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i haven't tried the game, but I lurked the threads and got a feel for all the complaints. If you are going to copy a competitor, normally you copy, but fix the flaws and complaints from the original. Instead seems kuro copied but made it worse than the original. At least I can skip this knowing I'm not missing out on anything.
yeah, pretty much why i didnt even bother trying it
game is just even worse than genshit
Can you skip cutscenes, if you can it is 1000x better.
Is there no pamion like character, is so that is great.
It runs better than gendhin, has better graphics and isn’t 80 gigs on pc
Kuro don't even understand what are they copying.
Played the game first few minutes better than genshin worse than tower of fantasy at least in the story. Tower of fantasy has the only “decent” story that I could actbinge before getting to the paywall. The game also ran fine on my old 865 snapdragon phone. Legit that game is built for Mobil phones and nothing else.
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These characters are almost as annoying as pamion, 80% of the way there with their fluff.
The character models though do look a lot more detailed than genshin tough, and the game doesn’t heat up my iPad at all unlike cod Warzone.
Graphics are way better than genshin though
Tower of fantasy solos when it comes to the story god damn, they are speaking another language half the time, it’s better than genshin but only by a tiny bit at this point
My hair 20 years ago
My hair 10 years ago
Graphics are absolute garbage they have no idea how to use unreal engine the textures are fucking blurry and the details only start rendering when you get close and I have a fucking 4080 and a 14700k.
Maybe on mobile it's better but on a not poorfag PC it's an absolute shame it looks so bad despite coming out 4 years later.
It’s way better, even the models ambient occlusion etc is just way better than genshin. Especially the models, the models and cutscenes do not look jarring and crappy to look at at all, all of the characters look extremely photogenic compared to genshin. The only real issue is the aggressive lod but eh I got over that desu.
As for textures they are less blurry then genshin but the render resolution isn’t anywhere close to genshin on my iPad Pro m1. 1080p vs native 1638p
The blurry news on pc is probably due to texure size being low, genshin is over 100gb whilst wuthering waves is 20gb
I hate the layout of the main WW city. Almost every important thing in Mond is immediately accessible in one area next to the teleporter, WW has everything spread out for no reason.
The difference is that Left is gameplay screenshot and right is from cutscene
comer on now lmao the environment as a whole is shit and it even gets better when you lower brightness to 0, otherwise it looks like you got a lantern up your ass, everything is super washed and pointless, theres things giving 10%+ exploration in one go, the world is empty as fuck
? theres no arlecchino cutscene there lmao stop lying sister that literally her afk pose, now the wuwa one is the cinematic camera glide moment btw
Some cutscenes can be skipped, but a handful can't.
There isn't a Paimon-like character that actively shows up, but it says "hungry" a couple times and briefly makes an appearance at the end of the first MSQ arc
yapyap is worse than paimon thoughbeit
Are BotW gachas just a genre now?
t. boomer that only played turnbased gachas
There are at least 3 more in development so yeah
>Are BotW gachas just a genre now?
idk if it's a "genre" yet, so far just a handful of copycats after seeing genshin popularity
maybe in a few more years
both are shit games
If you played Wuwa for an hour and try to play Genshin again, it will feel like shit.
Polished shit maybe, but still shit.

-Can claim rewards in the center instead of some random ass tree
-running outside of combat costs no stamina
-climbing is fast
-fall damage a lot more reasonable
-falling doesn't steal your momentum at all, while in Genshin you fall like a stone the moment you take away the glider
-no need to pick up EVERY SINGLE DROP
-no 2 primo chests (depending on your will to explore this can be a downside, as exploration is a LOT more worthwhile compared to Genshin)

It's not very polished, that's for sure, but just from controlling your char and moving through the world, Genshin can't even remotely compete. And that is kinda the biggest appeal. Combat sure isn't. In either game as far as I'm concerned. Nor is the story, again in either game.

I'll see where it goes, but I know that in the current state, there's no playing both. Either Genshin improves past the disaster that has been Fontaine, or Wuwa dies very fast. That is the only way I can see myself continuing it.
All of the worlds in open world games are empty af. Not really a point imo
Right so it has some very miniscule improvements. But are you going to ignore all the faults in that?
>-Can claim rewards in the center instead of some random ass tree
Literally makes no sense, the center might as well be a tree
>-climbing is fast
And often breaks, if you actually do try to wallrun on uneven walls, or towards a ledge that sticks out from a wall, you will often get stuck, the character may not do the backflip thing, its random.
>-no need to pick up EVERY SINGLE DROP
Yet you still need to pick up every single lizard, butterfly and flower in the world and the hitbox for the prompts is much smaller, so you will run past the thing you want to pick up and circle back
And don't get me started on the mess with the combat, be it targeting, useless parries or generous dodges. I was under impression this game was supposed to have "good" combat? With enemies that are actually aggresive? But none of that appears to be the case.
Honestly one thing I will say abou tthe combat right now, its impressive how they try to trick you with the tutorial boss fight that you can do some sort of finisher move on a downed enemies, but literally no one besides the tutorial boss has that option
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some small qols are not enough if the core game is shit
just like how japs keep shitting out RPGs and gooks keep shitting out MMOs
chinks found there bread and butter
core game is 1:1 genshit
Right is a fucking BotW mod lol
> japs keep shitting out RPGs
their biggest games are waifu management sims now, thats more innovative than openworld slop in my book
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Holy mogging indeed
>wuwa is doing so shit kuro had to scramble to rush release yinlin because their homo banner failed
genshin is failing upwards, they don't even have to try at this point, kuro knows they're done when natlan drops
>the disaster that has been Fontaine
I played up until Sumeru, I remember people hyping Fontaine like crazy. Was it really that bad?
As far as I'm concerned, it was Inazuma tier, just a much LONGER main story. Also extremely shitty cast in general. I pulled 0 Fontaine chars.

The exploration is alright, with the exception of underwater. They somehow thought making extremely shitty under-water combat that isn't affected by your chosen chars is a cool thing. But oh surprise, it's not in abyss and such...
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holy cope

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