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So, how does your favorite game stack up? https://www.darkpattern.games/

Is there any reason to get invested in mobile games vs normal games or emulation when the vast majority use any tactic to suck money out of players for a dopamine hit?
Thats easy. Modern gacha is just another live service game with constant content updates that you wont get on a single player game. I can progress during idle times and get to enjoy the content (mostly non-gameplay) it provides.
My fav game is not on the list
Post games that score good, then
Interesting resource, but quite unreliable, because it relies on a very slim number of reviews.
For instance: Rolling Luck: Win Real Money Slots Game & Get Paid got a 4,36/5 (healthy) rating. I wanted to check the game out but it's not available anymore, just like many other on the list, which is another issue. Clearly the site isn't well curated.
The fact that Caravan Stories isn't on this list only rapidly increases my fears that it will End of Service before the end of the year. If it was considered relevant, it would be in the top ten.
i never use real money on games lol
every gacha i search for is 4, it's whatever
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What a load of bullshit.
it's literally a fucking gacha, probably makes millions from gambling addicts and stupid impulselets
NTA but what if that's the point? Shouldn't the rating be much lower?
>adversity = bad game
I can actually kinda see it, it has the Gachafaggotry but FGO is also basically pretty vocal avoiding PVP and Ranking systems that go "Look at this loser who doesn't have the SSR from the Latest banner capped 5 seconds after it released", It capitalizes on FOMO hard but is still very strictly a Singleplayer experience through and through. Without shit like ads as well i could honestly see its average score climbing up to the lower end of neutral because other games basically do what FGO does and more. FGO is like the bare minumum Gacha.
as long as a game isn't pay to win, it's good
i hate faggots who cry about fomo and gacha more than the fomo and gacha
what's the alternative? of course developers can just choose to make regular games that ask for payment once and then never bother you again
but that rarely works
it's piss easy to pirate games these days and developers don't want to take the risk putting their all into developing a regular game only for it to be enjoyed for free by countless people around the world
there are several instances of gacha developers going that route developing regular games and regretting not making their game fomo or gacha
the ideal live service game would be something that only monetizes cosmetics and continually adds content through updates that players can choose to play at any time
fortnite already does that
it makes $5b every year through selling skins
You're really going to be that much of a bootlicker for gacha? Crying about not having an alternative is quitter talk, because many devs do make it work.
If piracy was so deadly to game dev, the whole gaming market would've been wiped out decades ago. The relevancy of piracy is lower than ever, actually, because potential pirates have gotten lazy and play all the F2P crap instead.
Piracy is a semi-good thing, and it's what made PC gaming relevant in the first place. The cost of piracy is partially offset by the extra advertisement it provides, and many former pirates all over the world become paying customers over time.
If phones had a 'piracy problem' instead of a gacha problem, mobile gaming would've been excellent.
>as long as a game isn't pay to win, it's good
>i hate faggots who cry about fomo and gacha more than the fomo and gacha
what the fuck? it's literally impossible to have gacha system without pay-to-win unless you're gachaing purely for outfits or some shit
you're literally paying real money for stronger ingame characters
Good thing the point of most big modern gacha aren't to win, which is the MO that most "gamers" lack
>technically the game has no ending so it can't be pay to win :^)
That excuse is older than this board.
live service gacha any day over half assed crap like animal crossing new horizons that is abandoned after a year of shitty updates
seethe about it

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