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Let's discuss the best game ever.
Arlecchino is so close, omg I can't wait!
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Rolling and after that, Clorinde baby
There already was a thread you dumbass
there's a thread where someone asks about a phone. there is no genshin thread
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I was >building pity on Chiori's banner in preparations for Arlecchino, when suddenly I got spooked by Keqing. What can I do with a Keqing C4?
Her constellations are very lame so the same thing as you did with C0
Why are normies screeching whenever Arlecchino gets impregnated?
Forgot image
Maybe because its fucking weird lol, just a wild guess
My cute hilichurl wife
Gambling addiction got the better of me so I'm now suddenly the proud owner of a nipponese seamstress. Now my only question is does Cinnabar Spindle still outperform Harbinger of Dawn if I only got it to R3?
>if I only got it to R3
How do you fumble the bag so bad
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Fugg, Tomato always generates energy particles
How long does that alchemy thing take, I haven't started it yet but apparently there's four days left now that I checked
There's no timegating anymore so it depends on you. There aren't many cutscenes.
Mine is C3 as well, I just didn't feel like playing back then and then I tried speedrunning the event just before it ended. I think you had to search for something to get the mats and I only got three
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You can finish it quickly. An hour, maybe two, if you read all the dialogue.
Post some Arlekkino webms to convince me to roll for her.
I was probably just burnt out towards the end of the event back then but I never cared because I wasn't interested in Albedo. Never expected Albedo+ to come along.
3 years
still no artifact for cryo characters that makes melt, super conduct worth a shit.
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Smol Dehya is too cute :3 The whole cutscene was wholesome
there are infinite attempts, so hypothetically you could just roll your face on the keyboard to max it out.
Already good
Exists solely to justify Eula's existence and you're a fool to expect anything else
>Chiori has a bellybutton but Shenhe doesn't
It's not fair...
She would've been a cute boy
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New Erinnyes lore just dropped
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Story leaks? Don't care
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I just discovered this quest. They don't even mention it in the commissions screen :|
Tiffany would never allow it
Oh yeah that's a great one too. Why the ass face though?
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Interdasting, if you stay on top of these they actively drain your stamina. I assume that's how they normally force drowning.

Because I missed such an opbvious chest in order to start it.
I don't know if I can wait three more weeks...
Gee it sure would be fucking retarded if they created a boss that drops geo gems but the only two characters who need its mats are cryo, wouldn't it? It would be even more retarded if there were two brand new geo characters that didn't need it's mats, but instead needed mats from the thing that drops anemo/cryo gems. That would be pretty dumb huh.
Yeah, it would be really, really useful if they would allow us to, like, you know, craft the gems we want from other gems we already have. how useful such a thing would be.
Great thing that exists. It would be awful if the devs had to put a modicum of thought into how different aspects of gameplay intersect with each other.
Just use the dust? That thing is practically free
Not as dumb as creating a boss whose drops are only useful for an entire one character haha who would do that haha
Yeah. Haha. It's not like other future characters won't use those boss drops. Haha. Like Clorinde. Hahahaha
I was sure they'd give Mika cryo cube mats since with Aloy being limited and useless it's effectively a Eula-only boss, but then again if they didn't put Mika on the Wenut then Alhaitham would be the only character to need that one.
bro... your dust of azoth???
You guys pick the most mundane things to get mad about because seriously who gives a shit about who uses what boss mat... jesus
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Okay fine, no more negativity. Time to focus on what really matters.
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Can we just skip to Natlan already
the amount of pain, and pleasure, she could inflict upon me using that... MMMHHHHH!!!
>Barbara, Yanfei, XIngqiu.
Christ, they couldn't have picked a shittier 4 star selection minus xingqiu.
I already have all three at c6.
If Sigewinne isn't 5 stars I think I'm just going to save until Natlan, Xianyun was such a QOL improvement and all these other new ones just seem like you do some damage in a slightly different way, which I don't really have any interest in
I thought for sure we'd at least get Layla
Hey that's a one pull refund every 20 pulls, it's practically free currency
Sigewinne is going to be shit also she has a shit model not even a real melusine fuck you mihoyo you fucking faggots I'm gonna firebomb shanghai or whatever city they live in
We deserved a playable Talochad
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It's a shame she's not a proper melusine, but I liked her character back when Fontaine dropped. I could imagine myself going to coinflip for her but probably not more if her skills don't do anything fun or interesting. These characters that are just a support for a specific character and/or some reaction that's going to get good in like a year are just retarded. I remember some """""rumors""""" saying she's some kind of superconduct support. I'm sure they're suddenly going to make it relevant in Snez, but those meta shifts don't really do anything for the gameplay, it's just like oh now you do the same amount of damage but it's a different color. It's just oh this year we're doing this reaction
you mean electrocharged
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After two fucking years or whatever of daily farming I get this semi-decent sands. I hope it will level up nicely.
This has to be bait.
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Complete garbage. I'll give it to Sara
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>waaaaaaaaah why filler patch waaaaaaaaaaah
The truth is that the game has been the same as it has been for 4 years, any patch without an archon quest or new area is a filler patch, the game is otherwise BORING, you are BORED, it's time to stop and play new games!
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I've yet to find a goood ER sands :( She's both an ATK-let and a CR-let
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>t-thanks, myHoYo
Why are you trying to convince me to play other games... what is in it for you?
bold of you to assume I don't already play other games
I don't understand how anyone can make Genshin their "main" game
Do we know if Neuv is getting a part two to his story quest or just Furina?
The last patch without either of those was 4.3, and before that was 3.7
Filler patches are few and far between, but they're needed with how fast paced Genshin's release schedule is. Only poop sockers here finish everything the day it comes out, most casuals I know are still exploring Fontaine, and barely started Chenyu Vale
Neuv is this patch and has no story quest, so most likely Furina in 4.7, the real crime being she has nothing to do with the 2nd Fontaine weekly
I think his story will continue but not anytime soon. Sometime around 5.x maybe.
Venti SQ 2 when?????????
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Good banner
I might finally get Kokofish when the Inazuma banner is up
Only pull if you really like her because she's outdated as fuck. I pulled on 3.8 and it was a huge mistake
I pulled her on a whim and she's a staple of my hyperbloom team
I still use Kokomi in every abyss rotation. Ultimate comfort driver.
is it simply because her jello being static?
More or less, her jellyfish is static so you literally can't move away from it. It only heals the active character, so it takes half of Furina's burst to max out the buff.
Her burst does heal partywide but its very little and too slow compared to comfort units like baizhu or just regular healers like yaoyao/barbara.
Not only its slow, delaying Furina's full buff, but its also a dps huge loss since her attacks do jackshit and she was never supposed to be onfield anyway
tldr: aged like milk bad
>Her burst does heal partywide but its very little and too slow
How badly is your Kok built? Her burst should max everyone out almost immediately.
My Kokomi has 41k HP without hydro resonance or any buffs. I assume that's the average
Then you must have the reflexes of a geriatric because the problem with Kokomi's burst isn't the rate or amount of healing, it's the fact that you have to give her field time. She easily maxes out Furina's fanfare stacks in teams where you can use her as a burst driver but falls off otherwise.
Wow this alchemy thing is awful
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There's a continuation, and it gets better
I can't wait. Half an hour until the server refresh
How did I manage to kill Timmie's birds, I made sure to swap to Furina's healing mode before walking to the bridge
>imagine not making a habbit out of killing his birds on a daily basis
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best girl gets best questline
Are we getting Liyue banner with Hutao and Yelan next? Mihomo won't be that generous, right?
They didn't say anything. Coule be on the next banner, could be in the 1st phase of the next version, or could be whenever the next Liyue event happens.
The thing is, they need to give something. Xiao would give them quite some negative press with him just having been featured on a normal limited banner last patch. So my guess is Shenhe and Ganyu. Cryo is shit, they have synergy and their banners were somewhere during v3. There are only 2 standards from Liyue, dunno if they stock that up with other chars. If not, that's that.
But if they do stack up, they have to bring something.
Shenhe doesn't fit the requirements, so impossible unless when they go back on the word
Shenhe won't be on that banner. It's Xiao, Hu Tao, Ganyu, Yelan, Keqing and Qiqi.
Inazuma banner is next with Kujou Sara and no one else
And I will be rolling twice
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>Multiple desert tribes and settlements apart from Aaru that we just never see ever
Stupid game
The Tanit? or the Skeptics?
The fug was that green animal in the abyss, I can't remember anything like that
You mean the consecrated tigers?
There are other currently unnamed tribes as well.
smol indi compani pls understando
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Fav or Sac for Gorou?
How does he generate particles? This is for Noelle/Furina/Yunjin or Chiori whoever is best/Gorou
Sac, I think. His skill has a short cd so it would be useless, on top of less ER
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lmao, is it saying the same thing if you play as Aether?
We are so back
my wife
I wish that bitch was a 4 star.
Faggots at Yohomo will never release a 4 star cryo support unless her gimmick is superconduct buffing or some shit by this point.
Apparently it's a concecrated fanged beast, I have no recollection of seeing one before
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It was released alongside the hydro crocodile on 4.6 I think
so they're remaking mondstadt?
>the absolute state of (You)
Dornman Port NOW
Now = 5.x, a year from now
Unless they go fucking crazy and have the summer event there in a new and permanent area
that's just what they want you to think
ty lads, luckily u pul,led a fav bow recently on the standard banner. Its only gonna be R1 but it will do
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>tfw share my birthday with bird mommy
No genshin on my bday. Maybe Natlan will have one. That would be fitting
For me it's Xiao
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Alhaitham. I may try and get him some day.
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I share it with fucking aloy
yaoyao and qiqi...
Man I was worried this fayz event would take a while
>get 100 points
I'm basically just loading the level and quitting it five seconds later
I mean, it takes like 30 seconds if you complete it
its pretty easy just use skill -> take pictures -> repeat 3 times
For me it's Arlecchino, apparently.
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nobody shares my birthday :(
thoma is the closest, being the day after.
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official amber ludi harpastum skin when?
>retards can't even do a push button and take picture event
no wonder star rail players get treated so much better..
uh yeah im sure they're enjoying how all their girls were turned gay overnight and how their anni event is some meme event about playing therapist for NPCs youll never see again
sis they got 30 pulls for their anni
I don't think I even took pictures in the last ones, you got 100 points just by doing anything. So I could just quit right away to get the primos
they also get two new characters per patch instead of one, so the average number of free pulls per new character tends to be even to or lower that genshin on a patch to patch basis. this makes it feel more generous if you are only pulling some of the time, but if you are the kind of person who wants every character you're fucked.
Most characters over there want their gacha weapon too and the stat checks are a lot more brutal vs Genshin where even a monkey could 100% the game
Is their patch length longer? That sounds like it could be exhausting for the devs.
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2.0 lasted 2 whole months and had no fucking content. Like it was actually devoid of content. Current patch only has 2 events before they go into daily login mode so yeah.......

I guess it's great for the fags that just want some fancy chore simulator with no gameplay or content but Genshin is much better for me for whenever I have some free time and want to fuck around with cute anime girls.
not really, but because its a 4 dudes in a row turn based game im sure it's a lot easier to design characters for since they dont have to account for weird open world traversal shit. every character in genshin needs to be able to jump, climb, sprint, swim, glide, plunge, etc. in addition to the combat animations.
That just means they get milked twice as hard though. Genshin is comfy because it's only 1 chara per patch.
I can roll on Neuv, Arle and STILL have enough for whatever comes out after her.
Meanwhile with the autobattler, you're so fucked if you want 2 chars in a row.
yeah, like i said, it's more of an illusion of generosity. players see a higher number of free pulls and think bigger number = better genshin could never, instinctively, without considering the average pulls you get per character.
*30, there will be an extra 10 on the actual anniversary day
>10 after the fact on some homo banner when the banner everyone wanted to roll in leaves
So 20.
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When is Furina rerun?
So 30, schizo who can't count
hilariously scummy how they're giving away the last 10-roll on the second the anniversary banner expires but I guess they have to milk the cow before the hype dies

4.7 most likely
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>Supplementary Information on the Q&A
>4.2 Masquerade of the guilty is their most proud work. They have several sketches shown. To compare, Eula's story quest is the worst.
The only reason they didn't list Kokomi as the worst is because they forgot Inazuma exists
Inazuma as a whole deserve to be memoryholed.
The nation and regions of it are locked behind days worth of story quests and adventure rank requirements.
The puzzle gimmicks suck. That nation was the first to add the fucking atrocious treasure chest grind to level up a tree or equivalent.
Inazuna's main story quest pulls off the herculean task of being shittier than Liyue's main story quest, too.
Fuck Inazuma.
I will now redownload this game after not playing since inazuma.
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another harbinger fight, another banger boss track.
It's pretty much doubled in size, can't even imagine how many hours of cutsccenes it'll be
No worries, surely they've added a skip option by now
Arlecchino will hopefully be worth it. Been wanting her ever since the first trailer she was in.
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Did 20 pulls suddenly change to 30 after you retards made asses of yourselves?
HSR characters also only need to be animated to look good from a certain camera angle
Just leads more credence to the theory that Eula was a rushed character
I liked Inazuma the most
Me too, Inazuma hate feels so forced. The story is not any worse than the other regions
So, I can give her Shimenawa, I guess?
>The puzzle gimmicks suck
unironically a skill issue
I bet you shit your pants over the second GAA puzzles too
HSR also has more than one endgame mode, so even playing casually nets close to double the currency per month. Also the number of characters per patch is exactly what this game had been doing from 1.0, sans Keqing, up to Raiden and Kokomi.
The number of pulls per patch includes those endgame modes. It kind of has to because there's no exploration and it has less events
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kino's fight theme is kino
That part with the vocals is insane, really good stuff
They suck because they are not fun, let alone challenging, you stupid fuck.
To this day people still seethe about getting filtered by Inazuma's sudoku puzzle
There’s literally only one in the entire overworld, and it only shows up after you complete the main world quest in the area 3.6 added
I think he's talking about the wind cats from Chenyu
The treasure chest grind is just some extra rewards as an apology for treasure chests being worthless
But Inazuma is indeed garbage. Garbage level design garbage gimmicks garbage story garbage characters garbage events garbage seelies
Good thing subsequent areas were improvements, Chenyu Vale is way better
This green thing, I was wondering like what is this horse or whatever, is it a boss? But makes sense if it spawns in a place I never go to. I might have fought one like a year ago when I finished that zone
I love finding those hidden or forgotten details. Like those white wind spirits in Mondstadt
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I running out of characters to give friendship to.
What is a good dailies team? I know people like memeing with Ganyu for hilichurl camps but that rearely works, Scara is probably a must to actually get places but what else do you think?
>Blood moon occurred during the Cataclysm
>also occurred when Gurabad fell
can't wait for it to occur again in sneednaya
Blood what?
Furina, for killing mobs passively
I use Navia, Furina, Xianyun + wildcard
Furina's murder hobos deal with 90% of overworld mobs, for harder stuff Navia can finish it off
Xianyun for exploration and movement
Wildcard is usually who I'm building friendship with (Chiori right now) or whoever can display resources on the map for whatever region I'm farming in
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That sounds familiar to my artifact domain/bounties team which is scara/navia/XQ/XY. In general I want both Scara and XY exclusively for travel and then 2 more
I also don't use dailies team for exploration, for that I came up with 2 teams I would like help with as well since they are WIP.
The idea is to always have 1 movement unit + bow user and both teams need to cover all elemtns together
>Wildcard is usually who I'm building friendship with (Chiori right now)
I'm finding Chiori to be great for this team in general for the permanent movement speed buff and constant shard generation for Navia. With C1 Xianyun it's a solid overworld team that will get you where you need to go quickly and kill everything easily.
I still haven't finished Lynette's hangout because I stop as soon as I get enough encounter points
I've done like three hangouts, I counted one time and I could get like five pulls if I did all of them but I don't think it's the best way to spend twenty hours
I haven't even started it. But I'm need of primogems and I don't wanna swipe again so I might have to
They both didn’t do anything in the AQ and Arle looks like a tranny.
People do hangouts?
Primo desperation drives us all to dark places
Some are pretty good. Faruzan, Layla, Kaveh, Beidou
I would do anything to spend more tiem with Barbruh~
Of course I hungout with my boyfriend Kaeya
I want to date my cute grannywife Faruzan....so yeah.
Tarts theme is forgettable and the puppet fuck theme is as cringe as him
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The sumeru cake is the cutest
Kinda wish I had Aloy sometimes, they should re-distribute her
>they should re-distribute her
How did you even get her in the first place? I heard it had something to do with the playstation
It was just a promotional thing in 2.2
You just had to claim it through the mail at the time of the promotion. People made a big deal about someone letting the mail expire a year later to avoid it.
I remember that lol
>flex that you're mentally ill and never shut the fuck up about hating Aloy for an entire year
>still get birthday letters from her
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Come up with a character that can surpass Xianyun movement wise, I basically just want characters that make the movement more versatile and fun but lately I'm feeling like it's not going to get meaningfully better anymore. Especially when they're always limited by the cooldown and no midair switching as well. I mean I can think of all kinds of gimmicks but it would require some fundamental mechanics to be reworked. I already have like 50 characters for killing stuff and the interest for pulling is waning
Name one gimmick that you thought of that you want to see
Releasing Chiori after Xianyun feels like a cruel joke with how you can't use Xianyun's skill midair after swapping from Chiori's skill. I just know we're going to get a Xianyun+ with a skill that's visually different but mechanically the same and allows you to use it midair, that's the only reason why I can image they kept that out of her kit. At the very least they should let us chain skill uses at c1/c6.
Character who can create temporary mid air platforms of some kind.
Chiori is really good. You can
>mid air switch (once)
>have only a 4 sec cooldown
All for the price of c6.

Jokes aside, it's actually really fucking useful.
a cavalry captain but he actually has a horse that can also climb up cliffs like a spider but with only four legs
Wanderer is still better than XY for movement. I own both and I find the hops kinda clunky while Wanderer is smooth and faster.
Not that guy, but I prefer Xianyun. However, my mobility team is Wanderer, Xianyun, Yelan and Furina
Different anon but I also prefer Xianyun. Wanderer is best for when you want to cheese puzzles that require some precision but XY's mobility feels much more fast and fluid once you're used to it.
Ye that's why I like it too, I like platformers and stuff and bouncing around feels more like that. Used Wanderer all the time before I got her
I don't like Xianyun's movement at all
One is fast on one's feet - you just can't keep the pace.
dead patches are so painful
Every patch that's not a region update is a dead patch
my mother in law (through both of my wives) is really annoying but she's hot
I don't mind, it's like a pallet cleanser when I'm getting bored of this thing. I have plenty of games to play, finished like twelve this year
I wish you could transmog weapons.
Lynette looks great with The Flute but the weapon itself is absolute dogshit
Don't get me started on Isshin either. Amazing looking weapon that has the most useless stats
The only reason Xianyun can't use her skill while airborne are just so she can't powercreep fujodev's favourite twink (Xiao, Kazuha and Wanderer).
That's not an argument, paimon.
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>hurrdurr entity has timed out and disappeared
I hate these faggots so much!
She already powercreeps everyone even without it, letting her use skill midair would be too much and would kill any possibility of her getting powercrept by something that they could sell you in the future.
i just go to that one spot in fontaine that has 6 of them underwater right next to the warp every day. stupid easy to collect.
This is the way, crystalflies shouldn't be an issue after Fontaine
Bro your Merusea Village?
That's really the worst thing about this game
>sure, we could make the gameplay better
>but if we made it too good now, how would we improve it in two years?
At this point I feel like I'm just playing to look at some new scenery every once in a while, everything else is getting pretty stale after nearly four years
I am from the future. Playable Dvalin will be the overworld powercreep
You mean the best
I hate endless powercreeps. Genshin was always meant to be a casual exploration game.
If you want the game to powercreep itself every patch and to feel like you're being milked every time the game updates if you want to get who you want then consider hoyoverse's other offerings.
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I'm not really thinking of more powerful characters, just cool abilities. Granted it's not a platformer so maybe I'm too hung up on having walljumps and whatever, and phones probably limit what they can reasonably do. Kinda funny that this combat designer just said like yeah I just want to have someone fun to run around with

One thing I'd like though is to have some inertia with the movement. There's Yelan and Sayu for going faster, but they turn on a dime so it doesn't feel that fun to me. I recently played this game Tinykin, you get this soap to glide around on and there's a bit of momentum when you turn like you're driving a car. Don't know if this gameplay demonstrates it perfectly but anyway. The boats in Genshin are like that I suppose. This is a pretty cool game btw, pretty short though

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Genshin Impact, 2024
A cat is fine too
Finally the game is living up to its potential
Hold on this is just those meet and fuck games from newgrounds
Finally Rosaria is remembered
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She was pretty cute too
I wish the other playable characters that appear in the event were voiced.
Since when does Paimon know so much about cats
After 4 years we've met many cat-people.
can this patch be over yet....
Two more weeks bwo
I'm not gonna make it...
We Hollow Knight now
holy kino
Not bad but the enemies are fucking sponges, contact damage wasn't necessary (or it could have been an option) and the mouse and keyboard controls are awkward. However, it is one of the best things about this update.
streamogems on friday bwos
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Meet And Fuck Cat Cafe, Steve
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Instant skip
Archon quests are the only shit worth, I will touch this game when they get to next continent, I don't ever bother playing
Word quests > Archon quests
This except in Fontaine
What? No, Fontaine is the biggest example
Narzissenkreuz Ordo and the entire qorld quest could have only taken place in an alternate universe where the main Fontaine characters didn't exist. I have no idea why everyone soifaces so hard over it when it was weaker than previous WQs and didn't mesh with the AQ like previous WQs did with theirs
Golden Slumber and Dirge of Bilqis were the peak of Genshin.
King Deshret did nothing wrong.
Deshret needs to be resurrected this time for good
Fontaine was a mess apart from Focalors's execution
Fontaine would have been much better if we cut out 80% of the Fortress archon quest
Hopefully as a qt waifu~
Well, no. Let that be Guizhong or GOF
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Fresh new codes from the stream:

Kill yourself
>more ittoslop
Jesus christ fuck off with this faggot already.
Itto is the only good character to come out of Inashitma
>More of the only good Inazuma character
This way an Inazuma event can almost be tolerable
>Baizhu and Wanderer
Nice. I get to save my rolls.
I would rather mihomo completely abandon Inazuma than play through another Itto event
Inazuma is the best region.
>Arlefuckno and Fagney
Nice. I get to save my rolls.
are you gay?
Wish they made the huge cat as cool as the ninja dog
Wish these chinks made the cat follow us in open world. We´ve got those annoying color balls, why not the cat?
Pathing. It took them like two years to make alternate sprints work over pebbles, there's no way in hell they're going to figure out a way to make animals follow us freely in the overworld when climbing and gliding are such a big part of exploration.
Not sure but I don't want no cat following me
>Lyney Wanderer and Baizhu
Not nice. I have to get all of them to C2R1.
Seek help
What I don't get is why we can't have paimon following us. I bet they are saving her for the end of the game when you know, there is fucking nothing else to do anymore
Is the Itto thing going to feature Chiori, in my headcanon she designed his ridiculous outfit
No, she lives in Fontaine
She'd probably look at his outfit and scoff in disgust
god I wish she'd look at my outfit with disgust
Haha I wish Chiori would push her stinky feet in my face and force me to lick them haha...
So next patch is the rerun and then the fatui granny? Then I guess Clorinde and another rerun in the patch after that. Another three months of saving
No, next patch starts in 11 days.
Arle and Lyney are the first part, also start in 11 days.
Wanderer and Baizhu will be the second part.
Clorinde is predicted to be part 1 of the next next patch
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china is nothing without japan.
Have to admire how shameless the Chinese are
>I saw this cool thing
>let's copy it exactly
The only difference is when others do it its called paying homage
God, I want to die by her scythe~
>cut out the male character wanking
Fujo dev wouldn't allow that. You will get more of the same on the next region and you will like it.
It has nothing to do with "male character wanking", you braindead retarded transexual.
It's about then making you repeat the same tasks 20 times waiting for the plot to move forward.
Sumeru literally had multiple time loops
A time loop is inherently more interesting than "wake up, go to work, wander around, go to bed"
I do that in real life, I don't want to do that shit in a fucking archon quest
What? You don't like that deformed left foot?
Her left foot is fine tho?
AI or not it is just not a good looking drawing.
*cough* *wheeze*
Are you having fun with the "MnF: A Cat is Fine Too" minigame?
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4.6 when...
>had lumine as my profile pic for a long time because I didn't bother changing it since starting the game
>get fairly constant invite requests
>change profile image to Kaeya
>they stop
It was that easy
Father... mother
sex with paimon
Arle and Tsaritsa
I can't believe Ashikai's schizo theory was right
huh? elaborate
her schizo theories have turned out right, or at least as close to right as schizo theories can get, a couple of times now. so it's not actually all that surprising.

Thoughts on the trailer? I can't wait for her story in 4.6
>hating on fujo and homo pandering
>get called trans
Are you telling me homos and trannies hate each other?
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I like it very much. I will be there next week no matter what
it's wild to me that freminet and arlecchino were both under crucabena at the same time, but lyney and lynette didn't join the house of the hearth until after crucabena was killed.
God 4.6 can't come fast enough
I need my father
Pretty traumatizing for him kek but that timeline is a bit strange
Freminet wasn't in the child stage of the video though?
Yes but his voicelines tell you that he was taken into the orphanage by the previous Knave, and that things got better when Arle took the position. He probably belonged to a new gen of kids that were going to take part in the killing process of selection
>Yes but his voicelines tell you that he was taken into the orphanage by the previous Knave
Ah, I haven't looked at his voice lines since he released.
Yeah, was probably a part of the last batch before Kino killed 'Mother'.
in his in game voice lines he talks about his time under the previous knave.
>More About Freminet: IV - I don't like thinking about my time in the House of the Hearth under the previous director. All I'll say is... My habit of retreating into the sea started back then. "Father" changed not only me, but my view of our family, too. Then Lyney and Lynette joined the family... and for the first time ever, I gained some genuine companions.
>About "Father": Teaching - When I was little, I was taught that we should be ready to give our lives for our family. But when "Father" took control, this philosophy changed. "Father" said that every one of us is important, and we have to value our own lives, be our strongest selves, and stand on our own two feet in this world... But actually, all of that's much harder than just following orders.
If you have time watch this video
His story is tragically depressing and he's for sure autistic
Damn that letter
Xiao is down bad for Lumine
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Do you think we'll get another character with a passive similar to Chiori's?
I could put Rosie/Gaming/Dehya instead of Sayu but that would mean having to mess with th eclock and I don't wanna
Plus for the time being, Sayu's wheel is still better than Scara/XY in some very particular areas
Are you going to run a marathon?
Janny in full force today
He saw that we had something important to talk about and decided to go nuts
he woke up and saw the arlecchino trailer already had over a million views and had a fucking breakdown.
This but unironically. Its been pefectly chill the past month until the meltdown today
he just deleted another thread that had like 5 posts in it.
A one man crusade against a whole video game. Incredible
New thread got nuked immediately lol
Just saw the trailer, poor lass
why are you spamming more than 1 thread when this place is already here? you're complaining about the rules when you're clearly breaking them? is this really the average iq of a genshin impact player? no wonder you're into a slop barebones character like arcanachina
Right, talking about video games on the video game board is so wrong! It should be ONLY bait and porn.
I want to hug her :(
I want her to kill me (affectionately)
I too hate crossboarders.
Worry not. She has a family now...
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Emberfire - Vocal

Emberfire - Instrumental
Toss my salad, janny
Not that tard but I don't know why more people don't use this thread for discussion more often. Do you really long for /v/'s shitposting and dozen trolls every thread?
Persecution complex
I'm gonna skip. not really a fan of her design or characterization, also I already have hu tao lol.
Thank fuck I don't need to farm shit. I can give her Shimenawa.
she wants glad more than shim because if you need an emergency heal from her burst the last thing you want is to not have the energy.
Why would you not slap Zhongli instead and not think about it.
I'll just use the many pieces of marechausse that I've stored for the past few months
that still means that a poorly timed rotation or a shield break and you're done if you can't heal her. i'd rather trade off a tiny sliver of her personal damage for the insurance that i can just pop her burst at any moment i need too, even with a shielder.
Never a problem with Hutao so it won't be a problem with her too.
i still think its gonna fuck up your rotation and not perform how you think it will, but you do you.
No one was spamming
A new thread was made because the thread discussing the latest update was archived for no reason
It's slow as molasses here and gig has too many schizos to actually discuss the game
>It's slow as molasses here
it's slow because you people flock to /v/
If the people that actually want to discuss game/lore came here instead of having to skim through 300 offtopic shitposts then it'd be faster
I also far prefer a "slow thread" over a fast thread where the only thing making it fast is shitflinging autists crying about how much they hate the game
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I use Shimenawa on Tao w/o any problems, THOUGH.
I've never had John's shield break and I've mained Hu Tao since 1.3
C1 guaranteed
Hope I get lucky and get C1 early so I can roll her weapon
I think I need to swipe...
okay but hu tao doesnt want to E-Q-E to maximize damage.
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Dainsleif Quest
Archon interlude, Ch 4 Act 6

4.7 banners

※ Subject to change.

Clorinde + Wriothesley + Sethos
Sigewinne + Navia

via Azure
I cant keep being Furinaless for another patch. Also no Shenhe makes this sus.
why are you furinaless
They are saving Shenhe for Liyue banner
Also yeah where the fuck is Furina
They want to inflict a bit more pain on to shenhelets :^)
Bros is she worth it or should I just skip and get C0 Who Tao?
I have Xianyun, Zhongli, Furina, Albedo, Yelan, XQ C6, Benny C6, Kazuha, and Staff of Homa.
She isn't out and beta testers have always been notoriously wrong ALWAYS so wait or simply roll if you like her so you aren't stuck waiting for a rerun like the above anons
Lost 50/50 on her first banner at 83 pity to fuckin Diluc. Kept wishing after that but didnt have enough in the end.
Wasnt there a rule on the Chronicled banner that characters on it had to have 2 reruns? Shenhe has only had 1 rerun since release. A banner in January 2022 and March 2023.
shenhe doesnt have enough runs to be on chronicled wish yet unless they just discard their own rules. id actually be kinda shocked if shenhe didnt run with wrio.
By the looks of it, each chronicled banner will have its own rules
how do come to that conclusion? they released a faq explaining how the chronicled wish banner would work going forward when they dropped the news about it giving specific info about what characters qualify for it and how it would only be available occasionally and not every patch.
>rolling for a pyro brick right before natlan
i sure hope you guys don't do this
The fuck does that mean? Are we going to have to do 8 or 12 floors per reset?
Yes and in that same faq they explained they had no fucking idea what they are doing.
The 3 run rule feels fickle when the main goal is to unclog the event banners, if they need to put Shenhe in it despite no meeting that requirement they will.
I need C5 bennet so if he is in I'll risk it
>pyro brick
Already did
why is it red
I roll with my penis, anon.
Also I have 400 rolls banked for Arlekino and Murata, and I will have enough for Capitano.
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I can already barely force myself to slog through 9-11. From what I remember, Star Rail has like nine stages in the MOC, never really did it in that game when I played it though
Make better teams
Who do you like more? You have the tools there to make either of them perform great.
I don't mind doing the abyss because its quick and I welcome the extra primogems and also other resources like exp books
I'm waiting for 5* Xiangling...
I fucking hope they dont just go the Pure Fiction/MoC route and have it alternate with the current abyss where we essentially still get 1200 primos a month overall.
I want a source of additional primos, not these cheap tactics.
You will take it and you will like it
The screenshot of the red abyss makes it very clear in my mind that it's just an alternating thing, otherwise they would have been different portals
>implying Fontaine made Yelan redundant
she made my semen redundant so I disposed of it all
if you know what I mean
Yelan is an off field sub DPS and universal support with the best element in the game. She was never going to be redundant.
Arlecchino is a main DPS on fielder.
Two different things completely.
Pyro already peaked with Xiangling
Every other pyro character was a downgrade
Hot take: pyro peaked with Dehya. If she had the damage to back it up she would be 10/10
It's not that it's difficult, just really boring. Would be better if you can do x stage right away, and as long as you clear that, it's assumed that you can clear the previous ones as well and get the rewards for them too
>pyro peaked with dehya
>but she does no damage so she's not the peak but IF THEY DID GIVE HER DAMAGE OH MAN SHE'D BE EVEN MORE PEAK
Dehya's kit is great as a support she just doesn't have the damage
I beat floor 12 once so they should just automaticlaly give me 600 gems every two weeks
I mean that you'd do floor 12 with each reset, but without having to do 9-11 first because it's just a waste of time. But I guess that's the point anyway
If a game is ever a "waste of time" then maybe it's time to abandon it...
The abyss is like 0.1% of my playtime
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There's a lot of stuff in the game that only exists to waste your time. Even if someone doesn't play abyss just for the gems and actually enjoys trying to beat floor 12, breezing through the previous ones every time is still a waste of time. I can't really see anybody being into it
Dehya is the undisputed best character for underwater combat, the built for Fontaine cope ended up being true.
it's a monkey's paw kind of true though
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She would have been a solid character if the interrupt resistance lasted the entire skill duration and it had a wider area
wow cool my John can do that without taking any chip damage
prove it
Jean with Aquila is literally invincible.
Literally me, but also Clorinde.
maybe it just turns red once you clear f12
4.7 Sigewinne

E Bubble Pop, Pop, Pop, the bubbles get smaller each time, c1 size wont reduce
Water bubbles will drop water droplets; collecting these grants Bond of Life
Bond of Life affects healing amount
Signature weapon: bow, with 66% HP, Q multiplier
Q sprays water

via Foul
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That web event almost had a darkest dungeon vibe to it
Can we just get her already I'm tired of waiting
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Why is there an inazuman armour in here?
dude was a collector? it's not like it would be all that wierd for a super rich dude to buy shit like that as a decoration.
I have it in my mansion too
The Hapsburg's had an entire room with a bunch of japanese shit in it in their palace (they thought it was chinese though)
Four (4) days remaining...
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I loved that her web event is a continuation from the teaser. I'm getting more hyped
what is a good android phone for this game? need a new phone
This game plays smooth like butter in my old ass iphone. I bet it can work in any android if that's your concern
Any phone with Snapdragon 865, 865+, 870, 8Gen1+, 8Gen2 or 8Gen3. Avoid Snapdragon 888, 888+ and vanilla 8Gen1.
This is gonna be a long 3 days... I hope Chevreuse is in her banner. It's gonna be the deciding factor for whether or not I pull. Need that little gremlin at least C2.
Also wtf happened to these rat leakers? I remember back in the 2.X Inazuma days, these idiots used to release banner info and even story spoilers very early, but now there's hardly anything anymore.
The Leaker Hunt Decree was enacted after the Sumeru debacle...
>Sumeru debacle
Was this when some leaker lost his shit and leaked Fontaine concept art and characters last year?
it wasnt just fontaine concept art, it was like 800 pictures of concept art from the beginning of the game until sometime into fontaine. much of which has been completely scrubbed from the internet after hoyo went on a rampage trying to clean up the mess.
lol I remember that, tragic. This time last year we already had photos of Furina, Neuvilette, Navia, Sigewinne, Chevreuse, Charlotte... Also concepts for Wriothesley, Freminet and Clorinde
Two days...
None, they still don't have controller support. But realistically a 3 year odl flagship should run it just fine
A desktop or laptop with a 1060 would play it maxed out, however, and would be cheaper than a new phone
just get a pixel or something


I own an s22 128gb and planning on getting the s24 512gb since I only have 18gb space left which isnt enough for some upcoming gachagarbage.
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Wake up babe new drip just dropped
I want Arle, Chlorinde, and Siggy
>Primogems: 800
They should start being a little generous with the primos to make up for the dead patches they released.
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Didn't like Clorinde for a long time but she grew on me and she's now the only character I'm looking forward to
Cant take Clorinde seriously with that short skirt. Imagine a "champion duelist" wearing that while fighting.
At least Arle made sense wearing pants.
Yeah it felt like I didn't really get anything during this last one. Of course I only did the events and Abyss, but yeah that's like 3x Abyss and a couple events for around 400 gems each
She likes to wear clothes that are 1, 2 size too small for her. As you can see how the buttons of her shirt are clinging for dear life in game.
If Sigewinne doesn't transform into a full Melusine it's DOA
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>take a human
>put not-bunny ears on them
>call them a melusine
holy fuck mihoyo are lazy hacks
She had to ruin the banner
>no Chevreuse
Not pulling. Fuck this. I'll just save for C0 Wanderer, then get the superior Pyro DPS from the Liyue chronicled banner.
>I'll just save for C0 Wanderer
so you're gay? lmao
>be me
>C6 fully built Faruzan
>yet no Anemo DPS in the account
Yeah I might as well be gay at this point
just get C6 Lynette
He wants a boy
>the twins travel around n shit, get decked by sustainer
>get beckoned by kaenriah
>sibling wakes first, travels around the world, becomes prince/princess of kaenriah
>they get nuked by Celestia
>abyss order shenanigans ensue
>we wake up and fish Paimon some months later
How's my timeline? I don't remember most stuff, and since we're getting a Dain quest soon I wanted to refresh this shit. Haven't played most of fontaine yet so if there's something relevant I don't care about spoilers
the twins getting CUBED by the sustainer of heavenly principles was after khaenri'ah was destroyed, when they were trying to flee teyvat because it turned out to be a shithole world.
The Twins arrived in Teyvat, got cubed by the Sustainer, the abyss twin wakes up first, becomes prince, cataclysm happens, caribert happens, etc.
You wake up 500 years afterwards
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FUCK. I was looking forward to Arle but honestly might skip if I don't fall in love with her gameplay because I care about cons more. As a Harbinger she'll have more frequent reruns, r-right? No Eula tomfoolery?
Yeah, I thinkthat's what happened too. No idea what the other guy is saying unless he knows something I don't.
Also, add that Dain was the twin's companion very much like Paimon, maybe.
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speedreader-kun, the traveler straight up tells dain that they got cubed after khaenri'ah was destroyed. the traveler got awoken at the tail end of the cataclysm by their sibling and they both try to leave teyvat.
Even Eula had her first rerun pretty soon after her debut before the year long radio silence. Arle will be back soon.
They met the Sustainers as they were leaving Teyvat
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Oh okay. Even if I miss out on Arle this does mean we're close to my personal dream banner: Chev, Layla, Kaveh. I'd love to C6 all of these in one go (especially on a banner of a 5* I'd want).
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Legitimately, how do people retain this information? When was the last quest, like a year ago? I've played like 30 games since then, if I was reading a book one chapter per year, and next year you asked me what I read this week, I couldn't tell you
damn the abyss twin is kind of a cunt
why'd he wait so long to wake up loom???
Talking about it helps, and also watching recap videos
it's hard to talk about it when no one you know plays it and most threads are filled with coomers and shitposters
That's definitely true, but still I sometimes manage to squeeze some good chats on /v/
ive just always been good at retaining stuff that i've read or seen. the tradeoff was that i would never be good at mathematics.
OK so
>be beckoned
>wew lad my twin is now kaenriah royalty (we are still asleep right?)
>Celestia is pissed, defcon 0, kaenriahs fucked
>twin wakes us up, time to bail
>get sent to minecraft against our will
>sibling wakes up first, goes around the world with Dain, joins abyss
>wake up, then find Paimoner
>get Qiqi
This is it right? Wish traveller could talk about themselves more in the story, feels weird they know stuff we the players don't (i kno they have voicelines, will check them someday). Also wack how we're descenders but dear twin isn't.
My same exact problem, sometimes you can just play a little at a time. I really regret leaving the Narcissus questline halfway through cuz I forgot the details.
Awful lineup, but at least I'll be getting refunds from 2/3. No Chev makes me seethe though, I'm going to be throwing hundreds of rolls at this banner for nothing besides Arlecchino herself.
Tempted to just grab C1 and wait for the rest until there's a better lineup, that way I can make sure I can get Clorinde and maybe her weapon too. Hopefully Chev with her instead.
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Great, now I have this shit. I think it's good for Nilou.
lmeow. Would carry more weight if fujos and homos wouldn't draw slobbering shit every other day.
Not really
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She sees your balls
How many hydro sigils do I need to max out the fountaine?
You need 1200 sigils to max it out as of Version 4.5.
The max level as of today is Level 40, so 30 sigils per level.
Tomorrow when Version 4.6 drops, the level cap will go up to Level 50 I believe, so you need 300 more sigils.

BTW does anyone know what is the maximum amount of sigils obtainable before 4.6 ?
I have the Fontaine at Level 40 yet I have like 210 sigils leftover.
I have been fighting the urge to pull for Tome because my Neuvi is stuck with Prototype Amber since October.
Looking at this helped a lot. Not because Freedom is a bad weapon, but I dont have anyone to use it.
If you have Alhaitham, its good on him.
Kuki or Jean can use it too I guess.
For Kazuha, its better to have Fav or Xiphos.
In liyue, there's that little girl crying about her mom passing away. Due to the proximity of northland bank, I thought her mom got thrown off the building because of debt, but now I think she's talking about the funeral
>but now I think she's talking about the funeral
I dont get it
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She says this standing on a bridge/balcony.
It's just not specific about "here" and "lady with black clothes" so she could either be talking about wangsheng funeral parlor or the fatui depending on how you want to interpret it. It just stood out to me because I assumed it was the fatui when I first read it, and thought "wow that's pretty hardcore compared to all the dumb shit the other NPCs complain about" but maybe it's not after all.
From that I believe the lady in black must be Hu Tao doing the funeral.
I'm more curious about those two travelers near the Stone Gate. So mysterious:
What the fuck are they running away from? I already saw that there's a deep dive video into those two npcs so maybe I'll watch it later
I've been away like 6 months as i didnt have internet. Should I save or roll for the fucking leaf. I kinda like him.
No Alhaitham. My Kuki isn't leveled up yet. I do use Jean a lot, but I want her to deal some damage. Currently she uses Aquila.
Leaf? As in Alhaitham? The fuck
What happened to your internet anyways
Kaedehara Kazuha and I was all the way up north working the oilrigs.
The maple leaf is very good. Great addition to most teams.
Good buff to your Pyro/Hydro/Electro/Cryo DPS, plus excellent crowd control to group those pesky awkwardly placed enemies in the Abyss.
Also very F2P friendly, doesnt need constellations and only needs Iron Sting or Favonius Sword.
Go for him quick before the banner expires in a few hours. I did back in 2.8 and he has helped countless times, and he is my most used overworld unit.
Got him. No constellation or weapon I do have the ones you suggested though.
7 more hours...
Seriously? I think its more like 5
5 more hours till the ugly Ditto in the map is gone and we can travel from Sumeru to Liyue and Fontaine seamlessly.
I envy newer players.
I do because new players can literally live and breathe Teyvat for a good 2 or 3 months. But I don't miss having a small character roster
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which leaker is this from?
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Do I get to use my artifacts/weapons/talents if I already have the character? Or is this some trial character shit and makes rolling/grinding pointless
from the leaks that i have seen, it seems that the new abyss is a sort of trial abyss where you have to use the characters they give you, and it gives you 620 primos. and the OG abyss is getting changed from 600 primos to 800 primos, so maybe the OG abyss is getting harder and this is the cope abyss for players who dont have well built characters.
>trial characters
Fuck I hate trial character events
I like them only if they let me choose from a set of characters and not force me to use someone awful like Yae Miko
I hate using trial versions of characters I already have because the trial versions are always so shit compared to my own
Both of these for me. I want to use the characters I like and spent time building. It's not enjoyable for me if I'm forced to use characters I will never roll for, or an empty shell of my favorite.
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I get the idea for newbies without the characters but at least let us use our characters if we have them
It's dumb having to use a c0 Furina when I have C0 or if someone is used to C1 Hu Tao having to use C0 suddenly
>Yae Miko
>but at least let us use our characters if we have them
You CAN use your own chars
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I meant if I have C3 Furina but my point still stands because their trail character probably has shit artifacts
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Oh well that isn't as bad then
You can borrow friend chars too
If one anon whales for C6 arle then the entire thread can use his char for an example
>You can borrow friend chars too
Does in/activity matter? I got a friend with a C6 Zhongli but he quit 2 years ago...
Doubt and you cant use geo/zhong anyway
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if you own the character you can use the version you own, or borrow a build from a friend, if you don't own that character you use the trial version. but you can only use the characters that are available for that "season"
servers doko...
I cant imagine wasting enough money to C6 a character then quitting only a year later, assuming he was playing since launch.
A fool and their money are easily parted
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Oh good, I have a few whales on my list
Spoke like Morax himself
I have literally 0 (zero) friends in Genshin and I've played since Day 1
He's one of those dingalings with a great job so with gachashit he'll just outright buy what he wants and not sweat it. For me part of the fun is planning and gambling with limited resources (sounds like cope but I'm being sincere, I promise).
It is more interesting making due with limited resources
If I just bought gems constantly then I wouldn't be excited for new characters
My day 1 friend I played with all the time up until about a year ago left me his AR60 account with every 5* character+signature weapon up until that point (multiple cons, but no C6). I only use it for farming the overworld for my account occasionally.
Whaling actually ruins your enjoyment of the game, you can see it time and time again with long time Genshin cringe creators
endgame accs are trash as a newbie

it has all the content finished, the game cleared, and it doesnt feel "yours". It feels like you're just borrowing someone's acc and you just feel lost.
Meanwhile your own acc that you raised from the ground up has your own blood sweat and tears so there's more of a "I did this" feeling.
i just c0r1 and call it a day, ive never felt like i needed cons for a limited character and id rather have more characters than the same character more times. i dont even really need the weapons but i do it for the drip.
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Oh right I forgot there's an update, I'm guessing my console is too full to auto-download the update like every time
It's up
Well is Arle shit or not
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Damn. Took me all the wishes I had. I almost hit hard pity :( I guess no C1 or weapon for me. Will use Skyward or PJWS. Or maybe EL? I have two ELs.
Her burst is supposed to be useful, so I guesss
PJWS is her second best
>have 2 Jade Spears at level 90
>still skipping Arle
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Gambling addiction bros we have Arle now
Yeah, it's nice to pretty much have it full all the time, but it's not too bad with PJWS either with 130ER.

Yes, I'm leaning towards it.
Disappointing that Emberfire isn't her boss theme
Gambling addiction bros our Arle is C1 now
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nice, will probably get her spear next month
Its taking all I have in me to not swipe
If you care about meta, she is underwhelming at C0.
Basically a stronger Yoimiya with AoE, but very squishy and susceptible to interruption while attacking so she requires sweaty dodging gameplay or a good shielder or C1.
She relies heavily on external ATK buffs and her damage is mainly frontloaded and falls off hard the longer she is on field.
Her best performance teams are locked behind Benny Boy's circle impact, and teams without him feel cope.
She needs a lot of shit to fix her, mainly an ATK buffer who is as good as Bennett but doesnt limit you to a circle, plus a Bond of Life support to maintain her infusion state and damage, both of which dont exist yet.
If you have Hu Tao, I recommend skipping.
At least Hu Tao isnt a slave to the circle thanks to her HP to ATK conversion from the skill, and she has access to busted comps like double hydro or Xianyun + Furina.
Personally I pulled her because I have no Pyro DPS and am hoping they release good supports for her in Natlan.

who is the "fujo thirst bait with his ass out" ?
based whalebro
C0 and R1 in ~120 rolls with 500 left over. Wonder how far I can get, I went in fully expecting to suffer for the weapon.
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I have 42 primos left
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ATK or Pyro Damage Goblet for Arlecchino?
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I have to say, I always wanted C4 Jean...
I have Hu Tao already
I rolled for Arle because my penis demanded it.
My autism also demanded I get every Harbinger and Archon.
Forgive me for my sins.
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Why does everyone claim that she can only be healed by herself? For instance Jean can heal her. Exactly the same way she self-heals, removing the bond.
Pyro. ATK is the ultimate cope if you don't have a decent Pyro goblet.
I haven't tested it yet but I think it was only during combat where she can't be healed by outside healing
Apparently her heal embargo is only mid combat
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Would Furina not be better than Benny?
I get that she can't be healed but I hate circle Impact when I'm not using a bow
Furina's damage bonus wouldn't be as impactful as an ATK buff due to Arle already having access to a bunch of dmg% bonuses
I'm pretty sure Furina would fuck her BoL mechanics by draining her HP
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I haven't done the quest myself yet, but is there any followup to Childe/Scara both saying "dude she is insane" in their Knave chatter or is that writing dead in the water?
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Anyone finish the Arlecchino story? That was really good, I actually liked it a ton. Hope they can keep up this level of great writing all the way through Natlan and not drop the ball.
I'm still in Sumeru desu
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Story was kino
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Lady and gentemon, I present to you my mediocre build. C0, PJWS, 4x Gladiator, 7/6/7
Would it have killed them to throw in a couple more enemy spawns in the new coastline area? It's more desolate than the middle of the desert.
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they were so busy making the world quest absolutely kino that they forgot.
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Is Cyno the first non-archon to get a second story quest?
Ah, right, I forgot about it.
You wish
>forgetting best bicycle
All a ruse
Turns out the orphanage is not THAT scary. People can just leave if they wanted to without getting killed. And now all the kids know that they can leave. Despite all the grandstanding the stakes are not that high. It would have been better to have her erase everyone else's memories of that fact as well, this feels like much ado about nothing
What are some fun teams?
Can Lynette actually be a real DPS at C6 or is that just huge cope
Goddammit I just want a single copy of Chevy
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>200 pulls
>No Chevy
I even prefarmed her
did you get the free copy of her from the 4.3 event
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That's disappointing. Obviously the Fatui/Tsarita are working toward some ultimately "good" goal but it sucks that a lot of the decently-crafted intrigue in this game gets its edges completely sanded off. Dark things happen off-screen or in lore, but as far as what is presented to the player "live", it's really boring. Were the Jeht quests interesting simply because she will never be playable and therefore they don't have to worry about selling her banner?
I wonder what's on the table for the 4-stars that had story quests at launch. Kaeya is obviously very lore relevant. Razor has some potentially interesting lore re: the riftwolves and why he was given to the big dog instead of becoming a ward of the state. But Xiangling? Amber? Xingqiu? Lisa's chapter 2 should have been that event where you get her that costume for as relevant as she is.
Lisa chapter 2 will unlock the new abyss trust the plan 6 more weeks
Arlecchino never did anything evil on screen. Idk why people think edge and tragedywank equals good story.

I liked her quest because it made sense and it explains why she is the way she is.
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That's fine but why were Childe and Scara both in agreement about her being crazy/dangerous? "They're both retarded" is a fine answer but the pivot is still puzzling to me. I don't want edge/tragedy wank I just want more follow through on tidbits. The answer to this is probably "you are also retarded for expecting this out of a gacha, please read a book", sorry.
I trust the plan.
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>free copy of her from the 4.3 event
>why were Childe and Scara both in agreement about her being crazy/dangerous?
because from their point of view she killed a bunch of people who were her family and friends and then murdered a harbinger and took her place? they aren't the most reliable sources considering how the harbingers act toward each other, they probably don't have the full context for why she did it. likely they just both see her as someone who will kill anyone to secure more power.
>h-hou do you wear this, Mona? i-its too tight :S
I like her Akademiya outfit tbqh
with all the 4.7 leaks pointing to furina not rerunning yet again, i wonder how many people who skipped saying they were gonna grab her on her rerun in a few patches are kicking themselves.
Furina will rerun in 4.8 since she'll be a part of the summer event
I am kicking myself even though I lost 50/50 on her and lost every single primo I had and still missed her.
I am skipping all of 4.6 for her, but idk if I can stay strong during 4.7 with Clorinde and Sigewinne releasing.
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I still stubbornly glided from the harbor because teleporting straight to a new area feels cheap
[[No, she will still kill them if they want to leave, this is from her own voiceline labeled "More about Arlecchino IV" :
No one has the power to choose where they come from, but we all have the right to fight for the life we want. In this sense, the world is both unfair and just in equal measure. I don't take in children out of a desire for recompense. In fact, should they so wish, the children are free to leave and pursue a life outside my organization... so long as they're willing to pay the price.]]
I impulse pulled on Arle so I'm fine with Furi being pushed back an additional patch. Fontaine has felt weird in general for releases and reruns though.
did you do her story quest?
>maybe the OG abyss is getting harder
Oh no. I think it's good for most people who enjoy abyss, but I still haven't been able to 36 stars it, not that I try too hard tho
I only found like 3 chests in the area from Bayda Harbor all the way to the 4.0 desert waypoint overlooking Romaritime Harbor.
I also found around 4 or 5 mora deposits north of Vanarana along a road guarded by Eremites.
Otherwise yeah, the area is very desolate. Just wasted storage space, sadly.
They took 5 primogems from you. Let that sink in for a minute
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And she's done
This is the first time I've ever had all my characters at 10 friendship at once.
now you can mate her
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God I wish.
fr fr
Not bad but nothing special given that most of the mysteries were spoiled in the animated short and therefore there was no need to delve deeper into the character. The boss battle would have been more interesting if you could use a trial team of Travel, Lyney, Lynette and Freminet... Hyperbloom makes the challenge a joke, just dodge the attacks.

This is one of the flaws of the game, most of the interesting things are contained in ".txt files" unfortunately. As for the Fatui, they are like ouroboros from the Trails/Kiseki series.

Better not to talk about it... at the time I had just reached Inazuma and so I decided to skip Furina because I had other characters to build and I didn't want to wander around Fontaine too much.
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Cappuccino having an HP loss mechanic and only being able to heal with her burst has been interesting. I've died mid-animation a few times while carelessly fucking around in abyss and I've seen half a dozen videos of it happening to other people too.
Dodging isn't the issue, it's bad burst timing since she's dying halfway through the animation before the healing takes effect.
I went there from Bayda Harbor by waverider like a sophisticated gentleman.
I walk there as the hydro archon would do
>mfw lost the coin flip on Furina
Why did you have to do me like this?
Is it just me or did the voice direction on Paimon change?
Her EN voice sounds much better and less high pitched in Arle's story quest.
Remuria is pure kino
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Just finished her quest and it was kino
>summer event is about Furina
Could dethrone 2.8 as the best summer event, assuming they leave Klee out of it
I blame explorationlets, literally ruining the game for everyone else
since 4.0 there have been a couple times where paimon sounds closer to old paimon so im not sure if its actually a change in voice direction or they are just not trying as hard.
EN dub has been a lot better since 4.0, I think they fired the old director. Now I'm just going to patiently wait for them to restore Barbara's voice
jesus christ clorinde's burst animation
sigewinne's burst is just GET VAXXED LOSER
It's going up your ass, darling
anime as fuck
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Why is this shit so empty?
I was excited to explore the new bits of forest and desert but they have jackshit
The new harbor feels wasted too
Sir that's a jetty
>throws pills
>shoots little bubble hearts
>bubble gun
>her burst is mini neuvillette
adorable, get fucking loved loser, you will be healed by force
The thing that gets me is how barren 90% of the the landscape actually looks, like they procedurally generated it and then forgot to go back in and spruce it up by hand. But the new location is kino so I guess Sumeru was just low priority.
It just looks so weirdly low quality, even for an in-between area, like it's supposed to be out of bounds and unreleased. When Sumeru came out they added a whole bunch of shit to Liyue
The chunk of northeastern Sumeru added by Chenyu Vale also looks like shit but it was much smaller than that long coastline of literally nothing.
too adorable :3
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Onegai, I need to know if my timeline is correct
Yeah that border area north of the Chasm between Liyue and Sumeru that was added in 3.0 was great. It had chests, enemy camps, a few puzzles too.
Idk why they left these new 4.6 Sumeru areas barren.
given the information available to us yeah that seems like the correct timeline.
She seems so pointless
I did too, I have lost 8 coinflips in a row
Chlorine's animations are pretty cool
>Couldn't even find a random scrapped BGM for Bayda Harbor
Definitely a rushed job
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Just look at how cute my wife is~
She's DUMBer than Collei!
Stunlocking the horse with Navia is pretty fun
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>clorinde yaps more than paimon
>traveler yaps more than dainsleif
0 thoughts
That will be amazing, never heard Clorinde speak more than a few sentences
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This was so beautiful :3
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>Remus was a bitch that got chased out of Sumeru by Deshret
Excuse me sir? Please respect the GOD KING
Also, what a chad that Deshret dude
hilariously they both made the same mistake in the end, crazy what seelie pussy does to a motherfucker.
columbina's puss is gonna make us join the fatui
I see that nobody is talking about the featured 4-stars for Phase 1:
>Lynette, Xiangling and Freminet
Chevruse made more sense over the Senate Queen. Sure, she can pull her weight in mono-Pyro builds, and is a meta choice, but this is a Fontaine banner. Xiangling is from LIYUE.
Wouldn't surprise me if they run Chevy in phase 2 specifically to bait people who pulled Arle because hoyo are dicks
Yeah not happy getting C756 Xiangling and no Chevy
im expecting layla, heizou and faruzan.
Nice. Yui Ishikawa's voice is pure sex.
Maybe they're saving Chevreuse for Clorinde.
I heard Lynette could actually be a DPS at C6
That is correct
is she a good dps though?
I was ready for them to make Arle a dindu but she was still kind of a mean hardass about it so I'm happy.
not really, people say her c6 makes her an on field dps but she is more like an on field driver than a dps. most of your damage is gonna come from off field sub-dps characters because she just doesn't have really good multipliers for her own personal damage.
I figured she was just going to be "stack EM and just swirl off fielder's elemental application"
basically yeah. you could probably use the fontaine craftable sword that applies bond of life and the new bond of life artifact set to make something out of her, but i dont know if it would be any good.
I might give that a shot, I have like 15 billets of each type banked
id imagine that set and weapon + furina + c6 faruzan + someone like kok or barbara with thrilling tales could probably make lynette do some damage, but i dont have the billets to test it myself, nor do i have a c6 lynette :c
>c6 faruzan
Let's not go fucking crazy here, anon
>488 lines
Most of her story quest is gonna be a flashback, with her narrating.
Or most of the lines are very short sentences.
I cant see her just yapping normally in present day.

Also bros do we have banner rerun info? Im trying to hold off on pulling Arlecchino really hard here. I dont wanna do it with the idea of a Furina rerun next patch. Couldnt give a rats ass about Clorinde and Sigewinne.
she might be retarded and useless in lore but pulling her was one of the best decisions ive made. Slap Nahida and any other Dendro/Hydro units in her team and they destroy AoE content. Cryo shields and Dendro immune mobs are her only two weaknesses.
all that high maintenance and she is still gonna do shit damage when compared to Wanderer & Xiao with those teammates.
Her multipliers are just trash. They should have given her a multplier boost with the Anemo infusion at C6 if they wanted her to be a DPS.
well it is what it is when you try to make a character that isnt meant to be an on field dps into an on field dps.
Got C1~ Now I'll attempt to get her weapon until the banner ends.
Story so far
Won against Tartaglia and Signora, but they are relatively the weakest of the 11.
Needed Nahida to beat superpowered Scaramouche and got effortlessly knocked out by Doctor's rape whistle
Now got ass kicked by Knave who didn't even break a sweat
Why did they make the traveler so pathetic in story as well as in game mechanics.
Ah yes, le traveller, the Omega Chadette, fucks Pierro in the ass with her clitty while stranglimg the Heaven Principel to death with her own bare hands. Literally mops the floor with the entire Teyvat within a blink of an eye. And Paimon is in complete awe. Somehow I believe this wouldn't be a very compelling story.
They must first awaken the blade in their kokoro
Both are shit but MC not being a jobber would be more interdasting.
MC and their twin were jobbers since the start.
Remember the Sustainer cubing their asses with ease?
I think the Abyss Twin is actually stronger than most in verse currently after dabbling in Abyssal power and being highly placed in rank in the Abyss Order.
Maybe later down the line the Traveler will become strongest in the verse after they finish the piligrimage of stealing the seven elemental powers that was subtly started by Paimon.
the traveler is nibelung
Both the battle against Tartaglia and Signora were won more for plot reasons and not because the traveler is stronger than them, at most the only plausible reason is that both underestimated their opponent. In other big battles the traveler has always been aided by a superior power.

The problem with the Traveler is that the developers don't know how to use him or for some reason don't want to use him properly, he should be able to manipulate the elements acquired so far without problems but the only thing he does is use the dull blade to fight against gods or similar, and he sucks as a playable character because Hoyo is afraid of losing money. However, as things stand now, the traveler seems more like a tool used to solve problems than the savior/hero/invincible warrior (as he is portrayed in the game), so he doesn't necessarily have to be as strong as an archon or a harbinger.
Didn't the Traveler use multiple elements in the cutscenes against scaramouche
do these incompetent leakers not have the banners for next patch yet or are they just stalling? how long did it take them last time?
4* lineup is never leaked until like a day or two before it goes live, retard
They're probably talking about how we have no reliable leaks about 4.7's reruns yet, retard.
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Clorinde sexoooooooo
I'm kinda curious what percentage of long term players hasn't spent any money on the game, like zero. No passes, nothing. I'm coming up on four years and I'm still f2p, wonder how they feel about those players
How do you count google survey funny munny in this? I've been playing since week 1 but haven't spent a dime of "real" money. There's opportunity cost to consider but I don't use google play for anything else.
with welkin only being 5 dollars there probably aren't actually an awful lot of true zero spenders.
I get a lot of those Google Opinion Surveys on my phone and just use the credits from that to buy Welkins.
What the fuck else am I gonna use google play credits on, anyways
You could buy coins on Raid Shadow Legends
You have no idea how much 5 dollars is worth in a few countries out there.
Same here. F2P since October 2020, no welkin, no battlepass, etc...
And it hurts 10x whenever I lose a 50/50, and I've lost most of them in these 4 years, my coinflip losses are in the double digits now, to the point where I dont expect to get a character unless I have 160 pulls saved. I've pulled on most banners and only won on two : Ayaka back in 2.6 and Nahida in 3.2
I've had surprisingly good luck with coinflips, it's like I lose one and then I win one. But yeah I don't expect to win them either. Feels like it gets easier to be f2p the longer you play, since less and less characters appeal to me, it keeps getting easier to save up
Oh the welkin price doesn't adjust per country? rip
>can't even be bothered to grind out story jims even though arlekino is hot af
it's ogre...
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Spotted a Furina? cosplayer on bottom left. Cant attend today but will go tomorrow.
I can't remember how many story quests I have undone, they're just a bunch of nothing. Would rather play the hangouts since there's at least some interactivity
>Furina is in Calgary
She truly is cursed...
So Arle's quest basically spoiled the Tsaritsa's plan
They're going to use the flames extracted from Arlecchino to burn down Irminsul, thus "erasing" all history of the old world and allowing the Tsaritsa to build a new one free from the old order
So how did Arle beat crucabena? Just sheer power of will n curses?
First half of your theory is kino. Latter half has a flaw.
Tsaritsa will end up burning herself and all Fatui too from the world history if she burns the tree. Kinda like what Wanderer did but on a larger scale, and there is no indication she is immune to the change in world history.
Only descenders and some weird mfs like Nicole from Hexenzirkel who are immune to those changes. I peronally believe the entire Hexenzirkel are immune, plus those powerful figures Skirk mentionned.
The Tsaritsa is gathering the gnoses which we know are made up of the body of the third descender
If we put on our schizo hats we can theorize that she's going to mantle the third descender and use their will to allow her to persist through the fires
Shit is gonna backfire on her horribly lol
Either the Heavenly Principles are gonna wake tf up from their nappy nap and crash the party or someone else will go wrong with the Gnoses
Oh of course, that goes without saying
Whatever she does is going to get corrupted by the Abyss or something and that'll lead us into Khaenriah to stop them
>wonder how they feel about those players
They don't care, or to be precise they don't care about the long term player. Whale will just do whale thing, dolphin or lower will be retained due to sunk-cost and hoyo slurper will stay no matter what. This is why they gave shit on anni and instead choose to spent on advertisement to attract newbie. As a newbie they will be more inclined to spend to catch up on top of the usual FOMO.
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It was nice of them to put a bunch of bouncy mushrooms up on this peak so we could get a good view of what Sumeru looked like when they gave a fuck about it
>wonder how they feel about those players
Absolutely nothing. Those players' opinion do not matter
Same, F2P. With Welkin, BP, and the occasional crystal top-up, but that's it.
>with Welkin, BP and the occasional crystal top-up.

Got a chuckle out of me, good one anon
This is the best way to play gacha. Over the past 10 years I went from being a monthly pack spender, to a dolphin, back to a monthly pack spender and now I'm going pure f2p in any gacha game I play from now on. Any gacha game worth a shit is made to be beaten f2p outside of getting top ranks in arena.
>I'm coming up on four years and I'm still f2p
I started just before Inazuma dropped. Raiden Shogun was my first 5 star. Never paid a cent for anything at any point. Still have every 4 star, have c6 amber/kaeya/lisa because I bought their constellations every time.
I don't know why anybody spend money on Genshin unless they really want that 5 star for content that most properly built 4 stars can demolish.
I've been farming Navia's artifacts damn near exclusively since she came out and still don't have a usable set for her
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First time?
Same here with Emblem for the entirety of 2.x and 3.x versions, thank god they put it in strongbox when Fontaine came out, I finally started getting some semi-usable pieces to build a respectable Xiangling and Xingqiu, and a cope Yelan and Raiden. Still a work in progress.
Now my big issue is with Gilded Dreams for Alhaitham and Yae since 3.0, Golden Troupe and Marechausse Hunter since they came out.
MH is the only set I had good luck on. Had a full Neuv set ready before he even released.
My emblem sets are still cope tier after 2 years of farming, but at least I have a lot of good shima off pieces
why? does the strongbox give better stats?
Does it not give you sets you want in exchange for stuff you don't want?
It's giving me shit I don't like in return for also shit I don't like.
more inventory space for more shit you dont like lol
Tossing your useless shit into the strongbox for sets you're trying to build just makes the sting of getting so much useless shit hurt a little less.
I wish you could rewatch cutscenes in-game
I wish we could redo quests.
Does Arle really need that BoL artifact set? This menace I have does way too much damage with Glad at C0 with Staff of Homa in a Mono Pyro team with Archaic Petra Zhongli.
She does even more absurd damage in Vape with Yelan.
So is the BoL set even worth the resin?
its like an 8% damage increase overall, which is significant for an artifact set but if you already have a cracked glad set its probably not worth it to grind forever trying to get something better.
Considering how useless the other set is, it's not worth it if you're already satisfied with your damage.
bwo murata will be a burning character...
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>get excited to see three Arle artifacts drop in one run after nothing but bad luck with the new domain
>check substats
I'm at my limit
on god just fell to my knees in the walmart parking lot
I got afeather weith couble crit but it landed on 17% crit rate. I don't need crit rate
at least it's a usable off piece
If they dont make Murata a better Bennett who buffs ATK without being constrained to the circle, thet will have shot themselves in the foot
Both Pyro and Cryo already have some pretty great characters so I'm wondering how they are going to make the remaining archons really good without making them overpowered.
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Though the "She would betray the Tsaritsa if she had something to gain from it" line is true, what made the other Harbingers think that Knave is insane? Just because she killed the previous Knave? Do the Snezhevichs/Snezhevnas also come from her orphanage?
>how they are going to make the remaining archons really good without making them overpowered.
The only way to sell characters is making them overpowered
They will be broken supports and or subdps as usual
They HAVE to make them overpowered though. They are archons.

Venti, although aged and slightly powercrept by Kazuha, has the strongest crowd control in the game.

Zhongli is the best shielder and they are never powercreeping him because China.

Raiden has a nuke Elemental Burst, turns her ER into personal Electro DMG bonus, restores team energy, boosts their Elemental Burst dmg and has the ideal hyperbloom trigger in her Skill.

Nahida is the best Dendro character with the best application, good DMG, scales well with EM and can be built easily, boosts on fielder's EM with her burst and is a staple in all Dendro teams.

Furina defines the meta currently, enables Matrchausse on most carries, and is the best buffer in the game with her teamwide astronomical DMG buff with her burst, great personal DMG with her skill, great for overworld exploration with her waterwalking, etc...

As you might have noticed, archons are getting even more overpowered with each region release.
I believe Murata will dethrone Bennett as the best ATK buffer.
Bronya on the other hand will probably boost teamwide CR/CD and ATK Speed or something.
If Pierro says she's "mad", I will believe him. Man is very knowledgeable.
Maybe it has to do with her curse.
>She doesn't have a sane bone in her body
This domain is cursed, she's getting the random busted gladiator pieces I've saved over the years for offset pieces, I'll farm the new set casually in the meantime.
>what made the other Harbingers think that Knave is insane? Just because she killed the previous Knave?
well without context what she did would look kinda crazy to anyone. to them she slaughtered a bunch of other children and then the woman who raised her and took her place. outside of that, we can't really trust what other characters or even the characters themselves say about any other characters. the other harbingers opinions on her are painted from a viewpoint without the full context of her backstory with rooster even feeding childe a twisted narrative about her purposefully, and she herself said she was fontainian and everyone in the playerbase took that as fact and it turned out she was just straight up lying, so we know the devs are just fine with feeding us misinformation and presenting it as fact. nicole even warned us to trust only that which we can see, and that everything else is an illusion.

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