically the ones where they're replacement party members to make the entire game solo.. How do I get it?
>I also have a question. How does one go about getting companion NPC's? Basically the ones where they're replacement party members to make the entire game solo.. How do I get it?
Those are heroes, you get them mostly through playing Nightfall and Eye of the North.

There are additional ones in Proph and Factions.

Oh awesome good to know. Can I move from vanilla campaign to the other campaigns like Nightfall and EotN? or do I have to make a new character for that?
>Can I move from vanilla campaign to the other campaigns like Nightfall and EotN?
You can once you reach Lion's Arch, I think.
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>vanilla one near Ascalon City
that's prophecies. there are 3 campaigns (prophecies, factions, nightfall), and you can start in any of them with a new character
if you're just starting out in prophecies (looks like picrel), you can only add a max of 1 real person to your party and can do everything solo. once you get out of the tutorial area there are henchmen in every town who you can add to your party. henchmen have fixed stats, skillbars, etc. you just add them and go
there are also heroes which you can unlock in nightfall and the eye of the north expansion, you can change their gear and builds and stats but you need to unlock all that yourself which might be overwhelming when you're just starting out
you can take a character to any other campaign after ~a quarter of prophecies and right after the tutorial in factions and nightfall
Is Eye of the North worth $5? I was given Trilogy as a gift last year but never played much of it. I thought I had all the GW content, but apparently I'm missing EotN and saw it's on sale.
Oh man. GW1 sounds so awesome. Completely missed out on GW1 in my childhood. Glad I picked it up.. I hate all the paid sub shit. And I'm glad it's complete and don't have to play catch up with expansions. :Thanks again.

And one last question. How's endgame and PvP? Is there any content I can play through for solo and parties?
if you're gonna play gw, sure
it came out after all 3 campaigns so you can play without it, but there's a lot of endgame challenging stuff in it, and some heroes you need it to unlock
Good to know, thank you Anon. Always wanted to play GW but did not have internet until 2010, and that was too slow for GW at the time.
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>How's endgame
endgame is reasonably active, there are a few active speedclears (specialized builds designed to rush down the hardest stuff, https://wiki.fbgmguild.com/wiki/Main_Page) but only maybe 5-10 of these categories still get done regularly and some of the more niche ones aren't done at all now
nowhere near what it used to be. gw1 was one of the first esports and had a crazy active pvp scene (https://youtu.be/MizjVcmPeBM?t=103) but most of that is dead now. they had a bad botting problem and a playerbase split across a bunch of different pvp modes, so most of the pvp is organized by players. there's an 8v8 mode called Heroes' Ascent that almost always has real people who you can fight, there's a discord for a guild/group called QQ that teaches people another 8v8 mode called Guild vs Guild and organizes scrims on weekends, players play another casual gamemode (Fort Aspenwood) on fridays, and the others are botted or dead
>solo and parties
if you've never played gw before, the 3 campaigns+eotn will take you a while, and you can also make a second character. gameplay is pretty different depending on your profession and skills, so there's a lot of variety
aside from speedclears, you can always find pugs for daily missions, and the thread guild does more casual stuff together
been pretty quiet recently, just doing one-off endgame stuff casually as a group, but we did a few playthroughs of the campaigns with human parties to get that 2006 full party feeling again, was pretty fun
If there's going to be a time to announce either a Gw1 remaster or Gw3, next 10 months will be it. Guild wars is turning 20 years old next year. If they don't do something big, I'm going to be so disappointed.

Why are Steam kiddies so retarded? You just paid 2.50€$ more for the same content. I was planning on buying it on discount and soon I saw that the store version was cheaper i went for it.
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You used the wrong icon dude.
they did hire that guy to work on GW1 80% of his time, I wonder if it's a "fix things for the AI upscale slop re-release" sort of job which is why we're not seeing most of his work
They didn't hire Stephen recently, or even specifically to "work on" GW. He's been around for years.
>As many of you know, I've been part-time game director, programmer, janitor, etc., for Guild Wars since 2018. I'm happy to report that starting two weeks ago my time allocated to Guild Wars changed from 10% to 80%.
This was April 22nd.
Actually, I'll just paste the full news page.
Your other query (is the game being worked on in any significant capacity???) is also answered here. The answer is: NO!
>The answer is: NO!
Explain this


Yeah I don't think this proves or disproves a Gw1 remaster. It certainly is still a possibility. We do know they've been working on an unannounced UE5 project for an established fantasy IP since 2022 (probably earlier if we look at an actual project life cycle, that's just the earliest confirmation we have that is public). toptierlist.net/news/gaming-news/guild-wars-developer-unannounced-online-fantasy/.

Feels like Guild wars has the highest possibility of being that established IP. Big question will be just what it is. Remake is possible. Gw3 also has a high chance of happening. I hope for a gw1 remake, but I suspect its going to be Gw3. Gw2 is showing its age hard by the sounds of it. Graphics aren't standing up to time based on online reactions I'm reading. And with these yearly updates, what they're adding is getting less...impactful? 2023-2024 didn't really add anything impactful and sounds like soto expansion sorta fell short. The big "feature" of late 2024-2025 is going to be housing. Like many mmorpgs, it sounds like its reaching its "feature ceiling".
there is 0 fucking chance that guild wars 1 is getting remastered
Yeah dude they are going to remaster Guild Wars.
>Yeah I don't think this proves or disproves a Gw1 remaster.
It's either this or a GW3. I don't think they want to split up the fanbase with both a GW1 Remaster and GW3.. It's most likely GW3. Sorry anon.

While you can move to any vanilla campaign as a new player I strongly recommend making a new character so you can learn the classes. It's not very important while you are doing prophecies/factions since you can just focus on yourself and slot in henchmen, but NF and EotN expectations of you are a lot higher as you will be designing both your build and your heroes.

By playing more classes you also progress your account by unlocking more skills which can be used on heroes.

As a final recommendation, don't metagame too hard. A lot of the fun in this game is coming up with strategies and build synergies to beat missions, instantly looking up and running the meta build will turn this game into a snore fest on NM. It's fine once you want to do HM content but on NM there's an endless number of combos and decent builds to beat stuff. Using the normal wiki if you get lost or need strategy ideas for what to bring on a mission is fine, just don't use the meta builds wiki (or do if thats your thing)

As a reminder for all returning players we have an ingame guild who occasionally do dungeons and campaign playthroughs together you are welcome to join the guild, or not join but still show up for events just post name in thread.

>By playing more classes you also progress your account by unlocking more skills which can be used on heroes.
Should I rush all classes to max level in prophecies to gain all skills?
Not necessary, but you should make sure you do all your prophecies skill quests as they give your main and secondary a ton of free skills.

Each campaign comes with more skills and more classes added to the game. Later on you will have to capture Elite skills which are unique skills that can only be obtained by hunting down a boss monster late into campaigns and stealing their elite. Having lots of characters of different classes semi actively collecting potentially useful skills will be handy when you want to set up heroes.
there's probably like 500 core+prophecies skills and you can't even get them all til the end of the game, it would take you ages
just play proph and factions to start out and get a feel for the game
>to gain all skills?
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Today, I vanquished The Falls. The first half was nothing but spider pop-ups, and the last half was 2-3 Life Pods pop-up per Root Behemoth. I wiped once at the end because of Wind Riders and had to run back from the very entrance.
I'm glad it's over!
>Update -- June 28, 2024

The User Agreement presented in-game has been updated to match the ArenaNet agreement.

The updated version will be displayed to you after you login and is based on your language setting in the game. You can change the language setting while the User Agreement is displayed by pressing F11 and changing your language selection.

The User Agreement has been localized into French, German and Spanish.

The Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian and Taiwanese language versions are in English.

There is a more pleasantly formatted version at https://www.arena.net/en/legal/user-agreement .
>can't be racist any more
it's guildover
that zone is fuckin annoying to clear and traverse, but the actual falls part is bretty nice
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The actual falls was a nice scenic 'reward', for getting to the 'end' of the zone.
So it's Deep tonight at 7, right?
>You may not select a Name that is:
>vulgar, threatening, racist, sexist, bigoted, defamatory, derogatory, libelous, or otherwise offensive;
>a reference to sexual acts or violence, pornography, human anatomy, or bodily functions, an actual person (including religious or historical figures), copyrighted or trademarked materials (including names of characters from third-party properties), or illegal activities; or
>a misspelling or alternative spelling of a Name that violates any of these rules, the Rules of Conduct, or any other portion of this User Agreement.
This is like half the guild.

Side note: I did a ZB recently with a paragon named Slur Shouter.
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>we need a name for this boss
>fuck man, it's been a long day. just throw some random words together
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>plopsquirts you're gf's ass while yerkin' it
Nothing personnel, Krytan.
I hope you anons have been taking advantage of Northern Support. I'm about to finish the EotN rep titles on my eighth character, feelsgoodman
yep we are doing deep tonight at 7 PM EST

all are welcome to show up and join, just make sure you've beaten cantha on any character so you can access the deep on your account. We'll meet at Embark Beach
What if we started an hour early?
any reason in particular? Would of been easier if you had asked a few days ago rather than 7 hours before we meet up lol
The guild would die.
gw1 is a better game but gw2 has better quality of players. the only people still playing gw1 are straight up fucking no lifers.
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Well it depends what you mean by "better quality of players". I've played about 8000 hours of GW2 for reference

Average skill? LMAO. I use to run DPS meter during world bosses for shits and giggles, in a squad of 50 people I would often see 10th place only be doing about 5-7k DPS meanwhile I am watching youtube afk auto attack rotation doing 20-30k, which implies there are 40 people doing less than 1/4th of my auto attack.

We had a "challenging" world boss be released during EoD expansion it was the first world boss that ever required you to use more brain power than spam skill 1 and the PvE crowd started screaming and shitting themselves over how hard it was and how awful anet is for putting it in and anyone who thinks the boss is fine and that the playerbase should maybe do more than 5k DPS is an elitist chud who shouldn't tell them how to play their game. Naturally anet reversed course hard and the boss is now piss easy so now no one runs the boss because the rewards suck and its boring.

On a similar topic, perhaps you meant "better quality of person" the above example should be all you need to see to know "no they're retarded", so let me give some examples. The playerbase threatened to kill themselves over armor inspect being added into the game, there were so many complaints about skyscale being "too much work" to obtain folded and gave it away for free in last expansion (it was a 10-20 hour grind before that). You can't say any heckin swear words I once had someone admonish me for using the R word. Same people who laughed and cheered when rewards got nerfed for fractal CM's because it hurt the elitist and they hoped they'd quit to play different game.

The WvW and PvP community would probably find 4chan to be a pleasant atmosphere compared to the reddit. Which up until recently has enforced toxc positivity. But for every 1 no lifer in GW2 there are 5 in GW2 WvW right now.
they even let that cunt go after nearly 20 years of working there lel
>user feedback is v important to us
>negative feedback can go fuck right off
ok new player here

i just made it out of ascalon city.. and now im in old ascalon i think this is post searing right? then i did a few missions there and then i made it to beach embark and then there's tons of options at this point and i don't know what i should do at this point and im level 5.

some npc's took me to various locations and it took me back to old ascalon's great northern wall and im doing this cooperative mission right now called fort ranik..

well basically my question is how do i find out what i should be doing and which missions i should start doing im completely lost
That pic reeks of this person probably going, "well, if you think our game sucks make your own MMO :)"
Embark Beach is more of a hub for daily quests, certain vendors, etc. Nothing you should worry about right now. You're fine doing Fort Ranik.
Embark Beach isn't a part of any campaign, instead it's a hub of daily quests.
For the purpose of progressing through the game it doesn't do much for new players.

>well basically my question is how do i find out what i should be doing and which missions i should start doing im completely lost

Generally you do any Missions that are available and Main Quests.
Oh did you want a guild invite?
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Give up, you'll never max it :^)
>only people still playing gw1 are straight up fucking no lifers
most people playing gw1 are casual boomers puttering around
the autist density rises a bit as you get into scs and pvp, but there's just not too much of a treadmill to glue yourself to 24/7
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gw campaigns are a series of linear missions. in prophecies you can technically walk to most mission outposts and start the mission (e.g. run to fort ranik instead of doing the great northern wall before it), but you should probably just do one after the other. finishing a mission will teleport you to the next place you're supposed to be
sometimes there's a quest between missions that will lead you to the next one, the questgiver npc for it will be in whatever outpost you spawn in after finishing the last mission, and when you take their quest it will be under the Primary category in your quest log (if you hit L) instead of Secondary
secondary quests are still fun and you should probably do em if they give you a skill as a reward, but they're not necessary to move forward
prophecies levels you very slowly, lvl 5 is fine for that part of the game and you won't max out for a while. if you're getting beat up by enemies, you can consider getting new armor. ascalon city has a guy (Corwen) who'll craft you the best armor you can get for ~7 missions or so, and it will cut the damage you take by a lot
I didn't get a response back on >>1347925 so I'm just going ask people to show up at 6:45 so we can start on time and hopefully keep it from running too late, once we get past the first 4 rooms deep runs are pretty quick. I don't want to start it an hour early on little notice and risk having people not show up. I'm open to time changes for events but if you want me to move the time to an earlier timeslot I request you ask a day in advance so I can let people know, pushing it back later is not as much of a problem as starting early is.

For anyone preparing for tonights Deep run if you want to do some extra preparations grab a KD skill like "You Move Like a Dwarf"
Absolutely. IGN is Cassius Lionguard. Thanks dood.
Save me, Kormir, from inventory hell!
Almost time for Deep, dudes.
kensuke if this is you I swear to god if your inventory isn't clean and ready for the deep I will put all the items you gave me onto 1 character and delete that character
We beat HM Deep today, honestly one of the smoother runs we've done, a bit of struggling on final part against kanaxi but besides that went extremely well. Thinking about urgoz next week unless people have a preference toward doing something else.

also took picture without realizing kensuke was casting a spell, but it makes it look like he's raging over his 2nd place DPS spot so renamed it appropriately.
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you have to click the choose file button :^)
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I am retard, got distracted halfway through post and completely forgot to attach it lol
>Random Necro is not in the pic
he's in a proportional 2% of the photo, that's his reflection on the right there
He beat useless fat fuck Norgu, right?
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my fuckin /dmg still aint working even after two updates hmm

To be fair he was running a hex degen build iirc which doesn't show up on /dmg which is why I wasn't too concerned with his damage, he's probably closer to tal's total DPS
his build literally had SS and arcane echo
I wasn't too concerned with his damage [because he had barbs to buff me]
How does the counter work? Does damage from conditions show?
Based Norgu carrying the whole circus.
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Funny wand dropped
>New TOS
da fug?
Did GW has fallen?
that's cool
>grasping was kuurong, earthquake, wastrels, wastrels, chaos storm, aftershock, grasping earth
based tri-profession build
Can't make fun of male mesmers and paragons any more.
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I see what you're doing there.
BTW check out this bow I found, totally unrelated I swear.
too bad about the inherent mod, could have been cool otherwise
Instead of doing Urgoz's Warren again, I vote we do something memey like an all monk clear of SoO.
I like this train of thought but I'm worried about the number of people who actually have a monk capable of doing this - I personally don't have one (but would be willing to create, speedrun, and full gear one for this sole meme). If other people are interested let me know

Another idea could be we all run the derv Dwayna form healing build https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Build:D/any_Avatar_of_Dwayna_Support_Hero
stick heart of holy flame for double damage against undead, and asura scan so we can ignore blindness, maybe one person brings battle standard of wisdom so we can spam flash enchantments for more healing while another brings battle standard of honor for bonus damage.
I did a soo clear with a guy one time where he ran https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Special:PvXDecode?wpBuild=OwAT44XCTigg6zl4uKHcVchYeAA and brought a bunch of hero monks with https://gwpvx.fandom.com/wiki/Special:PvXDecode?wpBuild=OwAT443A5BvS9dJXkuoJp6jSAA plus a st rit with earthbind and just had me take every engagement on a derv, was pretty fun and we rolled through it
I don't have a monk through eotn but some kind of holy damage spam could be fun
Yeah I was mentally debating in my head which would be better signet of judgement vs RoJ I still haven't decided but interesting he chose signet of judgement. Even without a monk you could still probably make a super interesting mesmer keystone smiter build, run arcane mimicry to steal someones sig of judgement and then you can just spam cast it repeatedly.
roj causes scatter
yeah but not immediate and with enough double damage RoJ's going off all over place they'll walk into another one. Maybe a combo of RoJ + Sig of judgement (with earthbind naturally) would be best.
>Wealth flexing with whats considered pocket change in todays economy
Just you wait till i sell those water djinn essences in 2026, i'm gonna be rich.
Not having a monk is gay.
crossing my fingers in hopes of recovering my old account. i literally have a physical copy with the key in front of me. if not then 10 bucks it is.
ANet is good about account recovery. You should be fine, anon.
>literally have a physical copy with the key in front of me
email anet, mention your character names and email if you remember them, include pictures of the codes+box, and they'll give you your account back 100%
t. did exactly that
Is it manageable to solo Guild Wars Prophecies starting at level 1 in 2024? Asking for a friend.
yeah people actually solo prophecies, like without henchmen
mesmer's starting skills are empathy, backfire, energy tap and ether feast
Go wild.
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From fellow GW chad, met him @ spee
Now this is a flex.
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me with no encyclopedic photographic memory of images
holy fuark
are you niggas alive still btw? what's the avg guild online players over weekend these days?
like 3 min people online any day
gog damn
any ballpark estimates of what that's worth?
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about 2-4 on depending on hour, for our planned events we usually have like 5~ people show up. Back in april we had a huge surge in activity >pic related

Even did some HA PvP during the festival. At the moment we're in a low activity period just running stuff weekly, sometime in August we might start our next campaign run.

This Saturday we're either going do a SoO memerun, or HM urgoz.
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New player (different from the other one, tho I think we both picked up the complete collection) here, what's a good secondary profession for a Warrior that isn't that interested in PvP and mainly wants to go through the primary storyline? I've heard monk is kind of a trap choice but other than that not sure which would work. I've started in prophecies I think (in the nice zone that I know gets glass'd)
>a Warrior that isn't that interested in PvP
You don't have to use you PvE character for PvP, if you want a PvP warrior you can always create a PvP-only character. That way you can use all skills and mods you unlocked.

>monk is kind of a trap choice
I've never been a GW expert, but most meta warrior builds don't use the secondary profession. My suggestion would be to choose what profession has the most fun abilities in your opinion. For the record I chose Elementalist, but when I unlocked the other professions I always chose Monk for a hard resurrection skill.
Monk is fine for a beginner, as >>1350982
stated you get a hard resurrection skill.
When you get to Factions and Nightfall you have a bit more options.
In Factions you can get assassin for a secondary giving you ability to shadow step and dagger spam which are very good on a warrior.
In Nightfall you can get a dervish which lets you use scythe skills which are very strong on a warrior. Warrior in general is pretty self contained profession but if you want to mix and match those two are probably your best choice. So don't worry too much about it.
I'd go Ranger for Antidote Signet (really good) or Assassin for Dash (get to enemies closer and have a cancel stance)
Stay in pre-Searing and do all your main/secondary profession quests. In Prophecies you get skills most easily by doing quests (though you can buy them from skill trainers).
>Note: This article is geared towards new players.
>no mention of hard res
Yeah right, this guy never was the only one alive with a used-up resurrection signet
That only matters for missions where there are no resurrection shrines, and even there you have bigger problems if you're wiping that often.
23 unded kanaxais
Sure, but for a new Prophecies player? Who may encounter other new players? I wouldn't sleep on it if I was starting out from scratch.
Post your name and we'll get you a guild invite.
warriors have lower max energy and energy regen, so be aware of that. ranger or monk are good for utility stuff, I would also say ele and especially necro have some cool ways to buff your damage or debuff your enemies
idk why people are suggesting assassin and stuff, you need to pick from the prophecies professions in that starter zone and can't change it until ~60% through the game
yeah a new player will mostly be playing missions,and might get through most of one of those giant missions before needing rebirth
Great news friends, I was able to get it recovered and linked! Thanks for the help.
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>missions where there are no resurrection shrines
>gets his account back
>doesn't join us
[This anon >>1350979 here]

Thanks very much for everyone's input; I'm still going back and forth, but I'm leaning towards mostly vanilla Warrior with Monk for utility. Even if it turns out to be not super optimal I'll accept it as a learning experience

I'm not opposed tho worth pointing out I'm on the Euro server; I'm guessing most people here are on the American one?
You can change what servers you're on at any time while in a town or outpost from the upper left corner drop-down.
You'll find most people on America English 1 (AE1) so you might want to consider playing that server full time unless the latency is too bad.
Shirt answer is join our guild because it really doesn't matter whether you live in the third world or not.
>I'm on the Euro server; I'm guessing most people here are on the American one?
not really a thing because of instancing. most euros swap to aed1 because that's where the player population in towns is and you'll see guild chat no matter what district you're in
we've played with euros before, playthroughs and one-off stuff, timezones are the actual issue usually
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I definitely plan to join up, just want to get my bearings first and think about what class I want to start off with. Kind of like the other anon, I'm thinking about a monk or warrior. Are monks capable of melee builds not entirely being relegated to support roles using secondary professions?
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>I'm on the Euro server
Our numbers grow larger.
>Are monks capable of melee builds
Yes, but i would not fuck with that. Would rather play a smiter desu.
>Are monks capable of melee builds not entirely being relegated to support roles using secondary professions
you'll have a much easier time going the other way. warrior armor will block about 25% more damage than monk armor, and classes are built around their primary attribute: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Primary_attribute
warriors get armor penetration on melee attacks, monks get +hp when they cast skills on allies
also supporting ai kinda blows imo
If you want to be a monk that does damage go smite monk, but not melee.
Mo/W is actually way more common than W/Mo, but mostly just because it provides more defensive capabilities for monks.

If you want to deal damage as a monk, there's the entire smiting line which does holy damage, and I personally enjoy.

The Monk anniversary elite with monk anniversary hammer is very fun and not half bad, but you won't be able to do that right away.
Monks aren't warriors and you'll probably only want to experiment with front line monks after you've finished the campaigns and have skills to build craft with.

BTW, literally any profession can play melee, it's just easier for professions designed around it. R/W would probably be the best second choice to play melee in Prophecies.
How long have the $10 complete edition sales lasted in the past?
I think it was one week, the same as the special events like the Dragon Festival.
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Oh right, the instancing, forgot about that. In that case, I look forward to partying up with other anons (when the time zones don't completely screw things up)

Won't be online for a while, but here's the character name, if that's what's used (forgive the last name, dunno fully what I was going for)
Typed out it's 'Aine Firmamentous'
Included pic because I'm deathly afraid of mis-spelling and I was screwing around with screenshots
>deathly afraid of mis-spelling
>party window says Aine Firmamento not Firmamentous
what did he mean by this
also sent ;)
btw you can ctrl-shift-h to toggle the ui when taking screenshots, and use the -bmp flag to get higher bitrate images
Yo, post when you're online and I'll hop on my pre-searing character to mess around and do some quests with you.
You need another human for the quest that gives you Resurrection Signet.
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>Firmamento not Firmamentous
See pic related for my honest reaction
But thanks very much; will accept when I next get online!

AHH, was wondering if something like that was possible, thanks for the tip

Yea, still need to do that quest - would be hyped to get a hand. I'll deffo post when I'm next online and need to head through the 'mandatory friendship gate'
>need to head through the 'mandatory friendship gate'
"I Pull Levers Well" in ascalon city does it, but a couple years ago they also just increased the duration on the gate so you can just barely make it

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