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Only playable girls. They must be full 3D models. Playable (You) is an exception. No female MC option.
I wanna see if the chinks are playing these games.

>Dolphin Wave
>Idolmaster or Idoly Pride
>Uma Musume

Upcoming because why not
>Azur Promilia

And that's basically it. Not a saturated market like some endlessly say.
Uma trainer is female thoughbeit
Welp that's one game less on the list lol
There are males in Outerplane.
Azur Promilia has a FemMC option.
In Outerplane's defense, there hasn't been a new playable male since launch, and the outfits they sell make it pretty obvious who they're pandering to (definitely not fujos).
Beats the fuck out of Epic7 as a waifu game if nothing else.
Outerplane is a game with a story like a JRPG, MC is not a self insert, there is no pandering. Game has pretty sexy skins, that's about it.
But everyone is a male in the anime?
I was half joking, but you have the option. The anime trainer is considered a separate character by fans.
Nikke? Not 3d tho, but since you are adding games you know nothing about >>1484875
>"these are games for straight men!"
>doesn't play any of them
>doesn't know jackshit about them
>sucking chink cocks of all thing
kek autist
>playable male
>b-but it doesn't count because i said so
no matter you want to gaslight me, mixed toilet always will be mixed toilet kusoge
if it's mixed toilet you shouldn't have put it on the list
Alice Gear Aegis
Is it worth playing Epic7 for the waifus?
Only one I tried from the list and it sucks ass
try Dolphin Wave
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I'm liking what I'm seeing from Nornium
No straight man plays gachas because they are for subby paypigs that are working for their daddy with an anime skin on.

Only straight man is the one doing the fucking and that dick is going into virtual wallets
No, not at all. While the game does come out with 1 or 2 amazing waifus per year or so, they're almost always shipped with another character in game. And I don't mean the Chink schizo kind of ship where it's just two characters talked. I mean actually shipped, like going on dates together and whatnot.
And there's obviously no male self-insert.
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Eversoul has Dark Knight/Adam and he was made a "playable character" for this year's April Fool's event (there are fringe parts of the fanbase that do want him as an actual playable for some reason). He also got his face revealed in the latest story chapter so devs can no longer do the whole "he was a woman this entire time" bit.
WuWa seemed to ramp up the (you) pandering after Yinlin's sales.
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Forgot webm related, this is from Changli's quest storyboard
I'm not touching it till they remove the censor camera, and spats at the very least, till then, it's just another mihomo omnipandering clone.
still a mixed toilet game
if there is ryona in your gacha, then I will take it. Whats the point of beautiful girls, if you can't see them being fucked up brutally by burly men?
I'm bored of Snowbreak. Can any anon recommend a new game with a great plot from this list? I'm thinking about trying GK Im@s but there's no English version. I'm a plotfag. Should I try Outerplane or Eversoul? Also I've heard Soul Tide has good (You) pandering.
>Also I've heard Soul Tide has good (You) pandering.
i played a long time ago, i had a good roster, but when I logged back in after a few months, they deleted my account despite it being tied to my google account, so I quit. Yeah, it's pretty good underrated game, I like first person RPGs like Strange Journey so I enjoyed it, it does have decent (You) pandering.
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You probably weren't account lvl 21+ and bought something with money at least 1 time, especially if you stopped playing for 3 months+
>Outerplane or Eversoul
These are not new, right? Nikke have a decent plot and plenty of (You)ism
I just downloaded path to nowhere and counterside, will report later
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>Nikke have a decent plot and plenty of (You)ism
But I've heard that game really toned down the (You)ism to appeal to a wider audience. In their latest survey they hinted at cutting back on fanservice too. Is that still true?
>I just downloaded path to nowhere and counterside, will report later
Aren't both PtN and R1999 games made for lesbians? And someone told me there's no romance in Counterside.
There's some teasing here and there but no real romance for (you) in Counterside since MC is a schemer mastermind working behind everyone back, there's a bunch of shipping across the playable characters though, so it's not something I recommend for people who just want (you) pandering
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>But I've heard that game really toned down the (You)ism
Just finished the story after more than a year and haven't noticed that at all
>to appeal to a wider audience
Game already have plenty of female players because of pic related, male characters (all NPCs) of the main story are mostly good looking
>In their latest survey they hinted at cutting back on fanservice too
This is a skin you can buy, it just released this month, if they will actually cut down on the fanservice is yet to be seen, I really don't think so because poopa and booba is one of the main pillars of the game, along with being capable to talk with the nikkes and plenty of nikke-player content (bonding, events, random encounters).
That option is very funny because you have to be a dumb fucking retard to play nikke in public
t. played it in the office while making sure nobody noticed
>Aren't both PtN and R1999 games made for lesbians?
Just installed the game after seeing them on the store, will keep your words in mind
>Just finished the story after more than a year and haven't noticed that at all
What about events?
Never happened
>there's a bunch of shipping across the playable characters though
So, do most if not all the female characters like someone other than the main character? My plotfag friend recommended this game for the story, but if it's just a bunch of shipshit I'll skip it.
If the event is a side story or a before X thingy then of course it wont have much
>haven't noticed that at all
>plenty of nikke-player content (bonding, events, random encounters)
So the oldfags in my general are spreading fake news about Nikke? They’re saying the Rezero collab has no fanservice and that the bonding story of the recently released character Trony is all yuribait instead of bonding with the mc, as the writers are cutting back on the (You) pandering. Is all this just bullshit?
Brother, the anons in the nikke general and here are literal shills, why do you expect them, out of all people, to tell the truth? You can go to the wiki which has all the dialogue ripped and check for yourself. I, for once, am glad that I decided to not play the game (because of all the censorship the release character went through, which was never reversed), imagine getting cucked after a year of being loyal to a game.
>Rezero collab has no fanservice
pretty much
>Trony is all yuribait
Lmao good. Feetfags btfo
>are literal shills
True, they paid me two bucks per post but never told me to not disclose that
>because of all the censorship the release character went through, which was never reversed
where can I see the original designs?
Sounds like the same people that threw a fit about the Nier robot being a "man"
Lmao. This is why you should enjoy a game alone, specially if you like it, and never have any interaction with the players
>two fiddy per post
weak, I do it for free
you can check the videos of the closed betas. Each one added more clothes to characters. It was hilarious seeing the supposed ass game show less and less ass as the footage from the closed betas was released.
That makes zero sense. A lot of the appeal of a live service game IS the community, discussing possible future characters and events, watching the livestreams, theorycrafting new comps, etc.
It's the same reason souls games have phantoms and multiplayer and messages, and why some things are so cryptic (so you HAVE to go online and discuss with other people). Or why game of thrones was such a hit, because you watched the episodes with family and discussed it the next day with coworkers and friends.
There aren't a lot of male characters, and only a handful, plot important ones would have some hint about romantic relationship with other female characters, so you won't encounter it a lot.
>A lot of the appeal of a live service game IS the community
Lol no, community is good to make more moneys, sure, and they can have it, but no, lol
It's all true
Yet here you are, discussing the game with the community.
Damn, you got me...
eversoul sweep!1!1!1!!1
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Path to Nowhere is the ultimate lesbian game. We just had an event where the characters are chasing after (You) with chocolates in order to spend a day with (You), but they used the female MC avatar, despite the fact that I play with a male MC. It was always ambiguous, but they canonically solidified it's a yuri game, plus I read they were going to censor picrel because femcels complained. I don't have her yet so I can't confirm. Most of the characters in game look like dykes if that doesn't give it away. Still a good game though for gameplay and story.
I don't even know why they bothered with the MC selection thing
no one liked the re:zero collab, not even the most apologetic nikke defenders. When we had the Nier collab, the revenue went up, re:zero collab may have been their lowest revenue month. It's been nothing but normie/storyfag pandering lately. I feel like this bunny event was throwing coomers some red meat to try to retain us, let's see how summer plays out, I will reserve judgement until then.
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Eversoul is a pretty chill game if you're fine with idle loot mechanics, do be advised that some of the earlier Love Stories weren't exactly heavy on the (You) pandering until like 6 months after release.
Nikke doesn't really do (you) pandering with it's lolis
To own the chuds that want to fuck all the yuri girls by cucking them with other yuri girls
Snowbreak is nice but there's little to do once you catch up. How's Outerplane with its content?
there's the main story, then once you beat that, there's the hard mode continuation of the main story (i haven't finished it yet). Then there's an almost infinite gear grind, it's very expensive in gold and drop rates are low, and there are rare items that change your substats. Basically if you want to min-max its going to take really long in real time. This is necessary to beat the bosses which are super bullshitty. Then there's pvp which i don't care that much for, and a roguelite mode and tower mode like nikke towers. There's tons of vertical progression but dailies take like 15 mins, and it's clearly designed to be a side game, not made to waste your time in one session, but they want you to play long term. Also It's extremely f2p friendly as monetization revolves around skins and battlepasses. If snowbreak bored you, outerplane will probably too, as both games don't want to take up much of your time.
Ok so, in which games can I ryona females?
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DOA5 or 6, tekken, maybe soul calibur, as far as gachas picrel is probably the closest thing i've ever seen that even resembles ryona in a gacha
the gacha elements are essential to keep me invested. Played Doa5 its the goat, and the best fighting game I've played to date since collisions between the character's assets actually occured. But its dead and the its succesor is even worse and even more dead. Tekken 7 and after just feels off (not mechanic wise, no comment on that) graphically not to mention the lack of proper collision. Whats picrel game?
Thats Outerplane
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go Eversoul and get our resident chuuni actress Lizelotte
>How's Outerplane with its content? >>1484875
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Nornium appears to have great waifu material
Character design so lacking they might as well be porn game asset flips
Is there even any vmg 3d game with decent character design?
>inb4 genshin
>Character design so lacking
Imagine being this fucking gay
Lizelotte my beloved <3
That's what KCfags said about AL and look at them now.
>KCfags complain about fanservice in other games while their own game has post rape state, I mean damaged state for their characters.
They have been always a laughing stock.
I wish Azur Lane had damaged art, otherwise it would have been the perfect coomer game already
No retard half of anime trainers are girls.
what game is this from?
And i didn't even notice a single one of them because oh guess what, they're non-characters. Uma musume is a male centric series first and foremost
nta, but it's Eversoul
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>Uma musume is a male centric series first and foremost
This might be true, but even in the most male-centric gacha games like Ume or BA, 10-20% of players are women. That’s why devs push for female MCs in these harem pandering games, because a fifth of their players are women.
I downloaded Outerplane today because of her https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pbo5-qsBaNI
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Eversoul can't relate, MC is unambiguously a guy
I love the way she lazily waves hi to you sometimes. Also, should I bother pulling for the new blonde, or keep.saving for Lize dupes? I've been running undead and beast teams with a couple angels and demons. Is Eve good?
>no blue archive
Hazel benefits more from a shock team to keep her gimmicky Lightning Rod up for most of the fight. Liz+Eve is practically a cheat code when they're at higher rarities so go for them.
blue archive girls are pngs
That's all the list isn't it ? Can't you explore more of bit on DMM/qooapp that find more straight male pandering game?
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there are a few males, but neural cloud has been stepping up the pandering lately
>there are a few males
then it's a mixed toilet gacha
>neural cloud has been stepping up the pandering lately
Explain pandering. Do girls actually love you or just see you as a coworker or friend?
NTA, but they like you, have an affection meter, and you can marry them. Like gfl1.
Too bad they didn't go with this out of the gate, and made a mixed toilet game that satisfied nobody.
finally got her jirai-kei costume <3
tbf. GFL franchise is a mixed toilet in disguised. I'm not convinced with how many coomerbait they offer, i just play snowbreak or Umamusume (atleast their character are genuine into (you)).
In Snowbreak, there's a mode in the event where you do a gauntlet and gain mode-specific exp and rewards. I have 98 "daily" attempts for the mode. Do they really expect me to run this all day??? Anyway glad I reinstalled.
Muh wife
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only some girls like adults, cunny characters are off limits
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>Too bad they didn't go with this out of the gate, and made a mixed toilet game that satisfied nobody.
After the shilling here I just checked their Twitter, and it looks like there are half naked dudes you usually see in otome games, and now they’re in this game too? Are straight male players cool with this? Paying for premium battle passes to save pull currency for waifus, but getting these half naked guys as a bonus.
>only some girls like adults
So what percent of girls are into (You)? 20%? 50%?
>"""girls""" frontline
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>neural cloud has been stepping up the pandering lately
Okay I've been digging through the archive to learn about the game but from the comments it seems like the entire game is just shipbait? Even in the pic alone, there are like 10 girls paired with different guys, your Eos girl is shipped with another dude??
Can you please explain? I got the info from the GFL general so it can't all be misinformation bs.
Could be true or Is a just an creative art of falsehood. One thing for sure is run away and never look back from that accursed franchise bs that thing are indicate that this franchise got infected by shippingtard and by extension non (you) pandering player.
holy esl-kun...
>Pointing on bad English skill when i'm warn everyone about the insidious GFL plan to win this cultural war.
Whatever. I going back to the /vg/ thread, bcs you guys are fail to boycott GFL related games
>bcs you guys are fail to boycott GFL related games
What are you talking about, didn't the boycott already work? Neural Cloud brought back the oath system (even when there are male characters) and GFL2 flopped.
ignore the pagpag screeching
holy sexo
>dude appears in the same postal code as a girl
>this means they are a pairing
>anon confirms it's misinformation.
Do these GFL anons have a cuck fetish or something? They love shipping baits in their self insert game. Also calling the CN players bugmen is kinda cringe considering they're the ones keeping the game alive.
>>uma musume
>no female mc option
You know the posters here are secondaries when they don't even know what they're talking about.
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Really, anon?
It's first and foremost a horse racing boomer gacha. Waifufaggotry second.
Why do you keep hyperfocusing in a single game?
Because the other "games" are trash?
Great observation Chang. Maybe that's because it's only released there.
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>Great observation Chang. Maybe that's because it's only released there.
What the fuck are you on about? Neural Cloud launched worldwide years ago, and if it weren't for the CN players keeping it on life support your mixed toilet gacha would have been dead already.
why are you crying and obsessing over this so called dead gacha
is your penis not working? Did some tanned individual fucked your girl and your mom?
still waiting for the shipping bait, my limp dicked friendo
>may 30
You know you're not really hiding enough for anons to not know you have shit skin.
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mfw that indian fuck had to evacuate to vmg
sure retard
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hazel looks so cool
image for ants
Still not gonna play your cuck and trash game, MICA cocksucker.
>obsessing over this so called dead gacha
People here obsessing over your dead gacha? Your GFL anon recommends that game (still lmao at the EoS name) so anons here are just checking out the game's state before investing in it.
>still waiting for the shipping bait
Your GFLdrones said your game had shipping bait >>1493019
Also nice damage control raid. It made me look deeper into the franchise, and holy shit the shipping bait is even worse than I thought. The devs are retards for approving this kind of ntr script in a franchise made for straight guys.
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this thread convinced me to try eversoul, ended up getting hazel, kinda lame they included the genshin censor cam though
>actually mentioning the bait post made by /gfg/
>posting the actual translated doc that doesn't confirm any sort of ntr
Lmao. Looks like you failed to push your narrative in other generals pajeet
They've yet to up their age rating like BA, BD2, and Snowbreak did so yeah
>12+ game
what did you expect anoncito?
BD2 has a 12+ rating just like Eversoul.
Go back. This thread isn't for you shipfags.
>D: As I thought... Mr. Raymond came today as well.
>J: Ohh... So you didn't just keep an eye on the customers but studied them so closely too, Big Sis. Your little sister is kind of envious... Like, that workman uncle from before is here too, but you didn't even notice him at all.
>D: Oh? So that uncle was here too? I truly didn't see him.

>D: We... we want to help Mr. Raymond stop Project Revenge.
>S: This is no longer something that the three of you - and Mr. Raymond Clemens - can handle. I understand how you feel, but the best solution now is still to contact the police and let them handle it.
>D: But... If we let the police handle everything, does that mean Mr. Raymond and his friends will all be arrested?

>"However, I don't think someone with Mr. Raymond's skills would have made a mistake for something so simple. The Yibo showed up a lot in Mr. Raymond's notes. I didn't think much of it back then and thought it was just a necessary part of the festival, but aren't the safest things the most easily overlooked things?"
>D: This is... This pen... It looks just like the one Mr. Raymond had in his breast pocket."

>"I want to thank you for using your music to remind me of the warm memories that I had forgotten for so long. "
he made this
same unusual style, look at the timezone
can you even accidentally look at it in any gamemode?
Can you Micafag stick to your own general? Your drama shitposting might get attention but it still won’t save your dead game. Honestly you guys are worse than the genshinshills.
lmao, immediately lashes out when caught
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>Mr. Raymond came today as well.
what did Daiyan mean by this?
BD2 got its age rating bumped up in Korea because the skill cut-ins are almost all T&A central. Eversoul remains 12+ both in KR/GL and JP even after a year and half of service.
>Shay unironically had to flee to /vmg/
Holy shit when he stopped making /v/ threads I thought he had killed himself, but fleeing to a whole new board is probably just as pathetic lol
That censoring is only in the Soul (character) menu to keep their rating. You can see their panties normally during gameplay if their animation permits it, and several of them are shameless with giving you an eye full of what's under their skirt or dress in their outro and skill/ultimate animations.
Speaking of this thread. Do anon notices that rising amount of (YOU) pandering from mixed toilet gacha? How i can resist this trap?
>mixed toilet gacha
Is this some pagpag slang?
>still deflect my question huh
Lmao, you always mention pagpag because you're mind is filipinx (a faggot nation) thing for free. just like you faggot.
Realize it leads nowhere and don't fall for the trap.
>you're mind is
>t. angry pinoy
I don't care that failed state above our nation. Besides the sooner china will conquer that shit, the world much better without that shithole.
It's nothing more than a last attempt at making profit. If a gacha didn't appeal to straight men from the beginning then it's not worth my attention.
Realize it's all a ploy by people who see you as less than cattle and ignore them or play the game and hope that they succeed so that the devs have to keep pandering to you while they seethe every working moment.
Seeing Soul Tide mentioned makes me think of the short while I played the game for Miku Ito's character. How big is the game these days? Thinking of making a fresh start since I can't be sure of my account status because of the server malfunction they had a few months back.
LMAO. We've got hoyotroon here. This troon is anywhere seething about (you) pandering.
Looks like he was on the nose
LMAO. Samefagging this much. Sasuga hoyotroon.
>Do anon notices that rising amount of (YOU) pandering from mixed toilet gacha?
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I never see DOAXVV get mentioned, but it's technically a gacha, although I don't know if a mobile port exists, I play on Steam.

>zero m*les
>zero yurishit
>girls are 100% for (You)
>no censorship
>nude mods, if you're into that
>photomode for fap screenshots
>f2p friendly if you're patient
>good community of like minded coomers

>gameplay gets repetitive
>very little agency over gameplay
>getting specific outfits/girls requires patience and discipline saving gems
Koei doesn't deserve the IP
I tried that game but the lack of an overarching story really killed it for me.
>How big is the game these days?
Soul Tide has been barely hanging on for years. The only good thing is the devs' effort in the dating quests and each one is super long.
No I mean how big is Soul Tide's overall file size now, not its fandom or relevancy.
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which of these has the most sex?
last origin
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If you're talking about it in the literal sense, GFL2
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Gakumas is pretty easy to play, even then there's an english guide put together that goes over the fundamentals
As for your question my vote goes to Eversoul.
>As for your question my vote goes to Eversoul.
Yeah I'm playing it. It's fun but it should be called Everloading because you have to wait with every damn thing you do.
>Gakumas is pretty easy to play, even then there's an english guide put together that goes over the fundamentals
Can you link me the English guide? I can't find it in the vg general.
>If you're talking about it in the literal sense, GFL2
That game doesn't have any fanservice right? I saw the recent gif with the idol girl, it's a paid skin but she wears spats instead of panties. Do any of the girls wear panties in the game?
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Huh indeed
>That game doesn't have any fanservice right?
Did you miss the part where I posted a webm of one of the girls sucking your dick?
Also it does have panties and Suomi is getting a swimsuit soon
you're not tricking anyone cuck
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Sounds like you're quite upset
your game will die soon
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What's gotten you so angry anon?
>incels calling anyone a cuck
is this the new pathetic cope?
Is this the best GFL2 shills got?
Colphene sexoooo
hes chinese, please understand
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Ah now it makes sense why he's so pissed lol
>replying to (You)rself
new low
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Genuinely why are you so upset?
Are you aware your game is dying?
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Anon the game is made by Mica team
You know that right?
I'm sorry intern-kun. Maybe it's time to migrate to another company, I'm sure Homoverse would welcome you with arms open.
no, that's vidya butts
who care about gfl2, feast your eyes on mephistopheles my cake-munching cat-loving beloved AI <3
lmao try india >>1493331
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show more proof, this is the only video that is shown when i ask if the game lewd. Every video i've seen for GFL2 they are either wearing spats or they're in the dorm showing their feet which is cringe. They censored everything to omnipander and appease fujos. I want to see more pantyshots like in GFL1, or it's a cuck game.
>showing their feet which is cringe
fuck you, i'm into that.
>t. mr raymond
these are /gfg/ shills, they keep linking to here because people laugh at them for being cuckold
>they keep linking
Why wash your brown hands of guilt?
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>people laugh at them for being cuckold
Also you know that no one does that anymore right? The event was translated and it was proven that there was zero NTR
Damn. Global when?
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No word yet but there is an extremely rough translation in the CN files
I reckon we'll probably hear nothing until an actual official announcement happens
It's not NTR, but it's still cuckshit, autist. It's clearly shipbaiting and only autist like you don't know about it.
>It's not NTR but it's still NTR
Make it make sense
Explain this.
>Original in-game text, fully voiced, before the devs rewrote the story following the backlash:
>"Today Mr. Raymond shows up again. " N95 can't hide the delight in her voice.
>N97:"Sister, it seems you are remembering the names of regulars here. But how come you didn't recognize that middle aged man who is also a regular?"
>N95:"So he is here too, sorry I didn't pay attention" (turn the topic to Raymond) "Mr. Raymond likes to write on a notebook, it's so rare in this day and age, it's why I pay attention to him."
>N99 comments: "Why do I smell the sourness in the air even though I'm a tactical doll?" (Sourness in the air in Chinese refers to jealousy. N99 is jealous of N95's obsession with Raymond).
>Then N95 starts playing a song from Raymond's hometown and draws his attention. Boy meets girl blah blah.
>It would be borderline OK if not for the comment from N99 to make it cannon.
>But it gets worse from here:
>The entire story arc involves the interaction between N95 and Raymond with minimal if not downright zero involvement from players as commander. Raymond is a terrorist who wants to do terrorism in the city. N95 likes Raymond and sympathizes with him and even took a few bullets to protect Raymond. Eventually N95 convinced Raymond to give up terrorism. The two exchange love tokens at the end of story: N95 got the potato flower pendent(potato flower bloom in Raymond's hometown) and the lighting bracelet(lighting in Chinese read: é›· (Ray)).
>When VA for N95 was asked what does she think about Raymond. She was surprised that Raymond isn't the main character(the commander). She voiced the entire story while thinking Raymond is the player character.
>The biggest issue yet CN players had with GFL2 it was the game's pro Israel stance:
>The game has not just one Judaism reference, it has four, all in a small place called lounge.
>1)The Jewish bible.
>2)The 1939 reports of Philadelphia police inaction towards anti-semi protest.
>3)The promotion paper for Newhouse Jewish family.
>4)Book of Esther reference: young Jewish woman "Esther" is forced to serve Persia king. Which is juxtaposition of tactical dolls are forced to serve the commander against their will despite "tactical dolls all have their own life" --- Sunborn CEO. "Esther" means star in English, GFL2 story director is nicknamed "Star". Raymond reincarnation is named Esther literally. The name is also a symbolism of lonely hero against oppression(against the player base who supposedly oppressed the game devs in to changing things.)
>Furthermore, in the game you can name yourself Israel protector or zionist or literally IDF soldier. But you can't name yourself Hamas or even Islam.
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I love taking the chinks seriously
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>even took a few bullets to protect Raymond.
>The two exchange love tokens at the end of story: N95 got the potato flower pendent(potato flower bloom in Raymond's hometown) and the lighting bracelet(lighting in Chinese read: é›· (Ray)).
this is just lies given the TL
>>pro Israel stance
>>1)The Jewish bible.
>>2)The 1939 reports of Philadelphia police inaction towards anti-semi protest.
>>3)The promotion paper for Newhouse Jewish family.
>>4)Book of Esther reference: young Jewish woman "Esther" is forced to serve Persia king.
these were found on a free 3d asset store
>"tactical dolls all have their own life"
this line wasn't said by him, this came from mihoyo
>The name is also a symbolism of lonely hero against oppression
literally what? do you even know what the fuck you're talking about? the book of esther is in the christian bible too, how do you even come up with these conclusions?
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>this came from mihoyo
>dignifying it with a response
nigger confused it with a completely different book
>this is just lies
Give me the original CN scripts (the one before the rewrites) I'll mtl and check them myself.
since when did this thread become a gfl2 defense force thread?
it's pagpag hours
it already was
pretty sure that "characters have their own lives" thing did come from them. saw it before gfl2 pretty sure
>try and make shit up about the game
>cry "defense force" when proven wrong
Can you just check if the game is actually pro Jewish? Try naming yourself Hamas or Islam and see if those names are banned. Nonetheless given the CCP's anti-zionist official stance the devs are idiots for including that in the game anyway.
>I realized I simply couldn’t be arsed to do the whole 1 hour 35 minutes of it. As such I have limited my translations to the lines
So not the full script. And the second link in the docs is the rewritten version not the original. Where can I find the original script?
the original JP lines (all of them) are in that doc. IDK about chinese.
>Try naming yourself Hamas or Islam and see if those names are banned
would not be surprised because of xinjiang
no wants to play your flopped game chang
concession accepted
This thread name is literally gacha for straight men, and not cuck men. No one cares about your cuck game.
concession accepted
>"characters have their own lives" thing did come from them. saw it before gfl2 pretty sure
Regardless mihoyo can say whatever shit they want because their games are too big to fail, they’ve built a huge drone cult following that no matter what crap they put out their games will still make billions. Mica on the other hand is still a small dev studio, they can't just copy hoyo's "characters have their own lives" shtick and expect people to go along with it. And their gacha rates are just as bad as hoyo's but they don't offer nearly the same value.
Yeah, feel free to accept it if it makes you happy. You'll need a little happiness to cope for waiting global to come or longevity for that game.
they didn't exactly copy that story stuff about characters though. gacha system though... that's another thing
The thing is GFL2 is just a bad game. Normies or tourist only care about quality, meanwhile old player will play a very trashy game as long as they get pandered.
seems like you are over being unable to cuck post
Not really. It's just really fun trolling MICA shill.
>i-it was all just trolling
only censorship apologists like nikkgers and mikeks get this defensive about their ironic heterosexual game
GFL2 being so tame is why I kinda disregarded it since it's launch. Good for my wallet I guess lol. I'd fucking whale if there were Genshit, HSR, GFL, etc but with rampant fan service.
What u playing anon?
>inb4 game in Korean/Japanese
What are you implying with that? Overall most kr/jp gacha have big plus when it comes sexual fanservice compare to most cn gacha (bcs it has separate business strategy for different sex). Even when i'm appreciate snowbreak and azurlane trying to appeal to us (straight male player), most of cn gacha are succumb to feminist hell, thanks to omnipandering business strategy that enable the feminist to penetrate cn gacha.
Anyway in order to resolve this stupid cultural war that i'm so tired with it. We must helping cn ML player to fight against Chinese femcel at all cost (even persuade ccp to ban feminist movement in china because it's pro western leaning). If china are succumb to feminist hell, expect to most if not all cn gacha to censored as hell due to femcel whining to cn gachw
you're in the wrong neighborhood chang
>What are you implying with that?
I am literally asking what are you playing so maybe I can play it too
>Overall most kr/jp gacha have big plus when it comes sexual fanservice
Yeah, but I don't speak those languages so it wouldn't make sense to try and play a game in korean, good for you if you can tho
>Even when i'm appreciate snowbreak and azurlane
Gay lol
Now post coom games
>inb4 game in korean/japanese
>You din't like the coom game
OK Trannies
>still not realized the danger of femcel
I hope you're gacha are infected with femcel and yuritard
>still no example of the games you play
Keep gurgling winnies cum.
im not the retarded esl who cant distinguish the difference in communities between containment boards and the actual condition of the game
What coom game
>saw the catalog
>it's mostly /v/eddit threads
this board sure is growing like cancer in recent days.
Eversoul gonna celebrate 1.5 anni in the next two weeks, 20k gems to earn starting today up to end of the anni period

Hop on
Nah I think my Korean gachas are gonna be fine. Gooks drove the feminists-arguably the worst of the femcels-out of power not too long ago, so we'll be eating good for a while before they become a threat again. And I can't really think of a gook gacha that treated femcels better than incels aside from maybe Epic7.
If anything, maybe you shouldn't have bet on the chinks when their first two games to actually get noticed by the world were fucking Arknots and Genshit-THE GAMES THAT BROUGHT THESE FEMCEL TOURISTS INTO THE INDUSTRY IN THE FIRST PLACE.
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what's fundamentalist in this context
>no cuckoldry
chad devs, this is good news, i don't get what they mean by fundamentalist, they can't become evangelicals? lol
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>browse Play Store
>Chink asset flip waifu collector games with AI art
>browse Nutaku
>Chink asset flip waifu collector games with AI art now with even more premium bullshit
The future of lewd gacha games is pretty grim. At least Nikke redeemed itself with the Mary skin recently, then again I fear if all the lewd stuff gets paywalled like this.
>those saggy tits
eversoul has no paid skins so we get these just by playing
Can you interact in any way with the girls? Like touching in the lobby or similar.
Honestly I want to install it for finally coming JP voice and anniversary reward. But after knowing it's size(11 gb) I don't think I will.
It's enticing but yeah i wanna know what kind of interactions you can do since other gook gachas have limited interactions be it static png, 3d, or l2d.
what's Eversoul about
So I've been looking for a similar game and have read the thread over a few times, including the awful shitposts. As best I can tell here's what the current list of "gachas for straight men" is:

Top pick: Snowbreak. No male characters. Story is slow at the start (and being rewritten?) but by chapter 10+ every girl is heavily for (You). Costumes are becoming more and more lewd lately (they recently went 17+). Anniversary is next month so might be a good time to jump in. Biggest downside is that as a TPS it's not the most comfortable thing to play on a phone and even in Chinkland most people play it on PC.

Runner-up: Nikke. For now, at least, there's still no male characters. The amount of pandering varies wildly between events and the main story seems to mostly be be shipping (You) with the main girl Rapi. The future is cloudy and uncertain. Recent surveys have added an option that wasn't there before about toning down the sexiness of the characters. The company Shift-Up also went public trading recently. It's still good (You) bait for now but be cautious.

Notably Mention: Eversoul. No male characters I believe? Like Snowbreak, it only recently started to pander more heavily toward straight men. It's still only a 12+ rating though, so less lewd overall.

Everything else is either a mixed toilet game (Mihoyo and Kuro games), cuckbait game (Mica games), or just a JRPG without a self-insert and with males (Outerplane, Brown Dust 2).

Unreleased games that might potentially be good: Azur Promilla (big question mark here) and Nornium.

That's all.
>by chapter 10+ every girl is heavily for (You)
>watch one piece bro, it gets good after chapter 300 bro
How did this game went up (or down) in rating, still trying it again tho, thanks for the info, the main think that made me delete it is actually the graphics that I don't think are that good on PC
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Ranking would be
1st Snowbreak. For obvious reasons.
2nd Blue Archive. Harem of schoolgirls.
3rd Eversoul. Wedding event pic rel.
4th Nikke. Good in concept but as proven several times Shift Up cannot be trusted.

Wouldn't be surprised if there's some hidden stuff out there, most of it is probably png shit.
>2nd Blue Archive. Harem of schoolgirls.
you rike mahjong cuck? lmao
Literally all of the bad shit that happens to BA is Yostar's fault. They ruin everything they touch.
So true, it's not as if the gook devs can stand up against their chinese overlord right?
What are you implying?
Erolabs games good?
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big gap between snowbreak and everyone else, but yeah pretty accurate take

> Shift-Up also went public trading recently
because stellar blade flopped they haven't gone public yet, which is good news, hopefully they just stay private, even the latest bunny event had more pandering than usual, probably because of that
>because stellar blade flopped
LMAO are you for real? I blame the weird ass faces of the characters, otherwise shills and youtubers were pretty annoying shoving clips of the game everywhere
>they haven't gone public
Is announcing going public and then canceling or "delaying" it bad for the company?
All I want is for a good coomer game with some decent gameplay
All these png collectors with auto battles might as well be galleries on sadpanda and it wouldn't change anything
Coomer shit is added to games because they have nothing else going for them. Nobody is going to crater their "game with decent gameplay" like that.
>not reading the story for context and treat the games like nu-dating sims
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are you retarded?
Why is that fan bop so stupidly erotic..
The only retard here is the one who tries gacha looking solely for pure gameplay faggotry when single player games provide the superior experience already
Millenium Journey Elf is a 3d bishoujo game with a canon male protag like nikke, I don't now much about the game besides being one of the few CN fantasy game as they seem to favor sci-fi.

You're mad at people who exist only inside your head
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Here is The ML List. Some series I know
>Crazy Ones (AI TTS English)
>One Thousand Year Elf >>1498239
>How To Raise A Harem (Qooapp exclusive)
>Cross Core
>Soul Tide
>Warship Girls R
>Clover Theater
>Aether Gazer
>Raymond's Frontline
CN players ranked Azur Lane pretty low on the list because, no surprise, the higher ranked games pander more to the ML crowd.
what is lily/cp?

>pillar of shame
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Lily = Yuri
CP = Coupling = Shipshit

Pillar of Shame Tier
>Path to Nowhere
The feminist players said Coquelic (pic) was too sexy and wanted her removed from the game (not just censored her >>1489771), the devs complied but their revenue tanked after the players left so eventually they brought her back months later. Nevertheless this game is more for the lesbian crowd than straight male players anyway.
i agree with the pillar of shame, i just thought it was funny, especially seeing blue archive
>same level as PGR or AG
bullshit list
>forced Lily, no self-insert in the anime
>not same level as PGR
The right one is just shitpost. No fucking way you just put AL where the only other male character is 1 person(Dr. Aoste) under Nikke where they don't show Commander in Anniv story.
It's just a shitpost. Sensei and whatever the hell you're called in Mahjong Soul is the same person.
It's like saying that Sensei in anime is not you, so it's NTR. Or the fact that we're playing the same game(ex. Nikke) mean I NTR'd you.
Yup, you're a retard.
Why is her leg clipping into her torso?
Looks kinda bad Shay
>takt op
Remind me to not spend a penny on a game that can't voice the main history
nice tits
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anon ur secretly gay bro
Nornium has some potential. I hope they can work out some bugs from the closed beta.
Also they need to add lolis.
yes that would be a great addition. on their discord the devs said there would be no trap characters.
Nornium becoming more and more based by the minute
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>no trap characters
what do they mean by this? the only game i know that has actual traps is fgo with astolfo. Or do they mean androgenous characters like PtN? or troonbait/gaybait like Venti, who isn't an actual trap.
it's a weird statement to make, as if it's a common thing to add traps to a game, much less a game for straight men. That's why I ask, it's like developers from a car racing game promising they won't add airplanes or jetskis.
No you're just autistic
What you see is what it is, it's not that deep bwo.
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Most Jap gacha unless it is all body type A like idolish or twisted wonderland are for only Jap gachas can have bikini, while Korean and Chink gacha cannot. Like BA havin' no bikini and getting rashguard shirt and one pieced swimsuit for 2 years in row like Genshin. Who the fuck faps over rashguard shirt?
sup bikinischizo
i missed you bikinischizo <3
It's insurance for the hardcore waifufags against implication of any biological males no matter how feminine they look. Priconne literally has a trap and a tranny despite being a harem game
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Priconne has bikini while BA doesn't. For Korea bans bikini. No bikini in K-slop.
total crunchyshit death
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Is "only Jap gacha can have bikini" narrative wrong?
No you dolt because Eversoul exists
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Why is nexon so cuck? Seems that Nexon have low risk on ESG...
Is there Korean IP on top of this chart?
>Is "only Jap gacha can have bikini" narrative wrong?
Is a plain lie, get a real hobby faggot
IIRC Venus Eleven Vivid added a trap and ended up having to remove him from the gacha pool altogether.
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RaymondCHADS we're eating good.
mixed toilet crap
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can any cuckbros confirm if picrel is real or mods? i only saw spats in the trailers for her intro, did mica fire the fujos
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Why cannot Blue archive have nice swimsuit like this and only gets lousy one pieced swimsuit and burka shirt and no bikini top?(spite 4chan netouyos think Bikini+skirt, frill is more burka than shirt+bikini bottom which is out of balance).
Korean censorship seems worse than China for banning bikini. At least China has no feminists....
It's over. Kivotos has fallen. Billion sensei must 41%.
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New Nornium test next month
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>built for Mr. Raymond

they're catching up to snowbreak bros
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>GF2 GAWDS are so powerful that cuck obsessed retards have to continue to spread misinformation so their shitty kusoges don't EOS instantly
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At least it has bikinis unlike Burka archive, Censored archive, Femi archive. Korea bans bikini!!!!
>shit on your game
>praise your game
>still mad
the fuck you want then
can't wait to get dominique tomorrow
As a straight man this was a tragedy. Feminine subby traps are made to be topped just like any woman.
>Fem MC
Give it up Micucks, your game doesn't qualify.
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Naomi is so perfect.
nice tits
That's some weird logic, so if Yostar put students in Azur Lane and let you marry them it would be fine because the admiral is also a self-insert? Mahjong Soul even explicitly treats Sensei as a separate entity. Yostar knew what they were doing because the students in Mahjong Souls don't have valentines' lines.

Yostar's just a shitty company and because the collab did well expect them to do more in the future which might cause more controversy.
Collabs have never been canon in the history of anything so it doesn't matter in any caseq
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BA is not male oriented anymore. It caters to feminists since 2023-2024 as we can see from tame burka swimsuits in genshin level, with no bikini(esp,top), and only ugly burqa shirt(rashguard) and one pieced swimsuits.... nobody faps over shirt and one pieced swimsuits.
Korea bans bikini, right? No webtoon have bikini either.
Yes. I think you're the one that's retard. Why are you treating Sensei and Admiral(lmao retard, it's Shikikan/Commander) separately? It's (you), end of story. Except if you treat Sensei as its own entity/character, this shouldn't be a problem.
People like you make me wish eugenics were a real thing rather than a lefty spook. Humanity collectively deciding to filter out the subhumans would be such a nice thing.
If you treat the self-insert of every game as the same person, there's no issue.
Yep. They're all (player), in other words (you) or (me). I honestly think that the one that pushing "BA is NTR game because collab" is shitposter or troll.
You can't have multiple self-inserts in the same place and at the same time.
d-d-d-doesn't count
Are you saying a rule or something? But yes, it shouldn't happen. It's the same hypothetical situation where, if your past/future/alternate self fuck your wife, is it cuck or not? But honestly we shouldn't think much about this, because it won't happen after all. It's only imagination and imagination is whatever we want.
Yostar themselves treats them as seperate entities so why shouldn't I?
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I apologize for GKmas got burka too. Even worse than BA's neutered swimsuits in 2023-2024. Putting all idols in rashguard... was "only Jap gacha gets bikini" narrative wrong? GKmas is Jap gacha but got burka swimsuits in mihoyo level. This broke Netouyo's mind. Why is GKmas censored spite being Jap gacha?
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can't wait to play that next month
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dominique my beloved <3
male protag is always canon and the female protag is always non-canon. i will not take my meds
Going back to the original topic at hand:
Scratch nikke, it died yesterday after they announced a collab with a fat fisherman and his two black coworkers.
I mean their collabs have always been shit so not much loss there.
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What's wrong bro, scared for your girls?
He isn't playable is he?
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You mean this? I don't know why these companies keep ruining the identity of their games with these random collabs. It's only done purely for money, there's no other benefit to it.
>Dave canonically gets to fuck this
>this is ok according to shift up
>some players are actually ok with this
Does Dave produce *plap* *plap* *plap* sounds during sex?
>it's only done purely for money
that's what doesn't make sense, normally collabs are to bring in the audience from the IP or as fanservice for existing playerbase. I've never even heard of dave the diver, I guess because i don't drink soi. how does this benefit shiftup, doubt the audience of an obscure indie would care about nikke, they'd probably just call it a coomer game and it objectifies women. Wish shiftup would stick to like minded IPs, it was the same shit with rezero and chainsaw, but at least with those I'm sure there were weebs that enjoyed them.
Nikke players would gladly pay up to see their waifus get fucked by a fat man
At least they made some sense, like the obligatory Nier collab so you can have 2B into the game (which made them a lot of money that month). But why the fuck Dave the Diver?
This comes off as Shiftup being too lazy to write a proper summer event so they had another IP do the legwork
Are you impliying I can't play mahjong with my girls after a hard fought battle?
So NIKKE is scratched from the list? It isn't even 3D to begin with.
dave is so lucky....
>Getting cucked by a morbidly obese man
How do nikkers cope with the shame?
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Oh anon, I initially disregarded her but she's so fucking cute. Fucking dweeb uoh. Also man the gyaru in Brown Dust 2 rn is insane. I already got four dupes thanks to all the dailies and shit
Dave seems 3d to me
>How do nikkers cope with the shame?
Well since you asked, I am personally devastated and super frustrated about the decision and specially the seemingly lack of any reaction from the community, some are even ok with it because "dave the diver is a fun game"
you're very funny
Just uninstalled Nikke after seeing this. So fucking random and stupid. To be fair I didn't really enjoy the game much anyway. Some fairly sexy characters but otherwise it's meh.
Looks like it's just Snowbreak for me for now.
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Play outerplane
We need more bros
As an eversoul player sell it to me.
little girls do nothing to me
no it's mixed toilet
See >>1484895
>MC is not a self insert, there is no pandering. Game has pretty sexy skins, that's about it.
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There is (You) pandering
(You) are different from the MC
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here's some pvp
Which gacha has the best feet?
Azur Lane, probably. A boatload (heh) of the skins are feet focused or have feet in them.
Anon where'd you find this picture of me
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At least it has bikini unlike Femi archive and Wokem@s. GKmas got burka as swimsuits instead of bikinis due to Sweet baby inc. was "Jap gacha never gets censored so only Jap gacha can have bikini" narrative broken?
Because of sunken cost many gacha players have a very high tolerance to shit, it would take a really big fuck up to make people actually complain. They could put Dave as a playable Nikke and still half the community would defend it.

Besides, I've been victim of these companies' shitty decisions myself and what also happens is the people against it leave quietly in disgust so the only ones left are those who are okay with eating shit.
holy schizo melty hours
What's problem that made you quit?
For me, I followed Nikke from beta test. So I know how they're censoring their game and I decided not to play it. ShitUp even still won't try to increase their age rating afterall.
The generals barely mention it anymore, I guess the people that would do that already ditched the game in disgust. I'm gonna go an see if there is anything similar to play or ditch gachas altogether, this thread helped nothing to know new titles lul
What on earth did I just watch
The gacha space healing
Only thing remotely similar to Nikke gameplaywise is Snowbreak. Otherwise you can wait for Project Normium or Azur Promilia, both seem very promising.
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This guy. His inclusion was the start of Nikke's decline and showed that the devs don't care about the identity of their game.
>filtered by a fucking robot
holy kek
I wish they'd stop inflating every girls' breasts.
>The start of Nikke's decline
My guy, Nikke is doomed from the start. You just can't see it.
They're coomer game, but they still want to get wider audience. Of course it means reduced fan service.
Well, at least you have quit the game. The playerbase of this game is full of bootlicker. Imagine my shock that a Nikke content creator said "If Nikke doesn't go full Azur lane, then it's okay. Not every game need to be like that", like do you have self-awareness that you're playing a coomer game? And they defend Nikke skin gacha, lmao.
We already know Shift Up and Kim cannot be trusted anyway. Always lying.
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>Not every game need to be like that
no game is like that, that's the problem, nikke was supposed to be our hope, even AL still unnecessarily self-censors for literally no reason, it's annoying. I want to see games go to Last Origin levels, they're the only game with true creative freedom. AL assets in-game are censored, but if you look at their official artwork in comics or promotional art, they're uncensored with full blown pantyshots, meaning they do self-censorship on purpose, it's all so tiresome.
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>Project Normium only has one girl in their entire development team

Project Normium more like Project BASED.
>put objects in the most convenient places
>make the angle as safe as possible
>use your imagination
This feels insulting. So what's the point of raising their age rating?
>woman is a programmer
Same here. This feels really cheap.
Not anymore, no. If you think there's still stage to pursue with Alvitr leotard without Azur lane getting removed from playstore, then you should show it. Manjuu still pushing the boundary with Azur lane now.
>Last origin
Ah yes. Only aerola without showing full naked nipple is the maximum. Surely you're not stupid enough to not know that there's porn game right, anon?
The current age rating is the maximum for playstore and you can't show nudity, retard.
Noone's demanding nudity, retard. I want something that can be shown to be shown, not arbitrarily hidden. Consistency, that's all.
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Why is Gakuen Idolmaster censored with no bikinis and only burka rashguard for every girl in swimsuit event spite being Japanese gacha? Love live,Bandori, former Imas had bikinis for JKs.
Isn't it supposed to be "Only Japanese gacha can have bikini and Korean and Chinese gacha cannot"?
I agree with this, I like(d) nikke coomerbait style, if you want a full porn game go play a porn game, waifus are still cute and hot in their respective games, you set yourself for disappointment if you demand more where there shouldn't be
Get a real hobby faggot, your spam is not funny
But GKmas has no bikini spite being Japanese gacha. Only rashguard as swimsuit for every girl with same design.
Last Origin is great. All upcoming gachas should copy it.
1. Not every skin aiming for sexy factor
2. Fan service for the sake of it like Last origin will still lose to porn game. The current AL is good because it's teasing you with it. You can get rid of the towel in this >>1502210 St. Louis skin.
I'm all for upping sexiness. But I know the limit. The current Manjuu is different with how it's operate 2-3 years ago and saying that they still self-censor is disingenuous.
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Sad that Gakuen Idolm@ster is revealed to be censored shit by no bikini, and only burkas for all girls with same design. Spite being Jap gacha which can have bikinis unlike Korean gachas like BA and maplestory, Chinese gacha like genshin and starrail.
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>watch porn
found the tranny

I don't want the game to be porn, never mentioned it, typical tranny argument. My point is that manjuu self censors intentionally when it's unnecessary. If any game is pushing the envelope it's brown dust 2, but unfortunately it's mixed toilet, so they shot themselves in the foot. but keep guzzling manjuu's cum
>The current Manjuu is different with how it's operate 2-3 years ago and saying that they still self-censor is disingenuous.
Pretty much this the swimsuit faggot is a shitposter that is just here to poison the waters the "halal lane" era came to an end a while ago.
>it's brown dust 2, but unfortunately it's mixed toilet, so they shot themselves in the foot.
Worse than that they in their infinate wisdom thought shipfags(read women) would play and support a coomer game.
Hey bikinischizo they're saying Blue Archive is better than your japanese games at >>>/vg/bag
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But BA is censored shit for Korea bans bikini. No bikini in BA in swimsuit event for 2 years a row. Only one pieced swimsuits and rashguard. Only Jap gacha can have bikini unless it's GKmas and Proseka.
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Sorry but BA's sales will tank again due to Nikke having bikinis for Sakura, Rosanna and Guilty while GKmas cowers to feminists by having no bikinis.
Yeah go tell them at their general
Even than Nikke with swimsuit Roxy?
Yes, now go
Nikke has actual gameplay with TPS.
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Virgin BA Wizard GKmas Chad Nikke.
No Shift Up cannot be trusted. They can't stop censoring and lying.
It has bikini which Gakuenm@s(Burk@mas) and Burka archive cannot have. About former, dev poached from Korea is involved on this censorship.
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So, blue archive having no bikini for 2 years a row is good? It shows that Korea bans bikinis. Why do no one say about BA being censored and havin' no bikinis for 2 years and defending this?
i don't care what gender works on the game, women can make great coomer art, the problem is when women are allowed in key decision making roles. Then that's when they start censoring everything, don't allow them to make any direction decisions, or write stories without supervision, or they will add cuck/shipshit.
me on the left
Who? Knight(big boobed type B knight with shield) or Mage type A(twink)?
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BA was never a coomer game, just a normal cute game, that happened to add a bit of fanservice every now and then. More coomer stuff is welcome, but I want them to keep the cute identity mainly.
Okay, cuck.
>PG movies should all have sex scenes
>strip clubs all women should wear full clothing
it was never a coomer game idiot, you can't demand something, which was never meant to be
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i get that they advertise it as a game for low-t cucks but let's not pretend they never tried.
>if they dont dress like prostitutes the coom is le bad!!!!
your brain is fried on porn
And you're terminally out of touch if you get hard just from any small openings.
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generic swimsuits are boring. when you just slap on what can be recolored on other characters and call it a day, it doesnt give an additional identity to the character whatsoever
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Left is Jap gacha, right is Korean gacha. Right? No Korean gacha has bikini. BA proves this. It cannot explain bout GKmas' swimsuits being burka unlike other IMAS. Any Jap gacha whose swimsuit is like right?
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>No Korean gacha has bikini.
Is there Korean IP mixed on top of chart?
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>ignoring Nikke
>ignoring BD2
>using Trickal for your ESG samples

Delusional dokdo. The no bikini chinese gacha hell is where you belong.
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Prease understand. Demon ghost named khazan possessed my left arm and fucked my arm up.
>it doesnt give an additional identity to the character whatsoever
Neither does slapping pointless trinkets and shit over said generic swimsuits like your pic. The character's identity is already established by their OG design.
Here you dropped this
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Gakumas is censored sadly. No bikini. burka rashguard as swimsuit for every girls unlike other IM@S... more like burk@mas. Is "only Jap gacha can have bikini" narrative wrong? Gakumas is Jap gacha but their swimsuits are censored as Mihoyo level.
Bikinifag needs to fuck off with this off topic shitposting thread.
Holy cope lmao
except there is context to her character because she's a legitimate autist who doesn't understand social norms with most of the characters not sharing her sense of fashion for that reason. you cant say the same for nikke characters which designs are innately made to bait around (you)
who cares, have some mephi
>you cant say the same for nikke characters which designs are innately made to bait around (you)
You say that like it is a bad thing.

The European game is a garbage game dedicated to psychopathic whites who can only depict brutal murders. The enemy of humanity, the cockroach whites, the Ivan should be exterminated in war, yes. The Asian game is peaceful and deep. It's not like Whitepig games where you just shoot a lot of guns. Jesus is pedo lmao
>tripped into writer's asspull attempt at justifying the out-of-place sexualization
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Why are mascot characters so prevalent in Gacha games?
Plushies sell. Mostly for female audience.
>we want the furry audience before zzz release
sasuga kuro
That's why West is weak at mobage while excelling at Steam and console?
Any opinion of Nornium? that straight males mecha game?
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My opinion is the devs know what they're doing. They now let you touch the NPCs during story scenes so you don't get bored.
>We want to build the most inferior system in history!
Based though
boobs made of jello
Do we have a release date?
>generic swimsuits are boring
That's your (awful) opinion. All that eye rape shit they add to swimsuits serve only one purpose: to lower the amount of exposed skin.
>your brain on coom
July 17th is apparently the last test.

So I'd probably expect the game around September or October this year.
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>anti-coomer femcel
>in coom game thread
You can fuck off with bikinischizo.
It's everything I thought Azur Welkin/Promillia was going to be minus the space theme.
Thread can be closed now. After the anniversary stream Snowbreak officially won. No other game to come before or after is going to cater so hard to straight men.

Nornium still looks potentially good but they definitely have their work cut out for them now.
Nikkers lost HARD. Most of them are just thankful for the spit shift up left in their faces
Snowbreak tries so hard it comes off as cringe and can be off-putting. I wouldn't say it caters to straight men, it caters to coomers who are too much of a pussy to just play a porn game
porn games have far lower production values to ecchi/fanservice games.
>I wouldn't say it caters to straight men, it caters to coomers
Same difference If you notice most wholesome/non -coomer games tend to be either "omnipandering" or targeting kids, which begs the question of why are you here given that the premise of this thread is waifu only fanservice games?
Just say you're a faggot and move on
Snowbreak is middle of the road in terms of the outfits the fact that is too much for him just proofs he is just a shitposter.
I don't think you are straight anon.
I think I'm gonna download Eversoul
>Snowbreak tries so hard it comes off as cringe and can be off-putting.
That would be nikke, THE defacto ironic coomer game
hentai games have a shit ton of orc rape, blonde haired blue eyed european holy knights being raped by dark skinned orcs, basically cuck porn,
>orcs=politically correct depiction of niggers.

I don't like rape anyways, most hentai games are mainly rape themed through game mechanics. Something like snowbreak hits the mark for me, I don't want to see actual porn.
>why are you here given that the premise of this thread is waifu only fanservice games?

they're shills, i see these faggots all over the place, here, /vg/ and /v/, they always say the same shit, "watch porn chud". I think they're mihomo drones who hate fanservice and feel threatened by the rise in fanservice lately.
Snowbreak hasn't won until I can cum deep inside Cherno's pussy.
>Acknowledging to browse /vg/ AND /v/
Wew lad, way to make your opinion irrelevant
Sounds like you also browse them.
He's probably the same faggot that shitted up the AP thread.
If somebody starts crying about a game not being lewd enough what's so weird about telling that dude to fuck off to play a porn game
Azur Lane PC when
Now I just need one dev team to make snowbreak but action combat with less swaps.
That's basically Nornium
Why are you in this thread if you have nothing to contribute?
You seem to have hit the mark given how hard he is deflecting
Go play a porn game
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tof is going the snowbreak route, things are looking up, hopefully this is the end of the mihomo dark ages of censorship and fujo pandering
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Not that censored shit. Even censored than BA, for GKmas has no bikini nor one pieced swimsuits, and has rashguard only as swimsuit for every girl. Is GKmas kneeling to feminist? Why does GKmas have no bikini spite being Japanese gacha? Former IMAS and LL had JKs in bikini... but why gakuen cannot?
>but why gakuen cannot?
Because you censored GKmas, it's your fault.
>tof is going the snowbreak route
Ill believe it when they delete the m*les, and last time i checked snowbreak is the only gacha in history that had the balls to do it
>just play a porn game
Way to out yourself retard. Here's your (You).
You meant that Ps censored GKmas? Why are recent Japanese Chigyu weebs prudes who hate bikinis for oshi girl?
Was there female Ps in GKmas?
Yeah that the first rule for straight male gacha. No playable males character at all except the protagonist (you) (better if only male protagonist to prevent yuritards).
>tof is going the snowbreak route
One filler summer patch is not them pivoting exclusively to fanservice.
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looks like porn to me chud, in all seriousness, it's pretty on par with bang dream, what do you expect, probably little girls play it, play a real coomer game
Looks burka for Jap gacha. Considering that only Japanese gacha can have bikinis.... Is it due to Sweet baby inc?
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But Bandori has JKs in bikinis without doubt. While GKmas only have rashguards as swimsuits to reflect the Kishida's dark era after Abe requiem where bikinis and one pieced swimsuits are banned from Japan and mandated to wear burkini on right as only swimsuit. Even China won't do this shit.
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it's over, feminists have taken over japan, the nips love it
>people labeled it as bikini
>schizo wants to see it as rashguard
>outright lying and editing in desperation

Delusional dokdo.
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>Azur Promilia this month
>Azur Promilia
Seems like mixed toilet genshin tier or am I just uninformed
No male playable characters appears to be confirmed with the Male MC exception.
I think there's another round of news expected in July
we don't know yet, there will be a bilibili showcase in July, then we'll know if they axed the feMC or go the omnipandering route. My bet is they will omnipander because it's the financially safe thing to do, but there will probably be fallout from the chinks. As an AL player, I'm not holding my breath with manjuu, the game already looks way too cutesy like they want to attract a female audience.
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why is snowbreaks story so boring
>they want to attract a female audience.
There are no hot ikemen or shota in the game just cute girls, why would female players even bother with it?
It gets better after 10 chapters. FYI it was written by the same Wuwa cbt1 guy and the devs say they want to rewrite those chapters in the future.
>why would female players even bother with it?
The "pokemon" I am assuming the same reason why Wuthering waves added >>1502465 even though it clashes with the aesthetic they are going for.
Except for these gyarus, others got ugly rashguard instead. Not even one pieced swimsuit.
>it gets better after 10 chapters
>event stories which made after the structural change are just as boring but with pandering
Nah shill that shit after they actually done it.
People aren't playing it for the riveting storytelling.

>It gets better after 10 chapters.
No it doesn't, it just ramps up the pandering
Even for other than Gyaru sister?
There's no gacha with good story. Period. Anyone saying otherwise are just coping or never read an actually good story in the first place.
>>event stories which made after the structural change are just as boring
You mean the Cherno story? Everyone agree it's way better written compared to the dogshit chapters from the Wuwa ex writer. If you think the recent chapters suck that's on you.
Honestly I don't think any gacha posted here has good writing, I just play Snowbreak for the (You) pandering (just dropped Soul Tide and Overlane, they are good but nothing special, now I'm playing Eversoul). If I want quality harem stories, I go back to reading Gook harem novels, my standards are high after getting spoiled by so many well written ones with actual plots and character development and where the girls and MC actually have sex not just hold hands. So I usually ignore gacha stories' quality because they're not a good medium for quality content.
>hating pandering
Why are you in this thread
>I just play Snowbreak for the (You) pandering
Isn't n*kke better in that aspect? just started snowbreak and my main problem with it is that the history have a terrible presentation with the lack of voice acting and having to read mid battle, don't even want to think all I have missed because I didn't realize all the text that appeared in the levels, content seems fine, somewhat overwhelming for new player with all the things you have to do but that's ok. Also, the base is a public space unlike the outpost where is basically your home and you live there with your waifus.
Their year one? Sure. Nothing but texts though.
Their current revenue decline is a consequence of them going the normalfag route
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>base is a public space
you need to get the keys to give the girls their own individual rooms. Then you need to buy furniture with special interactions. I mean they have that one cherno interaction where she looks like she's about to give you a blow job, nothing like Nikke.
>Isn't n*kke better in that aspect
Nope. I dropped that game in just few months while with snobble I am still excited for the next years.
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>when you try to pander to normies
hopefully this is a wakeup call, if they haven't scared off the last few coomers. need to stop trying to please women and normies, keep the core audience happy
>"it's innacurate"
>"the site was bugged"
>"it doesn't matter"
>"it's still a huge numbers"
>"wait until the end of summer"
The apologists' meltdowns were hilarious.
Are these numbers post or pre bunny event? Either way 50% down is huge. Love to see it, hope Dave screw them even more
Congrats for 1st anniversary Snowbreak. I hope snowbreak are always succeded for ML fans, become a beacon for the ML revolution. Long live the snowpeak
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i saw summer events for path to nowhere and pgr, not a single bikini in sight, girls basically wearing burkas, meanwhile seaslug drops this on their youtube
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fyi, steam page has new screen shots
>no english
Why are you niggas like this
It's going to have english the devs botth already confirmed it and openly communicate with us in english on their discord and twitter.
Thanks for the info
God i hope they don't do dubs.
>path to nowhere mentioned
poor anon that got frustated with the lack straight male gacha nowadays (no males, no yuri and no pairing bs). This is why i hope Nornium goes to global to support for (You) crusade.
There's no chance of Nornium having dubs.
And that's a good thing.4rdts
Were these parkas not "rashguard"?
english VA's would probably go on a hunger strike when they see the character designs
Funny that you put St. Louis towel there, when you can remove it in the LD2:
Also that collage conveniently doesn't show any of the skins of the past event, full of close ups of tits and ass with nothing to censor them (other than the microbikini)
>shit lane mentioned
lmao azur lane nowadays are fucking lame when it compare to SNOWPEAK on for (you) pandering thing.
>ragebait shitposter
Why are they in this thread?
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Call me when we get this in snowbreak. Or Zara's handjob. Or Hatsuzuki's blowjob. Or many others.
That being said, I'm very tempted to play snowbreak (I played it on release, got bored by how daily works), if only the revamped the gameplay too, instead of adding more pixels to the feet.
filthy sub taste i need more skirtlifting
>doesn't show any of the skins of the past event
defending a game he doesn't play, for what purpose? is this a zoomer thing, i'd say enjoy your Tease Lane, but you don't play
I've been playing since the release of the JP server though. I don't get your point, are you trying to argue that snowbreak shows more than azur lane? Or nikke or other non-porn mobage?
I get shitting on NIKE but not Azur Lane
hop on eversoul, 1.5 anni later
Can you REALLY complain about the gameplay of Snowbreak while playing and posting Azur Lane of all things? I play both games also and unironically think that them improving the feet is way more important.
How fast is their loading time? Every gookslop i played seems to have loading issues.
>How fast is their loading time?
It's very bad in my experience, every action you do in the game needs loading.
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play snowbreak, we have canon weddings
Play outerplane the devs gives us naked women
>another wall of text
the new patch hasn't been released yet, just a few more days until this patch cycle finishes. I believe the devs stated that the marriage will be written into the story, something like that. either way, some text is way more than most games even give nowadays. I think azur, and gfl1 gave you like a measly sentence when you oath them, then it's never referenced again, like it never happened.
tbf, most oath system in gacha are like this (that halfassed marriage lines + voice). And that snowbreak oath system type are quite rare in gacha game (let along non r-18 gacha)
>yuritard shitposting again
Eversoul? Based.
tf? schizo?
I hope one of these girls is at least kaiju/giant robot sized.
Opinions on counterside?
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Cool characters, there's literallyme, awful newfag experience.
cheap gookslop. i hope you like gear rng if you start playing.
>mixed toilet
Thank (You)s
>nothing to play other than Eversoul
When is the 3D Dorm coming to Azur Lane?
Millenium Tour x Senran Kagura
i saw that earlier, i got jealous, we had senran collab in azur lane, and most were covered up, even in the paid skins, such a disappointment considering it's already a coomer game that embraces panties as a mechanic. The millenium game did senran justice, very good coomerwise, i hope this game gets a global release, looks interesting.
I never heard of this game before and now I'm incredibly sad because I know the chances of it ever getting a global release are probably close to zero.
Huge anime titties and comfy turn-based combat. That's all I fucking want. Why is it so rare?
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>we had senran collab in azur lane, and most were covered up
Bruh they let you tear up their default outfits by swiping to the side on the home screen
why do so many people glaze manjuu, stop accepting mediocrity if you want games to get better. did you watch the video? that's what a SK collab should look like, not half covered panties, and covered bikini bottoms, i played the event, i have all the characters, i know what the skins looked like, typical manjuu half censorship
game looks good but doesn't seem to have interactions.
It's just now getting a JP release.
>mixed toilet
why should i care about this?
Like the character designs, but the emphasis on PVP sucks.
Seems horrible.
at this point they should rebrand it and focus 100% on guys, just release more guys nonstop and have it be an alternative to their girl focused games
You forgot
>Not supported worldwide.
It's chink slang for any gacha that doesn't entirely consist of playable units of only one gender.
The only part of the Cherno story that might be good is the part between Cherno and Meursault, Enya got shafted and Cherno's kidnapping made no sense.
Nikke is dead.
seeing this current event, and soda's event, i think it will be fine, they've been following the same format as last year, so we know their rotation. A couple of main story events per year for normies and storyfags, a few coomer events in between, then 2-3 boring collabs to attract new comers. If we get transgender nikkes it probably won't be for a few years
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mica redemption arc?
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mixed toilet
built for raymond
>canon female mc
i am raymond btw
raymondCHADS we're eating good.
it got pulled, what was this?
Some live broadcast that was showing stuff for NCsoft's project BSS kusoge.
for this trash, very antithetical to this thread

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it's not very hard, you only need a vpn to add it to your steam account, after that you can install and play without a vpn
So anons, what is the opinion about Arknights tho? I know it's mixed toilet gacha but i want to know more.
Soulless casts, subhuman community, hope you like watching guides instead of actually playing.
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DOKUTAH amiya a cute idk anything else about the game
I know that its community tried to destroy Azur Lane
>subhuman community
What game even have a decent community. All of them are garbage, I'm a nikker and I would utterly destroy the face of every player of the game
The first taste most people would get of the mixed-toilet cancer, if not the start of the cancer itself (some might argue it's FGO or Granblue). Never forgave their community for fucking up Azur Lane and the rest of the industry in the process. I have a feeling the reason Aether Gazer shoehorned in males was because of Arknots and PGR's success. Also I wish Melon22 would stop drawing fanart of this game, feels like a waste of his talents
just to show the kind of troons the game attracts, they mass reported azur lane one year to the government, which got azur lane censored for a whole year, seems they did it out of spite, and not some sort of genuine moral concern. The fact that it's a furry game should be all you need to know. There is virtually no fanservice either, just ocassional burkinis, their tranny fanbase might join the 41% for including male gaze.
I'm used to the lows of gachashit communities but zealots and ironic coomers are another thing.
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another mixed toilet revealed
The gameplay is good if you like TD puzzles, and the designs of the girls are not bad.
Devs are massive bara furries and has a bunch of fujos in it. This reflects on character roster and gacha banners, where they put 1 girl that everyone wants, and like 2 furries on rate-up.
The story is very poorly written. The entire dialogue can be resumed by linkin park lyrics.
As said by others, the community is infested by fujos, so it's really bad.
After like 2 years of impeccable day 1 account, I quit it. I didn't have anything I wanted to roll in a while, and knowing that there wouldn't be anything I wanted to roll in 6 months made me just give up on it.
Is Zenless worth playing? I want to become a victim of police brutality.
Tried it(cureently at lvl 38).
Even putting gameplay aside, it's your usual h*yoslop with its progression system, dogshit story, and flaccid pandering which doesn't live up to its hype.
This is week 2 and my fomo already dissipates. You're free to try though.
Darn. I guess I'll stick to gooning to my favorites like with Gayshit Infact. Thanks for letting me know. Knowing Mywhoreyo it probably has little to no (you) pandering either.
>The entire dialogue can be resumed by linkin park lyrics.
kek this is so true, i remember when i was reading recomendations for the game, people were saying it has such good writing, really speaks about the fanbase
I'm not even bothered by it, it's expected, but with so many mixed toilet coming out in the near future, they're going to run out of female audience, since most are playing hoyoslop, i question why add token males at this point, developers clearly dread the months of male banners, because their revenue tanks, what's the point?
Those character designs look atrocious.

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