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You did get the newest meta demon right? You're not being left behind RIGHT? Also how could would it have been if he was released when the Eclipse happened a couple months ago?
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Reminder /smtg/ has several open spots right now and you can (and should) join before the upcoming Phys Democalypse on Friday (44 hours from this post), for which we ranked in the 0.8% percent last time. This means max rewards for you regardless of your damage.

Search for our faction "/smtg/" (without quotation marks), apply to it, then reply to this post so Leader can check for applications and know it's someone from here instead of some random. If you're already in a (crappy) faction, you can leave them and apply to ours 6 hours later.
Can you reroll in this game?
Yes, and it's a good time to start. There is a Berserk collaboration going on for another week and you get a free 5* Berserker (Red) which is pretty good.

1. Play the tutorial, then do quests until you get enough gems
2. Roll on the first step of the Femto banner and the beginner banner
3. You ideally want Femto from his banner, and Demeter from the other
4. Did you get the first one or both? Choose if you want to keep rolling or not
5. If you do, go to Menu > Settings > Transfer > Set Password
6. Save your Transfer ID and Password in a safe location (e.g. a notepad, e-mail)
7. Then reroll by either:
>Go to Menu > Settings > Options > Other > Delete Account
>if on Android and rooted, it's faster to close the App, go the Android folder > data > com.sega.d2megaten > shared_prefs > delete the "com.sega.d2megaten.v2.playerprefs.xml" file
You can also grind more than 1000 gems so you can keep rolling on the Femto banner, but it's up to you how to maximize your rerolls.

Good luck.
>Not Furykado
Not much time left for him but he's way better
I meant from the Beginner Banner, but you're right, anon should grind 2000 gems and try to get Furyakado too from the step 1 rolls (only 22 hours left though).
That said, I'm hoping for a ticket surprise. I wish his phys affinity down was for all the enemies so I could use him to farm brands.
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your banners for tomorrow
The dimensional ones are bait, don't fall for it.
After Futotama was added, who do you think they will retrieve from the bench next?
>Cherub (Throned)
>Shiwanna / Sywanna
>Yuki Jyorou
>Chon Chon
>Chotonda (Zhu Tun She)
>Hakujoushi (Bai Suzhen)
I'm betting Fuxi might be the next 2* limited addition, although he would be best served for next year's Chinese new year.
zun tun she should be added as a freebie during summer
the quest event is about it being mistaken for a watermelon during a watermelon splitting event
They're trying their best to get people to use up their stash before the next banner huh? Easy skips, don't roll for reruns in a powercreep game.
>quest event is about it being mistaken for a watermelon
Kek, that would be hilarious.
Newbro here, I fell for Furykado bait. I should look for hp% main stats for his brands, right?
Is this fun as a casual game? I have no interest in gacha pvp or chasing powercreep, how's the PvE? Can I autism build my favorites into being swole and still have a good time?
Dx2 probably has the most restrictive fusion build mechanics since the SNES, and that's without even counting how inflated the mag requirements are for anything 5*.
Yes HP% primaries on Life and Speed / 6th Sense / Guard / Embattle types.
Yes, but the problem is that your favourites might be gated within the gacha system. Generally speaking you can clear all the PvE content with fusables only.
I saw that they have the standard dupe system most gachas have where you get panels or whatever, but it looks like it's only for 5* demons. I assume you can't just take a Jack Frost or Kodama and beef them the hell up aside from pulling hypothetical gachalocked 5* "alt" versions?
I have Malicetron and other great Light demons. I will be usefull when Light Democalypse comes
Beef them up? Yes, you can 5* them and give them mitamas and infusions to inflate their stats, but their utility is limited. Jack Frost in particular can be very useful due to Tag (skips his turn without consuming press turns), so for PvE alone yes, it could work. There are several videos of people using low grade demons to do end-game content like Kiwami, so you can definitely make it work if you put enough time and effort into it.
Oh, nice. Maybe I'll give it a spin, then. How's the alt story thing with playable MC? Is it updated often or just a side thing?
Unfortunately replying to your question would spoil the story.
Sent, my name’s Andrew
bravo nolan
You should both be accepted in a couple hours at most. Leader is on late american east coast time.
I did a shit ton of rerolls and only got schierke, guts, griffith and skull knight individually amongst them. Settled on SK because i heard he's good and am trying to get femto from one of the banners.
When I say a shit ton of rerolls I mean a shit ton.
Keep going unless you can't be bothered. SK is only really good at P4 (good luck getting 11 copies), Schierke is demo fodder, and Guts & Griffith need panels to shine too. Femto is good from the get go and he'll be useful for everything for a while.
I was rerolling from the free 10 berserk tickets they give you though and I was feeling like Femto just wasn't ever gonna show up. I guess I'll probably keep trying if I don't get him soon on this account.
You have to get gems for the banner, it doesn't take that long.
There's no point rerolling now, wait until they launch the triple mote banner because that one has the most meta demons in it. This isn't a game where rerolling for just one demon is worthwhile. Say you get Femto, congrats, you have one of the meta T1 units, but he's worthless unless you have the other three. You're not even going to get into diamond with just one meta unit these days, you need more.
There's Femto and Furykado on banners right now. And Femto is a collab-only unit. For all we know this will be the last Berserk collab.
That just means he's doomed to powercreep while non-collab units can theoretically get buffed in the future.
>repel phys + repel and drain pierce
>ailment inmune and cleanser
>adds 2x fortify to your team and 2MP at the start of battle
>puts decay on enemies, who if afflicted will deal -40% and received +20% damage
>attack is a 360 power bulwark-piercing phys magical with remnants that reduces phys affinity by 2 levels and ignores endures
>but he'll get powercrept! I promise! don't pull for him!
If he's your only meta unit then you're not making it past gold. Sorry anon, better luck next time.
I've been playing since beta, stop giving newbies bad advice.
I'm giving advice based on the state of the game now, stop giving advice based on outdated years old thinking.
You're the one giving mouth-breather advice. Furykado is the best unit in the game and he outranks everything else right now and it's not even close. Femto + Furykado can clear all the content besides BoS14. The 3x mote banner is padded with trash.
>Femto + Furykado can clear all the content besides the only PvE content that actually matters
Name two units anon could reroll from the banner that can do as much as Femto + Furykado can. I'll wait.
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Very late, but it's better late than never.
I'm happy for you that the Erlkonig buff revived her a bit longer.
>error message
Anyone else getting this when starting the aura gate event?
I was going to use her regardless.
I get that when doing TA sometimes. It's annoying but it fixes itself very quickly. As for AG it works fine but judging by the time you posted that it was probably becaude the game was updating.
Who should I build for a t1 Femto, Furakdo and Morrighan team between P1 Kalki and P0 Elohim? I don't have another good t1 character.
Both, you can have several pvp teams. Generally you want Elohim, but if you're facing an Yggy with Pascal, you don't want Elohim healing the latter, so use Kalki then.
no reason not have furrykado on every team
You don't know how to read?
P1 kalki is better just because he gets more innate speed, even if he is a bit redundant because Femto also has Kalki's gimmick.
Go for kalki now and then use elohim when you get his second panel.
Bro your Pascal?
Idun or Pascal
>in all the tickets the only 5 star I got was a Metatron
I really wish we could also get a free selector for one of the old units, I doubt one copy of any of those old units is going to do anything big
At least he has a sword and shield. All I got was my 20th useless Nergal.
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>people getting shit rolls
It's time.
Thank you Iwasaki-san!
I got 2 Griffiths, one Izznami and one Surt, guess my luck wasn’t that bad.
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Mermaid love!
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she makes me wet
The fuck is this tumblr shit.
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what are some good counters for this faggot?
Going first and not relying on T0 chain effects.
Himself, and a T1 team with remnants and with effects that activate after using their active skill.
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Been rerolling for Femto, and this is what I got so far. I was thinking of keeping the code and continuing to reroll for Femto, Lost Name, or something else.

What do you guys think so far about this account? It's on Chapter 5 with some of Alter World done for gems. nothing else is done and I kinda wanna save for anni starting now with it so I don't plan to summon anymore
>I was thinking of keeping the code and continuing to reroll for Femto, Lost Name, or something else.
Correct approach. Save the ID code + password in a notepad with the list of 5*s in that account, keep rolling, then keep the best account.
>What do you guys think so far
/ourguy/ Longinus is good because of the extra press turn, but unfortunately his time in the PvP spotlight was short lived. He's still a good unit, but other than Phys/Light demo he doesn't see much use for people who have a big roster. Same with Botis and Elohim.
>so I don't plan to summon anymore
Keep rerolling accounts. You can always use emulator instances to keep grinding the event if your PC is good enough.
What race is Griffith
Femto is ??
And how the fuck is this SMT related ?
Go shill your trash elsewhere.
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This weird display bug happens sometimes in democ and I wonder if they will ever fix it
Do democalypse RIGHT NOW!
How does a t1 team survive against t0 Malicetron team? Is this a rock paper scissors situation where t2 > t0 > t1?
Pascal and either Femto or Idun. Idun gives more guaranteed survival, Femto gives more speed.
How does having more speed affect this? I thought t0 team always activate their things at the start regardless of speed. Sorry, I'm new.
In case you're randoming.
You're supposed to have several pvp teams/configurations
been rerolling for days and gonna stop for anni.
ended up going to that account for now and doing another spin that got me the new angel guy Cemal or something.
Did you manage to reroll any accounts with both Femto and Furykado, Femto and Pascal, or Femto and Idun?
If you go second then you don't get to attack anyway so it doesn't matter if you can't survive the initial turn 0 auto attacks
mozgus the real mvp
Is this worth playing? Can anyone explain the basics?
it's shit, you're better off playing something else
Yes. How basic are the basics we're talking about? Have you played any Shin Megami Tensei game before?
Yeah but I'm more talking about panels and stuff and how to optimise for meta stuff. I already have one ongoing gatcha so this would just be f2p for me.

Also, wouldn't it be easier to skip the tutorial for rerolling? Also is the beginner banner the absolute one? That doesn't use gems?
Is there any guides or tierlists or anything like that that isn't outdated.
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Got no Femto
zero, nada. got mozgus and zodd at least
mozgus is nice
now if only I could have been able to use him for this demo...
Yeah, but those aren't basics. Planning ahead is hard because of how unique situations among new players are, based on what units they started with.
>wouldn't it be easier to skip the tutorial for rerolling?
Can you even skip it?
>Also is the beginner banner the absolute one?
It should say beginner in its name, and have Zeus, Elohim, and Demeter in the image (if they haven't changed it).
This used to be a good "landing page", but it hasn't been updated in forever.
This guide is good, but outdated a bit.
Up-to-date, but somewhat trangely biased. So I prefer the Japanese one (you can use a site translator if you need to:
Didn't get eclipse man either. What a waste of 6000 gems.
honestly, no. the rates are terribly low just as is the income of the premium currency, the powercreep is constant, >>>>>pvp focus, etc. go play a console smt instead. this game is not really worth it if you value your sanity. though that could also apply to any gacha.
As far as gacha go, this one is very generous and F2P-friendly, specially in comparison to newer games.
>roll another step, 7000 gems total
>no femto
>200 gems left
It's over for me.
I dunno why you people are so autistic, I've been playing casually and get to gold most of the time, even if my team is not fully meta. Sure, you can't do this a month after starting, but eventually you can save up and get some meta demons, which can even last a whole year like Demeter.

The game is great, has many fun modes, you don't need to spend anything unless you are some mentally ill potato aiming for top 100 in PvP.
Some people have this idea that they deserve to rank top10 every single time and if they can't, then the game is automatically shit. These are the same retards who get VAC bans and then claim they dindu nuffin.
Is the event aura gate worth spamming stamina on if I'm already done with milestones?
Not unless you need a fuckton of Horkos for fusing.
If you mean those free limited stamina pots? Then yes if you can still redeem for chests. Otherwise not.
>generous and f2p friendly
imagine calling 5k gems per month and a guaranteed demon at 28k or 18k gems friendly and generous
Now post how many rolls / currency does it take to get the guarantee for the newest banner demon for other gachas, plus the necessary proportions to make that unit viable to begin with. I'll wait.
In FEH is usually less than 200 orbs which you can get in less than a month
FEH also only has that you can only spark in 1/3 of the banners unless you have the monthly pass and the ones that you can't spark on are the ones where the units aren't part of the main pool like the Legendary banners or the Seasonal banner
except that FEH give you each month 8 new units, 2 of which are meta relevant... but their relevancy lasts once month in most cases
I guess Dx2 is indeed generous then.
Oh nononono disingenuousisters not like this!!!
The game is good but I would also never recommend it just because it's a gacha game.
I love having my little demons on my phone, but I wouldn't okay this shit if it wasn't smt related.
Now add paneling vs +10ing, much easier in feh, true is if you want to play favorites feh is way better despite the powercreep, in Dx2 you NEED at least a half meta team to even reach Gold and PVP withholds a bunch of gems so you can’t just ignore it.
A lot of meta demons don't demand panels at all to be useful. I have Pascal and Furycado without panels and I never clear below Diamond 3 each week, and I usually get D2 unless I slack. My other two are usually Demeter and Kartikeya, which you can get for free and fuse, respectively.
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>this one is very generous and F2P-friendly
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>As far as gacha go
>specially in comparison to newer games
Got 215 motes, Pascal and the P1 I had skipped on my P2 Zeus (I still find some use for him in Battle Tower). Life is amazing.
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I got my Yggdrasil plus a Lugh
pretty good
>P2 Zeus (I still find some use for him in Battle Tower).
I paired him with Tiamat A
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5 Haunt Kumbhanda (G83)

Transferable: Death Blow

Kumbhanda (Passive) Lv 4: +20% to Max HP
Adds Ice/Force Pierce. Adds Null Mortal. +40% to AC and EV. +100% to Critical hit rate.
Endure with 300 HP on first fatal blow.
Activate the following Chain Effect at the start of the first turn: Reduce the Ice/Force attribute affinity of the two demons with the highest and lowest current HP by 3 levels, and grant them 2 counts of Spirit Chains of Corrosion.
Activate the following Chain Effect when after activating Soul Jack: Inflict damage equal to 50% of the target's Max HP to all enemies (Max 2500). (Once per turn)

Soul Jack 6MP Lv 6: +20% damage, -1 MP Cost
Inflicts Ice/Force (Physical, Power: 260) damage with Bulwark Pierce to a single enemy and grants them 2 counts of Spirit Chains of Corrosion.
If attack is successful, activate the following Chain Effect: Receive 1 additional press turn.(Once per turn)
*Ignores Endures

Aragami: Rending Force / Wicked Strike
Protector: Epitome of Finesse / Epitome of Aggression
Psychic: Master Assassin / Epitome of Martial Arts
Elementalist: Repel Dark / Barrier Survivor

Null Ice/Force/Dark, Weak Elec

HP: 1060
STR: 192
MAG: 88
VIT: 147
AGI: 200
LUK: 158

P1: +250 HP
+15% to Ice/Force damage. -1 to MP Cost of Soul Jack.

P2: +100 PATK
Activate the following Chain Effect at the start of the first turn: Increase ATK, DEF, & EV/AC of all allies by 20%, and decrease ATK, DEF, & EV/AC of all enemies by 20%. (1 turn)

P3: +250HP
+30% to Ice/Force damage.
neat demon to put between a collab and the half ani stuff
>fractional damage does not Bulwark Pierce
>200 agi
>No speed boost
Yep, he's mid.
Another middling ice demon, Sega truly have a hateboner against that element.
Compared to another high revenue topdog such as ReUniverse, this game is ass. That game gives you 60k currency per month, you need 45k for a guaranteed, 5% rates, dupes are useless, offbanners range from decent to good, hell even the currency price is very good.
But yeah, friendly and generous, my ass
Most people in this thread only played dx2 and maybe another normalfag gacha, they don't have much to compare.
>high revenue topdog such as ReUniverse
LMFAO I stopped reading right there
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Oh hey they are finally fixing it
How many times did you roll? I don’t know if to roll here or wait till half anniversary, my team isn’t very strong.
>roll for Morrighan on multiple re-run banners
>nothing, 30 tomes away from a free one on the next re-run
>roll the triple mote banner for the hell of it
This game sometimes
>he doesn't know
Silly anon, you only get the demon you want when you stop wanting it. That's the key to Step1chadding - You roll on ALL step1s expecting absolutely nothing and the gacha gods will smile upon you.
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>decided to say screw it and just roll on the guaranteed berserk demon
>got the colored Zodd I wanted and another copy of Doguts to pannel
Those 2500 gems might mean I dont get a demon I want later on but I like cats way too much to not try and get him in colored too
Guess now I am going to have him as my P4 project with the uni spirits
>I am going to have him as my P4 project with the uni spirits
Not a wise choice, I'd save them for when you really need, or at least never go below 200 universal spirits just in case.
I already have over 200 saved (but some of those are reserved for when they make a p4 for ose hallel, already have him at p3 with some extra spirits), besides I only really roll when they have an anniversary or half ani and those come with free spirits anyway
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Decided to leave it all for the end and after opening all of these I got 7 Genomes 1 Kasane and 0 Absolute Files
It's insane how rare absolute files are when they give you trash
I feel they are rarer now, I got like 1000 cubes, the most I have gotten in this type of event, but only got 1 absolute file while in previous ones I have gotten 2 or 3 with less cubes, way more blank genomes too.
I got 1x Kasane, 2x Blank Genomes, and 1x Absolute File from the first 600 cubes (I always open 8 by 8 until I get the mission, then I open the rest at the end). From the next 501 cubes I only got 1x Absolute File.
At this point I'd gladly trade absolute files for blank genomes.
Where would you even get the skills to use the genome without the files?
From the other 5*s I get. What a dumb question.
What would you guys say are some demons highly likely to be added soon?
Any predictions?
I don't think Satan or Devil Lucy will be added soon, I feel like only at the end of the current story they will show up
And after Queen Frost the options are only limited by "It isn't a Persona design"
I am going to bet we will get something like IV Astaroth or a V demon for the half ani since VV is releasing close to it
I'm assuming we get stuff like Demifiend when the game is EoS?
Man this shit really isn't fun at all. On the bright side at least i'm done with everything PvE and I can focus 100% on the PvP.
You're not done until you can do it in under 5 minutes, which lets you use skip tickets.
After Queen Frost, nothing old is off limits. Dreaming about they adding Torifune isn't coping anymore. Probably? A demon from the files like Cherub.
No, this game is for chads only. There is no tolerance for faggots like Demifiend.
Did I fuck up and miss spirit panels for Femto because they might've been mission drops from cubes of absolute?
Do you really think they would be that generous?
No idea, I'm new. Are you honestly expected to get dupes of a time limited Collab demon when pulling one copy is hard enough? I mean at least other demons come back on the regular.
Yes, you are expected to pull for multiples, the only times they have given out free pannels for new demons was when they gave out non-collored versions of them from what I remember
Yeah, the more I play the more I'm tempted to stop. Grinding seems obscene compared to some other gatcha's I've played.
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>And after Queen Frost the options are only limited by "It isn't a Persona design"
Even then I wouldn't be surprised if we get something from P1 or P2.
I heard SMT V came out on PS5, maybe demons from that will come out in this game? Not sure if there are any left
Satan is in that game, so fingers crossed we finally see him
Unfortunately it's Doi's design but they could always do dimensional Satan
We already have, like Idun and the faggot werewolf.
What are you even trying to acomplish with this team?
Win by Defence Support
>he said, while having top damage units that team can't filter
Should I? Or should I wait for 6.5 ani and use Choice File to get her
She is on the free rolls pool now isn't she? You can wait to get more copies of her like that
Don't bother unless you have a Malicetron but no Camael. And even then you'd be better off waiting until you get a Camael and using 300 of the universals on him.
You'd be surprised how much damage Erl can rack up against T1 teams without Pascal, Idun, or Demeter. It'll take a few turns, but that team is designed to simply stall for long enough that the damage adds up.
I have both Malicetron and Camael, I want second T0 attack unit
Then save for Mithras, he also boosts the damage the opponent will take by quite a bit
>While the one with this skill is alive all Divine or Herald demon party members will receive an increase to Elec/Light damage dealt by 40%
That's the same boost that Mithras gives, while Mithras also reduces enemy light/fire by -40% to help against mirror comps.
Except I have Gaby right now with that bonus, and who knows when Mithras banner comes back(it will be SJ banner that will have garbage useless demons like Maya or Orcus) . Plus I don't see why I can't have both Gaby and Mithras on my team
Don't like IV?
Not worth it at all
Gabby is the name of the nun, not Gaby. And that Gabby isn't the same as the Gabriel we can summon in Dx2.
I kinda miss Queen Frost even, Jack Frost jumpscares were really funny.
Superbly patrician taste. For several reasons the Queen Frost event was the best of its type so far.
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Decided to bite the bullet and did 5 cycles in the triple mote banner, before I just had Zeus, Albedo and Furycado, who should I include in my pvp team? Idunn?
Botis or Hachiman
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>block you're path
nothing personell
>comparison to newer games
Have you tried playing OuterPlane? It's an anime themed gacha with 1,500 Ether per roll, that's insanely good for a gacha, you have no idea what you're sperging about lol.
he's the same idiot who is always shitting up the thread, claims he's been playing since beta days, it's in the /smgt/ guild and for a time couldn't even reach top 5 but was calling everyone a "leech", ignore him
btw at least he stopped with his retardation on the game chat after being called out kek
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>it's an enemy does 4000 damage with their devil connector attack episode
How is this possible
Literally how?
I used all the mat available for a F2P and I can barely reach 400 damage in PvP.
>for a F2P
There you go
I tried Tokyo Abyss last month and while it's very fun to play, they need to let you at least be able to use demons you own. I see no reason why I spend my gems for a limited demon, only to never be able to have him in my party for that mode.
That is going to be the first of many grievances this game has, don't spend money on it and uninstall as soon as you get bored/hit a wall imo.
D.connector and the extra battle stamina are those things that make a difference between a F2P player and a whale.
I'm glad I managed to get legend before because I feel it's almost impossible now. It's a shame but what can you do.
Gozu Tennoh and Idun are a legit good combo if you have really good brands. Even without bulwark pierce gozu can deal really good damage.
Fury Masakado, Gozu, Idun and another tank demon sounds fun.
Seems to me people that play this game rarely play other gacha. Also it's kinda funny that OuterPlane has more reviews than Dx2 in the google play store, and I hadn't even heard of this game before.
You mean the recruiter? He's top 3 every demo. I don't know if he's actually playing since beta but that's very easy to prove by taking a screenshot of the mission that tracks numbers of days logged in.
Yes game, "Aliment Infliction 21%" is EXACTLY what i need in my Lost brand
I could understand someone, somewhere, making use of Ailment primary on a Lost brand. What really boggles my mind is flat magic/physical attack/defense. I can't think of a single demon that could benefit from that over percentage primaries of the same kind.
only 4k? my fully conbected eva unit does 10k dmg
>Inb4 whale
never spend a cent on this game
Learn to read dumbass.
Ohnononono. Cool Eva unit but yeah, learn to read dude.
Alright, I’ll stick with those and Albedo cause she has been the goat so far, thanks.
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>Seems to me people that play this game rarely play other gacha.
Nta but can confirm. I honestly hate gacha games but I really like the smt demons and the overall pvp experience is fun most of the time.
When this game eventually closes down I don't think I'll play any other gacha game ever.
>Outer Plane
Would you kindly stay here and stop mentioning this hidden gem? Thank you.
I don't get your reply, I haven't played it.
Oh it's you, hey at least you stopped being a retarded autistic spaz on guild chat after being called out , no need to defend Sega and its shit tactics though with you "since beta days".
I don't play any other gachas though, so clearly not him since you claim he's defending the gacha.
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Are you gay for this guy or something?
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didn't he leave or something
He ragequit and then was kicked from the faction for being AFK and I guess he's back again being his usual retarded self
Creation or Vengeance first? I haven't played SMTV before.
Wrong thread?
Play Creation first and then the other
Don't play that shit game at all.
Creation first, it's the original story. Vengeance assumes you've played the original.
Playing Tokyo Abyss made me have an itch to play a real SMT game, and I assumed people here are SMT fans.
SMT fans aren't playing VV though.
We are though?
You should go to /v/ or /vg/ where there are several threads to discuss that, or just lurk before posting.
We don't mind you posting about SMT stuff here so ask away
/smtg/ all but vacated with Vabbies taking over, and I, for one, don't plan to ever play V since I think it looks hideous, and Nocturne was already my least favourite mainline.
You don't speak for everyone, faggot. I mean I don't mind it per se, but it's still off-topic unless directly relevant to this game's discussion.
go take a shower you fucking reek
I'll stop reeking if I take a shower, but there's nothing you can do to stop being retarded, so I win.
you're still buttblasted after being called out holy shit roflmao
>no argument
>you stinky!!!
Go back to twitter to update your pronouns and do your weekly anime girl picture change.
go get your booster and doughnut like you did 3 years ago roflmao
I get the booster reference, but not the doughnut one. Is that an amerimutt thing? Were you getting free doughnuts if you got vaccinated?
you tell me stinky boy
I've never set foot in the USA, sorry goblino.

so you're a pajeet? jesus fucking christ this explains so much, this is why you recruit ? to have an imaginary high horse? i'm fucking dying holy shit
Sasuga goblino thinking only third world countries like the USA and India exist.
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>muh I've been here since beta days
>they're leeches!
>he doesn't deny it
The fuck does beta and leeches have to do with boosters and doughnuts? I called you a retard as banter but I guess I was actually right
>he doesn't deny it
I did by implying, but I don't expect a retard to even know what that means.
Gaebreal, IIRC. Some 60 IQ beaner who had just started playing and wasted a trillion hours sockpuppeting to reply to himself out of some strange dunning kruger sense of egotism. He quit somewhat quickly, but I guess somehow he has returned to shit all over this thread once again. I guarantee he's pretending to be at least 4 different posters right now.
Please stop replying to him. He's a mentally ill cretin clinically obsessed with me after I got him BTFO beyond repair and now he thinks anyone who disagrees with him (even if they didn't reply to him) is me, which proves I live rent free in his head.

Just ignore him and he'll go away next time he doesn't get the banner unit.
go take a shower curry boy >>1493528
Ok I'll stop but only because you said please.
Seems like you have a personal problem but this is not the thread for that anon I don't know what else you want me to say. I replied to you because >>1493511 but damn are you not showing everyone how autistic and retarded you are?
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>sigh.... somehow the retard returned
( o_o).b
Projection is a hell of a drug lmfao roflmaoooooooooooo
>Proceeds to make a schizo headcannon of a literally who person as a reply

I respect all races but the pajeet name fits you so perfect in this situation , typical attitude.
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Saw a bunch of replies and thought a demon everyone wanted got leaked as the next one but instead got autism
I hate when disappointing stuff like this happens
>retard is also a pedo
Of course
>SMT fans aren't paying for VV
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I feel that happens too often regarding smt, no matter the place.
In what world? I'm enjoying it thoroughly and going by this thread so are other newbros.
I think you should read posts before replying to them.
>I think
Doesn't seem that way. Or am I misinterpreting your post? You're stating people are not paying for VV, so the other alternatives are either they are torrenting it, or not playing, but going by this thread people are actually playing VV and asking questions ITT about it, and me and all my friends bought it and are playing it.
So what's your post about? Or are you just shitposting? Thanks in advance for the clarification.
I didn't state people are not paying, another anon did.
>but going by this thread people are actually playing VV
Which is not at odds with not paying for the game. Which is why I said you should read before replying.
>Thanks in advance for the clarification
You're welcome.
What should I be reading before replying then? Your post makes no sense. You really didn't clarify anything. If we agree about the same thing why did you even felt the need to reply with such nonsense? Or are you using a translator to change your ESL to English? Or is my EOL in the way of understanding your reasoning?
You posted >>1493544
and I replied with >>1493547 with the implications that your "fixed that for you" meant you were mocking VV and that no one was paying for it (they are, more people are buying VV than then SH2 came out). Then you said "You should read the posts". There were only two posts there. Pic related is you right now.
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>your ESL
Oh the irony.
>pic related is you
>no pic related
I guess I accidentally replied to the retard lmao. My bad.
Pic related is you, as in, there's no picture to show. That was pretty obvious.
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>I accidentally replied to the retard
bad anon!!! BAD!!!

So are you going to address >>1493557? You're welcome in advance by the way, if it was all a misunderstanding because of your lack of English comprehension and I went and addressed it in a respectful and mature way. No need to thank me. I welcome any talk of SMG seeing how the newly re-release of V brought us newbros and that's more than enough for me who's been playing this gacha for 3 years now.
Please change your support demons.
>use universals to get narcissus 3 paneled since he's kinda good and i have him
>"wtf that guy we hate buffed narcissus to 3 panel fuck that!"
>*buffs random trash demon that nobody uses to directly counter narcissus, also synergizes with the demons that have been op for 3+ years*
this game is horrific dogshit
ohhh narcicus TnT
are you talking about erlkonig?
>You posted
No, I did. Stop being schizophrenic from one second "anon".
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If you are talking about Erlkonig you deserve it for using a faggot tree demon instead of using a chad wood demon.
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Another cycle and 3 more demons, are Amon and Mel still good at anything? Maybe brand farming ?
Idun/D.Kali/Melchi is a good base for Deceit 14.
wow you sure explained yourself after getting btfo "anon"
Need to goon to Yoko feet in gacha soon...
Is white indrajit the best color if I want to make a fast elect team? With the auras from Zeus, Botis and Loup-Garou he gets 115% extra damage without even looking at his kit, assuming everyone is fully panneled and maxed is 15 extra agility better than 20% extra damage ? This is for pvp btw
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There isn't a single demon who's optimal choice is a common archetype. To you right now that +15 agility might seem like an edge, but in reality he'll become all but obsolete once you get better demons... while you'll still be using him in democalypse where that +20% damage will be more important. That doesn't even take into account that you can never change a clear demon's archetype.

As a rule of thumb, never waste resource on a common archetype unit unless the other ones aren't available (e.g. Seraph, Norn, Kartikeya, etc.)
Fast elec teams don't exist anymore.
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You haven't forgotten about the Demon Scanner, right? You do have all the bonds maxed, right?
thought they removed it
Did another cycle and got a Hagen and another purple Melch, is he worth panneling or is it better to snatch the epitome of interception?
the wiki is kill
won't get you into diamond but maybe a gold 3 if you weren't in there before
hagen is great however
Never, EVER sacrifice a 5* for either of their skills. Use a blank genome to extract the skill.
If you're >>1494034, transfer a random damage attack to Hagen and you can probably reliably clear Deceit 14, though not under 5 minutes.
Yeah, with Idun, Mel and D. Kali right? What’s your team for D14? I also have a Demone-ho for desperate hit and could summon an Asura if they’re any better.
I don't have one because I don't have the right demons for it.
Asura would be an upgrade over Hagan, you can tinker with the lineup if you think Idun and Melchi together are overkill for reviving, especially if you can get Asura fully panelled.
Don't worry about level 14 brands of sin yet. If you're new, you're still dependent on lesser brands to farm D14. Don't make important decisions with your resources for things you can't yet do.
It's the worse instance of a SMT game, with horrible gacha mechanics, units powercreept every release, with 6 years running. If you want a Shin Megami experience with modern mechanics try out the newest release for consoles, as the mechanics from here are also outdated. The last post before yours was 1 day ago, that says it all. As for the player base? Worse than a nuclear holocaust.
>Is it super pay to win?
Yes, it doesn't matter if you rolled for 1 meta unit, you need to roll the same unit 20 times to make it good as all other units are useless.
>Is the story any good
>What kind of shit am I in for?
The kind that you sit in the toiler for hours trying to take a shit but it just doesn't come out, while leaving you with debilitating pain, that's what you're in for.
Wow that sounds like fucking shit
Thanks for the info. I kind of figured it would of been super scummy taking a look at some of the systems in place.
>VV login event
>It's only macca
>VV bait banner
>Doesn't even have Idun
EoS soon, I can feel it in my magnetite
You forgot the 100 free 3 stars and the buffs do demons
>SMTV:V Free Summons
>SMTV:V Double Mote
>Look inside
>Loup Garou and Idun aren't on the pool
>SMT/Persona binge
Leave and don't come back. Yes, this gacha is atrocious (but only for you) and extremely predatory (but only for you).

Disclaimer: Non-personafags welcome.

Doomposters are always braindead. Don't acknowledge them.
>odin, anahita, amon buffs + bulwark pierce
Is next event half ani?
No, we're still in baiting phase. Next Thursday the 27th should be it.
I'm honestly getting tired of bulwark pierce. We need more bulwark removal instead. Demeter still gets a fuck-ton use because of all the bonuses everyone gets when under bulwark, and piercing bulwarks doesn't remove those bonuses.
They should have buffed Loup Garou instead of Zeus desu, it feels like he needs it more
Like at least change it to remove bullwarks + put a spirit chain that prevents bullwarks and maybe healing if you don't want it to be extremely obvious that it is just a demeter counter
Well Loup Garou probably isn't going to get buffed anytime soon because some people got him for free from the comeoration files
for real? any more details?
>power boost from 160 to 240
>with bulwark pierce
we are eating good
very nice, thanks anon
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Reminder /smtg/ has several open spots right now. Join before the upcoming Force Democalypse this Friday (28 hours from this post). Search for our faction "/smtg/" (without quotation marks), apply to it, then reply to this post so Leader can check for applications and know it's someone from here instead of some random. If you're already in a faction and want to join the winning team, you can leave them and apply to ours 6 hours later. You get max rewards regardless of your damage.
Reminder that this guy is a pajeet which only recruits so he can feel good about himself, as soon as you join he will call you a leech while not even being top 3, /smtg/ continues decreasing in rank because of it.
>retard border-crossing beanmonkey projecting his racial inferiority to white men still seething he got kicked from the faction because he had quit the game now pretends he was thrown out because there was an agenda against him
Your tears sustain me, so keep it up.

For everyone else, we guarantee this retard won't be in the faction with you.
You do realize what he wants is to create drama so saying stuff like that only fuels him, right?
I usually ignore him, but this once is okay because I think it's important for potential recruits to know we don't kick people for any reason besides not logging in for several weeks.
Did a final cycle and got a demiurge, nothing much to write about but I’m glad I pulled in this bait banner.
yeah im staying far away from that, last time i was in a game with an egomaniac pajeet it was pure nightmare so thank you anon
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qrd? who was kicked? kek what a shitshow

im new here so just been reading the thread
>replying to yourself over and over
literally who?
SMT VV is the best Megaten game since Persona 5 (vanilla)
Of fucking course the shitposter is a personafaggot...
are you going to give a name?
you could also join the autism and drama free faction which is also the last remaining 4chin founding faction. We got top rewards once! Only downside is that the leader falls asleep sometimes, i'm not even sure he posts here either.
>the last remaining 4chin founding faction
/smtg/ was a founding faction too dont be a lil nigger
>drama free faction
there hasnt been any drama since the purseowner left and there was none in years until he joined
>We got top rewards once!
we never not have top rewards!
Anon the only drama here is you and your antics....kek
you proved my point
dont confuse me with the autist your in love with faggot
not since the original leader left, /smgt/ is a shell of its former self and this thread shows it , our current leader doesn't care as long as he can buy the latest demons and it's just making the guild a very shitty place to be only
>making the guild a very shitty place
I disagree, but I've been there for a year now, although some of the people could be kicked there and it would make the place 10% better as seen ITT. Good luck with AA though, catchy name.
My bullshit and samefag detector are off the charts. Prove you're actually in the faction by posting the main faction menu. It shows the faction but not your name so you should have no objections. I'll wait.
Continue sperging out in guild chat what do I care?
>guild chat
You mean faction chat? By all means post it. I'll wait.
Keep waiting while I continue seeing you sperg out in guild chat, that's right, not faction, but guild chat, does this also makes you flustered anon-kun?
You fell for my trap card, the faction chat is completely empty. Thanks for proving you're not in the faction and just gaslighting because you're envious we do great and you won't be let in ever again.
>the faction chat is completely empty
Lmfao, roflmao. Come on now 1-800-
you reply so fast anon-kun!
I see all these posts but no name is being mentioned, are you all trolling?
Checked, but what do you mean by name? This is an anonymous imageboard and nobody is using a tripcode.
read the thread
Name of the "parties" involved in the shitposting, I'm aware there's no tripcodes here. Apparently it's so important that the thread dies unless that's the topic being discussed.
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>i only said autism and drama half jokingly...
My bullshit detector tells me that you're one of the parties and you're desperate to see your name being dropped, so I won't indulge you. Good luck though.
Oh okay so you're just an autist samefagging and replying to yourself just to make /smgt/ looks bad, got it. Idiot. If that was the case you would mention the shitposter so she or he can be dealt with accordingly, but you won't.
>no images
>no names
>but but muh detector
Just stop.
If that wouldn't be the case* you're welcome
>I'm the one asking the bullshitters to post pics
>you didnt post pics
Whatever you say, projection-kun, have a (you) for your mental well-being.
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this gay drama started in september of last year by the way
>Continues to use buzzwords
It's easy, whoever is the shitposter has logged in recently, you can find out that, why not post the name? If it was on the date you mentioned then you can pinpoint it quite easily, no?
>he's replying to himself openly now
>his gay drama started in september of
i cannot say but I do remember a log of tldr related to a member of /smgt/ not being on the top 3 while calling all the members "leeches" and after being called out he started a schizo crusade which you can see it now , i assume he got kicked out and is still mad?
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someone already namedropped the guy a few days ago
Okay that's excellent, can you see when was her last log in? Best way to eradicate the shitposter is being showing it.
by showing it* you're welcome anon but stop with the drinking lmfao how do you even confuse those words, calm down, breathe.
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>shin megami tensei gacha game playerbase
>the one singular satania poster this thread has thinks nobody else realizes he's the one shitting this thread
please seek medical help asap
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Jesus Christ, can a mod please ban this faggot and delete all his IP's posts already so we can see it's just one (1) retard replying to himself over and over again? He doesn't even make the effort to use different terms or writing style, as if everyone is just as retarded as him and we can't tell he's samefagging, for fucks' sake.
What makes you think a mod is not here already? If I recall correctly back when the conbector thing started a thread was pruned because it had the image edited to say "conbector". Probably way before that. It was mentioned briefly and then astrosurfed into "not it was breaking the board rules" and forgotten.
thread went suspiciously silent , many revelations here
Can anyone help me team build i also have surt Ishtar lilith izanami kohryu susanoo sameal and micheal.
I'd say go Berserk Guts, Masakado, Hagen and Mephisto
Seems like the team that is most likely to win vs tank teams and the speed teams need heavy investment
I'll misuse quoting for the sake of syntax. Your defense team isn't going to be very good, but I think the best you can do right now is:
>Kohryu + Erlkonig + Mozgus + Berserker Guts
For offense, your best is:
>Mephisto + Hagen + Berserk Guts + Herokado
Switch Herokado for Apsu when against Turn 0 ailment annoyances like Dimensional Tiamat, Cleopatra, etc., and when against Malice Metatron and his lackeys for Apsu's -20% damage received when your party members have Lydia on.
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I really need yo get better self control, I know I shouldn't roll on triple motes banners but I always think to myself
>but what if this time I get who I want?
And then after wasting 2500 gems I get stuff that was mediocre when it came out or duplicates of Demons that have no use outside of democ and even with both colors neither are the good ones for democ and don't have any transfers I need
Also time to get demoted in the tower because I have 0 Zan demons that aren't trash and if I use wind swords I will also have to waste a turn
At least you got a decent amount of motes. I honestly did like two cycles just because I want to be able to fully transcend a demon I like.
I was in that thread and it was pruned because the previous thread was still active. That's all.
daily freebies started
are you serious?
Hey mang, leveling 7* brands is expensive, don't be a hater.
Play shitty games win shitty prices
>7* brands
NTA but I can't farm those since you need very specific demons for it to not take forever.
>waste 100 tickets on deceit+drop campaign
>0, zero, nil, matk% spell brands
fucking rng man, i swear
this bulwark pierce OdinA is doing me a lot of good
They have been stingy this year. No gems for white day or valentine's day either.
So I'm new-ish and pulled for Metatron but got some weird red aura one, what's the difference? Also got some chuthulu esc demon old something. He any good?
If you got Malice Metatron it's just one of the best demons in the game. No big deal
>Also got some chuthulu esc demon old something. He any good?
Oh uh great, better not mention I got him first step then. Beginners luck I guess? It did take me 1500 gems for the chuthulu Demon though. Why is Metatron red though? I thought malice was just a weird nickname.
Malice Metatron is different from regular Metatron in terms of which skills they have and how their function in the party is supposed to work.
That said, while Malicetron is one of the best units in the game, he also requires a lot of gacha support in order to be one of the best units in the game. If you want to start building teams around him, go after demons that do light or dark damage at the start of combat, like Camael, Sukuna-Hikona (not the dimensional one), Gabriel, Tiamat A, as well as Mithras who chains light damage attacks together.
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I kneel, luckCHAD
Who do guys think is the half anni demon going to be? Think they'll make kokoro playable, to go along with the final story chapter?
A final dx2 for the last chapter would make sense but you never know with these devs.
>Who do guys think is the half anni demon going to be?
My big copium is one or two isekai demons because they didn't have one this year for golden week. Hoping for Titania and Oberon.
But realistically it's going to be some shit ass doi demon from V that only obnoxious faggots like, so I expect them to add Artemis to celebrate the release of smtVV.
Satan double banner, both the xenomorph and the apocalypse designs added st the same time
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If there is a time to add pic related, it would be now.
>6th year
>half-anniversary means 6 months
if they don't style it as THE 6.66TH ANNIVERSARY and have Lucifer and/or Satan involved somehow then it's a complete fuckup.
Checked. But for it to work, it would have to be on July 28th. The anniversary was on January 22nd, sixth months later would be July 22nd, then add 6 days.
This is a good idea.
>Godly Satan to complete the godly race
>SMTV demon to celebrate VV's release
That would be a good start.
Honestly I want the Soulless God Oumagatsu and King Abaddon from the raidou games and the reason gods from smt3.
Also some buffs for older demons and 4* demons especially asherah
Satan, but it's the Majin Tensei II design.
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You mean the superior Persona 1 design
>superior anything
Try again.
All demons below 5* need to be reworked.
They can get more stats from mitama and sins but that doesn't make up for their shitty moveset.
anyone beat boss battle 9?
Is there a sword and shield tier list and a guide for stuff life devil connector.
If there's no tierlist could I have some suggestions I only really have base banner 5* demons.
>Is there a sword and shield tier list
The sword and shield you get from fusable demon are enough for PvE content.
Battle Tower is where you strat needing swords made from gacha only demon.
Indrajit and Herokado are fusable right now for a limited time, this will be your only shot at getting them without the gacha until a long time.
>devil connector
Just upgrade your shit and give gift to your favorite but unusable demons, that's it.
So I should fuse those two and make a herokado sword and indrajit shield or the reverse?
Hero Masakado sword/Indrajit shields isn't bad. If you can do both sword and shield for masakado.
Focus on getting Herokado sword and shield, Indrajit can be gotten with medals from the DAI events.
No, but going by what the top ranked players in the Oberon league use is as good of a reference you'll get. In my opinion the best are:
Undead Alice > Masakado, Alice, Asura >>> Metatron, Yoshitsune, Seraph, Asherah (if your team can remove revive seals) >>>>> Single-target gacha elementals > Rest
Undead Alice > Herokado, Masakado, Indrajit, Asura >>> Ixtab, Metatron, Gogmagog >>>>> Rama, Yoshitsune, Frost Ace > Rest

The rest are circumstantial. Skip the Herokado sword unless you can really (REALLY) afford the massive magnetite dump it requires. If you pull an Undead Alice, I'd sacrifice her immediately (after removing any 5* gacha skills), since it'll be a long time until she's viable again.

It's a hard to suggest beyond "here, get all the good stuff you basically have no access to on demand" unless you share how much MAG you've accumulated, if you have enough demon subjugation medals for a summon, if you have enough spirits to panel, etc. Generally speaking, you'll want to have practically all the swords and shields eventually... but this is a very long term plan.

>Devil Connector
1. Pick one (1) demon, ideally your favourite, and exclusively use Heartfelt Offerings on them. Your favourite hasn't been added yet and you think there's a chance they will? Hoard all the resources.
2. Either level the slots at the same time, or first one to 100, then the other two 1 by 1.
3. Level the Active Skill slot to 50 first, then the passives according to the skills you have.
4. Always, ALWAYS, reject replacing a skill.
5. Save your Killer Nectar ("Tomatoes") until you understand the system better. I heavily regret some usage of it in retrospective, and hindsight is 20/20 on this.

I can elaborate further if you have specific questions on either topic.
Why is Seraph Sword is so high but Seraph Shield isn't?
Seraph Shield gives your party +20% damage and it comes with Life Surge.
bad resists and doesn't retaliate on taking damage would be my guess
Because the sword is generally the best option for when you need to do Light/Fire damage and the other units in your team don't cover that, or when you need to specifically increase L/F damage (e.g. running Malicetron) and/or decrease L/F MP consumption (e.g. running Pascal).
Opportunity cost: The chances that in any given set-up there isn't a better shield to use are basically zero. Why would you use the Seraph shield for "+% party damage when attacking a weak point" when you can use the Herokado shield to give you an extra Press Turn?
Not really. Beefing up your character is pointless considering how high damage is nowadays. Resistances or lack thereof are virtually irrelevant with very few exceptions like running the Gogmagog shield when having an unit that has Drain Pierce. So, the priority is to make your units stronger or provide utility.
In the ass
Where can i get Transcend Stones for Metatron(malice)?
Can i use Metatron Transcend Stones i get from Democalypse coins for my Malice Metatron?
I think 6.5 ani will be Artemis
No. They're different units.
I assume this doesn't work if I don't have Yggdrasil?
Calling it: next banner will be Nahoheeho.
Would be funny if he was 2 star unit with transferable "Tag"
i've seen people use gog
i use ygg because i hate how many press turns they get
If they add that loser before they add Diana I will kyoani the Sega HQ.
Herokado shield doesn't have Life Surge. Which sounds useless, but T0 attacks can be pretty brutal some times. Plus it's way easier to fully Panel Seraph Shield than it is Herokado.
Ether way Sword and Shield are usually irrelevant in battle tower and 99,9% of the victories are thanks to good demons
>Herokado shield doesn't have Life Surge
>Sword and Shield are usually irrelevant in battle tower and 99,9%
I've never made it past Oberon 1, but unless you have the top of line Tower meta units, armaments make quite a bit of difference, specially Herokado/Masakado Shield, and the Mortal weapons.
I am so done with this event
took so long to beat the timer looped
How important are the panels or can I get away with unpaneled demons with your party?
only metatron and erl were p4
metatron i'd say has to be p4
also the brands i used were life and 6th sense with a focus on hp
>opponent crits
here my strat, bruva
Thank you but I don't have Shaddai either...
Herokado shield does give you a bonus press turn if you attack first and you're usually tanky enough to survive whatever is thrown at you on T0.
I will be mad as hell.
all smt dx2 newfags, i'm the best source for a review of this shit game:
yes the game is fun when u are new, as long as u evade the duels/battle tower since u will get bent over and booty blasted beyond your wildest imagination
the pve is fun, and there's a lot of pve content, and you will very rarely run out of stamina which is the typical phone game rofl u have to wait to play shit. u'll get overloaded with it so you won't ever have downtime.
idk what the story is i just slam the skip button at all times, but the dx2 main character questline was good enough for me to pay attention to it
also aura gate 2 is good.
should you play? yeah maybe
should you pay at any point for anything? rofl hell no
all the new player shit they will try to bait u with is nigger tier trash so do not under any circumstances buy anything
you will get a fuckload of free gems, you should hoard them until u know a little bit about wtf u are doing
Is there an alternative to ygg?
shaddai, maybe gate
it was just to help reduce enemy press turns even further
just make sure everyone has more than 6k health for both 9 and 10
>as long as u evade the duels/battle tower since u will get bent over and booty blasted beyond your wildest imagination
Only if you are a faggot.
if ur here ur a faggot by default
>if you are a faggot
That lil' nigga writes like a 10 year old sissy boy who just discovered 4chan. Nobody should take his "review" seriously.
>no stream announcement
Weird, so the half ani is going to be in the middle of July?
If I fuse the Masakado equipment I wouldn’t need Mahakala stuff right? I have a white Mahakala and I don’t know if I should turn him into equipment, into spirits for my colored Mahakala or turn him into a walking Fire Amp cause I have none of those.
Don't think there's an ani this time bro, last post was two days ago before you.
if half-anni doesn't get announced, they might as well announce the eos and save us time
I would say early july makes sense. We will probably get another faction event and then we will get the stream announcement next week.
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Ouroboros and ""D2 Megaten Official Casual Live Broadcast ~Ouroboros Appearance Commemoration Special with Famitsu App Editorial Department~"" stream on the 27th.
Great, barrier removal teams are going to get even more fucking annoying because here comes a retard who can bind you, since everyone is running Null Charm-Poison for Cleo and Tiamat A. And here comes more revival bullshit because he comes a retard who can remove revive bans and then revive everyone when they die.

This is literally "were you trying to have fun? um, sorry sweetie, you're not allowed to have fun anymore" unit.
>This is literally "were you trying to have fun? um, sorry sweetie, you're not allowed to have fun anymore" unit.
Just stop being retarded. Ailments are literally a filter, and it helps that most players are extremely stupid.
On one hand, you're not wrong... a P3 Seraph sword is better than a P0 Mahakala sword, but the odds you'll have the latter at P3 ever are slim, since you'd much rather use any extra spirits on the actual unit, but on the other hand...
>turn him into equipment or into spirits for my colored Mahakala
The entire purpose of subjugation medals was to give players easy access to common archetypes to make armaments. Personally, I'd make a Mahakala sword even if my unit was at P0, but this is more of a personal goals call.
>or turn him into a walking Fire Amp
Generally, never sacrifice a 5* for its transferable skill unless you have already fully paneled the unit.
Hindrance of stacking damage reduction in the current meta aside, I don't see anything that shows Demeter and Apsu can't deal with it, and it has fire weakness, so Pascalchads keep carrying on.
Also, since no official translation yet, allow me to assault you with a preposterous wall of text:

- 5* Snake Ouroboros (G88)
- Passive: Almight Vital
- Passive: Eternize
>+50% to Max HP.
>While the one with this skill is alive, all other allies will receive the following effect: Damage taken decreased by 30%" (it emphasizes later that Ouroboros is excluded)
>Activates the following Chain Effect when the skill holder is downed: After removing revive seal, revives all dead party members with 10% of their Max HP and put them in a state of Lydia (up to 2 times per battle). The chain effect will not activate is the party is wiped out.
>Activates the following Chain Effect at the start of the first turn and when the skill holder is revived by a skill: 20% to inflict Posion, Bind, Charm, Mute, Curse, and Weak on all enemies. After removing repel magic from all enemies, the skill holder is placed in a state of Concentrate.
>Lv4: +15% chance to inflict status ailments
- Passive: Infinite Waves
>Change normal attack for: Deal almight magic damage with a power of 200 with bulwark-pierce and remnants to a single enemy. If the attack is succesful, 20% to inflict Posion, Bind, Charm, Mute, Curse, and Weak on all enemies.
>Ailment Resonance: This skill changes depending on the amount of ailments inflicted on all enemies. The chain effect depend on ailment resonance immediately before actication.
>Resonance Level 1: When this skill deals damage with an attack, activate the following Chain Effect: Deal almight magic damage with bulwark-pierce with a power of 88 to all enemies.
>Resonance Level 2: Additionally, damage from this skill including the chain effect ignores endure
>Lv4: +10% almighty damage
- Red: Mind Blast + Master Assassin
- Yellow: Eternal Struggle + Almighty Debuff
- Purple: Intimidating Stance + Epitome of Sorcery
- Teal: Null Fire + Almighty Survivor

>Eternal Struggle: While the skill holder is alive, the following effect is applied to all enemies: Ailment recovery rate is reduce by 25%. In addition, the following effect is applied to all allies: Ailment recovery rate is increased by 25%
>Epitome of Sorcery: +15% to magic damage, +15% chance of inflicting status ailments.
- Resist Phys, Fire Weakness, Drain Elect, Null Light, Null Dark
- HP 1173, STR 61, MAG 216, VIT 171, AGI 157, LCK 171
- P1: +250 HP | Null Bind/Charm, +15% almighty damage, +15% chance to inflict status ailments.
- P2: +100 MagATK | +20% chance to inflict status ailments. When the skill holder defeats a unit, activate the following Chain Effect: Enter a state of Concentrate (once per turn).
- P3: +250 HP | +20% almighty damage, +20% chance to inflict status ailments

From the commentary:
"Damage reduction for all allies except for the user himself"
"Removes revive seal for allies and revives all of them up to 2 times during the battle"

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Apparently, they've decided to cover the unit and the event after it has already started:
>いつもの生放送と趣向を変えて、6月27日に登場した悪魔 龍王 ウロボロスのファーストインプレッションをファミ通App編集部とともにお届け!
"We'll be changing things up from our usual live broadcasts and sharing our first impressions of the Demon Snake Ouroboros, released on June 27th, with the Famitsu App editorial team!
>岩嵜(D2メガテン エグゼクティブディレクター(仮))
"Kikuo Saji (Famitsu App editorial team)"
"héro (writer)"
"Iwasaki (D2 Megaten Executive Director (tentative))"
"Neutral Miyamoto (game designer)"

I think this is the first time ever that the usual lady and the glasses guy who always jobs in PvP will not be in a stream. Also, how the hell is Iwasaki STILL just a "tentative" director?
Ma Ouroboros is the bitch i expected her to be
no woman? wtf
Welp, she sounds disgusting but I don't have a slow team so I can't really use her.
I hope they release more way to block ailments because I don't have Apsu and Demeter is starting to show her limits.
Sent a request as Keith F.
>>Activates the following Chain Effect when the skill holder is downed: After removing revive seal, revives all dead party members with 10% of their Max HP and put them in a state of Lydia (up to 2 times per battle). The chain effect will not activate is the party is wiped out.
so if she revives Maria and the opponent fails to kill Maria again, Maria will just revive everyone again bypassing Furykado's chains, no? lmao
All We need now is a tank that chains an attack when entering a state of Lydia
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Ouroboros + Idun seems to be a decent pair, Moloch stocks rising
He doesn't bypass bulwark yet.
Tezcatlopoca buff where he does bullwark piercing % damage based on max HP on the demon that revives and then does the % damage based on current HP he currently has(also buffed to bullwark pierce) soon trust the plan
i go against this team with an almost identical team (10th angel instead of cleopatra), i have 5k less speed, it starts, my camael does his attack, which hits but no chain attack triggers. Please help a retard i can't figure out why.
Report it to the devs, it probably a bug.
He doesn't need to to be a good demon. Moloch is still really good but you have better options.
You can try to replicate the bug by fighting against your own (changed to this) defense team to see if Cleopatra is the culprit. Since you'd be going first against the same team, change 10th for anything slower.
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>unleash brand
>I already have Phys Ev +4%
>I get Phys Ev +2% as an option
Why the hell is this allowed? I don't understand how they could change it to never getting the same exact attribute and amount combination, but this somehow eludes them.
They should remove primary stat flat values from arms and legs for reforging too, or even completely. I'd bet my account even the devs themselves wouldn't be able to find a situation where anyone would use those.
Remember to use all your time-limited stamina potions, even if you have no room for more brands and you don't have enough time to sort them out, since you can still benefit from them getting auto-sold and you getting more Macca.
Ok it's not a bug, its enemy mithras that activates and starts the enemy chain, the counter for me would've been to go first
it could be the mithras with the highest agi that goes first too, i'll have to pay attention to that, good to know regardless.
or not, looking again at the guys party, his mithras has lower agi than mine, so going first seems the way. thanks for reading my blog.
Maybe brands give him an edge?
It shouldn't be like this. Metatron Maris is supposed to chain from Camael's attack first, and then again from Mithras's chain
first try
This Battle Tower cycle is so ass that I ranked 1st with like 240k points (High Pixie 3). Not bad at all, but still a frustrating experience
There wasn't a single Old Ones in my bracket this time, but I'm already anticipating the fuckers in Titania
I forgot to equip one of my teams with force damage so I didn't ascend.
I assume we won't be getting Femto rerun any time soon. Would they at least rerun Apsu or Lugh?
So they are gonna give us 6.5 ani Choice File?..........Right fellas?
>Would they at least rerun Apsu or Lugh?
They already did, from June 5th to 19th. Pic related.
The half anniversary falls on July 22nd. Safe to assume that event will start on the Thursday the 11th or the 18th.
So did the stream already happen?
Was there anything insteresting in it at least?
No. This wasn't like regular streams. It was more like a partnered advertisement with (and for) Famitsu. They just reviewed Ouroboros, the event, the buffs from last week and that's pretty much it.
Well guess they are saving everything for the half ani then
They already added Femto as the first part. Ouroboros is bait. The good stuff should be revealed in a couple of weeks.
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I love smt so much but this game makes me want to throw my phone for not having enough time for it
I've just been enjoying V:V a lot while waiting for new worth releases here honestly.
Why though? I've been playing for months, and while it's hard to get every single demon, you can save up and get what you want by skipping a couple banners. And obviously the 500 gem banner is great, you miss once, twice, ten times, but you actually do get a hit there after 10 different banners. Plus with the universal shards, you can eventually get panels without whaling, although I've just been saving them up to make an OP demon some day!
Is the old metatron any good i have a teal and red one.
He's ok for PvE content since his last buff.
Red for democ, teal for specific PvE strat that require you to have Repel Elec.
Absolutely, specially after his upgrade. Keep the teal one, and feed it the spiritized red one.
He probably means dedicated Apsu/Lugh banners, which I don't think we're ever getting again. Sharing a banner with twenty other 5-stars is the same as not being featured at all.
I've even got a Step 1 Lugh when he first dropped, but he's useless for this anti-ailment role compared to Apsu (in more than one way).
>They already added Femto as the first part.
>Ouroboros is bait.
>The good stuff should be revealed in a couple of weeks.
>he's useless for this anti-ailment role compared to Apsu
His role was to be a Sloth 14 unit, not a PvP one, unlike Apsu.
What do you mean? They explicitly said the Berserk event return was part of upcoming the anniversary celebrations.
Look for how few people have it as a support unit. Nobody is rolling for him. Femto I had like 50 in my friends' list, Ouroboros I have 5.
Imagine not playing strange journey
Outed like a true tourist. The original versions don't use female pronouns or female gendered language. You'd know this if you weren't a newfag, of course.
oh it's you
t. pajeet
bro you stink so bad go take a shower stinky boy
I am kinda surprised they just showed Vanita's design like that in the middle of an event
Wait since it was being summoned in the previous story chapter maybe that means it's actually going to be released soon?
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I wonder if people would be mad if it was the half ani power creep demo
Same. I'd prefer they didn't, but I wouldn't mind if they make it an unit, since it'd be the first original one; seems well deserved after 6 years and giving us so many 3D debuts.
I'm expecting it to be playable simply because they'll give it a 3D model to make it a boss battle, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's 7th anni instead of 6.5.
6.6 anniversary with Vanitas and Satan would be neat but I don't know if they can release a new story chapter soon
The files for her(?) 3d model were in the game for at leats a month iirc, so I think it could happen.
I doubt it's going to be playable because we didn't even get the first boss to be playable
Wasn't the first boss a transformed human?
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>They explicitly said the Berserk event return was part of upcoming the anniversary celebrations.
Where? I'd gladly call your source retards then. If there's no "6.5th" icon anywhere on the event banners, then it can't be part of the current anniversary celebrations, simple as. Also, every single half-anni event so far (Indrajit/Democalypse, Ulice, UBeelzebub, Elohim, Evangelion) has started in July, not June or before.
No, I'm not Ranjeet (picrel), and I think your gay drama stinks up the thread more than he ever could.
they literally said that Story Chapter 15 would drop during 6.5, way back when Conbector was first announced
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Found a full image
Ok Visajeet no need to try that hard we get it.
Yo what happened to Tokyo Abyss?!?
What about it?
It's gone???
I'm playing it right now
>got lilithA yesterday from daily summons
>got lilithA copy today from daily summons
Did you get at least a dark enhancement?
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20 rolls since its release and I finally got this abomination.
Why does she looks like V:Vengesnce's Tiamat
What a waste of gems
I really like his design tho, not everything can be metafaggotry.
He can’t be that bad can’t he, I see a couple of them in top rank teams.
>low health
>weak shittty attack
The only purpose he serves is fucking over rare phys attack demons. But you have to slot him with other high hp demons with Dodge Brands
>one of the top 10 demons in the current meta is useless
Never change
Pretty sure that's the retard, dont mind him
Adequately subtle bait. Saying "Furykado is a waste of gems" would be too cheesy
>I was just pretending to be retarded I swear
Idun is a waste of gems because the influx of top tier ailment demons means Demeter+bulwark brands is a better defence.
you can't get sub 10 minute brands 14 without idun
disappointing design, bruva
all other godly demons are not humanoid
It would have been better without the human torse. just those tentacles and a floating head/sword at the center
Because both look like dogshit.
Pulling for a demon you like is never a waste of gems. Always love your demons anons.
The lore behind Vanitas is that God discarded it, leaving it to absorb the malice of humanity, hence the humanoid design.
>Got Odin
Electro Team Dream is Real
I'm gonna wreck democalypse, bruvas

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