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Game info:
>Dungeons and Dragons-esque PvPvE extraction looter
>Can play in trios, duos, and solos

Playable classes:
>Barbarian, Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Wizard, Bard, Warlock, Druid

Three areas to explore:
>The Ruins of Forgotten Castle (three maps of progressing difficulty - top layer is currently being reworked)
>The Goblin Caves (one map)
>Frost Mountains (two of three maps released, WIP)

Playable races:
>Human, Elf, Orc, Skeleton, Lizard, Lycan
>races have small stat differences and are buyable through shards - a currency earned or bought

Beginner tips:
>This game is not forgiving, you will die a lot at the beginning and when you get better you will die even more
>You don't have to take every fight; sheath weapons (X) to run faster
>Moving backwards (S) is slower than forward or strafe movement (W/A/D)
>Look at your map to find the extraction points marked in blue
>The game is in Early Access, so it is constantly changing and receiving new, often weekly updates that significantly impact the core gameplay

https://darkanddarker.wiki.spellsandguns.com/Dark_and_Darker_Wiki (some pages may be more up-to-date than others)

Ryan6DaysAWeek has an entire catalog of guides for game mechanics, bosses, and clearing PvE: https://www.youtube.com/@ryan6daysaweek/videos

Recent news:
>Druid released
>New weapons and gear
>Dungeon recovery service
>Ice Abyss (final layer of the Frost Mountains)
>Ice Wyvern boss
>New Frost Mountain enemies
>Reworked AP system and official beginning of Season 3
>Free-to-play (Squire Edition)
>Now available on Steam and Epic Games Store

Plans for Season 3:
>Arena mode (trios only?) that has its own PvP leaderboard system
>Upgraded matchmaking system that removes pre-lobby
>In-game gathering hall and social hub
>Experimenting with randomly generated dungeons layouts

Official Dark and Darker discord (see announcements for all hotfix/patch notes):

Skeleton Axeman Killed >>1334592
What's a good class to learn the game with?
I feel like builds are too relevant for me because I'll just be playing with whatever white gear the Squire has.
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Fighter 100%
if you're interested in magic then go Cleric
Paladin bros...our time will come...
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I've been playing Druid; how good is Cleric vs that?
Are you solo? Cleric is much easier to understand but also has healing and buffs so learning the game is less punishing. You will not learn the fundamentals of the game as Druid.
>forgot to restock on torches and go into a run without them
>find an oil lantern on a shelf and try using that instead
>it's fucking terrible as a light source
But why?
No better asset in unreal store, please understand
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I feel like once this game gets it's shit together they'll reskin everything w/ original assets.
I'm actually pissed because Frost Walker could end up looking so cool later on.
Normals brackets

Low Gear Bracket(0-24)
Moderate Gear Bracket(25-124)
High Gear Bracket 125+
No HR brackets
High bracket should start closer to 200, its too easy to get 125 with a simple green weapon or two
no way they have the time/resources to actually do that. they still have to do 3(?) more classes and 4.5(?) more maps minimum. 1 of each takes them like 3 months. the ceo said he'd love to redo all the assets but with all the legal shit eating millions of dollars I doubt it will happen.
You don't need a light source silly billy
>no way they have the time/resources to actually do that.
That's why I said as soon as the devs get their shit together.

>they still have to do 3(?) more classes
Sorcerer, Monk, Paladin, Artificer, And Necromancer.

1 of each takes them like 3 months.
>There was an interview done. Might have been onepegs I'm not sure, but I think the dev said the class guy was hospitalized, so druid took way longer than expected. Sorc might take longer because they have recode hands or something. After that it should be smooth releases.
The easiest class to learn the game on is cleric.
Druid is one of the top 2-3 hardest classes there are in the game. You're honestly better off starting as just about anyone else other than Druid, Bard, and maybe Wizard
Free2players demanded gearscore tiers in normals. Blame casuals.
>Sorcerer, Monk, Paladin, Artificer, And Necromancer.
Is the Monk coming before the crusader?
>class guy was hospitalized, so druid took way longer than expected
Druid took long because they were implimenting shapeshifting. Thats why the warlock got blood pact before druid came out. Also they are reworking hands now, so the sorc may take just as long as the druid
free to play warlock chad here, when does the legendary edition go on sale because I'm not paying 30 bucks for it
is this how it actually is or are you just making a suggestion
cleric is paladin, otherwise they need to tone down the cleric by a fuckton to make an actual paladin

good taste
cleric is gay and op, tell him to go warlock because you get infinite magics, I think that's better for new players to learn a curse build

probably toxic to play against but I wouldn't know as I'm a warlock
>cleric is paladin
they've admitted already that sorcerer will get wizard spells. It only makes sense that Paladin borrows from Cleric.
I highly doubt they'll give paladin a spellbook, he'll get smite and judgement and more combat oriented perks

I'm assuming they'll give sorc spell cooldown instead of resting for spells, and element focused perks

the only logical thing to do with cleric is take away smite and judgement, otherwise it's just an unbalanced mess, with the sorc/wizard comparison you'd trade off burst damage for sustain
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as of 2 days ago it is.
>get white gear for small boost
>get one piece of green armor with decent luck roll
>bring one small luck potion
>join <25 ice caves
>easy loot, easy life
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How the fuck did he miss hitting you
hitslow from drum and me being 330 move speed
So can rogue just landmine pdr like before now or what? These armor pen buffs looking ominous
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>have exactly one thread on /vg/
>actually reaches all the way to bump limit without dying, proving the general is active enough to sustain itself
>move back to /vm/ for no reason
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I could count on both hands how many times it reached page 10 in the times I was browsing the thread. Now imagine trying to sustain that deeper and deeper into the season as fewer and fewer people are playing.
/vm/ is 100% the correct choice for home.
There are many generals on /vg/ that tend to hit page 10 during the deader hours and need to be kept afloat.
Nevermind the fact that generals are technically not allowed on /vm/.
>catch up on quests
>get demigod
>realize I have no desire to play anymore
I'm free
Create a new character and then do all of THEIR quests as well.
why the fuck I end up in a dungeon I didn't queue in
I keep trying to get into goblin caves and end up in crypts every fucking time
what the fuck is wrong with this gook piece of shit
Now that I think about it how will they balance a melee tank class that can heal?
can trolls be cheesed by killing them from outside with ranged weapons or magic? or are they immune?
if you learn the attack patterns though you can beat it with any class
how hard is it to get demigod? I play wizard
you're gonna get constantly reamed by rogues but otherwise very good if you know how to play the class
Every time they return to the center of their room, their HP resets to full, and they return to the center like that any time there's no one inside their room to fight.
So even if you were to run in and shoot/hit them and run out again, you'd never make any progress. Shooting from entirely outside the room, their HP will never decrease.
Is it just me or do not many people play high roller? Feels like since the drops are better I can just farm gear there so much faster and play normals to shit on f2p.
Nightmare mobs are scary.
Dunno, it's only gone on sale once, and that was around Christmas time. Hopefully you don't have to wait that long
That’s true but the loot is so much better
Probably. Isn't getting demigod more about killing mobs and getting loot than pvp though
with all the chinese troll pelt farmers I'm not sure I want to even start
getting there takes forever and then you face an army of chinks before you even get to fight troll
can't kill mobs and get loot if someone murders you in raid
and the game is full of rogues who look at wizards like loot pinatas atm
>getting there takes forever
Nigga is playing cleric
mobs are health sponges. I'm cool w/ more mechanics but save the health sponge enemies for raid queue or something.
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works on my machine
Is anyone else gonna play arena when it comes out? I find myself just trying to rush people as soon as the game starts cause pve is getting old
idk what servers you guys are playing where you complain about not getting enough PvP, goblin caves normals in high gear bracket is a moshpit
Guess I’ll have to play caves. The other maps are more dead, sad!
Ice cavern has no loot and too many mobs nobody wants to deal with. In <25 most often you see like 8 PvE deaths in first 3 minutes.
Crypts are too big and it's hard to meet anyone, and your best chances of meeting someone is getting ambushed by a rogue with really high patience or getting assaulted by a really dedicated druid who checks entire map for players
Only goblin caves have okay mob density and points of interest where all players go to.
Btw I was wondering why is there a lot of pvp happening around Cyclops, I thought it doesn't drop anything
>getting there takes forever
Are you fighting all the mobs or something? That's a mistake, you shouldn't be. Just run from room to room directly to the troll room.
To prevent the goblins from catching you, bait a swing from the one in the lead and then run straight to the door. You'll have time to open it just before he gets to you. When he does get to you, bait a second swing. That'll give you plenty of time to close it in his face.
Or just play warlock (which you should be anyway, for boss farming) and Hellfire all the doors down. You'll be able to lose your mob train in the goblin town since mobs aren't capable of walking off ledges.
>goblin caves normals in high gear bracket is a moshpit
I play in this exact bracket, even using druid so I can just mousejump from room to room ignoring all mobs and loot, and I still see like 2-3 people per game at most.
Newish Player here, I wanna get into High Roller but everytime I play I get matched against turboautistics that have full purple gear and rush for spawns. What map is best for no pvp/fewer players
crypts has the most friendly AP farmers I believe
I really wish I didn't miss my fireballs and lightning if I could've done better here lemme know.
I think either holding crouch or spamming crouch during the magic missile volleys might've made you a slightly harder target, or at least made it harder for them to attack your head.
Thanks ill try more crypts
fireball is very good for cc since it can knock enemies back so aim for their feet rather than go for direct shots
don't trade with your magic missile if you don't have the health for it, would have been better for you and the bard to back off and reposition or reset the fight entirely
everything else is game sense, which you will acquire as you play the game
What's up with Wizards?
Whenever I see them in my noob games they tend to get ganked without putting up much of a fight.
it's the highest skill cap class in the game so it naturally filters newer players who want to be le shadow wizard money gang
wizard also requires a lot of gear to be effective, and even then they will die to rogue ambushes constantly
>friend and I start queuing 25-124 gobbo caves as duo rogue
>go into middle room
>clear it
>turn off all lights
>wait in complete darkness for sounds or people entering
this is the most fun I've had in this game, hands down.
I've only played under 25 gear
do they just suck there?
current number of solo demigods

101+ barb
101+ bard
101+ cleric
101+ fighter
101+ rogue
101+ warlock
(101 is max leaderboard will display so there are a lot more than 101 for these classes)
55 ranger
23 wizard
why so little ranger I thought it was good
does <124 really exist? I thought it was a meme
Gotta find a team so you can survive and escape a little easier
Seconding this question. Any confirmation from devs? This suspiciously sounds like baiting for more free kills to feed the bloodlust of the fully kitted pvp gank squads.
You did pretty well! It seemed like you panicked with those fireballs though. Try leading your lightning strikes a little more since they take a second to strike once cast. Magic Missile is always risky, especially when your enemies are so close like that, plus they're easily dodged in wider rooms. Maybe try replacing MM or Chain Lightning with Zap? It's hit scan instead of a projectile with a fast casting time, and can really save your ass in a pinch. Better luck on the next one!
>clear it
>turn off all lights
I've only encountered this having been done once before and it's very spooky.
how are you moving so quickly
I see more commonly folks killing only a few lights in a corner and leaving the rest on so it looks safe, especially for group escapes. Would definitely find a completely dark and silent (no mobs) room extremely sus and would either look for another escape or throw a torch in and get ready for pvp.
im going to guess its because their inventory is full of arrows/bolts when they extract
>trios 125+ tier
>barb (me), fighter, rogue
>we wipe a team with the same comp in the upstairs section of Trap Hall thanks to fighter's pavise keeping them contained
>about to rest when we hear more footsteps downstairs, one was a lizard barb but didn't see what the other two were
>we kill two, but our fighter dies and the enemy barb chases our rogue who escape out the blue stairs
>i kill him with barely any health left and two minutes left on the clock
>chugging potions as I run through long bridge to the escape portals just south of it
>agro all the skeletons while trying to open portal
>move at 99% done
>panic jumping and clearing mobs while taking hits
>finally clear them with one HP left and 30 seconds on the clock
>drink a potion, but it's too late and the ambient damage kills me
>not even mad cuz we handily won those pvp fights
Fuck, that was such an intense game. I wish I had recorded it.
does this bullshit every happen to you guys? I fucking cast my spell and it lags out and doesnt go off so I fucking die https://streamable.com/szstba
I have a few seconds of horrific lag at the beginning of every match, but never anything noticeable after that.
just stack movespeed and kill timmies dumb enough to try to play melee characters
Is there any pve content in normal that cant be done in base grays and skill? Recently did Inferno and managed to get rubysilver ore and kill centaur. Seems to be the best bracket to actually learn the game since pvp gankers can’t outgear you. I swear that some of them are using ESP or similar cheats to wipe lobbies occasionally though…
I will never understand how can people play a dungeon crawler with inventory full of bandages, pots and drums. There are better pvp games. It just doesn't make sense if you aren't interested in looting.
Yeah all the time
Except no lag, I do a full animation and nothing happens
>There are better pvp games
Name a better first-person medieval fantasy PvP extraction game.
dungeonborne only saying this to get /vm/'s take on it, i very much enjoy DaD and think DB is a shameless knockoff
I don't know the mechanics of all the bosses, but my guess is no, there's no insurmountable content.
As far as I know, there are no attacks that can't be dodged, meaning if you know an enemy's patterns well enough and don't pull too many at a time, you can complete any content without taking damage, meaning you can complete it in gray gear, theoretically.
I tried the Dungeonborne demo during Next Fest last year and I hated it. The movement felt even slower than DaD and playing as a wizard, it felt way more restrictive than even DaD's wizard. You literally only got two spells and one of them was more of a spell-like ability like Intense Focus.
any of you faggots australian
I can't believe how much easier it is to dodge goblin archers than goblin bola slingers.
Why do you need it to be extraction game if you're only interested in fights?
Why would you need it to be fantasy?
There's like chivalry and mordhau and mount&blade and then some
You limit the request to match dad specifically but you ignore all aspects of the game other than throwing thins at players anyway
You're limited by a timer though. Equipped bonk wizard can 2 hit a skeleton with the staff and in grey gear it will take like 5 hits. You simply don't have time to do the content.
>Why do you need it to be extraction game if you're only interested in fights?
Threat of there being something to actually lose in a fight aside from just the satisfaction of winning.
>Why would you need it to be fantasy?
I like magic and I like playing magic users. Pure martials are the least interesting classes to me.
Note that I'm not the bard anon. I'm just another person who plays DaD despite not really being interested in the looting aspect (besides facilitating more/better PvP) or the PvE aspect.
You can't clear out the whole dungeon, but are there any bosses whose health is simply so high that even if a gray wizard rushed him roundstart, he wouldn't have enough time to finish the kill?
And even if so, that could still be more of a class restriction than a gear one. Can a gray fighter or barbarian solo any boss within the time limit?
I'm 99% sure there's a 25-124 "middle" tier of sorts.
Every single person I see is rocking greens and and a couple blues at most. Try it yourself and inspect equipment on other people if you don't believe me.
>want to play sneaky pickpocket rogue in solos
>go to high traffic area
>drop a pile of random loot in plain sight so people stop and pick through it while I hide in a dark corner nearby
>don't see a single fucking person the entire match
Removing the circle was so fucking stupid. Only ONE PERSON died that match, from anything. ONE.
>try landmine burst damage rogue
>still have to find a good spot because I need to take someone by surprise to have any real chance
>druid appears out of nowhere and kills me in three hits
I'm not having fun with rogue.
I tried it once and the highest gs was 121
I guess the easiest way to check is to joing with trash gear, suicide and spectate other players before they loot shit
Landmine is shit.
>For perks take Creep, Dagger Mastery, Poisoned Weapon and Thrust.
>For your skills take Weakpoint Attack And Cut-Throat.
>Buy a blue or purple stilletto and equip a couple hundred gold worth of strength+agility gear except a chest piece to keep movement speed high.
Now all you do is wait till you hear someone and then sneak up on them from behind and stab them to death after popping both of your skills.
It's a skill based play style as your ability to sneak up on players is dependant on your approach strategies.
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>try to kill troll
>make a single misstep and get killed by troll
>manage to kill troll
>another player runs in and kills me the very instant the troll is dead
>manage to kill troll AND loot it
>no pelt
Getting real tired of this.
Thanks for your hard work. I'll be taking the spoils :)
>wait for someone to kill troll so I can gank them
>no one ever comes, or they try and fail, and I just waste 15 minutes doing nothing
You just can't win.
you niggers moved here? I had to check archives
>no stealth
>no hide
>giving a ranged class a speed buff
Arenas are about to expose a lot of dogshit in this game.
Here’s to hoping you can actually get something out of arena instead of just hr rank. Hopefully you can bring gear
If I had to guess the plan is probably gonna be turn the dungeon into a get loot and gold then you go to the arena in full loot to get leaderboard rank fun points. The thought of going into arena for rank makes me feel pretty ill since all I can imagine happening is it turning into the best players in overkited shit annihilating everyone else. At least in the dungeon if you see some turbo geared fucks you can try to avoid them or third man them or something. But we shall see and it will at least be interesting as a novelty.
Arena is going to suck ass
Actually makes me want to try wizard, looks like fun. Just wish the invis didnt have that shitty shimmer effect
I will never understand the mouthbreathers that play this game to open the same chests and kill the horrible NPCs
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>insecure fag that hides his game name yets wants to be an attention whore tripfag here
He was cooler than you as soon as he blocked your crossbow shot
You got shot before you could cast
Judging off gameplay footage alone it looks vastly superior by every metric to this high school project
>the plan is probably gonna be turn the dungeon into a get loot and gold
So making the base "game" even more pointless and boring
Maybe. You can still pvp in there but I doubt there would be as many ultra geared retards in there. Maybe. Also in a way it would kinda fix the whole people want a pve vs pvp playerbase divide. So many people just wanna dungeon delve and kill skellies before being wiped by a lone normal axeman. Then theres the people that dodge every module rushing spawns to 2 tap timmies. Its a I guess we will see thing I have no idea what these retards will actually do but im sure it will be the worst possible option.
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>just replaced backflip with weakpoint attack
Fuck that Im switching back
Wizard is the most fun PvP class but pve it feels like the worst
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How many gold coin purses are too many?
How many stash slots can you buy for a single character? I want to make a display case for trophies.
1 is too many.
Holy fucking shit nigga
Does the crossbow not apply poison damage?
how the fuck do you fight strong mobs as a melee char
Dodge their attack and then swing at them try to hit their head it dies faster that way. Look up ryan6daysaweek for monster dodge guides
if you're a rogue with the poisoned weapon / rupture perk then your hand crossbows will apply the poison ticks. Otherwise no

In terms of minibosses you can learn their attack patterns and where to duck dodge / move for all the attacks. Or if you're able to, use a shield to block incoming attacks then attack when you have the window
They do apply poison if you have the perk.
It says its doing 0 damage over time when I shoot the dummy, ticks of 0 pop up
https://streamable.com/7opmt4 how did I survive this if you look near the end it has the hit slow effect even when im at 2hp I shouldve died cuase it sounded like he hit me again while I was low. This guy had much better gear than me btw
What are good youtube channels to learn the game from?
You gotta learn their attack patterns. There are some youtube vids that help out.
Hide is dogshit after the duration nerf and needs half your perk slots to even be viable
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>other player refuses to w+m1 stat check with you
>brain malfunctions
many such cases!
Poison stacks up to 5 times, and the damage scales on Will and magic damage so the more will/magic damage gear you have the more damage it will do. Rogue starts with a -25% magic damage bonus so you have to hit multiple times for the poison to take effect.
This is why I carry so many francisca axes
Legit question but say your a barb or something and the opponent is a very fast ranger or something that refuses to let you get within a mile of them. What do you do besides morph into a francesca throwing main like its weird I feel like if people just avoided ever getting near a barb or whatever then you would never lose the fight. I suppose there are also ambushes and the like.
I paid nigga, I think warlock mogs the other classes honestly, just can't beat the slurp game
When a geared ranger/warlock wants to kite you around the map and the movement speed difference is too big to work around, you just die. It's that simple.
Warlock is baby mode, but I'm glad you enjoyed the game enough to buy it
Ryan6days a week for dodging mobs.
CNGBlade for wizard.
Thats pretty much it, I think the rest is fairly straight forward except the physically crotching and 90degree bowing left to right to dodge arrows and spells but thats it.
Any advice for ranger? Want to become good at hiding traps
Any chance they fix High Roller next update? it seems like less than 10% of the playerbase even plays it now cause how fucked the matchmaking is. A new player trying out High Roller for the first time shouldn't have to go against full legendary players they need to bring back matchmaking by rank
I thought music selection was memorized per instrument
Why do koreans deliberately make shit controls?
You try to bait your opponents into chasing you, running back where you place the traps down. Placing traps in tight corners, entrances or inside mob corpse works fine. You can also be a bitch and make floating traps by placing them on arrows you shot.
Yeah NR and HR doesnt make a difference anymore which is boring.
then full legendary nolifers will have nobody to bully
the playercount is inflated by free2play tourists, not only are they not skilled enough, they don't even have access to highroller
true, I think most of the classes are pretty cool but I like the infinite casting, one day I'll put some more time in them
Me and my friend are no better bullying "high" gear normals but I have seen way to many BISed out of their mind players. Bullys have plenty of targets. Bet alot of them still die.
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What are good bard songs for solo?
I tried this for a first time, kinda get overwhelmed by shitty controls and requirement to switch both instrument and music. And I like rhythm games so music speeding up on good execution kinda puts me off.
But I enjoyed my first trip to ice caverns and even almost won vs level 56 warlock as level 1 bard, should've thrown a drum at him, but I'm inexperienced. Also forgot to cast ballad of courage even once.
beats of alacrity, rousing rhythm, ballad of courage, shriek of weakness and aria of alacrity.
You can run dissonance if you see more casters or pick up 10 spell for extra utility
Is allegro bad? Seems like it's the best buff for pvp but it takes so long to cast it 3 times and duration is short so you need to cast it right before engagement. So I guess it's only good in parties?
Also running all 4 instruments without some means of automation seems like a bad idea. Do you cheat?
What is the best class to play on adderall?
Im giving you a 5 spell set up if you want to use a skill, you can absolutely run 10 spell if you want to.
anon I think you have a dexterity issue.
Achilles Strike is your only option, use a franny axe with it then finish them off in melee while they're cc'd. If you miss reset and try again.
Use Superior Dexterity, it's one of the best perks in the game. Song choice in solos is entirely up to preference and how you play the class.
hey bby gurl wanna duo?
I fucking hate getting caved like that
Yeah I think I will keep these 5 in one memory and make a 2nd one for party play if it every hapens (it won't)
I hate it when my bros aren't on cause I hate playing this game solo. Using the Gathering Hall nowadays is suicide cause nobody knows what they're doing. Playing Druid is a pain in the ass since you run out of heals on people who can't dodge archers.
I've had some good teamups from the gathering hall, but had an absolute shit fighter today. Kept getting hit by every little thing, wouldn't heal even with pots, died several times. It was rough. I would never recommend joining a discord, but the lfg chat on it is pretty active. I'll stick with gathering hall nerds though
>bro you *have* to take hellfire it's so good for PvE!
Ok sure yea it looks super strong
>3 goblins + mage in hallway
>3 hellfire
>No goblins dead
>Took random hits from gobs
Ok thanks for trolling me this spell is dogshit
best map for ap grinding solo?
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how the fuck does this faggot outrun me with a rapier when I holster my weapons and run away at full speed under bard buffs? And I had green lightfoot boots too
that's actualy after he equipped my boots, he was at 270ish ms with 29 agi
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nobody uses gathering hall anyway
flame walker is better
team with a warlock, warlock heals himself and double summon is hilariously evil and traps players easy

I played with a druid and barb today and it was pretty amazing honestly, barb went off sometimes, I stayed alive and got hydras on all the mobs so the team didn't take hits, warlock and druid are great combo
also hellfire is more a pvp spell, goes through walls
just play on us east brah
>died to smoke bomb rogue
we're supposedly getting an in-game gathering hall this season, maybe more people will join and link up with each other
What the fuck are these radial console controls? Why cant you hotkey spells? is the game available on consoles?
Who wants to play the video game
Would you say this is true even in solo PvP?
I feel like wizard has been gimped too much by IM to be viable in solo PvP without a team to support him, if your enemy is competent.
I'm having way more fun with solo druid than solo wizard.
I had to start farming large bags because I was accumulating so much gold that entire stash tabs were nothing but small bags. I've only got 6 large bags at this point, and even now I still find myself running up against that capacity.
Why are you using a crystal ball with no secondary weapon? If you don't need the dual-wield, a spellbook has more magic damage for an equivalent rarity and has less movespeed penalty than the crystal ball.
>or pick up 10 spell for extra utility
Seems like you'd need at least all greens to have enough spell memory for that.
>spiders are like 1 foot tall
>cannot simply big steppy over them
Also jumping on top of the spiders should damage them.
Bard has to juggle quite a lot of different instruments and songs.
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>if your enemy is competent
Many times you are going to find that this is a common denominator for dictating victory.
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it was simply in my stash and I decided to use it.
>3 hellfire
>No goblins dead
Unironically, you must have been missing your shots. I tested just now and a kited goblin dies in three Hellfires, and a stationary goblin mage dies in literally one, with base gear.
Hellfire is strongest against enemies with large hitboxes and/or who are stationary, because it ensures they stay within the damaging area longer. However, it can even be useful against kited enemies because of the decent size of the projectile and the fact that it passes through everything. It might take three Hellfires to bring down a goblin, but you can hit like 4 or 5 goblins with each Hellfire because they always run straight for you.
How long would Curse of Pain have taken to kill those three goblins and the mage? Or Bolt of Darkness?
The fact that you got hit by them while casting is literally a skill issue.
How much of a difference does 8% action speed and 10 physical power really make? I mean obviously a buff is better than no buff, but I'd have to replace Lament of Languor and Unchained Harmony.
I'd prefer to just go 10 spell, except I can't do that in gray gear.
You guys ever get bored of this game
Guys what’s the best rogue build to be a fucking ninja. I wanna use tumble but people say it’s troll af
How does Magical Healing +1 work?
I doubt it's a static +1 per heal tick, that would be op for warlock's curse.
pair it with double jump since you can tumble in mid air
Torture mastery scales at 0.1 per 1 MHealing + (magic power bonus) * 1.2 (if vampirism is equipped)

Anyway after 6-7 mh getting more magic power is better cost to effectiveness ratio it also makes your other spells do more DMG
I use tumble and hide, I cant imagine using anything else
Do bows and crossbows scale with strength?
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I got these magical power gloves but still only 0s pop up for poison damage, what gives?
For the purpose of AP, does smashing chests count as "opening" them?
Fun fact: You can get Common Riveted Gloves, Shadow Mask, and Heavy Boots on an Orc Rogue, and then get a max-rolled Castillon Dagger with +Weapon Damage as a green, and you'll only have 24 Gear Score even stacks of uncommon meds.

I am the filter.
>on an Orc Rogue
Do the vanity skins have different stats?
+1 Str/-1 Agi, so technically yes but it's a breakeven. The Str is nice because hitting 15 Str means that you aren't suffering damage penalties.
>need to kill a wizard, warlock, and bard for a quest
>can't fucking find anything in solos except fighters, barbs, rangers, and rogues
Right? I'll see a bard every now and again in the queue, then I can't fucking find him once we get in the match. There were TWO in the ice cavern, but I found a frozen eye and decided to extract with that instead of going bard hunting. Those are harder to find than the bards
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>watching a rogue fight the cyclops
>every time he's in danger or gets hit with the blinding attack, he uses stealth to drop the cyclops's aggro
>this causes the cyclops to return to the center of the room, which resets his health
>rogue spends the entire match fighting the cyclops and dies to the cave-in without killing him
I thought the magic damage was equal
I just checked and you're right. It's just lower movespeed.
>people in solos still have soul hearts
>there are sacrifice tables in solos
Can you revive dead people in solos assuming they don't leave the match?
Nope, just tried taking one.
>only teammates can access this item
Which begs the question of why bother even allowing sacrifice tables to spawn in solo mode?
You should be able to banish their soul heart on sacrifice tables if you're not on their team. Which would give solo players a way to complete quests that involve the tables, and might encourage more PVP instead of just running away in teams.
just join a team bruh
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>rogue killing the troll
>sit and watch him in rat form
>the instant the troll goes down, run in there and two-tap him with bear form
It's just that easy.
just had 4 people team up vs me and my friend at Cave Troll
how do people queue as a group of 4?
watched them on spectator cam after and they were all working together
Any good kick streamers that stream this game? I dont really want to play it. I just want to watch someone play it.
although movement speed is important as a caster, it should also be noted that the cast animation on crystal ball is a bit longer than the spellbook, which is another reason it's inferior if you're not using a melee in the main hand
damn this thread got kicked off /vg/?
/vm/ is better than /vg/ in every possible way
was browsing the steam dark and darker forums and found out there is a game coming out called Dungeonborne that is similar to this
it looks like the combat is more fluid and less jank and there seem to be more classes and a lot of fun spells to play with
its sadly still in closed beta rn though
well i mean like you are not wrong, everytime i see a longstanding thread in /vg/ it always has multiple schizos shitting bricks everywhere
I got tired (literally, kek) of staying up super late to bump the thread.
>how do people queue as a group of 4?
You can't. I'm assuming you queued for duos, right? More than likely two teams made an alliance which is illegal in all the dungeons except ice abyss.
>which is illegal in all the dungeons except ice abyss.
said who
The devs. You can get reported and banned for teaming in pvp. Ice abyss is different because the boss requires 4 people.
Where do I find Leather Caps?
Any quest stuff I should stock up ahead of time that I'll need?
Theres a bunch of garbage you need for random quests. Saving monster loot is at least a decent idea I guess. As for leather caps just open chests.
yea isn't it like .1 longer

whateva, I like my falchion so I like the crystal ball

demon armor for maximum survivability on the barbs

sometimes I can stack the headshots and kill them, that's cool

lol, you can't be serious, it has less classes, and it looks like only skeletons to fight
can a friend bring quest items into a match, drop them for me, and then have me turn them in?
Once an item is brought into the dungeon it's tag is changed to "Handled" which are normally not accepted for quests (Except for golden keys / ingots / copperlight shift). Some gear becomes looted when you take it off a dead enemy, but it's not the case for most quest items (Leather caps will still work this way)
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>tfw no harpy gf
such a retarded mechanic I would never know about unless I browsed here.
kek nobody has ever been banned for this how could you believe them when they say that? I get sooo many faggots trying to team up against me in solos and they fail every time and get really mad when i make fun of them for it
Wheres the petition to add Lamias to the game?
>mobs keep aggroing me in a fight despite going invisible over and over again
I want all of Korea to be nuked
fuck you man, I want to impregnate 1000 asian chicks and you want to destroy them

that's fucking cringe bro
druids the goofiest class to play man.
>go into 3v3 goblins
>fight happens
>a team wins
>I come in and scoop the loot
>rat jump through the door and leave
I think druid is mandatory in trios because if you die he can rat your heart to the res shrine somehow, pretty cool, maybe not the strongest in pure power but the fuckery is top tier
>need to kill a wizard for a quest
>wizards in normals die to mobs in the first 30 seconds every time
>wizards in HR are 500+ GS sweats who are also likely to die in the first 30 seconds
I hate this.
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>Have to slowly cycle all my items because I cant hotkey anything in my PC game
Im done and uninstalling forever. I can only take mediocrity for so long. What a joke of a company
it's escape is actually too good if you can do the rat jump consistently. I've literally been just going in solo and ratting bodies
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>died geared lobby because i am a retard and forgot to bring heals
>pissed off at my mistake, said fuck it send a base load-out run in ice caverns
>run around through rooms trying to find someone to pvp cause mad
>open up a door and there is a yeti not far away
>was kinda close to me, but far enough away to reach the next door in time hop onto boxes in the next room, so I try to hug the wall
>i dont play much ice caverns so i don't know its aggro range that well, and the yeti suddenly turns and roars at me
>panic run to a nearby chest and hop up on it to get ready to dodge its attacks
>the yeti somehow de-aggros when i thought it wouldn't
>I hear a door being opened to my right, its a rogue who must have heard the noise and come third party
>he sees yeti targeting me, but it's not attacking me, and he stealths into the room
>as a rogue main i know he fucked up big time
>hop off the chest, and the yeti roars at me
>stealth, and crouch walk around the yeti
>the other rogues invis timer runs out and pops out in front of the yeti
>the yeti roars at him and hits him back into the room were he came from
>I book it to the door to close it, as i see him hopping around and the yeti roaring at him
>happen to aggro some kobolds as i un-stealthed behind the yeti, so i deal with them
>after i kill the last kobold, i see what i presume to be the rogue killed by the yeti in the death-feed
>kek to myself no longer mad about my last death, after seeing the poor newbie rogue lose the stealth/off
if he didn't come along, i might have died to the yeti. so, in the end, i was thankful a fellow rogue guild member was willing to help me out in a dire situation.
woops meant for >>1351794
indeed, that might be nerfed for sure, but it's part of the power of the druid
I love when they take their chestplate off thinking they're going to catch someone moving 110%
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>give me attention! give me attention!
Doesn't this really fuck over scoring for barbarians in HR in particular, due to their slow action speed?
"Slow to open chests and doors but can just smash through most of them to compensate" is kind of their whole thing.
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Full list of every quest. There are a couple on the list that have been changed or removed, but it's 95% accurate.
The list of just the needed items is at the very top.

It'll consume a lot of stash space, but if you start saving the random junk you come across for quests instead of selling it to the collector for pennies, it'll save you a headache in the future. Especially if you also want to complete the quests on other characters.
I'd say the most important things to save are exquisite bangles, enchanted dark cloth, leather caps, rare weapons, golden teeth, spider silk, goblin ears, campfires, and mimic teeth. But save everything, if you've got the space for it. Hell, if you're on legendary create a character just to be a quest item mule.
>such a retarded mechanic
It's kind of necessary or else ranged classes could just chip at the cyclops from safely outside the room until it died.
>You can get reported and banned for teaming in pvp
How can the devs even verify such a report after the fact?
The change they made recently where druids can jump while channeling wildshape made ratjumping so, so much easier. I almost never fuck it up now.
It's great for PvP because I can ignore literally everything else. It feels so freeing to just run all over the map without worrying about mobs or anything.
I never had to do it myself so idk
Also glowing blue ice eyes, those are rare.
Are potions of luck additive? Three small potions would provide slightly more total luck for the same price than one large potion, if so.
But that would also mean a person could just drink as many as they wanted and get thousands of luck. Does the stat have diminishing returns?
After they kill you and they don't attack esch other while both parties looting ur body in close proximity you can record that and get them temp banned then perma if repeat offense if you're petty.

Currently for retarded wyvern mechanics this does not apply for ice cavern.

Any retard here who says this is false never reported anyone
And no. First luck potion you drink gives you the permanent luck buff for the rest of the session that doesn't get overridden or added on to by additional luck potions. Small ones are never worth it
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>high roller goblin caves
>never have to deal with mobs, just ratjump from room to room smashing chests with bear form and snatching up all the loot
Easy life.
I'm trying to learn Wizard and it's miserable and I haven't killed anyone and keep dying.
What do?
Play in a group, or play a different caster.
Solo wizard IS miserable.
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Has anyone else run into this new insect enemy? Must have been another stealth patch because I've been seeing a lot of them all of the sudden...

It's only a small bit of prop interaction lost, which you compensate for by being able to search through chests instantly via breaking them.
And if you check the leaderboard it seems like things are working out just fine for solo Barbarian players.
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>join trio
>use all my spells for clearing
>take all the loot for myself
>never help pvp, gotta get loot
>when I finally join fight both teammates are dead and enemy team is severely weakened.
>finish them off with little effort
>shit talk teammates whenever I do this
>only time I use mic otherwise
Tried it, it's shit, literally every aspect of the game is worse
>better graphics
>equally bad animations
>comical abilities (dunno if it's a bad thing or a good think, personally I don't like this shit)
>more casual combat (I like chivalry-like combat with weapon path tracing more but in darker it's poorly implemented, hit's don't register and blocks fail all the time, so it's debatable which is better)
>probably no economy bullshit and meddling with bags, artificially stretching playtime by crappy inventory management, but I don't know really
Honestly it looks like developers are at least more competent in planning ahead and not trying to do something they can't implement. It will probably become a functional game before darker.
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>be druid
>go solo in goblin duos
>go in the center and hide in a corner as rat form
>an archer and barb team come
>i smack them a bit in rat form and they laugh it off in proxy
>Archer goes to open a chest
>its a mimic and he has his back to me
>i go panther and smack his ass for a minute
>kill him
>steal w/e trinkets he has and run away in rat form
>his team calls me a faggot while i run away
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>straw hat
>by definition, made of dried grass
>classified as cloth armor
>also is sold by the Leathersmith rather than the Tailor

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