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Actual good fun one that could get me hooked for several hours at least, completely focused, for when im travelling in train or waiting at the station.
I tried several gachas (Dokkan, FFBE, Last Cloudia, FFEC mainly) and i find myself just collecting the daily rewards but have no motivation to actually play the game.
I already finished Vampire Survivors on PC
I just don't like Stardew Vallew

I'm on iOS btw and Apple assholes wont let me emulate. I could but i either have to jailbreak my phone or install some shady apps and literally give them my Apple ID, and have to renew every week.

Preferably portrait mode.
Gave it a quick Google but shattered pixel dungeon looks like it's on ios, try that
Simon Tatham's Puzzles, Epic Battle Fantasy 5, Path of Adventure, Antiyoy, Seedship, Xenowerk Tactics, Part Time UFO, Kingdom Two Crowns
pick one and only one
eh try ark re:code
Buriedbornes 1 & 2
Also Egypt: Old Kingdom
had to take a sec to look in my "not installed" games section on Google Play Store to remember
What are the best emulator games for Android? I download PPSSPP and downloaded maybe a dozen of games from the only live TPB CSO source but the on screen mobile controls are a bit meh.
I guess should avoid any arcade games and only play turn based ones. Anything that needs the joystick for proper movement is almost unplayable.
>Bloons Tower Defense 6
>Dream Quest
>Siralim Ultimate
all pretty good timewasters that can be played offline and on ios though they're all landscape mode
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Honkai Star Rail, Blue Archive, Azur Lane and Nikke would be my recommendations.
I found stone story a good find
>very simple graphics but I like the old music and story kek
Azur lane is entirely played in auto mode and is just a jpeg collection sim. There's no gameplay to speak of.

Star rail is alright but once you have done the story it's just logging in for 30 minutes to spend your energy for the day.
I tried many games but I always end up just going back to Duel Links or MTGA, even though they're rigged games (especially the latter).

Would need a real good game to cure my addiction to rage.
>turn based
>infinite, doesn't take more than a couple of minutes to set up
>preferably not a multiplayer game
there's none
stores are infested with gachas and tech demos
try rhythm games, cytus 2 is amazing
What about Magic Survival? Used the be the most recommended /vmg/ game back in the day.

I know there have been lots of updates that made it worse bu
ex astris
it's a premium game with no gacha, no fomo, no timegated bullshit
i loved it
you could also emulate pokemon ds games
i am playing platinum right now
Is there fan service in Star Rail? I'm only playing eversoul rn because I want 3D models with fan service lol for ref I think genshin is a tragedy
>you could also emulate pokemon ds games
Oh shit I didn't think about that. Why did I even bother installing the PSP emulator, Nintendo DS is naturally superior.
>First of all, melonDS requires BIOS and firmware dumps from a DS or if you want to emulate the DSi, melonDS requires the BIOS, firmware and NAND image. We haven't gotten around to making alternate BIOS/firmware yet. So, you will need to obtain those:

I don't get it
I always used DeSMuMe and it never had any of this bullshit.,I'm pretty sure it works on mobile too
PPSSPP is also a reliable emulator for most consoles,just pop a ROM in and done.
>I always used DeSMuMe and it never had any of this bullshit.,I'm pretty sure it works on mobile too
I had to install some RetroArch thing to get it, and it's asking whether I want Desmume or Desmume 2015. Are the same roms I use on Desmume on Windows (without issues) work the same on Android?
what about citrus
Citra?Same as>>1443639,it requires files from an actual 3DS
It's been a hot minute since I emulated games on mobile,but the 2015 version should work fine.and yeah,the roms work the same across platforms.
i use drastic for emulating ds games on my smartphone
doesnt require any dumps
out of phone games I only like superautopets, slice&dice and into the breach

I think "higher quality" games just dont work well on phones where you have to play in long sessions, memorize lots of story points or strategize, even if something is well emulated or ported the experience of playing on the phone is never good

for phones what I want is something that can be played in relativly short bursts without thinking too much but those kinds of games are very rare

its also very hard to find phone games since communities around them are focused on 2 types of posters
1) gacha posters cooming over their waifus
2) shitty programers shilling their boring games because they cant afford real ad campaign
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check >>1065843

The thread has some decent recomendations, as far as mobile games goes.
>Spongebob Squarepants: BFBBR
>Spongebob Squarepants: The Cosmic Shake
>Oddworld: New N Tasty
>Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
>Oddworld: Strangers Wrath
>Hitman: Blood Money
>COD: Mobile
>Pascals Wager (great soulslike but bullshit final boss that I couldnt beat)

If anyone else has recomendations for real games on iOS not gacha gook shit plz say
Cat Quest 1 & 2
does star rail have coom? i'm a 1.0 genshin player, and have completely avoided star rail once i saw the roster full of ikemens and was like no thanks, i'm not doing this again.
How do you play platformer games on phone
From what I've seen, Star Rail isn't any better in the coom aspect, and they've done their fair share of male shilling as well. I pretty much expect ZZZ to be the same as well at this point
How do I cheat in RetroArch NDS easily
Please respond
Soul Knight Prequel
Ok I figured out how to download the cheats but I got no clue how to identify the version of the game that I'm supposed to use. How do I know if I have american or european version of the game and what "version"? And does it even work with Desmume core?
All of nu-hoyo games are faggot bait with the ocassional cute anime girl to lure in desperate normalfag coomers without any fanservice or good sexy designs. Wait for azur promilia to come out for the real waifufag game.
Literally for fuck's sake, in Desmume I can use Action Rapelay codes (on desktop) but in Retroarch/Desmume I can't why
In most ROM sites you just type [Game title] EU/NA/JP(Europe,North America and Japan respectively) in the search bar to get the version you're looking for.I guess if you've already downloaded them you'll have to look up the version yourself in the file repository
I downloaded my ROM from TPB, it didn't say much other than US version. I tried all the US .cht files from RetroArch and none of them do anything - and why are there so many of them?
They all have the same cheat options.
Try asking on /emugen/ in /vg/
So how do you play platformers or other action based games on mobile?

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