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Pole Dancing Event

Shake phone in time with your raifu's dance to increase her tips!

Daily limit: 60 tips
But what would Persica and Helian say? And besides I want to find Ange and correct RPK - I got no time for Spearmint Rhino mode.
I'll give them tips too! There are no ranks in Griffin's wholesome cafe/strip club.
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an object of desire
Global release when
What does she look like naked?

Asking for a friend.
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IDK but the ass is fat
Are there any other grenadier like Vector and Uzi for 13-4?
Better if she has mod
I like K11. I don't know if she's a good grenadier, but she has nice blue hair.
thinking about picking this one up, have a few questions
1. how good is it for F2P, especially compared to other gachas? how FOMO is it?
2. how fun is the gameplay on its own merits?
3. i noticed there are multiple games under the girls frontline label, what are the differences?
$$$ is mostly cosmetics. The gems needed for various upgrades and expansions trickle in without $$$. Nothing is really paywalled.

I guess it's fun enough that we're still playing it.

I don't play any other GFL game.
there are multiple games because the sequel releases in china in literally a month
global never ever
Apparently the inventory limit for the black market is 100k gifts. Guess I gotta spend some of this wasteland liquor...
Huh? I thought the game was super popular everywhere, why no global release?
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Good God her chassis is dangerous.
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I think you're getting us confused for a different franchise, none of the MICA games have been super popular
God I fucking love Flo
Is this also a L2D? I need to complete it
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OBT is now open for chinks, prepare for leaks and datamines
also fat babu ass
why are u so rich? :(
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I hate Springfield fags so fucking much.
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I fucking hate Raven.
>K vs gentiane
not even a choice
>K serious tf ups and becomes the new SKK
HIGHLY doubtful.
I'm gonna call myself dumb because I confused J and K. Disregard.
So where should i install this if i wanna avoid this disastrous bug?
Anywhere that's not the root directory, you would have to be a total /g/let to be affected by this. This is by no means the first game to cause this either.
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is it safe to install here? that's the default location
yes because then it would only nuke the bilibili game folder upon deletion. Just put it literally anywhere other than C:. Or maybe stick it in its own sub-folder if you have other games in the bilibili folder because those would get nuked as well.
mica hasn't changed lol
I swear there must be some sort of hardcap on the number of gold PEQs you can have. I've been crafting them for months and haven't gotten anymore. I just want enough to outfit an entire theater group =(
>canon commander vs shitty mary sue oc from the managa
>new NC battlepass skin is literally just Rise's feet
Will gfl2 be as footcore as this game?
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KR just announced GF2 global
hope is alive
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>missed the results because they had it up for maybe 3 days in the busiest work week I've had in over a decade of employment
>it's just springfield again
You didn't miss much


How can Biden keep getting away with this?
New to the game, where to start
Just focus on the main story for now.
Try Chapter 1 Stage 1.

You can get all the OP dolls you need through story progression.
How do I get 57?
You need to do the previous 56 chapters first.
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Thanks anon, just started today, having fun so far.
I wanted to play it cause GF2 looks promising and I heard it's story is really good.
Is it f2p friendly? I'm poor and I'm not even sure if I can spend money on it while using vpn.
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>be lvl 35
>play very little at a time
>finding the good stuff, gems and cores takes ages
>can't have the good stuff like costumes etc
I like the combat and making echelons but can't be bothered to grind to play this "properly".
I think I am in it for the dolls really, and that's because they have the real life weapon element to them.
It's half-colle, half-clancy-meets-bubblegum-crisis-meets-post-wwiii-dystopia. Play how you like; some of us have to look at the story viewers online for a refresher from time to time. Also don't sleep on the "tutorial" star things - you can get a lot of resources from those missions.
You don't need any money. Gems will roll in occasionally. Spend them on dorms and other upgrades that improve QoL. You can get 30 gems per week just by "sharing" your GFL experience. You don't even need a FB or X formerly Twitter account to share. Clicking the buttons is enough to trigger.

People who spend money are usually doing it to get their waifus pretty clothes.

Black Market/Exploration is designed for casuals. Earn enough to keep the explorations going 24/7 and you'll get amazing stuff for low effort.
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Seems I am running out of food to take with on explorations.
As you go unlock higher story chapters you get better Logistics missions, generally speaking.
I think he (and I) meant the forward basecamp exploration. Logistics is a different matter, but yeah, it doesn't get good until Chapter 4 IMHO.
GF2 dande is a cake
Good Lord she is gorgeous. Legitimately.

I should've explained it better that he should get through some story chapters to get better Logistics missions so he can feed the Exploration beast more consistently.
Has anyone updated to Android 14? Notifications stopped working after I updated
Qt cat girl.
cr21 is one of those really cute girls you wish were actually good.
That's like 90% of the roster.
New NC update, god the suicide bombers are annoying as hell. It is survivable with Flo's skill but getting her to target the carry is almost impossible
The inflating pumpkins? Persicaria's auto-revive also helps but yeah they're niggers.
Oh right that's a thing. I've unironically been swapping out my supports for more dps units so when the two allahu akbars nuke two of them I still have one to roll with.
Fuck there was 10.18 maintenance and it nuked my progress.
I should have saved...
The future of GFL is even tamer huh? Everything I've seen so far does at least. I always wished there were a GFL clone with more fan service. I'd say it was more classy/ people who like to imagine like it more
>more fan service
GFL2 will have cake, Nikke has all manner of jiggle physics as it is.
Wow, mica fixed it. I can stop playing the stupid event daily. Since each day now only refreshes 1 mission
I'm not an ass guy
What're people's preferred maps for night and armored dailies? I've been using 4-1N, but want something that's AFKable.
8-1N airstrike fairy. No HGs
Imhotep's skins are top-tier thirst traps gat dam.
To map completion or just the 5 dinergates/tarantulas and restart?
Just the dinergate squads are fine, they pack them in like sardines.
Fuck I forgot that the event has daily currency...
I missed an entire week of farming
It's a rerun, you just want the black card and tokens anyway.
>he didn't clear out the cheesecake

Thanks for padding.
Yeah not worrying about it, just slipped my mind since it's been awhile
Also wtf, doing EX missions actually wastes time? The EX rewards are given for clearing normal but not vice versa.
Are they? That makes me mad since it took me ages to remember how to solve the puzzle.
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>The EX rewards are given for clearing normal but not vice versa.
Wait, what? Clearing EX does not seem to give rewards from normal, sure. If it works the other way around, then that's a bit silly, even for MICA.
>Wait, what? Clearing EX does not seem to give rewards from normal, sure.
In recent memory, UX stages gave all rewards from UX, EX and normal.
It's been a thing since hard mode was introduced. Sometimes there's bugs where normal will also give the rewards but never in this case where EX doesn't give out the lower tier rewards.
I only caught this because usually the mission cleared counter will cross out all lower difficulties if you did the highest.
>PNC anniversary
>client update for GFL
Everything all at once, I wouldn't be shocked if RC came out. GFL2 could get localized soon but realistically they might want to release it sometime between May and November to increase revenue during the off peaks of their other two games
>client update for GFL
Is that coming soon? What's new
I'd slap a ring on Betty's claw so fast
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new belian island
king chong commits seppuku live on stream to forgive for OBT1 being scuffed
there will be an OBT2, and it will additionally have Ksenia, WKp, and Mosin
Probably a gem shop item, but if not I don't know how rare they will be. Notes only say 1 ring will be given out this update.
You can now "explore the gray zone" by doing story-less missions on a large game board, and there's an early trial of a proxy system that automatically runs battles for you.
Proxy battle is weird. I have two fully geared coalition units and a specialized RF team but the game will prioritize echelon formations that they know of, thus the game values my coalition unit in a standard formation as the strongest team, then the RF team then the unknown formation.
But when I swapped the coalition team to two standard formations the game valued the lone wolf chip coalition team higher than the one without it.
The worst part is that even if you turn auto fairy usage off, the proxy turns it back on and runs through all your fairy commands. Now I have to swap out all my echelons' fairies for non-active ones every time I want to do this shitty GZ mode.
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I like this update
How is AA12? Is she the warrior version of HKM4?
In terms of powerlevel?
She exists to dunk on the blue damage resist shields that are drained by CC effects that many hard enemies will have from now on. She's omega tier when they are present, A tier when they aren't.
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>try proxy mode some more
>forgot to take two of my training echelons along, sent them off on autobattle instead
>try to just do a mission with the remaining training echelon
>proxy decides to deploy two way overpowered echelons
>they're the same echelons I usually pull to do combat sims
Can someone clarify the auto-repair thing for me? IIRC, all units get auto-repaired unless they are critically damaged. But does the auto-repair still consume resources?
Better yet I deployed a 1 doll dummy, and the proxy said it was good enough when it wouldn't touch my Halloween intruder
I deployed a 1HG dummy and the proxy immediately suicided it. I guess the trick is to replace every echelon with dummies except for 3x 5HG echelons with strategy fairies, what a nightmare.
Yeah, I can't see a way to make proxy usable.

>Deploy dummies, proxy sends dummies to their doom
>Leave our dummies, proxy deploys crazy overpowered resource guzzling teams
It doesn't seem to use any resources.
Like I said in the above post, the best way is to clear your default echelons and replace them with cheap ones.
What are you guys doing with resources? Just use them instead of being at cap
Why aren't your fairies at 5 stars yet?
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>What are you guys doing with resources?

Hookers and blow.
I just let them sit at cap. Now I'll probably use them to clear the GZ.
Lind a cute
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>proxy keeps throwing the ARSMG training echelon at armored enemies instead of either of the RFHG ones that are much better suited
>literally just let one of the HGs die instead of sending a different echelon in
There is no better training than death.
6x logistics seems like a game changer, letting you run the really high efficiency logistics and checking every few hours, and the really long ones and checking every few days. No disadvantages to the system?
I totally missed the news of that feature. Yeah it's gonna be a good change for me.
Your logistics screen.
Mistook the post as having an update for 6 logistics teams instead of up to 6 repeats of a logistics. Was searching all the patch notes of both borgur and chinks to see if I missed it.

I do it to equalize the time, I have it set to 12 hours for all items so I can play the game twice a day
Which of the GZ SPEQs am I supposed to choose? It looks like you only get two of the three.
Confirmed that GF2 will have multi-language dub beyond the chinese and japanese we already know about
korean is confirmed
EN possible
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>read that the STAR and P22 SPEQs are the best from GZ
>get both
>the P22 is a fucking dupe (wtaf) and the STAR one competes with an existing SPEQ
How else are you going to equip your 12 P22's?
I don't dupenigger because I'm not a dupenigger.
Thanks for padding
There are always plenty of non-dupeniggers in the top 10, especially the top 100.
Unfortunately cosmic retired, but thanks for padding as usual dork
>Love AKs irl
>Love AK-47(character)
>Everyone says she is terrible in game because of tiles and poor stats.
Feels bad man. Just started playing GFL a few weeks ago, learning to do things. What do I do with the surplus experience I get from missions that just keeps getting stored in the data center?
There's a lot of other AK variants that are good anon.
You turn them into combat reports so you can skip leveling shit. Typically faires
Actually since you're new once you unlock special combat reports you make those instead. You'll need them for the artillery units.
You will need batteries to produce these reports
Yeah I have AK-15 and 12 too, just my fave is 47. I'll still use her.

Yeah, I've got batteries saved up. I just don't know how to actually use the data room to make them yet. Just been leveling stuff up in the data room for now. Also is it possible to still get 4's LoW skin? Heard it was a limited time event but I ha en't bothered to look it up.
I don't think so, they had a rerun for it maybe a few months ago. So your best bet is another rerun if that's a thing.
Dang, that sucks man :( oh well... tha KS for the help anon. Have a nice pic of 47 for your troubles.
Someone posted on /gfg/ once that 47 was built in an era when Mica intended for some ARs to be decent offtanks.
oh lawd. this gacha theme is gonna bankrupt me...
I hate how expensive the costumes are.
Are you expected to do a bunch of gray zone stages each day? I thought it was just a more productive way to do the battle dailies.
>EN dub
The main thing is that you max out the rewards that reset monthly. Whether you do that by grinding it all at once or spreading it out over weeks makes no difference.
Happy 1st PNC

Gotta copy HSR and R99
Something from Google broke gfl. It black screens now...
Who are we anchoring?
Now I understand. I usually anchor the 4* because I can always get the 5* with a TCM. And the HG's are pretty cheap to grind, so that leaves the AR and SMG. You'll probably never use either, so waifu rules.
I hadn't looked at the batch but now I see the there's a 5* so that's a no brainer. You're not seriously going to use a TCM on a doll are you? That's how you TCM icons.
Is it unrealistic to expect GFL2 and neural cloudon steam? Launchers are shit and bakery girl remake is already there sort of.
On steam? Yes
Native PC client? Yes but slightly better chances of fruition.
Did I miss a rate up for the new dolls?
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What wonderful choices. Are these all just debuffs for your echelon or debuffs for enemies?
All debuffs. Just reset the map, or ignore if you don't need buffs to clear.
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What a shitload of fuck. At least the next tower had all good buffs, but poor little USB is getting rekt and fucking up my echelon's happiness rating now.
I'm dumb. How do you beat Gray Zone, or what's the point of it? The in-game info doesn't help. FYI, I can clear all of the hard level except for a couple LVL100 fairy hexes.
Just buy them some cheesecake.
Bitches love cheesecake.
You beat it by beating every tile. You'll need to push those fairies to level 100.
You just rush the boss as fast as possible and reset. You do it to clear the point rewards until you've got all the SPEQs.
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<<It's time>>
Now we pray for global soon
Are any more neural upgrades upcoming for EN? I have 6800 data shards and don't know if it's worth putting any combat sim time into getting that or just continue the slower, more boring EXP grind for free combat records.
it's 100% worth to cap it.
Every batch we get 3 upgrades, and 9999 will usually let you Mod3 one and Mod2 the rest.
So unless you're a paypiggy it's worth to cap
>another PNC event
>another matrix slog fest
Are there any new production dolls upcoming?
>new neural upgrades announced right after the double combat sim rewards ended
gee thanks
IKR? Whatever I'm gonna dump my load (of combat reports) in M1919A4 so goddamn fast.
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Using double sims on frags is objectively the worse choice you can make. The double only applies to the 30 guaranteed frags at the end. Any bonuses you get do not get doubled.
Actually calibration tickets are the worst, which is annoying because it's the only one advanced players do.
At some point you're so advanced you have 7000 calibration tickets with nothing to spend them on and mainly do skill data because you want to get all dolls to sl10
Calibration and skill tickets. During 2x sims, skill tickets, unless I happen to be capped and I don't want to burn instant skill tickets, then I'll do EXP.
I have all dolls at SL10 except a handful still on SL8 so I just stack calib tickets forever.
>calib tickets
From Defense Drills I assume? Because I fucking suck at getting through them.
You only need to do one battle to get the tickets.
"A diligent down-to-earth, friendly, and patient Doll who still has a a strong drive for self-improvement despite having impressive combat capabilities. She makes both an excellent comrade and friend. However, it seems that due to two previous instances of neural cloud reformatting, LAMG consciously keeps others at arm's length and has some peculiar habits that even she herself cannot explain, such as mixing vodka with coffee and putting out two glasses even when she is drinking alone." Instant Oath. Also, I want to know WHO HURT HER AND ARE THEY DEAD YET.
Are HOC general data usable after you reach 5 stars on every HOC or it's only usable to reach 5 stars?
only for up to 5*, it's totally useless once you have all the HOCs available to 5*
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Alright, thanks
Have this WA2k
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>finally go through some Mod stories
>AK-15, AN-94
I'm now VERY invested in DEFY.
Some things in her story hit me like a ton of bricks, emotionally.

Some people claim games are not art. They're dead fucking wrong.
What is Muromets?
>ange is a school shooter
I love how LAMG was still faithfully going through her sales pitch in the middle of fighting. I want to fuck her in the ass. But very gently, lest she decides to jump out of a window.
>accidentally skipped black iris
>can't replay it
>luffberry chess new season
Every time I say I'll play it but I lose all will after my first game.
bit on the nose, MICA
Just finished ss.
Why ux so ez?
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Morridow sexo.
So is ange dead? I assumed from spoilers that would literally get her brain scooped out while RPK was put it via neural cloud/a VCI. The event implied it was more like ange getting brainwashed into think she was rpk.
I'm surprised they didn't show the terrorist attack and the aftermath like zelinsky meeting ange.
Did they only just make it explicit that william isn't father and that the elder oberstein is really running the show at paradeus?
So what's this I hear about cuck drama in GFL2?
>Incel NTRed by literally nothing again
Every time
Are they planning to fix anything with the proxy system? I'm getting very tired of doing grey zone grinding during work and watching the dumb fucking retard proxy deciding to
>2 RFHG echelons right next to groups of enemies with armor and shielding
>swap an RFHG with the ARSMG echelon I'm also trying to level up and send it to just fucking die pointlessly to the armored enemies
All the while it will go out of its way to send the RFHG echelons against enemies that the ARSMG echelon would be better suited against, like simple dragoon-scout groups.
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So when Ange was in the lake, her consciousness was effectively already nytofied, her brain is now running on HolyC. She was only able to escape because her meat brain was still connected to the lake because her original body was still alive. But her VCI already had the Alpaca installed in it.
Why are you using proxy if your teams can't handle it? I have never encountered a time where I had to repair my units cause of proxy
Because that ARSMG echelon can handle the majority of the enemies in tier 2 just fine, and the ONLY reason they ever get rekt is because the proxy is retarded and decides instead of sending the perfect health RFHG echelon that's literally right next to the enemy echelon comprised of aegises with shields and those upgraded distant cannons, it should swap the RFHG with the lower combat effectiveness ARSMG and send them in to die instead.
All three echelons I send in are good enough for the job, and not sending in the ARSMG just means the proxy is going to choose one of my god echelons and burn 5 fucking fairy points a fight instead.
There are enemy echelons the ARSMG can fight and win against on the same map, but the proxy chooses to send it only against the enemies it will lose against because it's stupid.
At that point just put together 3 do-everything echelons for gray zone and use those.
>majority of the enemies
>All three echelons I send in are good enough for the job
Clearly not
Treat proxy like handing your game to someone dumber than /gfg/
>burn 5 fucking fairy points
If you're at a point of time where these actually matter, perhaps you should not be using proxy battles.
If you're so dead set on using proxy for your shitty comps (not god echelons) toss in grenades as they bypass armor so your shit comp won't get raped
The issue is the fucking proxy keeps deploying my corpse dragging echelon wtf
Proxy doesn't deploy shit if you have 3 echelons when you start.
Yeah so I have to rearrange my 14 echelons so there are 3 good ones and the rest are basically empty.
Not previous anon, but I've given up on using proxy until MICA completely redoes the AI logic. Instead, I just deploy the 2-3 echelons I want and just pre-path the entire map myself.
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Works on my machine
Stop making excuses. There is no excuse for prioritizing an ARSMG echelon against armored and shielded enemies. No AI system should do that.
>fairy points
Are there any combat missions in Slow Shock where you use your own echelons instead of canned story ones? Even if it's just the grind maps, I'm going to need fairy points to run through those in addition to this grind.
>still doesn't understand that the game has no ability to see if a unit is armored or not
Gonna assume you're a FNG, the game cannot tell is a composition is armored or not. There's a reason why armor always inflated the imaginary CE number. The issue wasn't an issue when AR teams could never reach the CE inflation of armor and arnor pen, but now a days AR teams can have a higher imaginary CE number than shit comps.
But like the other anons said. Sucks to sucks, use a better team
I've finally started Slow Shock. I don't know why exactly but this is hitting me like a ton of bricks.
I still haven't read the last event. I didn't care much for the Germany story arc and trying to get hype for a new unknown arc has been difficult.
Different stories, different chapters within them mean different things to different people. Some will have grief, some will have joy, some will have nothing.
What dolls uses the processor and the focus chip?
Are they even worth to use?
Literally the first Google search
Since there are people with more than 1IQ making gfl content not for 4chan.

TLDR, generally in general the use cases generally are EOT + Processor on generally everything without a generally good SPEQ and otherwise generally Scope + Chip on RoF buffers, generally..
What's the first team comp?
The issue is that, unlike planning mode, the proxy prevents you from interacting during battles. My squads can handle everything fine but for the small mecha that shoots repeated AOEs down one column I need to move the doll at 5 forward to the front column to prevent it, otherwise they get hit while running forward to engage the mecha.
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>halfway through the event
>finally get a relevant title screen image
>how to show your newfag
Silly anon, those are tags. You know like the shit people up vote on dolls? The game still can't identify if an enemy team has armor or if your team has armor pen.
>there's clearly a designator for armor b-but
Stop making excuses.
Your new is still showing. Literally one of the v2.x updates was to address the issue of new fags running into enemies with armor and having to reset.
You don't understand why little interactions like this in this poorly spaghetti coded game make it so broken. There's a reason why grape or purple cano is so good. The game doesn't tag shit correctly. And she's been in the game forever. Just think about it
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I'm glad to see players discussing GF2 in a friendly manner here, but unfortunately, it may only be possible to see it here......
>the same repeated excuses
The proxy system is retarded and there are ample data points in the game the proxy can programmatically work with. There is no valid excuse for the proxy swapping a higher CR echelon with a lower CR echelon and sending it against an armored enemy. Crying "newfag" at any criticism of a system just makes you look retarded.
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I see that you are all discussing how foolish proxy system in gray zone can be, but I prefer to constantly adjust the formation of the echelon in each proxy to enable them to deal with any enemy, which is quite a sense of achievement
cringe, Mica does what Mica wants
And that's for you to get shit on
>FN TPS has a tongue stud
>GFL2 is all about leggings and feet
Mica is going lewdcore. I suppose it's one way to quietly rebel yet not lose all your social credit.
>ranking map
>it's possible to cheese 175k points in a single round and just settle and restart
Oh I'm exploiting the shit out of this.
is that 175k faster than just instantly restarting the default 50-80k(?) 2-3 times in a row?
>not just terminating and restarting the instant you hit "start operation"
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Not as fast, no, but with a tiny bit of prep work, I get a lot of points per run.
Care to explain to the thread how the game knows how to count the number of normal, machine, armored, etc. enemies you've killed for daily and weekly quests if the game "doesn't have any way" to know what enemy it's sending proxy echelons to fight?
'armored' is an enemy tag like elite or giant
it does not distinguish between a 40 armor tarantula or a 500 armor hammerer
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Bitch have you looked in the mirror??
Why does the ranking map insist on playing the fucking tutorial every single time you start it?
Hurry up and do it 42 more times.
Fun fact, only SF armored units counted for armor kills before 3.0
As a skip chad, qrd on SS?
Also Suomi Scur teams are really strong
Ange fuck you read the story faggot
we shot some nytos
I can get enough enjoyment if I got a cheat sheet with a list of all the characters and their alignment and their killed status
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On a scale of 1-10 how over is it for me?
Probably less over than it is for me. I've procrastinated and am at 43/77 and 0 pts in Ranking.
>willy wonka captured offscreen
Top kek. At first I thought this event was shit. Bunch of false memories in ch1 and then nothing but fighting with jobber nytos. But then this happened.
Who are you referring to?
Ange is dead and RPK took over her body because reasons. I don't know, her motivations are retarded.
I got through all the main content but only a few into the SSE story vignettes. Damn. Part of my problem tonight was I got off work several hours later than planned. Either way I definitely should've spent more time on my last day off with it. Damn.
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Yesterday, I was at 21% with 230k I got from moving the logistics teams around a bit. You should be pretty okay.

I wish I didn't run out of time to do the second map. I got 1,25kk points from the first, and with another million or so I'd have had a real shot at the top 100.
William I guess.
The paradeus wind down plot is pretty obvious now
>SKK aggravates father-son tensions with emfo/dande
>william gives him something that pins down rudolf
>probably in exchange for persicaria's research data
>william escapes by being blackbagged by rossartrists after a fakeout death or arrest by statesec
Will we get a skin or something of new Ange? I want that as my adjutant
Well that was certainly an event.
>4 Anna past stories, each end partway through
>no continuation on them filling in the gaps, just both her brothers being killed off-screen and one-off characters having special portraits while many more important characters in the past used generic character portraits
>they're all lies anyway, RPK's morality fetish led her to self-insert into Ange-senpai's memories
>Sana is introduced, dies offscreen, comes back to life as a nyto, dies pitifully
>her mother was behind daybreak's whole tragedy and paradouche the whole time
>william's connection to it all is who the fuck knows
>psycho blade bitch dies finally but grig and brambd get ?????one second it's implied they're trapped in a battle they cannot win, the next they've just ran away from the fight and flew away to be the targets of the next five events before they're allowed to get gray'd
>what little of the AR team is even around anymore instead of having offscreen adventures survives, leaving no tension
>nothing mattered in the end
>ange died, RPK's neural cloud somehow mapped to her physical brain?!?!?!?!?
>credits roll, song naturally desyncs from the lyric subtitles
I liked it better than the last, which just felt like one long ass unending storyless battle. But it all still felt uneven. Last time, they were literally dying and failing to get in. Now, all these secondaries are just waltzing in (admittedly as clean-up). I liked the SF side stories tho, but just seems a little weird as the bosses don't strike me as the thorough investigator types.

I also can't believe William is our father. He didn't need to chop off out hand, tho. Asshole.
is that some kind of shorts pans that end on a skirt?
Captcha lol
>pnc has mindbroken me into loving idw
nya nya nyaa~
How long ago was China's steins gate collab?
AFAIK it ended just a few days ago
I love this dumb ass cat.
if the vallhalla collab didnt do that already, you dont really love her.
Chances it comes for burgers?
After 12 hours of using K5, I can confirm that the AI does not know how to use Helix's Ulti. Cause it refuses to use Helix's ult after the first 2 casts of Luna's Ulti
Speaking of which, she's probably not the best, but she's really fun once you have functions. Been using a 4/1 Support Healer comp.
Before I stopped, I liked having Helix, Purrzle, mom-and-daughter, and HealJackal (whose school skin art can kill a man) in a team. Get the functions where damage chains and/or makes an AoE and it was a heluva team. I stopped after the event where the outtro was basically big-fuck-off cannon blasts the Oasis [event end]. I want to get back into it, but GFL already eats enough of my time outside of real-world concerns and vidya with frens.

Side note: Dear God Persicaria's skins are getting absurdly hot. Beautiful, certainly, but extremely alluring besides.
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>florence and kuro episode
oh yes
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croque is cool
croque is an autistic flatty
>new event
>it's just a ranking map
I’m on chapter 11 and I havent been following the story at all. is there a way to read the whole story without just replaying the missions?
The new Erma skin artwork is absolutely gorgeous. She's lovely when she smiles.
>feed 9 prototypes to beach fairy
>level beach fairy to 100
>beach fairy is 5 stars
What? Do fairies automatically develop as they level up now?
It's always been a thing
The special fairies only need 550 points instead of 3000 IIRC, if that's what you mean.
Is there a page, spreadsheet or something with the list of limited dolls you can get from campaign?
The dolls in index doesn't get updated when they get added to it
Wedding gacha soon! I wonder when we will get an SF wedding unit.

Also no news on SG collab...
End of service....
Y'all didn't buy enough gems!!!
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I can't get the game to load into base. Tried verifying, and redowloadimg data pack, but then it wouldn't even finish the download. It let's to 99.xx% then just stops. And I tried to Uninstaller and reinstall the whole game, and it still does it. Phone has plenty of space on it too. What gives?
please understan
If it's android there as an update with one of Google's core functions that broke it for awhile, I suppose it could have happened again. Best play it on an emulator
Darn, okay. Best emulator for it so I can at least play it on my pc?
LD is the most stable
I stopped playing but I remember a scene where she has a dangerous look and noms The Professor's finger. I was not expecting that, especially from a Greater Sanctifier of all Agents. Lucky Professor...
Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery in 22 days, but the chinese say it's not worth the launch price
Can you remind me in 22 days? I'll dig up the ole PC and give it a go. I'm sure my ancient bookmarks will serve when it comes to torrents.
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>fairy node requires lv70 landmine fairy
>level up the fairy to lv70
>now it just wants the airstrike fairy I've had maxed out for years
How the fuck do you not have every fairy maxed by 2024?
>believing anything the chinks say after the past few months
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Thank you for the $32.79, cause clearly you won't stop your support at $20.49 in fact you should wait until after April to get it to support us even more!
Is this Love Bakery event new or a rerun?
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What should I do in White Celebration if I can't fight any enemy?
Alright, I checked a video of previous run, it seems I have it bugged since I grab the chochuthulu but I can't use it
>End of Service in first 10
okay I guess I'll just burn the free 10 tomorrow.
>spent over 300 tickets getting clukay, eos and turing
glad I stockpiled lol
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I know you guys like to keep on this game so I will ask here.

I like the idea of collecting weapons that are women just like this.

Heres the caveat, I don't want to play this as a mobile game. I want to actually shoot and move.

Are there any games modded or original that allow me to collect women and make them fight for me?
No, stats on guns and FPS/TPS do not mix. See the division, destiny, etc.
BA is more your shit if you want a more active gameplay or something
So I tried Girl’s Frontline but felt I was too new in a game everyone was ahead. Then I saw there is both a GFL2 and Reverse Collapse in the making so I got interested.
But while I have tons of questions of 2 and controversies the one I’m interested the most is Reverse Collapse. Anyone got info about it? Lore? When it happens compared to 1 etc.?
Cause I saw the trailer and seeing the depiction of sure horrific and bloody scenario with chibis got me absurdly curious. I usually don’t care for chibis at all but seeing a company trying to stay close to its roots while doing that just won me over. I think it triggered some nostalgia of old games I played how you don’t need some HQ bloody depiction to send a message
Supposedly the new drama is that RC and GFL2 are two separate timelines following GFL.
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archi on the front page
What's happening with silly RPG wife?
Is the planning mode bugged in story?
It always stops after a fight
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I only got it now, you have to stand on the tile to actually pick it up. Otherwise it's glitched and deletes the item without giving it to you.
>So I tried Girl’s Frontline but felt I was too new in a game everyone was ahead.
You're not really competing against anyone, tho. Sure, there's things like Theater and Rankings, but those are mostly for bragging rights. Anything like Dolls and items are within reach of most people.
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Of course. The first thing I think of for my white wedding is TENTACLE RAPE.
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I prefer alcyone to eucharist.
For me it's alcyone
>wojak thumbnail
Is there another good grenadier for 13-4 exp farm besides Vector and Uzi?
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>start with crossdressing joke
>end with crossdressing joke
sasuga mica
So the entropy is essentially a continuously evolving means of testing the sanctifier program until it fails, to expose flaws in the design. I guess that Eosphorus can't die because ordinarily human technicians would rewrite his memory if he succeeded in killing Malkira. I assume that Malkira would always retain her memory to be able to draw on past experience fighting the sanctifiers.
It kind of reminds me of SMT Digital Devil Saga.
Gorgeous piece of art you chose.
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For what purpose? Why? Are there even other HOCs to unlock? Am I doomed to have one HOC (I'll probably never use because the initial ones are always better than the rest) be stuck at 3*s forever just because theater became a shitty power creep fuckfest?
>the penisman situation is INSANE
Wake up skikkans
SIs there something I'm doing wrong here? Every single time I press the button to go back to the main screen, it goes to the first dorm instead.
It do be out
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>reverse collapse is out
>getting review bombed by chinks
hope it does well, still need to finish the original before I'll play it
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I love Alina and bless whoever discovered the Shattered Connexion exp strat
EM4 Meido
Have you an explainer or link about it?
How do you use recopy core chips?
You need an Alina friend, after setup you can either use planning mode (limited to 35-40 moves) or set an autoclicker on the "End turn" button and let it go through 99 turns
No cores also
Interesting thanks a bunch! I have both regular and swimsuit Alina.
You need a friend one because infinite ammo, also the base one
Dunno if the strat works with any other enemy unit with HOC-like support
Gotcha. Well, I'll set up an Alina frenchelon for other people to use for this at least.
Are drill echelons in ranking the best ones to go or do I need specific echelons for some floors?
Holy shit new calicute costume
Can I jump into reverse collapse even if I haven't played anything else in this series? I also saw a webm of Sugar fucking up Jefuty and friends.Was that the last scene of the game?
Yes and no
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How can a Global release save GFL2? A new 3D game with high production value is competing with literal ded games like AG and Snowbroke, even though it's Lenna's patch.
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Crab wanna have fun with Earhart
When they fix the shitty gameplay, seriously, nobody wants to play a cheap XCOM knockoff in their phone, much less a gacha version of it.
They can put the highest quality 3D models in the world, it won't matter when you can't even molest them.
snowbreak is adding that next patch, and it's a paid feature, guess which game is going to be making more money next time the revenue chart releases.
Who fucking cares? Are you a stockholder? No? Then fuck off.
>Who fucking cares?
I fucking care.
I want a global release and remember, CN market usually bring in like 1/2-3/4 of the total revenue. If it performs poorly on over there then you really think they'll bother investing big resource in the Global rollout? (Like, bigger server infrastructure for low pings in coop, improving translations etc.)
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How do I kill this bitch in floor 180 black hole? I can easily kill Angelus and all the mobs except her. I got her down to 20% health but then time ran out. All the clear comps had Taisch in them, but I don't roll for lolis, so I don't have her. Am I shit out of luck?
>People arguing over RC and GFL2
I just want GFL1 to work on my phone for more than 30 minutes without crashing, even after using fixes to get it working again. The entire point of a mobile gacha is for it blto ne played on mobile. I don't want to have to play it exclusively on my pc with an emulator. That defeats the point of it.
I used to do that just fine, one of the old client updates broke it.
So what is this thread's verdict on the
>girls frontline line
Thing /gfg/ does?
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I see absolutely no reason to care
I don't keep up woth stuff well, so I have no idea what you're even talking about.
I think I used Angela to remove her out of the map for a while so my goons could focus on the Angelus before changing to the high priority hammer time.

Are you retarded?
gfl is gfl if you can extrapolate the meaning of the abbreviation then it's done it's job. Now if the brainlets made the joke
>what is gfl
Then it would make more sense cause they could not tell what it meant. But by saying it's girls frontline line, you're deliberately being retarded. But that's par for the course on this autistic site.
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>9 GB of update
Kalina got enough budget to buy tanks
I should have downloaded it before I went to bed, everyone is trying to download it right now. The tiny servers from Mica cannot support it
Just in case, don't use pure samples on chips upgrade, you need those for iteration now
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Mica, what the fuck did you do to my HOCs?
easy for newfags
Not really unless newfags can't tetris
They're still just as tedious to build from scratch. I guess the lack of a chip limit is nice but I want my fucking garage back.
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>my fucking garage
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Ok, I'm very ok with the HOC changes now. I got this just for redoing all my HOC upgrades.
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>proxy update
The good:
>can finish puzzles
The bad:
>won't deploy normal echelon on heavy heliports
>have to replace battery receipt weekly mission with yet more gray zone grinding because the refunds put my battery count above 9999 and I can't spend them fast enough
Do the Alina dragging and keep making reports
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>Use grey zone proxy
>Select all
>It steps on a hoc rubble node
>Ends turn
>Code 3
>Go back to map
>Code 3
>Try to quit the active mission
>Code 3
This is retarded and gay.
Is there any way to pull bgm out of the map or reset grey zone without opening the battle or do I have to wait a week for maintenance?
Should have known proxy was buggy after seeing the missing png files.
Just reset the map and see if it works else gotta wait. I usually reset a gay zone 3-4 times until I get one with no fairies or mobile armor to the boss node
>Just reset the map
I would love to do that, unfortunately, you skimmed over the part where I asked if and how that was even possible to do, given my current predicament.
>can finish puzzles
It can't finish HOC puzzles, it just finishes the turn
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I don't understand what happened to my HOCs. How do I rechip them? I had almost 1600 in 5* 5 and 6-block chips. Did they vanish??
>t. Skipped the tutorial
Ask the dorks at gfg for a better explanation, otherwise just go to your HOCs and patch them up
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I maxed out everything and I still have 100k of each sample type. Now what? At least chips could be dismantled for resources, even if it was a chore.
>have three training echelons
>all three are more than capable of doing teir 2 gray zone
>all three are the only accounts selected in the proxy battle list
>proxy refuses to autodeploy more than one of them
I had to skip the tutorial. It wouldn't let me advance through it because "Full resources not loaded" or something. The only thing that work was to click the SKIP button UwU
Why is the proxy only deploying two echelons at night but 3 during the day?
>sf capture causes a fairy damage effect banner to pop up
>have over 350k intel samples for some reason
mica spaghet
>sf capture causes a fairy damage effect banner to pop up
It was always like that

>have over 350k intel samples for some reason
HOC rework, chips and other stuff are kill and converted to samples
>It was always like that
I never got it before.
>HOC rework
Just went through it. I kinda miss the chip arranging.
Probably combat effectiveness
It seems if the echelon doesn't reach the stage combat effectiveness, proxy won't summon it
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Are these CE's about right? I remember them being much higher and over a wider range.

I assume everyone has the exact same CE's now under the new system.
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Why am I not getting the right amount of Gray Zone points sometimes?
What do you mean?
I did a 150 point mission and got 60 points, for example. But the HOC mission before that gave me the full 180. Can't see a pattern to it.
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GFL2's WA-Chan, the 3D models look very well-made.
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>pnc x steins gate
>gfl x ghost in the shell
>kimie's event side missions are tower defense
What's even the point of having well made models if the girls literally cannot wear the skins you paid for in the lobby?
Also no free camera mode during gameplay so you cannot see them properly either.
anyone have a webm for the new l2d turing skin? i'm going to get the skin, but i'ld like to see if the l2d is as good as delaceys l2d upgrade skin
>actually manage to do the special location this time
>got zero units of worth for my troubles
So is persicaria a warrior? She feels like a sniper to me
60/3500 data samples per day, wtf, it's going to take 2 months to get her. Know if they are going to make data samples farmable through other methods?
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gotta say I didn't expect a GITS collab to have so many 1984 references. then again I haven't actually watched it since Arise and have no idea what's going on.
fuck dogs desu
I have no idea what I'm doing with these new vehicles. I've finished the new GZ a couple of times including the vehicle tower at the end but still don't have enough points to research a single upgrade?
considering the fact you couldn't figure it out for the few weeks we had it already, you might as well ignore them, they're just a gimmick
I didn't play those weeks, I've come back for GitS.
>>pnc x steins gate
Cancelled lmao
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just keep grindan
That's what ur mom said.

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